For Christians Advent Begins .And for all of us Winter.
Being Godless the Far Left BBC forges ahead with EU Remain lies and pro Muslim Propaganda . At least , in theory , we will have some idea about our place outside the EU by the end of the year – right ?
The UN migration compact petition…..slow start to the numbers…..22k two days ago but now approaching 50k….please sign.
King – I’m going to put this up on the Start The Week Thread – that petition must get to 100000 soon .
64295 atm
FED ……many thanks. Arguably in the long run a bigger issue than the EU!
It seems to be a three-pronged attack
Stopping Brexit
Introducing “Islamophobia” Law
Forcing immigration on us
Al Beeb
‘Riot Police clash with Paris protesters’. The French are revolting against Macron.
Will they be next to quit the EU?
I like Steve Bannon’s pronunciation “McCrone”.
Al Beeb
\\Another referendum ‘may be PM’s only option’//
Only option ?
Urm, what about ‘Leave’ ? That’s what we voted for .
Notice that Al Beeb, MSM and the remainers never mention it, they just don’t want to talk about it because they do not recognise the result of the referendum – Out
Two wasted years of procrastination by Mrs Chamberlain . Time that could have been well spent preparing the nation to get out.
Which is what we voted for.
Parliament is not listening to the People.
It is beginning to loose credibility.
The dangerous thing is that parliament or most of the MPs do not care. .
An unprecedented situation I think.
It is really very simple. Millions of voters actually felt that for once their vote really counted and they went out and voted in their millions.
The votes were added up and there was a majority to leave the EU which was all that the voting slip asked of us.
That is the way things work here and the very next day our establishment shocked at the result decided to overturn it one way or another. An alliance of bankers, business and those who believed they had some sort of right to decide our future.
Now it has come to this. The establishment smells victory of a sort.
It is not a left or right issue now and it is not really about Brexit.
It is about who rules us or them.
All we hear is trade deals and trade deals but this is not what it is about. It is about who has the final word here.
Once it was kings and princes and bishops. Then after much struggle it was us through our parliament. But now that parliament has turned against us .
What is our remedy and what can and what should we do now?
This is a serious time and a serious matter.
For the first time in our history our parliament is at war with us .
Maybe in 1832 over the Reform Bill there was something similar but then they backed down .
I think we need to understand just what our parliament and establishment propose to do .
To annul the referendum result. However it is done that is what the end game has always been. It is a disgrace and we must consider whether we owe any loyalty to this ruling elite., to the monarch and to parliament.
If we do not then we must consider ourselves in rebellion and understand that this elite will have only one course of action now. That is to become tyrannical .
Rebellion is a state of mind at first and always has been . How it develops is never foreseen or really understood. Difficult times ahead.
Dave S,
I wish the population had some means of withhoding tax. That would sure bring these people to their senses. Bottom line is we pay for everything whether they like it or not.
do what the Greeks do and just dont pay it?….that didnt work out too well though…..?……
And wherever did the option “no Brexit” come from? Did May just invent it? That surely, of all things, cannot be “on the table”?
Here is the actual judgement document, you can also find it by searching for “WRITTEN OBSERVATIONS In the case of E.S. v. Austria Application n° 38450/12”
Click to access Written%20Observations%20E.S.%20v.%20Austria.pdf
BBC guest delivers a nice unsolicited quote
This morning BBC tv are making quite a fuss about the 80 year anniversary of the Kindertransport which rescued Jewish children from Germany and neighbouring territories just prior to World War Two.
I can’t help but see some ulterior motives at play here. Firstly, there’s the superficial self-promotion of the old Esther Rantzen show That’s Life which featured Nicholas Winton the British businessman who did much to facilitate the rescues. Of course this morning the BBC replay their old footage from that show.
Then there’s the BBC agenda driven undercurrent of implication that in the present day all and any migrants ought to be welcomed as refugees. This narrative is implied as our BBC presenter (the lanky beta male perched on the sofa beside this morning’s fiesty femme) asks of Nick Winton son of Nicholas “What would your father have thought of the world today?” The question was asked twice and BBC beta bloke allowed a lot of airtime for Nick’s rather guarded reply – perhaps hoping for some BBC-friendly pro-EU or anti-Trump platitudinous sound-bite.
Kudos to Nick Winton. He replies with: “My father didn’t trust the media, with due respect to the BBC”
Nice one Nick. Perhaps I sense the evident Winton family trait of following one’s own principles and refusing to go along with the prevailing official mentality.
“…….migrants ought to be welcomed as refugees.” Just warming us to the concept so when Treason May signs the last part of the UN Migration Compact in Morocco on the 9th and does a ‘Merkel’ welcoming all in sundry, we will, ‘understand’.
Yes. If migration becomes a human right, how will our situation be any different from that of Germany after Merkel’s diktat?
You will be pleased to know (not) that R4 (Broadcast House) have run yet another feature comparing the ‘Kindertransport’ of WW2 with the current situation of ‘migrants’ from the Middle East. Regardless of what’s actually said, the insinuation is always that we could still take several thousand (million?) unaccompanied ‘child migrants’.
Paddy O Connel started off chatting to someone from the Guardian, as ever, and currently we have someone attacking UKIP for entering the ‘Badlands’. ‘Insane racist’ politicians are metioned in that context. Personally, I would give that award to the (often anti-white) obsessives who don’t like the referendum result.
Oh my, Hitchens has suddenly said we should make a distinction between Kindertransport and today, because we are now back with the Observer being quoted on the migrant issue. His lady colleague from the Observer attacks him; she clearly feels we should take a few million more.
Maybe she would like to open her flat/house to three or four, to underline to us how strongly she feels on this issue, by putting her money where her mouth is…
PS Hi, Al Seelt, I see we’ve duplicated on the issue, but it does illustrate the beeb’ blanket coverage’ approach…
Surely a better comparison would be to imagine rescuing the children of the Nazi leaders fleeing from the advancing Russian army?
All refugees aren’t equal.
My father was on the Kindertransport, but I am sure he would have taken the senible, sane, same position as the majority of us on here.
He would probably have felt insulted that economic migrant men of fighting age are being compared to the children, like him, who were separated from their parents due to an evil ideology. He never saw his mother again.
And heres the point Demon. Because of the inherent “progressive” media bias (led as usual by Aunty). Various politicians, media darlings NGOs and other globalist supporting agencies have been able to stop all debate by labeling even the most mild mannered questions about the veracity of imported “refugees” status as “racist” thus closing down all debate.
The irony is – is that we have welcomed with open arms a varied selection of Jihadis as “refugees” (who have then bitten the hand that fed them} yet when there are genuine refugees/political dissidents such as Iraqi Christians or Asia Bibi at best the authorities are unhelpful and in reality are obstructive to offering political refugees any sort of sanctuary .
Apparently only the left these days are allowed to label anyone as “racist” and jealously guard their media privilege.
It occurs to me that history is starting to repeat itself. This time much closer to home.
There is a HUGE difference yes.
I feel for you with that statement…….bless you
On LBC Farage just said at 11 am he will be talking about a photo of the planning meeting for next weeks march which shows Tommy with criminals and BNP people
.. I can’t find such a photo on Twitter
just this one below
There is a DM artiicle
Stew – I wont even look at the Mail on line these days so as not to give them the traffic. But todays Telegraph is getting all excited about the presence of Danial Thomas (situated on TR s left) who I have seen at a number of demos and who I think acts as Tommies part time bodyguard and who, I think has certainly been involved in some capacity in organising protests in the past.
And yes I do understand that he may well have some sort of criminal background.
Am I disappointed, upset, angry, surprised – no.
Whilst I am sure Farage will be getting excited about this having seen his project to turn UKIP into – his own slightly right of centre, slightly miffed about the EU, but not really very effective, Farage cheerleader party to a different animal under Batten with claws, teeth and a keen eye which actually wants to make a difference to the lives of many Britains not just those from the elite background.
UKIP needs people like Daniel and Tommy who may not have had everything on a plate and may not rub shoulders with the great and the good but who have an innate sense of justice and a desire to do the right thing.
It makes me laugh seeing Farage critiscise Tommy and Daniel – because of their suggested murky criminal background , and yet he has been re markedly silent on the grooming gang scandals, happy to talk about it in generalities but unwilling to see the glaringly obvious common factor in all of this – Islam which expressly legitimises rape/murder if it is practiced against Kaffirs.
I am afraid to stand up to the people who do this and the cowards from the establishment who support and protect them you need someone who has balls rather than bullshit and the ability to tell it as it is not caring if it offends the sensibilities of Gaurdian readers or not.
I am afraid if our culture and identity is to survive, we have to realise that being nice and trying to appease the establishment can only end in disaster. We can see now in the “Brexit negotiations” how the cowards, kanivers and crooks are in the process of stealing not only the result but democracy itself from us.
As for being “press friendly” why bother now? The majority of the broadcasters and most of the newspapers have been bought and sold their souls to globalist interests. They will never support us anyway so we may just as well start as we mean to go on. In addition people are now waking up to the extent the media have been lying to us, so to be perfectly honest what we need now to lead us, are fearless, fair and single minded individuals and not some chinless wonder from the elite background saying he is on our side.
Time has moved on and so has the depth of the deceit we are seeing. The media friendly, middle classes had their chances to stand up for us and blew it – It has now become a matter for survival and as far as I am concerned cometh the hour cometh the man – and it is definitely not Farage and his ilk.
Tommy started the EDL cos he didn’t want to be with the BNP racists
…surely it should be applauded that the patriot movement moved away from being racist
..and part of that is that people who may have been kneejerk fisty racists (maybe old-Daniel) have reformed and moved on to see that the issues are about bad ideology not bad skin colour, and are therefore now quite happy to march alongside ex-Muslims etc.
The nasty trick of the Hatey no Hopers is to use the smear label “racist” against people who are just bothered about bad-ideology , therefore putting them in the same box as true-white-supremacists.
There is nothing wrong in an ex-alcolic reforming and taking a job, so there is nothing wrong with ex-BNP people (is that what Daniel is) reforming and moving into softer politics.
Agreed Stew, Its OK for a Jihadi to reform but if you are white and make a few political mistakes by joining an extreme right wing party in your youth or commit a crime – you are damned for ever – apparently.
If you’re a jihadi you don’t even need to reform.
The article in the mail telling readers to contact their MPs to sign the sell out was met with the derision it deserved . Short mail shares as there is only one way as the circulation dives ….
I’m just waiting for the 10 part’ handy mosque guide “.
Stew, if both TR and UKIP were wise, they would stay separate and concentrate on their own individual issues until some time after 29 March 2019. Unfortunately, the waters are being severely muddied by this current confluence, pun mostly unintended but if it helps reinforce the point, so be it.
Christians face extinction in the Middle East, says the Archbishop of Canterbury in a Telegraph article.
Marr’s follow-up with Justin Welby today discussed the threat to the founders of Christianity across the region, in Iraq and also to Anglican Christians being persecuted in Pakistan.
Yet not once was the role of the Islamic persecutors mentioned; not once was there a direct condemnation of their hateful faith.
Marr rushed things along so that Welby could get on to discussing the things that really matter to the BBC – austerity, deprivation and Brexit.
And then we had Marr interviewing a cook called Delia Smith who was given a platform to slag off Brexit. Eh? What the hell do we care what she thinks, why was she given even a second of airtime?
and Welby said he wasnt political?…but voted Remain!!
Hes just an intellectual lightweight………
Smith is just a complete idiot…sorry she is…its all hurty feelings and love with her…she hasnt a clue what shes talking about……
This Delia Smith -?
No telly so didnt see it, but in all truth I think this is just more lip service from Welby. He may be talking about it now but he generally seems more interested in his Dhimy Ministry – reaching out to Islam and getting on R4 rather than being an Archbishop of the C of E
too little , too late.
If the head of the Church of England, along with the head of the Roman Catholic Church both exhibit total moral cowardice in the face of what, by their own terms, is the greatest evil to be confronted for centuries, what hope is there for Christianity? We need another Luther – and Batman too.
The Andrew Marr Show today should be renamed “Andrew Marr interviews people who want a 2nd referendum Show”.
Now interviewing celebrity cook Delia Smith for her opinion ffs!
Must be at least one brexiter they can find to interview?!?
Gove has let the cat out….
No way are we leaving and he admits it!!!……….
Gove: a shabby little liar.
I missed that as I gave up watching Gove after about 2 minutes as Marr kept interrupting his answers which made it totally unwatchable for me.
Anyway as a Brexiter I have now been convinced by Delia Smith that the “chaos” caused by the vote must mean we need another vote!!!
10:56am LBC talks about a definition of Islamophobia
..Who do they bring on as a the voice ? …. Anna Soubry
..What’s her first example of Islamophobia ?…. the bullying of Syrian school boy
..When the presente, said,that this kind of bullying is common and certainly not restricted to Syrians ..she acts as if stunned ..and tries to claim it’s exceptional ..
How many black on black schoolboy stabbings does London have ?
She’s all about POLITICAL agenda not real care for the kids
She tweeted yesterday
\\ An excellent report #IslamaphobiaDefined based on the real life experiences of British Muslims.
“#Islamaphobia is rooted in racism and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness”
Thank you everyone who contributed to it @APPGBritMuslims //
According to Wikipedia she only has a 839 vote majority?….
I dont like her…be glad to see the back of her…..
Exactly after the referendum, we did have a second vote , the 2016 election
..and she only just held her seat.
Along with May She really does personify what a ghastly, treacherous, greedy, self serving collective of political prostitutes the Conservative party has become. Willing to say or do anything to remain in the public eye and have no values other than self preservation and preservation of the globalist status quo at all costs.
Does anyone know if any research has ever been carried out into why supposed civilised, stable and relatively peaceful countries have been producing so many monsters; Beliar, Clinton, May, Merkel, Corbyn, Verhofstadt, for example? The really bad ones are all home grown, indigenous to their respective countries, and so have grown up in their native societies. How have they developed into such haters of their own kind; us; what influences have warped their minds? And how have they managed to push themselves to the front and achieve such influential positions?
Part of it – a lot of Saudi money sloshing around?
I’ve no proof but, like many, I don’t understand why people who should know better seem to think that importing an alien, unreformed religion on a large scale, is a good idea.
I don’t know of any research, but after the failure of the 1968 student protests there was a strong view that revolutions would fail in Europe, and so revolutionaries should infiltrate the institutions and subvert Western civilisation from within.
“what influences have warped their minds?” They’ve all been promised some sort of reward from the NWO/Soros. Treason May is a classic example in how to defy the overwhelming majority because her instructions come from a different source.
I’ve been trying to figure out why Peter Hitchens is not on the BBC more often. Perhaps because he’s too erratic. Not content with having a go at Churchill, now it’s Enoch Powell’s turn:
“In fact, he was a very silly, vain man.” Pot, kettle, black I think. Mr Hitchens seems to resent iconic figures far greater than himself, which leaves plenty of scope. With so many younger and better polemicists on the scene, I think he fears that he is going to disappear without trace.
At least in this case he is not covering the misnamed “Rivers of Blood” speech, which is blamed for damaging race relations in the UK. Not sure how that explains problems elsewhere.
The old adage: “Things will get worse before they get better”. May be that we have to have Corbyn in just to show all the public what mental sickness exists within the political elite. That might focus minds to work toward achieving what “PB” advocates in the ‘Comments’ of the New Observer Online article above. The sooner the better for me personally. The delay is debilitating.
Look at the quotation top left on the NOO webpage – Thomas Jefferson.
The deliberate delay is deliberately debilitating, all part of the plan.
Daughter watching CBBC News and the ethnic minority box ticked presenter comes on and says “today is a very special celebration day…… Jewish festival of Hanukkah”.
No mention that today is the also first day of Advent in the Christian calendar.
BBC just hate anything traditionally British without fail.
Leave us out of it mate.
Blue Peter did build a 2018 advent crown
..with SAFE battery candles.
(see #BluePeter tweets)
I suppose we should be thankful that it was a Jewish festival that was mentioned.
“Germany has told France to give its permanent seat at the UN to the EU”
I bet they have. I also bet our enemy (the UN) has its lefty fingerprints all over this proposal.
Meanwhile Merkel et al are preparing the EU (another enemy) Army to terrorise its citizens, and preparing to ditch NATO.
Next proposal will be that the USA gives up its permanent seat in favour of a Pan-American arrangement, initially led by Venezuela.
Just another step on the globalist agenda.
Perhaps Britain can give up its seat too and and then we can stop paying for it to interfere in first world issues when it has better things to do .
It can only be a matter of time before the ReichEU gets control of nuclear weapons – French ones presumably – paid for with British /English taxes .
BB C Radio Lincolnshire is just promoting a Lincs Police video
that they have got the manager of Lincoln City to make
I must say even tho there is no fracking planned in Lincs, anti-fracking grannies certainly seem to around and be extreme ..stating openly that they will break the law
..should I dob them in ?
SG – “the idea is not to criminalize them but to support and take them away from whatever ideology they’ve been drawn towards wherever it is : Islamist inspired or extreme right-wing or any other form of extremism”
100% untrue.
I note that the 10⁸ club members are in the “other” group.
The real intention is :-
a) If the person is currently unknown to the intelligence agencies, create a record.
b) If the person is currently known to the intelligence agencies, add to their record.
c) Categorise those identified into friend or foe. Foe is anybody in the UK who is white and patriotic. Friend is
everybody else.
d) To criminalise those in the foe category, by whatever means necessary, including the creation of “evidence”, to the greatest possible degree, using resources which are intended for genuine crime investigation.
e) To de-criminalise those in the friend category, by whatever means necessary, including the destruction of
evidence, using resources which are intended for genuine crime investigation.
The long not fit for purpose UK police forces, every time you believe they cannot become worse, they prove you wrong.
Signs of Far Right Extremism
‘ what’s gone wrong with Britain ?’
‘Why can’t we control our borders ‘
‘Why do we have to obey the EU’
‘Why does the BBC undermine Britain “
If you come across anyone expressing such views contact the police who will take them to a ‘re education camp’
What material do they say is “extremist material” ?
Whoever decides, has Macarthyite power
.. Surely illegal things are covere by existing laws ?
Like you can’t put images of child abuse, jihadi beheadings, material calling for violence.
Anything else ?
Everyting else is just opinion , however weird it may be like people who say that followers of a particular religion have a higher place in heaven isn’t any different from someone else saying heterosexuals or whites are superior
Ha the local council tweeted their own copy of the video on Nov 27th
So far it has 1 view, yes just one
“not to criminalize them but to support and take them away ”
Presumably to the camps that FedUp2 mentions.
I gave up watching Horizon some time ago and I don’t watch Cox either but I made an exception on his episode on nuclear fusion. It was worthwhile for the following reasons , all three of which were mentioned very softly as they rather undermine much that the BBC cherishes.
Firstly, if current energy consumption of the world were to be distributed evenly across the planet so that a third worlder consumed as much per capita as the US citizen, then the guy in the USA would have to reduce his consumption by two thirds. Do I hear any volunteers ? I thought not.
Secondly, the dream of renewable energy or even nuclear fission replacing fossil fuel energy within 25 years is laughable. You would need to cover 2% of the entire surface of the globe with wind farms, and build a new nuclear power station every day, and install hundreds of squRe kilometres of solar panel every hour , and even if you did all this you would still fall short.
Thirdly, If the world population continues to grow at the present rate then there will be another 25% increase in the global population within the 25 years time frame which has not even been factored into the above paragraphs.
So basically even the BBC admits , although it may not admit that it admitted it, that wind turbines and solar are a complete waste of time , infact they are harmful to the environment and serve as a distraction to the real challenges the world faces. I suppose that they do allow dumb halo polishers to feel good about themselves. But they would make a much bigger impact if they persuaded the third world to use condoms and reduce their reproductive rates. I can hear the liberals wincing and getting out their racist placards. They could also turn the heating down and wear pullovers!
The only possible solution is to create energy from nuclear fusion everything else is just moving the deck chairs on the Titanic.
“wind turbines and solar are a complete waste of time , infact they are harmful to the environment and serve as a distraction to the real challenges the world faces.”
Yep you have to imagine these pseudo-greens and pseudo-liberals are like little children.
Hence everything to them is a big scary dramatic problem, but then there is a simple storybook solution, so they can go and have a nap.
So one salesman stirs them up, and another presents them with a magic solution, the pseudos are not going to look at complex real world maths , they are just going to accept the magic solution.
” infact they are harmful to the environment”
If we have a world of existing power plants and countryside
..and then some green says “lets have solar and wind power”
..the first thing we have to do is chop down some trees and dig some great big holes to get the material for panels , copper cable, concrete bases and turbines and towers.
Making them all, uses power ie in the construction phase you have INCREASED the world’s CO2 output
.. as well as damaging the environment.
They argue that after some years they win that CO2 back, as the once the are built the old gas power stations burn less gas.
BUT You can never close the old gas power station, cos you need to turn it back on fully, when wind and sun are off.
What you end up with a gas plant that is off far more often than before, so you are running it more inefficiently. So you have to take that into account when calculating the CO2 and money payback times for the wind and solar well as factoring the extra network costs of building cabling from Scotland’s northern seas to London.
If solar and wind were magically efficient they would pay ALL these extra costs themselves
Instead they have everyone else pay those extra costs and demand a subsidy as well
..Well that is not sustainable it is NOT green.
Caught the Marr nonsense this morning – lamenting the ‘huge numbers ‘ sleeping rough on the stree at Advent . Andrew I’m afraid it’s a bit more complicated that the beeboid approach
Then there was somebloke from the C of E
Then a rich woman called delia going on about remaining – without challenge
Then Gove selling out his country to keep his ministerial car
Quality tv?
Followed by the London news which strangely didn’t mention the labour shadow minister forced to resign Saturday night after the NUJ complained after her abuse of a times journo. – my post from yesterday details it more . Clear BBC bias by omission .
A glimpse of what’s to come in the UK when numbers reach critical proportions. Some say, 20%, others, 16%.
Slightly different situation in the UK and Europe than the US. Their problem is Latino’s who can be ultimately controlled by the NWO/Globalists. Our (and happily the NWO/Globalists) problem is islam. Different? Yes, islam is merely cadging a lift from the left. Islam will leave support of the left when its own realisations diverge and it has enough numbers. Most here will know that. It is only the dummies on the left that cannot and will not see this.
Can what’s happening in the US, Berkeley happen here? Yes, sure it can. muslims being muslims and all that. And yes, for the benefit of Mo from the British Muslim Council monitoring this blog for ‘Hate Speech’: I’ve lived and worked at the centre of the muslim faith so, Mo, I really do know what I’m talking about. I understand your kind precisely.
Ohhhhhh, lets have a chuckle amidst all the doom and gloom.
A snippet in today’s paper which I couldn’t resist sharing……….
QUOTE: by David Beckham
“My parents have always been there for me, ever since I was about seven”.
No wonder his PR people don’t let him loose in interviews – not in English anyway.
Bris – he is. Testament to east London’s education system showing you don’t need to be school clever to get rich ..
Guardian has one of those non sense surveys showing that ethnic people are discrimated against – well ain’t we all
What the survey really shows is that Britain is resistant to multiculturalism however many mixed adverts are on the TV . The more the likes of MSM force it the longer it will take for any real integration to take place
Add Muslim rape gangs and black kids stabbing each other plus Nigerian fraud and pretend medic and you see a real problem .
I have employed good white people and bad white people – same with non whites . Colour and culture is more complex than a simplistic Guardian survey which is just an insult .
Lammy has obviously exercised his chip by commenting and bet the usual bbc suspects – Mark Eastern and the other sobbing social affairs type will run it for a while looking for ‘ solutions ‘ .
Ah The Guardian’s Bias in Britain poll
There is also this race baiting from Ancona
And more race baiting from Afua Hirsch
The hostility never ends does it ? Mr dancona
– a privately educated journalist pronounced over the motivation of 17 million people who mostly didn’t have the bank of mum and dad – financed education . Nice that he can look down at the rest of us from the top of his newspaper column …
I think he is the bigot – having looked up the exact definition of ‘ bigot’
Some key elements
#1 38% minorities accused shoplifting vs 14% white
#2 3x as likely to have been thrown out of restaurant/bar/club
#3 43% minorities feel unfairly overlooked for promotion vs 18% white
I think some of those differences will disappear when you take all of the factors into account
Probably Delingpole or the Speccie will be able to debunk
For a start you putting all BAME into one group is racist
You can assume a middle class Japanese has the same life experience as a working black kid in one of the London ghettos or indeed a middle class black woman on a Scottish Island.
eg Nobody has a accused me of shoplifting, but then it depends how you take a question.
Someone would have said to me have you paid for that paper ? and I’d say yeh its from the newsagents next door , he’d nod and I’d forget all about it.
But some other people do tend to get triggered by minor things so they might remember the same as “accused of shoplifting”
When you design proper science surveys you try to eliminate such “self-reporting “, cos it introduces tremendous bias.
That’s my point too – Visible Ethnic Minority – one big group . Helps to be able to speak understandable English and not to be looking for evidence to run to a tribunal – had plenty of experience of that .
It’s the sort of survey put together by white snowflakes -or yellow snow …
With more shelling, more flak and constant sniping and bombing raids against Brexit, especially from the BBC, keeping resolved to fulfil the choice of 23 June 2016 and leave the EU is hard. I post the following as a potential help and encouragement. Those familiar with the hymn know that it is traditionally sung to a melody found in Finlandia by Jean Sibelius.
1. We rest on Thee, our Shield and our Defender!
We go not forth alone against the foe;
Strong in Thy strength, safe in Thy keeping tender,
We rest on Thee, and in Thy Name we go.
2. Yes, in Thy Name, O Captain of salvation!
In Thy dear Name, all other names above;
Jesus our Righteousness, our sure Foundation,
Our Prince of glory and our King of love.
3. We go in faith, our own great weakness feeling,
And needing more each day Thy grace to know:
Yet from our hearts a song of triumph pealing,
“We rest on Thee, and in Thy Name we go.”
4. We rest on Thee, our Shield and our Defender!
Thine is the battle, Thine shall be the praise;
When passing through the gates of pearly splendor,
Victors, we rest with Thee, through endless days.
a bloody great piece of music…I love it…great choice.I know this is Finnish BUT…….
God Bless the Queen and Rule Britannia………..
Lh69, so be it. God bless the Commonwealth.
God bless Jerusalem and give it peace.
May God bless France and the other countries of Europe and stir up their souls. Don’t let the Reformation go any further to waste.
And God bless America.
I thought Serbia Hungary and Poland were the line of defence too …
Priceless bit of footage on twitter showing French Riot Police’ dealing with’ the reflective jacket mob by taking off their riot hats and being sung at in solidarity – reminded me of the the Polish uprising which led to democracy in Poland until it joined the EU