I am sure my MP has just put his letter in . His latest email suggests that suddenly they have decided enough is enough . Mind you his constituents have been on his case .
If Treason May and the remainer cronies in parliament try to overturn democracy and the referendum result we should all pick up our own yellow jackets!
Oh and the bbbc still haven’t reported on the religion of the terrorist in France. He was born in strasbourg is all they saying. If it had been a white extreme right wing they would be headlining it everywhere, typical biased as usual
BBC gives its own opinion by using a quote in a headline again
BBC News – UKIP AM Neil Hamilton's appearance with Tommy Robinson 'shameful' https://t.co/jNIaxTlbnE. Bottom of the barrel BBC distorting the truth again. This toxic network run by pedophile suporters should be closed down. The have to answer tor Jill Dandos death.
The page title is
: UKIP AM Neil Hamilton’s appearance with Tommy Robinson ‘shameful’
but you can see from that Tweet that the page had an old title
Strangely Google cache gives me an error instead of showing me the old version
Other media
– Shooter fled (possibly now located, exchanging fire)
– Shooter has criminal record, r
– Possibly identified as a “radicalised” individual named Cherif Chekatt or Sharif Chakat, 29,
– French anti-terror police handing
According to partial information from the terrorist attack in Strasbourg, the name of the shooter is Sharif, a 29-year-old radical Muslim, probably of Moroccan origin, who lived in Strasbourg. ~ IntelliTimes, intelligence research for media organizations, Tel Aviv https://t.co/2gE1P7CERF
BBC acknowledg that the terrorist was on a suspect list but add
‘The motive for the shooting remains unclear.’
When they finally acknowledge that he was one of Allah’s boys they will then divert attention to the backlash. BBC reporters will rush to France to interview victims of a far far far right backlash who have had their hijabs tweaked.
French state media and BBC not putting out a photograph of the man or person let alone his/her name. Obviously this might cause people to identify the shooter and help in his capture. The downside is an increase in unjustified prejudice by deplorables.
1 ; you all can pay for it if you’ve ever had a holiday yourself .
2; you can’t criticise where and when I’m going .
This holiday will be a bargain . How can you complain that I’m getting it at flirty pence a day .!
I’m also going to spread influence wherever I go . You can be happy that ” your” voice will be heard at the top table . You will be a rule maker , not a rule taker when I order the meal at a restaurant . Send your requests , filtered out by the civil service , about the wine .
Later you can see the great holiday in photos thanks to its unique payment method . Because most of you are old I will be telling the hosts how stupid you are to vote in any particular way but the hope is you will die soon , after you’ve paid for my holiday .
Cheers for being loyal and still paying when the young folk use Netflix etc
Snatintruff .
Pug says “Kind of think the BBC in more interested in spreading fear and loathing of white people amongst minorities than in reporting the truth”. The BBC wants to spread hatred of Jews by highlighting a bad image of Israel whenever it can. It never shows the bad face of the Palestinian Arab leadership and how they are holding back their own people. . See what a brave Palestinian Arab says. https://netanyalynette.blogspot.com/2018/12/what-media-doesnt-tell-you-about.html
The bbbc are so bad at reporting sport these days. If you ever have the problem of listening to R5Dead at night, about every half hour, they have some imbecilic ad for their football ‘coverage’, with some moron who shrieks and yells at the top of his unpleasant over-excitable voice, proclaiming that the ‘station’ is the best!
Why he has to make so much blasted noise at 3:00am is beyond me!
As Christmas approaches, and for some reason, we’re all expected to stuff ourselves stupid, can anyone tell me why the bbc website, dire as it usually is, continues to exhibit a ‘food page’, with awful coloured photos of road-kill and vomit?
It’s no wonder that disfunctional families all prefer to eat junk food in their cars, or watch awful programmes and never sit at a table with family. Our national broadcaster could do a bit more to help these sad people, maybe by closing down for part of the day – say 23 hours…
Yes, at 6.45 the next day the magnificent envy of the world BBC is STILL unclear about the motive even though the perp’s name has been reported for hours on worldwide media, he’s on a watchlist for extremism and is of North African extraction. But it’s still a mystery to the BBC what the connection can possibly be between a) a Christmas market b) a probably Algerian gunman and c) someone on an extremist watch list.
Never mind, if the BBC keep their heads firmly up their own fundaments maybe it’ll all go away or they can blame Brexit.
Good old Nick Robinson . Owen Paterson – who is a real conservative – comes onto the BBC to open his heart about the outgoing PM and brexit .
Robinson , whose Touretteās I have described here before , keeps quiet for a bit but canāt stop himself from opening his mouth and interupting – thus spoiling the interview and obstructing Mr Paterson .
I know itās nothing new but itās such a shame the BBC canāt employ decent journos instead of useful idiots like Robinson.
Big misunderstanding in Strasberg last night . 3 people accidentally shot and killed with 11 injured by a French national celebrating the season of good Will to men . Itās a cultural thing for lone Norwegians .
I didnāt mention Muslim jihadists and think I got away with it .
PS – 48 letters trigger a ā no confidence ā to be held today . Bye bye Mrs May .
Bye bye May. Hello new remainer, who will tell us that it will take ages to renegotiate us out of May’s mess and suggest delaying Brexit for a year or two.
Is that right Boris?
No unfortunately she is going to win so it is more a case of Bye Bye Conservative Party, Bye Bye a true Brexit.
They are complaining about the ‘shambles’ surrounding the Brexit deal, but just wait until her deal is kicked out by the House of Commons and Corbyn and Co subsequently vote down a ‘No Deal’. THEN we will have the mother of all shambles and a triumphant EEC.
I am not a le Carre fan, but would like to know why he loathes the west. The article is paywalled and I cannot even get a month’s free subscription Is there an easy answer to why he loathes the west?
I think this article is probably available on The Spectator site. I know that I’ve read it and that’s one of my regular spots.
At Speccie you’re allowed to read two free pieces a week.
Rod’s always worth a gander.
No where on the BBC does it mention “terrorist ” he was a Gunman (should really be a Gunperson) an Extremist and an Attacker…..despise the BBC more each day they make it so easy for us to loathe them with the constant manipulation of news to fit there political ideology.
I note our far left Marxists State Broadcaster (aka, “The Worlds Most Trusted) tells us the gunman was a, “local”. By this code, I have to assume he is an immigrant that has gained French citizenship.
I also note, as predicted the foreigner caught in the Palace of Westminster grounds having scaled a railing fence has, ‘mental health problems’
Suggestion: Another queue on migrant arrival points for those from Middle East/Africa,signposted: ‘Arrivals with mental health issues’. All in the thousand and one languages of course.
President Macron teetering on the verge of falling from power, desperately giving concession after concession due to street protests, a muderous islamic gunmen on the loose in Strasbourg….
And yet – according to the BBC – it’s Britain that is in political chaos & crisis – seems to me as though our normal democratic processes are at work here.
And as if to confirm my rather more balanced view BBC TV excitedly bring us a pictures of 10 Downing Street – where nothing unusual is happening !
As for the 1,000s of armed French police and soldiers combing the streets – not so much.
Now BBC Business reporters desperately hoping for markets and the pound to plummet.
AISI: “And yet ā according to the BBC ā itās Britain that is in political chaos & crisis ” indeed, quite right.
They have referered several times this morning on R4 to the Thatcher Confidence Vote. They have completely forgotten the huge Community Charge (Poll Tax) controversy, the demonstrations across the UK and the riot in London and they have not acknowledged that Margaret Thatcher still divides the nation (and possibly the Tory Party) TO THIS DAY.
I am forced to conclude that too many substances have been consumed at the BBC by BBC people over four or five decades and they have had terrible effects on BBC memory.
Here’s a suggested headline for the far-left bbc collective:
FTSE surges on expectations that the Conservative party will finally replace Mrs May with a true Brexiteer.
As an aside has anyone else noticed how the crypto currencies have plunged; Bitcoin, once touted as reaching $18,000 is languishing below $3,500. Ethereum and Litecoin are equally low in value. Is there a link to Brexit, football fans or Christmas markets, I wonder?
Iām not an MP on a high salary living in social housing with my druggie son threatening journalists with baseball bats and then playing the victim. But, yes, okay, Iām the one with no class. https://t.co/q0I9hvZAvy
One driving offence with added perjury another denies knowledge of her sons offences untill after he is found guilty yet she wrote to the judge well before the trial . This is what happens when you lower the bar so low that lets any PC box ticker idiot in.
What has happened to the working class hero’s of our parents and grandparents labour party.
Funny isn’t it..when Tory Mps are accused of anything they are guilty by the BBC trial ssytem and reported on
but Labour Keith let me doing yor washing Vaz and this Labour MP who actually are guilty and have by default failed all of their public sector ‘vows’ and should be delisted are not really reported on at all…is it because they are oppressed minorities? This is why the country is going to the dogs…
Reading those tweets in support of her are scary to be honest. Words like “you are amazing”, “inspirational”, “you shouldn’t have to put up with that considering what you did”, “solidarity Comrade”.
One big question, much bigger than the Conservative Party leadership, still not being (never, ever?) considered by the BBC: when will Jeremy Corbyn tell the nation, clearly and unequivocally, whether he favours leaving the EU or remaining in the EU?
Currently speaking on the PM podium is a ‘liberal’ Remainer, pretending to be a Conservative Brexit-deliverer.
It should work: Merkel has spent 15 years odd successfully doing the same, always hanging some threat over her party, to ensure she stays. Slight difference: she is a socialist, pretending to be a conservative.
Beeb has given us D Gauke, who had me in tears, so much in love with Ms May did he put me. Gauke had the outrageous strategy of saying Article 50 would have to be postponed if May went.
Currently Beeb has followed May’s speech with another enthusiastic May supporter being interviewed, Matt Hancock. Seems there is no one around the beeb could find, who opposes her.
Thathcher had a majority and stood down, we are told.
But she had integrity.
May is of the Merkel mindset. She will simply stay. ‘Ich bin hier, ich bleibe hier. Schluss.’ Ignore the outside world.
One thought: beware of Amber Rudd
David Gourke interviewed earlier on Toady, extolling the virtues of this warm and wonderful PM.
Suggestion: Form another queue when they come to vote later, signposted: ‘MP’s from the Parallel Universe’
My thoughts on PM’s statement. Lots of hollow words, Theresa May. Won’t wash with the country. Will it work with the Party’s MPs? (I have previously communicated with PM on her ‘Fairness Pledge’ – remember that? – how much of it has been delivered?)
She’s playing for time, running down the clock.
Out of the EU, No Deal, 29 March 2019.
(The nation will cheer you to the rafters, PM. Hard-EU Remainers will grind their teeth.)
BBC NI Spotlight last night was another hit-piece on the pro-Brexit-so-therefore-facist DUP, one of those programmes the bBBC are prone to making where you know that they have to rush something out to justify the time and money spent without actually having anything of any substance. With the main aim being disruption and opportunistic malevolence, the Spotlight last night was yet again on Jan Paisley Jr.
Now Baby Doc isn’t the most likeable of politicians but the bBBC dislike of him does seem a bit personal. He was suspended from the Commons for 30 days this year for failing to declare two family holidays to Sri Lanka in 2013 that were gifted to him by the Sri Lankan government which was both stupid and I think dishonest of him, but it’s been dealt with.
Well it seems that Paisley took his family on holiday again in 2016, this time to the Maldives. The bBBC don’t know who paid for it but took great pains to impress upon us that the luxury Coco Resort had beaches, complimentary bathrobes, a restaurant and spectacular views of private plunge pools that “probably cost thousands” and so made a programme about it. By finding the exact spot, that really wasn’t, where Mrs Paisley Jr took a photo she has put on social media the bBBC were able to prove that Wee Ian was right to admit going on a family holiday to somewhere with a beach.
Two trips to and stays in a luxury Maldives resort for the bBBC journalist and crew uncovered nothing that I could see, nothing but unidentified “sources”, unsubstantiated “evidence” and suggested wrongdoing without any real proof of point. Rolling out the greasy Matrix Chambers Gavin Millar QC to sit face to face in an empty hotel room with our, because the DUP are misogynists , female journalist Lyndsey Telford to say could of and should have and maybe doesn’t prove any wrongdoing.
Paisley Jr is a fool but this programme attempted to show that he dishonestly accepted a family holiday to the Maldives that he shouldn’t have and proved nothing. Money was spent and wasted on trips to the Maldives and expensive opinion from an impartial legal expert to further an agenda. Paisley Jr may be in the wrong but no proof was provided, nothing but innuendo and a suggestive tone, and the bBBC were simply attempting to undermine the DUP, and therefore the government and Brexit, because they can. A waste of time and money this programme was a clearly biased “nothing burger”, poor journalism pretending to be hard-hitting and relevant but like the bBBC, not.
Extraordinary, TM not understanding at all the huge reaction to her deal. If Theresa May had said I know my deal is hard, or misunderstood, or I need to tweak it to help those who are struggling with it. No, she was right, and not moving and came across as threatening. She is unfortunately ānot for turningā and is going to have to be turned. Goodness I hope they do the right thing.
I wish to announce my candidature for next PM .
I have the required qualities – I can lie, break promises , kick cans down the road, lose stone bonker elections parroting ā strong and stable, ā ,
Undermine ministers I appoint and sell out my country .
Ha EG yes – I can even say ā my thoughts and prayers ā or
āWe stand united ā
Seriously though – I see 16 kind people have āliked ā me . I will reward each of you by being my ābrexit minister ā which means never having to go to work….
Yep Hezza just been on LBC also
Which has a multitude of voices telling us what a fantastic leader May is, and there is no other option
.As they rabble on they usually let on, that they are Pro-Peoples Vote, which means of course that they are Remainers.
… Ah finally Bill Cash comes on and gives a Brexiteer view.
As usual, Vlad Tepes provides real news. This report on his website is quite revealing, especially that a French policeman has said the muslim killer was already known to the authorities as an islamic terrorist:
Salaam, Stew. I notice the Daily Mail has Raab as the favourite to succeed May if she loses.
And guess who’s lying in second place?
Why, bless my soul, it’s Sajid Javid!
You can rely on this, another sleeper.
Not British.
Supporting another totalitarian ideology.
Amazing”journalism” from the Mail.
Volte face is an understatement.
I have feeling she might š simply because there are too any who don’t want a brexiteer in charge and they know May is a remainer at heart and will either run with another referendum or hand it to parlaiment to say we remain…
Our only hope is that enough Tory MPs actually have balls…but I wouldn’t neccessarily bet against her -much as I despise her
“I stand ready to finish the job” May today.
Except Churchill was appealing to FDR who was only concerned with saving the USSR.
May is only concerned with saving the EUSSR.
Dear Donald
Please tell the universe you believe May is a traitor.
Please do it LOUDLY. Please do it TODAY.
The UK needs this as never before.
Thank you.
Peter Hitchens has now, in the words of my dear, late grandfather, āsh*t his potfulā as far as I am concerned.
Enoch Powell was horrified to find all sorts of people incarcerated together in huge mental institutions: those with Down Syndrome, the hyperactive, the schizophrenic, the violent, the criminally insane, even women who as young girls had given birth to children outside marriage. Many were kept subdued by the indiscriminate use of the recently developed drug, Largactil.
My wifeās brother was severely mentally handicapped, and her parents kept him at home until they became too old to cope. They were thankful for āCare in the Communityā, knowing that, after they had gone, their son would be able to lead a happy, fulfilled life, with similar people, in a specially-adapted bungalow with a full time carer.
It is a truism that when a columnist holds forth on matters you know a lot about, and you see that it is bullsh*t, you begin to question the validity of everything he writes.
It’s amazing how precise the media can be when they try. At other times…
I was in the car yesterday, the radio bringing me various snippets of news. They were a bit vague on certain things, like the motive of the bloke who got into the grounds of Parliament and got himself tasered. Was he an irate rate payer? Was he a malingerer from the Brexit vote on Sunday? Did he want Theresa May’s autograph? They’re not saying.
And as for the gunman murdering innocent shoppers at the Christmas market, he might have been pissed off about the prices for all I’ve been told. These Yuletide slaughterings are becoming a regular feature of the festive season. Pretty soon European carol singers will be issued with bullet proof vests. However the media seem absolutely stumped when it comes to suggesting a motive for the murderous miscreant. It’s baffling…
However, when it comes to some overpaid footballer, on Ā£300,000 plus a week! who has been abused by loutish Chelsea fans, then there is no doubt. It’s RACISM! Opposition footballers, whatever their race, are regularly and vociferously abused by Chelsea oiks every week, it’s nothing unusual. What’s so special about Sterling?
And they also reported a bloke on a train, racially abusing fellow travelers, who, before departing, conveniently told them that he was “a supporter of Tommy Robinson.” Good of him!
No obfuscation. No muddying the waters. No attempting to camouflage the motives.
Wish they were always like that…
Quite – most recently on the bbc WS the leave vote had slipped from 52% to 51.9% – such precision !
And yet the bbc desperately NOT fact checking the US assertion that of 8,000 odd caravan members, 600 had criminal records – a very conservative estimate I’d say.
One fact is clear – the bbc is terrified to the core of Trump. Really it doesn’t matter a darn what the UK thinks or says about him and yet our bbc scrapes the barrel to put up people who are equally Trump terror fixated.
If May wins the vote tonight, can we have another one in case the MPs didnāt know (or understand) what they were voting for.
And another,
And another…..
until we get the result we want.
or is that only for the eu and remainers.
At least we were spared the british PM licking the boots of an āirishāReichEU politician and being told to take a running jump . ( was going to use a short word but I banned myself )
Apparently the Islamic terrorist – lone wolf – Norwegian – mental issues – has āfled the countryā. Ah āfree movement ā such consideration for such vermin …
… good news for macron – he can go all presidential again ..
I doubt if the dead kidsā mum will get a seat in the House of Lords to add a bit of colour to the place but who knows or cares about these institutions any more ?
Al beebistan manages to report on the terror attack in Strasbourg without once mentioning the words Islam or Muslim.
The closest they get is that Cherif Chekat (good French name) may have been ‘radicalized’ in prison.
Radicalized by whom, into what? Mormonism?
Or perhaps he’s one of those far-right Brexiteers we keep hearing about, brainwashed by UKIP?
Ah yes, bonfire of the quangos..never happened. Cut down on immigration to tens of thousands..never happened, in fact got quite a lot worse if that were possible. Cut down on benefit fraud..er nope. Cut crime – forget it, all we get are massaged figures from the police.
I could understand this under a Labour government, but we’ve simply been lied to for god knows how long by both main parties in election manifestos.
Both Labour and Tory promises amount to : ‘We will spend money like a drunken sailor, make sure our friends are well looked after, will never do the honourable thing and despise the people who actually work and pay the taxes that keep us in comfortable lifestyles.’
What is the odds that the BBC will ramp up their bias to the extreme knowing that a possible new Tory PM could be a ‘strong Brexiter’ who would lead in the polls, win a GE and if they have any sense would also clamp down on the BBC’s bias?
The BBC will certainly ramp up to max bias 24/7 to ensure that we stay in the EU or only leave symbolically. They need to do this because Remain Central want at least the appearance of it being a democratic decision and need the BBC to help persuade us that it is. Unfortunately I expect that of the 52% several % will be taken in by this and throw in the towel and very few Remainers will believe that preserving our democracy is more important then staying in the EU.
But what are those who still believe in democracy to do? Practical options are few. Any hint of violence will only push more ā floaters ā into the Remain camp. We canāt withhold our taxes if we are on PAYE. The next election would be an opportunity to show dissent but even if a UKIP style party wins millions of votes our FPTP system means that will not translate into lots of seats.
It is possible that we get a fundamental realignment of British politics and that both Tories and Labour split. That will present an opportunity But beware most Leave politicians favour increased immigration from the third world as the price of increased trade. Something I certainly do not want.
One positive thing that we can do is to have a BBC telly tax strike. Let us channel our resentment and anger at the elite by bringing down their propaganda fog horn. Anyone have any idea how to generate nationwide support?
I wonder if we āBrexiteersā could take the same stance as the vegans and have Brexitism categorised as a religion. Maybe we could join forces and ban offensive words such as gammon.
Letās have an official definition of Brexitophobia and hate crimes such as implying that we Brexiteers are ignorant and didnāt know what we were voting for. Iād also like to ban horrid words such as āremainā.
Talking of banning stuff – a friend of mine was recently admonished for sending a memo to a ward for their tardiness written in capitals! Too aggressive!
I love it. but unfortunately the rules are rigged against us as they include
1. Being worthy of respect in a democratic society (apparently not according to parliament), 2. not being incompatible with human dignity (apparently not according to Remainers) and 3. not conflicting with fundamental rights of others (apparently not according to the ECHR)
So we are stuffed again…now you can become a Vegan..
Just a thought, is it possible to be a vegan but claim it’s your human right to eat meat? If the other vegans get nasty about one’s meat eating, surely they could then be charged with a hate crime.
If the PM wins the vote tonight one thing is certain.
She will be more smug, vindictive and anti-white than she already is.
She will offer the EUSSR their original Ā£100,000,000.
She will offer to take ten million refugees from anywhere in an attempt to ruin our prospering economy.
The time for non-violence will have passed.
From Fedup2 – Last chance saloon – Iāve edited out the term you used as well as other posters who used it when complaining. I know full well how highly feelings are running .
I agree. I post in politically mixed groups and have been attacked by some of the more extreme left wingers and they will always resort to personal insults, a clear sign that they have lost the debate.
RD – “The xxxxxx? I dislike her as much as anyone, but that isnāt necessary and reflects badly on this site.”
“I dislike her as much as anyone”
Does this mean :-
a) I dislike her with as much intensity as I dislike anyone?
b) I dislike her as much as any other person who dislikes her?
While we are waiting for you to solve your ambiguity problem. . .
What I will do in future is to email you a provisional response.
You can improve on my inadequate efforts and pass your, improved, polished, censored version to BBBC.
I am a psychic so I can guess your email address. Email coming your way in 5 minutes to
I don’t like to defend May but xxxxxx is too far, being on the barren scale myself I can relate to her past pain which she has spoken about and it’s irrelevant to drag a physical impairment into an argument. I’m not even going to attempt a comparison with male virility/fertility as I feel that’s losing the thread.
Judging by photos of football players wives and girlfriends-
usually ‘white’ often blond, regardless of the players own colour,
I’d say they are the most racist bunch going.
Be interesting to see how diverse the managers and FA bosses wives are.
H/T The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) https://www.thegwpf.com/peter-ridd-crying-wolf-over-the-great-barrier-reef
Dr. Ridd points out that coral bleaching damage ‘looks terrible at first, but it quietly and rapidly grows back ready for the scientists to peddle their story all over again.’ Bad news is headlined, good news ignored.
The scare stories about the Great Barrier Reef started in the 1960ās when scientists first started work on the reef. They have been crying wolf ever since.
Scientists from James Cook University have just published a paper on the bleaching and death of corals on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) and were surprised that the death rate was less than they expected because of the adaptability of corals to changing temperatures.
But still we don’t have any of that nasty coal power in the uK , we have lovely solar and wind
\\ Last week, coal power peaked at 5.7 GW, and it has already gone higher this week, reaching 6.4 GW yesterday. It has certainly not been particularly cold today, or windless //
… Paul Homewood telling us that coal is supplying about 15% of the UK’s 45GW demand
Though listening in the to the radio in the morning the World Service news report described the attacker as “a local man” – of course Jean-Paul has got upset put on his yellow vest and gone on a shooting spree.
R4 now letting pro Remainers push their support for May and tarnish any challenge by a Brexiteer…and then throw in – take it back to the people…..BBC not at all biased
You would need to be dead and then some not see bbc bias but one has to admire their shiny brass bollox as they spew lies and create diversions so like those of the worst, most corrupt, authoritarian regimes which they cover with lashings of consternation, feigned concern and high moral ground.
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe https://dailysceptic.org/2025/03/08/five-years-on-the-uk-refuses-to-learn-the-lessons-of-the-covid-catastrophe/ The US has changed direction…
ScrobleneMar 9, 19:43 Weekend 8th March 2025 BBC Licence Tax becoming part of the Poll Tax? Why should I pay for the pensions of the awful far-left…
tomoMar 9, 19:33 Weekend 8th March 2025 https://twitter.com/mattwridley/status/1898684484079231240
tomoMar 9, 19:26 Weekend 8th March 2025 Operation Toxic Dagger is not an officially recognized military operation but rather refers to Exercise Toxic Dagger, a significant training…
Richard PinderMar 9, 19:17 Weekend 8th March 2025 Since Trump said he wants āPeaceā, the British people have been under a massive warmongering anti-Russian psyop by the same…
KikuchiyoMar 9, 19:12 Weekend 8th March 2025 US President Donald Trump has said he is “strongly considering large-scale sanctions” and tariffs on Russia until a ceasefire and…
AlthepalerpMar 9, 19:06 Weekend 8th March 2025 Questions the MSM will not ask: “Prime Minister, the US has stated they have stopped sharing intelligence with Ukraine, does…
I am sure my MP has just put his letter in . His latest email suggests that suddenly they have decided enough is enough . Mind you his constituents have been on his case .
Second ?
Backlinks to previous thread
Tuesday we were already finishing page 2 .. 9am onto page 3
..and finished on page 4
Second !
If Treason May and the remainer cronies in parliament try to overturn democracy and the referendum result we should all pick up our own yellow jackets!
Oh and the bbbc still haven’t reported on the religion of the terrorist in France. He was born in strasbourg is all they saying. If it had been a white extreme right wing they would be headlining it everywhere, typical biased as usual
BBC gives its own opinion by using a quote in a headline again
The page title is
: UKIP AM Neil Hamilton’s appearance with Tommy Robinson ‘shameful’
but you can see from that Tweet that the page had an old title
Strangely Google cache gives me an error instead of showing me the old version
personally I find the existence of Hamilton within the body politic to be shameful in itself
Then in other titles it misses out definitive info, that you’d automatically include
It’s just a “man” again
Other media
– Shooter fled (possibly now located, exchanging fire)
– Shooter has criminal record, r
– Possibly identified as a “radicalised” individual named Cherif Chekatt or Sharif Chakat, 29,
– French anti-terror police handing
Looks like he has a zebibah on his forehead, the sign of a very devout Muslim.
BBC acknowledg that the terrorist was on a suspect list but add
‘The motive for the shooting remains unclear.’
When they finally acknowledge that he was one of Allah’s boys they will then divert attention to the backlash. BBC reporters will rush to France to interview victims of a far far far right backlash who have had their hijabs tweaked.
French state media and BBC not putting out a photograph of the man or person let alone his/her name. Obviously this might cause people to identify the shooter and help in his capture. The downside is an increase in unjustified prejudice by deplorables.
if Mrs Chamberlain is to resign? Who will be Mr Churchill?
Over to Al Beeb………
New side thread is up
Biased BBC personality of 2018 awards- result
I think I’ll go on holiday tomorrow .
1 ; you all can pay for it if you’ve ever had a holiday yourself .
2; you can’t criticise where and when I’m going .
This holiday will be a bargain . How can you complain that I’m getting it at flirty pence a day .!
I’m also going to spread influence wherever I go . You can be happy that ” your” voice will be heard at the top table . You will be a rule maker , not a rule taker when I order the meal at a restaurant . Send your requests , filtered out by the civil service , about the wine .
Later you can see the great holiday in photos thanks to its unique payment method . Because most of you are old I will be telling the hosts how stupid you are to vote in any particular way but the hope is you will die soon , after you’ve paid for my holiday .
Cheers for being loyal and still paying when the young folk use Netflix etc
Snatintruff .
Excellent piece Pug, well put.
Pug says “Kind of think the BBC in more interested in spreading fear and loathing of white people amongst minorities than in reporting the truth”. The BBC wants to spread hatred of Jews by highlighting a bad image of Israel whenever it can. It never shows the bad face of the Palestinian Arab leadership and how they are holding back their own people. . See what a brave Palestinian Arab says. https://netanyalynette.blogspot.com/2018/12/what-media-doesnt-tell-you-about.html
Good post Pug.
The bbbc are so bad at reporting sport these days. If you ever have the problem of listening to R5Dead at night, about every half hour, they have some imbecilic ad for their football ‘coverage’, with some moron who shrieks and yells at the top of his unpleasant over-excitable voice, proclaiming that the ‘station’ is the best!
Why he has to make so much blasted noise at 3:00am is beyond me!
As Christmas approaches, and for some reason, we’re all expected to stuff ourselves stupid, can anyone tell me why the bbc website, dire as it usually is, continues to exhibit a ‘food page’, with awful coloured photos of road-kill and vomit?
It’s no wonder that disfunctional families all prefer to eat junk food in their cars, or watch awful programmes and never sit at a table with family. Our national broadcaster could do a bit more to help these sad people, maybe by closing down for part of the day – say 23 hours…
Yes, at 6.45 the next day the magnificent envy of the world BBC is STILL unclear about the motive even though the perp’s name has been reported for hours on worldwide media, he’s on a watchlist for extremism and is of North African extraction. But it’s still a mystery to the BBC what the connection can possibly be between a) a Christmas market b) a probably Algerian gunman and c) someone on an extremist watch list.
Never mind, if the BBC keep their heads firmly up their own fundaments maybe it’ll all go away or they can blame Brexit.
This might be of interest, but it’s paywalled:
Rod Liddle: Why does Le CarrƩ get a prime BBC slot? Because he loathes the West
Toady watch
Good old Nick Robinson . Owen Paterson – who is a real conservative – comes onto the BBC to open his heart about the outgoing PM and brexit .
Robinson , whose Touretteās I have described here before , keeps quiet for a bit but canāt stop himself from opening his mouth and interupting – thus spoiling the interview and obstructing Mr Paterson .
I know itās nothing new but itās such a shame the BBC canāt employ decent journos instead of useful idiots like Robinson.
Big misunderstanding in Strasberg last night . 3 people accidentally shot and killed with 11 injured by a French national celebrating the season of good Will to men . Itās a cultural thing for lone Norwegians .
I didnāt mention Muslim jihadists and think I got away with it .
PS – 48 letters trigger a ā no confidence ā to be held today . Bye bye Mrs May .
Bye bye Mrs May, perhaps, but the damage has been done. And no one who might replace inspires confidence.
Bye bye May. Hello new remainer, who will tell us that it will take ages to renegotiate us out of May’s mess and suggest delaying Brexit for a year or two.
Is that right Boris?
No unfortunately she is going to win so it is more a case of Bye Bye Conservative Party, Bye Bye a true Brexit.
They are complaining about the ‘shambles’ surrounding the Brexit deal, but just wait until her deal is kicked out by the House of Commons and Corbyn and Co subsequently vote down a ‘No Deal’. THEN we will have the mother of all shambles and a triumphant EEC.
Does he? Really?
I am not a le Carre fan, but would like to know why he loathes the west. The article is paywalled and I cannot even get a month’s free subscription Is there an easy answer to why he loathes the west?
I think this article is probably available on The Spectator site. I know that I’ve read it and that’s one of my regular spots.
At Speccie you’re allowed to read two free pieces a week.
Rod’s always worth a gander.
BBC Online News:
āāStrasbourg shooting: Gunman at large after three killed and 12 injuredāā
āāFranceās counter terrorism prosecutor has opened an investigationāā
āā..suspect ā¦ was already known to the security services as a possible terrorist threat.āā
āāGrenades were found during the searchāā (of his flat).
Note to BBC. The motive is VERY clear!
No where on the BBC does it mention “terrorist ” he was a Gunman (should really be a Gunperson) an Extremist and an Attacker…..despise the BBC more each day they make it so easy for us to loathe them with the constant manipulation of news to fit there political ideology.
I note our far left Marxists State Broadcaster (aka, “The Worlds Most Trusted) tells us the gunman was a, “local”. By this code, I have to assume he is an immigrant that has gained French citizenship.
I also note, as predicted the foreigner caught in the Palace of Westminster grounds having scaled a railing fence has, ‘mental health problems’
Suggestion: Another queue on migrant arrival points for those from Middle East/Africa,signposted: ‘Arrivals with mental health issues’. All in the thousand and one languages of course.
Heās probably a radicalised Brexiteer.
The Tory Remainers are in a tricky position. They HAVE to support the PM but the PM is pledged to deliver Brexit.
Oh dear!
President Macron teetering on the verge of falling from power, desperately giving concession after concession due to street protests, a muderous islamic gunmen on the loose in Strasbourg….
And yet – according to the BBC – it’s Britain that is in political chaos & crisis – seems to me as though our normal democratic processes are at work here.
And as if to confirm my rather more balanced view BBC TV excitedly bring us a pictures of 10 Downing Street – where nothing unusual is happening !
As for the 1,000s of armed French police and soldiers combing the streets – not so much.
Now BBC Business reporters desperately hoping for markets and the pound to plummet.
AISI: “And yet ā according to the BBC ā itās Britain that is in political chaos & crisis ” indeed, quite right.
They have referered several times this morning on R4 to the Thatcher Confidence Vote. They have completely forgotten the huge Community Charge (Poll Tax) controversy, the demonstrations across the UK and the riot in London and they have not acknowledged that Margaret Thatcher still divides the nation (and possibly the Tory Party) TO THIS DAY.
I am forced to conclude that too many substances have been consumed at the BBC by BBC people over four or five decades and they have had terrible effects on BBC memory.
Great post, pug.
Here’s a suggested headline for the far-left bbc collective:
FTSE surges on expectations that the Conservative party will finally replace Mrs May with a true Brexiteer.
As an aside has anyone else noticed how the crypto currencies have plunged; Bitcoin, once touted as reaching $18,000 is languishing below $3,500. Ethereum and Litecoin are equally low in value. Is there a link to Brexit, football fans or Christmas markets, I wonder?
BBC Online News:
“”Theresa May to face vote of no confidence from Tory MPs””
“”How is a new Conservative leader elected?””
The BBC’s handy flow-chart shows 4 anonymous female candidates and 4 anonymous male candidates.
I’m amazed that they are not all black and disabled.
That’s the BBC’s reality.
Solidarity with Labour MP
who wouldn’t drive a speeding car and then lie about it.
JHB says
One driving offence with added perjury another denies knowledge of her sons offences untill after he is found guilty yet she wrote to the judge well before the trial . This is what happens when you lower the bar so low that lets any PC box ticker idiot in.
What has happened to the working class hero’s of our parents and grandparents labour party.
Funny isn’t it..when Tory Mps are accused of anything they are guilty by the BBC trial ssytem and reported on
but Labour Keith let me doing yor washing Vaz and this Labour MP who actually are guilty and have by default failed all of their public sector ‘vows’ and should be delisted are not really reported on at all…is it because they are oppressed minorities? This is why the country is going to the dogs…
Reading those tweets in support of her are scary to be honest. Words like “you are amazing”, “inspirational”, “you shouldn’t have to put up with that considering what you did”, “solidarity Comrade”.
Are Labour supporters so delusional?!?
They are Labour supporters, so yes.
It might have been a trick question.
One big question, much bigger than the Conservative Party leadership, still not being (never, ever?) considered by the BBC: when will Jeremy Corbyn tell the nation, clearly and unequivocally, whether he favours leaving the EU or remaining in the EU?
I think we should be informed.
Currently speaking on the PM podium is a ‘liberal’ Remainer, pretending to be a Conservative Brexit-deliverer.
It should work: Merkel has spent 15 years odd successfully doing the same, always hanging some threat over her party, to ensure she stays. Slight difference: she is a socialist, pretending to be a conservative.
Beeb has given us D Gauke, who had me in tears, so much in love with Ms May did he put me. Gauke had the outrageous strategy of saying Article 50 would have to be postponed if May went.
Currently Beeb has followed May’s speech with another enthusiastic May supporter being interviewed, Matt Hancock. Seems there is no one around the beeb could find, who opposes her.
Thathcher had a majority and stood down, we are told.
But she had integrity.
May is of the Merkel mindset. She will simply stay. ‘Ich bin hier, ich bleibe hier. Schluss.’ Ignore the outside world.
One thought: beware of Amber Rudd
Interesting BBC R4 contribution from Ed Vaizey MP (Con)
BBC: “How will you vote?”
MP: “I will support the PM.” Scant regard – no regard, apparently – for his constituents.
Too many MPs do not seem to realise or acknowledge where they derive their mandate from.
David Gourke interviewed earlier on Toady, extolling the virtues of this warm and wonderful PM.
Suggestion: Form another queue when they come to vote later, signposted: ‘MP’s from the Parallel Universe’
My thoughts on PM’s statement. Lots of hollow words, Theresa May. Won’t wash with the country. Will it work with the Party’s MPs? (I have previously communicated with PM on her ‘Fairness Pledge’ – remember that? – how much of it has been delivered?)
She’s playing for time, running down the clock.
Out of the EU, No Deal, 29 March 2019.
(The nation will cheer you to the rafters, PM. Hard-EU Remainers will grind their teeth.)
BBC NI Spotlight last night was another hit-piece on the pro-Brexit-so-therefore-facist DUP, one of those programmes the bBBC are prone to making where you know that they have to rush something out to justify the time and money spent without actually having anything of any substance. With the main aim being disruption and opportunistic malevolence, the Spotlight last night was yet again on Jan Paisley Jr.
Now Baby Doc isn’t the most likeable of politicians but the bBBC dislike of him does seem a bit personal. He was suspended from the Commons for 30 days this year for failing to declare two family holidays to Sri Lanka in 2013 that were gifted to him by the Sri Lankan government which was both stupid and I think dishonest of him, but it’s been dealt with.
Well it seems that Paisley took his family on holiday again in 2016, this time to the Maldives. The bBBC don’t know who paid for it but took great pains to impress upon us that the luxury Coco Resort had beaches, complimentary bathrobes, a restaurant and spectacular views of private plunge pools that “probably cost thousands” and so made a programme about it. By finding the exact spot, that really wasn’t, where Mrs Paisley Jr took a photo she has put on social media the bBBC were able to prove that Wee Ian was right to admit going on a family holiday to somewhere with a beach.
Two trips to and stays in a luxury Maldives resort for the bBBC journalist and crew uncovered nothing that I could see, nothing but unidentified “sources”, unsubstantiated “evidence” and suggested wrongdoing without any real proof of point. Rolling out the greasy Matrix Chambers Gavin Millar QC to sit face to face in an empty hotel room with our, because the DUP are misogynists , female journalist Lyndsey Telford to say could of and should have and maybe doesn’t prove any wrongdoing.
Paisley Jr is a fool but this programme attempted to show that he dishonestly accepted a family holiday to the Maldives that he shouldn’t have and proved nothing. Money was spent and wasted on trips to the Maldives and expensive opinion from an impartial legal expert to further an agenda. Paisley Jr may be in the wrong but no proof was provided, nothing but innuendo and a suggestive tone, and the bBBC were simply attempting to undermine the DUP, and therefore the government and Brexit, because they can. A waste of time and money this programme was a clearly biased “nothing burger”, poor journalism pretending to be hard-hitting and relevant but like the bBBC, not.
Extraordinary, TM not understanding at all the huge reaction to her deal. If Theresa May had said I know my deal is hard, or misunderstood, or I need to tweak it to help those who are struggling with it. No, she was right, and not moving and came across as threatening. She is unfortunately ānot for turningā and is going to have to be turned. Goodness I hope they do the right thing.
Here is one of the BBC market rate talents acting, well, deranged in defence of her precious…
Not too effectively.
Where will the new blasphemy laws take us now?
Watch this space. Over to you Muslim Council of Great Britain…………..
God knows
Hezza (Michael Heseltine – well-known past chaos causer in the Tory Party and Remain dissembler) is on extended R4 TOADY.
BBC: “What is your reaction?”
MH: “Chaos.”
Snuffy: Off-switch.
Snuffy household: Order restored.
I wish to announce my candidature for next PM .
I have the required qualities – I can lie, break promises , kick cans down the road, lose stone bonker elections parroting ā strong and stable, ā ,
Undermine ministers I appoint and sell out my country .
Can you say ālessons will be learnedā
Ha EG yes – I can even say ā my thoughts and prayers ā or
āWe stand united ā
Seriously though – I see 16 kind people have āliked ā me . I will reward each of you by being my ābrexit minister ā which means never having to go to work….
Yep Hezza just been on LBC also
Which has a multitude of voices telling us what a fantastic leader May is, and there is no other option
.As they rabble on they usually let on, that they are Pro-Peoples Vote, which means of course that they are Remainers.
… Ah finally Bill Cash comes on and gives a Brexiteer view.
As usual, Vlad Tepes provides real news. This report on his website is quite revealing, especially that a French policeman has said the muslim killer was already known to the authorities as an islamic terrorist:
Excellent piece of writing which is totally in line with my reaction to the disgraceful coverage of this story.
159 need to vote against her
… so it is not in the bag yet.
Coral the bookies have 3/1 she will survive
Salaam, Stew. I notice the Daily Mail has Raab as the favourite to succeed May if she loses.
And guess who’s lying in second place?
Why, bless my soul, it’s Sajid Javid!
You can rely on this, another sleeper.
Not British.
Supporting another totalitarian ideology.
Amazing”journalism” from the Mail.
Volte face is an understatement.
Sorry SG the betting is 1/3.
There is no point in ousting Theresa May only to replace her with another remainer or only-pretend leaver.
It would have to be a brexit believer, and I don’t think the Conservative party would vote for that given that a majority seem to be remainers.
I will never vote for a party that has a muslim (even one pretending not to be such) as leader.
I have feeling she might š simply because there are too any who don’t want a brexiteer in charge and they know May is a remainer at heart and will either run with another referendum or hand it to parlaiment to say we remain…
Our only hope is that enough Tory MPs actually have balls…but I wouldn’t neccessarily bet against her -much as I despise her
“I stand ready to finish the job” May today.
Except Churchill was appealing to FDR who was only concerned with saving the USSR.
May is only concerned with saving the EUSSR.
Dear Donald
Please tell the universe you believe May is a traitor.
Please do it LOUDLY. Please do it TODAY.
The UK needs this as never before.
Thank you.
Catching up
FFS last weeks Mail on Sunday
MoS has always bee anti-Brexit
but they have a double page “How you can stop this No Deal Chaos”
..and then a template letter so you can write to your MP
+ A hysteric anti Tommy page
+ Peter Hitchins takes a dig a Enoch, but it’s over mental hospitals
Peter Hitchens has now, in the words of my dear, late grandfather, āsh*t his potfulā as far as I am concerned.
Enoch Powell was horrified to find all sorts of people incarcerated together in huge mental institutions: those with Down Syndrome, the hyperactive, the schizophrenic, the violent, the criminally insane, even women who as young girls had given birth to children outside marriage. Many were kept subdued by the indiscriminate use of the recently developed drug, Largactil.
My wifeās brother was severely mentally handicapped, and her parents kept him at home until they became too old to cope. They were thankful for āCare in the Communityā, knowing that, after they had gone, their son would be able to lead a happy, fulfilled life, with similar people, in a specially-adapted bungalow with a full time carer.
It is a truism that when a columnist holds forth on matters you know a lot about, and you see that it is bullsh*t, you begin to question the validity of everything he writes.
It’s amazing how precise the media can be when they try. At other times…
I was in the car yesterday, the radio bringing me various snippets of news. They were a bit vague on certain things, like the motive of the bloke who got into the grounds of Parliament and got himself tasered. Was he an irate rate payer? Was he a malingerer from the Brexit vote on Sunday? Did he want Theresa May’s autograph? They’re not saying.
And as for the gunman murdering innocent shoppers at the Christmas market, he might have been pissed off about the prices for all I’ve been told. These Yuletide slaughterings are becoming a regular feature of the festive season. Pretty soon European carol singers will be issued with bullet proof vests. However the media seem absolutely stumped when it comes to suggesting a motive for the murderous miscreant. It’s baffling…
However, when it comes to some overpaid footballer, on Ā£300,000 plus a week! who has been abused by loutish Chelsea fans, then there is no doubt. It’s RACISM! Opposition footballers, whatever their race, are regularly and vociferously abused by Chelsea oiks every week, it’s nothing unusual. What’s so special about Sterling?
And they also reported a bloke on a train, racially abusing fellow travelers, who, before departing, conveniently told them that he was “a supporter of Tommy Robinson.” Good of him!
No obfuscation. No muddying the waters. No attempting to camouflage the motives.
Wish they were always like that…
Quite – most recently on the bbc WS the leave vote had slipped from 52% to 51.9% – such precision !
And yet the bbc desperately NOT fact checking the US assertion that of 8,000 odd caravan members, 600 had criminal records – a very conservative estimate I’d say.
One fact is clear – the bbc is terrified to the core of Trump. Really it doesn’t matter a darn what the UK thinks or says about him and yet our bbc scrapes the barrel to put up people who are equally Trump terror fixated.
If May wins the vote tonight, can we have another one in case the MPs didnāt know (or understand) what they were voting for.
And another,
And another…..
until we get the result we want.
or is that only for the eu and remainers.
At least we were spared the british PM licking the boots of an āirishāReichEU politician and being told to take a running jump . ( was going to use a short word but I banned myself )
Apparently the Islamic terrorist – lone wolf – Norwegian – mental issues – has āfled the countryā. Ah āfree movement ā such consideration for such vermin …
… good news for macron – he can go all presidential again ..
20000 on the āfrenchā watch list .
Band Aid playing
It’s Christmas time and there is no need for Mrs May
There’re REMAINIACS outside your window
Preaching dread and fear
And the Christmas bells they ring are their clanging chimes of doom
Well tonight thank God it’s them instead of you
Meanwhile – one 18 year old dead – one serious in Eltham last night – black stabbings continue …..
Will it receive the same attention as a previous Eltham stabbing?
I doubt if the dead kidsā mum will get a seat in the House of Lords to add a bit of colour to the place but who knows or cares about these institutions any more ?
Al beebistan manages to report on the terror attack in Strasbourg without once mentioning the words Islam or Muslim.
The closest they get is that Cherif Chekat (good French name) may have been ‘radicalized’ in prison.
Radicalized by whom, into what? Mormonism?
Or perhaps he’s one of those far-right Brexiteers we keep hearing about, brainwashed by UKIP?
“His motives remain unknown” – Not to me they don’t. Try reading the koran for motives, dummies.
As ever there is a void between the narrative the Times journo gives and the response in the comments.
Journo : “whoaa terrible the gov gives contracts to charities and a few have gagging clauses”
Commenters : “doh, that’s cos so many charities are Labour Party fronts”
I remember someone promising a bonfire of the QANGOs.
Whatever happened to the ****?
Ah yes, bonfire of the quangos..never happened. Cut down on immigration to tens of thousands..never happened, in fact got quite a lot worse if that were possible. Cut down on benefit fraud..er nope. Cut crime – forget it, all we get are massaged figures from the police.
I could understand this under a Labour government, but we’ve simply been lied to for god knows how long by both main parties in election manifestos.
Both Labour and Tory promises amount to : ‘We will spend money like a drunken sailor, make sure our friends are well looked after, will never do the honourable thing and despise the people who actually work and pay the taxes that keep us in comfortable lifestyles.’
48 letters received!
What is the odds that the BBC will ramp up their bias to the extreme knowing that a possible new Tory PM could be a ‘strong Brexiter’ who would lead in the polls, win a GE and if they have any sense would also clamp down on the BBC’s bias?
Interesting times lay ahead!
I reckon Hitler must be looking down thinking – ‘I thought I had it bad mit das bias but that poor Trump and the Brexiteers!’
I seriously doubt heād be looking down. Up, perhaps.
Roland Deschain,
I had the same thought just before I read your comment.
Hitler looking down? He could definitely only be looking up from his chains in hellfire.
oddly the last few days brexit HYS on the so called bbc seemed strongly pro-brexit and anti-may
somehow today as the end of Treasoner Mayhem beckons the HYS suddenly seems pro-remain and pro-may
quite how they manage to to do that im sure only computer programmers and russian trolls know
They must be getting nervous
The BBC will certainly ramp up to max bias 24/7 to ensure that we stay in the EU or only leave symbolically. They need to do this because Remain Central want at least the appearance of it being a democratic decision and need the BBC to help persuade us that it is. Unfortunately I expect that of the 52% several % will be taken in by this and throw in the towel and very few Remainers will believe that preserving our democracy is more important then staying in the EU.
But what are those who still believe in democracy to do? Practical options are few. Any hint of violence will only push more ā floaters ā into the Remain camp. We canāt withhold our taxes if we are on PAYE. The next election would be an opportunity to show dissent but even if a UKIP style party wins millions of votes our FPTP system means that will not translate into lots of seats.
It is possible that we get a fundamental realignment of British politics and that both Tories and Labour split. That will present an opportunity But beware most Leave politicians favour increased immigration from the third world as the price of increased trade. Something I certainly do not want.
One positive thing that we can do is to have a BBC telly tax strike. Let us channel our resentment and anger at the elite by bringing down their propaganda fog horn. Anyone have any idea how to generate nationwide support?
I wonder if we āBrexiteersā could take the same stance as the vegans and have Brexitism categorised as a religion. Maybe we could join forces and ban offensive words such as gammon.
Letās have an official definition of Brexitophobia and hate crimes such as implying that we Brexiteers are ignorant and didnāt know what we were voting for. Iād also like to ban horrid words such as āremainā.
Talking of banning stuff – a friend of mine was recently admonished for sending a memo to a ward for their tardiness written in capitals! Too aggressive!
I knew someone who was told he had ā minor peccadillos ā . He replied that he didnāt even smoke cigars
I love it. but unfortunately the rules are rigged against us as they include
1. Being worthy of respect in a democratic society (apparently not according to parliament), 2. not being incompatible with human dignity (apparently not according to Remainers) and 3. not conflicting with fundamental rights of others (apparently not according to the ECHR)
So we are stuffed again…now you can become a Vegan..
Just a thought, is it possible to be a vegan but claim it’s your human right to eat meat? If the other vegans get nasty about one’s meat eating, surely they could then be charged with a hate crime.
If the PM wins the vote tonight one thing is certain.
She will be more smug, vindictive and anti-white than she already is.
She will offer the EUSSR their original Ā£100,000,000.
She will offer to take ten million refugees from anywhere in an attempt to ruin our prospering economy.
The time for non-violence will have passed.
From Fedup2 – Last chance saloon – Iāve edited out the term you used as well as other posters who used it when complaining. I know full well how highly feelings are running .
unfortunately there’s another 3 noughts..
we already pledged
I dislike her as much as anyone, but that isnāt necessary and reflects badly on this site.
I agree. I post in politically mixed groups and have been attacked by some of the more extreme left wingers and they will always resort to personal insults, a clear sign that they have lost the debate.
I believe in attack he policy, not the person
RD – “The xxxxxx? I dislike her as much as anyone, but that isnāt necessary and reflects badly on this site.”
“I dislike her as much as anyone”
Does this mean :-
a) I dislike her with as much intensity as I dislike anyone?
b) I dislike her as much as any other person who dislikes her?
While we are waiting for you to solve your ambiguity problem. . .
What I will do in future is to email you a provisional response.
You can improve on my inadequate efforts and pass your, improved, polished, censored version to BBBC.
I am a psychic so I can guess your email address. Email coming your way in 5 minutes to
I don’t like to defend May but xxxxxx is too far, being on the barren scale myself I can relate to her past pain which she has spoken about and it’s irrelevant to drag a physical impairment into an argument. I’m not even going to attempt a comparison with male virility/fertility as I feel that’s losing the thread.
Ok – editing time for that comment …..
Judging by photos of football players wives and girlfriends-
usually ‘white’ often blond, regardless of the players own colour,
I’d say they are the most racist bunch going.
Be interesting to see how diverse the managers and FA bosses wives are.
H/T The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) https://www.thegwpf.com/peter-ridd-crying-wolf-over-the-great-barrier-reef
Dr. Ridd points out that coral bleaching damage ‘looks terrible at first, but it quietly and rapidly grows back ready for the scientists to peddle their story all over again.’ Bad news is headlined, good news ignored.
The scare stories about the Great Barrier Reef started in the 1960ās when scientists first started work on the reef. They have been crying wolf ever since.
Scientists from James Cook University have just published a paper on the bleaching and death of corals on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) and were surprised that the death rate was less than they expected because of the adaptability of corals to changing temperatures.
But still we don’t have any of that nasty coal power in the uK , we have lovely solar and wind
\\ Last week, coal power peaked at 5.7 GW, and it has already gone higher this week, reaching 6.4 GW yesterday. It has certainly not been particularly cold today, or windless //
… Paul Homewood telling us that coal is supplying about 15% of the UK’s 45GW demand
It seems China isn’t playing ball, after all:
Sky Online News:
“”Strasbourg Christmas market gunman shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ “”
The BBC have missed this nugget of Muslim terrorism.
Now they are reporting it on the website, even in the headline!
Strasbourg shooting: Gunman shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ as he attacked
Though listening in the to the radio in the morning the World Service news report described the attacker as “a local man” – of course Jean-Paul has got upset put on his yellow vest and gone on a shooting spree.
If he’d been shouting about “Tommy Robinson” or “Brexit” they’d have been all over it!
I suspect that the BBC saw my post and decided to ‘update’ their news report.
R4 now letting pro Remainers push their support for May and tarnish any challenge by a Brexiteer…and then throw in – take it back to the people…..BBC not at all biased
You would need to be dead and then some not see bbc bias but one has to admire their shiny brass bollox as they spew lies and create diversions so like those of the worst, most corrupt, authoritarian regimes which they cover with lashings of consternation, feigned concern and high moral ground.