Since this morning. And it’s really irritating on my mobile phone! Tap on it and a long list of Google privacy policies appears that they know damned well is too long for anyone to bother reading.
Clearly my privacy doesn’t extend to being able to remove it if I don’t want it.
I wonder how many hard-Remainer Conservative MPs put in Letters of No Confidence to Sir Graham Brady? I cannot remember whether the names are revealed after the vote.
On the other hand, I cannot help but wonder whether the PM’s problem is that she is unwilling to listen fully to the concerns of the ‘hard’ Brexiteers and the DUP and their advisors and respond appropriately. What is clear, never thought I would agree with Matthew Parris ever again, the PM should NOT have postponed the vote yesterday.
the PM’s problem is SHE wont listen to ‘hard’ Brexiteers the DUP conservative members and 17.4million voters or the the country at large
SHE is tone deaf and wilfully blind
SHE has lied, lied, lied and lied again and now has no credibility
SHE put HERself front and centre of a disastrous general election and got slapped down
SHE put HERself front and centre of brexit side-lining all her ministers and now dares not take a parliamentary vote
all polls says everyone is strongly against “HER” deal , both sides have trashed HER deal and the DUP will sink HER deal and yet SHE thinks that SHE can get HER way!
it would appear SHE is suffering from some kind of mental illness as SHE is the only one who can not see HER own failings,
SHE is completely delusional and probably much worse
K, she is – in my view – probably on the autistic spectrum and can only handle one task at a time, hence her neglect of everything while tackling the negotiations with the EU. Her inability to respond immediately & personally to the Grenfell fire would be, I suggest, evidence of that.
You have to remember, however, that what she ‘says’ (the lies you call them) are words not necessarily from her but from a speech-writer or a SPAD via a speech-writer. They are broadly in line with expressed Party policy. You would object if she said the opposite, would you not?
Also, in a complicated AND VERY DELICATE situation, with a political and media class dominated by Pro-Remain/Hard-Remain factions, it may be necessary for a wise political performer to say one thing but head in a very different direction; the political ‘body-swerve’. An example of this from the other side, from the European Court of Justice, was their ‘intervention’ at the start of the EU Deal debate and again on the day before the Vote was scheduled to take place. A complete contradiction of the previously expressed view of the Commission.
The PM, in what she says and does, has to also deal with things like that.
Hotpoint / Whirlpool now suggesting Grenfell may have been started by a cigarette. (Not reported by the beeb, natch.)
But has there been any serious investigation of the much more likely theory that it was caused by a spot of late-night Ramadan snacking?
“Separately, we would like to reassure owners of these products that they are safe and they can continue to use them as normal.
“Two separate investigations have been carried out into this model of fridge freezer –one by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), and another by Whirlpool.
“Both investigations independently found no evidence of any fault with this model and confirmed that it fully complied with all safety requirements.
“These conclusions have also been verified by the Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser.”
Fake Tories. I hope that it backfires spectacularly. Maybe destroying the party was their aim all along. Parties will be superfluous, if we are dragged into a European superstate. They may as well close the Houses of Parliament for good, rather than refurbish it.
There is a glaring disparity between solutions for leave and remain.
Remainers love Europe and by extension the EU Superstate and while they have numerous countries they could move to in order to live their dream – leavers do not have that luxury of choice – other than that which was expressed in our 2016 referendum.
Extraordinary that two years on people are still fighting the result of one national referendum and one Presidential election.
gaxvil, I wonder how many Conservative Party MPs have, at the last minute crossed David Cameron off their Christmas card list.
(Had he had as much guts as the present PM, he would have filed the Article 50 notice on 27 June 2016 and all the pressure would now be on the EU and the Labour Party.)
No bias bbc but I predict May will win the confidence vote but then lose a parliamentary confidence vote ( if called) leading to a general election with labour going for a withdrawal of A50
And a winter election which labour win with a working majority and Tory voters not bothering any more .
I might change my mind later though – feeling pessimistic at the moment .
Agree. May will win confidence vote, but very likely go before the election (won by Labour) which will be soon. Sajid Javid will replace her, as he has already been chosen, whatever Tory members may think. Main reason for him is that he fits with changing demography. His kind are in the ascendant position.
I would have thought that a McDonnell/Corbyn win would be a racing certainty. What choice would a grassroots Tory voting brexiter have except to not bother, and subsequently abandon all interest in politics?
Some will vote UKIP, not enough to make a difference this time though.
The majority of Tory MPs appear to be remainers and/or semi-socialists content with the gravy-train good life and content to let us be ruled by Germans. We’ll continue to sign-up to any old nation-destroying nonsense (climate change, open borders etc) that these idiots dream up.
Although many of us could see it coming, the failure to enact our wishes re Brexit is an awful humiliating betrayal. And it will now be topped off by a mad Marxist regime which will no doubt quickly bankrupt the country. The fall-out from that will hopefully see someone with vision leading a coalition (with maybe UKIP at its core) that will take us back to sanity.
Either that or put the military in charge – assuming not all the top-brass are graduates of the common-purpose finishing school.
That sounds about it doesn’t it. I’d love to get interviewed by the media just to be able to say ‘what is the point in voting in any more elections’.
If the media don’t want those people to win, they’ll denigrate the voters and process enough to claim that the vote happened because people were ‘hoodwinked’.
It ain’t just Brexit dying here, that viper and her slimey cohorts are killing democracy.
And with a Labor govt (which this country now deserves) I feel like the colonel in Platoon calling down napalm on his own position because it’s all over.
JHBs good point
\\ If Theresa May put just 1% of the huge effort she’s put into clinging to power into delivering a good Brexit, she (and we) wouldn’t be in this mess now. She needs to go. Now.//
1pm news on Classic FM (I know it isn’t the BBC but it is where I normally go for respite as I am not unlimited broadband so don’t use the recommended Swiss station).
Reporting that Mrs May may not be PM after today, Classic FM then has 2 sound bites from people in Jacob Rees Mogg’s constituency. One said that as Jacob was born with a silver spoon in his mouth he wasn’t suitable to be PM (silver spoon definitely used, I may have paraphrased the rest) and the other explaining that Jacob is 389 years of age so might not live until the new year. I don’t think either were a typical Conservative voter in Mr Reece Mogg’s constituency.
Times runs a story claiming a group called did Nazi salutes outside HoC yesterday
..but then backs down saying “a spokesman said that protester was unknown as was probably a plant” Their Facebook
..”unity” is usually a union/socialist word
37 top account ants fired in the last four years for behaviour including sexual harassment and bullying.
Next page 2 stories
– Drugged up banker Zahid Naseem, found in same house as high class escort beaten to death
– Property Tycoon John Broadhurst murdered his girlfriend in drug fueled S & M rough sex
BTW Liberal Lord Lester has now resigned from HoL
before the vote on his suspensio
BBC man Simon McCoy standing outside Westminster gets himself in a muddle as he attempts to extemporise – with, no doubt – BBC producers parroting the corporation narratives in his ear.
He was trying to say something about “a lot of anger this morning” (ie at the Tories) in other words a message along the lines of the Labour narrative. You know, like when Norman Smith uses his old catchphrase “but Labour say”
And poor old Simon out in the cold and confused by his producers mixed up this anger thing with the de rigueur BBC Remainer mantra of Brexit equals chaos per se – so he sadly delivers a comedy gold line. Might make it to the office Xmas blooper reel but will be strictly embargoed as not for HIGNFY.
Simon’s blushes were saved somewhat as we go over to Worcester, a Tory constituency that voted Leave but where our intrepid BBC reporter finds two Remainers to vox pop – ce la vie !
Times journo “John Bercow has brought shame on the Speaker’s chair”
iain martin
Strangely all the comments are from anti-Brexit people laying into the journo
Friends of Bercow
John Bercow has brought shame on the Speaker’s chair @thetimes Beaconsfield will be remembered as a sexist bully a labour minion and all round egotist who had has brought no enhancement to the role of speaker
I do subscribe to this resource, and have to say it does embody ‘Journalism’ these days well, namely copying and pasting press releases as ‘news’. And more on the BBC’s pursuit of the young…
\\ NSPCC research found that 1 in 20 children who had livestreamed had been asked to take their clothes off.
Our #WildWestWeb campaign is calling on Government to regulate social networks to keep children safe.
Times report : only half of groomers were removed using official complaints process, the other half only removed when investigating journalists revealed themselves to Google’s press office
Abusive videos are often republished on forums or used to blackmail children into carrying out more serious sexual acts with threats to tell their parents.//
Doh the principal is that Internet bosses are like pub landlords, so they should be policing their pub properly.
But they try to get away without having enough staff.
It would help if only over 16s could use YouTube for livestreaming.
Funny stuff :- bbc WS interviewed a couple of businesses who are not at all concerned about a hard Brexit – oo err! Trade will continue because they want us to keep buying their stuff – doh!
And a German think tank professor saying, the EU must present a more attractive deal to Britain for the mutual good.
And really ?
Labour could only win a GE if sensible, decent people failed to vote.
This was the conclusion we came to after the Grenfell fire was first reported.
Years ago, my wife and I were on a flight from Karachi to Delhi during Ramadan. The Indian fellow next to me proceeded to get a Primus stove out of his bag, set it up on the floor in the aisle, and began pumping it up and lighting it with a match to prepare his lunch.
Cabin staff (obviously well used to this) nipped it in the bud!
When we enquired later, we were told it had something to do with having to prepare food on the floor during Ramadan.
I like Nadine Dorries and agree with everything she says so I was very surprised to hear her say on today’s politics live that she would support Rudd as part of a new pm team along with Boris.
Rudd, a remainer, should be kept well away from any position which gives her a say in any eu decisions.
Nadine or Scouse McVey could both do a great job if you need any girls but steer clear of Rudd, forever. (Sorry if you get it, I’ll get my coat)
The Times opens an article :
“Far-right and Islamist terrorist groups have used women as online recruiters because their empathy and soft approach ”
Yes of course they provide evidence of Islamist groups doing this
but they provide no evidence of “Far-right” doing that.
The article is all about Islamists open comments allowed.
The article is from Facebook’s consultants ISD
You could take them seriously
except look at the sub-title of their report
: Davey, Saltman and Birdwell (2018),
“The Mainstreaming of Far-Right Extremism Online and How to Counter It: A Case Study on UK, US and French Elections”
subtitle Trumping the Mainstream:
..jeez they sound like a load of sneery antifa activists
\\ A report into Oxfam’s handling of sexual misconduct cases will not now be published until the new year after disputes over its highly critical content, The Times has learnt //
Of course cos they’ve got other priorities like putting out Climate Propaganda reports
If, as seems likely, Theresa the Appeaser, wins today’s confidence vote, then our EU negotiations are completely knackered. It will be taken as an endorsement of her shameful Brexit betrayal.
She’s like the captain of The Titanic, stubbornly heading straight for that bloody great (back stop) iceberg.
If we hit it any hopes for a full Brexit are sunk.
The Conservative Parliamentary Party are an abject, cowardly shambles.
Man the lifeboats…
\\ So, the prison imam for HMP Bellmarsh was caught smuggling in £60,000 worth of drugs for the inmates.
Thanks Mohamed Rawat for making the prison population impossible to control.
Oh, hang on, YOU control the prison population.
I forgot that Islam controls the UK prisons.//
Corrupt Mohamed Rawat: Prison imam ‘caught taking drugs worth £60,000 into jail’ Andrew Ellson December 10 2018, The Times
Mohamed Rawat was caught at Belmarsh jail allegedly carrying more than 60 sheets…
John Simpson’s God complex
Writing in the British Airways December magazine
\\ Simpson 74, appears to compare himself to Joseph in the Old Testament as he recounts his treatment at the hands of BBC bosses, including “savage” pay cuts.
The broadcaster also confirms that he drafted his recent novel to settle scores with BBC enemies during a period when he felt sidelined
— only to have to rewrite some of it after being assured that he had a future. //
President Trump tweeted that he can’t get 5 billion for border security and the wall but the democrats under Obama gave 150 billion to Iran and got nothing for it.
Tory command's decision to de-suspend sex-text Tory MP Andrew Griffiths so that he can vote for the vicar's daughter is glorious. A decadence to match the last days of Rome.
Looks like Treezer will win the vote tonight, but has indicated that she won’t lead her party at the next election. I predict the leader by then will be Savid Javid, peace be upon him.
From the BBC report. The MPs were crying. See, they have feelings, just like you or I.
‘The prime minister was greeted with applause, and the traditional banging of desks, as she went in to the committee room to address her MPs. Some of them were reported to be in tears.’
G.W.F., “Looks like Treezer will win the vote tonight, but has indicated that she won’t lead her party at the next election. I predict the leader by then will be Savid Javid, peace be upon him.”
How about Owen Paterson?
He sounds better each time the BBC allow him a microphone.
When Treason goes, the Con morons in the HOC will be tripping over each other in their rush to install Javid.
In a rerun of the kind of emotion that saw white folks installing Bathhouse Barry into office, virtue signalling on a grand scale, our MPs will be seeking to prove just how superior they are to the idiots who elect them.
They will sleep easy with that warm inner feeling knowing their knuckle dragging racist electorate have been firmly put in his place.
The only difference betwen uk and USA will be the US folks didnt know they were electing a moslem, and ours will.
Jag, LOL! I wonder what will happen to the media Remainers if & when we leave with No Deal or a heavily reBrexited Theresa May Deal and six-twelve months down the line all is OK and ticketty-boo.
There are going to have to be mass resignations and sackings, I would have thought.
#Stansted15 The 15 activists who locked themselves around a deportation charter flight at London’s Stansted Airport, successfully stopping it from taking off, were convicted of a terrorism-related offense
… sentencing to come
They will dramaqueen, but we know they’ll get off real lightly.
Excellent article in the Conservative Woman.
Only one thing I cannot accept – that Treezer has been so skilful in her plots.
She is a stupid woman with no political skills and the plotting has been done by those pulling her strings
GWF – I dont think she is stupid at all. Her job real was to make a mess of brexit and lets face it, she is doing that extremely well.
I never trusted her from day one and unfortunately I feel vindicated (but I would rather have been wrong).
What she does have is little empathy and sensitivity towards others. This has helped her enormously enabling this ghastly quisling to carry out her brexit dismantling job whilst feeling impervious to the anger of others.
All I can say is thank God she never had any kids. At least her blood line ends with her.
No doubt now that the MSM is in a panic . Suddenly May is the best thing ever and one after another they are wheeling out those who say exactly that.
Maybe all the plotting by the remainers is about to go to waste.
But I would not bet on it.
Whilst the BBC and the politicians are preparing to describe the murderer in Strasbourg as a lone wolf here is a tragic outcome of a drive by Palestinian shooting in Israel.
The bastard fired into a crowd, causing injuries and managed to get a bullet into a pregnant woman.
Israeli doctors have struggled for four days to save the baby, but were unsuccessful’
Imagine what the BBC would say if the victim was of their favourite ideology.
The voting paper in the “no confidence” motion tonight gives two options:-
1) I have confidence in Theresa May…
2) I do not have confidence in Theresa May…
How on earth can anyone have any idea what they are meant to do and how to fill in the form when there is no mention of a hard or soft confidence? Nowhere does it mention the terms or consequences of the vote in two years time.
The whole thing is meaningless unless we have Barack Obamas opinion and a statement from The Bank of England, the CBI and the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Will I still be able to get my medical supplies in two years and will lorries still be arriving in Dover?
What will happen to the pound and the stock market?
Will I still be able to go to Nandos?
Whoever devised the ballot paper questions is an idiot and is obviously deliberately trying to mislead MP’s.
Anybody? the UK signing the final version of the UN Migration Compact has taken place. All the media broadcast the fact……………..
It all passed quietly without a squeak or murmur. Lambs to the slaughter.
No question at all, we are in the midst of a massive war. The war imposed by the Globalists on the Western World aided assiduously by the controled media. We cannot trust any media; we cannot trust any of our cowardly politicians; we cannot trust any body that the politicans control. Welcome to 1984.
open borders or welfare state , you cant have both
The questions are
how many can squeeze in before the welfare state collapses?
what then?
will they leave ? or just take what they need by force?
what will our poor do?
where do the “Elite” think they can hide ?
When you think about it, the tories have a large lump of remainer MPs who voted her in in the first place.
I fully expect them to vote her in again.
We know the Tory mps do not represent the Tory party members or the population so we will be stuck with what a couple of hundred MPs want.
200 versus 17.4 million and they will win.
I may be wrong but if they vote for her and she wins it can’t be right that these MPs are going against a huge referendum and we are powerless.
Expect to hear of de-selections in the coming days or the ripping up of membership cards. Many grassroots members have refused to campaign for the Tories unless that “Bloody Woman” goes. It’ll be a wipeout at the next GE.
So we are potentially stuck with this thing as PM for potentially another year. At least we now have a good idea how truly rotten the Conservative party ism with at least 200 cowards and traitors willing to sell us off for 12 months more, sitting on a green bench.
They didn’t know what they were voting for , they’ll all die off , there was dodgy counting, a terrible campaign , questionable funding and they’re all too thick . Time for another vote . And another ……
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Is anyone else getting an annoying little “privacy” box that sits at the bottom of the screen and won’t go away?
Roland – yes I have it too – suppose it’s the blog software bods complying with some ReichEU regulation on Data Protection / spying on us .
No, only really noticed it this morning, Roland. How long has it been there?
Since this morning. And it’s really irritating on my mobile phone! Tap on it and a long list of Google privacy policies appears that they know damned well is too long for anyone to bother reading.
Clearly my privacy doesn’t extend to being able to remove it if I don’t want it.
Does it mean we are soon to be banned from this site if any post upsets some faceless self appointed Censor ?
Roland Deschain,
Yes, I have just noticed that privacy box when accessing the site by phone. I suppose it’s the same on my laptop.
The BBC being TOADILLY toady on TWatO.
I wonder how many hard-Remainer Conservative MPs put in Letters of No Confidence to Sir Graham Brady? I cannot remember whether the names are revealed after the vote.
On the other hand, I cannot help but wonder whether the PM’s problem is that she is unwilling to listen fully to the concerns of the ‘hard’ Brexiteers and the DUP and their advisors and respond appropriately. What is clear, never thought I would agree with Matthew Parris ever again, the PM should NOT have postponed the vote yesterday.
the PM’s problem is SHE wont listen to ‘hard’ Brexiteers the DUP conservative members and 17.4million voters or the the country at large
SHE is tone deaf and wilfully blind
SHE has lied, lied, lied and lied again and now has no credibility
SHE put HERself front and centre of a disastrous general election and got slapped down
SHE put HERself front and centre of brexit side-lining all her ministers and now dares not take a parliamentary vote
all polls says everyone is strongly against “HER” deal , both sides have trashed HER deal and the DUP will sink HER deal and yet SHE thinks that SHE can get HER way!
it would appear SHE is suffering from some kind of mental illness as SHE is the only one who can not see HER own failings,
SHE is completely delusional and probably much worse
K, she is – in my view – probably on the autistic spectrum and can only handle one task at a time, hence her neglect of everything while tackling the negotiations with the EU. Her inability to respond immediately & personally to the Grenfell fire would be, I suggest, evidence of that.
You have to remember, however, that what she ‘says’ (the lies you call them) are words not necessarily from her but from a speech-writer or a SPAD via a speech-writer. They are broadly in line with expressed Party policy. You would object if she said the opposite, would you not?
Also, in a complicated AND VERY DELICATE situation, with a political and media class dominated by Pro-Remain/Hard-Remain factions, it may be necessary for a wise political performer to say one thing but head in a very different direction; the political ‘body-swerve’. An example of this from the other side, from the European Court of Justice, was their ‘intervention’ at the start of the EU Deal debate and again on the day before the Vote was scheduled to take place. A complete contradiction of the previously expressed view of the Commission.
The PM, in what she says and does, has to also deal with things like that.
Hotpoint / Whirlpool now suggesting Grenfell may have been started by a cigarette. (Not reported by the beeb, natch.)
But has there been any serious investigation of the much more likely theory that it was caused by a spot of late-night Ramadan snacking?
Hotpoint / Whirlpool
“Separately, we would like to reassure owners of these products that they are safe and they can continue to use them as normal.
“Two separate investigations have been carried out into this model of fridge freezer –one by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), and another by Whirlpool.
“Both investigations independently found no evidence of any fault with this model and confirmed that it fully complied with all safety requirements.
“These conclusions have also been verified by the Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser.”
“These conclusions have also been verified by the Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser.”
Kaiser, their statement was going so well until that last sentence.
The BBC don’t mention this for some reason, but 70% of the Tory party are Remainers.
Ousting May may not be so easy.
DS – “but 70% of the Tory party are Remainers”
Did you mean 70% of Conservative MPs?
Recent polls show that 70% of Conservative Party members are against all the May “deals”.
Correct Last!
I should have said Conservative MPs are 70% in favour of Remain.
It’s been a long day 😉
Conservative Brexiteer MPs taking heavy flak from the Hard-Remainer MPs in their Party.
Fake Tories. I hope that it backfires spectacularly. Maybe destroying the party was their aim all along. Parties will be superfluous, if we are dragged into a European superstate. They may as well close the Houses of Parliament for good, rather than refurbish it.
There is a glaring disparity between solutions for leave and remain.
Remainers love Europe and by extension the EU Superstate and while they have numerous countries they could move to in order to live their dream – leavers do not have that luxury of choice – other than that which was expressed in our 2016 referendum.
Extraordinary that two years on people are still fighting the result of one national referendum and one Presidential election.
gaxvil, I wonder how many Conservative Party MPs have, at the last minute crossed David Cameron off their Christmas card list.
(Had he had as much guts as the present PM, he would have filed the Article 50 notice on 27 June 2016 and all the pressure would now be on the EU and the Labour Party.)
Sadly all too true.
As we know all the EU had to do is keep saying , ‘No’.
I’m sorry what?
What “guts” has the present PM had? What brave actions has she been carrying out?
She had a mandate from her people on what they wanted and she has fulfilled NONE of that. How is that even remotely courageous?
The BBC has always had an interest in young people, obviously, but too often beyond the point of reason.
No bias bbc but I predict May will win the confidence vote but then lose a parliamentary confidence vote ( if called) leading to a general election with labour going for a withdrawal of A50
And a winter election which labour win with a working majority and Tory voters not bothering any more .
I might change my mind later though – feeling pessimistic at the moment .
Agree. May will win confidence vote, but very likely go before the election (won by Labour) which will be soon. Sajid Javid will replace her, as he has already been chosen, whatever Tory members may think. Main reason for him is that he fits with changing demography. His kind are in the ascendant position.
An Islamic PM ? we’re finished.
I would have thought that a McDonnell/Corbyn win would be a racing certainty. What choice would a grassroots Tory voting brexiter have except to not bother, and subsequently abandon all interest in politics?
Some will vote UKIP, not enough to make a difference this time though.
The majority of Tory MPs appear to be remainers and/or semi-socialists content with the gravy-train good life and content to let us be ruled by Germans. We’ll continue to sign-up to any old nation-destroying nonsense (climate change, open borders etc) that these idiots dream up.
Although many of us could see it coming, the failure to enact our wishes re Brexit is an awful humiliating betrayal. And it will now be topped off by a mad Marxist regime which will no doubt quickly bankrupt the country. The fall-out from that will hopefully see someone with vision leading a coalition (with maybe UKIP at its core) that will take us back to sanity.
Either that or put the military in charge – assuming not all the top-brass are graduates of the common-purpose finishing school.
They would engineer a Keir Starmer coup within weeks, effectively having Mr T. Blair back in the driving seat. EU state, here we come!
That sounds about it doesn’t it. I’d love to get interviewed by the media just to be able to say ‘what is the point in voting in any more elections’.
If the media don’t want those people to win, they’ll denigrate the voters and process enough to claim that the vote happened because people were ‘hoodwinked’.
It ain’t just Brexit dying here, that viper and her slimey cohorts are killing democracy.
And with a Labor govt (which this country now deserves) I feel like the colonel in Platoon calling down napalm on his own position because it’s all over.
JHBs good point
\\ If Theresa May put just 1% of the huge effort she’s put into clinging to power into delivering a good Brexit, she (and we) wouldn’t be in this mess now. She needs to go. Now.//
1pm news on Classic FM (I know it isn’t the BBC but it is where I normally go for respite as I am not unlimited broadband so don’t use the recommended Swiss station).
Reporting that Mrs May may not be PM after today, Classic FM then has 2 sound bites from people in Jacob Rees Mogg’s constituency. One said that as Jacob was born with a silver spoon in his mouth he wasn’t suitable to be PM (silver spoon definitely used, I may have paraphrased the rest) and the other explaining that Jacob is 389 years of age so might not live until the new year. I don’t think either were a typical Conservative voter in Mr Reece Mogg’s constituency.
Sadiq the “Look over there man”
London Transport is in trouble and heading for £2.7bn defecit
Newcastle terror raid on Tuesday
The SAS raided a house in Arthur’s Hill, Newcastle
a 33-year-old man on suspicion of terrorism offences.
\\ Neighbours described the man as an Asian man in his 30s, but said they knew little about him //
Times runs a story claiming a group called did Nazi salutes outside HoC yesterday
..but then backs down saying “a spokesman said that protester was unknown as was probably a plant”
Their Facebook
..”unity” is usually a union/socialist word
37 top account ants fired in the last four years for behaviour including sexual harassment and bullying.
Next page 2 stories
– Drugged up banker Zahid Naseem, found in same house as high class escort beaten to death
– Property Tycoon John Broadhurst murdered his girlfriend in drug fueled S & M rough sex
BTW Liberal Lord Lester has now resigned from HoL
before the vote on his suspensio
“…this is a distraction from the on-going crisis”
BBC man Simon McCoy standing outside Westminster gets himself in a muddle as he attempts to extemporise – with, no doubt – BBC producers parroting the corporation narratives in his ear.
He was trying to say something about “a lot of anger this morning” (ie at the Tories) in other words a message along the lines of the Labour narrative. You know, like when Norman Smith uses his old catchphrase “but Labour say”
And poor old Simon out in the cold and confused by his producers mixed up this anger thing with the de rigueur BBC Remainer mantra of Brexit equals chaos per se – so he sadly delivers a comedy gold line. Might make it to the office Xmas blooper reel but will be strictly embargoed as not for HIGNFY.
Simon’s blushes were saved somewhat as we go over to Worcester, a Tory constituency that voted Leave but where our intrepid BBC reporter finds two Remainers to vox pop – ce la vie !
“…. the worst crisis in living memory” – says top bbc Brexit correspondent. Gosh! a real pro that man.
Times journo “John Bercow has brought shame on the Speaker’s chair”
iain martin
Strangely all the comments are from anti-Brexit people laying into the journo
Friends of Bercow
We have the BBC on its web-site ‘interfering’ with a judicial process. ‘Tommy Robinson’, wasn’t he accused of that?
Aah, but it is not in the UK.
OK, but isn’t that foreign interference in another country’s democratic, Judicial, process?
What sauce is good for the goose, is good for the gander, especially at this time of year, BBC.
I do subscribe to this resource, and have to say it does embody ‘Journalism’ these days well, namely copying and pasting press releases as ‘news’. And more on the BBC’s pursuit of the young…
‘The six user needs come from BBC research into audience behaviour around the world, which showed the needs vary depending on where you are”
I would have thought education and information was needed on precisely the same basis anywhere.
‘”Interpret the data, take out the key learnings and explain it to the rest”
I have edited out of context for effect, but this is pretty much BBC SOP.
\\ NSPCC research found that 1 in 20 children who had livestreamed had been asked to take their clothes off.
Our #WildWestWeb campaign is calling on Government to regulate social networks to keep children safe.
Times report : only half of groomers were removed using official complaints process, the other half only removed when investigating journalists revealed themselves to Google’s press office
Abusive videos are often republished on forums or used to blackmail children into carrying out more serious sexual acts with threats to tell their parents.//
Doh the principal is that Internet bosses are like pub landlords, so they should be policing their pub properly.
But they try to get away without having enough staff.
It would help if only over 16s could use YouTube for livestreaming.
Funny stuff :- bbc WS interviewed a couple of businesses who are not at all concerned about a hard Brexit – oo err! Trade will continue because they want us to keep buying their stuff – doh!
And a German think tank professor saying, the EU must present a more attractive deal to Britain for the mutual good.
And really ?
Labour could only win a GE if sensible, decent people failed to vote.
But if voters vote for the Tories to keep out the Labour loons, the Conservatives get a free pass for their treacherous deceit.
It might be irresponsible but scorched earth is the only weapon that us pissed off brexiteers have to play.
This was the conclusion we came to after the Grenfell fire was first reported.
Years ago, my wife and I were on a flight from Karachi to Delhi during Ramadan. The Indian fellow next to me proceeded to get a Primus stove out of his bag, set it up on the floor in the aisle, and began pumping it up and lighting it with a match to prepare his lunch.
Cabin staff (obviously well used to this) nipped it in the bud!
When we enquired later, we were told it had something to do with having to prepare food on the floor during Ramadan.
Quite common on Pakistan Airline flights, I remember.
On the floor at 35,000 feet lololol…
I like Nadine Dorries and agree with everything she says so I was very surprised to hear her say on today’s politics live that she would support Rudd as part of a new pm team along with Boris.
Rudd, a remainer, should be kept well away from any position which gives her a say in any eu decisions.
Nadine or Scouse McVey could both do a great job if you need any girls but steer clear of Rudd, forever. (Sorry if you get it, I’ll get my coat)
Emmanuel Goldstein,
You mean Rudd would be rudderless if chosen to implement Brexit.
(I’ll also get my coat.)
Forever rudderless.
The Times opens an article :
“Far-right and Islamist terrorist groups have used women as online recruiters because their empathy and soft approach ”
Yes of course they provide evidence of Islamist groups doing this
but they provide no evidence of “Far-right” doing that.
The article is all about Islamists open comments allowed.
The article is from Facebook’s consultants ISD
You could take them seriously
except look at the sub-title of their report
: Davey, Saltman and Birdwell (2018),
“The Mainstreaming of Far-Right Extremism Online and How to Counter It: A Case Study on UK, US and French Elections”
subtitle Trumping the Mainstream:
..jeez they sound like a load of sneery antifa activists
Lizzie Dearden must be best mates, cos based on their work, she’s just written this :
Far-right groups across Europe ‘using Islamist techniques’ to recruit followers, report says
Exclusive: Counter Extremism Group says outward rejection of violence is ‘increasing the potential for radicalisation’
Look at the URL she uses
\\ A report into Oxfam’s handling of sexual misconduct cases will not now be published until the new year after disputes over its highly critical content, The Times has learnt //
Of course cos they’ve got other priorities like putting out Climate Propaganda reports
and Wealth Jealousy propaganda with bad maths
no open comments on article
If, as seems likely, Theresa the Appeaser, wins today’s confidence vote, then our EU negotiations are completely knackered. It will be taken as an endorsement of her shameful Brexit betrayal.
She’s like the captain of The Titanic, stubbornly heading straight for that bloody great (back stop) iceberg.
If we hit it any hopes for a full Brexit are sunk.
The Conservative Parliamentary Party are an abject, cowardly shambles.
Man the lifeboats…
Person the lifeboats.
\\ So, the prison imam for HMP Bellmarsh was caught smuggling in £60,000 worth of drugs for the inmates.
Thanks Mohamed Rawat for making the prison population impossible to control.
Oh, hang on, YOU control the prison population.
I forgot that Islam controls the UK prisons.//
no open comments on article … What for every SJW topic ?
John Simpson’s God complex
Writing in the British Airways December magazine
\\ Simpson 74, appears to compare himself to Joseph in the Old Testament as he recounts his treatment at the hands of BBC bosses, including “savage” pay cuts.
The broadcaster also confirms that he drafted his recent novel to settle scores with BBC enemies during a period when he felt sidelined
— only to have to rewrite some of it after being assured that he had a future. //
Libby Purves column totally slags the BBC
: BBC advert is more guilt-trip than wonderland
17.4 million people voted to leave but unfortunately only 100 conservative and 10 labour mp’s agree.The future looks bleak.
President Trump tweeted that he can’t get 5 billion for border security and the wall but the democrats under Obama gave 150 billion to Iran and got nothing for it.
Will Mrs Chamberlain sign the BRINO paper then do a runner?
Mission accomplished?
Just one awesome play after another.
Looks like Treezer will win the vote tonight, but has indicated that she won’t lead her party at the next election. I predict the leader by then will be Savid Javid, peace be upon him.
From the BBC report. The MPs were crying. See, they have feelings, just like you or I.
‘The prime minister was greeted with applause, and the traditional banging of desks, as she went in to the committee room to address her MPs. Some of them were reported to be in tears.’
G.W.F., “Looks like Treezer will win the vote tonight, but has indicated that she won’t lead her party at the next election. I predict the leader by then will be Savid Javid, peace be upon him.”
How about Owen Paterson?
He sounds better each time the BBC allow him a microphone.
We are doomed well and truly had it shoved up our posteriors
When Treason goes, the Con morons in the HOC will be tripping over each other in their rush to install Javid.
In a rerun of the kind of emotion that saw white folks installing Bathhouse Barry into office, virtue signalling on a grand scale, our MPs will be seeking to prove just how superior they are to the idiots who elect them.
They will sleep easy with that warm inner feeling knowing their knuckle dragging racist electorate have been firmly put in his place.
The only difference betwen uk and USA will be the US folks didnt know they were electing a moslem, and ours will.
The Pound Sterling has crashed upwards again due to Brexit and the No-Confidence Vote.
I hate to think what will happen to it if we Leave the EU with No Deal next March.
The BBC will then have to hunt out and put on air numerous business people and politicians complaining that Sterling is over-valued.
The only thing overvalued in the UK is the BBC.
Jag, LOL! I wonder what will happen to the media Remainers if & when we leave with No Deal or a heavily reBrexited Theresa May Deal and six-twelve months down the line all is OK and ticketty-boo.
There are going to have to be mass resignations and sackings, I would have thought.
I really don’t know where you get your confidence in Theresa and the belief that we will get a no deal from??
#Stansted15 The 15 activists who locked themselves around a deportation charter flight at London’s Stansted Airport, successfully stopping it from taking off, were convicted of a terrorism-related offense
… sentencing to come
They will dramaqueen, but we know they’ll get off real lightly.
Excellent article in the Conservative Woman.
Only one thing I cannot accept – that Treezer has been so skilful in her plots.
She is a stupid woman with no political skills and the plotting has been done by those pulling her strings
GWF – I dont think she is stupid at all. Her job real was to make a mess of brexit and lets face it, she is doing that extremely well.
I never trusted her from day one and unfortunately I feel vindicated (but I would rather have been wrong).
What she does have is little empathy and sensitivity towards others. This has helped her enormously enabling this ghastly quisling to carry out her brexit dismantling job whilst feeling impervious to the anger of others.
All I can say is thank God she never had any kids. At least her blood line ends with her.
Despite the BBC crowing that the Far-right didn’t win in Sweden.
The left are so badly damaged that vSweden still doesn’t have a government.
Wow 164 nations did sign the UN Migration pact and 30 important others didn’t.
No doubt now that the MSM is in a panic . Suddenly May is the best thing ever and one after another they are wheeling out those who say exactly that.
Maybe all the plotting by the remainers is about to go to waste.
But I would not bet on it.
Whilst the BBC and the politicians are preparing to describe the murderer in Strasbourg as a lone wolf here is a tragic outcome of a drive by Palestinian shooting in Israel.
The bastard fired into a crowd, causing injuries and managed to get a bullet into a pregnant woman.
Israeli doctors have struggled for four days to save the baby, but were unsuccessful’
Imagine what the BBC would say if the victim was of their favourite ideology.
The voting paper in the “no confidence” motion tonight gives two options:-
1) I have confidence in Theresa May…
2) I do not have confidence in Theresa May…
How on earth can anyone have any idea what they are meant to do and how to fill in the form when there is no mention of a hard or soft confidence? Nowhere does it mention the terms or consequences of the vote in two years time.
The whole thing is meaningless unless we have Barack Obamas opinion and a statement from The Bank of England, the CBI and the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Will I still be able to get my medical supplies in two years and will lorries still be arriving in Dover?
What will happen to the pound and the stock market?
Will I still be able to go to Nandos?
Whoever devised the ballot paper questions is an idiot and is obviously deliberately trying to mislead MP’s.
third, my apologies but I have to ask: have you spent ALL day in Weatherspoons?
Ha ha
I’ve seen drunks in Weatherspoons who could make a better job of brexit Up2
third, LOL – you could be right. The PM is now going to have to get a grip on this deal in Brussels.
Preferably by doing the Churchillian thing: grab the hair of Tusk, Juncker and Barnier and swing arms and hands together.
Thud. x3.
Owwwhhhh! x 3.
“Right, gentlemen, ‘Back stop’ ends when UK says so. OK?”
“Now about all that money. Should not the UK receive a netting-off of the EU assets that we have paid for? Say, ‘Yes Theresa’. ”
“Thank you. That may get through the Parliament Final Say vote. I’ll give it a go. Wish me luck, guys.”
Anybody? the UK signing the final version of the UN Migration Compact has taken place. All the media broadcast the fact……………..
It all passed quietly without a squeak or murmur. Lambs to the slaughter.
No question at all, we are in the midst of a massive war. The war imposed by the Globalists on the Western World aided assiduously by the controled media. We cannot trust any media; we cannot trust any of our cowardly politicians; we cannot trust any body that the politicans control. Welcome to 1984.
open borders or welfare state , you cant have both
The questions are
how many can squeeze in before the welfare state collapses?
what then?
will they leave ? or just take what they need by force?
what will our poor do?
where do the “Elite” think they can hide ?
Half an hour to go until the vote result.
When you think about it, the tories have a large lump of remainer MPs who voted her in in the first place.
I fully expect them to vote her in again.
We know the Tory mps do not represent the Tory party members or the population so we will be stuck with what a couple of hundred MPs want.
200 versus 17.4 million and they will win.
I may be wrong but if they vote for her and she wins it can’t be right that these MPs are going against a huge referendum and we are powerless.
Expect to hear of de-selections in the coming days or the ripping up of membership cards. Many grassroots members have refused to campaign for the Tories unless that “Bloody Woman” goes. It’ll be a wipeout at the next GE.
Treezer deserves to go, if not over Brexit, over her support for Sharia
She’s won it. 42 MP votes away from losing.
Only needed 42 MPs to change their mind and she would have lost.
Party is now very divided. Good 😉
Grassroots won’t like this. She has to go.
the tories have just lost the next GE though, I hope they enjoy the perks of 2 years of expenses
200 – 117
So we are potentially stuck with this thing as PM for potentially another year. At least we now have a good idea how truly rotten the Conservative party ism with at least 200 cowards and traitors willing to sell us off for 12 months more, sitting on a green bench.
They didn’t know what they were voting for , they’ll all die off , there was dodgy counting, a terrible campaign , questionable funding and they’re all too thick . Time for another vote . And another ……
Disillusioned voters should vote UKIP.
The Tory Party is finished .
only if tommy is head
sterling fell following the news that UK Prime Minister Theresa May won the confidence vote
lol make your mind up bbc
70% of Tory MPs are committed Remainers.
But not so the Tory voters.
Time will tell, and it may be soon.
So what is Nigel Farage going to do? (real name Yaxley Farage)
Will he launch his UKIP 2?