593 Responses to Midweek Open Thread 12 December 2018

  1. Dystopian says:

    I reckon Farage has been bought. This new party is just a ploy to split the UKIP vote.


  2. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Unbelievable šŸ™ An enemy of the nation remains in leadership. It goes to show just how deeply entrenched socialism is British politics.


    • Dave S says:

      It is not socialism .It is something far far more deadly. It is the start of the reimposition of a feudal society .
      The first one was bought in at the point of a sword by the Normans and lasted for centuries.
      This will be bought in by stealth. By people with dead eyes and malice in the hearts.
      AT first it will be a quite comfortable feudalism as we have the numbers and are not yet beaten people.
      You can see the start in the growing inequality. Lawyers, doctors ,senior civil servants, politicians and company apparatchniks now earn multiples of the average working man’s wage.
      They think of this as their right.
      They alone can acquire assets and wealth. The rest of us are struggling to own a basic freehold anywhere. Even a car is deemed a luxury by the French elite.
      The yellow jackets in France understand this and are standing up and fighting back. The old politics is dead. Left and right mean little now. This is far more serious. It is about the survival of free men and women .
      Brexit is and always has been about far more than the EU.
      Vive la France !


  3. Lucy Pevensey says:

    BBC Hypocrite!
    ā€œAre you saying you want to continue the fight, that you wonā€™t accept this result?ā€


    • TrueToo says:

      Lucy Pevensey, Isn’t that something. Neil talking about accepting a result when the BBC has not accepted the result of the referendum back in 2016.

      I think hypocrite is too mild a word for what Neil just did.

      Seems to me that Jacob Rees Mogg is the only one capable of leading Britain out of this mess.


    • Dave S says:

      Trust no one. Until you know what sort of person he is his words mean nothing. Only when you know his measure can you give meaning to his words . ( or her’s of course) .


  4. TrueToo says:

    Wasn’t it soon after Cameron the Remainer came in in 2010 that he promised a Leave/Remain referendum and then stalled and stalled?

    Then he finally set a date for it and then chickened out when the vote went against his hopes instead of manning up and leading the country out of the EU.

    The treachery really began with Cameron and continued with May.
    She chickened out and cancelled the vote on her disastrous “deal,” unwilling to face the extent of its unpopularity.

    And yet the majority of Tory MPs still have confidence in her?

    What a sham, what a disgrace. They have basically guaranteed a Corbyn government.


    • Kaiser says:

      Ca Moron also promised to campaign to leave if he couldnt get concessions from the EUSSR


    • Up2snuff says:

      TT, Cameron wanted it during his 2010 Administration but Clegg would not allow a Referendum for obvious reasons.

      The 2015 GE gave Cameron the majority he needed to push it through. Back then though, no-one really expected Leave to win as Dave pledged to get ‘concessions’ from the EU.

      The PM has hinted strongly that she will stand down at some point before the GE. Am guessing around the time of the 2019 Party Conference, post Modified Deal/No-Deal Brexit.


  5. English Lass says:

    Well sheā€™s won the vote letā€™s see what happens, as sheā€™s well wounded and only limping on. Her EU masters will be relieved. It was interesting watching her arrive at the various EU heads yesterday. She most certainly didnā€™t look like someone about to do serious dealing, more like popping in for a friendly chat. Sheā€™s a disaster. A total disaster.


    • Eddy Booth says:

      Remember when the EU were pretending to snub her and that they weren’t best friends forever, to spin the story Theresa acatually wanted Britain to really leave?
      and the MSM were playing along…
      Theresa May given cold shoulder
      British Prime Minister Theresa May sits alone waiting for meeting with Donald Tusk


  6. john in cheshire says:

    Maybe now enough people will begin to see how big a swamp we have in our country and realise that it must be drained if we are to exist as an independent nation. And time is of the essence.


  7. Justin Casey says:

    When March 29th comes I can honestly see mass demonstrations and possibly riots happening….. Now that Treezer is immune from being deposed there will be nothing in the way of her wilful and disgraceful capitulation to every single demand the despots of the EU commisars collective impose on us, including payments to a body which has not signed off its` accounts for the last fourteen years… The 39 billion let`s not forget was only an interim payment based on `estimates`…..


  8. Dystopian says:

    Oh my word that woman is seriously delusional.
    She stands there and still makes the statement that she is going to deliver the Brexit that the people voted for!


    • Up2snuff says:

      Dyst, but did you hear – she’s off to Brussels again tomorrow to tell them that the Deal is not going through Parliament as it stands.


    • Eddy Booth says:

      When May was foreign secretary she stood there and lied through her teeth she was going to get net immigration down to 100,000.. whilst letting record numbers in.
      That was her job interview for Brexit PM..


  9. TrueToo says:

    Not sure how this will proceed now. When she returns from the EU after they’ve given her some mumbled reassurances that don’t mean anything will she then be obliged to allow a vote on the “deal” or will she be able to obfuscate and stall again?


  10. Justin Casey says:

    I never thought (as a son of a N.Irish Catholic mother) that there would be a day when i genuinely felt thankful that the political viewpoint of the DUP would hold our Government to account…. I know for a fact that they will never ever allow any dilution of the six counties union with the rest of the UK….


    • Up2snuff says:

      JC, good for them. I do hope though that they widen their political vision and ambition.

      I reckon it may not be long before voters in the Republic are longing for something more ‘Christian’ to vote for.


      • Justin Casey says:

        The Republic has a major problem though when it comes to `Christian` values and politics, due to the revelations of decades of interference in the laws of thier constitution by the Catholic Church of Ireland and also Clerics interference with many underaged children…. Many of my relatives who live mainly in and around Derry have declared their disgust at many of the laws in the South and also the many revelations pertaining to child abuse and also the involvement of priests in the troubles…. My family hails from Claudy which in the early seventies was subjected to terrorist bombings in which the local Priest was implicated but before he could be arrested the Church of Ireland assisted his escape over the border, knowing his guilt to Donegal….. I am quite glad though that the current suspension of Storemont is ongoing though as it means the DUPs` focus is on Westminster, I don`t care for thier politics nor that of Sinn Fein, what I care about is the soveriegnty of our country as a whole we must retain our United Kingdom and the right to decide our own future and most of all our individual rights to elect our own Governments without imposition or obstruction by outside influence..


        • Rich says:


          Probably just a typo, but the Church of Ireland is a Protestant church similar to the Church of England and Protestant clergy here are never referred to as priests.

          As you probably know better than me both Catholics and Protestants died in the Claudy bombings carried out by the IRA in 1972 and the NI Police Ombudsmen concluded in 2010 that collusion between the British Govt and the Roman Catholic Church allowed Father Chesney to escape justice.

          I was born in ’72, four days after Bloody Sunday. I’m glad my children haven’t had to witness the same barbarity that I did as a child and just accepted as a part of daily life in Northern Ireland.


          • Justin Casey says:


            Yes you are correct, forgive my mistake you see although my mothers side is from a catholic faith my father was English and Protestant and i grew up in lincolnshire and never bothered with church or religion. Hence my mistake…

            Two of the victims that day were well known to my family, the wee girl Kathryn lived about three doors down the road from my Grandmothers houswe and her death greatly affected my Grandfather as she used to talk to him when he was doing his gardening quite often and everyone knew everyone it being such a small village etc. Also another victim was a second cousin to one of my Aunts by marriage… The actual bomb itself went off less than 150 yards away from the house on the main road into Claudy and the whole village mourned the deaths of those whose lives ended that day… Years later my Uncle John Moyne was killed in the Rising Sun Bar attack carried out by loyalists not long before the ceasefire too… Since both sides agreed to lay down their arms my mother has moved back home and so has everyone else except myself and my eldest brother, we still live in Lincolnshire where we grew up without the constant threat of terrorism and the sectarian bigotry which has been a blight upon the good people of both sides… I go over as and when I can and i can see changes for the better each time and it is better every time… I am glad that you and your family haven`t suffered directly, so many others sadly did without any justification and i think the deaths during those times now have at least some kind of meaning now both sides have stopped the needless violence and i hope that at least may offer some kind of solace and closure for all the families who were directly or indirectly affected by senseless actions carried out by murderers who preyed on their own communities on both sides….
            As for the Catholic Church in Ireland, they have so much to answer for, collusion with terrorists and the child abuse scandals as well as cover ups relating to the Magdelane Nuns etc… Also the anti abortion laws too … they have no right to claim any kind of moral high ground and certainly no business in politics…
            Anyway, thanks for correcting me and best regards to you and your family and have a happy xmas and new year too whilst i am at it…


            • Rich says:

              I agree with what you’re saying Justin and appreciate you accepting my point in the way It was meant.

              Greysteel was another atrocity where both Catholic and Protestant innocents were murdered, I’m sorry for your family’s loss. It’s forgotten by the supporters of and the apologists for both the “freedom fighters” and “defenders” how indiscriminate these murderers were and how many died at the hands of those supposedly sharing the same religion, whether Catholic in Claudy or Protestant in Greysteel, a sad waste of life.

              Anyway, a peaceful and prosperous Christmas and New Year to you and yours.


        • Up2snuff says:

          Justin, exactly so. It could be said that the Republic is now ripe for a mini-Reformation. šŸ˜‰

          Sinn Fein’s influence (from my point of view – yours may be different and/or better informed) is on the wane.

          I think the DUP have a glorious opportunity. The clue is in their name.


  11. Up2snuff says:

    Ritula ‘100% Accurate’ Shah cannot make up her mind. The PM won a great victory. Yaaaayyyyyy! The PM is fatally wounded. Yaaahhhh!

    The BBC is not confused, however, about the European Research Group (ERG), the in-Party Brexit ‘Think Tank’.

    They hate them and all they stand for and love putting them down.


  12. Guest Who says:

    Interesting when Beeboids think out loud.


  13. Dover Sentry says:

    May cannot now rely upon almost a third of her MPs. (Plus of course the DUP).

    And perhaps up to 80% of Tory voters support Brexit?

    She will have to go for ‘No Deal’. Which is precisely what was voted for in the Referendum.

    Or go.

    What’s the next chapter in ‘May’s Book of Deceit’ ?


    • Up2snuff says:

      DS, the wobbly BBC have considered that but dismissed it with the help of another TM ex-SPAD. Now they’ve rolled out the odious Stephen Kinnock and a Tory Peoples Vote enthusiast, Dr Philip Lee MP to rubbish the no-Deal option.


  14. Dover Sentry says:


    The waters are muddied to say the least.

    She is holed below the waterline, and this didn’t work out too well for the Bismarck.

    The media are gleeful, and May is their player.

    Events will evolve, and I suspect that May and her supporters know this.


    • Halifax says:

      The Bismark wasn’t damaged below the waterline prior to her second encounter with the hideously white RN. She had been hit by a torpedo from Ark Royals Swordfish around the rudder steering compartment meaning that she steered towards the following RN force H. So probably a better anology is that “her rudder was damaged meaning that she had no option but to turn towards the enemy to meet her certain demise”……


      • G says:

        “….hideously white RN.”
        Whilst visiting a neighbour whose telly was on in the background, I saw a bit of what I now know to be ‘Warship’ on C.5. In the part I saw, the crew of HMS Duncan were watching BBC News and the effect it had on the crew when learning about the Skripal events in Salisbury for the first time. How sad. They are much too young and naĆÆve to know never to trust the BBC.


      • Dover Sentry says:

        She was holed below the waterline by a shell from a RN warship which slowed her down during the engagement with HMS Hood.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Dover, for sure. May is now a robot or on automatic pilot.

      The ball is in the EU’s court. ‘The Deal’ will not pass through the House. The Supreme Court have said it must have a shot at that.

      The PM has got to play hardball with the EU. Withdraw the money, make them understand that, in no uncertain terms, it is No Deal (and no further negotiations) from the end of January …. because Parliament will not vote for the existing deal.

      Think our part of the media – the BBC – are a bit worried. Judging by the FakeNews/FalseFacts they put out on TOADY this morning with the help of two businessmen about tarfiffs, the BBC are terrified there will be no Peoples Vote to cancel Brexit and the prospect of No Deal departure on 29 March 2019.


  15. Dover Sentry says:

    Perhaps not surprising that the Strasbourg Muslim Terrorist murderer is now number 8 in importance on the BBC News Website.

    It’s slightly more important than this:

    “”Scottish budget: Higher earner income tax gap to widen””



  16. Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

    Most Conservative party members want to get rid of Teresa May, it’s the MPs that don’t. Most Labour Party members want to get rid of Jeremy Corbyn but to no effect.

    The alternative is, wait for it… Sorry. There is none as long as Britain is wedded to First Past the Post and it’s disastrous two party monopoly this is the sort of situation that will result.
    Extend the D’ Hont voting system that works in Scotland an Wales to the Westminster Parliament. The sky won’t fall in. I promise! But it will make members of parliament more concerned about the will of the people which they so eagerly dismiss now.
    At the moment all that is on offer is spam, spam, spam and occasionally you are asked if you’d like some spam to go with it.
    With a decent proportional system you get a smorgasbord.
    Make your choice, chaps.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Yasser, the problem with anything apart from FPTP, is that it puts a whole lot more power in the hands of the Party.

      I’m a person who gets very nervous around that. Hopefully, there are a lot more like me around. When der Partei, THE PARTY, has absolute power, history teaches us that bad things always happen.

      Think there was good evidence of that in Scotland (until time passed and the Electorate woke up a bit) and our friends from Wales here have written at length about the failings of the Welsh Assembly.

      FPTP does not necessarily mean that a MP has a job for life. I have been in the happy position of helping to ‘sack’ two Government Ministers, although neither probably deserved it but their Parties did.


      • Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

        The danger from excessive party control in a proportional system is no greater than fptp. And certainly less likely to matter these days. Political parties are here to stay by the 1950’s this became obvious.
        And really Up2, the British politics is locked into a two party straight jacket reminiscent of the days when the South Americans despots used to allow an official choice between the Colorados and Blancos.
        A healthy modern functioning democracy has a electoral system that is proportional and offers between five and seven options for the voter. This is achieved by having a cut off point for parties of no less than 4% .
        When we introduced a form of AV here, the reluctant government and opposition put into the legislation that there would be a follow up referendum ten years later. No doubt they thought it would get thrown out. It didn’t. Nowhere near it. The system works!
        I know there are several problems with the Welsh Assembly but the voting system isn’t one of them.


  17. Lucy Pevensey says:


  18. Beeb Brother says:

    Almost a week on and they are still talking about the racism incident with Raheem Sterling. It is just one angry idiot – these people will always exist. How on Earth is it somehow indicative of a nationwide problem? Especially not in football which has done more than anything else to unite us and enrich and empower black men above all other groups.

    A 606 phone in about it; in leading news bulletins; call-ins where someone relates how twenty years ago someone said he came from a warm country. So pathetic and terribly boring. You should not steal, murder or be racist – it is that obvious. This conversation was needed 40 years ago but now we have very different evils indeed to be dealing with – ones our impartial Beeb wilfully ignores as it is easier to peddle safe garbage like this instead.

    I wish they could get this worked up about the industrial rape of poor and vulnerable children, rather than the feelings of a multi millionaire celebrity. Sterling blamed the media and they swallowed it. Idiots like his abuser probably do not read or watch any news ffs. Why is a violent ROPer in no way representative of his community but one horrible abuser like this somehow condemns us all?

    I am so sick of their nonsense. It just does not get any better. Years on this site and still we bang our heads against the wall at their institutional incapability to do their jobs properly. Same old NPC nonsense: they are so lost to us.


    • Oaknash says:

      I suppose we will get this even longer now-a bit of rebalancer for the Roper murders in Strasbourg.
      Raheem got shouted at a bit on the terraces – Nasty white (probably racists) get murdered at a Christmas market.
      Even Stevens people – now get back to the telly where you belong.


      • David R says:

        Lots of OLD films on, for example “Heavens Above!” a 1963 Comedy directed by John & Roy Boulting. Stars Peter Sellers, Ian Carmichael, Cecil Parker & Eric Sykes. Due to mistaken identity, a minister is accidently appointed to a snobbish parish.

        THE channel for a lot of varied films is Talking Pictures TV, channel 306 on Freesat.


  19. Cassandra says:

    I’ve had enough, I need to relax. Any good films on telly over Christmas…



    • Guest Who says:

      The bbc morning email, as ever, explains bbc thinking, and priorities…

      But Mrs May – who announced on Wednesday that she would not fight another general election – spoke of a “renewed mission” to make Brexit work. So what next for the PM? And remind yourself of the bigger picture, using our really simple Brexit guide.
      Comes complete with a really simple guide, for really simple people. One can almost hear the Dambusters theme playing in the background, eh, Canine of Color?

      Next on the agenda, a mild winter…


      Winter ‘shrinking’ as climate change hits

      Climate change means snowy winter periods on mountains are being “squeezed”, scientists say. Researchers at the Scripps Research Institute in San Diego, California, studied the annual cycle of snow and melt in the western US from the early 1980s to 2018. The change has implications for wildfires and levels of drinking water, they warn.
      Complete with ā€˜quotesā€™ and for good measure duplicate ā€œquotesā€, from bbc scientists who say.

      And finally, one for the girlies, and maybe a few women.
      The secret life of a fantasy shopper

      I love a posh shop. I love the smell, the lighting, the shimmery floors, the beautiful assistants that join in while I giddily slip a Cartier eternity ring on my finger, waft some Ā£300 perfume around, snuggle up in the Ā£4,000 armchair and ruminate over the benefits of the Ā£550 Chloe sunglasses.

      Obviously I have no intention of ever buying any of those things, I just like to pretend. In these grey times of austerity – or is post-austerity? – we all need a little golden sparkle in our day, don’t we? I’m not alone – there are many of us out there.
      At W1A, more than a few. And with the money to put no intention into action. Vital stuff.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Cassandra, that’s enough to give anyone nightmares, even Conservatives!


  20. Scroblene says:

    So Scrobs, aged seventy-one, sits here and ponders what will happen in his remaining years.

    Having been duped by Heath in the early seventies, and usually a staunch supporter of the Conservatives, the recent events, which are a culmination of the last couple of years, have shown that we are still being badly let down by the same party which screwed us back then.

    Mrs Scrobs still recalls the time when Margaret Tatcher shoved the Labour party into touch, and through sheer hard work, got the country up and running again. She skipped all the way to the school to pick up the children! I don’t remember how the BBC reported the fact back in 1979 either, what sort of bias they showed, as we were all so happy with the result, but it is clear that they are now in queer street with little idea what to report on next.

    Now, isn’t that a good thing! Their ‘opinions’ count for even less now, as their ‘reporters’ haven’t a clue on which side to call! Their opinions become nonsensical, and while they think that they have the politicians in their little black books, they’re reduced to just spewing facts, and I don’t object to that.

    But hey, at seventy-one, I need to see what will happen when Joe Corbyn wins the next election. Will my pension still be intact, will the statins still be available? I’d love to turn the clock back to when Livingstone shafted the moderates in the GLC, and mounted a coup against Andrew McIntosh. The BBC should revisit these tapes, as it will surely happen again, with Labour stooges just slavering at the thought of their commie powers once the old fart Corbyn is ‘retired’.

    So, I’ll be about seventy-five when McDonnell and all the lefties take over the UK. The BBC will undoubtedly blame Cameron and of course Mrs May for screwing up the EU exit deals, and they’ll just become the State Public Propaganda machine, with no competition.

    When I am eighty, there will be a ban on the sort of society the UK enjoys – yes, enjoys even now, and with the newly-formed EU running the show, (we’ll never have left), and McDonnell nationalising everything, I probably won’t give a damn!

    Sad isn’t it, for it all to end up like this.


    • Fedup2 says:

      But what of matters when you are 85?

      Iā€™m still a believer that as long as people have electricity , reasonably priced food and ā€˜ strictly ā€˜
      They wonā€™t worry too much about anything .

      When any of these are removed then they sit up a bit .

      Ps I remember the Macintosh coup too. Very socialist .and he got a peerage out of it to stay stum


  21. Fedup2 says:

    Bbc news is reporting that police are searching for the Muslim terrorist after the Strasberg Christmas attack .
    Iā€™d suggest the bbc send out one of their beeboid reporters into the English Channel where theyā€™ll find him in a dinghy on his way to a Housing Office to get a three bedroom house .


    • Dystopian says:

      Itā€™s the Daily Fail. I wouldnā€™t believe a word they print.
      Clearly trying to shape opinions.


      • G.W.F. says:

        I think the story is false, but the campaign is mounting. This is the direction we are heading. A Muslim PM with a Muslim Mayor of London


    • Fedup2 says:

      Toady watch irony

      Humph investigates humour . Apparently people who claim to be comedians have to sign contracts saying they wonā€™t mention certain issues -Islam and the like .
      The so called comic speakers were a profession orish type who sounded like she was on white powder and a professional sarff Londoner who isnā€™t funny

      The question of the bbc having to repeat dads army from 1974 to get the average viewing figures up wasnā€™t broached .


      • Guest Who says:

        Now that it has been established Nish is as funny as stepping in a day old dog poo, the bbc has made him Head of Politics and Stuff. Apparently.

        Meanwhile BBC Politics is combined with BBC ā€˜Comedyā€™ and Ceebeebies…


      • Up2snuff says:

        Fed, I love that last line

        “The question of the bbc having to repeat dads army from 1974 to get the average viewing figures up wasnā€™t broached.”

        Probably deserves repeating at regular intervals.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Thank you Up2 – I have limited exposure to the BBC since writing on this site and donā€™t even look at schedules any more .

          I was trying to think of something funny on the BBC now – is it Michael macintire ? Tim Vine ? Thatā€™s it ….. there is no sit com , no satire on both TV and radio .

          Itā€™s more fun watching Aaron Sorkin box sets . ā€œThe News Roomā€ is better the second time.


          • Deborah says:

            We go to the Drama channel, I think. Anyway we tend to watch old Last of The Summer Wine, Porridge or Open All Hours. The only new comedy is Still Open All Hours, not as good as the original but not too bad. We also enjoyed Car Share but occasionally BBCā€™s PCness popped in. But I think we are supposed to watch things like ā€˜Careā€™ the other night to make us realise how bad Toree Britain is.


            • Fedup2 says:

              Yes ā€˜dramaā€™ has some jems hidden sometimes – I got re hooted on ā€˜when the boat comes inā€™ a bit ago and the writing / acting stopped it from aging …
              ……just done the original 2 smiley series via box set.


  22. Tabs says:

    EastEnders set revamp goes Ā£27m over budget

    “The new set will be suitable for HD filming for the first time…”

    Makes you wonder who signs the cheques at the BBC if they fall for utter crap like that. I always thought to go HD the cameras thru to the viewers TV had to be upgraded but it turns out the real world also needs a HD upgrade!

    Surely the actors need to be upgraded too. I’ve heard BAME actors are already HD ready.


    • Guest Who says:

      Thatā€™s just a third of the usual bbc blow off. Peanuts.

      Await the BBC Head of Satire solemnly intoning that people like 2016 being repeated.


  23. Up2snuff says:

    Rory Stewart MP (Con) was on TODAY today. I think I know why he left the Army.

    Hopeless strategist, if his utterances this a.m. are to be believed.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I was thinking about an award for the most snivelling Tory of the year -there were too many

      My favourite is Alan Duncan with our Rory as a close second . They activate my wincing and eye rolling involuntary response . Lap dogs .


  24. gb123 says:

    TM the truth.


  25. BRISSLES says:

    Both channels are now ‘scouring’ the country interviewing ‘ordinary members of the public’. Dear God, I’m reduced to listening to kids in a shopping mall (not at work/school?), toothless granddads outside the bookies, and obese unmarried mothers, giving their inarticulate views to leading journalistic questions.

    For the life of me I cannot understand how those who claim to have voted Leave, have now changed their mind to stay in the EU ! I’ve always thought the public are feeble minded, and those who have been interviewed are a great example.


    • Guest Who says:

      Laura K inadvertently explains how these OMOTPs are located and then filtered…

      Genuine LOL.


      • G says:

        “…genuine…” what does she mean? Is she suggesting the majority are nut jobs?


        • Guest Who says:

          It would appear so. Or, more tellingly, the usual non-genuine bbc filter samples.


          • Guest Who says:

            There is a lot of it about. Often coordinated between state and media. From ITTB:

            Arthur Trof13 December 2018 at 09:51
            MP Neil O’Brien, one of the Remain Conservatives and supporter of Theresa May managed to turn the Brexit argument on its head by claiming, having read out some ‘letters from his Constituents’ that the ‘Rebels’ in the Conservative Party were anti-democratic, and a vote against May’s Withdrawal Agreement was an unpatriotic anti democratic act – this is my understanding of his comments.

            This, I suggest, is the mindset of those 200 May supporting Conservatives.


            • David R says:

              No – well over 150 were the payroll vote so she lost by about three to one in real terms.


    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      Brissles, I wonder how many they have to interview until they find someone who says what they want to show on their news programs.
      They found one this morning to play on Radio bbc Newcastle, someone who said they voted leave but would now vote remain.


    • Rich says:


      Victoria Derbyshire questioned the validity of Andrew Bridgens view on medicines not getting into Britain because of Brexit when he disagreed with the scaremongering of the Health Secretary in an interview yesterday, basically asking him why he thought his opinion had any validity or why it should be listened to, sneeringly implying he hadn’t a clue what he was talking about and who was he to question a Cabinet Minister.

      She then looked down at her script and asked him to comment on viewer “Paulines” email assertion on a different matter, presenting the opinion of “Pauline” as if her expertise in this subject was accepted even though we’ve know idea who she is, as if it was well-informed and insightful simply because it followed the bBBC narrative and should therefore be given more validity and respect than his own, the view of an elected representative. Their lack of balance or sense of perspective is shocking.

      It was a real wtf? headscratching moment for me and Bridgen looked similarly nonplussed.


      • BRISSLES says:

        Rich, EXACTLY ! it is WTF ?? – something I think every time VD takes to the air.

        And as for ‘Pauline’, well, the BBC ought to be careful when plucking names out of the air, because we know that names and ages go hand in hand. The ‘Paulines’ of this world will be over 70 now, just like the ‘Chardonnaaaaaays’ will be teenagers, and the Zoe’s and Chloe’s will be in their 20’s.


  26. G says:

    I’ve not heard of this broadcaster before but, well worth a watch for a slightly different view of Globalisation / EU.

    I intend following her videos.


  27. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    In the Express thereā€™s a poll to see who they would want as the Tory party leader. JRM is winning at 32%, Boris second, May to stay is third.

    I noticed Gove has amassed 0%
    Iā€™m surprised itā€™s that high, only 1 below Rudd at 1%.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I ve already got a Guinea on David Davis and when I return to Blighty today ( god willing ) I shall put another one on . Think he was 9/1 before .

      He is an ā€˜extremist ā€˜ though – as am I


      • Rich says:

        While the Daily Fail, as I think we are all agreeing to call it from now on, is pushing Squid Javid, as my pre-emptive text is calling him. Unjustified praise be upon him it would seem.

        Quite fitting name for an ex-banker although he never actually worked for the “Vampire Squid”, Goldman Sachs. He did however work for Deutsche Bank. Who knew?


        • Rich says:

          Oh, and I’m sorry it’s not the bBBC but I’m sure they’ll plagiarize it in due time. The Fail are trumpeting calls from Conservatives Lite for their colleagues who voted against May to resign the Party Whip.

          Why don’t they? Resign and form a party that is actually conservative, the Tory party as is would die a deserved death.


  28. vlad says:

    You’d have thought a major islamic terror attack on a nearby country with multiple dead and wounded might be quite newsworthy, especially as it’s become a pan-European manhunt, and therefore an ongoing story.

    But you’d be wrong, at least as far as the beebistan are concerned, where it’s disappeared from the Home page and rapidly slipping off the World page.


  29. Guest Who says:

    The term ā€˜comments could be going betterā€™ has gained certain traction.

    Here is one from a bbc twit in chief, and it is worth seeing what inspired it above, and how things then went downhill thereafter.

    Of course, a public Twitter poll is not the same as one of a thousand commissioned from a company who knows who is paying, and keeps details secret, but hey… he who mocks last can get mocked a lot more.


  30. nogginator says:

    Just a mention …
    Heard that the tarting up the, “Eastenders” set, has run into problems.
    Mention of a certain 27million quid!, with an overall 86 million
    Sounds like they re financing the next bloody Avatar movie.
    … your licence fee hard at work?


    • nogginator says:

      “The BBC’s project to build a brand new, HD-ready Albert Square and expand the external EastEnders set will now cost Ā£27m more than originally planned.

      The original 2015 forecast for the scheme was Ā£59.7m, but the revised budget is now Ā£86.7m, the National Audit Office (NAO) has revealed. The new set was originally due to open in 2018, but won’t be ready until 2023. The BBC said the project was “large” and “complex”, adding that there had been “challenges on the way”.

      Eye watering amounts of dosh … no problem


      • StewGreen says:

        That alright, licence payers can say
        “yeh I was going to pay Ā£145 on time, but you know I have the same problems as BBC management so you have to wait another 3 years and I’ll be handing over Ā£83 not Ā£145”


      • LastChanceSaloon says:

        That’s austerity for you.
        I expect Mogg is to blame.


  31. English Lass says:

    Goodness me, Iā€™m an extremist, and Iā€™m being flushed out according to the Chancellor. And I just thought I was an honest, law abiding, tax paying, Country loving, normal middle of the road, decent person who thought that voting for something and winning my vote meant it had a value. No – Iā€™m an extremist. What should I do and how come I got to this????



    • vlad says:

      You should hand yourself in to your nearest police station forthwith, along with your 17 million co-extremists.
      You got into this mess because you didn’t vote how the beeb told you to in the first place.


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      English Lassie,

      I am of the opinion we should respond with a strong backlash against the smear-culture which has gone unchecked for far too long. “Racist, extremist NAZI” etc etc. Millions of decent people are maligned on a daily basis with this nonsense. All because the MSM is controlled by a few wealthy people with a warped and irrational worldview.
      How we go about it when we have no voice is beyond me.


    • Swelter says:

      English Lass
      You are probably also a fruitcake and a loon. So we can add that to the charge sheet. I am a Gammon evidently .So its re-education at a Gulag of ones choice for the lot of us on this web site I should imagine.


      • English Lass says:

        Swelter, a complete fruitcake!! And Lucy, you are right. It is quite extraordinary how these labels are now branded about by those who opinions you donā€™t follow. You donā€™t have to be loud or aggressive, or violent, you are labeled right, far right, and now even extreme even by high ranking politicians for questioning their views. It started with the MSM particularly the BBC who appears to have ā€˜carte blancheā€™ to put down quite publicly anyone they dislike. It seems to now be accepted language. Being English and white is enough to be labeled right or far right, and donā€™t dare be patriotic because that is racist. If you are over 40, well dressed, have worked hard and bought your own house, pay your taxes and your own way and donā€™t rely on state funding, you are a sitting target. It doesnā€™t matter how hard youā€™ve worked, what risks youā€™ve taken, honest success is despised.


  32. Annunaki says:

    The biggest turnout in our electoral history, and looking at the result it also says that there is a one million majority…. think about that before you say it was close


  33. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    If anyone still watches it, the leaver on tonights question time is David Davis.
    Morgan (Iā€™m an mp donā€™t you know), Rayner and of course Lucas plus the comedienne Brand make up the numbers.
    So then, another balanced panel and I really hope Davis points it out as has Moore and Hartley Brewer in the last few episodes.

    Not that it makes any difference because they still have 4 against 1 each week.

    Good to see you back Annunaki.


  34. Annunaki says:

    Vlad…forthwith, lovely use of our language without a false Jamaica accent, false London glottal stop or an inability to pronounce the letter “T” well done BBC take note … waste of time of course


  35. Annunaki says:

    Thanks Emmanel, all still running around in circles here I see just trying to concentrate our minds


  36. Annunaki says:

    But I do take exception to the” comedienne Brand ” the Corbyn version of Bernard Manning without the charm, if a man was to talk on the BBC about women and his wife in the manner she talks about men and her poor husband with such disdain and hate, there would be an outcry so why is she allowed to talk in this fashion, and so, in the Brand fashion we can ask, also how did such a such a dog ugly bint get married in the first place ? did she cripple his guide dog ?
    I am sure even a labrador would have barked a warning at the church door


  37. Swarm says:

    Just watched the ‘News’ at 1 o’clock on bBBC. Long item about the 30 year anniversary of the Lockerbie bombing. Lots of film footage and commentary. No mention at all of the perpetrators or why an aircraft fell from the sky!


  38. fakenewswatcher says:

    What kind of society have we created with our selective obsession about ‘tolerance’?
    bbcTV1 news shows a bloke smashing up an ambulance, for which he got a Ā£50 fine. Where is the common sense?
    But Amber would have you locked up for looking at the ‘wrong’ website.
    Unreal. We live in an unreal society, in which PC dominates and common sense is all but vanished…
    It’s time we had some men back in charge. They’re not ‘better’ than women, they’re just suited to certain jobs, often unpleasant ones, that require a firm hand…
    A PM who was ready to play a bit of hard ball with the EU, instead of going begging, would help.
    Can you imagine Winston going over to Brussels to beg for a ‘little adjustment along the edges’ of an agreement, but nothing substantial? Grovelling to Varadkar?
    Unreal. And simply embarrassing beyond words.


    • Annunaki says:

      I agree with your sentiments regarding brexit, but, saying that, it is not like having girlfriend and walking out, it is more a divorce and many will understand those implications


      • fakenewswatcher says:

        The implications of a divorce are huge. And very painful. No question. The question is: have you decided? If yes, it’s not going to be nice, but you actually have to move out and cut some difficult to cut ties. That way you’ll be independent. So you made a mistake. It took a while to find out what your partner is really up to. But you have to get out.
        If you’re not really sure, you may as well stay put. Be honest: admit that independence is out of reach and make up. This too, is going to cost a lot.
        But you can’t both stay and go…


        • JimS says:

          Leaving the EU isn’t like a divorce, just as being in isn’t like a marriage.

          In a sane world it should be perfectly possible to negotiate a new agreement where both parties are winners. That’s the way most agreements work; I give you some money, you give me a car, you are happy because you got the money, I am happy because I got a car.

          Unfortunately the EU isn’t sane and neither is our beloved leader.


          • Navets says:

            It should be possible, but in the case of the Brexit negotiations, this just hasn’t been tested.


      • Navets says:


        I am glad to see you back as well.


    • Banania says:

      Going all that way by aeroplane at our expense for ten minutes of attention! What humiliation she brings upon us.


  39. s.trubble says:

    DJ Coburn show there had Polly Hasbeen womansplaining to Liam Halligan that WTO terms would be a disaster for Britain.

    What Hasbeen exemplified was the Mo of socialism….facts are of secondary importance…..and to be totally ignored if coming from its opponents.

    She is used extensively by bBC ….a paid leftie activist …short on facts, arrogant, humorless and uneasy on the eye.


    • Navets says:

      Polly hasbeen? More like Polly Ne’erhasbeen


      • Beltane says:

        Polly ‘Niece of a man who wrote a largely unreadable, poorly constructed, unkind and politically biased tome entitled Mankind’ and little else to claim as fame?’ That one?


        • LastChanceSaloon says:

          B – Failed her 11+.
          I passed mine, same term.
          Both of us went through the Lefty mincing machine, also known as a British Education.
          Polly has never grown up.
          Afterwards, like many on BBBC, and in the West in general, I ran into reality and the truth. Changed my opinions.

          BTW Arnold Toynbee forgot more History than most people ever knew.


    • Banania says:

      Politics Live today was actually quite good. The awfulness of Polly was unmistakable, as was the silliness of the Labour MP (forgotten her name). The excellent Telegraph man Halligan and Owen Paterson made the whole thing come alive.


  40. Guest Who says:


    Oh dear; that has ruined Rog and David’s Xmas.


  41. honestus says:

    The endgame is now afoot. The total betrayal of all of those who voted Brexit is as assured as is the affirmation that democracy within the UK is no more. The EU Fifth Columnists in the UK have conspired together to ensure that we remain a state of the federal EU.
    1) May voted in as Judas candidate. Obstinate and duplicitous and always part of the EU swamp. Perfect for the role.
    2) Prevaricates and disassembles for two years allowing a major propaganda softening up exercise by MSM and EU agencies.
    3) Alienates and subverts efforts of fop leaver Brexit secretaries, keeping tight control of actual (hidden) agenda.
    4) Constructs Withdrawal Agreement deliberately so piss poor to ensure no one in their right mind would sign up to it. Allows Grieve to perform the Coup de Grace by inserting amendment in WA giving majority remaining parliament deciding role.
    5)Uses plants within Tory party to agitate for confidence vote she know she has numbers to win. This isolates and neutralises Brexiteer ‘extremists’ MPā€™s.
    6) Re-presents the same WA for commons vote for it to be soundly trashed and resoundingly voted down.
    7) Tuh Duh. Parliament, no less, opt for a Peoples Vote (known as a referendum). This time, they make sure that the vote goes the right way.
    Democracy – EU style!
    May eventually crowned queen of EU for duty above and beyond.


    • Guest Who says:

      What I understood two years ago is not the same as what I know now.

      That the establishment…. politicians, civil, service, media and others, conspired to ensure what was going to be a difficult transition impossible, and are now trying to prevent anyone from figuring it out so they can get back to business as usual.

      Good luck with that.


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      honestus – Congrats, I think this is pretty accurate. I believe the Irish had to vote twice as well, but we probably weren’t paying attention.

      Re queen of EU: wasn’t our Tony angling for something like that? Never mind, gender moves with the times…


    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

      Yet another ‘Great Deception’.
      Cameron of course had to be pushed out of the way, since having set up the referendum, he could hardly be the one who failed to deliver it.


    • Doublethinker says:

      You have put it perfectly. An entire country manipulated by the elite to such effect that most of those who voted Leave donā€™t even know that they were manipulated into changing their minds.


  42. Beltane says:

    Providing some light relief from the current fiasco, when Chris Grayling MP graces our screens think of Frank Williams – the vicar in Dad’s Army. It helps put things in perspective.


  43. Annunaki says:

    We voted to LEAVE the EU


  44. Loobyloo says:

    Organ donors to be asked if they are religious http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-46538926

    This article is almost fun to read, if the subject matter wasnā€™t so grave. You can almost feel Al Beeb wanting to blame the shortage of organ donators on nasty whitey, but science and statistics prevent that. So, religion is to be introduced eh? Itā€™s ok to ask about religion in some instances but not others?? Careful Beebs, or you might imply that some religions are not as selfless, generous and magnanimous as others? And would introducing religion allow donors to be racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, or god forbid islamophobic!!? For example, I only want my donated organ to go to someone of the same religion..we can see where that discussion is going.


  45. Annunaki says:

    Kosha liver ? halal kidney ?


  46. Annunaki says:

    Lets have a sensible conversation (first time on this site lol) looking at the posts where everyone is coming from, one place, Britain, a Christian country, does not matter if the only time you go to church is to get married chritstiened babies or funerals etc it does not matter there is no plotting there, there is no racism there, there is no hate of our socciety there but……. there is another relgion that ferments hate in out country


  47. Annunaki says:

    Britons first, then Romans, then Saxons, then Viking and lastly the Normans and now……the muslims ? what a step forward ….? the fall of Rome due to barbarians invading to take the benefits of a civilisation, and is it any different now?


  48. Lucy Pevensey says:


  49. Annunaki says:

    IWe acknowledge that we have a civilised country yet we allow there murdering rapist bastards daily into our country it will not sit well with our children when they inheriit