Video about a young lad who joined a “far right” group and has now been brainwashed into only thinking Liberal thoughts.
At 1m12s he says a teacher asked him “So how come so many people emigrate to the Britain?”.
He replied “Because we’ve got the best benefits. That’s what got me kicked out of the classroom and referred to Prevent in the end”.
The video then says there has been a 36% rise in the number of people referred to Prevent (the UK’s terrorism-prevention programme).
Meanwhile in news not reported by the BBC, ISIS threaten to attack Christmas markets and 30,000 Jihadis roam free wanting to attack us.
But knowing a young lad will no long say immigrants come to the UK for benefits make me feel safer.
The constant attempt by the media to draw equivalence between Islamic terrorists and the “far right” isn’t just irritating. It’s downright sinister.
However, I feel it will backfire on them. I don’t think anyone believes it and once you realise the media is lying to you about one thing… well, I suspect all of us on this site have been there.
“The video then says there has been a 36% rise in the number of people referred to Prevent (the UK’s terrorism-prevention programme).”
AND all this under a so-called Conservative government. In practice, it’s a social democratic party, not a conservative one.
Time for the true Conservatives to abandon their misplaced party loyalty and form a new one – one that conserves something occasionally. Time for people like JRM, who I like in many ways, to stop being so honourable and do something bold.
We also need to end the first-past-the-post system, it is preventing any real change (which, of course, is its intention).
I’ve just turned off BBC TV being less than keen to be subjected to their upcoming item – yet another report on the Suffragettes….
Worse still primped & groomed male poodle Charlie Stayt tells me we will be hearing from women who say there is still a long way to go and apparently women still don’t have equal rights.
The cretinous Lord Adonis was on Good Morning Britain earlier this week alongside the comedy duo Kevin Maguire and Andrew Pearce from Fleet Street.
Lord Adonis as we know wants another referendum. When asked what would be on the ballot paper he said ….
1 – Remain
2 – Leave No Deal
3 – Leave with the deal offered.
Piers Morgan quite rightly pointed out to the think little shyster that would clearly be wrong. Leave would obviously have a split vote whilst remain would clearly win. Adonis honestly thought there was noting wrong with this. That just about sums up these utter contemptuous remainers. Want everything their own way on their terms.
There wont be another vote, there simply cannot be. Like pat Condell says, if it happened it would mean no democratic vote in this country would mean anything ever again.
However, if there was one … it should again be simply Leave or Remain as the remoaners constant argument about the original result of us leavers not knowing what we were voting for would simply be bollocks ,,, if you dont know now you never will. And it would be the most satisfying feeling ever if LEAVE won again after all that … wouldnt that just be something to bask in !!!!
If a Leave v Remain referendum (which I oppose) is to take place… wish list……
1. The Leave campaign must be united, not a loose alliance of different groups with slightly different views on Brexit. The establishment has played ‘divide and rule’ very effectively with the different Leave groups.
2. It must be made quite clear that a Leave vote is a vote for democracy, a Remain vote is a vote for the ruling classes and the un-elected establishment elite.
3. Leave means a No Deal Brexit, let the EU come running to us for a trade deal.
4. Government is neutral, no campaign, no spending, no project fear, no £9m leaflets through our letter boxes.
5. The civil service, BoE, OBR etc. to be impartial.
5. All debates/panels to be balanced with neutral presenters (to keep the bBBC/Sky et al out of it)
6. I count the votes, and announce the result while seated upon a Unicorn.
You mean the unelected, cretinous Lord Adonis, surely…?
Anyway, Pat Condell is right. The referendum’s over.
And Remain voters, having had no insight into/understanding of what really goes on in the Oberkommando of the EU, and where their ever closer and deeper union will end up, didn’t know what they were voting for…
Fake – you’re wrong . Adonis was elected – as a councillor on Cambridge council for a couple of years so that entitles him to lording it over our future . Another one on the Soros payroll
How about this Lord Adonacceptit……
Should the United Kingdom…..
1. Remain in the EU and join the EU army but not the eurozone.
2. Remain in the EU and join the EU army and join the eurozone.
3. Remain in the EU and join the eurozone but not the EU army.
4. Remain in the EU and do not join the eurozone or the EU army.
5. Remain in the EU and join the EU army but not the eurozone and join the unified federal taxation system.
6. Remain in the EU and blah blah blah blah…..
7. Remain in the EU and blah blah blah blah……..
13. Leave the EU with No Deal.
@BBCBreakfast is there a prog that’s more brainwashing
8:45pm long segment on women’s rights with special advert filmed in HoC by women MP’s
..then live to class of 10-11 year olds dressed as suffragettes (at an all girls school)
…”So Fatima you have a special roe today don’t you ?’ll be playing the role of Emily Pankhurst in the march
.. What do you think that are the problems for today’s women ?”
little Fatima : “Well not having enough confidence ..and they spend too much time on makeup”
… Doh I would have thought the two things are connected
… that women get a lot of confidence from appearing sharp, that is partially why they spend more money /time on appearance than men do.
#bbcbreakfast Lots of myths and indoctrinated young girls this morning. It might help if the teachers stopped telling them their futures are limited BECAUSE OF MEN, and explain the reality of women's work choices in life, and child birth.
Italy, Poland, Hungary et al, ignoring EU instructions from on high, with impunity.
Supported by their voters.
I think this might become fashionable.
I certainly hope so.
What does the EU do?
Impose fines? Impose larger fines when the first fines are not paid. Does not float for me.
Expel the rule breakers? This would ruin the carefully manicured EU CV.
Reverse the policy and return to an economic union? Another sinker, they have already used their
quota of multiple referenda to obtain the “correct” result. They are not trustworthy or trusted.
Normal Communist policy would be to send in the tanks and open new camps.
No army, yet, as far as I know, please correct me.
Use existing national military forces?
I think the Marxist bastards are ruthless enough to do this.
They would have to return the Nobel Peace prize.
Import 200 million Africans to outvote us? That this has been considered has been confirmed by the UN
pact. Demonstrating that they really are the enemies of European people.
What I foresee is full steam ahead for a European state in twelve months. A last desperate throw of the
dice. Which, if it fails, may be followed by the military option. Which the UK needs to prepare for.
So the EU desperately need the UK to remain, and will leave no stone unturned to prevent Brexit.
Indeed. If I am at the door of a plunging plane, parachute ready, a bunch of multi national air stewardesses screaming at me the pilots are saying there is no more negotiating is all the nudge I need. And I get to keep my £40B to ease the landing.
The ‘Confidence’ vote, contrary to media opinion, was successful in highlighting the EU strategy of holding the UK to ransom with the made up ‘back stop’. Ever the optimist, I’m hoping that May, in wounded animal mode, will now display the ruthless side of her background from when she was Home Secretary.
On R4 this morning they covered the fact that there are ‘leavers ‘among the business community who actually have the wit to recognise the opportunities of a ‘no deal’ Brexit.
Of course that story was later overshadowed in prime time by interviewing Blair.
Cancel your optimism.
May ruthless mode started twenty years ago; when she became an agent in place for the EU.
She will continue to bat for the EU until we throw her out.
Clearly Rob needs to have a few words with the producers about the audience composition too.
With racism persisting in the workplace, how do young, gifted and talented employees from minority backgrounds stand any chance of getting on?
“how do young, gifted and talented blacks stand any chance of getting on?
Solution #1 Get a job with the BBC. They pay well using other people’s money. The BBC hate white people so you will fit to a T. You can spend your entire career jetting round the world hating white people, especially men, and writing about it. You do not have to be an expert, the BBC will accept any old rubbish providing it is filled with hate.
Solution #2 Buy some old tyres and cans of petrol. Throw tyres round the heads of white people, especially men. Douse with petrol and light. Voila job vacancies; more tyres, more vacancies.
All the rage in South Africa where they really hate white people, especially men, and say so, receiving standing ovations.
Solution #3 Look around the earth. Stop believing the BBC. Black people are at the bottom of the pile everywhere. There is a reason for this. Black people have lower IQs; the number of black people intelligent enough to be rocket scientists is vanishingly small. So black people get the jobs which require lower intelligence. These jobs are being taken over by machines, so not only do we not need the black people already in the UK, we sure as hell do not need any more thickos.
Solution #4 Go back to Africa. Europe is full of white racists, especially men. Why tolerate it? If you really are talented, (not just given top marks, BECAUSE YOU ARE BLACK, which has happened in the USA for 50 years) you will stand out in Africa.
A guardianista wrote an article about QT but I Couldntbe arsed to read it ., I preferred going through some of the 583 comments .
The article was written by an elderly white lady called “Anne Perkins “ who threw in a bit of click bait about the panel “..all white but hey..” she said .
Obviously someone said 86% of Blighty is white ( still ) nut there wasn’t much comment about 5 people on the panel being remainers with one brexiter – David Davis – the PM in waiting .
At least dimbly can spend more time with the low tax dividends from his production company now – as well as the gong he is about to get in the NEw Year dishonour list .
Ironically, while most of us pay tax and therefore pay for the Biased BBC, it seems that Branson dodges tax and therefore pays nothing towards the BBC and therfore is feted and lauded and often quoted – by the BBC – funny old world, eh?
\\ why do the breakfast presenters keep gleefully saying the Eu says it will not negotiate? What they should be saying is EU intends to break law by ignoring the requirements of article 50 to negotiate. //
An excellent point that Mrs May seems to ignore. As anyone who has the money knows…the negotiation is only over when you agree and they have your money….and we still have the money…
My prediction for 2019
All BBC presenters will be women or gay/ethnic men
Wimmins hour will extend to 24 hours
The UK will be in the EU and have paid them 39Bn
Mrs May will leave office as soon as the withdrawal crap deal is passed and signed
If we’d conducted our house sales and purchases over the years in the style of Mrs May, we’d be living in tent now.
You never treat people you are negotiating with as if they were well meaning friends. Always give the impression that you are on the verge of walking away. It really isn’t that difficult.
I have been posting on here a number of years and my predictions for 2019 are.
1) Massive changes to Masterchef Professional 2019 as this year’s finalists are all White British Males…..
2) They are forgetting Muslims that cause is so 2017 …the next big cause (they have already abandoned disability but that was in 2016) is going to be Veganism.
Any more suggestions? I do hope they are having kittens over Masterchef just not in line with the agenda …..well done the X BBC Masterchef judges and X production team.
Latest country to indicate it’s ditching the UN ‘migrant compact’ is Brazil. As soon as he becomes President, Bolsonaro will reverse Brazil’s signature process, he has undertaken.
PHILIP Hammond has issued an unprecedented apology over his Brexit “extremists” slur – and called on the party to come together.
Challenged by The Sun, the Chancellor tonight said his barb was “not intended to cause any offence”.
I don’t know how much influence constituency Conservative Associations have, if any, but isn’t it about time they took whatever steps are available to them to move against the 200 mini Maybots?
Secret ballot or not, we know who they are. They are the ones who ‘respect the referendum result’ and are incorrectly defined by the msm as brexiteers. So they are wheeled out impartially to defend Treezer’s deal and muddy the waters. It’s time the main movers felt some heat from the ‘extremists’, even if it only amounts to minor irritations for them, such as emergency meetings. Letters/emails and clever articles are clearly of no use. These creatures need to be removed.
As far as the large army of msm go-to lunatics and war criminals are concerned, their unstable and arrogant presence on the box advocating a loser’s vote or revocation of Art. 50 must surely help our cause?
the island, problem for me is that I’m represented by a Labour MP who is a Pro-Remain, not necessarily a Hard Remainer or Far-Right Remainer though.
I’m still waiting for Corbyn to make up his mind as Party Leader. Will he lead the Party as Leavers or as Remainers? Will he then call on his MPs to vote accordingly.
Fake News from the BBC about £ Sterling v. $ US Dollar:
“Pound drops close to Dollar after Brexit uncertaintly”
If you link to the article, it then changes tack but it is still Fake News & False Facts and contains a certain amount of cherry-picking of data.
Donald Trump got what he wanted from the EU and if TM had really intended to get a “deal” that benefited the UK she could have read these 3 quotes and followed them.
“I always go into a deal anticipating the worst. If you plan for the worst—if you can live with the worst—the good will always take care of itself.”
“My style of deal-making is quite simple and straightforward. I aim very high, and then I just keep pushing and pushing and pushing to get what I’m after.”
“The worst thing you can possibly do in a deal is seem desperate to make it. That makes the other guy smell blood, and then you’re dead.”
Egyptian president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has urged migrants to “completely abide by the laws, customs, traditions, and culture” of the countries they move to, or — better yet — to work on making their home countries worth staying in.
“Every country has the right to protect its people and their interests,”
“Don’t expect them to open the door for you so you can go into their country and cause trouble. No.”
“… If you are not willing to do this, don’t go” — advice which would have provoked outrage from the left-liberal commentariat had been issued by a Western leader.
Just checked their Twitter feed @BBCBreaking — most up to date breaking news posted is 17hrs old. By contrast, Peru Daily News @PeruDaily has 11 items from the last hour alone.
New Years Eve will provide the perfect cover for those wanting to embark on civil unrest, for whatever reason. Paris usually celebrates the New Year by setting fire to cars.
Actually surprised that this article appeared at all on the BBC website – and I’d hate to think how much this has cost the country and the NHS. I suppose someone has to pay for this diversity but why my taxes?
It was crying out for a member of the remain dominated audience to ask some question beginning with “I’d like to ask the single leaver on the panel….” or “here’s a question for the 4 remainers on the panel……” (just like last week, the week before and so on)
The bbbc have given up all pretence of any impartiality and brazenly support remain in every way they can.
Also, to all those on qt complaining that the ‘negotiations’ are going poorly, a remainer pm leading a remain dominated cabinet for a mainly remain party (200 v 117) in a remain dominated Houses of Parliament was never going to go the way of the democratic vote of 17.4 million or 422 (v 228 remain) constituencies which won the leave vote.
Remainers blaming leavers because remainers are making a right mess of negotiating leave.
“Brexit: No visa but Britons will pay €7 to travel to EU countries”
Al Beeb – Scraping the bottom of the barrel?
Answer – put an import tax on all European Cars sold in the UK’.
“The European Commission has confirmed that while UK travellers will not need a visa, they will need to apply for and buy another document.” and the ‘Snowflake’ Remainers were afraid that they would not be able to travel any more ?
There must be reciprocal actions for those taken by the ReichEU because fairness was about brexit as well as immigration .
I heard somewhere that contingency planning is being beefed up ( British beef of course) but I think there needs to be good plans to deal with the potential disturbances caused by remainers on the day after all those ReichEU flags are burnt .
It should also be a national Independence Day – which I think Lord Farage of Brussels suggested ….
Great Yorkshire Sculpture park as a taxpayer probably fund the park and the artist
..Complex sculpture you’d have never been able to think up
..Is it art or taxpayer funded propaganda ?
I want to react and end my life time of tolerance. As we are being overwhelmed with propaganda about transgenders and the like I suggest we call them freaks.
I’m insulted and offended on behalf of Ginger Rogers (in the photo, and who else spotted her ?) that her image is being used by the BBC to spark yet another boring political debate. I hope her descendants see it and sue them for copyright infringement !!
Walked through a city centre yesterday with it’s festive display’s .I didn’t see one policeman .After what happened in strasbourg i think it’s a disgrace.
Up – I had hoping every one is aware that he was PM throughout the war- which was what I was trying to say – at the time I could not believe what an easy time Blair got by walking a way from a war he took Britain into and got nothing from .
Oh yes, he scuttled off to make his millions with the ‘contacts’.
Unfortunately he still hides behind the vain, duplicitous, dribbling scrote, Campbell. Clearly the Bliar grubby fingers are still dangling that nasty piece of ordure in front of every bbc camera with ‘look left’ on the lens.
It was a perfect escape from certain downfall for Bliar when he tossed the pm-ship to the idiot Brown, who nearly finished off the job of breaking our country.
Funnily enough, when Brown was on his final push to bankrupt the UK, it was the sort of commercial expertise, now supplied by Brexiteers these days, who brought the country back to near normality.
The sorry bunch of remainers are still voting for the suicidal failures of the Brown years, and thankfully, the long memories of hard-working Brexiteers are a damn sight better than the snowflake generation, who were promised new phones, ipads, free tuition, drugs, go-faster stripes on their skate-boards and a big bag of sweeties for every day of their sad lives.
And they all complain that they can’t afford a house…
Why’s Feedback, got a special Guest Editor, teacher Ben Forward ?
Ben Forward is an English teacher at Dane Court Grammar School located in Broadstairs, Kent
The @bf_166 account has deleted its old tweets
One of the few tweets Not deleted :
Ben Forward Retweeted @jk_rowling
\\ Nov 28
May’s suggestion that a #PeoplesVote would ‘overturn the will of the British people’ makes literally no sense. Who does she think would be voting? The Chinese? //
Capita news : The army is supposed to be 82K soldiers
but due to bad recruitment there are only 77K
Army recruitment company, Capita, based at Upavon, has failed to hit soldier recruitment targets every year since since winning the £495m contract in 2012, according to a National Audit Office report.
The backhanders the civil service must be taking to allow this stuff to go on must be something – same with cross rail and the other PFI madness not ‘ the smartest guys in the room’.
Now that ‘May’s deal’ looks finished and ‘no deal’ will not get through parliament the only option is to go out on WTO rules which actually happens to be what we voted for.
BBC correspondent re COP24
“Some are worried that it could go into Sunday, but most delegates have flights to catch on that date so the pressure will be on to finish by then.”
Follow Matt on Twitter @mattmcgrathbbc.
Tobias Ellwood – Conservative MP for Bournemouth East and Minister in the Ministry of Defence
And JRM … it’s not you. You are fuelling blue on blue. A disloyal & divisive characteristic disruptive to both Gov & Party- never rewarded by country we seek to represent. Set your stall – and accept gracefully if you don’t get your way. You are part of a team.
Actually the Alinsky propagandists have moved in with their ridiculous clain QT is biased towards Brexit and white people
eg \\ Needlessly. All we will remember him for is the gammon fest he turned the programme into.//
Czech MP Jiri Kobza has called for the banning of Islam from Czech soil.
In his view it was not a religion but a violence-generating ideology. He also referred to the migrant stream from Africa and the Middle East as ‘colonization’, not ‘immigration’.
Poland and Hungary are meanwhile looking at stopping immigration from Muslim countries.
Don’t look to the beeb to tell you about this. It will be too busy informing us about what it sees as the transgressions of Trump.
“”Brexit: No visa but Britons will pay €7 to travel to EU countries””
“”Britons will have to pay €7 (£6.30) every three years to travel to EU countries, as a consequence of Brexit.””
“”The European Commission has confirmed that while UK travellers will not need a visa, they will need to apply for and buy another document.””
“”It is called an ETIAS (European Travel Information and Authorization System) and although not launched yet, is EXPECTED to come into force in 2021.””
“UK Travellers to pay 7 Euros to visit EU after Brexit”
How funny, the BBC seem completely unbothered by Theresa paying £39 billion to the EU for nothing in return, yet people paying an extra 7 Euros to visit Europe is headline news!
#1 BBC spends your money on another Nadiya show tonight
#2 The Official TV Licencing PR dept spends your money promoting the show
#Nadiya’s Party Feasts is on @BBCTwo tonight at 8pm and just in time for the festive season. Get those creative party juices flowing!
BBC slagging off old whitey for eating too much meat thereby causing destruction of life as we know it. No comment regarding population growth and it’s impact on the environment by families who have more than 2.1 one children.
BBC’s Nihal admits his prog has a problem with quality control and doesn’t deny accusations of his lefty bias
Twitter conversation between @LondonNev vs @TherealNihal
I like @TherealNihal but too often his own politics (left of centre) comes out. I don’t expect this of the BBC.
NO it not that great to have lines line Chequers 2.0 in a rap song and there is ZERO excuse to have a pre recorded track include obscenities in the sound track – EDIT for Godssakes!
Mixing Rap and politics – is NOT new news.
Grandmaster Flash/The Message was doing that in the 80s
Tell us WHY it was not edited.
@TherealNihal you and your producer can do better than this.
Surely do not play ANY unknown rap track without checking and editing!!
And the guy was there – he could have warned you/ stopped it!
@TherealNihal replied
Calm down, it was a mistake, someone messed up, they will be feeling absolutely rubbish that they let that through.
It’s rubbish, but once in a while it may happen.
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Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
‘I joined the far right at 15’
Video about a young lad who joined a “far right” group and has now been brainwashed into only thinking Liberal thoughts.
At 1m12s he says a teacher asked him “So how come so many people emigrate to the Britain?”.
He replied “Because we’ve got the best benefits. That’s what got me kicked out of the classroom and referred to Prevent in the end”.
The video then says there has been a 36% rise in the number of people referred to Prevent (the UK’s terrorism-prevention programme).
Meanwhile in news not reported by the BBC, ISIS threaten to attack Christmas markets and 30,000 Jihadis roam free wanting to attack us.
But knowing a young lad will no long say immigrants come to the UK for benefits make me feel safer.
The constant attempt by the media to draw equivalence between Islamic terrorists and the “far right” isn’t just irritating. It’s downright sinister.
However, I feel it will backfire on them. I don’t think anyone believes it and once you realise the media is lying to you about one thing… well, I suspect all of us on this site have been there.
“The video then says there has been a 36% rise in the number of people referred to Prevent (the UK’s terrorism-prevention programme).”
AND all this under a so-called Conservative government. In practice, it’s a social democratic party, not a conservative one.
Time for the true Conservatives to abandon their misplaced party loyalty and form a new one – one that conserves something occasionally. Time for people like JRM, who I like in many ways, to stop being so honourable and do something bold.
We also need to end the first-past-the-post system, it is preventing any real change (which, of course, is its intention).
I’ve just turned off BBC TV being less than keen to be subjected to their upcoming item – yet another report on the Suffragettes….
Worse still primped & groomed male poodle Charlie Stayt tells me we will be hearing from women who say there is still a long way to go and apparently women still don’t have equal rights.
Who’s kidding who?
“Pimped and groomed male poodle” I love it !!
Toady watch
Chrispin Blunt MP is constantly interrupted by our Justin as Mr Blunt tries to explain about the Soros project fear rubbish .
There was the sound of panic from Justin as the editors screamed to shut Mr Blunt up .
We won’t hear Mr Blunt on the biased airwaves .
BBC = “Brexit Bretrayal Corporation”
The cretinous Lord Adonis was on Good Morning Britain earlier this week alongside the comedy duo Kevin Maguire and Andrew Pearce from Fleet Street.
Lord Adonis as we know wants another referendum. When asked what would be on the ballot paper he said ….
1 – Remain
2 – Leave No Deal
3 – Leave with the deal offered.
Piers Morgan quite rightly pointed out to the think little shyster that would clearly be wrong. Leave would obviously have a split vote whilst remain would clearly win. Adonis honestly thought there was noting wrong with this. That just about sums up these utter contemptuous remainers. Want everything their own way on their terms.
There wont be another vote, there simply cannot be. Like pat Condell says, if it happened it would mean no democratic vote in this country would mean anything ever again.
However, if there was one … it should again be simply Leave or Remain as the remoaners constant argument about the original result of us leavers not knowing what we were voting for would simply be bollocks ,,, if you dont know now you never will. And it would be the most satisfying feeling ever if LEAVE won again after all that … wouldnt that just be something to bask in !!!!
Leave wont be allowed to win the next one. It will be fixed.
Correct. Lord Adonis already showing the way of thinking.
If a Leave v Remain referendum (which I oppose) is to take place… wish list……
1. The Leave campaign must be united, not a loose alliance of different groups with slightly different views on Brexit. The establishment has played ‘divide and rule’ very effectively with the different Leave groups.
2. It must be made quite clear that a Leave vote is a vote for democracy, a Remain vote is a vote for the ruling classes and the un-elected establishment elite.
3. Leave means a No Deal Brexit, let the EU come running to us for a trade deal.
4. Government is neutral, no campaign, no spending, no project fear, no £9m leaflets through our letter boxes.
5. The civil service, BoE, OBR etc. to be impartial.
5. All debates/panels to be balanced with neutral presenters (to keep the bBBC/Sky et al out of it)
6. I count the votes, and announce the result while seated upon a Unicorn.
“It’s not the people who vote that count. It’s the people who count the votes.” Joseph Stalin.
You mean the unelected, cretinous Lord Adonis, surely…?
Anyway, Pat Condell is right. The referendum’s over.
And Remain voters, having had no insight into/understanding of what really goes on in the Oberkommando of the EU, and where their ever closer and deeper union will end up, didn’t know what they were voting for…
Fake – you’re wrong . Adonis was elected – as a councillor on Cambridge council for a couple of years so that entitles him to lording it over our future . Another one on the Soros payroll
How about this Lord Adonacceptit……
Should the United Kingdom…..
1. Remain in the EU and join the EU army but not the eurozone.
2. Remain in the EU and join the EU army and join the eurozone.
3. Remain in the EU and join the eurozone but not the EU army.
4. Remain in the EU and do not join the eurozone or the EU army.
5. Remain in the EU and join the EU army but not the eurozone and join the unified federal taxation system.
6. Remain in the EU and blah blah blah blah…..
7. Remain in the EU and blah blah blah blah……..
13. Leave the EU with No Deal.
@BBCBreakfast is there a prog that’s more brainwashing
8:45pm long segment on women’s rights with special advert filmed in HoC by women MP’s
..then live to class of 10-11 year olds dressed as suffragettes (at an all girls school)
…”So Fatima you have a special roe today don’t you ?’ll be playing the role of Emily Pankhurst in the march
.. What do you think that are the problems for today’s women ?”
little Fatima : “Well not having enough confidence ..and they spend too much time on makeup”
… Doh I would have thought the two things are connected
… that women get a lot of confidence from appearing sharp, that is partially why they spend more money /time on appearance than men do.
“Half price TV licences for women, cos the BBC only pays its women half” A teacher (?) says in front of class.. before being called “cheeky”
Ah they’ve tweeted that first advert I mentioned above
” long segment on women’s rights with special advert filmed in HoC by women MP’s”
Another Breakfast brainwashing advert ..fails to mention that working class men got the vote in 1918 as well.
“Another Breakfast brainwashing advert ..fails to mention that working class men got the vote in 1918 as well.”
Also never mentioned is suffragette terrorism, bombs and arson.
Yes just as in 100 years time the Emir of Britostan will be celebrating the heroism of the Islamogettes ?
..and similarly not mention terrorism.
Italy, Poland, Hungary et al, ignoring EU instructions from on high, with impunity.
Supported by their voters.
I think this might become fashionable.
I certainly hope so.
What does the EU do?
Impose fines? Impose larger fines when the first fines are not paid. Does not float for me.
Expel the rule breakers? This would ruin the carefully manicured EU CV.
Reverse the policy and return to an economic union? Another sinker, they have already used their
quota of multiple referenda to obtain the “correct” result. They are not trustworthy or trusted.
Normal Communist policy would be to send in the tanks and open new camps.
No army, yet, as far as I know, please correct me.
Use existing national military forces?
I think the Marxist bastards are ruthless enough to do this.
They would have to return the Nobel Peace prize.
Import 200 million Africans to outvote us? That this has been considered has been confirmed by the UN
pact. Demonstrating that they really are the enemies of European people.
What I foresee is full steam ahead for a European state in twelve months. A last desperate throw of the
dice. Which, if it fails, may be followed by the military option. Which the UK needs to prepare for.
So the EU desperately need the UK to remain, and will leave no stone unturned to prevent Brexit.
We cannot relax for an instant, until it dies.
I can see the UK in a few years time as one of the few remaining countries that obeys the EU
G.W.F. Is it a secret? If not please state why you believe this.
Indeed. If I am at the door of a plunging plane, parachute ready, a bunch of multi national air stewardesses screaming at me the pilots are saying there is no more negotiating is all the nudge I need. And I get to keep my £40B to ease the landing.
The ‘Confidence’ vote, contrary to media opinion, was successful in highlighting the EU strategy of holding the UK to ransom with the made up ‘back stop’. Ever the optimist, I’m hoping that May, in wounded animal mode, will now display the ruthless side of her background from when she was Home Secretary.
On R4 this morning they covered the fact that there are ‘leavers ‘among the business community who actually have the wit to recognise the opportunities of a ‘no deal’ Brexit.
Of course that story was later overshadowed in prime time by interviewing Blair.
Cancel your optimism.
May ruthless mode started twenty years ago; when she became an agent in place for the EU.
She will continue to bat for the EU until we throw her out.
Pure… BBC.
Clearly Rob needs to have a few words with the producers about the audience composition too.
“how do young, gifted and talented blacks stand any chance of getting on?
Solution #1 Get a job with the BBC. They pay well using other people’s money. The BBC hate white people so you will fit to a T. You can spend your entire career jetting round the world hating white people, especially men, and writing about it. You do not have to be an expert, the BBC will accept any old rubbish providing it is filled with hate.
Solution #2 Buy some old tyres and cans of petrol. Throw tyres round the heads of white people, especially men. Douse with petrol and light. Voila job vacancies; more tyres, more vacancies.
All the rage in South Africa where they really hate white people, especially men, and say so, receiving standing ovations.
Solution #3 Look around the earth. Stop believing the BBC. Black people are at the bottom of the pile everywhere. There is a reason for this. Black people have lower IQs; the number of black people intelligent enough to be rocket scientists is vanishingly small. So black people get the jobs which require lower intelligence. These jobs are being taken over by machines, so not only do we not need the black people already in the UK, we sure as hell do not need any more thickos.
Solution #4 Go back to Africa. Europe is full of white racists, especially men. Why tolerate it? If you really are talented, (not just given top marks, BECAUSE YOU ARE BLACK, which has happened in the USA for 50 years) you will stand out in Africa.
Good Riddance, David.
A guardianista wrote an article about QT but I Couldntbe arsed to read it ., I preferred going through some of the 583 comments .
The article was written by an elderly white lady called “Anne Perkins “ who threw in a bit of click bait about the panel “..all white but hey..” she said .
Obviously someone said 86% of Blighty is white ( still ) nut there wasn’t much comment about 5 people on the panel being remainers with one brexiter – David Davis – the PM in waiting .
At least dimbly can spend more time with the low tax dividends from his production company now – as well as the gong he is about to get in the NEw Year dishonour list .
Another “Stop Brexit” advert from @BBCbreakfast of the Brexit Betrayal Corporation
Given the usual reaction to the load of talks Branson comes out with, they should tag team him with Barry to really swing the vote.
Ironically, while most of us pay tax and therefore pay for the Biased BBC, it seems that Branson dodges tax and therefore pays nothing towards the BBC and therfore is feted and lauded and often quoted – by the BBC – funny old world, eh?
\\ why do the breakfast presenters keep gleefully saying the Eu says it will not negotiate? What they should be saying is EU intends to break law by ignoring the requirements of article 50 to negotiate. //
An excellent point that Mrs May seems to ignore. As anyone who has the money knows…the negotiation is only over when you agree and they have your money….and we still have the money…
My prediction for 2019
All BBC presenters will be women or gay/ethnic men
Wimmins hour will extend to 24 hours
The UK will be in the EU and have paid them 39Bn
Mrs May will leave office as soon as the withdrawal crap deal is passed and signed
Mrs May? Negotiation?
If we’d conducted our house sales and purchases over the years in the style of Mrs May, we’d be living in tent now.
You never treat people you are negotiating with as if they were well meaning friends. Always give the impression that you are on the verge of walking away. It really isn’t that difficult.
I have been posting on here a number of years and my predictions for 2019 are.
1) Massive changes to Masterchef Professional 2019 as this year’s finalists are all White British Males…..
2) They are forgetting Muslims that cause is so 2017 …the next big cause (they have already abandoned disability but that was in 2016) is going to be Veganism.
Any more suggestions? I do hope they are having kittens over Masterchef just not in line with the agenda …..well done the X BBC Masterchef judges and X production team.
Latest country to indicate it’s ditching the UN ‘migrant compact’ is Brazil. As soon as he becomes President, Bolsonaro will reverse Brazil’s signature process, he has undertaken.
anyone else having problem with DISCUS
cant post on guido or going postal etc
No problem but I can’t find the criteria for “Best” in the ordering. Does anyone know? I usually use Oldest as it makes most sense.
my submit button has disappeared when I try to comment , go figure , never mind CTRL + Enter seems to work
works for me
.. maybe you are not logged in
.. or have been banned ?
PHILIP Hammond has issued an unprecedented apology over his Brexit “extremists” slur – and called on the party to come together.
Challenged by The Sun, the Chancellor tonight said his barb was “not intended to cause any offence”.
I don’t know how much influence constituency Conservative Associations have, if any, but isn’t it about time they took whatever steps are available to them to move against the 200 mini Maybots?
Secret ballot or not, we know who they are. They are the ones who ‘respect the referendum result’ and are incorrectly defined by the msm as brexiteers. So they are wheeled out impartially to defend Treezer’s deal and muddy the waters. It’s time the main movers felt some heat from the ‘extremists’, even if it only amounts to minor irritations for them, such as emergency meetings. Letters/emails and clever articles are clearly of no use. These creatures need to be removed.
As far as the large army of msm go-to lunatics and war criminals are concerned, their unstable and arrogant presence on the box advocating a loser’s vote or revocation of Art. 50 must surely help our cause?
And scrap the bBC!
Deselect the 200, cos otherwise the Tories will mostly lose those seats next time.
the island, problem for me is that I’m represented by a Labour MP who is a Pro-Remain, not necessarily a Hard Remainer or Far-Right Remainer though.
I’m still waiting for Corbyn to make up his mind as Party Leader. Will he lead the Party as Leavers or as Remainers? Will he then call on his MPs to vote accordingly.
“constituency Conservative Associations” have no power.
Of the 200 votes TM gained about 175 were the payroll vote, so she lost by 25 to 157.
As a joint tribute to Jim Bowen and the retired Question Time host you could prepare a sketch to send to the EU.
1) A vault with £39 billion pictured ( obviously not real money)!!
2) A sign. “.Coom n ave a look at what you could’ve won”
3) Dimbeleby’s slumped head with a constant repetition of
We’re Out……We’re out…
And for good measure a fake Krankie ( or the real won, no difference) mouthing…..CHEERIO, CHEERIO
Fake News from the BBC about £ Sterling v. $ US Dollar:
“Pound drops close to Dollar after Brexit uncertaintly”
If you link to the article, it then changes tack but it is still Fake News & False Facts and contains a certain amount of cherry-picking of data.
Shameful, BBC, truly shameful.
Donald Trump got what he wanted from the EU and if TM had really intended to get a “deal” that benefited the UK she could have read these 3 quotes and followed them.
“I always go into a deal anticipating the worst. If you plan for the worst—if you can live with the worst—the good will always take care of itself.”
“My style of deal-making is quite simple and straightforward. I aim very high, and then I just keep pushing and pushing and pushing to get what I’m after.”
“The worst thing you can possibly do in a deal is seem desperate to make it. That makes the other guy smell blood, and then you’re dead.”
Egyptian president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has urged migrants to “completely abide by the laws, customs, traditions, and culture” of the countries they move to, or — better yet — to work on making their home countries worth staying in.
“Every country has the right to protect its people and their interests,”
“Don’t expect them to open the door for you so you can go into their country and cause trouble. No.”
“… If you are not willing to do this, don’t go” — advice which would have provoked outrage from the left-liberal commentariat had been issued by a Western leader.
Someone tell the bbbc.
Imagine the outrage had Trump said exactly the same thing.
The Sun, the Express, the Daily Mail, the Metro, MSN, the Mirror and the Evening Standard all reporting
Westminster Bridge being blocked this morning by ‘yellow vests’ protesting May’s Brexit shambles.
Bets on how long before the BBC get their crack team of reporters over from W1…?
Someone must have stolen the ‘far right’ keys from the journos.
Just checked their Twitter feed @BBCBreaking — most up to date breaking news posted is 17hrs old. By contrast, Peru Daily News @PeruDaily has 11 items from the last hour alone.
£4.5bn and they can’t even manage the basics.
I love it – I said my wife this morning that we should dress in hi vis jackets at the end of Downing street. Hopefully they were Brexiteers …
It has begun. We are finally waking up
I think we need a few more than 60 though.
A “rabble” apparently.
But great oaks from little acorns grow.
New Years Eve will provide the perfect cover for those wanting to embark on civil unrest, for whatever reason. Paris usually celebrates the New Year by setting fire to cars.
Great aches from little toe corns grow.
Can we ever believe the reports of th numbers. We were told only 1500 attended the TR plus Brexit Betrayal March. Turns out there were a few more.
Biased bbc on TWATO interviewing a homeless guy who is blaming universal credit and Theresa May for his situation.
Nothing to do with tower blocks in London being full of illegal-(sorry undocumented) immigrants.
As if the bbbc care about the so called poor when they take people to court for non payment of the tv tax
how much does this lot cost us?
why did her parents not let her finish school?
should we let schoolgirls be sent off to be inseminated abroad so some bloke can duly arrive in blighty?
So many questions the so called BBC could have asked
Actually surprised that this article appeared at all on the BBC website – and I’d hate to think how much this has cost the country and the NHS. I suppose someone has to pay for this diversity but why my taxes?
Another rubbish question time last night.
It was crying out for a member of the remain dominated audience to ask some question beginning with “I’d like to ask the single leaver on the panel….” or “here’s a question for the 4 remainers on the panel……” (just like last week, the week before and so on)
The bbbc have given up all pretence of any impartiality and brazenly support remain in every way they can.
Also, to all those on qt complaining that the ‘negotiations’ are going poorly, a remainer pm leading a remain dominated cabinet for a mainly remain party (200 v 117) in a remain dominated Houses of Parliament was never going to go the way of the democratic vote of 17.4 million or 422 (v 228 remain) constituencies which won the leave vote.
Remainers blaming leavers because remainers are making a right mess of negotiating leave.
Yasir Mirza appointed Channel 4’s Head of Inclusion & Diversity
“Brexit: No visa but Britons will pay €7 to travel to EU countries”
Al Beeb – Scraping the bottom of the barrel?
Answer – put an import tax on all European Cars sold in the UK’.
“The European Commission has confirmed that while UK travellers will not need a visa, they will need to apply for and buy another document.” and the ‘Snowflake’ Remainers were afraid that they would not be able to travel any more ?
How many visits to them , compared to their visits to us ?
We might make a profit.
How much will we charging the French for every illegal migrant they send us ?
There must be reciprocal actions for those taken by the ReichEU because fairness was about brexit as well as immigration .
I heard somewhere that contingency planning is being beefed up ( British beef of course) but I think there needs to be good plans to deal with the potential disturbances caused by remainers on the day after all those ReichEU flags are burnt .
It should also be a national Independence Day – which I think Lord Farage of Brussels suggested ….
Wasn’t a million war dead a price great enough to get indefinite access to the continent?
€7 who much is a pint in london
Listening to Al Beeb , Mrs Chamberlain is playing for time ……………………..
Great Yorkshire Sculpture park as a taxpayer probably fund the park and the artist
..Complex sculpture you’d have never been able to think up
..Is it art or taxpayer funded propaganda ?
BBC Trending supposed to be dedicated to exposing propaganda
.. continues to disseminate it instead they never stop in their quest to ruin our culture….the BBC are the national disgrace –after Mrs May
I’d rather go back to not knowing what “Transgender” & the other thing means. 🙂
I want to react and end my life time of tolerance. As we are being overwhelmed with propaganda about transgenders and the like I suggest we call them freaks.
I’m insulted and offended on behalf of Ginger Rogers (in the photo, and who else spotted her ?) that her image is being used by the BBC to spark yet another boring political debate. I hope her descendants see it and sue them for copyright infringement !!
Walked through a city centre yesterday with it’s festive display’s .I didn’t see one policeman .After what happened in strasbourg i think it’s a disgrace.
You can never find a “community cohesion officer “ when you want one eh?
Al Beeb “New Brexit referendum logical, says Tony Blair”
I thought he retired after the Iraq Fiasco ?
Does he get a ‘Golden’ pension from the EU?
Taff – he got us involved in a georg bush war and retired before it was finished . Bit like Churchill did in 1943 .
Fed, not sure your Churchill knowledge/history is accurate. Try ‘defeated in post-war GE’ instead.
Up – I had hoping every one is aware that he was PM throughout the war- which was what I was trying to say – at the time I could not believe what an easy time Blair got by walking a way from a war he took Britain into and got nothing from .
Oh yes, he scuttled off to make his millions with the ‘contacts’.
Unfortunately he still hides behind the vain, duplicitous, dribbling scrote, Campbell. Clearly the Bliar grubby fingers are still dangling that nasty piece of ordure in front of every bbc camera with ‘look left’ on the lens.
It was a perfect escape from certain downfall for Bliar when he tossed the pm-ship to the idiot Brown, who nearly finished off the job of breaking our country.
Funnily enough, when Brown was on his final push to bankrupt the UK, it was the sort of commercial expertise, now supplied by Brexiteers these days, who brought the country back to near normality.
The sorry bunch of remainers are still voting for the suicidal failures of the Brown years, and thankfully, the long memories of hard-working Brexiteers are a damn sight better than the snowflake generation, who were promised new phones, ipads, free tuition, drugs, go-faster stripes on their skate-boards and a big bag of sweeties for every day of their sad lives.
And they all complain that they can’t afford a house…
Fed, not sure you are even right about Blair: “what an easy time Blair got by walking a way from a war he took Britain into and got nothing from.”
Blair’s name is mud, he lost his Party and we got enhanced terrorism and damaged people coming back from heroic military service for their country …..
… oh! ….. and a bill for the war.
Why’s Feedback, got a special Guest Editor, teacher Ben Forward ?
Ben Forward is an English teacher at Dane Court Grammar School located in Broadstairs, Kent
The @bf_166 account has deleted its old tweets
One of the few tweets Not deleted :
Ben Forward Retweeted @jk_rowling
\\ Nov 28
May’s suggestion that a #PeoplesVote would ‘overturn the will of the British people’ makes literally no sense. Who does she think would be voting? The Chinese? //
Capita news : The army is supposed to be 82K soldiers
but due to bad recruitment there are only 77K
The backhanders the civil service must be taking to allow this stuff to go on must be something – same with cross rail and the other PFI madness not ‘ the smartest guys in the room’.
Let me guess – £500k to recruit each soldier …
Now that ‘May’s deal’ looks finished and ‘no deal’ will not get through parliament the only option is to go out on WTO rules which actually happens to be what we voted for.
When I voted to get out of the EU, I knew that a ‘deal’ wasn’t an option!
How can civil servants know about deals? They’re useless, as all they’re doing is shoving tax-payers’ money around!
Just tell them all in Brussels to bugger off, and let real business people carry on without twonks interfering.
“What can BBC presenters say and not say?” asks the beeb, all wide-eyed innocence.
Answer: they can say anything providing it’s lefty/liberal/Remain/anti-Trump.
BBC correspondent re COP24
“Some are worried that it could go into Sunday, but most delegates have flights to catch on that date so the pressure will be on to finish by then.”
Follow Matt on Twitter @mattmcgrathbbc.
Says it all, really does.
Global Warming. What Global Warming?
Tobias Ellwood – Conservative MP for Bournemouth East and Minister in the Ministry of Defence
And hopefully not you either “Tobias” you Theresa Toady
I wonder are you on the Ministerial payroll?
You are! – Quelle surprise!
How hard of thinking can Tobias Ellwood MP be?
J R-M HAS ‘set out his stall’: the PM’s Deal is unacceptable to Leavers.
Our boys heading back next week from Uni.
Can’t wait to tell them their future is in his hands.
Quite handsy, isn’t he? No wonder the BBC feel his gropes are his own.
Blimey! If Farage had done that….
This is what governs us and runs our military…
Nice colour shirt.
The ‘great man’ might not be so thrilled with the comments thus far.
Actually the Alinsky propagandists have moved in with their ridiculous clain QT is biased towards Brexit and white people
eg \\ Needlessly. All we will remember him for is the gammon fest he turned the programme into.//
Bet we won’t be seeing that on the BBC. Drunk again UK tax money .
Junker really is a joke – and remainers want him
And his corrupt like to have control over us.
I’ve decided I want May to stay until we leave on WTO terms
Junker must be angling for a job as a BBC ‘personality’ ala Jimmy Saville or one of the other groping game show hosts.
Czech MP Jiri Kobza has called for the banning of Islam from Czech soil.
In his view it was not a religion but a violence-generating ideology. He also referred to the migrant stream from Africa and the Middle East as ‘colonization’, not ‘immigration’.
Poland and Hungary are meanwhile looking at stopping immigration from Muslim countries.
Don’t look to the beeb to tell you about this. It will be too busy informing us about what it sees as the transgressions of Trump.
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit: No visa but Britons will pay €7 to travel to EU countries””
“”Britons will have to pay €7 (£6.30) every three years to travel to EU countries, as a consequence of Brexit.””
“”The European Commission has confirmed that while UK travellers will not need a visa, they will need to apply for and buy another document.””
“”It is called an ETIAS (European Travel Information and Authorization System) and although not launched yet, is EXPECTED to come into force in 2021.””
Capitals are mine. More Project Fear of a damp squib variety.
Anything, anything at all to be used by the BBC in their ongoing attempt to stop Brexit.
Hey BBC, how about mentioning for once the advantages of leaving the fascist EU??
Headline news on the BBC website:
“UK Travellers to pay 7 Euros to visit EU after Brexit”
How funny, the BBC seem completely unbothered by Theresa paying £39 billion to the EU for nothing in return, yet people paying an extra 7 Euros to visit Europe is headline news!
#1 BBC spends your money on another Nadiya show tonight
#2 The Official TV Licencing PR dept spends your money promoting the show
Just in case you think TVLicencing indulge in #InvertedRacism afew tweets down, there’s this :
and their latest tweet is this
i wonder how much enforcement they do in enriched areas of the country, do they produce stats on the ethnicity of the prosecuted
BBC slagging off old whitey for eating too much meat thereby causing destruction of life as we know it. No comment regarding population growth and it’s impact on the environment by families who have more than 2.1 one children.
I seem to have been un-personed on conservativehome they dont seem very keen on free speech over there
BBC’s Nihal admits his prog has a problem with quality control and doesn’t deny accusations of his lefty bias
Twitter conversation between @LondonNev vs @TherealNihal
#honestmistake followed by a Gary Lineker excuse on Newswatch?
//Dear BBC Visitor,
Thank you for contributing to the BBC web site. Unfortunately we’ve had to remove the content below because it contravened one of our House Rules. Your comment was considered to have broken the following House Rule:
“We reserve the right to fail comments which are considered to be off-topic for the discussion.”//
Meat or two veg? Find out your food’s climate footprint
The BBC doesn’t practice what it preaches –
The BBC was condemned yesterday for spending £100,000 of licence payers’ money on an advert for its news programmes lasting just 60 seconds. It flew a team out to South Africa to make the trailer, claiming it was cheaper than filming it in Britain.
Do you notice how often MSM rolls good old ken Clarke out to rubbish brexit ?
I think it’s ironic because one attack line used by remainers is old brexiters have stolen their future by getting them out of the ReichEU .
Yet time and again cuddly ken gets his boring anti brexit poison on the TV.
Thank you for doing a stellar job!
Thanks Looby – congrats on ???? st