@pug as ever I checked and the BBC did give a quick mention on the Live update page
.Note how they went for the only quoting people technique
Here’s a screenshot
BBCnews doesn't see its job as REPORTING truth but rather as ad agency for metropolitan-liberal agenda CONSTRUCTING & promoting narratives BBC quickly quoted 'many claim Twitter video shows blue-light ambulance being blocked' Actually :People get up #2 Adjacent bridge was open pic.twitter.com/N6X5P0UF6h
If there was an actual ambulance crisis Im sure the BBC would report the story.
– The vid shows an ambulance arriving, but we don’t know whether someone just called it to the scene.
cos a others point out a real emergency call would have seen the queue and simply taken the adjacent bridge.
There are thousands of shouty remainer Tweets saying ‘you blocked an ambulance’ not one of them has further info to say what happened next..it’s just a narrative they like
Lammy jumped in
You stopped an ambulance with its siren on from helping someone in need. Are you really celebrating this? https://t.co/uNJaISrSbT
The dead giveaway is that none of those moaning remainers who said that the ambulance was blocked , DO NOT say what happened next.
… The actual video maker tweeted
I’m not one of the protesters just a bypasser. I voted remain.
— Mike Sutherland ???????????????????????????? (@vern_cotter) December 14, 2018
The ambulance vehicle was let through.
— Mike Sutherland ???????????????????????????? (@vern_cotter) December 14, 2018
JohndaFeb 6, 12:19 Midweek 5th February 2025 From a child bbc presenter who should have been on children’s news round. The limit on payment card for tap…
Fedup2Feb 6, 11:46 Midweek 5th February 2025 There was also ‘something ‘ in Dundalk where a new arrival attempted to abduct a kid – there was an…
ZephirFeb 6, 11:40 Midweek 5th February 2025 A good day for the far left. First the bbc wet dream in Sweden and now the same for the…
MarkyMarkFeb 6, 11:29 Midweek 5th February 2025 Mohammed was not greedy and after having 100 liberated slave women he shared them with his followers (c) BBC Verified
vladFeb 6, 11:20 Midweek 5th February 2025 And he so loved women, he took loads as sex slaves, or gave them to his followers as war booty.…
MarkyMarkFeb 6, 11:15 Midweek 5th February 2025 I guess they will point AI (ChatGPT) at sites such as this and ask it to identify all the Islamophobic…
Rob in CheshireFeb 6, 11:11 Midweek 5th February 2025 In 60 years’ time Norwegians will be too busy praying 5 times a day to worry about Anders Breivik.
MarkyMarkFeb 6, 11:09 Midweek 5th February 2025 Mohammed so loved kids, he married one to protect her from paedophiles.
vladFeb 6, 11:07 Midweek 5th February 2025 In view of Angela Rayner’s terrifying plans to introduce blasphemy laws and a ‘Council of Islamophobia’, it will soon be…
@pug as ever I checked and the BBC did give a quick mention on the Live update page
.Note how they went for the only quoting people technique
Here’s a screenshot
If there was an actual ambulance crisis Im sure the BBC would report the story.
– The vid shows an ambulance arriving, but we don’t know whether someone just called it to the scene.
cos a others point out a real emergency call would have seen the queue and simply taken the adjacent bridge.
There are thousands of shouty remainer Tweets saying ‘you blocked an ambulance’ not one of them has further info to say what happened next..it’s just a narrative they like
Lammy jumped in
The evidence that the ambulance was quickly allowed through is that the Sun video shows them letting taxis through and police motorbikes present
The dead giveaway is that none of those moaning remainers who said that the ambulance was blocked , DO NOT say what happened next.
… The actual video maker tweeted
A Sun video of today’s Leave means Leave rally in Westminster
..all the big names are there