I’m getting to the stage where events are changing so quickly that any example of Far Left BBC bias is surpassed by the next one . So I’ll stick with brevity
and avoid being nebulous …
I’m getting to the stage where events are changing so quickly that any example of Far Left BBC bias is surpassed by the next one . So I’ll stick with brevity
and avoid being nebulous …
Now, what other bbc boxes are ticked? Ah, yes…
Time to dream up a number of new boxes as currently the existing ones are becoming crowded……
Not a new box, but one clearly being established, ‘Top news’ on the home page.
I wonder how they would react if someone spread out a blue tarp in the foyer and started slaughtering turkeys halal styly?
The BBC, with Diane Abbott on numbers.
So, careful these days if out on the lash Bradford way.
it says decorating a christmas tree was banned and yet
the beeb seems to think cromwell banned something that didnt happen
Despicable! No pun intended!
“BBC editorial integrity means the BBC only finds time or space for what the BBC really likes”.
Whilst politicians are pretty much remedial kindergarteners too, they are at least elected. Why a letter from air head luvvies is accorded any significance is beyond me.
Poll, petitions, marches and your agent sticking your name on a round robin still do not compare with walking to a booth to vote.
BBC Online News:
“”Anti-radicalisation chief: Wales ‘far right hunting ground’ “”
“”……has grown as a movement since the Brexit referendum and the election of Donald Trump.””
“”The Islamist problem has never been that big. If Muslims had really bought into that, there would have been bombs going off every day””
“The far right has been emboldened by the rise of UKIP””
BBC Agenda:-
Trump + Brexit + UKIP = Bad
Islam = Good
“The Islamist problem has never been that big. If Muslims had really bought into that, there would have been bombs going off every day”
Shut the BBC for that line alone. Nothing else required.
do these people ever wonder why the word sikhaphobia, hinduphobia, buddaphobia dont exist
Yep the old title with apostrophe’d quote
BBC please express your opinion in the usual way, on who ‘s face should be on the new bank note
Mary Seacole and Noor Inayat Khan are not in the same class as giants like Alexander Graham Bell, Alan Turing and Stephen Hawking. These BAMEs are very minor figures whose contributions to British science, although not negligible, are relatively insignificant. Affirmative action on who features on our banknotes? No way.
Seacole was in the Crimea on business selling supplies.
Dover Sentry – You’re right. And I was being too kind when I implied that this nurse and this wireless operator had made some kind of contribution to science. Which I believe is the criterion for being featured on the £50 banknote.
“Which I believe is the criterion for being featured on the £50 banknote.”
Really. I thought the intention is to maximise anti-white propaganda.
So they’re looking for a dead and a historical BAME character, that was born before the 20th century and died before 20thC also (only Churchill died after then )
…I’d say means it has to be a Jewish politician, lawyer or writer
There really haven’t been many faces and that was the pattern
So I’d say you’d expect to see BAME after 2060 or something.
Current :
All notes Elizabeth II (only person born in 20thC)
£5 2016 Winston Churchill (only person who lived in 20thC)
£10 Jane Austen
£20 Adam Smith
£20 from 2020 J. M. W. Turner
£50 Watt & Boulton
Defunct :
10s /50p Sir Walter Raleigh (never issued)
£1 Sir Isaac Newton
£5 Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington
£10 Florence Nightingale
£20 William Shakespeare
£50 Sir Christopher Wren
£5 George Stephenson
£10 Charles Dickens
£20 Michael Faraday
£20 Sir Edward Elgar
£50 Sir John Houblon
£5 Elizabeth Fry
£10 Charles Darwin
Yes there may have been 1 or 2 BAME English historical characters, but I’m guessing that would be out of 10 or 20 thousand
… so BAME should make up 1 in 10 thousand faces on bank notes.
Topic is just coming up after 2pm on LBC
Racebaiter Maajid was slobbering, totally oblivious to the context I explained.
He loved the caller’s idea of Stephen Lawrence being the chosen GREAT SCIENTIST to appear on the note.
He chastised a Ugandan caller, who said she didn’t come here to change the culture.
“Listen I was born here, this is my country”
Then ten minutes later
“After the guy committed suicide they called me in, cos I am from a Pakistani background as well”
So one moment MN is claiming to be British and next moment he’s claiming to be British-Pakistani
.. Having his cake and eating it.
He makes the claim that he is as British as you
..but then says he’s more Pakistani as you , cos he has Pakistani ancestry .
That means he’ is saying he is more than equal
Surely the person who has grown up with generations of British family does have a higher awareness of British history than Maajid.
Most business don’t like 50’s due to fraud.
So how about a Nigerian, to inspire confidence!
BoE announce they will have two faces on each side of the banknote
One side will be Mrs May’s 2 faces
The other will Nick Clegg’s two faces etc.
I know a bloke who is an ethnic minority in Luton

Tommy Robinson’s face on the £50 pound note
temp email from here
Meanwhile, the bbc goes to the real brains out there…
”who is shining a light for women’s rights today? ”
In immigrant’s cases, their husband, as he is the one who fills in the postal ballot.
What is wrong with BBC Breakfast presenters? Can they not understand storm Deirdre is pronounce Deer Dree not bloody Deer Dra..
It should be pronounced “Typical winter Atlantic Depression”, and left at that…
I get irritated with the pronunciation of Jose Mourinho’s name. For the life of me I cannot see an ‘e’ in his name, but constantly its pronounced….. Mourineeeeeeho.
Also can someone explain why journalists say ” over to our Ireland/Spain/Finland/ correspondent” instead of “over to our correspondent in Ireland/Spain/Finland”. I assume my English Language teacher back in the 50’s and 60’s knew what she was talking about, and the grammar I currently cringe at when listening goes totally against all I was taught.
Even tho languages use the same Latin alphabet,
they don’t have the same pronunciation of the letter combinations.
…inho ..sounds “inyu”, cos in Portuguese a “h” is pronounced “y” after an “n”, and the final “o” gets clipped to sound like the “o” in who
The “ou” is like the ‘o’ in ‘flow’
So it sounds : m-O-r-in-yu
In Brazil they probably clip it even shorter
Secondly can’t you just use a noun as an adjective ?
“Race riot” “police force” “top hat” “Scunthorpe bus”
They make make it longer in Brazil, too, Stew. For example Wilsinho (Wilson Fittipaldi) and Rubinho (Rubens Barrichello). Incidentally, you’d be a good one to ask as it may be some time before I see Brazilian friends/Brit friends who have lived there: is it chello for Rubens or kello?
Ol’ Murray Walker was put right on this by Emersinho(!) once but I cannot remember what he said.
I can remember ITV’s plankish Mark Austin (this was some years ago) reading out a news story about the footballer Didier Drogba. Except that he pronounced it “Dee Dee Ay Drog-Bar,” all syllables emphasised. I remember wondering, do these highly-paid newsreaders need to have their autocues written out phonetically?
Why are all foreign footballers called ‘da – ved’ ie Silva not David?
They never say ‘ now over to the yellow vest protests in Pah-ree’
Have just been watching Click on BBC which had some “interesting” articles on women and technology, all of which had side storeys I could elaborate on, but there is not enough time! However the first article struck me in relation to the suffrugette movement. I will preface what I am about to say by agreeing it was an outrage that women did not have a vote. However the article did appear to effectively condone criminal damage for a cause you believe in. However the biggie for me was the emphasis on making sure your voice is heard and listened to. Mmm…didnt something like that happen two years ago and isn’t the BBC not following its own advocacy??! Usual rules!
The Post Brexit, “at last we are free, no thanks to the Labour Party, or the other Labour Party formerly known as the Conservative and Unionist party”, vote.
Here are the questions for your consideration.
The real Brexit Government will, with alacrity, carry out your wishes.
Section A.
Should it be compulsory for all European states to have an Independence day celebrating the permanent dissolution of the EU?
1. Yes.
2. No, compulsion should be avoided.
3. No, but every day, at dawn and dusk, the former symbol of slavery, also known as the EU flag, should be ceremonially burnt at the Menin Gate and all other locations where memorials have been raised recording the sacrifices of our ancestors.
To be continued.
Just heard on sky news, jo johnston said, if there was a 2nd referendum there should be three options
1 leave on Mays deal
2 leave on wto rules
3 remain.
Split the leave vote and the remainers get what they want.
..and what if the vote was….?!!
1. 32%
2. 33%
3. 32%
Burgsey, the Remainers wanting a second Referendum were suggesting a threshold for a winning vote, not just a majority. One lady suggested a 60% level, I think, which could actually work against them.
“It’s not the people who vote that count. It’s the people who count the votes.” Joseph Stalin.
The People’s vote.
Theresa May will carry out your wishes at 400,000 kilometres per second.
Should the result of the Referendum held 2016-06-23 be ignored?
a) Yes.
b) Yes.
p – “214,864 complaints received in 2016/2017 only 36 were upheld”
So the BBC got the balance about right.
In 2002 Saddam Hussein got 100% of the vote. Does that mean he got it about right as well? Or does it mean his henchmen were responsible for selection and counting the votes in order to obtain the required result? I think the BBC complaints procedure mirrors the latter.
The Marr show today with two Labour remain and one Tory leave guest thus proving once more that ‘the BBC get it about right’ as far as balance is concerned.
Now they are showing a recap of the past year showing past episodes:
100% of the actors interviewed had a dislike of Trump.
90% of singers/musicians shown are black
thus proving once more that ‘the BBC get it about right’ as far as balance is concerned.
Marr is ending the show with 11 more black singers and 1 black pianist.
That brings the total percentage of black singers/musicians on the show for the year up from 90% to 99%. Let’s hope the BBC can get that up to 100% for 2019.
It’s not just on the BBC, it seems to be everywhere.
The 2018 Royal Variety Performance included cellist Sheku Kanneh-Mason. In case anyone this side of the Andes hasn’t already heard, he was winner of the 2016 BBC Young Musician.
Apparently the London Palladium is setting itself up in competition with the Wigmore Hall.
No mention anywhere of very successful French horn player Ben Goldscheider, who appeared to many to be the obvious winner on a notoriously difficult and treacherous instrument.
Only this morning, the appalling SKY featured a theatre producer doing something or other with Shakespeare for “kids”. The “kids” appeared to be disproportionately black. If I were an immigrant of SE Asian origin, I would find this constant marginalisation extremely irritating. It’s like they don’t exist.
It’s getting worse and I’m sick of it. It’s also arguably patronising to black people.
Excellent dissection of so called ‘comedy’ on the BBC.
Not sure whether this has been mentioned elsewhere – but although entirely predictable, the ‘heatmap’ for the no deal petition is quite revealing!
The figures though are going up like a petrol pump.
kc – Revealing that no Blair imported multi-voters like Brexit.
Currently 137000 +
Correction 139000.
I’m finding it strangely hypnotic to watch the numbers go up .
Including :-
East 0.01%
South 0.26%
West (Naz Shah) 0.08%
East (Vaz) 0.08%
South 0.08%
West 0.18%
>1 in every 500 votes for Brexit.
I wonder why there is such low support for Brexit in these two areas.
p – “in theory, the controversial backstop will never be required”
The backstop is there specifically to be used against the UK to the maximum effect possible. It will be used, no doubt whatsoever.
Sorry NoBrainers but you, and the EU, have zero credibility.
Due to NoBrainers and the EU having a perfect, gold medal winning, 100% record, of lying 100% of the time.
We trust you to be untrustworthy.
In many respects the BBC is a microcosm of the EU. Both are entirely dependent on funding extorted by menace. Both are aware of the pressure this funding is under and both are severely frightened of the consequences. Both react with bombast, self-promotion and arrogance.
Both are on the point of collapse.
“It’s the media’s fault” “that Muslim women lack confidence in dealing with healthcare”
“The media are responsible for creating a climate of fear about Muslims, so Muslim women are afraid of making a fuss so don’t ask for a female dictor when they want one etc.”
Shaima Hassan was on Radio Leeds 8:50am, and I guess will be popping up all over the place.
#1 The press are don’t create fear of Islamic culture, so much as people rooted in Islamic culture doing very bad things.
#2 The press do not hype up such stories. No they actually play them down, whilst at the same time whipping up hysteria against their pet hates like TR, or so called “sexist/racist” tweets etc.
The host covered the item in a perfunctory way, but could have pushed back and asked about if married Muslim women have a choice in whether to have a child, when they don’t want one etc.
Or face intense pressure about delivering a son etc.
I don’t think lack of confidence in SOME Muslim women comes from newspapers, but rather from Islamic cultural practices themselves ..”don’t question the big man”
On a similar topic
Quote : \\ Muslim doctors & nurses are allowed to opt out of strict NHS dress codes introduced to prevent spreading deadly diseases.
Female Muslim staff are permitted to cover their arms.
Long sleeves are blamed for spreading bacteria, leading to superbug deaths //
Figures and EU are always subject to scrutiny, but I wonder if that £39billion is such a coincidence?
What we pay, according to most opinions, seems to vary between £9 and £11bi per annum – but what if the real figure is £13? Three times £13 is £39, surprise, surprise. So take that over three years and there’s our fees paid and the collapse of the Euro prevented.
And in three years time, what with ‘negotiations’ having been spun out while vital aspects like the Irish border are sorted, we will have realised what a terrible mistake it has been…
Unfortunately, during the period, Macron has been replaced by Le Pen, Wilders runs Holland, the AfD run Germany, the Greek, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian economies have still collapsed despite being backed by city finance, Putin heads the EU Commission and Jeremy Corbyn is now president of the RSPCA, re-named RepublicanSPCA.
Good News! The penny has dropped re the disparity on our EU contribution. We will automatically lose the rebate demanded by Thatcher, hence our payments will rise to £13 billion pa. Simples!
Reflections on Brexit.
It does look increasingly likely that Brexit will be denied to the majority who voted for it by the Remain elite. British democracy has been trampled in the mud. But over the past two and half years some things mhave occurred to me that I really didn’t consider in 2016.
I vote Leave because I believed in Sovereignty of nation states , in Democracy which the EU certainly does not provide , and in our British identity, I preferred living in a British culture. I think that most Leavers voted for the same things. But that British culture is being swamped by non EU migrants at an alarming rate.
I now realise that many prominent Leave politicians are very Keen on links to Asia and Africa and perfectly willing to accept uncontrolled migration from there as the price of increased trade. Infact they seem to be more Globalist than many Remainers. If I had to choose between a Britain with ever more Asian and African links and one with ever more European links and would unhesitatingly choose the latter. If the EU acted as a protectionist block which very strictly limited migration from outside itself I would vote for it even at the expense of our sovereignty and our democracy. I have some hope that the likes of Salvini and Orban will be joined by other ‘populist’ leaders eg Wilders and Le Pen and can overcome the Globallists currently in charge of the EU. If they could do that then we would be far better off in the EU than outside it. In the UK I can see no prospect of any such leaders emerging. If we are to be saved from the horror of Islam it be be by those outside our country. Our plight is desperate, it may already be too late , within a decade or two it certainly will be.
My son has suggested that if they insist on another vote then as the people voted to leave and it must be respected then we have two options only and that either accept current deal or go to no deal on wto terms that would make remainers upset so what !
As the figures for a no deal petition are going up like petrol pump figures by the minute I wonder if there is some minion sat in downing street watching them I can’t believe they wouldn’t be watching them and feeling very uncomfortable
Except current deal locks us in forever
“Except current deal locks us in forever”
Only until the Peasants Revolt.
I agree to a large extent but I think the EU want us a) for our money and b) as a dumping ground for their riff raff – so I want out. For Britain seems to be the only party saying it would freeze migration (for 5 years) and on that basis alone would probably get my vote.
We need politicians who will only agree trade deals that exclude unlimited migration from the other country involved. I don’t see why that has to be a condition. Work and tourist visas are another matter.
It’s very true that trade deals need not involve a reciprocal free movement of people, unless your in the EU. We can thrive outside the EU and watch them collapse.
As for For Britain, its highly unlikely they could field enough candidates to make a dent, let alone get enough support to have anyone elected. That, I’m afraid is because our ‘first past the post’ system makes it impossible for minorities to get elected.
There’s also the problem of For Britain standing against other patriots like UKIP, Britain First, FLA, etc.
In the recent Lewisham by election AMW stood against David Kurten. Somebody tell me wheres the sense in that?
( their combined votes by the way totalled almost sod all).
If you asked the man in the street which was which out of :
For Britain and Britain First, they’d probably have no idea. In fact I almost cocked up while writing this, and Britain First leadership have been almost confined into a permanent prison by the bastards in authority. The same c^*#s who had TR moved to Onley jail, in the hope he’d get killed by the muzzies.
No, while I hate the bastards as much as you, I firmly believe only UKIP will make a difference, just as long as Farridge is kept away from it.
AMW is needed back in UKIP, as is TR as a full member, and it can thrive again.
Yes – if only they could/would all co-operate!!
Is it time for a military coup yet?
the only hope I can see is some other european nations falling into massive open sectarian violence before we do
Quite what the politicians reaction would be then god only knows
Zimmers at Dawn.
The tweet Neil was replying to
@Gary_Bainbridge tweeted
\\ News International. Associated Newspapers.
75% of the Conservative Party.
Northern & Shell. //
… How can he take anyone seriously who asserts that ” 75% of the Conservative Party ESTABLISHMENT ” supported Proper Brexit ?
Blooming Xmas repeats…
I endorse this message. FWIW.
The world this weekend
Lord Chris Patten has an extended chat with mr Mardell on a number of occasions he called fellow Tory part members maouists, extremists and rodents for wanting a full brexit .
Got to say I don’t normally listen to mardell but i was genuinely shock by his language about fellow politicians . He attacked IDS as a hipocrite and said the PM shouldn’t have said bad things about Blair .
Shocking . Mardell just sat back .
Hope the studio wall buttresses coped.
Just listened to him what a disgraceful b*****d the gloves are off between remainers and leavers in the tory party he would be very happy for may to get together with blair. Major etc all the losers !!
Yes, I heard this today. Mardell doing sterling work as Duty Officer for Project Fear and “People’s Vote”, an astonishing performance even by his standards of egregious bias. No attempt to challenge Lord Patten spouting ad hominems, and especially the absurd claim that Tory Brexiteers are Maoists.
Missed the interview.
In some ways it is a good sign.
Any reasoned arguments, any pie charts?
Did Patten’s voice go up an octave? It usually does when he is lying.
That’s all they have. Repetition of long discredited lies about the benign EU, and insults.
Keep the unflappable Mogg on screen as much as possible, to contrast with with the desperate, manic EUSSRophiles
“Missed the interview”
And for the likes of the BBC/MSM who survive on knowing what the viewing listening figs are for each company while hard working/busy-doing-better-things with their time citizens of the UK don’t even bother watching those kind of one sided debates/interviews! The BBC can try their best to tell us otherwise but only their most dedicated fans actually hear the opinions of such small numbers of celebrity/ex-MPs/Authors/Pop Stars (laugh)/high-divers/ex-football stars/game show hosts/second home owners in the south of france/spain/switzerland etc etc …. traitors, everyone of them!
Fed, MM is Chief (or at least a very Senior) BBC Anti-Brexit/Pro-Remain Campaigner and Propagandist.
These celebrities who care about refugees and the like are all BBC beauties. They are invited to put up or shut up
You guys are firing on all cylinders today…keep it up!…too many articles to take in to be honest……
Just to say I also listened to Any Questions from Chichester…it was a joke.Sussex actually voted quite significantly to leave the EU…apart from Brighton of course……somehow the BBC get a totally remain audience?….they keep doing this….it does deserve credit for their production team…..bravo…….
…….and I have just listened to Patten’s interview with my mouth wide open….
I think he said “you cant put lipstick on a pig…it is still a pig” in relation to the Conservative Brexiteers (and in fact all of us “Extremists”who voted Leave?……)
So 17.5 million of us seem to be aligned to some far right Fascist agenda?……we are ALL deluded,stupid and our vote shouldnt count?……
So its ‘gloves off’ time perhaps?…the PEOPLE V PARLIAMENT?….
choose your ‘weapon’?……….
“somehow the BBC get a totally remain audience?….”
Every time the BBC does this it (BBC) should be gently reminded that “these kind of openly bias tricks” are gonna turn round and bite them horribly!
Interesting comment about lipstick and pigs, to which I say, a turd cannot be polished and no matter how much it is coated in glitter, it is still a turd, this particular one has a name, Patten.
If it hasn’t already been mentioned, I’d urge people out there to listen to this. Contains quite a few facts that I wasn’t aware of (not for the most part about Brexit):
Very good, Anne. Thanks for putting that up. Education was once the preserve of the Christian church in the UK, initially through the CofE and then via the non-Conformists as well. Amazing to realise how thoroughly the Hard/Far-Left have got in ‘under the radar’ (think Lord Pearson used that expression, too) and have been controlling education in the UK for the time of our membership of the EU.
Now there’s a coincidence. Purely a coincidence, I don’t think that could have been orchestrated by the EEC. But all the same, 45 years of indoctrination of teachers who are just leaving college to start work now, means that there’s another 45 years of it ahead of us!
BBC Politics 2018-12-16
“Theresa May condemns Tony Blair’s new Brexit vote call”
May and Blair in the same headline.
She is trying to divert attention to Blair so she can pull another pro EU rabbit out of her pants.
I still believe Blair is the worst traitor the UK has produced.
But May is still trying hard for the #1 position.
The rabbit has my unwavering sympathy, no sentient being should ever be there.
Just after the latest loony utterances from the IPCC about farming, the BBC were all in favour of getting its viewers, listeners and web-site users to give up meat and become vegan.
Suddenly, they are all concerned this weekend about the effect of a No-Deal Brexit on our meat industry. They wheeled a lamb farmer on to Any Answers yesterday and more farmers onto The World This Weekend (both on R4). I didn’t hear the item on TWTW but I assume it was fear-mongering over the tariffs that might be applied to UK meat products.
The BBC does not understand tariffs. They appear to constantly assume they are paid by the exporting country and not the importing country.
They are consistently inconsistent in their hypocrisies.
There would be some poetry in the granting of a second referendum with no ‘ remain ‘ option – just WTO rules or the sellout . I think the lying a. Campbell would have another breakdown .
The old line about ‘ careful what you wish for ‘
Naturally the remainers and bbc woukd want ‘ remain’ as a third option which would fix the result by splitting the brexiter vote.
Did I hear that Englands win over Columbia in the World Cup is one of the contenders for a BBC Sport Award later tonight?
And that some legless kid has got an award named after a dead BBCsports Hackett’s from years ago?
Sport is dead. Just give Lineker an award for his lifetime, and shut the whole sorry farrago down. Pitiful .
The EU sells far more to us than we sell to them .
The EU will be the losers.
We the UK save £39 Billion as a bonus unless the EU have re-invented mathematics?
Although I would not put it passed them as they have already re-invented democracy .
The lesson is – do not join anything with Europe or International in the title because it will be run by lying Communists who are trying to exterminate you.
Equally astonishing is the general failure to follow EU history, Lucy. The Danes, Dutch and French have all been forced to toe the EU line on referenda, just like the Irish and just as we very probably will.
The comparisons with the Obama election are significant, but in our case you can add in a deliberately engineered loss of a sweeping majority in the 2017 election – taxing pensions, free vote on hunting, ‘strong and stable’ blah, blah – calculated to contrive precisely the current situation.
And those who believe that this was not conceived and orchestrated by Brussels and a compliant UK cabinet, please go back to playgroup and begin again.
Good spot and post, pug. I suspect the BBC are displaying their ignorance caused by their Brexit blinkers.
The BBC overlooks the limited nature of the NZ economy in the 1950s, 1960s & 1970s, in no small part due to its sacrifices in WW2 but also because it was not a developed country in any sense of the world.
In addition, NZ was also badly hit – perhaps more so than similar nations – by the world OPEC-created oil price shock of the 1970s. They were also highly reliant on imports of all technological goods but at a time when Japan was developing its First World hegemony.
Then, as the UK was forced to turn its back on NZ and its markets & exports from 1972/3 on, it was topped off the 1990s by the collapse of its National Bank due to misfeasance.
The BBC are now shilling for a second EU Referendum in the News broadcasts, eg. 4pm on R4.
Where is that Gina Miller when you need her?
David Cameron : remind me what you said about a second EU Referendum, before we voted.
And here’s the salient points from the leaflet

Someone posted the whole PDF earlier but it’s a bit too long
I’m an extremist & I can’t understand that. What does it mean? 🙂
According to Lord Patten I’m not just an extremist but also a rodent and a Maoist or is it a Maori?
Any way – the non elected Patten in elder statesman mode did a proper sneer job like hezza , Blair and other non elected has beens – mandelson and a. Campbell and Adonis – all given generous amounts of time by the BBC.
Farage says we should prepare for a second referendum in case they spring one on us.
I think we should start preparing for a third in case the remainers win.
I’m getting weary of Farage! He of all people should know the pitfalls of putting words into other peoples minds!
Someones opinion
@Pug I believe Mrs May found some typos in Cameron’s speech
I spot the text in the Express : In the old footage, he said:
Biased BBC always really sniffy about Russian TV – but this reporter shows how ‘news’ id done : https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=CfBRv_1544909649
“sniffy about Russian TV” No.
Many here regularly view and comment on items on RT UK.
RT UK needs to be accompanied by regular quantities of salt.
But RT UK is better than the £4.5 Billion BBC.
Faint praise for RT UK, Mad Magazine is superior to the BBC.
RT UK Currently leading with this :-
“‘Theresa May lookalike’ wanted by police after money stolen from cash machine”
Like the BBC, Sky have gotten rather excited by the lorra luvvies letter, but have taken to reposting over and over as it has not gone well before.
And still isn’t. Well, they always have the rigged rerun to push together on.
200 people!
17,410,742 People voted for Brexit and Sky are demanding it is disregarded.
Come back again 350 years after some ethnic wins the Nobel Prize for Physics, and we’ll think about it.
The BBC also gets creative with small numbers as noted here and ITTB, where the % of conceded complaints to total submitted is beyond credulity.
The difference is, 200 luvvies do not matter. Deep sixing legitimate concerns from tens of thousands of viewers and then crowing about it is a big mistake.
“Who should be on the new £50 note?”
Start with Britannia.
I don’t suppose it’ll be an image of the great prophet!
Guest Who
There’s just no pleasing some folks. For most of my life a black face took pride of place on jars of a very tasty brand of marmalade. Then someone opined it was offensive and the black face disappeared.
The same thing could happen if a black face was to be put on the £50 note. I don’t think we can afford the risk. Let’s use Mrs May – after she has delivered a proper Brexit for our nation.
Al Beeb
“Brussels protest over UN migration pact turns violent”
“Europe’s migration crisis: Could it finish the EU?”
Things are not going well in the EU. Would anyone vote to join it now ?
“Would anyone vote to join it now”
I will join as Saloonland, a small island in the Baltic.
I will single-handedly cause havoc in the EU.
Having read “Wasp” by Eric Frank Russell.
The BBC fails to condemn Macron for the use of tear-gas and water canon during the French riots.
It would be so wrong in the eyes of the BBC/Left if the police were to do the same here.
The use of tear gas on the British mainland has always been one of those signs of ‘ defeat’ for law and order as opposed to mainland Europe where it’s a tradition .
When the next social media driven riots breakout I think the cops are gonna need as much as they can get as they haven’t the numbers or training any more.
You just watch.
First sign of Brexit violence and we will have EU armoured cars on the streets.
Just as in France.
UK Police will say we cannot handle this due to “austerity”.
EU will say “it’s a pleasure to be able to assist a member state in its time of need”.
EU forces will be told minimum provocation maximum response and will kick the … out of anyone within range.
Excessive force will be then blamed on the Spanish, or wherever the troops are from, being over enthusiastic.
EU will come out of their attacks whiter than the driven snow, having cracked the skulls of as many people as they can. All useful experience in the early stages of the violent repression of European peoples.
Regarding the use of tear gas I think we all know the BBC score:
If it’s used against leavers/ “populists”, Trump or TR supporters -BBC will try to ignore it or justify it.
If it’s used against remoaners, far-left thugs, Muslims or immigrants BBC will go into outrage overdrive 24/7.
pug, that is why ‘they’ (the BBC included) are throwing everything against a No-Deal departure in 2019. If we are are allowed to fully escape and all the dire predictions prove mostly or totally false, we are in a position of some strength.
Not only that, those that have careers based on keeping us in the EU and have made those predictions, their credibility will be shot and those careers may well be finished, starting with the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Governor of the Bank of England and down through various political Parties and.State Institutions.
Then if the predictions of doom are somewhat offset by lower inflation, another good summer (highly likely – they tend to go in pairs) and other improving economic indicators (High Street retail excepted) then it will be hard to get people feeling too nostalgic for wanting to be back in the EU. Add continuing bad news from the EU nations into the mix and you can sense the Hard-Remainer desperation, as evidenced by Chris Patten and Tony Blair this weekend.
Our prayers should be, I think, directed toward a stiffening of resolve of the Prime Minister against all the siren voices especially those of Juncker, Tusk and Barnier.
7pm BBC Sports Personality of the Year
\\ @clarebalding tweeted
Looking forward to Sports Personality of the Year tonight. Live on @BBCOne at 7pm. We’ll reveal the contenders when we come on air but who do you think should be on the shortlist and who will win?
Use #SPOTY //
I guess they held off announcing the shortlist ..so they can fill it with BAME
and make up for the shame of the public voting for white person Stacey Dooley last night
Mary Seacole was also a nifty pole vaulter. Apparently.
She is dead, but a scientist? Really?
Something to give everyone some hope: especially Brexiteers.
The EU have actually been a pushover – twice – in the last week or so. We were told, after ‘Dave’s’ unsuccessful re-negotiation of our EU membership terms and before June 2016, that there was little chance of getting 27 Member States to all agree quickly to anything. We were also warned by Remain & Leave Campaigns that the European Court of Justice would be rigid and unbending in deciding the law regarding our withdrawal.
Yet here we are and the 27 Member States & the ECJ have both interfered in our democratic processes and made us offers we can refuse. And we would be wise to decline both, in my view.
That ought to be trumpeted from every roof top throughout the land. The way ahead – far from being uncertain – appears to be that the EU can cave in, but only when we are wobbling in our resolve.
Now let us try it the other way.
Let us have that Parliamentary vote, PM, as close to the end of January 2019 as possible and as soon as it is lost, please go to Brussels and sweep the £39bn and the transition period back into your handbag (“In a handbag!”) and head out the door to get on with your fairness agenda and creating more jobs for our UK unemployed.
You currently have over 157,000 people behind you if you do that and you will know what multiplier the SPADs apply to such things. By 17 April, it may be over 500,000, perhaps a million.
“You currently have over 157,000 people behind you”
I hope not.
It is nearly 160,000 now.
The petition is title is “Leave the EU without a deal in March 2019.”
I have supported “no deal”, I would not support May running a bath, let alone Brexit.
Any quote, LCS, is going to be out of date pretty quickly. i watched it over the 160K mark; it’s now over halfway between 161K & 162K.
Three-quarters of the way.
Anybody else tonight going to watch BBC Non Sport or Non Personality of the Year award and see how long you can last before switching over/off?….I will give myself possibly 10 minutes MAX………..theres a white Aretha to start proceedings?…jesus…what a load of SHIT…I must be getting old………
my guess is….
Women will be bigged up
Black asian or generally coloured people of ethnic origin will be bigged up
Handicapped and people who are marginalised by society will be bigged up
People of an alternative sexuality who we should all accept as being OK will do well…
and some bloke from Dudley who coaches kids….because there has to be a working class type dull bloke win an award?…..
and LGBT people MUST get a mention!!…Tom Daley and his wife/husband?…and their ‘children’?…..
bla bla bla bla………
God I miss the days when a sports award was for brilliant sporting achievement…Mary Peters where are you today!!!?……
I didnt last long…only got to the woman on the tea tray..pretending to be sport……..
Lucky -try PBS America – a documentary about Canadians in bomber command …
… I’m a bit peeved about the BBC nicking our idea for a “biased BBC personality of the year award”