The Week of The Meaningless Vote ? Seems like a lot of BBC political programmes are shutting down for Christmas -despite brexit -so will be interesting to see the bias of those left .
Start the Week Open Thread 17 December 2018
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John ‘Copernicus’ Pienaar has a Diane Abbott Moment on TOADY.
“The vote will take place in the second week of January.”
Er, think not, John. Have a look at the new BBC calendar that the DG has given you for Christmas, week starting 14th January.
Our Treason is intending to blackmail the HoP into voting for her give-away Withdrawal “deal” in January. We will see how much backbone the leavers possess.
Steady, lad, steady. Be strong & very courageous, just like the PM. (I hope.) I think she wants the vote to be as close to 29 March as possible and still wants it to fail.
As currently constituted, I think it is guaranteed to do that.
Then she is fully armed – and dangerous as far as the EU is concerned – for the next two and a half months.
What might be a problem is if the trouble in France, Belgium & Hungary continues and worsens, or even worse for the EU, spreads to other EU States. Then the EU Junta might be inclined to offer the PM loads of bells & whistles …..
…. but with a minefield underneath.
We would also not want that sort of deal getting past Parliament.
Apparently the bBBC are so frightened of losing their new prize asset, Strictly’s Stacey Dooley, that they have given her and Joe Sugg the job of presenting its New Year’s Eve concert/ extravaganza this year, which isn’t to be confused with the Hootenanny that most people will actually be watching if the tv is on. Joe’s Uncle Graham, maybe, and his band Madness are part of the line-up. Don’t know who this is aimed at, but racism and cultural appropriation in the one programme bBBC? Prepare for a twitter “storm”.
I usually gauge the popularity of children’s presenters like Ms Dooley through the opinion of my daughters aged 10,12 and 14, who showed no interest at all in Strictly this year despite being avid viewers in the past. They can’t stand her.
Ah, but I hear that Ashley and Giovanni locked lips at the Strictly wrap party. (lucky girl!)
Fair enough Brissles, he’s at maximum masculinity as per bBBC guidelines. I wouldn’t mind a bit of the old rumba with Faye myself.
Toady Watch
Owen Jones and Will Hutton brought together by Nic Robinson . I don’t really need to describe anything they said . This is because it evidences the utter bbc bias . Would 2 brexiters ever be put on together with a sympathetic interviewer . ?
Almost a joke – there were these two guardian columnists and a beeboid ….
Ps they were talking about Corbyn bottle job over a no confidence vote in HMG – wish he’d go for it – I’ve got a bet at 9/1 …
He has gone for it, hasnt he?
No – he’s just gone for the PM not the government -which achieves the same as a chocolate tea pot
A proper opposition woukd have destroyed the current government ages ago
Forgot to mention it earlier: Jocelyn Joyce Burnell on the Life Scientific with the wonderfully named Jim Alkali. I think she’s wonderful. It’s a repeat I think but well worth a listen – twice.
Oops, poor-proofing + typo + brain fade + urghh + lots of other busy-ness = Jocelyn BELL Burnell.
I listened. Again. Something stood out this time. Jim Alkali was really stirring the Feminist moan thing, again, again and again.
Forcing JBB to complain about men and perceived sexism in science.
When I was in Secondary School, not THAT long after JBB had made her discovery, girls were in my Physics class, outnumbered boys in Biology and for Chemistry, I just cannot remember, but think there were a good number doing that subject, too.
Late sixties? Sexism in science?
Not in my world.
But in the BBC agenda world ……
Countering the sky 1000 people poll showing 53% wanting no brexit is a poll by Martin Lewis.
Currently 185,000 have replied and so far it’s:
No deal brexit. 61%
May’s deal. 39%
And when I last looked 205,000+ on the no deal petition.
I wonder if our politicians look at these figures or do they know best.
Two thirds of constituencies voted leave.
Referendum voted leave.
450 politicians don’t want to so 17,400,000 v 450
Give us what we voted for, no deal and out on 29th.
11am R4 Allan Little defends George Soros and crew
I notice sports personality by-pass Lewis Hamilton has been doing his impression of Ali G – giving an impromptu big shout out to the Stevenage Massive with his “escape from the slums” comments.
Let’s see how much the BBC feel like punishing him – I’m guessing there’ll be a quick mention then he cops a free pass.
Stevenage is a dump?….
When compared to his Swiss tax haven
I had an interesting chat to a remainer at a party at the weekend. She said she voted remain because she thought Brexit would be damaging to the economy. She admitted that she knew next to nothing of the ins and outs of Brexit, and had no idea about the backstop or the fact that Brexit was now Brino.
After a long chat (poor girl but she did ask. . .), I reflected that perhaps a simple analogy was the best way to describe where we are. Next time I think I’ll just say this:
So imagine you elected to buy a Rolls Royce. You knew you’d have to wait for 2 years but you did it anyway. Three months before you were due to get the car, you were asked by the dealer to inspect it. When you got there you were taken to a field where the car was sat on piles of bricks. Every window was smashed and every panel dented. “Yes, the wheels got stolen on day one. Then the dealer principal came out here every couple of weeks and laid about it with a baseball bat.”
“So obviously you won’t want it now. We couldn’t believe you were stupid enough to ask for it in the first place. Think if it as your fault that this much damage as been done. Anyway, there’s only one way forward now. You can pick from the car as it is, an old roller skate, or a cracked piss pot.”
In this BiasedBBC article why do they play down the role of Iran in backing the Houthi rebels with arms? Maybe it is only to protect their embedded correspondents and if so it is imho perhaps very irresponsible. (When and if WW3 breaks out for real the BBC would have to sort out it’s propaganda machine)
2018-12-18 00:25
BBC Wales
“Are too many women being jailed in Wales?”
Focussing on a woman who was jailed for neglecting her children.
However the wrong person was in clink because her problems started
“after an abusive relationship ended”
Many people buy a Monopoly set at Christmas, for some harmless family fun.
All will be disappointed this year.
The BBC has stolen all “Get out of jail free” cards.
The stolen cards have been given to women of all sexes, murderers with Norwegian names and rapists in Labour controlled Councils.
The following cards have been substituted.
Type a) “Pass Go, get a free Council house immediately, live on benefits, hate the English, have 92 intellectually subnormal enriching offspring.”
Type b) “Why are you white male bastards not all dead yet?”
John Redwood is in good form today.
With similar news Guido Fawkes tells us that the UK & EU have agreedto keep to the Common Transition Convention so that custom duties are paid only at final destinations. That means that the UK can still be a ‘land bridge’ for the Irish.
Most international goods trade is carried out using sealed, numbered ‘boxes’ (ISO containers) but listening to Project Fear and the BBC one would never know.
I have no idea whether this is good, bad or what?
or does it mean we have no intention of inconveniencing the irish whilst they go about subverting the UK
It illustrates that most goods are declared before they even enter the country and because they are in sealed containers they can transit third-party countries unchecked.
Project Fear would have us believe that all goods would be unpacked and checked either side of the UK/EU border leading to delays at all the ports. We don’t do this for containers arriving/departing from/to places like the USA or China so why would we need to suddeny change for EU trade?
Whereas, as Nick Pollard had to concede, at the bbc nothing bad ever went through the top floor, and especially the DG’s office.
GW – In the immortal words of Mandy Rice-Davies . . .
One the bbc does not like.
One the bbc seems to give an extraordinary amount of time and space to for reasons unclear.
Looking to the future.
If we do manage to get out of the eu then at least both remainers and leavers would see that democracy works and their vote counts.
If it is denied and we end up still stuck in the eu, although remainers will have their victory they must also realise that voting is meaningless and both leavers and remainers votes will count for nothing in the future as parliament will ignore what it wants having gotten away with it this time.
No vote in any future will mean anything.
I hear that the car trade will suffer under no deal.
If the £ goes down our cars will be cheaper.
If our exports drop by say 15% it would be logical to assume our imports would drop by a similar amount (if there was a 10% tariff imposed both ways for example)
As we import about 3 times the amount of cars we export it would be logical to think these imported 15% would be replaced by us Brits buying British made cars so, just guessing example figures but if our car makers lose out on 500,000 exports they should increase their domestic sales by 1,500,000 (3 times)
Is there any flaw in the logic of the above?
If not, why hasn’t anyone being interviewed mentioned something along those lines.
If you hear it mentioned in the future maybe it means some of our Brexiteer MPs read bbbc.
No flaw I can see.
Austin Mitchell, Labour MP for Great Grimsby 1977-2015, lists some of the Losers’ lies as follows:
Democracy requires the people to vote again
Britain belongs at the heart of Europe
The EU is our best market
Leaving would be to crash over the cliff edge into disaster
We’d be alone and ignored
Brexit would be disastrous for business
Our leaders love the EU because it gives them a bigger stage to strut on, an excuse for their failures and the illusion that they’re still important – the only satisfaction left to them, after screwing up Britain.
And the more the swamp dwellers have in the issue – kinnock – Patton mandelson and their pensions the loader they shout
Listened to Allan little treading oh so carefully when discussing the chief globaliser – Soros – he managed to cloud the issue with allegations of anti Semitic nonsense but people are anti Soros not anti Semitic who want to hold on to the identity of their respective nation states – ReichEU or otherwise .
EG, one that I can see is that we no longer have a car industry unless you consider Morgan and TVR as industry, excellent as they are. Even they are reliant (now there’s a word!) on overseas components.
The Government signalled the full death of the UK car industry when it joined that ill-judged bout of virtue signalling by various prominent nations in banning the manufacture of new petrol and diesel cars by 2030/2040/2050 depending where you live.
The oil companies will stop pulling the stuff out of the ground if they cannot make money from it, so that death may come a lot sooner. One academic thinks it will be the middle of the next decade.
I know we have little in the way of our very own car makers now but I was thinking of the remoaners predicting Armageddon for any car manufacturers located in the uk.
Where I live, Sunderland, they are trying to scare the Nissan workers with their project fear.
My thinking is that any decrease in exports would be more than compensated for with increased domestic sales.
Nissan is usually quoted by remoaners to be ready to relocate to the eu because of loss of exports. I think they will sell more if the eu want to play silly buggers.
Emmanuel, first & last paras – yes, I agree with that as far as Nissan is concerned. Honda in Swindon, too. Situation is different for multi-nationals somewhat as they are vulnerable (esp. Japanese firms) to J-I-T (Just in time) manufacturing delays.
Morgan and TVR hand build at a rate of so many vehicles per month. Probably hand counted on the fingers & thumbs thereof, too. Lotus are in a funny place and foreign owned with the third or fourth owner keeping things ticking over for the Chinese & s-e Asian market. Aston Martin are effectively Austria based so that leaves McLaren and I somehow think they, like the first three, are not in the mass market.
We Brits are very inventive and I would like to think we could come up with something electric and something else hybrid at fairly short notice. Type approval at World and European level would probably be out but a British Government with some nerve and muscle for a change might just try something a bit unilateral and state: “We’ve tested it. It’s licensed for use on British roads.* It is for the home market only, so there! Tough! What you going to do about it? Sue us?”
Are there downsides? Owners would probably not be allowed to take their vehicles abroad or into Eire.
(* We have a robust Kit Car industry but it is strictly based on existing p- & d-fuel vehicles that are cannibalised in their construction. They still have to get an approval from the Govt Dept responsible – can’t remember what it’s called now unless it’s part of the Swansea set-up.)
At the risk of over-simplifying the numbers – we make 1.5 million cars in the UK every year (Honds, Nissan, Toyota, Jaguar & some Vauxhalls) and we buy 2.5 million. If the EU plays silly buggers and we stop the import and export of cars the UK manufacturers will have to make an extra million cars per year. The CBI tells us that this will be a disaster for UK manufacturers.
RJ, They would all be vulnerable to being moved abroad, especially if the EU wanted to take some really big revenge for No Deal (and no money) as they could offer all sorts of sweeteners to Ford, Opel, Tata (India) and the Japanese firms.
Remember we used to have some car industry in Coventry. Being in the EU in 2006/07 was a fat lot of good then, wasn’t it?
Hard-Remainers ought to be reminded of that on a weekly, if not daily, basis but I bet the BBC will not do it.
I’ve spoken to quite a few ‘remainers’ who would now vote leave given a 2nd referendum after seeing the EU at its worse in the negotiations. But I’ve yet to meet a ‘leaver’ who’s changed their mind.
‘The Sun’. Today’s front page. (Never shown on BBC)
“”No Deal would be very bad for the EU. Its agricultural exporters could lose access to our markets overnight. So it is in their interests to play ball.””
“”In addition, the EU would not get much of our £39 billion agreed exit payment.””
“”And mucking up the EU’s relationship with the City of London would hurt member states.””
“”… if we ditched import quotas, allowing non-EU countries to access the UK, prices should fall.””
“”They have benefited from having the UK as a captive market behind a high tariff wall.””
“”Examples are the Irish industry, which supplies up to 70 per cent of our beef, French farmers and Bavarian dairy producers.””
The Sun is by far the most widely read newspaper and has far more influence than the BBC’s Guardian.
True, but Biased Google has rigged it search/ news algorithms to bump The Guardian etc to top of the pile.
In fact Google news page1 almost looks like a 1990’s newsagents stand
No, No, No.
Google are Nazis, it’s true, here is the evidence:-
“How Google’s search algorithm spreads false information with a rightwing bias”
“Search and autocomplete algorithms prioritize sites with rightwing bias, and far-right groups trick it to boost propaganda and misinformation in search rankings”
From a most reliable source, and we know it’s reliable, because the source is financed by the BBC.
We know the BBC is the World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster, because the World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster tells us, frequently.
News does not get any more reliable than this, facts are sacred, remember.
(Guardian 2016-12-16).
‘News does not get any more reliable than this, facts are sacred, remember. (Guardian).’
If facts are sacred to the Guardian I would love them all to be reminded that Nazis are, by definition, formation and influence, an organisation of The Left, of socialism, of the working class. I can imagine a historian telling that to the Guardian crew.
The heads of Owen Jones and Polly Toynbee would start to rotate at increasing speed “Does not compute.” “Does not compute!” “Arrggghhhhh!” with smoke coming from all apertures before they exploded in bursts of acrid flame.
Who needs Dr Who & the Daleks?
2018-12-18 BBC Europe
“Brexit: How Europe does second referendums”
The BBC “explains” the history of EU devotion to democracy.
Without mentioning that disregarding of voting outcomes, creating “Treaties” to avoid referenda, moving goalposts, happened 100% of the time when the Stalins in the EUKremlins did not like the result. No matter how close other votes were, no attempt was made to repeat the process when the first result was to the liking of Barroso (a real Maoist) and his cronies.
Having discussed two occasions when the ROI voted incorrectly; the BBC notes.
“It also contained a proviso that any further votes on the Nice treaty would go through a parliamentary vote rather than a referendum.”
Petition @ 212678. Average per hour: 2164 over last 2.5 Hrs. Up on yesterday same time span. The message is still getting around though.
Found this on Facebook. Copied and pasted.
Why people think the EU having supremacy over another country is a good thing baffles the life out of me. The UK had little say within the EU (only 8.4% of voting power). The UK will now have more leverage as an independent sovereign nation.
Britain used to conduct 12% of the clinical trials in the world. Now it is only 1%. What happened? The EU’s Clinical Trials Directive.
As an EU member if the UK wants to import goods from outside Europe it has to pay a levy to Brussels.
The EU’s Single Market has not helped the southern European countries who are in financial problems.
The UK is the biggest export market in the world for the Eurozone. They sell us £89bn worth of goods more than we sell them every year.
80% of the worlds economies are outside of the EU’s single market. 99% of businesses in the UK are SMEs, only 6% of them export to the EU.
80% of our economy is selling services. There is no EU single market in services. Never has been. Yet we have done great.
Britain’s exports to the world are classed as exports to the EU if they happen to be shipped on via Rotterdam pushing the figure up to 44%.
Ted Heath abolished Purchase Tax and replaced it with VAT on 2 April 1973 in preparation for joining the EEC (EU).
Most member states didn’t have VAT before joining the EU. VAT had to be introduced together with membership of the EU.
EU Council Directive 2006/112/EC on the common system of VAT stipulates that UK VAT must not be lower than 15%.
Under EU law no member state may fall below a minimum of 15% for the standard rate of VAT and 5% for the reduced rate.
It’s been suggested that VAT on domestic fuels should be cut from 5% to zero. But 5% is the minimum allowed under EU law.
The biggest tax evasion in Europe is the 10k EU employees (who net earn more than the British PM) that pay a top rate income tax of 16%.
European judges have forced Britain to pay back billions in tax to multinational companies.
EU taxation rules stop Britain from making multinationals like Google pay their fair share George Osborne admitted.
The EU has completely destroyed the sovereign right of national governments to levy tax in a country where income is earned.
EU Regulations don’t need to be approved by (UK) Parliament. Once published in the Official Journal of the EU they automatically become Law.
Article 48 of Lisbon gives the EU powers to amend its own treaties, without recourse to an intergovernmental conference or a new Treaty.
Since 1st November 2014 the right of the UK Parliament to legislate over us in 43 areas was removed and made subject to EU QMV approval.
When the Lisbon Treaty took effect on 1st December 2009, Britain lost its right of veto in more than forty areas of public policy.
The nineteen Eurozone countries now constitute a majority in the EU that can routinely outvote Britain.
The UK has been outvoted every single time it has voted against EU laws. All this can be fact checked btw.
Emmanuel ,
It’s sad that a lot of these facts will come as new information to a lot of people .
I was trying to ‘game out ‘ how remainers will try to engineer the failure of the UK after we have our full british brexit … still working on it .
What I do know it that one reason for the desperate fight by remainers is that we will do well outside the ReichEU and so there will be no chance of remainers getting their purple passport back ….
“The desperate fight” by the NoBrainers is on behalf of the EU, it already knows that larges swathes of Europe are increasingly anti the “project”, and terrified that other states will vote out.
On Sunday I was the only Brexiteer amongst 13 remainers and one fencer….who voted remain but would now vote leave..
Who had read the Withdrawal agreement and that piece of crap the did they quote/’s better being in so we can make changes..yes as you say..not with the level of impact..not one of them had any real depth of thought and could put a half decent discussion beyond – it was ok…you didnt know what you were voting for…it was all immigartion
I went through a lot of what you have written and they were clueless..and all intelligent..and thankfully still my friends 🙂
“Those, like Jeremy Hunt, who glorify a no–deal #Brexit are totally irresponsible. It is not the job of politicians to make the people they lead poorer, remove opportunities, rights & make lives more uncertain. There is no such thing as a “managed no deal”.”
Guy Verhofstadt – Quoted in the Guardian today.
Correct Guy. The job of politicians is to surrender their people, their civilisation and their land to people who hate us and intend to destroy us. You Guy, are a perfect role model.
Politicians should be like taxi drivers, take you to where you tell them to go
More like nappies.
They should be changed regularly (and for the same reason)
Never s shortage of politicians – just a shame they can’t be a bit human …
We keep hearing that our Brexit negotiations have reached stalemate and therefore the only way to dig our way out of this political quagmire is a (so called) “people’s vote.” It’s the mantra of the moment. Not surprisingly it’s very popular at the Beeb and a hard core Remainer cartel of politicians and journalists. But how could this possibly settle things?
We’ve had over two years of the most negative and toxic campaigning by the Remainers, creating the impression that Brexit is political, cultural and financial suicide. They’ve assailed us from all angles, firstly suggesting the vote was only “advisory” then that Facebook had manipulated voters and when that floundered that one of the Leave campaigns was funded by foreign money. Blimey, their list of pathetic excuses have been as spurious as they are endless.
The most telling problem though is that we’ve been lumbered with an inept Prime Minister who has approached these negotiations with all the enthusiasm of a Christian entering the Colosseum at feeding time. She’s pathetic.
The only people hankering for this second vote are the ones that never wanted and have never accepted the first one. If, as they hope, they were to win this time, why on earth should we Brexiteers accept their vote vote?
Have they considered this?
If they get their way they won’t only kill Brexit.
They’ll also kill democracy.
”inept Prime Minister”’
If only that explanation was true, sadly May is no bumbling fool, but just acting like one, to waste time create a crisis that prevents us leaving or leaving in name only.
Today’s famous Muslims #1 The Friends lookAlike
I note this time BBC Northwest do name him in their headline tweet
Abdulah must a special form of Muslim is he is allegedly stealing and if you see from the picture it is booze – perhaps halal.
“The Neo-Nazi terrorist group National Action, founded in 2013, was outlawed under anti-terror legislation in 2016 after it celebrated the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox.” the BBC tells us… as a couple are jailed for having a bunch of Nazi paraphernalia… including a swastika pastry cutter, and being members of a banned supremacist organization.
… Funny how Muslims were not jailed for the magnificent 19 posters and celebrations following 9/11, and Islam was not banned for being a supremacist ideology with their Koran which is just the 7th century version of Mein Kamph. It’s almost like there is a different law for different people.
In fact Muhammad has many parallels with Hitler, the conquest, genocide, the slavery, the subjugation, the supremacy… even Carl Jung a famous psychoanalyst who studied the psychology of Nazi Germany compared Hitler to Muhammad saying: “We do not know if Hitler is going to found a new Islam”
Of course the BBC is all too busy telling us that the problem is with the “far right”… i think the numbers of dead due to Jihad, and the amount of rape jihad targeted at infidel children paint a different picture.
Just more distortion, deflection, and propaganda from the BBC.
Yes the Beeb UK website has this as their top story! A couple of (I suspect quite dim) no-marks posing with Nazi and KKK props gets them into a proper lather.
I particularly like the linked article
Is the extreme right the new terror threat?
Today’s famous Muslim #2 Judge *Melbourne Inman* of today’s” Nazi trial”
– bit of a strange name
– The establishment just so needs there to be REAL Nazis so that , it can justify it’s pogrom against Tommy and his supporters
Without real nazis, HnH have far less purpose.
.. Scenario #1 here is that they are real people, who are a bit weird
scenario #2 could be that they’re somehow MI5 puppets ??
The judge said
News reports all falsely said “they named their paper after Hitler”
FakeNews cos the complexity is that : They gave their baby the MIDDLE NAME Adolf.
“The eradication of those who you consider to be inferior because of no more than the colour of their skin, or their religion.”
Was it a Muslim judge?
typo “named their child”
A bit more ‘nonsense’ to throw on the bonfire when eventually reality returns: “….trans-boys and men and non-binary people can have periods…”.
I would suggest that those who promote this rubbish are also thrown on the bonfire.
Imagine if the Scots had won an independence referendum by 1 million, and then the establishment had undermined the result for 2 years and then forced a second refendum.
Has no journo ever asked Nicola Sturgeon that ?
It just goes to show, if wee Kranky gets indyref2, why should an independence vote get enacted?
‘Our’ politicians are continuously squabbling away and they are all pushing their own agendas with all these different versions of brexit such as the Norway, Canada (add plus or minus) May’s deal, backstops, 6 tests, Irish Sea border and all the others.
There is no majority for any of this multitude of choices.
There is only one thing which the MPs will agree on and that is NOT to grant the deal 17.4 million voters won the referendum with.
The one where the £9 million booklet told us no customs union,no single market, no ecj (no second referendum/losers vote) and it would be enacted, No ifs or buts.
Strange that, the one we voted for is the only one they agree to deny us.
Has their own problems with migrants from the Middle East and Africa. Guess what sort of problems.
Similar problems to Austria?
Bradford diversity in action
Siyavash Omidifa, 41, who fled the country during the trial
Pawel Wach
Marc Holton – who crops up in Bradford court every few years
eg 2013 “A CONVICTED killer, who joined a gang of ram-raiders after being freed on licence, is back behind bars.”
As the largely unadvertised petition creeps toward a quarter of a million votes one has to question the level of comparative advertising given to remainer politicians and other unelected hasbeens now receiving the coin of soros and Brandon.
This even more so for the likes of the SNP whose numerical support is so small in comparison to the size of the UK electorate and the distortive approach the BBC takes .
I’m really great full for the clock to be running down but I do fear that some fool will engineer a corrupted vote in Parliament or even worse another referendum to withdraw A50.
It’s amazing that we have been doing this for 2 years .
They quoted numbers of 700K for the Second Vote march
.. the contradiction was that the number of sigs on their petition was a fraction of that.
.. It can’t be true that people can walk on a march in London yet not easily sign a petition.
Instead of calling the second referendum ‘the people’s vote’ why don’t they call it what it is, ‘the remainers vote’
The losers vote is more fitting.
How many real victims of Windrush have there been ?
People who actually followed all the procedures like taking British citizenship and passport andcwere still messed around ?
The cost so far is £6m according to FOI , yet Im not aware of any named person that was actually illegally deported.
I have been asking this and there seems to be a mass of haze around it. The likes of Lamey ig it up yet no real figures seem to exist. At one time is was 1 then 40 then 60 but does this include criminals deported etc.
FoI? Maybe
Long thread where a listener challenges Radio Nottingham DJ on moaning about poverty yet working for an org that persecuts the poor over TV licence
That’s brilliant. Well worth a read.
The BBC Board has published a review into the operation of the Corporation’s commercial subsidiaries which found that the BBC’s three wholly-owned commercial businesses – BBC Studios, BBC Studioworks and BBC Global News – exhibit commercial efficiency //
Hmm if you have a golden asset like the BBC brand name, it’s not just enough to break-even .. you’d have to be making big profits.
Yvette Cooper’s seat is at risk!
The ongoing and ever increasing Petition has a map of where the votes are coming from. Her seat of Pontefract is certainly voting Leave With No Deal.
No – not mrs balls – she can all ways get work doing Peter Pann in panto….
The map looks even better when you select % of constituents
The government is putting the whole British Army on standby – because of Brexit – yes – all 3500 of them – apart from those on bail pending investigation by the PSNI for lawfully killing terrorists 40 years ago…
I’m gonna choke on me popcorn
But surely, we have already signed over control of our armed sevices to the EU? Sorry, I remember now, that’s a part of Treason May’s deal the MP’s will vote on in January. Silly me, that’s the deal that is, “Good for the country and good for all the population”.
8pm R4 a prog about Twitter
.. I’ll take a wild guess thst there’ll be some Trump bashing.
Mostly OK but their expert from Westminster Uni is a European foreigner who is talking BS.
One thing he makes out it’s really important if Trump is retweeted by bots, nope it makes little difference if a tweet is retweeted 2,000 times or 3,000 times .
People’s eyes come to tweets in various ways.. most of the tweets I see are from when I have searched and most have been liked or retweeted by no one.
Indeed there is almost no point in responding to a popular tweet cos your point just gets lost in the large pond. Whereas if you engage a celebrity one to one it’s more effective.
not on the BBC
Is there a special reason why they left his name out of the title
Khurum Shazada, 23
Urdu name apparently ie ethnic Pakistani
Shazada = “prince”
Prince of Darkness, and not in a racist way. Notice they didn’t have a comments section. wonder why. I’m amazed they printed the article.
Can’t have comments once a person has been charged, cos that would affect the court case .
But the same protections would be let go if it’s someone they don’t like and doesn’t have many friends.
A “man” named Khurum Shazada
Wonder if he’s Norwegian and mentally ill.
Was it a ‘sexual emergency’ – I hear they occur in some cultures. I hope someone somewhere is keeping a record of these crimes and their punishments. Meanwhile some idiots are jailed for years for being members of an invisible far right group with Nazi connections – I don’t like that, but they haven’t done anything except say offensive things. IMO the punishment is way over the top. Rapists/murderers probably get less.
My God, how low is this country going to go before we fight back!! It makes me depressed.
The ‘Avoid a No Deal Brexit’ petition has 172 signatures although I imagine that will increase rapidly once remoaners get a whiff of the other petition.
L – They might get 65,003 votes from just one flat in Tower Hamlets.
Well they’ll definitely have at least 200 signatures from the traitors in parliament.
Ssshhh! Don’t tell Maxincony!
The Guardian
“No-deal Brexit plans put 3,500 troops on standby”
Things get more ridiculous everyday. I couldn’t even be bothered to read it.
Fortunately Lucy most people don’t read the G….but it seems to exist as the research rag for the BBC
What they don’t tell you is 3500 that’s all of them
What are the soldiers going to be used for? Is this just another attempt to scare us?
I think they are just going to be there in a caring capacity as per their latest ads. They will be handing out womxn size tissues to weeping remoaners.
That Raheem Sterling thing how’d it go ?
Someone accused the fan of shouting “Black C**t”
The outrage bus was brought out
.. All the world’s pseudo liberals rushed to Virtue Signal by jumping on it
.. The world threw the book at the fan
.. The fan claimed he only said “manc c**t”
..Chelsea said ‘doesn’t matter, you are not allowed to swear at players and his punishment sets an example’
.. Surely it sets a precedent that you can be punished without there being any proper evidence.
Did Raheem say he heard different words ?
Sky says ” banned by Chelsea while investigations continue.”
The BBC is of course obsessed even more with America now Trump is POTUS.
And one of their main ‘sources’ is the NYT, plaything of their old DG.
I have lost count of the number of failing ‘news’ outlets that seem to think saying how worth it they are makes them actually worth paying for, when clearly they are not.
The NYT appears as a sponsored ad on my FB pages regularly. Each time, with each daft self-adoring claim, in response… #CCBGB
I wonder where Tony will wash up next, having worked his magic (screwed up) in that understated way (never to be found) way he has.
Pop up survey on my Beeb website:
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Says it all really.
“Almost 100 years ago, in 1921, the editor of The Guardian argued that the principal role of a newspaper was accurate reporting, insisting that “facts are sacred.” We still hold that to be true.”
From a long grovelling plea for funds by the editor of the US Guardian. A plea as full of lies as the rest of the rag. The coffers must nearly be empty.
“As a result, fake is in danger of overriding fact.” Blame yourselves.
“hating on immigrants” The Guardian policy is “Hate Speech”, directed against white Americans.
“We pride ourselves on not having a paywall” Lie, you dare not introduce a paywall.
Then there is not reporting on the mass rapes, which the Guardian did for years.
“Guardian bankrupt” would be a nice Christmas headline.
This website is free:
I also note the many facts in this piece seem not to have been noticed, challenged elsewhere, or actually mentioned from Kay to Katty to Emily to Adam to Nick….
The Petition is past 225,000. The British are standing up to the bullies and the nay-sayers.
Meanwhile the “avoid no deal Brexit” petition has stalled at 172.
Revoke the BBC’s Royal Charter.
Currently an open petition.
I will vote for this.
I think everybody should vote for this.
Edit Done 15,109. Let’s stuff them.
bbc 5 live interviewing some knobhead against deporting people
any people all people criminal people rapists murderers terrorists anyone
and telling the public to cause unrest on the plane ie risk arrest on their behalf
no counterpoint no other speaker
they are simply so out of touch with the public its ridiculous
The bbc are out of control they need closing down now.
Can someone start a petition to debate this on the basis that they are not operating within the requirements of the bbc charter?
There is one running ……………………
Tell your mates.
Thanks Taffman I’ve already seen and shared that one.
Rather than ending the bbc licence fee can’t we just end the bbc?
You are correct, but its a start.
Ps. Vote UKIP.
Sorry I did not see this before.
There is another “close the BBC petition” open.
See my post 15ish posts above.
K – Was it a knobhead or a knobheadess?
BBC1 6pm News is leading on a recycling initiative. An idiot from the Local Government Association comments on this aspect “Make the firms that produce materials responsible for the cost of disposing of those items” He tells us that will save cost to Council Tax payers.
So who are the fools? the BBC for accepting this bollocks or the Local Government man for accepting the government’s spin.
If we ever leave the EU we could stop charging councils the landfill tax. (I assume the reason the EU imposed that is that the water table in the Netherlands is above ground level so landfill is a ‘bad thing’. In the UK we have plenty of deep holes that could be filled but ‘Ein Reich, Eine Politik”.
Let’s chuck in the bbc and the politicians first!