The Week of The Meaningless Vote ? Seems like a lot of BBC political programmes are shutting down for Christmas -despite brexit -so will be interesting to see the bias of those left .
Start the Week Open Thread 17 December 2018
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On my local regional BBC News South Today tonight is a piece about “Baby Banks” which are like food banks but these supply free cots, baby food, nappies etc
The poverty problem is getting worse apparently.
Then straight into the video where they interview a eastern European woman who “cannot afford to work”. They mentioned she is on her own and has no family to support her. No mention of the father or where she lived before having this baby or even ask simply her why she decided to have a baby that she cannot care for,
Of course this rise in “poverty” is due to the bloody Tories!
Funny that, I thought they all came here to work.
This country is a freeloaders paradise.
Betty Milligan, or whatever her name is, was on Gullibles Travels again today on TWatO, interviewing a guy, homeless Big Issue seller, who spun her some yarns. Unless you ask for someone’s passport and other personal info to check their bona fides who knows what they say is true.
The BBC can keep telling us we can trust them but they’ve got to prove it first. See NISA’s post at top of page – there were no questions asked from the consumer/taxpayer point of view on TOADY today about the proposal regarding waste.
You know what, my old man used to say that he’d never vote labour because they “let all the foreigners in”.
Well the so called conservatives are doing a bloody good job of that aren’t they!
What does “conservative” mean? What are they conserving other than their big fat EU pensions?
I’m beginning to think a ‘People’s Vote’ might be necessary to ‘settle things once and for all’…mostly because Remainers didn’t really understand what they were voting for. So, to clarify their wishes I would suggest the following referendum choices :
( A ) Hard Remain in EU
( B ) Middling Remain in EU
( C ) Soft Remain in EU
( D ) Leave EU
Seems fair to me… 🙂
If they want to remain in the EU let them, with a one way ticket to the European continent
how about
Leave the EU
Remain in the EU and dissolve westminster, holyrood and senedd
then the politicians get some skin in the game
Country – no it’s not fair .your (A) was decided 2 years ago and confirmed in the subsequent elections . your (D) was the one voted for in the referendum (B) and (C) breaches the referendum vote .
As I write this I am watching C4 news through gritted dentures and the bias is becoming even more rapid with Cathy Newman trying to recover her status as a journalist by interrogation of the Brexit Secretary .
Cathy Newman does t look well… shame .
So what you’re saying is…..?
Dyst – ha – yes – and that happened this year … time flies but the web will probably last a while yet – until the west coast kidults close it …
I also suggest, since remainers think the other side didn’t know what they voted for, and they are much better informed, they will have to prove their knowledge before voting. This will require anyone wishing to vote remain to be tested on the 40,000 legal acts in the EU, all 15,000 Court verdicts and 62,000 international standards required of companies and EU Citizens. Then they can say they know what they are voting for.
Golly. Look who the BBC decided to invite back on.
Having wasted a year of my working life preparing for the end of the world that was the year 2000 MSM seems to be doing the same with Brexit .
No one said brexit would be easy but it is necessary to get our freedom back. In the past it cost blood . This time it will cost a few bob. So be it .
A guest actress Samantha Bond (the one who played Miss Moneypenny) on the BBC1 One Show talking about how she was dressed as the Queen and when she walked into a room full of Japanese tourists (one of the presenters laughed at that moment!?!) Samantha did what I can only describe as a racist impression of the Japanese tourists reaction as she made a noise like a Bernard manning impersonation of a stereotypical Japanese person.
She almost, but not quite, said “arhhhh soooo” like a BBC 1980s comedy show. The male presenter then said “you should have played it up” as if misleading Japanese people into thinking they are meeting the real queen is OK.
Why is it OK for luvvies to impersonate making unpolitically correct racist sounds but it is not OK for Donald Trump to do his impersonation of a disabled reporter?
Let’s hope someone from the Japanese Embassy makes a formal complaint . Maybe I will as I’ve seen “Tora tora fora “ a few times . I’m still waiting for ‘tora 4 ‘ to come out…
C4 News Watch
The rev snow ( emotional remainer ) interviews a chap from the IEA ( neutral ) and Robert Harris – remainer – and the amusing Rory Bremner – remainer – who seems to be fixed now doing his amusing Tony Blair impersonation -same tan too .
Some positive Brexit news…probably wouldn’t have been allowed to happen on the biased BBC.
On ITV’s “How to spend it well”, Philip Schofield has just hosted a contest between Spain, France, Germany, Italy & England to blindly taste various wines and identify the favourite.
England’s wine came first! Result.
Look North with Peter Levy. One of his minions out interviewing a local homeless man following The Royal Station Hotel cancelling the booking for 30 homeless people. His name sounded almost like Thomas but not quite but there again his accent wasn’t ‘ull either. I know Maxicony taught me never to assume anything but the homeless man really didn’t seem local although probably in the U.K. for a long time.
I do feel sorry for the homeless in Hull having their Xmas accommodation cancelled. But I can also understand the hotel’s concerns. But my real complaint is with the lazy BBC interviewing the first homeless they could find who were also presentable to elicit sympathy with the viewers.
Treezer, this is what another female leader of our country said when faced with insurmountable odds from an implacable Europe.
My loving people, we have been persuaded by some, that are careful of our safety, to take heed how we commit ourselves to armed multitudes, for fear of treachery; but I assure you, I do not desire to live to distrust my faithful and loving people. Let tyrants fear; I have always so behaved myself that, under God, I have placed my chiefest strength and safeguard in the loyal hearts and good will of my subjects. And therefore I am come amongst you at this time, not as for my recreation or sport, but being resolved, in the midst and heat of the battle, to live or die amongst you all; to lay down, for my God, and for my kingdom, and for my people, my honour and my blood, even the dust. I know I have but the body of a weak and feeble woman; but I have the heart of a king, and of a king of England, too; and think foul scorn that Parma or Spain, or any prince of Europe, should dare to invade the borders of my realms: to which, rather than any dishonour should grow by me, I myself will take up arms; I myself will be your general, judge, and rewarder of every one of your virtues in the field. I know already, by your forwardness, that you have deserved rewards and crowns; and we do assure you, on the word of a prince, they shall be duly paid you. In the mean my lieutenant general shall be in my stead, than whom never prince commanded a more noble and worthy subject; not doubting by your obedience to my general, by your concord in the camp, and by your valour in the field, we shall shortly have a famous victory over the enemies of my God, of my kingdom, and of my people.
Queen Elizabeth I – 1588
You and the media should read and get with the programme. Support the nation not those trying to hobble it.
BBC Online News:
“”Donald Trump’s troubled charity foundation to shut down””
(Blah, Blah…).
“”In a statement to the BBC, Trump Foundation lawyer Alan Futerfas – signatory to the deal closing the foundation – said –
“Over the past decade, the foundation is proud to have distributed approximately $19m, including $8.25m of the president’s personal money, to over 700 different charitable organisations with virtually zero expenses.
“The NYAG’s inaccurate statement of this morning is a further attempt to politicize this matter.”
The BBC for the past two years have been trying non-stop to smear and destroy Trump. This accusation is a non-starter but the BBC have run with it.
Sky News haven’t mentioned it.
Trump is only taking $1 per year as a salary. The rest goes to veterans. BBC never mention this. But if Obama had done so…
Trumpaphobia, sources say.
But if Obama had done so …. but didn’t.
I dreamed about Barak Obama last night. They say there is some psychological significance if you dream about the Queen. Have done that, too. Maybe I should seek therapy or counselling or compensation?
I’d definitely want compensation if I had dreamed about Michelle Obama. Fortunately it wasn’t a full nightmare, just a crazy, gentle dream about what I cannot remember, except Obama was there and spoke a couple of times to the room and maybe to me and I to him.
The photo here is the interesting thing here
Did the BBC deliberately choose a negative photo of Mrs May ?
Oh I hadn’t picked up that Amber Rudd is a trojan horse.
Her brother Roland Rudd is chairman of Open Britain who changed their name to “Peoples Vote”.
Soros funded
good job soros isnt russian imagine the fuss the so called bbc would be kicking up
Al Beeb misrepresentation:
On the England web page the heading is ‘Red mist blamed for sex worker death’. Sounds like she might have got really pissed and fallen down some stairs. But actually she was murdered, and Zahid Naseem is accused. Don’t just read this story…read all the connected ones to find the extent of the disgusting crime and events surrounding it. So, Beeb, why is it a death and not a murder?
Here the national broadcaster of the U.K. expresses concern about the non news of a near unheard of US performer.
Which is nice, one supposes.
Never heard of him of course
… well except when he was The Vet , and The Doctor
He’s an anti-Trumper, but this shite is what these idiots do for attention. On this occasion I can agree with him.
On the BBC website – Brexit: Cabinet ‘ramps up’ no-deal planning
In just 2 hours there’s been over 8,000 comments, and by a long chalk the most popular are for a No-Deal Brexit! The tide is turning.