In Theory it is 100 days to Britain leaving the ReichEU. We might guess how the far left BBC will celebrate this mile stone – but then we’d be biased wouldn’t we?
Homelessness is one of this week’s causes celebre on the virtuous bBBC and of course the human sedative that is Victoria Derbyshire is happy (I think, it’s hard to tell) to highlight this issue without asking the questions that we all want to know the answer to. How many of the homeless in Britain are actually British citizens? How many are Eastern European or Roma? How many are actually sleeping on our streets and not just looking for a place of their own?
I don’t think they’ll ever ask but they do little to allay our suspicions by presenting “Nick” to the audience this morning as an example of a typical London rough-sleeper. Not only did “Nick” say that he didn’t mind sleeping on the streets, he did so with an obvious Republic of Ireland accent.
Dear Donald Trump.
I know that we Europeans have not been pulling our weight in NATO so this is not a good time to be asking for more help.
Please restart Radio Free Europe.
Broadcast the truth about the Communist EU to the enslaved states of Western Europe.
The Soviet Union did not import tens of millions of aliens to Warsaw Pact states.
The EU, also known as the EUSSR, did just this, and intends to continue (see recent migration pact).
The EU is more evil than the USSR was.
Together we can, and must, destroy the EU.
This action will cause cardiac arrest in 100 million US Democrat voters.
Win, win, win.
Small correction, LCS, if I may be so bold to your list and the second itemised: “The Soviet Union did not import tens of millions of aliens to Warsaw Pact states.”
They did. Maybe not in tens of millions but in very significant numbers.
I have met some of them.
Some even made it into positions of national leadership in States around the world, most notably in the continent of Africa.
Some, many even, moved on – especially when the Iron Curtain had gone – but some have remained in place. Sadly, some of them now face racism in these good socialist places but then they were being weaponised when invited originally to Russia or Czechoslovakia or East Germany.
The BBC hasn’t updated their report for two days. Will our £4.5bn state broadcaster get round to it, or will we continue to go to other outlets for what used to be known in the business as ‘journalism’?
“found dead in Morocco with cuts to their necks, …. A suspect has been arrested in the city of Marrakesh on suspicion of murder”.
Oooooh, ooooooh quick! Put the, “suspect” on a plane destined for the UK under the UN Migration Compact just signed in, in, in, in, Marrakesh! Best not use Gatwick though……
Ever notice how often when westerners are slaughtered by some third world fiend suspects are very quickly arrested . ?
A cynic might think some shmuck gets nominated to be the baddie to reassure gullible people that their countries are safe for tourists .
Morocco ? UAE? Tunisia ? Kidding right?
Not BBC but it is in their white guilt producing territory. I thought it was a spoof but checked and it is for real
Pics from the intersectional STEM faculty's Lifeline Expedition this year, apologising and making reconciliation for Canada's role in the transatlantic slave trade.
Lifeline Expedition is a non-profit organization founded in 1997 by Briton David Pott.[1] The group believes white people must apologize for the Atlantic slave trade, and that forgiveness can be granted by black people from areas that were involved in it.[2]
It brings together teams of Africans, descendants of enslaved Africans and white people from the three former corners of the slave triangle and over a period of seven years has visited many significant slavery sites around the Atlantic world. Controversy has emerged over the fact that white people, including children, on the teams wore replica yokes and chains to express apology for the role of whites in the slave trade.[3][4]
This is pretty weird. Canada as a nation did not exist when most of the Atlantic slave trade was going on. Official confederation was in 1867, 60 years after Britain and the US banned the trade. In Canada you could probably put more blame on the indigenous tribes for slavery as it was common practice and part of warfare. There were slaves but pretty limited numbers (in the thousands not millions and primarily as influxes from the US war of independence) as most slaves ended up in the US or Caribbean. In Canada, therefore it should be the indigenous tribes apologising to each other.
Twitter pushing the Mike Stuchbery at me
.. a poor seemingly autistic guy who is obsessed with stalking people he labels as “far right”
Ah hang on its Kate Hoey replying to him
You know Steve Bray the Top Hat man that harasses Brexiteers
.. well some yellow-vests decided to copy him.
They target Anna Soubry
Mike thinks is terrible and “shouldn’t be tolerated”
… note how Bray himself appears at the end of the video and Soubry is on first name terms with him “Steve hold back for now”
Those of us who voted Leave have been hassled everyday for the last 6 months by dozens of EU flag waving supporters as we head for Millbank. Presume you condem this just as much ?
Strange Mike thinks that “this shouldn’t be tolerated”
.. cos we see his mob do the same every day.
Imagine if Donald Trump was walking on a London street.
… do you think libmob and the Corbythugs would be respectful.
You know, I sometimes think our country is beyond help.
Earlier this week half a dozen “neo Nazis” from a proscribed group were jailed for between six and seven years. The worst of this rather pathetic bunch had got around to looking up bomb making material on the internet, but hadn’t done anything more than that..bad though that is.
Some of the others, particularly a couple who named their child Adolf, were also afforded lengthy sentences.
The worst thing the wife seems to have done was, other than giving her kid an awful name, was to have knitted atrocious swastika cushion covers.
Don’t you think these saps might have benefited more from psychiatric treatment rather than a prison sentence?
Yesterday there was a court case at The Old Bailey. It was briefly mentioned on the BBC London News, but if you blinked you’d have missed it.
About eighteen months ago a young gentleman, I’ll call him Mustafa Fagg, because I’m too lazy to look up his name and I think you get my drift, found himself outside Buckingham Palace waving a four foot sword about and shouting something that sounded like “Ali’s Snackbar.” Three police officers were injured in the assault, he was arrested and it was later found that he had left a suicide note informing his family and community that he was doing this deed because of how Britain treated Muslims. He was dying for Allah. Sound familiar?
Yesterday he was found not guilty of any charge of terrorism.
So, let’s get this straight, some gormless woman, with appalling taste in upholstery, goes inside for seven years and old Mustafa, with his penchant for lethal weapons, who has already injured three policemen is out and about, will face no further prosecution…and is in no way to be considered a terrorist.
This is beyond parody.
and there will be no protestations or call for appeal of sentence by human rights lawyers/charities because pretend Nazis have no rights.
And even Gerard Batten knows better than to allow his name to be linked to such losers.
The jury acquitted him
so get the name of his barrister in case you need him.
also I would be very interested to find out about the make up of the jury in this case Needs investigating .
Mo-hius-sunnath Chowdhury attacked police with swords at Palace not guilty of terrorism
Here's cartoons found in cell of #uber driver cleared of terrorism offences after he was caught with samurai sword at Buckingham Palace
Happily ignoring the story of the Labour MP who has been had up for dishonesty the BBC have to tackle Corbyn over his stupid remarks. Looking remarkably like a Santa shopsteward calling the elves out on strike he grumpily tells them they should instead be concentrating on the apparently homeless bloke who just popped his cloggs outside Westminster.
And the BBC oblige the Labour leader with a long News Channel segment on homeless deaths (in fact largely liver disease, suicides and drug related) with an interview with a charity boss. A charity boss who was not willing to go into any detail on the death of this Westminster ‘Polish man’.
So the BBC acts as Labour’s media arm but fails to go beyond the headlines to supply viewers with any facts which might perchance detract from the simplistic lefty narrative.
It is painfully obvious that the lumpen hockey and lacrosse star Amber Rudd sees herself as a worthy successor to May’s inspired leadership. Surely even the BBC, currently busy promoting the stupid woman – to coin a phrase – can see this as unwise?
Except as the alternative to Jeremy, of course.
RE the drones that have paralysed Gatwick airport, has there been any discussion in the media of why the drones can’t be shot down? All I could find was some brief reference to potential accidents from stray bullets! This is not doing anything for my faith in anti-terrorist technology.
Not BBC criticism I know – though that might come later when it is found the perps are mentally ill.
It was mentioned on LBC. The danger is what happens to the bullets that miss. They have to land somewhere.
However, I fail to see why they can’t jam the signal and make the drones crash. Or pinpoint where the controlling signal is coming from. After all, TV detector vans can supposedly tell if I’m watching TV in my house.
And these drones must have phenomenal batteries if they’re still going. I smell bullshit.
I smell bullshit too. There was a drone expert on Talk Radio earlier and he said that there are people with an agenda to get drones banned and that until proven otherwise it is a UFO, as in unidentified flying object.
Apparently the apps you get to control them will not allow them to be flown near an airport.
Maybe they have heard that Jayda Fransen is planning another flight….
There WAS a lot of bullshit from a spokes’person’ on BBC R4 TWatO who pretended to be knowledgeable about drones but wasn’t.
There’s a vast difference – some might say ‘gulf’ 😉 – between hobbyist drones and commercial drones and what was being flown around Gatwick (open italics) if the BBC reports were correct. (close italics)
If the BBC bothered to have a researcher or even a full journalist go on a web-site for a photography shop – try the well-known Jessops – you can check the spec of hobbyist and commercial drones. Things to look for are quite simple: duration, rate of climb and control range. In addition, the information whether the craft can have additional battery packs fitted is worth checking.
I think the BBC should let me have a share of their £3.5bn for doing their work for them.
Oh, by the way, not that I’m misogynistic or anything but the spokes’person’ was female.
I certainly don’t claim to know anything about them. When I first heard that a drone had grounded flights at Gatwick, my first thought was Caroline Lucas.
Need to be a pretty good shot to hit a moving drone with a rifle, although I’m sure Tom Cruise could do it with a Glock.
I don’t know anything about drones. How high are they flying? Would it make sense to bring in a hundred grouse shooters with shot guns? I’m sure they’d love the challenge.
I was naughtily thinking that they could get Prince Harry on it since he is to be deprived for the second year running of the traditional Boxing day shoot at Sandringham.
I suppose even if they did bring one or more down, another one could be launched.
Anne, the fairly obvious thing to do, especially with some good radar operators nearby, is to put up a drone to take them down. Fight drones with drones. You would think that must be within the capability of our military.
If not, then its a quick appeal to the local falconers to do the job.
Could simply be Amazon delivery drones deployed for the Christmas rush… their inefficient human drones are all being killed off for needing pesky things like chairs and lunch breaks
One of the many threats from Project Fear is that Brexit will result in ‘planes not being able to fly to and from Europe. Yesterday, the EU published its own contingency plans in the event of No Deal, and one of the topics was the issue of European flights. Coincidence? Watch for a talking head on the news saying that events at Gatwick are only a foretaste of what will happen for ever more after March 29th. Remember: you read it here first.
Somebody should mention to Sky news that when you have a debate between two people it’s normal that they have different points of view.
I’ve just seen two ‘debaters’ agreeing with each other during the 5 minute debate. No deal will not happen they both say. A second referendum will happen they both say and so on.
Basically, two remainers given free uninterrupted airtime to say anything they want.
A three way question is their expected outcome. Remain, remain as in May’s deal and no deal being the very fair and democratic ‘only way to solve the Brexit situation’
Oh, now Rudd is on pushing the second referendum.
Jon getting on his high horse and putting words into the President’s mouth that suit his agenda.
Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. So there’s no need for that wall after all? This is stunning. Two weeks ago said he’d be proud to shut down the govt to get the money for it. Today it looks uncannily like a white flag fluttering over the #BorderWall
Praising the Border Patrol is not the same as saying a wall isn’t needed. By that logic you can do away with the bollards on Westminster Bridge if you just placed security patrols there.
Interesting to see the twit replies, sorry, the Twitter replies he makes. Only responds with dumb sarcastic remarks to those who criticize him. Such as “Dave – what is factually incorrect? It is pretty amazing no? Centerpiece policy, that Mexico was going to pay for, is in one tweet seemingly abandoned with focus on how good a job border security is doing.” Classic example of deliberate misinterpretation, gigantic ego and a superiority complex common to all BBC activists. I refuse to call him a journalist.
Just goes to show the demented, skewed thinking of Sopel. But nevertheless, it is a classic demonstration of the representatives of our far left Marxist State Broadcasters and their evil attempt to manipulate and massage any news which doesn’t fit in with their agenda.
Rather funny the London MSM has lost its collective rag over some drones snookering their crafty early scoot to Verbier for the fresh powder, and then some skiing, as ‘Not enough notches on the death tally’ Mishal emotes with the poor moppets who cause families in Israel to hit the bunkers on a daily basis.
‘listeners did not hear from those ‘ordinary’ people but from three officials from international organisations who all presented a remarkably homogeneous view.’
Not the BBC but I am just about to finish Mas Hastings “Vietnam an Epic Tragedy”. I had a wry smile to myself as he mentioned that the last US troops to leave Vietnam did so on the 29th March.
Let’s just take another look . The older people have had years of experience of the EU ,and it’s forerunners the Common Market , EEC , EC . Some have experience of Britian inside and outside the EU . They know what they’re voting for .
The youngsters have had their childhood only in the EU and been brainwashed by Gramscian teachers about its fictitious great glories and a skewed lessons of history . They haven’t had a job or run a business inside this EU project .
So the first referendum will be the one based on knowledge , the second on supposition .
The cynicism of those who are ‘hoping’ that the ‘old’ people die off quickly, so that the ‘young’ can vote differently, is unbelievable.
I have very bad news for all you hopers. You too, will soon be old. And it’s going to happen much, much more quickly than you think.
As for knowing what you voted for, I have several degrees (including Politics and International Politics) and extensive international experience, but do not see myself as any more entitled to an opinion than anyone else. But I do have a lifetime of looking and learning. No degree will buy you that, and no degree is worth as much.
I have no faith in unaccountable, self-serving supranational elites, and even less in incompetent people who break as many laws as they like, and lie and deceive at every turn eg Merkel.
I see that politics live and Peston on itv are copying question times proven bias policy of having one leaver and everyone else, guests and panellists, are remainers.
Tim Stanley on politics live and the lovely Nadine Dorries on Peston.
Sorry to mention it but the Petition has distinctly plateaued: av 474 per hour now. I think, unless there is a surge for some unknown reason, it will reach, say 261 / 264K before coming to a trickle. Either way, it’s a solid statement.
Enjoying the pleasures of the m25/m1 today I came across LBC which I hadn’t heard before . Apparently Anna Soubry got the full treatment from some brexit chaps after walking out of parliament yesterday .
One of them had rung up and was getting an earful from the female presenter .didnt realise LBC was another MSM swamp .
Julia Hartley-Brewer Is a breath of fresh air in the mornings, and beats any BBC radio, but she’s not on this week. Give James O’Brien a miss he’s absolutely dreadful as is Maajid Nawaz.
quote \\ Jayda Fransen has just been released from Bromley Magistrate’s Court.
She will face a full trial in February for allegedly breaching her post sentence supervision. (which says she must spend 9 months living in a hotel and not live at the house she owns)
She has been prosecuted for living in her house in Northern Ireland.
Unbelievably, she has been bailed from the court to reside only at her house in Northern Ireland! //
This is how it works. First go for a group – a couple of individuals – who have been well demonised. Throw everything at them and observe no objections at all. Gradually extend the net.
Is there more to the Gatwick drone story than meets the eye?
Is there a secret services connection? Is there an EU connection? Is there a muslim connection?
I think if it was just a couple of idiots playing around with their early Christmas presents, they’d already be attested and charged.
So, what’s really going on here?
I incidents there is always
#1 The actual story
#2 The story the press officer puts out
– They aren’t always the same
.. And often there are good operational reasons for thst
… They might be diffusing bombs or something and want the media out the way.
Strikes me as suspicious . Is this project fear by another name? Has May been taking lessons from the democrats. Will they find a brexit stooge to arrest for this? Any news of the man who was arrested in Florida for plantings the non-exploding bombs?
Perhaps the purpose of the prank is to demonstrate the fate that befalls us if we leave the EU without a deal. Consequences the BBC and other idiots assure us would happen in that event. Culprits unknown.
Do you remember, folks, when David Cameron used the word ‘swarm’? The BBC part of the media were apoplectic for days.
Jeremy Corbyn’s words yesterday have started to fade a bit fro the media consciousness already, so soon. What I don’t understand is why ‘Stupid’ & ‘Woman’ is so much worse than ‘Stupid’ & ‘People’.
And to think that in “Dad’s Army” the reference to the “stupid boy” was always the climax of the funnies, guaranteed to raise a smile…
PC has reached dimensions of mindlessness no one could have anticipated! Quite scary when you think for a minute about the implications, not only socio/political, but also for human judgement in general. In the face of modern PC, all notions of common sense appear doomed.
DOOMED, I tell you.
If he had said “stupid people” (which he plainly didn’t), to whom would he have been referring exactly? He should have apologized at once and said it was an involuntary remark made in the heat of the moment. Apart from having the merit of being true, it would have killed the story. Devious people would much rather exert tremendous effort to avoid directness – like driving miles to dump rubbish in a country lane rather than putting it out for the dustman.
I came across this video and it needs to be shown to our Beeb socialistas and the supporters of Jezzanomics. Venezuela. The parallels of what happens when you spend other people’s money. It also shows how to make a documentary that makes you think rather than PC cr*p.
Lots of talk about shooting down the Gatwick drones, but this would promote shooting as occasionally useful, something the BBC and the government deeply oppose. Despite the sport being one of our most successful Olympic disciplines, only the police believe that they are fully qualified to handle firearms, in fact some chief officers aren’t too keen on the army being armed, but it would seem this task is beyond the abilities of our ‘trained marksmen’.
In support of this, other ‘trained marksmen’ from DefRA were less than successful at coping with cow-sized targets during the foot and mouth farce.
Latest euphemism for decapitation – very probably while alive – is ‘knife wounds’ according to the BBC. Even the Danish PM has the balls to call the Morocco attack bestial, while our noble purveyor of truth and justice obviously would rather not risk giving offence. Craven shitehawks.
When the Beeb come to rewrite our history we will get more of this. Lee Rigby comes to mind. He presumably suffered car crash injuries. In Manchester they suffered grazes due to broken glass. As they go back further in time Charles 1, Anne Boleyn and Mary Queen of Scots all suffered axe wounds.
2018-12-20 12:30 BBC Business
“Bank cuts growth forecast amid Brexit worries”
More desperation from the Canadian piggy bank manager, appointed using the Peter Principle.
The Traitor has been on the phone to Karno demanding ever more unbelievable predictions.
I am waiting to hear that, after Brexit, The British Isles will sink beneath the North Sea, it’s the only one Karno has not used.
Hilarious HYS, score to date :-
NoBrainers from Project Fear CXXI claiming Nobel standard expertise in International Finance 0 Brexit 125
The reserve story is that because the sun rises in the east it has to cross the EU to reach us. After Brexit it will be unable to complete the journey and we will be condemned to live in perpetual darkness.
Woe, woe, all is woe (to quote a line from when BBC comedy was funny).
“Bank cuts growth forecast amid Brexit worries”
They’re at it again! They just don’t give up. Its almost as if they want the economy to fail to prove they are right.
Two years of uncertainty and the country is still doing better than they predicted.
Experts ?
‘‘Tis a bit much when The Treasury has traditionally attracted the cleverest in the Civil Service but tie and again does a disservice to Blighty .
It’s populated by globalists so wishful thinking causes it to talk down the economy .
And now we have the department of transport failing to regulate drones or foreseeing their dangers …
Let us all hope that they don’t fly these drones next to RAF bases or we will be in really deep doo do.
Perhaps Al Beeb will send for Harry Potter and his 1st Quidditch team, backed up by their TV Licence Detector Vans .
If ever there was a time that this nation needed a leader, its now.
8:55pm Channel5 consumer show, for no reason at all they ended by having a Bradford school choir sing Rudolf
The choir met media tickbox ☑ diversity standard
..and even included 4 white children
Prog began with SJW stuff as well
“Look Oxfam have a Xmas special offer on, for 2 weeks over Xmas
.. amatching donor will double your donation
..If you donate £12 ,they will double it to £24 your money …blah blah”
… So if pubic donate £1m the matching donor will donate another £1m
but donor corp is so good why just they donate £1 anyway ?
My guess is coos donor corp is just writing off their donation against tax, so it actually costs them nothing
..but rather it comes from the taxpool
We are being fleeced for something like £14 billion each year, to hand over to foreigners, many of whom appear to hate our guts. So why are the likes of Oxfam asking us to fork out even more? In fact, why does Oxfam even exist?
If those we pay to look after our interests were to stop playing lady bountiful with our money, I might be more inclined to regard these fake charities more favourably.
As it is, I only give money to charities that care for Christians, because the majority of donations and foreign aid seems to end up with our enemies.
Dodgy real charities is one thing
Fake charities are another
Coming up on R4 : counterfit charity collectors in the street
..fake T-shorts, name badges etc.
(before 1pm)
\\The Fundraising Regulator has warned against giving to fake charity appeals this Christmas. The British public donated over ten billion pounds to charity last year, but the regulator says we should always be checking if an organisation is a registered charity. In the last year, the Fundraising Regulator investigated over 1000 complaints about potentially fake charities, and referred over 300 of them to the Charity Commission, Action Fraud or Trading Standards for further action. //
The Communist Labour Party has lost 2 MPs in 2 days . Three Lefty Tories have said they’ll go if we have a full British brexit – not much coverage of either on Al beeb . Gatwick must be a welcome distraction to the bubble – let’s hope a few MPs heading for the sun suffered a bit …
Not the BBC, but the tone here is interesting for a publication who, along with the FT and others, has been ‘faithful’ to certain BBC approved lines to take.
Morocco guys were ISIL
\\ Four suspects arrested over the killings of two Scandinavian university students in Morocco’s Atlas Mountains made a video pledging allegiance to the Islamic State group, authorities in the country said on Thursday.
Morocco’s general prosecutor confirmed the authenticity of a video circulating on social media in which the four threatened to carry out attacks for Isil and its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Investigations showed that the video was made last week *before* the killing of the two women, Danish //
\\ The three suspects arrested on Thursday to The Associated Press as Abdessamad Ejjoud, born in 1993; Younes Ouziad, born in 1991; and Rashid Aftati, born in 1986. They had knives and slingshots when they were arrested, the official said.//
It mentions no execution video
I agree in tourist countries the people most people are anti-terrorist , they don’t want to kill the tourism industry , however MANY OF THE SAME do still promote many negative aspects of Islam
Drone : “Eco-activists” that’s just speculation
I’ve just read the telegraph CLICKBAIT article (with my free Teleg account) environmental-protests-suspected-orchestrating-gatwick-drone
‘Army arrived at 7pm Thu’ duh why so long
\\ Whitehall sources said police were investigating the possibility a ‘lone wolf’ eco-terrorist was behind the attack. “An eco-protest is at this stage a definite line of inquiry,” said the source. One drone expert said the attack appeared ‘sophisticated’ although there were major concerns over why high-tech jamming and detection equipment developed by the military and GCHQ had not been deployed immediately.
In a lengthy statement, Stewart Wingate, Gatwick’s boss, described the drone incursion as “a highly targeted activity //
\\ It flew intermittently throughout the day evading police marksmen while there were questions over why the military with drone jamming and detection devices were not called in earlier.//
\\ “It’s pretty clear that this is a fairly large drone, not the classic plastic garden drone that you’ll see this is a commercial sized drone that is clearly being operated deliberately in a way t//
\\ In July last year, Balpa warned of a “disaster” unless drones were subjected to tougher regulation after the runway at Gatwick was closed for parts of a Sunday evening over fears for safety.//
BTW Bit quite these past few days on this forum , maybe some regulars are away flying drones
Just seen “I’ll Get It” on BBC2 where celebrities (luvvies) eat expensive food and drink champagne. They play a few silly games until one of them is left to pay the entire bill.
Bill came to about £560. “Oh that’s not that much” said one of the over privileged luvvies.
How the hell does this fit in with the BBC’s obsession with poor people/food banks/universal credit etc when they have commissioned a program showing Champagne socialists doing what they do best?
Much the same applies to ‘Escape to the Country’ where couples with half a million or considerably more are invited to walk around a selection of suitable residences. In reality the overwhelming majority of viewers could not begin to afford them – and would very likely be ostracised if they tried.
Likewise ‘Masterchef’ in which fine dining is brought to the masses, although the drooling viewers might well need an overdraft and booking several months in advance – despite Brexit – to fully appreciate the luxury of it all.
Two ever popular BBC programmes, somewhat at odds with the food banks and savage cuts mantras. As many have said in the past, the BBC doesn’t do irony.
In Australia known as Property Porn shows
..there was a scandal when it was discovered that estate agents were basically funding the progs and thus inflating the property market prices.
I, as a candidate for election in XXX constituency, agree to the following :-
#1 I shall allow, before the election, an electronic device to be permanently attached to my skull.
#2 I agree to this device containing sufficient explosive to project the contents of my skull beyond a Martian orbit.
#3 I agree that this device be so configured that, if an unauthorised attempt to remove the device is made, the contents of my skull WILL be distributed beyond a Martian orbit.
#3 I agree that a quorum of electors shall be empowered to control my skulldevice.
#5 I confirm that the quorum shall be entitled, at any time, as it seems fit to them exclusively, to terminate my position as a member of the House of Commons.
I wish to announce that Fedup2 international airport has reopened for business . The pigeon causing the shut down has now been caught .
It is believed that the pigeon is owned by the airport car park operator who will be making a shed load of cash from overstaying cars .
On Toady the Asian work experience girl asked my chief executive ‘ what are the top secret measures you have used to catch the pigeon ?’ Luckily he didn’t tell her it was top secret bread crumbs .
We have put up signs at the airport saying ‘ no pigeons’ that should do it . There will be a review and lessons will be learned .
More seriously Father Christmas has been issued with a health and safety notice about flying over airports delivering presents to good children .
Fed, I hope that when you are braising that pigeon, the bacon you use to wrap the pigeon breasts will be low in salt and that you will use no additional fat, such as butter, nor a smear of honey on it at all.
More importantly, will he be coming back via Gatwick and be stranded over Christmas in the Arctic waiting for a flight out. He can then contemplate how much warmer the Arctic is according to his luvvie friends toasting his absence in Socialist Champagne.
This guys success baffles me, he has neither wit or charisma, personality or looks. I know it’s positive discrimination but I can find fa positive to say about him.
The biased BBC website award winner Soapy Sopel was effusive in his criticism of President Trump for pulling troops out of somewhereistan in accordance with his campaign promises .
It’s good to hear Soapy sound a bit perky because with all the good things President Trump has done in 2018 the likes of soapy and Katty were sounding very down.
The BBC has again demonstrated its complete inability to join up the dots with Martha Kearney’s little jolly out to Afghanistan to join ‘our boys’ for Christmas. Why didn’t Mishal go as well? I am sure The Humph, Nick & Justin could have coped in the meantime.
Was the mission worthwhile, the Commander currently there is asked. “Oh, yes.” 16 years, 450 British lives lost. But that is not the whole story. The one that Martha did not consider.
How many troops came back as invalids, missing limbs and eyes and hearing or with mental health problems? How many became drug addicts or alcoholics in Afghanistan, for whatever reason, and are back needing treatment here?
How many are now homeless on the streets of Britain?
Or is the BBC only interested in Australasian, Portugese and American homeless people on our streets and using them to bash a Conservative Government?
And to what end? Bringing peace to Afghanistan! Er, what?
Over 30,000 Afghans have died in the past three years.
BBC: please join up the dots or close your News operation down. It is pathetic.
There was always a logic problem with going to Afghee because Islamic terrorist attacks are as likely to be planned in Tower Hamlets / Luton bedrooms as in kaboom.
Obviously states could be playing ‘The Great Gane’ again but it is a waste of blood and cash for us .
Fed, just think of the Global Warming caused by the Americans bombing large rocks into medium sized ones. And then bombing those medium sized ones into small ones. Then doing it all over again and bombing the small rocks into dust. All just because Osama bin Laden might be hiding under one of them.
And he wasn’t even in the country at the time!
The BBC make a fuss about me driving 300 miles to visit Granny over Christmas or turning up the heating thermostat to 19 when there is more than a dusting of snow outside.
But they cheer on the decimation and devastation of lives in Afghanistan and Britain.
Al Beebeestan not very interested in reporting the murder of 2 Scandinavian tourists by 4 nothing-to-do-with-islam men — or ‘muslims’ as they’re sometimes known.
They’ve hidden the story where you won’t see it, so allow me to remember the victims for them.
The Danish Prime Minister called the murders ‘unusually bestial’.
Last Chance — without being blasphemous- I did look through the New Testament to see if Jesus got a ticket for speeding but it seems he didn’t . But he got far worse of course .
I read somewhere that our Fiona was parachuted into the ( soon to be ) former constuency without any vetting at all – so she had a great future in the Communist Labour Party .
Thought I noticed racist Greg Dyke, former FA chairman and beeb DG (the elite move effortlessly from one top position to another -which is why they’re called the ‘elite’) on Sky, promising an extension of Article 50, and a second Brexit vote.
He of ‘hideously white’ fame, still dictating to the little people what they can and can’t do and have. Things never change…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 21:03 Start the Week 24th February 2025 In the lecture, Rand admonishes American businessmen for apologizing for capitalism and for, in some cases, directly funding detractors of…
non-licence payerFeb 23, 21:03 Start the Week 24th February 2025 bBC still chosing to ignore the visit you get from the Greater Manchester Police if you choae to criticise your…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 20:46 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Books for the future … [img][/img]
non-licence payerFeb 23, 20:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Fed that was a sneaky early bird new thread. Five weeks now before phase two of Storm Rachel (Brian Monteith…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 20:28 Start the Week 24th February 2025 wwfc – Your claim has upset me so that means I can get you arrested and then I can be…
Fedup2Feb 23, 20:23 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Time for the new thread – bit early as i am going bye byes …zzz Btw it seems the Israeli…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 20:19 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “Allahu Akbar”, or “God is great” “Allahu Akbar”, or “God is great” ………………………………………………………………………. One person has been killed and five…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 20:09 Weekend 22nd February 2025 BBC ignoring this very sinister development as a woman is harassed by police for daring to criticise a Labour…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 19:52 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Afghan wants to box for ‘his country’….apparently that’s Ireland…according to the BBC… ‘Young asylum seeker’s dream to box for Ireland’…
Homelessness is one of this week’s causes celebre on the virtuous bBBC and of course the human sedative that is Victoria Derbyshire is happy (I think, it’s hard to tell) to highlight this issue without asking the questions that we all want to know the answer to. How many of the homeless in Britain are actually British citizens? How many are Eastern European or Roma? How many are actually sleeping on our streets and not just looking for a place of their own?
I don’t think they’ll ever ask but they do little to allay our suspicions by presenting “Nick” to the audience this morning as an example of a typical London rough-sleeper. Not only did “Nick” say that he didn’t mind sleeping on the streets, he did so with an obvious Republic of Ireland accent.
Dear Donald Trump.
I know that we Europeans have not been pulling our weight in NATO so this is not a good time to be asking for more help.
Please restart Radio Free Europe.
Broadcast the truth about the Communist EU to the enslaved states of Western Europe.
The Soviet Union did not import tens of millions of aliens to Warsaw Pact states.
The EU, also known as the EUSSR, did just this, and intends to continue (see recent migration pact).
The EU is more evil than the USSR was.
Together we can, and must, destroy the EU.
This action will cause cardiac arrest in 100 million US Democrat voters.
Win, win, win.
Lock her up.
Build the wall.
God Bless America.
Small correction, LCS, if I may be so bold to your list and the second itemised: “The Soviet Union did not import tens of millions of aliens to Warsaw Pact states.”
They did. Maybe not in tens of millions but in very significant numbers.
I have met some of them.
Some even made it into positions of national leadership in States around the world, most notably in the continent of Africa.
Some, many even, moved on – especially when the Iron Curtain had gone – but some have remained in place. Sadly, some of them now face racism in these good socialist places but then they were being weaponised when invited originally to Russia or Czechoslovakia or East Germany.
The USSR did shift huge amounts of people from country to country within their own empire. Estonia, for instance, is full of Russians.
More details emerging from the brutal murder in Morocco. Compare/contrast the coverage:
BBC: “Two Scandinavian women tourists have been found dead in Morocco with cuts to their necks, the country’s interior ministry has said.”
The Times: “Student backpacker found beheaded in Moroccan mountains.”
The Sun: “TWO Scandinavian backpackers were butchered in Morocco by suspected ISIS terrorists in a horrific beheading video after they were stalked up a mountain.”
The BBC hasn’t updated their report for two days. Will our £4.5bn state broadcaster get round to it, or will we continue to go to other outlets for what used to be known in the business as ‘journalism’?
BBC story from Dec 17
Almost plays down , says they only had cuts
… and no BBC source has ever tweeted the story.
Cuts to their necks? That’s like saying a victim of drowning was found with wet hair.
Cuts to their necks – so bits of toilet paper stemmed the flow then?
“found dead in Morocco with cuts to their necks, …. A suspect has been arrested in the city of Marrakesh on suspicion of murder”.
Oooooh, ooooooh quick! Put the, “suspect” on a plane destined for the UK under the UN Migration Compact just signed in, in, in, in, Marrakesh! Best not use Gatwick though……
I cut my neck yesterday gardening. I never knew those brambles could be so dangerous.
I thought the nicest touch on their web page is the bit at the bottom which says “Why you can trust the BBC”
Ever notice how often when westerners are slaughtered by some third world fiend suspects are very quickly arrested . ?
A cynic might think some shmuck gets nominated to be the baddie to reassure gullible people that their countries are safe for tourists .
Morocco ? UAE? Tunisia ? Kidding right?
Not BBC but it is in their white guilt producing territory. I thought it was a spoof but checked and it is for real
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lifeline Expedition is a non-profit organization founded in 1997 by Briton David Pott.[1] The group believes white people must apologize for the Atlantic slave trade, and that forgiveness can be granted by black people from areas that were involved in it.[2]
It brings together teams of Africans, descendants of enslaved Africans and white people from the three former corners of the slave triangle and over a period of seven years has visited many significant slavery sites around the Atlantic world. Controversy has emerged over the fact that white people, including children, on the teams wore replica yokes and chains to express apology for the role of whites in the slave trade.[3][4]
This is pretty weird. Canada as a nation did not exist when most of the Atlantic slave trade was going on. Official confederation was in 1867, 60 years after Britain and the US banned the trade. In Canada you could probably put more blame on the indigenous tribes for slavery as it was common practice and part of warfare. There were slaves but pretty limited numbers (in the thousands not millions and primarily as influxes from the US war of independence) as most slaves ended up in the US or Caribbean. In Canada, therefore it should be the indigenous tribes apologising to each other.
Truly nauseating picture. But then, not surprising from the land of Trudeau…
For Trudeau-phobes like myself, there’s a whole page of pix mocking the dangerous clown…
Twitter pushing the Mike Stuchbery at me
.. a poor seemingly autistic guy who is obsessed with stalking people he labels as “far right”
Ah hang on its Kate Hoey replying to him
You know Steve Bray the Top Hat man that harasses Brexiteers
.. well some yellow-vests decided to copy him.
They target Anna Soubry
Mike thinks is terrible and “shouldn’t be tolerated”
… note how Bray himself appears at the end of the video and Soubry is on first name terms with him “Steve hold back for now”
Strange Mike thinks that “this shouldn’t be tolerated”
.. cos we see his mob do the same every day.
Imagine if Donald Trump was walking on a London street.
… do you think libmob and the Corbythugs would be respectful.
Classic ‘Soy Boy’. That Soya milk stuff must rot your brains, as well as pump you full of pseudo-oestrogen.
You know, I sometimes think our country is beyond help.
Earlier this week half a dozen “neo Nazis” from a proscribed group were jailed for between six and seven years. The worst of this rather pathetic bunch had got around to looking up bomb making material on the internet, but hadn’t done anything more than that..bad though that is.
Some of the others, particularly a couple who named their child Adolf, were also afforded lengthy sentences.
The worst thing the wife seems to have done was, other than giving her kid an awful name, was to have knitted atrocious swastika cushion covers.
Don’t you think these saps might have benefited more from psychiatric treatment rather than a prison sentence?
Yesterday there was a court case at The Old Bailey. It was briefly mentioned on the BBC London News, but if you blinked you’d have missed it.
About eighteen months ago a young gentleman, I’ll call him Mustafa Fagg, because I’m too lazy to look up his name and I think you get my drift, found himself outside Buckingham Palace waving a four foot sword about and shouting something that sounded like “Ali’s Snackbar.” Three police officers were injured in the assault, he was arrested and it was later found that he had left a suicide note informing his family and community that he was doing this deed because of how Britain treated Muslims. He was dying for Allah. Sound familiar?
Yesterday he was found not guilty of any charge of terrorism.
So, let’s get this straight, some gormless woman, with appalling taste in upholstery, goes inside for seven years and old Mustafa, with his penchant for lethal weapons, who has already injured three policemen is out and about, will face no further prosecution…and is in no way to be considered a terrorist.
This is beyond parody.
and there will be no protestations or call for appeal of sentence by human rights lawyers/charities because pretend Nazis have no rights.
And even Gerard Batten knows better than to allow his name to be linked to such losers.
The jury acquitted him
so get the name of his barrister in case you need him.
also I would be very interested to find out about the make up of the jury in this case Needs investigating .
Mo-hius-sunnath Chowdhury attacked police with swords at Palace not guilty of terrorism
Bad Santa
Happily ignoring the story of the Labour MP who has been had up for dishonesty the BBC have to tackle Corbyn over his stupid remarks. Looking remarkably like a Santa shopsteward calling the elves out on strike he grumpily tells them they should instead be concentrating on the apparently homeless bloke who just popped his cloggs outside Westminster.
And the BBC oblige the Labour leader with a long News Channel segment on homeless deaths (in fact largely liver disease, suicides and drug related) with an interview with a charity boss. A charity boss who was not willing to go into any detail on the death of this Westminster ‘Polish man’.
So the BBC acts as Labour’s media arm but fails to go beyond the headlines to supply viewers with any facts which might perchance detract from the simplistic lefty narrative.
It is painfully obvious that the lumpen hockey and lacrosse star Amber Rudd sees herself as a worthy successor to May’s inspired leadership. Surely even the BBC, currently busy promoting the stupid woman – to coin a phrase – can see this as unwise?
Except as the alternative to Jeremy, of course.
RE the drones that have paralysed Gatwick airport, has there been any discussion in the media of why the drones can’t be shot down? All I could find was some brief reference to potential accidents from stray bullets! This is not doing anything for my faith in anti-terrorist technology.
Not BBC criticism I know – though that might come later when it is found the perps are mentally ill.
It was mentioned on LBC. The danger is what happens to the bullets that miss. They have to land somewhere.
However, I fail to see why they can’t jam the signal and make the drones crash. Or pinpoint where the controlling signal is coming from. After all, TV detector vans can supposedly tell if I’m watching TV in my house.
And these drones must have phenomenal batteries if they’re still going. I smell bullshit.
I smell bullshit too. There was a drone expert on Talk Radio earlier and he said that there are people with an agenda to get drones banned and that until proven otherwise it is a UFO, as in unidentified flying object.
Apparently the apps you get to control them will not allow them to be flown near an airport.
Maybe they have heard that Jayda Fransen is planning another flight….
There WAS a lot of bullshit from a spokes’person’ on BBC R4 TWatO who pretended to be knowledgeable about drones but wasn’t.
There’s a vast difference – some might say ‘gulf’ 😉 – between hobbyist drones and commercial drones and what was being flown around Gatwick (open italics) if the BBC reports were correct. (close italics)
If the BBC bothered to have a researcher or even a full journalist go on a web-site for a photography shop – try the well-known Jessops – you can check the spec of hobbyist and commercial drones. Things to look for are quite simple: duration, rate of climb and control range. In addition, the information whether the craft can have additional battery packs fitted is worth checking.
I think the BBC should let me have a share of their £3.5bn for doing their work for them.
Oh, by the way, not that I’m misogynistic or anything but the spokes’person’ was female.
I certainly don’t claim to know anything about them. When I first heard that a drone had grounded flights at Gatwick, my first thought was Caroline Lucas.
LOL x3, Anne, that’s good.
Now that Leanne Wood is no longer leader of PC ….
Need to be a pretty good shot to hit a moving drone with a rifle, although I’m sure Tom Cruise could do it with a Glock.
I don’t know anything about drones. How high are they flying? Would it make sense to bring in a hundred grouse shooters with shot guns? I’m sure they’d love the challenge.
I was naughtily thinking that they could get Prince Harry on it since he is to be deprived for the second year running of the traditional Boxing day shoot at Sandringham.
I suppose even if they did bring one or more down, another one could be launched.
Anne, the fairly obvious thing to do, especially with some good radar operators nearby, is to put up a drone to take them down. Fight drones with drones. You would think that must be within the capability of our military.
If not, then its a quick appeal to the local falconers to do the job.
They could try a shotgun on them . The spent pellets that miss the target would slow rapidly down and be harmless .
Could simply be Amazon delivery drones deployed for the Christmas rush… their inefficient human drones are all being killed off for needing pesky things like chairs and lunch breaks
One of the many threats from Project Fear is that Brexit will result in ‘planes not being able to fly to and from Europe. Yesterday, the EU published its own contingency plans in the event of No Deal, and one of the topics was the issue of European flights. Coincidence? Watch for a talking head on the news saying that events at Gatwick are only a foretaste of what will happen for ever more after March 29th. Remember: you read it here first.
Somebody should mention to Sky news that when you have a debate between two people it’s normal that they have different points of view.
I’ve just seen two ‘debaters’ agreeing with each other during the 5 minute debate. No deal will not happen they both say. A second referendum will happen they both say and so on.
Basically, two remainers given free uninterrupted airtime to say anything they want.
A three way question is their expected outcome. Remain, remain as in May’s deal and no deal being the very fair and democratic ‘only way to solve the Brexit situation’
Oh, now Rudd is on pushing the second referendum.
Why not do what we voted for?
A quick, complete, clean, no subscription, uniting break with the EU.
A drawn out, messy, expensive, divisive, chaotic and uncertain break with the EU.
I know which I prefer.
Jon getting on his high horse and putting words into the President’s mouth that suit his agenda.
Praising the Border Patrol is not the same as saying a wall isn’t needed. By that logic you can do away with the bollards on Westminster Bridge if you just placed security patrols there.
Interesting to see the twit replies, sorry, the Twitter replies he makes. Only responds with dumb sarcastic remarks to those who criticize him. Such as “Dave – what is factually incorrect? It is pretty amazing no? Centerpiece policy, that Mexico was going to pay for, is in one tweet seemingly abandoned with focus on how good a job border security is doing.” Classic example of deliberate misinterpretation, gigantic ego and a superiority complex common to all BBC activists. I refuse to call him a journalist.
Just goes to show the demented, skewed thinking of Sopel. But nevertheless, it is a classic demonstration of the representatives of our far left Marxist State Broadcasters and their evil attempt to manipulate and massage any news which doesn’t fit in with their agenda.
Terrorist-supporting Mishal Husain is in Gaza this week drumming up support for a Palestinian State.
If they can send her to The Middle East, can anyone tell me why the BBC with it’s guaranteed funding cannot produce a proper report like this?
Rather funny the London MSM has lost its collective rag over some drones snookering their crafty early scoot to Verbier for the fresh powder, and then some skiing, as ‘Not enough notches on the death tally’ Mishal emotes with the poor moppets who cause families in Israel to hit the bunkers on a daily basis.
‘listeners did not hear from those ‘ordinary’ people but from three officials from international organisations who all presented a remarkably homogeneous view.’
Well, the BBC does like its balance.
Not the BBC but I am just about to finish Mas Hastings “Vietnam an Epic Tragedy”. I had a wry smile to myself as he mentioned that the last US troops to leave Vietnam did so on the 29th March.
Synch -I read it too . Thought it was interesting that H Wilson resisted Johnson to get Blighty into that dumb war . Must have been the only time .
At least President Trump is finishing with Iraq and not looking to send boys to die in some other God forsaken holes .
We re gonna need a navy to deal with the ReichEU – again . ( Cod Wars 2).
People didn’t know what they were voting for .
Old people are dying .
Time for a second referendum .
Let’s just take another look . The older people have had years of experience of the EU ,and it’s forerunners the Common Market , EEC , EC . Some have experience of Britian inside and outside the EU . They know what they’re voting for .
The youngsters have had their childhood only in the EU and been brainwashed by Gramscian teachers about its fictitious great glories and a skewed lessons of history . They haven’t had a job or run a business inside this EU project .
So the first referendum will be the one based on knowledge , the second on supposition .
Which ever way they perceived or understood it
the old voted for the future of the young and as yet unborn
the young voted for the future of themselves
now which is the selfish side, remind me
The cynicism of those who are ‘hoping’ that the ‘old’ people die off quickly, so that the ‘young’ can vote differently, is unbelievable.
I have very bad news for all you hopers. You too, will soon be old. And it’s going to happen much, much more quickly than you think.
As for knowing what you voted for, I have several degrees (including Politics and International Politics) and extensive international experience, but do not see myself as any more entitled to an opinion than anyone else. But I do have a lifetime of looking and learning. No degree will buy you that, and no degree is worth as much.
I have no faith in unaccountable, self-serving supranational elites, and even less in incompetent people who break as many laws as they like, and lie and deceive at every turn eg Merkel.
I see that politics live and Peston on itv are copying question times proven bias policy of having one leaver and everyone else, guests and panellists, are remainers.
Tim Stanley on politics live and the lovely Nadine Dorries on Peston.
Sorry to mention it but the Petition has distinctly plateaued: av 474 per hour now. I think, unless there is a surge for some unknown reason, it will reach, say 261 / 264K before coming to a trickle. Either way, it’s a solid statement.
Enjoying the pleasures of the m25/m1 today I came across LBC which I hadn’t heard before . Apparently Anna Soubry got the full treatment from some brexit chaps after walking out of parliament yesterday .
One of them had rung up and was getting an earful from the female presenter .didnt realise LBC was another MSM swamp .
except for perhaps farage at 6
farage at 6 has been cancelled tonight .
Julia Hartley-Brewer Is a breath of fresh air in the mornings, and beats any BBC radio, but she’s not on this week. Give James O’Brien a miss he’s absolutely dreadful as is Maajid Nawaz.
LBC is definitely immersed in the swamp. The wee J’Obby is testament to that.
quote \\ Jayda Fransen has just been released from Bromley Magistrate’s Court.
She will face a full trial in February for allegedly breaching her post sentence supervision. (which says she must spend 9 months living in a hotel and not live at the house she owns)
She has been prosecuted for living in her house in Northern Ireland.
Unbelievably, she has been bailed from the court to reside only at her house in Northern Ireland! //
This is how it works. First go for a group – a couple of individuals – who have been well demonised. Throw everything at them and observe no objections at all. Gradually extend the net.
The ‘Leave Without A Deal’ petition has 10k more signatures than this time yesterday and now stands at 260k.
It runs until 17th April, a few days before we are due to Leave. it should gather well over a million signatures by then.
Unless it meets with an unfortunate accident…..
BBC Online News Video:
“”Obama plays Santa at children’s hospital in Washington””
BBC slavering and carefully choreographed.
If Trump did this…..
Somebody should tell Obama he’s no longer the president.
Someone should give him the Gitmo prison brochure and ask him to choose and reserve his cell.
Clearly the BBC is not going to, as they cannot let go either.
Is there more to the Gatwick drone story than meets the eye?
Is there a secret services connection? Is there an EU connection? Is there a muslim connection?
I think if it was just a couple of idiots playing around with their early Christmas presents, they’d already be attested and charged.
So, what’s really going on here?
john in cheshire
“So, what’s really going on here?”
it won’t be long before Al Beeb blame Farage and his Brexiteers.
I incidents there is always
#1 The actual story
#2 The story the press officer puts out
– They aren’t always the same
.. And often there are good operational reasons for thst
… They might be diffusing bombs or something and want the media out the way.
Strikes me as suspicious . Is this project fear by another name? Has May been taking lessons from the democrats. Will they find a brexit stooge to arrest for this? Any news of the man who was arrested in Florida for plantings the non-exploding bombs?
Perhaps the purpose of the prank is to demonstrate the fate that befalls us if we leave the EU without a deal. Consequences the BBC and other idiots assure us would happen in that event. Culprits unknown.
Do you remember, folks, when David Cameron used the word ‘swarm’? The BBC part of the media were apoplectic for days.
Jeremy Corbyn’s words yesterday have started to fade a bit fro the media consciousness already, so soon. What I don’t understand is why ‘Stupid’ & ‘Woman’ is so much worse than ‘Stupid’ & ‘People’.
I wonder why?
And to think that in “Dad’s Army” the reference to the “stupid boy” was always the climax of the funnies, guaranteed to raise a smile…
PC has reached dimensions of mindlessness no one could have anticipated! Quite scary when you think for a minute about the implications, not only socio/political, but also for human judgement in general. In the face of modern PC, all notions of common sense appear doomed.
DOOMED, I tell you.
If he had said “stupid people” (which he plainly didn’t), to whom would he have been referring exactly? He should have apologized at once and said it was an involuntary remark made in the heat of the moment. Apart from having the merit of being true, it would have killed the story. Devious people would much rather exert tremendous effort to avoid directness – like driving miles to dump rubbish in a country lane rather than putting it out for the dustman.
I came across this video and it needs to be shown to our Beeb socialistas and the supporters of Jezzanomics. Venezuela. The parallels of what happens when you spend other people’s money. It also shows how to make a documentary that makes you think rather than PC cr*p.
Thanks for posting gb123.
This video by Anne Marie Waters from yesterday is worth watching – it’s just under 9 minutes – and is so true.
Lots of talk about shooting down the Gatwick drones, but this would promote shooting as occasionally useful, something the BBC and the government deeply oppose. Despite the sport being one of our most successful Olympic disciplines, only the police believe that they are fully qualified to handle firearms, in fact some chief officers aren’t too keen on the army being armed, but it would seem this task is beyond the abilities of our ‘trained marksmen’.
In support of this, other ‘trained marksmen’ from DefRA were less than successful at coping with cow-sized targets during the foot and mouth farce.
100,000 stranded at Gatwick and who do the BBBC find to interview – Mohammed and his English wife, its relentless!
The narrative, ever the narrative.
Now, what is the news on the beeb – like everything else- in the service of?
The narrative, ever the narrative.
odd that the BBC news website hasn’t got this yet?
Former Government Minister and Bury South MP Ivan Lewis has resigned from the Labour Party over Jeremy Corbyn’s failure to tackle anti-Semitism in the party
would be quicker if a Tory or Trump administration person?
Latest euphemism for decapitation – very probably while alive – is ‘knife wounds’ according to the BBC. Even the Danish PM has the balls to call the Morocco attack bestial, while our noble purveyor of truth and justice obviously would rather not risk giving offence. Craven shitehawks.
When the Beeb come to rewrite our history we will get more of this. Lee Rigby comes to mind. He presumably suffered car crash injuries. In Manchester they suffered grazes due to broken glass. As they go back further in time Charles 1, Anne Boleyn and Mary Queen of Scots all suffered axe wounds.
GB 123 – Anne Boleyn tripped over an ant while carrying a nail file.
BBC claim the story has backtracked cos the Danish first said the execution video had been verified
..and then changed its mind
2018-12-20 12:30 BBC Business
“Bank cuts growth forecast amid Brexit worries”
More desperation from the Canadian piggy bank manager, appointed using the Peter Principle.
The Traitor has been on the phone to Karno demanding ever more unbelievable predictions.
I am waiting to hear that, after Brexit, The British Isles will sink beneath the North Sea, it’s the only one Karno has not used.
Hilarious HYS, score to date :-
NoBrainers from Project Fear CXXI claiming Nobel standard expertise in International Finance 0 Brexit 125
The reserve story is that because the sun rises in the east it has to cross the EU to reach us. After Brexit it will be unable to complete the journey and we will be condemned to live in perpetual darkness.
Woe, woe, all is woe (to quote a line from when BBC comedy was funny).
Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
“Russian news channel RT broke TV impartiality rules, Ofcom says”
So how are Al Beeb getting away with it ?
RT replies
– BBC report
– Ofcom presss release
“Bank cuts growth forecast amid Brexit worries”
They’re at it again! They just don’t give up. Its almost as if they want the economy to fail to prove they are right.
Two years of uncertainty and the country is still doing better than they predicted.
Experts ?
‘‘Tis a bit much when The Treasury has traditionally attracted the cleverest in the Civil Service but tie and again does a disservice to Blighty .
It’s populated by globalists so wishful thinking causes it to talk down the economy .
And now we have the department of transport failing to regulate drones or foreseeing their dangers …
Let us all hope that they don’t fly these drones next to RAF bases or we will be in really deep doo do.
Perhaps Al Beeb will send for Harry Potter and his 1st Quidditch team, backed up by their TV Licence Detector Vans .
If ever there was a time that this nation needed a leader, its now.
Why didn’t they just shoot it down? Simples..or would it offend somebody
When the Treasury took high-flying graduates the Bank took school-leavers and trained them up. Different cultures.
BBC Online News Video:
“”Putin questions Brexit uncertainty””
“”She must enact the will of the people…””
“”…or otherwise it’s not a referendum at all””
In a few words, Putin hits the nail on the head. BBC will now or in the future claim that Putin is guilty of interference.
8:55pm Channel5 consumer show, for no reason at all they ended by having a Bradford school choir sing Rudolf
The choir met media tickbox ☑ diversity standard
..and even included 4 white children
Prog began with SJW stuff as well
“Look Oxfam have a Xmas special offer on, for 2 weeks over Xmas
.. amatching donor will double your donation
..If you donate £12 ,they will double it to £24 your money …blah blah”
… So if pubic donate £1m the matching donor will donate another £1m
but donor corp is so good why just they donate £1 anyway ?
My guess is coos donor corp is just writing off their donation against tax, so it actually costs them nothing
..but rather it comes from the taxpool
Another 10 mins and weare into an item about making Christmas snacks with the black twins who are ussing Regae Regae sauce
We are being fleeced for something like £14 billion each year, to hand over to foreigners, many of whom appear to hate our guts. So why are the likes of Oxfam asking us to fork out even more? In fact, why does Oxfam even exist?
If those we pay to look after our interests were to stop playing lady bountiful with our money, I might be more inclined to regard these fake charities more favourably.
As it is, I only give money to charities that care for Christians, because the majority of donations and foreign aid seems to end up with our enemies.
Dodgy real charities is one thing
Fake charities are another
Coming up on R4 : counterfit charity collectors in the street
..fake T-shorts, name badges etc.
(before 1pm)
\\The Fundraising Regulator has warned against giving to fake charity appeals this Christmas. The British public donated over ten billion pounds to charity last year, but the regulator says we should always be checking if an organisation is a registered charity. In the last year, the Fundraising Regulator investigated over 1000 complaints about potentially fake charities, and referred over 300 of them to the Charity Commission, Action Fraud or Trading Standards for further action. //
The Communist Labour Party has lost 2 MPs in 2 days . Three Lefty Tories have said they’ll go if we have a full British brexit – not much coverage of either on Al beeb . Gatwick must be a welcome distraction to the bubble – let’s hope a few MPs heading for the sun suffered a bit …
Lots of links to other articles here:
Not the BBC, but the tone here is interesting for a publication who, along with the FT and others, has been ‘faithful’ to certain BBC approved lines to take.
Morocco guys were ISIL
\\ Four suspects arrested over the killings of two Scandinavian university students in Morocco’s Atlas Mountains made a video pledging allegiance to the Islamic State group, authorities in the country said on Thursday.
Morocco’s general prosecutor confirmed the authenticity of a video circulating on social media in which the four threatened to carry out attacks for Isil and its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Investigations showed that the video was made last week *before* the killing of the two women, Danish //
\\ The three suspects arrested on Thursday to The Associated Press as Abdessamad Ejjoud, born in 1993; Younes Ouziad, born in 1991; and Rashid Aftati, born in 1986. They had knives and slingshots when they were arrested, the official said.//
It mentions no execution video
I agree in tourist countries the people most people are anti-terrorist , they don’t want to kill the tourism industry , however MANY OF THE SAME do still promote many negative aspects of Islam
where gormless world leaders went to do as they were told and sign an unlimited migration agreement.
“they don’t want to kill the tourism industry”
Just the tourists.
Drone : “Eco-activists” that’s just speculation
I’ve just read the telegraph CLICKBAIT article (with my free Teleg account) environmental-protests-suspected-orchestrating-gatwick-drone
‘Army arrived at 7pm Thu’ duh why so long
\\ Whitehall sources said police were investigating the possibility a ‘lone wolf’ eco-terrorist was behind the attack. “An eco-protest is at this stage a definite line of inquiry,” said the source. One drone expert said the attack appeared ‘sophisticated’ although there were major concerns over why high-tech jamming and detection equipment developed by the military and GCHQ had not been deployed immediately.
In a lengthy statement, Stewart Wingate, Gatwick’s boss, described the drone incursion as “a highly targeted activity //
\\ It flew intermittently throughout the day evading police marksmen while there were questions over why the military with drone jamming and detection devices were not called in earlier.//
\\ “It’s pretty clear that this is a fairly large drone, not the classic plastic garden drone that you’ll see this is a commercial sized drone that is clearly being operated deliberately in a way t//
\\ In July last year, Balpa warned of a “disaster” unless drones were subjected to tougher regulation after the runway at Gatwick was closed for parts of a Sunday evening over fears for safety.//
BTW Bit quite these past few days on this forum , maybe some regulars are away flying drones
I think we will also see this kind of thing at Heathrow when the 3rd runway starts to be built.
Yes, so why Gatwick now ?
Why didn’t they target Heathrow ?
Gatwick is more rural and easier to runoff and hide I guess.
Deller’s long article
Just seen “I’ll Get It” on BBC2 where celebrities (luvvies) eat expensive food and drink champagne. They play a few silly games until one of them is left to pay the entire bill.
Bill came to about £560. “Oh that’s not that much” said one of the over privileged luvvies.
How the hell does this fit in with the BBC’s obsession with poor people/food banks/universal credit etc when they have commissioned a program showing Champagne socialists doing what they do best?
Much the same applies to ‘Escape to the Country’ where couples with half a million or considerably more are invited to walk around a selection of suitable residences. In reality the overwhelming majority of viewers could not begin to afford them – and would very likely be ostracised if they tried.
Likewise ‘Masterchef’ in which fine dining is brought to the masses, although the drooling viewers might well need an overdraft and booking several months in advance – despite Brexit – to fully appreciate the luxury of it all.
Two ever popular BBC programmes, somewhat at odds with the food banks and savage cuts mantras. As many have said in the past, the BBC doesn’t do irony.
In Australia known as Property Porn shows
..there was a scandal when it was discovered that estate agents were basically funding the progs and thus inflating the property market prices.
I, as a candidate for election in XXX constituency, agree to the following :-
#1 I shall allow, before the election, an electronic device to be permanently attached to my skull.
#2 I agree to this device containing sufficient explosive to project the contents of my skull beyond a Martian orbit.
#3 I agree that this device be so configured that, if an unauthorised attempt to remove the device is made, the contents of my skull WILL be distributed beyond a Martian orbit.
#3 I agree that a quorum of electors shall be empowered to control my skulldevice.
#5 I confirm that the quorum shall be entitled, at any time, as it seems fit to them exclusively, to terminate my position as a member of the House of Commons.
BBC Online News:
“”How LGBTQ+ hate crime is committed by young people against young people””
“”……. Professor in Hate Studies at the University of Leicester. “”
What’s your degree in?
Hate studies.
You’re hired!
Research suggests that the bbc is so far up its own fundament it could floss its own appendix.
Just got my morning email:
Merry Christmas
News Daily will be taking a festive break after today and will return on 2 January. Best wishes to all our readers.
No news is BBC News. And no real loss. Nothing happens over the festive season, clearly.
Hope they enjoy the floor at Gatwick.
I wish to announce that Fedup2 international airport has reopened for business . The pigeon causing the shut down has now been caught .
It is believed that the pigeon is owned by the airport car park operator who will be making a shed load of cash from overstaying cars .
On Toady the Asian work experience girl asked my chief executive ‘ what are the top secret measures you have used to catch the pigeon ?’ Luckily he didn’t tell her it was top secret bread crumbs .
We have put up signs at the airport saying ‘ no pigeons’ that should do it . There will be a review and lessons will be learned .
More seriously Father Christmas has been issued with a health and safety notice about flying over airports delivering presents to good children .
Fed, I hope that when you are braising that pigeon, the bacon you use to wrap the pigeon breasts will be low in salt and that you will use no additional fat, such as butter, nor a smear of honey on it at all.
Up2 thank you for the cooking tip – I’m sure dame sally’ fatty’ Davis will approve . Haven’t shot pigeons for ages . Very tasty.
I think the top present this Christmas will be ….. drones .
I had to ‘overnight’ at Gatwick once, Guest, but the BBC were not around to make a fuss or to not join up the dots for me.
That floor is jolly hard at 3am and very cold, even in September.
I felt you pain. Much of my business life involved long haul travel and missed connections. Used to pack a Li Lo.
Smart move, GW!
I wonder if he flew there via Gatwick?
More importantly, will he be coming back via Gatwick and be stranded over Christmas in the Arctic waiting for a flight out. He can then contemplate how much warmer the Arctic is according to his luvvie friends toasting his absence in Socialist Champagne.
This guys success baffles me, he has neither wit or charisma, personality or looks. I know it’s positive discrimination but I can find fa positive to say about him.
Toady watch
The biased BBC website award winner Soapy Sopel was effusive in his criticism of President Trump for pulling troops out of somewhereistan in accordance with his campaign promises .
It’s good to hear Soapy sound a bit perky because with all the good things President Trump has done in 2018 the likes of soapy and Katty were sounding very down.
The BBC has again demonstrated its complete inability to join up the dots with Martha Kearney’s little jolly out to Afghanistan to join ‘our boys’ for Christmas. Why didn’t Mishal go as well? I am sure The Humph, Nick & Justin could have coped in the meantime.
Was the mission worthwhile, the Commander currently there is asked. “Oh, yes.” 16 years, 450 British lives lost. But that is not the whole story. The one that Martha did not consider.
How many troops came back as invalids, missing limbs and eyes and hearing or with mental health problems? How many became drug addicts or alcoholics in Afghanistan, for whatever reason, and are back needing treatment here?
How many are now homeless on the streets of Britain?
Or is the BBC only interested in Australasian, Portugese and American homeless people on our streets and using them to bash a Conservative Government?
And to what end? Bringing peace to Afghanistan! Er, what?
Over 30,000 Afghans have died in the past three years.
BBC: please join up the dots or close your News operation down. It is pathetic.
There was always a logic problem with going to Afghee because Islamic terrorist attacks are as likely to be planned in Tower Hamlets / Luton bedrooms as in kaboom.
Obviously states could be playing ‘The Great Gane’ again but it is a waste of blood and cash for us .
New Thread Time …..
Fed, just think of the Global Warming caused by the Americans bombing large rocks into medium sized ones. And then bombing those medium sized ones into small ones. Then doing it all over again and bombing the small rocks into dust. All just because Osama bin Laden might be hiding under one of them.
And he wasn’t even in the country at the time!
The BBC make a fuss about me driving 300 miles to visit Granny over Christmas or turning up the heating thermostat to 19 when there is more than a dusting of snow outside.
But they cheer on the decimation and devastation of lives in Afghanistan and Britain.
Al Beebeestan not very interested in reporting the murder of 2 Scandinavian tourists by 4 nothing-to-do-with-islam men — or ‘muslims’ as they’re sometimes known.
They’ve hidden the story where you won’t see it, so allow me to remember the victims for them.
The Danish Prime Minister called the murders ‘unusually bestial’.
“Morocco murders: Tourist killings suspects ‘backed IS’ ”
RIP – and a prayer . Thanks vlad . Shame on the BBC
Times Headline.
“I’m like Jesus – pray for me” Fiona Onasanya
She has the IQ of a tapeworm.
But not as pretty.
Last Chance — without being blasphemous- I did look through the New Testament to see if Jesus got a ticket for speeding but it seems he didn’t . But he got far worse of course .
I read somewhere that our Fiona was parachuted into the ( soon to be ) former constuency without any vetting at all – so she had a great future in the Communist Labour Party .
Thought I noticed racist Greg Dyke, former FA chairman and beeb DG (the elite move effortlessly from one top position to another -which is why they’re called the ‘elite’) on Sky, promising an extension of Article 50, and a second Brexit vote.
He of ‘hideously white’ fame, still dictating to the little people what they can and can’t do and have. Things never change…