The Christian tradition of Christmas must cause great angst to the Far Left BBC . Concentrating on the secular will be the remedy as well as being ‘inclusive ‘ and ‘diverse
To all our pagan colleagues – happy solstice
Weekend Open Thread 21 December 2018
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Fed, are we going to have a Special Christmas Thread (in which to greet one and all and then chew over the salty, fatty, sugary Christmas news & programmes from the BBC) or is this it?
I’m glad you asked me that – I’m now going to not answer the question like a bad politician ….
“Some might say” “yes” . “It has been said..” …. “ no- humbug”
In summary yeah – I’ll put up on Sunday Evening after I get back from Gatwick where I will spending the weekend’ Drone spotting ‘….
Fed, hope you have a shotgun handy as well as the James Bond-style jet back pack. You could end up a double hero, for de-droning Gatwick as well as helping run B-BBC for this year!
Earn £300 if you introduce a driver who stays in employment at various trucking firms .shortage of drivers even now due to robust market .
Can’t get French windows installed yet as all builders and construction firms are booked up , some for all of 2019 .
Good news eh ? Makes a change from the BBCs constant whinging about the economy ” due to Brexit ” .
Or move to France and have truly French windows pre-installed. Property may well be attractively priced ‘due to Frexit’ when Macron is ousted, though some of the window glass in the more urban areas might need replacement. On the other hand fresh air allowed to circulate will clear the tear gas more rapidly.
I am still ruminating on the fact that the West seems to be intent on raising the next generation as Eloi. The latest example of the poor girls who wandered into a dodgy country armed only with a smile and their naivety and they think that will keep em safe.. We can see the same naivety being increasingly exhibited in their own countries . Its truly depressing..
Dysgenic, best to let them die.
The raped white girls of Europe, however, deserved better.
The rapists are guilty.
But also guilty is the left, and we must never forget it, or forgive it.
When the left is just a bad memory, it must feature prominently in our history books, as a warning to our descendants.
Swelter – sadly it’s the limits of ‘girl power ‘ where sadly – there are a lot of Men Who Are Just Not Nice – and Will rape and kill – as seen in NZ recently …..
Shame schools don’t teach situational awareness ..
Well they would Fedup but, being aware of the situation, they prefer to think that it will go away if ignored.
Fed.. Situational awareness is absolutely discouraged because it involves making judgements about people and that would never do! Although making sweeping judgements about white men and leave voters are the obvious exception.
I think not teaching situational awareness is partly due to the teachers themselves. Some of them seem to have exactly the same naivety.
An example of this was the teacher who got herself killed in 2017 going solo by canoe into an area of the Brazilian Amazon. She was warned by the locals and the local officials that it was full of traffickers and was offered an escort. I read even the police wouldn’t go there solo. She insisted on going because she didn’t want to waste time and even wrote a slightly mocking post on her Facebook page.
I am constantly amazed at the lack of street smartness and the belief that the whole world is some kind of leafy peaceful suburb.
The poor students probably believed Islam is the religion of peace,,
Everytime I see Chris grayling on TV making a statement about the chaos at Gatwick my heart sinks to think we have that moron in charge of anything how on earth did he get elected never mind a seat on the cabinet
Said it before, but add a pair of specs and he’s just like the vicar in Dad’s Army.
New to me. Well, certainly not within the last couple of weeks. Well worth a visit for even more reality. You know, the kind of ‘reality’ which pretty well all here inhabit:
Her various videos are really good. Nail on head sort of good.
Notice the number of YouTube broadcasters that now, very openly, talk about the, “Globalist” conspiracies? It’s all rapidy becoming them and us. ‘Them’ includes our Treason May needless to say.
We are at war, no doubt about it in my mind.
I think she is right. We are in a war and our enemies want only our annihilation. We have already won all the arguments. The left are not listening. To draw a very severe parallel, under the Third Reich many people didn’t want to believe what was really happening. Even many of the Jewish victims didn’t believe what was being done to them up to the time they were on a transport to the East like so many cattle. I’ve read a lot of Holocaust literature, some didn’t believe until they could smell the fumes from the crematorium at Auschwitz just how strong the hatred was.
We aren’t all Jews. We aren’t all Christians. We aren’t all white. But we face an enemy with irreconcilable differences. They don ‘t want peace. What the lady in the video said- they want us gone, we are deplorable to them. We may be a long way from a gas chamber scenario but the demonic hatred is there and has become entrenched in some places (BBC?). The hatred can be whipped up on demand. We’ve been watching it happen for two years.
It is a largely war of propaganda, re-education/brainwashing and disinformation at this stage.
“propaganda, re-education/brainwashing and disinformation”
And the giving over of war booty to Muslims in the form of finances, land space and very young sex slaves.
The writing on the wall was confirmed for me at the time of the Salman Rushdie fatwah.
The faux support for him was unbelievably transparent. The response of the great and the good was basically you have yourself to blame, and protection was provided grudgingly.
Many years after the fatwah the Sunday Times ( plse correct if wrong) serialised an article by one of his protection officers that told you what an arsehole he was.
But the lack of reaction by the majority here gave the green light to muslims and their virtue signalling tossers in politics and the media.
A few years ago I couldn’t decide if the then leaders of the West, Cameron, Obama, Merkel etc, were naive or evil in the way they were selling the West down the river. Was it just that they didn’t realise the consequences or was it that they were acting deliberately to bring down the countries that elected them? Well I think now that it is abundantly clear that they and many others are embarked on a plan to create a homogeneous world. I assume that they believe it is for the best but increasingly ordinary folks , but still not enough, realise that it is almost certain to end in disaster.
The question which I grapple with is why on earth do so many people Seem to have swallowed the idea that Globalism is good for them and theirs. Even allowing for the non stop propaganda of the BBC et al it is hard to accept that people must be so stupid as to not be able to see the consequences of Globalism and the dreadful impact it will have on the way of life in the West. But stupid they must be , even a moments thought will reveal that allowing millions of third worlders into our countries cannot possibly end well. Of course if the MSM was neutral and not completely controlled by Globalists and reported the truth impartially even the dimmest idiots and snowflakes would be up in arms against third world mass migration.
The founders of this site were right to realise years ago that the BBC was rapidly undermining the country and brainwashing the British into accepting their own demise.
Agree Lucy we have been at war with those that follow the teachings of Islam for 100’s of years. However now the dam stupid EU with the support of Chancellor Merkel have opened the Gates of Vienna to allow floods of Muslims to invade Europe. The damage has been done as we can be witnessed in Sweden and now smothering our Christian values here in the UK. Irrespective of what those that think they know, the Muslim community, it will never really integrate into our society their teachings of Islam would never allow it, therefore it is purely a superfictial consideraton, that their Imans allow. Islam is a political ideology formostly, the Muslim Brotherhood has always announced its goal to impose sharia law to establish an Islamic state. There can be only one lifestyle, and it will consume all others. With a Home Secreatry and a London Mayor both true Muslims they are off to a flying start. We must for goodness sake and at all costs avoid having a Muslim Prime Minister. Happy Christmas.
Thanks for this, G. It sent chills up my spine, she is absolutely right. It has gone far beyond the time for debate, and the elites are arrogant in the extreme – maybe they sense victory? They will not listen, they do not want to hear us; we are deplorable to them and cannot be tolerated. I wonder what OUR Military leaders are thinking? I ‘woke up’ following the 2016 Referendum…quite late, but at least I woke up. The majority of my lovely, smart, deluded friends are still firmly in the Matrix and refusing to take the red pill. Up is down, right is wrong, left is ‘right’, right is far right/extreme and so on. JFK’s point about the light showing the way through darkness brings to mind a film with Danny de Vito…He wanted his house to be seen from Space, so he kept adding more and more Christmas lights until finally the satellite image picked up his home. It took time, but each additional light mattered…
Just want to say you guys have been a real tonic these last few months. I’ve not posted, but I’ve been reading and you help to keep me sane and feeling less isolated. Thank you.
As a relative newcomer I’ll take on the mantle and say, ‘welcome’ here.
” I wonder what OUR Military leaders are thinking….”. Not current military – recently retired. But, I have to assume that the same mindset is prevalent in the current leadership. After all, they were no doubt apprentices to the retirees. Again, well worth a watch to hear what those retirees have to say:
G, Thanks for posting that video…I have to say, having watched it just now, I feel even more sick with anger and frustration. I knew this duplicitous bunch were treasonous, but I underestimated the depth of the rot at the heart of the system. They are not our ‘leaders’. They are not fit to lead. I have huge respect and admiration for our military forces; they do not deserve to be treated like this by Parliament. Drain the deep, deep incompetent, useless, fetid swamp.
Believe me Fubard you are perfectly sane-I have studied the world picture for so long that originally I was one of a very few who had any understanding of what was going on-for many years and with great stealth those that control (Elites) the world have been very happy to see and watch the disruption throughout the Middle East and Africa as it they through their extraodinary wealth that support it and don’t want it to end. It was they that pushed forward the policy for a Muslim invasion of Western Europe, to help subjugate the native populations and what a good job they are making of it !
As a lone voice I have no power but as one of millions it will be a voice that, will have to be listened to but do not count on the media BBC et al for thast support.
Tarien, its not easy to swim against the tide…and the media plays a vital, major role. So many people still cling to their belief that the BBC is wonderful. Makes me spit feathers when I think about the duplicitous tripe they pump out.
Cut off their life line.
Start here………………………………….
304,325 signed
Tell your mates .
A note from Alan Jan 1st 2017 made such a relevent point to what you and I believe Fubard-Liberal Gangsterism, to quote: Who are the Fascists, who are the Gangsters?
Farage wants to control immigration. He is denounced by the BBC as a Fascist, a Nazi even. But is he the Fascist?
Or, are those who want to control what you say, what you think, how you behave, who want to control every aspect of your life, the real Fascists?’ We have been living in a version of 1984 for a long time now as our voices have been suppressed and our thoughts manipulated or made ‘unacceptable’, a war declared on ‘Britishness’. It is a paradox that the loudest alarmists of the Liberal coterie declare we are heading towards the 1930’s again as they raise alarming but totally imaginary fantasies of Hitler on the march once more…but in one respect they are right, the vilification, demonisation and attacks, some actually physical, the death threats, those aimed at Leave voters, is certainly reminiscent of the 1930’s. As my note stated 22/12 the BBC is under the strict control of the Elites-their policies whatever they are for us will prevail as far as that duplicitous lot (BBC) pump it out as you say. Still I intend to enjoy my Christmas day as a Christian with my family-how fortunate I am to still be free to so.
I’m not sure if someone has posted this already recently – but a short message from Pat Condell.
Imaynot, Thanks for that. Yep, Pat Condell really nailed it didn’t he…in all its starkly depressing glory…
No sure if this is genuine. But I usually trust the Geller Report.
Graphic and horrible video claimed to be of the young hikers murdered by you know who.
I would not normally post this kind of stuff, but I am fed up with the softly softly approach of the BBC and media and fed up with being called a racist by the shits in our yoonies for criticising the ideology
If its on geller its likely to be genuine.
I have read the description of the video on a FB post, and even the write up is blood chilling.
I have seen more of those videos than is good for me, so I wont be opening it.
However, it SHOULD be compulsory viewing for the virtue signalling wankers who stand at stations with placards saying ‘refugees welcome’
Forget ‘sources say…..’ or ‘some people say…….’, the BBC new favourite is ‘ there are growing calls…………..’
From who ?
That’s a good one “… what you’re saying is …” didn’t get much “traction”. Could miss Cathy Newman – all that’s Left is a burnt out shell .
I wuld have some things to say but they never seem to ask
David Vance retweeted this from the Mayor of London’s #LondonIsOpen campaign, saying “London is so many things to @SadiqKhan – but “English” or “British” don’t make the list!”
There’s a couple of quick references to English heritage — a Beefeater walking at the Tower and Tower Bridge opening — but 99% of it is a progressive mashup, box-ticking porn for diversity gruppenfuhrers.
For the line “London is deep rooted”, they go with a clip of some diverse ethnic women drummers. A picture really is worth a thousand words.
This Muslim cannot claim to be English-he may have a British/European Passport and therefore is from the United Kingsom but NOT of England. I like many can claim to be English through over 1500yrs of my white ancestry, but those who have come from other countries and in particular Asia/Middle East/Africa cannot claim such a privilege or right. We can only realise that with a rising majority in London of those that follow the teachings of Islam how this Muslim became London’s Mayor-if anything should have been a wake up call that certainly was and should have been. Happy Christmas whilst we still have it !
Just heard the preview for the Jeremy Vine show on radio 2. ‘Considering climate change, should the persons who flew the drone at Gatwick disrupting hundreds of flights, be put on the Queen’s honours list !! I kid you not.
jeff, how about giving them the inaugural Attenborough (D.) Award?
The BBC is in full climate catastrophe mode today. The Jeremy Vine show are giving this propaganda the full wellie, interviewing the young Scandinavian lass who gave such a popular speech the other day, warning us of climate apocalypse.
They even introduced a little time traveling skit whereby a roaming journalist visits Britain in the year 2078.
He paints an ugly picture.
The Shard has melted, what’s left of London is unrecognisable and there then follows a profoundly unamusing piece (which I think was supposed to be funny) about the Gatwick drone story.
I just wondered if they might ever come across a young Scandinavian lass who wanted to say something about the horrendous rape epidemic her country is suffering; the crime, the terrorism, the cultural alienation…and how the media are covering these thing up.
They could have another BBC journo’ traveling forward to the year 2078 and visiting what was once called London, but is now known as Londonistan. “It’s unrecognisable” he tells us. “There’s an ISIS flag above 10 Downing Street, St Paul’s Cathedral is a mosque and all the women are scurrying about dressed as Batman.” “There are beheadings every day on Parliament Square, The Palace of Westminster is now called Caliphate Central and Buckingham Palace is home to Mullah Mohamed and his thirty wives.”
They’re never going to do it, are they…
Really enjoying this book on my Kindle, at the moment:
“BBC: Brainwashing Britain”
by David Sedgwick.
Not BBC but no surprise to see the Ultra Far Left Channel 4 will be broadcasting this Anti Brexit, Anti Trump alternative Christmas message. You can almost sense the snowflakes from The Last leg having a group tug over this. Quite pathetic really. Be interesting to see the outrage if a celebrity who leaned to the RIGHT did a piece like this , because liberal left outrage there would be …programme likely to be so offensive to them they would want it banned … we just have to suffer their holier than thou liberalism. But we are always told the left are so tolerant and peaceful. …..
Strange how all the real east-enders voted for Brexit?
But this sop has taken the BBC/Channel4 Quisling-Shilling.
As have many others.
It used to be called bribery.
The real East-enders were decamping to Enfield, Essex and Herts, over 40 years ago. I know, as I was working with them at the time and most headed North and East at clocking-off time.
Maybe I missed Toady watch at the end of the last thread. But I switched on Radio 4 to find out if Gatwick has reopened. Why has Martha K been sent to Afghanistan? I would have thought Mishal would have wanted that gig to get nearly back to visit some of her relatives with travel paid for by the BBC. Good PR for the army but I didn’t learn anything new.
But Mishal is really not up to the job back at the studio. I heard her interviewing the man from Gatwick, demanding to know why it was ok now to restart flights. It was obvious that the man didn’t want to disclose how the decision has been made or how the circumstances have changed. But Mishal couldn’t understand that there may be security decisions around it (or too stupid) or maybe she just isn’t quick witted enough to change her line of questioning. But it doesn’t make interest listening and I switched off.
BBC bias on magical thinking about pseudo-green energy

See the difference between Forbes and BBC
and Daily Caller
Analysis by Paul Homewood
Thanks for that link Stew.. One reader comment sums up the entire BBC repertoire on Climate Change..
The BBC will print any propaganda without looking into the details (or even without thinking whether it could possibly be correct). Anybody with any intelligence knows the BBC headline is an example of fake news.
Too true!
Also laughing at that Dutch language Video on that page… well worth watching!
The best argument in support of a hard no deal Brexit ever seen. Dutch Boy Band pleads for us to come back
G.W.F. – Boy Band?
A long time since they were boys.
more like Soy Band
or Soy Boy band
Haha haha! Is that for real! Yep. Foreigners with beards turning up on the beaches pretending to be children is really going to help their cause! (sarc)
”Gatwick Airport re-opened its runway on Friday morning after hundreds of flights were grounded due to a drones being spotted over the airfield on Wednesday and Thursday.
By Jane Wakefield Technology reporter”
a drones?
She’s edited the story at least 6 times, that typo in the opening paragraph was introduced in the 6th edit before 9:30am, when she changed “a drone” to the plural, so it’s been there 5 hours.
I ran it through automatic grammar checkers, and they immediately pick it up.
… You’d expect BBC staff to be using such tools. (I don’t obviously)
Thank you for your work on BBBC.
You make a great contribution.
I am sure all BBBC users learn from your posts, warts and all.
Ouch my head is swelling , too big for my hat now.
But we need to thank whoever is funding this sites web costs
I don’t see a donate button .. is there one @Fedup2 ?
Merry Christmas
Paul Homewood funds himself/site with a Christmas tip drive
Stew, the BBC do appear to use predictive text with the inevitable hilarious consequences.
“You’d expect BBC staff to be using such tools”
They do, over 20,000 of them worldwide
She must have been on the train with Corbyn when there were no unoccupied seats.
COMPLAINT submitted to the BBC.
Programme: The Jeremy Vine Show
Subject: Interview with Extinction Rebellion Mob.
I have just listened to a most irresponsible interview with a bunch of deluded and ignorant activists from the so-called Extinction Rebellion organisation. Following the day of over a 100,000 passengers holidays being ruined by a probable self-appointed ‘environmental’ activist, the BBC see fit to encourage these idiots by allowing them free air time.
These young and ill-informed people were allowed to spout their pseudo-science and pure fake facts with virtually no correction from anyone at the BBC. You supposedly have a ‘Reality Check’ team when it comes to thwarting Brexit, but where are they when these activists make claims that cannot be backed up by proper science?
The BBC are complicit in peddling these climate scare stories and therefore promote these type of direct action groups that disrupt the lives of millions. For example, the Climate Change Act is costing the UK billions a year that will have virtually no impact on world temperatures (even if CO2 has any impact on temps – not yet proven). This has resulted in higher energy costs that effect the poor more than anyone else, and a national grid that is vulnerable to mere changes in the weather. Why does the BBC NEVER cover these stories. The billions wasted on renewable subsidies could benefit the economy, NHS and social services is so many ways, yet you never cover this scandal.
How can the BBC justify NOT including any scientists who question the global warming consensus (which btw doesn’t exist). By your current rules you would not have interviewed Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, and many other trail-blazing scientists because as REAL scientists, they question the consensus.
I pay my license fee (under threat of going to prison if I don’t) yet you seem hell-bent on spending UK people’s money on promoting fringe causes that are in effect anti-British. You are no-more than a mouthpiece for environmental groups that are anti-growth, anti-capitalist organisations in another guise. Disgusting.
I won’t hold my breath waiting for a reply.
Dear BBC £3.5 billion paid under threat of prison complaints department,
Could you revisit the 2009 UK MP expenses again, I would not like to find out that MPs like Tony Blair have ran to the shredder prior to your investigations.
Here are some details, can you use Journalists who are avoiding the BBC Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker Pay Gap and see why an MP on £77K salary tops up their money with a job giving them £65K extra a year.
Maybe find other MPs on such amazing schemes and why they are getting free tickets to concerts when they have so much cash sloshing around in their MP expenses accounts.
Chuka Umunna MP, Streatham (tax payer pays him £77K per year) is being paid £65,040 a year Advisory Position at Global Progress (London) Ltd …
1) Look into what he produces for £65K a year.
2) Look at who owns the company and other players – Tony Blair is linked to it.
3) Find other MPs doing the same.
4) Ensure they are paying taxes on the extra money.
5) Maybe interview them and ask some questions rather than how they feel today?
For a head start you can find the details on :
Good luck and let me know how you get on,
p.s. I also see that MPs claim their MP Office BBC TV Licenses Tax on their expenses, thus the UK tax payer has to pay their own TV License and their MP’s TV License. Might want to consider stopping this for the 650 MPs.
Suppose it keeps um off the streets, they don’t half worry about the mountains falling upon them!
Wonder which one was controlling the drones ?
Vine was caught red handed today stealing clips from ITV News at Ten
Don’t you dare say the eco-protesters are drama-queens
Another photo 30 protesters and 15 police
MP comments on Vine
Twitter activists were angry that Vine seemed to bactrack on his first stance that ec0-terrorism is like the suffragettes and honourable
Boss of institute funded by Green hedgefund was on air eco protesters with the eco-actvists tweet ..Him in Bristol studio blockaded also
\\ @Grantham_IC
Listen LIVE! @mjsiegert speaking on @BBCRadio2’s #JeremyVine show about environmental activism, #GatwickDrones & #climatechange. //
I thought Jeremy Vine came very close to incitement to cause a criminal act. There was a good half-hour of the programme devoted to justifying shutting down air transport.
We had that brainwashed Swedish girl, again, with her ‘power to the people’ – what about the ‘people’ that want to go on holiday or heat their homes or want to fly to heated hotels for ‘climate change’ conferences?
I get tired of £700k p.a. Vine, ‘man of the people’, telling us how he has to ‘save the planet’ for his daughters and how he can’t afford to pay for his finance plan car.
P.S. Wouldn’t a two-hundred foot high Thames Barrier have to sit in a two-hundred foot high valley at least in order to protect London? Where is that geographic feature coming from, climate change?
Have you noticed that it’s James Mattis now when he is standing down.
When he was joining Pres. Trump’s administration it was ‘mad dog Mattis’
BEFORE – “Oh that Trump he’ll be a warmonger”
AFTER – “Oh that Trump he’s bringing the troops home … how stupid is that”
Libmob MSM have no honour
Having had a hectic morning shopping in Waitrose followed by a hectic afternoon shopping in Tescos, I have got to admit you get a better class of ignorant bastard in Waitrose than in Tescos.
General, that made me laugh out loud. Love it!
I had a few pints in my local Working Man’s Club last night. I prefer the WMC as opposed to the local pub because you geta better class of drunk…………
“The number of hate crimes has gone up, and that means the police have to do something about it.”
Gwent police said they have a team of “over 30” specialist Hate Crime Support Officers.
“over 30” specialist Hate Crime Support Officers
“over 30” specialist Hate Crime Support Officers
“over 30” specialist Hate Crime Support Officers
twelve-year-old girl who had been having
sex with up to five and Asian males
because he said she had been quote 100%
consented consensual in every incident
tory’s of age I think that’s just I
think that’s unbelievable to be honest
have you worked as it have you
identified who that officer was and
“over 30” specialist Hate Crime Support Officers
“over 30” specialist Hate Crime Support Officers
“over 30” specialist Hate Crime Support Officers
ahh the irony
the bigoted old brexiteers as opposed to the enlightend young and scots
maybe not
It’s all very well for Labour MPs to inquisition the police about their failings in respect to muslim child rape gangs, but it’s their own lefty-liberal ideology that produced the climate of opinion where you couldn’t speak about such goings-on without being accused of racislm/ islamophobia.
Aided and abetted by the Beebeestan, of course.
And it continues to this day.
They are far more worried about Tommy Robinson than about the sex-slavers.
No cop can be this ill informed, so stupid, so incompetent. Directions are coming from above.
I disagree – I wrote on the previous thread about the senior cop with responsibility for drones . She droned on ( on the BBC 5 pm news ) about inter agency this and that as well as consulting about stuff in that shallow dumb way these characters do.
I think it is the long term effect of coppers being promoted for making the right noises as opposed to getting things done . One of Tony Blair’s many many sins .
Firms told to prepare for no-deal Brexit
”Nimisha Raja, chief executive and founder of Nim’s Fruit Crisps, says businesses need to be prepared for a lot more paperwork, if there is a no-deal Brexit.”
So without EU regulations importing your pineapples and mangos with mean MORE paperwork?
”Nim’s Fruit Crisps sometimes has to import fruit from the EU to make its products, when fruits such as apples and pears are out of season in the UK. ”
Nimisha, you’d have to go to the world’s southern hemisphere to find different seasons.
Don’t expect the BBC to spot these flaws..
Guessing she’s hoping to tempt Gary over with the lure of her massive brand awareness.
And because he’s a Rementalist too.
The BBC is standing by a report that 95% of the $100m aid raised to fight famine in northern Ethiopia in 1985 was diverted by rebels and spent on weapons, despite denials by Bob Geldof and leading charities.
Surely this was reported twenty years ago and is the reason Geldof receives a lot of criticism every time he has another bright idea.
95% is pretty big deal to report. I wonder how that affects BREXIT for Bob Galdof’s entourage of BBC luvvies. Its usually the BBC reporting something reported previously in the Guardian. A bit of a novelty for the BBC to bite the hand that feeds it.
Yeah Philip – I was thinking that , definitely a blue on blue attack but entertaining nevertheless. Maybe despite “Sir” Bobs bellicose naivety, ridiculous hats and of course his “rocknroll” down wiv the kids credentials, and of course his fashionable statements of talking about how he intends personally to house a “refugee” but never gets past choosing the wallpaper – The BBC have finally realised he is an enemy of the people.
Which people – well of course the ones that matter – younger, non male, non white ones of course. Hey Bob – looks like you could be a gammon too now!
As for “LIVE AID” – I was cynical then and have never changed my opinion on this poverty porn jamboree. Chucking money at some of the most corrupt and savage countries on earth was always going to end well wasnt it?
Maybe naive old “SIR” Bob should have employed some reverse psychology and raised money and sent them Khalashnikovs instead, at least that is something they might have understood the concept or alternatively they might have “sold” them and bought aid instead – Still at least it kept “Sir” Bob s career going.
BBC Online News:
“”Firms told to prepare for no-deal Brexit””
“”Financial Secretary to the Treasury Mel Stride told the BBC…. the prospect of the UK leaving the EU without a deal an “unlikely event”.””
“”Nimisha Raja, chief executive and founder of Nim’s Fruit Crisps, says businesses need to be prepared for a lot more paperwork, if there is a no-deal Brexit.””
“”She would definitely be interested in applying for grants to ease the load.””
Another anti-Brexit article by our BBC.
Never any mention of the benefits.
Project Fear – Extra paperwork.
Does that mean there will be a ‘fruit crisp’ shortage- because of Brexit . . How will I survive . That’s a hard price to pay for freedom .
Whether you are celebrating Christmas, or resting today, happy holidays from The Muslim Council of Britain.
Who wants to ban Christmas? Not Muslims.
So put up your Christmas tree, prepare the roast, wrap the presents, and spread the Yuletide joy.
None of us will be offended if you go ahead and enjoy the Christmas cheer.
We’ll remember too the blessings Jesus gave to all of us. He was, after all, an important Prophet to Muslims.
So whether you are celebrating Christmas or not, may these holidays bring joy and
happiness to you and your loved ones.
Keep calm, and carry on.
Strange, but that message did not get through to everyone.
Order, Order Headline.
“‘Scrooge’ Sadiq banning tube ads for Christmas treats”.
Taqiya for Christmas I believe.
How patronizing and extraordinarily irritating.
for now (small print)
Slight addition to make the statement more accurate:
“None of us will be offended if you go ahead and enjoy he Christmas cheer FOR NOW”.
R4 drama now, the father is squirming as the female vicar preaches her sermon about Unversal Credit and locals having big houses
.. Guess he is the baddie
Ah yes the son , has advertised the family’s second home as open to squatters
..and squatters find when they arrive to spend Xmas there.
video \\ Currently on lockdown in Wogan House @BBCRadio2 with environmental protesters at the door…I need a sandwich.//
After Soros for their Christmas bonus.
FFS this vid shows how taxpayer money is being wasted
.. cos 2 police as standing INSIDE the BBC behind the locked BBC doors , when the BBC has its own security and there aren’t that many protesters.
Think about it , those cops should be saving London from knife crime etc.
And note how when Pro-Brexiteers too twenty seconds to clear the way for an ambulance the libmob screamed “an ambulance was blocked, people could have died”
..In fact every eco-protest takes cops off the street who could be dealing with real crime
Merry Christmas, here’s a gift for y’all
FakeNews is about suppressing info
eg not reported by BBC
\\ Parliament calls for Selmayr’s resignation in landslide vote
The European Parliament yesterday (13 December) adopted a resolution, with a majority of 71%, that calls for the resignation of Martin Selmayr, the former right-hand man of Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker whose rushed promotion earlier this year was criticised as “a coup-like action”. //
It might get better.
Juncker threatens to resign if Selmayr goes.
I think we might get to the Rhine before they notice.
Gosh a two for one deal! What a Brexit Christmas bonus! No wonder the BBC won’t report that.
Vienna police rule out terrorism
I can’t check the translation on this network
When ‘roving’ reporters stop joe public in the street and ask how they voted in the referendum, they always ask “why?” if the answer is to Leave, but if the response is Remain, no further questioning necessary.
If that isn’t biased I don’t know what is.
Since Guardian is in league with the libmob they have the best photos
“One person is dead and another injured following a shooting in central Vienna.”
Mentally retarded guns just going off on their own.
On a par with, “….the lorry ran into pedestrians in a Christmans market”. Clearly, another driverless vehicle.
Didn’t BBC tell us there’d be a potato and sprout famine at Christmas, due to summer drought..
making them expensive ?
Currently 2.5Kg of spuds in Tesco is 29p
Bradford Isis supporter jailed
Both BBC Yorkshire and BBC Leeds tweet
A re-write? – “A British man is jailed for 12 years…..”. Strictly in BBC language of course.
Petition 266,349
British Pakistani news
All part and parcel of being a muslim.
I find it interesting that in a 30th anniversary piece BBC are quite happy to say that Pan Am 103 was brought down by a “terrorist bomb”, yet after the London bombings that same BBC would not use the word “terrorist” to describe the perpetrators.
Anders Thomasson,
Years ago on this very website we debated BBC guidelines on the dreaded ‘T’ word. In its wisdom, the BBC had then decided it was OK to apply the word terrorist to an action, but not to the person engaging in terrorism. They soon dropped that like a hot potato and briefly used the dreaded ‘T’ word only when quoting others who used it.
That in itself soon became too much for the sensitive souls at the BBC and they would not use the word at all, even when, for example, quoting Israeli spokesmen after a terrorist attack by Palestinians on Israeli civilians. They would substitute militant for terrorist. In other words, they would lie about what those Israelis had actually said.
This mangling of the English language was particularly shameful during the horrific Beslan slaughters, carried out by Islamic terrorists on innocent children and teachers. I recall that a BBC employee used the dreaded ‘T’ word once when the story first broke but that quickly changed as the BBC proved for the nth time that it is far more concerned about not hurting Muslim feelings than reporting accurately.
And all the years since, as Islamic terrorists have rampaged across the planet, raping, slaughtering and enslaving anyone who doesn’t look and think like them, the BBC has strained what’s left of its creativity to come up with words like fighters and attackers in order to obfuscate and lie about these latter-day Nazis and try to shield their horrific acts from public scrutiny.
The BBC should change its name to LBC – Lying British Corporation.
Remember that Jordan Peterson is an expert in the way Marxism has instructions on tricks with language.
Jordan Peterson? Yes, he is a lone warrior, fighting the good fight against lefty imbecility that has infiltrated every aspect of our lives.
Greg Dyke May still be triggered by the hideously white old man still involved.
BBC having a go at ( president) Trump via talking heads for him ” only looking at the bottom line ” about pulling out troops from Syria and Afghanistan .
But when they talk about Brexit , and a second referendum , they are only looking at the bottom line . Nothing about the advantages , only what big business wants .
like socialists spending over peoples money, the bbc are very keen on spending american lives,
I would suggest all the bbc staff transfer to Syria rainbow flags in hand and join their muslim brethren in spreading pc lovedust around whilst feasting on unicorns and getting them all to lay down their arms for allah and his religion of peace
I wish someone who has access to the traitor class would investigate and report on what personal benefits the main Remainers have from remaining in the EU. For example, what do the Rudd’s gain from us being in the EU, what does Mr Grieve gain from EU membership, Mr Heseltine, Mr adonis, Mr Clark? All of them, they are either compromised by their past behaviour or they expect some kind of reward for their betrayal of their country. Not forgetting Mrs May herself and her commie advisor Mr Robbins; what do they get out of all of this?
After Pattens rant about rodents and extremists one of the papers reported his ReichEU pension is £770k- knowing them – tax free . They’ll need the 39 billion to pay him ….
As for the rest – promises of EU jobs without having to deal with riff raff voters .. can’t be too difficult to buy them off with our EU money or Soros gelt .
Good point. Why do 70% of Tory MPS support Remain? Can they explain this?
As public servants, it should be a declaration of self-interest.
I’m sure Mogg could account for his wish to leave.
BBC Online News:
“”Morocco tourist murders: Video appears genuine – Norway police””
“”The men in the video claim the murders were in revenge for events in Syria.””
“”Thousands of Moroccans are expected to pay tribute to the women on Saturday, in a vigil outside the Norwegian and Danish embassies in Rabat.””
The Terrorist supporting BBC defend the Terrorist murders in the first paragraph as above.
In BBC-World, the depraved killers had no choice as Western foreign policy forced them to do it.
By coincidence but not surprisingly, that’s the same stance as the Hard-Left.
Dover Sentry
The BBC accept that the video of the beheading is genuine and add
‘In the video, the killer is heard saying: “This is in revenge for our brothers in Hajin,” a reference to a town in eastern Syria lost by so-called Islamic State (IS) to US-backed forces this week.’
OK so now we can have an experiment. Can we predict that once Trump removes US infidels from Syria, then jihadi killings will stop?
@Dover Sentry ITTB have Further analysis on this “Don’t mention ISIS” matter
Oh I love it! As I reported earlier on this thread, this morning Mishal was attempting to bully someone from Gatwick to tell her what they were doing to allow them to resume flights. The Daily Mail website tells me it is an Israeli developed device. What a shame he couldn’t have told Mishal that!
But like Jeremy Vine she may be on the side of the eco warrior.
Someone should ask Christopher Steele if he knows anything about it. Or Mrs May. Or Mr Robbins. Or anyone from our swamp.
it probably runs on that free electric stuff
I’m afraid JRM has got his numbers wrong -he left out the pompous Dimbleby PLC .
In more detail…
I heard the last 2 minutes. That was enough.
Some bint was going on about the cost of Brexit. JRM was in the process of explaining that the benefits would be reduced costs of clothing and food when Vine’s Dad cut him off to go to an Irisman on the Panel for the last word.
The Irishman said that the process was a breach of trust. He explained that a hard border would result in IRA terrorism.
No bias there, then!
I can’t do dumbly programmes – too much – think they might find that the NI terrorists have all got villas and 4x4s in Spain now – having been let off and bought out .
And of course when the Americans discovered terrorism on 9/11 the funding stream from Boston dried up .
feel free to join in
on the first day of christmas teresa gave to EU
total sovereignty
on the second day of christmas teresa gave to EU
Northern Ireland
and total sovereignty
on the third day of christmas teresa gave to EU
£39 billion Quid
Northern Ireland
and total sovereignty
#4 on the fourth day of Christmas, Theresa gave the EU *the Big Brexit Fudge *
£39 billion Quid
… Northern Ireland
…… and total sovereignty
#5 on the fifth day of Christmas, Theresa gave the EU *free immigration *
The Big Brexit Fudge
£39 billion Quid
… Northern Ireland
…… and total sovereignty
The Standard report armed migrants holding crew hostage in the Thames Estuary.
The BBC report stowaways threaten a crew.
Reality check.
These illegals are heading for benefits and council accommodation
Who will the government send to deal with the incident ?
The Royal Navy and a Royal Marines boarding party or the RNLI?
Place your bets ……………………
“no-one onboard the vessel was injured” Will they be sent back?
This nation needs leadership more than ever.
update : migrants held
similar Facebook post
Detained – so accompanied ashore then?
Collaboration with alien invaders is treason.
Do we have any POW camps nowadays?
Re-enact Treason Laws.
Close borders and start deporting.
I’m afraid I’m not feeling much goodwill to all men.
“Four men have been detained under the Immigration Act.”
So threatening people with iron bars is no longer illegal? Perhaps they will be charged later, but probably not.
Message to rest of World: “Arrive by any means possible, break the law – expect a good telling off but you will be successful”.
With regard to the droners – can they be sued? We could watch them spend the rest of their lives paying it off.
Only if they didn’t mean to hurt anyone.
Which is signified often by waving a machete around.
“These illegals are heading for benefits and council accommodation”.
Oh! So you’ve spotted our Government’s policy of allowing a trickle of additional immigration from a variety of additional sources such as people arriving by rubber boats and the high jacking of incoming commercial vessels……….
That’s probably the reason why the MSM broadcast the first stage of the invaders arrival but not the following assimilation into the benefits system.
‘Our’ Home Secretary …
stole £1m from a government green-energy project jailed for four years.
Abdi-Jalebi (Iranian) had won international acclaim for his work on wind turbines and set up his technology firm Wind Technologies Ltd in 2006.
But, he dishonestly received project funding to the value of £2.8m in grant money from Innovate UK, the EU and The Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC).
He was arrested 18 months ago ..have media ignored the case ?
..I’ve not heard of it
\\ And the UK needs these highly educated people who contribute to our skill shortages?
Will he be deported back to Iran once he completes his sentence? – No.//
President Trump was democratically elected by 306 to 232 electoral votes on a crystal clear agenda. Why then is the media outraged when he will do whatever is necessary to protect the will of the people?
In UK we had a referendum where the people voted to leave the European Union. Ever since, politicians from all sides have done their upmost to frustrate that result.
Some maintain that democracy is a relatively new experiment that doesn’t work and I am inclined to agree with them.
Not Al Beeb, but what is this blue ‘drone’ hovering about this website labelled reCAPTCHA that has appeared over the last three weeks?
… bot blocker ?
Google-corp’s “reCAPTCHA is a free service that protects your website from spam and abuse.
reCAPTCHA uses an advanced risk analysis engine and adaptive challenges to keep automated software from engaging in abusive activities on your site.
It does this while letting your valid users pass through with ease.”
Thanks .
Perhaps the airport authorities should get a “bot blocker”?
It would save a lot of grief to the people travelling over Christmas.
SG – Allegedly.
It’s fairly inconspicuous on an iPad but on the phone it’s really irritating. I mentioned it a while back and it disappeared but has come back like in the last couple of days like a jobby that won’t flush.