The Christian tradition of Christmas must cause great angst to the Far Left BBC . Concentrating on the secular will be the remedy as well as being ‘inclusive ‘ and ‘diverse
To all our pagan colleagues – happy solstice
Weekend Open Thread 21 December 2018
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For anyone who wants to know the “news” that the BBC doesn’t report because it doesn’t fit the message – this is Paris last night –
Yes. I have a family member in Paris and they have confirmed to me it is kicking off big time and it is nothing to do with so called “fuel protests” as the biased lying BBC would have you believe. It is more to do with the UN Global compact on migration.
It is also not just a Paris protest, it is right across the country, but tends to be reported as a Paris story – after all its normal in Paris isnt it.
Didn’t see that on the 6 O’clock news.
Drone suspects without charge
.. last night I read the blokes boss said “couldn’t be him cos he was at work with me part of the time”
..whilst his ex -partner vouched that when drone sightings were going on, he was having TV with her and they were watching it on the news
It seems to me that the police etc have been instructed to look in all the wrong places.
So, where should they be looking? Well, what has been achieved by the drone incident, who might have gained benefit?
It’s the depths of depravity to which our public servants have sunk that they have no shame in trying to fit up two innocent people.
Just seen part of that disturbing video of the two women in Morocco.
It’s disturbing both from the horrific imagery and the lack of reaction from the West. Small boy dies because his irresponsible moronic father attempts to cross a body of water and night and the world loses it’s shit and Europe changes it’s immigration policy. No apportion of blame on the father, it’s apparently Europe’s fault because we are such a nice place to live.
Two Danish citizens get their heads chopped off by religious zealots and it’s victim blaming.
Now I agree that the two women were extremely foolish but if the elites are prepared to dismiss this because the women shouldn’t have gone to such an intolerant shithole overrun with religious fanatics, why are they willing to allow that shithole mentality to take root over here.
The Beeb are happy to show footage of apparent chemical attacks in Syria to instigate action, the media were willing to use the photo of a washed up dead boy but won’t even use a scintilla of material from these or other horrific acts committed by this insane cult to warn us all of the coming, and present, threat.
I’m really not sure who is more irresponsible. The authorities for failing to protect us from this advancing nightmare or the media for deliberately not warning us of the horror but instead focusing on an overpaid footballer being called a rude name.
Children are being gang raped, women are being oppressed, females are being mutilated, tourists are being butchered, concert goers are being blown up, commuters are being killed, prisons are becoming training grounds, areas are becoming no go zones and all at the hands of a religion of peace.
I’m sorry but there is a cancer spreading across the globe and hollowing out the West and the authorities and media are letting it happen right under their very noses.
Pbn, ” letting it happen”, implies a degree of passivity, actively ‘making it happen’ is, I suggest, closer to the truth.
You are defintely right there.
“there is a cancer spreading across the globe and hollowing out the West and the authorities and media are letting it happen right under their very noses.”
Well put.
“hollowing out the West” – very well put.
Sorry Vlad, thought I’d hit reply on a Thanks to you.
One of the reasons for lack of reaction is the difference in reporting. The BBC, remember, described the injuries as “cuts to the neck”. Which I find utterly despicable.
I have been looking on social media sites for a planned mass demonstration by feminists and tranfreaks against the atrocities committed on these girls. Have not found details yer. Will report to the BBC when I hear something.
That is despicable.
Maybe if the BBC and other media outlets had done their job and reported the brutality of those two cyclists who decided to go to one of the ‘stans’ and got killed, these two women might have seen it and given a momentary pause before heading over to a country infested with the religion of peace.
The liberal establishment and media failed those women and I blame them with their disinformation, lack of objective coverage and slandering of anyone actually drawing attention to the problems almost as much as the savage animals that killed in the name of religion.
Yes the West has it’s brutal murderers and we are not saints but if there was a clearly identifiable connection between these heinous acts, it would be identified and called out.
These are not lone wolves, these are not dysfunctional boys who are playing way too much COD in their mums basement. These are organised fanatics all linked by following the same blatantly obvious ideals.
If peaceful Muslims have had enough of being slandered they should expend their energy denouncing the 25% or so that are denigrating the ‘good’ name of their religion.
Instead of whining about fabricated persecution and discrimination exact a far more vocal retribution to those who are besmirching your religion. Look within yourself and your own religion rather than blaming everyone else for your f***ed up followers.
Would just like to add – msm outrage and coverage for days regarding alleged bullying incident of Syrian refugee. Two western women beheaded (and more) in callous, barbaric execution, by Muslim extremists, played down and removed quicker than you can say Mohammed.
Secondly, anyone see the church service on al Beeb this morning, which included Muslim guests and reading. Didn’t see the guests from other religions but I think other minorities were represented ????. The congregation looked like lambs to the slaughter. Waiting for similar service from the mosque now.
The Backstop.
Switzerland is not in the EU. It borders France, Italy and Germany.
Everything functions seamlessly.
The insufferable Dimbleby in an “I’m less posh than you” contest with Humphrys on Toady.
Typical reverse snobbery of the dumbed down socialist beeb, where a decent education and meeting the Queen are viewed as shameful.
I particularly enjoyed David’s accusation to John that “there’s a typical sneer in that question”… this from a man whose entire career was built on sneering at Conservatives (remember JRM) and more recently Brexiteers.
Flogging off daddy’s little local newspaper empire for £12.2 mil helps no end in keeping one’s feet grounded.
Vlad/Beltane – really glad dimbly plc got the’ biased BBC lifetime achievement award ‘- it will go well with the Peerage this awful character will be getting in the New Years’ dishonour list —-
Awarded to Dimbleby for ‘ not being posh’
I always enjoy that one – rich people getting more awards … public love it …
Attenborough must be due for another gong ,
Oh – and Nigel Farage will get something ( no he won’t )
Dame Anna Soubry – for services to the drinks trade
Sir Dominic grieve – for services to the ReuchEU
Lord Soros of Brussels .
Arrests in Morocco rise to 13.
Wow, that’s a lot of lone wolves; starting to sound more like a pack.
Or some would say, a religion.
Is this really happening or is the DE telling lies.
I’m asking because I’ve seen nothing on sky news or the world’s most trusted broadcaster who would never keep this secret from us…..
…..would they?
I propose a new approach to EU negotiations. I shall call it the two fingered approach as they seem to be applying this to the UK and it works on our politicians.
However, they have a blind drunk buffoon with a penchant for messing up women’s hair and the nearest we have is Ken Clarke which may complicate things.
Not Reported By BBC:
“”Americans Are Crowdfunding Millions For Trump’s Wall””
“”A US Army veteran has set up an apparently entirely serious ‘GoFundMe‘ page to help fund the construction of Trump’s promised wall along the southern US border. In just five days, the campaign has already raised well over $14 million. Still no sign of Mexico paying for it…””
“”UPDATE: A rival crowdfund page has raised over $100,000 to buy ladders for migrants to climb over the wall.””
I think this is a fascinating story that I’ve been watching develop. Real people putting their hands in their pockets to demonstrate their desire for a wall. Last time I looked it was at $16 million yet is nowhere on the news.
The people who shout “far right”
We wouldn’t enter discussion with people who throw the “n*gger” word around
cos they are smear-labelling an entire group of mixed people
Likewise we shouldn’t enter discussion with people who throw the word “far right” around
cos they too are smear-labelling an entire group of mixed people.
Those two types of people have the same mentality : one hating anyone who doesn’t have white skin, the other hating anyone who doesn’t have political red-skin
Dec 20, Newsnight’s Katie Razzall & Jonathan Callery (Lighting cam) & @yasminarakhan did a report on Justice for the Women & Children in Sunderland” dismissing it as merely a “far right group”
There is no “far right”, cos the word has lost it’s meaning
The people who use that word use it as a smear-word on political opponents.
Similarly the words nazi and racist are thrown around. ..and so they too get devalued.
Nazi had a special meaning for Hitler’s regime which believed in supremacy and exterminating people.
So it is disrespecting a Holocaust victims memory when you say that their oppressors are just the equivalent of someone who sent a tweet with a joke about hijabs or something.
There are real world victims like
: an ethnic Pakistani pensioner in Rotherham who was murdered by two druggie nutters shouting about grooming gangs
: grooming gang victims whose abuse went on years longer, cos the metro-liberal establishment suppressed reporting of their situation.
There maybe a handful of people in Britain with genuine violent white-supremacist beliefs and intentions, but to put the rest of a broad church who who has concerns about integration and open borders .. into the same box , is outrageous.
The BBC has made a webpage version of that 20 Dec Newsnight story
and someone has put some clips on Youtube ..the report is basically shouting “far right” at people
– another tweet with 49 reply discussion)
The reporter Katie Razzall & Jonathan Callery (Lighting cam) producer @yasminarakhan ..
Just as some BBC items are effectively made by Greenpeace, these items where people shout “far right” seem to be made by Brendon Cox’s : Hatey No Hopers* of course not or objective. (cos HnH are full of hate and anger)
* I wrote that SPECULATIVELY, I before I checked Twitter and found the producer quoting HnH
Hmm.. HnH say that yet they also apply the label far-right to
– The political party headed by Anne Marie Walters
– The Teesside : Justice4Chelsey campaign group etc.
– The political party headed by Jayda Fransen and her partner (The BBC producer tweeted about them before .. indeed their twitter feed’s fingerprint is similar to HnH supporters : anti-racist stories, feminist stories, but no mention of grooming gangs/victims )
Who retweeted that BBC story ?
– Almost zero non-activists, just 80% HnH people, 20% people against HnH
..Not a lot of discussion apart from that 49 replies to the BBC video tweeted I mentioned above.
Note how Sarah Champion mentioned both “far left” and “far right” groups were leveraging the woman’s rights issue.. Lefty tweeters tweeted angrily t Newsnight, your report showed no evidence of far-left groups exploiting the issues for political gain …Doh of course not the BBC activists are not interested in reporting on evidence against the “far-left” so didn’t look for, nor report on it.
In the video : BBC Katie Razzall says
“a small group in Sunderland they are called Justice For Women and Children”
..except the video shows a large group
It was proceeded by a montage of people blocking BBC cameras, but those shots appeared to come from all over, could be 10 years old.
Razzall says
Hmm that is the same TR gets when he is doing his job.
eg At the Tommy trial when Avi Yemini caught the the BBC producer misreporting the crowd size the BBC producer ended the interview and got his big black bouncers to move Avi and supporters away from the BBC spot.
What goes around comes around.
Stew i ve been looking up ( for the umpteenth time )a definition of ‘Far Right ‘ which doesn’t involve following the views of Adolf Hitler . A modern version really does seem to be anyone doesn’t share the world view of the BBC…. so it seems to include me ( another one for the watch list file – state monitor )
Talking of reporting news that isn’t news yesterdays radio news kept reporting
“This Saturday retailers report footfall is down ONE percent”
FFS Definition of news “something that is new, unusual unexpected”
Can’t we expect that offline sales will always be slightly lower than last year ?
..So that is not newsworthy
Meanwhile how news-worthy is one man with a placard, outside a BBC office.
Enough to justify this very long local newspaper item ?
Or is it just a free advert for the activists Extinction Rebellion
xStinky Rabble ?
In which the BBC tries to quietly distance itself from ‘the media’.
Somewhere, a phone rings in the legal offices of those who represented Cliff Richard.
Yes BBC types are retweeting the Mail headline, saying it’s libelous , which it probably is
..Pot calling the kettle black.
The BiasedBBC focuses on the government shutdown and opposition from Democrates. Just as with Brexit they ignore the fact that the wall was a key part of the reason Trump won the election.
I also get the impression that BBC is struggling on how to play the Syria withdrawal story given that Turkey is a NATO member. It focuses on the side issue of Mattis’s resignation and ignores the real story which I haven’t actually seen anywhere else.
“he United States on Tuesday approved a tentative $3.5 billion sale to Turkey of Raytheon’s Patriot surface-to-air missile system, in a potential breakthrough that could pave the way for smoother Turkey-NATO relations after a tumultuous few years”
What part does the ‘sale’ play in the desire of the muslims to dominate the World?
In some respects, the US is ahead of Europe and the UK in the cultural marxist race to destroy the West:
However, watch what happens when a US white student stands up to the negative trend:
While watching, I noted the young man is a post-grad physics student. No doubt those haranguing him are at the same Yooni to study cultural marxism under the cover of, ‘Media Studies’; ‘Gender Studies’ and all the other worthless qualifications dreamed up by their kind.
Had my fill of modern Bri’ain today, turned onto Countryfile first time in a while within 20 seconds we had the obligatory black wimmin presenter then the black man, FFS I go on a LOT of country walks and there is one thing you are practically guaranteed NOT TO SEE.. guess what that is ?
Turned over to watch an old episode of Minder and could not see one third of the screen due to a gurning signer for the deaf in a bright purple shirt, FFS again why not optional subtitles ??
Decided to go shopping and three times walked into a men and womens clothes shop and, being a man, was expected to walk up two flights of stairs to see the mens section, which I refused each time and made sure I loudly told my wife why, imagine the outrage if wimmin were expected to have to do this on regular basis in this age of, not quite equality, but wimmin first ?
Just had an email about having another Ref:
Peon, we’re missing your name
Every signature helps — add your name today.
You recently viewed this petition but didn’t sign.
If they think hard enough, it may sink in.
Never mind, eh? Only about 16 million short… and it still would not matter.
‘Public-spirited citizen’ attempts to remove graffiti – BBC reports him as ‘drunken halfwit’.
‘Halfwit’ attacks Banksy’s latest mural
It’s the meds for the sciatica. Allegedly.
I wonder if the KSZ cru from the BBC NA hood will be sharing?
Schools that ban dreadlocks and braided hairstyles are using ‘slave-era’ tactics to ‘maintain white supremacy’, academics claim
There is only one thing worse than an academic and that’s two academics.
“Plane stupid! Gay and Lesbian activists step up campaign to halt immigrants being deported on flights including criminals being booted out of Britain”
Activists handed out flyers and replaced adverts on the London Underground
Posters provide a step-by-step guide on how to hinder removal of immigrants
Protestors accosted passengers at Heathrow before posing for a photograph
Black sex criminals welcome from our trannys and dykes, maybe its a size issue, or they like it a bit rough
paedophile RSD Stripped of British citizenship
Arrrived from India in 2004.
But in 2011 he was convicted of 23 counts of sexual abuse of ‘a male child within the family’. //
A paedophile who groomed and raped a 7-year old child has been stripped of his British citizenship and faces deportation to India.
The man, who can only be identified as RSD, came to the UK from India in 1997 and was granted British citizenship in 2004. But in 2011 he was convicted of 23 counts of sexual abuse of ‘a male child within the family’.
The court sentenced him to 14 years imprisonment and placed him on the sexual offenders’ register for life after finding him to have groomed and raped the boy between 2003 and 2010.
Now, in what is believed to be the first case of its kind, the Home Secretary has removed his citizenship on the grounds that when he applied to be a UK citizen he lied about the fact he was sexually abusing a child.
The man won his appeal against that decision but a senior judge has ruled in favour of the Home Secretary, upholding the decision to strip him of his passport.
I normally post a twitter link BUT
– Telegraph use a pic of a London Bus outside Westminster Cathedral
– Ladbible use a pic of EU passport
..How does that say Indian paedophile ?
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Remember Corbyn’s new best friend who died ?
The Portuguese sex abuser twice deported
//What part does the ‘sale’ play in the desire of the muslims to dominate the World?//
Apart from the economic value, selling arms systems locks the purchasers into systems that the US knows how to defeat, and in the present example Turkey might otherwise buy from others.
the real issue is what does the muslim world promote ? education, libraries free thought ? nope. sending someone to the moon ? nope, female emacipation ? nope, tolerance of homosexuality ? nope, the only way they can kill eachother is through buying our guns so let them, this iteration of their civilsation is so different from 2000 years ago where they had some influence on architecture and culture, but are now happy to destroy archaelology
A deeper consideration : wimmin may have been oppressed in the past ( Queen Elizaeth !, Margaret Thatcher ) and how tolerant those two were when they achieved ascenadancy, as most women bullies in the workplace are now, totally unacknowledged by the BBC and I have seen it for 30 bloody years of the nastiest in the workforce
Julie Burchill in the Telegraph
Not even a Christmas miracle can save the sanctimonious, obsolete and Orwellian BBC
I’m a free-spending sort, and rarely swerve the chance to shell out. But this year, when the annual begging letter from the BBC turned up, I handed it to my husband and said, “You pay if you want to – I’m done.” Having had Brexit evade my grasp, I felt compelled to register my disapproval of the Great and the Good (incorporating the Smug and the Snobby and the Liberal and the Lecturing) somehow.
Scratch a Brexiteer and nine times out of 10 you’ll draw the blood of someone who’d like to break free of our BBC overlords too. The EU and the Beeb are so similar – the endless entitlement, the fake enlightenment, the crazed spending of other people’s money. But the BBC lacks even a Juncker to add …
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top comment
\\ Tony Michaels 22 Dec 2018 7:32PM
As a former BBC employee I can unequivocally state that everything you ever suspected about the corporation is correct.
From connivance in the Saville abomination to the infestation of Common Purpose “graduates” in senior management positions.
It is all, without exception, true. //
Can we invite Tony Michaels (above) to spill the beans on this blogsite?
We could do with more inside information from a mole / whistle-blower.
We all know it’s true but until a government emerges that is strong enough to stop running scared of the BBC and tell it how it is, the situation will persist. The only comfort I draw from any of this is the continual slump in BBC viewing and listening figures and the fact that anyone employed by the BBC can easily be identified as the enemy.
Booker in the Telegraph
Sorry BBC. The world isn’t interested in the West’s groupthink obsession with global warming
With the arrival of the season of goodwill, it would obviously not be appropriate to touch on the ever more dismaying shambles we are making of Brexit. But last week also saw what, in global terms, was a much more important event, the real historical significance of which has passed the world by.
That mammoth UN climate conference in Poland may have opened with an apocalyptic warning by Sir David Attenborough that, unless we “act now” on global warming, we face “the collapse of our civilisations and the extinction of much of the natural world”.
But what followed over the next two weeks, despite the best efforts of the BBC and others to pretend otherwise, was that the 22,000 delegates gathered in Katowice achieved nothing at all.”
Paywalled :
\\ Despite 12 days of unbelievably tedious and fractious argument, none of this happened.
A motion “to welcome” the IPCC report was vetoed by the US, Russia and several other oil-producing countries.
The “$100 billion a year Green Climate Fund” was yet again kicked down the road for further discussion at some future date.
And the “nearly 200 nations” represented could not agree on any binding steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions whatever.
What we have seen, of course, is that those “developing countries” have been free to power on, to the point where China and India are now not only the world’s first and third-highest emitters of CO2 but intend, as they made clear in Paris, to carry on building hundreds more coal-fired power stations.
The BBC may comfort itself with its make-believe that the rules are “key to the game”. But the real lesson of Katowice is that in reality the whole game is well and truly over. It’s time we all woke up to that fact. //
There aren’t many comments from non-skeptics
#BiasedBBC wants to make it about the shutdown and ignore the fact that the Wall is a key election promise made to the people.
I heard one of the most shocking pieces of irresponsible BBC activism this morning on R4. During an interview with, I believe, Mr Dirk Campbell whose daughter died fighting with the Kurdish Female Fighters. Apparently, BBC have made it a documentary coming out in March and there is also an article in The Guardian covering it in some depth.
I would feel for Mr Campbell over the loss of his daughter, but he was allowed to paint a totally false picture the Kurds, who many would admire, but they are not guiltless by any stretch of the imagination.
Mr Campbell could be forgiven for holding his views, but The BBC are using this grieving man to push their agenda which imho is totally immoral.
If only the BBC were just immoral. A lot of it output is downright dangerous. It is my sincerely held belief that over the years, this organisation has amassed a lot of blood on its hands and I will, if asked, substantiate this claim.
This insane nut job sums up what was said
The New Year is almost upon us, a time for the BBC to look back on the events of the year and with it an opportunity to regurgitate its dangerous, hateful agenda-driven Marxist inspired bile.
Then there’s the latest Project Fear Brexit story replete with the usual “could be” narrative hidden away in the body of the story:
Then there’s the story about how Celebrity Big Brother attracted the most Ofcom complaints in 2018. I would prefer an honest story about the way the BBC deals with complaints.
Next is the story of the detention in Kent of 23 migrants. The trouble is, they are not migrants, they are criminals attempting to enter the UK illegally.
Following this is the usual hit-piece on Donald Trump:
There follows a story about the poor deluded guy who has decided on no children as part of his bit to save the planet, you really couldn’t make this up:
There is plenty more and it really is high time the tax known as the TV licence was abolished and the BBC was made to stand on its own two feet. The tax, incidentally, that we pay in order for the BBC to promote itself worldwide to audiences that do not have to pay for the dubious privilege.
Rant over
Not mentioned on the BBC
A group of unidentified assailants attacked a church in the Austrian capital of Vienna on Thursday, the Kronen Zeitung newspaper reported.
According to the outlet, two gunmen attacked a Catholic church in the afternoon as gunshots were heard.
The EKO Cobra federal police anti-terrorism unit and the SWAT team of the Vienna Riot Squad had arrived at the scene of the incident, the report said.
Yeah, tomorrow it will be reported that a couple of children made some bangs pulling Christmas crackers. Nothing to do with terrorism.
@Navets @GWF : do you wanna copy/move your posts over to the Christmas thread ?
Thanks. I hit the wrong link. Too much alcohol.