As volunteer ‘site helper ‘ I’d like to wish all contributors a Happy 2019 . Let’s hope that our campaign to change or end the Far Left BBC gathers pace .
Evening BBC TV news and weather, 30 December.
Newsreader – Asian female
Sports reporter – Asian female
Local news – Adian female
Local weather – white British female
National weather – white British female.
Welcome to equality, bBBC style.
And just in case the message needs re-inforcing, have a guess what featured in the 10 pm news?
Did you guess? That’s right. The decline in black African people in…….Argentina !!!!!!
Yep, that ‘s tonight’s BBC priority. Presented, surprise surprise, by a black female reporter.
There is much work to do, and thankfully the many excellent contributors to this super website are keen to keep on doing it. Have a great 2019.
The remote control nearly went through the television after seeing that report about Argentina.
Not reporting, but interfering in another country. Not content with pushing their left wing agenda in this country, they now try to export it world wide.
The BBC is out of control…
I am not sure how you know local and national weather stuff, because as I type we are waiting for the forecast. But yes, I have sat through a news that felt as though it was coming from another world, people I didn’t recognise and what the hell was that yellow sack tied round the middle? I don’t think it was Muslim demure as too low cut or at least Mishal would never have worn it. But there was a Mr Miller who I had never seen before getting very excited about Brexit plans. And the item about black people in Argentina, do they never give it a rest?But you are correct, it is a white woman giving us the forecast.
Although they did get the Christmas weather very wrong, I reckon they are more precise than the vague, showy, R4 forecasts and are probably exactly right 90% of the time.
I saw that item about the attitudes of some black people in Argentina and thought “Is this news?” It was absolute cobblers.
The gist of it was that certain Latin American dances had some of their roots in Africa and yet this isn’t widely acknowledged. Big bleedin’ deal!
The BBC are utterly obsessed with sniffing out any half arsed race story they can, however tenuous and however flimsy, to fulfill their own agenda. This story wasn’t news. It wasn’t really even a story. It was a group of people sitting around having a bit of a moan.
If they want moaning come round to my house!
Bbc sofa jockey beta male Dan Walker, reports on an oscar possibility.
Positively wetting himself with excitement about a movie called ‘Wale’ ? Describing terrible racial prejudice against a young black boy in modern London. Reinforces the ‘ racism still out there’ concepts.
Anti black racism if course and prejudice against those with convictions.
You could hear the champagne bottles popping ( almost) at their chance to show racism exists.
The undisgiused shill for nominating this for oscar was shameful.
Oh…and cut to news headlines…in London ….
39 ( yes 39) arrested for attempted murder in London last night.
39 white supremacists maybe?
39 Former EDL ?
Errr..they didnt say, which rather tells me something.
Who is taking the piss here?
And idiots lap it up.
For the record and to set your mind at rest my first comments referred to the early evening news, around 1830. Clairvoyancy was not needed. But how telling that the 2200 news had such a similar line up that my remarks from 1830 could almost be re-applied. Even more bias.
What a lot of utter rubbish attended to the report that the Argentine Tango was or had any connection with the African Blacks. The Tango a slow ballroom dance was as a development of the type of dance from Central Africa, however the Argentinian Tango was developed from the Argentinian Cowboy or Goucho as known, when he had time to dance with the local girls for relaxation.
But as davylars comments, we saw a new asian face on the BBC news last night, a newish asian sports reporter, as can be noted there is a move to illustrate the wonderful benefits of Multiculturalism-NOT. The EU has used this piece of propaganda to inveigal this nation into accepting such a dangerous element into our society.
Yes, I saw the same purile, vile, pointless and meaningless propaganda, at least 5 minutes wasted on total garbage that has nothing to do with ‘the news’. Argentinian government should submit a complaint.
Sluff-As you may know I have been writing about this topic
at the BBC for quite awhile. Sometimes I think I am
paranoid. BUt I do think that the aim of BIG BROTHER
or should I say BIG SISTER or a bit of both at the BBC is
to turn the BBC into the first media women only network.
As for all the ethnic presenters.I am on holiday in the
Domenican Republic right now. The local population is
every shade of black as you can imagine. Very hospitable
folk they are . BUT I don’t wish to sound patronising.
Of course the programmes , adverts and presenters represent
the indigenous population , as they should. But I tell you
there is not that much difference to what we see on the BBC
other than the fact that there are male presenters and reporters as
well. As for the advertisements on TV, there is very little difference
to what we see on UK television now.
‘Councils ‘failing’ to prosecute blue badge abusers’ according to the bubba headline. Is it me? Why do we have this constant backwards way of looking at matters? How about my alternative headline? ‘Scumbag, selfish gits still abusing Blue Badge use’
You see, if we go the bubba way we should go the whole route. ‘Nation fails to offer counselling to errr councils’ or perhaps, ‘Education system fails to provide correct platform for future council members’ maybe, ‘Not being breastfed in public ‘could’ mean children won’t grow up to be efficient council members. Mothers to be tutored’ What a load of crepe.
‘Councils ‘failing’ to prosecute blue badge abusers’
Not justifying it but do some councils and car park operators really have to provide so many “special” car parking spaces, many of which seem to be underused? I suppose the next step will be extra wide “fat bastard” spaces. Reasonably sized people seen using them will be clamped. The logos painted in the parking bays will be amusing.
More virtue signalling than compassion, I suspect.
It’s come close already, but I am waiting for a pitched battle in the Aldi car park between a Yummy Mummy and two ten year olds and an old couple using their lardarse son’s badge to get about three car width’s closer to the entrance.
Im sure they don’t need to Anne but are following some kind of ratio of spaces to population, imposed upon them. Nevertheless, I wouldn’t park in a disabled bay or use a blue badge to gain some lazy-arse advantage over other drivers. Such a person should receive an appropriate sentence as a spot fine. Vaporisation seems about right.
While much of the media report “Terror charges brought over deaths of tourists in Morocco”, the beebeestan seem more interested in the more obscure and confusing headline: “Morocco tourist murders: Swiss man held.”
Well, maybe he’s technically Swiss, but I bet he’s muslim and more likely called Ali or Mohammad than William Tell.
Typical of the beeb’s policy of disinformation and whitewashing of islam: keep the masses confused about the true causes of terrorism and political violence worldwide, and never let them join the dots.
If you follow the BBC or any of the MSM, you will not know that the two girls were viciously raped and then brutally beheaded. No, they died from “cuts to the neck”, which must qualify as the worst use of weasel words ever. Technically true, but in way a proper description of the horror of the murder of two girls, whose only “crime” was to be white Europeans.
If the MSM dhimmis think they are somehow helping by obfuscating the truth, they are wrong. We do not need them to establish the truth any more. There will be a reckoning one day.
#1 Greenpeace clearly did issue an apology
cos when they sold Rainbow Warrior to Friendship 8 years ago to become a hospital ship they did have an agreement that end of ship-life would be properly done.
#2 But reporting should make it clear that it is not Greenpeace itself that is scrapping the ship, but rather its cousin organisation.
Now this new year why not do something you promise yourself and help make the world a better place .
Don’t buy a TV licence .
Depriving the BBC of much needed funds not only imperils Gary Linecker’ s wages but concentrates the small minds of all at Al Beebs various buildings on the fundamental needs of others , namely its audience .
For while it lauds youth for its Gramscian instilled love of the EU , and sneers at older folk for What it perceives as addled thinking over Brexit , it doesn’t know the young ones are more into Netflix and don’t watch the BBC while the older folk are actually its core support . The poor old BBC is actually more senile than the over seventy fives it intends to demand money with menaces . And even more sneering .
So for just £148.50 a year you can deprive a bloated , unaccountable , arrogant depravity of much needed funds and help restructure a once the worlds most news organisation to its original principles .
Each month you’ll receive a threatogram detailing ways they want you to pay and omitting the whole truth about the scam . You can build this up into a collection of different printed half truths and laughable waffle about enforcement officers .
The Threatograms have so many numbers and letters printed at the top , bottom and sides you’ll have more codes than Bitcoin users and every threatogram is designed to look unique and not just a computer generated piece of junk .
You can even not donate to the BBC anonymously as Crapita will send the Threatograms to ” the legal occupier ” which at least is more authentic than the fictitious names they say are their senior enforcement officers .
So again I appeal that this year make no donation so that the senior managers , editors , celebrities and other sinecure office holders are at last able to experience what millions of the rest of us endure , and maybe help them to see real life .
Your money left in your bank account can help make a difference .
Please don’t put it in the bin .
I know they’re not that rare , and will get more and more an everyday experience for everyone in the future , but yours and mine are early version like a penny black , and future historians and collectors when they disect the demise of the BBC will want archive material .
I’m hoping for a Will You Be In On February 29 ? this year as it will surely be a rare misprint and valued in years to come .
On the other hand the BBC is too boring for that .
I’ve proudly lost count of the threatening letters . My next visit is due on 3 january. I really hope somebody comes because even wasting an hour of their time will be an achievement .
Please feel free to do so , changing or editing it to make it more readable might be needed ( I write off the cuff , live when posting so there’s many mistakes ) .
Mmmmm you think it only happens in foreign lands. You wait until the inevitable ‘People’s Vote’ then you’ll see vote rigging. Firstly by the choices on the ballot paper rigged so that the leave vote is split and then lost boxes Turing up full of ‘remain’ votes. It’ll make the Bangladesh election look tame.
“Channel migrants: UK and France to step up patrols”
But does this mean they will pick up illegals and bring them to safety in Blighty ? I have serious concerns that this Tory appeasing government will bring them in , turn a blind eye and lose them in the system. This will encourage more to come in and put even more strain on housing, schools, hospitals etc etc. We are governed by a completely useless Parliament full of actors . Conservative constituents have been betrayed by their MPs.
Well we all know what should happen and that is that these illegal migrants be transported back to the shores of France, don’t even take them on board our ships as that will give them a precedent-just tow their craft back to France. BUT whilst we have a Muslim Home Secretary who claimes ‘there is no easy answer,’ then we can be assured he does not have the interests of the nation he claims to represent as a priority. Farting about like a chicken being chased by Fox-and we know who the fox is or they are.
The asylum seekers in France have no documentation
Now imagine I’m going through France in my HGV and I’m stopped by the French police .
Would you think if I didn’t have any documentation they would allow me to proceed to Calais ?
OK let’s say I have all the relevant paperwork for the truck . But
no passport .?
Can I proceed ?
Driving a truck on Sunday in France is Not Allowed .
So if I drive up to the French border in my truck on Sunday with an asylum seeker as a passenger , he has no paperwork or ID , is he allowed in but I’m stopped from entering France ?
My point is that France requires ID from French people and visitors in it . Why are people who congregate around the northern French ports allowed to stay there ?
The French sometimes argue the “migrants” want to come to the UK because they can merge easily in our country, which does not insist on ID cards. But this is logically absurd, as the French do have ID cards, and it does not seem to stop these undocumented “migrants”.
If illegal immigrants with no passports or ID are roaming France, it is simply because the French authorities do not want to stop them. They would rather let their problem paddle over to England, and our government is too pathetic and spineless to stop it happening.
I despise the lot of them, but the ONLY reason those migrants go to France, is to find a way to ‘treasure island’. That is the only reason for the Calais camps, they all come to France then they all look for a way to get to the most stupid, gullible and generous place there is. Britain.
So to clarify – we have been/are giving the French pot loads of money to stop migrants trying to reach British shores. Lord West says they have about 300 usable vessels whereas we have 18. The agenda is therefore clear. The UK is a) a money tree, and b) a dumping ground. No doubt the plan now is for us to hand over yet more money so the EU/France can build more ships for their ‘navy’.
All our ships should be in the Channel. All our air force should be in the skies around our coastline. All our army personnel should be stationed around our shores.
Start deporting illegals and appeasers. There is no point us ‘playing by the rules’ if nobody else does. We are surely at war.
Toady Watch
Today is the token ‘ right wing ‘ editor Andrew Roberts
And his career based on taking about Churchill .
So far the subject has been used to attack President Trump ( surprise ) and making prison life sound attractive .
General Patreus was used to talk about Churchill but also to attack populism and President Trump .
It didn’t mention that Patreus has political aspirations so will distance himself from Mr Trump.
Another beauty was the dumb decision by the government to give a ferry contact to a company with no ferries . So the BBC gave the floor to arch remainer – Hillary Benn who spent his extended time reciting the good old ‘ suspend a50’ ‘have another vote ‘ anti democratic poison . His dad wouldn’t be impressed but that’s what nepotism gets you .
The BBC does its normal ‘ special relationship ‘ nonsense . Anyone who know their history knows that America only does what is in its interests . Hence sitting on its hands whilst Blighty was subject to air attack in 1940.
Whatever is said about Churchill – the footage of his response to being booed at hustings in the 1946? Election was a peach . reminded me of remainers when the referendum result came out . It proved that the political ruling class is not always in touch with voters .
Sajid Javid has said there is no easy answer to the migrant crisis. Well actually there is one blindingly simple answer, just get rid of the lot of them.
The same report mentions a tweet from Jeremy Corbyn where he talks about reaching out to humanity, offering people a safe place to live. I can only assume he’s referring to the 40 million or so indigenous people of Britain: We’d LOVE a safe place to live Jeremy.
And Diane Abbott, who has the IQ of a bar of soap, and who makes Serena Williams look sexy, also weighs in, with an inevitable mention of Brexit.
Interesting that the BBC is using the channel illegal taxi story as a distraction from reporting the protests which are still going on in France even when Macron tried to bribe the French to calm down .
The number 10 leak about the home secretary’s safari holiday was pretty bitter methinks .
Friends in the bubble – Gove and Vaisey – good friends in uni and now in politics . Demonstrating that politics is just a game to these people and exercising their smug egos .
I sometimes think that 2019 will be a bit of a desperate year with even louder shouts about ‘constitutional crises’ except that if people take to the streets there really might be one .
I do think one of the reasons are the French are now allowing the illegal migrants to make a break for the UK is that Macron can now give the french electorate the impression that he is now trying to deal with the migrant problem, and of course it is also one in the eye for us “Roast beefs” – always popular.
What he forgets, is that like bullshit and the BBC there is a never ending supply of these chancers , you get rid of one lot and more fill their place, the politics of stupidity prevail or at least until our so called “leaders” (and especially Merkel ) decide to do something about it.
Sorry Javid being concerned and rubbing your hands together no longer cuts it. This is a crisis crooked and weak politicians and the media created and I suspect that in the end it may well have to be us , the people that stop it.
This New Year should see this Muslim Home Secretary ousted BDQ-he is not the man to deal with this crisis-the full power of this nation should be unleashed to make it quite plain that Britian will not accept any of these illegal migrants no matter, and if with children which is typical of such people to exploit, they should also be returned to the French coastline and dumped. No, sorry chaps, and all that- tolerate no wailing from the socialistic liberals about Human Rights-we’ve got rights as well-this nation is very much over populated as is known and its infrastructure is creaking very disturbingly, and with it the continuing breakdown in Law and Order, once the envy of the world. I’m, as they say, in the autumn of my years, but my concern is for the future of my Grandchildren and their children if the present determination to wreck this societyby the evils of socialism continues.
LastChance – Unfortunately coal tar soap has been unavailable for some time now – it was banned by the EU – cancer scare apparently. What is sold now is a cheap imitation. However wood tar soap is available on line – the EU didn’t see that coming. Good for spots.
Thank you for making me better informed.
I am now offering my reserve selection. Pears Soap.
Imagine “Bubbles” by Millais combined with an image of the giant Hippo.
600K migrants lost by home office – so now 600K illegals in the UK.
20K on UK terror watch list.
3K on terrorist extremist watch list.
5 dinghies.
1 drone.
This is the biggest barely reported enduring scandal of our times.
I so wish I could reference it, but in about 2003 no minister was available to speak to an immigration issue on Toady, but they managed to get a Home Office civil servant. He gave an unapologetic pro-open door immigration advocacy.
I believe that mind set endures to this day irrespective of the government in power or their policies.
Once this essential truth is accepted then almost everything you ever see about our abject lack of immigration controls falls neatly into place.
Ironically it has little to do with the EU. Non EU immigration remains very high. And over in Denmark they have quite tight controls. So it CAN be done. But it isn’t being done.
Welcome to the site – there is no direct connection so we work in parallel on our great cause . I exchange emails with the other site and suggest that should this site be lost it might be best for posters to move there .
If you’ve read past threads you’ll see ( hopefully ) that I try to exercise a light hand on views as there are increasingly limited places to express views without a ‘slap’.
Anyway welcome to the site , watch your blood pressure and happy 2019 .
@Heinrich complementary
Hence it’s always good to check ITTB to see if they’ve covered an issue before you type in something long here.
– The easiest way to follow different blogs is through WordPress Reader :
– Then you put in the blogs you follow , like Guido, ITTB, Notalot etc.
And then as new pages are published they are listed on your Reader’s homepage
(If the blog is on WordPress also (most aren’t, but Notalot is ) then you can LIKE replies as well)
As Fedup2 observed at B-BBC, it’s even more ‘BBC’ that New Year’s Eve will finally see ‘the balance’ – the token right-winger to ‘prove’ the BBC’s commitment to impartiality. This year it’s the historian Andrew Roberts. (Will he ask for a section on Napoleon?)
Shhhh …. BBC Chris Evans is about to dance on TV soon … but has left the BBC … but is on the BBC more .. but has gone … but is there … but but but …. is still being paid … but has left … but but
While the six-stripe rainbow flag has become a symbol of inclusivity throughout the LGBTQ community, people of color within the umbrella have historically been marginalized, and, at times, intentionally ignored during the fight for equality. A new campaign, launched by Philadelphia, is pushing to add two new stripes to Gilbert Baker’s design: Black and brown, as a way to celebrate non-white LGBTQ members.
“I wasn’t taught in school about Khajuraho and the presence of LGBT characters in our mythology. That has to change. Transgender people were considered gods and goddesses. They were great poets, artists and even administrators in medieval times,” he says.
He adds that young people need to know that we were a much open and tolerant society in the past.
Prof Mukhia agrees.
“In 2018, we recovered what we had lost during colonial times – a more open attitude toward the LGBT community.”
There might have been a more open society but you can be sure that the incommers where truly vetted and were in small numbers as compared with today. Furthermore most of those people that came t the UK at that time were from the continent and all white. Don’t forget there was no United Kingdom at that time only four nations each of its own, therefore no central government or Parliament as we now have today thanks in part to Cromwell.
Now that is interesting news not reported by the BBC – “Benedict Cumberbatch has given birth” or does it mean “Benedict Cumberbatch looks remarkably like Mrs. Balls”?
Government action plan for prospective illegal immigrants leaving France
1 put up signs in various languages saying “no swimming ‘
2 put lots of life jackets on beaches
3 supply maps of places of interest
4 free Wi-fi for channel users
5 provide collection boxes for the RNLI
6 supply picture of remainers – like pin up girl -Anna Soubry
7 supply address of nearest DWP claims office .
BBC holds firm over Ethiopia famine funds report
Bob Geldof and charities deny aid was spent on weapons but corporation executives say reports are credible
The irony of their reserved parking slot being next to a dusty camper van likely to be lost on the NSPCC Gob ushered in onto the red sofa to share this gem.
Britain could become safe haven for child sex offenders seeking to evade justice in event of no-deal Brexit, NSPCC warns
CCBGB.. dozens mock this NSPCC article
\\ God, give me strength! Is there anything they won’t say to stop Brexit. //
\\ Oh FFS #ProjectFearMK3 becomes even more extreme
You know the elite are terrified when they roll out the threat to children sexual predator bogeyman
Strangely enough they seem awful quiet on the eastern European sex trafficking gangs empowered by EU membership //
Sajid Javid is in the wrong job …. “global society” verses “citizens safe and the country secure” ….
“He (Javid) added: “While we have obligations to genuine asylum seekers… we will not stand by and allow reckless criminals to take advantage of some of the most vulnerable people in our global society.“”
Good points, but he should check his facts
Last week London’s 2018 murder tally was 131 vs New York’s 283
\\ New York City, with its 8.5 million people, goes at least 5 days straight over the Christmas period without a single murder. As at December 23, 283 homicides were recorded in the city. This contrasts with 2,245 murders in 1990, and 515 in 2011. //
(As ever international comparisons have to be taken with a pinch of salt, cos we know politicians play with definitions)
I once spent a hell of a lot of time comparing NY and London – apart from the population size and city status they are very different .
Academics tend to use the standard ‘ homicde rate ‘ as the comparator . It’s simplistic because it kind of assumes a static coherent population . As we know Londonistan is anything but that as it has rapidly become a third world cess pit .
I predicted 130 dead for this year which is way up on the ‘ average ‘ . I think it will be about the same in 2019 or higher – that’s without forthcoming Islamic terrorist attacks of course .
By nature I’m a pessimist but I’m surprised that the overall crime rate isn’t far higher but I guess people just don’t report it any more .
As a complete aside Guido mentioned yesterday that the outgoing lady DPP was the first one in a long time not to get a gong . Must have really screwed up the CPS .
So what is this Islamic ideology follower going to do about it as most are of his colour and type-Racist, he does not know the meaning of the word, as expected from an uneducated immigrant. Oh of course he was born here in the UK, so what my wife was born in Singapore of Scottish Parents, doesn’t make her a Malay. Leopards don’t change their spots. The lawlessness and responsibility for it stops at Khan’s door. Bring back Boris as London Mayor, mind you I doubt he would want it now.
“”Brexit: US ambassador to UK warns on trade deal””
“”Donald Trump’s offer of a “quick, massive bilateral trade deal” won’t be possible if Theresa May’s Brexit deal is backed by Parliament, the US ambassador to the UK has warned.””
What’s the relevance other than to diminish Trump’s status? How much does it cost every year to police the Notting Hill Carnival and how many lives are lost?
Dover – the BBC has been deceitful in this comment. They have been leaving out the last bit of his comment – that the May sellout would kill trade deals .
I listened a bit to the Radio 4 programme How The Others See Us or whatever nine o clock .
It’s the general fare you get from the Remainer BBC at this time of the year ie ; don’t leave the EU as they all love us and want us in for ourselves and not our money .
References to history and how small minded we look if we don’t embrace corporate internationalism thrown in with how other countries might have darker histories but are more forward thinking and realistic .
Next week it’s how the Egyptians see us so expect a lot about how we went in , plundered the place and are arrogant .
Dear Winston Smith at the BBC Complaints Department,
When interviewing Labour supporters and MPs can you ask them who is in the Few and Many camp when they say “For the Many, Not the Few”?
I ask this because if the red line For the Few is wages then Jeremy Corbyn could be one of the Few and not the Many when he’s on £77K if the Few red line is £20K for example.
If it is based on homes then Keith Vaz with his multiple homes (some on expenses) might be one of the Many who own multiple homes. . . .
“For the Many, Not the Few” – Labour spokes person or even Jeremy Corbyn.
“Can you tell me how you define who is in the Many and who is in the Few please?” – BBC Presenter.
I think the beeb must have misquoted JC originally. He really said for the many, few. Naturally this will be denied an reworded as was the case with the stupid woman quote. Few wages, few jobs , many rewards for the few commissars and lifelong goodies for the beeb.
“Dear Winston Smith at the BBC Complaints Department,”
Methinks that the BBC guy would have read your message thus far and then simply deleted it! Rumor has it, thats how one behaves when one has complete control of the airways don’t ya know!
Recently caught site of something that makes the bbc look pretty tame, an episode of a series called 9-1-1. Absolute rabid agenda from start to finish with the main protagonist preaching to viewers while ostensibly in character. This series appears to be commercially funded, which made me wonder if the bbc having to rely on public funding acts as a restraint to what might be. Seriously, the above series is way down the path compared to anything I’ve seen recently on the bbc.
So let’s get this straight – there was a possibility that there were no drones at Gatwick before Christmas and now a ferry company with no ferries is being given a shed load of taxpayers money .
Sometimes t try to guess what’s next ? How dumb am I?
“there was a possibility that there were no drones at Gatwick”
= “There is no proper evidence of real drones”
..cos eyewitness at a distance is not reliable enough
.. It is incredible cos if they were probably visible someone would have got good video : but nothing.
In Singapore they have a deterrent for people entering restricted areas. The message is quite clear and in multiple languages. Maybe the UK could learn something on border protection.
However given our elites responses it would require them to ensure the UK is protected, not just them.
British workers just love to wear a yellow vest – particularly if something ‘important’ is written on it, like National Crime Agency, or Border Patrol. Just been watching a dozen or so vest wearing bodies hanging around a deserted beach looking out to the horizon – not doing anything mind, just kicking sand and not knowing what to do. An empty dinghy with bagged up belongings are shown on camera, but clearly there is no visible person ‘in charge’.
How much are these people paid to ‘look important’, and then slope off for another coffee ? No sense of urgency at all – that’s us Brits, with an ‘oh dear, never mind ‘ attitude. No wonder the dross of the world is on our doorstep.
I’ve got family in Canada, perhaps I should speed boat it up the St Lawrence seaway in the middle of the night, do you think I’ll get caught ??
Page 10 of the Sun: excellent opinion piece by Trevor Kavanagh denouncing the Beeb’s massive leftie bias.
The people are waking up.
Here’s to the abolition of the evil corporation in 2019!
Cue every bbc editorial and ents dept., by sheer coincidence, from Burley to Robinson to Nish and Jo… suddenly switching to ‘Sun Readers’ as the source of all low intelligence snarks and jibes.
At least we know that by the time the youngest employees at the BBC retire they will probably be the first to see the abolition of the licence fee! If not before!
BREAKING: 200 French Iranian Nationals (illegal migrants) found to have smuggled plastic into the UK’s English Channel (dinghies) without paying the 10pence tax. The army and Navy have been deployed to destroy all traces ….
9:45am Radio 4 they come out of their StopBrexit prog, subtle but no pro-Brexit voices
and into a trailer … “A new Radio4 environmental prog”
.. WTF you’ve already got Costing the Earth,Rutherford, Countryfile and half a dozen on World Service”
13:45pm New Year Solutions – today and all this week- Today shall I give up meat? …
\\ As global warming threatens the future of our society, Jo Fidgen tackles the ways in which ordinary people can make a difference.
– We’re often told that we could help the environment by driving less, eating less meat, or using less water.
– But in the face of a challenge as significant as global warming, how big a difference can small changes really make? And what would the world look like if we took those solutions to their logical extremes?
Producer: Robert Nicholson : A Whistledown Production//
Graphic designer has done the logo a different shade for each day’s that is a WASTE of licence payers money, and the Earth’s resources
Sites like this and isthebbcbiased.blogspot cannot hope to change the mass of public opinion and risk becoming echo chambers.
Two ideas come to mind
1. Persuade a party or a likely leader to hold a referendum early in the next parliament covering issues like the licence fee and foreign aid. I’m sure there are many other issues where the public would like to be consulted more directly.
2. Persuade a newspaper to cover the personal stories of some of the people who have been imprisoned for not paying the licence fee.
As with anything, pressure from multiple fronts in complement needs building up.
Nobody gets persuaded without reliable information, and in this regard BBBC and ITTB are without peer, often complemented by such as Conservative Woman, Breitbart, Politicalite, etc doing specials.
Various TVL blogs do highlight Capita/BBC abuses & affiliations, and on occasion certain MSM and a few MPs do pick up.
But at the end of the day the establishment has circled wagons and will protect the state propaganda machine come what may.
The most effective thing is to present what the licence fee gets used for such that those currently thinking they should continue to uniquely fund it realise they do not and there are better alternatives to EastEnders, Carrie’s parity and Alan Yentob’s pension pot.
Heinrich ,
Yes the echo chamber argument is sometimes made . I say this site provides an opportunity to record the bias of the BBC for a time when it is examined for existence .
The current political class is wedded to MSM by choice or pragmatism but who knows if that will always be so.
No one is compelled to come to this site and there is no ‘money interest ‘ in it – apart from people like me who are objectors to the tv licence tax … and of course aiming to reduce exposure to the biased product of the Far Left BBC.
In the current environment neither of you point 1 or point 2 are ‘goers’ because newspaper staff are joined at the hip to the likes of the BBC for easy fees and future jobs .
Top article. Appreciating Catherine Zeta Jones and Lord Hall likely were top tiddlywinks champs back in the day, the pictures suggest they may be catching some rays a fair bit of the year out East to feel happy mooching around Port Talbot in winter to scout the next Barry John.
Not the BBC, but they persist in putting forward the likes of the FT and Graun as supposedly expert, impartial fonts of wisdom with ‘gravitas’. And this lot.
An influx of refugees and asylum seekers is making Germany more informal, more open and more varied. One of our most popular special reports from the past year
I thought that least he was the only one with an actual German flag, but turns out to be held by the nationalist racist who is, ironically, to his left. The Caucasian mother… lander.
As to the… person with a book and chain… only Allah knows.
Rethinking “ingrained habits” – like law and order, a proper culture which reflects 2,000 years of struggle, hard work, inventiveness and progress, an education system free of superstition …. those habits?
Will it be “open” to gays? And how does one wear a niqab “informally”?
The only honest bit is “fragmented”. That’s certainly true. Parallel communities, some parasitic on others.
I was living in Germany in 2015. There the MSM is even more narrow in its opinion range and there have been laws for many years curtailing free speech. They have an organisation called the Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz which controls what people can say and do publicly. Of course the Economist can find people to support what it says but for the overwhelming majority of native Germans the change is more fear, more sales of pepper sprays and less going out in the dark. In Germany there is on the left a real suicide wish. A barrier carried at the front of marches says “Germany you lousy piece of shit” (Deutschland du mieses Stück Scheiße)
It turns out that the BBC ‘s favourite sources of knowledge of green issues – Greenpeace and the Brighton pixie, Caroline Lucas MP – are rather dodgy when it comes to an environmentally friendly way of scrapping their ships.
A story that has escaped all news organisations in the UK deserves to be reported. It concerns the actions of a well-known organisation which allowed a former ship of theirs to start to be scrapped in Bangladesh in a most environmentally-damaging fashion. This is despite this ship-owner constantly boasting of a strong commitment to protect the environment.
Beach scrapping involves deliberately running the ship aground. There, the ship is dismantled, usually by unskilled labour. There is no method, as there would be in any kind of breaking yard, to ensure that environmentally hazardous substances, such as fuel-oil, do not escape to pollute the surroundings. Bangladesh is a desperately poor country whose economy does not match the size of its population. The UK has 10 times the GDP per capita. Certainly it is possible that scrapping a ship on a Bangladeshi beach out of the way of the traditional facilities associated with a yard might be a health and safety issue for the scrappers.
So the former ship-owner which organised the vessel to be scrapped in such a fashion in a Commonwealth country would surely be the target of strong criticism from members of the environmentalist lobby, such as say, Greenpeace. Caroline Lucas, she of the Green Party, would surely raise the issue in the House of Commons, especially if the former ship-owner were European with branches in the UK. The EU itself has strong regulations against EU ship-owners employing beach-scrapping. However, these can be easily bypassed by re-flagging a ship before scrapping.
Except Caroline will not be raising this issue at all.
The former owners of the ship were Greenpeace themselves.
“BBC’s new ‘saggy boobs’ campaign on Radio 4 Today shows they are still the same old lefties
The Beeb have a disturbing policy of preaching to us about the way we live, rigging its vast media reach to shape a permissive, left-wing agenda
AT first I thought it was an age thing as I listened, bamboozled, to Radio 4 Today’s new “saggy boobs” campaign on Saturday morning.
But no, this politically correct appeal for the latest brand of disadvantaged grievance-seeker was sailing over the heads of the entire BBC audience.
BBC Radio 4’s new ‘saggy boobs’ campaign was yet another political appeal
Fashion blogger Chidera Eggerue has thousands of followers among women who do not look like size-zero supermodels.
But she probably lost millions of Beeb regulars who turned off after yet another anti-men diatribe.
Rapper Jordan Stephens, of the Brighton hip-hop duo Rizzle Kicks, joined her to condemn “hypermasculinity”: “It becomes toxic when it becomes fragile, when it lacks feminine energy.”
“Non-binary artist” Travis Alabanza burbled: “People that haven’t existed as male and female have been here for thousands of years.”
Guest editor Chidera Eggerue probably lost the BBC millions of regulars after another anti-men diatribe
Listeners erupted on Twitter: “Who edits this rollicks?”
“The #loonyleft indoctrination machine is in full whirr trying to make men feel ashamed for being men.”
On its own, this progressive liberal propaganda might be an amusing diversion.
But it confirms a disturbing BBC policy of preaching to us about the way we live — from a highly selective, left-wing text.
A new book by veteran ex-BBC reporter Robin Aitken exposes what many have long suspected about Aunty’s little helpers.
Subtitled “How and why the BBC distorts the news to promote a liberal agenda”, it claims the corporation abuses its role as a £5billion-a-year, publicly funded broadcaster to manipulate public opinion on issues affecting our daily lives.
Aitken is not alone.
Ex-BBC chief Mark Thompson publicly admitted its “massive bias to the left”.
The comments on the radio show, including those by Travis Alabanza, were criticised on Twitter
Far from fulfilling its avowed duty of impartiality, the BBC rigs its vast media reach to shape a permissive, left-wing agenda.
It provides platforms for favoured views on racism, sexism, gender, divorce, drugs, hard porn and soft sentencing, while denying them to critics with contrary opinions.
And it uses its proclaimed duty to “educate, entertain and inform” as a tool to press its message home through drama, soaps and comedy.
As with all forms of indoctrination, it starts young.
Try watching CBBC during the day and count the number of edgy plot lines plugging the left’s diversity agenda, Doctor Who on political warp speed or Woman’s Hour’s daily cauldron of anti-male fury.
The BBC beats the drum for human rights — on its own terms.
Islam is great! Christianity is a joke.
Immigration is a “good thing”.
Migrants are always desperate, poor and deserve asylum.
Anyone suggesting there may be too many of them is a racist bigot.
Homelessness is caused by Tory “cuts”, not wasteful Labour spending.
Forget about Labour’s decades-long hostility to marriage and the family, condemning children from broken homes to greater risk of ill-health, drugs, prison . . . and, yes, homelessness Bias against Brexit comes flagged with bells and whistles, of course.
The BBC promotes the opinion that homelessness is caused by Tory ‘cuts’
Remainers are hosted with matey respect.
Leavers get the full hairdryer experience.
Check out the spiteful attack by Newsnight’s Emily Maitlis on ex-Cameron adviser Steve Hilton, or Nick Robinson’s tetchy chat with Tory Bernard Jenkin, a masterclass in withering scorn.
No serious debate is heard on Brexit’s likely benefits — or Brussels’ proven failures.
Aitken believes this “We know best” attitude is entrenched in the Guardian-reading BBC from top to bottom.
Anyone working in Broadcasting House swiftly learns what views to express or suppress.
This soft-left worldview has seeped into our education system as BBC executives move seamlessly into the commanding heights of top universities, including Oxbridge.
The BBC, writes Aitken, has breached its own charter by failing to offer free and fair debate on the major issues of the day, especially on Brexit.
The Noble Lie, he says, is a “myth or an untruth” designed by an elite to persuade the great unwashed what’s good for them.
In this case, the BBC may have overreached itself by trying to sabotage the greatest expression of democracy in British history.
Which probably explains why, with 88 days left until Brexit, it is so desperate to stop it
The NickRob-bot tweeted
\\Motto for year ahead – “You’ll hear people you don’t like saying things you don’t agree with.”
Guests today include US Ambassador to the UK, Henry Kissinger, General Petraeus, Karl Rove & Michael Gove.
This from those dubbed “the same old BBC lefties” in today’s Sun. //
Yeh they condescend to allow some non-lefties on for a grilling
.. whilst giving their lefty guests a FREE RIDE
NR signalling every 5 mins “look I’m a metroLib as well, not a Tory”
9am Radio4 Stop Brexit prog
\\ Neil MacGregor visits five different countries to talk to leading political, business and cultural figures to find out how they,
He begins his journey in Munich and Berlin.//
Yeh with his mates
The East Germans seemed more sympathetic , than the Westies
eg Westy “TV host, writer and cultural commentator Thea Dorn”
“After Thatcher – it became a cold, greedy, capitalist society.”
said “Yeh, UK looked like a good country with peace and then Thatcher went to war about the Falklands
.. and I thought this country is bad ..going to war for God’s sake ”
.. FFS she does know that Argentina attacked the Falklands and Britain had to defend
Just like we defended Berlin with the airlift.
\\It was a year climate scientists warned it was now or never to save the planet, NASA sent a probe to touch the sun & a paralysed man took his first steps. The BBC’s @BBCPallab looks back at 12 months in science. Watch on BBC World News or here in the UK: //
Severn Bridge shuts after drone flown from the top
A main route between England and Wales was closed after a man climbed a bridge and flew a drone from the top.
Traffic was stopped on the M48 – the older of two Severn crossings – after a “concern for welfare,” police said.
The man in his 20s came down “voluntarily” from the 47m (154ft) bridge tower and was arrested on suspicion of causing a public nuisance.
Two people who were arrested were released without charge and police have made no further arrests.
”from the top” ?
looks like bullshit BBC to me
here’s a close up of a tower
Don’t expect the BBC to ask how he supposedly got to the top,
maybe he took a 150 foot ladder with him..
or if his arrest but not being charged with anything was just harassment,
Mogadishu, Somalia’s capital, has been described as the most dangerous city in the world. But some people there are trying to bring life back to the place. During her regular visits, BBC World Service Africa editor Mary Harper came to know one of them – an entrepreneur named Mohamed Mahamoud Sheikh. Then she received some bad news.
A sad tale, and possibly a promising sequel to inspire le Carré.
Being friends with bbc staff does appear to be riskier, especially if already in risky parts of the world.
Mary has written a lot, but thought about how it reads little. Indigo Montoya would be impressed.
Even the imagery speaks volumes. My beautiful laundromat in town does not need several metre walls topped by health and safety-contravening barbed wire, for instance.
Now it is possible Mo was simply yet another random victim of living in a lawless excrement excavation, or had not paid the protection fee and got hit. Or was seen chatting to a Western journo not properly garbed head to toe. Who knows? Certainly not our intrepid touri… ‘reporter’.
But what does come across, if it was meant to be woven in, is that it is unwise to even visit such cultural enhancements at source, much less think it a plan to import it to, say, here.
Guest Who,
Another group of “Aisian” “mainly Pakistanis” eh? Oh my! but they look “African” in their mug shots. I wonder what the common denominator might be??…..
We will have taken an important step on the road to recovery if we ever see the honest phrase: Muslim gang rapists spelled out on a BBC news item.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Can it be ?
Well Happy New Year to all.
But, rather less happily……how about this ?
Evening BBC TV news and weather, 30 December.
Newsreader – Asian female
Sports reporter – Asian female
Local news – Adian female
Local weather – white British female
National weather – white British female.
Welcome to equality, bBBC style.
And just in case the message needs re-inforcing, have a guess what featured in the 10 pm news?
Did you guess? That’s right. The decline in black African people in…….Argentina !!!!!!
Yep, that ‘s tonight’s BBC priority. Presented, surprise surprise, by a black female reporter.
There is much work to do, and thankfully the many excellent contributors to this super website are keen to keep on doing it. Have a great 2019.
All part of the beeb’s relentless campaign to marginalise white males.
Ethnic cleansing.
Backlinks, Hi guys don’t miss out on the old thread
– Page 3 Sunday afternoon
– Page2 started at Saturday lunchtime.
(reposted , so it’s near the top of the page)
The remote control nearly went through the television after seeing that report about Argentina.
Not reporting, but interfering in another country. Not content with pushing their left wing agenda in this country, they now try to export it world wide.
The BBC is out of control…
I am not sure how you know local and national weather stuff, because as I type we are waiting for the forecast. But yes, I have sat through a news that felt as though it was coming from another world, people I didn’t recognise and what the hell was that yellow sack tied round the middle? I don’t think it was Muslim demure as too low cut or at least Mishal would never have worn it. But there was a Mr Miller who I had never seen before getting very excited about Brexit plans. And the item about black people in Argentina, do they never give it a rest?But you are correct, it is a white woman giving us the forecast.
Deborah, try here as an alternative:
Although they did get the Christmas weather very wrong, I reckon they are more precise than the vague, showy, R4 forecasts and are probably exactly right 90% of the time.
I saw that item about the attitudes of some black people in Argentina and thought “Is this news?” It was absolute cobblers.
The gist of it was that certain Latin American dances had some of their roots in Africa and yet this isn’t widely acknowledged. Big bleedin’ deal!
The BBC are utterly obsessed with sniffing out any half arsed race story they can, however tenuous and however flimsy, to fulfill their own agenda. This story wasn’t news. It wasn’t really even a story. It was a group of people sitting around having a bit of a moan.
If they want moaning come round to my house!
Bbc sofa jockey beta male Dan Walker, reports on an oscar possibility.
Positively wetting himself with excitement about a movie called ‘Wale’ ? Describing terrible racial prejudice against a young black boy in modern London. Reinforces the ‘ racism still out there’ concepts.
Anti black racism if course and prejudice against those with convictions.
You could hear the champagne bottles popping ( almost) at their chance to show racism exists.
The undisgiused shill for nominating this for oscar was shameful.
Oh…and cut to news headlines…in London ….
39 ( yes 39) arrested for attempted murder in London last night.
39 white supremacists maybe?
39 Former EDL ?
Errr..they didnt say, which rather tells me something.
Who is taking the piss here?
And idiots lap it up.
For the record and to set your mind at rest my first comments referred to the early evening news, around 1830. Clairvoyancy was not needed. But how telling that the 2200 news had such a similar line up that my remarks from 1830 could almost be re-applied. Even more bias.
What a lot of utter rubbish attended to the report that the Argentine Tango was or had any connection with the African Blacks. The Tango a slow ballroom dance was as a development of the type of dance from Central Africa, however the Argentinian Tango was developed from the Argentinian Cowboy or Goucho as known, when he had time to dance with the local girls for relaxation.
But as davylars comments, we saw a new asian face on the BBC news last night, a newish asian sports reporter, as can be noted there is a move to illustrate the wonderful benefits of Multiculturalism-NOT. The EU has used this piece of propaganda to inveigal this nation into accepting such a dangerous element into our society.
I got up to look outside, just to check that it was still the UK outside.
Backlinks. Hi guys don’t miss out on the old thread
– Page 3 Sunday afternoon
– Page2 started at Saturday lunchtime .
Yes, I saw the same purile, vile, pointless and meaningless propaganda, at least 5 minutes wasted on total garbage that has nothing to do with ‘the news’. Argentinian government should submit a complaint.
Sluff-As you may know I have been writing about this topic
at the BBC for quite awhile. Sometimes I think I am
paranoid. BUt I do think that the aim of BIG BROTHER
or should I say BIG SISTER or a bit of both at the BBC is
to turn the BBC into the first media women only network.
As for all the ethnic presenters.I am on holiday in the
Domenican Republic right now. The local population is
every shade of black as you can imagine. Very hospitable
folk they are . BUT I don’t wish to sound patronising.
Of course the programmes , adverts and presenters represent
the indigenous population , as they should. But I tell you
there is not that much difference to what we see on the BBC
other than the fact that there are male presenters and reporters as
well. As for the advertisements on TV, there is very little difference
to what we see on UK television now.
‘Councils ‘failing’ to prosecute blue badge abusers’ according to the bubba headline. Is it me? Why do we have this constant backwards way of looking at matters? How about my alternative headline? ‘Scumbag, selfish gits still abusing Blue Badge use’
You see, if we go the bubba way we should go the whole route. ‘Nation fails to offer counselling to errr councils’ or perhaps, ‘Education system fails to provide correct platform for future council members’ maybe, ‘Not being breastfed in public ‘could’ mean children won’t grow up to be efficient council members. Mothers to be tutored’ What a load of crepe.
‘Councils ‘failing’ to prosecute blue badge abusers’
Not justifying it but do some councils and car park operators really have to provide so many “special” car parking spaces, many of which seem to be underused? I suppose the next step will be extra wide “fat bastard” spaces. Reasonably sized people seen using them will be clamped. The logos painted in the parking bays will be amusing.
More virtue signalling than compassion, I suspect.
It’s come close already, but I am waiting for a pitched battle in the Aldi car park between a Yummy Mummy and two ten year olds and an old couple using their lardarse son’s badge to get about three car width’s closer to the entrance.
Im sure they don’t need to Anne but are following some kind of ratio of spaces to population, imposed upon them. Nevertheless, I wouldn’t park in a disabled bay or use a blue badge to gain some lazy-arse advantage over other drivers. Such a person should receive an appropriate sentence as a spot fine. Vaporisation seems about right.
While much of the media report “Terror charges brought over deaths of tourists in Morocco”, the beebeestan seem more interested in the more obscure and confusing headline: “Morocco tourist murders: Swiss man held.”
Well, maybe he’s technically Swiss, but I bet he’s muslim and more likely called Ali or Mohammad than William Tell.
Typical of the beeb’s policy of disinformation and whitewashing of islam: keep the masses confused about the true causes of terrorism and political violence worldwide, and never let them join the dots.
Cheers @Vlad I just made a comment on the old thread at 9pm
If you follow the BBC or any of the MSM, you will not know that the two girls were viciously raped and then brutally beheaded. No, they died from “cuts to the neck”, which must qualify as the worst use of weasel words ever. Technically true, but in way a proper description of the horror of the murder of two girls, whose only “crime” was to be white Europeans.
If the MSM dhimmis think they are somehow helping by obfuscating the truth, they are wrong. We do not need them to establish the truth any more. There will be a reckoning one day.
The BBc, obfuscate…? Surely not?
Too busy to read The Strange Death of Europe?
Here’s a 6 minute video summary by heroic author Douglas Murray, called The Suicide of Europe.
Happy New Year, it might be our last.
Brilliant only annoying that my computer suffers with a buffering problem-will have to get a transcript of what Murray said if poss.
If you’re using a PC, have you tried something like this:
YTD Video Downloader free download
Download at your own speed and watch later.
The bbc is known for selecting little chunks out of context to embarrass folk.
You would think staff would be wise to that.
Not everyone gets to explain though.
Landlocked Saudi Arabia..
Length of Coastline by Country
2,640 km.
So where do Greenpeace RECYCLE …their old ships ?
They give it away to their cousin Friendship and after a while he scraps in on the beach
Greenpeace have apologised
#1 Greenpeace clearly did issue an apology
cos when they sold Rainbow Warrior to Friendship 8 years ago to become a hospital ship they did have an agreement that end of ship-life would be properly done.
#2 But reporting should make it clear that it is not Greenpeace itself that is scrapping the ship, but rather its cousin organisation.
Paul has it now
Now this new year why not do something you promise yourself and help make the world a better place .
Don’t buy a TV licence .
Depriving the BBC of much needed funds not only imperils Gary Linecker’ s wages but concentrates the small minds of all at Al Beebs various buildings on the fundamental needs of others , namely its audience .
For while it lauds youth for its Gramscian instilled love of the EU , and sneers at older folk for What it perceives as addled thinking over Brexit , it doesn’t know the young ones are more into Netflix and don’t watch the BBC while the older folk are actually its core support . The poor old BBC is actually more senile than the over seventy fives it intends to demand money with menaces . And even more sneering .
So for just £148.50 a year you can deprive a bloated , unaccountable , arrogant depravity of much needed funds and help restructure a once the worlds most news organisation to its original principles .
Each month you’ll receive a threatogram detailing ways they want you to pay and omitting the whole truth about the scam . You can build this up into a collection of different printed half truths and laughable waffle about enforcement officers .
The Threatograms have so many numbers and letters printed at the top , bottom and sides you’ll have more codes than Bitcoin users and every threatogram is designed to look unique and not just a computer generated piece of junk .
You can even not donate to the BBC anonymously as Crapita will send the Threatograms to ” the legal occupier ” which at least is more authentic than the fictitious names they say are their senior enforcement officers .
So again I appeal that this year make no donation so that the senior managers , editors , celebrities and other sinecure office holders are at last able to experience what millions of the rest of us endure , and maybe help them to see real life .
Your money left in your bank account can help make a difference .
I received my 6th Threatogram yesterday.
Taffman ,
Please don’t put it in the bin .
I know they’re not that rare , and will get more and more an everyday experience for everyone in the future , but yours and mine are early version like a penny black , and future historians and collectors when they disect the demise of the BBC will want archive material .
I’m hoping for a Will You Be In On February 29 ? this year as it will surely be a rare misprint and valued in years to come .
On the other hand the BBC is too boring for that .
Then I will have it framed and hang it up in my toilet as a reminder of how crap Al Beeb was .
I’ve proudly lost count of the threatening letters . My next visit is due on 3 january. I really hope somebody comes because even wasting an hour of their time will be an achievement .
I’d like to print 100 copies of your letter above and deliver it anonymously through the letterboxes of my neighbourhood 😉
Lucy ,
Please feel free to do so , changing or editing it to make it more readable might be needed ( I write off the cuff , live when posting so there’s many mistakes ) .
Happy new year .
Well I never: election mayhem, corruption and violence in muslim Bangladesh.
Quelle surprise!
Mmmmm you think it only happens in foreign lands. You wait until the inevitable ‘People’s Vote’ then you’ll see vote rigging. Firstly by the choices on the ballot paper rigged so that the leave vote is split and then lost boxes Turing up full of ‘remain’ votes. It’ll make the Bangladesh election look tame.
Will you just quit, with all your ridiculous theories that with MSM there is some kind of groupthink.
“Channel migrants: UK and France to step up patrols”
But does this mean they will pick up illegals and bring them to safety in Blighty ? I have serious concerns that this Tory appeasing government will bring them in , turn a blind eye and lose them in the system. This will encourage more to come in and put even more strain on housing, schools, hospitals etc etc. We are governed by a completely useless Parliament full of actors . Conservative constituents have been betrayed by their MPs.
Here is one treaty we have already signed with the French which cost us £44.5 million……………..
Vote and support UKIP . Tell your MPs that you are doing just that.
Well we all know what should happen and that is that these illegal migrants be transported back to the shores of France, don’t even take them on board our ships as that will give them a precedent-just tow their craft back to France. BUT whilst we have a Muslim Home Secretary who claimes ‘there is no easy answer,’ then we can be assured he does not have the interests of the nation he claims to represent as a priority. Farting about like a chicken being chased by Fox-and we know who the fox is or they are.
The asylum seekers in France have no documentation
Now imagine I’m going through France in my HGV and I’m stopped by the French police .
Would you think if I didn’t have any documentation they would allow me to proceed to Calais ?
OK let’s say I have all the relevant paperwork for the truck . But
no passport .?
Can I proceed ?
Driving a truck on Sunday in France is Not Allowed .
So if I drive up to the French border in my truck on Sunday with an asylum seeker as a passenger , he has no paperwork or ID , is he allowed in but I’m stopped from entering France ?
My point is that France requires ID from French people and visitors in it . Why are people who congregate around the northern French ports allowed to stay there ?
An excellent point.
The French sometimes argue the “migrants” want to come to the UK because they can merge easily in our country, which does not insist on ID cards. But this is logically absurd, as the French do have ID cards, and it does not seem to stop these undocumented “migrants”.
If illegal immigrants with no passports or ID are roaming France, it is simply because the French authorities do not want to stop them. They would rather let their problem paddle over to England, and our government is too pathetic and spineless to stop it happening.
Because the French want to dump them all on the UK.
I despise the lot of them, but the ONLY reason those migrants go to France, is to find a way to ‘treasure island’. That is the only reason for the Calais camps, they all come to France then they all look for a way to get to the most stupid, gullible and generous place there is. Britain.
Opening fire on a few boats would solve the whole problem fairly quickly.
So to clarify – we have been/are giving the French pot loads of money to stop migrants trying to reach British shores. Lord West says they have about 300 usable vessels whereas we have 18. The agenda is therefore clear. The UK is a) a money tree, and b) a dumping ground. No doubt the plan now is for us to hand over yet more money so the EU/France can build more ships for their ‘navy’.
All our ships should be in the Channel. All our air force should be in the skies around our coastline. All our army personnel should be stationed around our shores.
Start deporting illegals and appeasers. There is no point us ‘playing by the rules’ if nobody else does. We are surely at war.
Happy New Year everyone – 88 days to go.
At least there is a tiny strand of hope for 2019. Artificial Intelligence hasn’t quite been perfected. Maxicony’s internal circuits need re wiring.
Toady Watch
Today is the token ‘ right wing ‘ editor Andrew Roberts
And his career based on taking about Churchill .
So far the subject has been used to attack President Trump ( surprise ) and making prison life sound attractive .
General Patreus was used to talk about Churchill but also to attack populism and President Trump .
It didn’t mention that Patreus has political aspirations so will distance himself from Mr Trump.
Another beauty was the dumb decision by the government to give a ferry contact to a company with no ferries . So the BBC gave the floor to arch remainer – Hillary Benn who spent his extended time reciting the good old ‘ suspend a50’ ‘have another vote ‘ anti democratic poison . His dad wouldn’t be impressed but that’s what nepotism gets you .
The BBC does its normal ‘ special relationship ‘ nonsense . Anyone who know their history knows that America only does what is in its interests . Hence sitting on its hands whilst Blighty was subject to air attack in 1940.
Whatever is said about Churchill – the footage of his response to being booed at hustings in the 1946? Election was a peach . reminded me of remainers when the referendum result came out . It proved that the political ruling class is not always in touch with voters .
Sajid Javid has said there is no easy answer to the migrant crisis. Well actually there is one blindingly simple answer, just get rid of the lot of them.
The same report mentions a tweet from Jeremy Corbyn where he talks about reaching out to humanity, offering people a safe place to live. I can only assume he’s referring to the 40 million or so indigenous people of Britain: We’d LOVE a safe place to live Jeremy.
And Diane Abbott, who has the IQ of a bar of soap, and who makes Serena Williams look sexy, also weighs in, with an inevitable mention of Brexit.
It’s going to be an interesting new year.
Interesting that the BBC is using the channel illegal taxi story as a distraction from reporting the protests which are still going on in France even when Macron tried to bribe the French to calm down .
The number 10 leak about the home secretary’s safari holiday was pretty bitter methinks .
Toady watch 2
Friends in the bubble – Gove and Vaisey – good friends in uni and now in politics . Demonstrating that politics is just a game to these people and exercising their smug egos .
I sometimes think that 2019 will be a bit of a desperate year with even louder shouts about ‘constitutional crises’ except that if people take to the streets there really might be one .
I do think one of the reasons are the French are now allowing the illegal migrants to make a break for the UK is that Macron can now give the french electorate the impression that he is now trying to deal with the migrant problem, and of course it is also one in the eye for us “Roast beefs” – always popular.
What he forgets, is that like bullshit and the BBC there is a never ending supply of these chancers , you get rid of one lot and more fill their place, the politics of stupidity prevail or at least until our so called “leaders” (and especially Merkel ) decide to do something about it.
Sorry Javid being concerned and rubbing your hands together no longer cuts it. This is a crisis crooked and weak politicians and the media created and I suspect that in the end it may well have to be us , the people that stop it.
Read into that what you will.
This New Year should see this Muslim Home Secretary ousted BDQ-he is not the man to deal with this crisis-the full power of this nation should be unleashed to make it quite plain that Britian will not accept any of these illegal migrants no matter, and if with children which is typical of such people to exploit, they should also be returned to the French coastline and dumped. No, sorry chaps, and all that- tolerate no wailing from the socialistic liberals about Human Rights-we’ve got rights as well-this nation is very much over populated as is known and its infrastructure is creaking very disturbingly, and with it the continuing breakdown in Law and Order, once the envy of the world. I’m, as they say, in the autumn of my years, but my concern is for the future of my Grandchildren and their children if the present determination to wreck this societyby the evils of socialism continues.
NS – “the IQ of a bar of soap”
Would that be coal tar soap?
LastChance – Unfortunately coal tar soap has been unavailable for some time now – it was banned by the EU – cancer scare apparently. What is sold now is a cheap imitation. However wood tar soap is available on line – the EU didn’t see that coming. Good for spots.
Thank you for making me better informed.
I am now offering my reserve selection. Pears Soap.
Imagine “Bubbles” by Millais combined with an image of the giant Hippo.
600K migrants lost by home office – so now 600K illegals in the UK.
20K on UK terror watch list.
3K on terrorist extremist watch list.
5 dinghies.
1 drone.
… *sigh*
This is the biggest barely reported enduring scandal of our times.
I so wish I could reference it, but in about 2003 no minister was available to speak to an immigration issue on Toady, but they managed to get a Home Office civil servant. He gave an unapologetic pro-open door immigration advocacy.
I believe that mind set endures to this day irrespective of the government in power or their policies.
Once this essential truth is accepted then almost everything you ever see about our abject lack of immigration controls falls neatly into place.
Ironically it has little to do with the EU. Non EU immigration remains very high. And over in Denmark they have quite tight controls. So it CAN be done. But it isn’t being done.
I am new to this site. Can anyone tell me if there is a connection with the site, and how the other site is regarded here?
Welcome to the site – there is no direct connection so we work in parallel on our great cause . I exchange emails with the other site and suggest that should this site be lost it might be best for posters to move there .
If you’ve read past threads you’ll see ( hopefully ) that I try to exercise a light hand on views as there are increasingly limited places to express views without a ‘slap’.
Anyway welcome to the site , watch your blood pressure and happy 2019 .
Speaking personally, it is an excellent complement.
Worth going through posts there and assessing for yourself.
Looking forward to your contributions here and, hopefully, there too.
Heinrich, welcome here. Craig and Sue used to post here, but I understood wanted to write longer postings. I visit there Ishthebbcbiased too.
@Heinrich complementary
Hence it’s always good to check ITTB to see if they’ve covered an issue before you type in something long here.
– The easiest way to follow different blogs is through WordPress Reader :
– Then you put in the blogs you follow , like Guido, ITTB, Notalot etc.
And then as new pages are published they are listed on your Reader’s homepage
(If the blog is on WordPress also (most aren’t, but Notalot is ) then you can LIKE replies as well)
BTW Craig has a post about R4Today’s Guest editor week
Shhhh …. BBC Chris Evans is about to dance on TV soon … but has left the BBC … but is on the BBC more .. but has gone … but is there … but but but …. is still being paid … but has left … but but
Add Brown and BLACK … BUT NO WHITE?
“Philly Petitions to Add Black & Brown Stripes to LGBTQ Pride Flag”
While the six-stripe rainbow flag has become a symbol of inclusivity throughout the LGBTQ community, people of color within the umbrella have historically been marginalized, and, at times, intentionally ignored during the fight for equality. A new campaign, launched by Philadelphia, is pushing to add two new stripes to Gilbert Baker’s design: Black and brown, as a way to celebrate non-white LGBTQ members.
Philadelphia fiddling alongside the LGBTQXYZ “community” fiddlers, whilst Rome burns. Good to know some people have time on their hands.
me sighing too.
Oak – so they now have 8 letters in that group nonsense so only 18 to go for the full set . A few vowels would be useful
Seems groups are more important than individuals
That’s a design?
Looks more like a new liquorice allsort.
Maybe W1A can campaign for a blank space at the bottom to represent the media?
Where’s the White?
Black is the new white unless of course you embrace “poofery” in the BBC style.
Black at the top, and no sign of white.
Expect to see this flag flying over Broadcasting House soon.
Bbc clearly has plans to continue its great work into 2019.
“I wasn’t taught in school about Khajuraho and the presence of LGBT characters in our mythology. That has to change. Transgender people were considered gods and goddesses. They were great poets, artists and even administrators in medieval times,” he says.
He adds that young people need to know that we were a much open and tolerant society in the past.
Prof Mukhia agrees.
“In 2018, we recovered what we had lost during colonial times – a more open attitude toward the LGBT community.”
There might have been a more open society but you can be sure that the incommers where truly vetted and were in small numbers as compared with today. Furthermore most of those people that came t the UK at that time were from the continent and all white. Don’t forget there was no United Kingdom at that time only four nations each of its own, therefore no central government or Parliament as we now have today thanks in part to Cromwell.
Drop all migrants from the boats into WestMinister Palace and Buckingham Palace … and drop one off to Cumberbatch (one of his many houses).
Benedict Cumberbatch considered housing Syrian refugees but didn’t as he has a baby
Now that is interesting news not reported by the BBC – “Benedict Cumberbatch has given birth” or does it mean “Benedict Cumberbatch looks remarkably like Mrs. Balls”?
Nick gets testy again and engages.
Funny thing is it’s the #FBPE crowd so he is in for a long day.
Meanwhile, Rob decides today is a good day to get into bbc ‘quotes’.
Nice one marky —-
Government action plan for prospective illegal immigrants leaving France
1 put up signs in various languages saying “no swimming ‘
2 put lots of life jackets on beaches
3 supply maps of places of interest
4 free Wi-fi for channel users
5 provide collection boxes for the RNLI
6 supply picture of remainers – like pin up girl -Anna Soubry
7 supply address of nearest DWP claims office .
Don’t forget the courtesy transfer arrangements Marky, paid for by the British tax payer…
BBC holds firm over Ethiopia famine funds report
Bob Geldof and charities deny aid was spent on weapons but corporation executives say reports are credible
The irony of their reserved parking slot being next to a dusty camper van likely to be lost on the NSPCC Gob ushered in onto the red sofa to share this gem.
Don’t you think someone should tell the telegraph / NSPCC that Blighty has been a safe haven for child sex offenders for decades –
( ask TR – BTW – notice how long the DPP is taking to decide on prosecution )
PPS – Where was the NSPCC in places like Rotherham ?
CCBGB.. dozens mock this NSPCC article
\\ God, give me strength! Is there anything they won’t say to stop Brexit. //
\\ Oh FFS #ProjectFearMK3 becomes even more extreme
You know the elite are terrified when they roll out the threat to children sexual predator bogeyman
Strangely enough they seem awful quiet on the eastern European sex trafficking gangs empowered by EU membership //
Sajid Javid is in the wrong job …. “global society” verses “citizens safe and the country secure” ….
“He (Javid) added: “While we have obligations to genuine asylum seekers… we will not stand by and allow reckless criminals to take advantage of some of the most vulnerable people in our global society.“”
The first duty of the (UK) government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
“global society” verses “citizens safe and the country secure” ….
A perspective from across The Pond:
“We Have Reached Levels of Absurdity We Never Thought Were Possible”
I need help. Too frequently now, I see images of bodies suspended by their necks dangling from lampposts………
Good points, but he should check his facts
Last week London’s 2018 murder tally was 131 vs New York’s 283
\\ New York City, with its 8.5 million people, goes at least 5 days straight over the Christmas period without a single murder. As at December 23, 283 homicides were recorded in the city. This contrasts with 2,245 murders in 1990, and 515 in 2011. //
(As ever international comparisons have to be taken with a pinch of salt, cos we know politicians play with definitions)
I once spent a hell of a lot of time comparing NY and London – apart from the population size and city status they are very different .
Academics tend to use the standard ‘ homicde rate ‘ as the comparator . It’s simplistic because it kind of assumes a static coherent population . As we know Londonistan is anything but that as it has rapidly become a third world cess pit .
I predicted 130 dead for this year which is way up on the ‘ average ‘ . I think it will be about the same in 2019 or higher – that’s without forthcoming Islamic terrorist attacks of course .
By nature I’m a pessimist but I’m surprised that the overall crime rate isn’t far higher but I guess people just don’t report it any more .
As a complete aside Guido mentioned yesterday that the outgoing lady DPP was the first one in a long time not to get a gong . Must have really screwed up the CPS .
More like didn’t screw if far enough left – hence no gong.
RE: Sadiq and crime. I can’t add anything to Yoda.
So what is this Islamic ideology follower going to do about it as most are of his colour and type-Racist, he does not know the meaning of the word, as expected from an uneducated immigrant. Oh of course he was born here in the UK, so what my wife was born in Singapore of Scottish Parents, doesn’t make her a Malay. Leopards don’t change their spots. The lawlessness and responsibility for it stops at Khan’s door. Bring back Boris as London Mayor, mind you I doubt he would want it now.
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit: US ambassador to UK warns on trade deal””
“”Donald Trump’s offer of a “quick, massive bilateral trade deal” won’t be possible if Theresa May’s Brexit deal is backed by Parliament, the US ambassador to the UK has warned.””
The Donald is now at last exerting influence.
In the middle of the above BBC feature is a link asking how much Trump’s visit cost. Old news.
What’s the relevance other than to diminish Trump’s status? How much does it cost every year to police the Notting Hill Carnival and how many lives are lost?
Dover – the BBC has been deceitful in this comment. They have been leaving out the last bit of his comment – that the May sellout would kill trade deals .
You missed out the best part. He also said, the UK needs proper leadership. The implication, quite correctly, is at present we don’t have any.
So the GOVERNMENTS answer to a 1 drone is shut down the airport and wait.
So the GOVERNMENTS answer to a 5 dinghies is keep fetching them rather than take them back,
So the GOVERNMENTS answer to a 1400 rapes in Rotherham is to ignore it.
I listened a bit to the Radio 4 programme How The Others See Us or whatever nine o clock .
It’s the general fare you get from the Remainer BBC at this time of the year ie ; don’t leave the EU as they all love us and want us in for ourselves and not our money .
References to history and how small minded we look if we don’t embrace corporate internationalism thrown in with how other countries might have darker histories but are more forward thinking and realistic .
Next week it’s how the Egyptians see us so expect a lot about how we went in , plundered the place and are arrogant .
Dear Winston Smith at the BBC Complaints Department,
When interviewing Labour supporters and MPs can you ask them who is in the Few and Many camp when they say “For the Many, Not the Few”?
I ask this because if the red line For the Few is wages then Jeremy Corbyn could be one of the Few and not the Many when he’s on £77K if the Few red line is £20K for example.
If it is based on homes then Keith Vaz with his multiple homes (some on expenses) might be one of the Many who own multiple homes. . . .
“For the Many, Not the Few” – Labour spokes person or even Jeremy Corbyn.
“Can you tell me how you define who is in the Many and who is in the Few please?” – BBC Presenter.
I think the beeb must have misquoted JC originally. He really said for the many, few. Naturally this will be denied an reworded as was the case with the stupid woman quote. Few wages, few jobs , many rewards for the few commissars and lifelong goodies for the beeb.
“Dear Winston Smith at the BBC Complaints Department,”
Methinks that the BBC guy would have read your message thus far and then simply deleted it! Rumor has it, thats how one behaves when one has complete control of the airways don’t ya know!
Recently caught site of something that makes the bbc look pretty tame, an episode of a series called 9-1-1. Absolute rabid agenda from start to finish with the main protagonist preaching to viewers while ostensibly in character. This series appears to be commercially funded, which made me wonder if the bbc having to rely on public funding acts as a restraint to what might be. Seriously, the above series is way down the path compared to anything I’ve seen recently on the bbc.
S2 episode 9
So let’s get this straight – there was a possibility that there were no drones at Gatwick before Christmas and now a ferry company with no ferries is being given a shed load of taxpayers money .
Sometimes t try to guess what’s next ? How dumb am I?
“there was a possibility that there were no drones at Gatwick”
= “There is no proper evidence of real drones”
..cos eyewitness at a distance is not reliable enough
.. It is incredible cos if they were probably visible someone would have got good video : but nothing.
In Singapore they have a deterrent for people entering restricted areas. The message is quite clear and in multiple languages. Maybe the UK could learn something on border protection.
However given our elites responses it would require them to ensure the UK is protected, not just them.
Correct colour an all!
Our Elite sign – when and if erected – should be yellow!
RED: Warning!
YELLOW: welcome to our abode, hint: if you happen to head up north you will find that no one will ever question you nor ask you for money!
British workers just love to wear a yellow vest – particularly if something ‘important’ is written on it, like National Crime Agency, or Border Patrol. Just been watching a dozen or so vest wearing bodies hanging around a deserted beach looking out to the horizon – not doing anything mind, just kicking sand and not knowing what to do. An empty dinghy with bagged up belongings are shown on camera, but clearly there is no visible person ‘in charge’.
How much are these people paid to ‘look important’, and then slope off for another coffee ? No sense of urgency at all – that’s us Brits, with an ‘oh dear, never mind ‘ attitude. No wonder the dross of the world is on our doorstep.
I’ve got family in Canada, perhaps I should speed boat it up the St Lawrence seaway in the middle of the night, do you think I’ll get caught ??
If you label the illegal migrants as plastic polluters, filling the shores of the UK with plastic dinghies .. will that get Government action?
Page 10 of the Sun: excellent opinion piece by Trevor Kavanagh denouncing the Beeb’s massive leftie bias.
The people are waking up.
Here’s to the abolition of the evil corporation in 2019!
Cue every bbc editorial and ents dept., by sheer coincidence, from Burley to Robinson to Nish and Jo… suddenly switching to ‘Sun Readers’ as the source of all low intelligence snarks and jibes.
At least we know that by the time the youngest employees at the BBC retire they will probably be the first to see the abolition of the licence fee! If not before!
BREAKING: 200 French Iranian Nationals (illegal migrants) found to have smuggled plastic into the UK’s English Channel (dinghies) without paying the 10pence tax. The army and Navy have been deployed to destroy all traces ….
9:45am Radio 4 they come out of their StopBrexit prog, subtle but no pro-Brexit voices
and into a trailer … “A new Radio4 environmental prog”
.. WTF you’ve already got Costing the Earth,Rutherford, Countryfile and half a dozen on World Service”
13:45pm New Year Solutions – today and all this week- Today shall I give up meat? …
\\ As global warming threatens the future of our society, Jo Fidgen tackles the ways in which ordinary people can make a difference.
– We’re often told that we could help the environment by driving less, eating less meat, or using less water.
– But in the face of a challenge as significant as global warming, how big a difference can small changes really make? And what would the world look like if we took those solutions to their logical extremes?
Producer: Robert Nicholson : A Whistledown Production//
Graphic designer has done the logo a different shade for each day’s that is a WASTE of licence payers money, and the Earth’s resources
Sites like this and isthebbcbiased.blogspot cannot hope to change the mass of public opinion and risk becoming echo chambers.
Two ideas come to mind
1. Persuade a party or a likely leader to hold a referendum early in the next parliament covering issues like the licence fee and foreign aid. I’m sure there are many other issues where the public would like to be consulted more directly.
2. Persuade a newspaper to cover the personal stories of some of the people who have been imprisoned for not paying the licence fee.
As with anything, pressure from multiple fronts in complement needs building up.
Nobody gets persuaded without reliable information, and in this regard BBBC and ITTB are without peer, often complemented by such as Conservative Woman, Breitbart, Politicalite, etc doing specials.
Various TVL blogs do highlight Capita/BBC abuses & affiliations, and on occasion certain MSM and a few MPs do pick up.
But at the end of the day the establishment has circled wagons and will protect the state propaganda machine come what may.
The most effective thing is to present what the licence fee gets used for such that those currently thinking they should continue to uniquely fund it realise they do not and there are better alternatives to EastEnders, Carrie’s parity and Alan Yentob’s pension pot.
Heinrich ,
Yes the echo chamber argument is sometimes made . I say this site provides an opportunity to record the bias of the BBC for a time when it is examined for existence .
The current political class is wedded to MSM by choice or pragmatism but who knows if that will always be so.
No one is compelled to come to this site and there is no ‘money interest ‘ in it – apart from people like me who are objectors to the tv licence tax … and of course aiming to reduce exposure to the biased product of the Far Left BBC.
In the current environment neither of you point 1 or point 2 are ‘goers’ because newspaper staff are joined at the hip to the likes of the BBC for easy fees and future jobs .
@Heinrich go to Youtube and check out the anti-TV-Licence videos
I suspect that a lot of folks would rule themselves out after reading the suggested articles
//Production Coordinator BBC Wales Sport at BBC
Job Reference: BBC/TP/747584/33893//
//Before you apply, we encourage you to learn more about BBC…
Articles you might like//
Oh by the way –
//For this role an interest in Sport would be ideal. //
Top article. Appreciating Catherine Zeta Jones and Lord Hall likely were top tiddlywinks champs back in the day, the pictures suggest they may be catching some rays a fair bit of the year out East to feel happy mooching around Port Talbot in winter to scout the next Barry John.
Not the BBC, but they persist in putting forward the likes of the FT and Graun as supposedly expert, impartial fonts of wisdom with ‘gravitas’. And this lot.
I would love to see what the signs say that we can see on the ground?
Don’t like where the Arab guy on the right – wearing a big white smock – has his left hand? His right hand doesn’t look too good as well!
I thought that least he was the only one with an actual German flag, but turns out to be held by the nationalist racist who is, ironically, to his left. The Caucasian mother… lander.
As to the… person with a book and chain… only Allah knows.
Comically talks of foodbanks in this wonderful brave new Germany
Rethinking “ingrained habits” – like law and order, a proper culture which reflects 2,000 years of struggle, hard work, inventiveness and progress, an education system free of superstition …. those habits?
Will it be “open” to gays? And how does one wear a niqab “informally”?
The only honest bit is “fragmented”. That’s certainly true. Parallel communities, some parasitic on others.
I was living in Germany in 2015. There the MSM is even more narrow in its opinion range and there have been laws for many years curtailing free speech. They have an organisation called the Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz which controls what people can say and do publicly. Of course the Economist can find people to support what it says but for the overwhelming majority of native Germans the change is more fear, more sales of pepper sprays and less going out in the dark. In Germany there is on the left a real suicide wish. A barrier carried at the front of marches says “Germany you lousy piece of shit” (Deutschland du mieses Stück Scheiße)
It turns out that the BBC ‘s favourite sources of knowledge of green issues – Greenpeace and the Brighton pixie, Caroline Lucas MP – are rather dodgy when it comes to an environmentally friendly way of scrapping their ships.
From Conservative Woman
A story that has escaped all news organisations in the UK deserves to be reported. It concerns the actions of a well-known organisation which allowed a former ship of theirs to start to be scrapped in Bangladesh in a most environmentally-damaging fashion. This is despite this ship-owner constantly boasting of a strong commitment to protect the environment.
Beach scrapping involves deliberately running the ship aground. There, the ship is dismantled, usually by unskilled labour. There is no method, as there would be in any kind of breaking yard, to ensure that environmentally hazardous substances, such as fuel-oil, do not escape to pollute the surroundings. Bangladesh is a desperately poor country whose economy does not match the size of its population. The UK has 10 times the GDP per capita. Certainly it is possible that scrapping a ship on a Bangladeshi beach out of the way of the traditional facilities associated with a yard might be a health and safety issue for the scrappers.
So the former ship-owner which organised the vessel to be scrapped in such a fashion in a Commonwealth country would surely be the target of strong criticism from members of the environmentalist lobby, such as say, Greenpeace. Caroline Lucas, she of the Green Party, would surely raise the issue in the House of Commons, especially if the former ship-owner were European with branches in the UK. The EU itself has strong regulations against EU ship-owners employing beach-scrapping. However, these can be easily bypassed by re-flagging a ship before scrapping.
Except Caroline will not be raising this issue at all.
The former owners of the ship were Greenpeace themselves.
Delicious anti-beeb article in today’s Sun, below:
“BBC’s new ‘saggy boobs’ campaign on Radio 4 Today shows they are still the same old lefties
The Beeb have a disturbing policy of preaching to us about the way we live, rigging its vast media reach to shape a permissive, left-wing agenda
AT first I thought it was an age thing as I listened, bamboozled, to Radio 4 Today’s new “saggy boobs” campaign on Saturday morning.
But no, this politically correct appeal for the latest brand of disadvantaged grievance-seeker was sailing over the heads of the entire BBC audience.
BBC Radio 4’s new ‘saggy boobs’ campaign was yet another political appeal
Fashion blogger Chidera Eggerue has thousands of followers among women who do not look like size-zero supermodels.
But she probably lost millions of Beeb regulars who turned off after yet another anti-men diatribe.
Rapper Jordan Stephens, of the Brighton hip-hop duo Rizzle Kicks, joined her to condemn “hypermasculinity”: “It becomes toxic when it becomes fragile, when it lacks feminine energy.”
“Non-binary artist” Travis Alabanza burbled: “People that haven’t existed as male and female have been here for thousands of years.”
Guest editor Chidera Eggerue probably lost the BBC millions of regulars after another anti-men diatribe
Listeners erupted on Twitter: “Who edits this rollicks?”
“The #loonyleft indoctrination machine is in full whirr trying to make men feel ashamed for being men.”
On its own, this progressive liberal propaganda might be an amusing diversion.
But it confirms a disturbing BBC policy of preaching to us about the way we live — from a highly selective, left-wing text.
A new book by veteran ex-BBC reporter Robin Aitken exposes what many have long suspected about Aunty’s little helpers.
Subtitled “How and why the BBC distorts the news to promote a liberal agenda”, it claims the corporation abuses its role as a £5billion-a-year, publicly funded broadcaster to manipulate public opinion on issues affecting our daily lives.
Aitken is not alone.
Ex-BBC chief Mark Thompson publicly admitted its “massive bias to the left”.
The comments on the radio show, including those by Travis Alabanza, were criticised on Twitter
Far from fulfilling its avowed duty of impartiality, the BBC rigs its vast media reach to shape a permissive, left-wing agenda.
It provides platforms for favoured views on racism, sexism, gender, divorce, drugs, hard porn and soft sentencing, while denying them to critics with contrary opinions.
And it uses its proclaimed duty to “educate, entertain and inform” as a tool to press its message home through drama, soaps and comedy.
As with all forms of indoctrination, it starts young.
Try watching CBBC during the day and count the number of edgy plot lines plugging the left’s diversity agenda, Doctor Who on political warp speed or Woman’s Hour’s daily cauldron of anti-male fury.
The BBC beats the drum for human rights — on its own terms.
Islam is great! Christianity is a joke.
Immigration is a “good thing”.
Migrants are always desperate, poor and deserve asylum.
Anyone suggesting there may be too many of them is a racist bigot.
Homelessness is caused by Tory “cuts”, not wasteful Labour spending.
Forget about Labour’s decades-long hostility to marriage and the family, condemning children from broken homes to greater risk of ill-health, drugs, prison . . . and, yes, homelessness Bias against Brexit comes flagged with bells and whistles, of course.
The BBC promotes the opinion that homelessness is caused by Tory ‘cuts’
Remainers are hosted with matey respect.
Leavers get the full hairdryer experience.
Check out the spiteful attack by Newsnight’s Emily Maitlis on ex-Cameron adviser Steve Hilton, or Nick Robinson’s tetchy chat with Tory Bernard Jenkin, a masterclass in withering scorn.
No serious debate is heard on Brexit’s likely benefits — or Brussels’ proven failures.
Aitken believes this “We know best” attitude is entrenched in the Guardian-reading BBC from top to bottom.
Anyone working in Broadcasting House swiftly learns what views to express or suppress.
This soft-left worldview has seeped into our education system as BBC executives move seamlessly into the commanding heights of top universities, including Oxbridge.
The BBC, writes Aitken, has breached its own charter by failing to offer free and fair debate on the major issues of the day, especially on Brexit.
The Noble Lie, he says, is a “myth or an untruth” designed by an elite to persuade the great unwashed what’s good for them.
In this case, the BBC may have overreached itself by trying to sabotage the greatest expression of democracy in British history.
Which probably explains why, with 88 days left until Brexit, it is so desperate to stop it
The NickRob-bot tweeted
\\Motto for year ahead – “You’ll hear people you don’t like saying things you don’t agree with.”
Guests today include US Ambassador to the UK, Henry Kissinger, General Petraeus, Karl Rove & Michael Gove.
This from those dubbed “the same old BBC lefties” in today’s Sun. //
Yeh they condescend to allow some non-lefties on for a grilling
.. whilst giving their lefty guests a FREE RIDE
NR signalling every 5 mins “look I’m a metroLib as well, not a Tory”
Excellent article. Thanks Vlad for posting. And the Sun has the biggest circulation by far. No wonder the BBC in their bias NEVER-EVER quote from it.
9am Radio4 Stop Brexit prog
\\ Neil MacGregor visits five different countries to talk to leading political, business and cultural figures to find out how they,
He begins his journey in Munich and Berlin.//
Yeh with his mates
The East Germans seemed more sympathetic , than the Westies
eg Westy “TV host, writer and cultural commentator Thea Dorn”
“After Thatcher – it became a cold, greedy, capitalist society.”
said “Yeh, UK looked like a good country with peace and then Thatcher went to war about the Falklands
.. and I thought this country is bad ..going to war for God’s sake ”
.. FFS she does know that Argentina attacked the Falklands and Britain had to defend
Just like we defended Berlin with the airlift.
Want to see proof that libmob are the hatey ones ?
Search Twitter with terms like “If they voted for Trump”
.. a mass of hatey tweets
\\It was a year climate scientists warned it was now or never to save the planet, NASA sent a probe to touch the sun & a paralysed man took his first steps. The BBC’s @BBCPallab looks back at 12 months in science. Watch on BBC World News or here in the UK: //
Severn Bridge shuts after drone flown from the top
A main route between England and Wales was closed after a man climbed a bridge and flew a drone from the top.
Traffic was stopped on the M48 – the older of two Severn crossings – after a “concern for welfare,” police said.
The man in his 20s came down “voluntarily” from the 47m (154ft) bridge tower and was arrested on suspicion of causing a public nuisance.

Two people who were arrested were released without charge and police have made no further arrests.
”from the top” ?
looks like bullshit BBC to me
here’s a close up of a tower
Don’t expect the BBC to ask how he supposedly got to the top,
maybe he took a 150 foot ladder with him..
or if his arrest but not being charged with anything was just harassment,
“Mourning my friend Mohamed, the dry cleaner of Mogadishu”
Mogadishu, Somalia’s capital, has been described as the most dangerous city in the world. But some people there are trying to bring life back to the place. During her regular visits, BBC World Service Africa editor Mary Harper came to know one of them – an entrepreneur named Mohamed Mahamoud Sheikh. Then she received some bad news.
A sad tale, and possibly a promising sequel to inspire le Carré.
Being friends with bbc staff does appear to be riskier, especially if already in risky parts of the world.
Mary has written a lot, but thought about how it reads little. Indigo Montoya would be impressed.
Even the imagery speaks volumes. My beautiful laundromat in town does not need several metre walls topped by health and safety-contravening barbed wire, for instance.
Now it is possible Mo was simply yet another random victim of living in a lawless excrement excavation, or had not paid the protection fee and got hit. Or was seen chatting to a Western journo not properly garbed head to toe. Who knows? Certainly not our intrepid touri… ‘reporter’.
But what does come across, if it was meant to be woven in, is that it is unwise to even visit such cultural enhancements at source, much less think it a plan to import it to, say, here.
Guest Who,
Another group of “Aisian” “mainly Pakistanis” eh? Oh my! but they look “African” in their mug shots. I wonder what the common denominator might be??…..
We will have taken an important step on the road to recovery if we ever see the honest phrase:
Muslim gang rapists spelled out on a BBC news item.