Not really related to the BBC but I’m sure it’s a stat that you would never hear from them relating to the huge influx of immigration into the US.
This truly surprised me when I heard this a few days ago.
“Compton, which was once mostly white (former President George H.W. Bush lived there in 1949) and then became mostly black, is now mostly Hispanic. About 65 percent of the people in this city of fewer than 100,000 are Hispanic and only 35 percent are black, according to the 2010 census.24 Oct 2013”
Crikey, Compton which would probably be my first ‘go to’ area if thinking of a predominantly Black area in the US, isn’t that anymore.
It is odd that the entire argument is based on trade and jobs . No discussion is made of accountability or democracy or being in a monster organisation run for the benefit of others and not Blighty .
That argument wins hands down though .
Fedup, the Brexit film with Cumberbatch the other night had an interesting line spoken by head of the remain campaign Craig Oliver (Rory Kinnear)… that Brexit was a fight for the “soul of the country”. Probably taken from George Osborne who said the same pre-referendum.
Speaks volumes that no one seems to be talking in these terms now — ‘soul’ and ‘national identity’ all concepts being relegated to the poetry bin of history while they worry about running out of mars bars…
Fed, or economic benefits for the people of the EU.
The BBC, every now and then, wring their hands over the indebtedness of the UK and use it as an excuse to pay V. Cable MP an appearance fee, but a large chunk of the UK’s Imbalance of Payments is down to our EU membership.
Then there is the slowness of the EU to act on worthwhile consumer regulation for the people – the proposed Right to Repair law suggested this week – and their hastiness to enact daft laws, compare it with the stupid vacuum cleaner legislation, very quickly.
Although I am limiting my time on BBC due to stress 🙂 R4 this morning – thought for the day – basically an excuse by some idiot who used to be a copy writer to slag off Trump and Brexiteers..It really is never ending…
And pushing Jag Land Rover…NOTHING to do with Brexit…they are moving work to Slovakia because it’s cheaper and has less employment regulation..China is the big reason and the fact the UK Govt basically cut the diesel business out from under their feet.. BBC though have to keep making it about Brexit…
I am so fed up with this No Deal..we don’t have a deal – this is just how we leave…
How do over half of the country take back control..and have MPs that actually represent their constituents? I have never been on a protest but my yellow vest is in the car….
Vehicle manufacturer Jaguar Land Rover will announce later that it is cutting up to 5,000 jobs from its UK workforce, amid what industry insiders are calling a “perfect storm” for the company. A slump in Chinese sales and diesel sales, as well as concerns about UK competitiveness after Brexit, are behind the decision, according to BBC business editor Simon Jack.
The redundancies are part of a £2.5bn cost-cutting plan. Management, marketing and administrative jobs are expected to be hardest hit, but some production workers may be affected. Jaguar Land Rover has 40,000 employees in the UK. We take a look at what’s been going wrong for the company.”
According to sources close to me, Simon knows Jack.
Now unless these are 5000 more jobs this is very stale news. Apologies for giving a link to the Guardian but it was the first one to come up on Google search. I actually think I heard about these job losses on the BBC too but if we didn’t, then the BBC is only about 3 weeks late with news that their employees must have read about in the in House magazine ie The Guardian in copies paid for by the license payer.
Good for you JA.
Avoid antagonising the police. Most of them are decent people performing a difficult job they would rather not do. Ordered by their common purpose masters.
If, on the other hand, you see Cressida Dick or someone of equivalent rank, just use your judgement.
Last Chance
I agree re: police as most of my family are, or have been, in the Met..although the slow drip of PC of the wrong sort has eroded my faith in the overall organisation and many of the newer recruits..
JA, that TftD was quite good from a purely philosophical p.o.v. with a neat finish. However, I agree that Ridian did rather prove why he was a failed copywriter. As a Christian Apologist he scored quite well in my view.
Guest, yes I posted on here about that at the time. My information only related to Israel, rather than Gaza and the West Bank which are PA controlled areas. However, I would not be at all surprised if the Christian numbers grew in those enclaves. The history of the early Church was growth under extreme restriction and persecution.
I understand the only hostility to Christians in Israel is from some of the ultra-Orthodox Jews and perhaps a few militant unbelievers, ie. atheist Jews. It is not, as I understand it, from the State.
The BBC are being especially devious on that complaint.
Currently watching ‘sense8’ on Netflix by the Wachowski siblings. Staying with as it is has an intriguing premise but, boy/girl/other, does Hollywood love shovelling in the diversity. And todgers. And strap ons.
The sub headline is as usual disingenuous…it’s a Unicef report – hmm how did they collect their data? and the words say “without reliable access to affordable, nutritious food – or food insecure – is “significant and growing”, with the unemployed, sick or those with children most likely to be affected.” So the children bit is a subset..but the emotive bit.. BBC style
How about a Minister for idiot parents…maybe all pre natal classes should include how to cook bloody vegetables or anything and not order a pizza..
My wife and I worked out that you can buy enough vegetables in Aldi to feed a family of 4 for less than £1.50.
I may be wrong but I am sure food is cheaper now than it was when I was a kid, brought up in a London council house with a manic depressive (called then) father and a cleaner for a mum..but I don’t remember going hungry…
Rant over….back to work now..
JA, I think vegetables are currently being sold as loss-leaders by the supermarkets, especially ASDA, Aldi & Lidl. Tesco also had prominent displays of highly discounted vegetables – the usuals for a Christmas meal – displayed at store entrances from the beginning of December.
It is also a PR-thing on the part of retailers. They want to be seen by Government as doing their bit in the ‘Obesity Wars’ so that maybe they will not face other restrictions and taxations in future.
The fact is that fruit & vegetable prices rocketed because of high oil prices and high taxes on oil-related products. when the oil price comes down, the advantages eventually filter through to the retailers’ shelves.
If you want to create another Minister (at inflated salary and pension at a cost to the taxpayer) in an already obese Cabinet (numbers, not waistlines!) I would suggest a Minister for asking “What if … .”
If we had had one of those and they had been any good at their job, we might have avoided the multiple problems caused by Government not really thinking about what their decisions lead to. For example, extra taxes on road fuels that have worsened the obesity crisis.
@Upto I eat in this country for a lower price than anywhere in the world
(Eating in a restaurant is a different thing. In countries who have both low value currency and low wages I have eaten for 30p, 40p etc.)
But last night I was in the hypermarket deli for 90% off time… got 8 proper meat pies for 44p etc.
I was not fighting away benefit claimers
#2 Today I’ll help pack up the market stall so afterwards I collect the grade B veg to hand to some pensioners I know,
… but same thing as I am there doing the sorting no benefit people come up and ask me. Indeed many will be up the road at a cafe drinking £2 coffees, whilst I have a flask.
The price of fruit and veg is so cheap that here the stall holder doesn’t break even.. it’s only the man who sells birdseed that makes money. The veg stall holder is actually just minimising her losses, cos having a bigger market on a Wednesday, Thursday is the day she sells off her leftover stock instead of throwing it away cos it won’t keep for the weekend market.
Customers who are walking away with as much stuff as 2 people can carry have only spent £10-£20 and most customers don’t even spend a fiver.
Stew, lucky lad! It is a country of at least four or five halves. In the West Midlands, they are right up against some of the biggest and best farming land in England. The W. Midlands were, maybe still are, topping the UK obesity chart. Their fruit & vegetables are expensive.
When John Humphrys did his R4 series on his book ‘The Great Food Gamble’ he spent one programme with the late Bob Holman in Easterhouse in Glasgow. That area suffers from food poverty despite being close to a major city centre and amid an extensive road transport network. The obvious inflated cost is transporting bulky fruit & veg v. flat pack, processed food.
But there is another factor in the equation. The inflated cost of fuel (despite red diesel) and fertilisers & pesticides to farmers plus costs at every stage of the process which may include many steps to get the product to the retailer’s shelf.
Remember the fuss about milk prices? You must do. It was all over the BBC for a month or more. The ‘farm gate’ price did not match the farmers production costs, let alone provide a profit. But milk travels quite a bit and it is heavy to transport and once it is bottled, bulky too. The processors wholesalers and retailers costs were all inflated by transport so that high prices were paid by the consumer.
Fortunately, the oil price has come down a second time but it still hasn’t affected the market price (and has started going up again), so cheap it isn’t, yet, at four pints for £1.00 at best. There has also been a measure of wage reduction that has also affected food prices paid by the consumer – who may be suffering the same wage reduction.
Finally, the robustness of competition in both fast food, street market food and major retail also helps to keep prices low. Reference today’s results from four of those and note who has done well and who has not.
You already know that, Stew, but I post it here for the benefit of others. You may have cheap food now up in the east/north-east of England but that is thanks in part to the halving of the oil price since its all time high and some common-sense, to a limited extent, invading The Treasury and No.11 Downing Street since 2010.
Down in the south-east of England our prices have come down but it is still possible to spend an eye-watering amount on humble potatoes, cauliflower, Bramley apples (when you can get them) and other fruit & veg. Adjusted for inflation, some of the stuff is probably higher still than the historical lows of the 1960s.
Make the most of your cheap food, if ‘the Greens’ get their way, your stew is going to become a lot more expensive.
If it begins with UN it is designed to operate to our disadvantage.
Next organisation to leave after the EU, more billions saved.
If Saint Donald tells the UN to move elsewhere, the UN will collapse.
Cut down on aid to those who wanted independence but cannot stand on their own two feet.
Kill the BBC
Ok, clearly a spoof, but meanwhile the BBC has been sent a harrowing tale from a Labour-voting single mother, who will be appearing on the VD show once her people and their people have settled on terms.
In a rare television event, we are witness to the actual birth of a Democrat. Let’s take a peek…
Meanwhile, in Frankie Howerd, a group of Millenials plonk their iEverythings on the table and discuss merging BBC Trending with CEebeebies and Newsbeat.
‘I can only imagine that statistic is BS. Maybe 20% of children have crap parent(s), that I can believe. If you can’t budget and can’t cook, and can’t prioritise… keep at least 100 miles away from giving or receiving sperm.’
The BBC spinning against a No-Deal Brexit for all they are worth. That rather suggests, does it not, that a No-Deal Brexit is the best possible option for the UK to leave the EU?
The TOADY team are using the Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) announcement today to rubbish Brexit. If you listened to the whole programme so far, you may have ‘heard’ Mishal Husain ‘thinking on air’, actually hesitating and working out whether she could/should/would say “because of Brexit concerns” in relation to possible job losses at JLR. That occurred in the 8.00-8.30am segment, IIRC, if you wish to listen again.
The 1950s/60s/70s Soviet is alive and well in W1a and across the UK in the 21st century. We will just have to get used to listening for these hesitations and subtleties of tone to interpret what is actually being pushed at us. The attempt of a Peer (of Indian origin – and thus knowing what he was talking about?) from the House of Lords to put Mishal right on JLR was obviously to no avail.
It is because of Brexit that JLR are in a dire state. Nothing to do with the fact that all Parties in the House of Commons, together with much of local Government, are totally anti-car. Nothing to do with the effect that HMG has announced that car makers will not be able to sell new petrol and diesel cars in the UK in 20 years time.
It is all down to a No-Deal Brexit according to the BBC.
QT lineup : Here is this week’s #bbcqt panel – don’t forget we’re –
@JamesCleverly – supports theMayDeal
@EmilyThornberry ..on every month is she ?
@MelanieLatest Melanie Phillips The only proper Brexiteer, still she hates Tommy
I guess that Thornberry will do her usual cackling at every view that she does not agree with yet would be allowed to speak uninterrupted by the Corbyn Fan Club AKA BBC?
Somebody at radio bbbc Newcastle news is in trouble.
They have said that there will be massive cuts and job losses at Jaguar Land Rover but they forgot to add ‘because of brexit’ at the end as is normal practice.
They did rectify this glaring ‘mistake’ because now brexit is named as a cause.
A big drop in sales (50%) to their Chinese market, the biggest customer they have, plus the fact that they are virtually selling only diesel models (currently being blamed for pollution and as an excuse to raise charges against diesels ) was also missing from the 7:00 news bulletin.
I think I’ll have my breakfast now despite brexit.
*Just noticed the earlier Jaguar/Land Rover threads. I should read all before posting but never mind.
In the spirit of defensive manoeuvres, this one sets an interesting precedent.
On Gorka, I get that he’s objectionable to people. But his views accord with DT “crisis” argument that says a wall should be built on the border. @afneil utterly destroyed that argument. If you don’t like Trump/Gorka shouldn’t you be happy about that? #politicslive
Also, it would be great if a Craig’s list of Burley discussion points could be developed for the number of times a top bbc editor hits twitter to placate their soul mates with how they are sticking it to conservative voices like good soldiers, vs. Avoiding any reference to the left and how they facilitate them like the plague.
He may think he is serving the balance and offending everyone equally claim, but is failing miserably.
Maybe it’s just me, but I found this article interesting? Okay, I’m a total history geek, and love old illuminated manuscripts, but Guda of Frankfurt (the nun who drew the ‘self potrait’ in the image – not just one of the very few self portraits of a woman, but one of the few self portraits of ANYONE from the era!) is very well known, and we’ve been aware nuns were involved in writing and illuminating manuscripts since… well, since they were preparing them back in the middle ages. Why is this being presented as some kind of ‘feminist achievement’?!!
I think I usually just subconsciously blank out the bias in any BBC articles that seem worth reading these days. It’s annoying and you KNOW it’ll be there, so your mind just flicks straight across those bits and shunts them directly to the ‘spam’ folder.
Shame my mind hasn’t yet mastered blanking out the (bizarre) PC casting choices used in ‘historical’ drama these days. One of the best recent ones: Black and Oriental looking people, and disabled man being pushed around in wooden wheelchair (I kid not!), in ‘Anglo-Saxon’ England – it didn’t help with suspension of disbelief, I can tell you!
IF the BBC could somehow lose it’s insane obsession with aggressively replacing ALL things white, male, heterosexual, hale, and mainstream British with BAME, female, sexually deviant, disabled, and ‘progressive’ (whatever the hell that means), and actually be IMPARTIAL, it could be the wonderful institution it seems to think it is. However, in reality, it has mutated into some kind of raving, out of control, lunatic monster, that needs to be put out of its misery before it does any more harm.
Big Bro, “we’ve been aware nuns were involved in writing and illuminating manuscripts since… well, since they were preparing them back in the middle ages. Why is this being presented as some kind of ‘feminist achievement’?!!”
Gave me a laugh, though!
Everything with the BBC has to have a ‘virtue signalling angle’ to indoctrinate the public, not inform, not educate but indoctrinate. I was listening to R4x earlier and the trail for a Samira Ahmed programme about David Bowie sounded interesting. I left the radio on to listen to it.
Within a minute or three it was off on a rant about racism, not so much about Bowie, his music and how Samira Ahmed was involved with the Ziggy thing. I hit the Off switch as soon as a boredom threshold was reached and put some Bowie music on.
Its the way to Rebel, Rebel 🙂 against the propaganda by the Off switch and giving up TV.
I probably should have added a ‘modern’ in there Up, as opposed to Medieval ‘feminism’ ; )
The more history I read, and these days I aim as much as possible to read transcripts of contemporary accounts, rather than interpretations by more modern authors (who inevitably insert their own biases), the more convinced I am that some of the historical ‘truths’ we ‘know’ in this day and age are really based on nothing more than popular myths and current fixations.
If we take ‘feminism’, for example, how much of the justification for the modern feminist movement is based on widely held beliefs about how women were treated (‘abused’) by men in the past? I’d argue that in many cases this is based on tweaking history to make it read what you want it too, and that far from being poorly treated on account of their gender, women were actually rather better treated than men in a great many historical societies and cultures. There also, nearly always, seems to have been a strong subculture of women who did ‘mens’ work’, for whatever reason, and were treated as ‘men’ accordingly.
In other words, I’m inclined to think the ‘fairer sex’ have always been able to have their cake and eat it with regards to what was expected of them on account of their gender, although to be fair there are plenty of inevitable drawbacks to being a woman simply due to the hand nature dealt them (the rigours and dangers of childbirth being the main one).
The same could be said about ‘racism’ too, to be honest, even the black slave trade, diabolical although that was, was far more complicated and, in many cases, far less racially clear cut than is popularly portrayed.
Whilst on a related subject, another thing that I really can’t agree with is the ongoing condemning of white Europeans (especially us Brits) for the ‘horrors’ of colonialism. Yes, some aspects of it were detrimental to native peoples (or mostly their ‘pride and dignity’), however, there was also a distinctly benevolent side – particularly regarding the British in the Victorian era and their investment in: peacekeeping, ending slavery and other abuses, infrastructure, education, healthcare etc… which is wrongly overlooked.
Misguided they may have been, but many of the middle class Brits who dedicated their lives to ‘the Colonies’ really did mean well by the natives… in fact, that naive ‘dogooder’ aspect of modern SJWs seems, to me, to be a direct echo… not that they’d appreciate the likening, I guess.
Talking with an educated ‘lefty’ friend a while back, he was saying about socialising with Germans through his work, and how most of them think it’s high time the world forgave them for the war, after all it ended some 70 odd years ago and had nothing to do with today’s generations. Fair enough, I said, I agree, but by the same token, isn’t it time the world forgave the British for Colonialism, after all that ended around the same time, and what about British involvement in black slavery, considering that ended nearly 200 years ago? He looked a bit uncomfortable, and being unable to come up with an answer, quickly changed the subject.
‘Reading between the lines’ 😉 was it just me or did the Business Minister, Greg Clarke, really do a magnificent job at stonewalling in favour of No-Deal during the 8.10am Interview?
Brexit has been dominating the headlines more than ever recently, so much so that I’ve missed some of the other important news that has been going on and not reported by the media.
Can someone please post the link to the change in motoring laws that allows 14 year old, drug dealing black boys who carry knives, to ride stolen motor vehicles on pavements?
now we are not sure he was drug dealing 🙂 but my wife asked the same question – are 14 years allowed to ride mopeds? No mention on BeeB about that and what exactly was he doing out when he had ‘skool’ the next morning 🙂
just a parade of MPs saying things like ‘this child’ ‘this young man with his whole life ahead’ etc…and blaming the police cuts of course..
‘We are with Europe but not of it. We are linked but not compromised. We are interested and associated but not absorbed. If Britain must choose between Europe and the open sea, she must always choose the open sea.’ A quote from Sir Winston Churchill to which no doubt we would all say ‘Here, here.’ However it isn’t whether Brexit will make Britain modestly more prosperous or modestly less so. The issue is whether she’ll remain Britain – whether she’ll exist at all. If the Muslim Brotherhood which was set up to bring about the Islamisation of Muslim societies and their eventual unification in a Caliphate under sharia law now prominent in the UK have their way we shall find ourselves in the middle of the era of the third attack of socialism against the citizens of Europe, and the contemporaneous, third attack of Islam against “Fortress Europe-I have feared of that attack long ago and the result is now so well entrenched, and so well supported against us the indigenous peoples of Britain by the likes of the BBC et al. It passes all understanding as to why our Government appear to deter from taking positive action against the continual invasion of Muslims directed at our shores and more recently Muslims packed into lorries running up and down our motorways. Let us be quite clear, the Islamic Ideology has absolutely no likeness to Christianity in any way whatsoever, the door should be closed securely. A NO DEAL BREXIT is possibly the only way for that to happen. I ask, who now is in charge, us or they that have stealthly crept into our society?
“A gay icon in waiting,” says the NME. “A queer pop star for a new generation,” agrees DIY magazine. “All Hail King Princess, the newest member of queer pop royalty,” declares The Guardian.
Nope! Me neither, never heard of her.
Whole article isn’t about her music but the gender-queer weird stuff the BBC like to ram down our throats.
I saw the headline, but couldn’t be bothered reading it due to the clear agenda. It did cross my mind to wonder why it’s considered more newsworthy to report the runner up than the winner, but I think I can guess.
The BBC Science “news” pages = Social Engineering
Will insect-eating dogs help climate change?
10 January 2019
Which vegan milks are best for the planet?
9 January 2019.. strangely has open comments
Guess they though ‘Yeh let’s have open comments so our veggie friends can show live for BBC”
… doh top rated comments are against them
\\ Quit with social engineering //
35. Posted by Buford T Justice on 9 Jan 2019 11:16
Outside of the London bubble which most of your journalists inhabit, people have more pressing things on their mind than the environmental effects of milk production and vegan alternatives.
Could you please start re-introducing articles that people relate to?
..Try giving Vegan, LGBT, trans, feminist, anti-trump articles a miss for a bit eh?
( or at least a day…try it…it would be refreshing)
The BBC are really not good at joining up the dots …..
….. but then it would blow their propaganda opportunity to shill against a No-Deal Brexit if they were.
If it happens, what is the point of another referendum on leaving the eu?
We all know that if we win again, the remoaners will still carry on their plans to stop Brexit and nothing will change.
We know that democracy does not exist in the UK now as our ‘honourable members’ are doing everything to stop the democratic vote to leave the eu.
There’s actually no point in voting ever again because manifesto promises mean nothing. Both labour and the Cons said they would do as the referendum instructed and leave the eu yet they both are intent on staying in.
In future we know that any manifesto promise is completely meaningless as demonstrated by the vote to leave being destroyed by labcon and the odious remoaner pipsqueak Bercow.
What the ‘honourables’ have done to our brexit instruction is like a dog eating something discarded in a dustbin and an hour later spewing it out, half digested, on your best carpet.
I wonder where the appropriately named grieve will be when the deaths start to happen if the voters democratic instruction to parliament is thwarted. Safely tucked away somewhere I guess.
Don’t the ‘honourables’ get it that the Country is seething and
their treasonous betrayals will provoke a bloody reaction.
One of the 3 Sunderland wimmin MPs who are working against the Sunderland electorate who overwhelmingly voted to leave was on the radio moaning about a tweet or something saying she should be hung for treason. She probably thinks we are too stupid to think for ourselves and she knows best what’s good for us.
They even try to say the majority in Sunderland want to remain in the eu quoting some survey or poll. If she asked her tweet followers and those in her bubble maybe her mates do want to remain but not the ordinary voter in Sunderland.
I just hope we don’t vote for these 3 toxic wimmin remainers next time but I think if you dug up jimmy saville and made him labour candidate he would win here. People here still think labour is for the working class and are slow to change but they are slowly realising the truth so there’s a little hope for the future.
Exactly which is why the Remainiacs will be using the BBC et al to try to use non stop propaganda to convince us that their betrayal of democracy was in fact democratic. It’s truly Orwellian doublespeak.
They are not going to win a second referendum by argument, appeals to facts, or by media bias. The ballot papers have been printed, votes already on them and they will be counted to reveal a significant remain victory.
Think it can’t be done, too many people involved to keep it a secret? Then consider how well they are doing keeping people quiet over terrorist attacks.
Anyone who objects – brand them loony conspiracy theorists.
The point is that the Remainiacs want a democratic fig leaf to hide behind. They are scared of just overturning the democratic referendum result and blatantly trampling democracy in the mud. So they want to find a facade of democracy to hide behind. If they could hold a second referendum they would gerrymander it and be able to claim that the country had changed its mind and that we were staying in. This need for a democratic fig leaf is why they so often absurdly claim that only a minority of the population voted to leave by counting all those who didn’t vote either way as a Remainers. They are desperate to find some democratic cover for their undemocratic action.
Emmanuel, “We all know that if we win again, the remoaners will still carry on their plans to stop Brexit and nothing will change.”
I doubt that. I think there is already a slight swing of ordinary voters who voted Remain over to be wanting rid of the EU. It is also possible that some Leave voters have switched out of fear or whatever. Much of the anti-Brexit stuff is driven by the media, Parliament (& former Parliamentarians) and some (much?) of the Civil Service.
If there is another Referendum, and if the Remainers are allowed by the Electoral Commission and Parliamentary shenangigans to stack the vote against a full Brexit and still lose, everyone but the dodgy firm of Cable, Clegg, Blair, Adonis & Campbell will give up. I think even the pro-EU BBC will probably turn against Remain remnants. The newspapers will otherwise probably face extinction if they keep pushing against Brexit after a second Leave result. They are not exactly flush with customers and cash as things are. They are a worm that can quickly turn.
The British tend to be placid but firm. A second vote might crystallize things for Leave. I’d prefer not to do it for all sorts of reasons. Funny about how the people who scream most about the country being divided seem to want a second Referendum to divide some more of the country.
When they can’t get Owen Jones, they get his soundalike Aaron Bastani head/founder of Novara media.
Aaron Bastani hated this clip going viral so much, Novara wrongly copyright flagged it, so I'm sure he won't mind you all sharing it now it's been cleared.
"Fuck off the Invictus games" The poppy appeal is "Racist, it's white supremacist." "Close down the British Legion" -Aaron
An interesting read – the author is spot on
Bastani’s PhD yet another piece of crap that floats around …I am not prone to being rude but he looks and writes like an arrogant twat..excuse my french. No surprise he is friend with Our Owen
Inadvertently bbc WS has provided me a little cheer :-
Southern Spain unseating the Socialists, a none lefty university in France started by Le Penn’s niece, Italy, Poland and Hungry getting together and voicing their intentions re. the German EU dictatorship and finally in America, the US downgraded the EU Embassy last year but didn’t tell them.
Did BBC report yesterday that The POTUS “slammed the table” ?
Cryin Chuck told his favorite lie when he used his standard sound bite that I “slammed the table & walked out of the room. He had a temper tantrum.” Because I knew he would say that, and after Nancy said no to proper Border Security, I politely said bye-bye and left, no slamming!
They showed the first tweet from President Trump in this series on-screen in full when reporting this on today’s Views at One. Although the bBBC American correspondent, yet another one, David Willis, didn’t read out the tweet in full. Why not? Because it doesn’t suit the bBBC narrative of course.
So although we saw that the President had offered the possibility of compromise, ” what is going to happen in 30 days if I quickly open things up”, we didn’t hear that.
Willis verbally edited the tweet and simply said, “Just left a meeting with Chuck and Nancy, total waste of time … are you going to approve Border Security which a Wall or Steel Barrier? Nancy said NO. I said bye-bye, nothing else works!
So anyone not paying full attention or listening to the supposed news while doing something else will only hear the story from the Democrat side, anti-Trump as usual. Thankfully though the bBBC are nowhere near as crafty as they think they are and they are now so blatantly and arrogantly full of their own self-regard that their bias is obvious to all.
There should be a minister for fat and a minister for thin .
Seriously – lady Brooke was doing some nonsense about this . Bypass parental responsibility and go straight to government fault .
Why no just take kids away at birth and put them into the state production schools to become snowflakes . Feed em soylent green from recycled old brexiters . ?
Bet there’s a department in the bbc working on that one ….
The TV licence girl / boy was due on the 3rd jan .. I’ve been waiting in ….
“A group of MPs wants the government to introduce a Minister for Hunger to respond to a growth in food insecurity in the UK – especially among children.
The Environmental Audit Committee highlighted 2017 Unicef figures showing 19% of children under 15 in the UK live with adults who struggle to buy food. ” BBC
“A record number of primary school children are leaving school severely obese, according to new figures from Public Health England.
Data for 2016/17 shows one in 25 10 to 11 year olds were severely obese.
That’s more than 22,000 children, and the highest level since records began.” BBC
Which is it BBC, are the kids all starving or obese?
I heard on the radio that people were feeding their children with fast foods like hamburgers and suchlike because fruit and vegetables were too expensive.
Can you believe it!
BBC have opened a Have Your Say.
Top comments #2 and #3 have been removed with over 400 up votes before being removed. I cannot remember what the top comment were but nothing was offensive about them.
Looks like the BBC are not allowing any Corbyn criticism.
I thought I would do a test on the BBC moderators to see how easy it is to get an anti- Corbyn post removed. The answer is, very very easy.
At the moment 5 out of the top 10 posts have been removed. Two of those were removed at my request within 1 minute of complaining. These posts were:
#13 “Yeah? Like we’re going to be gullible to vote Labours? I think not.”
I complained this is offensive “as it claims all Labour voters are gullible and therefore stupid”.
and (my favourite) #4 “Corbyn is still unelectable m” [sic]
I complained this is offensive “as calling someone an ‘m’ is the very new online insult to replace the 4 letter insult beginning with C”.
We all know the poster of the comment #4 obviously hit ‘m’ instead of full stop in this case but the BBC will use any small excuse to censor posts that don’t agree to their agenda.
So far I have never ever managed to get a post removed that is in support of the BBC agenda.
Apologies to the authors of the posts that I got removed for no real reason but this was an important experiment!
On Conservative Woman , an excellent web site, I saw a link to Briefings for Brexit podcasts. I have listened to three of these so far and they are brilliant . I commend them to you.
With such blogs it’s handy to check their Twitterfeed where you’ll find list of their latest posts
In C4’s Brexit drama the Remainers are reasonable and the Leavers are loonies. Cripes, didn’t see that one coming!
Further to what’s the point of voting because manifesto promises mean nothing.
What is the point of having a government that spends all its time screwing over the population.
Take hs2 for example.
We don’t want it, it’s not needed and it’s too expensive yet the government is carrying on with it so that a few people can get to the outskirts of Birmingham 20 minutes earlier than at present. (Then they take a 20 minute taxi ride into Birmingham)
A few very rich people will make loads of money and MPs will get highly paid seats on various boards but nothing for 99.999% of us.
Take this immigration thing we’re signed (signing) up to. Surely the government know by now that we don’t want the immigration we currently have so increasing it……. who wants that. They can do their virtue signalling but it’s us who are stuck with the huge amount of problems they cause. They can say they will take refugees into their own homes (Yvette Cooper) but as they are politicians they can just lie as that is expected from them.
Who voted for the islamification of England. All we can do is white flight. London and several other cities and towns are already lost and about 2050 (or sooner), when islam takes control of the U.K., the Muslims are going to have their work cut out ruling those of us left.
Just about every aspect of government is them AGAINST us when they should be making life better. Everything cost more now (parking, parking fines, council tax plus extras like paying for garden waste collection, everything against motorists. You can list just about everything the government is involved in, they make things worse and more expensive)
Closing libraries, worst pensions (5th or 6th richest Country in the world) congestion charges, green charges on utilities, you can fill pages with all that they are crap at but I’m struggling to find anything they are good at.
They used to be regarded as honest and genuinely honourable but now they are just a bunch of greedy, lying, two faced spivs blocking the U pipe in the toilet called Westminster.
This looks like its a protest from the Yellow Vests, or it could be from an earlier protest in France. Whatever, its a step beyond shouting insults at the MPs.
Spray them with shite
Do it outside BroAdcasting House and no one inside that house of depravity would notice the smell owing to the stench of hypocrisy which pervades the whole building 24/7.
The BBC should be investigated for the bias reporting and propaganda
The BBC is alienating huge swathes of the population with its bias and corrupt broadcasting. The BBC is not impartial or neutral. We the people want an end to the propaganda.
Jus signed. The bias at the BBC has really been getting on my nerves lately. I feel that now is the time for something to be done about it.
Their obsession with Brexit has not gone unnoticed but there has been years, if not decades of pro left bias with obvious support for Labour and also for Corbyn.
It does seem to have reached a tipping point. I’m really angry with them. But their shields are up. The same as the government. Their extreme apathy protects them. What can we DO?
The Tories should be aware that there is a bias against them. Suspicious where made during the BBC’s very biased reporting of the budget which resulted in them running to a left wing group ran by or at least formally ran by someone associated with Ed Milliband. Mogg and Johnson are aware of the bias and no doubt are others but dare they speak out they will be flooded with screams from the Corbynists demanding that the BBC drop the non-existent bias against Corbyn
Exactly. So the bbc would like Corbyn in power – really?
MPs blab on about the sanctity of a, free, fair, impartial bbc – BUT we ALL know it’s not. Hypocrisy and delusion syndrome is, of course, a requirement for lefty’s but the rest should appreciate that the do not live in an authoritarian state – or do we?
Anyhow, they should take courage from those great Europeans in Poland, Hungry, Spain, Italy, France and Germany etc. There are quite a few (Dubbed by the bbc – ‘worrying, on the rise, Alt Right, Populist, Right Wing’ and such)
For decades the beeb and the far-liberals have been undermining the police, stop-and-search, and law and order in a thousand different ways. (To them the police are the oppressive defenders of capitalism and the ruling classes.) But now that their favourite minorities are at the receiving end of crime, it’s all “the police must do something” and “give them more resources”, “Tory cuts” etc.
But of course if the police do come down strongly on drug dealing, knife and gun crime, they’ll be bleating “Waycism” louder than ever.
Agree with all the people that questioned a 14yr old driving a moped. You cannot even get a licence until 16 (you can apply for a provisional a 15yrs 9months). There is more to this than the “journalists” and “investigative reporters” of the world’s finest broadcaster have uncovered. I understand it is a tragedy but I am fed up with the sloppy un verified stuff that proports to be the news.
So will a comedian with a first class BA in comedy be funnier than a second? Did Ken Dodd and The Two Ronnies have PhDs? Would the current crop of BBC comedians even qualify for a GCSE?
“Comedy and satire play a vital role in commenting on, and critiquing, the world around us.”
Did play a vital role in commenting on, and critiquing, the world around us, before comedians started self censoring through fear of imprisonment.
Department head Professor Osita Okagbue “holds a BA, MA, MA and Ph.D in Drama and Theatre from the University of Nigeria at Nsukka, the University of Ibadan, Nigeria and the University of Leeds respectively.
He has taught African Theatre, Cross Cultural Studies in Performance, Performance Theory & Practice […] African Theatre History, Postcolonial Theatre…”
That is the kind of thing we used to joke about and now it is happening for real.
What next “Owen Jones to be thrown off a tall building by Muslims but he demands that it is not off the IKEA building due to his dislike of their global capitalism. Do you respect his decision?”
Still impressed how that got quietly deep sixed with little to no ripple in the Matrix, when had any other entity done that on topics the mob hold dear, the headlines would be aflame for weeks.
1st post, although I have followed the site for a while.
Like everyone else watching with despair as the referendum result is being ignored and overturned.
Listened to R2 news at 11 this morning commenting on Ford’s worldwide business problems. Perfect storm of lower demand in China, unpopularity of Diesel engines and uncertainty in worldwide events such as ‘Brexit’
Will Brexit be at the top of the agenda at Ford’s next board meeting?
I think not!
So, on the last day of my son’s secondary school before Christmas for year sevens :-
A film on the life of Mohammed.
My son was not impressed and neither am I. I think we really have reached the thin end.
But I’m guessing the film did not include the underage marriage and consummation, the warfare, the massacres, the torture, the murders for apostasy, the execution of a woman who wrote a poem critical of the Perfect Man, the forced marriages, the polygamy, the antisemtism, the injunctions to kill non-believers, the slavery, the rapes, etc etc etc.
Along with the world of media, a metaphor of sorts occurs.
Mine went to an independent school, which we chose from several locally.
Whilst sensible education on all matters of faith is not just tolerable but encouraged, had things erred too far into indoctrination, or skewed ticking of boxes, said school would soon have been shy many thousands of pounds.
Having a choice is a nice feeling, when allowed to exercise it.
Brexit fake news re police leave ?
On Look North just now the rep of the Police Federation said “police leave has been cancelled for March and April 2019 to be ready for Brexit”
That to me to be a rumour that grew legs
There was an i-paper story back in August ‘Police CONSIDERING cancelling leave.’
… On Twitter there too few posts for it to be true.
Peter isn’t it great that wimmin can do an equally biased job . Bet the other girls in the running – Maitlis – the Scots mouthy one – the burley Kay -and someone non white – must be upset . Pity .
Suitably academic to me as I can’t see the point of the programme – does it change any views ?
It’s just a meaningless ritual however biased to make up of the panel is
“This is your decision. The Government will implement what you decide”
David Cameron.
Both Major parties stated they supported this position in their manifestos.
Those demanding another referendum are Europhiles.
They have a perfect 100% record of cheating after every result they did not like.
They are already cheating by asking for a second referendum.
They will cheat again, this is certain.
Never forget they hate and despise all of us.
All the power of the UK state would be used against Brexit.
As would all the huge resources of the EU, if we leave this will be the end of their project.
The EU would supply billions of our money, the AntiBrexit promotion would be the loudest, most intensive, and most expensive, in history.
Since 2016 they have continued spending millions to delay Brexit and soften us up.
Hundreds of thousands of Europeans would beseech us, all day, every day, in one voice, to remain in the idyllic perfection of the EU.
Naysaying Remainers would be on every television screen and on the front page of every newspaper 24/7.
TV analysis is already balanced 100% remain.
Televised debates would be balanced, 23 Remainers to zero Brexiteers.
Every loudspeaker in the UK would reverberate to celebrations of the perfect, peace maintaining, EU.
Google and Co would promote “The People’s Vote” every second God sends and our message would be in font size 2, page 3031214, in Urdu.
Youtube (Google owned) would block every single Brexit item.
As would facebook, twitter etc.
Every Brexiteer would be slandered from dawn to dusk, unless they were already in custody, or murdered.
Every Brexit proposal would be denounced as impossible.
Every Remain proposal would be extolled as a self evident truth. Every proposer thereof would be compared to God.
The traitors were complacent originally, with their sneering contempt for the little people.
They will not be complacent again.
The Electoral Commission would thwart all Brexit efforts and minimise our fund raising.
Remain would spend one million pounds for every pound Brexit could generate.
The vote itself would be rigged in every way possible.
The question would be rigged.
Muslims would get eight votes each and they would be spread around the home counties.
Leavers would be “discouraged” from casting their votes by Momentum thugs.
The count would be rigged, Leave votes would mysteriously transmute into Remain votes.
After which the welcome result would be announced, we are remaining in the EU.
1. Is there some constitutional mechanism whereby the Queen can force a no deal on parliament, and, if so, can the old dear finally be persuaded to act on behalf our poor betrayed country?
2. Have the ERG some resource to create a no deal situation, which they have held in reserve?
3. Can we create a situation where there are insufficient Remain MPs to stop us leaving without a deal?
The Queen won’t get involved – even if it woukd strengthen her favourite club – the Commonwealth
I think the ReichEU will offer something more over Northern Ireland in order to get the money
Parliament will do everything to stop Brexit
Next week will see the vote of confidence to bring down the government . Strange that the future of Blighty May be down to rubbish like soubry , grieve , Ken Clarke and the rest if they choose to split away from their Party – which they will.
The Queen is no longer able to dissolve parliament. However, it would appear that she could withhold Royal Assent to any bill intended to scupper us leaving on 29 March.
Assenting to Bills passed by Parliament, on the advice of Ministers;
Giving audiences to Ministers, at which Her Majesty may be consulted, encourage and warn;
Summoning new Parliaments and, on the advice of her Government, appointing the date of its first meeting;
Opening and closing (proroguing) each session of Parliament
The role of the Sovereign in the enactment of legislation is today purely formal, although The Queen has the right ‘to be consulted, to encourage and to warn’ her ministers via regular audiences with the Prime Minister.
The Sovereign’s assent is required to all bills passed by Parliament in order for them to become law. Royal Assent (consenting to a measure becoming law) has not been refused since 1707.
Given the exceptional anti-democratic manoeuvring by tinpot dictators in parliament and elsewhere I would hope that some patriot with ‘clout’ manages to catch the ear of HM.
Today the Speaker confirmed to me that only statute can overrule statute, therefore the Grieve amendment, or any other amendments, will not have any legislative effect and cannot undo the repeal of the European Communities Act 1972 on the 29th March
I think you will find that the primary purpose of the Queen is to ensure the monarchy continues and is not challenged .
So she will steer clear of this issue unless absolutely required to dive in – for instance if there is civil disorder .
A brexit Government woukd have engineered the exit of the current disgraceful speaker long ago because they’d know he cares not for democratic decisions and is only interested in his grossly inflated ego . Pity no MP has the guts to take him on .
” … the primary purpose of the Queen is to ensure the monarchy continues and is not challenged”
You are right, but a tiny part of me still hopes.
I also hope that the ERG and Lawyers for Leave might come up with some sneaky legal solution to impede the remainers.
theisland, perhaps Lawyers for Leave might make representation to The Supreme Court and establish whether the vote next Tuesday is ‘Parliament having its final say on the matter’ and, if so, that is that. 😉
It would seem from the news carried by the BBC this week that some so-called ‘Parliamentarians’ are wanting umpteen ‘final says’ on Brexit in order to obtain political advantage and/or to make our Brexit as feeble and as meaningless as possible, ie. no Brexit at all.
As far as I know, the ruling in re Miller & Others 2017 was for ‘a (singular) final say’. Lawyers are good at picking over the words in Judgements, maybe there is a case to be made over the quantities of Parliament’s ‘Final Says’.
Fedup – I fear you may be right about your assessment of the Queen.
Still, she might surprise us, e.g. by judging that civil disorder is now imminent. Wouldn’t put any money on it, though…no more than I would put on May surprising us by letting the wagon roll on…
As for little Bercow, he may well find that he has overstepped the mark, as happens to all little men when they deceive themselves into thinking they’re bigger than everyone else.
HM has a way, I have been led to understand, of very quietly expressing her concerns in weekly meetings, while the House sits, with the Prime Minister. The PM, for her part, may well wish to seek Her Majesty’s advice 😉 which I feel sure would be freely given.
Berkow knows he has nothing to lose – threats over his pension will come to nothing . If I was PM I’d stop his after job peerage .
If the government falls next week he’ll be out of office a few months early ( even if his time was up ages ago ) and will play the sacrificial victim card with his caste of remainers .
Self censorship prevents me from writing here what I think of him and his anti democratic actions .
Can’t see the Queen siding with Brexit as she would fear losing her annual giro (those who shout loudest kinda thing) and I simply can’t see JRM etc protesting/sat in the road in front of Parliament for a few months.
I would think that nearly every royal would be scared to death in siding with the Brexiteers as all their “celeb-friends” would be mainly BBC/SKY/ITV/CH 5 lovies and they wouldn’t want any bad write-ups regarding what they wear and will the BBC ask for another referendum regarding the monarchy and should we be a republic.
LCS – with you all the way, but I think, re Cameron’s promise, May would simply tell you she IS implementing it as guaranteed. Cos, you see, for a politician there’s ‘implement’ and there’s ‘implement’. Like Brexit is Brexit.
She’s busy being strong and stable, and getting on with the job, so don’t bother her now. She made a roaring success of her recent election, and she’s going to make a roaring success of Brexit.
As I said yesterday, there is a very tiny chance she’ll surprise us all, by simply letting the wagon roll on and flatten the Grieves, Soubrys and Bercows of this world.
IF her desire to be a BIG name in history is stronger than her inclination to remain, I see even her eager would-be successor, Amber Rudd, biting the dirt.
Your Question 1: the Queen could easily force a ‘no deal’ on parliament, as -going back to how you started your contribution- WE THE PEOPLE were asked to INSTRUCT the Executive (cabinet) on a course of action; parliament (the Legislature) DOES NOT COME INTO THE PICTURE, OTHER THAN ensuring legislation meets the new set of circumstances created by our departure.
There is thus no need for the ERG to do anything other than tapping Her Maj politely on her shoulder and reminding her of Cameron’s promise ON HER BEHALF (Your Q2)
Your question 3: since parliament does not come into the picture as regards a ‘deal’, the number of ‘remain’ MPs is not relevant. Theirs is not to question why. theirs is just to do…as instructed by THE PEOPLE.
We don’t do Coups d’état in this country. We shouldn’t allow parliament to carry one out.
The moment WE THE PEOPLE engage in DIRECT DEMOCRACY, as in the recent Referendum, our ‘representatives’ are -for one glorious moment- unnecessary.
The people in ‘that place’ don’t know THEIR PLACE. They don’t like it (up them). That is our problem.
PS – I see that Island has set it out for us in much more concise and correct technical language above, far beyond anything I have been able to manage.
“Hungry children ‘eating from school bins’ in Morecambe”
How about diverting some of that foreign aid this way ?……………..
Anyone from Morecambe that can enlighten us ?
As Fiona Bruce prepares to show she can be as greedy and biased as the boys, in today’s DM celebrity agent Jon Roseman asks why is the BBC so gullible about its stars’ pay and so profligate with YOUR cash?
“I know because, for many years, I was an agent to the biggest names in TV, from Carol Vorderman to Natasha Kaplinsky, pushing for sky-high salaries. And I was constantly amazed at what the BBC would pay.”
Well worth the read.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:56 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “🇩🇪🇺🇸‼️🚨 GERMAN GOVERNMENT ATTACKS ELON AND PAID FOR THIS CAR! One of the topical Carnival cars in Düsseldorf shows: -…
DoublethinkerMar 4, 13:55 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Find Jeffery Sachs on YouTube and he explains why the Ukraine / Russia war started . Basically it was the…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WE HAVE NO MONEY … Dear MP Darren Henry, 13 Parliament’s £13 billion restoration. 150 HS2 £150 billion, original budget…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:45 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Alleged attacker Alexander S. (pictured) smashed a Ford Fiesta car smashed through a group of people on Monday at about…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:42 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “LOL – Chrystia Freeland: mad as a box of frogs. She says Britain’s nukes could protect Canada from the US?…
Fedup2Mar 4, 13:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 World at One Poor Sarah – exhibiting the bewilderment occupying the swamp as President Trump pulls funding for Ukraine .…
AlthepalerpMar 4, 13:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Let us assume for a minute Russia invades Britain in a few years. Gen Z cant be bovered to fight,…
andyjsnapeMar 4, 13:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 What pause in US military aid could mean for Ukraine “could mean” – could? “it may be months” may?…
Hence the rhyming slang: “that’s just the George Robb”.
Not a BBC story – But worth a read and shows just to what level the deep state is starting to sink to.
They are preparing to sell us out and preparing for our reaction including ramping up their manipulation of our own gullible MSM.
Included in that article is this video. Apologies if it’s already been posted, but it’s very strong evidence of collusion in the whole Soubrygate story.
Certainly warrants further investigation. Not like the footage is not compelling and clear. Who is he?
Now, who can ‘investigate’ when those best resourced are possibly again less motivated to look at themselves.
Very interesting – I shared this with others on Twitter – publicity would be good, but I am sure the MSM will coverup as usual!!
Not really related to the BBC but I’m sure it’s a stat that you would never hear from them relating to the huge influx of immigration into the US.
This truly surprised me when I heard this a few days ago.
“Compton, which was once mostly white (former President George H.W. Bush lived there in 1949) and then became mostly black, is now mostly Hispanic. About 65 percent of the people in this city of fewer than 100,000 are Hispanic and only 35 percent are black, according to the 2010 census.24 Oct 2013”
Crikey, Compton which would probably be my first ‘go to’ area if thinking of a predominantly Black area in the US, isn’t that anymore.
The BBC are not so ‘fresh out of Compton’ then?
Now 318 970.
Mogg on Moggmentum asking for more votes for the petition.
I wish I shared his confidence that we will leave without a deal.
We had a petition back in 2016 and over 17 million signed up to it.
It’s being ignored by being incorporated into the vacant parliamentary debate – so had a symbolic value but nothing more .
Let’s face it the problem is that parliament / press wants to stay in and voters want to leave.
Everything else is chaff .
So parliament and the press have to lose.
Whatever it takes.
It is odd that the entire argument is based on trade and jobs . No discussion is made of accountability or democracy or being in a monster organisation run for the benefit of others and not Blighty .
That argument wins hands down though .
Fedup, the Brexit film with Cumberbatch the other night had an interesting line spoken by head of the remain campaign Craig Oliver (Rory Kinnear)… that Brexit was a fight for the “soul of the country”. Probably taken from George Osborne who said the same pre-referendum.
Speaks volumes that no one seems to be talking in these terms now — ‘soul’ and ‘national identity’ all concepts being relegated to the poetry bin of history while they worry about running out of mars bars…
Fed, or economic benefits for the people of the EU.
The BBC, every now and then, wring their hands over the indebtedness of the UK and use it as an excuse to pay V. Cable MP an appearance fee, but a large chunk of the UK’s Imbalance of Payments is down to our EU membership.
Then there is the slowness of the EU to act on worthwhile consumer regulation for the people – the proposed Right to Repair law suggested this week – and their hastiness to enact daft laws, compare it with the stupid vacuum cleaner legislation, very quickly.
Although I am limiting my time on BBC due to stress 🙂 R4 this morning – thought for the day – basically an excuse by some idiot who used to be a copy writer to slag off Trump and Brexiteers..It really is never ending…
And pushing Jag Land Rover…NOTHING to do with Brexit…they are moving work to Slovakia because it’s cheaper and has less employment regulation..China is the big reason and the fact the UK Govt basically cut the diesel business out from under their feet.. BBC though have to keep making it about Brexit…
I am so fed up with this No Deal..we don’t have a deal – this is just how we leave…
How do over half of the country take back control..and have MPs that actually represent their constituents? I have never been on a protest but my yellow vest is in the car….
Bbc morning email:
“Jaguar Land Rover to cut thousands of UK jobs
Vehicle manufacturer Jaguar Land Rover will announce later that it is cutting up to 5,000 jobs from its UK workforce, amid what industry insiders are calling a “perfect storm” for the company. A slump in Chinese sales and diesel sales, as well as concerns about UK competitiveness after Brexit, are behind the decision, according to BBC business editor Simon Jack.
The redundancies are part of a £2.5bn cost-cutting plan. Management, marketing and administrative jobs are expected to be hardest hit, but some production workers may be affected. Jaguar Land Rover has 40,000 employees in the UK. We take a look at what’s been going wrong for the company.”
According to sources close to me, Simon knows Jack.
I thought I knew about these job cuts at Jaguar Land Rover.
It was only 16th December 2018 that there was an article in the Guardian telling us about these job losses.
Now unless these are 5000 more jobs this is very stale news. Apologies for giving a link to the Guardian but it was the first one to come up on Google search. I actually think I heard about these job losses on the BBC too but if we didn’t, then the BBC is only about 3 weeks late with news that their employees must have read about in the in House magazine ie The Guardian in copies paid for by the license payer.
Good for you JA.
Avoid antagonising the police. Most of them are decent people performing a difficult job they would rather not do. Ordered by their common purpose masters.
If, on the other hand, you see Cressida Dick or someone of equivalent rank, just use your judgement.
Last Chance
I agree re: police as most of my family are, or have been, in the Met..although the slow drip of PC of the wrong sort has eroded my faith in the overall organisation and many of the newer recruits..
JA, that TftD was quite good from a purely philosophical p.o.v. with a neat finish. However, I agree that Ridian did rather prove why he was a failed copywriter. As a Christian Apologist he scored quite well in my view.
Meanwhile , further insight into the CECUO Labyrinth, involving Dymond Geezer.
Guest, yes I posted on here about that at the time. My information only related to Israel, rather than Gaza and the West Bank which are PA controlled areas. However, I would not be at all surprised if the Christian numbers grew in those enclaves. The history of the early Church was growth under extreme restriction and persecution.
I understand the only hostility to Christians in Israel is from some of the ultra-Orthodox Jews and perhaps a few militant unbelievers, ie. atheist Jews. It is not, as I understand it, from the State.
The BBC are being especially devious on that complaint.
Annnnnnnnd…. yes… it’s that ma…er… trans again…
Currently watching ‘sense8’ on Netflix by the Wachowski siblings. Staying with as it is has an intriguing premise but, boy/girl/other, does Hollywood love shovelling in the diversity. And todgers. And strap ons.
The bbc will have them worried again.
Ok, it is wrong to stereotype. Just share the dedicated folk bringing vital programming to grateful licence fee payers.
It’s just big games to them.
The sub headline is as usual disingenuous…it’s a Unicef report – hmm how did they collect their data? and the words say “without reliable access to affordable, nutritious food – or food insecure – is “significant and growing”, with the unemployed, sick or those with children most likely to be affected.” So the children bit is a subset..but the emotive bit.. BBC style
How about a Minister for idiot parents…maybe all pre natal classes should include how to cook bloody vegetables or anything and not order a pizza..
My wife and I worked out that you can buy enough vegetables in Aldi to feed a family of 4 for less than £1.50.
I may be wrong but I am sure food is cheaper now than it was when I was a kid, brought up in a London council house with a manic depressive (called then) father and a cleaner for a mum..but I don’t remember going hungry…
Rant over….back to work now..
JA, I think vegetables are currently being sold as loss-leaders by the supermarkets, especially ASDA, Aldi & Lidl. Tesco also had prominent displays of highly discounted vegetables – the usuals for a Christmas meal – displayed at store entrances from the beginning of December.
It is also a PR-thing on the part of retailers. They want to be seen by Government as doing their bit in the ‘Obesity Wars’ so that maybe they will not face other restrictions and taxations in future.
The fact is that fruit & vegetable prices rocketed because of high oil prices and high taxes on oil-related products. when the oil price comes down, the advantages eventually filter through to the retailers’ shelves.
If you want to create another Minister (at inflated salary and pension at a cost to the taxpayer) in an already obese Cabinet (numbers, not waistlines!) I would suggest a Minister for asking “What if … .”
If we had had one of those and they had been any good at their job, we might have avoided the multiple problems caused by Government not really thinking about what their decisions lead to. For example, extra taxes on road fuels that have worsened the obesity crisis.
@Upto I eat in this country for a lower price than anywhere in the world
(Eating in a restaurant is a different thing. In countries who have both low value currency and low wages I have eaten for 30p, 40p etc.)
But last night I was in the hypermarket deli for 90% off time… got 8 proper meat pies for 44p etc.
I was not fighting away benefit claimers
#2 Today I’ll help pack up the market stall so afterwards I collect the grade B veg to hand to some pensioners I know,
… but same thing as I am there doing the sorting no benefit people come up and ask me. Indeed many will be up the road at a cafe drinking £2 coffees, whilst I have a flask.
The price of fruit and veg is so cheap that here the stall holder doesn’t break even.. it’s only the man who sells birdseed that makes money. The veg stall holder is actually just minimising her losses, cos having a bigger market on a Wednesday, Thursday is the day she sells off her leftover stock instead of throwing it away cos it won’t keep for the weekend market.
Customers who are walking away with as much stuff as 2 people can carry have only spent £10-£20 and most customers don’t even spend a fiver.
Stew, lucky lad! It is a country of at least four or five halves. In the West Midlands, they are right up against some of the biggest and best farming land in England. The W. Midlands were, maybe still are, topping the UK obesity chart. Their fruit & vegetables are expensive.
When John Humphrys did his R4 series on his book ‘The Great Food Gamble’ he spent one programme with the late Bob Holman in Easterhouse in Glasgow. That area suffers from food poverty despite being close to a major city centre and amid an extensive road transport network. The obvious inflated cost is transporting bulky fruit & veg v. flat pack, processed food.
But there is another factor in the equation. The inflated cost of fuel (despite red diesel) and fertilisers & pesticides to farmers plus costs at every stage of the process which may include many steps to get the product to the retailer’s shelf.
Remember the fuss about milk prices? You must do. It was all over the BBC for a month or more. The ‘farm gate’ price did not match the farmers production costs, let alone provide a profit. But milk travels quite a bit and it is heavy to transport and once it is bottled, bulky too. The processors wholesalers and retailers costs were all inflated by transport so that high prices were paid by the consumer.
Fortunately, the oil price has come down a second time but it still hasn’t affected the market price (and has started going up again), so cheap it isn’t, yet, at four pints for £1.00 at best. There has also been a measure of wage reduction that has also affected food prices paid by the consumer – who may be suffering the same wage reduction.
Finally, the robustness of competition in both fast food, street market food and major retail also helps to keep prices low. Reference today’s results from four of those and note who has done well and who has not.
You already know that, Stew, but I post it here for the benefit of others. You may have cheap food now up in the east/north-east of England but that is thanks in part to the halving of the oil price since its all time high and some common-sense, to a limited extent, invading The Treasury and No.11 Downing Street since 2010.
Down in the south-east of England our prices have come down but it is still possible to spend an eye-watering amount on humble potatoes, cauliflower, Bramley apples (when you can get them) and other fruit & veg. Adjusted for inflation, some of the stuff is probably higher still than the historical lows of the 1960s.
Make the most of your cheap food, if ‘the Greens’ get their way, your stew is going to become a lot more expensive.
“It’s from Unicef” I stopped then.
If it begins with UN it is designed to operate to our disadvantage.
Next organisation to leave after the EU, more billions saved.
If Saint Donald tells the UN to move elsewhere, the UN will collapse.
Cut down on aid to those who wanted independence but cannot stand on their own two feet.
Kill the BBC
All savings to be spent on defence.
A minister for Hunger Games? I thought it was coming but didn’t realise it would be so soon.
I guess they can share the slogan with the Brexit minister… “May the odds be seldom in your favour”
Ok, clearly a spoof, but meanwhile the BBC has been sent a harrowing tale from a Labour-voting single mother, who will be appearing on the VD show once her people and their people have settled on terms.
Lucky cow.
Meanwhile, in Frankie Howerd, a group of Millenials plonk their iEverythings on the table and discuss merging BBC Trending with CEebeebies and Newsbeat.
I suggest eric pickles and lady nugee share the job
Best comment:
‘I can only imagine that statistic is BS. Maybe 20% of children have crap parent(s), that I can believe. If you can’t budget and can’t cook, and can’t prioritise… keep at least 100 miles away from giving or receiving sperm.’
TOADY Watch #1
The BBC spinning against a No-Deal Brexit for all they are worth. That rather suggests, does it not, that a No-Deal Brexit is the best possible option for the UK to leave the EU?
The TOADY team are using the Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) announcement today to rubbish Brexit. If you listened to the whole programme so far, you may have ‘heard’ Mishal Husain ‘thinking on air’, actually hesitating and working out whether she could/should/would say “because of Brexit concerns” in relation to possible job losses at JLR. That occurred in the 8.00-8.30am segment, IIRC, if you wish to listen again.
The 1950s/60s/70s Soviet is alive and well in W1a and across the UK in the 21st century. We will just have to get used to listening for these hesitations and subtleties of tone to interpret what is actually being pushed at us. The attempt of a Peer (of Indian origin – and thus knowing what he was talking about?) from the House of Lords to put Mishal right on JLR was obviously to no avail.
It is because of Brexit that JLR are in a dire state. Nothing to do with the fact that all Parties in the House of Commons, together with much of local Government, are totally anti-car. Nothing to do with the effect that HMG has announced that car makers will not be able to sell new petrol and diesel cars in the UK in 20 years time.
It is all down to a No-Deal Brexit according to the BBC.
Best laugh today. So far.
GW – You need a BBBC medal for watching so much of this nonsense.
26 people are talking about this
And 25 of them are saying B*******.
Perhaps in a few years the technology will have advanced sufficiently to enable us to reach inside the screen and strangle the *****.
And for fair balance Nigel Farage and Jim Davison ?
QT lineup : Here is this week’s #bbcqt panel – don’t forget we’re –
@JamesCleverly – supports theMayDeal
@EmilyThornberry ..on every month is she ?
@MelanieLatest Melanie Phillips The only proper Brexiteer, still she hates Tommy
I guess that Thornberry will do her usual cackling at every view that she does not agree with yet would be allowed to speak uninterrupted by the Corbyn Fan Club AKA BBC?
I still say she brushes her hair in the wrong direction. Just like that Labour shadow MP Sir Spier [mint] ? (?)
Somebody at radio bbbc Newcastle news is in trouble.
They have said that there will be massive cuts and job losses at Jaguar Land Rover but they forgot to add ‘because of brexit’ at the end as is normal practice.
They did rectify this glaring ‘mistake’ because now brexit is named as a cause.
A big drop in sales (50%) to their Chinese market, the biggest customer they have, plus the fact that they are virtually selling only diesel models (currently being blamed for pollution and as an excuse to raise charges against diesels ) was also missing from the 7:00 news bulletin.
I think I’ll have my breakfast now despite brexit.
*Just noticed the earlier Jaguar/Land Rover threads. I should read all before posting but never mind.
EG “*Just noticed the earlier Jaguar/Land Rover threads. I should read all before posting but never mind.”
Does not matter, in my view. The more people that notice what is going on with bias at the BBC, the better.
No need to apologise, we have all done this.
Better to have duplication than hoping that others will report the BIAS.
In the spirit of defensive manoeuvres, this one sets an interesting precedent.
Imagine Rob saying he ‘gets’ that some people find YAB or Abbott tiresome one-trick racists, but that’s why the bbc wheels them on daily.
Also, it would be great if a Craig’s list of Burley discussion points could be developed for the number of times a top bbc editor hits twitter to placate their soul mates with how they are sticking it to conservative voices like good soldiers, vs. Avoiding any reference to the left and how they facilitate them like the plague.
He may think he is serving the balance and offending everyone equally claim, but is failing miserably.
This is from the BBC web-site:
The propaganda sticks out a mile but it is good for a laugh.
Who says the BBC doesn’t do comedy any more?
This link on the page offers a whole new topical line of investigation, though Saddo may need to drop a note to Tony.
Maybe it’s just me, but I found this article interesting? Okay, I’m a total history geek, and love old illuminated manuscripts, but Guda of Frankfurt (the nun who drew the ‘self potrait’ in the image – not just one of the very few self portraits of a woman, but one of the few self portraits of ANYONE from the era!) is very well known, and we’ve been aware nuns were involved in writing and illuminating manuscripts since… well, since they were preparing them back in the middle ages. Why is this being presented as some kind of ‘feminist achievement’?!!
I think I usually just subconsciously blank out the bias in any BBC articles that seem worth reading these days. It’s annoying and you KNOW it’ll be there, so your mind just flicks straight across those bits and shunts them directly to the ‘spam’ folder.
Shame my mind hasn’t yet mastered blanking out the (bizarre) PC casting choices used in ‘historical’ drama these days. One of the best recent ones: Black and Oriental looking people, and disabled man being pushed around in wooden wheelchair (I kid not!), in ‘Anglo-Saxon’ England – it didn’t help with suspension of disbelief, I can tell you!
IF the BBC could somehow lose it’s insane obsession with aggressively replacing ALL things white, male, heterosexual, hale, and mainstream British with BAME, female, sexually deviant, disabled, and ‘progressive’ (whatever the hell that means), and actually be IMPARTIAL, it could be the wonderful institution it seems to think it is. However, in reality, it has mutated into some kind of raving, out of control, lunatic monster, that needs to be put out of its misery before it does any more harm.
Big Bro, “we’ve been aware nuns were involved in writing and illuminating manuscripts since… well, since they were preparing them back in the middle ages. Why is this being presented as some kind of ‘feminist achievement’?!!”
Gave me a laugh, though!
Everything with the BBC has to have a ‘virtue signalling angle’ to indoctrinate the public, not inform, not educate but indoctrinate. I was listening to R4x earlier and the trail for a Samira Ahmed programme about David Bowie sounded interesting. I left the radio on to listen to it.
Within a minute or three it was off on a rant about racism, not so much about Bowie, his music and how Samira Ahmed was involved with the Ziggy thing. I hit the Off switch as soon as a boredom threshold was reached and put some Bowie music on.
Its the way to Rebel, Rebel 🙂 against the propaganda by the Off switch and giving up TV.
I probably should have added a ‘modern’ in there Up, as opposed to Medieval ‘feminism’ ; )
The more history I read, and these days I aim as much as possible to read transcripts of contemporary accounts, rather than interpretations by more modern authors (who inevitably insert their own biases), the more convinced I am that some of the historical ‘truths’ we ‘know’ in this day and age are really based on nothing more than popular myths and current fixations.
If we take ‘feminism’, for example, how much of the justification for the modern feminist movement is based on widely held beliefs about how women were treated (‘abused’) by men in the past? I’d argue that in many cases this is based on tweaking history to make it read what you want it too, and that far from being poorly treated on account of their gender, women were actually rather better treated than men in a great many historical societies and cultures. There also, nearly always, seems to have been a strong subculture of women who did ‘mens’ work’, for whatever reason, and were treated as ‘men’ accordingly.
In other words, I’m inclined to think the ‘fairer sex’ have always been able to have their cake and eat it with regards to what was expected of them on account of their gender, although to be fair there are plenty of inevitable drawbacks to being a woman simply due to the hand nature dealt them (the rigours and dangers of childbirth being the main one).
The same could be said about ‘racism’ too, to be honest, even the black slave trade, diabolical although that was, was far more complicated and, in many cases, far less racially clear cut than is popularly portrayed.
Whilst on a related subject, another thing that I really can’t agree with is the ongoing condemning of white Europeans (especially us Brits) for the ‘horrors’ of colonialism. Yes, some aspects of it were detrimental to native peoples (or mostly their ‘pride and dignity’), however, there was also a distinctly benevolent side – particularly regarding the British in the Victorian era and their investment in: peacekeeping, ending slavery and other abuses, infrastructure, education, healthcare etc… which is wrongly overlooked.
Misguided they may have been, but many of the middle class Brits who dedicated their lives to ‘the Colonies’ really did mean well by the natives… in fact, that naive ‘dogooder’ aspect of modern SJWs seems, to me, to be a direct echo… not that they’d appreciate the likening, I guess.
Talking with an educated ‘lefty’ friend a while back, he was saying about socialising with Germans through his work, and how most of them think it’s high time the world forgave them for the war, after all it ended some 70 odd years ago and had nothing to do with today’s generations. Fair enough, I said, I agree, but by the same token, isn’t it time the world forgave the British for Colonialism, after all that ended around the same time, and what about British involvement in black slavery, considering that ended nearly 200 years ago? He looked a bit uncomfortable, and being unable to come up with an answer, quickly changed the subject.
TOADY Watch #2
‘Reading between the lines’ 😉 was it just me or did the Business Minister, Greg Clarke, really do a magnificent job at stonewalling in favour of No-Deal during the 8.10am Interview?
Brexit has been dominating the headlines more than ever recently, so much so that I’ve missed some of the other important news that has been going on and not reported by the media.
Can someone please post the link to the change in motoring laws that allows 14 year old, drug dealing black boys who carry knives, to ride stolen motor vehicles on pavements?
The BBC has learned that the smallest club in the world, The Brixton branch of Fathers for Justice are preparing to release a statement.
now we are not sure he was drug dealing 🙂 but my wife asked the same question – are 14 years allowed to ride mopeds? No mention on BeeB about that and what exactly was he doing out when he had ‘skool’ the next morning 🙂
just a parade of MPs saying things like ‘this child’ ‘this young man with his whole life ahead’ etc…and blaming the police cuts of course..
14 year olds on mopeds in East Londonistan is cultural ‘ work experience ‘…
How did he get insurance ??????
Not on the MSM.
‘We are with Europe but not of it. We are linked but not compromised. We are interested and associated but not absorbed. If Britain must choose between Europe and the open sea, she must always choose the open sea.’ A quote from Sir Winston Churchill to which no doubt we would all say ‘Here, here.’ However it isn’t whether Brexit will make Britain modestly more prosperous or modestly less so. The issue is whether she’ll remain Britain – whether she’ll exist at all. If the Muslim Brotherhood which was set up to bring about the Islamisation of Muslim societies and their eventual unification in a Caliphate under sharia law now prominent in the UK have their way we shall find ourselves in the middle of the era of the third attack of socialism against the citizens of Europe, and the contemporaneous, third attack of Islam against “Fortress Europe-I have feared of that attack long ago and the result is now so well entrenched, and so well supported against us the indigenous peoples of Britain by the likes of the BBC et al. It passes all understanding as to why our Government appear to deter from taking positive action against the continual invasion of Muslims directed at our shores and more recently Muslims packed into lorries running up and down our motorways. Let us be quite clear, the Islamic Ideology has absolutely no likeness to Christianity in any way whatsoever, the door should be closed securely. A NO DEAL BREXIT is possibly the only way for that to happen. I ask, who now is in charge, us or they that have stealthly crept into our society?
t – Top Class.
BBC Sound of 2019: ‘Queer icon’ King Princess is the runner-up
“A gay icon in waiting,” says the NME. “A queer pop star for a new generation,” agrees DIY magazine. “All Hail King Princess, the newest member of queer pop royalty,” declares The Guardian.
Nope! Me neither, never heard of her.
Whole article isn’t about her music but the gender-queer weird stuff the BBC like to ram down our throats.
Guardian and bbc agenda, not ‘news’ as such. Ignore.
I saw the headline, but couldn’t be bothered reading it due to the clear agenda. It did cross my mind to wonder why it’s considered more newsworthy to report the runner up than the winner, but I think I can guess.
The BBC Science “news” pages = Social Engineering
Will insect-eating dogs help climate change?
10 January 2019
Which vegan milks are best for the planet?
9 January 2019.. strangely has open comments
Guess they though ‘Yeh let’s have open comments so our veggie friends can show live for BBC”
… doh top rated comments are against them
\\ Quit with social engineering //
Also down as a news story “Are the days of the private car really over?””
In the socialist utopia of the BBC we ll all be car sharing – wimmin only cars- Muslim only cars – remainer cars— get the picture .
Such a headline really shows they have too many taking taxpayers cash in that organisation .
TOADY Watch #3
The BBC are really not good at joining up the dots …..
….. but then it would blow their propaganda opportunity to shill against a No-Deal Brexit if they were.
SG – You are also awarded a BBBC medal.
If it happens, what is the point of another referendum on leaving the eu?
We all know that if we win again, the remoaners will still carry on their plans to stop Brexit and nothing will change.
We know that democracy does not exist in the UK now as our ‘honourable members’ are doing everything to stop the democratic vote to leave the eu.
There’s actually no point in voting ever again because manifesto promises mean nothing. Both labour and the Cons said they would do as the referendum instructed and leave the eu yet they both are intent on staying in.
In future we know that any manifesto promise is completely meaningless as demonstrated by the vote to leave being destroyed by labcon and the odious remoaner pipsqueak Bercow.
What the ‘honourables’ have done to our brexit instruction is like a dog eating something discarded in a dustbin and an hour later spewing it out, half digested, on your best carpet.
I wonder where the appropriately named grieve will be when the deaths start to happen if the voters democratic instruction to parliament is thwarted. Safely tucked away somewhere I guess.
Don’t the ‘honourables’ get it that the Country is seething and
their treasonous betrayals will provoke a bloody reaction.
One of the 3 Sunderland wimmin MPs who are working against the Sunderland electorate who overwhelmingly voted to leave was on the radio moaning about a tweet or something saying she should be hung for treason. She probably thinks we are too stupid to think for ourselves and she knows best what’s good for us.
They even try to say the majority in Sunderland want to remain in the eu quoting some survey or poll. If she asked her tweet followers and those in her bubble maybe her mates do want to remain but not the ordinary voter in Sunderland.
I just hope we don’t vote for these 3 toxic wimmin remainers next time but I think if you dug up jimmy saville and made him labour candidate he would win here. People here still think labour is for the working class and are slow to change but they are slowly realising the truth so there’s a little hope for the future.
If it wasn’t clear before yesterday it should be now. If people want to leave the EU, it’s going to take more than just voting.
Exactly which is why the Remainiacs will be using the BBC et al to try to use non stop propaganda to convince us that their betrayal of democracy was in fact democratic. It’s truly Orwellian doublespeak.
They are not going to win a second referendum by argument, appeals to facts, or by media bias. The ballot papers have been printed, votes already on them and they will be counted to reveal a significant remain victory.
Think it can’t be done, too many people involved to keep it a secret? Then consider how well they are doing keeping people quiet over terrorist attacks.
Anyone who objects – brand them loony conspiracy theorists.
The point is that the Remainiacs want a democratic fig leaf to hide behind. They are scared of just overturning the democratic referendum result and blatantly trampling democracy in the mud. So they want to find a facade of democracy to hide behind. If they could hold a second referendum they would gerrymander it and be able to claim that the country had changed its mind and that we were staying in. This need for a democratic fig leaf is why they so often absurdly claim that only a minority of the population voted to leave by counting all those who didn’t vote either way as a Remainers. They are desperate to find some democratic cover for their undemocratic action.
Emmanuel, “We all know that if we win again, the remoaners will still carry on their plans to stop Brexit and nothing will change.”
I doubt that. I think there is already a slight swing of ordinary voters who voted Remain over to be wanting rid of the EU. It is also possible that some Leave voters have switched out of fear or whatever. Much of the anti-Brexit stuff is driven by the media, Parliament (& former Parliamentarians) and some (much?) of the Civil Service.
If there is another Referendum, and if the Remainers are allowed by the Electoral Commission and Parliamentary shenangigans to stack the vote against a full Brexit and still lose, everyone but the dodgy firm of Cable, Clegg, Blair, Adonis & Campbell will give up. I think even the pro-EU BBC will probably turn against Remain remnants. The newspapers will otherwise probably face extinction if they keep pushing against Brexit after a second Leave result. They are not exactly flush with customers and cash as things are. They are a worm that can quickly turn.
The British tend to be placid but firm. A second vote might crystallize things for Leave. I’d prefer not to do it for all sorts of reasons. Funny about how the people who scream most about the country being divided seem to want a second Referendum to divide some more of the country.
When they can’t get Owen Jones, they get his soundalike Aaron Bastani head/founder of Novara media.
Who is this twat? The problem with media now is that it is filled with wannabees..
Aaron Bastini did a PhD on errr…. himself really
An interesting read – the author is spot on
Bastani’s PhD yet another piece of crap that floats around …I am not prone to being rude but he looks and writes like an arrogant twat..excuse my french. No surprise he is friend with Our Owen
Inadvertently bbc WS has provided me a little cheer :-
Southern Spain unseating the Socialists, a none lefty university in France started by Le Penn’s niece, Italy, Poland and Hungry getting together and voicing their intentions re. the German EU dictatorship and finally in America, the US downgraded the EU Embassy last year but didn’t tell them.
Did BBC report yesterday that The POTUS “slammed the table” ?
They showed the first tweet from President Trump in this series on-screen in full when reporting this on today’s Views at One. Although the bBBC American correspondent, yet another one, David Willis, didn’t read out the tweet in full. Why not? Because it doesn’t suit the bBBC narrative of course.
So although we saw that the President had offered the possibility of compromise, ” what is going to happen in 30 days if I quickly open things up”, we didn’t hear that.
Willis verbally edited the tweet and simply said, “Just left a meeting with Chuck and Nancy, total waste of time … are you going to approve Border Security which a Wall or Steel Barrier? Nancy said NO. I said bye-bye, nothing else works!
So anyone not paying full attention or listening to the supposed news while doing something else will only hear the story from the Democrat side, anti-Trump as usual. Thankfully though the bBBC are nowhere near as crafty as they think they are and they are now so blatantly and arrogantly full of their own self-regard that their bias is obvious to all.
There should be a minister for fat and a minister for thin .
Seriously – lady Brooke was doing some nonsense about this . Bypass parental responsibility and go straight to government fault .
Why no just take kids away at birth and put them into the state production schools to become snowflakes . Feed em soylent green from recycled old brexiters . ?
Bet there’s a department in the bbc working on that one ….
The TV licence girl / boy was due on the 3rd jan .. I’ve been waiting in ….
Mr and Mrs Spratt. Bet they both claim housing.
“A group of MPs wants the government to introduce a Minister for Hunger to respond to a growth in food insecurity in the UK – especially among children.
The Environmental Audit Committee highlighted 2017 Unicef figures showing 19% of children under 15 in the UK live with adults who struggle to buy food. ” BBC
“A record number of primary school children are leaving school severely obese, according to new figures from Public Health England.
Data for 2016/17 shows one in 25 10 to 11 year olds were severely obese.
That’s more than 22,000 children, and the highest level since records began.” BBC
Which is it BBC, are the kids all starving or obese?
I heard on the radio that people were feeding their children with fast foods like hamburgers and suchlike because fruit and vegetables were too expensive.
Can you believe it!
Some common sense at Conservative Woman, Hungry? Let them eat spuds.
Brexit: Jeremy Corbyn demands election to ‘break deadlock’
BBC have opened a Have Your Say.
Top comments #2 and #3 have been removed with over 400 up votes before being removed. I cannot remember what the top comment were but nothing was offensive about them.
Looks like the BBC are not allowing any Corbyn criticism.
I am reading the comments. A few people are managing to get some anti Corbyn comments through but no doubt someone will start cleaning up soon.
The main theme is that Corbyn is pointless and yet the BBC see him as the saviour
I thought I would do a test on the BBC moderators to see how easy it is to get an anti- Corbyn post removed. The answer is, very very easy.
At the moment 5 out of the top 10 posts have been removed. Two of those were removed at my request within 1 minute of complaining. These posts were:
#13 “Yeah? Like we’re going to be gullible to vote Labours? I think not.”
I complained this is offensive “as it claims all Labour voters are gullible and therefore stupid”.
and (my favourite)
#4 “Corbyn is still unelectable m” [sic]
I complained this is offensive “as calling someone an ‘m’ is the very new online insult to replace the 4 letter insult beginning with C”.
We all know the poster of the comment #4 obviously hit ‘m’ instead of full stop in this case but the BBC will use any small excuse to censor posts that don’t agree to their agenda.
So far I have never ever managed to get a post removed that is in support of the BBC agenda.
Apologies to the authors of the posts that I got removed for no real reason but this was an important experiment!
You can read the removed posts here:-
VERY useful site for keeping track of what the bBBC choose to censor.
Now that is an interesting facility I was unaware of.
The bbc’s Explanation for their role in reomoval will be interesting.
Unless of course the exempt themselves from all comment, as is their practice.
I like how it threads the replies together. Much better than the Beeb’s linear order.
On Conservative Woman , an excellent web site, I saw a link to Briefings for Brexit podcasts. I have listened to three of these so far and they are brilliant . I commend them to you.
Conservative woman are publishing some of the best discussion/news available.
With such blogs it’s handy to check their Twitterfeed where you’ll find list of their latest posts
In C4’s Brexit drama the Remainers are reasonable and the Leavers are loonies. Cripes, didn’t see that one coming!
The BBC seem excite at the thought of Corbyn demanding another election. Would they be so excited when Labour yet again lose?
Further to what’s the point of voting because manifesto promises mean nothing.
What is the point of having a government that spends all its time screwing over the population.
Take hs2 for example.
We don’t want it, it’s not needed and it’s too expensive yet the government is carrying on with it so that a few people can get to the outskirts of Birmingham 20 minutes earlier than at present. (Then they take a 20 minute taxi ride into Birmingham)
A few very rich people will make loads of money and MPs will get highly paid seats on various boards but nothing for 99.999% of us.
Take this immigration thing we’re signed (signing) up to. Surely the government know by now that we don’t want the immigration we currently have so increasing it……. who wants that. They can do their virtue signalling but it’s us who are stuck with the huge amount of problems they cause. They can say they will take refugees into their own homes (Yvette Cooper) but as they are politicians they can just lie as that is expected from them.
Who voted for the islamification of England. All we can do is white flight. London and several other cities and towns are already lost and about 2050 (or sooner), when islam takes control of the U.K., the Muslims are going to have their work cut out ruling those of us left.
Just about every aspect of government is them AGAINST us when they should be making life better. Everything cost more now (parking, parking fines, council tax plus extras like paying for garden waste collection, everything against motorists. You can list just about everything the government is involved in, they make things worse and more expensive)
Closing libraries, worst pensions (5th or 6th richest Country in the world) congestion charges, green charges on utilities, you can fill pages with all that they are crap at but I’m struggling to find anything they are good at.
They used to be regarded as honest and genuinely honourable but now they are just a bunch of greedy, lying, two faced spivs blocking the U pipe in the toilet called Westminster.
A pox on them.
Are you a Labour voter?
Fair enough. I have had a lot of hassle of the Labour supporters lately
This looks like its a protest from the Yellow Vests, or it could be from an earlier protest in France. Whatever, its a step beyond shouting insults at the MPs.
Spray them with shite
(At the risk of sounding like an overgrown teenager)
ROTFLMAO!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
I wonder if the driver could be persuaded to divert via Portland Place?
Coordinates for Satnav: W1A 1AA
And through the open windows! 😉
Do it outside BroAdcasting House and no one inside that house of depravity would notice the smell owing to the stench of hypocrisy which pervades the whole building 24/7.
Hi all, I’m new to the site could you please click below kindly thanks!
I’ve made a petition – will you sign it?
Click this link to sign the petition:
My petition:
The BBC should be investigated for the bias reporting and propaganda
The BBC is alienating huge swathes of the population with its bias and corrupt broadcasting. The BBC is not impartial or neutral. We the people want an end to the propaganda.
Jus signed. The bias at the BBC has really been getting on my nerves lately. I feel that now is the time for something to be done about it.
Their obsession with Brexit has not gone unnoticed but there has been years, if not decades of pro left bias with obvious support for Labour and also for Corbyn.
This has to stop
It does seem to have reached a tipping point. I’m really angry with them. But their shields are up. The same as the government. Their extreme apathy protects them. What can we DO?
The Tories should be aware that there is a bias against them. Suspicious where made during the BBC’s very biased reporting of the budget which resulted in them running to a left wing group ran by or at least formally ran by someone associated with Ed Milliband. Mogg and Johnson are aware of the bias and no doubt are others but dare they speak out they will be flooded with screams from the Corbynists demanding that the BBC drop the non-existent bias against Corbyn
Exactly. So the bbc would like Corbyn in power – really?
MPs blab on about the sanctity of a, free, fair, impartial bbc – BUT we ALL know it’s not. Hypocrisy and delusion syndrome is, of course, a requirement for lefty’s but the rest should appreciate that the do not live in an authoritarian state – or do we?
Anyhow, they should take courage from those great Europeans in Poland, Hungry, Spain, Italy, France and Germany etc. There are quite a few (Dubbed by the bbc – ‘worrying, on the rise, Alt Right, Populist, Right Wing’ and such)
“Jus signed.” How so? This is what I get:
It says it needs5 to go live.
Smoogie and me make 2 so 3 to go.
We can do it from here, come on bbbc’ers.
quite how the BBC found Marcellus Baz I will never guess
but they are constructing a careful narrative that the 14year old was a a little angel
Im getting a little whiff of bullshit , is it just me?
In an effort to gain support for the Labour party and to prove he can be trusted, Jeremy Corbyn has bought Diane Abbott a moped.
Thought the same. What the hell was the kid doing on a moped and what did he do to make the killers knock him off and stab him to death?
I suspect it was drug related and the kid was a runner or street dealer
If it was a black gang drug related/drug runner thing then we all know who is to blame…..yep the whites. Especially the white Brexit voting ones.
For decades the beeb and the far-liberals have been undermining the police, stop-and-search, and law and order in a thousand different ways. (To them the police are the oppressive defenders of capitalism and the ruling classes.) But now that their favourite minorities are at the receiving end of crime, it’s all “the police must do something” and “give them more resources”, “Tory cuts” etc.
But of course if the police do come down strongly on drug dealing, knife and gun crime, they’ll be bleating “Waycism” louder than ever.
Joy of joys! Its long overdue that the PC nonsense should turn on itself. Look forward to much more shortly.
Agree with all the people that questioned a 14yr old driving a moped. You cannot even get a licence until 16 (you can apply for a provisional a 15yrs 9months). There is more to this than the “journalists” and “investigative reporters” of the world’s finest broadcaster have uncovered. I understand it is a tragedy but I am fed up with the sloppy un verified stuff that proports to be the news.
The Comedy degree at Goldsmiths
.. It was mocked on another forum, but I didn’t understand the point.
“You’ll have the opportunity to specialise in one of two pathways: writing, or writing & performing.
In both pathways you’ll examine how comedy and satire have evolved across time-periods and cultures;”
Some sort of quantum comedy where one can exist in both pathways until actually observed?
So will a comedian with a first class BA in comedy be funnier than a second? Did Ken Dodd and The Two Ronnies have PhDs? Would the current crop of BBC comedians even qualify for a GCSE?
“Comedy and satire play a vital role in commenting on, and critiquing, the world around us.”
Did play a vital role in commenting on, and critiquing, the world around us, before comedians started self censoring through fear of imprisonment.
“So will a comedian with a first class BA in comedy be funnier than a second?”
I know I shouldn’t laugh but I get this same conclusion when the secular competition “The Preacher of the year” comes on TV.
Department head Professor Osita Okagbue “holds a BA, MA, MA and Ph.D in Drama and Theatre from the University of Nigeria at Nsukka, the University of Ibadan, Nigeria and the University of Leeds respectively.
He has taught African Theatre, Cross Cultural Studies in Performance, Performance Theory & Practice […] African Theatre History, Postcolonial Theatre…”
To be fair that is pretty funny
Mmmm terminal … i wonder if I can buy those qualifications using Nectar or Clubcard points ?
Remember what Tony Blair said…….Education Edukayshun indoctrination.
British Parents Removing Children from Lessons on Islam, Report Finds
BBC Watch did a post about Asian Network’s phone-in tweet
yep real name is BBC-Sharia-Network
Holy sh!t!
That is the kind of thing we used to joke about and now it is happening for real.
What next “Owen Jones to be thrown off a tall building by Muslims but he demands that it is not off the IKEA building due to his dislike of their global capitalism. Do you respect his decision?”
Still impressed how that got quietly deep sixed with little to no ripple in the Matrix, when had any other entity done that on topics the mob hold dear, the headlines would be aflame for weeks.
1st post, although I have followed the site for a while.
Like everyone else watching with despair as the referendum result is being ignored and overturned.
Listened to R2 news at 11 this morning commenting on Ford’s worldwide business problems. Perfect storm of lower demand in China, unpopularity of Diesel engines and uncertainty in worldwide events such as ‘Brexit’
Will Brexit be at the top of the agenda at Ford’s next board meeting?
I think not!
Spot the difference:
BBC pic:
Not the bbc pic:
They appear to have photo editing integrity on par with the BLM MSM in the States.
But the “Family deny reports of murdered teen’s gang links”.
So that’s all right then, say the remarkably un-curious world’s finest and most subsidised investigative reporters.
Somehow, even the shockingly inept Evening Standard managed to inject some truth into the coverup – by simply looking at the gang member’s facebook page – where he referred to himself as a “trapper kid” – which apparently means courier…
Thank you for the link – so there has been another serious stabbing in the Londonistan borough of my birth and residence …
No wonder the ‘ two tones ‘ never seem to stop.
And I see that one of the local MPs – the self publicist Ms Stella Creasey – talks of parliamentary shonanigans whilst these stabbings take place.
Politicians to the controls of these kids enabling to go feral and now there’s nothing to be under current circumstances . No pain no gain …
If he was dealing drugs but wasn’t in a gang he was on someone else’s territory. That’s not a recipe for a long life.
The BBC might like to ask what was really going on?
So, on the last day of my son’s secondary school before Christmas for year sevens :-
A film on the life of Mohammed.
My son was not impressed and neither am I. I think we really have reached the thin end.
But I’m guessing the film did not include the underage marriage and consummation, the warfare, the massacres, the torture, the murders for apostasy, the execution of a woman who wrote a poem critical of the Perfect Man, the forced marriages, the polygamy, the antisemtism, the injunctions to kill non-believers, the slavery, the rapes, etc etc etc.
How did you guess? There are things we should keep from children – the truth is not one of them.
Just a lucky guess.
Along with the world of media, a metaphor of sorts occurs.
Mine went to an independent school, which we chose from several locally.
Whilst sensible education on all matters of faith is not just tolerable but encouraged, had things erred too far into indoctrination, or skewed ticking of boxes, said school would soon have been shy many thousands of pounds.
Having a choice is a nice feeling, when allowed to exercise it.
Brexit fake news re police leave ?
On Look North just now the rep of the Police Federation said “police leave has been cancelled for March and April 2019 to be ready for Brexit”
That to me to be a rumour that grew legs
There was an i-paper story back in August ‘Police CONSIDERING cancelling leave.’
… On Twitter there too few posts for it to be true.
To read a script… on the radio…
Guest Who
Nice one. All the more reason to vote here …………….
Currently 320,883
Hold. The. Front. Page.
The Empire st… expands…
Bruce is wearing Liebour red, and the horrific Emily pig face Thornberry is on!!
Peter isn’t it great that wimmin can do an equally biased job . Bet the other girls in the running – Maitlis – the Scots mouthy one – the burley Kay -and someone non white – must be upset . Pity .
Suitably academic to me as I can’t see the point of the programme – does it change any views ?
It’s just a meaningless ritual however biased to make up of the panel is
I am happy to say that I’ve not watched QT in about 5 years!
I get all my QT intel from wonderful websites like this one. Keep up the brilliant work guys and girls.
“This is your decision. The Government will implement what you decide”
David Cameron.
Both Major parties stated they supported this position in their manifestos.
Those demanding another referendum are Europhiles.
They have a perfect 100% record of cheating after every result they did not like.
They are already cheating by asking for a second referendum.
They will cheat again, this is certain.
Never forget they hate and despise all of us.
All the power of the UK state would be used against Brexit.
As would all the huge resources of the EU, if we leave this will be the end of their project.
The EU would supply billions of our money, the AntiBrexit promotion would be the loudest, most intensive, and most expensive, in history.
Since 2016 they have continued spending millions to delay Brexit and soften us up.
Hundreds of thousands of Europeans would beseech us, all day, every day, in one voice, to remain in the idyllic perfection of the EU.
Naysaying Remainers would be on every television screen and on the front page of every newspaper 24/7.
TV analysis is already balanced 100% remain.
Televised debates would be balanced, 23 Remainers to zero Brexiteers.
Every loudspeaker in the UK would reverberate to celebrations of the perfect, peace maintaining, EU.
Google and Co would promote “The People’s Vote” every second God sends and our message would be in font size 2, page 3031214, in Urdu.
Youtube (Google owned) would block every single Brexit item.
As would facebook, twitter etc.
Every Brexiteer would be slandered from dawn to dusk, unless they were already in custody, or murdered.
Every Brexit proposal would be denounced as impossible.
Every Remain proposal would be extolled as a self evident truth. Every proposer thereof would be compared to God.
The traitors were complacent originally, with their sneering contempt for the little people.
They will not be complacent again.
The Electoral Commission would thwart all Brexit efforts and minimise our fund raising.
Remain would spend one million pounds for every pound Brexit could generate.
The vote itself would be rigged in every way possible.
The question would be rigged.
Muslims would get eight votes each and they would be spread around the home counties.
Leavers would be “discouraged” from casting their votes by Momentum thugs.
The count would be rigged, Leave votes would mysteriously transmute into Remain votes.
After which the welcome result would be announced, we are remaining in the EU.
1. Is there some constitutional mechanism whereby the Queen can force a no deal on parliament, and, if so, can the old dear finally be persuaded to act on behalf our poor betrayed country?
2. Have the ERG some resource to create a no deal situation, which they have held in reserve?
3. Can we create a situation where there are insufficient Remain MPs to stop us leaving without a deal?
The Queen won’t get involved – even if it woukd strengthen her favourite club – the Commonwealth
I think the ReichEU will offer something more over Northern Ireland in order to get the money
Parliament will do everything to stop Brexit
Next week will see the vote of confidence to bring down the government . Strange that the future of Blighty May be down to rubbish like soubry , grieve , Ken Clarke and the rest if they choose to split away from their Party – which they will.
The Queen is no longer able to dissolve parliament. However, it would appear that she could withhold Royal Assent to any bill intended to scupper us leaving on 29 March.
The Queen’s role in Parliament is:
Assenting to Bills passed by Parliament, on the advice of Ministers;
Giving audiences to Ministers, at which Her Majesty may be consulted, encourage and warn;
Summoning new Parliaments and, on the advice of her Government, appointing the date of its first meeting;
Opening and closing (proroguing) each session of Parliament
The role of the Sovereign in the enactment of legislation is today purely formal, although The Queen has the right ‘to be consulted, to encourage and to warn’ her ministers via regular audiences with the Prime Minister.
The Sovereign’s assent is required to all bills passed by Parliament in order for them to become law. Royal Assent (consenting to a measure becoming law) has not been refused since 1707.
Given the exceptional anti-democratic manoeuvring by tinpot dictators in parliament and elsewhere I would hope that some patriot with ‘clout’ manages to catch the ear of HM.
I think you will find that the primary purpose of the Queen is to ensure the monarchy continues and is not challenged .
So she will steer clear of this issue unless absolutely required to dive in – for instance if there is civil disorder .
A brexit Government woukd have engineered the exit of the current disgraceful speaker long ago because they’d know he cares not for democratic decisions and is only interested in his grossly inflated ego . Pity no MP has the guts to take him on .
” … the primary purpose of the Queen is to ensure the monarchy continues and is not challenged”
You are right, but a tiny part of me still hopes.
I also hope that the ERG and Lawyers for Leave might come up with some sneaky legal solution to impede the remainers.
theisland, perhaps Lawyers for Leave might make representation to The Supreme Court and establish whether the vote next Tuesday is ‘Parliament having its final say on the matter’ and, if so, that is that. 😉
It would seem from the news carried by the BBC this week that some so-called ‘Parliamentarians’ are wanting umpteen ‘final says’ on Brexit in order to obtain political advantage and/or to make our Brexit as feeble and as meaningless as possible, ie. no Brexit at all.
As far as I know, the ruling in re Miller & Others 2017 was for ‘a (singular) final say’. Lawyers are good at picking over the words in Judgements, maybe there is a case to be made over the quantities of Parliament’s ‘Final Says’.
Fedup – I fear you may be right about your assessment of the Queen.
Still, she might surprise us, e.g. by judging that civil disorder is now imminent. Wouldn’t put any money on it, though…no more than I would put on May surprising us by letting the wagon roll on…
As for little Bercow, he may well find that he has overstepped the mark, as happens to all little men when they deceive themselves into thinking they’re bigger than everyone else.
HM has a way, I have been led to understand, of very quietly expressing her concerns in weekly meetings, while the House sits, with the Prime Minister. The PM, for her part, may well wish to seek Her Majesty’s advice 😉 which I feel sure would be freely given.
Berkow knows he has nothing to lose – threats over his pension will come to nothing . If I was PM I’d stop his after job peerage .
If the government falls next week he’ll be out of office a few months early ( even if his time was up ages ago ) and will play the sacrificial victim card with his caste of remainers .
Self censorship prevents me from writing here what I think of him and his anti democratic actions .
Power corrupts .
Fedup –
A puffed up toad
In the middle of the road.
There are bound to be a few vehicles around somewhere; who knows what form they will take?
Can’t see the Queen siding with Brexit as she would fear losing her annual giro (those who shout loudest kinda thing) and I simply can’t see JRM etc protesting/sat in the road in front of Parliament for a few months.
I would think that nearly every royal would be scared to death in siding with the Brexiteers as all their “celeb-friends” would be mainly BBC/SKY/ITV/CH 5 lovies and they wouldn’t want any bad write-ups regarding what they wear and will the BBC ask for another referendum regarding the monarchy and should we be a republic.
LCS – with you all the way, but I think, re Cameron’s promise, May would simply tell you she IS implementing it as guaranteed. Cos, you see, for a politician there’s ‘implement’ and there’s ‘implement’. Like Brexit is Brexit.
She’s busy being strong and stable, and getting on with the job, so don’t bother her now. She made a roaring success of her recent election, and she’s going to make a roaring success of Brexit.
As I said yesterday, there is a very tiny chance she’ll surprise us all, by simply letting the wagon roll on and flatten the Grieves, Soubrys and Bercows of this world.
IF her desire to be a BIG name in history is stronger than her inclination to remain, I see even her eager would-be successor, Amber Rudd, biting the dirt.
Your Question 1: the Queen could easily force a ‘no deal’ on parliament, as -going back to how you started your contribution- WE THE PEOPLE were asked to INSTRUCT the Executive (cabinet) on a course of action; parliament (the Legislature) DOES NOT COME INTO THE PICTURE, OTHER THAN ensuring legislation meets the new set of circumstances created by our departure.
There is thus no need for the ERG to do anything other than tapping Her Maj politely on her shoulder and reminding her of Cameron’s promise ON HER BEHALF (Your Q2)
Your question 3: since parliament does not come into the picture as regards a ‘deal’, the number of ‘remain’ MPs is not relevant. Theirs is not to question why. theirs is just to do…as instructed by THE PEOPLE.
We don’t do Coups d’état in this country. We shouldn’t allow parliament to carry one out.
The moment WE THE PEOPLE engage in DIRECT DEMOCRACY, as in the recent Referendum, our ‘representatives’ are -for one glorious moment- unnecessary.
The people in ‘that place’ don’t know THEIR PLACE. They don’t like it (up them). That is our problem.
PS – I see that Island has set it out for us in much more concise and correct technical language above, far beyond anything I have been able to manage.
According to Al Beeb, It appears that the Yellow Vests have knocked out 60% of France’s Speed Cameras?
Surely thousands of ‘street installations’, à la Banksy?
Art is in the eye of the beholder n’est-ce pas?
“Hungry children ‘eating from school bins’ in Morecambe”
How about diverting some of that foreign aid this way ?……………..
Anyone from Morecambe that can enlighten us ?
Bill is one of the sane voices in this madness. I just hope he’s right.
As Fiona Bruce prepares to show she can be as greedy and biased as the boys, in today’s DM celebrity agent Jon Roseman asks why is the BBC so gullible about its stars’ pay and so profligate with YOUR cash?
“I know because, for many years, I was an agent to the biggest names in TV, from Carol Vorderman to Natasha Kaplinsky, pushing for sky-high salaries. And I was constantly amazed at what the BBC would pay.”
Well worth the read.
Al Beeb robs the poor to give to the rich.
Vote here and cancel your DD …………………….