445 Responses to Weekend Open Thread 12 January 2019

  1. Guest Who says:

    It looks like a cartoon.


    • Loobyloo says:

      Really, who cares? IMO all these entities subscribing to pushing the diversity agenda are responsible for the huge backlash that will inevitably come.


      • Sabreman64 says:

        I am so sick and tired of hearing and reading about the BLT ‘community’. The left-wing media cannot stop banging on about it. But nowadays, it’s not enough to merely tolerate homosexuality. If you refuse to celebrate or promote homosexuality you can be branded a homophobic, heteronormative bigot (as volunteers for the National Trust discovered a year or two ago).


      • StewGreen says:

        Links back to previous thread page 5 covered 2:30pm Friday to 6:30pm
        page 4 Friday morning started about halfway down

        Always worth checking earlier posts, cos someone may have already made the point you are just about to type in.
        Ctrl-F is useful tool to bring up the on page search box , so you can type in a keyword to find on the page.


  2. Loobyloo says:

    The worst QT I’ve ever watched. Only tuned in to see Melanie Phillips. Otherwise it was a total bore and of course heavily biased. Fiona Bruce, meh. First?



    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      The audience was very much left wing and anti Brexit.
      No change there then.

      ET went on a lot saying not much.
      Nish…a typical ‘comedian’. Unfunny and limited. Melanie, in one of the rare moments she was allowed to speak put him back in his box on macpherson.
      Swinson, the third remainer on the show.
      Cleverly, a half in half out mix up.
      Melanie, a breath of fresh air on a lefty panel and audience.
      Fiona. Better looking than Dimbleby but similar approach.


  3. taffman says:

    “Viewers have reacted warmly to Fiona Bruce’s first edition of Question Time.”
    If it was so good why doesn’t Al Beeb test it as they usually like to do , put up a HYS ?
    Then we will really know how the viewers reacted ?

    “Self-praise is no recommendation”.


    • Fedup2 says:

      There are excellent posts on the last thread and would recommend anyone with time to please browse them . And I’m sure the link back will come from a learned colleague pretty soon …


    • Jeff says:

      “Viewers have reacted warmly to Fiona Bruce’s first edition of Question Time”.
      The Beeb said exactly the same thing with the new Doctor Who.
      And we all know now that viewing figures have plummeted and complaints about the excruciatingly PC story-lines have gone through the roof. And as for the acting…Jesus H Christ, it’s awful!
      What QT needs is an impartial chairman/woman…and a properly balanced panel. Oh, and to get shot of these tedious, utterly predictable left wing “comedians”
      Some bleedin’ chance…


  4. Sluff says:

    Evening all.
    BBC London news still bigging up the death of a 14 year old black ‘child’, who was murdered by a group who rammed a car into his moped, then attacked and stabbed to death.
    Now this cannot of course be condoned but the BBC are avoiding at all costs the issue of why a 14 year old was on a moped! It is of course an illegal act in itself and begs the question as to where the moped came from. Obviously such questions are too difficult for the ‘imvestigative journalists’ at the BBC.


    • Fedup2 says:

      This kid was so clever that he posted his extra-school activities on social media – and the school found out leading to exclusion .

      Does make wonder how many of these feral creatures are in this ‘game’ .


      • Sluff says:

        Clearly the BBC ‘s ‘Factcheck’ initiative does not extend to its own news reports.


    • LastChanceSaloon says:

      95% of problems with our once green and pleasant land were caused by indigenes who hate us importing aliens who really hate us.


      • maxincony says:


        95% of problems with our once green and pleasant land were caused by indigenes who hate us importing aliens who really hate us.

        Too right; having to separate recyclable plastic from non-recyclable is almost intolerable.


    • The General says:

      Seems his facebook showed him posing with a gun and a big wad of Notes while referring to himself as a “Trapper” which in their communities means a drug dealer.


    • StewGreen says:

      14 year olds father Julian Moodie was Jailed for dealing crack cocaine offences in 2009 ..after release went to live in Jamaica.


  5. Sluff says:

    A BBC employee has died; the cause was not given.
    This must be important, because it featured on the BBC 6pm main news.
    Meanwhile……..one of Mrs S’s old colleagues died last week. He latterly worked in the pharmaceutical industry, you know, that nasty grubby private sector industry that invents at its own financial risk drugs that alleviate pain and save lives, and is then expected to,provide the drugs at cost, as it is unethical to ‘make a profit outbof someone else’s misfortune’.
    His death was not on the news. But he did more for this nation than a weather presenter……..


    • Fedup2 says:

      Sluff – my uncle died last week . He was 94. In world war 2 he was in a recce unit of the RTR fighting the Japs a long way away . He came back to Blighty with jungle diseases which affected him his entire life .
      He never talked about killing japs . He didn’t feature on any news .


      • Third Duke says:

        Fed and Sluff . . . and so it is that those who represent and contribute the very best, feel least the need for celebrity and verification.
        Fed, hats off to your Uncle and his memory.


        • BRISSLES says:

          Fed, condolences to you. That generation, where decency, honour and ‘doing the right thing’, is now gone. I wager your Uncle, like thousands of others who never spoke of their experiences, never sat sobbing in a corner, let alone had ‘counselling’, – mental health issues ? nah ! they just got on with life. And we sit watching Andy Murrary sobbing like a tart. Words fail me.


          • Fedup2 says:

            Thank You Bris – yes despite have a load of ailments he was a tough character but I know his time in the war permaently affected him .

            ( not a BBC linked comment )

            He told me just one story . His crew were playing cards somewhere and an officer came in and asked how the game was going “ok sir” he then said “Oh yes -the war s over – the yanks have dropped a couple of bombs “ …. they carried on with the card game.


          • MoreHamHead says:

            Except they didn’t just “get on with life.” Many were so damaged mentally they killed themselves. Others were so damaged they killed others before killing themselves. My uncle, who went to war and fought the Japanese, came back with extensive physical and mental problems he never overcame before dying in misery.

            One of the most ignorant comments I’ve read on here.


            • NicG says:

              Of course a persons lived experiences changes them and war is an extreme experience, but in this case i think you’re wrong. Many of the men and women who went to war, and not just WW2/Japan/Burma, etc, came from harsh backgrounds where privation, disease and death were common and these situations had to be dealt with as a matter of course. War was just another crap situation to be absorbed and internalized. Good, bad or otherwise, life goes on. Build a bridge and get over it…like many veterans have to…my family included.


              • MoreHamHead says:

                I’m wrong that many people came back damaged from the war and killed themselves? And many people still do? The BBC often report on veterens who have killed themselves because they didn’t have access to mental health facilities.

                Y’all are dumber than Muslims. And that’s impressive.


                • LastChanceSaloon says:

                  With your superior intellect you will no doubt demonstrate that we are dumber than Muslims whilst dancing on the head of a pin.

                  Although that would soon become tedious and you may prefer to hone your razor sharp intellect elsewhere.

                  Y’all? Perhaps you are from North America. Where they spell veterens veterans.


                  • MoreHamHead says:

                    Maybe we can talk properly once you’ve finished slapping your willy off of the keyboard.


                • Dystopian says:

                  “The BBC often report on….”

                  Ah well, if the BBC reported it then it must be true-NOT!

                  What about the things the BBC. don’t often report on then. Like the mass rape of our children. I guess that can’t be happening then as the BBC don’t report it.


                  • MoreHamHead says:

                    You’re an utterly vile individual if you think people haven’t harmed and killed themselves over atrocities they encountered in war. Perhaps you should tell the families of these people that they should have just “built a bridge to get over it.” See how well that goes down.
                    In fact, you’re dismissing the mental breakdowns of ex-soldiers but obsessed with rape. You’re worse than vile.


                • NicG says:

                  I think you have misunderstood my earlier comment. You’re right that many people are damaged by wars and not just the combatants. Where you are wrong is that there are many more people who are able to find ways to deal with the horrors and go on to lead fulfilling lives.


                  • MoreHamHead says:

                    Don’t worry, I understand your vile comment. It’s insulting to the veterens who gave their best but whose minds were broken and couldn’t “find a way.” To imply it’s so easy as that shows gross ignorance and delusion. From the comfort of your keyboard I’m sure you think you could overcome anything.


  6. Fedup2 says:


    • KafirHarbi says:

      Fellow customer, Orla Board told us, “I’d had a really nice day. I’d just dropped my cat off at the vets to be neutered and was grabbing a quick coffee. 🙂 Surely not? It’s not 1st April is it?


    • Dystopian says:

      Wow that website seems more believable than that of the bbc!


  7. Nibor says:

    On Radio 4 next week .
    How Countries Gain Independence and How They Fare After .

    A look through history at how people gain independence , why some countries had a hard time moving to independence and why some moved to independence seamlessly . We also look at the bigger and/ or more powerful states that granted independence or who fought against it , the effects on both states/ countries , and what lessons could be learned for Brexit .

    No not really . The Beeb would never do an interesting programme like that . It would reveal too much . Better to join in the b0[[¥ to Brexit and create fear .


  8. Eddy Booth says:

    ”The lifesaving food 90% aren’t eating enough of
    By James Gallagher
    Health and science correspondent, BBC News”
    Anyone actually open a cupboard door like that ?
    what clown chose it?
    Pathetic BBC now reduced to click bait titles
    I clicked the link so you won’t have to..
    ”What is it?
    Fibre ”
    Ok fibre is good for us nothing.. new here, certainly not News The article doesn’t even mention there are different types, oat firbe much easier on the stomach for many, so better than wheat .
    Please keep all puns and sherlock holmes moments clean
    or the channels Mary Whitehouse mod will be after you …


    • Guest Who says:

      Clearly he is trying to prevent it being pulled shut.

      Why is a mystery. Anything that can put up a fight like that with no purchase is better left inside.


      • LastChanceSaloon says:

        The only mystery is why is the hand white?
        Subject Health.
        Policy :-
        – show African bits.
        – say how intelligent Africans are.
        – say all food was developed by Africans.
        – have African women explaining simple things to thick white men dressed in clothes from the 1920s.


  9. Guest Who says:

    Moving seamlessly from ‘I’ to ‘us’…


    • Fedup2 says:

      Surely that means that the border control works ? Yet the Briant Beeboid seems to paint it as negative to President Trump .

      At least the Americans are fortunate enough to have our cousins to the North of them – except from the Quebec bit of course ..


      • Guest Who says:

        He’s a long way from New York.

        Mind you, Jim Acosta was a long way from Washington.

        Maybe they shared a room?


      • Guest Who says:


        • Guest Who says:


          • Guest Who says:

            Meanwhile Paul guns for Katty’s perch.


            • LastChanceSaloon says:

              Br, Br, Br, Br, Hello.
              LCS – Is that Ben Shapiro?
              BS – Yes, who are you?
              LCS – Sorry to bother you. You do not know me, I am trying to arrange a live political discussion concerning the current state of the USA. The provisional plan is that we have three female Democrats and one Male Republican on prime time TV. One hour discussion beamed live across the US Eastern seaboard.
              BS – Who are the Democrats?
              LCS – Rashida Tlaib, Elizabeth Warren (AKA Pocahontas, her ancestors fought Leif Erikson at L’Anse aux Meadows c900 AD), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
              BS – How much am I being paid for this?
              LCS – Our budget allows $500 for your services, but we hope that you will take part FOC.
              BS – I will waive my fee, since no effort will be required.
              BS – Please advise me of the date, time, location of this event.
              LCS – Sunday, 2019-01-12 08:00 EST, video conference, so no participants need to leave their homes.
              BS – See you at the barricades. Best wishes for Brexit.


            • Up2snuff says:

              GW, is Paul Mason a Brexiteer?

              I ask because I note his ‘handle’ included ‘Out May 2019’ or is that an advert for his next book ….

              …. so he’s really a bit of a capitalist as well as a potential realist …

              … but not a Brexiteer.


          • tarien says:

            So what is stopping President Trump and his wall? Oh yes I forgot it’s the un-democratic traiterous Democratic Party who want to invite all those people swarming across and through Mexico to be allowed into the USA-Agree with the President, how do you know who they are and whether or not they might be a danger to his nation-the administration let alone any other issues would just collossal in the extreme. Britain can’t build a wall as such but we could suggest that France puts up a wall along the coastal channel border -perhaps not, as our do gooders would object. Frankly I’m sick of the whole dam business, Brexit, conflicts in Middle East/Africa, which are mostly none of our affair, yet we seem to put our noses in them-complete breakdown of our Law and Order, massive problems with the Police forces, over crowded prisons, a Judiciary that gives one no confidence, no deterent against law breakers worth anything, a Social Malaise caused by over liberalisation. Suspect you can sum it up better no doubt, but you get my drift.


  10. LastChanceSaloon says:

    2019-01-11 17:30
    BBC Politics
    “Delay Brexit if deal is rejected, Dominic Grieve tells Theresa May”
    BBC let Grieve and Hunt say any old rubbish.
    BBC suffering from confirmation bias on an hourly basis.
    Some dopes worried that the country is being damaged.
    Idiots. The EU policy is to DESTROY the states, not just damage them

    I cannot remember Bill Cash being asked for his opinion yesterday.


  11. Thoughtful says:

    Might I suggest readers watch a film called “They Live” as it will amuse them greatly at the state of our current world.

    I believe much of it is available on You Tube


    • Fedup2 says:

      So Grieve is doing everything to get A50 “ suspended” which means withdrawn which means no brexit .
      Grieve is a barrister – therefore has no soul – a mouth to be bought . Presumably his current funding comes via Soros .
      Grieve is now casting himself as an anti democratic enemy of the majority . So the BBC will have him front and centre this weekend.


      • Sluff says:

        Grieve. Who voted in favour of Article 50 enactment, as did 497 other MPs.
        Including Anna Soubry !!
        Only 114 voted against.
        There are an awful lot of anti democratic hypocrites in the Commons.


    • Kaiser says:


      spot on “they live” starring the late great roddy piper , a cult classic and excellent allegory of today despite being made in 1988 and the crap acting

      maybe this is what david ike is on about


  12. LastChanceSaloon says:

    2019-01-11 10:00
    BBC England Oxford.
    “Defeated Oxford MP given peerage and ministerial post”

    “. . . Labour shadow cabinet member Jon Trickett said Ms Blackwood had been “rejected by voters”.”

    “After the election Ms Blackwood took several part-time and advisory positions at health technology companies, as well as Lord Mandelson’s lobbying company Global Counsel.

    Mr Trickett said her appointment was “yet another shocking example of the revolving door between highly paid advisory roles and lobbying and the government”.

    I think Mr Trickett has a point, or he would have if he had also mentioned Labour supporters packing Charity and QANGO high profile, high pay, high expenses, part time, sinecures on an industrial scale. Positions where they use their influence not to lobby but actually act in ways that benefit the Labour Party.

    Positions where they are replaced by one of their mates in the corrupt, troughing industry, Lefty merry go round.


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      LCS – Hope u not going to make any nasty insinuations about former Labour Minister and Bbc Director of Strategy and bBC Director of Digital and BBc Director of Radio, James Purnell?
      eg. that there is a connection between beeb and Labour…
      or that there could be about 3 salaries in 1 going for him by courtesy of the beeb poll tax…
      or that there could be a hint of bias from our respected public broadcaster, as a result…
      Such insinuations would be quite unacceptable.


      • LastChanceSaloon says:

        fnw “any nasty insinuations”
        If I can find material on which to base nasty insinuations about any lefty on the planet, including dead ones, you will read it here.


  13. Sluff says:

    I’ve just accidentally stumbled on Celebrity Mastermind.
    The level of pig ignorance of the celebrities is toe-curlingly embarrassing.
    Ex cricketer Monty panassar, wearing his turban, paused when asked where the centre of Sikhism is. Even I know that – having visited it. He then answered almost no general knowledge questions.
    Dumbing down on the BBC has never been so plain, nor so utterly dreadful.


    • Foscari says:

      Sluff-Like you I just watched Celebrity Mastermind after taking
      out my bitch Mimi for a walk. I kind of like Celebrity Mastermind
      because it is so dumb down that I can practically answer all the
      general knowledge questions. I actually appeared on Mastermind
      years ago , my specialist subject was Giuseppe Verdi. I know quite
      a bit about Joe Green. But my General knowledge only got
      me up to 21 points which was not good enough.
      What was Monty Panassar doing on the quiz other than to fill
      the diversity quota. He can bowl a decent off break, but one had the feeling that on general knowledge if he had been asked what
      Monty was short for .Or what World War Field Marshal had a nickname of Monty , he wouldn’t of known.
      Surely even the Diversity and Positive Discrimination dept at the
      BBC don’t want ethnic celebrities to look utterly thick on TV.
      Surely they should be asked if they know ANYTHING other than
      say playing cricket,and more than just a little on their specialist subject.
      Actually Monty did better than a celebrity a couple of years
      ago who I honestly believe knew nothing other than his own name!
      If I remember he got one or was it two points.


      • Rich says:


        Kadeena Cox, a Paralympics sprint Gold medallist, ended with a total of 3 a couple of years ago, all scored on her specialist subject of Arsenal FC. Despite being at university studying to become a physiotherapist she scored 0 in the General Knowledge round. Surely there can be no excuse for that?

        Apparently non-celebrity Kejan Thuraaisingham posted a grand total of 5 points, 4 of which were on his Specialist Subject, Ataturk, in 2010.

        Ffs I manage more than that on Only Connect and I don’t even know what half the symbols they use on it are.


        • Jagman84 says:

          It’s the result of Blair’s Education, Education, Education…. There are now remedial classes at colleges and universities! Less well educated kids are easier to manipulate.


      • BRISSLES says:

        Interestingly, a few years ago I had guests stay from America. We held a quiz evening for friends and relatives, – assuming that most were of similar intelligence. The American couple – though holding down decent jobs in the States, were utterly devoid of any general knowledge outside of America. Considered simple for us, they were stumped at capital cities, currencies, etc.
        Our education system tends to cover most subjects, but the Americans are very insular when it comes to knowledge outside their own borders.


      • lojolondon says:

        This is the video I never get tired of watching – Even after being primed for Mastermind, and despite being given the easiest questions I have ever heard, the “Minister for Edukashun” David Lamy absolutely fails at Mastermind – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWwyVQ2IQuE


    • LastChanceSaloon says:

      A non TV licence payer myself.
      This was resurrected recently to the great hilarity of all here.
      Correction, we have recently been re-infested by one of the humourless ones who casts no shadow, so it is most here.

      Lammy on Mastermind, Youtube.
      Silk purse, sow’s Ear.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:


      Monty is a nice enough fellow, but clearly his general knowledge is next to zero. However, unlike a certain David Lammy MP, he does not presume to make laws for the rest of us.


  14. Guest Who says:

    Well, if you are not going to politicise tragedy, the bbc is the perfect place to not do it.

    As an aside, this notion some in politics and media have that things should not be talked about to avoid them getting worse at best seems naive but mostly seems a clumsy way to try and shut down legitimate concerns about what they are up to.


    • LastChanceSaloon says:

      GW – ” has to stop”
      Sorry, no. The treachery should be in the History books for ever as an example to the future.
      More Lefty tears about one very imperfect Lefty woman than all of the 100 million innocents murdered by lefties. Sickening moral values.
      The successful protests will also be in the History books as a guide to the future.
      Your totalitarian philosophy is going to be remembered only for its futility and brutality.
      Get back to your crocodile impressions, buy some more onions if necessary.


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      Right-wing violence?
      Fascist thugs?
      Strange coincidence: was just watching some of that on YT. Three violent thugs creep up behind a 66 yr old man and smash him on the head, probably with brass knuckles. Elbow to the back of the neck? A fourth has a late kick at him while he is lying on the ground.
      The Bremen authorities (known to be socialist) seem to have both cut and blurred the video of the assault on Frank Magnitz, which may account for the delay in its publication. Assailants could even have been acting on the urgings of SPD bigwig, Ralf Stegner. However, I don’t want to politicise violence, so I won’t speculate.
      Of course, being untrained in this field I couldn’t possibly comment.
      The victim being an AfD man, and the assailants exceptionally cowardly, my guess is the thugs are Antifa.
      Hope JoStevens, Labour, doesn’t see this video of Left-wing fascist violence, lest she burst into tears…


  15. taffman says:

    Surely Conservative MPs and the Government can see Al Beeb’s transparent propaganda and bias . Even mere mortals such as us can. I am absolutely amazed that nothing has been done about it ?


  16. Foscari says:

    I really hope that Jadew Moodie was a “trapper.” Not in a
    million years should that be any reason for him to be
    slaughtered on the streets of London.
    If he wasn’t then we really do need to be terribly worried
    much more than we are already. Because it means that the
    Drug gangs are in complete control of vast areas of London
    and can kill anybody for no reason . And the police are going
    to do nothing about it.
    Of course the BBC is not ever going to give out information on
    Black on Black murders and only find secondary reasons
    for them, such as it being the polices fault or the closing of
    boxing gyms.
    So tonight from Waltham Forest we saw on the Londonistan Programme ” Mother Rateef” showing us the first London Borough arts festival. Let’s all join hands together and marvel
    at the lights on Waltham Forest Town Hall. I am sure this will
    make the murdering scum drug gangs see the light.


    • RJ says:

      “Drug gangs are in complete control of vast areas of London
      and can kill anybody for no reason . And the police are going
      to do nothing about it.”

      A Third World city can’t be controlled by unarmed police. I’d rather our capital city wasn’t now a part of the Third World, but that no longer seems to be an option


      • Foscari says:

        RJ-Ever since the Macpherson report where the police were
        said to be ” institutionally racist” the police have had their hands
        tied. We saw on Question Time when Melanie Phillips dare
        suggest that the horrendous explosion of black on black drug
        related crime had been one of the results .
        The BBC has had it’s own to play in this. At one time almost
        eulogizing Mark Duggan on their Londonistan Programme. All
        that was missing was a statue of Duggan in the studio!
        I reiterate what with Islamic terror or Black on Black crime
        the BBC is always looking for secondary or other reasons other
        than the main reason why extreme Islamist terror happens.
        Which is because their holy book tells them to do it!
        As for Black on Black gang drug crime. It goes on because one
        black gang wants to control the streets and another black gang
        wants to take over. And if god forbid the police were to kill
        one of the gang members whilst he was trying to slash
        somebody to death. They would be accused of being racist.
        The BBC being one of the leaders of the “establishment” . It’s as
        simple as that !


    • LastChanceSaloon says:

      Not in a million years should that be any reason for him to be on the streets of London.
      I prefer my version.
      Dissenters please comment.


  17. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC Online News:

    “”Andy Murray: Women praise tennis star for role in fighting sexism””

    “”Labour MP Jess Phillips summed it up in her tweet: “Great player, normal bloke, and best of all casual feminist.” “”


    He was a Casual feminist? Can I have some….?


    • chancygardner says:

      When I read that I thought the same thing. ‘Casual’ feminist conjures up an image of some cricket jumper- wearing bloke leant up against a clubhouse, pipe in hand, saying “Totty? Love ’em to bits old chap”.


  18. Tabs says:

    A few days ago the BBC announced the “BBC Sound of 2019” runner up who was some gender queer singer ‘who is going to be a gay icon’.

    Tonight they have announced the 1st place winner…. a south London (tick) black (tick) rapper (tick) called Octavian, who was once homeless (tick). They also got a BBC black presenter (tick) to let the rapper know he won.

    Something tells me the singing skills are not that important when it comes to the BBC choosing a winner.


    • RJ says:

      How are his knife skills?


      • BRISSLES says:

        I wouldn’t care, but when interviewing these black lads, – who are born and raised in an English speaking country, why can I never understand what they are saying ??? most are inarticulate anyway, but instead of having an English accent, they all speak in an alien language with a West Indian patois. Why ??? they attend English schools where the ‘duh’ and ‘dah’ should really be knocked out of them.


        • les whittaker says:

          Then they find themselves unemployable and blame Whitey.

          If Whitey is to blame, it’s the white teachers who have failed to point out a few basics, like try to speak more or less normally for starters. And for failing to tell the stupid white kids who copy them a West Indian patois is not cool (or whatever bone-headed, meaningless justification they use these days).


        • The General says:

          Why do you assume these kids are actually being taught in school? Have you not seen the UNISON Conventions on TV?


        • NicG says:

          I blame the American theory of Ebonics.


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      Tabs – We did have a lady from Lambeth doing some Sounds thing related to Lambeth women on the bBcR4 10pm news, but there was nowt on the great Octavian. Missed him, cos I do love my rap.
      Maybe that was because Razia Iqbal was presenting the news, instead of the usual, presenter, Ritula Shah. Or maybe Jutinda Sidhu wasn’t producing, but somebody Sandhu instead?
      I tend to lose track. Anyway, all very British broadcasting.
      Oh yes, we did have a gay British lady from Italy, bewailing the fact that Brexit could be separating her from her wife, who is American but also lives in Italy. Oops, lost track again. Don’t want to offend the LGBTQ etc community.
      I get confused, cos last nite on R4 news the icon was the great Mandela, and tonite the icon was the great Octavian. So many icons, so little time! talking about icons, Razia also gave us Henman on what a great (and painful) loss thegreat Andy Murray was going to be, so I’m still trying to come to terms with that big thingee.
      Anyway Tabs, what were you saying again about ticks…?


      • fakenewswatcher says:

        Tabs- I got so excited about this Brexit thingee, what with them only having civil unions for gays in Italy and not marriages, I clean forgot to say that Razia gave us an early climax. Yup, right at the beginning of the news, she mentioned HIM!
        You’ll never guess who, Tabs. Never…
        It was Trump, of course. The Donald. Ritula caught some retired US General out, re the withdrawal from Syria strategy. Or was it Razia?
        Yup, it was her, Razia, not Ritula. About how confusing Trump was, what with the Turks, and the Kurds in Syria. The General got a very long lecture, disguised as a very long question.
        Anyway, Tabs. I was just as confused.


    • LastChanceSaloon says:

      T – “BBC Sound of 2019″
      Every year, near the end of the year, The World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster has a programme.
      As befits the WMTB, this is the World’s Most Biased Programme.
      A programme which selects any, and every, non European, non male, non heterosexual, anti white, individual who has competed in the totally non cerebral activity of sport. Where the common unifying feature of the candidates are that they tick the neutral, impartial, even handed, biased BBC criteria (and are usually dim).

      But BBC Sports Personality of the Year, despite as much bias and hatred as you can buy for four billion pounds has one redeeming feature. It takes place at the end of the period under consideration.

      As I type it is January 12th. How can the BBC, or anyone else, reach the conclusion that the musical zenith of this year has already been identified? Answer, they cannot. It is just another opportunity to rub our noses in it.


  19. Guest Who says:

    It might be interesting to see if Owen Jones or others can cram ‘right wing’ into their bbc broadcast slots as often as this:


    They seem to have some kind of monopoly on state airwaves.


  20. Guest Who says:

    The old ‘cover up worse than the foul up’? That.


    It’s like when Rob Burley tries to buy off #FBPE nutters by pleading they look how many Remainers they shoehorn in.


  21. Guest Who says:

    A phone rings in the BBC News editorial office.

    “Kevin McGuire on the line,” an excited cub shouts to the room, “he says hold the top of the hour!”



  22. maxincony says:


    Something tells me the singing skills are not that important when it comes to the BBC choosing a winner.

    Did that same “something” tell you the singing skills are not that important when a Norwegian (tick) white (tick) called Sigrid Solbakk Raabe won first place in 2018?


    How strange… Can’t imagine what that “something?” might be, ‘Tabs’.


    • taffman says:

      Happy New Year Troll
      Why do you support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich?
      Have you signed here yet ?………………………………..
      Your country needs you.


    • Non Snowflake says:

      Yes, Sigrid Solbakk Raabe.

      Let’s take a closer look.

      Non-Male (tick)
      Foreign (tick)
      Promoted by The Guardian (tick) in 2017
      Described in a BBC article as “Left of Centre” (tick)
      Comparisons with bBBC’s favourite Adele (tick)
      Breakthrough song was “Don’t Kill My Vibe” which was a rant against (you guessed it) Men (tick)

      All that’s missing is for her to cover “I Will Survive”. It’ll be on bBBC for weeks on end……….


      • fakenewswatcher says:

        What would really impress me NS, is if she had been chosen in say Kenya, Pakistan, Turkey, Nigeria, or South Africa. Then you might have a valid comparison by which to measure the great Octavian’s win.
        That, and the great Octavian producing something that was identifiable as music, which is not a claim I would make.


        • BRISSLES says:

          Ha ! ha ! ‘Octavian’ was ‘interviewed’ on the Vicky Derby show, I use the term interviewed loosely, he seemed as high as a kite, attempted to look “edgy and cool” by wearing a bobble hat and anorak, and could barely string two words togevver, know what I mean innit !

          I feel as though I live in a parallel universe.


    • StewGreen says:

      Maxis argument is that the BBC is not prejudiced towards box ticking, cos last year a white person won it.
      She was the only white person in the top 4


  23. taffman says:

    Maxi has not been well but he’s much better now and he is out. So please go gentle with him.


  24. Lucy Pevensey says:

    I’m sure he’s been doing his best to help Britain crash out of democracy.


  25. tapwatertory says:

    The lovely Jess Philips who once said ‘I was brought up to hate Tories’. Well Mrs Philips, there was no hate in my upbringing just a strong sense of responsibility and the freedom of the individual.

    Your party handcuffed millions of working class people with cheap imported labour.

    As for Sourbry………..are profanities still frowned upon?

    P.S. My local MP still doesn’t get working class Conservatives and there’s a lot of us, drain the swamp.


  26. Eddy Booth says:

    US shutdown bites as federal workers miss payday
    Hundreds of thousands of US government workers have missed their first payday of the year as the partial shutdown of federal agencies bites deeper.
    Employees such as prison guards, airport staff and FBI agents have been working without pay.
    The government shutdown, which began last month, will become the longest in history on Saturday on its 22nd day.
    ‘I don’t need a wall, i want money to plant crops’

    BBC find selfish farmer to blame Trump.


    • Payne by name says:

      And I wonder who the farmer uses to pick or help him with the crops.

      The Govt in the US has shut down before, particularly under Obama, so you should have expected it and well, that’s the downside of your cast iron job.

      Did the media care when workers are getting laid off and actually losing their homes during the bank orchestrated recession or when big corporates go to other countries for cheaper taxes and less regulation?


    • Up2snuff says:

      Eddy, I heard that one. A Government worker has two jobs, working for the State in one and himself in the other.

      Would not a BBC inert-viewer normally ask “Why do you have two jobs?”, “Is the Government job a full-time one?”, “How many hours do you work in a week in total?” and “Can you do both jobs well, or does one suffer?”


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      Eddy – do you get the feeling he might be a Democrat?


    • Guest Who says:


    • Celtic_Mist says:

      bBBC focuses on the poor folks affected by the shutdown

      Trump just tweeted and the so-called ‘fact checkers’ are trying to dismiss it but he’s correct



  27. Payne by name says:

    An absolute beauty with Jim Acosta a day or so ago. He does a video from a border area in Texas where he is standing next to a high border wall and comments how the area seems safe and tranquil. Yeah, no shit Sherlock, it’s because you are standing next to a………wall!

    Acosta is such a self important fool. If he isn’t flat out lying about putting his hands on an intern in a press conference seen around the world, he’s making patently obvious points and then claiming they are news.

    What next “I’m standing inside a house, it’s raining outside and I’m not wet. I think we’ll all agree that you don’t need roofs on houses. Back to the studio”


  28. Halifax says:

    Awake at 3 am I shouldn’t do but I’ve looked at BBC headlines. Can somebody please explain this to me….you might have to go slowly as I don’t get why this is news…….

    Police have charged a man in connection with videos posted online that showed men trying to pick up women.

    The 37-year-old man was arrested following an inquiry into footage of men chatting up members of the opposite sex in the street that was posted to social media.

    Police said the man was expected to appear at Glasgow Sheriff Court on 14 January.

    A report on the matter will also be submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.


    • Tabs says:

      It’s probably a bit of confusion to whether heterosexual activity is actually illegal or not. It started with complaints of men saying “Alright love?”, then wolf whistling, then chatting girls up-all these are pretty much considered rape these days.

      Now woman are being attacked by other women if they are F1 pitgirls, cheerleaders or anything where the girl is attractive to the other sex.

      Soon only homosexuality will be legal.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Tabs – you’re wrong – it will be compulsory .


      • thirstypak says:

        From you know where by you know who:

        The aim of the Party was not merely to prevent men and women from forming loyalties which it might not be able to control. Its real, undeclared purpose was to remove all pleasure from the sexual act…….

        ………There were even organizations such as the Junior Anti-Sex League, which advocated complete celibacy for both sexes……..

        ……….The Party was trying to kill the sex instinct, or, if it could not be killed, then to distort it and dirty it.


    • Deborah says:

      Halifax, it sounds a classic BBC report. You know something to missing but have to fill in the dots yourself. But chatting up women on line? I am afraid this one is beyond me too. Maxi, can you help?


  29. Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

    Pug, I found that discussion very disturbing. I have never liked Soubry or Jess Phillips but never thought they were this bad. To think that these are two prominent people in their own parties agreeing to shout down anybody who disagrees with them, who are whingeing about people trying to shout them down. All this without an ounce of self-awareness between them.
    ‘Hypocrisy’ doesn’t do them justice. I remember after the Great Grope of Cologne two years ago Phillips dismissing it saying it was no worse than what usually went on at Brum railway station on a Saturday night. She cared not a fig for the victims. Feminist solidarity is very choosy as we all know.
    I won’t go on about what I think of Soubry as I have supported Fed’s crack down on foul language.

    But the worrying thing is that both these airheads are cabinet material by the low standards of today parliamentarians.
    I have always believed in democracy, especially British democracy but with people like these (and there’s many more there as bad) and with the continuous frustrating of the referendum result I am beginning to want a Cromwellian cleansing of Parliament. I’m serious, not joking.
    If Brexit does not go through soon then I will have to say that all legitimacy for that body and those people is gone. And the normal rules are off the table.
    I was very upset when Jo Cox was killed and I hate the man that did it. And I know that other non-labour people were too. It was an unnecessary assassination. It’s not what the British do. But if today’s dismal crop of parliamentarians stop Brexit, I would have to say, that the rules have changed, bring in the Cromwellians let them clean out the Augean stables and if our self important elite people have to get hurt, then on their own heads be it.
    Once the gloves are off anything could happen. But right at this moment I would love to think that some colonel with the armed forces behind him would march into the Houses of Parliament and say “BEGONE! YOU HAVE SAT THERE TOO LONG TO BE DOING ANY GOOD”


    • dazzer says:

      I can’t help thinking that the Yellow Vests who shouted “Soubry is a Nazi” where kind of doing it tongue-n-cheek.

      Having been on the receiving end of such abuse, and much worse, the Yellow Yests seemed to be joking. They should of been shouting “Sourbry is a Communist”, which is much worse.


      • G.W.F. says:

        At least Soubry has done one decent thing and adopted that unwanted little boy called Owen Jones. His new mum will be very proud of him when he speaks today to a crowd of two million who will turn up to hear him speak at the People’s Assembly demonstration today. He wants y’all to wear yellow vests. Not sure whether he wants them to wear trousers as well

        Come to think of it, listening to the song ‘You can shove your flag with stars on up your arse’, perhaps all you need to wear is a yellow vest.

        Maxi, are you going to hear Owen today? It starts outside the little boys entrance to the BBC.


      • Captain Panick says:

        Dazzer, chants should rhyme to get the best effect. Thus ‘ Sourby is a Nazi’. My suggestion as a replacement is ‘ Sour Bitch is a Communist’. Anyone got other suitably insulting rhymes for her?


  30. Fedup2 says:

    Toady watch

    Our Justin interviews a US politician about the gov shutdown and wall . Since BBC policy is to object to anything the President does – including breath – you can guess the nature of questions

    Then he talks with a former employee of Obama
    and you can guess the difference in approach .

    ‘‘Tis strange about the parallels between political promises – to build a wall – or to leave the EU – which are dismissed in BBC land .


    • Guest Who says:

      Maybe Katty and Jasmine Lawrence can team up to produce a bbc special on editorial integrity?


  31. Fedup2 says:

    Toady watch two

    The bee keeper chats with John Bruton former PM to Eire . Introduces him as being in the same party as the current PM . Doesn’t say he is a ReichEU pensioner because he was the EU ambassador to the USA .
    He questioned the right of Blighty to pull out of the EU and that the vote wasn’t valid because of the outcome .
    Mr Bruton – go count your euros . Drain the swamp


  32. Roland Deschain says:

    Reports of a car bomb in Paris, though nothing as I write on the BBC website.

    The usual suspects, or an excuse to crack down on the Yellow Jackets?


    • Guest Who says:

      Seems very bbc no mention at all.

      The fact of an explosion is still breaking news, even if they need hours to prepare the line to take on cause.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Ah come on – explosion in a major world city – since when is that news?

        Now what’s on later today on Radio 4 – a programme about “how great Illegal immigrants are “


      • Guest Who says:

        Looks like AN is prepared to commit:


    • Guest Who says:

      Give them time, and…


  33. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1
    I was previously wrong in writing that the Vienna Convention is the Treaty covering the rights of refugees.

    Diane Abbott was not wrong to refer to it as the Geneva Convention but she wasn’t right, either, because I understand there is an informal Convention that only the Treaty covering war is known as the Geneva Convention. Confused?

    You will be. (Sounds like the start of that wonderful comedy called Soap.)

    Thanks to Justin Webb and his interview* with Amy Perth (name not fully clear – Justin’s normally good diction failed at interview end – not the only failure, read on) in the ‘8.10am slot’ about President Trump and the US border crisis.

    Justin completely forgot or deliberately chose not to challenge Amy – who appears to want to let ‘Dreamers’ ** unchallenged into the USA, if they claim to be refugees – that these ‘refugees’ have already passed through several safe countries. The US would be within Treaty rights to immediately deport such refugees back to that first safe country through which they passed.

    Funny, that failure. I wonder why? There was another – see ** below.

    * I initially mis-typed interview as inertview. That is actually quite a good way of describing some BBC interviews but not others. Think I may use it in future. B-BBCers – you have been warned.

    ** Another non-challenge came from Justin at this point in the inertview; ‘Dreamers’ as a category could contain all sorts of people, including on one extreme ‘I dream of blowing up America and Americans’ to the other ‘I dream of being in the movies in Hollywood’.


    • Fedup2 says:

      It dawned on me with Toady – there is no humour – no banter – no affection – all they ever talk about off script is Humph s age .
      Bring back Jack De Manio and his favourite ripple …


      • Up2snuff says:

        I grew up listening to de Manio before heading off to school.

        The BBC was far from perfect then ….
        … but ….
        …. that lack of perfection was minute, compared to now, and quite lovable, endearing, in its way.


        • G says:

          Jack de Manio. Ah those were the days. Days when you could leave the radio on in the background throughout the programme and not object to any item of minor controversy. These day’s it’s beneficial for health reasons to listen to the headlines and then immediately shut the radio off before your delicate ears start to hear the manipulation and distortion of the truth.
          Me? No licence; no watch. But I would like to have watched the Channel 4 docu-drama:


  34. Stevie m says:

    Sky news sunrise starts at 6am, yet it’s still dark till about 7.45. Is this fake news like the rest of the crap they call news. A reporter is in France saying there are only about 10 yellow vest protesters are out. My guess is they are still in bed


    • taffman says:

      Stevie m
      You must work for the BBC ? Get up earlier ! It is one of those ‘flying gas mains’.
      Anyway, I am off to bed……………..


    • G says:

      Perhaps the ‘dutiful’ reporter was working in powers of 10. I do wish they’d tell us to adjust our thinking when they make the switch. But then, in fairness, if they permit you to see the crowd you understand the switch has taken place.


  35. Fedup2 says:

    The Project Fear theme for Saturday is “ unleashing the forces of the Far Right” is the democratic bite of the British voter is undermined .

    As usual the “far right” is undefined . I’m starting to wonder if it’s me ? ( state monitor to add to the file just in case maxi to note when she wakes up from a good Friday night )


    • Guest Who says:

      “Far right, Far right…. Polly says Far Right!”.

      One of the best commentators at the moment is Spiked’s Brendan.

      The tv sisterhood cynically usually place him up against a girlie in the chair and a girlie or two either side, but he is just so darn calm and logical it clearly does their pretty little heads in (gratuitous teasing… I apologise. I don’t really).


  36. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #2

    There was another inert-view this morning with a gentleman from the Irish Republic, was it John Bruton?

    Bruton mentions the two Irish Referendums (Referenda?) in relation to making a devious point about the Belfast Agreement. No challenge from the Beeboid, Martha. Was it Martha Kearney? Am starting to suffer serious BBC switch off, both in my head as well as on the wireless [just thought I’d use that word for fun :-)] itself. Oh dear!

    In case you were wondering whether Bruton was right or right to make so much of it, then check for yourself ‘1998 Irish Constitutional Referendums’.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I think it’s best to try not to take it too seriously any more. I’m trying to treat it as one long comedy parody of what a decent radio channel be – and turning the stuff off which is meant to be ‘ comedy – funny’

      This is because it’s just not – partly because it’s hot homosexuals talking about their ‘ wife’ and people called Nish playing the tedious race card or ethnic references …

      That impersonal programme is particularly poor because the ‘ impersonator ‘ always has to tell the audience who they are meant to be..


      • Fedup2 says:

        Sorry the spell check did for me – it was went to say that” impersonator” programme – ‘Dead Ringers’ ….


  37. Guest Who says:

    That was an interesting listen.

    Now left wondering who was up against these two in their respective constituencies for any sane voter consider handing them a modicum of power or influence.


  38. Jeff says:

    So, there I was the other evening, watching the BBC news and being inundated with opinions about the “horrific assault” on that shy, shrinking violet, Anna Soubry, when some louts shouted rude words at her outside Parliament. Even I felt a little sorry for her at first … and then the rest of the news followed.
    One ghastly, vile event after the other. Firstly the unspeakable murder on the train in once civilised and leafy Surrey. A decent bloke taking his son on a trip to London. It should have been a lovely day out for them both, but also getting on the train was some feral beast armed with a knife.
    Then they told us about the fellow, who having been ejected from a night club for being drunk and aggressive, deliberately mowed down a group of strangers queuing outside. I can’t recall the creature’s name other than “Mohamed” was part of it. It was the photo they showed us of the brute that really shocked me. Did you see it? Dear God, he looked more like some nightmarish subhuman creature cooked up by the imagination of HG Wells rather than another member of the human race.
    And then we had the tragic murder of the 14 year old boy, rundown by a car and then stabbed to death by three men…no description given, but I’m guessing they’re not of European heritage…
    The boy’s family were interviewed and it was the same old story. A lovely lad. Always smiling. Everybody loved him. By the time the BBC have finished they’ll have us believing this lad was as innocent as Red Riding Hood.
    The thing is we’re now so inured to these utterly ghastly events and all the media subterfuge and lies that follow them that we’re not really shocked any more. We expect these third world crimes to be enacting on our streets.
    And we also know how the media are going to respond. Word for bloody cliched word all of us could have covered that story.
    And you know what’s so depressing?
    It’ll be exactly the same next week…


    • Up2snuff says:

      Good post, Jeff.

      No spirit of enquiry at the BBC. The inertness is not just in interviews but runs all the way to the top of the Corporation.

      Anyone noticed whether there has been any reference to the petition, now with nearly 325,000 votes – just less than 250 shy, on the major Radio 4 News & Current Affairs programmes?

      Cannot say I have heard any reference to it at all.


  39. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #3
    A little mundane this one but the usual BBC lack of dots joined between wholesale immigration into the UK and a news item that more people are being forced to share houses in the UK.

    Now there’s a thing.

    Or, as some young people might post: well duh-er!


  40. Cassandra says:

    I was watching Celebrity Mastermind last night. The petite white woman did well but it seemed odds on that the bald comedian was going to win. He sat down in the famous chair and then suddenly, the standard of the questions asked definitely appeared to become more demanding for him compared to the other contestants. He lost to the pretty petite woman. Here is an one of the questions she got asked, “Yorkshire pudding is served with what type of meat?” She answered correctly but this is not why I’m posting this.
    The camera, right from the start of the quiz kept panning around the studio and all the audience was white and then the camera focused on Humphries, have a look at the members of the audience behind him…



    • Fedup2 says:

      Sweet old auntie has a requirement to put a percentage of non white faces on the screen .

      Apparently ‘the black and white minstrels ‘ don’t count any more

      I think Chinese are terribly unrepresented in all areas and if I cared I d put a spoof complaint in so that some poor devil would have to go ‘count the chinks ‘.


      • Fedup2 says:

        On reflection I think the use of the term ‘ chinks’ is not right – but I used it in the terms that the BBC would .

        There are hard working Asian communities in Blighty . For some reason they don’t complain about the lack of ‘ yoof clubs’ to blame shootings and stabbings . In fact shootings and stabbings seem to be the hobby of another racial group.


  41. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Have you noticed that whenever labour are questioned about Brexit, the interviewer always says that the Labour Party members are overwhelmingly remainers. 72% or something like that. They never mention that labour VOTERS are 61% leavers.

    They are never challenged when they simply come out with “most of the country have changed their minds and now want to leave”

    Have you also noticed that May deal supporters say not voting for her ‘deal’ will mean both “crashing out on no deal” or “staying in with no Brexit happening” depending on who they are trying to frighten into voting for the ‘deal’

    A remainer doing the leave deal opposite a leaver pretending to be a remainer.
    What a shower of sh*t we have In Westminster.


    • upandatem says:

      I believe it was Cicero who said, “Politicians are not born; they are excreted.”


    • Nibor says:

      I bet the BBC thinks that a traditional Labour member is a cloth cap wearing man who after a days work up t’ mill eats bread and scrape before having a mild in ta Red Lion then walks tha cobblestones streets to house .

      Whereas it’s a university lecturer or professor who has done nothing but has been given government money to permanently pursue the study of his own subject he’s so passionately prejudiced for .

      Labour isn’t for the labouring class any more .


  42. dazzer says:

    Blocking Brexit could cause far-right surge – Grayling


    Mr Grayling said there would be a “different tone” in British politics if the UK failed to leave the EU, and predicted a “less tolerant society” and a “more nationalistic nation”.

    Less tolerant isn’t necessarily bad. I think we’ve been over tolerant – accepted the falsehoods of the left; multi-multiculturalism, mass immigration, tolerance of lesser-developed societies, etc.

    Nationalism and pride in ones country is good. Lord, few countries can hold a candle to the UK and our contributions to the betterment of mankind.

    Having lived in Japan and Honk Kong, I am very aware of their perception of our cultural standing in the world, and until recently, we were looked upon as the founders of modern society – to be emulated. Now, less so.

    Yet the only time I can think in recent memory when that was celebrated was the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in 2012, where Danny Boyle laid it out clearly – from the industrial revolution right through to the web.

    Even a tenth of our achievements would still make rank us above most of Europe, all of Africa (including Egypt), all of South America and nearly all of Asia.

    Why should I respect a culture that is almost 1000 years behind mine? No chance. I’ll help them update themselves as many of our forefathers did, but respect them as cultural equals, nope.


    • LastChanceSaloon says:

      “Yet the only time I can think in recent memory when that was celebrated was the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in 2012, where Danny Boyle laid it out clearly – from the industrial revolution right through to the web.”

      There must have been two opening ceremonies, because the one I watched did not fit your description.


  43. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #4

    and with apologies to Fed because I appear to have doubled up on two of his above.

    Good news in Nature Notes, which Justin ‘Overturn-Brexit-in-time’ Webb pronounces as good news: the growth in the grey seal population off the Farne Islands and in two other UK coastal locations.

    Did I really hear right? Justin actually connected some dots? To the growth in grey seal numbers to a decline in fish and, hence, the puffin population?


    Wonders never cease.

    Maybe a miracle will occur and we will get a ‘hard’ ‘tough’ ‘positive’ ‘definite’ ‘final’ no-Deal Brexit on 29 March 2019 after all, eh Justin?



  44. fakenewswatcher says:

    I think when we cut all the banter, including Maxicony’s pathetic little red herring, we all know this:
    The Bbc, and other media in general, are determined to portray Britain as a very multicultural country, from Land’s End to Cape Wrath, because that is their agenda. I have my own ideas as to its purpose. I live in a town that is “hideously white”, as former bBc DG, Greg Dyke, liked to say, and in a region that is ‘hideously white’. So the agenda is particularly jarring- my area is not represented by beeb, who claim to be so worried about representation.
    (Never mind that one could possibly take Dyke before a court and charge him with ‘hate speech’.)
    But I accept that some parts are already ‘multicultural’. It then becomes a numbers game. And white males seem to be ever decreasing, all across the board, in programmes and ads. I presume that is also the consequence of the war against the ‘patriarchy’. Then, of course, there are those other ever spiralling ‘minorities’.
    I think the McPherson report was the most dishonest and subversive document produced by the state since WW2, and we are now seeing its consequences, as London gangs and drug operations morph into daily killing sprees.
    But the beeb hasn’t the courage to point out the obvious. And much of society will continue to cultivate the Mc Pherson/Greg Dyke mindset. So when a Grenfell happens, the truth about its causes, the course it took, and the claims explosion from people who were never near there, will never be honestly discussed.
    That same metropolitan bubble elite presumably does not understand Brexit at all, and -since they thought the referendum result was safely in the bag- are still enraged by its outcome. They need to know that, out here in the provinces, we are watching their social engineering efforts, very carefully.


    • countryblues says:

      To my shame, I too live in a hideously white countryside area…the Police disappeared around 1960! The number of stabbings/murders since = zero.

      I’ve tried hard to understand the reasons why this should be the case…but I just can’t! 🙁


  45. Lucy Pevensey says:

    The Caliph of Londonistan strikes again


    • Oaknash says:

      Interesting – the ghastly little Londonstan SH1T obviously must have an eye on getting a job in Parliament as the next speaker. Where another ghastly little SH1T also likes breaking sensible and well established rules.

      Maybe having political adds on tube turnstiles is what “Jo would have wanted” Nobody critiscise!


    • Guest Who says:

      Blimey, how did all the staff at the impartial broadcaster miss these?

      Taxis everywhere, or Bramptons?


  46. Lucy Pevensey says:

    I told you the sky was falling but you thicko Brexiteers would not listen!!


    • JimS says:

      How does that work? Do we wake up one morning, look across the Channel and find that no-one is there?

      Suppose a meteor or satellite is heading for Brussels, say, what exactly will the EU do about it? Issue a Directive prohibiting it?


      • Fedup2 says:

        The kids at the daily Soros board blast must being running out of Project Fear stuff to come up with that one .

        More seriously Sir John Redwood asked the government when will they publish the new tariffs of goods at the end of March when we are no longer bound by the Reich EU
        – sikence so far . BBC don’t want to talk about it of course ….


      • The General says:


        They won’t know because we won’t tell them !


    • Guest Who says:

      I have noticed that in meteor-based (ie: no intelligent targeting, such as from a massive aphid’s back hole) distaster movies, considering the total land area occupied by big cities in relation to the available hemisphere surface at impact, cities do tend to attract them.

      Maybe… bigger diversity blocks?

      On an old wife basis, might be best to get your town to twin with Tunguska.


  47. Fedup2 says:

    Looks like people getting caught with no TV licence will be getting longer sentences if the government gets its way .

    It wants to do away with prison sentences of under 6 months .

    Party of law and order indeed


  48. G.W.F. says:

    The quarrel between two Islamophiles who are regularly on the BBC. Brillo Neil, and Owen Jones.

    OJ claims that the BBC cannot be neutral because it employs far right, Neil, who is a Thatcherite and a man who gave work to a Holocaust denier.



  49. BRISSLES says:

    Andy Murray in constant hip pain, so has to retire. Has no one suggested a hip replacement ? I’ve had one, and am back to normal . Eammon Holmes had two and is ok. Craig Revel Horwood / Darcy Bussell also had them with no problems.


    • Oaknash says:

      I feel soooooooooooooooo sorry for him, and felt like crying for him too. It must be soooooooo difficult when you are a multi millionaire and your hip hurts.
      I also have a dodgy hip , due to a number of years spent as a tree surgeon. But if I sat down at a table and burst into tears about it, I cant tell you what the long suffering Mrs Oak would say to me cos it would break our profanity rules.


  50. StewGreen says:

    James Goddard was arrested this morning
    He’s the one who started the Soubry confrontation by asking “Why did you call me a Nazi and the kind of man who beats his girlfriend ?” Though thst start of the video doesn’t seem to get played on rMSM ( RemainStream Media)
    ..We’ve previously mentioned Macron’s idea of restricting protest to certain pre-approved people only


    • Fedup2 says:

      Bias by omission

      To my knowledge – three ReichEU countries have announced reciprocal rights for UK citizens after we leave the ReichEU – Spain Italy and now Portugal .

      Apparently there are 300000 Portuguese here .

      Has the BBC mentioned this ?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Add that to the list of political arrests and prosecutions … I wonder when Amnesty international will start reporting British political repression . ?

      I’ve seen some of that footage . There were police officers present who did nothing – so why go after him now – except to get bail conditions imposed on him to prevent further demonstration whilst the prosecutors do a TR drag their feet over legal decisions ….

      There will be a lot more of this …


      • dazzer says:

        “except to get bail conditions imposed on him to prevent further demonstration whilst the prosecutors do a TR drag their feet over legal decisions ….”



    • theisland says:

      Arrested before today’s yellow vest march.

      James detained outside St James’ Park station on suspicion of public order offence at 11.42am, BEFORE the march.
      Arrested to prevent him leading the march. This is fascist police tactics.


      • G.W.F. says:

        With Goddard in jail over Soubry, he will not be able to continue his protest in support of the families of teenagers run down by a careless driver . The parents have other ideas than the police.


    • StewGreen says:

      The Hatey no Hopers must follow BBC Politics , cos below the tweet there are 100 Hatey replies
      You have to click “Show other replies” to see any supportive of JG
      I suppose Raheem Kassam will be on the case
      .. nothing yet, cos hes in the US


    • StewGreen says:

      Times today pg 8,9 double page hitpiece against JG
      He must have triggered the NUJ HnH guys , so now they are martyring him


    • Banania says:

      There is a long interview of James Goddard by Raheem Kassan on YouTube, in which Goddard comes across as a reasonable, peaceable, intelligent and self-deprecating man. https://youtu.be/PjKam2wihuI