67 days until the UK leaves the EU. State Tax funded broadcasters will push against democracy with their political bedfellows even more than the oh so long previous two years
Our columns will be full and busy with evidence of their clear bias . I might have to go to a Thread every 2 days …phew
Red Hats : the normal BBC non-apology
Click the BBC tweet to see the thread , where the pile-in continues
One commenter puts them straight
The ‘X denies’ route is bBC tried and trusted, and despicable even with pols they seek to damage.
To try it with a kid who they have been proven to have falsely targeted shows there are no depths they will not plumb.
Red Hat kids Important Twitter thread where the father lays out his story of his family’s life being ruined by media lack of quality control
ITTB has a special page for the Red Boys story
What is remarkable, depressingly so, is the entrenched bile stored within the TDS community, such that when even CNN are sheepishly conceding they fouled up yet again, adults of all ages are still excusing the reaction by deeming ‘Make America Great Again’ a hate crime that no innocent could countenance.
In… America.
Next we will have blimps in Parliament here decrying the flag of St. George.
The unregistered political party called SkyNews
have got a national survey : 51% say the country was wrong to vote for Brexit
Is that the best they can do ?
The BBC via Jeremy Vine are today using the Irish car bomb to scare people against a no deal Brexit, Remainers are getting very desperate now.
Should we allow terrorists to dictate over us leaving the EU?
Maybe Jez can suggest folk block IRA bombers? That way the bombs do not exist.
I know, why not make bombs illegal, such as the democrats plan to do in the US of A? That will cure the blighters what?
BBC with Brexit positive news ?
Northern Ireland haulage firms ‘face no-deal disaster’
BBC copying more FakeNews ?
It’s OK, bbc viewers are now also Daily Mail readers.
“You have to talk to people with who you profoundly disagree .. he (Jeremy Corbyn) was talking about Hezbollah and Hamas .. Theresa May?”
Anybody know who the leaver is on this weeks question time?
But is it a ‘proper’ leaver or a ‘leaver lite’ who will retreat – scuttling away behind Theresa May’s skirts because they calculate her rubbish deal (ie Remain) might keep them in a cushy job for a bit longer?
I m betting on the Gove. He seems to play both sides of the tracks these days.
Bet we won’t see Isabel Oakeshott again on QT any time soon
…far too effective – even for a bench with a 4;1 remain /leave ratio – making nice with the chairlady,..
Aston Martin’s sporty new off-road SUV will be called the Varekai – which apparently means ‘wherever’ in Romany.
Not a cheap car, even with a cash discount, so they’ve obviously done their market research. No trouble keeping up with the lurchers, anyway.
BBC were begging for free photos of the moon yesterday
they got these/
The super blood wolf moon over Conisbrough Castle in south Yorkshire, England ANDREW WHITTAKER
Peter Alden took this shot through the trees from outside his home in Seaford in East Sussex, England
So how do they get the moon to look so big ?
or is someone taking the pea out of the BBC .
About how big it looked to me
Peter Simmans took this photo of the blood moon alongside All Saints Church in Brightlingsea, Essex, England
but they have MIKE SIMMANS on the photo…
I got up hyper early to see the performance . There was no sound so I went back to bed …
Have listened to the PM delivering Plan B – er – actually kicking the can down the road again – a Feat I thought no possible .
Anyway you’ll hear that in the biased news
What shocked me is that I went to 5 live for the important broadcast but they were all upset talking about a bbc presenter who sadly died of cancer -for all I know – they still are . I thought they cared about brexit – are they fed up again ?
plan B was rejected before she even presented it
Mays speech, a masterclass in re-packaging the same tripe and selling as only option. Can must be on its last legs. Worth it if only to see faces of oppo drop at her sheer nerve to sell same deal.
Eddy — the moon looking so big is a phenomenon known as ‘background compression’ on long telephoto lenses. Anything with a focal length of 300mm+ will do a good job (also works best when the moon is low on the horizon and there’s foreground contrast e.g. a building).
If you’re used to phone/basic camera shots it does look fake, but I reckon those are genuine
Thanks for the info!
Strange, they usually managed to include one with a mosque in it. Most unrepresentative.
meanwhile whats it worth to stay in britain???
Theresa May scraps £65 fee
Guess it’s a reward to the East Europeans for being so puppy dog eager to please the bosses, and agreeing to work all hours for flat rate pay, making that the norm, and being the first workers to sign zero hours contracts.
Of course it’s been scrapped. We cannot have foreigners being inconvenienced, your taxes must pay to keep them here even if we ever manage to exit the EU properly.
Even though most of them work in catering, coffee shops, agriculture and the building trade (probably undeclared). 3m x £65 = £195m is but a pittance to keep our towns and cities alive and diverse with all those wonderful languages they speak. Many also require top-up benefits to keep them in the lifestyle that their own countries can sadly not offer. It’s asking too much that their own countries can offer them a job (within the sclerotic EU) in the first place.
I wonder if the other 27 member states would reciprocate?
Nothing new here. I concluded some years ago that the Dept of Work & Pensions turned a blind eye to members of, “our European Family” unlawfully claiming off the UK benefit system when I reported to them blatant abuse and they did nothing.
I know you are concerned about our Treasury Kaizer, but fear not, they’ll make up any shortfall by making the over 75’s pay the telly tax,,,….see…? Easy…
Now I do confess that a honking great hole blowing out hot air does grate in these climatically-challenging times, but there is a line before asking a question, even a bbc ‘as a headline’ one, becomes the national broadcaster again revving up the Stuart Hughes cycle clips and flat out campaigning.
Do you notice how these days it’s all about what we / they can stop next …. always in the name of something .
I like to keep the doors closed in the winter. And I follow Mrs S around turning off lights. But we live in a house. If I was running a business and the cost of success was an open door then I’d look at the numbers.
“That would remove any competitive advantage for having an open door.”
Since when did a BBC employee attain the remit to determine who should enjoy a commercial advantage?
There’s actually some sound science behind using a hot air barrier above an open doorway. The hot air expands and keeps the cold air out to the extent that the rest of the shop uses less of the costly energy for heat to remain at a comfortable temperature for staff and shoppers.
It was kicked around, picked over and pulled apart years ago, when the Global Warming/Climate Change thing got really big at the turn of the century.
The Horrorbin’s memory is as bad as that of his colleagues.
Hard to tell, but he might actually be reporting.
While Sweeney is enjoying his first class holiday in Utopia he will leave no stone unturned in a search for examples, in this paradise on earth, which he can then use to compare with the UK.
Also reported will be 300,000 engineers who dream of living in Europe.
Hyperinflation has returned, due to corruption and mismanagement. I am sure John can show that it’s our fault.
Be a shame if this got retweeted so much BBC Trending would have to concoct something to not mention it.
Ok… maybe a leetle extra popcorn as tremors pass through various studios…
is any bbbc poster a twatterati
perhaps you could report the bbc
Good for them – best way to deal with them . Wonder how many BBC staff will be on the receiving end? Please god let Sopel be on the list …
The seventh entry could get you on the naughty step again, GW.
You really read those entries ? Classy
‘Hey guys…. like…whoops. Saaaaaaaweeeee’.
Do I get to be DG now?
Like Maggie Haberman’s boss.
Hope he has as good lawyers at the NYT as he deployed at the BBC.
And here it is.
(ctd from previous x2)
It was dark in Inspector Von Richthoven’s office in parliament. He was puffing at a giant cigar, his eyes screwed up against the clouds of blue smoke it belched out at regular intervals.
He beckoned Holmes and me to be seated in two vast armchairs. I accepted, but my old friend preferred to stand.
“It is about the hijack of this place,” Sherlock said, apparently engrossed in polishing the silver handle of his stick with his glove.
“You have been jumping to conclusions,” the Inspector said. He lowered his cigar to look Holmes directly in the eye. “If and when the two main parties get together and form and grand coalition…”
“…Then you may have a case.”
I had heard of this form of treachery, and suddenly a chill seemed to enter the room.
Holmes remained calm. “I am familiar with the case you allude to. But, if the German people chose, yet again, to subjugate themselves to tyranny – that is not my concern. It is when the tentacles of this tyranny reach out to enfold this place, with their slimy grip …”
Von Richthofen stubbed out his cigar and shrugged. “What would you have me do about it?” he inquired.
“We have a name,” my old friend said. “The insect that sits at the heart of this dark conspiracy, spinning a net of deception…”
“Really?” the Inspector challenged. I noticed for the first time that he had a thin, blonde moustache which ran along his upper lip.
“And what name would that be, Mr Holmes?”.
“It is half a cow,” Holmes answered.
“Half a cow?” Von Richtofen reflected, frowning. He had very blue eyes, I thought.
“It bellows by night, ” Holmes went on. “Most of London has heard it.”
The Inspector shook his head in mystification. I have to admit that I was none the wiser. The case of the exploding pizza van in Londonderry would have been a lot easier…
“Are you familiar with Am Rudd?” Holmes asked suddenly.
“Am Rudd? That does ring a bell. ” Von Richthoven fiddled nervously with the Knights Cross, Class 1 , at his throat. “But is there not something missing?”
“Precisely. ” Holmes thundered. “It is the other half of the cow. Plotters both, incidentally. But only one has designed the rules of the hijack, the step by step…”
Von Richthofen produced a new cigar.
“I need you to issue an arrest warrant,” Holmes told him, firmly. The lady can wait. We need the insect at the centre of the net, to begin with …”
(Apologies, there is a knock at the door)
Imagine the BBC’s faux anger if it was the Tories refusing to talk to Labour until some component of the deal that they want to avoid was “taken off the table”. Refusing to talk because there’s a part of the current position that you disagree with is not defensible in any arena. Yet the BBC is happy to propagate Corbyn’s angry rant about May’s “stunt” of the offer of talks. It was Corbyn who elected not to take part, toys strewn around his pram.
I am in no way a defender of May’s relentless and deceitful play over the last two years to overturn the public’s vote, p155ing in our soup and telling us she’s cooling it down (sorry for that, not the word, the vision) but where is the BBC challenging Labour blatantly pushing for the customs union as though this is a legitimate position?
We all remember how clearly the assertion that leaving meant leaving the customs union. Again and again it was reiterated by Cameron and Osborne that this was the consequence. We knew this. We voted for it. For many of us it was at least one of the major reasons for voting to leave, to regain control over our own trade deals. For Labour to now claim that remaining within the customs union represents some kind of new middle way to break the deadlock that they are partially responsible for perpetuating is farcical. A legitimate state broadcaster would take them to task on it.
As for taking ‘no deal’ off the table, how has the absurdity of this negotiation strategy not been front and centre in debate on the BBC.
Like I say, no fan of Remainer May but let’s have some proper journalism BBC. Pah – rhetorical and a waste of time. End the BBC.
I listened to Corbyn s reply to the PMs can kicking speech and the characters behind him must have felt a bit uneasy about his ‘ refusing to discuss’ stance – whatever their view of the ReichEU .
I’m guessing he just wants to ensure he can’t be bought in to share the blame if it does go bandy ( it won’t )
If HMG is serious it should spend the next 6? Weeks getting messages of support for those non EU countries wishing to engage in free trade agreements on 30 March …best way to encourage a fairer trade agreement with the francokraut EU Reich .
in the conservative, mainly Muslim country took a bit of finding
Fatbergs mentioned earliers.
“Diane Abbott rejects BBC’s response to Question Time claims”
So Abbott has moaned to her second employer.
About looking stupid on TV (QT).
She is quoted by the BBC.
“Ms Abbott said that during Thursday’s programme, she was interrupted more than double the number of times Tory MP Rory Stewart was”
I do not remember Abbott complaining when this happened every one of the last 150 weeks to the SOLE Brexiter on the show.
“It may result in ‘good television’, but it can easily turn ugly.”
It certainly can.
Ms Abbott said she is not asking for “special treatment, only fair treatment”.
Is this the Abbott who has been demanding special treatment for 40 years?
It seems to me that either, the BBC have photoshopped the Abbott picture in the report, or Abbott has been using skin whitening products. She used to be the blackest woman in the world.
Are any old pictures availible for a comparison?
Never see pictures of Ms Abbot dropping her kid off at private school do we ? That’s special treatment .
With her medical condition perhaps she should do us all a favour and cut down on public appearance – there are plenty of other sistas waiting in the wings playing further to the left …
Eliminating public appearances for the rest of her life, or at least mine, would be very much welcomed. By me anyway.
It reminds me of an after dinner speaker at a business conference. He asked if everyone could hear him and someone said “I can but I’d be very happy to swap with someone who can’t”.
She should issue an ultimatum to the BBC that she won’t appear on the BBC until they promise her special treatment .
soy – Very droll, I apologise in advance for theft.
Come on – lighten up – I mean – the kid wasn’t 2 or anything … would be interesting to know who the judge was and the defence lawyer to get this animal a free pass ….
check out the picture of Ayoub Majdouline
I assume you are referring to what must another example of BBC fake news.
No doubt the excuse will be it was drawn by a court reporter, which may be true. But if the BBC did not commission the picture they certainly selected the most untanned, Caucasian, likeness available.
Hmm the Mirror version goes for more grey pastel than pink. But in case of confusion, the BBC make sure their photo caption contains the important info that he’s British.
It was clear. When does nationality ever feature in a news report? Certainly not when the nationality is not English.
On this occasion however, and I genuinely hope that I am somewhat representative of the general population, to hear that someone called Ayoub Majdouline is “British” raises a red flag. Uncontrolled immigration of vulnerable young girls from parts of the world where the west has interfered can result in vicious murderers of rival drug gangs roaming our streets. Who knew?
Plenty of coverage of the victim’s racial profile. And those of us who don’t rely on the BBC for analysis of the bleeding obvious appreciate that this is, in 99% of cases, the same race as the perpetrator.
Immigrants are bringing new crime to the UK. No credible analyst could conclude anything different yet we can’t debate this. It will degrade our nation’s relationship with certain types of foreigners if we identify them as a negative influence on our society. Suck it up, indigenous people, they are our future. In fact, be thankful for their enrichment and be sorry for your and your parent’s sins. You deserve it you white scum. I can hear Emily Thornberry saying it in my head.
Let’s hope the investigation looks at how he got UK nationality and whether the passport department hadn’t been infiltrated by ‘friends of the management ‘…
Aypub obviously fits into the ‘local man’ description .
You can still tell.
Does this guy really look like Schwimmer ?
Maybe after a few pints…
The Times has an actual photo – https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/ayoub-majdouline-18-in-court-over-murder-of-jaden-moodie-n6z5ffcq2
The pic from the Mail

The issue seems not to be the guys skin colour cos you can be good/bad whatever skin colour you have, but rather the BBC inverted-racism if it deliberately chooses light pics of suspects that masks their true appearance.
In this case the guy never appears to be brown skinned and sometimes appears with red highlights in his hair.
Though with dark eyes and dark hair he’s the guy you’d recognise of African Berber heritage.
So the last journo in the BBC – Andrew Neil has ‘ given up’ the PM Q session to spend more time with his evening show .
And if you notice the language these days – it’s more beeboid compliant .
So the left lead by the boy Jones have succeeded in their campaign to oust AN. The stunt with Anna Soubry and the pre-arranged coverage; his subsequent appearance on This Week; all a game well played.
The confected outrage about Diane Abbott on QT is the next one; no non-left/ non-remain panellist or audience members will be allowed soon.
Game set & match ! We are stuffed …….
I think it was inevitable – BBC employees and contractors must comply with the Party line . There can be no dissenters .
But on the upside at least I don’t need to watch the main BBC coverage – just off to Parliament Channel which does not‘ interpret’ for people it considers to be too thick to understand what they are watching or listening to.
As for Brexit – I think the PM is trying to get the DUP to accept something ‘ temporary ‘ which is not the backstop . Don’t think cash will do it as it is too fundamental to the Union .
( I am not from Northern Ireland so treat comment accordingly ) .
In some ways it is a good thing that Aunty has shunted off the last Conservative journo – to more obscure pastures.
It visibly removes their last defence that they always attempt to be balanced in their political broadcasts.
“Game set & match ! We are stuffed” .
Not really, just less viewing figures for Al Beeb.
I am no supporter of Brillo (real name Andrew Yaxley Neil) who may have appeared conservative at times, but is a champion of Islam and opponent of Trump. The TR interview was notorious. but slamming Trump, defending Islam against Katy Hopkins is what he is paid for.
Racebaiting on BBC1 now
On local news they have put probable national package : a Polish born guy Damien “who no longer feels welcome in the UK”
… He said “I think about if it could be another Windrush people, they were told it would all be alright and it wasn’t”
.. The BBC should not have aired that cos it is clearly a wrong opinion of what happened the Windrush people were NOT told it would all be alright ..they were always told they need to regularise their status.. most did, but a fraction didn’t.
Bloody hell – I don’t feel welcome in Blighty and I was born there and have been known to speak the lingo …
200% this. I am a whole lot less welcome in the BBC’s multiculty utopia having ticked every one of their enemy boxes – white, male, over 50, binary gender, heterosexual. Bad, bad me.
You can always find someone who hasn’t understood the protocol for being allowed to remain in a country and to be granted settled status. Well, you can always rely on the BBC to find someone who hasn’t understood. Or someone who makes the right sort of noises anyway.
Whoever it was who said “remember this post, the government will capitulate on settled status documentation fees” – prescient. You probably didn’t expect it so soon but you were on the money. Literally.
I can’t remember who it was, May as Home Secretary of Rudd as her replacement. But the “hostile environment” quote has been distorted for political means. The original context has been intentionally buried in the memory hole. It was that the UK should create a “hostile environment for illegal immigrants”. And who could argue with that? Now it’s been perversely turning into some simpering plea for justice for the innocent refugees that the nasty party want to criminalise after risking their lives in a last ditch attempt to escape from the horror of, erm, France.
I’m conscious of the need for restraint on language. So that’s the end of this polemic.
In some ways it is a good thing that Aunty has shunted off the last Conservative journo – to more obscure pastures.
It visibly removes their last defence that they always attempt to be balanced in their political broadcasts.
The telegraph reports that gwyneth Williams – who has been the ‘controller ‘ of Radio 4 is leaving the BBC . Obviously after achieving so much in dismantling a once reasonable radio station
She is moving on to wreck something else .
7:30pm BBC1 SJW stuff
Northeast – A special investigation into racist extremists in Sunderland and their links to Ukip.
Southeast – the Ashford and Syrian mums making friends through art.
– we pay tribute to our presenter and friend Dianne Oxberry who died earlier this month following a short illness. The programme remembers Dianne’s compassion and good humour and illustrates how her award winning journalism led to real change.
The northeast : serious one as if discussing child abuse
Framed by starting with video of the crowd shouting at Soubry
.. defty edited to remove the bit where the double agent guy puts the paper in Soubry’s guard’s pocket
To me it seems rather childish ..there are real abusers from right or left
..but Allen just posted kneejerk stuff on Facebook, I don’t think that is a police priority
If he did break the law then that iaw law matter, with proper process
I might describe the prog as “mud-slinging”
19:35 presenter “Could it get any worse ? ..Yes”
“This is Darren Adamson …he’s a BNP supporter .. his views are unpleasant …”
“He blame Africans for knife crime in London” …em is that so wacky ?
“He says ..’It’s time for government to pull their tongues out of zionist cracks’ … Kalergists “(apparently a conspiracy theory that the Jews have sent Muslims to dilute us)
voice of Matthew Feldman (York Uni)
Then Rob Ford (Manchester Uni)
“Adamson campaigned with UKIP on the Leave vote”
…( Hmm UKIP rules ban BNP members , but if a non-UKIP member turned up to wave a banner should he be banned
Wacky views are not themselves illegal saw what law applies ?
There would be similar wacky conspiracists at other parties rallies.)
Next the prog played Batten’s response words across the screen
..same print words used in the online article.
– Next the doorstepping of Allen ..who ignored them just went in
– Next the doorstepping of Adamson .. no one answered
end “So most of our questions remain unanswered”
Bottomline If people break the law, then the law should deal with them
but as it is everyone still has full free spech right , even if they are wacky conspiracists .
The prog seems like ‘trust us we’ve found some guys who sometime in the past said some wacky things on the internet , we are not going to show you the actual posts, you’ll have to trust us ”
The point to me is the double standards : Some Labour Momentum guys could tonight make almost exactly the same posts on the internet but with Trump and Farage etc. as their targets and the BBC would not think it worth a mention.
The BBC staff priority in Sunderland was to doorstep those men about old facebook posts
..but not doorstep rapists and serial abusers.
(ctd from previous x3)
There was another knock on the door. Holmes and I looked at Von Richthoven, who remained unresponsive. Was he going to open the darned thing?
All three of us could see the problem: there was a backstop in the way, ensuring that the door remained permanently shut.
“Where did that come from?” Holmes asked, frowning.
“Probably invented by some bureaucrat,” the Inspector sprouted. “Brussels has quite a few of them..”
“But this is London,” I objected. Holmes gave me a look tinged with sadness.
Von Richthoven’s eyes sparkled. Very blue eyes, now full of little stars. They reminded me of something I had seen outside parliament, but I couldn’t remember what.
“I know who is banging out there,” the Inspector declared, as the door shook. “It is only Anna. We can ignore her, she is a little daft. Full of it, you know?”
“Say nothing nasty about her,” Holmes warned. “Else you may appear on Twitter. She is a very sensitive soul.”
“Surely that hasn’t been invented yet!” I interjected.
“Are you referring to my carrier pigeon?” Von Richthoven demanded of Sherlock. “It is the latest advance in communication..”
The office door flew open suddenly, and we realized to our astonishment that the backstop had vanished. Some bureaucrat had dreamed up an impediment to keep us in, yet all at once it had no more substance than a whisper of antimatter.
“”It’s her!” Von Richthofen hissed, clicking his heels and, under his breath: “It’s not Anna, after all.”
(Apologies, there is a Clark shouting at us from outside. This place is full of loonies.)
Anyone notice today – BBC news quite excited that the EU will be taking out “sanctions” on the the two Russians accused of poisoning the Skirpals. Not only that the “sanctions” are also to be extended to the Russian Intelligence Service “Controllers” of the two Russian agents.
Thatl learn em!
How on earth does Putin manage to sleep at night ?
Something that you will never see on the BBC. Australia’s national broadcaster the ABC doesn’t seem to have a problem showing their citizens the problems associated with Islam as this video shows. Warning – a little graphic for some.
Jake’s link : https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-01-17/al-shabab-extremist-detonates-outside-hotel/10722098
More news that the BBC considers beneath themselves reporting at this stage of the BREXIT process : https://order-order.com/2019/01/21/imf-uk-will-fastest-growing-european-g7-country-brexit/
This significant piece of news did not make it onto the BBC Front page, nor onto Home, World, UK or Business pages of the BBC Website.
A treat awaiting is a 3-part in-depth, factual, utterly credible and unbiased documentary on Brexit produced by the BBC. At some point during the programme our very own Donald, Tusk by name, will reveal that he strongly advised David Cameron against his ‘stupid’ referendum, pointing out that ‘….there is no appetite for revolution within Europe at this time…’
Well Don, would you like to come back on that one?
Is it gonna be a musical… or done in grime or rap?
Abbott v BBC Question Time:
It’s a delight. Abbott will possibly meet her match as the BBC closes ranks. However, Abbott can never be sacked as she has a stack of race-cards to play and Corbyn still lurves her. This twisted saga could run and run.
As a further bonus, the deep and restrained bellow from the audience when ‘No Deal’ was mentioned could mark a turning point. It has certainly been noticed by the elite and gave them a tremor of terror. Liam Fox has referred to it.
The last time this deep and restrained bellow was heard, was when the lower deck gunners of HMS Victory closed even closer on the combined European fleet at Trafalgar.
Here’s the youtube link re the bellow. Thanks to Fedup2 😉
Check out the front row BBC plants who freaked out at the audience reaction. Good on you, people of Derby !!
Who were those people in the front row? How did they come to be sitting together?
Because they’d been nailed there?
I just saw a lovely send up of the left’s attack on QT’s alleged racist treatment of Abbott.
‘It is no accident that Fiona Bruce rhymes with racist abuse.’ See, it shows the BBC is a far right fascist organization’.
I need a list of acronyms
Yes I agree – I have trouble with HYS and CCBGB . FFS is used by some sometimes and I m sure that’s serious .
I still don’t know what SJW is …
Blindingly obvious gerrymandering of facts…
The BBC’s preferred manner of balanced discussion!
Bet BBC really throws some.
SJW = Social Justice Warrior
//Social justice warrior (SJW) is a pejorative term for an individual who promotes socially progressive views, including feminism, civil rights, and multiculturalism, as well as identity politics.//
Don’t you just love them 🙂
HYS is taking another slapping, add some more ………………….
The kerfuffle caused by Diane Abbott’s car crash appearance on Question Time is too delicious for words. I’ve avoided this irritating programme due to its appalling left wing bias for years but watched this online.
Usually there’s always about three to one on the panel in favour of Remain. We also had to endure the dreadfully biased and sneering Dimbleby. And the bloody audience seemed to be made up exclusively of Guardian readers fretting about their cheap eastern European nannies and climate change. What the heck happened last Thursday?
Poor Diane seems to have been placed before an audience of quite normal, regular people and clearly the shock has been too much for the poor cossetted creature. She’s not used to it on the BBC. There was none of the dreadful cooing and squealing from the audience every time the daft bint came out with one of her half baked platitudes. People just laughed at her. She was mocked. She was ridiculed. She should be. Oh, it’s worth watching!
She’s complained, Labour want an apology and Momentum want an investigation.
You know it was so good…
I might even cough up my licence fee.
It was a trap !
To get you to “cough up”.
Presenter on that UKIp seg is will in with the BBc’s StopBrexit campaign
Apologies if anyone has already drawn attention to this:
The row over “racist” abuse of Diane Abbott shows how far Momentum will sink
“By contrast, the shadow home secretary could not be bothered with the most basic civilities. In 15 years at Westminster I’ve rarely seen such bad manners…”
Suspected as much. Anand Menon, who is not exactly pale skinned, did not seem to be “dissed” at all during the programme, but then he didn’t make a fool of himself.
“It is the faux allegations of racism and sexism towards Abbott on the show that really depress me – and tell us so much about the poisonous culture in sections of the Labour party.”
But the constant racist fawning is not confined to the Labour party or, for that matter, the BBC. It seems to be virtually everywhere.
\\Brexit: David Cameron warned by Donald Tusk over ‘stupid referendum’//
Its democracy Mr Tusk, but not as you know it.
BBC Online News:
“”Egypt TV host Mohamed al-Ghiety jailed for interviewing gay man””
Gay bashing by a Muslim country. No BBC mention of Islam as a motivator.
Appropriate name Tho?
Is this site enjoying more new posters ?
Yes I think and hope so – all welcome – except for those who express no view of their own but just critique the views of others – otherwise known as trolls … except for entertainment purposes .
Hello taff – just to say that I’m not new, I am a lapsed poster. I’ve been lurking but busy. But lost none of my passion in the interim. I enjoy your posts…
Well hello and welcome back .
Diolch – thanks!
Lets have some more from you – the more the merrier .
When I can I will. Trust me, I annoy Mrs S and friends with my passion for doing the right thing – setting it into words takes longer.
I’m just working my way through the Abbapotamus appearance on QT. My God is she shallow of intellect. How far has our country sunk that she is regarded as acceptable as a potential MP, never mind a cabinet minister.
Is it just me or does the BBC web-site Home Page give a sense that it is just dawning on BH denizens that they just might have lost the battle to Remain in the EU?
I await the 10pm News and TWT to see if Miracle No.3 has happened. At lunchtime, before the PM’s statement, there was talk of ‘Amendments’. If they have come to naught, then the latest ‘Play for Time’ exercise may have worked.
This, on the Politics Page, appears to be the start of raising a white flag: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-46951942 as well as a ‘puff’ for a BBC TV programme.
Th weekend story about the fire French ski resort of Courchevel.
“The blaze, which started at 4.30am in a building used to house season workers, injured dozens of others, three critically”
“According to reports, 60 people were in the building, many of them *Brazilians*
Hang on, a ski resort in France has a load of Brazilian seasonal workers ..there is no snow in Brazil, why would anyone bring in South Americans.
I guess a couple could come from the Brazilian winter Olympic team or something, but Frnce should be using French workers or EU Bulgarians ..surely the Brazilians are illegal workers.??
Apparently Courchevel is full of Russians. And Brazilians.
Does Mandelson ski?
Depends how you define ‘ski’ Rich. Peter is versatile, that much is understood.
Have they perhaps come in via Portugal? There is an immense number of Portuguese in France, many of whom are ex-colonials.
Stew maybe it means some people had had Brazilians . Whatever the case it’s sad that so many were injured and there were fatalities .
Been a long day for me since I got up at 0400 for the moon thing but I had this thought -do you notice there is no humour – at all – in brexit . God normally one can find humour in anything . But not this . How can that be ?
I think , maybe , something got lost somewhere ….
Uh-huh. A bbc special.
Now we’ll all have to wonder what that said!
Oo… is there a Newssniffer for Facebook/video?
It was a BBC Brexit story about the plight of all sorts of poor Europeans within the BBC (quelle suprise, as we say in Salford)who are distressed about having to deal with a few details to maintain a pretty sweet lifestyle propagandising on the British Licence Fee Payer’s dime… cent… penny. So many pennies.
There was even a lovely young German in a hijab. Naturellement.
I’ll go have a nosey to see if it got reposted.
It’s possible the guys at BBC Islam were a bit disconcerted it appeared a bit focussed on the ladies, so had to be sent off to be re-edited.
Et…. voila!
And ja, alles femmes, naturellement.
Sorry, not BBC. But it could be.
Their arguments are fatuous, virtue signalling nonsense. This is the quality of rationale for remain. FFS.
Worse than that, programmes like Jeremy Vine’s ‘inform’ the opinions of brain dead halfwits. This is what counts as debate; leave your critical thinking at the door. Honestly – the black woman is an ex-pop singer. Word’s cannot express how debased intellectual debate has got that this is considered anything other than laughable. I have no idea who the white woman is but she’s incapable of even presenting an argument. Listen to her response on the challenge to “democracy”. If she represented our future then yes, you can wave goodbye to democracy along with anything even approaching logic, rationale, critical thinking, morals…
Political debate is no longer level headed – look at the emotive language and the ‘hurt’ that these two heavyweights of political discourse bring to the table. My God, has it come to this? It has – this IS how the masses get their ‘facts’. The real world is no longer relevant, you win your arguments in the equivalent of a staged reality TV show.
I often pretend to be annoyed for comedy reasons. But I’m not now; I am genuinely annoyed that my country has been infected with this disease and I want no part of it.
I think the other woman is Barbara Want, widow of the late Radio 4 presenter Nick Clarke. A broadcaster and media consultant apparently, FBPE and based in London of course.
It must be like sitting round their dining tables or chatting at the school gates for people like her when they go on shows like this.
Ffs, I’ve just noticed her Twitter account has a Peoples Vote header and a picture of her and Lammy on the campaign trail together just to remove any doubt.
I watched that woman closely. It may seem strange, but I think the trouble with her is that she has no sense of humour. If you can’t lighten up you get everything out of proportion.
Soy, thanks for this….
I had to stop watching after blonde woman said “I respect democracy. Stop Brexit”.
Do these people ever listen to themselves? Look in the mirror and see what they really are? It’s like they’re living in a fog. Can’t stomach it. So annoying/depressing/sad/infuriating/frustrating etc etc etc. It really has come to this unfortunately, and dear friends and family members are in the fog too. I simply can’t communicate with them and it’s heartbreaking.
One argument that is never mentioned is, if people had known what joining the EEC meant back in the 70s, i.e ever closer integration with Europe, culminating in inevitable loss of sovereignty, would they have been in favour of it? I think the answer is NO. Having seen the FCO/ 30 1048 document https://www.eutruth.org.uk/fco30.html, our government KNEW it would result in loss of sovereignty but this fact was hidden so that by the time people found out, it would be too late. And here we are. Snakes, treasonous snakes. My father (British ex-pat living abroad in 1939, deceased now) travelled half way across the world to volunteer in WWII (joined the RAF). I don’t know how he voted with regard to joining the EEC, but I am 100% sure if he’d known then what we know now, he would have rejected it. May he RIP.
Always remember, the 1975 referendum only came two years after we joined the EEC. We never had a vote on whether to join it in the first place!
Item on Look North at 10.30 re cars hogging the centre lane on motorways. The BBC camer followed a car which we were told with horror had been in the central lane for 6 minutes. They showed us the speeded up film. I am not sure how the reporter missed seeing the cars in the left hand lane throughout the filming.
There is this thing now called ‘edited footage’.
The bbc are quite adept.
The wacky Labour organ Sqawkbox calims the BBC AND Gauardian have shown bias , by misrepresenting the Labour position on Brexit
And Corbyn will be ready to talk to May as soon as she meets Labour’s 27 tests. You can’t be fairer than that.
If Radio4 is to rebrand as Radio Victimhood
..what will the other stations rebrands be called ?
The Rebrand and logo of the BBC News Channel

… the Fake Gnus channel
Fake Gnus from the Bull$h!t Broadcasting Corporation.
Someoone could photoshop the faces of FakeNews pushers onto those gnus
When you think that the BBC only ‘renamed’ their stations after Wilson wanted to get rid of the pirate stations, which were marvellous examples of early populism back then, it’s no wonder that the boring R4 should be renamed!
Me, being a prude, I think the programme ‘Up all night’ should be renamed because it has memes of nasty urinal problems, rampant, continuous sex, racism, shrieking football announcers, violence towards dumb animals who wish to go out into the garden at 3:00 am, and eardrum seizure due to the most boring mid-week subjects ever devised (especially last night).
How about ‘Laudanum’?
This is an absolute disgrace but, sadly, no longer surprising when the far left bbc and the yoonis are inciting hatred of this country and everything it ever stood for.
Some idiot (Kehinde Andrew) has just been arguing with Piers Morgan on ITV about how our war effort was tantamount to war crimes. If he hates this country so much why is he even here?
A lady reporter in the USA sorta, kinda, says ‘oops… honest mistake…. sawwwwwwweee’.
Not Katty Kay.
Bbc babes batting a thousand.
Lies, damned lies, and bbc numbers.