Midweek Open Thread 23 January 2019

A new word has entered the language – Dox

‘To search for and publish private or identifying information about ( a particular individual) on the internet , typically with malicious intent”- used recently in the Catholic School boy incident in America which the hateful left wrongly misinterpreted and exploited .

So bits of the world change for the worse -don’t they ?


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624 Responses to Midweek Open Thread 23 January 2019

  1. Up2snuff says:

    It is going to take a sequence of miracles to get the UK out of the EU. The forces of Hell are ranged against it. Today they ramped up the battle some more, aided and abetted by the BBC.

    On a plus point, the BBC have today been blunt – for the first time – and have stated more than once on R4 that Cooper & Rudd & Grieve & Soubry, & all the other prominent Remainers that you can think of, are out to stop Brexit. Previously, they have never said that in such blunt – a.k.a. honest – terms.

    Of course, the BBC may have already implicated themselves there as well. It would be fairly typical of them to have their fingerprints also on the ‘murder weapon’ but at the last minute will probably pull away and say “They did it. It wasn’t us. We’re not guilty.”

    I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again: ‘We will only get out of the EU on our knees.’ The UK has slipped back in time into Europe of the mid/late 1980s, except the power bloc now is not Soviet Russia and the secret police forces like the Stasi and Securitate. It is the proto Communo-Fascist State, previously known as the EEC and EC.

    On TwatO (R4, 1pm) there was a laughable moment when a lady was brought on to become slightly upset on air about the possible cancellation or the delay of her ferry journey for a holiday in Europe in May …. because of a possible No-Deal Brexit. I wonder how many of the passengers (who have received similar warning letters from the ferry company) the BBC had to search through just to find one who was really irritated about it and would come on the programme to complain about Brexit and the politicians. When asked, only at the end of the inertview, she admitted that she had voted Remain in the Referendum. Sharp listeners would no doubt have guessed from the outset this this was not a totally impartial contributor.

    Light moments, however, quickly turn to darker ones.

    The BBC on the 6pm R4 News headline leads stated that the EU have announced for the first time today that a No-Deal Brexit on 29 March would result in a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic. Only later in the Bulletin does it transpire that Margaritis Schinas, EU Chief Spokesman, said that it was merely his opinion and the word ‘might’ was used. Quote: ‘Mr Schinas told reporters at Tuesday’s briefing: “If you’d like to push me and speculate on what might happen in a no-deal scenario in Ireland, I think it’s pretty obvious – you will have a hard border.” ‘ Also only in the depth of the News broadcast itself was it mentioned that Leo Varadkhar, Eire’s PM, had suggested a way around the problem might be a bi-lateral agreement between Eire and the UK.

    There are two good examples of at best anti-Brexit scaremongering, at worst dishonest newscasting, from the BBC.

    Jesus of Nazareth instructed his disciples to be “As wise as serpents and as harmless as doves.” Brexiteers will have to be exactly like that in order to win the struggle for Independence.

    We are up against apparently overwhelming forces although they are in reality a small minority of the minority of 48% who voted Remain. Military force apart, they do hold a lot of political and social power as we saw last week with the Anna Soubry incident. We can leave the EU but it will take miracles outside our control, miracles from Heaven itself, to achieve it.

    At midnight tonight, only 66 days to go.


    • Fedup2 says:

      The commons sits until 14 February then again from 25 February . In present circumstance there are not a lot of working days for remains to interfere with our leaving in accordance with the Act .

      If the enemy try to get the A50 date changed maybe we can get Hungary to veto it .

      As you say – it will take a Miracle . Perhaps as MPs in brexit constituencies will be reminded – forcefully – what the constituency voted for and the limitations of their future should they go against their wishes .


      • Fedup2 says:

        In the preamble to this thread I mentioned a word I’d not heard before

        Apparently a lot of the kids involved in the MAGA video have been “doxed “ by snowflakes – as well as their families and friends . I suppose it’s the cost of being on social websites particularly Face book – a place you’d never see me ….


        • Helena Hand-Basket says:

          Fed, it’s amusing to note that ‘doxy’ is an archaic term for a hooker or mistress. How appropriate, given that some journalists apparently have prostituted their talents (if any) in this manner!

          The word appears in a poem in Shakespeare’s ‘The Winter’s Tale’:

          ‘When daffodils begin to peer,
          With hey! the doxy over the dale,
          Why, then, comes in the sweet o’ the year,
          For the red blood reigns in the winter’s pale.’

          Do you think the bard would mind if I rework it?

          When daffy Beeboids sin and smear,
          For pay they ‘dox’ till all hopes fail,
          We pray their ‘Tweets’ will end this year,
          (The bloody s*** – stains all in jail).

          P.S. Yes, I do know ‘dox’ is an abbreviation of documents. I’m just having a bit of fun.


          • Up2snuff says:

            Great post, Helena! Historical accuracy and all that!

            I wonder how many people realise that our precious UK democracy – currently under threat from a minority of a minority who voted Remain in the EU – comes from the Reformation. It is, to an extent, built on the blood of martyrs like the Church.

            A European movement, note, that Reformation against an overwhelming corrupt power.

            Hmmmmnn, now where have I heard similar recently?

            We need a bit of fun to lighten things, right now. The minority of minorities are going to fight dirty. The winning Leave majority must stay calm and peaceful and uphold our law and democracy.

            I still find it hard to believe that the night after Clinton conceded defeat and over the following weekend, young Democratic voters along with various anarchist groupings, went on demonstrations that turned into violence and destruction of property in various cities in the USA.

            We face the prospect now in the UK, US and (I hope & pray not) Europe, that when Elections are held, if the losers are of a certain political persuasion, a minority will dispute the result with demonstrations and possible all sorts of tactics an even violence all the way until the next Election.

            A country cannot live on that basis. It is a return, if not to the Stone Age, to at least Tudor and pre-Tudor times, to the arbitrary rule of the individual and his or her sword.


            • NCBBC says:

              I share your view for Europe. The alliance between Germany and France signed yesterday , is opposed by many in France and Germany. France for obvious reasons, as it doesn’t want to become the lap dog of Germany. Germans OTH are ever mindful of their Nazi past.

              But we in the UK have always muddled through. As Prof Peterson points out, we have done so quite successfully for over a thousand years, and avoided the carnage of Europe in that same period.

              We just do not have the efficiency of the Germanic people, or the intellectual rigidity of the French, to carry out any political project with thoroughness. So yes, we will muddle through and be out of Europe properly.

              So I have faith in the British people to balls up, but not too thoroughly, as that would not be British, but well enough to make our enemies to go crazy, and no one knows what to do.


              • Up2snuff says:

                NCBBC, yes, Peterson is right but for the UK – actually just England at first – it has been a long trail (and trial!) over 800 years. We are not really quite finished yet: reform of the House of Lords is probably the major item on the ‘To do List’.

                It could be argued, I think, that the UK escaping the job of being the wedge between Germany & France and France & Germany might also be a massive Brexit Bonus that most have not yet thought of. I feel that is why we were allowed in in the first place.

                You are right about Germany’s recent past weighing heavily on the national psyche. I still need convincing the Angela Merkel was merely driven but guilt and/or the need to make a humane gesture in unilaterally throwing open the borders of the EU and Germany.

                Where do you think the leadership power now rests in the EU? Most people assume it is with Germany but I’m not so sure.

                And do you buy into the view of Daniel Hannan, was it in a newspaper today, that the EU wishes to punish the UK for leaving?


                • Banania says:

                  Not just Hannan’s view; he gave chapter and verse from Michel Barnier.


                • NCBBC says:

                  Up2snuff:Where do you think the leadership power now rests in the EU? Most people assume it is with Germany but I’m not so sure.

                  Germany would be the country that comes to mind. But Germany is haunted by its past. Any attempt to assert its authority would be viewed askance by its neighbours. So all Germany can do is to shoulder burdens, financial and migration, as a way of seeking forgiveness for its Nazi past. But even this it has to do with eager willingness. Any attempt to be assertive leads immediately to calls of Nazism – as Greeks did to Merkel a few years back.

                  Then there is France. France has viewed itself as the physical, intellectual and spiritual heart of Europe. Visions of Napoleonic grandeur are never far behind. Macron thought of himself as Jupiter – a god of gods. I’m sure this vision of his must have lead to smiles in the German chancellery.

                  But Macron, with a busted economy, and Yellow Jackets on the streets, is a busted flush.

                  France is out of the running. Germany, with a dragging economy, a revitalized Right (conjuring Nazi nightmares), is in no position, or for that matter desire, to be the leader.

                  Looking around, who could be the leader? Obviously a nation who carries a big stick. A nation that expends a lot of money and men to defend Europe. A nation that holds the Balkan quagmire at bay, and stops any Russian pressure in the East. A nation that is aggrieved that Europe has signed up to an oil deal with Russia, and is making its displeasure felt in no uncertain terms. A nation that is causing great turmoil in the German chancellery.

                  The way I see it, the USA still holds the “big stick” in Europe ( EU inclusive). With Britain, it holds too all Europe’s security keys in its hands.


                  • fakenewswatcher says:

                    NCBBC – The US still provides the military muscle, via NATO.
                    Your analysis is correct. That is why France and Germany have decided to cuddle up together and all but form one state. Two days ago, Macron and Merkel met in Aachen to sign a special treaty. (The crowd wasn’t impressed; the politicians pretended they didn’t notice.)
                    One would have thought that ‘ever closer and deeper union’ was going apace, but no, this special treaty was apparently needed.
                    Ex Czech President, Vaclav Klaus, criticized what he called a ‘secret treaty’ to create a single superstate within the EU. Who is the new ‘enemy within’? Klaus asked. Is it anyone who doesn’t share Macron/merkel’s vision of Europe and its values?
                    So, two-speed Europe is becoming a reality and the UK did well to get out -if it is, that is.


                    • NCBBC says:


                      Germany and France can cuddle up as much as they like, but they cant match the muscle and global power of the USA. F and G hold no terrors for Russia or China.

                      In Europe, Its worth noting the “adulation”that Pres Putin got on his recent trip to Belgrade. The only thing that prevents Russia from interfering in the Balkans in support of a Slavic and Orthodox Christian Serbia is the USA. Remember Churchill’s warning about the Balkans – a simmering cauldron of hatreds going back 1200 years. It has the potential to ignite a global war anytime. It will drag in Turkey and Israel too. No can restrain Russia, Turkey and Israel at the same time except the USA.

                      Does the EU seriously think it can keep a lid on the Balkans, and thus keep Russia, followed by Turkey, and then Israel from asserting themselves .


          • StewGreen says:

            Backlinks to previous thread
            Page 3 Tuesday 9:30am to 8:30pm
            ..then for 1 hour we overspilled onto Page 4

            – Ctr-F helps you to search the page for posts
            – Tools like https://www.inoreader.com help you track new comments as they come in
            – I’d also recommend https://wordpress.com/ Reader tool for following your favourite blogs


        • tarien says:

          Nor me Fedup- the majority of where I live voted to Leave, whether with a deal or without a deal, as it stands the Deal Mrs May has been given by the Brussels bureaucrats leaves the UK half in half out, so NO good-whatever the consequences which I for one do not believe will be anywhere near as bad as continually forecasted by the BBC, we should LEAVE without a deal-Britain will survive and probably without the ties of the EU around its neck do very well. Indeed we are at war, a war for our democratic survival against the evils that have cast a dark shadow over Europe and other parts of the world-Islam is one.


        • G.W.F. says:

          Trump has invited these kids to the White House. Now that man is a President.


      • Eddy Booth says:

        ”we can get Hungary to veto it .”
        but is the veto still a thing ?


        • vesnadog says:


          If the Queen sides with the traitors in parliament then she MUST be reminded ( gently of course), that it will be a certain testing of her Christian Faith and possible destruction of the Monarchy:

          “A time to keep silence, and a time to SPEAK” Ecclesiastes 3: 7.

          Or why do we pay the royalty millions of pounds each year only to side with traitors?


          • les whittaker says:

            “Or why do we pay the royalty millions of pounds each year only to side with traitors?”

            It’s not a matter of siding with anyone. It’s within the power of the voting public to abandon mindless party loyalty and to stop sending the wrong people to Westminster. Too many of them are far too secure in so-called “safe seats” and have become intolerably arrogant over the years. There are fresh faces out there, we know who they are. Nigel Farage, through UKIP, gave us the referendum without a single MP (apart from Carswell, who doesn’t count). Imagine what a few MPs could have achieved, with or without the UKIP infighting.

            Both main parties could pay a heavy price for the current state of affairs at the next general election but if the public sleep walks into the voting booths once again, it’s down to them. No point blaming somebody else. If we want democracy, we should use it, instead of just being content to know that it is there.


            • vesnadog says:


              Yeah, but meanwhile?

              Rome burns as it says here!


              • les whittaker says:

                Even if it falls through this time, we will always have the ability to leave the EU provided there is a UKIP equivalent to vote for. I think there will be because the EU is clearly in decline. But the voting public have to get off their backsides and vote for it.

                The two main parties deserve a good kicking at the next GE. However, if people insist on voting for the same old, they deserve all they get. We’ve got the leaders we deserve.


                • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

                  Sadly I fear the majority of the sheeple WILL vote for the same old same old. Tory voters still fall for the line that a vote for UKIP lets in Corbyn’s commies. Not all, admittedly, and there are signs they are learning, but I fear it will take too long go be effective.


            • NCBBC says:

              les whittaker: Too many of them are far too secure in so-called “safe seats” and have become intolerably arrogant over the years.

              I put myself in the position of such an MP in this position. So here I am. Comfortable in a safe seat, a good salary and expenses, and plenty of adulation worldwide. And without warning PM Cameron called a referendum, and put me in a difficult position. No more safety. If I vote to remain, the Brexiteers get me in the next election. If I vote the other way, the Remainers will not forgive.

              Really I don’t have a choice. Either way I’m stuffed. Best thing to do now is to stand as a “man of principle”. Against my principles, but times are hard. I will make my position clear that I respect the decision of the British people, and will vote accordingly. Then take my chances with the fair minded people of Britain. Yup thats the way to play it. Alexa – remind me to get my wife’s view on it.


        • Banania says:

          “…is the veto still a thing ?”
          When we come to need it we shall probably find in suddenly isn’t, in the rules-based organization.


      • JimS says:

        If the ‘people’ keep banging out 100k+ petitions can we clog up the works?
        (I can’t be bothered to look but I think I read that the last batch all got debated together. If so then they need to be spaced out for maximum effect).
        The true Brexit MPs need to ‘talk out’ all these ‘remain’ deceits.


      • G says:

        Whatever happens to our Brexit, I suspect there will be a massive cull of MP’s come next election.


        • LastChanceSaloon says:

          Now is the time for a cull, before the traitors keep us in the EUSSR.
          I have a recurring dream within a dream.
          I have a large, spiked, club with which I am bludgeoning a baby seal.
          I awake from my inner dream to discover that I have, somnambulistically, executed my local MP instead of a seal.
          I then enter another inner dream where I travel to the adjoining constituency and execute another seal.


        • les whittaker says:

          Exactly – there certainly should be.

          If not, we deserve all we get.


    • JimS says:

      Who exactly is going to create a ‘hard border’?

      We had enough trouble closing secondary border crossings during ‘the troubles’ when we wanted to do it. If the UK isn’t going to put in the infrastructure is Eire suddenly going to do it in March?

      Will they close the border to spite themselves? If the UK didn’t have the resources back in the 1970s I can’t see Eire being able to do it now.

      Fake news.


      • taffman says:

        “Who exactly is going to create a ‘hard border’?”
        The EU and its Fred Carno Army.
        Its a bluff to frighten the ‘salt of the earth’ people of this great country.

        Lets have a ‘peoples vote’ to get rid of our anti-democratic MPs who “instead of uniting the good people of this nation with righteousness and peace ………….. ” See Lucy Pevensey’s post – Film ‘Cromwell’.
        We voted for freedom and we voted out!


        • Guest Who says:

          Assuming Herr 52 Varieties of Merlot and his Cohorts actually wangle some kind of conscription amongst the new Eupeons, not sure too many are going to be keen to take on a T-14 with a hairnet and the promise of air cover once the service guys have visited the Luftwaffe.

          But the Downfall spoof is going to be amazeballs.


      • vesnadog says:


        But which is more important the prevention of “the troubles” or the prevention of “the democratic vote of the British people”?


      • The Sage says:

        Let’s not forget that there is already a currency, Customs and Excise duty and VAT rate border between Northern Ireland and the Republic.


    • Jagman84 says:

      News of the move for proxy voting in the HoC, allegedly prompted by an MP delaying giving birth, in order to cast a critical vote, has another potential use. Imagine that some MPs were ‘delayed’ by protests in Westminster, over the Brexit betrayal. In those circumstances, how convenient would it be to still be able to vote and sell out their(?) Nation?


    • Demon says:

      If all the CINOs like Anna Slobbery resign from the former-Conservative Party then they can’t stand at the next election, except for a different party which means they would be unlikely in the extreme to get their cushy seats back. I hope they all resign- they will not be missed.


  2. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Re-post from the old thread.


    • Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

      Please, please
      someone send that to Colonel Kemp and General Thompson with a hint, hint, sort of message.


    • Banania says:

      It is like that scene from Goodfellas with Joe Pesci and the baseball bat.


  3. Up2snuff says:

    In an article about Gender Equality: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-46945135

    the following is hilarious
    “At Mastercard, one practical way the company has tried to shift perceptions is by standardising paternity and maternity leave globally. Introduced two years ago, men are entitled to two months on full pay under the scheme, and women, four months.”


    Back to the drawing board.

    Perhaps her husband, the retired geography teacher, can explain to Mrs Cairns where she has gone wrong?


    • taffman says:

      What is Davos ? perhaps Al Beeb or maxincony can inform us ? Well, they both like informing us .


      • Lobster says:

        Isn’t it something to do with the Daleks?


        • taffman says:

          Its probably just as wicked and evil?


        • Up2snuff says:

          Lobbie, think you may be right. Now, where’s my Sonic Screwdriver?

          (PS. How is the recovery going and your health right now?)


          • Lobster says:

            Thanks very much for asking. The recovery is taking rather longer than I hoped, but I’m still breathing which is a good sign!


      • Guest Who says:

        Odd the BBC has not mentioned, or played down the Lear jet park that reaches halfway to Germany, and the helicopter to the jolly.

        One is sure Sir. Boaty and Toenails stuck with commercial and a limo, but they may have noticed something.


        • LastChanceSaloon says:

          Last week I needed to ask why toenails was Toenails.
          So who is Boaty? TIA.


          • Guest Who says:

            Sir David Attenborough got Socksed when a boat-naming competition went South.

            Now ask me what ‘Socksed’ means 🙂


            • Guest Who says:

              Popping out…

              There was a competition for a oceanographic research vessel where the winner was ‘Boaty McBoatface’. This was deemed not on by the organisers, so they accorded Sir. Dave the booby prize.

              A while ago the BBC ran a competition for a Blue Peter pussy, and they did not like the name that won, so rigged it, as the BBC is prone to do, to ‘Socks’.

              The truth is out there…… waagaaay out there.


  4. Nibor says:

    Official Notice : Investigation Opened .

    I thought you would want to know what’s going on around chez Nibor’s gaffe , because TV Licensing obviously want others to know . Their latest threatogram has the usual window in the envelope that clearly says to all and sundry that happen to deal with my post the above statement , implying that I’m up to no good .

    Now a proper , pukka organisation that sells a service would either take me to court , or give up on a bad debt . What body would spend hundreds in postage sending the same message to the same person over a period of decades when it’s just ignored ? Who would send that same message to umpteen other people who ignore it ? Why not send the letters to Santa because it’s just as profitable ?
    But then Santa would get irritated by these missives , and only put a piece of coal in the BBC’c Christmas stocking , after all the BBC’s goody goody wish list of such things as world peace ,complete eradication of Western dominance in world affairs because of global warming , equality of everything , no racism ( in western countries , in other areas its a BBC approved piece of culture ) , Brexit bad etc etc .


    • taffman says:

      I too have such a similar letter informing me that I am under investigation. It also has an official red rubber stamp with “approved ” embossed on it.
      It must be important?


      • Fedup2 says:

        I regularly get the letter – in fact I quite look forward to it now – it’s a regular event that reminds me about the passage of time … and the decline of the Far Left BBC


        • Up2snuff says:

          Nibor, taffman and Fed, hang on to those letters, they may be valuable. They are evidence under the Harassment Act 1997 of an offence against you and your household.


  5. Halifax says:

    Met Office issues ice warning after snow hits UK

    Headline picture from BBC shows a East European lady crossing a snow Covered (open) UK road with big hood up and looking at a mobile phone. Thanks for the responsible road safety message BBC …..


  6. Stevie m says:

    Sly news cranking up the brexit scare stories. Medicines could be in short supply blah blah. Telling people not to stockpile usually has the opposite effect in my experience. The boats will be crossing the channel from dover to Calais next ffs


    • Fedup2 says:

      Apparently the girl MPs in the Commons want special treatment when they have babies and don’t want to do the job their constituents sent them to Westminster for .

      Obvious former paedophile supporters like Hattie Harmon loves this and said so .

      Jess Phillips – one of those – down with the kids – labour MPs issued a threat to any male member who ‘ objected ‘ to the scheme to “ make their lives a misery” which the Speaker didn’t say anything about , so threats are ok now in parliament .

      Can’t expect better outside can we .


      • StewGreen says:

        \\ Pregnant MPs to be allowed to vote by proxy after Labour MP delayed birth of baby to reject Brexit deal .//


        • RJ says:

          “Pregnant MPs to be allowed to vote by proxy”

          Next they’ll be demanding 2 votes.


  7. Fedup2 says:

    Toady watch
    Comrade Robinson interviews the head of Interpol about the UK after brexit trying to get him to say “it’s gonna be bad”.

    Both men failed to mention that Interpol is not connected to the ReichEU. It is a world wide organisation.

    This was a pure anti brexit fear interview for which , if Robinson had any shame , he should feel it .

    2 the head of counter terrorism – called Basu – has warned about the rise ‘ Far right wing terrorism ‘ despite admitting having no evidence to support his view.
    Al beeb says 4 plots have been frustrated whilst 14 Islamic killing plans had been stopped ,

    Basu links brexit to Far Right politics to terrorism shows that politics is alive and kicking within the neutral police force .

    Another one saying the right thing to get a better job . Drain the Swamp.


  8. Guest Who says:

    Every so often the bbc morning email tempts me to reaquire a tvl.

    This morning as top news I learn that Ant and Dec are emotional after a win in another interminable luvvie group fluff awards win, and….

    “ Can you ever be best friends with an ex?

    “I met my ex – the great love who shoved my heart in a blender – at university,” writes Marie-Claire Chappet. “He was instantly attractive in that maddeningly generic way: tall, dark and handsome. We were a one-night stand that somehow turned into a friendship, that somehow turned into a relationship.

    “We were together on and off for three years after we graduated, with weekends of coupled-up bliss spent holed-up in his London flat, punctuated by fierce arguments about commitment. Our break-up was as convoluted and protracted as our time together: full of false starts and regretful make-ups.””

    Ok, maybe not.


    • LastChanceSaloon says:

      GW – I did not see this before posting my effort below.


      • Guest Who says:

        Not a worry here 🙂

        Repetition for effect.

        Though Maxi may go ment… more mental in House Monitor mode once they have thawed him out.


      • Guest Who says:

        Actually it is a great complement as this ‘story’ clearly has been fed into the BBC spam program across every outlet.


    • Banania says:

      Me me me me. Gosh, how interesting.


  9. Oldspeaker says:

    Tucker casts a little light on a very dark incident.


    • StewGreen says:

      Covington red hat boys
      \\ The media just nailed its own coffin led shut //


      • Roland Deschain says:

        What I find quite alarming is the number of comments from people who see nothing wrong with what was done to these boys, despite the truth having barged its way through the MSM lies.

        I wonder what the BBC’s North America Editor thinks of the BBC’s part in all of this?

        Ah. Outwith his remit to correct factual inaccuracies. Unless he deems them to come from the President.


        • StewGreen says:

          Sopel got 30 likes for showing FakeNews about North America on the BBC is no concern of his, he’s just the North America editor
          There is a reply from @DB
          \\ The BBC report still says “Mr Phillips – a Vietnam War veteran”. That’s not true.
          You are BBC North America Editor.
          What does that title actually mean if you don’t take responsibilty for what’s wriitten on the BBC US page? //


          • Fedup2 says:

            Stew – using the Mr Liar Phillips definition – then I , too, am ‘a Vietnam War veteran ‘ because I was alive at the time as well .

            In fact I was in the ‘nam – Totten’am- that is ….

            Gotta really feel for those kids ..


            • Guest Who says:

              A once went to the USA with a mate who was studying Veterinary Science at Birmingham.

              Rarely paid for a drink.


          • Guest Who says:

            Had a look.

            This is still up.

            Pretty sure Nick Bryant weighed in too, but nothing now obvious. Bbc stealth by those more aware than Jon?


        • Guest Who says:

          Jon knows when to chip in.


      • Doublethinker says:

        I’m afraid the the media certainly has not nailed its coffin shut, mores the pity. No matter how many times the MSM are exposed to be knowingly distorting the facts, suppressing the facts or outright lying , they will not be held to account. The MSM are the propaganda arm of the governing Globalist elite who need them to help keep the white people people accepting of Globalisation even though it is very bad for ordinary white folks in the West. Although the MSM is losing credibility it can still influence enough dummies to make it a powerful propaganda weapon . We on this site may see straight through the lies but millions of voters still swallow them whole . In the USA the MSM is funded by Globalists who really don’t care much about the financial performance , if they did care CNC would have shut down long ago.
        The battle between ordinary people and their Populists leaders on the one hand and the Globalists and their dupes on the other , is being fought on very unequal terms. I note that in the US the people are increasingly taking direct action against the MSM because they have no other way of holding them accountable. Boycotting any company that puts its advertising with the MSM is one way of at least showing what you think but if they are bankrolled for other reasons it won’t necessarily shut them down. Others ways may need to be found of accomplishing that. In the UK the BBC doesn’t have any financial concerns so only a License Fee strike would have any impact but leftists like May and a Corbyn would fund them from direct taxation.


      • Guest Who says:

        Like his style. Katty, Jon & Anthony, probably… not so much.

        Plus that lovely, if intense CNN anchorette. Really, she and her colleagues should be waiting tables by now.


  10. AsISeeIt says:

    With that self-satisfied air of lip-smacking glee BBC tv news report this establishment fluff piece of project fear as though it were news:


    ‘The “febrile” atmosphere around Brexit COULD be exploited by far-right extremists, the UK’s most senior counter-terrorism officer has warned’

    [my emphasis]

    By the way, a word to the wise for our counter-terrorism cops – COULD I please just add this notion:

    A super-villain of indeterminate nationality (with metal hands) COULD establish a base within an island vulcano, steal a nuclear warhead and hold the world to ransom.

    But that’s the plot of a James Bond movie.

    And I guess it isn’t an argument against Brexit or the political Right

    But let’s not be too hard on this cop. He also said ‘he was concerned about the possibility of radicalised fighters returning from abroad’ – but I suppose that’s just not the stuff of BBC tv screamer headlines.


    • Guest Who says:

      Our family breakfast table echoes with merriment as Classic FM’s Global tripe listed every new Brexit doom, gloom and kaboom solemnly.

      Meanwhile, in Charter-busting form back at the national disgrace:



    • Fedup2 says:

      Yes basu decided that the soubry incident last week outside Parliament was a sign of imminent Far Right terrorism … because of brexit .

      Mr basu s grasp of politics or British history might be for cultural reasons but tieing the Far Right ( whatever the hell that is) with brexiters does a disservice to his office and evidences just how dumb some people can be

      Maybe I can help on the ‘Far Right definition ‘

      1 people who don’t agree with the bbc view of the world
      2 people who don’t like their country be taken over by alien cultures and guest workers from the ReichEU


      • john in cheshire says:

        I heard this Basu character on LBC early this morning and he sounded like a Common Purpose robot to me.

        Also, Nick Ferrari once again failed to ask the question most relevant when our enemy within is chugging propaganda; what do you mean by far right and what did these so-called far right terrorists do for them to be included in the terror statistics?

        It’s unsurprising that they try to direct attention to the smaller number rather than the overwhelming number of muslim plotters and killers.


        • Roland Deschain says:

          “…and he sounded like a Common Purpose robot to me.”

          My exact thoughts. He kept going on about “citizens” in a bizarre fashion that sounded like a pre-programmed response.


    • Up2snuff says:

      AISI, the police officer may also be wise to remember that the last people to carry a ‘COULD’ around in public were denounced, and still are, as liars although THEY were telling the truth. Is he telling the truth?


      • Guest Who says:

        The list of words and phrases without which the BBC would be reduced to actually reporting was started a while ago, and I offer ‘could’ 😉 be the basis of a pinned thread.

        sources say
        has learned
        honest mistake
        something they might have said
        have been told
        Well it sounds credible
        Is something something bad about a person we don’t like…?

        As a matter of interest, on matters Brexit or Trump, have there ever been any BBC headlines like

        “UK control over borders could lead to much better security inside them vs. EU colander-style”, or

        “US economy booming as President does what he was voted in to do, could improve more”.

        I realise the question asked is rhetorical.


  11. LastChanceSaloon says:

    2019-01-23 06:30 BBC SPORT Tennis
    after missing four match points
    won the final six games
    I took my chances
    played down an ankle injury which she suffered
    It was nothing to do with my ankle
    since giving birth to her daughter
    despite not playing competitively since
    was called for a foot fault
    et cetera
    Missing from this match was a player threatening to “shove a ball down your ******* throat”
    If you do not want to know the score look away now.


    • G says:

      Perfect, just perfect. If my cello playing of Meditation was as perfect, I would really be a happy OAP!


    • RJ says:

      It seems that the International Olympic Committee has now blocked the video being played on this website. Fed; you’re getting to be famous.


      • LastChanceSaloon says:

        Here was I thinking that any fame would be mine, since this is the second time I have linked to this video.

        Here is another link, let us see how long it takes the corrupt ****s with their snouts in the Olympic trough to find out.


  12. Cassandra says:

    I posted this late on Tuesday night, I think it’s worth reading.

    A reporter from ITV Central News read key parts of the prosecution in the Worcester acid attack case. The father told his wife when she returned to him after three days (because of his cruel behaviour) that he was going to take his children to a MUSLIM country and kill them. The local newspaper, The Express and Star also reported this:


    Compare this to the BBC Midlands News report:



    • StewGreen says:

      Times reports the story with : “man” “Worcester”
      ..no mention of Afghanistan, asylum seeker, Muslim etc.


  13. LastChanceSaloon says:

    2019-01-21 BBC


    “Can you ever be best friends with an ex?”
    With a drawing of a Caucasian male and an ugly Negroid female.
    I try to stress the Caucasian and Negroid, it upsets the enemy.

    I have not seen a white male with miscegenationious tendencies for years.
    I have seen a few post propaganda white females, who believe their ancestors and the ancestors of blacks, were both enslaved, with Negroids.

    I did not read the article.

    I do not know why the link is so long.
    “type=promo” “campaign” “c2” is this proof that the number of deliberate instances of BBC bias is so large they need a separate category? C2 being a racial classification.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Well I’ve cheered up a lot after hearing that Viscount Osbourne predicted we won’t be leaving the ReichEU – seems far more likely now .

      The 2 star Project Fear award of the day goes to … children’s services not being good because of ‘ brexit uncertainty’ . Pretty dismal stuff . Can’t tget do something sexy like a shortage of toothpaste
      Or car tyres or perelli calendars of colanders ?


      • JamesArthur says:

        Yes R4 in full Project fear mode this mornng. I haven’t been on BBC for last few days now I know why.
        1. Basu.Brexit =Right wing despite no evidence. 4 right wing versus 14 Islamic..Right wing probably one man his dog and a lealet
        2. Obnoxious BBC person interviewing Liam Fox. Agressive and condescending No Deal = Bad Brexit should be delayed.. Fox held his own and I laughed when Beeboid tried to do maths and failed only to be corrected by Fox…
        3. Some self promoting nobody female entreprenuer to talk about Dyson decision to move. No idea who she is but she clearly knows nothing about Dyson or his motives and used the time to slag off Brexit as it was bad for female (not males strangely) entrepeneurs. But she is linked to People’s vote..- so that’s all you need to have voice on BBC
        Off switched …


        • honestus says:

          been said before but I make no apology for thanking posters like yourself for doing what I have no intention of doing – giving the scandalous BBBC a second of my precious time listening to or viewing their skewed world view through their extremely selective left wing lens. The sad thing is of course is that there are still many gullible or easily led viewers who swallow enough of this duplicitous deceit especially when it forms nearly 100% of its ‘news’ reporting and is shoe horned into much of its so called drama.
          The EU and BBBC. The Socialist New Order of Federal Districts and its activist propaganda arm.
          Both need to go.


    • Fedup2 says:

      The language coding in the bbc link could release intel for us without the enemy knowing it …..


    • Guest Who says:

      Maybe Vicky Leta can be accused of a hate crime for BBC Trending to try and turn into a thing?


    • StewGreen says:

      @LCS said “I do not know why the link is so long”
      ..Everything after the question mark, is merely tracking info
      It tells the BBC server where you came from before you looked at the page
      I always strip off that question mark and everything after it before I post a link
      cos the base form, will take you to the same page
      Did you find the link on the BBC Sport facebook page or something ?


      • LastChanceSaloon says:

        SG – Thanks.
        I had a sports page open, the “Serena lost, it’s nearly as bad as Brexit” page.


    • Banania says:

      “Caucasian male and an ugly Negroid female.” The wrong way round, surely.


  14. LastChanceSaloon says:

    From Guido

    Destroys many of the Project Fear MMMCXII lies.

    What does the BBC know about Jose Angel Gurría?
    Their new search engine has never heard of him.

    From a comment :-
    “Amazing isn’t it how readily May caved in on the £65 fee for EU citizens but is hell bent on giving away our 39 billion to Brussels for absolutely nothing”
    You can’t argue with that, as they used to say on the BBC.


  15. JimS says:


    IF you can keep your head when all about you
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
    If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
    But make allowance for their doubting too;
    If you can fill the unforgiving minute
    With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
    Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
    And – which is more – you’ll be a Man, my son!

    (The BBC still hasn’t changed their website lies – why you can’t trust BBC news)


  16. Fedup2 says:

    AC Grayling predicts that EU citizens will be required to wear yellow stars on their sleeves .

    I said I was going to award stars for Project Fear assertions but Graylings comment is far to vile fr anything but disgust .

    History lesson Mr AC grayling ?


    • LastChanceSaloon says:

      “EU citizens”? Citizens is the plan, ASAP.
      Grayling is correct, Europeans who have received the supreme honour of living in the UK, should wear something that identifies them.
      I suggest a blue rectangle, with some gold stars at the bottom, in a disordered, failed, heap.


    • Banania says:

      Never mind him, he is actually helping us. The more publicity he gets, the better.


  17. Guest Who says:

    Another post from a media type with ‘a friend’.


    Now, he is either:

    b) A covert Brexiteer, or..
    b) ex BBC, or..
    c) Really Credulous (see b)


    • Up2snuff says:

      Dr Snuffy here, I prescribe a dose of isolation from the BBC and all Remain media together with a regime of the lobbying of the Prime Minister with polite, supportive letters assuring her of your prayers & good wishes and requesting that she honour her pledge to respect the result of the majority vote to leave the EU and take us out without a deal on 29 March 2019.

      (PS. There were rumours backed up by an article written by Pesto that he was a Remainer who had seen the error of his ways and repented, converting to become a Leaver. I suspect there may be others like that. Perhaps many others?)


    • Fedup2 says:

      Since Preston admitted that he lives in a bubble and had ‘has little idea about what ‘ordinar ( inferior ) people ‘ think I’d say his comments now are fairly invalid – he does not seem to have learnt from his own experience .

      For his friend – make a donation to the bomber command or other memorial currently being targeted and make a donation to TRs fund …..


  18. Dystopian says:

    Apparently there is new hope that the new Cardiff striker and his pilot might have managed to use an on board life raft after something was spotted floating in the channel.
    Then again it could just be more invaders.


    • JamesArthur says:

      The Telegraph at the moment seems to be the only Brexit supporting paper. The article you listed was one of about 5 positive Brexit stories in the Saturday paper paper ( not online). Probably why BBC never show it.
      Daily Mail consigned to bin


      • Banania says:

        The Daily Mail binned, quite right. But their readers are keeping up the fight for the time being, according to the comments and the ticks they receive.


        • Scroblene says:

          “But their readers are keeping up the fight”

          It’s a sad old rag these days, most of the ‘readers’ only look at the pictures of bums etc, and the good old term ‘Daily Mail reader’ has long since vanished. Advertising Managers must be a bit worried to say the least.

          The DM is following the pattern of Eastenders, The Archers etc and becoming a bit of a lefty yawn. The BBC is so good at this, that as Honestus says earlier, nobody really takes them seriously any more, and as soon as the gobby twonks like Robinson, Sopel etc. start mouthing off, the off switch is applied. (That’s if it has been turned on first of course)!

          60 odd days to BBBC meltdown, such that I may even watch it a little bit, not too much, just a few minutes!


  19. Tabs says:

    Why (almost) all maps are wrong

    A nice bit of white self loathing from the BBC. They start by incorrectly stating the “digital maps are based on Mercator projection” but they are correct saying Mercator projected maps have scaling problems in high and low latitudes.

    They then show the Greenland projected size compared to the projected size of Africa and then compare the UK to Madagascar. In both cases it makes Africa look smaller and they then state “Many believe it endorses European imperialist attitudes by shrinking countries in the southern hemisphere…”. Then right on cue the previous white skinned hands are replaced with black skinned hands.

    Who the “many”, who believe European imperialist attitudes are the cause, is not specified. It could be BBC staff and Owen Jones but I would only be guessing.

    It would have been nice if the BBC had in fact stated “many believe Mercator projection was used to give sailor the most accurate maps when sailing near the equator (as in the Indian and Chinese tea clippers) and ships to the West Indies” but that would have been based on historic fact rather than an internal BBC white self loathing comment.


  20. StewGreen says:

    The immunity rule, which the The Spectator claims is in May’s agreement
    Spectator’s *paraphrasing* of Article 101, and protocol 7
    11. Furthermore, the UK agrees not to prosecute EU employees who are, or who might be deemed in future, criminals.

    That alone means the agreement must not go thru


  21. Guest Who says:

    The Today Programme
    2 hrs ·
    “There are a lot of politicians that feel very vulnerable” from radical protesters, says anti-terror police chief Neil Basu. “It cannot be right that somebody going about their lawful business is intimated or obstructed”.

    Given the pig pile the BBC decided to join with a bunch of kids who had done nothing wrong, a bit rich getting precious throwing terms about with those who have bodyguards to protect them from those they seek to disenfranchise.


    • LastChanceSaloon says:

      Their unlawful, treasonous, business.
      This Common Purpose, not fit for purpose, non British, police “chief” should go in the Thames with the MPs.


      • Kaiser says:

        “There are a lot of people that feel very vulnerable from radical protesters ”

        “It cannot be right that children going to a pop concert are blown up”.


    • StewGreen says:

      Thankyou for your service Neil Basu and all officers who have brown skin, we understand that you often don’t get the support from Indian-sub continent communities that you deserve, so in some ways life is more difficult than being a white officer.
      Background info on Basu is scarce, like no middle names and father is described as “of Indian origin”
      He was the one the Met used to make announcements when Welshman drove at the Finsbury Park,Muslim crowd
      and I guess it may have helped to see that police commanders were not all white.
      If Basu had been able to stop white nutters going crazy then the old Muslim guy would not have died.
      Likewise Basu gets the credit if Islamist attacks are prevented, but part of the blame if they get through.
      His words today of “look over there far-right” does make it look like he is signalling he is more concerned about attacks on Muslims, than attacks by Muslims.
      Surely police hours keeping tabs on Islamists are useful for preventing attacks , whereas police hours spent running around after Tommy or James Goddard for asking questions prevent no attacks
      ..and in fact make the situation worse as its unfairness might alienate random nutters and cause them to act.


      • G.W.F. says:

        A token head of counter terrorism


      • vlad says:

        700 LIVE TERROR PLOTS!!

        Multiply that figure by those the police aren’t aware of, then multiply that by co-conspirators, aiders and abetters, sympathisers, well-wishers, friends and family who look the other way, whole communities who choose not to know, and you’re into tens of thousands… possibly about the same order as paedo rapists.


      • Banania says:

        Is he a moslem? It sounds as if he is.


  22. Cassandra says:


    Apparently David Dimbleby got an award last night at the National Television Awards. In his acceptance speech he said that the BBC, “still holds a heart in the place of the British people’ adding it is ‘absolutely vital for our life.”
    Well I suppose the BBC was absolutely vital for your family’s way of life as it provided it (you, your brother and your father) with a wealthy income over the years that enabled it to maintain a lifestyle that few could ever achieve.


  23. Kaiser says:


    article 50 it must not be suspended/stopped under any circumstances


  24. s.trubble says:

    As the co-ordinated cacophony of Brexit Doom besieged us over the last 24-48 hours, it is clear from Davos to Dover that the entitled ones are shaping up for a final push.

    What gave the show away for me was agent Islam of Faisal more or less ploughing the bBC narrative last night as his departure,from sky, nears.

    What ,of course, Faisal and the rest of the bBC did not explore in any decent depth was the EU stipulating a hard border in Ireland………

    PS R4 Today Robinson interviewing Liam Fox……….Dr. Fox must be complemented for remaining calm as this disc jockey opened fire in all directions……missing ,of course,…….but I would have been tempted to stop him in no uncertain terms, reminding him he was a public servant and not a free agent to harass and sneer at Government Ministers with impunity (unless richly deserved)


  25. honestus says:

    These petitions seem to be a wasted effort.
    No mention of the 350,000 plus who signed the ‘Leave the EU now with no deal’ on any of the MSM (don’t look at BBBC, please correct if wrong – Hah!)
    Just had update to say – ‘The UK will be leaving the EU on the 29th March 2019. EU leaders have endorsed the Withdrawal Agreement…………….’ yada yada. Totally meaningless as Mays deal has as much chance of being ratified by parliament as BBBC giving a single Brexit spit a positive slant.
    What is the point?


  26. upandatem says:

    The police are worried that Brexit has caused the rise of the far-right. What absolute tosh. How has this so-called threat of the far-right manifested itself so far? A man who taught his dog to do the Nazi salute and a couple who named their child Hitler and embroidered their soft furnishings with swastikas. Strewth! Take cover everybody and be prepared to be beaten over the head with cushions. The rise of discontent in this country is not caused Brexit but by the lack of it.


    • Dystopian says:

      I was watching bbc news earlier today and they were reporting “18 foiled terror attacks, most of which by Islamists”
      Yes that’s right they used the “I” word.
      Heads will roll.
      No pun intended.
      However they then went on to say 4 were by the “far right” and started to discuss this “increasing threat”.

      They then tried to make the link between “far right” and Brexit implying that they are expecting trouble if a no deal Brexit goes ahead.
      Well isn’t it the remoaners who are going to be kicking off then? I thought it was those ignorant bigoted Brexiteers who were the troublesome ones. Come on bbc make up your minds where this so called threat is coming from.
      Oh and I suspect that the perceived threat will be far greater should they not deliver on Brexit than if they actually do deliver on a “no deal” which is actually what we voted for.


  27. lojolondon says:

    I guess everyone has seen the articles about Merkel and Macron signing a massive new co-operation agreement between Germany and France- well this is the part they didn’t show you – both being booed by the crowd outside – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vJUxjG5sck
    “Haut ab” means “Go away”.


    • Fedup2 says:

      The ReichEU foreign policy is for the Krauts to get a seat on the UN Security Council . Then I suppose they’ll get them selves some nuclear weapons and get the Third World War started -bit of a habit .

      I think that implies that the Frogs would want to get Blighty off the permanent seats

      Couple this with the announcement of an ReichEU army and – bang !

      The MSM doesn’t seem to have grasped the idea that if we stayed in the ReichEU our military forces could land up being controlled by Brussels leading to the denaturing of the real force -NATO .

      In turn this leads me to wonder whether the remain campaign is being run by the Russians .


      • Peter Grimes says:

        Does the UN provide them with hairnets?

        Or less importantly, how much materiel do they have combat ready?


        No wonder they want an EU army, partly Johnny Frog and us with us, as per usual, ponying up the men, materiel, blood and money.


        • imaynotalwaysloveyou says:

          PG – I’m not sure we are in a much better position ourselves, as regards to military strength. I’m sure the personnel we do have are very professional – but for how much longer given the lowering of standards, and the MOD’s social justice warrior policies (look at the recent army adverts).

          We have a few frigates, an aircraft carrier with no planes, OK we have some subs with nukes – but no one to use them on anymore.

          We also have some Typhoons, old Tornado bombers and will be getting the ridiculously expensive Lighning II, with all its teething problems probably still unfixed.

          As for the army, what can we put in the field – a couple of brigades?

          It seems to me to be more of a token force, and even though our days of empire are over I’d still like to see defence taken seriously.

          Unfortunately our politicians have been content to let it all fade away while they pour money into the bottomless pits of welfare and the NHS.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Fed “run by the Russians.”?

        Certainly the BBC were not bothered on the 1pm R4 News & TWatO today about more (American) foreign interference in the Brexit process and gleefully reported Moodys Rating Agency’s comments about Brexit and its ‘COULD’ effect on the UK economy.


        • Fedup2 says:

          I thought it cute to throw the ‘russia’ stuff about in relation to Far Left remainers since it’s a standard response to anything where funding of Brexit groups is concerned .

          Maybe the Russians and soros have done a deal. Both want to undermine the west and national identity don’t they ?


        • LastChanceSaloon says:

          Listening to TWAO, in the car.
          BBC gloating, quoting Mogg and ERG might accept modified deal.
          Bad reception in the sticks lost signal.
          This is £39 billion we can spend on the UK, **** the EU.
          Did I miss anything?


    • Up2snuff says:

      lojo, masive number of vehicles being used there. Can we all safely assume that Global Warming and Climate Change are now both a thing of the past? Macron & Merkel, like President Trump, will pull their respective countries out of the Paris Agreement?


      I thought not.

      I hope none of those cars and vans were oil burners …… all that lethal pollution damaging Merkel & Macron.


  28. Monty says:

    A nice balanced panel on politics live NOT


  29. StewGreen says:

    Bet Dyson didn’t think much of Brigstocke before


    • Roland Deschain says:

      What a coincidence! My household is a Brigstocke-free household.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Got to hand it to the privately educated – bankers’ son – bank advertiser – brigstocke – impeccable socialist BBC credentials – should got far …


    • les whittaker says:

      “this is now a Dyson free household”

      Good for you, at least you have a choice. If you buy an Electrolux, you don’t have to pay a levy to subsidise Dyson.


    • Guest Who says:

      With apologies to the management, another BBC LaLa (Largesse Loader) chips in with customary decorum.


      • Roland Deschain says:

        Mitch “Pissy Fingers” Benn. Works for me.


        • Guest Who says:

          It’s entirely in keeping that he thought that would end well.

          But a ‘comedienne’ tried a save.



        • Guest Who says:

          It’s entirely in keeping that he thought that would end well.

          But a ‘comedienne’ tried a save.

          Isn’t. Didn’t.


      • john in cheshire says:

        Is he saying he doesn’t wash his hands? How on earth does he get his fingers covered in urine, because I have never peed on my hands. His personal habits don’t sound very hygienic, I’m not sure I’d want to shake his hand.


    • vesnadog says:

      This Dyson guy keeps going on about his newly invented motors yet fails to tell the buyer that his is simply a larger version of my powerful £ 34 pump I use for my 15 ft x 10 ft fish pond in my back garden.

      Available at any decent pond supplies outlet.

      My £34 pump verses his £300 pound throw away pump – I’ll take mine thanks!


  30. honestus says:

    Remember this from our George 23/5/2016?
    ‘Leaving the European Union would tip the UK into a year-long recession, with up to 820,000 jobs lost within two years, Chancellor George Osborne says.’
    Or this, circa @ 15/6/2016?
    ‘In the latest of a series of government warnings about the consequences of a vote to leave, Mr Osborne shared a stage with his Labour predecessor, Lord Darling, setting out £30bn of “illustrative” tax rises and spending cuts, including a 2p rise in the basic rate of income tax and a 3p rise in the higher rate. George Osborne, together with the former Labour Chancellor Alistair Darling, vows today that the hit to the economy would be so great if we vote to leave the EU that he’d hold a Budget with cuts and tax rises almost immediately.’

    Now the soothsayer extraordinaire sooths from Davos and introduces a pistol to lend drama to his latest……..prediction.
    ‘No-deal Brexit: George Osborne warns of the gun being held to the economy’s head’
    All courtesy of the ever reliable BBBC with no dissonance between the two and certainly no mention on the accuracy (or not) of any earlier auguries.


    • honestus says:

      And yes, had to look up BBBC world wide web and still washing my mouth out.

      One more thing. I am sure that the EU has been accused of obstruction, partisanship and favouritism (and more) on many occasions by a large number of those very MPs who are now willing to commit treason to remain within its loving embrace. There must be a stronger word than hypocrite.


  31. vlad says:

    While the few remaining patriotic media outlets are rightly outraged by the obnoxious ‘Professor’ who called the bombing of Germany a war crime, the story doesn’t even merit a mention on the beebeestan, as far as I can see.
    The loathsome ‘doctor’ is professor of ‘Black Studies’ at Birmingham City Uni. I can only imagine the inflammatory bile he feeds his students, stirring up grievance and race hate.

    The uni prospectus boasts that the course will ‘foster’ activism and ‘help students engage with’ activism. It aims to have a ‘transformative impact upon society’, ‘connecting you to projects and organisations outside of the University’, ‘decolonising’, bla bla bla.

    In other words a training camp for malcontents and sjw’s who will then get cushy jobs at the beebistan to wage war against whitie, paid for by us.



    • honestus says:

      ‘connecting you to projects and organisations outside of the University’
      Antifa painting courses must be up there a la modernist brush flick.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Vlad – I think we should spare a moment of sympathy for this creature . The black angry pundit industry is pretty competitive and what with the likes of someone called ‘Afria?’ ( the ‘c’ is silent ) and alibi coloured holding a monopoly on black representation on al beeb he has stiff competition .

      Maybe he should just stick with the ‘black crime victim’ industry which is a growing area of funding .

      I think I can guess what he got his PHD for – and maybe it was from one of those American online university outfits which can send you a ‘scroll’ for just a $100 ….

      As an aside – with all the brexit excitement not much reporting of the kid in Northolt shot in the chest
      /( life threatening ) Tuesday . No identity yet so likely to be black – on BBC reporting rules .


    • Banania says:

      Is he black, would you say?


    • Banania says:

      He doesn’t look very black to me.


  32. fakenewswatcher says:

    Switched on R4 after a long time away …heard Lorry somebody asking exactly how long it had been since blacks had ‘moved on up’ or something, of some professor at Baltimore(?)…desperately reached for the ‘off’ switch again. It seemed to take a long time to reach.
    This is now a regular experience. They are either droning on about women or blacks. Doesn’t seem to be anything else, since I last listened to the poetry of Chaucer. Does EVERY programme now need to do obeisance, or whatever it’s called, to those TWO topics? I mean, what are the chances that with random switching on..?
    Simply bad timing? Or do we need a station exclusively for white males? Or would that be racist/gender offensive – i.e. it only works one way?
    I used to enjoy R4. Once upon a time there was a VARIETY of subject matter, which did not, AT ALL COSTS, have to include…


    • Fedup2 says:

      Fake – you forgot the queers – there is a feature on the bbc somewhere talking about the most ‘friendly’ queer city in the world – don’t know – don’t care .


  33. Guest Who says:

    Ricky may or may not be joking this time, but he might yet grasp what he has actually laid bare.


    • LastChanceSaloon says:

      959 people are talking about this.
      Most saying Gervais has his brain on back to front.


      • Guest Who says:

        Ricky is not having a good twitter.

        Having joined the pile on he attempted to go the ‘just joking’ route.


    • Swelter says:

      Actually a few of his type seem to be waking up just recently to the fact that that Corbyns packs of hard left attack dogs and Jackals are not house trained and seem to have contracted a form of socialist rabies and now will go for any target that takes their fancy. All to late of course, but nice to see him bitten on the bum


  34. digg says:

    I just put Nicholas Sandmann in the BBC website search and got “who was St Nicholas?” Then I tried Covington High School and got :”No suggestions” BBC have certainly pulled up the drawbridge and locked themselves in the cellar on this one… disgusting, cowardly and so telling!


  35. Fedup2 says:

    Why does he have to prefix the ‘nazi’ with alt right ?

    I don’t think he is joking – he doesn’t do jokes – just sneers .

    Bet he won’t get the Oscar gig again …embarrassed .


    • StewGreen says:

      @Fedup he is merely quoting what people say to him
      … hyperbole comes from public being groomed by beeboids like Mike Wendling.


  36. StewGreen says:

    BBC and politicians still cooperating on the diversion of “look over there women’s pay”
    whilst it hides what pay it actually pays its luvvy mates
    ‘Yeh BBC Studios is private corp and won’t tell us the BBC about pay”


  37. StewGreen says:

    France jails “British man” for people smuggling

    Gholam Mustafa Erabi who was given British citizenship in 2007 after arriving from Afghanistan, was sentenced to 2yrs in prison


    • john in cheshire says:

      Where’s the follow-up report that this criminal has had his citizenship revoked and he’ll be deported to afghanland when he’s completed his sentence?


  38. StewGreen says:

    ‘BBC is drawing up plans for stronger licence fee enforcement after sharp rise in the proportion of households refusing to pay. The licence fee “evasion rate” jumped from 5% in 2014-15 to 7% in 2018
    – Evasion highest in Scotland, at 10%
    – Target of 3.95% scrapped as too ‘unrealistic …. now 6% target


    • Fedup2 says:

      What great news! And I’ve just had an email saying that TV licensing wants to give me a refund !

      All I need to do is send my bank / credit card details and the PIN to prove its me !


      • taffman says:

        Its a trap !


        • Fedup2 says:

          Oh no – I’ve sent them my passport number as well – suppose it will be tricky taking the TV licence bods to court since I haven’t got one of their licences …


      • StewGreen says:

        Better send them your mother’s maiden name in case they need that.

        And leave your front door unlocked so they can bring the refund pcheque into your house.


      • gb123 says:

        Fu, Are you sure the email didn’t come from a Nigerian prince acting as a broker for the BBC who is promising you 10 years free TV as well as refund!


      • gb123 says:

        Fu, Are you sure the email didn’t come from a Nigerian prince acting as a broker for the BBC who is promising you 10 years free TV as well as refund!


  39. LastChanceSaloon says:


    2019-01-23 17:00 BBC NEWS Latin America
    “Venezuela protests: ‘Four dead’ as thousands rally against Maduro”
    The BBC does use the word “Socialist” once in their report, but I think they got away with it.

    The BBC report ends.
    “Millions have fled Venezuela in recent years amid a deepening economic crisis brought on by a drop in the price of oil in 2014.”

    Why you can trust the BBC to lie to you.
    Oil prices get the blame, not South America’s Corbyn, Chavez or his successor.


  40. fakenewswatcher says:

    Switched on R4 again: Evan Davis and Stella Creasey (Labour MP) on a ‘Citizen’s Assembly’. Another little ploy. Apparently what you need is a ‘random selection’ of citizens. Would that be like the beeb’s ‘Any questions?’ ‘random audience selections’? (Loud audience applause- always- for any ‘liberal’ speaker, and the converse.)
    Seems, the one held in Dublin came, not to a conservative, but (surprise) a liberal decision (on abortion).
    Other than being a device for yet further delay, we can see where this is going. Stella disapproves of JRM’s parliament suspension suggestion, as that would be ‘undemocratic’. Does Stella accept the Referendum result, or is she the one who is undemocratic?


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      We know the answer to my last question, since she’s now proposing a ‘Citizen’s assembly’. So the referendum result wasn’t good enough…


  41. StewGreen says:

    She replied with her Times column


    • StewGreen says:

      Usual thick Remainiac reply
      \\ Elizabeth Cudd #FBPE
      No Melanie but we do not have the right to sever our children’s right to collaboration, security and a chance to improve democracy
      They have most to lose and nothing to gain #StopBrexitSaveBritain //

      “StopBrexit” “to improve democracy” she says


  42. LastChanceSaloon says:


    Ending with :-
    “None of us wants violence. But if it does end up that way it will be entirely the fault of our political class. Their arrogance and complacency call to mind the Bourbons in the 1780s. And we know how that turned out.”

    I volunteer to pull a tumbril, if I am allowed to smile.


  43. EnglandExpects says:

    For once I will look forward to the BBC giving plenty of airtime to our lords and masters who meet in Davos every January to conspire against us plebs. With Blair openly rubbishing the 2016 referendum result and calling for another and with Osborne seeking a minimum of EEA membership ( EU rule taker, no influence) they are doing the leave cause no end of good.


    • Scroblene says:

      With Blair possibly being the most despised face of TV these days, and Osborne dragging along a legacy of Gordon Brown Mk2, I think you’re spot on there, England!

      Luckily, with ‘experts’ like Robinson on the job, I reckon that the BBBC’s reports bring several thousand more reasons to just tell the EU to piss off.

      Has May just told the unpaid dross in Brussels, ‘Sue us then’?


  44. LastChanceSaloon says:


    I have a little list, this **** is currently #7.
    I am no longer satisfied with leaving the EUSSR
    I want the EUSSR to collapse, like its predecessor the USSR.


  45. StewGreen says:

    Comic Relief stuff is made by abused workers
    Spice Girls T-shirts sold to raise money for Comic Relief’s “gender justice” campaign were made at a factory in Bangladesh

    All UK media focus in the fact the workers earn 35p an hour
    .. That shows UK naivete , people do often earn such salaries, but 35p can buy a lot in their country.
    BUT the abuse from a charity is a different matter
    \\ Employees are forced to work overtime to hit “impossible” targets of sewing thousands of garments a day, meaning they are sometimes working 16-hour shifts that finish at midnight.
    Factory workers who do not make the targets are verbally abused by management and reduced to tears.
    Some have been made to work despite ill-health. //


    • LastChanceSaloon says:

      SG – Comic relief. Not funny and we are all relieved when it’s over.


      • Scroblene says:

        Last CS, we still have an old VHS of one of the first Comic Relief progs from 1985 or thereabouts.

        I keep meaning to connect it all up and watch what used to be quite a moving prog, until it was hijacked by twonks like Geldof and Bono. Even Lenny Henry was believable, but eventually succumbed to the rubbish spouted by Jonathan Ross etc.

        We haven’t bothered to watch any of the CRs for many years, as the ‘cherideees’ are so damned useless in getting any dosh to where it’s needed. If failed MPs like Miliband get all that money for heading up a charity, then that’s the time to stop giving anything.

        If we knew that the money was going directly to hospital wards in the UK, or perhaps the Air Ambulances, then such good causes may attract much more.


  46. LastChanceSaloon says:

    “men” again.

    Currently not reported by the BBC. Search 0 results.
    Not on the Oxford page.

    The far left Wikipedia describes Breibart as far right.
    Breitbart has reports, every day, which the BBC does not report at once, or ever, in some cases.


    • vlad says:

      If the beebeestan won’t report it, it behoves us to highlight it:

      “Jail for Oxford Gang Who Violently Raped Unconscious Schoolgirl”

      Three men who groomed, raped, and carried out a campaign of violent child sexual abuse against a girl with no friends in Oxford have been handed jail sentences.
      Mohammed Karrar, 44, Bassam Karrar, 39, and Anjum Dogar, 37, were handed “life” sentences for crimes including 10 counts of rape, indecent assault, and conspiracy to rape carried out between 2002 and 2005, when their victim was aged between 14 and 16, at Oxford Crown Court.
      During the three-week trial, jurors heard the “vulnerable” victim was “lonely and friendless” when she was targeted by the gang, who forced her to perform sex acts in flats, vehicles, and public parks on themselves and on other men during their campaign of abuse.




      • G.W.F. says:


        ‘who forced her to perform sex acts in flats, vehicles, and public parks on themselves and on other men during their campaign of abuse’.

        I am eagerly awaiting the trial of the other men.


      • tarien says:

        First ansd foremost if found guilty they should be castrated, and then deported-they will worthless individuals to their own kind in that state. Hopefully such action that may avert future disgusting behaviour. If and I hope we have a No Brexit Deal, the Politicians and that Government will find the guts to take such action and take no truck from the weeds that are running this nation or think they are.


  47. vlad says:

    Latest islamic hysteria is over an M&S bog roll with, according to some lunatic muslim, the word allah embossed on it.
    Hence outraged calls for boycott, no doubt they’ll be burning M&S stores any day now.
    Er, no, say M&S, it’s an aloe vera leaf motif on an aloe vera bog roll.

    It will be interesting to see whether M&S capitulate to this latest muslim nonsense and change the design. If so I shall boycott M&S.



    • fakenewswatcher says:

      The word ‘capitulate’ has sort of started glowing somewhere in my mind.. don’t know why. Maybe cos it’s the way we do things around here…?


      • Fedup2 says:

        Wow I bet there’s a run on M&S loo paper . I understand Muslims don’t use this cleaning method .


    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

      Have no doubts chaps and chapesses, even as we scrawl on our wall here, M and S execs will be engaging upon a rapid change of designs, tooling, and disposal of work in progress, warehouse stocks, goods in transit etc.
      For when the muzzies shout jump, the likes of M and S cry ” how high”


  48. vlad says:

    Following on from the above story, it seems islam and toilet paper have history together. Until recently it was forbidden, according to the article below.

    (It might be a spoof – it’s hard to tell the difference, and i’m not going to waste time researching such nonsense.)



    • G.W.F. says:

      Water is best, but its OK with three stones to wipe yer bum no less.
      Oh how I would like to ask Mishal Hussein how many stones she uses, and do the BBC supply them. Perhaps this explains that sneer in her voice.

      2 – He may purify himself using stones. Doing istijmaar or removing impurities with stones is sufficient. This is indicated by the words and actions of the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). With regard to his words, Salmaan (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade us to use less than three stones for the purpose of istijmaar.”


  49. vlad says:

    Talking of full-time offence seekers, here’s a story:
    When Dr. Samuel Johnson had finished his first English dictionary, he was visited by a delegation of “London’s Respectable Womanhood” who came to his parlor at Fleet St. and said, “Doctor, we congratulate you on your decision to exclude all indecent words from your dictionary.” To which he replied:
    “Ladies, I congratulate you on your persistence in looking them up.”


    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

      And blackadder commented, “thank you for your contrafibulations Dr Johnson”