A new word has entered the language – Dox
‘To search for and publish private or identifying information about ( a particular individual) on the internet , typically with malicious intent”- used recently in the Catholic School boy incident in America which the hateful left wrongly misinterpreted and exploited .
So bits of the world change for the worse -don’t they ?
Background Music : Times article
arrogant reply from BBC staff
\\ I don’t need TV music to tell me when to cry
Of the many things people write to me about as a TV reviewer (“You were too harsh on X”; “You were too kind to Y”; “Gee, thanks for the spoiler”) guess which subject tends to crop up most? No, not violence or full-frontal nudity.
It is background music, mostly in drama and documentary, which many find “intrusive and annoying”.
Well. A tenner says they don’t find it as intrusive and annoying as I do. And self-defeating when it drowns out dialogue over which some poor writer with stress-halitosis has sweated. For years I’ve whinged about this. Sometimes background music is wonderful but when overdone it is viewer trolling. Bad enough in drama when it is like a fluffer signposting “Violins! Sad bit alert — cry!” but it’s worse in documentaries, especially science ones which seem to think we drooling morons need a mood board of plonky pianos and flutes to sugar the pill of serious content (a recent programme about how babies learn was spoilt by an excess of cutesy music. We know babies are cute). Even a classical musician once told me he agreed: mood suggestion insults the intelligence and producers overlook the power of silence.
A reader recently complained to the BBC about it and forwarded me the reply.
A member of the complaints team was not for turning, arguing that music “can be vital to illustrating or highlighting moods and atmosphere or conveying emotion”.
Hello? No. It. Isn’t. Words are quite capable of doing that.//
Stew, I’m certainly not going deaf, but in the past couple of years on dramas and films, I’ve taken to having the sub titles on. Without them I struggle to understand the poor diction and enunciation, particular when the actors mumble. Subs also help when there is the annoying over-riding background noise.
Its not just tv. I recently went to the cinema, and experienced the same problem there, and found myself wishing I could switch on the subs, – although in the cinema I think it was more about the acoustics, as the sound was almost ‘muffled’.
Agree with that, Brissles. Saw ‘The Darkest Hour’ recently and some of the diction and enunciation was very poor. In the case of Gary Oldman playing Churchill, I wonder if the prosthetics were a cause although WC was known to have a bit of a drawl at times.
Absolutely agree, Brissles. I’m going through the same experience. The subtitles are always on now. I wonder why. Perhaps actors don’t learn voice projection anymore. Perhaps they don’t learn their trade in theatres where they have to speak loudly and clearly enough so that someone in the back row of the gods can make them out.
Agree with all the above. I think it’s a combination of many things – poor enunciation, poor sound engineering, low priority given to the scipt and too much emphasis on deafening sound effects and background music.
I wouldn’t blame age – I don’t have a problem with old optical sound tracks. In fact I think the opposite is true – modern technology has widened the dynamic and the frequency ranges so far that the poor old voice can’t compete with the overall racket.
I seem to recall Judi Dench commenting on declining enunciation a few years ago.
And while I’m at it, why the dim lighting and, even worse, excessive background lighting in so many movies? Are they using candles now? When I dabbled in photography many years ago, allowing the background (eg: a window) to dictate the exposure and put the subject’s face in darkness was considered a beginner’s mistake.
I find the cinema a charmless, overpriced, miserable experience most of the time these days.
Used to take son to the cinema and the films were not my cup of tea. But the Batman films and others in that genre were so dark I couldn’t read my watch to estimate how much longer I had to sit there.
The best Winston actor was Robert Hardy in my opinion.
We’re watching all the old ‘All Creatures’ progs from when the BBC did proper programmes, and he was superb as Siegfried back then.
Of course, as we don’t watch live TV now, just DVDs, I cannot compare the actors, so will remain a happy bloke in that respect!
Et, tu, saviour of Kabul?
Bit dated, but as confirmation of what a waste of space they all are…
I guess Spacey was ‘elite’ then?
Of course, at the BBC, as Davos, what makes the world go round, no matter what contribution or value, is money.
And then, from the home of sack ‘o rats.
So Doc Fox announces the first post brexit trade deal – with Israel . Corbyn and his boys from Momentum must be celebrating .
I’m not in contact with al beeb today but I’m sure such a momentous event will lead the news . Cheaper fruit ?
Cheaper avocados? Yum.
Er, hang on a mo.
The BBC don’t like avocados.
I wonder why?
Venezuelan opposition Leader and the President of its Parliament, Juan Guaido, has declared himself interim President of that nation, and been recognized immediately by the USA/Pres.Trump.
Adios, Maduro.
Pity the country is stuffed. A bit like Zimbabwe, really. And they’re working hard on South Africa, to bring it down to the same level…
We’ve been watching Chavez and Maduro.
We’ve been watching Mugabe and Manangagwa.
We’ve been watching Zuma and Ramaphosa.
This is really going to stretch the old brain…
Here’s a quiz question: From which of these three nations has the West selected a recent international hero and icon? (CLue: someone- a good socialist like Chavez and Mugabe- who prepared the way for Zuma and Ramaphosa)
Bad news for the beeb and Corbyn as another failed Socialist dictator bites the dust. Good news for the millions of starving and oppressed people in Venezuela.
Mr President, we salute you.
My little Venezuelan quiz: If you haven’t guessed yet, the BBC have this ‘icon’ as competitor to be the ‘Greatest Person of the 20th Century’, under the category of ‘leaders’…
Nope, nope it wasn’t Chavez. This ‘icon’ did, however, deliberately set out to make a country ‘ungovernable’; Chavez was not as ‘iconic’ as he merely did that without the declared intention…you’ve gotta wanna do it. Get it? ‘Ungovernable’ has got to be your stated intention. So nope, not Mugabe either. See, no declared intention?
So here’s another clue: had you been in the wrong place at the wrong time (i.e. standing in his way), this icon would have been happy to blow you to shreds…
And once this icon got into power, the objective of “making the country ungovernable” had to cease. But, an object (be it only a world view/ values/principles) had been set in motion, lodged in human minds. How easy is it to stop? There are signs that in many minds it has not.
Big lesson: until I get what I want, I cause destructive chaos. A lot of people think like that (kids?), but they don’t become icons.
Does this have any connection at all, to ‘Black Panther’ being nominated for whatever…
I think that would be quite iconic.
When that old warthog Robert Mugabe finally dies, can you imagine the conga line of fawning Beeboids waiting their turn to praise him to the skies?
Dyson going to move abroad?
We need to be grateful to the eu for helping these companies.
Copied from a facebook post by Richard Matthews.
List of UK Companies that have been transferred to other countries using EU grants. Anyone who thinks the EU is good for British industry or any other business simply hasn’t paid attention to what has been systematically asset-stripped from the UK.
Cadbury moved factory to Poland 2011 with EU grant.
Ford Transit moved to Turkey 2013 with EU grant.
Jaguar Land Rover has recently agreed to build a new plant in Slovakia with EU grant, owned by Tata, the same company who have trashed our steel works and emptied the workers pension funds.
Peugeot closed its Ryton (was Rootes Group) plant and moved production to Slovakia with EU grant.
British Army’s new Ajax fighting vehicles to be built in SPAIN using SWEDISH steel at the request of the EU to support jobs in Spain with EU grant, rather than Wales.
Dyson gone to Malaysia, with an EU loan.
Crown Closures, Bournemouth (Was METAL BOX), gone to Poland with EU grant, once employed 1,200.
M&S manufacturing gone to far east with EU loan.
Hornby models gone. In fact all toys and models now gone from UK along with the patents all with with EU grants.
Gillette gone to eastern Europe with EU grant.
Texas Instruments Greenock gone to Germany with EU grant.
Indesit at Bodelwyddan Wales gone with EU grant.
Sekisui Alveo said production at its Merthyr Tydfil Industrial Park foam plant will relocate production to Roermond in the Netherlands, with EU funding.
Hoover Merthyr factory moved out of UK to Czech Republic and the Far East by Italian company Candy with EU backing.
ICI integration into Holland’s AkzoNobel with EU bank loan and within days of the merger, several factories in the UK, were closed, eliminating 3,500 jobs.
Boots sold to Italians Stefano Pessina who have based their HQ in Switzerland to avoid tax to the tune of £80 million a year, using an EU loan for the purchase.
JDS Uniphase run by two Dutch men, brought up companies in the UK with £20 million in EU ‘regeneration’ grants, created a pollution nightmare and just closed it all down leaving 1,200 out of work and an environmental clean-up paid for by the UK tax-payer. They also raided the pension fund and drained it dry.
UK airports are owned by a Spanish company.
Scottish Power is owned by a Spanish company.
Most London buses are run by Spanish and German companies.
The Hinkley Point C nuclear power station to be built by French company EDF, part owned by the French government, using cheap Chinese steel that has catastrophically failed in other nuclear installations. Now EDF say the costs will be double or more and it will be very late even if it does come online.
Swindon was once our producer of rail locomotives and rolling stock. Not any more, it’s Bombardier in Derby and due to their losses in the aviation market, that could see the end of the British railways manufacturing altogether even though Bombardier had EU grants to keep Derby going which they diverted to their loss-making aviation side in Canada.
39% of British invention patents have been passed to foreign companies, many of them in the EU.
The Mini cars that Cameron stood in front of as an example of British engineering, are built by BMW mostly in Holland and Austria. His campaign bus was made in Germany even though we have Plaxton, Optare, Bluebird, Dennis etc., in the UK. The bicycle for the Greens was made in the far east, not by Raleigh UK but then they are probably going to move to the Netherlands too as they have said recently.
Name one major technology company still running in the UK, I used to contract out to many, then the work just dried up as they were sold off to companies from France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, etc., and now we don’t even teach electronic technology for technicians any more, due to EU regulations.
I haven’t detailed our non-existent fishing industry the EU paid to destroy, nor the farmers being paid NOT to produce food they could sell for more than they get paid to do nothing, don’t even go there.
I haven’t mentioned what it costs us to be asset-stripped like this, nor have I mentioned immigration, nor the risk to our security if control of our armed forces is passed to Brussels or Germany.
Find something that’s gone the other way, I’ve looked and I just can’t. If you think the EU is a good idea.
1/ You haven’t read the party manifesto of The European Peoples’ Party.
2/ You haven’t had to deal with EU petty bureaucracy tearing your business down.
3/ You don’t care.
Brexit means the dissembling stops and Westminster is held to account for the good and the bad on every decision. As it should be. No wonder the Camerons and Blairs are terrified at the prospect…”
Imagine all the ReichEU ‘grants’ bribes that can be made with £39 thousand million ….
Emmanuel – ‘held to account’ you say?
I think for most of our 635 heroes of Democracy in ‘That Place’, that is THE unfashionable phrase of the century. Or is it 653? There are so many at the trough, one forgets. (Won’t even think of the +-900 in the Other Place). Anyway, they’re all either honourable or noble. And they can all assert that, while keeping a straight face at the same time.
‘Held to account’? Why, it would take you years to explain that concept to say e.g. Vince Cable, and he was Business Minister, or some such. And he’s also honourable.
Naw, ‘ever closer and deeper union’ is a much easier concept to understand. You wouldn’t have to explain that to e.g. Junker, Merkel or Macron. But in Westminster they seem never to have heard of it? Strange that.
When did “hold to account” come in, and why do politicians love saying it? “Fit for purpose” is another.
Excellent summary
Have you sent this list to any leading Brexiteers as they don’t seem to know much….?
I saw it on Facebook and copied and pasted it on here.
It’s not something I researched and wrote.
Some of the more clever amongst us might be able to use it or include it somewhere, those who write to their MPs for example.
It seems to confirm what we on here already think about how the eu operates.
Use it when discussing with remainers.
I’m no lawyer but the actions of these MPs and others in order to thwart the democratic decision of the people for the UK to leave the EU appears very much like sedition to me. Is sedition still a crime?
“Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that tends toward insurrection against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent towards, or resistance against established authority.”
The letter Kate Osamor MP sent to the judge presiding over her brothers’ case has turned up on twitter .
I assume MPs are corrupt and self serving but to send House of Commons notepaper to a judge signed by an MP interfering with the sentencing process is pretty …. corrupt .
I wonder when her sentencing date is .?
Boris seems to think that the traitors could and may succeed?
Very worrying.
I see from Al Beeb that ‘Claims R Us’ have been chasing compensation for Cypriot terrorists now ?
will they be chasing the turks next
Probably been mentioned, but The BBC has been criticised by a group of MPs who say ‘the corporation is refusing to admit it has a problem when it comes to equal pay’.
Why wasn’t this reported on the front page of the ‘news’ website? Instead it’s been hidden in obscurity. I’m sure if it had been IBM or Nationwide etc it would have been given a front page slot. complete biased t*ssers! See their reporting on Sony, Panasonic and Dyson.
Have to say, working hard to have another referendum because the first one did not suit sounds the exact opposite of ‘legitimate’.
Better: ‘Some people claim…….’
beeb keeping fingers crossed
Only the BBC.
Just looking for the BBC story asking “is Morocco safe for female travellers”……nope can’t find it.
I do hope this focus isn’t anything to do with Australia having a strict immigration policy whereas Morroco is a Muslim country a much favoured religion of the BBC.and doesn’t warrant the same questions being asked …
Or, closer to home, “How safe is Sadiq’s London without a stab-proof vest?”.
Or, for underage females: ‘How safe is Rotherham? Or Halifax? Or Dewsbury? Or Rochdale? Or Blackburn?’ etc.
Headline news about Jack Shepherd handing in himself to police in Georgia. Thats the guy convicted of manslaughter of the young girl on the Thames in a speedboat accident. A tradergy for all concerned. However isn’t the coverage a little OTT aren’t there over a hundred trials of knife killers (pre meditated set out to harm or injur) why don’t these draw the attention that the Jack Shepherd has.?? It has nothing to do with him being white has it?? Has it ??? Why don’t they put the same rigour into following up the story of the Manchester Bomber brother who dissapered back to Libiya ?? I’ll tell you why because he will be a hero in the BBC eyes like there on the scene employee who said (Unsubstantiated ) that during the attack at Manchester Victoria recently he said the knifeman shouted “You’ll get more of this if you keep bombing other people’s countrys” and what happened to that “attacker” swiftly moved on from that story didn’t they…..absolute t**ts. Excuse the star bits.
According to the media girlhood, it was all down to Victoria’s Angels Broadcasting a plea.
Toady watch
Got to hand it to the BBC – the President of Poland is saying to Blighty “give us our people back” apparently Poland has high employment , a skill shortage and 5% growth .
I don’t know how the BBC remainers will treat this but is shows the idiocy of the ReichEU ‘Free movement ‘ concept . Clever on paper but dumb in reality .
I wonder if Ryanair are selling many single tickets back to the mother country .
As an aside – as predicted here – the £65 registration fee was dropped this week . When we get out let’s re apply it at say £200 stay in a non EU country .
2019-01-24 01:00 BBC NEWS Birmingham & Black Country
“Man charged over Bearwood PCSO police chase death”
“Mr Ogom, of Longdales Road, Kings Norton, has also been charged with driving without a licence, driving with no insurance and failing to stop for a police officer.”
In which an idiot quotes an idiot quoted by a joke title.
I suspect Mr Lammy sleepwalks towards a cliff edge most days..
BBC are ramping up the delay Brexit narrative and I have to admit I am worried the Remoaners will win this one and Brexit is lost unless somebody steps forward to lead a strong fight back but nobody on horizon.
Not sure I can take much more of BBC – and I only listen to R4 and watch the odd Breakfast..the incessant PC and bias against which we seem powerless to stop..
Another dragged from the living flesh when too late as planned effort by the most corrupt broadcasting desk there is.
The bbc does have more than its share of missing links there.
Read this line then move to the next post, just logging more BBC waste.
QWERTY inefficient, we all knew this years ago, so a waste of BBC money.
Developed by a white male. Boo.
Black and white hands typing, all female. Hooray.
Is this the same BBC which raged against stereotyping of women as secretaries? Yes.
This garbage is aimed at adults, there is a separate child section.
Again, with apologies to the mods, a bbc employee reveals sanity and standards as befits the national broadcaster.
Are sweeney and toady Robinson related – both full of themselves and absent of head hair – and Tourette’s fans
I thought it was follicular genetics, but is probably those headphones that whirl around on top of their posy domes.
“Oh no; not again”.
Yes, apparently they can take off and land, but someone else has to park it for them!
I wonder if they have made a story about how many sewage workers and refuse collectors are women too. Probably not.
I bet there are more Muslim pilots though.
I don’t fly anymore. No pleasure. My lifestyle at one stage involved a lot of flying but no longer. I’ve a better suggestion. Muslim pilots to be trained (where have I heard that before? somewhere, I think). That would benefit the frequent flyers…………..
Today’s story: “We need more pilots”.
To-morrow (and Yesterday’s story): “We must fly less”.
Yes BBC, but do you read and understand your own stories?
When the BBC charter an A380 to pay their respects at the Mugabathon planting, they are likely insisting on an all-girl crew, including the stewardesses.
I wonder if Nick and Sir Boaty got to sit on the pilot’s lap on the way back from the Davos Dinner and dance?
Oh, I don’t know about the stewardesses, though. Last flight I was on, most of the stewards gave the impression of ‘Batting for the other side’. That will appeal to the BBC.
Has Mugabe died? Shit I must get up to,date…
The outfit is run by Blue Peter now.
Meanwhile, the BBC launches ‘When Darren Does Davos’.
So the apparently weakening resolve of the ERG reported yesterday, was a misprint.
I do find this Brexit debacle so incredibly depressing.
Don’t get me wrong, I knew the weasels in the Govt and Establishment would do everything they could to thwart and delay it but the future is just so bleak. Having to listen to May cobbling together a Plan B that is still fundamentally not Brexit is just demoralising.
I went to the Leave mean Leave rally in Westminster last week and it was great to be in the company of similar thinking people and they advocated writing to our local MPs, but what really is the point?
What expectation do we have that these people are the kind of conscientious individuals that would actually take on board our emails and letters? I mean seriously, Anna Soubry represents a Leave constituency but doesn’t give a flying f***.
That house of Rats, that with just a few exceptions, need to be drowned in a bucket of piss for their blatant disregard for the fundamentals of democracy, have demonstrated that they won’t be listening or taking on board any messages of contention from their constituents.
I used to believe in democracy, I used to think it was worth voting and that things could change but when I hear that spineless cuck attempting to sell out this country to the compliant murmurs of those around her it sickens me to my core.
We’re talking about a loss of our sovereignty, we’re talking about our fishermen not being able to fish our bountiful waters for our fish, we’re talking about handing over billions for nothing, we’re talking about just walking away from the billions we have in assets that we’ve contributed to (if we’re talking of a divorce, where is the division of assets?) , we’re talking about still being under the rule of the ECJ and conforming standards, we’re talking about being given instructions on how to operate borders of our own sovereign land.
Yet this traitorous woman is concerning herself with £65 charges and a desire to make sure that we are still offering the same regulations on workers rights and the environment. For Christ’s sake woman, the reams of intrusive red tape is one of the reasons why we wanted out of the EU, not so that we could keep it all.
We’re sailing directly to a cliff edge of democratic apathy, public distrust in politicians and years of grovelling servitude at the feet of our EU masters. And all the PM mutters are vacuous empty virtue signalling guff.
I always used to despair of those that despised Thatcher. For all their spiteful nonsense, I couldn’t understand how they couldn’t see that she was trying to give the country the slap, shake, wake up call that it so desperately needed. She came in recognising that we were sliding into mediocrity and wanted to change it. Right or wrong, she wanted to make a difference.
But this PM, she wants nothing more than the status quo, more virtue, more can kicking. She doesn’t want to improve our standing, just her own. She doesn’t want the UK to be the best, she just wants to feel virtuous at the next back slapping dinner party. She genuinely disgusts me as do all the creeps (including Leadsom and Fox) that support her as she accelerates this country’s descent into blandness and subjugation.
Actually I think many MPs are privately worried now. My own MP seems unable to decide what to do. The better ones know that they are defying the democratic mandate given them and are fearful of where that leads. Think of the current time as the start of something none of us understand fully yet.
DaveS – You reckon? I thought they were trained not to show weakness. I personally don’t think they have the foresight to ‘worry’ about the future. If they did they wouldn’t happily consign the country to be under the rule of the EU.
I know politicians were always in the same category as estate agents and lawyers but I think they are falling into uncharted depths and they all, bar one or two, deserve to be tarred with our utter contempt.
Payne by name
Just tell em that you are not giving them your vote at the next GE and then see them shake.
They will shake, because they fear unemployment having never done a real job before .
I’d like to think that would have a bearing, but I think the reality is that it wouldn’t mean anything to them. I’m sure I’d be in the minority saying it so I’m certain that they would respond with a shrug.
They know the majority that they have in a constituency and hence the notion that they would care about someone huffily saying “I won’t be voting for you” would just be met with a derisory chuckle.
Yes, each vote counts but they don’t care about the individual votes.
You have summed up my feeling exactly thank you – saved me a lot of writing
Interesting thread on what happens when the media foul up vs. when folk the media seek to destroy err.
Toady watch
Toady is putting out’ definitions ‘ of issues which relate to brexit .
Even the act of doing this makes one wonder Why? After so long since the vote .
Anyway they have just defined ‘ soft’ and ‘ hard ‘ brexit -their terms . Biased . Horribly biased and gives the BBC view away . There has to be a reckoning for this .
Yawn “ in our time “ kraut girl mathematician who had a hard time for being a girl 100 years ago .
Propaganda yawn . Off
In the spirit of ‘sources who say’, here is an article I stumbled across about the heroine of ‘sources who say’ and editing to suit Stateside, Katty ‘Blondes have more fun’ Kay.
Can’t wait for when Katty interviews Mehdi.
Guest Who
Titania is worth following. She hits the nail on the head daily.
Welcome; she is.
Until those Godfrey-fearing folk at po-po central force twitter to remove her for mocking blue ticks who call for doxing.
What a tool Mehdi truly is. I notice he doesn’t have the grace to ask why they had to employ this firm or why this poor kid had to defend himself in the first place considering everything being said about them is complete BS with video evidence to prove it.
Of course, there is still, just… the one they truly fear.
Wait until BBC Press get to see this one…
I get the impression that many more people are now taking an interest in politics and the antics of the current, with a handful of exceptions, discredited bunch of politicians. They have probably now woken up to the fact that the country has been seriously mismanaged for decades and while their hectic lives have not permitted them the luxury of time to watch the daily political contortions, now is the time to pay serious attention. Better late than never.
Many of us have doubtless been vociferous over the years and have been condemned for it. Winds of change? About time. I also think that if there was, for example, a rerun of joining the UN’s Migration Compact, Treason and her predecessor would have been given a very rough ride as people understood its implications.
Do you think that if we have another referendum we should
be able to chose who should be our next king ? Prince Charles
or Danny Dyer !! Whom do you think the BBC would support?
Eddie Izzard.
Following on from the excellent coverage of the searching of cliff richards home using the BBC helicopter –
I wonder if it is hovering over mr Alex Salmond who apparently has been arrested and charged is to appear in a Scottish court –
That ‘ Wallace ‘ line about ‘freeeedom ‘ comes to mind … no QT for him for a while ….
Owen Jones (if he’s old enough)
“Eddie Izzard”,
Both versions! Male one day female next, save on wages by using same throne. Only snag, can’t see a king wearing high heels!
Danny Dyer ? the ultimate in dumbing down trash television in the pantomime of tracing his lineage. Further evidence we have kids in charge of programming.
“we should be able to chose who should be our next king ?”
Wouldn’t that be a president? Wouldn’t be white if it were up to the BBC, that’s for sure.
Somebody said that Britain has a monarchy but behaves like a republic, whereas the US is a republic but elects a monarch every four years. I’d say that Britain behaves more like a banana republic these days, but I’m thinking of the way it conducts itself more than race.
At least the much maligned US head of state is elected by popular vote, which can’t be said of Germany’s. But then that’s a very EU way of doing things.
Just received details of another petition aimed at stopping any agreement between Treason May & Steptoe to hold a second referendum. If fellow contributors here have not given the link above, here it is: https://reignite.org/campaigns/no-second-referendum/
Sorry if I’ve duplicated.
“Alex Salmond: Former SNP leader arrested and charged”
Excellent news from the BBC
Davos is over for another year, don’t you feel better knowing that those superior individuals will have prepared a nice little tax hike, or perhaps reduce the amount of money swilling around in the Banks or perhaps hike the interest up that the Banks pay to the lenders/Federal Reserve et al. Or let us consider the large number of unproductive workers mostly engaged in supervisory or security roles on the streets, in public parks, on railways and at airports (mostly those of the Islam ideology) their prestige apparently often directly related to the inconvenience they are able to inflict on the public. Suspect we all know there is a ramshackle infrastructure existing in parallel with procurement contracts that run into billions of pounds over budget, such for example HS2-is it needed? Only by those that have lent the government the money, which was never there n the first place-No of course this idiotic project is not needed, the money would be better spent on the existing rail infratructure. Mind you, all of course can be easily explained away by the BBC !!
The BBC there at least got a nice meal out of it.
Metaphorically apt, it was all kept in the dark.
Not BBC but Daily Express.
The latest blunder from foot-shooter Farage. No need to worry about rioting if Brexit is stopped. The British people are not French therefore won’t do it. (says Le Farage?!) Phew! That’s alright then. It seems he’s accepting a second referendum. He’s still talking about a new Brexit party. A couple of days again he said he might join with Henry Bolton’s party. What he’ll say tomorrow is anybody’s guess.
Comments could be going better. The general feeling ranges from ‘he’s beginning to lose the plot’ to ‘he’s been bought off.’
I would be interested to know if the BBC cover this because it is quite damaging to the Brexit cause.
The mad hatters tea party?
He does have a point – the British won’t riot – they’ll just succumb, then complain. That’s the way it is, nowadays.
I thought Britain wouldn’t act and would just complain when the Falkland Islands were snatched. I said “the Brits won’t fight they’ll just sit watching their tellies and talk about their glorious past”. But to my astonishment Maggie turned into another Churchill, and what’s more, the nation was with her. (Apart from the usual suspects) I was also surprised when the nation voted for Brexit.
I thought Cameron’s Project Fear had squashed it. But no, there’s still a lot of life in the old dog yet.
I’m not saying I want to see riots. But there may well be some strong acts of civil disobedience if the traitors in parliament snuff out Brexit.
I might be an ex-pat but I’m proud of my country of origin.
Not sure about that. We don’t take to the streets at the drop of a hat, unlike some, but there are limits. If confidence in our systems is plummeting, it could change.
According to the Oxford Union, we weren’t going to fight in the 1930s either.
But the fighting, then, was carried out by the Armed Forces, which is hardly a civil uprising…
But it’s not “succumbing” either.
Agree sadly Yasser that the true British Grit seems to have got washed away with the sands of Liberal Socialism-spineless. Well maybe some of the younger generation have been subjugated against any thought of rocking the boat but there are still some of us older folk that have still got that True Grit-fought in various conflicts and would as becomes possible stand up and against this rabble of traitors-Lived and worked in France for some years and know how they think, and one thing that they could not understand was, as to why we had been so keen to join the EU in the first place-‘you are not continental,’ No we are not I consider myself a First Nation Brit-over 1000 yrs of family history. So give me my chariot of fire….and whetever !
Have you noticed the guy getting all the media attention is Farridge.
What party does he lead?
Batten ignored? All the interviewrs are frit of Batten. They are safe knowing Farridge wont dis islam and point out the uncomfortable truths.
They simply can not handle Batten or Tommy
Batten could be better placed to gain votes than farrage, who has found a safe space inside the bubble. Tough on Brexit, weak on the invaders.
Farridge is so far out of touch on Islam, people can spot it a mile off. Which is a shame really since he’s a big hitter in terms of conducting tricky interviews, but his denial of the reality of islam makes him useless for the future.
I think he’s less dangerous outside UKIP than he would be causing havoc inside.
I have to agree with you. Batten is hugely impressive on the TV but to the extent that the media simply refuse, or rarely, interview him unless he has to pull a controversial stunt like hiring Tommy to get some TV coverage (like Trump would do).
I like Farage and whilst I understand his desire to not want to distort his EU message with cries of Far Right and Islamaphobe (which he would receive if he backed Batten) I do think it is very unfair of him to slag off Batten.
UKIP has gone through it’s problems but Batten is doing a very capable job and they need to stand strong as I think they will be the only choice for people pissed off with the Brexit nonsense we are being presented with. They’d get my vote in a heartbeat.
I’ve had my doubts about Farage for some time, he is establishment through and through..he is taking on the form of a goat…a Judas Goat…the form he has always had….(Imo)
Ah…er.. that was in reply to Yasser Disibehbi….guess m’ sights need ranging..oops.
Our State Broadcaster, ‘the fount of suspect information’, interviews the Polish PM on Toady earlier. The latter informs the listener that the Polish economy is strong, (a figure of 5.5% is mentioned – don’t know whether that is growth or unemployment – missed that bit), and he welcomes returning economic mercenaries from the UK to join/rejoin the Polish economy. He also stated that any returnees would be provided with the same level of State Benefits that they receive in the UK. Question: why would he make a point of this if he were not aware that the UK Benefit system was a huge attraction to the mercenaries in the first place?
Can’t we just send all the Remoaners to Poland to help them out. They want to stay in Europe apparently.
The Poles have suffered enough.
Strange, every time I typed in, “migrant ” in to my earlier contribution above, the spell check intervened with, “mercenary”. So, I just let it have its way………..
To be fair to the Polish PM. The loss of it’s good young families has been a difficult time for Poland and it is probably good politics to do as he has done. They do need them back as Poland grows. I never thought the Poles would stay long term and if they came here to build up a grubstake then that is fine by me. The ties between our two nations are strong.
Good family people and a strong asset to European culture. We will need the old east in the future if Europe is to survive.
O that the same were happening with some other countries a bit further away!
The BBC need to be slapped down, or better, defunded, for their ongoing lying campaign against Brexit. People need to book their holidays in advance, cannot just saunter off at will on highly paid BBC jollies.
If the worst happens and the traitors in the houses of expense claimers manage to deny the democratic vote to leave their beloved eu then i think we shouldn’t unduly worry.
We know that leavers are in the majority and that about two thirds of constituencies voted to leave, so at a future General Election we should be able to vote in a majority leave parliament who would actually do what we vote for.
There will be no shortage of pro leave parties to vote for plus we can get rid of the traitors.
Maybe in 2022 we will get the pro leave majority in Parliament and we can simply just leave the next day.
We leavers are not going away so we will leave, that’s a given, it’s just when we can do it.
‘Some might say’ (tm:bbc) that we cannot leave or it will not be lawful but I’m sure that with real MPs in Westminster we will do it.
Remember, we are the majority and the likes of grief, sourbry, balls/boles, Rudd, Hammond, Morgan (I’m an mp, you can’t talk to me like that) and the rest of that shower of shite are yesterday’s people, living on borrowed time. They are losers and will be flushed away.
I can clarify Labour’s position on Brexit.
It is Leave in the North and Remain in the South.
There is always the problem of the “rosette on a donkey” voters but this could be overcome by, depending on the sitting MP’s party, a candidate could stand on the platform “I will generally support Lab/Con/Lib (delete as appropriate) with the exception of EU issues where I will vote against all but WTO terms exit followed by negotiations to achieve best arrangement for the UK”
The announcement on the BBC twitter that one of their favourites has been arrested and charged – mr a Salmond – led to a screen of ‘ grass’ aimed at a potential prosecution witness – or worse – a certain miss Crankie .
God I hope that shuts the tedious SNP up for a while .
Anyone know the first signs of popcorn overdose …?
“Anyone know the first signs of popcorn overdose …?”
Too cryptic for me.
Les – it’s because the events are more than enough for a political spectator like me -then add the Alex Salmond to the mix and ones’ head tends to spin
Sorry to be so dry any need to explain it .
I wonder is the Salmond thing will turn into one of those ‘ cover up ‘ jobs ?…..
“Anyone know the first signs of popcorn overdose …?”
There are several you need to be aware of:-
1) You’d slice off your right arm to get a second referendum.
2) Identifying as the opposite sex / leftie / greenie / alien
3) Having the sudden urge to vote for Corbyn
4) You find yourself online googling ‘how to become a Venezualian citizen’.
5) You write to your MP demanding a 27th letter of the alphabet because LGBTQVQXYZ… does not represent you and you feel oppressed.
Early intervention is ESSENTIAL if you spot any of these signs. The best antidote is to read this website :0)
I could go on but I really should be working right now.
While the bBC’s excellent news of Alex (slug) Salmond,s arrest is most gratifying what we really want , now that our appetite is raised, is;
“Ms Sturgeon , we demand your resignation.
Once these 2 are neutralized “Indy” as these *ankers call it can be pronounced dead.
And they deserve what’s coming to them for the rubbish they have delivered to Scotland………and the national embarrassment that bunch are who say they represent Scotland at Westminster.
We haven’t had the spectacle of columns of third worlders queueing up to get into Scotland have we ?
I’m sure the SNP would make an extra million welcome …
Indy ref2 is not required now, under any circumstances…
Simple realy, any democratic vote has now been rendered worthless.
Why the vindictive hysteria over the speedboat accident? I don’t suppose it has anything to do with the accused being white, male, and worst of all, wealthy.
I hadn’t been following this and my first reaction, following the overkill this morning, was “what a scumbag”. Then I saw the film of Shepherd giving himself up and his manner was nothing like the description given by the dead woman’s family.
I spent a few minutes digging around and the case appears to be nowhere near as clear cut as the BBC and MSM generally seem to think. Tragic? Yes. Was he irresponsible? Certainly, but no more than she was. Can’t help wondering what would have happened if he had died, and she survived. As usual these days, it seems to be all about the family’s feelings.
I don’t think this story is over.
Agree, that is our thinking in this household. Glad we are not alone but the BeeB will run with this one.
some more clips about speedboat man shepherd.
”Manslaughter by gross negligence.
The speedboat had several defects, including “poor and sloppy steering” and a “partially opaque” windscreen, the jury was told.
He told the officers: “Neither of us were wearing life jackets, although there were two between the seats.
“She would not have known they were there and I did not point them out. I did not even ask if she could swim.”
The boat was a death trap. The craft’s kill cord (which is used to cut the engine if the driver becomes incapacitated) had been disconnected, the life jackets were tucked away out of reach, and the steering was faulty. Shepherd knew all this; he knew that his boat was an accident waiting to happen.
Still, he zigzagged across the water at almost twice the speed limit of 12 knots (14mph). And let us not forget that he had already been warned twice before by the river police about speeding”
and he even failed to appear in court on another charge of attacking a barman
”Killer Jack Shepherd who went on run after 24-year-old date died in Thames speedboat horror could escape justice for glassing barman because CPS is unlikely to prosecute
The attack on Mr Beech was captured on CCTV and it was reported to the police
Jack Shepherd also failed to appear at Newton Abbot Magistrates’ Court in June”
“Still, he zigzagged across the water at almost twice the speed limit of 12 knots (14mph).”
Most reports say that she was driving. I’m also sure that she knew whether she could swim or not.
” vindictive ”
i guess that’s one word for the public liking guilty people having to actually serve their sentences
”speedboat accident”
The good men and women of the jury decided it wasn’t an accident but manslaughter.
Jack Shepherd got £93,000 in legal aid –
so either he wasn’t wealthy, or was, but there’s something fishy going on.
Another reason the case might be considered news worthy was that he skipped bail, was sentenced in his absence but somehow managed to be apply for and be granted an appeal.,,
Other questions – why was his passport not taken , why unconditional bail?
Agree it wrong that others don’t get the spotlight shone on them – like the guilty ‘stani who skipped bail in the case Tommy Robinson was covering in Leeds, before sentencing, and not a peep out of the media .
But at least its good that the media shame the police into bothering to hunt down fugitives at least some of the time .
“i guess that’s one word for the public liking guilty people having to actually serve their sentences”
I’m sure they do. However, when some of those responsible for the torture (in the true sense of the word) and murder of Kriss Donald fled to Pakistan, I don’t recall a great deal of media coverage at any stage.
How often do you hear Kriss Donald’s name now? And you have more faith in the legal system than I have.
Jeremy Vine giving us half the story again.
Doctors are concerned that we are becoming resistant to antibiotics. Clearly a ‘white’ British problem. Rather like the plastic waste in the oceans is a ‘white’ British problem.
Just as they leave out the bit that the plastic is dumped into the oceans via Asia they leave out the bit that already most of the population of India/Pakistan is already antibiotic resistant.
I can’t believe importing people from India/Pakistan can help.
QT seems to retain the standard 5-1 remainer / brexiter ration including a lady who writes for the Guardian …
If any one is looking for light entertainment today watch Chuka and Wollaston s mush when they announce they ain’t going for another referendum to get a different answer …it’s on google and twitter …
Fed. word on the street is that the plug was pulled because Jezzer would not sign up. This is untrue. Recent polling and off message interviews indicate that there is high risk of losing the vote. So, fall back to the abandon Brexit strategies where parliament calls the shots and the oik joe public are not let anywhere near.
PS – watch the MSM ramp up ‘delay A50’ or ‘possible GE’.
The mini press conference chuka and co did was apparently not authorised by Soros central so maybe the Remain camp is in disarray .
I would not discount more guerrilla activity over the next few days /weeks as the days count down – particularly since they’ve realised there are only 30 ‘working’ days until we leave .
I don’t think even bercow has the power to make the darlings work weekends as the girl MPs have their kiddie duties they are forever going on about .
JimS, I pressume all that plastic at the bottom of the ocean is the packaging from Asia’s antibiotics.
“Call it something that glorifies your job”
BBC gals-are-loud union shop steward, the humourless Carrie Gracie, didn’t get her invite for beer and sandwiches at Number Ten today. But as BBC News Channel anchor this happy inflation- and common sense-busting pay rise trouserer-in-chief (if you’ll excuse the expression) tries her hand at some office banter with the gurning soft-lad Chris Mason. The clownish young political reporter is busy Brexit jargon busting for us today. He jokes (is he ever serious?) about his “desk of drivel”. Our Carrie (all hail her womanish fat wallet) gives the adolescent-minded Chris some pertinent career advice (gratis – unusually for her) : “Call it something that glorifies your job” – Straight from the horse’s mouth, eh?
Police say the crime rate is “stable”. But violent crime has increased by 19% in a year. Only a drunkard or a person high on drugs could believe that he’s stable.
There must be another reason why violent crime is rocketting. On the tip of my tongue but can’t think of it now. Strange, I hear the repeated expression: “All part and parcel” for some obscure reason…………
“Police say the crime rate is “stable”. But violent crime has increased by 19% in a year.”
In newspeak, it is what is known as a “stable increase”. It means that crime will increase 19% every year.
Just part and parcel of statistics, darn statistics and what common purpose tells the top table to say.
That violent crime increase could be Toynbee and Woolaston murdering Gammon under the cover of darkness for the sake of the people’s vote!
It starts to feel the MSM media are more desperate every day that ticks away towards B-Day…. Double whammy Beeb this morning… Massive push with more scare stories of all the companies who are poised to close down in the UK and move to Europe (complete with random talking heads in support) whilst having a push on their “Brexit Terms Explainer” service. It come across a bit like “tell us what you need to know about Brexit and we will help you to see it as the scary unacceptable pile of poo it is” – also being heavily reinforced on R4 with doom-laden announcers talking very slowly with heavy emphasis on each word. EG; “the BIGGEST COST estimated by ANY UK business ever!”..Are they getting scared?
I’m guessing the BBC won’t be reminding its fans of the recent financial arrangements for the leading Scottish socialist A. Salmond – withdrawing £90000 dividend from his company and raising £100000 by crowdfunding .
At least he should be able to fund the prosecution against him without tapping the taxpayer ….
digg – it’s only a matter of time before they get to this point
I accidently tuned into the start of Sheila Fogerty’s show on LBC. She was promoting the government’s lies, sorry, statistics on knife and gun crime. She played several interviews with people who all spoke with that lazy, stupid patois that normal people come to associate with these sorts of crime. In the studio she wheeled out the usual ‘community worker’ / community spokesperson who spoke of the gang problem (I make no apology for not saying that over used word, ‘issue’) in their ‘community’. Switched off after fifteen minutes because no one had used the adjective ‘black’ in any of their sentences. I wonder if ‘Stop and Search’ was mentioned?
Funny how they seem to find those unelected, self appointed community leaders eh?
I’ve half-watched the Politics Show while eating my lunch both yesterday and today, not something I generally do although it does pay to know your enemy.
On both programmes it has been stated by a studio guest, today by the deeply unimpressive Frances O’Grady, that Jacob Rees Mogg has moved his business to Dublin. This has gone unchallenged and accepted by the programme host on both occasions. This isn’t true though is it?
Rees Mogg has opened a fund in Dublin, maybe an office, but he hasn’t moved his business lock-stock to Dublin to remain in the EU, closing offices, paying off staff, and betraying the country, as is being suggested. He manages funds in many different countries apparently, Eire being now one of them.
He has famously corrected and rebuked this allegation on several occasions himself, most obviously in a LBC phone-in which is readily available on Youtube. Any political journalist worth their salt would know this.
A little thing maybe, but surely if a political programme and presenter are to be seen as neutral and unbiased and in anyway informed such obvious untruths should be at least recognised. Blatant bias again bBBC.
They just don’t care do they? Or perhaps they are so self-absorbed they are unaware? Time and again their lies are uncovered, myths debunked and untruths exposed. Their reaction, not just BBC but the whole left establishment bubble- is to dig in their heels & double down on the lies. Repeat repeat repeat.
The devil must be proud of them.
Lucy the BBC which has its compulsory payment from the British people to fund it, is now an absolute disgrace. I would go as far as saying it is now a political group acting against the will of the majority who voted in the referendum. It has no place in a democratic country, as it’s representative broadcasting medium.
You can bet that Frances O’Grady knew as well; in other words she was lying. Deeply unimpressive is right.
Rich, this is common with agenda driven outlets and has been termed, by the great Melanie Philips as the ‘broader truth’. That is where everyone (the echo chamber audience that the comment is aimed at) ‘know’ that, for example, JRM is a two faced capitalist hypocrite with no redeeming morals, therefore any attack on his integrity or probity, whether true or not is acceptable under the ‘broader truth’ synopsis. The BBBC are particularly adroit at utilising this methodology and it has been its de facto reporting mechanism throughout the Brexit debate.
Much of it will end when the BBBC itself ends.
eu industry airbus getting the nudge nudge wink wink from the government
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit uncertainty is a disgrace, says Airbus””
“”The planemaker’s chief executive, Tom Enders, said Airbus “will have to make potentially very harmful decisions for the UK” in the event of no deal.””
“And make no mistake, there are plenty of countries out there who would love to build the wings for Airbus aircraft,” he added.””
“”Brexit is threatening to destroy a century of development based on education, research and human capital.””
“”And appliance maker Dyson announced it was moving its headquarters to Singapore, from Malmesbury in Wiltshire, although it said the decision had nothing to do with Brexit.””
The BBC fail to point out that it would take about seven years for Airbus to start production of wings in another country. An inconvenient truth? And why spoil another BBC anti-Brexit feature with the facts?
Tom Enders has been serving as a member of the European Commission’s High-level Group on Defence Research.
No potential bias there then….
Since Airbus will be so devastated by a brexit, one wonders just what they have been doing since June 23rd 2016? Management in denial?
Perhaps they had been assuming, and were being continually reassured by people in authority, that Brexit was never going to happen, except in some wishy-washy form.
Dover, good piece.
Of course no commentator ever explains why there is this high level of ‘Brexit uncertainty’. Namely, that a democratic decision that should have been final has been continually contested by anti democrats both inside of and outside of parliament who refuse to honour the referendum result, refuse to honour their word and refuse to abide by their manifesto pledges.
The ‘uncertainty’ is of their own making and for their own selfish ideological purposes.
You don’t need French to enjoy this vid.
Brilliant I’m still laughing!
Wow – is that funny – like the MSM used to be . Bless
Just had to,share it
The gilet jaune round his neck is good irony……….they,ve even inflated his codpiece.
Apparently we need to not comment on the details of allegations against Mr Alex Salmond but sky reports 2 attempted rapes and a number of indecent assault allegations
As David Vance says on Twitter – every one is entitled to a fair trial and I’m sure Mr Salmond will get one ….
Clearly, given the timeline, this is because of Brexit.
I wonder if the BBC will get included, or simply blow anything off with a quick ‘honest mistake’.
The supplement for Jon ’nuffink to do wiv me guv’ Sopel and his notional N. America Bureau of Beauties and Cads will likely be exempted.