A new word has entered the language – Dox
‘To search for and publish private or identifying information about ( a particular individual) on the internet , typically with malicious intent”- used recently in the Catholic School boy incident in America which the hateful left wrongly misinterpreted and exploited .
So bits of the world change for the worse -don’t they ?
Is she that one they wheeled out on the panel recently who secured another million for Leave?
GW – ‘52 to 48 you wouldn’t even change the constitution of your local golf club on that’
Yes you would, unless you were a traitor.
Head on pole.
IIRC, Obama’s win in 2012 was something like 51-47, as a percentage of the popular vote (and yes, I know that the US elections are not decided on a popular vote – although try telling that to the Democrats in the US – and the BBC) but was hailed at the time , by the BBC amongst others, as a ‘landslide’, ‘remarkable’, ’emphatic’ win.
52:48 eh?
One wonders just how Wales managed to install a whole new tier of Government based on a 50.3% : 49.7% vote?
And did anyone demand a recount? Tou can bet your bottom dollar there’d have been a recount or rerun if the vote had gone the other way.
D_C – “Tou can”
Have you been on the Guinness again?
LCS..get yer coat..
I think perhaps it takes folk of a certain age to inderstand ?
Guilty M’lud.
“One wonders just how Wales managed to install a whole new tier of Government based on a 50.3% : 49.7% vote?”
Funny, we don’t hear that mentioned in the Welsh Assembly whenever Brexit is discussed.
How about another Welsh Referendum – Abolish or keep The Welsh Assembly ?
2019-01-25 00:40 BBC Politics
“Restaurant gets death threats over anti-Brexit receipts”
“Ibrahim Dogus, who is also a Labour councillor in pro-EU Lambeth, says he felt compelled to write the message the day Theresa May’s Brexit plan was voted on in Parliament.”
Head on pole.
Question time seems to have gone off script for the second week with brexiters being able to express their view without a dimbly Plc corporate interruption .
Bet they are thinking of getting a Jonathan dimbly Plc in there to get it back to being a lefty echo chamber ….
I wonder whether they think that they have done sufficient “spade work” now to achieve the “remainers referendum” I suspect they are allowing this now to happen so when it is announced they can point to Question Time and say – look we have made great strides in becoming more balanced, and hopefully avoid some of the finger pointing.
The brothers and sisters at the BBC dont do unbiased unless there is a very good reason – it is not in their DNA.
“Question time seems to have gone off script for the second week with brexiters being able to express their view”
That’s easy to answer: told you it was a fix all along!
Thats because they know that Brexit is on its way out, see: BBC news just now 5 PM News. Rudd, Hammond and their fellow cohorts have decided to back Coopers and Grieves treason and resign in order to extend the march 29 date for at least another 9 months and thereafter every 6 months until the next GE. When it will be a doddle for the remain vote to pass without much protests.
And the Queens message today? Useless! If she thinks that’s all she needs to do to cause us leavers to go away then she had better think again! History proves that “one stamps on the head of your citizens” and “takes not one bit of notice of a democratic vote of the people” at their own peril! Danger ahead!
Has he had an operation?
Or has the photographer massaged the picture?
He used to look like the FA Cup, all ears, and SFA between them.
Formerly referred to as Dumbo in these columns.
This was supposed to be attached to the Robinson piece on Minibrain D, I put all the blame on Brexit.
He is being groomed. In a bbc way.
Bring him in against Treezer and Brexit is a memory and the licence fee sorted for all eternity.
This guy does one heck of a job.
The bbc should hire him.
But won’t.
“Can someone explain to me why the mainstream media isn’t reporting on this more? This is actually insane”
Yes. They are our enemies.
Heads on poles.
Poles available from Intergalactic Poles Supplies Ltd.
No affiliation, just a satisfied customer.
I really hope Sweden burns to the ground as a lesson to everyone (not that it would be reported) that naive and reckless unchecked immigration combined with a suicidal attitude to preserving your national identity results in turning your country into shithole. Soon it will be more dangerous for female travellers to vist Sweden than Morocco.
It’s funny how a country who is famous for it’s former people raping and plundering nearby countries, is actively involved in letting this happen to itself.
Lucy Pevensey,
“— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) January 24, 2019”
Peter Sweden? This Peter Sweden?
“The claim that 6 million jews were gassed seem highly unprobable. The concentration camps didnt have the facilities for that.”
“How is the protocols of the elders of zion “anti-semitic” ? Is the jews own text on jewish supremacism anti-semitic?”
“The globalists (mainly Jews) are the ones bringing in the Muslims to europe. They seem to work together.”
Breaking news.
We all know that British industry now operates on a ‘just in time’ basis because the media tell us that any change will be catastrophic as we crash out over the cliff edge into the Armageddon of Brexit.
Nissan in Sunderland have had to close down production today because one of their ‘just in time’ deliveries had to stop at a red traffic light. This was compounded by the fact that the driver had stopped for a wee earlier in the day.
A spokesman for Nissan said “we can expect more of this when we leave the eu because it’s estimated that lorries will take an extra 2 seconds to clear customs”
I worked for five years as production manager of a Department supplying JIT to nissan in Washington tyne and wear.
The buck stopped with me, so believe me I understood their system.
Supplies from anywhere, least of all the UK would not suffer from a single red light. However, the suplly line is LEAN.
There is no slack, but it’s configured around the reality of location etc.
Many companies moved production plants to be close to the customer, mine was in South East Wales. We managed fine, and would do after brexit.
Just one more fact….
Our raw materials were supplied from Japan once a month in a single shipment. They were shipped from the port of Kobe, and one fine day, Kobe just about fell into the sea with one of their quakes.
The japs relocated their production and shipping point immediately, and we never saw one single shipment either wrong or delayed by a single day.
Now they were in JIT
, so it CAN BE DONE.
All this talk of Nissan:
Get yer coat!
JS – New to me, next time use tyres as the delivered part. More realistic.
Yes, but dont mix radial and crossply on the same neck, its an offence.
Remember when Osbourne said EXACTLY the same and he was completely UNCHALLENGED aswell ….. laughable …really is. The punishment budgets, the 30% drop in house prices, recession … not when we left, that was PROMISED to us if we even dared vote leave. And they wonder why we cant stand em all
100 people are talking about this.
70% saying you are a lying ****.
30% saying you are an incompetent, lying ****.
Head on pole.
Then why doesn’t he get off his well paid backside and sort it rather than bleat like a wet sponge. He is paid to sort the budgets and economy so if he’s not doing his job, sack him.
I don’t normally swear but FFS. !!!
Exasperated and angry.
And anyway he should be rejoicing as he has a windfall of £39bn to add to the budget.
Exactly. He is paid to be OUR servant so do something useful and implement measures to safeguard our future given the instruction that we have given you.
He’s like a surly employee moaning about having to do a job you’ve asked him to do and trying to convince you that you don’t actually need the ‘thing’ you have requested because it’s patently obvious that he just can’t be arsed to do it.
Anyone who has worked for any organisation for more than a few years will know that those organisations self-disrupt every few years, often going back to what they did before but with a new name.
Somehow they survived.
Anyone who has observed politics for more than a few years will have seen politicians introduce disruptive policies, taxes where there were none before, community dissent where there was none before, sexual ambiguity where there was none before, yet somehow we…
… ah, now I see the problem, Brexit takes away their ability to disrupt without censure and they don’t like it.
Usually by a new “manager” determined to make a reputation.
Starting with ignoring “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”.
The Just In Time meme .
It’s because companies don’t want to use money ,buildings and areas on storage , naturally enough . So one way is to store stuff on lorries . But hauliers can’t afford to have trucks sitting idley about , and where would they wait anyway .
Land is very very expensive , and unless you build houses and sell them , is a loss for a company . It will only get worse as immigration gets worse in this country .
Found this Twitter site run by a chap called, Nick Harvey. Nick likes posting photographs of exotic places and passing them off as Crowborough in East Sussex where he lives, he also has a thing about giraffes.

He demonstrates this in his stunning photograph of the recent blood moon. An amusing, eccentric but stupid pastime you may say.
Twitter finds Nick quite funny…
What has this to do with the bias, stupidity and fake news that we are so accustomed to from the world’s most trusted broadcaster? Patience dear reader, all will soon become clear.
One day Nick receives a summons from BBC Radio 4, it’s Fatima from The World at One!
If this doesn’t get Fatima a Sony award for investigative journalism, I’ll eat my hat!
She must have deleted that Tweet
6 others similar to other people remain.
The second irony is this is a RADIO prog ..you know without pictures
Wonder if she is the work experience girl and has been tasked with getting good pics for the radio, in the same way you used to send them to get sparks for the grinder.
She might get transferred to Global Health Correspondent (Ju-Ju) for BBC Pidgin.
2019-01-25 10:00 BBC NEWS politics
“Brexit: Push for more generous EU no-deal offer”
“But a group of countries want to give UK hauliers the right to operate within the EU as well, known as cabotage.”
Et cetera
I think the term is sabotage.
I believe the revised plan is, agree to a No Deal Brexit.
Which will be a NDBINO.
Time to be extra suspicious.
Heads on poles.
LCS You will have to buy more poles, I’d say you’ve already filled the ones you have this morning.!!
EL – I have just registered “Intergalactic Poles Supplies Ltd”.
Jeff Bezos move over.
Special discounts for bulk orders from users of BBBC.
The BBC going to establish a base at Warsaw Centauri 5?
Special offer – 50% refund on all poles.
Half your money back when a photograph of the pole, complete with real head, is posted on this site.
I’ll give you a lithuanian and an estonian for one of your poles.
British hauliers won’t be doing cabotage abroad as they don’t go abroad . Our Department against Transport senior civil servants saw to that .
But foreigners can do cabotage in the UK .
Ignore the trade organisations like RHA and FTA . What they know about transport is as much I know about intergalactic travel .
2019-01-25 10:15 BBC NEWS health
Skinny genes the ‘secret to staying slim’
“By Smitha Mundasad
Global Health Correspondent, BBC News”
Photograph of black female.
“Lead researcher Prof Sadaf Farooqi, from the University of Cambridge, called on people to be less judgemental about others’ weight.”
Et cetera.
Being laughed at on HYS.
Not reported by BBC, Jews win 18% of Nobel science prizes, 0.2% of the global population is Jewish.
Blacks win 0% of Nobel science prizes.
I thought their global health cubicle gardener was Tulip?
Or do they have a plantation?
The BBC is less concerned when judgemental about hair.
Why the difference?
Fabricant is a Leaver, so the BBC don’t like him.
One ‘journalist’ a Guardian dosen’t make, but the BBC reads the stuff and it sets their agenda. This article takes the biscuit, apparently there is a sort of moral reality, (in their minds), and a sort of real reality, (used to be called facts), that is evil and wrong.
Harry’s Place couldn’t put it better: The Guardian doubles-down on Covington lies.
JS – Facts are sacred.
Guardian and BBC are Siamese twins.
With only one Mouth, the BBC.
Seventeen anuses.
Just been having a look at the Lisbon Treaty for which we still have a couple or more opt outs, the Euro being one. One of the trumpeting points was that Trade Policy would make fair competition a requirement to ensure the functioning of the internal market. VW emissions anyone? All went a bit quiet not long after. Main point is if we don’t end up getting out of this corrupt monolith you bet your bottom last English pound our remaining opt outs will vanish.
On earlier topic where BBC failed to mention the rise of over 4 cents in sterling against Euro. Few hours ago a money website announced Sterling surges to 1.16
On BBC News page just a minute ago Pound loses gains.. it dropped 0.22% against the Euro!!!
It would be funny if it wasn’t so annoying…
A can of worms neatly opened there, Ali.
\\ Probably because the Leave voters registered to attend the show whilst the lazy Remain side yet again thought it was a done deal and did feck all.
We Leavers deserve to be heard so we work harder to be sounded out. //
The replies from Remainers are mostly like “gammon, gammon, gammon ..gammons are all racist”
I note Campbells twitter name
“Alastair PEOPLE’S VOTE Campbell”
more like “Alastair PEOPLE’S TW*T Campbell …. Verified tw*t”
41.1% to 58.9%. Practically neck and neck, eh Di?
Winchester – a dull little wannabee city that has forgotten the man whose statue is there and was our greatest king. Full of commuters and bijou lifestylers.. Cannot stand the place.
You must have spent a lot of time there and met a lot of people to be able to make an assessment like that.
Comment doesn’t reflect well on you at all.
Oh, I took to him at once.
The result in York was much the same.
You going to have a go at people who live there as well?
Currently near the top of the link is a reply from “Deborah”.
Showing part of the BBC form for would be attendees.
If this is the Deborah who posts on this site, please post the whole form on BBBC.
Because it demonstrates how the BBC gets wall to wall Lefties/Remainers/Whatever on their shows.
Does anyone know the truth behind this.
I’ve seen a few references to a part of the Lisbon treaty saying that all eu members must accept the euro as their currency by 2022.
I can’t believe this is true but those posting it seem to be sure of it.
If it is true, why are our leavers not making a big deal out of it.
If not true, is there any part of it that might happen.
On QT last night, the panel seem to think testing and checking older drivers is a good idea.
Any government thinking of restricting or even stopping older drivers must be prepared to face about 8 million voters who will not vote for them.
It starts with an eye test, then a doctors test, then retaking the driving test every few years and so on with more tests being added by those who think “it’s for their (oap’s) own good”. Soon, there will be many obstacles (for their own good of course) because we all know that once they have a starting place (eye test?) they will never stop adding to it.
An under 35 year old man is twice as likely to kill you in a car accident than an over 70 year old.
Tell that to someone who’s child was killed/injured by an older driver.
… one of our 80 year old neighbours hit someone on a crossing
.. the woman shouldn’t have been driving in the first place.
That is sad but no reason to smear older drivers. ON my estate the way the young ones drive has to be seen to be believed. No consideration and no sense of their speed.
In a perfect world there’d be a retest for every one every – say 20 years – however I’m sure the failure rate would be so high as to be unacceptable to joe public . So we are where we are .
There are plenty on age limits on different aspects of life but common sense suggests that a 97 year old will not have the physical or mental skills to push a Range Rover around . Suitably Darwinian though – except for the harm to others .
Needless to say I am the worlds ‘ best driver and I’d pass with flying colours even if me guide dog does drive the rover …
EU page
Remainers tweets almost always point out the 2022 thing is a a myth and that 2022 isn’t mentioned in the treaty
Stew, in my experience Remainers are extremely ill-informed about the Union, and all its workings, that they claim to love.
It is said that ‘Love is blind.’
I can believe that after the last three and a bit years.
EG, If you go on to the EU website and look at all the various individual sub headings of the Treaty itself, and then try and make head or tail of it I guarantee you will have one hell of a headache. Doublespeak doesn’t even come close.
No need to worry.
In a few years we will have compulsory driverless cars.
All cars will belong to the Government.
You will have to insert your ID card.
You will have to explain the purpose of your journey, un PC reasons, no journey.
Only full cars will move, any Tom Dick or Ali, will be able to jump in with you.
Permanent, loud, Grime music, which you cannot turn down or off.
Only women will be allowed to speak in cars.
No windows in cars, to prevent invaders being reported.
Every time one of the infallible cars kills somebody it will be blamed on Brexit.
That’s one of those ‘ red wine ideas’ has the horrible ring of possibility about it . You left out the bit about everything being recorded so as to spot deviants who just done like foreigners or similar
Decent people like senior state employees will be exempt and have their own special lanes to stop them being delayed from their very important work like going to equality meetings .
“Decent people like senior state employees will be exempt and have their own special lanes to stop them being delayed from their very important work like going to equality meetings .”
By then the indigenous population will be a subjugated minority and all ideas of equality will have been abandoned in favour of “majority rule”.
Emmanuel, had we voted Remain in June 2016, there is no doubt in my mind – Treaty provisions or no – that come the mid-2020s, we would be ‘invited’ to join the Euro, somewhat forcefully by the end of the decade.
By making this rule apply to the whole population, they can get Prince Philip without appearing to target him personally. Expensive, but worth it.
Wonder what Katty and Ko can do with this where the libel laws are less intense.
But citing a deleted tweet with a nudge-nudge, wink-wink comment about a bbc ideological bete noir might be less wise this side of the pond.
A beeboid smearing someone from a different political view from his own . I’m really surprised one one at the BBC has put a gag on the unbalanced character .
The bbc… smearing people they don’t like?
Some say that is impossible as they are impartial. Apparently.
Meanwhile, outside of W1A….
Then, of course, there is the appearance of impartiality by quoting another.
Some say Michael Fabricant is wearing a wig.
So it’s ok to mock the president but not others?
Poor stuff as usual from this man. Cowardly.
That’s her off QT for a while.
Maybe… guest slot on BBC N. America?
The Jewish chronicle shows the cartoon which in anyone s book is pretty hateful whether the Star of David is on the scythe or not
Apparently this lady is deputy leader of the Greens.
If I was Jewish or American I’d be pretty insulted and putting her on a homeland security ‘list’
\\ Marie van der Zyl, president of the Board of Deputies, said: “This is a nasty conspiratorial image from someone senior enough in politics to know better. Amelia Womack was correct to apologise. We expect her to be more careful in future.” //
The pic shows a Stars and Stripes Grim Reaper holding a flag of David scythe
leaving blood stained doors at a list of countries and then knocking on Venezuela’s
I t dates to at least 2014
Yes a wacky conspiracy theory about US and Israeli GOVERNMENTS working together.
.. but to me that is NOT antisemitic, anymore than criticising the US government is anti its races/religions.
The other criticisms that Guido commentters make of the tweet seem much more valid , ie Greens are more interested in signalling hate to US/Israel than they are in the plight of Venezuelans
.. who have actually suffered at hands of their own gov, not the US.
John Simpson the Senior World Editor or president of the Evil Empire or similar was waxing this morning about how you British are fixated with Brexit when there is other stuff going on in the world .
Im sure there was some similar cloud complaining about all the pollution and noise coming from RAF aircraft trying to retain their country’s freedom .
At least mr Simpson can cushion himself from the realities of ordinary people through his BBC expenses account .
The other point is that if he and his type had bowed to the democratic outcome of the referendum we’d be gone from the EUReich by now and able to concentrate on his previous green things like excluding EU trawlers from British waters ….
“John Simpson … was waxing this morning…” Please don’t spring images like that on your readers without warning.
2014 same version
Older non Venezuela version discussed 2013 Augut
So… BBC pitchforks and burning torches or…. bbc #justjoking ?
I’ve tried to paste a link that I picked up from a quick browse of Guido last night, it’s the EU Financial Transparency System (I know!) but I don’t think I’ve been successful. I use a Kindle to browse through here which isn’t ideal for this sort of thing.
You can access it by a simple search as well as I’m sure many of you know. It just seems to me to give evidence as to why some firms and groups are so vocal in their support of the EU and it’s interesting when you have a look at the likes of Airbus and Bombardier, and of course the bBBC.
Why is the EU funding BBC Media Action? What the hell is Community Cohesion Through Community Media?
I listened to our Chancellor, George Osborne, being interviewed on Toady earlier this morning………..Sorry, what’s that you say, “Osborne in no longer Chancellor now its Philip Hammond”. Oh! but Hammond spews the same line as Osborne: Brexit = doom & gloom which will hasten the total destruction of the UK. Disappeared. In the future, people in France will say, pointing West, that is where England used to be. Afganistan filled rubber boat people will be forced to turn back to France. Whatever next?
It’s been a while since I commented here, but, as they say “plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose”. Listening to The ‘Today’ programme over the past few days, it has become obvious that the BBC, as it has in the past, has a queue of scare-mongering anti-Brexit ‘bigwigs’ lined up, ready to be dutifully trotted out one by one as the days go by.
Then, a chink of daylight as Mr Joe Lyons, chief Economic Strategist at Net Wealth Investments was introduced at just before 9 am today. Of course, since he was going against the grain of the BBC thought police, he was asked questions, and before he could answer, he was interrupted and asked another question in case he made any good points, though he did stand up quite well to the newsreader (I refuse to grace them with the title of reporter). He was then abruptly cut off as the BBC had conveniently ‘run out of time’.
Compare this to the treatment of fragrant BBC hero, David Milliband, who had been interviewed earlier – actually, he wasn’t so much interviewed as given free rein to say what he liked for almost as long as he liked, regarding his views, which do align with the BBC memes.
The interesting point was made by the newsreader that, unlike companies for which Mr Lyons’ works, the Confederation of British Industries (CBI)BI, British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), and the Engineering Employers’ Federation (EEF) had reputedly claimed that, ‘hundreds of thousands of other companies hadn’t even started making preparations for a ‘No-Deal Brexit’.
And, of course, the BBC has neither the will, nor the intellect, to point out that these august bodies apparently have done nothing over the past two and a half years to encourage and educate their member companies to prepare for what has been, during all that time, the default Brexit plan, should we fail to reach any other agreement. So, why the hell are companies paying into such federations and getting crap/zero advice at a crucial time in their history/future. Surely it is the very reason for these organisations’ existence, to provide advice and guidance in the face of momentous change, clearly easily predictable, so that we are all ready for any likely eventuality.
And, of course, it is a serious charge against our elected and unelected representatives (House of Lords) that they, in the main, have done bu99er all either, to work towards achieving the best out-turn for the UK in the event of a ‘No-deal’ Brexit ‘, which is OUR ’backstop. But the BBC never challenges any of the Remain-supporting MPs that they have wasted two and a half years, and our future prosperity, by so doing
Of course, this just gives every one of them the excuse, ably abetted by the BBC (which has been vehemently against Brexit from the get-go), to claim/demand ‘we’re not ready, so can we just delay Brexit by another year….or so.’. Mark my words – this is likely to be the next plea/ ploy to stop Brexit.
Any Parliamentarian, or federation like the CBI, deliberately sticking their heads in the sand and their ass in the air, and then screaming that they are about to get shafted, deserve all they get. And they cannot be allowed to get their way, because they have effectively conspired to destroy our country, rather than work with the democratic vote of the people of this country.
And, specifically, any Executive Officer or Board Member who has not prepared their company for eventualities lying ahead of them – and ‘No-deal Brexit’ is the one possible outcome that has always been entirely predictable as an outcome – should be fired or removed from the Boards of their companies for incompetence and/or dereliction of duty.
“…..should be fired or removed from the Boards of their companies for incompetence and/or dereliction of duty.”
That’s six-figure pay-offs I’ll have you know……….
Not necessarily the case – being fired for dereliction of duty or gross negligence at that level in a company does not necessarily mean a payout. But I am no corporate lawyer, and would happily accept any learned correction.
But in any case, if they are that incompetent, any payment may be peanuts compared to what they might have cost their companies.
“the Confederation of British Industries (CBI)BI, British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), and the Engineering Employers’ Federation (EEF) had reputedly claimed that, ‘hundreds of thousands of other companies hadn’t even started making preparations for a ‘No-Deal Brexit’.”.
Would this be the hundreds of thousands of companies that don’t have any dealings with the EU? If they neither import from companies in the EU nor export to any there what preparations does the CBI/BBC think that they should be making?
I see another aide to the POTUS is arrested. That news was not brought to us by our far left Marxist State Broadcaster’s Jon “Impeachment” Sopel. I wonder under which stone he currently lives: I haven’t heard hair nor hide of him for some while. Could it be that he has been totally banned from the White House?
I do hope they expel him from the US.
arrested on the suspicion he was once seen drinking a vodka
An old one but it keeps coming up.
On politics live today a remoaner brought up the £350 million again.
He said it was a leave lie.
Why can’t someone show him a picture of the bus and ask where it says the nhs will immediately be given £350 million a week if you vote to leave in 2016.
I can see where it says the money COULD be used.
I also believe we are still in the eu so unless we stop paying them we cannot give this money to the nhs.
Two very simple observations so why is this not pointed out to remoaners and why do those holding the discussions (jo Corbyn today) not pick them up on this lie they keep repeating.
It does keep coming up. Very strange. It is apparent that it is only something that deceived Remain voters. And then only in retrospect.
Leave voters knew the tax take to pay for our membership of the EU was £18 billion for the latest year during the EU Referendum campaign nearing a concluding figure – 2014. It could also be easily found on the EU web-site as the budgeted figure. It was not hard to divide that by 52. Those inclined to vote Remain could have done that for themselves.
It was confirmed at the time by the BBC as correct (actually a slight under-estimate @ £350m) at £361million per week. That is the finalised figure for 2014 confirmed by the Office for National Statistics who also checked it. A gross payment of taxation taken for membership of the EU of £18.77 billion. There were rebates of spending – not refunds to the taxpayer of between £9 to £10 billion approximately over succeeding years as specified by the EU and depending how quickly Whitehall disbursed those rebates.
To answer your final question, probably because JoCo is a Remainer and many of the other BBC presenters are as well. They like to try and embarrass Leave campaigners with that figure because to do otherwise would be to own up to the full cost of our EU membership.
It is the same – has been for decades – over our independence. Ted Heath parroted what we now know to be a lie: that we would in the EEC be an independent nation with an equal say in running a trading organisation. Successive Treaties have been entered into by the UK, at each enlargement, where we have reached the point where in a single sentence in October 2018, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond, quietly states to Mishal Husain on the TODAY Programme “The UK is no longer an independent country.”
What Jo Coburn and the BBC others cannot face and admit is that fact expressed by Hammond. The Leavers or Brexiteers have to be the ones portrayed as liars.
45 years of living with a lie, mostly – to their shame – from Conservative Prime Ministers and Chancellors to the people, so we do need to fully leave the EU on 29 March 2019 in order to just start living in the light again. No wonder the liberals in the BBC have a problem with it.
Has a single person ever been found who decided how to vote on the strength of what he read on the side of a bus? And would such a person have had the intelligence to find his way to the polling booth?
Covington exposes the BBC for the lying swamp-dwellers they have become:
‘What did the footage show?
The teens are seen mocking Mr Phillips and his companion, as the two men sing the American Indian Movement song.
One boy, in particular, is captured staring at Mr Phillips while many other students are heard mockingly singing the song.
In separate footage later shared on social media, Mr Phillips is seen approaching the boys as he sings.
After the incident, Mr Phillips was quoted by US media as saying: “I heard them saying ‘build that wall, build that wall'”.
“This is indigenous land: you’re not supposed to have walls here.
“We never had a prison; we always took care of our elders, took care of our children, always provided for them, taught them right from wrong.
“I wish I could… put that energy to making this country really, really great,” Mr Phillips said.
Lies from beginning to end.
‘A lying press is a dangerous press and must be stamped out.’
Meanwhile, on Planet Graun….
Suspect a raft of ‘Should media be protected from the lies they edit in?’ Articles from the BBC appearing soon.
Don’t you think the boy deserves to be scalped?
Apart from the three regular food items on the BBC Home Page that opens the BBC web-site, today there are an additional three. All with pictures.
Six food items on the BBC web-site Home Page. In addition, there is an item with a schoolgirl claiming she was bullied for being skinny. What message does all this send?
Obesity crisis? What obesity crisis?
George Orwell’s 1984 is here. We officially have thought police!
Policeman “We need to check your thoughts”.
The investigation comes as crime in Humberside has gone up by 13 per cent in the year ending September 2018, above the 8 per cent national average. Violent offences are up 24 per cent, sexual offences are up 19 per cent and robberies are up 17 per cent.
Policeman: “We need to check your thinking”.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
From the Telegraph report.
“PC Mansoor Gul told Mr Miller: “I’ve been on a course” . . .”
“A spokesperson for Humberside Police said: “We take all reports of hate incidents seriously and will always investigate and take proportionate action.””
While everyone who is burgled or has their car vandalised gets a crime number.
Every one of these “incidents” makes it more likely we will save £5.7 billion. When somebody burns down the Palace of Westminster.
A memorial to freedom should be erected in its place.
Won’t be long before this story appears on the BBC.
In short, Mr Khan is a Pakistani who has overstayed his visa by at least eight years. He has a terminal illness and is now costing the NHS tens of thousands of pounds in palliative care. As far as I know, he has never paid National Insurance but has probably worked in the thriving black economy of the West Midlands. He is not only annoyed at being presented with a bill for his care by the NHS, he is also annoyed that the Home Office is not processing his wife and children’s visas quickly enough to fly from Pakistan to see him. It goes without saying that when they set foot in the UK, they will never return to Pakistan. Naturally, the SJWs are already fighting his corner.
Remember Mr Khan when you or your relatives have to wait months or possibly years to receive that vital operation or course of treatment that you may save your lives.
Some may say I have a heart of stone but at a guess there are thousands of Mr Khan’s abusing the system. I’ve just had enough of being whacked over the head over all these years with that big stick called ‘Tolerance’. I’ve had enough.
I am with you, **** him, and all like him, and them (the SJWs).
Is there no expression in Urdu for biting the hand that feeds you?
No comments allowed, and we all know why.
“I’ve got two children and a wife I haven’t seen in nine years.” so he’s a proper good role model father as well
Something you won’t hear on the bbc. The presenter challenging the liberal undemocrat Richard Newby’s tired old claims that “most people”’want another vote on Brexit.
He was referencing the polls and the presenter asserted that all of the polls, bar one, were proved wrong before the referendum and that they are meaningless.
Such a breath of fresh air to hear someone in the media supporting a no deal Brexit and arguing that it’s exactly what we voted for.
They are taking calls on the programme now asking if you are prepared for a no deal Brexit even if it means being financially worse off.
03444991000 (Talk Radio)
“They are taking calls on the programme now asking if you are prepared for a no deal Brexit even if it means being financially worse off.”
In 2016 the BBC reported George Osborne telling us all that we’d be £4,300 worse off every year if we voted for Brexit. Despite knowing this we voted Leave then and we’ll vote Leave again if we have to.
As the BBC is so excited about the £350 million painted on the side of a bus, perhaps they’d like to take a look at Osborne’s number, which was presented as an official government figure?
Islamophobia! It’s enough to make a Beeboid faint.
Inigo Montoya would smirk at this.
Just 19,999 to go.
Thanks GW. I clicked on the link to listen to it, but then saw that it was about Gaza and the Chinese being nasty to muslims, so I didn’t bother.
I didn’t bother, but those two were always going to be in the play list top five.
“Brexit: Push for more generous EU no-deal offer”
Squeaky bum time in the EU ?
“Troops could return to Irish border, warns Varadkar”
Who’s Troops Mr Varadkar?………….
“An Irish government spokesperson later said Mr Varadkar was not referring to putting Irish troops at the border, insisting there are no plans to do so.”
So what are you saying, or trying to say – European Troops ?
And Squeaky Bum time in Ireland in …..
“Meanwhile, the Central Bank of Ireland has warned a no-deal Brexit could lead to “immense” challenges for the Irish economy.”
“Meanwhile, the Central Bank of Ireland has warned a no-deal Brexit could lead to “immense” challenges for the Irish economy.”
They are welcome to join us out of the EU.
Meanwhile they have another problem. Verruca’s “Ireland in 2040” plan. To add one million “IMMIGRANTS” to the population of the ROI.
Comments please from anyone from the Republic.
The end of ROI as we know it ?
they could pay a million paddys to come home from england or the USA
“Meanwhile they have another problem. Verruca’s ‘Ireland in 2040’ plan. To add one million “IMMIGRANTS” to the population of the ROI.”
Which website did you drag that up from?
It’s complete nonsense. “Ireland in 2040” ESTIMATES that the ROI population will grow by 750,000 by 2040. Most of which is due to the current Irish “baby boom” and people living longer.
So that’s a good thing Maxicony ? No immigration .
Trans : 5pm Radio Humberside news
“Humberside Police have said they always take hate crime seriously
.. A local businessman Harry Miller has been interviewed after he posted tweets questioning if trans women are real women”
Let me check if they have tweeted this same tweet 5 times to people who ask what’s going on
The local paper says actually
– he just LIKED a tweet
– He doesn’t even live or work in the Humberside police area
– He was questioned for a half an hour
– He is an ex policeman
– “The cop told me that he needed to speak with me because, even though I’d committed no crime whatsoever, he needed (and I quote) ‘to check my THINKING!’ Seriously. Honestly.
Previous days Humberside news , There are now no Stagecoach buses at night in the Orchard Park area cos the police cannot control the youths who throw stones.
Ah that’s ok. Stoning is permitted in a lot of inner city areas nowadays #sharia.
Just let me leave before the week-end with the following-yes I know unbelieveable but there it is in blk and white. ‘Canadian Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen has announced plans to admit more than a million immigrants to Canada over the next three years.’ How many Muslims do you imagine will climb on that invitation? Further just to heat things up -‘the Abu Ubaydah Islamic Centre in Toronto has started a petition asking municipal authorities to set up prayer spaces at Toronto subway stations. Simply amazing. Europe inc UK have their heads in the sand in respect to Islam-not once so far have we heard any mention in any discussion concerning Brexit about immigration, to stop migrants coming into the UK from Africa/Middle East/Pakistan. People could well rue the day.
just for you tarien
She’s right about non-EU immigration. That’s why exiting the EU is still a big step forward, but only the first step. There are too many UK politicians, global businesses and all sorts of NGOs and charities continually clamouring for our country to be irreversibly changed. It might be irreversible already. But these people need to be stopped, forcibly if need be, before they can do more damage.
Thank you Kaiser-my computer is buffring like crazy so I can’t really hear what Marie Waters is saying, although I have heard her before. Is there a transcript of her talk? Anyway it seems as if we are all singing from the same hymn sheet as they say.
Earlier today I was a passenger in a car. The driver was listening to Popmaster on Radio 2, presented by Ken Bruce.
The first contestant was given a choice of two categories of questions: Either Kylie Minogue or National Newspapers. She chose Kylie, and when asked why she responded that she “doesn’t trust the National Newspapers.”
Ken Bruce was obviously taken aback, and you could almost imagine his Producer in his ear yelling something in panic. Ken’s response was to say “well, that’s an interesting point of view” in a rather dismissive tone.
I suspect that the BBC researcher who invited this contestant on the show is now out of work.
Not just the edit, BBC. Good luck.
Oo, were there helicopters too?
6:45pm Local news “there are reports that too much emphasis on the negative, like Brexit Chaos, NHS shortahes, homelessness is making people SWITCH OFF the news ..so the rest of the show and also in spots next week we will be focusing on positive news”
– footage from dance exercise class ..where they vox pop people saying that news has a lot of negative things
edited to get the BBC angle “Brexit bad ” etc.
– The a plug for new postive newswebsite http://www.HullIsThis.news
Trump deal : Breaking Trump is announcing agreement to end shutdown
..all employees will receive backpay quickly