If the first ‘sitting ‘ MP in 30 years gets sent to prison one might have thought an objective news organisation might have fully reported it . But as we know the Far Left BBC is anything but objective and the Lady MP isn’t the subject of much criticism by the MSM.
As an aside – she is making the traditional ‘appeal’ noises but might realise that to get 3 months for that sort of crime is more than soft – particularly since she is a ‘lawyer’. The BBC relegated story to a Cambridgeshire story – an insult to reporting the News .
Brrrr …… it gets cold in the Winter but then it always does. It gets hot in the Summer though.
Is it me or does our media, these days, perpetually try to push us into hysteria and suicidal depression?
gaxvil, this interests me because when you get to some dramatic events in the Bible, the message that comes from God – sometimes directly or via angels and prophets – is “Fear not!” and “Peace be with you.”
Gaxvil – Well said. I see the democrats can’t stand the idea of Trump talking about a crisis at the Southern border (which it clearly is) yet our media are all to willing to inflate literally everything – when it rains, when it’s cold, when more BME are committing crimes – into a full blown ‘run for the hills’ crisis.
Of course we all know that the reason for this is that they likes fabricating crisises for issues that they want to push – climate change, diversity etc – but suppress the actual crisises on issues that they don’t like – rampant unchecked immigration, patriotism and a desire for national sovereignty etc.
Excellent post (thumb up)
Whatever happens with regard to Brexit one good thing that has emerged over the past three years is that the elite internationalist leftists and their unlikely bed fellows , the Global capitalists, both of whom are fanatically opposed to the nation state, have been forced out into the open. Everyone can now see in startling clarity where the likes of the BBC and most MPs and their parties stand. Everyone can also see how much Globalism and leftist internationalism is undermining their lives and those of their children and grandchildren and also how these power groups treat democracy and their people with contempt.
Populism is the reaction to the Globalist/ internationalists trying to force their views on to ordinary people in the West. It has taken decades for the people to realise that Globalism and the liberal left internationalism was very bad news for them personally. But Brexit has shone a powerful light on this and the reaction , if managed properly, can sweep the present ruling elites away. Ironically, it is unlikely that the UK will be at the forefront of this populist revolt, but once other countries begin to throw off the shackles like Italy is doing the UK may be able to follow suit and find leaders like Salvini.
‘ if managed properly, can sweep the present ruling elites away’.
We need to ensure that those who preferred continued foreign rule over our nation in preference to a sovereign UK government, chosen during a open referendum by the majority of voting age citizens of the UK, play no further part in the governance of this, hopefully soon to be free, nation.
They have acted in narrow, selfish and sometimes party political ways that were in direct opposition to the wishes of the majority of the peoples of this country. Their identification and deselection should be the first action of a sovereign UK followed swiftly by the selling off of the hated anti British BBBC.
“…..in startling clarity where the likes of the BBC and most MPs and their parties stand.”
The problem I’ve got DT is the ones, ‘in the middle’ who you cannot be categorised in black and white terms. MP’s like Gove, Johnson, Fox and their ilk: strongly Brexit for the public’s edification pre Referendum but then pretty well withdraw from the public debate following. Gove: an absolute turn-coat and he was the most public with his support of Brexit. It makes me wonder, them being so bloody devious and untrustworthy and all that, that it, for that faction, was all to do with lining themselves up to jump in to ‘dead mens shoes’ i.e. Treason May – when the time comes.
If you cannot sensibly trust those who, ‘are on your side’, you are left with gut instincts.
Éire go Brách. Ireland forever. EU Never.
Yr ateb, atoch chi yw, Cymru am Byth hedyd…sa i’n siarad gwyddeleg
And long may both continue..
pug, it is not just the motor industry. The oil industry will be affected. The world’s politicians really do not know what they have done and are doing.
I expect that there will be some real, true, pharmacy shortages in about twelve years time. Not because of Brexit. No, but because oil companies have started leaving the the oil in the ground because it cannot be extracted and sold to cover the costs of extraction, let alone for a decent profit.
I also expect there to be empty shelves in the shops, not because of Brexit, but because the companies making domestic cleaning products are missing a raw material.
Oil does a whole lot more than, as the BBC claim, just cause Global Warming & Climate Change and deaths through asthma.
TOADY Watch #3
The keep the anti-Brexit/Brexit is bad ‘narrative’ going, they wheeled on a South African sounding gentleman from a Scots Whisky manufacturer for Just-Remain-in Webb to inertview. He was asked about the possible impact on jobs of a Brexit. He suggested that not being able to bring in skilled people to make whisky would damage production.
At that point I thought I could hear enraged cries from the unemployed away in Scotland and some sgian dubhs starting to be sharpened …
Skilled foreign whiskey workers – really?
I’m wondering why no one has mentioned the dire consequences of a post Brexit ‘long stand’ shortage.
Bbc gets hold of this one and things in Sadiq’s multi culti paradise may get interesting.
“Africa churches” ..sounds like that equals “cultish money making scam churches”
.. Reuters didn’ say anything about that.
If we had relied on this bunch of ‘social media’ politicians in Parliament in the lead up to WW2, we’d have long been taken over by Hitler . God help us if that situation arose again – they’d all have their heads stuck in their phones (or up their a…..ses), while fannying about what to do.
Is it any wonder there are no decisions made, when most of them on the benches don’t listen to what’s being debated, as they’re all too busy checking their bloody phones.
We talk about the ‘big beasts’ of Parliament in past decades, but there was a reason, there were no distractions, they did their job properly regardless of party, listening and debating, so decisions were made. Perhaps MPs need to leave their phones outside the chamber.
‘God help us if that situation arose again’.
In all honesty, were we to call up fighting age citizens to take up arms against the enemies of this country, we would be lucky to fill a football stadium and many of those would be northwards of 40. Also, there are many UK residents who do not consider themselves to be British (maybe for dole purpose, not fight purpose) and there are many who ideologically oppose the country of their birth and in some cases would prefer to fight against it.
….were we to call up fighting age citizens to take up arms against the enemies of this country, we would be lucky to fill a football stadium and many of those would be northwards of 40…….
Are you saying there are more over the age of 40 than below it ?
No. Don’t believe youngsters have the aptitude or spirit or will for anything approaching conflict – unless they can carry blow up donald trumps to kick around.
Hope it never approaches litmus.
‘BBC News gaffe sees Second World War footage played over Theresa May Brexit item’
The BiasedBBC finally managed to broadcast the truth only by accident
“Portraying May taking the battle to the EU as ‘The Battle of Britain’.”
I wonder if it was a disgruntled tape editor that switched the tapes
Daily Mail : It used to be worth scanning the Saturday Mail for columns by David Rose or Quentin Letts
I just did my mum’s recycling and scanned 5 copies , nothing like that now.
There was a hit piece by Guy Adams misrepresenting the Our Boys campaign as an anti-Muslim conspiracy, instead of a plea fro a proper investigation not the rushed one we didn’t account for all the injured victims. Of course there was an a “real name SYL” bit as well
In 5 copies there were two worthwhile items
– An expose of the Ghanaian nurse turned solicitor who ripped off legal aid for £millions ..a report they should have done years ago
– Another expose on the Blairs’ £20m property empire.
I’ve written to the Mail complaining about the lack of proper ‘news’ since the new Editor took over. I’m female but I don’t like the way most of the articles are either ‘women orientated’ or there’s a new campaign under way. The ‘essays’ aren’t much cop either. Its becoming a lot of money for a comic – and if I wanted one of those I’d buy a red top.
Brissles, even Mrs Scrobs only sees a couple of their items nowadays! (Mrs Scrobs is definitely in charge at ‘The Turrets’, so is to be believed)! I gave up on ‘The Mollypop’ months ago…
Is the BBC reporting that come Brexit day they’ll be a shortage of fish in EU supermarkets ?
“We have no reason to negotiate further” Barnier & Juncker bluff
Is it this Climate Change you are referring to?
“Four Climate Scientists Destroy Climate Change Alarmism”
Great video, thanks for posting.
Well I’m sorry but that panel is not diverse enough…couldn’t they find any BAME climate change deniers? They’re all old, white males!! Anyway, they’ll be dying off soon, so no need to worry too much that they’re not singing from the same doom laden hymn sheet. Of course I’m kidding…it’s actually worrying to think who will carry on the resistance when these guys retire..or ARE retired.
A super Brexit fear story we’ve not heard – wonder why?
‘Post Brexit you won’t be able to buy your, BMWs, Merc’s, Audis, VWs and you’ll be forced to buy, Jag’s, Nissans and Morgans.’
So panic, cry, head for the hills, hang yourself !’
So what causes cold weather?
Answer, killing off the Injuns when white settlers occupied the Americas.
Must be true because a team of scientists said so and the BBC reported it
John Wayne has a lot to answer for
I heard al been describe this as ‘genocide ‘ this morning and wonder what copy writer came up with that nonsense ….
I am seeing on Twitter that
We pay the EU £12bn pa and got £2bn back
but also collected £16bn external tariffs on non-EU goods and passed that£16bn to the EU
Can that really be true ? ..why didn’t the back of the bus say “we send the EU £540m/week” ?
And that if we Brexit then all of that external tariff stays with UK gov and not to EU
Absolutely correct, Stew – when we leave on WTO terms, London (not Brussels) will collect any tariffs that come from international trading, and all our VAT too. Shocking how some people can ignore that and keep saying that we will be worse off!
It’s pots and kettles – just how would the bbc report a broadcast media, financed by a compulsorily tax, that bombards it’s citizens with propaganda designed to undermine the result of a democratic vote.
Gosh, wouldn’t they be laying it on with a trowel ?
A Lancaster, maybe. Not like a Euroapronsitter could get it.
#honestmistake Again.
Maybe they’ll send in The Welch Guards to repeat the Liberation of Brussels in 1944 from the ReichEU again …..
…. or forget that …. it’s just history ….
But ‘from both sides’, so BBC balance proven. Apparently.
Notice he only engages with the loons shy on facts. Anyone with actual facts that do not suit or a valid view… blank.
Nah, paying for twats like him to produce effluent like that is boring.
“The Remainer’s self-proclaimed ‘madman’, Matthew Parris,”
Love it!
Gilets jaune….what on earth are they? I watch the bbc telly box,
And have never seen those gilets things on there.
Nor will you. The gilets jaunes are causing some consternation, here in France, and elsewhere, as they march en-masse every weekend (last weekend was the eleventh on the trot), making their presence felt in many towns and cities, as they demand Jupiter’s resignation, less taxation, better wages, an end to the climate change nonsense (and thus cheaper fuel), and also Frexit.
You won’t catch the BBC (or Sky, or Channel 4) broadcasting that – heaven forbid, unrest on the continent? Can’t let people in the Former UK know about that – they might get ideas…
Thank you OG….
The Biased BBC is being very selective of the news they print on the Gilets Jaunes – mostly warnings and threats about how you can get hurt if you protest – obviously petrified that this democratic movement could spread to the UK – https://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=gilets+jaunes
Note how the BBC actively promoted the Saudi-backed “democratic” movements in Libya, Egypt etc. throughout the Middle East, but are actively suppressing the “Paris Spring” currently ongoing.
I don’t listen to talk radio. It’s never appealed to me even before the libmob ghetto were in control. But now & again I check the R4 Twitter page and it always annoys me to see a terrorist flag prominently displayed on their header image. (So-called Palestinian). They have the EU flag as well on the opposite side along with the Union flag.
The BBC uses licence money to support terrorism. As if HAMAS doesn’t have enough funding! They are diabolical. I do hope we can bring them to account someday for their collusion with evil. This is no minor political disagreement.
It’s in The Guardian, so it must be true!
I’m glad they put “ice cream” after “magnum” or we might have got the wrong idea on what we should be stockpiling to be ready for March 29th.
Belgian Intelligence Service Report:
“”Belgium, in its well-intended welcome of newcomers from the Middle East, is now facing a persistent terrorist threat and a “wave of jihadism”, according to a new report published by the Belgian State Security Service (VSSE) on November 30.””
“….the ongoing Islamic radicalization of inmates in Belgian prisons and the risk of terrorist convicts engaging in terrorist acts once they have served their sentences and are back out on the street.” Could the UK be any different? UK jails hold more prisoners than any other European State. However, on the bright side, “The Belgian intelligence services do not appear to consider Islam a factor in generating Islamic terrorism.” Strange, this statement. Did our muslim controlled Home Office have any input into that lie?
“UK prisons: Assaults and attacks on staff reach record levels” – https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-47070713
And here’s the best one by our lying State Broadcaster, (All safely, ‘Reality Checked by the BBC of course). https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-45247719 – No mention whatever of prison population and that foreign born prisoners constitute 12% of the prison population (https://fullfact.org/immigration/foreigners-prison/) Note, “foreign born” that must be different to foreigners who have become British citizens and are then imprisoned. Bit of a distortion of the truth from the ‘Fact Checkers’ in my view who conveniently declare, “There are no readily available figures for those in prison who are born abroad.”
Always struck me, why when there is no shortage, do countries in the West, feel it imperative to import and nurture criminals?
Re. Macron, Yes, I’m anxious to hear, from our jewel in the crown broadcaster, how the ‘French Obama’ is getting on saving France, the EU and the West. Just tumbleweed though.
No end to this gal’s talents. Seemingly Nadiya is now booked to appear on a BBC upcoming show/series about mental health. Its revealed she will discuss her problems on suffering with anxiety, alongside another well known depressive, Alastair Campbell.
Hmmmmm, I don’t want to decry any of her issues, BUT having worked in a mental health dept for a few years, the last thing anyone with anxiety would do is to put themselves forward on a tv programme to be viewed by millions over several weeks, as she did for Bake Off. To be followed up by personal appearances and yet more tv work.
Millions DO suffer with debilitating anxiety and find it hard to get up, face the day and get to work, with medication to help them through it. Going on the tele as a job would not be top of their list.
What next for Nadiya, whipping up an outdoor curry on Countryfile, having her own fashion range on QVC, or go on a whistle stop tour of the UK hospitals enlightening us as to the benefits of medical diversity !!!
If Alastair Campbell is to be interviewed as an expert on mental health, perhaps the BBC could ask him why he thinks that the death of Dr David Kelly was suicide.
Shocking! Has BBC slipped up and done something Pro-Israel for a change?
BBC rejects calls for Israel Eurovision boycott
The broadcaster has dismissed calls to boycott the Eurovision Song Contest hosted by Israel this year.
like the BBC are going to turn down cheap gay programmes
Another impartial tweet from The Beauty himself
I did like the reply.
The full original tweet, for reference:
No, like all bullies who are pathetic cowards in truth – they prefer the covert subtle and sneaky approach, not the up front one.
PS: Don’t tell me we’re still doing the Eurovision – if so, why?
Rosanne is visiting Israel ‘to show support’ and speak in their Parliament.
Rosanne was axed from US TV for being a Trump supporter.
One thing is clear. If May gets a movement on the backstop from the EU , Premier Foods will need to turn their entire production facilities toward making Humble Pies. JO’B and Matthew Right have half a ton each on order.
It is now clear that the majority of the population want a no deal Brexit.
Sky polls and others show this.
I watched Peston last night and politics live today and none of the guests had no deal as their preferred option. Nadine Dorries being the only one to even acknowledge a possible acceptance of no deal if other options fail.
As soon as guests start using ‘crashing out’ and ‘cliff edge’ I fast forward rather than listen to their utterings.
Same with all their Armageddon prefixes used with no deal.
Andrew Neill was very gentle with Wollaston on politics live.
Today he was a shadow of what he’s capable of.
Bit of a poser eh? The Remainers darling EU won’t negotiate further. The country can’t delay for long so failing a scrapping of the vote and new referendum that may or may not vote ‘Remain’ – a no deal, precipitated by the lovely EU, is the only way.
Having said that, Poland, Spain and Italy are counting on our £39 billion.
Neill sold out to his ego on that ridiculous and painful evening show he does. If I were him I’d take the RT cash and take over from Salmond…..
Only a different brand of propaganda from RT … and much cleaner …as it doesn’t pretend to be anything else …
There is a clear campaign by the totalitarian left typified by Owen Jones to get Neill ( and Humphreys) removed from the BBC.
The campaign has so far been successful with getting the Daily Mail to try to change its image
The Sara Wollaston`s who are open about what they believe in are not the problem in Westminster.
The problem MP`s are the ones who say one thing in public whilst believing something else in private
My recollection of the origin of the border problem is that it started when Barnier said that he was concerned that we might impose a hard border and so we had to promise not to. We promised that we wouldn’t, but he then said that was insufficient and we also had to promise that the EU wouldn’t impose a hard border. We replied that was up to them not us. Barnier decided this was a deal breaker and the only way to move forward was for us to leave Northern Ireland behind as a hostage. As a gesture of good will May agreed, telling the cabinet that her capitulation was not legally binding. Barnier then wrote it down making it legally binding, and once Merkel had read it nothing could ever be changed – hence the bust up last year at Chequers.
This wasn’t quite the version put out by the BBC, but it fits the facts better than their fairy story.
Hate Crime stories and our sixth sense
– I start on frontpage of the quite biased Yorkshire Post
– It tells me that a Labour MP (likely to be biased)
– has been speaking about Hate Speech ( a topic likely to be maliciously spun)
– at an event by the quite biased Google
Now am I right to be suspicious ?
Searching for her video, within 1 minute I am staring at a hatey tweet she retweeted the day before.
\\ Matthew d’Ancona Jan 27
My @guardian column
: I have had it up to here with the Conservative Party
– an ugliness has entered its soul
BTW the quite biased Twitter hid the helpful tweet with the screenshot, it was only seen by clicking “show more replies”
Now a search on the words : PaulaSheriff retweeting hate
… should show that tweet, but no, it is hidden from searches
The event was sponsored by Google
and ISD “a global counter-extremism organisation dedicated to powering new generations against hate and extremism”
When you check under the event’s hashtag #ISDinnovationFund you find they have a strange idea of diversity… ie 80-90% non-white
It seems that Sherriff has been trigger happy with the “block button” recently
“A BBC gaffe appeared to show Theresa May was travelling to Brussels in a fleet of Second World War bombers to reopen negotiations with the EU.”
Probably just beeb incompetence, but I like to think it was a pro-Brexit video technician with a sense of humour…
A now unemployed video technician ……
Now that we know that the ReichEU is desperate to be on bad terms with Britain – as evidenced by the otherwise insanely inflammatory comments by the brussells drunks on twitter – I wish someone here had the courage to put them in their place .
When the BBC sends a reporter to some French port showing rotting EU produce Britain will get the blame . May will be blamed for coming back from her latest wasted trip .
It’s clear that Franco Germany don’t want UK overseeing and pointing out their corruption – so let them get on with it – the ghost of that ….. excretion- De Galle – is never far away …..
There was a piece on TWatO about how horrible we are being by wanting Brexit. It seems that 50% of the fish caught by the Belgian fishing fleet is caught in British waters. The are very worried that after Brexit the fish might be classed as from a 3rd country and be subject to time-wasting EU checks. I’m afriad my reaction was: British waters = British fish = British fishermen. The EU regulations should be the least of their problems.
The Belgian fishing person explained that she is afraid that such fish will be classed as third country fish and so suject to all kinds of health bureaucracy.
Well that shows how nutty the EU is ..that on Tuesday the fish would be subject to no checks, yet if caught on the Wednesday the same fish is subject to massive bureaucracy.
BTW the R4 report explained the Belians don’t need to panic cos we have already extended their fishing right til Dec 31st So why is the UK’s world supposed to fall apart on March 29th ?
The EU were NEVER going to let UK have a good Brexit.
It represents an existential threat to their very existence. Many other countries are to various degrees unhappy about the EU, and they could all start demanding favourable deals “like the UK”.
House of cards. Dominos.
Pug that’s so True. The Irish at the moment are so ‘cock a hoop’ at the fact they, in their opinion, are holding us to ransom over the backstop. They en- masse ( although not individually) hate ‘the Brits’. They are told that this whole debacle, including the Backstep is our fault. Saint Varadkar is the saviour and the EU are ‘popes’ in the making. They are so busy standing with their thumbs in their ears and their tongues poking out at us they cannot see what’s coming up behind them.
Soon be out!
at least in name ..
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit: Unilever stockpiles Ben & Jerry’s and Magnum ice creams””
Is this a BBC Brexit joke?
Unilever getting ready for the street parties !
Smart move !!
This one?
I always found that one funny. The label is basically telling you to resist the urge to buy the ice cream you fat lard arse.
Yeh stockpiling, cos there is always a huge demand for icecream at the end of March ….not
Al Beeb gives a free advert for ‘Magnum’. Look at the photo.
More evidence that Blue Peter is now running Al Beeb, what does maxi think?
Re Ben & Jerrys, I stopped buying it when they started supporting Black Lives Matter, after watching a BLM march with them chanting “What do we want ?…..dead cops. When do we want them?……now. ” I literally couldn’t stomach it.
You heard it here first. Well, second.
And, as is the way, eventually, the BBC… Every. Damn. Day.
“He’s got everything the studios want in a Desktop Despot: he’s green, he’s goady and he’s grating. Those are the very G Factors that producers of Sky News, BBC Newsnight and Politics Live can’t get enough of.
Ah well, it’s getting lighter so we have enough of that. So heat it is. Again.
Excellent article from Daniel Greenfield on the death of the media, focusing on the US but relevant here.
Made me think how quickly the BBC would die if it were not for the licence money and support from the Tory Government,
Great article G.W.F. Thanks for posting that.
I get the feeling that journalism courses just teach students to use key words and phrases to slant the bias of any news feature to their way of thinking.
The BBC and MSM are endlessly saying that “Despite Brexit” or “due to Brexit”, so that every single article whether good or bad can be passed through the ‘journos’ or rather the journo’s employers filter of what message they want to push.
Credit to Trump for a) pushing back on them and b) just being President to show the Media at their full and most hysterical true nature. If nothing else, it really has shown the world what manipulative biased hacks they truly are.
Yes, all articles will have some form of slant but you could usually get away with taking a little pinch of salt to find the truth in the story. With the news today, you almost have to find your own sources or just flat out disbelieve it.
In an industry so good at telling stories, you would have thought that they would know of the boy who cried wolf too many times. And this is why they are in the state they are. They have been screaming wolf for so long and so loudly, that people just don’t believe them anymore and they are viewed as discredited, lying and corrupt individuals that cannot be trusted.
BBC on the pulse agin.
BBC News
Immigration officials are using plastic nasal tubes to feed the men, causing severe nosebleeds and vomiting.
Except for the Bobby Sands Cafe at WIA and Labour HQ.
Meanwhile , over in the place the BBC hates so much it can’t stop finding trivial tripe to ‘report’ upon…
BBC News
“I’m raising the kids with knowledge of firearms, how to handle them, shoot them, store them and avoid them in uneducated hands” – P!nk’s husband Carey Hart says.
About this website
Pink’s daughter using gun sparks debate
Pops ‘sparks debate’ into Google Translate Beeboid to English: ‘more stuff we concocted’.
GW, yes as a rule of thumb I avoid anything these days that the reporter says has ‘sparked debate’.
That rules out 90% of MSM output but there’s still some great plumbing videos on YouTube instead
“Italy in recession amid sluggish eurozone”
I do think that things are much worse than they are telling us?
Don’t forget Spain, Portugal, Eastern Europe all down the pan and Germany with flat growth. Not forgetting France in crisis. Thinks – we’d better get building some houses.
Funny, the media loves a crisis but they’re not talking up these much.
If the EU is heading for recession, just think what will happen to them in March?
Notice how Al Beeb always portrays the ‘grief’ on this side of the English Channel since we voted to gain independence, never on the other side of the Channel.
Who’s side is Al Beeb on in the propaganda game ?
You can bank on one thing – Germany will be ok.
Clue – They want to move to Brussels.
Sarah Sanders says ‘God wanted Trump to be president’
states a beeb headline, clearly posted to invite ridicule.
Thereby allowing the beeb to mock both Trump and Christian Evangelicals, whom liberals despise even more than regular Christians.
Maybe OFCOM hasn’t read this bit of the BBC Charter:-
4.1 Introduction
Impartiality lies at the heart of public service and is the core of the BBC’s commitment to its audiences. It applies to all our output and services – television, radio, online, and in our international services and commercial magazines. We must be inclusive, considering the broad perspective and ensuring the existence of a range of views is appropriately reflected.
The Agreement accompanying the BBC Charter requires us to do all we can to ensure controversial subjects are treated with due impartiality in our news and other output dealing with matters of public policy or political or industrial controversy – But we go further than that, applying due impartiality to all subjects. However, its requirements will vary.
The term ‘due’ means that the impartiality must be adequate and appropriate to the output, taking account of the subject and nature of the content, the likely audience expectation and any signposting that may influence that expectation.
Due impartiality is often more than a simple matter of ‘balance’ between opposing viewpoints. Equally, it does not require absolute neutrality on every issue or detachment from fundamental democratic principles.
The BBC Agreement forbids our output from expressing the opinion of the BBC on current affairs or matters of public policy, other than broadcasting or the provision of online services. ”
Paul Joseph Watson on ‘Pathological Altruism’.
A mental derangement the beeb is terminally infected with.
That’s a 5 month old piece
So what’s happening now
#1 She is feted by the libmob who’ve made a film about her called Grounded and she is doing live shows in the UK along with our own asylum terrorists the Stansted 15
#2 There is this new article by the metro libs at DW
\\ On Monday, February 4, 2019, a district court in Gothenburg will start proceedings in a case to determine whether Ersson broke Swedish aviation law on that day in July. Many legal complaints were lodged against her, but they didn’t come from Turkish Airlines or the airport operator, as one might expect. Rather, they came from private citizens. According to the state prosecutor, most of the complaints came from people who had watched or read about the video. Others came from people on the plane. “Her actions caused a lot of confusion, irritation and worry inside the plane. Some of the passengers were quite upset about it,” says prosecutor James von Reis. If Ersson is found guilty, she will face a fine or up to six months in jail.//
very long article 7 page article
She goes to the airport to rescue young Ismail
\\ Ismail is not on board.
A flight attendant confirms as much. But way in the back, there is a 52-year-old Afghan who is being deported. Taken by surprise, Ersson has to make a snap decision. Later, she says that she knew nothing about the man, but that she was certain he was being deported to Afghanistan. “So I decided to stand up for him,” she says.
… “he is going to die,” she says
“How do you know that?” says the voice.
“Because it’s Afghanistan,” she says
..She wins
meanwhile .. Ismail K. is deported to Afghanistan from Stockholm, landing in Kabul two days after Ersson’s protest on the plane in Gothenburg.
\\ Then, it emerged that the Afghan man on board the Turkish Airlines flight had a checkered past. Before the attempted deportation, he had spent six months in prison for assault. According to reporting from ZEITmagazin and DW, the man’s name is Bismallah S., aged 59, and not 52 as had been thought. A spokesperson for the Ministry of Refugees and Repatriations in Kabul confirmed his identity upon request.//
\\ According to court documents, Bismallah S. had used a USB cable to whip his wife and two daughters, aged 13 and 14, in their apartment in Sweden. He had lost his temper after his daughter had only turned the volume down on the TV, instead of turning it off. According to his own account, he said he felt “threatened” by life with his family. His wife always spoke badly about him to their children, he told the court, adding that she and their daughters would slander him so that he would be expelled from Sweden. His deportation order had already been in place **before** the trial. //
\\ Bismallah S. was deported from Sweden about a month after Ersson’s standoff on the plane, //
Ismail is in hiding in Kabul, fearing kidnap, cos kidnappers go for Afghanis who have relatives living abroad
\\Ersson herself is no longer reachable. All emails, text messages and phone calls go unanswered. She cancels her appearance at the conference in Berlin on short notice //
Thanks for the update.
His daughters only got a whipping? They should be grateful, I’m sure there’s a verse in the koran prescribing the death penalty for turning down the volume on tv.
More hard hitting stuff from the remain propaganda machine the BBC
I’m about to go listen to R4’s TWT, Doobster. At 7pm News Headlines on R4 guess what they were leading with? I’m fairly certain they will have led with that same lead item at 6pm and 5pm and discussed it during PM. They certainly used it on the 1pm News and TWatO.
The Foreign Secretary certainly provided the Remainer Beeb with a handy soundbite this morning on TOADY.
I wonder which Remainer they will roll on to TOADY at 8.10am tomorrow? Vince Cable? Tony Blair? John Major? Alastair Campbell? Anna Soubry?
There is no ‘backstop’.
That position is for the weeds who never could play any sport, and were told to turn out whether they liked it or not.
The correct term is ‘Fine Leg’, where rampant males admire the beauty of the females, and most of the ladies rather like that appreciation. Of course, as Mrs O’Blene quite rightly says, the sight of a bloke’s muscular, legular, thighular bits is quite a good apparition as well…
Mrs O’Blene has the best legs in the world, and has never needed to be regarded as a ‘back-stop’, although the occasional sherry-induced approach while cooking lunch on a Sunday has resulted in a situation rather like other normal discussions, which are well-described in ‘The Darling Buds of May’ (not that one, the real one)…
An Irish ‘back-stop’ is a conundrum. With their superb rugby players, and a liking for Guinness, I’d have thought that the Belgians, with some reasonably good beer, might just realise that they are on a loser here, and that their ‘negotiations’ (crappy chats in silly situations, where nobody has a clue), might just mean they will have to piddle off at the end of March, and wonder where they went wrong!
C’mon Theresa, just tell them all to buqqer off and let the bbbc flounder in their lattes, with all that silly foam all over their jim-jams!
Sob story on BBC Look North tonight about 47 migrants in limbo.
Brendan Woodhouse, a North East bloke from Durham is on board the private rescue ship Seawatch 3. He is prepared to go to prison to protect migrants refused entry into to Italy for several days.
It finally docked in Sicily. The migrants were allowed off, but the crew could face prosecution.
Brendan and the crew are being investigated by interior minister Matteo Salvini who says private rescue boats encourage human trafficking.
@davylars yes I mentioned it on Monday that Hull Look North did a cutNpaste item with the NGOs video
The interesting thing is the ship had been waiting at Syracuse, but the Italians instead escorted the ship to Catania, where there is a prosecutor.
Previously the French forced another migrant taxi ship out of business
\\ Doctors Without Borders (MSF) and SOS Mediterranee said in December that the Aquarius rescue ship would not sail again after “a relentless ongoing political, judicial and administrative campaign backed by several European states”.
The rescue vessel had been stuck in a French port for two months following the revocation of its registration.//
Interesting to compare the news priorities of the BBC and other, some would say, more serious news outlets.
Tonight at 7pm Sky TV was leading on the battle against knife crime across the U.K.
CNN led with an in depth look at the final showdown with ISIS terrorists in Iraq and Syria.
Meanwhile, the BBC news channel felt the most important news of the day was the cold weather in the USA.