Midweek Open Thread 30 January 2019

If the first ‘sitting ‘ MP in 30 years gets sent to prison one might have thought an objective news organisation might have fully reported it . But as we know the Far Left BBC is anything but objective and the Lady MP isn’t the subject of much criticism by the MSM.

As an aside – she is making the traditional ‘appeal’ noises but might realise that to get 3 months for that sort of crime is more than soft – particularly since she is a ‘lawyer’. The BBC relegated story to a Cambridgeshire story – an insult to reporting the News .

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608 Responses to Midweek Open Thread 30 January 2019

  1. taffman says:

    More propaganda ?
    First its ice cream, now its tomatoes………….
    Grow your own. Its cheaper, better for the environment, and they are much tastier .
    Note the oft used operative word ‘could’.
    Beyond the pale.


  2. Cassandra says:

    BBC2 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip: Linford Christie.

    Linford, the BBC ‘favourite’ black athlete from the 90s is one of the guests tonight. Viewers of a certain age will remember how the BBC fawned over him then. Why do I object to this great sporting cheat on BBC main time television; read Wikipedia for my moan:

    “Christie tested positive for the stimulant pseudoephedrine at the 1988 Seoul Olympics, but he escaped sanction after the International Olympic Committee’s disciplinary committee voted by a margin of 11 to 10.

    At the 1994 European championships staged in Helsinki, where British team captain Christie won his third European 100 m title, he was caught up in a doping controversy after Solomon Wariso, a 400 m runner making his international championship debut, tested positive for the stimulant ephedrine. Wariso revealed that he had used an over-the-counter pick-you-up called “Up Your Gas”, which Christie had bought at a Florida pharmacy.

    In 1999, Christie was found guilty of using the performance-enhancing drug nandrolone following a doping test after an indoor meet in Germany. He was found to have more than 100 times normal levels of the metabolites of nandrolone in his urine. Various explanations were offered to explain the results, including eating avocado, or using nutritional supplements.

    The IAAF rejected that explanation and gave Christie a two-years ban from athletics, despite UK Athletics feeling that there was reasonable doubt whether the drug had been taken deliberately, a decision which ignored the usual drug testing principle of “strict liability”.

    Christie has always denied any wrongdoing. “If I took drugs there had to be a reason to take drugs. I had pretty much retired from the sport.” Furthermore, he denied that his physique was gained through drug use and promoted an anti-steroid approach: “It does not follow that all athletes who are big take drugs… Only by testing all athletes will the sport be kept clean of drugs.”

    Following the ban, the British Olympic Association announced that Christie would not be accredited for any future Olympic Games, in accordance with their regulations.”

    All my accusations can be verified with a little research.

    As usual with celebrity black people (and it would seem, ordinary black people) Linford denies everything.

    The BBC is promoting a lying cheat as one of Great Britain’s Olympic greats, shame on you BBC.


    • Scroblene says:

      It just proves the maxim that ‘Bollocks baffles brains’, Cassandra…

      ‘Lunch’ anyone?


    • BRISSLES says:

      Good reporting Cass. This is more evidence that those at the BBC in production, are of an age who know bugger all. I wont be surprised to see in another 5 years that once Rolf Harris gets out of clink he’ll also be guesting on the One Show sofa and the like !


  3. Peter Grimes says:

    I guess a country can only employ so many doctors and engineers…”

    …before the wage bill, sorry, benefits bill, becomes excessive.


  4. Cassandra says:

    Linford’s Lunchbox! The BBC really did promote the cheat then, didn’t they, Scroblene.


    • Scroblene says:

      Ha ha ha, Cassandra!

      They would let all the cheats off lightly every time, just like watching wrestling (ITV – yes), when Kent Walton told everyone that a punch was a ‘slap’…

      But let’s be honest, when did the BBC ever do ‘truth’?

      (Yeah, maybe back in the fifties, until the lefties got wind of some sort of way to poke their ugly, snotty noses in and annoy everyone).

      Luckily, I never bother with the crap they spew these days. However, I do read everyone’s comments here, follow the links occasionally, and I rather like the banter!


  5. MarkyMark says:


    Complaint Summary: ‘Shocking’ levels of denial remain-from 2000 folk

    Full Complaint:

    Dear Winston Smith at the BBC Complaints Department who is paid a salary whilst others are prosecuted for not paying your salary even though they don’t want to hear what you say,

    I listened to Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 and he kept saying there were high levels of Holocaust denial (5%)… but not once (whilst I listened) did he say that the poll was from 2000 people and not once did he say (whilst I listened) what the raw data showed. I really am shocked Winston that you let this NewsSpeak through, could the BBC not have done another POLL to verify the results? You have £3.5 billion at your disposal and all Jeremy Vine can do is scare people. The link on the website does not link to the original data .. “Holocaust Memorial Day: ‘Shocking’ levels of denial remain” {27jan2019} https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-47015184 “WE RELEASE RESEARCH TO MARK HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL DAY 2019” https://www.hmd.org.uk/news/we-release-research-to-mark-holocaust-memorial-day-2019/ Using an online methodology, we surveyed 2,006 nationally representative UK adults aged 16+. The respondents were randomly selected from an online market research access panel. Quotas were set to ensure the overall responses are representative of ONS UK population data based on age, gender and region. Given the sample size and the percentage of respondents who expressed this view, the Confidence Interval is +/-0.95% for a Confidence Level of 95%. Here are some words from Orwell’s resignation letter . “I am tendering my resignation because for some time past I have been conscious that I was wasting my own time and the public money on doing work that produces no result.
    I believe that in the present political situation the broadcasting of British propaganda to India is an almost hopeless task. Whether these broadcasts should be continued at all is for others to judge, but I myself prefer not to spend my time on them when I could be occupying myself with journalism which does produce some measureable effect.”


    Thank you again for contacting us,

    BBC Complaints Team



  6. G.W.F. says:

    Shock horror bug stamp at tennis game. BBC post warnings it might distress viewers.



  7. Deborah says:

    Look North with Peter Levy this evening ie for Lincolnshire and East Yorkshire. Peter read out emails about Brexit. To be fair the first was saying we should go with a no deal. But then he read out one from someone who had their own business as a dog walker and the email said that Brexit would cause their business to be ruined.
    I am blowed how that will happen. The only thing I can think is that Dutch lorry drivers are bringing their dogs over with them and then need them to have exercise and with a no deal Brexit the dogs will have to stay in Holland and have someone walk them over there. Perhaps I should email in and ask Peter Levy for Tim Iredale to go interview the woman for the full story.


    • StewGreen says:

      It shows how short of Remain voters our area is, that this was almost the only Remain letter they could find
      In the intro it said that she is 24 ..so i put her down as young/naive/brainwashed.


  8. MarkyMark says:





  9. Fedup2 says:

    So my favourite labour female black convicted criminal MP is being referred to the Court of Appeal for an unduly lenient sentence . She was appealing against sentence anyway .

    I think the C o A will have more regard to the 10 months her brother got and take into account her position is society – which the sentencing judge seemed to swerve – position of trust and a law maker and denied it and a lawyer . Boom have 12 months and get that bi election going .


    • Fedup2 says:

      Best Project Fear of the day 4 stars go to a shortage of school dinners because of brexit . I didn’t read beyond the headline … who would ?


  10. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC Online News:

    “”Nastya Rybka: Model who got caught up in the Trump-Russia row””


    Don’t waste your time reading this rubbish.

    It’s just a BBC excuse to insert ‘TRUMP’ and ‘RUSSIA’ into the same head line.

    Most readers would give up half way through but the BBC hope that the head line would be remembered.



  11. Payne by name says:

    Why is the one sided tale of someone’s interview at an unheard of company deemed remotely newsworthy?


    You really have to question the need for so many staff at the Beeb when they are employing people to write this utterly pointless and irrelevant drivel.


    • richard D says:

      IIRC, the last question in the BBC interview was along the lines of…

      Beeboid – “So, having originally accepted, and then turned down that job, are you in employment now ?”

      Interviewee – “Errrr….No !”

      Well, that went well, didn’t it ? Never mind, I am sure your BA in English Literature and Creative Writing from Southampton Solent University (???) will soon help you find a well-paid job somewhere… But, in addition to the lack of decision-making skills demonstrated above, you’re reported as saying both that you originally took the job because you needed the money, and also that you turned it down because you were lucky enough not to need to take a job, all within the space of a couple of days.

      I suspect that, having ‘come home’ to the North-West, this simply means that you’ve decided that you can rely on the bank of mum and dad to bail you out for a while. I do, however, commend you on the range of photos you’ve been able to provide the different ‘news’ media, including the seriously pouty, ‘disappointed’ one. I’m also sure that some well-meaning snowflake-oriented organisation supported by public money, no doubt, will soon be along to pay you pots of money for not very much, other than emoting.

      What’s that I hear you say, ‘The BBC…..’ ? …… Forgive me, I’m sorry, I almost forgot that one – but yes – it would fit the bill – especially with it’s insatiable need for ‘Creative Writing’.


  12. StewGreen says:

    Neither the Mail nor Guido are particularly reliable sources
    but they run with the extraordinary claim that StopBrexit man is living at £6m central London Air BnB flat costing £4,500 per week funded by donations
    OK even accounting for that he might have got a special deal… say £2,000 pw for for taking a long let on the midweek days, that’s a £100K /year .. I still expected him to deny it, but he doesn’t


  13. taffman says:

    Bet this headline sticks in their Craw……………..
    “China pledges ‘tremendous’ US soy purchases”


  14. Terminal Moraine says:

    Toynbee really ramps things up in the Guardian with a chilling prophetic vision: “The UK isn’t ready to Brexit. Instead it’s heading towards a no-deal tsunami.”

    Does a Brexit tsunami beat an apocalypse? And what happened to the cliff-edge? The Brexit sharknado? Is there a Top Trumps calamities pack so we know what we’re dealing with?


    • LastChanceSaloon says:

      I hope she is correct, tsunami where all the lefties are washed out to sea, or inland.


  15. taffman says:

    “Heavy snow is sweeping eastwards across the UK”
    The snowflakes are panicking.
    They will be blaming Brexit next.


    • G.W.F. says:

      Spare a thought for the snowflakes standing firm at the London Rally in Support of the comrades in Venezuela,


  16. Fedup2 says:

    What is heart warming is the increasing number of Twitters from desperate remainers finally realising that they may well not be EU citizens in a few weeks . Some of it is quite heart rending .

    And they won’t be able to get anti depressants – because of Brexit …


  17. Fedup2 says:

    John Drury – a lefty criminologist -writes on The Guardian – that more police stop and search of da yoot will cause rioting because he thinks the last riots were caused by too much stop and search .

    Interesting linkage and the kind of thought process responsible for enabling an environment where black ‘promising footballers ‘ are stabbed to death by other black ‘promising footballers ‘.

    But no riots ….


  18. StewGreen says:

    In a fit of anger drug dealer pushed his 17 year old girlfriend over ..she died
    Not premeditated , so its manslaughter
    The 2 year sentence means he’ll be out in a year.

    ..Oh had the police had lots of warning before
    She : Brazilian
    He : Oluwaseyi Dada : Nigerian ..not that our media make that clear



  19. Fedup2 says:

    The Pool – an online Wimmins magazine has gone bust leaving 24 journos about to be made redundant – more snowflakes looking for a job in the BBC . The beeboid – Lauren Laverne ? Was a founder of said dead magazine …

    Are we hitting Peak “snowflake “ ? Are things turning toward us ?


  20. StewGreen says:

    Wednesday “Islamic #extremist #terrorism #arrests in #Germany: 3 Iraqi refugees allegedly plotted #explosive #attack using black powder from new years fireworks. Also contemplated shooting or car attack. Plot was in early stages according to authorities.”
    Did BBC mention ?


  21. StewGreen says:

    A teenager who was spared a jail term after attacking a motorist with a “zombie” knife has been imprisoned after appeal judges ruled that the original sentence was too soft

    Well who was he first judge ? Judge Anuja Dhir QC


    • Jeff says:

      That attack was absolutely terrifying. If that young savage had managed to get to the driver it would be a murder charge.
      I know Croydon well. Long before this third world piece of filth was born my old mum used to do her shopping there. The concept of being attacked with that sort of weapon wouldn’t have entered anyone’s head.
      But those long ago days were “pre enrichment”.
      It was civilised.
      Look at it now…


  22. taffman says:

    More good news for POTUS Trump? ……….”US envoy Stephen Biegun reveals North Korea nuclear pledge”
    “North Korea has pledged to destroy all its nuclear material enrichment facilities, the US special envoy says.”


  23. Navets says:

    Has anyone seen this on BBC anywhere? I thought not.

    “In Frankfurt and Paris, the flood of banking jobs predicted to arrive after Brexit is, for now, little more than a trickle.”



    • JimS says:

      Don’t forget that more people work in finance in London than the whole population of Frankfurt, also that France’s labour laws are so extensive that they have to keep reducing the size of the font to get them to fit in the book – everything is ‘small print’ there!


  24. Scroblene says:

    So Unilever are stockpiling Magnum ice creams now, according to sharp-witted business reporters on the bbc ‘clever-clogs’ desk…

    This really is earth-shattering news, and bound to become a talking point among the ice-cream fraternity!

    I sense that the awful bbc are setting up in Belgium so that they can get chocolate cheaper, not because they can be more efficient. I suppose on their expense claim forms, a Magnum is the usual tipple of choice when away from home with one’s chums…


  25. Fedup2 says:

    Project Fear watch

    BBC reports that all companies in the UK will be relocating to the ReichEU because of Brexit .


  26. Fedup2 says:

    Toady watch

    Blacks not doing as well at yooni as whitees. Baroness Blackwooman is working on it

    Let me guess – yoonis know they need black faces on their student strength to make liberals feel good .

    So they select black candidate students whether they are able or not . And get the money . Job done

    Then let them sink to their level and if they drop out even better .

    Just thinking ….


    • Fedup2 says:

      Toady watch 2

      Humph plotting the extension of A50 ( until 2525) – the eagerness in his voice is telling -lucky we know the majority want to leave now

      2 a dumb interview with a general in the Irish army – not asking who will build the border and man it?

      Answer – the ReichEU army . And they can pay for it .


    • Scroblene says:

      Fed, you’re quite right! It was Blair who made the yoonis take in loads more kids to make the unemployment figures look better than they really were. The financial depression (not recession) of the years when he was PM, with that stupid idiot Brown farting around with what he called ‘prudence’, but was really more fiddling the books, still rankles in real business circles. Investment was in destruct, but never mind, a ‘degree’ in coloured gender studies was just what the nation needed to get the UK working again.

      The BBC ‘business managers’ spent ages trying to talk down anyone who wanted to succeed back then. They slurped at the trough of despond, and still got the TV tax whether they did any good or not!

      Now, as they claim to know that every company will go and work in Brussels, they’ll furnish their plush offices over there with all sorts of trashy stuff, no doubt designed by some pillock with a pony tail and a quinoa latte. He/it will of course be a graduate from one of those yoonis, and have a ‘qualification’ in ‘design/gender/vegan’ studies.


    • G says:

      Bang on Fed!
      I heard that Baroness Amos nonsense. Not one word from Amos or the resident Toady muslim woman on why they only succeed in far less numbers. But heaps on the likes of, ‘discrimination’ needless to say. Typical idiot: Amos hasn’t woken up to the fact that young white students have family and friends outside yooni and they have to express to them, their observations of black ‘academics’ so the reality gets broadcast: dad tells someone in work etc etc. The race and discrimination lies played no longer has much effect on the public. I speak as one who took my first Law Degree when I was 54, final year exams transferred to the resit’s due to heart attacks and a triple by-pass earlier that year. Didn’t stop me succeeding in finishing with a 2:1. Blacks, on my own obsevations, want everything handed to them on a plate and if that is not so, they simply walk away.


  27. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC Online News:

    “”Brexit: Third of UK businesses considering move abroad – survey””


    BBC Non-Fear Headline should read:-

    “Brexit:Most UK Businesses not considering move abroad – survey”

    But the BBC wouldn’t print that, would they?


    • LastChanceSaloon says:

      The Institute of Directors “research” quoted.
      The IoD, lobbyists who bribe MPS, any anyone else who can be bribed to lower taxes.
      No information whatsoever about the “research”.

      “16% had relocation plans.”
      The percentage who were activating these plans was?

      “13% were actively considering doing so”
      A masterpiece of vagueness, considering having a plan?

      So it’s just BBC nonsense with an anti Brexit headline.


      • LastChanceSaloon says:

        Missed the last line.
        “What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence”.


    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      If 7% of our businesses export to the eu yet 33% say they want to move to the eu why would the other 26% with nothing to do with the eu want to relocate there.
      Is the local window cleaner with his round going to commute from Brussels every day.


    • theisland says:

      We ask the outlets spreading these misleading figures to clarify their headlines as soon as possible.


  28. Fedup2 says:

    Because of brexit I’m thinking of setting up a charity to try and support the millions of britons who are threatened with starvation after we leave the ReichEU .
    I will also accept cans as well as money – tinned baked beans are ideal as well as pinaple chunks .

    We might beg the UN or Red Cross to come and help us feed our 60 million of starving victims .


    • Rich says:


      It wouldn’t surprise me if some numpty like Stella Greasy or Shami Chakarabati hasn’t already got a sympathetic UN rapporteur or NGO stooge ready to provide some Socialist succour in the form of fear and food parcels to the UK’s downtrodden post-Brexit.

      I’m sure their mutual friends at the bBBC will accommodate them with the necessary scare story soon enough.


  29. LastChanceSaloon says:

    Paywall so I have only read part of it.

    May is going to bribe Labour MPs in Leave seats with our money.
    So they will vote for the May non BREXIT and she can give the EU £39 billion of our money.
    Genius, and yet more TREASON.
    May the PolyTraitor.


  30. Greisingel says:

    She had been exposed as an utter liar. What pride Corbin must have for his Labour ranks.


  31. AsISeeIt says:

    BBC Breakfast currently doing their upmost to frighten the bejesus out of the hard of understanding. Ten hour traffic delays and emergency beds provided for the stranded – the small print…. on Bodmin Moor

    Is this is the sort of balanced reporting we can expect on the Brexit so-called ‘cliff edge’ ?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Yeah going on Bodmin moor in a snow storm is a but Darwinian – I think a lot are just after a free breakfast and an interview with a beeboid sobthet can say they haven’t had any help …. yearly ritual …


  32. Dover Sentry says:

    Brex-Aid. For the starving in Britain.


    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      Get Bob ‘effing’ Geldorf to do a charity rock concert for us and organise a charity single with lots of pop stars who need the publicity.


      • Old Goat says:

        Bad idea – the money wouldn’t go to the intended recipients, and somehow “disappear”…


      • vesnadog says:

        “Get Bob ‘effing’ Geldorf to do a charity rock concert for us”

        How does the script go? “do they know we have no democracy in England NOW?” …unless your name is Geldof/Bono.


    • Lefty Wright says:

      Man the dinghies boys. We’re off to enrich darkest Africa.


  33. Scroblene says:

    Two years ago, I planted ninety tomato plants in the garden and on our allotment.

    We’re still using some of them from the freezer, so I’ll bring a few along to one of the collection points, hastily provided when the bbbc suddenly realised their worst fears, and that Brexit was really going to happen at the end of next month!


  34. gb123 says:

    I really am surprised the beeb hasn’t brought up the danger Brexit will bring to the traditional British breakfast. Maybe they are waiting to use it as the last ditch scare story. Apart from the main ingredients, such as bacon, the main disaster will be a shortage of HP sauce as it is now made in the Netherlands.


  35. Guest Who says:

    Frankly the BBC should be busted for attempted incitement.

    #CCBGB and one day hiding behind their question as a headline sh*t-stirring efforts will no longer work.

    Ironically they are promoting cereal packs with pictures of Tom Watson on currently.


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      BBC News, is the year of the pig a problem? How is this news?
      Perhaps some BBC investigators should drive slowly through Tower Hamlets in a loaded pork butcher’s van to find out eh? Cameras rolling please.


      • G.W.F. says:


        Prison sentences followed by death inside prison for anyone caught leaving sweet and sour pork balls and fried rice outside any mosque

        Picture from the BBC Good Food



  36. StewGreen says:

    Jeremy Hardy 57 has died of cancer


    • LastChanceSaloon says:

      SG One fewer for the People’s Vote.


    • JimS says:

      Perhaps Lady Thatcher can now ‘rest in peace’?


    • Guest Who says:


      One of the funniest. Apparently.


      • MartinW says:

        Destined for BBC ‘Sainthood’ just like Linda Smith, another unfunny, left-wing media-occupier described as ‘a comedian’.


        • Deborah says:

          When I first heard him on the BBC I thought Jeremy was quite funny – but like them all, he just got more and more political and I found the off button.


          • RobRoy says:

            Agree, Deborah. I liked his droll sense of humour and I would laugh out loud to some of his jibes on the News Quiz, but the more political he became, the more it sounded like hate and loathing. Shame.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Thank you for that . Cheered me up no end . I always enjoyed his support for the IRA and condemnation of British Soldiers during the last dose of terrorism

        One less enemy – ( and no – I’m not being nasty. I really mean that )


        • Fedup2 says:

          Jeremy is still available via

          at £5000 to £10000 for after dinner speeches . I kid you not .


          • Eddy Booth says:

            Jeremy Hardy: Comedian and Radio 4 panel star dies aged 57

            I must be doing something tight I’ve never heard of him.
            Maybe he just melted into to the non-diverse backdrop of the BBC.
            Just from the article, he Ticked all the boxes:
            – his publicist,
            -The Guardian
            – Socialist Alliance
            -(BNP) should be shot
            – against the royal family
            -rights of Palestinians
            – vs the Israeli Army.


            • Swelter says:

              I will accord Mr Hardy exactly the same respect as those of his ilk dish out to people who die that they don’t approve of . Right I’m off for pint of bitter and a smirk.


          • Fedup2 says:

            Also on the upside – I think we will be rewarded by some decent cut and paste trolling from our occasional visitors this weekend .

            I’ll put up a new thread later today as I would like people to pass comment about the departed “ funny “ man….


      • Fedup2 says:

        Wow a blizzard of snowflake sadness on the twitter .


        • dazzer says:

          And I will make my tea from their liberal tears.

          I must confess, I cheered aloud when I read the news. I know, I’m a bad man, but Hardy really was the epitome of all that is wrong about the left. And he wasn’t even funny, a journeyman at best. Sorry to speak ill of the dead, but he really was a t0ss*r (parden my French)


          • Dystopian says:

            I don’t think you should apologise. After all most remainers are praying for the old Brexiteers to drop dead. It’s one thing speaking I’ll of someone who has already passed, but to actually wish death upon people with a differing view, well that just shows who the real nasty people are.


      • BRISSLES says:

        Guest Who….. ‘apparently’….. best describes all the so called comedians of today.
        The comedians in Parliament are hilarious in comparison.

        (I’m not decrying anyone who has sadly passed.)


      • Swelter says:

        Oh Gawd just realised that we will be “treated ” to the best of Jeremy Hardy from the bBBC. They will certainly have to rummage round the bottom of the barrel for that. Anyone got a scraper?


      • vesnadog says:


        What? No prayers? Oh, forgot, its the BBC. She doesn’t do prayers, well, Christian prayer. Muslim, of course!

        The fact that the BBC didn’t include prayers is a shocking insult to his family and friends.


    • Despairada says:

      Never mind, there’s still Andy Hamilton who often appears on Radio 4 ‘comedy’ programs, sometimes alongside Jeremy Hardy. To me, his voice is almost identical to poor Jeremy, and his opinions are similarly standard sneery lefty.

      Not speaking ill of the dead is ingrained in my character from childhood so i’ll say i have every sympathy for his family and friends.


      • Fedup2 says:

        You’re missing out on that Steele fella who also got a beeboid series – another one who would get the ‘ devastated’ Owen Jones / John McDonald sobbing twitter treatment .


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      Odd, I thought it was only Leave voters who died.


  37. LastChanceSaloon says:

    “The Labour proposal for a shorter working week would help burnt-out staff and address shortages”
    Burnt out! I am sick of reading how much paid time off these “stressed” drones in the public sector get away with.
    Bring on more hours and more taxes for those in the private (productive) sector to pay for it.
    Nothing about teacher’s pensions being reduced by 20%.
    “Holly Rigby is a teacher, a Labour party member and an activist in the National Education Union”


  38. notinmyname says:

    Good news from the Telegraph that the Brexit Party now has more than £1M in pledges and over 200 potential candidates..
    Imagine how much would flow into the coffers if they included making the BBC a subscription service in their manifesto?


    • vesnadog says:

      “Good news from the Telegraph that the Brexit Party now has more than £1M in pledges and over 200 potential candidates..”

      To me, this is great news for Cooper/Blair/Clegg/Major/Heath/ and gives them a boost in knowing that our side has suddenly taken one hand of that towel.

      Very bad news for us Brexit voters. Very bad signal – I’m very disappointed to hear this news.


  39. Guest Who says:

    The new bbc sciencey expert opines…



    • Eddy Booth says:

      Sounds like fake news
      : hot in the summer, cold in the winter ?
      can’t be right that ….


    • StewGreen says:

      BBC don’t understand the principle that when somewhere is exceptionally hot/cold that is almost always balanced by by somewhere else being exceptionally cold/hot as the weather streams temporarily move further north/south


      • Piku says:

        What principle is that StewGreen? Where did you study Physics/Climatology?


        • Eddy Booth says:

          Go on Piku, i’ll bite.
          I have not looked either , tell me what the BBC’s Nick Bryant qualifications are in any field at all related to the subject.
          Why are you questioning Stew’s credentials and not Nick’s?


          • Piku says:

            I’ve asked StewGreen to tell us about the principle he’s referring to in support of his statement. I know nothing about Nick Bryant’s credentials. Perhaps he’s relying on evidence provided by experts in relevant fields.


            • RobRoy says:

              Piku, until scientists can tell us why the same conditions occurred in the 1900s, 1930s and the mid 1980s, I don’t think anyone is qualified to blame AGW for the current extremes.


          • Guest Who says:

            Or Nick directly, given the article he links to and the ‘beat’ he covers. Professional courtesy, perhaps? Who knows?


          • Roland Deschain says:

            Don’t tell ‘im, Piku!


    • Dystopian says:

      The levitating man is quite remarkable though.


  40. Up2snuff says:

    An ‘evangelist’ makes a promise: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-47085214

    How many non-ticket vouchers or ‘ban slips’ for life will the artist formerly known as Beyonce give me if I promise to stay away from her concerts and I DO NOT become vegan? Will I be able to then exchange them for massive discounts off the colossal cost of prime cuts of beef at the supermarket?

    That’s the sort of deal I would like. 🙂

    This is a top of the page item on the BBC’s web-site Home Page which rather shows what they think of this vegan nonsense. 🙁 Stop the propaganda, BBC!


  41. pugnazious says:

    The Today show announced the start of the EU-Japan trade deal and told us that in 57 days the UK would miss out on all the benefits coming from this deal #duetobrexit.

    Unlike Sky News the BBC didn’t tell us they were channelling the Remain message…from Sky…

    ‘Top Remain figures have bemoaned how the UK might only be able to enjoy the benefits of the EU’s new trade agreement with Japan for 57 days.’

    What’s odd of course is the BBC priority, instead of hyping the supposed negatives for us why is the BBC not pointing out that the EU has just done a deal, with a country that is not in the EU and thus not closely aligned already as Britain is, that massively reduces or completely does away with tariffs and red tape? Does the BBC not want us to start asking why the EU is so insistent on imposing punishing terms and conditions on the UK in an effort to stop us competing with them and why the BBC and its Remainer friends are so insistent on painting a picture of industrial and trade disaster with prices rising due to massive tariffs and businesses fleeing the UK [only this morning the BBC has a headline about 1/3rd of businesses leaving the UK #duetobrexit……‘Brexit: Third of UK businesses considering move abroad – survey’ Complete rubbish.

    Clearly the BBC and its Remainer chums are intent on painting as bleak a picture as possible and the EU intends to make negotiations as hard as possible…this is not being done on a rational basis wth the best interests of both the EU and Britain at heart….this is EU ideology at work and a desire to punish Britain, not a pragmatic, sensible approach.

    Which is odd as the EU always boasts of its desire for free trade….here it is explaining the agreement with Japan…proudly boasting of its stance against protectionism and its openness to free trade…..

    ‘Taking a stand against protectionism
    This new deal would send a powerful signal to the rest of the world that two large economies are resisting protectionism and that openness to trade remains one of the best tools to shape globalisation.
    This can lead to more growth, and more growth can mean more jobs.
    The EU’s other recent trade agreements, e.g. with South Korea and Canada, send the same message. ‘

    So why is it so hard for Britain and the EU to come to terms especially when our goods and services already meet the standards required by the EU if we want to export to the EU? Any deal should really be very simple if the participants approach it with good intentions.

    Clearly that has not happened and the EU has done its best to make things as difficult as possible and for trade to be as difficult as possible.

    Shame the BBC hasn’t noticed.


    • G says:

      “…openness to trade remains one of the best tools to shape globalisation.” Interesting last word……….Says it all.
      Still, I wonder how the people in the Land of the Rising Sun will deal with freemovement and the Brussels imposition of muslim refugees……….


  42. Guest Who says:

    Bbc fave OJ-sub choccy bear digs hole, digs deeper…


    • Eddy Booth says:

      Just like being back in the 1980’s when life for many was all about ”my career”; people so obsessed and busy with it, things like dating needed to be worked out on their Filofax months in advance.

      We can support our own families in UK, and not Europe wide.
      Maybe old people can get a doctors appointment etc with less invaders


    • JimS says:

      Well Brexit has done wonders for Femi’s career!

      What’s next, Femi does ‘Bake Off’, ‘Strictly’, ‘Question Time’, etc.?

      Of course, he’ll be out of a job if we Brexit.


  43. Eddy Booth says:

    David Bowie’s son blocks new biopic from using music

    Some headline saying ”David Bowie’s son blocks new biopic from using music” but article doesn’t say exactly how or why,

    As it’s the unprofessional BBC they feel no such petty details need including, like who exactly owns the music rights, just that ”his family has not been consulted on the film, nor does he know anything about how it will take shape….”

    Maybe someone will do a film on how Bowie cured himself of his homosexual problem and lived out his days as a happily married normal person; how his son Duncan fortunately escaped inheriting the affliction .


  44. Paddytoplad says:

    Jeremy Hardy died today.
    I feel sad for his family, it must be a shitty time and I hope people pay their respects. However I find it hard to forget his part in the “dancing on thatchers grave”gag on QI. Dont forget she was suffering from Alzheimer’s and dieing when they though it was funny taking the piss. I wonder how her family felt


    • Fedup2 says:

      I wish I was as decent as you . Still plenty to replace him . Wouldn’t care so much if it was funny but he’s around comes around …..

      I feel that way because I have a long memory of him in the 80s and 90s .


  45. Lucy Pevensey says:

    I don’t trust this woman any further than I could throw Dawn French but what is this about? What might she be up to? Just laying the ground for a rich people’s vote perhaps?


    • Kaiser says:

      “a rich people’s vote” lol

      they would like that, but would settle for a a rich people’s result


  46. Up2snuff says:

    Remember the fuss the BBC made about the Stock Exchange and currency markets after the decision of the UK to leave the EU in 2016?

    The BBC it appeared to me this morning on TOADY were trying to ramp up enthusiasm for Brexit being postponed by up to two years. It appears the markets may not be quite so enthusiastic as the BBC, judging by current market movements.


  47. Monty says:

    Breaking news on the DE, TV license going up


    • notinmyname says:

      Not in my house. Still a nice round number.

      Just stop funding the BBC, and shut the door in the face of any Crapita goons that come to visit.



    • StewGreen says:

      The BBC have confirmed that the TV Licence fee is to rise to £154.50 from April 1


      • Guest Who says:

        So as they lose audience hand over first, their solution is to raise the fee?


        Clearly some of the financial brains the NUS recently let go have arrived at W1A.


        • vesnadog says:

          “their solution is to raise the fee”

          Well, soon be World Cup, Euros, Olympics, etc and extra financing needed to support/calm down the 100s of BBC employees oversea travels/hotels/Bonus payments/ sun tan lotion/designer clothes for BBC hosts..etc


  48. Kaiser says:


    Harry Styles face tattoo is fake, singer Kelsy Karter admits

    and heres the beeb reporting this fake non-news in the first place



  49. StewGreen says:

    BBC Radio Lincs & Lincs Police weird priorities
    #2 Headline
    Police are appealing for witnesses following a road rage incident where a motorist was racially abused.
    At 8.36pm on Tuesday 29th January we received a report that one motorist verbally abused another, which included racially offensive language.//

    Blurting out insults at anyone is not a good thing, but it happens dozens of times/day in the county .. and the police would correctly do nothing.

    Just 3 tweets down they have another tweet about a more serious crime

    BBC covered it after that tweet


  50. StewGreen says:

    Vine Show now @TheJeremyVine asks: who is George Soros and what has he really done?
    Now his mate David Aaronovitch is on shouting “conspiracy theorists”
    … whilst he himself conspiracy theorises about Trump/Putin
    David Aaronovitch of course quite correctly being a Jewish activist and calls out “conspiracy theories about The Jews”
    Vine points out that Soros gets criticism from the Israel PM
    After 5 mins DA has only got around to admitting his own charity Index On Censorship gets cash from Soros
    Twitter thread
    \\ George Soros famously broke the Bank of England on Black Wednesday in 1992. Now President Trump suggests he’s funding illegal migrants. @TheJeremyVine Show asks: who is he and what has he really done?//


    • Deborah says:

      Stew, David Aaronovitch’s father was Jewish (non practising) so although David writes for the Jewish Chronicle, he is not Jewish. David’s parents according to Wiki were Marxists, I add, without further comment.