If the first ‘sitting ‘ MP in 30 years gets sent to prison one might have thought an objective news organisation might have fully reported it . But as we know the Far Left BBC is anything but objective and the Lady MP isn’t the subject of much criticism by the MSM.
As an aside – she is making the traditional ‘appeal’ noises but might realise that to get 3 months for that sort of crime is more than soft – particularly since she is a ‘lawyer’. The BBC relegated story to a Cambridgeshire story – an insult to reporting the News .
BBC Radio Lincs & Lincs Police weird priorities
#2 Headline
Police are appealing for witnesses following a road rage incident where a motorist was racially abused.
At 8.36pm on Tuesday 29th January we received a report that one motorist verbally abused another, which included racially offensive language.//
Blurting out insults at anyone is not a good thing, but it happens dozens of times/day in the county .. and the police would correctly do nothing.
Just 3 tweets down they have another tweet about a more serious crime
BBC covered it after that tweet
Vine Show now @TheJeremyVine asks: who is George Soros and what has he really done?
Now his mate David Aaronovitch is on shouting “conspiracy theorists”
… whilst he himself conspiracy theorises about Trump/Putin
David Aaronovitch of course quite correctly being a Jewish activist and calls out “conspiracy theories about The Jews”
Vine points out that Soros gets criticism from the Israel PM
After 5 mins DA has only got around to admitting his own charity Index On Censorship gets cash from Soros
Twitter thread
\\ George Soros famously broke the Bank of England on Black Wednesday in 1992. Now President Trump suggests he’s funding illegal migrants. @TheJeremyVine Show asks: who is he and what has he really done?//
Stew, David Aaronovitch’s father was Jewish (non practising) so although David writes for the Jewish Chronicle, he is not Jewish. David’s parents according to Wiki were Marxists, I add, without further comment.
Soon Newsnight will have more industry awards than viewers.
These berks can’t even have a silly internecine awards party without getting their kickers bunched.
To say that Soros gleefully took property off Jews in WW2 is a smear
but he does admit he was there as a 14 year old spectator .
Also admits that he often doesn’t worry about the social consequences of his business .
Oh Vine moved on pretty quickly without airing anti-Soros people
Vine didn’t cover the half of it
\\ you do realise that Soros is funding the campaign to remain in the EU – if he’s an American citizen, why should he be able to influence UK and EU policy – he meets the EU leaders regularly ! //
I was expecting, (not really), someone to make the case against Soros but all we had was a list of people that the BBC doesn’t like who have criticised Soros. Obviously these ‘bad’ people must be wrong and Soros is a saint!
We were told that Soros has ‘given away’ large sums of money, comparable to Bill Gates, but there was no comments about how he made that money. Bill Gates at least gave us MS-DOS, Windows etc., Soros is a gambler but a gambler that causes real hardship to those he is gambling against. Also Bill Gates appears to want to benefit humanity whereas Soros’ ‘gifts’ are payments to influence political changes via stooges like David Aaronovitch.
I can’t find it now but I saw recently on YouTube a video in which it was claimed the EU Commission has given Soros hundred’s of thousands of Euros. See the Farage views:
If Obama failed miserably, what hope this hypocrite?!
Which U.K. broadcaster is more lost in its incestous bubble: Sky or the BBC?
If he does not like this great country he knows what he can do. The second word is Off !
The beebeestan’s favourite Religion of Insanity: the ongoing story of Asia Bibi, the Christian woman whom the muslim mob want to hang for having given water to some muslims.
Medieval and barbaric are much too kind words. How about demonic?
R4 Archers : storyline is about 2 men having a baby
Starring Ted Danson and Magnum I.cecream?
Ah yes. The Archers, now re-titled the Arsers.
In the late 1940s to the early 1950s at 6.45pm to 7pm every weekday on the BBC Light Programme they would blast out that familiar tune that heralded the arrival of “Dick Barton Special Agent”.
Dick was suddenly replaced by The Archers and Auntie (the slapper) Beeb has been in my bad books ever since and now she is no more than a EU whore. So sad.
“Hands up who trusts the bbc.
Now, count the fingers you have left”
Puerile reporting at its worst. On Sky and Beeb, news presenters talking to outside colleagues and any spare AA man knocking about, asking how the snow conditions affect driving and what motorists should do. FFS, are we really at the stage where we haven’t a clue about driving in adverse conditions without being told how to prepare ????
My head is about to explode listening to the type of questions being asked – and by those who have umpteen degrees at Yuni in order for them to be at front of camera ! Jeez l went to sec mod back in the 60’s, – Yuni wasn’t an option, but I’ve got more common sense than any of this lot on the tele, earning triple figure sums for asking infantile questions. Rant over.
Well said B, the only thing I would take issue with is that those presenters don’t “earn” the vast sums that they are paid.
I’m glad someone has had the nerve to do this.
A nice idea, but Mrs Windsor really won’t want to get involved.
After all this time someone has finally been successfully prosecuted for it?
Over to Al Beeb…………………………..
‘Mum guilty of girl’s genital mutilation’
Barks the headline.
Mum? Nothing like cushioning this heinous crime by making out that it was a ‘mum’ that did it. Lovely old mum. She was a kindly soul was mum but a bit heavy on the genital mutilation. Still, she made a great roast.
Spot the difference between the police and the beebistan reports:
Police: “The Ugandan woman from east London…”
Beeb: “The 37-year-old mother from east London…”
Them cockney mums, eh? Pearly queens every one of ’em, bless their ‘earts, eh?
And of course neither the cowardly police report nor the treacherous beeb mention the I or the M word.
April 1. All Fools Day.
Telly Tax going up – More the fools that pay it .
Robbing the the Poor to give to the Rich.
They are hoping to recruit more Telegoons to harass the people that don’t cough up .
It has the feel of a Protection Racket ?
Note the Alarmist front page news headline “Australia Records Hottest Month Ever ”
“Ever “?
Read the sub headline “Australia weather: January was hottest month on record”
“Ever” changes to “……..on record”
Yes, it’s just possible that prior to 1780 or so, our knowledge of the temperature in Australia is…zero.
Sadly, I don’t think the aborigines were that keen on keeping temperature records. Turns out, they had the right idea.
LOL x 5. 🙂
BBC More Or Less is debunking the BBC again
Re Holocaust Survey
Out of 2,000 only 5 put the holocaust deaths at zero
So how come 20% agreed with the statement “The holocaust never happened” ?
MoL argued that the survey gave you a series of questions like
“was it it a terrible thing?” etc
So you went down the series of questions and ticked YES to each one, but the final question was phrased the other way ..but primed to say YES, some people didn’t pause and clicked yes.
Of course the prog complied with BBC rules “Don’t mention Islam”
R Lincs : migrant taxi crew have been detained in Catania
Let me see if the BBC is holding back info ?
Ah, Paperwork says it’s just a “pleasure yacht”
Translation of Coast Guard Statement 1 Feb 2019
\\ During the inspection activity on the Sea Watch 3 unit, certified as pleasure yacht , last intervened in the SAR event of last 19 January, a series of non-conformities were found concerning both the safety of navigation and compliance with the relevant legislation for the protection of the marine environment, which do not allow the unit to leave until it is resolved.
These non-conformities must also be resolved with the intervention of the Flag Administration, in cooperation with the Coast Guard’s specialized inspectors and the 6th Department – Safety of Navigation of the General Command of the Corps of the Port Authorities – Coast Guard.
Until their resolution, the unit can not leave the port of Catania. //
So Oddbins workers, what do you think of “Dry January” ?
LOL x 6! 🙂
Januhairy on the chest. Not.
I’m getting more confused these days…
Is ‘Newsnight’ a bbc programme for people who work during the day, or is ‘Newsround’ for fatties, and why do kids have a fatuous programme called ‘Newsbeat’? Huh, hip an’ trendy yeah…
There must be a way to lump all these items in a single page of headlines!
That would immediately cut out waste, expensive airtime, wages for nonentities, and would cut ‘opinions’ at a stroke!
I really don’t want to hear ‘opinions’ by a tax-funded state broadcaster; like most good people here, I worked for a living all my life, avoided the public sector always (except when I got commission for work done in buildings etc), and the thoughts of yooni lightweights don’t really matter at all as far as I’m concerned.
Now if they were subscription-based, and earned the public’s respect, they may find out that a ‘qualification’ in gender/vegan/migration studies doesn’t get much in the way of income…
With Nigel and the new Brexit party there is a genuine concern that the leave voters will be split between the new party, UKIP and some others like AMW’s party.
I would like to see them all get together and agree to unite under a leave promise where they would not stand against each other, possibly letting the new party or UKIP represent them all and they would do only two things.
They would ensure we left the eu properly.
They would bring in proportional representation for all future general elections. A proper PR and not this alternative vote nonsense.
If a party got 10% of the votes they get 65 MPs. (Or 10% of however many were left when their numbers are reduced as promised)
That would mean your vote counts.
Here in Sunderland my vote is worthless as we always get labour.
PR would mean my vote counts towards a percentage and therefore is no longer worthless.
An added bonus is that it would seriously piss most of the current smug 650
If they could unite, leave the eu and bring in PR, then stand down, calling a new GE, we would have representation instead of voting for the least worst of two crap parties.
EG, I agree with your basic argument of an alliance of Brexit parties, but on a technical point, provided your preferred party gets at least 1 MP you vote will count towards funding for your party. Public money for political parties is based on the numbers of MPs and the number of votes nationally. My constituency will always return a Tory (and he’s sound on Brexit), but I voted UKIP in 2015 because with Carswell likely to be re-elected as a UKIP MP my vote would contribute to UKIP’s funding. In the event Carswell sabotaged that by refusing to accept the money, leaving UKIP short of money to fight the 2017 General Election.
Thanks for that info.
I suppose my vote helps in a little way then.
Wouldn’t it be fantastic though if the 2 party system was ended.
”Fancy bathing in lettuce, limes, chillies, apples and bananas?
In the city of Hangzhou in East China the Yunman Hot Spring gives you the chance to do just that.
The massive baths are designed to look like one big human hot pot.
Interesting idea – but is it a massive waste of fruit and vegetables? Or something you fancy trying out for yourself?”
Naive BBC.
Who says they waste the fruit and veg..
Or, if you fancy something different, walk around the corner for some freshly boiled-alive Cocker Spaniels.
Bbc news declaring it ‘ Jeremy hardy day ‘ . And we ain’t gonna hear from the sh.. again which a definite plus .
Wonder if Corbyn will be going to the organic funeral or will he be meeting his hamas friends …
The BBC are bigging up Hardy’s right-on socialist credentials in their eulogies.
Still, this is an opportunity to ensure impartiality by employing an EDL supporting comedian.
Yet something tells me this might not happen.
MSM participated in a charade at the IPCC conference in Katowice with a child Global Warming activist “Greta Thunberg”
And it was known on Dec 29th
Her mother is associated with a great PR agent. So they utilised a largely empty room and filmed her speaking. Swedish TV chose camera angles so that it didn’t look obvious there was no crowd.
MSM then reported that’s shed made a great speech and implied the hall was packed.
\\ State television in fake news offensive: Greta Thunberg spoke in front of empty chairs at the “climate meeting” //
long German article
Harra tweeted that all these PR tricks don’t matter
BBC Online News:
“”Swedish outcry as pregnant woman dragged off train””
Why are the BBC so upset about this? A woman failed to pay her fare and became violent when she was asked to leave the train by security guards.
Oh, she’s black! That’s why.
Remember the penis bridge in London?
They now have a temporary penis in Brussels at EU HQ.
Pity the real knobs in the EU will not melt.
The BBC are reporting hundreds of schools are closed today due to snowflakes.
The BBC report the first ever successful prosecution for FGM.
A poor little 3 year old girl was the victim.
The perpetrator was the victim’s mother, a 37 yeR old Ugandan.
Also on trial, but found not guilty, as the father, a 45 year old Ghanayan.
Cue an interview with an older victim, and the BBC are keen to report her comment that FGM is not cultural, just child abuse.
Diversity. Multiculturalism. In Britain. Don’t ya just love it.
I was shouting at the screen like an idiot when that woman said that.
It is indeed child abuse — committed by African and Islamic ‘cultures’.
(I use the term loosely.)
Looking forward to Mishail Hussein tearing into the failure to apprehend more of these savages.
Yes they are happy to report that the woman was allegedly practicing “witchcraft” to attempt to “silence the police” ???
I’m sure she might have been practicing some other weird ‘religion’ but they would not be so keen to report it.
France puts up food and drink prices under new law

Food? then why show lumps of plastic ???
”Nutella, Président Camembert, Ricard Pastis and Carte Noire coffee are among the brands set to cost more in France as a law on food prices takes effect.
It means big food and drink brands can no longer be sold at cost price. Shops’ profit margin must be at least 10%. ”
”How much of a price rise? ”
Err….. you just told us 10 %
Oh sorry, I see, they are preparing us for an example:
”The 10% margin threshold means a food or drink brand previously sold for €1 (£0.88; $1.1) now has to be priced at €1.1 minimum.”
”Supermarket chain Carrefour is adapting to the law by increasing discounts for loyalty card customers. ”
adapting ? is that the French word for circumventing ?
So prices are going up and the BBC has to ask
”Why is the law controversial?”
Don’t buy stuff from cheese eating surrender monkeys or from the Master Race . Buy stuff from friendly countries …
Panicking remainers have rushed out a new Project Fear for the BBC to get its teeth into . This one beats a shortage of cornettos and is a leak from s top secret memo from the Environment Agency that if British goods are delayed going to the ReichEU they might get smelly.
A solution ? Buy British . Do unto them what they do to us.
Yup, as I’ve been saying – it’s radical and unthinkable for some but maybe err just maybe, we could make stuff in the UK and even (and here it goes right off the scale) sell it to other countries?
I still like the idea that after Brexit we won’t be able to buy fresh ice. We’ll have to buy frozen.
If it was dehydrated we would need fewer trucks too.
When the bbc sidles past actual proof into allusion, start checking elsewhere.
Bet they award themselves an award for it.
Hardy – committed Socialist and BFF of Corbyn admitted to lounging around all day apart from his highly paid bit of Socialist themed jaw flapping.
Has the bbc decided a ? on every headline is safest?
The BBC allowed Andrew Neil to launch a horrible attack on a defenceless retired pensioner on Thursday night asking him questions and trying to get an answer .
The defenceless retired pensioner ? Ken Livingston
The questions ? What sanctions has President `Trump inposed on the socialist paradise of Venezuela…
A sad sight for a diminished fire brand champagne socialist ….
( it was put on twitter – I don’t bother with bbc politics any more )
If there is a sadder sight than watching an old Marxist regurgitating his out of date 70s dogma and then being pummelled by facts and reality I have yet to see it. Surely there must be a retirement home for Trots and Marxists like Ken and Jeremy to retire to .
More on FGM by the beeb:
“In societies where FGM is commonplace, a woman can bring shame on herself and her family if she does not comply. Some see it as a religious necessity – though no scriptures explicitly prescribe it.”
Two points to note: 1) the whole article manages to avoid any mention of islam, and
2) fgm is indeed discussed in Islamic scriptures: “a Hadith (saying about the life of the prophet) recounts a debate between Muhammed and Um Habibah (or Um ‘Atiyyah). This woman, known as an exciser of female slaves, was one of a group of women who had immigrated with Muhammed. Having seen her, Muhammad asked her if she kept practicing her profession. She answered affirmatively, adding: “unless it is forbidden, and you order me to stop doing it.” Muhammed replied: “Yes, it is allowed. Come closer so I can teach you: if you cut, do not overdo it, because it brings more radiance to the face, and it is more pleasant for the husband.”[2]
The BBC’s Owen is unhappy with how things went. But at least he is pulling everyone down like the bbc likes to happen.
John as ever showing he is immune too.
So sad when family falls out.
So…… turns out the Democrats are having a bit of a ‘mare at the moment, what with the abortion thing and that KKK blackface from back in the day. Reckon the BBC might be turning East for a wee while to Swedish cops and Bollywood isms.