“Six other men remain in police custody, Scotland Yard said.
Five were arrested for false imprisonment while one was held for possession of an offensive weapon.”
Men. The BBC report ends
“The police watchdog, the Independent Office for Police Conduct, sent investigators to the scene after being notified by the Met. The force’s own Directorate of Professional Standards has also been informed.”
Which is very unusual. Suggests to me that one of the arrested men has close connections to the police.
Off to William Hill to put a bet on the ancestry of the individual.
Hungary figures for enrichment per the article.
2014: 44,709
2015: 391,384
2016: 18,236
2017: 1,418
2018 (until 20 December): 441
All you need is the will.
Currently c900 comments, 99% in favour of the wall.
The publicity for the coming TR expose of the BBC continues on Twitter . I fear that the BBC will try some kind of “spoiler “ to either undermine the contents of TRs material or push out old TR material to muddy the waters . Maybe the BBC will try something with the data protection people or surveillance commissioner ….
It’s a pity the expose isn’t going to be made until 23 February . Wish TR might reconsider .
The faceless people whose names appear on the end titles of BBC propaganda programmes deserve their place in the sun – and accountability alongside the ‘ journalists ‘ who pedal their masters words for tax payers cash –
I can’t think of a single BBC journo who ever deviates from the far left script .
Different Subject
The State Broadcaster must have been ordered to underplay the ongoing demonstrations in France in order to keep the British from getting ideas about doing something more practical than so far –
And if it gets desperate they’ll roll our the dead lefty MP again . Never a politician shortage .
It’s not over until it’s over
..double agents can be turned etc.
Of course HnH were involved, their fingerprint is on almost every NUJ hit piece against TR
Media make TR into a martyr, but he is NOT the story
Panorama could have had dozens of exposures of grooming gangs and Islam.
But although Sweeney had the guts to go after the cult of Scientology .. he didn’t do Islam.
TR is not the story but he is the spark, this could be the BBC’s watergate.
We might finally have the smoking gun.
Let this sink in ‘our state broadcaster, paid for and accountable to the British public has actively spent months trying to discredit a legitimate British journalist’. Do we live in N Korea, Iran, Russia, Islington, China etc? This is big.
Bring on the 23rd February 2019. Democracy, Freedom, Free speech. See you all in Manchester.
The way TR is building anticipation and leaking ‘teasers’ may be clever marketing. I just hope it’s worth the wait and not a big disappointment on the 23rd. We shall see.
Seems like the Democrats are going to put up an ethnic female minority against President Trump in 2020.
She will rely on her Native American heritage . Good luck with that I say . It will be interesting which horse the BBC will declare a ‘saint’ to beat Mr Trump .
I’m going to put this as tactfully as possible: not only do the beebistan and other so-called ‘liberal’ media not give a sh*t, they secretly believe any act of terror perpetrated against Israelis by the religion of rape, murder and mutilation is deserved. Serve them right.
Good to see Katie upping the ante and hopefully making the coming expose more international .
In my view – the British State has had to be a bit careful with TR since people in more and more countries have become aware of what is being done to him .
I’m guessing , too , that the AG will suddenly declare what is to happen with further prosecution of him .
Judging by what happened when the BBC got found out over Jimmy Saville key named BBC individuals will be on ‘ extended leave ‘ when TRs expose is published and if it really is bad for John Sweeney he ll probably get a job on RT perhaps taking over the Alex Salmond Hour should he get time post trial .
An organisation is established in the UK to challenge the monopoly of left-liberal ideas among the young. The BBC is out to strangle it at birth – see this absolutely disgraceful hit piece: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-47159137 How even the most cynical BBC apparatchik can claim the Corporation to be impartial is beyond me.
One of these days, BBC, could we not just have some rational argument. Allow people to make their case without all this abuse. How about helping people with minority views?
Thousands of anti-government protestors marching in Paris today and in other French cities too but nothing as yet on BBC News or Sky News for that matter.
Having just caught up with the latest episodes of Vera on ITV I was amazed that nearly half the people in the Newcastle area are BAME.
It must be true, they wouldn’t ship them in just to be PC would they?
Let’s face it BA is just a brand now that is owned by IAG – which I think is centre in Madrid . It was ashamed of the Union Flag in Mrs Thatchers day and still is .
And short haul is comparable to the Ryanair .
I am just watching the state of the union address on parliament channel. What a bunch of losers the Democrat party are sitting there with faces liked a slapped arse.Even good news like NATO paying their share was met with long faces.
20 odd years ago, BA went all ethnic on their tail fin liveries.
It was a disaster, universally hated by all.
They’ve clearly leant nothing.
May their latest multicultural PC campaign bomb as badly.
Thing is, if it was to be implemented at BA today, we’d be stuck with it, simply because there would be too much of a backlash and all hell would break loose on twatter to abandon the idea. The BAME’s of today who sound off loud and large were just children 20 odd years ago, – just one consequence where migration has a strangle hold of how our country is now run.
What did Enoch say about the black man having the whip hand ? he wasn’t wrong.
When I first saw this I thought the “stree Ar” people had manged to break into the BA hangars and decked the planes out like underground trains.
In Singapore, where I used to live, they caught one Swiss who got punished for vandalism. The other, a Brit, fled the country in order to escape punishment.
Maybe the team responsible for the latest BA ad need to be thinking about making an run for it as well.
Thanks for that, Dover.
Ended up watching it a few times. Ugh! It has a horrible fascination to it.
All those celebbos – Gary Oldman and Grayson Perry telling us “Dearest Britain. . . With all your different views on the World. . .” And then the advert goes on to inform us just what kinds of things those views should be!
Love the Disney copyright that pops up when the Winnie the Pooh toy appears.
BTW, what’s with the 100 years logo at the end? Didn’t they used to be BOAC and BEA?
Oops. I posted that I thought BA was implying we Brits are oddballs and eccentrics that seemed to show a hint of patriotism….talk of “Britain” etc. I may have erred, sorry.
Why is it that whenever we see adverts on TV its always the gay couple/trans who are practically having sex with each other or deep in a close-up smooching positions while the normal people are either eating away, out in the surf, washing-up, playing with THEIR own children? Are we identifying a kind of sexual conspiracy here folks?
It used to be every once in a while when these adds were on TV but now every other add on TV MUST include some gay couple/lesbian gang joyfully smiling while us normal people are always seen to be dull and rather unhappy with their lives?
“What is a family anyway?” “Families are old hat!” “Who cares if the normal people complain, they will soon die anyway”.
Vesna, your first paragraph hits the nail on the head. Perhaps its true, perhaps not, but yes, portrayal of relationships other than heterosexual, can be sometimes uncomfortable to watch.
The same Darren Cave who is on the executive board of Rugby Players Ireland, based in Dublin, whose main sponsors include Zurich, VW, and BNY Mellon. I’m sure that some mutual cooperation with these sponsors would be a prerequisite to sitting on a board like that.
Maybe he’s just concerned he won’t be able to get any coffee for his cafe from the EU post Brexit. It’s in East Belfast, just down the road from his home turf amongst the bien pensant professionals of North Down. The sort with holiday homes in Donegal, villas and gites in Spain and France, the ones who are applying for Irish passports because it might save them half an hour at the airport.
I played representative sport for NI in the Republic on several occasions during the 80s, the only hassle was when the Republicans blew up the railways or suspicious packages were found that meant we had to get the bus.
One of the tells you were in the South was the poor quality of the roads. Lots of EU money has sorted that out, which is handy for for someone claiming their, I’m sure generous, travel expenses once a month and keen to take the easy road.
You’re right about the changing demographics in Northern Ireland. Most of the new immigrants here, and of course their school age children, are Polish and Catholic. As we all know Sinn Fein are Catholic, as far as they follow any religion, and so Sinn Fein believe that the Poles will vote for them. I don’t think it’s just as simple as that.
The Poles seem to be devout and deeply traditionally religious, not like most of the Catholics in NI, and are anti-abortion, against gay marriage and socially conservative. Sinn Fein are not. In fact in many ways the DUP are much closer aligned in their Christian beliefs to the traditional views of the Catholic Church than the quasi-Marxist Sinn Fein has ever been.
I’m not suggesting that the Poles and other immigrants will vote for the DUP, but I think that Sinn Fein are counting on votes that they aren’t guaranteed to achieve their aim of a united Ireland, something that I don’t believe the Irish Government actually wants or can afford financially or politically.
If you also bear in mind that in the last census only 28% of the population identified as Irish while around 70% stated they were either British or Northern Irish, I don’t think that any border poll would necessarily deliver the outcome the bBBC seem to desire just yet.
“… Its so rare to meet a white working class person in the BBC that it’s like meeting a cannibal from the Amazon… says John Sweeney, the BBC director of Panorama… ”
Yes, the above clip is mildly embarrassing for Sweeney and the evil beeb, but not exactly earth-shattering. I hope TR has stronger stuff up his sleeve for the great takedown on the 23rd.
Vlad, I am beginning to worry too. Tommy is a courageous campaigner and I admire him very much. While he is far more intelligent than many people think, I have to say he he is not very politically astute.
Fingers crossed for the 23rd.
He is being fairly astute at the moment: in achieving this bit of espionage in the first place, and then in making sure it will be seen, by stowing copies all over the world.
Oh look at the fluffy bears over there ……………..
“Polar bears ‘running out of food”
They must be economic migrants heading over to Russia to eat more penguins ?
The HYS is taking a slapping again. Not many contributors there though, but worth a good laugh.
@Taffman I checked that HYS that closed a week ago
Despite what you said the alarmists dominate the top comments and have downvoted these sensible comments
The top comment got 42 , so that means 20 or 30 alarmists piled in
14. Posted by Steve Richards on 2 Feb 2018 11:51
If many recent peer reviewed papers have documented the increase in numbers of polar bears, why are these people suggesting their ‘condition’ is poor?
Maybe an all expenses trip to the pole needed to be justified with a negative report?
10. Posted by species_matter on 2 Feb 2018 11:44
The species has survived multiple, substantial, rapid climate changes, including warmer periods in the Eemian, Holocene and probably the 20th Century. Attention and funding is being deflected from genuinely endangered species. See the many publications by Susan Crockford for balance.
8. Posted by GeorgeH on 2 Feb 2018 11:41
“Today there are more than 30,000 polar Bears, significantly more than 50 years ago”.
Michael Miersch German Wildlife Foundation 24th October 2017
“Stars descend on London for Baftas”
No doubt, another meeting of the Mutual Admiration Society who have never held a real job, spouting liberal snowflake and political views threatening to leave the country when we finally get Brexit. Bless.
I wonder how many Scottish and Irish Nationalists would be so keen to stay in the EU if they knew about the EU Army being surreptitiously mustered?
If the UK remains in the EU I wonder how much domestic quarrelling within the borders of such a well respected and generous member of the EU family do you think it would take before Brussels decided that the UK needed some military assistance? After all any civil disobedience or unrest within the wider EU borders could be legitimately managed by an armed EU security force like the Guardia Civil in Spain or the Gendarmerie Mobile in France. Only even more like Paras than PCSOs.
I wonder do Antifa or Hope not Hate think that they would be allowed to walk through or lay siege to Whitehall without meeting armed response, water cannons and rubber bullets if an EU army existed? Would activists be allowed to protest, demonstrate or even campaign if the EU perceived them to be undermining or threatening it in anyway?
The Scots and Irish Nationalists, so often linked by genes as well as grievance, offer support to Palestinians and to Catalans ( there was a Catalan flag flying from a lamppost in a Republican part of my hometown. Nobody knew what it was) believing that they share suffering, that they are culturally and politically oppressed by an occupying and evil Emperial master. They don’t seem to realise that if we stay in the EU, should they try to achieve what they seem to be trying to at the minute and if the EU have an armed force, they’ll only get one go at it. As will the Catalans, and the Walloons, and the Basques, and any other other group who go against the EU empire.
More total and utter Horlicks about climate change.
But if you actually open the URL then there are links to other “features”. Basically, agenda, agenda, and, hold on, I think I missed one. Oh yeah, agenda.
I think it is very important for the Democrats to press forward with their Green New Deal. It would be great for the so-called “Carbon Footprint” to permanently eliminate all Planes, Cars, Cows, Oil, Gas & the Military – even if no other country would do the same. Brilliant!
Unlike the pathetic HSBC ‘we are not an island’….(implied….mentality) advert, British Airways, unless I have misconstrued or foisted a positive angle upon it, appears to have a spirited “Britain” message that is neither moralising nor blatantly anti-independence….possibly the opposite. (I’ve thrown out my McCains chips cos of “two daddies” nonsense advert – wtf are they on about? Thank God The BBC doesn’t advertise, though they should be forced to so I can cancel my licence. The wave of “woke”, edifying advertisements beggars belief.
Greis, I loathe that HSBC ad, and don’t get me started on that boggle eyed bloke who fronts it – (as my old Mum would say, he walks like he has a threepenny bit up his a……e).
Just a little of your time to read this below-which clearly puts the BBC in a place and where it has been for over 40 yrs.
The Left has looked at the atrocities committed by the fascists in World War Two and drawn completely the wrong conclusion. Instead of opposing intolerance in all its guises it has turned on its own people and attacked the very culture, national pride, history and homogeneity that allowed evil to be defeated in the first place. Instead of embracing decency and family they have adopted the same kind of superstitious, hate-filled, violent ideology that brought the world to war in the first place… Broadly speaking the Labour Party and your taxpayer funded national opinion former, the BBC, are run by a cabal of unreconstructed student radicals who never lost faith in the propaganda drip-fed to them by their Marxist lecturers in the ’70s and ’80s. Many are followers of the Frankfurt School that waved the red flag for the tactics of Gramsci and Marcuse, a blueprint for controlling organisations funded by the state.
This is the class warfare of Ralph Miliband, taught to students of history, philosophy, sociology, politics and economics. The Left’s utopian vision of one great melting pot of humanity with the whole world hand-in-hand, like the old Coca-Cola advert, required the overthrow of capitalism and the destruction of Western values to sustain it.
The problem was that after the fall of the Berlin Wall no one wanted the Left’s crackpot socialist version of reality anymore, capitalism having already (inconveniently) taken half of the Third World out of poverty. No one, except for the Islamists that is, whose hatred for everything the West stood for qualified them as the Left’s last ally in their great totalitarian crusade. Thus was created a new axis of religious and ideological mania, revolutionaries who wanted to rule the world, a second Hitler/ Stalin pact of insanity.
For the Marxist Left in the Labour Party and the BBC the mass migration of Third World poor to suckle at the teat of Britain’s welfare state was just payment for the imagined injustices of the detested British Empire and the white men who administered it. Of course, those who would have to deal with this influx were never going to be politicians or BBC producers, now nicely tucked away with gold-plated pensions.
About says it all.
On Facebook, 10’ ago, the bbc is still running that a gilet jeune protestor was injured and ‘lost a few fingers’ by a curiously volatile container of plastic pellets.
Labour seek to respect the decision taken to LEAVE the UK by ensuring that we REMAIN in the Customs Union, align to the Single Market and subject to the ECJ! In summary – LEAVE means REMAIN. This is being sold as ' a sensible compromise' – it's a deplorable sell out1
Would that be the same Spike Lee who once said: “I seriously wanted to pick up a gun and shoot whites. The only way to resolve matters is by bloodshed.”?
The same Spike Lee who stokes race conflict and hatred at every opportunity? (and makes a good living out of it.)
Who twisted and selectively edited Trump’s words after Charlottesville to make him sound racist?
I do love one of the Beeb’s better dramas – Shetland (and am a huge fan of Douglas Henshaw), which starts this week. HOWEVER, having read various blurbs, this too has succumbed to diversity. I wont give a spoiler, but this is a sparsely populated island in the North Sea. I give up.
I saw a recent trailer, and couldn’t believe my eyes. NO no no, Little John was not of colour – any mention of dark skinned men of that period were considered to be Moors (Muslims), and that certainly was not the case with Little John.
Apart from anything else, clearly black actors care little for historical accuracy when dollar signs take over. Imagine the outcry if white actors were cast as slaves in 12 Years A Slave – same difference.
The John Sweeney twitter hasn’t responded yet but still up yesterday . It links to his website where he says he is so great and why not buy one of his books to burn . ?
Big couple to weeks for Mr Sweeney eh?
I wonder if he is ‘mentally frail ‘ after previous screaming episodes so no doubt BBC HR will be looking after him with tax payers cash .
On my screen that second part of the Danny Tommo tweet is masked by the words
“We cannot show you everything”
“we hide sensitive material”
Only after you open the tweet does it change to become the John Sweeney video
Here is the coming “far lefty” narrative
Comments made by BBC chief reporter were “ taken out of context “ “ harmless” and “people often say silly things in unguarded moments “
What s more important is the “ Far Right” attempting to undermine the neutral and pure BBC . How dare anyone try to trap the Best Broadcaster In The World . In fact let’s put the licence tax up – oh- they are doing that .
Describing white working class plebs as “cannibals from the Amazon “ has offended me and I consider it a hate crime . I was going to report it to Cressida dick but hearing the sad snowflake on a bit of Dessert ( spelling ) Island dVD left me with no faith in my pursuit for justice.
Not just Blair. I have personally witnessed a string of Labour, Cons & SNP MPs in meetings in Brussels & European embassies plead with EU & Member States to make things as tough as possible for UK to scare the British people into support for reversing the Referendum ???? https://t.co/zB7ekMbBz4
There are (quite correctly) several comments earlier in this thread about the appalling British Airways advert, which seems to imply that 40% of the UK population is white and the other 60% is either black or weird.
Has anyone seen the brand new Samsung Galaxy advert? The one with “Whatever Will Be Will Be” sung over it.
I can honestly say that I felt like smashing my Television whilst it was on. Basically, black, black, black, lesbian, white (!), black, black, patronising, black, black.
Just about the most ridiculous 60 seconds I’ve seen.
Do the advertising agencies not realise, that by making these overtly diverse commercials they are making the white population racist, even if they hadn’t considered themselves of that mindset before ?
Non — good spot. I happened to see this last night and couldn’t help but notice something about the split between sick people vs professional healthcare experts:
Since everyone is being called cannibals by beeb elitists. The Fine Young Cannibals had a couple of verses that could be applied to the beeb and Brexit. Like the beeb the verses are out of context.
I can’t stop the way I feel
Things you do don’t seem real
Tell me what you’ve got in mind
‘Cause we’re running out of time
Won’t you ever set me free?
This waiting ’round’s killing me.
I can’t get any rest
People say I’m obsessed
Everything you say is lies
But to me that’s no surprise
What I had for you was true
Things go wrong, they always do
Mardell – the archetypal Smug Beeboid . Discussion of the hateful Tusk “ hell “ comment ( let’s not forgets) .
And what is the context of the discussion?
Dante and Milton . No doubt the beeboids who took Eng Lit at University after their gap year thought this so so interesting .
But to me ? Just evidence of how out of touch the BBC is .
I was driving at the time so don’t feel guilty about listening to this smug trash but no serious examination of for whom Tusk is working .
I think – being a Pole -he was subverted by Russia long ago and has been instructed to work toward a ReichEU army to destroy NATO – the aim of Putin and co to rebuild the Russian empire …
I fear you are correct. Tommy, aka YaxleyLennon, will be described as a thug, a racist and mortgage fraudster before the issue is addressed and the journos exonerated. So it is up to us – thousands of us – to remind people of this hate from our superiors.
This is not something confined to the BBC, TR knows that; it is the state and the Tory Government in particular. Remember when we get a chance to vote.
New London murders this weekend
– Saturday Horror as man in his 30s dies after his ‘throat was slit with a huge knife outside off licence’ – as boy, 17, is shot and left fighting for life during another night of bloodshed in London
Friday – Aliny Mendes was walking her little girl to primary school when two men, ‘at least one of whom was known to her’, pulled up & stabbed her to death in front of her daughter.
– Charlotte Huggins, 33, was stabbed to death in Camberwell on 1 January. Her partner Michael Rolle was charged with murder.
– Tudor Simionov, 33, was stabbed to death while working as a security guard at a private party in Park Lane on 1 January. Three men were charged with murder.
– Simbiso Aretha Moula, 39, was found strangled at her home in Rainham on 4 January. Her partner was also found dead (suspension/hanging) but his death is not being treated as suspicious.
– Sarah Ashraf, 35, was found dead at her home on the Isle of Dogs on 5 January. Her brother Khalid Ashraf, 32, has been charged with murder.
– Jaden Moodie, 14, was stabbed to death in Leyton on 8 January after being knocked off a moped by a black Mercedes. An 18 year-old man was charged with murder.
– Asma Begum, 31, was found dead at a flat in Poplar on 11 January. She had suffered a neck injury. Jalal Uddin, 46, has been charged with murder.
– Kamil Malysz, 34, was found stabbed to death at a flat in Acton on 27 January.
– Nedim Bilgin, 17, was stabbed to death in Caledonian Road, Islington,, on 29 January.
– Carl Thorpe, 46, was found dead after a fire at Highgate Mental Health Centre on 3 February. A man has been charged with murder.
– Lejean Richards, 19, was stabbed to death in Battersea on 5 February.
It was predicted long ago that importing huge numbers of ethnics / third worlders would lead to increased stress and crime in Londonistan – and so it came to pass.
9? In 6 weeks was about the same number as last year . I’m going for an increase on the 135?dead in Londonistan last year . I think the beasts know that there is little to stop them and no much by way of deterence . –
Not that these characters have much intelligence other than the animal kind to think about the consequences of the actions …
Just read that Liam Neeson’s new film has taken $10 million dollars in its first weekend in the U.S ! Clearly going against the grain that the film would bomb or that he will be box office poison. Go Liam !
I just checked up about James Goddard. He was in Manchester yesterday doing a pro-Brexit rally and Our Boys campaign. His own videos seems to show he is trailed by police liason officers in light blue.
Yet the bizarre thing is \\“I was told this morning that my conditions would be extended until the 19th February, I haven’t been charged but I’m currently considering my options.”
He was arrested in London at the start of a planned ‘day of action’ on January 12. //
Contrast that with the way the Sheffield tree protesters who by anyone’s judgement were doing harassment not legitimate protest , just got a £24.5K payour between 7 for the few hours each were detained.
The Stansted 15 were convicted of terrorist offences, but got no cusodial sentence.
His bail conditions are a punishment yet
#1 officers were present all the time he protested against Soubry and chose not to intervene
#2 He’s not been convicted nor charged, it shouldn’t take much time for the police to watch a ten minute video to spot if a possible offence has been and charge him with it.
The legal system seems to be punishing some people without due process..that’s not right.
These BAFTA awards seem to be concentrating on diversity as opposed to talent (or truth)
Will the next series of The Crown (or whatever it’s called) have Whoopi Goldberg as Queen Elizabeth and Lenny Henry as Prince Philip. Very diverse so the snowflakes and virtue signallers will love it.
I can’t see how that film about Queen Anne stands any chance. It only has one scene, with her shouty self and a footman, and I must have seen it 20 times already.
There is one black boy in it – in a perfectly authentic 18th century role, so it won’t help to win awards. “Mary Queen of Scots”, however, which vividly portrays the anachronistic diversity of Elizabethan court society, should be in line – despite being rubbish as a film – for plenty of awards.
Continuing protests in France, BBC Bias by omission.
As we hit Act 13 this weekend, where every roundabout can pose another challenge, the Panick family travelled to Spain, via Perpignan. Diesel in Spain is at least 15 centimes cheaper per litre than France. We went onto the Peages at Perpignan Sud, where there were about 100 Gilet Jaunes, policed by about 6 police cars. We returned after lunch ( Spain, like the South of France, stops for lunch) to find that the police had bolstered their forces. Helmets, fire proof overalls, shields, and riot guns had all been deployed by a force that now outnumbered the Gilet. The Gilet were mostly finishing their lunch. As a neutral, my guess is only one person is escalating the problem. Or his Nanny is. But you won’t find any of this on the BBBC.
Wry smile from a blast from the past on R4Xtra – Steven Fry show, “Saturday Night Fry” from 1987 / 88.
A person with connections to a, Mr.Hitler was suggesting that the bbc had Left bias. Fry the reels off a list of innocuous light entertainment shows (no mention of news / current affairs though) as he belittles the supposed complainant.
Rob Lowe Tweets as millionaire Warren enters the race for POTUS stating that, ” it’s all the fault of the rich” and “Trump has left the poor behind” – Yawn, no mention of Hilary though?
“Elizabeth Warren would bring a whole new meaning to Commander in ‘Chief,’” Lowe wrote in the now-deleted post.
She was forced to apologise to the Cherokees for claiming heritage, although it had got her into a top University.
Lowe should stick to dirty videos. Warren is a buffoon and has outraged the Cherokee. Many of these presidential nominees will be eliminated at the first hurdle. But their number should be encouraged in order to split the democrat vote. Look at the independent Starbucks ex ceo. Boy did he get the venom flowing from the democrat fangs.
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2019-02-09 12:00 BBC NEWS England
“Police shoot man and arrest six others in Deptford”
“Six other men remain in police custody, Scotland Yard said.
Five were arrested for false imprisonment while one was held for possession of an offensive weapon.”
Men. The BBC report ends
“The police watchdog, the Independent Office for Police Conduct, sent investigators to the scene after being notified by the Met. The force’s own Directorate of Professional Standards has also been informed.”
Which is very unusual. Suggests to me that one of the arrested men has close connections to the police.
Off to William Hill to put a bet on the ancestry of the individual.
Now reported that the police shot one man accidentally, unfortunately not life threatening.
Hungary figures for enrichment per the article.
2014: 44,709
2015: 391,384
2016: 18,236
2017: 1,418
2018 (until 20 December): 441
All you need is the will.
Currently c900 comments, 99% in favour of the wall.
The publicity for the coming TR expose of the BBC continues on Twitter . I fear that the BBC will try some kind of “spoiler “ to either undermine the contents of TRs material or push out old TR material to muddy the waters . Maybe the BBC will try something with the data protection people or surveillance commissioner ….
It’s a pity the expose isn’t going to be made until 23 February . Wish TR might reconsider .
I am hoping he will strike sooner. They’ll be preparing themselves for the 23rd. I wouldn’t give them chance.
Nuff said.
The faceless people whose names appear on the end titles of BBC propaganda programmes deserve their place in the sun – and accountability alongside the ‘ journalists ‘ who pedal their masters words for tax payers cash –
I can’t think of a single BBC journo who ever deviates from the far left script .
Different Subject
The State Broadcaster must have been ordered to underplay the ongoing demonstrations in France in order to keep the British from getting ideas about doing something more practical than so far –
And if it gets desperate they’ll roll our the dead lefty MP again . Never a politician shortage .
Surely they can’t wiggle out of this one?
I don’t know what’s in the documentary but this looks big, John Sweeney looks f#@ked the producers look f#@ked.
They took TR for a mug, they take all of us for mugs. He had a mole in their ranks and their too arrogant to think that could ever happen.
The BBC’s credibly is gone, the whole world we see them for what they really are, what we’ve know for a long time.
As Trump said to Sopel ‘BBC FAKE NEWS’.
Roll on the 23rd.
And if you work for the BBC and read this site ‘sleep well and don’t have nightmares’.
It’s not over until it’s over
..double agents can be turned etc.
Of course HnH were involved, their fingerprint is on almost every NUJ hit piece against TR
Media make TR into a martyr, but he is NOT the story
Panorama could have had dozens of exposures of grooming gangs and Islam.
But although Sweeney had the guts to go after the cult of Scientology .. he didn’t do Islam.
TR is not the story but he is the spark, this could be the BBC’s watergate.
We might finally have the smoking gun.
Let this sink in ‘our state broadcaster, paid for and accountable to the British public has actively spent months trying to discredit a legitimate British journalist’. Do we live in N Korea, Iran, Russia, Islington, China etc? This is big.
Bring on the 23rd February 2019. Democracy, Freedom, Free speech. See you all in Manchester.
The way TR is building anticipation and leaking ‘teasers’ may be clever marketing. I just hope it’s worth the wait and not a big disappointment on the 23rd. We shall see.
Who filmed that?
Seems like the Democrats are going to put up an ethnic female minority against President Trump in 2020.
She will rely on her Native American heritage . Good luck with that I say . It will be interesting which horse the BBC will declare a ‘saint’ to beat Mr Trump .
A comment of evolving wit and scope.
Has the bbc gone near? Or are Jez, John, Orla and the rest all round John Sweeney’s place to offer support?
I’m going to put this as tactfully as possible: not only do the beebistan and other so-called ‘liberal’ media not give a sh*t, they secretly believe any act of terror perpetrated against Israelis by the religion of rape, murder and mutilation is deserved. Serve them right.
How can the BBC -an organisation which uncritically supports the evil cult of Islam – say anything good about Israel ?
It will become even more hostile to Israel if brexit brings closer trading relations – which the BBC just couldn’t stand .
For the record -I am not Jewish . I went there for a holiday once .
“Your search – “Ori Ansbacher” site:bbc.co.uk – did not match any documents.”
Well if anyone is up to the task of ignoring what doesn’t suit, it is the BBC.
Presumably every member of staff is currently helping nail Tommy?
Good to see Katie upping the ante and hopefully making the coming expose more international .
In my view – the British State has had to be a bit careful with TR since people in more and more countries have become aware of what is being done to him .
I’m guessing , too , that the AG will suddenly declare what is to happen with further prosecution of him .
Judging by what happened when the BBC got found out over Jimmy Saville key named BBC individuals will be on ‘ extended leave ‘ when TRs expose is published and if it really is bad for John Sweeney he ll probably get a job on RT perhaps taking over the Alex Salmond Hour should he get time post trial .
An organisation is established in the UK to challenge the monopoly of left-liberal ideas among the young. The BBC is out to strangle it at birth – see this absolutely disgraceful hit piece: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-47159137 How even the most cynical BBC apparatchik can claim the Corporation to be impartial is beyond me.
One of these days, BBC, could we not just have some rational argument. Allow people to make their case without all this abuse. How about helping people with minority views?
They finally get round to mentioning the yellow vests.
And ‘mentioning’ it in ways only the BBC sub-Editor cages can contrive.
A ‘rubber pellet grenade’ sounds benign. Though it does seem to have power enough to rip a limb off.
Or the odd digit. Depending on who is ‘reporting’ adds insult to ‘injury’.
Meanwhile, in towns across Sweden, they are gearing up for the annual RPG and tactical nuke amnesty.
It was his whole hand, not only his fingers.
The BBC Health Editorial clearly enjoys trauma briefings of a more sophisticated nature.
The caption appears to have already ‘evolved’ in ways only the bbc’s Editorial Integrity kapos can manage.
Is there a twittersniffer for such things?
I can’t see that the captio has evolved
Has it ?
Well, the rubber pellet grenade ‘injuring’ seems to have gone, even if the 6.36pm and 73 likes has frozen.
Something to do with caches?
Thousands of anti-government protestors marching in Paris today and in other French cities too but nothing as yet on BBC News or Sky News for that matter.
But if they had been protesting against Trump….
Aux armes, citoyens!
Formez vos bataillons!
Marchons, marchons,
Contre W1A!
Liberté, égalité, fraternité. Ce ne passe
Having just caught up with the latest episodes of Vera on ITV I was amazed that nearly half the people in the Newcastle area are BAME.
It must be true, they wouldn’t ship them in just to be PC would they?
‘Fraid so maam. They come straight of the boat into the studio. That’s EU rules ,so until we crash out that’s the way it goes.
The British Airways advert on TV has half the cast as brown or black.
There is also a transgender, a person who is vertically challenged and a male gay couple.
The last group are not brown or black as that would cause offence.
The BBC should be diligently investigating this parody of our population
Let’s face it BA is just a brand now that is owned by IAG – which I think is centre in Madrid . It was ashamed of the Union Flag in Mrs Thatchers day and still is .
And short haul is comparable to the Ryanair .
Here is the offensive British Airways advert.
Very unfair to the indigenous population who don’t count anymore.
There is a one second shot of an elderly army veteran.
I am just watching the state of the union address on parliament channel. What a bunch of losers the Democrat party are sitting there with faces liked a slapped arse.Even good news like NATO paying their share was met with long faces.
Fifty years ago when I was young and had never been on a plane, I regarded the Jet Set as quite “other”.
I see they still are.
20 odd years ago, BA went all ethnic on their tail fin liveries.
It was a disaster, universally hated by all.
They’ve clearly leant nothing.
May their latest multicultural PC campaign bomb as badly.
Does the advert entice me to fly BA? No. And I have family connections with BA.
It has therefore failed.
Who is therefore enticed to fly BA?
It’s just a typical left-wing advertising agency’s dream that they have convinced vulnerable white BA execs to buy into.
“Air Zulu”.
Now it’s UK Zulu.
The BA gimmicks are a good metaphor for what the ‘progressives’ are doing to the whole country.
Thing is, if it was to be implemented at BA today, we’d be stuck with it, simply because there would be too much of a backlash and all hell would break loose on twatter to abandon the idea. The BAME’s of today who sound off loud and large were just children 20 odd years ago, – just one consequence where migration has a strangle hold of how our country is now run.
What did Enoch say about the black man having the whip hand ? he wasn’t wrong.
When I first saw this I thought the “stree Ar” people had manged to break into the BA hangars and decked the planes out like underground trains.
In Singapore, where I used to live, they caught one Swiss who got punished for vandalism. The other, a Brit, fled the country in order to escape punishment.
Maybe the team responsible for the latest BA ad need to be thinking about making an run for it as well.
Thanks for that, Dover.
Ended up watching it a few times. Ugh! It has a horrible fascination to it.
All those celebbos – Gary Oldman and Grayson Perry telling us “Dearest Britain. . . With all your different views on the World. . .” And then the advert goes on to inform us just what kinds of things those views should be!
Love the Disney copyright that pops up when the Winnie the Pooh toy appears.
BTW, what’s with the 100 years logo at the end? Didn’t they used to be BOAC and BEA?
I hope my flight to Rhodes in July isn’t like that, I’ll be using a parachute before we reach the Alps.
Although that did look more like a plane full of passengers more likely to be coming into Britain than going out. One-way of course.
Oops. I posted that I thought BA was implying we Brits are oddballs and eccentrics that seemed to show a hint of patriotism….talk of “Britain” etc. I may have erred, sorry.
Sickening! What do they take us for?
Why is it that whenever we see adverts on TV its always the gay couple/trans who are practically having sex with each other or deep in a close-up smooching positions while the normal people are either eating away, out in the surf, washing-up, playing with THEIR own children? Are we identifying a kind of sexual conspiracy here folks?
It used to be every once in a while when these adds were on TV but now every other add on TV MUST include some gay couple/lesbian gang joyfully smiling while us normal people are always seen to be dull and rather unhappy with their lives?
“What is a family anyway?” “Families are old hat!” “Who cares if the normal people complain, they will soon die anyway”.
Vesna, your first paragraph hits the nail on the head. Perhaps its true, perhaps not, but yes, portrayal of relationships other than heterosexual, can be sometimes uncomfortable to watch.
Maybe they’re implying that some minorities are more highly sexed than whitie. Which is, of course, deeply offensive and racist.
BBC Online News:
“”Darren Cave voices concerns on Brexit ‘disrupting’ Irish rugby””
I rest my case, m’lud.
The same Darren Cave who is on the executive board of Rugby Players Ireland, based in Dublin, whose main sponsors include Zurich, VW, and BNY Mellon. I’m sure that some mutual cooperation with these sponsors would be a prerequisite to sitting on a board like that.
Maybe he’s just concerned he won’t be able to get any coffee for his cafe from the EU post Brexit. It’s in East Belfast, just down the road from his home turf amongst the bien pensant professionals of North Down. The sort with holiday homes in Donegal, villas and gites in Spain and France, the ones who are applying for Irish passports because it might save them half an hour at the airport.
I played representative sport for NI in the Republic on several occasions during the 80s, the only hassle was when the Republicans blew up the railways or suspicious packages were found that meant we had to get the bus.
One of the tells you were in the South was the poor quality of the roads. Lots of EU money has sorted that out, which is handy for for someone claiming their, I’m sure generous, travel expenses once a month and keen to take the easy road.
Exactly. Good post.
You’re right about the changing demographics in Northern Ireland. Most of the new immigrants here, and of course their school age children, are Polish and Catholic. As we all know Sinn Fein are Catholic, as far as they follow any religion, and so Sinn Fein believe that the Poles will vote for them. I don’t think it’s just as simple as that.
The Poles seem to be devout and deeply traditionally religious, not like most of the Catholics in NI, and are anti-abortion, against gay marriage and socially conservative. Sinn Fein are not. In fact in many ways the DUP are much closer aligned in their Christian beliefs to the traditional views of the Catholic Church than the quasi-Marxist Sinn Fein has ever been.
I’m not suggesting that the Poles and other immigrants will vote for the DUP, but I think that Sinn Fein are counting on votes that they aren’t guaranteed to achieve their aim of a united Ireland, something that I don’t believe the Irish Government actually wants or can afford financially or politically.
If you also bear in mind that in the last census only 28% of the population identified as Irish while around 70% stated they were either British or Northern Irish, I don’t think that any border poll would necessarily deliver the outcome the bBBC seem to desire just yet.
“… Its so rare to meet a white working class person in the BBC that it’s like meeting a cannibal from the Amazon… says John Sweeney, the BBC director of Panorama… ”
And its over to maxi for his comment…………….
Yes, the above clip is mildly embarrassing for Sweeney and the evil beeb, but not exactly earth-shattering. I hope TR has stronger stuff up his sleeve for the great takedown on the 23rd.
Vlad, I am beginning to worry too. Tommy is a courageous campaigner and I admire him very much. While he is far more intelligent than many people think, I have to say he he is not very politically astute.
Fingers crossed for the 23rd.
He is being fairly astute at the moment: in achieving this bit of espionage in the first place, and then in making sure it will be seen, by stowing copies all over the world.
Given Sweeney’s gibbering incoherence in attempting a response, that appears more than a mild embarrassment for him.
Poor Sweeney, all those anger management classes after the Great Scientology Meltdown are about to be put to the test.
Hope he fails.
Oh look at the fluffy bears over there ……………..
“Polar bears ‘running out of food”
They must be economic migrants heading over to Russia to eat more penguins ?
The HYS is taking a slapping again. Not many contributors there though, but worth a good laugh.
@Taffman I checked that HYS that closed a week ago
Despite what you said the alarmists dominate the top comments and have downvoted these sensible comments
The top comment got 42 , so that means 20 or 30 alarmists piled in
“Stars descend on London for Baftas”
No doubt, another meeting of the Mutual Admiration Society who have never held a real job, spouting liberal snowflake and political views threatening to leave the country when we finally get Brexit. Bless.
I wish they would all leave post Brexit.
But to where? To Trump’s America?
Or hopefully to some islamic 3rd world hellhole.
It’s ok; the bbc is asking the key questions.
However, their basic premise is not seeing comments exactly help with their audience retention ambitions.
I wonder how many Scottish and Irish Nationalists would be so keen to stay in the EU if they knew about the EU Army being surreptitiously mustered?
If the UK remains in the EU I wonder how much domestic quarrelling within the borders of such a well respected and generous member of the EU family do you think it would take before Brussels decided that the UK needed some military assistance? After all any civil disobedience or unrest within the wider EU borders could be legitimately managed by an armed EU security force like the Guardia Civil in Spain or the Gendarmerie Mobile in France. Only even more like Paras than PCSOs.
I wonder do Antifa or Hope not Hate think that they would be allowed to walk through or lay siege to Whitehall without meeting armed response, water cannons and rubber bullets if an EU army existed? Would activists be allowed to protest, demonstrate or even campaign if the EU perceived them to be undermining or threatening it in anyway?
The Scots and Irish Nationalists, so often linked by genes as well as grievance, offer support to Palestinians and to Catalans ( there was a Catalan flag flying from a lamppost in a Republican part of my hometown. Nobody knew what it was) believing that they share suffering, that they are culturally and politically oppressed by an occupying and evil Emperial master. They don’t seem to realise that if we stay in the EU, should they try to achieve what they seem to be trying to at the minute and if the EU have an armed force, they’ll only get one go at it. As will the Catalans, and the Walloons, and the Basques, and any other other group who go against the EU empire.
“they’ll only get one go at reaching their aim of independence, they will be crushed. Ruthlessly and violently. As will the Catalans… ”
More total and utter Horlicks about climate change.
But if you actually open the URL then there are links to other “features”. Basically, agenda, agenda, and, hold on, I think I missed one. Oh yeah, agenda.
Gotta love Trump
Heh heh. He’s the new Tefal Don. An antidote to the fear mongers.
BBC Online News:
“”Met police chief: ‘I’m a bit different’ “”
She certainly is…
Unlike the pathetic HSBC ‘we are not an island’….(implied….mentality) advert, British Airways, unless I have misconstrued or foisted a positive angle upon it, appears to have a spirited “Britain” message that is neither moralising nor blatantly anti-independence….possibly the opposite. (I’ve thrown out my McCains chips cos of “two daddies” nonsense advert – wtf are they on about? Thank God The BBC doesn’t advertise, though they should be forced to so I can cancel my licence. The wave of “woke”, edifying advertisements beggars belief.
I think I am wrong here. An earlier post suggests that BA is at the usual anti British inclusivity nonsense. Apologies.
Greis, I loathe that HSBC ad, and don’t get me started on that boggle eyed bloke who fronts it – (as my old Mum would say, he walks like he has a threepenny bit up his a……e).
Naughty. You’re being very rude. What my Nan used to say to me with a twinkle in her eye.
Naughty. You’re being very rude. What my Nan used to say to me with a twinkle in her eye.
Just a little of your time to read this below-which clearly puts the BBC in a place and where it has been for over 40 yrs.
The Left has looked at the atrocities committed by the fascists in World War Two and drawn completely the wrong conclusion. Instead of opposing intolerance in all its guises it has turned on its own people and attacked the very culture, national pride, history and homogeneity that allowed evil to be defeated in the first place. Instead of embracing decency and family they have adopted the same kind of superstitious, hate-filled, violent ideology that brought the world to war in the first place… Broadly speaking the Labour Party and your taxpayer funded national opinion former, the BBC, are run by a cabal of unreconstructed student radicals who never lost faith in the propaganda drip-fed to them by their Marxist lecturers in the ’70s and ’80s. Many are followers of the Frankfurt School that waved the red flag for the tactics of Gramsci and Marcuse, a blueprint for controlling organisations funded by the state.
This is the class warfare of Ralph Miliband, taught to students of history, philosophy, sociology, politics and economics. The Left’s utopian vision of one great melting pot of humanity with the whole world hand-in-hand, like the old Coca-Cola advert, required the overthrow of capitalism and the destruction of Western values to sustain it.
The problem was that after the fall of the Berlin Wall no one wanted the Left’s crackpot socialist version of reality anymore, capitalism having already (inconveniently) taken half of the Third World out of poverty. No one, except for the Islamists that is, whose hatred for everything the West stood for qualified them as the Left’s last ally in their great totalitarian crusade. Thus was created a new axis of religious and ideological mania, revolutionaries who wanted to rule the world, a second Hitler/ Stalin pact of insanity.
For the Marxist Left in the Labour Party and the BBC the mass migration of Third World poor to suckle at the teat of Britain’s welfare state was just payment for the imagined injustices of the detested British Empire and the white men who administered it. Of course, those who would have to deal with this influx were never going to be politicians or BBC producers, now nicely tucked away with gold-plated pensions.
About says it all.
First class
A bbc HYS that closed for comments very quickly, perhaps due to an interesting, some might say unique commitment to diversity.
I wonder if any of the young lovelies here went out after and attacked other women?
On Facebook, 10’ ago, the bbc is still running that a gilet jeune protestor was injured and ‘lost a few fingers’ by a curiously volatile container of plastic pellets.
#tellitoftenenough bbc.
Andrew Marr interviewing director Spike Lee about his new film the Black Klansman, just HAD to bring up a question about Liam Neeson.
Would that be the same Spike Lee who once said: “I seriously wanted to pick up a gun and shoot whites. The only way to resolve matters is by bloodshed.”?
The same Spike Lee who stokes race conflict and hatred at every opportunity? (and makes a good living out of it.)
Who twisted and selectively edited Trump’s words after Charlottesville to make him sound racist?
I do love one of the Beeb’s better dramas – Shetland (and am a huge fan of Douglas Henshaw), which starts this week. HOWEVER, having read various blurbs, this too has succumbed to diversity. I wont give a spoiler, but this is a sparsely populated island in the North Sea. I give up.
In that case, I suggest you avoid this at all costs:
Robin Hood (2018)
To give you a clue, this is Little John:
The only good thing about it is that we’re not forced to pay for it, although no doubt the BBC will be screening it when they can buy a copy for £5.
And I thought Robin Hood had already reached rock bottom.
I saw a recent trailer, and couldn’t believe my eyes. NO no no, Little John was not of colour – any mention of dark skinned men of that period were considered to be Moors (Muslims), and that certainly was not the case with Little John.
Apart from anything else, clearly black actors care little for historical accuracy when dollar signs take over. Imagine the outcry if white actors were cast as slaves in 12 Years A Slave – same difference.
“To give you a clue, this is Little John:”
An excellent suntan resulting from being outside during the Medieval Warm Period.
No, it’s that nobleman at court in “Mary Queen of Scots”.
Total arrogance, and another reason we HAVE to leave.
Anyone know these beeboids are?
The John Sweeney twitter hasn’t responded yet but still up yesterday . It links to his website where he says he is so great and why not buy one of his books to burn . ?
Big couple to weeks for Mr Sweeney eh?
I wonder if he is ‘mentally frail ‘ after previous screaming episodes so no doubt BBC HR will be looking after him with tax payers cash .
On my screen that second part of the Danny Tommo tweet is masked by the words
“We cannot show you everything”
“we hide sensitive material”
Only after you open the tweet does it change to become the John Sweeney video
\\ We can’t show you everything!
We automatically hide video that might contain sensitive content.
Show Media //
So video embarrassing John Sweeney is classified as “sensitive content” ?
Here is the coming “far lefty” narrative
Comments made by BBC chief reporter were “ taken out of context “ “ harmless” and “people often say silly things in unguarded moments “
What s more important is the “ Far Right” attempting to undermine the neutral and pure BBC . How dare anyone try to trap the Best Broadcaster In The World . In fact let’s put the licence tax up – oh- they are doing that .
Describing white working class plebs as “cannibals from the Amazon “ has offended me and I consider it a hate crime . I was going to report it to Cressida dick but hearing the sad snowflake on a bit of Dessert ( spelling ) Island dVD left me with no faith in my pursuit for justice.
It is true. Blair, Kinnock are utter monsters. All in the pocket of Soros. That’s not conjecture.
There are (quite correctly) several comments earlier in this thread about the appalling British Airways advert, which seems to imply that 40% of the UK population is white and the other 60% is either black or weird.
Has anyone seen the brand new Samsung Galaxy advert? The one with “Whatever Will Be Will Be” sung over it.
If you haven’t seen it on TV then here it is.
I can honestly say that I felt like smashing my Television whilst it was on. Basically, black, black, black, lesbian, white (!), black, black, patronising, black, black.
Just about the most ridiculous 60 seconds I’ve seen.
Do the advertising agencies not realise, that by making these overtly diverse commercials they are making the white population racist, even if they hadn’t considered themselves of that mindset before ?
Non — good spot. I happened to see this last night and couldn’t help but notice something about the split between sick people vs professional healthcare experts:
No more Samsungs for me. Consumer power, yey!
I have clicked “like”, but you know what I mean by that.
Since everyone is being called cannibals by beeb elitists. The Fine Young Cannibals had a couple of verses that could be applied to the beeb and Brexit. Like the beeb the verses are out of context.
I can’t stop the way I feel
Things you do don’t seem real
Tell me what you’ve got in mind
‘Cause we’re running out of time
Won’t you ever set me free?
This waiting ’round’s killing me.
I can’t get any rest
People say I’m obsessed
Everything you say is lies
But to me that’s no surprise
What I had for you was true
Things go wrong, they always do
World at one
Mardell – the archetypal Smug Beeboid . Discussion of the hateful Tusk “ hell “ comment ( let’s not forgets) .
And what is the context of the discussion?
Dante and Milton . No doubt the beeboids who took Eng Lit at University after their gap year thought this so so interesting .
But to me ? Just evidence of how out of touch the BBC is .
I was driving at the time so don’t feel guilty about listening to this smug trash but no serious examination of for whom Tusk is working .
I think – being a Pole -he was subverted by Russia long ago and has been instructed to work toward a ReichEU army to destroy NATO – the aim of Putin and co to rebuild the Russian empire …
They also sang,
“The government have done me wrong, I’m mad about that,
And they make me feel like I don’t belong, I’m mad about that”
Blue, a song about the Conservative government of the 80s. And of today it would seem.
I fear you are correct. Tommy, aka YaxleyLennon, will be described as a thug, a racist and mortgage fraudster before the issue is addressed and the journos exonerated. So it is up to us – thousands of us – to remind people of this hate from our superiors.
This is not something confined to the BBC, TR knows that; it is the state and the Tory Government in particular. Remember when we get a chance to vote.
New London murders this weekend
– Saturday Horror as man in his 30s dies after his ‘throat was slit with a huge knife outside off licence’ – as boy, 17, is shot and left fighting for life during another night of bloodshed in London
Friday – Aliny Mendes was walking her little girl to primary school when two men, ‘at least one of whom was known to her’, pulled up & stabbed her to death in front of her daughter.
Those are not included yet on the London Murder Map which so far only goes up to Feb 5th
Not many of the names are regular common British ones.
– Charlotte Huggins, 33, was stabbed to death in Camberwell on 1 January. Her partner Michael Rolle was charged with murder.
– Tudor Simionov, 33, was stabbed to death while working as a security guard at a private party in Park Lane on 1 January. Three men were charged with murder.
– Simbiso Aretha Moula, 39, was found strangled at her home in Rainham on 4 January. Her partner was also found dead (suspension/hanging) but his death is not being treated as suspicious.
– Sarah Ashraf, 35, was found dead at her home on the Isle of Dogs on 5 January. Her brother Khalid Ashraf, 32, has been charged with murder.
– Jaden Moodie, 14, was stabbed to death in Leyton on 8 January after being knocked off a moped by a black Mercedes. An 18 year-old man was charged with murder.
– Asma Begum, 31, was found dead at a flat in Poplar on 11 January. She had suffered a neck injury. Jalal Uddin, 46, has been charged with murder.
– Kamil Malysz, 34, was found stabbed to death at a flat in Acton on 27 January.
– Nedim Bilgin, 17, was stabbed to death in Caledonian Road, Islington,, on 29 January.
– Carl Thorpe, 46, was found dead after a fire at Highgate Mental Health Centre on 3 February. A man has been charged with murder.
– Lejean Richards, 19, was stabbed to death in Battersea on 5 February.
Another incomplete list from today’s Sun
Blimey at this rate if they keep murdering and arresting all those budding engineers, we won’t have anyone left to build our bridges soon.
Don’t forget the ‘ promising footballers ‘ . Nice quiet lads who just happen to carry bladed weapons and drugs .
It was predicted long ago that importing huge numbers of ethnics / third worlders would lead to increased stress and crime in Londonistan – and so it came to pass.
9? In 6 weeks was about the same number as last year . I’m going for an increase on the 135?dead in Londonistan last year . I think the beasts know that there is little to stop them and no much by way of deterence . –
Not that these characters have much intelligence other than the animal kind to think about the consequences of the actions …
Mysterious! I recognize almost all of their names as coming from good old Shropshire families. Oh, what a sad declension!
even the Mercedes was black
Just read that Liam Neeson’s new film has taken $10 million dollars in its first weekend in the U.S ! Clearly going against the grain that the film would bomb or that he will be box office poison. Go Liam !
He’s no fool.
I just checked up about James Goddard. He was in Manchester yesterday doing a pro-Brexit rally and Our Boys campaign. His own videos seems to show he is trailed by police liason officers in light blue.
Yet the bizarre thing is \\“I was told this morning that my conditions would be extended until the 19th February, I haven’t been charged but I’m currently considering my options.”
He was arrested in London at the start of a planned ‘day of action’ on January 12. //
Contrast that with the way the Sheffield tree protesters who by anyone’s judgement were doing harassment not legitimate protest , just got a £24.5K payour between 7 for the few hours each were detained.
The Stansted 15 were convicted of terrorist offences, but got no cusodial sentence.
His bail conditions are a punishment yet
#1 officers were present all the time he protested against Soubry and chose not to intervene
#2 He’s not been convicted nor charged, it shouldn’t take much time for the police to watch a ten minute video to spot if a possible offence has been and charge him with it.
The legal system seems to be punishing some people without due process..that’s not right.
He is getting the Robinson treatment. From the Mail as well, who described him today as “sneering”.
These BAFTA awards seem to be concentrating on diversity as opposed to talent (or truth)
Will the next series of The Crown (or whatever it’s called) have Whoopi Goldberg as Queen Elizabeth and Lenny Henry as Prince Philip. Very diverse so the snowflakes and virtue signallers will love it.
I can’t see how that film about Queen Anne stands any chance. It only has one scene, with her shouty self and a footman, and I must have seen it 20 times already.
There is one black boy in it – in a perfectly authentic 18th century role, so it won’t help to win awards. “Mary Queen of Scots”, however, which vividly portrays the anachronistic diversity of Elizabethan court society, should be in line – despite being rubbish as a film – for plenty of awards.
Indeed. Perhaps the next ‘Shaft’ sequel should star a white guy in the title role?
Diversity, after all.
An open door for the long overdue return of Kilroy-Silk?
He was truly coloured.
Mate just told me there’s talk of a new, New Labour / Blair Party.
Any truth ?
The REAL Labour Party: (The Remainers, Elitists And Lords Labour Party)
Continuing protests in France, BBC Bias by omission.
As we hit Act 13 this weekend, where every roundabout can pose another challenge, the Panick family travelled to Spain, via Perpignan. Diesel in Spain is at least 15 centimes cheaper per litre than France. We went onto the Peages at Perpignan Sud, where there were about 100 Gilet Jaunes, policed by about 6 police cars. We returned after lunch ( Spain, like the South of France, stops for lunch) to find that the police had bolstered their forces. Helmets, fire proof overalls, shields, and riot guns had all been deployed by a force that now outnumbered the Gilet. The Gilet were mostly finishing their lunch. As a neutral, my guess is only one person is escalating the problem. Or his Nanny is. But you won’t find any of this on the BBBC.
Wry smile from a blast from the past on R4Xtra – Steven Fry show, “Saturday Night Fry” from 1987 / 88.
A person with connections to a, Mr.Hitler was suggesting that the bbc had Left bias. Fry the reels off a list of innocuous light entertainment shows (no mention of news / current affairs though) as he belittles the supposed complainant.
Not BBC but I thought you might like it.
Maybe they can bring that to UK when President Trump visits again at the end of the year for a NATO conference.
Rob Lowe Tweets as millionaire Warren enters the race for POTUS stating that, ” it’s all the fault of the rich” and “Trump has left the poor behind” – Yawn, no mention of Hilary though?
“Elizabeth Warren would bring a whole new meaning to Commander in ‘Chief,’” Lowe wrote in the now-deleted post.
She was forced to apologise to the Cherokees for claiming heritage, although it had got her into a top University.
Lowe should stick to dirty videos. Warren is a buffoon and has outraged the Cherokee. Many of these presidential nominees will be eliminated at the first hurdle. But their number should be encouraged in order to split the democrat vote. Look at the independent Starbucks ex ceo. Boy did he get the venom flowing from the democrat fangs.
Interesting to watch America now they have some Dem’s really smitten with the idea of Socialism well Communism really.
I see that England thrashed France today, DESPITE OF BREXIT!
IRELAND and FRANCE thrashed
the pro brexit nations meet next time
Hang on we may be small but we ‘have a dog in the fight’!
France thrashed today because of Brexit.