…will make the BBC paranoid.
Update 26/02:
Here’s the good-quality original Panodrama from Tommy Robinson’s YouTube channel with added subtitles.
Update 27/02:
From a comment by theisland below:
Donations and sign up for free updates from Tommy Robinson is still working:
(on-off problems with the first link, but the second is working fine.)
Update 27/02:
So they’ve banned Tommy Robinson from Facebook – not through any wrongdoing, but simply for opposing the elite with their slick agenda against Western civilisation. I find it hard to express my disgust with Mark Zuckerberg and company.
Update 27/02:
And now Amazon has banned Mohammed’s Koran, co-written by Peter McLoughlin and Tommy Robinson. The elite really are circling the wagons against the truth.
Original post:
Been scouting to find a good video of Panodrama and have struggled through about half of this one.
I can see the difficulty of getting a good reproduction of Panodrama (great title, by the way) by filming the big screen and live-streaming the result on Youtube. Still, it seems the quality of the original is also poor. Pity that Tommy Robinson evidently couldn’t get a pro to assist with its creation.
I’m no techie, but it seems evident that there should have been transcripts alongside interviews and phone conversations – some of which are really hard to hear.
But I’m not complaining. Tommy Robinson, a little guy, has giant courage and he’s held up a powerful middle finger to the BBC here.
It’s possible that he might even have shamed them into scrapping their ‘Panorama’ about him.
I was impressed by this passionate speech before the film by Richard someone at 20min 30sec in on this clip.
It’s rumoured that uploaded videos are being taken down. If true, could be that the BBC has enough power and influence to get YouTube to do so. Of course, YouTube could decide itself to delete them.
Well, whatever the case, Panodrama is now all over the Internet, a blow has been struck against the vile establishment and, boy, does it do my heart good to see it!
Update 25/02:
Found another Panodrama video of the event with much better audio. It was too far from the screen to clearly see the actors in this drama, but since necessity is the mother of invention it can be downloaded and then played together with the first link on this post with that poor audio muted.
(Well, I’m going to try that now.)
Hopefully the masters of the Internet at silicon valley will allow Tommy’s video with subtitles to be posted across all relevant media.
Toady watch
So which side will the BBC take is there’s a war between India and Pakistan . And have they both got nukes?
I’m guessing Pakistan will be the ‘good guy’ for the BBC because it’s muzzie . Makes you wonder how many uk residents with duel nationality would go back to fight for their ‘mother country’- a kind of Tebbit Test …particularly Muslim paedo gangs …
The BBC would back Pakistan against India? I’ve no doubt you are right. I was listening to the World Service at the time of the horrific Mumbai terror attacks in which scores of civilians were slaughtered – including a rabbi and his wife, singled out because they were Jewish.
The World Service described those Pakistani terrorist barbarians as “determined young men” who had carried out “an audacious attack.”
May the demise of the foul BBC be hastened.
This guy Politico on Youtube is always good value
Note how he doesn’t like Tommy cos he says he associated with Danny Tomo
.. Actually live on Saturday TR did immediately address that issue
saying “It was Danny Tomo that organised this, “.. ‘this shows that people can have a bad past and move on to better things’ .. It will be on the livestream videos near the start of when TR came on
Dave Rubin . I wonder if he is big in the US
I have watched a video or two of Dave Rubin addressing students and interviewing people such as the assistant teacher Lindsay Shepherd who was persecuted by Wilfrid Laurier University for discussing a Jordan Peterson video on gender pronouns.
I am mortified to have to admit I was wrong about comments being disabled on the one Tommy Robinson YouTube video. I’m new to commenting on YouTube and I was looking at the ‘Top Comments ‘ page instead of ‘Most Recent.’
Dunno how big Rubin is, but he’s a good man.
Re your error
Yes I make that same kind of mistake all the time.
You have a long count-down time for your comment. It’s now on 5 minutes, so probably was on 15 minutes to start with. Same with me and others. The usual time is 5 minutes, so I’ve been wondering what’s up
@TT Ye,s I do tend to post a comment
and if it is a breaking news story then I not only correct it,
but also add bits in so that 15 mins is useful..
It’s also very handy with getting embedded pictures to work
, cos often they don’t look right and I have to go back and resize them etc.
I meant there seems something suspicious (i.e. interference with the site) in some people (there are 3 that I know of) having a 15 min countdown to edit the comment while others have the normal 5 min.
Some time ago mine changed from 5 to 15, for no apparent reason.
Yeh but the error I was actually talking about is the You Tube comment thing, when you thought comments were banned and it was cos you had it set on best comments not recent comments.
Dave’s interviews/talks with some of his guests are excellent viewing. His ones with Larry Elder are fabulous. As you say, he’s a good man and I respect his work.
Amazon has just banned TR’s Koran book
Oh on the day that a book is banned, the BBC celebrate resisting the banning of a book
BBC 9pm doco on 30 years since the Satanic Verses
Amazon has just banned TR’s Koran book
Seems the elite really are circling the wagons against the truth.
No shinola, Sherlock.
Ah this is a good video about the Facebook banning
I was nothing but a toy to play with’: Victim of Bradford sex abuse gang who plied her with drink and raped her when she was 14 speaks out as they are jailed for total of nearly 116 years
Bradford Crown Court heard how the girls had been ‘vulnerable to manipulation’
They had been in care and repeatedly ran away from the local authority home
The group of nine men were jailed this afternoon at Bradford Crown Court
One of the victims spoke out saying she was ‘nothing but a toy to play with’
Nazir Afzal, former Chief Crown Prosecutor in north-west England, said: “Everybody responsible for the safeguarding of these young girls and every other victim has failed them.
Gobsmacked’ war veteran, 54, claims Specsavers worker refused to book his appointment after accusing him of ‘invading countries’ and ‘killing innocent people’
Steve Leale, 54, went to Specsavers store in Woodbridge, Suffolk on February 15
While there he claims staff made a slur about his 32 years of service in the Army
The optician has now suspended a staff member pending further investigation
e said: ‘As I went through my appointment, I was having general chit chat with the optician. She explained to me that she came to the UK many years ago to gain her qualification.
‘I then told her I had been to her country on several occasions and thought it was a beautiful place.
‘After my appointment had finished she informed me that I needed to be referred to the hospital as my sight had deteriorated so badly over the three years since my last visit.
Recalling his experiences at the store, Mr Leale (right), who finished his service in 2015 as a Warrant Officer Class 2, slammed staff behaviour as ‘totally unacceptable’
Recalling his experiences at the store, Mr Leale (right), who finished his service in 2015 as a Warrant Officer Class 2, slammed staff behaviour as ‘totally unacceptable’
‘I then asked her if she could kindly annotate the paperwork to state I was a veteran.
‘She looked at me and laughed.
I quote \\This afternoon I overheard a group of students (16 yr olds) talking about this saying how outrageous it is.
They were speaking about #TommyRobinson and UKIP in glowing terms
. They all knew about #panodrama
. Maybe the British youth are more clued up than everyone seems to think.//
Thought crime : at Preston Uni a Ukip studentcwas suspended for wrongspeak
..in a fairvworld he’d sue and win
but a Lincoln lecturer was sacked for same thing
I see from the Panodrama video on YouTube that there are 45 000 likes and only 1 000 dislikes.
I guess that means that there must be many BBC employees who either like the video or are indifferent to it, since there are many more than 1 000 BBC people.
14 000 comments have been made since it went up a few days ago.
Edit 11:30pm
Dunno why I said 14 000 comments. There are between 12 000 and 13 000.
But 565 000 views!!
Just watched Tommy’s documentary and good for him sticking it to Panorama and the BBC.
Now many of the things that John Sweeney weren’t all that shocking and could be said by many people on a night out when the beer is flowing and banter is high.
But here is the knub of TR’s point. If the BBC had heard TR saying any of those things, regardless of any type of context (which of course they wouldn’t show) he would be labelled all of the things that Tommy levelled at John Sweeney.
They would have used every statement that Sweeney made to fit up Tommy with a checklist of ‘hes a homophobe, a racist and a bit of a creep’.
My favourite gem though was John taking real umbrage at being called an elite and then trying to slide his way out of expressing an opinion than clearly demonstrates that he regards looking at working class people as exhibits in a zoo.
Will it change anything – no. Will Sweeney be reprimanded or Panorama be discredited – no. But at least it gave a clear example of what the Beeb is capable of, and willing to do, to anyone that it has an issue with and wants to discredit.
ps The only element that fell kinda flat was the guy that was fired from Standard Chartered. They should have shown, with full honesty, the posts that he had made so that we the viewer could assess whether he was right to be fired. Don’t get me wrong, he shouldn’t be fired for expressing his views outside of work but it would have given some context to his story.
Payne by name,
Agreed. Banter in a pub should not necessarily be taken as a reliable indication of prejudice, especially Irish banter – which is often quite rough. (But I’ll qualify that by pointing out that alcohol can at times be a truth drug because enough of it demolishes inhibition.)
And yes, Tommy was clever to turn the tables on Sweeney and use his comments to portray him exactly as the BBC has always portrayed Tommy himself.
The “cannibal from the Amazon” comment is one Sweeney is not going to be able to excuse or live down.
My favourite moment was when Tommy berates Sweeney and the producer and storms out as the camera focuses on the back of Sweeney’s head and the producer in profile in a room full of utterly silent people.
I doubt the BBC will reprimand Sweeney, except perhaps over him falling for the sting, as it always protects its own. But Panorama and the BBC have certainly been discredited because of Tommy Robinson’s brilliantly conceived and executed Panodrama.
I’d go so far as to say it’s a blow from which the BBC will never fully recover.
Just had a closer look at the text Lucy received from John Sweeney:
On 23 Jan 2019 at 09:22
We’re making a Panorama on Stephen Lennon/Tommy Robinson. If you’re interested in a chat in confidence over a cup of tea, please get in touch.
John Sweeney, reporter, Panorama”
Right! His chat in confidence over a cup of tea has turned into a scheme to portray Tommy Robinson as an abusive sexual predator during a session of drunken slurs splashed over the entire planet!
Photofit of Maxi emerges

Thanks for the chuckle, StewGreen.
Made me think, even in an email to one person (that he imagined would remain private), Sweeney feels compelled to mention, for the 350 000th time, that Tommy Robinson was not born Tommy Robinson.
These BBC ‘journalists’ are like pre-programmed robots, with the Gods of PeeCee doing the programming.
Wired Wacky article calls for more censorship
#1 On Twitter it’s massively “ratioed”
.. 149 like it vs 1,900 who hit the reply button to disagree
#2 The original article appears to have started off with open comments then later removed them all
New TR video from Finland : Is this censorship . ? .it won’t play in this window
“No of course I am not far-right, it’s just a label that is appplied to people who criticise Islam”
TR adds .. “I had an allergic reaction so couldn’t get to the press conference
.. Luckily that meant that journos had to talk about your Finnish documentary
..if I had been there, it had been there then it would have all been about me and that would be a distraction”
The Finnish Doco is called Seinäjoen arabikevät
Q and A includes some questions in English like at 20 minute mark
I get a message: Video unavailable. Playback on other websites has been disabled by the video owner.
But there’s a link to play it on YouTube, so I did. It’s Tommy chatting with 2 Finnish activists who are facing similar problems to the UK re rape gangs and police indifference.
Yes I did mention it wont play in this window
Latest : Some poor nutter who has on video encouraged violence against TR rallies has lifestreamed an attempt to serve legal papers at TRs House
#1 He was intercepted by police
#2 TR’s airport arrival video says they know I’m not at home cos they know I was in Finland at the time.
#3 TR claims the nutter got the wrong house as it is not a house TR currently lives at.
video with threats
Irony in his tweet
His own description of himself makes him sound intimidating
This tweet names the media who spent time to tag along
There is another tweet with full colour picture
The lawyer involved @MohammedAkunjee Mohammed Tasnime Akunjee
#1 Has been pictured with Corbyn
#2 Is mentioned in 2015 Telegraph as being Jihadi Begum’s lawyer
– Proper lawyers can’t send Youtube nutters around to wrong houses to do Youtube stunts and accompanied by press.
This is at too wow to be true level
Good analysis from Brian of London, as always.
Now I’m wondering what the BBC is going to do about the eagerly-awaited Panorama on Tommy Robinson. They can’t very well call it Tommy Takedown, since Tommy did just that to their star Panorama journalist. And they can’t discredit him with the threatening email to Lucy Brown, since there are probably 10 000 000 people who have now seen Panodrama and know that it was fak
Oh the social media output of the activist serving papers against TR is weirdly so like the untrue portrayal of TR ..#projection
Continuing from the post at 9:34 pm:
…was a fake devised by Tommy and Lucy to test Sweeney. And it’s unclear how they will be able to slap labels on Tommy and judge him when Sweeney has now, by his own hand, been labeled in many of the ways in which he would have liked to label Tommy.
Seems to me that the BBC is up a creek with no paddle. And isn’t that a site to behold!!
“And they can’t discredit him with the threatening email to Lucy Brown, since there are probably 10 000 000 people who have now seen Panodrama and know that it was a fake devised by Tommy and Lucy to test Sweeney.”
So to be clear:
Tommy Robinson enters his personal details into his own laptop, hands it to Lucy Brown so she can post a “fake text message” to herself from Tommy’s own laptop.
Lucy Brown shows this text to Sweeney, saying **look what Tommy sent me!**
Sweeney shows it to Tommy and asks **did you send this**?
And this proves what exactly?
That they can’t discredit Tommy™ for enabling Lucy Brown to send a “fake text” to herself.
BOOM to you too you old Troll!
It was a stitch up that backfired on your heroes.
Why do you continue to defend an organization that robs from the poor to give to the rich to squander it on ‘expenses’.
Expenses wasted on a life style of high living, as seen on ‘Panodrama’.
Can you justify or defend that that ? Readers of this site will make their minds up on your answer or reply.
You are the best advertisement for ending the Telly TAX.
While you are about , please can you provide us with some evidence of Al Beeb broadcasting some positive news about Brexit ?
“please can you provide us with some evidence of Al Beeb broadcasting some positive news about Brexit ?”
Which “positive news” do you have in mind, that they *should be* broadcasting?
Freedom, Sovereignty and independence for starters, often championed by Al Beeb for other nations except for Great Britain.
Far too many positive Brexit news stories for me to list, but I am sure all the readers of this site are aware of many.
It was a stitch up that backfired on your heroes.
So true. Maxi, who should rather call himself ‘Mini,’ can’t conceive of the concept of a sting designed to expose the fake BBC.
The purpose of Maxincony is to provide a medium of expression for the world view and mental habits proper to the devotees of the BBC, and to make all other modes of thought impossible. The linguistic design of the BBC is for thought control, by diminishment of the user’s range of thought.
How can you have a slogan like “Free Tommy Robinson” when the concept of freedom has been abolished in Britain? The whole climate of thought at the BBC is different. In fact there is no thought at the BBC, as we understand it here on this blog. BBC Orthodoxy means not thinking—not needing to think. Orthodoxy is consensus.
Here we say “Man-made Climate Change is a Hoax”. Someone with a PhD in Atmospheric Physics may say that there has been a “Falsification Of The Atmospheric Carbon-dioxide Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics due to it being proven to violate the second law of thermodynamics”.
At the BBC the morons say that those above “Deny that the Climate Changes” which is reduced to “Climate Changes Deniers” or even “Climate Deniers“. This is because at the BBC the linguistic design of thought has been reduced by “in house” training to diminish the user’s range of thought to that of a typical environmental activist.
“Oh the social media output of the activist serving papers against TR…”
Yes, it’s vitally important to concentrate on that Stew; never mind the reason TR has been “served papers” in the first place.
New vid from Brian : Beginners guide to a rounded view of Tommy Robinson
Gluten-free pancakes
”Gluten-free pancake recipes are easy and just as delicious as traditional pancakes. Noone should miss out on the pancake fun.”
You’d have to be suffering to want a gluten free pancake..

What next from the camp BBC?
Maybe a pancake covered not in golden syrup but salad?
Oh wait..
”Socca pancakes with roasted peppers and avocado
2 ratings
Rate this recipe”
Why do they always spill a little off the plate ?
Eddy Booth,
Sorry, I had to due a touch of editing to your comment.
Re spilling a little off the plate, I guess they regard it as a bit boring to have everything neat and orderly.