Just watching the new Alan Partridge show on BBC. They have been given an open goal in the world cup final in the 90th minute and they have kicked it over the bar. A complete waste of 30 minutes it’s gone the way of all BBC programmes it’s got it’s share of BME on screen time it doesn’t work…..the North Norfolk Digital was hilarious they couldnt keep thier hands off the format……another nail in the BBC coffin for the sake of diversity.
i agree about the Alan Partridge show.What a load of crap, cannot say anymore than that.Totally unfunny, thought i would watch till the end and see if it improved but no it went into typical BBC rubbish. Wont be wasting 30 minutes of my life watching again. i cant believe Coogan was happy with the program. He must be desperate to get back in with the BBC playing to thier tune.
"‘Questions must be answered as to how this continues to happen to only those on the political right,’ @RaheemKassam told Cockburn following his brief Facebook suspension."https://t.co/YG9KJ5tmuC
Yep. But the likes of Owen Jones , David lammy can sit on Twitter all day spouting as much hatred as they like , unchecked. It’s the far left you see, they can do what the hell they want . Bloody untouchable !!!!!
Raheem Kassam has written a book .
There was a fuss from the ” progressives ” when Lady Chaterleys Lover was censored .
Does Facebook feel it should censor writers of books ?
Our legal team have now spoken to street preacher Olu who was arrested at Southgate tube station on Saturday. After being unnecessarily arrested, he was dropped off in an unfamiliar suburb without enough money to get home.#StreetPreacher#FreedomOfSpeechpic.twitter.com/3qG7a5wRMR
I’m still smarting from my incident in October 2017 when two ‘officers’ arrived in the darkness to discuss with me my use of the word, “muzzies” as reported to them by a snitch. I no longer support the police and would, as a true citizen, do anything to thwart anything connected to their now one-sided biased role in the criminal justice system.
If they refuse to leave your property, ask if they are carrying any sprays, tazers, asp. If yes, the civil law concept of trespass becomes criminal, aggravated trespass subject to a Citizens Arrest. Do it. https://www.inbrief.co.uk/police/citizens-arrest/
@G Apparently the James Goddard thing shows you should never accept their pre-charging conditions about releasing you.
Because he agreed to bail conditions even though they hadn’t charged him , they were able to impose *punitive* bail conditions on him.
Experts had he not agreed to bail, the police, would have imply have to let him go anyway, cos they weren’t ready to charge him.
“He was escorted from the area and once it became apparent that he would not return, he was dearrested. No further action was taken against him.”
Meanwhile the Met is being investigated for crimes against the English language. (‘Released’ is the word that a native English speaker would have used – but then I guess there aren’t many native English speakers left in London anymore).
This is from a leftie but has so many things anyone can identify with today.
I would also add we have governments that destroy democracy and a BBC (I don’t consider them the press) that destroys integrity.
Brexit was overtly referred to in Shetland tonight. The storyline is people trafficking -, and Romanian girls being brought into Britain to marry Pakistani men so they can gain an EU passport – before ‘things’ get harder. Actually its clearly a side of trafficking that happens, but I hadn’t give it much thought before.
Oh! Look there is a furry animal over there ……………….
“Fat rat saved from manhole by German animal rescue”
Is this really news for ‘a so called’ national broadcasting service ? Yep that’s what you all pay your annual telly tax for.
Well it’s the best that you’re going to get in this day and from Auntie. If it’s not left wing, politically correct right on anti Brexit, than the BBC are at a loose end to show anything news worthy at all…Hence a Kraut Roland rat popping up as their “and finally” moment.
“Well it’s the best that you’re going to get in this day and from Auntie”
Then they should be taken to the Trading Standards Office for obtaining monies by false pretenses?
XXXXXXXX, I am contacting you to express my concern, nay fear, that Brexit and the will of the British People will be thwarted by the anti-democrats in the UK Parliament. I used to be a member of the Conservative Party for many years and held some minor positions in my local party. I used to canvass and drop leaflets many times. I even once stood for council. I say this to let you know I am a true Conservative and regard myself as a moderate.
I have voted Conservative in all General Elections (except for 2010 and 2015 when I voted UKIP). I have nearly always voted Conservative at the local level too but am informing you that if we don’t have a true Brexit then I may never vote Conservative again. I realise that you are a Brexiteer and as such I could easily vote for you on a personal basis, but if the EU-extremists in Parliament prevent democracy from happening then you will never get my vote while you represent the Conservatives. I’m sure there are millions like me, and even if it lets Labour in by the back-door then your EU-extremist colleagues and Mrs May’s handling of this would be to blame, not we Brexiteers. The Conservatives will probably be out of office for 20 years, although it wouldn’t matter as we would still be taking our orders from Germany.
Please tell your colleagues that most will lose their seats at the next election if they allow true Brexit to fail. Thank you
Yes, the political elite in this country need a culling. A coordinated culling. Don’t know how but before the next election, we all need a plan that doesn’t involve Con/Lab/LibDems.
It gets better the further in you watch . Considering Tommy Robinson doesn’t have the resources or university training that the BBC types have , it’s good . Very very good .
So how can it be distributed and everyone made aware of it ?
I’m looking to to likes of Stew , FU 2 and Up2 to have the technical know how to viral this and spread the message of the BBC bias to the whole world . Please can you help ?
@Nibor I am tired and don’t want to say anything rash
– Often “truth will out”
– And so far TR’s one step at a time approach has done OK
…He was illegally jailed and he weathered that one
– Generally one bides ones time and you take opportunities when they come up, and stay within the law.
I wonder if FB/BBC needed ban TR precisely cos his video was going to go viral on Facebook
I will tell Maxi for free that the TR vid has one weakness.. the fired banker, it was claimed he was just fired for expressing a few views, Wasn’t he the leader of Generation Identity UK ? And isn’t that ethno-nationalist ?
..the TR doco shouldn’t have made him out to be a random victim.
However one would start by reading the Breitbart story
If anyone had suspicions about the media operating in concert up to now, these events have proven absolutely conclusively they are. Along with Soros, the Globalist/US Deep State, EU and all its leaders (including Treason May), the enemy comes into view. No doubt in my mind: it’s them against us and until they are stopped, permanently, any successes in the war will be piecemeal.
Nick Ferrari plans to talk about TR’s Facebook banning this morning.
Good morning..
On the show:
– Theresa May forced to offer MPs a vote on Brexit delay – Tommy Robinson is banned from Facebook and Instagram – I'll be speaking to Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay
I would urge Twitter users to ask whether he will be talking about Panodrama, or whether he will ignore it altogether like the BBC News At Ten managed last night, as the media closes ranks.
In my view it is the offer to fabricate sexual allegations that is the worst, though the media possibly thinks the greatest crime is John Sweeney referring to homosexuals as “woofters”.
The sickening hypocrisy of the bbc claiming to hold power to account when it has a hit squad of 20,000 and budget of £5B to target ideological foes with zero accountability via self-assessment, exemptions and establishment complicity is what brought me to this site and others like it.
Nibor – if I could boost availability of the TR video and particularly the conduct of John expense Sweeney I would .
But I don’t have the ability .
I wonder if the BBC will wait a while and quietly drop Mr Sweeney who is a loose cannon for the evil empire and is obviously too stupid to keep his mouth shut when it comes to creating propaganda against an enemy of the MSM.
All crawling out of their holes now they have lost:
‘Let me bring my wife and children back home’: Disgraced pharmacist, 40, who treated ISIS jihadists in Syria begs to be allowed back into Britain
Mohammed Anwar Miah left Birmingham in 2014 to sneak into ISIS territory
He is a suspected jihadi but denies swearing allegiance to the terrorist group
Kurdish forces have imprisoned him in northern Syria along with the ‘Beatles’
He said he is proud to be British and wants to return with his wife and children
Miah believes the UK has a responsibility to bring back and rehabilitate citizens
Just watching lies on media regarding Indian air force aircraft shot down by Pakistan says it’s an indian Mig 21 it’s not it’s a Hawk which is a trainer with limited attack and defence capability somthing you would use a a point defence or last ditch attack role. So lies all the pictures. Also showed the Indian air force pilot captured by Pakistan with his hands tied behind his back …is that ok ?? Is it how you would expect an armed force to treat thier fellow combatants? His face is also bruised and battered this is caused by the ejection 300mph hitting your face doesn’t do your looks any good.
Wow – that’s operation lead balloon if ever I’ve seen it . Paying to watch repeats of stuff you’ve already paid for . With a bit of luck it will hasten the decline of the ‘worlds greatest broadcaster ‘.
Another hatchet job on Tommy Robinson on LBC. Resident “right wing” wind bag, Nick Ferrari, putting the boot in. He’s interviewed a militant Muslim who agrees that TR should be banned (very sympathetically) and a supporter of TR, who struggled to get a word in. Surprise, surprise!
Unfortunately for the podgy parasitic lard arse, his callers, thus far, are all on Tommy’s side.
It’s always refreshing to hear the reasonable opinions of my fellow countrymen and to compare them with the received bigotry of the media.
Strange though that this ban comes in a day after his Panodrama event in Manchester, don’t you think?
Maybe not…
I heard it. I’d earlier sent a Tweet to Lardarse asking if he’d manage to talk about TR without mentioning Panodrama. He evidently felt that was a challenge which he rose to perfectly. As I’d anticipated, the media closed ranks. And I include the likes of Guido here. They’re all happy for false sexual allegations to be made if you don’t like the person who is being falsely accused.
As for the interview itself, it was initially promising when Lardarse asked the Muslim activist for an example of what TR had said, and he couldn’t at first. Eventually he came up with a lame example which TR’s supporter attempted to point out was misrepresenting what TR said. However Lardarse spoke all over him in a manner that said to me “I’m not interested, he’s guilty because he’s Tommy Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon”.
I have to say that by this time I was shouting at the radio, “Stop arguing over hearsay, just put the effing video up on your website and listeners can decide for themselves”.
Tensions over Kashmir escalate as Pakistan says it has shot down two Indian Air Force jets after India launched air strikes against militants in Pakistani territory yesterday. pic.twitter.com/xtmBr2IVzo
Toady ends off with an anti-Trump piece about a cheque, allegedly signed by Trump, according to Brian from the Washington Post.
Flew in one ear and out the other, as it fell under my two basic rules about print media reports on Trump:
1) Never ever believe a single word from anyone from the WP.
2) Never ever believe a single word from anyone from the NYT.
These two have only one objective, which they follow blindly: get Trump impeached.
Anything they have to say on any other matter, along with CNN, BBC etc, can be entirely discounted until confirmed by a variety of other sources worldwide.
Here’s a radical thought, maybe a lot of women just aren’t as interested in the geeky stuff as blokes. “the halls are a sea of testosterone.” laments Zoe Kleinman, looking at the pictures I doubt that.
And as an afterthought, how dare Zoe Kleinman assume all the attendees identify as male.
Does this ex -Deutsche bank eejit think that Portrush is in the Republic of Ireland? I’m sure that local MP Ian Paisley Jr of the DUP or the 88% of the local population who don’t consider themselves Irish could help him out with his lack of geographical knowledge.
These people, and of course the bBBC, just get more and more ridiculous by the day.
Oh I know that’s the way the EU see it and the bBBC want it Fed, but this story is so full of nonsense that it’s embarassing.
Why would they bring any containers through Dublin to intentionally cross a possibly contentious border, and I stress possibly, when the ports of Belfast, Larne and Warrenpoint are all available and make this unnecessary?
I took it for granted from day one, that a hidden EU objective in the ‘Brexit negotiations’ would be an attempt to dislodge NI from the rest of the UK and work towards Irish ‘reunification’.
The more the EU claim they do not want to ‘punish’ Britain, the less I believe them.
I wouldn’t believe a word uttered by Juncker, Tusk, Weiland or Vehofstadt, et al, in principle, as UK departure weakens the EU, especially financially, and they will do all they can to prevent it or damage the UK if it does actually leave. Deceit will be their No1 strategy, cos the stakes are really big.
You can bet your bottom dollar that Varadkar, Sinn Fein etc have sensed a BIG opportunity here. They obviously won’t mention it, but this is politics and politics is about power (forget morals entirely).
For Ms May too, it will be all about power. About the only question that remains is whose side she is actually on. (I would have trusted her a little more had she now let those ministers making threats, go ahead and resign. Can’t think they would have been stupid enough to join Chuka’s/Shuker’s little group of ‘independents’, bound for the dustbin of history. but once again: weakness?))
Some idiot like myself might think that the real reason why Mrs May was going over to brissels so much recently was because she wanted to see how her new penthouse pad was looking after having all those expensive decorators and painters run to-and-fro through said penthouse. Of course it goes without saying that penthouse was paid for by the EU.
fnw, generally agree with you but the UK>EU finance thing, I think, is insignificant. You would be correct in saying ‘our departure weakens the EU financially if the UK was in the Euro’ but it is not. The other net-contributor States will have to find £22bn divided between four or six.
That is small beer in State spending terms. £2bn can be found down the back of sofas in the UK’s big spending Ministries. While most other n-c States may exercise rather more prudence than the profligate UK, they have, IIRC, similar economies and similar size spends.
The target of course for after our departure will be Luxembourg and their tax dodging. That will be a popcorn moment to behold, once we are out.
Is £22 billion the Withdrawal (Surrender) Agreement amount? Most commentators think the £39 bn which keeps being mentioned is the tip of the iceberg, particularly if Treasoner May signs the WA as the EU will tell us what they want, and isn’t our gross ‘contribution’ meant to rise to £23 billion next year and rising? If we go it means no more money to create Polish factories and jobs.
I’m still waiting for an update on Lord Trimble’s judicial review which was scheduled for last Friday (no, not Good Friday)!
Peter, I heard a mutter from a MP last week or this via the BBC on R4, probably a Brexiteer, that if the MPs sign up to May’s Deal, we will be paying £39bn PLUS a ‘fee’ for EU market access and ‘no visible border’ ad infinitum.
The WA is not acceptable to me and I hope enough MPs also to see it rejected until 23.00hrs on 29 March 2019.
R4 metrolib Woman’s Hour
“Next week is Gay Adopting & Fostering Week”
” a look at LGBTQ adoption
… and why it is hard for black women to find business investment.”
\\ Edinburgh-based St Andrew’s Children’s Society is working with LGBT nightclubs to encourage awareness of LGBT adoption.
Why choose a nightclub to promote adoption?
And why are there relatively few LGBT couples adopting in Scotland in the first place? //
\\ Does ‘the black tax’ exist in UK venture capital?
An article published Goodsoil Venture Capital says there is reason to believe that black women-led businesses have a lower probability of securing venture capital investment than their male and female counterparts. Jenni is joined by Senior Partner at GOODsoil Venture Capital, Charmaine Hayden and tech entrepreneur and founder of the Women in the City Afro-Caribbean Network, Mariam Jimoh.//
.. I used to live at University of Pennsylvania in 1988..The city had gone affirmative action mad, and virtually every company applying for a government contract was fronted by a black woman
.. I would have thought the similar would apply here now ..and that banks would be falling over each other to show how “cool” they are by lending to black female businesses. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0002qzt
Yes, Stew, the fact that there are so few LGBT couples in Scotland adopting children is certainly a burning question as well as a national disgrace. What is the country of John Knox playing at?
But something has been bothering me for a long time about the B bit of LGBT and if anyone can help me I would be grateful. If bisexuals should have equal rights like the rest of us, shouldn’t they be the one group that is allowed to marry two people, one of each sex? After all, if they can only marry one person, there could be another part of their identity that is being denied sexual expression, which to the progressive mind is of course a great evil, or they could have formed an additional sexual relationship that is not being recognised by the state, which to the progressive mind must be some kind of bigoted discrimination. Shouldn’t the proscription on bigamy be lifted for at least this one group? And if each bisexual wanted to live in the same house with both their spouses, wouldn’t the minimal bisexual marital unit turn out in practice to be at least a foursome? Could that domestic set-up even work?
As you can see, I like to try to understand the positions of my ideological enemies and think things through to their logical conclusion but I often end up in a tangle. Please help me, someone.
@Fedup2 Oops my error
You are right there is a secondary title “The vibrancy of Islamic culture”
but then the text contradicts that
\\ Yasmin Alibhai-Brown asks why, as Western culture moved from Puritanical to vibrant and liberal,
.. the opposite appears to have happened in Islamic countries.//
ah yes the secondary title would have been made that way to be clickbaity to R$’s bubbleworld of metro-liberals
The main title is “From Sensuality to Puritanism: How Muslim Cultures turned Grey”
Just when are our ‘leave’ leaders going to do something?
In Parliament the remainers must be cock a hoop because absolutely everything is going their way.
Concession after concession given to the eu, a reMAYner pm, cabinet and speaker with most of the so called ‘honourables’ all fighting against the democratic vote to leave the eu.
We have the likes of JRM who, although knowledgeable is far too polite to actually do anything, lots of so called brexiteers like Leadsom and Gove who are ineffectual and only a few like Bridgen and Redwood who actually try to get the referendum vote carried out.
We have almost nobody doing anything for us.
Shows like QT with 4 remoaners against 1 leaver are the norm for all the media.
Not one pro Brexit program ever.
Project fear.
Continuous lies broadcast such as May saying her deal is the Brexit we voted for when it is absolutely not.
Hiding all the horrors of staying in.
Where are our voices in all this.
We are going down with a whimper.
Where is the fire and fury.
When will we start the fight back.
Revenge in 2022 at a general election may be sweet but the remoaners could well have us stitched up by then and it would be a hollow victory removing the likes of Rudd when she and her conspirators have denied the Brexit we voted for.
Not only that, media like Facebook is steadily removing anyone not on the left so our views are getting even less publicity day by day.
When will the pendulum swing back in our favour.
The longer this goes on the more bloody will be the fight back.
Yes, a dearth of significant Brexiteers appearing on our far left Marxist State Broadcasters air waves (has the likes of Daniel Hannan et al. passed away?) I concluded a while back that they may not be at fault. Could be our, “Most Trusted” did not invite them to participate in any debate or balance the news. That’s true Marxism for you. Vote for a small ‘c’ and that’s what you get.
Pug, Brilliant, this is so true and the BBC should be held to account for their blatant biased reporting on it. And what is so appalling is that the backstop (in my humble opinion) by its very nature of carving Northern Ireland off from the rest of the UK is in itself completely in breach of the GFA.
The BBC’s ‘PUSH OUT OUR AGENDA AS NEWS’ formula has done u told damage.
If Tommy wrote this , would he be treated to Radio 4 airtime ?
\\ No Muslim nation offers basic liberties to its citizens.
Artistic and scientific excellence cannot come out of such brutishness and misery.
I found small shoots of resistance among the young.
But Saudi Arabia and Iran are still around, still exporting their joyless ideologies.
So I don’t expect the Islamic renaissance any time soon. // .. source
At 11am The person that wrote that : yes YAB
is presenting one of her 2 progs about Muslims on Radio4
\\Yasmin Alibhai-Brown asks why, as Western culture moved from Puritanical to vibrant and liberal, the opposite appears to have happened in Islamic countries.// https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0002r01
The context is that a *blasphemylaw-supporting BBC activist* just met with tech corps and is claiming credit for getting one the UK’s main political figures banned from Facebook.
\\ Shafiq had to apologise live on TV when asked about encouraging death threats towards
@MaajidNawaz by @NickyAACampbell on The Big Questions. Stop covering for the slimy islamist extremist.//
..Ah Anne Marie Waters video ives background
– https://twitter.com/AnthonyJ_48/status/1100576808842526720
It's worse than that, Shafiq is no journalist. He's a one-man foundation 'moderate' who advocates for blasphemy laws. Check out his record. https://t.co/2EDDcROPsf
There is certainly a policy to censor conservative Christians on Facebook. The Rev Franklyn Graham, son of Billy Graham, was suspended for pro Biblical Hate Speech.
This quote from that piece really got me, Stew.
“It’s important for people who are white to talk about their opinions on race. It shouldn’t be down to black people to have to talk about it.”
You’ve got to laugh, haven’t you? No wonder that the last person on Radio 1 that I liked was Emperor Rosko.
Police lose case ,they DID descriminate against “white, heterosexual male”
A man was denied his dream job in the police "simply because he was a white, heterosexual male", his lawyers said after Cheshire Police was found guilty of discrimination https://t.co/Z5Uoe2Eg8G
Norman Smith on News at One reveals the depths to which Chris Williamson is happy to descend for his Momentum audience – except that the video clip got clipped just before the prolonged and enthusiastic applause which greeted his anti-Semitic bile – because that might have revealed too vividly where Momentum and its brownshirt loyalties lie.
But what’s new? Momentum founder Jon Landsman, a Jew, is more than happy to renounce his loyalties and heritage in order to pander to the increasing levels of muslim involvement in local and party politics, and the bloc votes they represent. That, more than any other factor, is the reason for the dramatic rise in anti-Semitism throughout the UK, but it simply doesn’t do to say so. Not in the media, anyway.
The same moral duplicity applies to Brexit, in particular the Irish border situation so succinctly explained by Pug yesterday. But another aspect has also slipped through when, in the BBC finance text pages, the reason for the dramatic rises in Sterling against dollar and euro is apparently due to the possibility of an extension to Article 50.
No it isn’t, it’s due to the vastly overvalued euro coming ever closer to collapse, the cliff-edge recession of the German economy, the increasing risk of Italy opting out of the euro, and the imminent continuation of orchestrated civil disobedience in France. And while Donald Trump continues to promote the increasing likelihood of stronger US/UK trade ties. That’s why the £ is doing well – but don’t expect to hear it on the BBC.
PS. BBC added that the £ slipped back later. No it didn’t, it continued to rise and has done so throughout the day – euro trading rate currently stands at 1.17 to the £ and the $ at 1.33.
friend of a failed ISIS suicide bomber has been jailed
for 8.6years
after police uncovered his plan to use a martyr’s video to sign up to the terror group
Priorities huh? So Trump – a mega rich deal maker fiddled his tax, had some affairs, screwed some people over, tried to get one over on the competition and is free with his opinions? Who in his position hasn’t.
Maybe they miss Kim waving his nukes around although Pakistan / India are trying to fill that gap. That could cause some ‘global warming’ and then some to be sure.
Anyway small numbers “nothing to woy about” say libmob
ITV News Correspondent Angus Walker reports from the English channel as the UK Border Force rescues nine migrants on board a dinghy believed to have left northern France this morning.
Global Radio is centralising more presenter jobs
At breakfast time there are now 43 different shows acoss the country. but now they’ll be reduced to a few shows produced from London
Drivetime will be reduced to a small number of region bases.
Any doubts about a coordinated media attack on Tommy Robinson refer to Amazon banning his book and removing ads for it.
Tell Mama – a BBC favourite – has the news.
Tommy isn’t the only one to fave concerted action to silence him and he won’t be the last. The whole Globalist elite are determined to silence any and all dissent from their world view. We can see how effective they are in the USA where evidence that elite their tried to mount a coup to remove President Trump is overwhelming but there is little reporting of it . instead Trump gets it in the neck at every opportunity for stories which are fictitious and the MSM know that they are. The elite are rushing to ensure that social media is under their control in the same as the MSM is. This happens right across the West .
Democracy has long since been overturned and in its place we have an oligarchy which is self perpetuating. When people realise that their votes counts for nothing what are their options? But a crucial question is , if the MSM is part of the ruling elite and if social media is also firmly in the elite’s control , how will the people even know they are living in an oligarchy?
A couple of weeks ago I posted that if Brexit happens it will be in large part because MPs who would like it not to , are scared of the reaction of their constituents if they vote against it. I thought how grateful I was for FPTP .
But i should now add to that , that if Brexit doesn’t happen or we only get a Brino , then I will be supporting PR for our UK elections. I know many on this site have argued that for years, With PR UKIP could have had 50 plus MPs and Brexit would be safe. I have stuck by the Tories in every domestic election for the past forty odd years but the time has come to abandon them. Not just because of their attempts to sabotage Brexit but also because of their support for endless migration from the third world , which to my mind is an existentialist threat to our way of life. But with FPTP there is very little chance of any new party winning power but with PR and the consequent fracturing of the stranglehold of the main parties , we could vote for politicians who would oppose migration and , in the inevitable coalitions that PR produces , they would influence out of all proportion to their number. We might begin to get what the people really want.
On another tack I am very keen to watch the next Olympic women’s events with all these trans competitors winning gold silver and bronze in just about every event. I’m sure that the BBC will be seeking out a trans presenter and preparing the ‘ narrative’ as to why having biological males competing in women’s events is a good thing. I do hope that the Olympic committee doesn’t introduce a trans gender category of competitor who compete for their own medals so we would have Olympic champions in men’s, women’s and transgender events. It would spoil all the fun.
Interesting that all the time Libmedia have been concerned about BAME students at Oxford and Cambridge, they failed to tell us that the total number of British students there keeps falling
.. as the unis recruit better paying foreign students
7% fall in 10 years
So if ten years ago 1,000 Brits got in … that would mean that 850 should be white British and 150 British BAME of that 30-40 should be black British
So the media have been bitching about a handful of blacks missing out
but if the same 1000 had applied last year the 7% drop means 930 would have got in , So about 60 white and 10 BAME miss out.
Funding of the bbc by compulsorily subscription is all well and good for them but this new venture screams, desperation and fear.
Without the TV tax they would need to operate in the real World where people are happy and willing to pay for their content.
I just wonder how many have a license but watch little or no bbc ?
An ever increasing number I reckon and with ITV up against it they will never be able to compete with the likes of NETFLIX.
Unless of course they can up the license by around ten fold?
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yeah – whatever – give her the TTK 2 year prison penalty – she is obviously not ‘approved ‘…
harry142857Mar 10, 13:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Commission is commission. ——————————————- Mother convicted of not paying TV Licence after death of unborn son. mother who did not…
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:17 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two days running the DT has done a long piece on BBC news / funding – the first one is…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dorset, 3 weeks after Southport — “Man ‘obsessed with Southport killings’ stabbed girl, 9, in the neck as she played…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
Just watching the new Alan Partridge show on BBC. They have been given an open goal in the world cup final in the 90th minute and they have kicked it over the bar. A complete waste of 30 minutes it’s gone the way of all BBC programmes it’s got it’s share of BME on screen time it doesn’t work…..the North Norfolk Digital was hilarious they couldnt keep thier hands off the format……another nail in the BBC coffin for the sake of diversity.
i agree about the Alan Partridge show.What a load of crap, cannot say anymore than that.Totally unfunny, thought i would watch till the end and see if it improved but no it went into typical BBC rubbish. Wont be wasting 30 minutes of my life watching again. i cant believe Coogan was happy with the program. He must be desperate to get back in with the BBC playing to thier tune.
Yep. But the likes of Owen Jones , David lammy can sit on Twitter all day spouting as much hatred as they like , unchecked. It’s the far left you see, they can do what the hell they want . Bloody untouchable !!!!!
Raheem Kassam has written a book .
There was a fuss from the ” progressives ” when Lady Chaterleys Lover was censored .
Does Facebook feel it should censor writers of books ?
There’s an update on the Nigerian Preacher.
Someone made a 999 call about Islamophobia!
Met Statement
Arrest outside Southgate Underground Station
The police are very rapidly becoming the alien occupying force they always tried not to be .
They’ve always depended on public support but how can they be supported when things like that are done in broad daylight .
I really hope that a civil action goes forward against the thug who did that to a man with a bible . I’d love to know what Peace he was breaching .
Maybe the Muslims should have been arrested for threatening a breach of the peace .
I’m still smarting from my incident in October 2017 when two ‘officers’ arrived in the darkness to discuss with me my use of the word, “muzzies” as reported to them by a snitch. I no longer support the police and would, as a true citizen, do anything to thwart anything connected to their now one-sided biased role in the criminal justice system.
If they refuse to leave your property, ask if they are carrying any sprays, tazers, asp. If yes, the civil law concept of trespass becomes criminal, aggravated trespass subject to a Citizens Arrest. Do it.
@G Apparently the James Goddard thing shows you should never accept their pre-charging conditions about releasing you.
Because he agreed to bail conditions even though they hadn’t charged him , they were able to impose *punitive* bail conditions on him.
Experts had he not agreed to bail, the police, would have imply have to let him go anyway, cos they weren’t ready to charge him.
“He was escorted from the area and once it became apparent that he would not return, he was dearrested. No further action was taken against him.”
Meanwhile the Met is being investigated for crimes against the English language. (‘Released’ is the word that a native English speaker would have used – but then I guess there aren’t many native English speakers left in London anymore).
now where is lammy when you need him, white racists arresting a black man
This is from a leftie but has so many things anyone can identify with today.
I would also add we have governments that destroy democracy and a BBC (I don’t consider them the press) that destroys integrity.
The list is very short…………
I could add many more.
Brexit was overtly referred to in Shetland tonight. The storyline is people trafficking -, and Romanian girls being brought into Britain to marry Pakistani men so they can gain an EU passport – before ‘things’ get harder. Actually its clearly a side of trafficking that happens, but I hadn’t give it much thought before.
Oh! Look there is a furry animal over there ……………….
“Fat rat saved from manhole by German animal rescue”
Is this really news for ‘a so called’ national broadcasting service ? Yep that’s what you all pay your annual telly tax for.
Well it’s the best that you’re going to get in this day and from Auntie. If it’s not left wing, politically correct right on anti Brexit, than the BBC are at a loose end to show anything news worthy at all…Hence a Kraut Roland rat popping up as their “and finally” moment.
“Well it’s the best that you’re going to get in this day and from Auntie”
Then they should be taken to the Trading Standards Office for obtaining monies by false pretenses?
It’s the skateboarding turtle community here I feel most sorry for.
BBC Rádió 4
???? Wow. This is a gripping listen.
A six-part podcast dramatising the Mueller investigation.
Wow. The BBC get excited about dramatised stuff that is something folk might have said?
This is a copy of the text I sent to my MP:
XXXXXXXX, I am contacting you to express my concern, nay fear, that Brexit and the will of the British People will be thwarted by the anti-democrats in the UK Parliament. I used to be a member of the Conservative Party for many years and held some minor positions in my local party. I used to canvass and drop leaflets many times. I even once stood for council. I say this to let you know I am a true Conservative and regard myself as a moderate.
I have voted Conservative in all General Elections (except for 2010 and 2015 when I voted UKIP). I have nearly always voted Conservative at the local level too but am informing you that if we don’t have a true Brexit then I may never vote Conservative again. I realise that you are a Brexiteer and as such I could easily vote for you on a personal basis, but if the EU-extremists in Parliament prevent democracy from happening then you will never get my vote while you represent the Conservatives. I’m sure there are millions like me, and even if it lets Labour in by the back-door then your EU-extremist colleagues and Mrs May’s handling of this would be to blame, not we Brexiteers. The Conservatives will probably be out of office for 20 years, although it wouldn’t matter as we would still be taking our orders from Germany.
Please tell your colleagues that most will lose their seats at the next election if they allow true Brexit to fail. Thank you
Yes, the political elite in this country need a culling. A coordinated culling. Don’t know how but before the next election, we all need a plan that doesn’t involve Con/Lab/LibDems.
The Panodrama video .
It gets better the further in you watch . Considering Tommy Robinson doesn’t have the resources or university training that the BBC types have , it’s good . Very very good .
So how can it be distributed and everyone made aware of it ?
I’m looking to to likes of Stew , FU 2 and Up2 to have the technical know how to viral this and spread the message of the BBC bias to the whole world . Please can you help ?
@Nibor I am tired and don’t want to say anything rash
– Often “truth will out”
– And so far TR’s one step at a time approach has done OK
…He was illegally jailed and he weathered that one
– Generally one bides ones time and you take opportunities when they come up, and stay within the law.
I wonder if FB/BBC needed ban TR precisely cos his video was going to go viral on Facebook
I will tell Maxi for free that the TR vid has one weakness.. the fired banker, it was claimed he was just fired for expressing a few views, Wasn’t he the leader of Generation Identity UK ? And isn’t that ethno-nationalist ?
..the TR doco shouldn’t have made him out to be a random victim.
However one would start by reading the Breitbart story
and this Tim Pool video (and Tim Pool is kind of anti-Tommy)
\\ Let me rephrase the BBC appologies for you:
“Sorry we got caught.” //
If anyone had suspicions about the media operating in concert up to now, these events have proven absolutely conclusively they are. Along with Soros, the Globalist/US Deep State, EU and all its leaders (including Treason May), the enemy comes into view. No doubt in my mind: it’s them against us and until they are stopped, permanently, any successes in the war will be piecemeal.
It would be good if he could get it aired on American TV
Nick Ferrari plans to talk about TR’s Facebook banning this morning.
I would urge Twitter users to ask whether he will be talking about Panodrama, or whether he will ignore it altogether like the BBC News At Ten managed last night, as the media closes ranks.
In my view it is the offer to fabricate sexual allegations that is the worst, though the media possibly thinks the greatest crime is John Sweeney referring to homosexuals as “woofters”.
The sickening hypocrisy of the bbc claiming to hold power to account when it has a hit squad of 20,000 and budget of £5B to target ideological foes with zero accountability via self-assessment, exemptions and establishment complicity is what brought me to this site and others like it.
Nibor – if I could boost availability of the TR video and particularly the conduct of John expense Sweeney I would .
But I don’t have the ability .
I wonder if the BBC will wait a while and quietly drop Mr Sweeney who is a loose cannon for the evil empire and is obviously too stupid to keep his mouth shut when it comes to creating propaganda against an enemy of the MSM.
by B-BBC founder David Vance
The best bit, at the end when they try to make out that this is really difficult tiring work ???? Pathetic. Bubble world.
All crawling out of their holes now they have lost:
‘Let me bring my wife and children back home’: Disgraced pharmacist, 40, who treated ISIS jihadists in Syria begs to be allowed back into Britain
Mohammed Anwar Miah left Birmingham in 2014 to sneak into ISIS territory
He is a suspected jihadi but denies swearing allegiance to the terrorist group
Kurdish forces have imprisoned him in northern Syria along with the ‘Beatles’
He said he is proud to be British and wants to return with his wife and children
Miah believes the UK has a responsibility to bring back and rehabilitate citizens
Let the Kurds have their way with him. They will be suitably tough (tuffet?) on this spider.
Sorry, I couldn’t resist.
Just watching lies on media regarding Indian air force aircraft shot down by Pakistan says it’s an indian Mig 21 it’s not it’s a Hawk which is a trainer with limited attack and defence capability somthing you would use a a point defence or last ditch attack role. So lies all the pictures. Also showed the Indian air force pilot captured by Pakistan with his hands tied behind his back …is that ok ?? Is it how you would expect an armed force to treat thier fellow combatants? His face is also bruised and battered this is caused by the ejection 300mph hitting your face doesn’t do your looks any good.
Ofcom is keen. A precursor to a national compulsion to pay for EastEnders and the next establishment hit job?
BBC Newsbeat
Would you sign up for a new ‘BritBox’ service?
Need to change first two letters.
Looks tough… for those offering dire content without ‘unique funding’.
Wow – that’s operation lead balloon if ever I’ve seen it . Paying to watch repeats of stuff you’ve already paid for . With a bit of luck it will hasten the decline of the ‘worlds greatest broadcaster ‘.
Yet she walks the same corridors as did one Jimmy Saville.
And should Meryl seek a standing ovation stunt double for any mention of Roman…. woo hoo.
She was the one that sexually harassed Stephen Fry by flaunting her naked body, (..shudders..), in front of him.
Sauce, Goose, Gander.
I wondered what had turned him gay.
Speaking of who the bbc and luvviedom does not want any business done with, and who it is fine with.
Another hatchet job on Tommy Robinson on LBC. Resident “right wing” wind bag, Nick Ferrari, putting the boot in. He’s interviewed a militant Muslim who agrees that TR should be banned (very sympathetically) and a supporter of TR, who struggled to get a word in. Surprise, surprise!
Unfortunately for the podgy parasitic lard arse, his callers, thus far, are all on Tommy’s side.
It’s always refreshing to hear the reasonable opinions of my fellow countrymen and to compare them with the received bigotry of the media.
Strange though that this ban comes in a day after his Panodrama event in Manchester, don’t you think?
Maybe not…
I heard it. I’d earlier sent a Tweet to Lardarse asking if he’d manage to talk about TR without mentioning Panodrama. He evidently felt that was a challenge which he rose to perfectly. As I’d anticipated, the media closed ranks. And I include the likes of Guido here. They’re all happy for false sexual allegations to be made if you don’t like the person who is being falsely accused.
As for the interview itself, it was initially promising when Lardarse asked the Muslim activist for an example of what TR had said, and he couldn’t at first. Eventually he came up with a lame example which TR’s supporter attempted to point out was misrepresenting what TR said. However Lardarse spoke all over him in a manner that said to me “I’m not interested, he’s guilty because he’s Tommy Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon”.
I have to say that by this time I was shouting at the radio, “Stop arguing over hearsay, just put the effing video up on your website and listeners can decide for themselves”.
So, bbc going to ‘report’ this poll or not wishing to upset the a***s that spread across bbc sofas and seats all day and night?
Shots fired.
Classic BBC idiotic questions already.
Eliot Carver moves into W1A.
seems the indians have now shot down a pakistani jet
on the bright side pakistan has shut down all commercial flights so the NHS may have a temporary lull in health tourists
Toady ends off with an anti-Trump piece about a cheque, allegedly signed by Trump, according to Brian from the Washington Post.
Flew in one ear and out the other, as it fell under my two basic rules about print media reports on Trump:
1) Never ever believe a single word from anyone from the WP.
2) Never ever believe a single word from anyone from the NYT.
These two have only one objective, which they follow blindly: get Trump impeached.
Anything they have to say on any other matter, along with CNN, BBC etc, can be entirely discounted until confirmed by a variety of other sources worldwide.
They are on a roll today.
Unprecedented spring weather causing dilemmas on popping the aircon on?
Here’s a radical thought, maybe a lot of women just aren’t as interested in the geeky stuff as blokes. “the halls are a sea of testosterone.” laments Zoe Kleinman, looking at the pictures I doubt that.
And as an afterthought, how dare Zoe Kleinman assume all the attendees identify as male.
Bang on mate!
Another good piece, pug, well done. Compliments to you, too, for one further up this Thread.
That cartoon on the Spectator cover is telling, isn’t it? Looks like I’m not the only one thinking that ‘Mutti’ has a secret plan to destroy the EU.
Guess which side Beeby thinks are the victims.
How is this news? The Pakistanis have long specialised in Indian takeouts.
I see their planes are French. That’s why they could be shot down – French hardware.
See if you can work out the problem here. Apparently it’s Brexit but how and why isn’t really clear to me. Anyone?
Does this ex -Deutsche bank eejit think that Portrush is in the Republic of Ireland? I’m sure that local MP Ian Paisley Jr of the DUP or the 88% of the local population who don’t consider themselves Irish could help him out with his lack of geographical knowledge.
These people, and of course the bBBC, just get more and more ridiculous by the day.
I think you’ll find irelande is just a region of the ReichEU. Coming soon sadly .
Oh I know that’s the way the EU see it and the bBBC want it Fed, but this story is so full of nonsense that it’s embarassing.
Why would they bring any containers through Dublin to intentionally cross a possibly contentious border, and I stress possibly, when the ports of Belfast, Larne and Warrenpoint are all available and make this unnecessary?
They just keep sowing the seeds.
I took it for granted from day one, that a hidden EU objective in the ‘Brexit negotiations’ would be an attempt to dislodge NI from the rest of the UK and work towards Irish ‘reunification’.
The more the EU claim they do not want to ‘punish’ Britain, the less I believe them.
I wouldn’t believe a word uttered by Juncker, Tusk, Weiland or Vehofstadt, et al, in principle, as UK departure weakens the EU, especially financially, and they will do all they can to prevent it or damage the UK if it does actually leave. Deceit will be their No1 strategy, cos the stakes are really big.
You can bet your bottom dollar that Varadkar, Sinn Fein etc have sensed a BIG opportunity here. They obviously won’t mention it, but this is politics and politics is about power (forget morals entirely).
For Ms May too, it will be all about power. About the only question that remains is whose side she is actually on. (I would have trusted her a little more had she now let those ministers making threats, go ahead and resign. Can’t think they would have been stupid enough to join Chuka’s/Shuker’s little group of ‘independents’, bound for the dustbin of history. but once again: weakness?))
“the only question that remains is whose side she is actually on”
I dont think thats really in question anymore
Some idiot like myself might think that the real reason why Mrs May was going over to brissels so much recently was because she wanted to see how her new penthouse pad was looking after having all those expensive decorators and painters run to-and-fro through said penthouse. Of course it goes without saying that penthouse was paid for by the EU.
fnw, generally agree with you but the UK>EU finance thing, I think, is insignificant. You would be correct in saying ‘our departure weakens the EU financially if the UK was in the Euro’ but it is not. The other net-contributor States will have to find £22bn divided between four or six.
That is small beer in State spending terms. £2bn can be found down the back of sofas in the UK’s big spending Ministries. While most other n-c States may exercise rather more prudence than the profligate UK, they have, IIRC, similar economies and similar size spends.
The target of course for after our departure will be Luxembourg and their tax dodging. That will be a popcorn moment to behold, once we are out.
Is £22 billion the Withdrawal (Surrender) Agreement amount? Most commentators think the £39 bn which keeps being mentioned is the tip of the iceberg, particularly if Treasoner May signs the WA as the EU will tell us what they want, and isn’t our gross ‘contribution’ meant to rise to £23 billion next year and rising? If we go it means no more money to create Polish factories and jobs.
I’m still waiting for an update on Lord Trimble’s judicial review which was scheduled for last Friday (no, not Good Friday)!
Peter, I heard a mutter from a MP last week or this via the BBC on R4, probably a Brexiteer, that if the MPs sign up to May’s Deal, we will be paying £39bn PLUS a ‘fee’ for EU market access and ‘no visible border’ ad infinitum.
The WA is not acceptable to me and I hope enough MPs also to see it rejected until 23.00hrs on 29 March 2019.
R4 metrolib Woman’s Hour
“Next week is Gay Adopting & Fostering Week”
” a look at LGBTQ adoption
… and why it is hard for black women to find business investment.”
\\ Edinburgh-based St Andrew’s Children’s Society is working with LGBT nightclubs to encourage awareness of LGBT adoption.
Why choose a nightclub to promote adoption?
And why are there relatively few LGBT couples adopting in Scotland in the first place? //
\\ Does ‘the black tax’ exist in UK venture capital?
An article published Goodsoil Venture Capital says there is reason to believe that black women-led businesses have a lower probability of securing venture capital investment than their male and female counterparts. Jenni is joined by Senior Partner at GOODsoil Venture Capital, Charmaine Hayden and tech entrepreneur and founder of the Women in the City Afro-Caribbean Network, Mariam Jimoh.//
.. I used to live at University of Pennsylvania in 1988..The city had gone affirmative action mad, and virtually every company applying for a government contract was fronted by a black woman
.. I would have thought the similar would apply here now ..and that banks would be falling over each other to show how “cool” they are by lending to black female businesses.
Banks are not fools. They are ultra cautious and do not like to lend money to anyone who cannot show that they do not need to borrow.
Yes, Stew, the fact that there are so few LGBT couples in Scotland adopting children is certainly a burning question as well as a national disgrace. What is the country of John Knox playing at?
But something has been bothering me for a long time about the B bit of LGBT and if anyone can help me I would be grateful. If bisexuals should have equal rights like the rest of us, shouldn’t they be the one group that is allowed to marry two people, one of each sex? After all, if they can only marry one person, there could be another part of their identity that is being denied sexual expression, which to the progressive mind is of course a great evil, or they could have formed an additional sexual relationship that is not being recognised by the state, which to the progressive mind must be some kind of bigoted discrimination. Shouldn’t the proscription on bigamy be lifted for at least this one group? And if each bisexual wanted to live in the same house with both their spouses, wouldn’t the minimal bisexual marital unit turn out in practice to be at least a foursome? Could that domestic set-up even work?
As you can see, I like to try to understand the positions of my ideological enemies and think things through to their logical conclusion but I often end up in a tangle. Please help me, someone.
The Radio 4 has a programme called “The Vibrancy of Muslim Culture “ presented by the Alibi -Brown.
Apparently it’s not fiction or a comedy . Peachy eh?
Actually the title seems the opposite ..see my post below.
@Fedup2 Oops my error
You are right there is a secondary title “The vibrancy of Islamic culture”
but then the text contradicts that
\\ Yasmin Alibhai-Brown asks why, as Western culture moved from Puritanical to vibrant and liberal,
.. the opposite appears to have happened in Islamic countries.//
ah yes the secondary title would have been made that way to be clickbaity to R$’s bubbleworld of metro-liberals
The main title is “From Sensuality to Puritanism: How Muslim Cultures turned Grey”
Stew – the moment I saw the title and who was presenting it I moved on – as with so much of the output of the biased State broadcaster .
Wonder if Pakistan state TV adds show black/white couples? You know, lying on the latest burqua-bed or on their new Imam-sofa together?.
Just when are our ‘leave’ leaders going to do something?
In Parliament the remainers must be cock a hoop because absolutely everything is going their way.
Concession after concession given to the eu, a reMAYner pm, cabinet and speaker with most of the so called ‘honourables’ all fighting against the democratic vote to leave the eu.
We have the likes of JRM who, although knowledgeable is far too polite to actually do anything, lots of so called brexiteers like Leadsom and Gove who are ineffectual and only a few like Bridgen and Redwood who actually try to get the referendum vote carried out.
We have almost nobody doing anything for us.
Shows like QT with 4 remoaners against 1 leaver are the norm for all the media.
Not one pro Brexit program ever.
Project fear.
Continuous lies broadcast such as May saying her deal is the Brexit we voted for when it is absolutely not.
Hiding all the horrors of staying in.
Where are our voices in all this.
We are going down with a whimper.
Where is the fire and fury.
When will we start the fight back.
Revenge in 2022 at a general election may be sweet but the remoaners could well have us stitched up by then and it would be a hollow victory removing the likes of Rudd when she and her conspirators have denied the Brexit we voted for.
Not only that, media like Facebook is steadily removing anyone not on the left so our views are getting even less publicity day by day.
When will the pendulum swing back in our favour.
The longer this goes on the more bloody will be the fight back.
Yes, a dearth of significant Brexiteers appearing on our far left Marxist State Broadcasters air waves (has the likes of Daniel Hannan et al. passed away?) I concluded a while back that they may not be at fault. Could be our, “Most Trusted” did not invite them to participate in any debate or balance the news. That’s true Marxism for you. Vote for a small ‘c’ and that’s what you get.
” the more bloody will be the fight back.”
Do let us hope so!
Pug, Brilliant, this is so true and the BBC should be held to account for their blatant biased reporting on it. And what is so appalling is that the backstop (in my humble opinion) by its very nature of carving Northern Ireland off from the rest of the UK is in itself completely in breach of the GFA.
The BBC’s ‘PUSH OUT OUR AGENDA AS NEWS’ formula has done u told damage.
If Tommy wrote this , would he be treated to Radio 4 airtime ?
\\ No Muslim nation offers basic liberties to its citizens.
Artistic and scientific excellence cannot come out of such brutishness and misery.
I found small shoots of resistance among the young.
But Saudi Arabia and Iran are still around, still exporting their joyless ideologies.
So I don’t expect the Islamic renaissance any time soon. // .. source
At 11am The person that wrote that : yes YAB
is presenting one of her 2 progs about Muslims on Radio4
\\Yasmin Alibhai-Brown asks why, as Western culture moved from Puritanical to vibrant and liberal, the opposite appears to have happened in Islamic countries.//
A lovely photo: ‘A match made in heaven’. A solid couple of Commies together………….
The context is that a *blasphemylaw-supporting BBC activist* just met with tech corps and is claiming credit for getting one the UK’s main political figures banned from Facebook.
\\ Shafiq had to apologise live on TV when asked about encouraging death threats towards
@MaajidNawaz by @NickyAACampbell on The Big Questions. Stop covering for the slimy islamist extremist.//
..Ah Anne Marie Waters video ives background
– https://twitter.com/AnthonyJ_48/status/1100576808842526720
That tweet is not showing up , So I’ll repost it
Remember Facebook hired the LibDem politician Nick Clegg
There is certainly a policy to censor conservative Christians on Facebook. The Rev Franklyn Graham, son of Billy Graham, was suspended for pro Biblical Hate Speech.
There really is an increasing massive bill for the islamists to pay in due course. If the Brits eventually stand up and be counted.
Pug – I wonder if the BBC are equally concerned that one of their news presenters (Sarah Smith) is the daughter of former Labour leader John Smith?
Twitter is pushing this at me
This quote from that piece really got me, Stew.
“It’s important for people who are white to talk about their opinions on race. It shouldn’t be down to black people to have to talk about it.”
You’ve got to laugh, haven’t you? No wonder that the last person on Radio 1 that I liked was Emperor Rosko.
Police lose case ,they DID descriminate against “white, heterosexual male”
Meanwhile, at the envy of the world…
Even more envy…
Katty having a ‘moment’?
Norman Smith on News at One reveals the depths to which Chris Williamson is happy to descend for his Momentum audience – except that the video clip got clipped just before the prolonged and enthusiastic applause which greeted his anti-Semitic bile – because that might have revealed too vividly where Momentum and its brownshirt loyalties lie.
But what’s new? Momentum founder Jon Landsman, a Jew, is more than happy to renounce his loyalties and heritage in order to pander to the increasing levels of muslim involvement in local and party politics, and the bloc votes they represent. That, more than any other factor, is the reason for the dramatic rise in anti-Semitism throughout the UK, but it simply doesn’t do to say so. Not in the media, anyway.
The same moral duplicity applies to Brexit, in particular the Irish border situation so succinctly explained by Pug yesterday. But another aspect has also slipped through when, in the BBC finance text pages, the reason for the dramatic rises in Sterling against dollar and euro is apparently due to the possibility of an extension to Article 50.
No it isn’t, it’s due to the vastly overvalued euro coming ever closer to collapse, the cliff-edge recession of the German economy, the increasing risk of Italy opting out of the euro, and the imminent continuation of orchestrated civil disobedience in France. And while Donald Trump continues to promote the increasing likelihood of stronger US/UK trade ties. That’s why the £ is doing well – but don’t expect to hear it on the BBC.
PS. BBC added that the £ slipped back later. No it didn’t, it continued to rise and has done so throughout the day – euro trading rate currently stands at 1.17 to the £ and the $ at 1.33.
BBC Online News:
“”Shooting range criticised for Shamima Begum target””
“”A shooting range in Merseyside has been criticised for using images of IS bride Shamima Begum as a target.””
If only I still had my .270 Ruger! (sigh)
No words for for this story.
former aide to Tony Blair/Major has been convicted of rape for the second time in a month. Mark Adams
friend of a failed ISIS suicide bomber has been jailed
for 8.6years
after police uncovered his plan to use a martyr’s video to sign up to the terror group
Why are these stories so played down ?
Priorities huh? So Trump – a mega rich deal maker fiddled his tax, had some affairs, screwed some people over, tried to get one over on the competition and is free with his opinions? Who in his position hasn’t.
Maybe they miss Kim waving his nukes around although Pakistan / India are trying to fill that gap. That could cause some ‘global warming’ and then some to be sure.
Times : Channel migrants so sure of avoiding deportation that they phone police to act as taxis for them.
Anyway small numbers “nothing to woy about” say libmob
“BBC and ITV set to launch Netflix rival”
Straight to comments, the unwashed and Amazonian cannibals are onto them. Get yours in quick, can’t see them leaving hys open for long.
Global Radio is centralising more presenter jobs
At breakfast time there are now 43 different shows acoss the country. but now they’ll be reduced to a few shows produced from London
Drivetime will be reduced to a small number of region bases.
Any doubts about a coordinated media attack on Tommy Robinson refer to Amazon banning his book and removing ads for it.
Tell Mama – a BBC favourite – has the news.
Tommy isn’t the only one to fave concerted action to silence him and he won’t be the last. The whole Globalist elite are determined to silence any and all dissent from their world view. We can see how effective they are in the USA where evidence that elite their tried to mount a coup to remove President Trump is overwhelming but there is little reporting of it . instead Trump gets it in the neck at every opportunity for stories which are fictitious and the MSM know that they are. The elite are rushing to ensure that social media is under their control in the same as the MSM is. This happens right across the West .
Democracy has long since been overturned and in its place we have an oligarchy which is self perpetuating. When people realise that their votes counts for nothing what are their options? But a crucial question is , if the MSM is part of the ruling elite and if social media is also firmly in the elite’s control , how will the people even know they are living in an oligarchy?
A couple of weeks ago I posted that if Brexit happens it will be in large part because MPs who would like it not to , are scared of the reaction of their constituents if they vote against it. I thought how grateful I was for FPTP .
But i should now add to that , that if Brexit doesn’t happen or we only get a Brino , then I will be supporting PR for our UK elections. I know many on this site have argued that for years, With PR UKIP could have had 50 plus MPs and Brexit would be safe. I have stuck by the Tories in every domestic election for the past forty odd years but the time has come to abandon them. Not just because of their attempts to sabotage Brexit but also because of their support for endless migration from the third world , which to my mind is an existentialist threat to our way of life. But with FPTP there is very little chance of any new party winning power but with PR and the consequent fracturing of the stranglehold of the main parties , we could vote for politicians who would oppose migration and , in the inevitable coalitions that PR produces , they would influence out of all proportion to their number. We might begin to get what the people really want.
On another tack I am very keen to watch the next Olympic women’s events with all these trans competitors winning gold silver and bronze in just about every event. I’m sure that the BBC will be seeking out a trans presenter and preparing the ‘ narrative’ as to why having biological males competing in women’s events is a good thing. I do hope that the Olympic committee doesn’t introduce a trans gender category of competitor who compete for their own medals so we would have Olympic champions in men’s, women’s and transgender events. It would spoil all the fun.
Interesting that all the time Libmedia have been concerned about BAME students at Oxford and Cambridge, they failed to tell us that the total number of British students there keeps falling
.. as the unis recruit better paying foreign students
7% fall in 10 years
So if ten years ago 1,000 Brits got in … that would mean that 850 should be white British and 150 British BAME of that 30-40 should be black British
So the media have been bitching about a handful of blacks missing out
but if the same 1000 had applied last year the 7% drop means 930 would have got in , So about 60 white and 10 BAME miss out.
Funding of the bbc by compulsorily subscription is all well and good for them but this new venture screams, desperation and fear.
Without the TV tax they would need to operate in the real World where people are happy and willing to pay for their content.
I just wonder how many have a license but watch little or no bbc ?
An ever increasing number I reckon and with ITV up against it they will never be able to compete with the likes of NETFLIX.
Unless of course they can up the license by around ten fold?