“It is clear that there is no apetite in the country for the UK leaving the EU without a deal”. So said Laura Coonsberg yesterday evening. Followed by the female, Adler who smiled benevolently visibly relieved at the developments yesterday.
Its so reassuring to know that the likes of that duo and all behind them employed by our very own Marxist State Broadcaster has the 17.4 million who voted ‘out’, at heart.
‘Macron promises to block any extension or delay in Article 50’.
‘Alors mes amis, you know you can always rely on the French to help out in times of adversity. Trust me.’ Chas. De Gaulle
Marguerite cock up
We know the BBC has very little self awareness, and can’t understand the viewers POV
Just watched #Marguerite on @BBCFOUR, what a fantastic film. It's a shame that the @BBC decided to run announcements over the final, climactic, heartbreaking scene. #tossers#bbc
Seem to remember the Bible says something like: “can two walk together if they disagree [meaning faith]?” Can’t Think of the verse, and maybe I’m a few words amiss by accident, and sheer forgetfulness?
Amos 3 New English Translation (NET Bible)
Every Effect has its Cause
Listen, you Israelites, to this message which the Lord is proclaiming against you! This message is for the entire clan I brought up from the land of Egypt:
2 “I have chosen you alone from all the clans of the earth. Therefore I will punish you for all your sins.”
3 Do two walk together without having met?
4 Does a lion roar in the woods if he has not cornered his prey?
Does a young lion bellow from his den if he has not caught something?
5 Does a bird swoop down into a trap on the ground if there is no bait?
Does a trap spring up from the ground unless it has surely caught something?
6 If an alarm sounds in a city, do people not fear?
If disaster overtakes a city, is the Lord not responsible?
7 Certainly the sovereign Lord does nothing without first revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.
8 A lion has roared! Who is not afraid?
The sovereign Lord has spoken! Who can refuse to prophesy?
Crossing Divides is essentially a story about how ‘White British female’ Casey learnt how to accept Waj (female of un-specified ethnicity and therefore a ‘true Brit’ as she doesn’t have a label, which she would if she was ‘foreign’). Waj however believes in maintaining difference. But would she ever consider meeting Casey’s male friends?
In my own opinion I think the KJVs Kings James Version of Amos 3 explains it a bit better:
“Can two walk together, except they agree?”
And bearing in mind that the writer is speaking especially about rebellious Israel (Jews) verse 1, it therefore must mean that the people Israel must only walk (agree) with those of their own faith.
The word, “Walking” in many places of scripture means to “pleasing God” or “beliefs”…..as King David was praised for wanting a heart like God. Hence, Jesus is not called the Son of Abraham, or the Son of Jacob, but The Son of David.
“Rotherham fights back to foster tolerance ” ???? by whom ?
Get to the grass roots of born and bred Rotherham folk, and talk to the old miners who toiled in the local coal mines, their wives and families, and get their views, particularly on how the Asians and the black leather jacketed eastern Europeans have taken over their once proud town. There would be more than a few 4 letter expletives coming out in response.
The bbc used to be referred to as ‘Auntie’ in a kind of affectionate way but at some point ‘Auntie’ became Norman Bates in a dress and with the bbc agenda – that works too.
“but at some point ‘Auntie’ became Norman Bates in a dress”
Maybe its because those poorly dressed BBC reporters are stood out in the rain so much? Obviously Norman (auntie) forgot to use his or her or its BBC issue umbrella.
Strange how the practices of the USSR transfers so easily to technology in the West . Books arnt burnt – but are just not sold . Websites black list people without challengable explanation .
I suppose that could happen to this site one day at the drop of a hat without any of us knowing why or who did it .
\\ Official press release from
@Decathlon (sports shop chain)
The product hijab for running is suspended in France to “ensure the safety of our staff” //
Is the diabolical Beeb still intending to go ahead with the Tommy Takedown?
Panorama had the nerve to ask me again to take part in their ‘Tommy Takedown’ prog. Since I come from the class John Sweeney describes as ‘Amazonian cannibals & space aliens’ the answer was No. Why hasn’t the MSM reported all this, Sweeney sacked, & prog scrapped? Rhetorical Q.
One thing I felt he should have done when he met John Sweeney was to let Sweeney reveal more of his hand before turning the tables. It would have been good to know what other dirt the BBC had dug up, rather than wondering who else has been threatened, blackmailed or bribed.
Once you have lost it, you ain’t getting it back, no matter how many dodgy revisions you try and tales you tell often enough subsequently.
The BBC chooses targets and will do anything to ‘get’ them.
That they are funded by compulsion to do this is something those in government might like to reflect upon, as I will be reminding of it as part and parcel of many issues of concern come the next election.
Another from France:
“French president says Article 50 could only be extended on the back of a ‘new choice’ by the UK. ” The putsch for a peoples vote begins in another form.
It would be something if the ReichEU refused to extend A50 if HMG asks . However it’s looking as though UK will not leave the ReichEU but be tied to it to prevent free WTO deals .
This will mean that the law to take us out of the ReichEU on 29 March is toilet paper . One might think if that law is worthless why bother sticking to others an illegitimate Westminster composes .?
#1 There’s more undercover footage of Sweeney
in which he says he can’t be taken down cos he has dirt on the BBC
#2 TR strong , says FB ban, just hinders but we fought thru every other trick the establishment tried , jailing, beating etc.
#3 The new TR platform TR.news is under construction
#4 a plea to share Panodrama everywhere you can
#5 He says he will be in Finland tmw.. He will be talking about a suppressed documentary where a genuine refugees reveals that felloe refugees were terrorists etc
Friday there will be a public screening
Anyone else listening to the confessions of Trumps lawyer ‘Cohen’ think they bore a stirking and disconcerting similarlity to the confessions in Orwells 1984 ?
“Among the last survivors were three men named Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford. It must have been in 1965 that these three had been arrested. As often happened, they had vanished for a year or more, so that one did not know whether they were alive or dead, and then had suddenly been brought forth to incriminate themselves in the usual way. They had confessed to intelligence with the enemy (at that date, too, the enemy was Eurasia), embezzlement of public funds, the murder of various trusted Party members, intrigues against the leadership of Big Brother which had started long before the Revolution happened, and acts of sabotage causing the death of hundreds of thousands of people. ”
” No one who had once fallen into the hands of the Thought Police ever escaped in the end. They were corpses waiting to be sent back to the grave. “
I heard a clip of his opening remarks, Thoughtful, and the fact that it was a convicted perjuror saying the words apart, I thought that it sounded a bit like an actor’s Oscar acceptance speech.
Plenty of emoting to get the gullible onside and to please the media with some soundbites.
Gollum stunt double Evan Davies sounds very smug on Radio 4s PM at the moment reporting on the Trump shenanigans, and I do hope his Prince Albert is not giving him jip still.
They all ‘suffer’ in W1A, sitting in hot seats. wringing their little hands, unable to scratch their bums (racist/PC), and typing with little fingers on very expensive Ipads…
Who’d really want to be a journo at the BBC these days? Pathetic remonstrations about things they don’t understand, crap briefing from the HOC and a lot of jobsworths telling you to be carefull with muslims, flakes, sjws, etc etc…
What a farce and a disgrace, and all on £150 a year bungs from the taxpayer.
Suppose even reporting such convictions will be deemed a ‘hate crime’ in the near future – but like preaching Christianity in a public place causing a ‘ breach of the Moslem peace’
Dear BBC, when chasing new viewers please do not forget that most of the people paying your licence fee desire unbiased reporting of news and quality programming, not an endless fascination with PC drivel, gender politics and lowest common denominator garbage. You used to be great and you can be again, please don’t let it all slip away.
That last sentence errs on the optimistic, though, at best.
Well, maybe, but the reaction to it by the MSM initially was as inevitable as that they brought to the story of the ‘smirking Trump hatter’; expensive consequences yet to be shared.
Guest Who: “Trust in media is like virginity.” (Quote from good post further up this page.) “Once you have lost it, you ain’t getting it back, no matter how many dodgy revisions you try and tales you tell often enough subsequently.”
I thought, funny. Funny, I thought.
For the first time in ages I listened to the Afternoon Drama on R4 today. It was a repeat, it wasn’t very good – wooden acting, unbelievable dialogue, poor direction and production – and I had this strange feeling I was being propagandised on the subject of euthanasia. It certainly came across as a tract promoting mercy killing.
Then came Money Box Live with Louise Cooper. The subject: late payment by bigger businesses to freelances and smaller suppliers of goods & services. First caller with a tale of woe. Louise omits the key question. The whole of that first contribution sounded false. Other important items were omitted in the introduction and as other contributors appeared. Net result after 30 minutes? I have little or no confidence in Louise Cooper and any editions of MBL that she presents.
“MPs endorse Theresa May’s Brexit strategy” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-47392018
Is Mrs Chamberlain going to lock us in to the EU forever? This will to damage the Tory Party for many years to come. Do the MPs care, or do they have a vested interest in remaining in the EU?
Ten years of British austerity will be used to bail the EU out .
So much for the ‘wishes of the people are paramount’ .
UKIP here we come…………………………..
Do the MPs care?
I don’t think they do. The vast EU bureaucracy can provide a lucrative post MP life for a few hundred MPs whose loyalty to Brussels was proven.
A TEENAGE runaway was raped twice by a man who befriended him in Bolton town centre.
The 15-year-old was left traumatised by the attacks on him, committed by Mohammed Suman, who he met on the town hall steps on the evening of July 2 last year.
STOP PRESS muslim rape gang already off the BBC front page “Trump a liar” is still top news though, absolutely disgusting how fast they disappear these bastards
Fair point Taff, but on the other hand thanks to the BBC we know that President Trump – or just Trump as Sopel prefers – is far more concerned with the testimony of a confirmed and convicted liar and fraudster in Washington, than the outcome of talks with one of the world’s most dangerous and unstable dictators. Priorities – that’s what you get from the world’s most trusted news provider.
I’ve had to mute BBC hacks on my Twitter account. The amount of wet panties and empty tissue boxes at Broadcasting House doesn’t bear thinking about.
I think we’re beyond the point where the truth matters. Supporters of the President who’ve seen the media lie, lie and lie again about him are going to take not the slightest notice, assuming it’s simply more lies. The media has forfeited all credence and is little more than irritating background noise to large swathes of the population.
Ignorance. My investigations into the BBC have concluded that the posh left-wing BBC types are the family failure, so they only read fiction not factual books or scientific papers. Left-wing newspapers are also fiction so they don’t have the intellectual faculty of reasoned rational judgment about anything at all. BBC Journalists do not investigate the facts due to mass immigration creating all that knife crime, making it unsafe for BBC staff to leave the building. So are only able to gain any knowledge of the outside world by asking questions on the BBC Website.
I won’t be in . When the TVLicensing goons say they’re going to visit . Or not as their obfuscating letter implies .
Well I know what I’m doing today , but TVLicensing don’t , and don’t seem to know what they’re doing any time of the week . Not that I think they live on the edge . With a guaranteed income they can live as Bertie Wooster in a Jeeves story . Alright for some .
So while we’re all out earning and paying taxes , the nouveau rich who can trough it at the proles expense in 21c Britain can put champagne on their expenses while bringing down a worker from Luton .
At least the old aristocracy had a sense of noblesse oblige .
Not just champagne… Let us not forget the Flaming Sambucas, and of course the now immortalised Kir Royal.
Still, money well spent – almost got him laid. Sort of.
Do you mean the Kir Royal ummmm ummm er with um er er er er blacker um current er er er um blackberry!
Didnt really Vlad – He was the one/the BBC who got shafted and they dont like it up em!
The stitch up by the establishment and the spineless Tories is a full on disgrace. They’ve stalled, moaned, lied, grumbled and worked with the negative MSM to make Brexit so watered down that it won’t actually happen.
They’ve had the gall to fabricate a whole new raft of doom laden prophecies even though the last lot that they said would happen if we voted to leave/if we triggered Article 50 didn’t come true. Yet virtually no one in the media called them out on this blatant deceit and instead started shovelling the new BS that they were being fed.
From following UK politics for many years, I’m done with it. The public gave their decision and the arrogant aloof politicians have ignored the will of the British people. The whole system is broken and corrupt and I’m disgusted with what we have become. Whenever I think about the shameful betrayal, I become enraged at the actions of this traitorous nest of drown worthy rats.
Payne – The writing was on the wall for brexit as soon as the New Labour PM, Theresa was imposed on us after the rest of the Tories realised that to properly mug us of a democratic decision we would “need” a “leader” who cares more about personal power than than any minor worries about what is right and what is wrong and peoples reaction.
I dont post much on this site, (but visit daily) as to say anything relevant means that I have to listen to at least some of BBC excrement, produced by their liarazzi, which I now find increasingly difficult to do.
Our politicians and the corrupt media are now so enmeshed together and committed to destroy brexit that these days I take little interest in “who says what” and see the only hope of salvation for this country through the flying brick rather than the ballot box.
Whether the population as a whole will actually choose this path rather than shut their curtains and turn up the volume on strictly (as their country is sold off around them) is I think is fairly unlikely.
It is interesting that in a material sense we have never been richer but in a moral/ethical sense we have never been poorer. I suppose if people have no values then nothing is worth fighting for.
We have become a people waiting to be conquered. And despite all the talk in the world if people do not get off their backsides then the results are inevitable.
I will continue to attend demos etc – but at the end of the day you cant help people to help themselves if they dont want to be helped.
Sorry to sound so down – but it is like knocking your head on a brick wall, We have become the Eloi and are just waiting for the sirens to sound so we can proffer ourselves for the slaughter. Fortunately it seems, we will always have the BBC to tell us that it is in our own interest.
Spot on Oaknash. I totally hear you on withdrawing a little from UK politics. I find it so incendiary that I take comfort in US politics where at least there are two sides to the argument.
At least they have a Fox News to provide a counterbalance to the endless Trump negative coverage. But over here in the UK, it is just a never ending barrage of anti Brexit, anti-UK one sided guff. Yes they might wheel out JRM, Farage or even Batten but it’s token lip service and nothing that they say can make a dent in the tiresome tidal wave of endless doom and gloom and acidic digs at anyone voting Brexit.
I like yourself have all but given up on the country. Our culture is being eroded and our last gasp attempt at holding onto our sovereignty is being crushed under the jackboot of the EU and it’s disgusting HOP appeasers.
Whilst the president is off brokering world peace, the Dems are putting the ‘show’ back in show trial with their grilling of Cohen. They are still having a tantrum about losing! Of course he will bad mouth Trump when you have a metaphorical gun to his head. Trump may be denuclearising the Korean Peninsula – but look at this! Trump once took over Russia during a game of Risk in 1972 which means he must be compromised!
Trump is brilliant at making people destroy themselves. This looks so petty and pathetic, all deliberately timed to distract from Trump’s heroic achievements with North Korea. What a leader. Imagine taking on the entire MSM and humiliating them. Nothing more glorious than when bullies get a taste of their own medicine.
Michael Cohen is unleashing a series of explosive accusations directed towards Donald Trump touching on multiple controversies that have bedevilled the president during his time in office. Mr Cohen suggests the president had advance knowledge of his son’s June 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russians and that WikiLeaks was poised to release damaging information about Democrats. He says the president personally signed cheques reimbursing him for a hush money payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels. He alleges that the president was fully aware of ongoing negotiations for a Trump Tower in Moscow well into the 2016 presidential campaign.
Read full analysis >
Anthony Zurcher
“…accusations… touching on…controversies….suggests… He says….He alleges…..”
So, in the post-Sweeney era of BBC credibility, about as ‘damaging’ as a spiked cannon, Anthony.
Meanwhile, everywhere else…. ‘what you need to know’ from the world’s least trustworthy stitch up tool:
BBC News
“Donald J. Trump is a racist, a conman and a cheat.”
Here’s what you need to know about Michael Cohen’s explosive claims – from hacked emails to hush money. https://bbc.in/2Ejm8Q2
Really Fran? Fran? Where are you Fran? Stuck behind the door where the bbc has left every shred of professional integrity?
Very surprised that the BBC (anti-family, pro-abortion scum) are interested at yet another example of infants that normally would have been thrown into the trash by most UK/US doctors. BBC Elites will hate me for reminding them that this little thing is now fit and well . Especially “Planned Parenthood” won’t like this example. Child Murderers.inc
Can you imagine the numbers of infants in a single year are lawfully murdered in and out of mothers womb such as this infant who would have survived if certain doctors/finance companies/anti-life groups-BBC didn’t put “life” before “costs” and “inconvieneancies”
So President Trump didn’t cave in to Kim’s demands to remove ALL sanctions and decided that sometimes you have to hold your nerve and walk away from negotiations.
So now the disgraceful MSM are announcing that Trump is a failure.
Just listening to the journos and politicians criticising his negotiating tactics. Maybe they ought to be looking closer to home when it comes to a total lack of negotiating skills.
They are all so quick to blame Trump. But he is playing hard ball and I suspect this is not the last of it.
Yet another TDS piece offering up the President of America as a figure to be ridiculed, no opportunity missed by the loathsome bBBC.
Artist(?) Alison Jackson, daughter of multi-millionaire Hampshire landowner and descendent of William the Conqueror George Gilbert Mowbray-Jackson, can probably afford to pay £15,000 for a syrup but I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that the bBBC will have been more than happy to pay one of their own for both the taxi and the toupee if asked.
Are there any interpreters out there? I was just watching
Breakfast TV on the BBC whilst eating my porridge. They had
their head of statistics taking very quickly in an Irish Republic
brogue about immigration stats. Could any of you tell
me what he was talking about?
My dad had a thick Irish brogue that some say was difficult to understand. It just seemed normal to me because I grew up with it. The thing with the Irish is we tend to speak very quickly even when we are next generation like me.
I wasn’t watching though so I can’t help. If it was a BBC POV about immigration it would likely just wind me up anyway so I’m glad I missed it.
Hang on, how come US media has been running their own Jihadi bride story all week which is so similar to our Begum’s ?
No one mentioned it here on B-BBC
Has British media been connecting the two stories ?
The ABC TV interview I watched was by a man with a British accent
.. is this the same Time’s journalist Anthony Loyd who spoke to out Begum ? https://twitter.com/nytimespost/status/1098413214671536128
Canadian bride as well ?
\\ @Hagarshat
Tell you what was lucky, the ‘American’, the ‘Canadian’ and the ‘British ‘ brides all being in the news in the same week. Amazing luck. //
Has anyone else noticed that pretty much the same Isis bride story is happening not only in the UK but in the USA and Canada right now with 3 different Isis brides?
Two women from Alabama and Alberta, Canada, came forward after British teenager Shamima Begum asked
“Shamima Begum : British ISIS bride who wants to return to UK” (@CNN )
“Hoda Muthana : ‘deeply regrets’ joining Isis & wants to return in Alabama” (The @guardian )
Amazing coincidence! Both the USA and the UK have an ISIS child bride to vilify within days of each other! They are not even trying to hide the collusion between the illegal Brexit Referendum and POTUS election now! Who tracked these girls down, and why?
— JustJewels #StopFarage #StopTrump (@PoliticsLostjr) February 20, 2019
The BBC are loving it. But they fail to point out that 4 previous Presidents have talked and done nothing..and as Pug said above – POTUS knows how to negotiate..he wasn’t willing to give up all sanctions for minor denuclearisation – now if it was may she would have given up sanctions and paid Kim £39bn .
Now BBC still banging on about what PoTuS’s ex lying lawyer said… they can’t hide their contempt…but more and more people are seeing it..BBC days are numbered
Yeh make everything a joke
‘Home’ – a sitcom written by Rufus Jones about an asylum-seeker from Syria living with a family in Dorking – starts on Channel 4 in early March.
Trailer: https://www.comedy.co.uk/tv/home/videos/17581/trailer/
Some fans are annoyed ticket prices have more than doubled.
Ariana says that’s nothing to do with her.
Others say because she’s heterosexual she shouldn’t headline.
Ariana says she wants to celebrate a community that’s been special to her, and references Kylie and Cher also being straight allies.
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yeah – whatever – give her the TTK 2 year prison penalty – she is obviously not ‘approved ‘…
harry142857Mar 10, 13:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Commission is commission. ——————————————- Mother convicted of not paying TV Licence after death of unborn son. mother who did not…
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:17 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two days running the DT has done a long piece on BBC news / funding – the first one is…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dorset, 3 weeks after Southport — “Man ‘obsessed with Southport killings’ stabbed girl, 9, in the neck as she played…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
“It is clear that there is no apetite in the country for the UK leaving the EU without a deal”. So said Laura Coonsberg yesterday evening. Followed by the female, Adler who smiled benevolently visibly relieved at the developments yesterday.
Its so reassuring to know that the likes of that duo and all behind them employed by our very own Marxist State Broadcaster has the 17.4 million who voted ‘out’, at heart.
‘Macron promises to block any extension or delay in Article 50’.
‘Alors mes amis, you know you can always rely on the French to help out in times of adversity. Trust me.’ Chas. De Gaulle
Marguerite cock up
We know the BBC has very little self awareness, and can’t understand the viewers POV
BBC social engineering experiment coming
..There are a whole lot of projects, search Twitter
on : “Crossing Divides” BBC
“Crossing Divides”
Seem to remember the Bible says something like: “can two walk together if they disagree [meaning faith]?” Can’t Think of the verse, and maybe I’m a few words amiss by accident, and sheer forgetfulness?
Amos 3 New English Translation (NET Bible)
Every Effect has its Cause
Listen, you Israelites, to this message which the Lord is proclaiming against you! This message is for the entire clan I brought up from the land of Egypt:
2 “I have chosen you alone from all the clans of the earth. Therefore I will punish you for all your sins.”
3 Do two walk together without having met?
4 Does a lion roar in the woods if he has not cornered his prey?
Does a young lion bellow from his den if he has not caught something?
5 Does a bird swoop down into a trap on the ground if there is no bait?
Does a trap spring up from the ground unless it has surely caught something?
6 If an alarm sounds in a city, do people not fear?
If disaster overtakes a city, is the Lord not responsible?
7 Certainly the sovereign Lord does nothing without first revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.
8 A lion has roared! Who is not afraid?
The sovereign Lord has spoken! Who can refuse to prophesy?
Crossing Divides is essentially a story about how ‘White British female’ Casey learnt how to accept Waj (female of un-specified ethnicity and therefore a ‘true Brit’ as she doesn’t have a label, which she would if she was ‘foreign’). Waj however believes in maintaining difference. But would she ever consider meeting Casey’s male friends?
In my own opinion I think the KJVs Kings James Version of Amos 3 explains it a bit better:
“Can two walk together, except they agree?”
And bearing in mind that the writer is speaking especially about rebellious Israel (Jews) verse 1, it therefore must mean that the people Israel must only walk (agree) with those of their own faith.
The word, “Walking” in many places of scripture means to “pleasing God” or “beliefs”…..as King David was praised for wanting a heart like God. Hence, Jesus is not called the Son of Abraham, or the Son of Jacob, but The Son of David.
Then again I could be wrong.
“Rotherham fights back to foster tolerance ” ???? by whom ?
Get to the grass roots of born and bred Rotherham folk, and talk to the old miners who toiled in the local coal mines, their wives and families, and get their views, particularly on how the Asians and the black leather jacketed eastern Europeans have taken over their once proud town. There would be more than a few 4 letter expletives coming out in response.
The bbc used to be referred to as ‘Auntie’ in a kind of affectionate way but at some point ‘Auntie’ became Norman Bates in a dress and with the bbc agenda – that works too.
“but at some point ‘Auntie’ became Norman Bates in a dress”
Maybe its because those poorly dressed BBC reporters are stood out in the rain so much? Obviously Norman (auntie) forgot to use his or her or its BBC issue umbrella.
I would presume that President Trump has already seen it by now , or even his advisors ?
Strange how the practices of the USSR transfers so easily to technology in the West . Books arnt burnt – but are just not sold . Websites black list people without challengable explanation .
I suppose that could happen to this site one day at the drop of a hat without any of us knowing why or who did it .
No judicial system for the internet .
\\ Official press release from
@Decathlon (sports shop chain)
The product hijab for running is suspended in France to “ensure the safety of our staff” //
Is the diabolical Beeb still intending to go ahead with the Tommy Takedown?
One thing I felt he should have done when he met John Sweeney was to let Sweeney reveal more of his hand before turning the tables. It would have been good to know what other dirt the BBC had dug up, rather than wondering who else has been threatened, blackmailed or bribed.
What is done is done.
And the BBC has to deal with this too.
Trust in media is like virginity.
Once you have lost it, you ain’t getting it back, no matter how many dodgy revisions you try and tales you tell often enough subsequently.
The BBC chooses targets and will do anything to ‘get’ them.
That they are funded by compulsion to do this is something those in government might like to reflect upon, as I will be reminding of it as part and parcel of many issues of concern come the next election.
Another from France:
“French president says Article 50 could only be extended on the back of a ‘new choice’ by the UK. ” The putsch for a peoples vote begins in another form.
The report says 2 hours ago. Maybe yes maybe no.
“French president says Article 50 could only be extended on the back of a ‘new choice’ by the UK. ”
Pathetically trying to make out we cannot have an extension, so when they force one on us , it’ll look like we have won a victory over them.,,,
It would be something if the ReichEU refused to extend A50 if HMG asks . However it’s looking as though UK will not leave the ReichEU but be tied to it to prevent free WTO deals .
This will mean that the law to take us out of the ReichEU on 29 March is toilet paper . One might think if that law is worthless why bother sticking to others an illegitimate Westminster composes .?
““French president says Article 50 could only be extended on the back of a ‘new choice’ by the UK.”
Wish I had one of those Pakistani jets which bombed india earlier on.
#1 There’s more undercover footage of Sweeney
in which he says he can’t be taken down cos he has dirt on the BBC
#2 TR strong , says FB ban, just hinders but we fought thru every other trick the establishment tried , jailing, beating etc.
#3 The new TR platform TR.news is under construction
#4 a plea to share Panodrama everywhere you can
#5 He says he will be in Finland tmw.. He will be talking about a suppressed documentary where a genuine refugees reveals that felloe refugees were terrorists etc
Friday there will be a public screening
Then Antwerp Free Speech rally
Times : “AfD drawing support from regions that backed Hitler”
.. the test : Does that headline sound like news ? or like PR ?
PR surely
Then the fact a German newspaper used a similar story
makes it look like syndicated PR
Fine if you tell us that AfD committed a crime ? but this looks very much like a smear job
I understand that we, Great Britain, have just struck the first deal with the WTO!
Nowt on Al Beeb yet ?
The pound £ flourishes .
Of course it will flourish, Taff!
Proper businesses see the opportunities; flakes, sjws etc. are unable to do so!
£/Euro = 1.1706
Highest for a year!
Anyone else listening to the confessions of Trumps lawyer ‘Cohen’ think they bore a stirking and disconcerting similarlity to the confessions in Orwells 1984 ?
“Among the last survivors were three men named Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford. It must have been in 1965 that these three had been arrested. As often happened, they had vanished for a year or more, so that one did not know whether they were alive or dead, and then had suddenly been brought forth to incriminate themselves in the usual way. They had confessed to intelligence with the enemy (at that date, too, the enemy was Eurasia), embezzlement of public funds, the murder of various trusted Party members, intrigues against the leadership of Big Brother which had started long before the Revolution happened, and acts of sabotage causing the death of hundreds of thousands of people. ”
” No one who had once fallen into the hands of the Thought Police ever escaped in the end. They were corpses waiting to be sent back to the grave. “
I heard a clip of his opening remarks, Thoughtful, and the fact that it was a convicted perjuror saying the words apart, I thought that it sounded a bit like an actor’s Oscar acceptance speech.
Plenty of emoting to get the gullible onside and to please the media with some soundbites.
Gollum stunt double Evan Davies sounds very smug on Radio 4s PM at the moment reporting on the Trump shenanigans, and I do hope his Prince Albert is not giving him jip still.
BBC pretty much devoting all social media efforts to it.
Nick Clegg happy to oblige after Jr. rained on his parade?
Cassandra – how do you know he has a pet dog called “ Prince Albert”?????
Surely you mean his ‘Chalfonts’!
They all ‘suffer’ in W1A, sitting in hot seats. wringing their little hands, unable to scratch their bums (racist/PC), and typing with little fingers on very expensive Ipads…
Who’d really want to be a journo at the BBC these days? Pathetic remonstrations about things they don’t understand, crap briefing from the HOC and a lot of jobsworths telling you to be carefull with muslims, flakes, sjws, etc etc…
What a farce and a disgrace, and all on £150 a year bungs from the taxpayer.
Eight jailed for rape and abuse of girls in Yorkshire.
The BBC use the M word to describe them – MEN.
Suppose even reporting such convictions will be deemed a ‘hate crime’ in the near future – but like preaching Christianity in a public place causing a ‘ breach of the Moslem peace’
“BBC and ITV set to launch Netflix rival”
The HYS is not running to Al Beeb’s favor .
This one?
17. Posted by toomuchinformationrequired
Dear BBC, when chasing new viewers please do not forget that most of the people paying your licence fee desire unbiased reporting of news and quality programming, not an endless fascination with PC drivel, gender politics and lowest common denominator garbage. You used to be great and you can be again, please don’t let it all slip away.
That last sentence errs on the optimistic, though, at best.
BBC man, ‘splaining.
This may yet require popcorn.
Did Muslim university employee organise vote that stopped a Jewish Society ?
The vote was overruled
That was a surprise. A one off I think given the form of the average university.
Well, maybe, but the reaction to it by the MSM initially was as inevitable as that they brought to the story of the ‘smirking Trump hatter’; expensive consequences yet to be shared.
This is frighteningly near the mark even if it is meant as joke
Children – report your parents to your teachers if you hear them using non aproved words . You’ll get a cash gift and complementary pen .
Bradford grooming: Nine jailed for abusing girls
The thick Inbreds
14 year old children involved…
but as usual no use of the word PAEDOPHILES in the article.
I’m troubled as I’m wondering if they have anything in common as I can’t work it out ….
Let me guess-these monsters story either unreported or buried in the regional need beneath stories about daffodils and sunshine ….
I’m certain that everyone of these bonny guys was my taxi driver yesterday?
1:20pm Vine show
Vine chuckled when his guest said he used JCB to shunt 2 cars of doggers into field
but then caller said ..yeh ‘bloody homos, its not right”
..and Vine changed tone
Should have called them woofters. The BBC is okay with that.
Guest Who: “Trust in media is like virginity.” (Quote from good post further up this page.) “Once you have lost it, you ain’t getting it back, no matter how many dodgy revisions you try and tales you tell often enough subsequently.”
I thought, funny. Funny, I thought.
For the first time in ages I listened to the Afternoon Drama on R4 today. It was a repeat, it wasn’t very good – wooden acting, unbelievable dialogue, poor direction and production – and I had this strange feeling I was being propagandised on the subject of euthanasia. It certainly came across as a tract promoting mercy killing.
Then came Money Box Live with Louise Cooper. The subject: late payment by bigger businesses to freelances and smaller suppliers of goods & services. First caller with a tale of woe. Louise omits the key question. The whole of that first contribution sounded false. Other important items were omitted in the introduction and as other contributors appeared. Net result after 30 minutes? I have little or no confidence in Louise Cooper and any editions of MBL that she presents.
A gay flight attendant on Masterchef !!! Cooking vegan food. John and Gregg and the BBC beside themselves !!!! Straight to the next round son !!!!!!
Update – knocked out !!!!!!! Blimey
I don’t know if this is true but…….
(some say)
“MPs endorse Theresa May’s Brexit strategy”
Is Mrs Chamberlain going to lock us in to the EU forever? This will to damage the Tory Party for many years to come. Do the MPs care, or do they have a vested interest in remaining in the EU?
Ten years of British austerity will be used to bail the EU out .
So much for the ‘wishes of the people are paramount’ .
UKIP here we come…………………………..
Do the MPs care?
I don’t think they do. The vast EU bureaucracy can provide a lucrative post MP life for a few hundred MPs whose loyalty to Brussels was proven.
Have a break from the gloom and doom and have a laugh:
Indeed Despairada!
PM ‘Needs More Time’ So Creates Extra Month Between February and March…
What next for the Jihadi bride?
Head of religious affairs at the bbc maybe?
Or head of Diversity and Equality?
Or head of heads in a basket?
“Head of religious affairs ”
Thought it read “head off…”
A TEENAGE runaway was raped twice by a man who befriended him in Bolton town centre.
The 15-year-old was left traumatised by the attacks on him, committed by Mohammed Suman, who he met on the town hall steps on the evening of July 2 last year.
BBC wimmins football England Brazil, 2 wimmin commentators and an empty stadium wake up BBC no one is interested
Truth be known, its BBCs equivalent to “female beach volley ball”
Both games are really about a bunch of lesbians handling a ball via – ogling each others….
Bet the BBC producers/editors are of the female rainbow mold.
STOP PRESS muslim rape gang already off the BBC front page “Trump a liar” is still top news though, absolutely disgusting how fast they disappear these bastards
Not Al Beeb
“Britain reaches WTO deal on govt contracts post-Brexit”
Fair point Taff, but on the other hand thanks to the BBC we know that President Trump – or just Trump as Sopel prefers – is far more concerned with the testimony of a confirmed and convicted liar and fraudster in Washington, than the outcome of talks with one of the world’s most dangerous and unstable dictators. Priorities – that’s what you get from the world’s most trusted news provider.
Thought for the night…
BBC airhead really thinks the bbc and cronies trying to tell it often enough is indicative of anything other than how obsessed the bbc is.
I’ve had to mute BBC hacks on my Twitter account. The amount of wet panties and empty tissue boxes at Broadcasting House doesn’t bear thinking about.
I think we’re beyond the point where the truth matters. Supporters of the President who’ve seen the media lie, lie and lie again about him are going to take not the slightest notice, assuming it’s simply more lies. The media has forfeited all credence and is little more than irritating background noise to large swathes of the population.
Is anyone other than the BBC actually bothered ???
George Pell: Cardinal’s bail revoked after sexual abuse conviction
Abuses 13 year old boys, but the BBC can’t bring themselves to call him a paedophile, because he is gay,,,
Odd how http://www.tr.news.com redirects to CNET
So does http://www.xyz.news.com and http://www.idontunderstandhowdomainnameswork.news.com
This is because CNET owns the ‘news.com’ domain and redirects invalid URLs to their main page.
Why are most items on the BBC website questions?
Why should I trust the BBC?
Do they live on the same planet as the rest of us?
SOAP [for those of a certain age]
Ignorance. My investigations into the BBC have concluded that the posh left-wing BBC types are the family failure, so they only read fiction not factual books or scientific papers. Left-wing newspapers are also fiction so they don’t have the intellectual faculty of reasoned rational judgment about anything at all. BBC Journalists do not investigate the facts due to mass immigration creating all that knife crime, making it unsafe for BBC staff to leave the building. So are only able to gain any knowledge of the outside world by asking questions on the BBC Website.
Because it’s the oldest trick in the book as far as deceptive journalism is concerned.
State a lie in the form of a question, in such a way that the uninitiated reader will interpret that question as a statement of fact.
Then, if you’re called out on the lie, you can simply rebuff the allegation by saying you were only ‘asking questions’.
I won’t be in . When the TVLicensing goons say they’re going to visit . Or not as their obfuscating letter implies .
Well I know what I’m doing today , but TVLicensing don’t , and don’t seem to know what they’re doing any time of the week . Not that I think they live on the edge . With a guaranteed income they can live as Bertie Wooster in a Jeeves story . Alright for some .
So while we’re all out earning and paying taxes , the nouveau rich who can trough it at the proles expense in 21c Britain can put champagne on their expenses while bringing down a worker from Luton .
At least the old aristocracy had a sense of noblesse oblige .
Not just champagne… Let us not forget the Flaming Sambucas, and of course the now immortalised Kir Royal.
Still, money well spent – almost got him laid. Sort of.
Do you mean the Kir Royal ummmm ummm er with um er er er er blacker um current er er er um blackberry!
Didnt really Vlad – He was the one/the BBC who got shafted and they dont like it up em!
The stitch up by the establishment and the spineless Tories is a full on disgrace. They’ve stalled, moaned, lied, grumbled and worked with the negative MSM to make Brexit so watered down that it won’t actually happen.
They’ve had the gall to fabricate a whole new raft of doom laden prophecies even though the last lot that they said would happen if we voted to leave/if we triggered Article 50 didn’t come true. Yet virtually no one in the media called them out on this blatant deceit and instead started shovelling the new BS that they were being fed.
From following UK politics for many years, I’m done with it. The public gave their decision and the arrogant aloof politicians have ignored the will of the British people. The whole system is broken and corrupt and I’m disgusted with what we have become. Whenever I think about the shameful betrayal, I become enraged at the actions of this traitorous nest of drown worthy rats.
I’ll be voting on the extremes from now on.
Payne – The writing was on the wall for brexit as soon as the New Labour PM, Theresa was imposed on us after the rest of the Tories realised that to properly mug us of a democratic decision we would “need” a “leader” who cares more about personal power than than any minor worries about what is right and what is wrong and peoples reaction.
I dont post much on this site, (but visit daily) as to say anything relevant means that I have to listen to at least some of BBC excrement, produced by their liarazzi, which I now find increasingly difficult to do.
Our politicians and the corrupt media are now so enmeshed together and committed to destroy brexit that these days I take little interest in “who says what” and see the only hope of salvation for this country through the flying brick rather than the ballot box.
Whether the population as a whole will actually choose this path rather than shut their curtains and turn up the volume on strictly (as their country is sold off around them) is I think is fairly unlikely.
It is interesting that in a material sense we have never been richer but in a moral/ethical sense we have never been poorer. I suppose if people have no values then nothing is worth fighting for.
We have become a people waiting to be conquered. And despite all the talk in the world if people do not get off their backsides then the results are inevitable.
I will continue to attend demos etc – but at the end of the day you cant help people to help themselves if they dont want to be helped.
Sorry to sound so down – but it is like knocking your head on a brick wall, We have become the Eloi and are just waiting for the sirens to sound so we can proffer ourselves for the slaughter. Fortunately it seems, we will always have the BBC to tell us that it is in our own interest.
Spot on Oaknash. I totally hear you on withdrawing a little from UK politics. I find it so incendiary that I take comfort in US politics where at least there are two sides to the argument.
At least they have a Fox News to provide a counterbalance to the endless Trump negative coverage. But over here in the UK, it is just a never ending barrage of anti Brexit, anti-UK one sided guff. Yes they might wheel out JRM, Farage or even Batten but it’s token lip service and nothing that they say can make a dent in the tiresome tidal wave of endless doom and gloom and acidic digs at anyone voting Brexit.
I like yourself have all but given up on the country. Our culture is being eroded and our last gasp attempt at holding onto our sovereignty is being crushed under the jackboot of the EU and it’s disgusting HOP appeasers.
Whilst the president is off brokering world peace, the Dems are putting the ‘show’ back in show trial with their grilling of Cohen. They are still having a tantrum about losing! Of course he will bad mouth Trump when you have a metaphorical gun to his head. Trump may be denuclearising the Korean Peninsula – but look at this! Trump once took over Russia during a game of Risk in 1972 which means he must be compromised!
Trump is brilliant at making people destroy themselves. This looks so petty and pathetic, all deliberately timed to distract from Trump’s heroic achievements with North Korea. What a leader. Imagine taking on the entire MSM and humiliating them. Nothing more glorious than when bullies get a taste of their own medicine.
When Anthony ‘analysed’ Michael…
How damaging are Cohen allegations?
Michael Cohen is unleashing a series of explosive accusations directed towards Donald Trump touching on multiple controversies that have bedevilled the president during his time in office. Mr Cohen suggests the president had advance knowledge of his son’s June 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russians and that WikiLeaks was poised to release damaging information about Democrats. He says the president personally signed cheques reimbursing him for a hush money payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels. He alleges that the president was fully aware of ongoing negotiations for a Trump Tower in Moscow well into the 2016 presidential campaign.
Read full analysis >
Anthony Zurcher
“…accusations… touching on…controversies….suggests… He says….He alleges…..”
So, in the post-Sweeney era of BBC credibility, about as ‘damaging’ as a spiked cannon, Anthony.
Meanwhile, everywhere else…. ‘what you need to know’ from the world’s least trustworthy stitch up tool:
BBC News
“Donald J. Trump is a racist, a conman and a cheat.”
Here’s what you need to know about Michael Cohen’s explosive claims – from hacked emails to hush money. https://bbc.in/2Ejm8Q2
Really Fran? Fran? Where are you Fran? Stuck behind the door where the bbc has left every shred of professional integrity?
There’s a general assumption by Trump haters that paying Stormy Daniels was a crime. It wasn’t, but it suits them to pretend otherwise.
Where is the report of this national scandal BBC ?????
Almost 30,000 children have been snared by ruthless criminal gangs in ‘a repeat of the Rochdale sex grooming scandal’
Anne Longfield is calling on the Government to treat the issue as a priority
Some 27,000 children aged ten to 17 have been sucked into gangs in England
But just one in four is known to the authorities, Longfield’s report reveals
Almost 30,000 children have been ensnared by ruthless criminal gangs while the authorities ‘turn a blind eye’, a report warns today
Very surprised that the BBC (anti-family, pro-abortion scum) are interested at yet another example of infants that normally would have been thrown into the trash by most UK/US doctors. BBC Elites will hate me for reminding them that this little thing is now fit and well . Especially “Planned Parenthood” won’t like this example. Child Murderers.inc
Can you imagine the numbers of infants in a single year are lawfully murdered in and out of mothers womb such as this infant who would have survived if certain doctors/finance companies/anti-life groups-BBC didn’t put “life” before “costs” and “inconvieneancies”
Strange that? I did accept?
Anyway, it was the photo of the tiny infant seen on some red tops/TV news today. Even the BBC has now published the image.
Sorry for the confusion guys n gals.
So President Trump didn’t cave in to Kim’s demands to remove ALL sanctions and decided that sometimes you have to hold your nerve and walk away from negotiations.
So now the disgraceful MSM are announcing that Trump is a failure.
Just listening to the journos and politicians criticising his negotiating tactics. Maybe they ought to be looking closer to home when it comes to a total lack of negotiating skills.
They are all so quick to blame Trump. But he is playing hard ball and I suspect this is not the last of it.
It’s difficult to avoid the conclusion that BBC hacks are delighted he failed.
BBC hacks think negotiation is only another word for capitulation, using the well-established pattern of the past two years as a shining example.
Speaking of “Trump”.
Yet another TDS piece offering up the President of America as a figure to be ridiculed, no opportunity missed by the loathsome bBBC.
Artist(?) Alison Jackson, daughter of multi-millionaire Hampshire landowner and descendent of William the Conqueror George Gilbert Mowbray-Jackson, can probably afford to pay £15,000 for a syrup but I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that the bBBC will have been more than happy to pay one of their own for both the taxi and the toupee if asked.
Yes, seriously. £15,000.
Are there any interpreters out there? I was just watching
Breakfast TV on the BBC whilst eating my porridge. They had
their head of statistics taking very quickly in an Irish Republic
brogue about immigration stats. Could any of you tell
me what he was talking about?
My dad had a thick Irish brogue that some say was difficult to understand. It just seemed normal to me because I grew up with it. The thing with the Irish is we tend to speak very quickly even when we are next generation like me.
I wasn’t watching though so I can’t help. If it was a BBC POV about immigration it would likely just wind me up anyway so I’m glad I missed it.
BBC Radio 2 “news”’gushing to announce that Jeremy Corbyn is now going to back a second referendum on Brexit.
Hang on, how come US media has been running their own Jihadi bride story all week which is so similar to our Begum’s ?
No one mentioned it here on B-BBC
Has British media been connecting the two stories ?
The ABC TV interview I watched was by a man with a British accent
.. is this the same Time’s journalist Anthony Loyd who spoke to out Begum ?
More with video
Canadian bride as well ?
\\ @Hagarshat
Tell you what was lucky, the ‘American’, the ‘Canadian’ and the ‘British ‘ brides all being in the news in the same week. Amazing luck. //
Two women from Alabama and Alberta, Canada, came forward after British teenager Shamima Begum asked
“Shamima Begum : British ISIS bride who wants to return to UK” (@CNN )
“Hoda Muthana : ‘deeply regrets’ joining Isis & wants to return in Alabama” (The @guardian )
“Amy : Canadian ‘ISIS bride’ in Syria: ‘I should be allowed to go home’ CTVnews)
Ah KTHopkins mentioned in on Feb 20th
Stir it up, John. Nothing like a good war to distract from domestic travails.
Nick’s got his back, but may have got at his supply of Creme de Menthe.
The BBC are loving it. But they fail to point out that 4 previous Presidents have talked and done nothing..and as Pug said above – POTUS knows how to negotiate..he wasn’t willing to give up all sanctions for minor denuclearisation – now if it was may she would have given up sanctions and paid Kim £39bn .
Now BBC still banging on about what PoTuS’s ex lying lawyer said… they can’t hide their contempt…but more and more people are seeing it..BBC days are numbered
Seems their requirements for staff now also include no one over a mental age of ten.
Yeh make everything a joke
‘Home’ – a sitcom written by Rufus Jones about an asylum-seeker from Syria living with a family in Dorking – starts on Channel 4 in early March.
Speaking of BBC Juvenile, a bumper crop today:
BBC Newsbeat
Some fans are annoyed ticket prices have more than doubled.
Ariana says that’s nothing to do with her.
Others say because she’s heterosexual she shouldn’t headline.
Ariana says she wants to celebrate a community that’s been special to her, and references Kylie and Cher also being straight allies.
Not. Enuf. Popcorn.