Might as well start if off by drawing attention to Nicola Sturgeon’s call for another Scottish independence referendum which the BBC has referred to as ‘indyref2’. Why does everything have to be given a hip slogan these days? Very annoying and, anyway, I wish she would just foff2.
[Grrrr …. and I was saving this for a first place post 🙂 ]
Something remarkable has happened to Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England, this week. He appears to have caught the BBC’s memory loss. He cut Base Rate in half shortly after the EU Referendum result was known because ‘the poor state of the UK economy demanded it’. That helped to collapse Sterling, which the BBC and Remainers have been talking or complaining about ever since.
Now Governor Carney says that there would be an unfavourable impact on the UK economy if we leave the EU without a deal on 29 March and Base Rate may have to be INCREASED.
Er, what?
Maybe he should seek some help, Help the Aged? Medical help?
Maybe he should be terminated.
But as it turns out, his mate the Chancellor is running the Brexit saboteurs squad in Parliament, so no doubt he will be safe in the job, at least for now.
Mr Carney is what happens when you let the vampire squid, Goldman Sachs, control your money.
Mr Carney should have been sent packing a long time ago; in fact, he should never have been appointed governor of the Bank of England in the first place. Have we been so hollowed out and enervated by over 40 years of EU buggery that we no longer have any Englishmen to run things?
Judging by the quality of the swamp dwellers in the HoP, I think the answer must be yes.
Just dipped in to twitter and it is chock full of BBC staff congratulating themselves on winning yet another set of meaningless ‘awards’ that they give each other every few weeks.
Not sure if Emily has said “You love me; you really love me”. Yet.
And guess who’s up for kiddy fiddling ? Lord Ahmed of Rotherham. Yes that Blair appointed POS. When he was imprisoned for killing that guy on the M1 one xmas day guess who he blamed for his custodial sentence ? Yes it was the Joo’s again with their influence and power. Suppose that will be his defence again. The rise of the tokens, it’s coming home to roost.
This is about an hour long so probably to long for many to watch but the treatment of Brian and Janice Docherty is almost to incredible to believe.
In summary, because they reported someone, who happens to be a mate of a peer, to the Scottish police for offering money to them so he could have sex with their five year old autistic son, they have been driven out of Scotland and persecuted by just about every agency in the Scottish, English, Irish and Northern Irish governing organisms. And had all four of their children taken from them and been deprived of all contact with them. They believe all of the children have been adopted but by whom, they don’t know. The video is about three years old so I don’t know the current situation but no doubt Brian Gerrish is still in contact with them.
Silly people they must think the British public watch these events and are as giddy and excited as they are. Sadly for the last to be employed by the BBC they will be first gravy-rain passengers to be sacked and left high n dry.
My reply – as seen above – was in answer to your earlier piece:
“Just dipped in to twitter and it is chock full of BBC staff congratulating themselves on winning yet another set of meaningless ‘awards’
I hope I didn’t offend anyone as my reply was directly below the couple as seen above who have had their children taken off them, and could have been taken as an insult of the couple in video.
Has anyone had the same problem as I am having? If I put “bia” into Google on my iPad until a couple of weeks ago, it was enough to bring up this site. Now I have to put in “biasedbbc” and then it is at the bottom of the window. Is this Google trying to make it harder to find this site?
Deborah – I wouldn’t be at all surprised. Most of the time whenever I put a news story into Google, the first and second results seem to be the BBC and the Guardian. Mmmmmm………
Yes with Milo’s website I have to work much harder to find it. Fiddling with autocomplete is one weapon in the terrifying arsenal they have to stop thought crime.
Type in ‘Hillary Clinton em’ and instead of suggesting emails – like with anyone else – it suggests emojis.
GW, Re: Yr. last post, Start the Week.
With respect, the graph you post is practically unimportant. More important is the influx from other parts of the third World. To June 2018 the figure is 273,000 totally dwarfing the EU stats. Check out: https://www.migrationwatchuk.org/statistics-net-migration-statistics
In part, thanks to our muslim Home Secretary who shows the public how tough he is on one hand in stopping the Begum woman. He’s on safe ground knowing the courts will consider her, ‘Human Rights’ when they make their decision to permit her to, ‘come home’ perhaps with the bastard in tow. Conversely we cannot see how many muslims are within that 273K. I’ll wager it is the majority. Thanks muslim Home Sec. Your strings are being pulled by the Middle East and your Globalist masters.
We are all in the process of witnessing something extraordinarily ‘big’ going down. I think most people are too close to see what’s going on. The UK’s political elite are utterly out of control and it will take something like a coup to pull up on the reigns quickly. The motivation for the lunacy knows no bounds. It is as if the continuance of the current formation of the political parties can be sacrificed. But for what? The people are no longer considered entitled to a comment and looking at their options to stand up now and demand the nonsense stops immediately (if they were even inclined to tear themselves away from Coronation Street/Eastenders/Footie) only goes to demonstrate how much weight they pool is virtually zero. The State has, over the decades, gradually and by stealth, put laws into place such that it is now impossible to challenge the State. Farage and his ‘Jarrow’ march? Waste of time. It won’t change anything. The political process means we cannot even, within a reasonable period of time, (and currently it is urgent), demand change and given time, this current lot will wriggle out of harms way pretty quickly. Proof? – Look at the decaying state of Brexit – need I say more? That over just over 2 years for them to turn that round just enough to leave a fictitious veneer on the current outcome that offers a vague hint of democracy having been applied. The situation is serious. More so than any other in my lifetime.
It is an utter disgrace that MPs are only getting a 2.7% pay increase – which works out to be a mere £2000. How is one supposed to live on £79000?
With all that responsibility they shouldn’t have to waste precious time going to food banks . We should spare a thought for the precious darlings forced to claim their TV licence (s) on expenses .
Climate.. and indication of the non-quality of our MP’s
\\ HoC debate this afternoon, opened by Libdem Layla Moran.
I switched off when she claimed that
“The IPCC say that we have 12 years before global warming rises above 1.5 per cent”
If she doesn’t know how wrong that is, what’s the rest of her speech worth? //
… Hansard swept up after her and recorded it as “1.5 degrees Celcius”
The BBCweb yesterday quoted a source saying recent temperatures were “double” the “normal”
..then later stealth edited that error.
Err – that would be 79k plus 200k ‘expenses’ plus another 40k if you are involved in any ‘groups’ (whether you attend meetings or not), I believe is the going rate….
‘Expenses’ means food, drink, transport and an army of slaves, no need to waste your own money on that mundane stuff like the plebs do….
Come on! It’s peanuts, and as a result we have monkeys! However the USA has a population of 325 million and 425 Representatives, the UK has a population of 66 million and 650 MPs !
The salary of a Representative is a healthy $174 000 pa plus expenses, and after two years service the salary is theirs for life, whether they stand or not.
A US representative is elected by 750 000 people, a British MP by just 100 000 and there is the problem. If we represented the people on the same ratio there would be just 90 MPs in the commons obviously far too low, but at least half of them need to be culled and paid a respectable amount to attract half decent talent and not monkeys.
Just as an afterthought to above, just > 2yrs to turn Brexit around? They will need a similar amount of time (sensing a culling next election) to turn the electoral system around to their favour………..
Then, hey presto! we have a two-party dictatorship.
Completely agree with you. I have thought for some time now that Brexit will lead to increased third world immigration into the UK. It is a big worry to me. On the one hand I want out of the EU for reasons of sovereignty and democracy but on the other I think most of the Brexiteer politicians will be happy to see us importing more non EU cheaplabour . Mind you so would most EU non populist politicos.
I really think that there is no UK based solution to preventing third world immigration , our politicians just dare not address it even if they wanted to and building a party that would in our FPTP system will take too long. Our only hope is that populism wins the day in the EU and turns back the invaders and helps us to do the same. Our salvation, if there is to be one, lies outside these islands.
News not (needless to say) available from the ‘Worlds Most Trusted’ Marxism United – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6SbK1DyWmA
Never mind the UN Migration Compact………….
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Thank you,
Andrew Torba
Thank you
Assuming kosher, looks interesting.
Of course, the BBC does tempt still with its daft new sub service.
“Theresa May sends support to Miss Drag UK finalist” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-essex-47409380
She has her priorities wrong, she should stick to her promise and support Brexit .
Well that’s where we are folks ! Like Al Beeb, her standing is lower than a snake’s belly.
Our only salvation is to vote and support UKIP and get a real ‘meaningful ‘government to run this great
“Mrs May had initially responded to a tweet sent by BBC journalist Chris Gibson, asking if she was a fan of the drag queen reality series, Ru Paul’s Drag Race.”
See, how devious these gay stormtroopers really are. It was a BBC employee who sent her the question. Trying to incite May to be against trans etc then the whole pink media would no doubt be outraged against May and her party.
They should record it live and choose the guests and audience by lot; questions asked impromptu without having been previously selected by Beeb staff.
Instead they cleverly choose the audience, guests and questions – often even planting people in the audience to state a Beeb narrative to suggest normal people think like they do when of course they do not. It is just the sort of show Winston Smith might be executive producer for.
Tried my best, no, really I did, to watch the QT/Barry Gardiner Show all through but when the Palestinian LibDem got on to climate change that was just too much.
Before that though, at the start when the subject was Brexit, at length, one thing stood out. The government were quite rightly castigated from all sides for the shambles they have made over the past 2 and more years. All agreed on that. But nobody, not one panel member, no single person in the audience, mentioned the EU and the part it has played in orchestrating the debacle. Cleverly, no doubt of that, but to our shame they have played us like a fiddle and history will show that the whole charade has been shameful for this country, for democracy, and for the EU itself – exposed as a totalitarian and despicable political junta.
The fact that not one person had the courage and perception to point that simple fact out illustrates how duped we have been.
We have allowed them to play us like a fiddle. Why would they behave any differently? It was up to our Government to negotiate properly and it manifestly failed to do so. That is not the fault of the EU.
Did anyone else see Trump saying “Sometimes you have to walk away from a bad deal” on last night’s news and think perhaps that was a barb at the UK?
I think our government have negotiated in exactly the way the EU required of them – as precedents in Denmark, Ireland, Holland and France have conclusively proved.
The dumb LibDum bint was the one who was on Sky a fortnight ago claiming that the U.K. was not a member of theWTO in its own right. Completely false, of course, but what more would you expect from a daft bint being paid £77k plus expenses to exercise her ‘brain’ to thwart Brexit because she, as an MP, knows best. They know 2/5 of 5/8 of FA!
Agree entirely that it takes two to make a deal and that the EU have been deliberately obstructive by making it as difficult as possible for us to leave. Even more incomprehensible is the idea that ‘no deal’ should be ruled out because that is really the only bargaining chip that we have. I was delighted when the audience turned on Gardiner because all he wanted to do was to try and score political points against the government using illogical arguments based on not recognising the truth of what you have identified. Whilst I don’t want to accept it I now believe that the ‘establishment’ will not allow any sort of brexit to happen.
The other thing that struck me was how poorly informed the LibDem person was about the realities of Climate Change and in fact the only person on the panel able to speak the truth was the American writer. She identified the futility of the UK spending hundreds of £Billions on decarbonising when our contribution is so tiny compared to that of larger nations. In particular she also recognised that we run the real risk of not being able to supply our own energy needs. Imho most of our politicians are running scared of the far left media like the #BiasedBBC who control what a very large section of society believes.
It is already too late to reverse any of this this now when the corrupt organisation won’t even allow any debate on the subjects – ‘auntie’ knows best
On the plus side, hopefully other prospective Leave countries have watched what has happened to us; by both our fifth columnists inside and our EU enemies outside; and will try to avoid it happening to themselves.
Apparently mr gardiner made £198000 on the sale of his second home which was paid for by taxpayers despite having a constituency 8 miles from Westminster ( source – guido ) . Just love socialists ….
Dover Sentry
‘They gave their today for our tomorrow’
I am afraid the snowflakes of today are wasting the freedom that those chaps gave us . They had it given to them on a plate and are prepared top give it away on a plate.
I appreciate that ‘times change’, but at what point in the last few decades did the young male species devolve from being a ‘grown up’ and possibly married with responsibilities in their early 20s, to the specimens we see now who are still literally children playing on their X boxes at the same age ?
I would say that the age comparison of those young fighter pilots in WW2 in their late teens/early 20’s, would be around 40 now.
None of us are happy at ageing, and want to retain our youthfulness for as long as possible, but those in their 20’s now have no better intelligence than the teenagers of my era – 50 odd years ago. In fact, we were probably more mature during those years than this lot are now.
Dover Sentry
‘They gave their today for our tomorrow’
I am afraid the snowflakes of today are wasting the freedom that those chaps gave us . They had it given to them on a plate and are prepared to give it away on a plate.
Brissles , Taff
It’s bit like that old chinese adage ..”You can only keep wealth in the family for three generations.” So one generation starts the next build and the third sell it all and destroy it by being lazy buggers…ok not exactly 3 generations but principle is the same…
Sounds about right James.
Its like the advent of ‘dressing down’ for everything. It went without saying that one dressed up (or at least half decently) to go to the theatre, a wedding, even the pictures , going to see the doctor, or even visiting someone in hospital ! On our Saturday night dates my boyfriend(s) would turn up in a suit – simply because they’d be in work clothes during the week, and they wanted to feel smart and impress !
Now its jeans/trainers/trakkie bottoms, and polo/football/t shirts as the norm. Most young men cant even wear proper shoes – how sad is that !
Ah well, if ‘times have changed’ this much in a few decades, what state of dress shall there be in the next few decades ?
A Remoaner attacked a guy showing a Leave poster on a motorway bridge last week. Said that Leavers we’re doing more damage to the country than Hitler did!!
Does the Welsh news start the day with the anthem? I can’t remember…
(The English bbbc trashy news would start with some bloody wailing to some whining sort of bum-in-air chant, worthy of a speak-your-weight machine on crap curry or Somali gut-rot).
Excuse the fishy pun and grab the popcorn, I don’t think the Irish have thought this one through. A bit premature, and in the wrong direction, with the border in the Irish Sea aren’t they? CCBGB I’m glad to say.
So let the games begin then. Let’s hit them in the pocket to start with by boycotting all Irish products.
Rich, this is extraordinary behaviour considering they use our roads free of charge for transporting the majority of the goods going to the continent. Leo upping the anti probably at the suggestion of his EU masters.
This is from the Fail because a quick search on the bBBC for anything relating to similar behaviour from the Spanish, in incidents that are seemingly becoming more frequent and more aggressively confrontational, gave me nothing.
Which is probably what the government’s response to these Irish shenanigans will be, nada. The DUP on the other hand will not be as willing to ignore it, especially the DUP MP of the area where any affected fishermen are most likely to come from, Strangford’s Jim Shannon, who is fast becoming a bit of a HoP celebrity for some reason.
Fedup2, I was briefly worried by the ‘Long weekend’ thread title. Had the UK brought in some new national holiday this Monday during my years in Australia? Mandela Day, perhaps? Windrush Day? Obama Day? Lord Reith Day? Dimbleby Day?
Mind you, I suspect any new holiday will be a day of shame. I predict a reworking of the old Empire Day (now Commonwealth Day, in March). ‘Let’s beat ourselves up about the Empire Day’ will give indigenous Britons the opportunity to cringe through the streets in sackcloth and ashes while being ceremonially whipped by Hope not Hate. (Enthusiastic BBC coverage a certainty).
I had received fed back about leaving out the midweek thread and felt suitably chastised . So I thought I’d put this one up a bit early as well as in honour of St David and his Day. No doubt the MP for Brussels south – Stephen ( Neil was my dad€) Kinnock will be welsh for the day .
We will probably end up with “Diversi ‘h’ y Day” where all except white British males are allowed the day off work (which will have a minimum impact upon the economy)
All the ones with their pound shop Bri ‘h’ ish passports innit bruv can celebrate all day long
BBC – they really are throwing it all at Brexit…despite making a cursory attempt to portray balance in the argument on BBC breakfast – They show a woman and then a Wigan business being positive but use a black chap ( PC reasons I am sure, not because he was well informed) who spouts the usual Remainer opinions as their lead and then let him finish the piece with a negative statement about Brexit. They just can’t help themselves…
And when are these idiot Remainers who talk about the EU spending money in the UK going to realise it is our money given back with a huge chunk taken away!! Are they really that thick?
It’s hilarious…R4 talking Brexit and impact in North East..had someone from Newcastle University who was clearly Eastern European..I am sure she was a nice person as most are – but you might think they could have got somebody actually from Newcastle..
And not a single comment from him about the ridiculous portrayal of Henry VI wife by a black african ?? talk about the ultimate cultural appropriation, what about Ray Winstone playing Nelson Mandela next for balance ?
Here are some of the questions that Lammy was asked on Mastermind and answered incorrectly:
1) What was the married name of the scientists Marie and Pierre who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903 for their research into radiation? Lammy’s Answer: Antoinette
2) Which fortress was built in the 1370s to defend one of the gates of Paris, and was later used as a state prison by Cardinal Richelieu?
Lammy’s answer: Versailles
3) Who succeeded to the English throne aged nine on the death of his father Henry VIII in 1547?: Lammy’s Answer: Henry VII (must have been that tear in the space time continuum).
Lammy often shows by his ignorant outbursts just how thick he is. I laughed at his comments about the papal smoke but this overlooked gem by Lammy highlights the arrogance, stupidity and narcissism of the prominent Labour MP:
Perhaps JRM will take part and explain why we can’t have a two-tier system and shouldn’t devalue the principle of British citizenship. Then perhaps someone else will reply “Quite right – that is why there should be an urgent redefinition of what constitutes British citizenship. Oh, by the way, here’s those copies of Mohammed’s Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam and Tommy Robinson Enemy of the State I promised to lend you”.
‘Credibility based on nothing.’ A quote, this morning, from a BBC breakfast presenter referring to fake news about an internet character called Momo. I think the BBC should use it as their new motto.
“FORMER Labour peer Lord Ahmed is to stand trial accused of attacks on two children, it was reported last night.
The 61-year-old faces two charges of attempted rape and a third of indecent assault on a girl and a boy under 13, says The Times.”
@Cassandra Yes subtly reported at 10am local news by sandwiching it in the middle of the stories, also no mention of his previous jailing
Times : ‘The alleged offences are said to have taken place in Rotherham in the 1970s, when Lord Ahmed was a teenager. He is one of three men facing linked criminal charges after a lengthy investigation by South Yorkshire police.’
Charged with attempted rape x 2 and indecent assault x1 on a girl and a boy under 13.
Lord Ahmed, The first Muslim councillor in Rotherham and the first Labour Muslim peer
Look at the former chief prosecutor tweeting the entire Times story below
..So why didn’t he get Lord Ahmed prosecuted 10-15 years ago when it was his job to ?
No comment from me required! As criminal proceedings against Lord Ahmed have been initiated, it wouldn’t be right either pic.twitter.com/PKWXCcAXu1
Lord Ahmed’s background
2013 \\ The prominent Labour peer Lord Ahmed of Rotherham jailed for 12 weeks after admitting sending texts while driving before his Jaguar ploughed into a stationary car on the M1, KILLING its driver. //
How many weeks did he actually serve ?
\\ served 16 days.
No provision for expelling jailed Lords, so he kept seat. //
Sky : http://tinyurl.com/agfsjq
Ant-Jewish conspiracy theories
A Labour peer was suspended from the party yesterday for allegedly suggesting a Jewish plot led to him being jailed after a fatal car crash.
Lord Ahmed is said to have claimed that he was being punished because of his support for the Palestinian cause in an interview for a Pakistan TV station.
He reportedly said: “My case became more critical because I went to Gaza to support Palestinians.
“My Jewish friends who own newspapers and TV channels opposed this.”
He also allegedly told an Urdu-language broadcast that the judge who jailed him for 12 weeks was appointed to the High Court after helping a “Jewish colleague” of Tony Blair.
Is there really anything good that has come from allowing a flood of Asian migrants into this country ? What did the good folk of Rotherham do to deserve the pond life that now inhabit that town ? To have a migrant born in Kashmir take the name of that mining town in his baronetcy is utterly shameful. I wonder when he last set foot down a coal mine. The Rotherham swamp needs draining. I know many in the town who refuse to use any taxi driven or owned by an Asian, but sadly this is one place where you will see an abundance of mixed marriages.
Did I hear right? Did our trustable Broadcaster actually mislead the nation at about 8.48am on TOADY this morning? They suggested that tariffs would be payable by UK exporters on the day after 29th March.
I chuckled along until Fi got zapped in her earwig to rein him in and instead chipped in to confirm that the BBC and its carefully selected audiences do not speak for the nation.
And did I hear right on the first day of the Beebs Brexit Day experiment that two of the questions chosen were from people who voted Leave and sounded incredibly ……
….. young?!!!
I thought it was only old, ignorant people who voted Leave in June 2016.
And one was from London, too.
We all know that everyone in London voted Remain, don’t we?
Wow. We can only eat 70 grammes of red meat a day or we might get bowel cancer. I’m stressed now, I need a cigarette!
They seem to be mentioning pork, ham and bacon more than beef though.
They seem to be blurring the boundaries by stating “red or processed meats such as ham, bacon, salami”
What next? Are they going to tell us we can replace those processed meat with chicken, which is largely halal slaughtered?
Oh yes, how predictable. They have just said to replace red meat with chicken!
I’ve eaten red meat all my life, and processed meat. too, sugar, salt, lard, butter, cream and drunk beer/wine/gin, and smoked cigars (not all my life, obviously), and thus far I have eluded cancer (or it has eluded me). Fingers crossed, and long may that situation continue. Got a dicky heart, though, as (I believe) a result of contracting Lyme from a tick bite.
The fact that oral farter Chris Williamson is a vegan might give pause for thought and help swing the balance back towards normal and rational diets – in a normal world, that is.
Now they are telling us to drink green tea.
Have the bbc got an advertising contract with chicken and green tea producers?
Oh my word they have just gone on a building site and found a Muslim builder to interview!
How many Muslim builders must there be drinking tea on a building site in England right now?
Now after speaking to another Asian “expert”
they are asking a hijabed doctor advice on drinking green tea!
Some woman “genuinely believes” that drinking green tea amongst other things (!), that drinking green tea helped ‘play a part’ in her mums recovery from stage 3 breast cancer.
Right so they have just said “there is currently no strong scientific evidence that taking green tea in any form can help cure any cancer once you have it”
So why then, have they just spent 20 minutes implying that it can?
Now they are promoting eating insects! “The future of food”.
Weren’t they telling us very recently that the planet is in danger of losing its insects? Now they want us to start eating them!
Where’s the off switch – I need a bacon sarny and a cup of strong coffee!
Did anyone else see Barry Gardiner’s performance on QT?
When grilled on Labour Anti-Semetism, he produced letters he received that day from 2 ‘right wing’ haters. With a tear in his eye brandishing these documents, the audience bayed and clapped, while the other panelists gravely nodded.
To be fair the reaction to his finale – hands up to ward off the slings and arrows of an outraged audience, who finally twigged they had been forced to sit through an uninterrupted flow of meaningless garbage – provided his just deserts. And this despite Fiona Dimly allowing him to drone on at extreme length and the expense of all other opinions.
Exactly Kaiser, which only goes to confirm the BBC’s disdain for its audience. Their conceit ensures that no one will query the happy coincidence of ‘Uphill’ Gardiner – if I may coin a phrase – having pertinent ‘right-wing’ correspondence tucked away in his jacket. Nicely.
Where or why has this Anti-Semetism arisen from? The Jews have always known and accepted the outward appearance of opposition-most of my working life I worked amongst Jews, those that came to the UK before WW2 brought a better attitude of respect to their new country that gave them safety, as against those Jews who arrived during and after WW2, their behaviour changed the face of my industry (Clothes Manufacturing) the rise of the barrow boys from the East End like Philip Green evolved, bringing their inappropriateness/unsuitability/unstable elements to the trade and in fact to many of the older Jew as I know. However let us not forget the enormous power the Jews hold in the financial markets, especially that of Rothschild, who for over 200 yrs have had all the central banks in Europe under their control and that includes the EU obviously. They are major shareholders in the Federal Reserve, their banking arm stretches around the world, so don’t let us get carried away by all this so called Anti-Semetism-it’s duplicity isquite apparant
Radio5live this morning and that Campbell chappie and his fellow female host:
2 male Remain voters. well spoken , educated.
1 very young female Leave voter.
The two men came over as very calm, as if they have had experience in public speaking, in politics or buisness but the female sounded to me as if she hadn’t the foggiest idea what the other 4 were talking about?
Its as if the BBC Radio five live car had pulled up at the nearest bus stop and had asked a young woman who was taking a selfie of herself to come down to the studio and answer a few questions on Brexit.
Campbell chappie gave the men plenty of time to answer their questions without cutting them short . But with the poor woman he not only kept cutting her short but its the voice he did it in. Very snotty, looking down his nose at her because she was a leve voter.
At the end of the interview Campbell, asked fellow female host:
its friendly Friday again, are you friendly with anyone today?
Host replied:
Well, I know that I’m friends with at least two 2 people this Friday laughing. As she said this I could just see both of them eye-balling the leave voter as she walking out of studio all the while blowing kisses to their 2 male remainer guests who were probably staying behind for a coffee with both BBC hosts. Very toxic atmosphere, very toxic attitude. The BBC building should be cleansed and those employees who treat their fellow citizens like that because she voted leave should be dismissed.
Apparently the Spanish Government is issuing a decree today regarding the status of 600000? Uk residents in Spain as well as holiday makers-
The text being – regardless of brexit existing rights continue . There is also a bilateral agreement with Spanish citizens in Blighty .
I wonder is the likes of former public schoolboy nick Campbell and his type talk about that much of al beeb ?
By the way – I mention mr Campbell’s public school back ground because I heard him chair a discussion about public schools without declaring that he went to one .
My declaration – I went to an RC school – def not posh . I’m not against public schools as the parents taxes effectively pay for some attending state education
Vesnadog, did you mean 2 male remainers at the beginning of your post?
Yes the bias is blatant. They no longer even attempt to hide it.
Unbiased, impartial bbc NOT.
Is there a word for that kind of language error when the result is the opposite of what you meant to say ?
.. usually cos you omitted the word “not” etc.
10:03am Major cockup on BBC Asian Network
They just announced in the news
“Lord Nazir Afzal has been charged”
The idiots mixed him up with Lord Ahmed …
Human Rights ……they are not applicable for the likes of me and you … these rights only seem to be in place to assist criminals and the greedy lawyers !!!
But they never tell us when the records began. And they can’t tell us what the weather was like before records began.
To adapt the Q observation: these people are stupid.
.. like as in 6 billion years ?
No they mean the hottest since weather records began
.. It’s almost bound to have been hotter many times in the past
cos the whole planet has often been much hotter.
“Hot”? Ah, they must mean temporarily mild for the time of year.
Come next week, storm Freya (I mean an equinoxial Atlantic depression) will have decimated half the country with a strong breeze, and a little rain – but it will be the worst March wevah, evah…
Accidentally to Radio 4 at 11.40am this morning and I thought I had tuned in to Radio Soweto. Apparently it was the comedy slot and the black and gay ‘comedian’, Stephen K Amos was presenting his show, ‘What does the ‘K’ Stand for?’. It had everything you desire, if you delight in almost impenetrable Nigerian and West Indian accents. You know when a radio show is rubbish when it has undisguised canned laughter at the end of each so called joke, presumably to let you know when to laugh. The good news was that I worked out what the ‘K’ in the show stands for without having to listen to the end of the dire unfunny offering to find out.
It stands for Krap.
Another Day : And Our Social Media Gods admit and error in banning another conservative
After Owen Jones Twitter pile on against Suzanne Evans, Twitter temporarily suspended her
5 hours ago they retracted
“The challenge was brought by the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI), which claimed the scheme was “race discrimination against those who are perfectly entitled to rent”.
“Responding to the ruling, legal policy director Chai Patel said there was “no place for racism in the UK housing market”.”
But of course this is a lie, because there is room for racism, as long as it’s racism against white English people… as revealed in the widespread “Muslim only” or “Asian only” rental practices that operate in London.
You can check this yourself…. but of course the retched filth at the BBC don’t want to mention that though.
From The Daily Telegraph front page (today 1/3/2019):
“An epidemic of gang violence that thousands of children have been caught up in will only be curtailed if ministers admit it largely affects black youths, the former race watchdog chief says today.
Writing in the Daily Telegraph, Trevor Phillips calls for an ‘open and honest’ discussion …
The former chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission accuses politicians, police and the BBC of ‘whitewashing’ the issue, comparing the problem to the grooming scandals in which predominantly British Pakistani Muslim men targeted young white girls who were ignored for years because of the fear of being labelled ‘racist and Islamophobic’.
… … …
Mr Phillips, … writes: ‘Evidence shows that the wave of killings and maiming are assassinations of black children by black children, often directed by adult drug dealers. Yet, to read our newspapers and listen to our media, you would imagine that race played no part at all. The BBC in particular is guilty of whitewashing the truth’. He adds: ‘The daily parade of dark faces in items about knife crime tell their own story.’
Leroy Logan, founder of the Black Police Association, said: ‘This is a wider issue than race. This is a class issue; this is about urban deprivation.’
Question Time : comedian Henning Wehn
“stick your hand up if you would vote different in a Second Referendum”
“..see just a handful
..so it’s pointless.. you could even end up with 48 to 52 the other way .. that’d be even worse ” https://order-order.com/2019/03/01/german-comedian-nails-brexit
“The Few Left Wing Journalists ” really Owen …few ?????
I hate this fella with a passion , but what i hate most is folk who can give it out, but cant take it. Owen is a case in point. Remember him calling on everyone to get down to the Council Offices after Grenfell to stir up trouble when tensions were high ….. he was inciting violence but hes from the far left so that was OK, its protesting. Other way round, its far right thuggery !!!
Project Veritas : is anyone up to spec ?
As ever when the libmob threw out accusations against Russians/Trump hacking the info market, it seems that was an indication that libmob via their insiders at Facebook/Twitter are the ones who are actually doing that rigging.
Project Veritas have a 20 min vid https://www.projectveritas.com/2019/02/27/facebook-insider-leaks-docs/
I believe the term for this in psychology is “projection”, i.e. accusing others of doing things that you are doing yourself, consciously or unconsciously. Hence frequent evocation of Right-wing “fascism” by the Fascist Left.
“In the end we in this country and other Western countries, also have to remember the role we played in the carve up of the African continent, the Indian continent,……….”
Perhaps the UK should take issue with Italy and Denmark then, when the Romans and Vikings marched all over us, plundering and pillaging, but we don’t hold grudges.
The correct Google would be
: site:bbc.co.uk “farage” “Brexit” “Sunderland
… It’s pointless to use the word “march” in the month of “March”
… Date limiting the search shows that No the BBC web team haven’t mentioned it yet
Meanwhile the Channel4 chap shows he’s an sneering idiot
\\ @MichaelLCrick
And how far will Farage himself actually march? Chester-le-Street? //
…doh, Chester-le-Street is Northwest of Sunderland so in the wrong direction.
Some Welch Politician was on the world at one explaining that leaving the EU will be bad for Blighty so was plotting to stop. I was waiting for the Mardell to ask if the 17 million can be ignored that easily but the question never came .
With over 2 years gone since the vote it shows how the bubble continues to treat the democratic vote as ‘void’ .
Can’t see this country have much time or respect for politicians for a very long time .
My own MP (Liz Saville-Roberts of Plaid Cymru, not that I would ever vote for her but she is all I have got) recently sent me an email in which she told me “Thank you for making your views known to me and I assure you I will continue to do my utmost to ensure that we don’t leave the European Union.“. Democracy? Who needs it?
Lunch – born in Londonistan I recall – and god does she like the sound of her own voice – which thinking on it probably makes her a fully qualified politician .
The Sun do a front page plus 2-page spread on this piece of filth whose quaint etnic hobby it was to give his ‘girlfriends’ lethal drugs and video them agonise, or in the case of Holby actor’s daughter Louella Fletcher-Mitchie – die.
The Beeb, meh, not too bothered, for some inexplicable reason – let’s stick it under Dorset.
(I wonder if her showbiz parents thought it was cool to have their daughter date a drug-dealing rapper? There used to be an adage that a liberal was just a conservative who hadn’t been mugged yet. Perhaps it should be updated to a liberal is a conservative whose daughter hasn’t been culturally enriched yet.)
“I wonder if her showbiz parents thought it was cool to have their daughter date a drug-dealing rapper…..”
Who knows ? but I’d rather bet it was more likely they were far from happy, in the same way that Philip Green’s daughter has a baby sired by a convicted felon, I imagine his head practically exploded behind closed doors, but teenage daughters have always been truculent and push the boundaries with Mum and Dad. Parents hope they ‘grow out of it’ rather than put their foot down, and how many would want to face cries of “is it because he’s black ?” – then what do you say ?
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 2016 Brexit – control our borders – 2025 borders open with increase crossing. 2016 Brexit – control our VAT- 2025…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:00 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Border Patrol recorded 58,038 encounters with migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in August, according to a Pew Research Center…
JohnCMar 10, 07:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I posted earlier Marco, the BBC are celebrating his ‘appointment’ with such a fanfare in a ‘live update’ article…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I think Trump made a big mistake in taking measures against Canada and joking about it becoming the 51 st…
harry142857Mar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC approved type of enricher. Welcomed to the UK: Palestinian asylum seeker gunman who called on God to ‘kill all…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 07:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 A warning from the future! And one which we can all see is not a exaggerated threat. Prof Betz and…
MarcoMar 10, 07:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney Wef candidate and green scam artist ,he ticks all the globalist boxes including the BBC but the good…
pugnaziousMar 10, 07:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It is possible to stop the flow….you just have to want to…and Labour, the Tories and France just don’t want…
tomoMar 10, 07:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 With all the Democrat funded “news” operations losing USAID money there’s a lot of “talent” looking for a safe harbour.…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 06:58 Start the Week 10th March 2025 bbc to go on and on about this… Lawyer probing Reform UK row contradicts MP Lowe https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c7430zw4zqyo Remember partygate, well…
Me first!
Might as well start if off by drawing attention to Nicola Sturgeon’s call for another Scottish independence referendum which the BBC has referred to as ‘indyref2’. Why does everything have to be given a hip slogan these days? Very annoying and, anyway, I wish she would just foff2.
Hang on. I want to offer Fedup some popcorn. [from the previous thread]

Ha ha Lucy thank you . How did you know I am a double for President Trump ?
I’d also entreat every one to stock up on popcorn before the shortage caused by Brexit …
Well done, chancy.
[Grrrr …. and I was saving this for a first place post 🙂 ]
Something remarkable has happened to Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England, this week. He appears to have caught the BBC’s memory loss. He cut Base Rate in half shortly after the EU Referendum result was known because ‘the poor state of the UK economy demanded it’. That helped to collapse Sterling, which the BBC and Remainers have been talking or complaining about ever since.
Now Governor Carney says that there would be an unfavourable impact on the UK economy if we leave the EU without a deal on 29 March and Base Rate may have to be INCREASED.
Er, what?
Maybe he should seek some help, Help the Aged? Medical help?
Maybe he should be terminated.
But as it turns out, his mate the Chancellor is running the Brexit saboteurs squad in Parliament, so no doubt he will be safe in the job, at least for now.
Mr Carney is what happens when you let the vampire squid, Goldman Sachs, control your money.
Mr Carney should have been sent packing a long time ago; in fact, he should never have been appointed governor of the Bank of England in the first place. Have we been so hollowed out and enervated by over 40 years of EU buggery that we no longer have any Englishmen to run things?
Judging by the quality of the swamp dwellers in the HoP, I think the answer must be yes.
If we can find a solid, competent citizen like Mervyn King, then we can find another.
Just dipped in to twitter and it is chock full of BBC staff congratulating themselves on winning yet another set of meaningless ‘awards’ that they give each other every few weeks.
Not sure if Emily has said “You love me; you really love me”. Yet.
Backlinks : last page #5 of previous thread
.. began Friday 9am
Rotherham children’s services won an award at the peak of the ‘grooming’ scandal. It shows just how meaningless they are.
And guess who’s up for kiddy fiddling ? Lord Ahmed of Rotherham. Yes that Blair appointed POS. When he was imprisoned for killing that guy on the M1 one xmas day guess who he blamed for his custodial sentence ? Yes it was the Joo’s again with their influence and power. Suppose that will be his defence again. The rise of the tokens, it’s coming home to roost.
Lord Ahmed of Rotherham charged with child sex offences – what a beauty! You could not have written it better.
This is about an hour long so probably to long for many to watch but the treatment of Brian and Janice Docherty is almost to incredible to believe.
In summary, because they reported someone, who happens to be a mate of a peer, to the Scottish police for offering money to them so he could have sex with their five year old autistic son, they have been driven out of Scotland and persecuted by just about every agency in the Scottish, English, Irish and Northern Irish governing organisms. And had all four of their children taken from them and been deprived of all contact with them. They believe all of the children have been adopted but by whom, they don’t know. The video is about three years old so I don’t know the current situation but no doubt Brian Gerrish is still in contact with them.
Silly people they must think the British public watch these events and are as giddy and excited as they are. Sadly for the last to be employed by the BBC they will be first gravy-rain passengers to be sacked and left high n dry.
My reply – as seen above – was in answer to your earlier piece:
“Just dipped in to twitter and it is chock full of BBC staff congratulating themselves on winning yet another set of meaningless ‘awards’
I hope I didn’t offend anyone as my reply was directly below the couple as seen above who have had their children taken off them, and could have been taken as an insult of the couple in video.
Has anyone had the same problem as I am having? If I put “bia” into Google on my iPad until a couple of weeks ago, it was enough to bring up this site. Now I have to put in “biasedbbc” and then it is at the bottom of the window. Is this Google trying to make it harder to find this site?
Deborah – I wouldn’t be at all surprised. Most of the time whenever I put a news story into Google, the first and second results seem to be the BBC and the Guardian. Mmmmmm………
Yes with Milo’s website I have to work much harder to find it. Fiddling with autocomplete is one weapon in the terrifying arsenal they have to stop thought crime.
Type in ‘Hillary Clinton em’ and instead of suggesting emails – like with anyone else – it suggests emojis.
GW, Re: Yr. last post, Start the Week.
With respect, the graph you post is practically unimportant. More important is the influx from other parts of the third World. To June 2018 the figure is 273,000 totally dwarfing the EU stats. Check out: https://www.migrationwatchuk.org/statistics-net-migration-statistics
In part, thanks to our muslim Home Secretary who shows the public how tough he is on one hand in stopping the Begum woman. He’s on safe ground knowing the courts will consider her, ‘Human Rights’ when they make their decision to permit her to, ‘come home’ perhaps with the bastard in tow. Conversely we cannot see how many muslims are within that 273K. I’ll wager it is the majority. Thanks muslim Home Sec. Your strings are being pulled by the Middle East and your Globalist masters.
We are all in the process of witnessing something extraordinarily ‘big’ going down. I think most people are too close to see what’s going on. The UK’s political elite are utterly out of control and it will take something like a coup to pull up on the reigns quickly. The motivation for the lunacy knows no bounds. It is as if the continuance of the current formation of the political parties can be sacrificed. But for what? The people are no longer considered entitled to a comment and looking at their options to stand up now and demand the nonsense stops immediately (if they were even inclined to tear themselves away from Coronation Street/Eastenders/Footie) only goes to demonstrate how much weight they pool is virtually zero. The State has, over the decades, gradually and by stealth, put laws into place such that it is now impossible to challenge the State. Farage and his ‘Jarrow’ march? Waste of time. It won’t change anything. The political process means we cannot even, within a reasonable period of time, (and currently it is urgent), demand change and given time, this current lot will wriggle out of harms way pretty quickly. Proof? – Look at the decaying state of Brexit – need I say more? That over just over 2 years for them to turn that round just enough to leave a fictitious veneer on the current outcome that offers a vague hint of democracy having been applied. The situation is serious. More so than any other in my lifetime.
It is an utter disgrace that MPs are only getting a 2.7% pay increase – which works out to be a mere £2000. How is one supposed to live on £79000?
With all that responsibility they shouldn’t have to waste precious time going to food banks . We should spare a thought for the precious darlings forced to claim their TV licence (s) on expenses .
Drain the damned swamp .
I feel sorry for any MP on £79k being sneered at by a Beeboid on £700k.
The later need it to pay for walnuts by the tonne and the moisturising cream that our lunch-time hero has started using at the age of 53. What a wuss!
Climate.. and indication of the non-quality of our MP’s
\\ HoC debate this afternoon, opened by Libdem Layla Moran.
I switched off when she claimed that
“The IPCC say that we have 12 years before global warming rises above 1.5 per cent”
If she doesn’t know how wrong that is, what’s the rest of her speech worth? //
… Hansard swept up after her and recorded it as “1.5 degrees Celcius”
The BBCweb yesterday quoted a source saying recent temperatures were “double” the “normal”
..then later stealth edited that error.
Err – that would be 79k plus 200k ‘expenses’ plus another 40k if you are involved in any ‘groups’ (whether you attend meetings or not), I believe is the going rate….
‘Expenses’ means food, drink, transport and an army of slaves, no need to waste your own money on that mundane stuff like the plebs do….
Each MP should have his remuneration determined by his constituents; they shouldn’t all have the same income regardless of how useless they are.
Come on! It’s peanuts, and as a result we have monkeys! However the USA has a population of 325 million and 425 Representatives, the UK has a population of 66 million and 650 MPs !
The salary of a Representative is a healthy $174 000 pa plus expenses, and after two years service the salary is theirs for life, whether they stand or not.
A US representative is elected by 750 000 people, a British MP by just 100 000 and there is the problem. If we represented the people on the same ratio there would be just 90 MPs in the commons obviously far too low, but at least half of them need to be culled and paid a respectable amount to attract half decent talent and not monkeys.
Just as an afterthought to above, just > 2yrs to turn Brexit around? They will need a similar amount of time (sensing a culling next election) to turn the electoral system around to their favour………..
Then, hey presto! we have a two-party dictatorship.
Completely agree with you. I have thought for some time now that Brexit will lead to increased third world immigration into the UK. It is a big worry to me. On the one hand I want out of the EU for reasons of sovereignty and democracy but on the other I think most of the Brexiteer politicians will be happy to see us importing more non EU cheaplabour . Mind you so would most EU non populist politicos.
I really think that there is no UK based solution to preventing third world immigration , our politicians just dare not address it even if they wanted to and building a party that would in our FPTP system will take too long. Our only hope is that populism wins the day in the EU and turns back the invaders and helps us to do the same. Our salvation, if there is to be one, lies outside these islands.
News not (needless to say) available from the ‘Worlds Most Trusted’ Marxism United – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6SbK1DyWmA
Never mind the UN Migration Compact………….
Just sent this:
Earlier this week Gab launched our new sister product, Dissenter: the comment section of the internet. Dissenter is a browser extension and website that allows any Gab user to comment on any URL across the web. This includes Youtube videos, Wikipedia pages, Tweets, Amazon products, and CNN articles just to name a few examples. Tens of thousands of Gab users have already installed it and have begun leaving comments across the web.
Dissenter puts the power back in the hands of The People to shine a light on propaganda, lies, censorship, corruption, and sophistry across the web. Dissenter launches at a time when comment sections are no longer available on every mainstream news site and blog, YouTube is shutting down comment sections while also demonetizing channels over their comment sections, and social media censorship is the worst it has ever been.
Dissenter creates a new layer on top of the entire internet. One that is powered by The People, not Silicon Valley or the mainstream media.
You can sign into Dissenter.com with your Gab account to get started. You can also install the browser extension from the Google Chrome Extension Store, the Firefox Add-on Store, and check out our download page for other browsers.
Thank you,
Andrew Torba
Thank you
Assuming kosher, looks interesting.
Of course, the BBC does tempt still with its daft new sub service.
Decisions, decisions.
Never joined social media – never wanted to, thought it was daft.
However, have now weakened and joined GAB and have the Dissenter extension. It looks good. One in the eye for the leftie social media platforms.
“Theresa May sends support to Miss Drag UK finalist”
She has her priorities wrong, she should stick to her promise and support Brexit .
Well that’s where we are folks ! Like Al Beeb, her standing is lower than a snake’s belly.
Our only salvation is to vote and support UKIP and get a real ‘meaningful ‘government to run this great
“Mrs May had initially responded to a tweet sent by BBC journalist Chris Gibson, asking if she was a fan of the drag queen reality series, Ru Paul’s Drag Race.”
See, how devious these gay stormtroopers really are. It was a BBC employee who sent her the question. Trying to incite May to be against trans etc then the whole pink media would no doubt be outraged against May and her party.
Devious is putting it lightly.
Classic QT tonight
Absolute shite
It’s your own time you’re wasting.
They should record it live and choose the guests and audience by lot; questions asked impromptu without having been previously selected by Beeb staff.
Instead they cleverly choose the audience, guests and questions – often even planting people in the audience to state a Beeb narrative to suggest normal people think like they do when of course they do not. It is just the sort of show Winston Smith might be executive producer for.
Tried my best, no, really I did, to watch the QT/Barry Gardiner Show all through but when the Palestinian LibDem got on to climate change that was just too much.
Before that though, at the start when the subject was Brexit, at length, one thing stood out. The government were quite rightly castigated from all sides for the shambles they have made over the past 2 and more years. All agreed on that. But nobody, not one panel member, no single person in the audience, mentioned the EU and the part it has played in orchestrating the debacle. Cleverly, no doubt of that, but to our shame they have played us like a fiddle and history will show that the whole charade has been shameful for this country, for democracy, and for the EU itself – exposed as a totalitarian and despicable political junta.
The fact that not one person had the courage and perception to point that simple fact out illustrates how duped we have been.
We have allowed them to play us like a fiddle. Why would they behave any differently? It was up to our Government to negotiate properly and it manifestly failed to do so. That is not the fault of the EU.
Did anyone else see Trump saying “Sometimes you have to walk away from a bad deal” on last night’s news and think perhaps that was a barb at the UK?
I think our government have negotiated in exactly the way the EU required of them – as precedents in Denmark, Ireland, Holland and France have conclusively proved.
The dumb LibDum bint was the one who was on Sky a fortnight ago claiming that the U.K. was not a member of theWTO in its own right. Completely false, of course, but what more would you expect from a daft bint being paid £77k plus expenses to exercise her ‘brain’ to thwart Brexit because she, as an MP, knows best. They know 2/5 of 5/8 of FA!
Agree entirely that it takes two to make a deal and that the EU have been deliberately obstructive by making it as difficult as possible for us to leave. Even more incomprehensible is the idea that ‘no deal’ should be ruled out because that is really the only bargaining chip that we have. I was delighted when the audience turned on Gardiner because all he wanted to do was to try and score political points against the government using illogical arguments based on not recognising the truth of what you have identified. Whilst I don’t want to accept it I now believe that the ‘establishment’ will not allow any sort of brexit to happen.
The other thing that struck me was how poorly informed the LibDem person was about the realities of Climate Change and in fact the only person on the panel able to speak the truth was the American writer. She identified the futility of the UK spending hundreds of £Billions on decarbonising when our contribution is so tiny compared to that of larger nations. In particular she also recognised that we run the real risk of not being able to supply our own energy needs. Imho most of our politicians are running scared of the far left media like the #BiasedBBC who control what a very large section of society believes.
It is already too late to reverse any of this this now when the corrupt organisation won’t even allow any debate on the subjects – ‘auntie’ knows best
On the plus side, hopefully other prospective Leave countries have watched what has happened to us; by both our fifth columnists inside and our EU enemies outside; and will try to avoid it happening to themselves.
Apparently mr gardiner made £198000 on the sale of his second home which was paid for by taxpayers despite having a constituency 8 miles from Westminster ( source – guido ) . Just love socialists ….
Our chaps had to put up with worse in 1940.
Puts it all into context.
Dover Sentry
‘They gave their today for our tomorrow’
I am afraid the snowflakes of today are wasting the freedom that those chaps gave us . They had it given to them on a plate and are prepared top give it away on a plate.
I appreciate that ‘times change’, but at what point in the last few decades did the young male species devolve from being a ‘grown up’ and possibly married with responsibilities in their early 20s, to the specimens we see now who are still literally children playing on their X boxes at the same age ?
I would say that the age comparison of those young fighter pilots in WW2 in their late teens/early 20’s, would be around 40 now.
None of us are happy at ageing, and want to retain our youthfulness for as long as possible, but those in their 20’s now have no better intelligence than the teenagers of my era – 50 odd years ago. In fact, we were probably more mature during those years than this lot are now.
Sad innit.
Dover Sentry
‘They gave their today for our tomorrow’
I am afraid the snowflakes of today are wasting the freedom that those chaps gave us . They had it given to them on a plate and are prepared to give it away on a plate.
Brissles , Taff
It’s bit like that old chinese adage ..”You can only keep wealth in the family for three generations.” So one generation starts the next build and the third sell it all and destroy it by being lazy buggers…ok not exactly 3 generations but principle is the same…
Sounds about right James.
Its like the advent of ‘dressing down’ for everything. It went without saying that one dressed up (or at least half decently) to go to the theatre, a wedding, even the pictures , going to see the doctor, or even visiting someone in hospital ! On our Saturday night dates my boyfriend(s) would turn up in a suit – simply because they’d be in work clothes during the week, and they wanted to feel smart and impress !
Now its jeans/trainers/trakkie bottoms, and polo/football/t shirts as the norm. Most young men cant even wear proper shoes – how sad is that !
Ah well, if ‘times have changed’ this much in a few decades, what state of dress shall there be in the next few decades ?
A Remoaner attacked a guy showing a Leave poster on a motorway bridge last week. Said that Leavers we’re doing more damage to the country than Hitler did!!
Make the most of these memories. The children of our snowflakes will see men with beards praising Allah akibar during those skirmishes.
From the wilds of Wales – A happy St David’s Day to all you true Brits!
Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant Hapus!
I was going to start the day with my best wishes to you, Taff!
I wish we, in England, had a decent anthem to sing, I don’t mind the ‘God save…’ one, but nothing beats your fabulous song!
And I’ve nearly forgiven you all for last Saturday, so daffodils all round, and I’ll get to ‘The Bev’ again to buy you a pint soon, I hope…
Let’s hear it for Wales.
Happy St David’s day to the steadfast Welsh who made Brexit possible .
Happy Saint David’s Day

Thanks Lucy !
Lucy mine have opened early this year and have been a splendid display but are sadly drooping and nearly over now. Must be global warming!!!!
Does the Welsh news start the day with the anthem? I can’t remember…
(The English bbbc trashy news would start with some bloody wailing to some whining sort of bum-in-air chant, worthy of a speak-your-weight machine on crap curry or Somali gut-rot).
Seems us Northern Irish are merely “prawns” in the game!
Excuse the fishy pun and grab the popcorn, I don’t think the Irish have thought this one through. A bit premature, and in the wrong direction, with the border in the Irish Sea aren’t they? CCBGB I’m glad to say.
So let the games begin then. Let’s hit them in the pocket to start with by boycotting all Irish products.
Rich, this is extraordinary behaviour considering they use our roads free of charge for transporting the majority of the goods going to the continent. Leo upping the anti probably at the suggestion of his EU masters.
I know Lass,
But then again,
This is from the Fail because a quick search on the bBBC for anything relating to similar behaviour from the Spanish, in incidents that are seemingly becoming more frequent and more aggressively confrontational, gave me nothing.
Which is probably what the government’s response to these Irish shenanigans will be, nada. The DUP on the other hand will not be as willing to ignore it, especially the DUP MP of the area where any affected fishermen are most likely to come from, Strangford’s Jim Shannon, who is fast becoming a bit of a HoP celebrity for some reason.
Must be his devilish good looks.
Fedup2, I was briefly worried by the ‘Long weekend’ thread title. Had the UK brought in some new national holiday this Monday during my years in Australia? Mandela Day, perhaps? Windrush Day? Obama Day? Lord Reith Day? Dimbleby Day?
Mind you, I suspect any new holiday will be a day of shame. I predict a reworking of the old Empire Day (now Commonwealth Day, in March). ‘Let’s beat ourselves up about the Empire Day’ will give indigenous Britons the opportunity to cringe through the streets in sackcloth and ashes while being ceremonially whipped by Hope not Hate. (Enthusiastic BBC coverage a certainty).
I had received fed back about leaving out the midweek thread and felt suitably chastised . So I thought I’d put this one up a bit early as well as in honour of St David and his Day. No doubt the MP for Brussels south – Stephen ( Neil was my dad€) Kinnock will be welsh for the day .
We will probably end up with “Diversi ‘h’ y Day” where all except white British males are allowed the day off work (which will have a minimum impact upon the economy)
All the ones with their pound shop Bri ‘h’ ish passports innit bruv can celebrate all day long
BBC – they really are throwing it all at Brexit…despite making a cursory attempt to portray balance in the argument on BBC breakfast – They show a woman and then a Wigan business being positive but use a black chap ( PC reasons I am sure, not because he was well informed) who spouts the usual Remainer opinions as their lead and then let him finish the piece with a negative statement about Brexit. They just can’t help themselves…
And when are these idiot Remainers who talk about the EU spending money in the UK going to realise it is our money given back with a huge chunk taken away!! Are they really that thick?
on the upside when jezbolla gets in due to this tory governments malfeasance we wont be paying the EU anything
Yet another brilliant analysis by Pug.
We need people like you running this country!
Keep going. ????
It’s hilarious…R4 talking Brexit and impact in North East..had someone from Newcastle University who was clearly Eastern European..I am sure she was a nice person as most are – but you might think they could have got somebody actually from Newcastle..
And not a single comment from him about the ridiculous portrayal of Henry VI wife by a black african ?? talk about the ultimate cultural appropriation, what about Ray Winstone playing Nelson Mandela next for balance ?
Long march from the Elephant and Castle ?
Catherine Tate would be ideal for Rosa Parks arguing on a bus….. “am I bovaad ?” “what a f@cking liberty “
Here are some of the questions that Lammy was asked on Mastermind and answered incorrectly:
1) What was the married name of the scientists Marie and Pierre who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903 for their research into radiation? Lammy’s Answer: Antoinette
2) Which fortress was built in the 1370s to defend one of the gates of Paris, and was later used as a state prison by Cardinal Richelieu?
Lammy’s answer: Versailles
3) Who succeeded to the English throne aged nine on the death of his father Henry VIII in 1547?: Lammy’s Answer: Henry VII (must have been that tear in the space time continuum).
Lammy often shows by his ignorant outbursts just how thick he is. I laughed at his comments about the papal smoke but this overlooked gem by Lammy highlights the arrogance, stupidity and narcissism of the prominent Labour MP:

You know that thing the bbc does when it’s in deep doo doo and they all rally round and ask questions and twiddle the edit to suit?
Just reported myself. Wicked skills.
Dig for victory!
“Ban all ISIS members from returning to UK”.
The debate is scheduled for 18 March 2019.
Perhaps JRM will take part and explain why we can’t have a two-tier system and shouldn’t devalue the principle of British citizenship. Then perhaps someone else will reply “Quite right – that is why there should be an urgent redefinition of what constitutes British citizenship. Oh, by the way, here’s those copies of Mohammed’s Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam and Tommy Robinson Enemy of the State I promised to lend you”.
Why can’t the petition be “ kill all Isis members ?”
Cos we need some corner shops in Luton
Oh dear …. trouble in snowflake leader paradise !!!
This is the problem when you have liberal wetwipe softies in charge like him and Macron .
‘Credibility based on nothing.’ A quote, this morning, from a BBC breakfast presenter referring to fake news about an internet character called Momo. I think the BBC should use it as their new motto.
The image was to scary to show, according to Nagga.
Funny though, they always manage to show images of Vince Cable..
Meanwhile Roger & David are off in Greta’s Lear to learn from OCD how all this will be sorted in a decade.
Then post it as ‘analysis’.
Haven’t heard or seen this report anywhere on the nation’s most trusted broadcaster…
“FORMER Labour peer Lord Ahmed is to stand trial accused of attacks on two children, it was reported last night.
The 61-year-old faces two charges of attempted rape and a third of indecent assault on a girl and a boy under 13, says The Times.”
@Cassandra Yes subtly reported at 10am local news by sandwiching it in the middle of the stories, also no mention of his previous jailing
Times : ‘The alleged offences are said to have taken place in Rotherham in the 1970s, when Lord Ahmed was a teenager. He is one of three men facing linked criminal charges after a lengthy investigation by South Yorkshire police.’
Charged with attempted rape x 2 and indecent assault x1 on a girl and a boy under 13.
Lord Ahmed, The first Muslim councillor in Rotherham and the first Labour Muslim peer
Look at the former chief prosecutor tweeting the entire Times story below
..So why didn’t he get Lord Ahmed prosecuted 10-15 years ago when it was his job to ?
Lord Ahmed’s background
2013 \\ The prominent Labour peer Lord Ahmed of Rotherham jailed for 12 weeks after admitting sending texts while driving before his Jaguar ploughed into a stationary car on the M1, KILLING its driver. //
How many weeks did he actually serve ?
\\ served 16 days.
No provision for expelling jailed Lords, so he kept seat. //
Sky : http://tinyurl.com/agfsjq
Ant-Jewish conspiracy theories
Is there really anything good that has come from allowing a flood of Asian migrants into this country ? What did the good folk of Rotherham do to deserve the pond life that now inhabit that town ? To have a migrant born in Kashmir take the name of that mining town in his baronetcy is utterly shameful. I wonder when he last set foot down a coal mine. The Rotherham swamp needs draining. I know many in the town who refuse to use any taxi driven or owned by an Asian, but sadly this is one place where you will see an abundance of mixed marriages.
ITV Yorkshire local news led with the Lord Ahmed item
‘1971-74’ when 18, ‘
They didn’t mention his conviction and his anti-Jew conspiracy theories.
BBC anti-Brexit/anti-No-Deal Leave Watch #1
Did I hear right? Did our trustable Broadcaster actually mislead the nation at about 8.48am on TOADY this morning? They suggested that tariffs would be payable by UK exporters on the day after 29th March.
Naughty BBC!
Misleading the country? Our trusted national broadcaster?
I chuckled along until Fi got zapped in her earwig to rein him in and instead chipped in to confirm that the BBC and its carefully selected audiences do not speak for the nation.
Nice one, Brucie.
The bbc and specially selected audiences..
Keep digging.
“of the elite, by the elite, for the elite”
And did I hear right on the first day of the Beebs Brexit Day experiment that two of the questions chosen were from people who voted Leave and sounded incredibly ……
….. young?!!!
I thought it was only old, ignorant people who voted Leave in June 2016.
And one was from London, too.
We all know that everyone in London voted Remain, don’t we?
On bbc 1 now. “Food: Truth or Scare
Does red meat really cause cancer?
Is this another propaganda push to make us all vegans?
Wow. We can only eat 70 grammes of red meat a day or we might get bowel cancer. I’m stressed now, I need a cigarette!
They seem to be mentioning pork, ham and bacon more than beef though.
They seem to be blurring the boundaries by stating “red or processed meats such as ham, bacon, salami”
What next? Are they going to tell us we can replace those processed meat with chicken, which is largely halal slaughtered?
Oh yes, how predictable. They have just said to replace red meat with chicken!
I’m waiting for the next programme now
Project Fear: Truth or scare?
Well, at least chicken is affordable.
Mind you, it might kill you if it is from Denmark and the Netherlands.
I’ve eaten red meat all my life, and processed meat. too, sugar, salt, lard, butter, cream and drunk beer/wine/gin, and smoked cigars (not all my life, obviously), and thus far I have eluded cancer (or it has eluded me). Fingers crossed, and long may that situation continue. Got a dicky heart, though, as (I believe) a result of contracting Lyme from a tick bite.
I will drink to your good health old goat!
Merci beaucoup!
The fact that oral farter Chris Williamson is a vegan might give pause for thought and help swing the balance back towards normal and rational diets – in a normal world, that is.
Now they are telling us to drink green tea.
Have the bbc got an advertising contract with chicken and green tea producers?
Oh my word they have just gone on a building site and found a Muslim builder to interview!
How many Muslim builders must there be drinking tea on a building site in England right now?
Now after speaking to another Asian “expert”
they are asking a hijabed doctor advice on drinking green tea!
Green tea is repulsive.
I’d rather have proper advertising from PG Tips, Yorkshire Tea, Tetley and some balance on the BBC than this unique -funding rubbish.
Some woman “genuinely believes” that drinking green tea amongst other things (!), that drinking green tea helped ‘play a part’ in her mums recovery from stage 3 breast cancer.
Right so they have just said “there is currently no strong scientific evidence that taking green tea in any form can help cure any cancer once you have it”
So why then, have they just spent 20 minutes implying that it can?
Now they are promoting eating insects! “The future of food”.
Weren’t they telling us very recently that the planet is in danger of losing its insects? Now they want us to start eating them!
Where’s the off switch – I need a bacon sarny and a cup of strong coffee!
Easily sorted no?
Did anyone else see Barry Gardiner’s performance on QT?
When grilled on Labour Anti-Semetism, he produced letters he received that day from 2 ‘right wing’ haters. With a tear in his eye brandishing these documents, the audience bayed and clapped, while the other panelists gravely nodded.
To be fair the reaction to his finale – hands up to ward off the slings and arrows of an outraged audience, who finally twigged they had been forced to sit through an uninterrupted flow of meaningless garbage – provided his just deserts. And this despite Fiona Dimly allowing him to drone on at extreme length and the expense of all other opinions.
did he know the questions in advance to bring some props with him
or did jussie smollet send him some fan mail
Exactly Kaiser, which only goes to confirm the BBC’s disdain for its audience. Their conceit ensures that no one will query the happy coincidence of ‘Uphill’ Gardiner – if I may coin a phrase – having pertinent ‘right-wing’ correspondence tucked away in his jacket. Nicely.
Where or why has this Anti-Semetism arisen from? The Jews have always known and accepted the outward appearance of opposition-most of my working life I worked amongst Jews, those that came to the UK before WW2 brought a better attitude of respect to their new country that gave them safety, as against those Jews who arrived during and after WW2, their behaviour changed the face of my industry (Clothes Manufacturing) the rise of the barrow boys from the East End like Philip Green evolved, bringing their inappropriateness/unsuitability/unstable elements to the trade and in fact to many of the older Jew as I know. However let us not forget the enormous power the Jews hold in the financial markets, especially that of Rothschild, who for over 200 yrs have had all the central banks in Europe under their control and that includes the EU obviously. They are major shareholders in the Federal Reserve, their banking arm stretches around the world, so don’t let us get carried away by all this so called Anti-Semetism-it’s duplicity isquite apparant
“However let us not forget the enormous power the Jews hold in the financial markets,”
Have you ever given even a moment’s thought as to why that might be, you ignorant clown?
Do you know anything about their history at all?
And you haven’t even got Philip Green’s background right.
Radio5live this morning and that Campbell chappie and his fellow female host:
2 male Remain voters. well spoken , educated.
1 very young female Leave voter.
The two men came over as very calm, as if they have had experience in public speaking, in politics or buisness but the female sounded to me as if she hadn’t the foggiest idea what the other 4 were talking about?
Its as if the BBC Radio five live car had pulled up at the nearest bus stop and had asked a young woman who was taking a selfie of herself to come down to the studio and answer a few questions on Brexit.
Campbell chappie gave the men plenty of time to answer their questions without cutting them short . But with the poor woman he not only kept cutting her short but its the voice he did it in. Very snotty, looking down his nose at her because she was a leve voter.
At the end of the interview Campbell, asked fellow female host:
its friendly Friday again, are you friendly with anyone today?
Host replied:
Well, I know that I’m friends with at least two 2 people this Friday laughing. As she said this I could just see both of them eye-balling the leave voter as she walking out of studio all the while blowing kisses to their 2 male remainer guests who were probably staying behind for a coffee with both BBC hosts. Very toxic atmosphere, very toxic attitude. The BBC building should be cleansed and those employees who treat their fellow citizens like that because she voted leave should be dismissed.
Apparently the Spanish Government is issuing a decree today regarding the status of 600000? Uk residents in Spain as well as holiday makers-
The text being – regardless of brexit existing rights continue . There is also a bilateral agreement with Spanish citizens in Blighty .
I wonder is the likes of former public schoolboy nick Campbell and his type talk about that much of al beeb ?
By the way – I mention mr Campbell’s public school back ground because I heard him chair a discussion about public schools without declaring that he went to one .
My declaration – I went to an RC school – def not posh . I’m not against public schools as the parents taxes effectively pay for some attending state education
@Fedup ..can you edit @vesnadog’s typo ?
“2 male leave voters. well spoken , educated.”
Seems he means
“2 male REMAIN voters. well spoken , educated.”
Thanks for that correction.
Stew – I spotted it I thought he might get away with it but yes – edited …
Vesnadog, did you mean 2 male remainers at the beginning of your post?
Yes the bias is blatant. They no longer even attempt to hide it.
Unbiased, impartial bbc NOT.
EDIT: SG I think we posted almost simultaneously.
Yes I did mean remain voters. How on earth did I miss that – words fail me?
Its me age guys n gals.
Is there a word for that kind of language error when the result is the opposite of what you meant to say ?
.. usually cos you omitted the word “not” etc.
Two words, Stew, in my case: ‘brain fade’. 🙂
10:03am Major cockup on BBC Asian Network
They just announced in the news
“Lord Nazir Afzal has been charged”
The idiots mixed him up with Lord Ahmed …
Check yourself on iplayer or BBC sounds
Twitter thread
they are two cheeks of the same arse..
Maybe we have a mole at the BBC highlighting that point
Perhaps they all look the same to these racists at the BBC.
Human Rights ……they are not applicable for the likes of me and you … these rights only seem to be in place to assist criminals and the greedy lawyers !!!
Australia …. Hot …… get away with ya !!!
But they never tell us when the records began. And they can’t tell us what the weather was like before records began.
To adapt the Q observation: these people are stupid.
.. like as in 6 billion years ?
No they mean the hottest since weather records began
.. It’s almost bound to have been hotter many times in the past
cos the whole planet has often been much hotter.
“Hot”? Ah, they must mean temporarily mild for the time of year.
Come next week, storm Freya (I mean an equinoxial Atlantic depression) will have decimated half the country with a strong breeze, and a little rain – but it will be the worst March wevah, evah…
Global warming : Cfact on why media narratives, are so different to the real world
Real world CET temperatures suggest that this February was the 15th warmest on record.
Accidentally to Radio 4 at 11.40am this morning and I thought I had tuned in to Radio Soweto. Apparently it was the comedy slot and the black and gay ‘comedian’, Stephen K Amos was presenting his show, ‘What does the ‘K’ Stand for?’. It had everything you desire, if you delight in almost impenetrable Nigerian and West Indian accents. You know when a radio show is rubbish when it has undisguised canned laughter at the end of each so called joke, presumably to let you know when to laugh. The good news was that I worked out what the ‘K’ in the show stands for without having to listen to the end of the dire unfunny offering to find out.
It stands for Krap.
I also found myself listening to that. I had to hit the off switch because, apart from the pc content, it actually hurt my auditory system.
There was a time when the BBC was renowned for comedy…
Tanfastic ! Ha ha
Another Day : And Our Social Media Gods admit and error in banning another conservative
After Owen Jones Twitter pile on against Suzanne Evans, Twitter temporarily suspended her
5 hours ago they retracted
“‘Right to Rent’ checks breach human rights – High Court” says the BBC
“The challenge was brought by the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI), which claimed the scheme was “race discrimination against those who are perfectly entitled to rent”.
“Responding to the ruling, legal policy director Chai Patel said there was “no place for racism in the UK housing market”.”
But of course this is a lie, because there is room for racism, as long as it’s racism against white English people… as revealed in the widespread “Muslim only” or “Asian only” rental practices that operate in London.
You can check this yourself…. but of course the retched filth at the BBC don’t want to mention that though.
From The Daily Telegraph front page (today 1/3/2019):
“An epidemic of gang violence that thousands of children have been caught up in will only be curtailed if ministers admit it largely affects black youths, the former race watchdog chief says today.
Writing in the Daily Telegraph, Trevor Phillips calls for an ‘open and honest’ discussion …
The former chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission accuses politicians, police and the BBC of ‘whitewashing’ the issue, comparing the problem to the grooming scandals in which predominantly British Pakistani Muslim men targeted young white girls who were ignored for years because of the fear of being labelled ‘racist and Islamophobic’.
… … …
Mr Phillips, … writes: ‘Evidence shows that the wave of killings and maiming are assassinations of black children by black children, often directed by adult drug dealers. Yet, to read our newspapers and listen to our media, you would imagine that race played no part at all. The BBC in particular is guilty of whitewashing the truth’. He adds: ‘The daily parade of dark faces in items about knife crime tell their own story.’
Leroy Logan, founder of the Black Police Association, said: ‘This is a wider issue than race. This is a class issue; this is about urban deprivation.’
(The main article is on page 18)
Question Time : comedian Henning Wehn
“stick your hand up if you would vote different in a Second Referendum”
“..see just a handful
..so it’s pointless.. you could even end up with 48 to 52 the other way .. that’d be even worse ”
Has the far-left bbc collective fired John Sweeney yet?
You have seriously got to laugh at this deluded, pug faced little runt ..
“The Few Left Wing Journalists ” really Owen …few ?????
I hate this fella with a passion , but what i hate most is folk who can give it out, but cant take it. Owen is a case in point. Remember him calling on everyone to get down to the Council Offices after Grenfell to stir up trouble when tensions were high ….. he was inciting violence but hes from the far left so that was OK, its protesting. Other way round, its far right thuggery !!!
The silver lining Doobs, is that those succumbing to the attractions of our little Owen don’t have to look at his face.
Trying desperately to delete that picture you just have put in my head !!!!! Thanks for that !
I hope ‘runt’ is a typo…
And that photo of him promoting the Sinn Fein summer school is wonderful:
I wonder if Owen went to the kitchen IED classes?
Nick Cohen is a journalist of which direction again?
Project Veritas : is anyone up to spec ?
As ever when the libmob threw out accusations against Russians/Trump hacking the info market, it seems that was an indication that libmob via their insiders at Facebook/Twitter are the ones who are actually doing that rigging.
Project Veritas have a 20 min vid
but this guy gives an 8 min audio intro
Veritas updated with the “yeh, but yeh” response from Facebook PR
oop videos link here
I believe the term for this in psychology is “projection”, i.e. accusing others of doing things that you are doing yourself, consciously or unconsciously. Hence frequent evocation of Right-wing “fascism” by the Fascist Left.
“In the end we in this country and other Western countries, also have to remember the role we played in the carve up of the African continent, the Indian continent,……….”
Perhaps the UK should take issue with Italy and Denmark then, when the Romans and Vikings marched all over us, plundering and pillaging, but we don’t hold grudges.
Well, well, I couldn’t find this on the BBC (OK, I know I shouldn’t be surprised, this is the Brexit-Bashing Corporation after all):
At least, when I typed in “BBC news “march” (i.e., the word “march” must appear in the results) for leave Farage”, I did get The Express report:
Sunderland to London! Wow! The BBC will have to turn up in Sunderland again! How sad! (Betcha it is an unpopular posting).
17.4 million cheers for the Leave Marchers!
The correct Google would be
: site:bbc.co.uk “farage” “Brexit” “Sunderland
… It’s pointless to use the word “march” in the month of “March”
… Date limiting the search shows that No the BBC web team haven’t mentioned it yet
Meanwhile the Channel4 chap shows he’s an sneering idiot
\\ @MichaelLCrick
And how far will Farage himself actually march? Chester-le-Street? //
…doh, Chester-le-Street is Northwest of Sunderland so in the wrong direction.
\\First mention of the March for Leave I’ve heard on BBC – from Andrew Neil…no surprise there //
Here is a BBC stffer Sara Cox promoting a People’s Vote march
Some Welch Politician was on the world at one explaining that leaving the EU will be bad for Blighty so was plotting to stop. I was waiting for the Mardell to ask if the 17 million can be ignored that easily but the question never came .
With over 2 years gone since the vote it shows how the bubble continues to treat the democratic vote as ‘void’ .
Can’t see this country have much time or respect for politicians for a very long time .
My own MP (Liz Saville-Roberts of Plaid Cymru, not that I would ever vote for her but she is all I have got) recently sent me an email in which she told me “Thank you for making your views known to me and I assure you I will continue to do my utmost to ensure that we don’t leave the European Union.“. Democracy? Who needs it?
Lunch – born in Londonistan I recall – and god does she like the sound of her own voice – which thinking on it probably makes her a fully qualified politician .
Yes, she was born in the leafy glades of Eltham, Kent.
The Sun do a front page plus 2-page spread on this piece of filth whose quaint etnic hobby it was to give his ‘girlfriends’ lethal drugs and video them agonise, or in the case of Holby actor’s daughter Louella Fletcher-Mitchie – die.
The Beeb, meh, not too bothered, for some inexplicable reason – let’s stick it under Dorset.
(I wonder if her showbiz parents thought it was cool to have their daughter date a drug-dealing rapper? There used to be an adage that a liberal was just a conservative who hadn’t been mugged yet. Perhaps it should be updated to a liberal is a conservative whose daughter hasn’t been culturally enriched yet.)
Yes- make yer bed and lie in it and then get filmed dying . He ll be out in a year .
“I wonder if her showbiz parents thought it was cool to have their daughter date a drug-dealing rapper…..”
Who knows ? but I’d rather bet it was more likely they were far from happy, in the same way that Philip Green’s daughter has a baby sired by a convicted felon, I imagine his head practically exploded behind closed doors, but teenage daughters have always been truculent and push the boundaries with Mum and Dad. Parents hope they ‘grow out of it’ rather than put their foot down, and how many would want to face cries of “is it because he’s black ?” – then what do you say ?