BBC reporting that watching over three hours of television a day can have a negative impact on the brain for people over 50. Might I suggest that it’s not the amount of time spent watching TV that is the problem, but the amount of tripe that’s on it.
Sounds like the army have got a bad dose of management consultancy gobbledygook syndrome.
Phase: 1 Produce a PowerPoint presentation with masses of acronyms and whizzbang charts of predicted savings , shove it out with bags of enthusiasm and hope something goes right. Pick up fee.
Phase2: In the event of a massive foul up return, pronounce client implemented incorrectly bring more consultants. Pick up fee.
Anyone remember the Business Process Reengineering projects that resulted in similar issues except people ended up with no jobs and a failing company. I remember working on a project with an Australian company implementing a famous German software suite. It got so complicated they stopped counting the cost and are now out of business.
You forgot the bit about turning up , asking the existing staff how to do the job , producing a report which gets existing staff fired and then putting in their fee.
Naturally the modified version doesn’t work and the consultants are then commissioned to find out why – for a fee…
Then the boss retires and gets a job with the consultants and – a fee.
Very popular in publicly funded organisations where no one cares about money – mr grayling would be pleased .
I thought he was really good in “the thick of it “.
If this one fails to distract the locals, John could always try invading the Falklands.
Warmbier Statement: “Kim and his evil regime are responsible for the death of our son Otto. Kim and his evil regime are responsible for unimaginable cruelty and inhumanity. No excuses or lavish praise can change that.
Channel4 making big promises to spend half its programming budget outside London by 2023
They report ‘now we spend 35% outside London’
Actually they spend 65% in London
that’s £400m out of £700m
so over the next 4 years they’ll just drop that by £50m
to be £350m and £350m outside London
Must be very worrying for the c4 genderhood to have to go outside the M25 with the threat of Waitrose shops and M&S going . Where will they get sun dried aubergines? Maybe comic relief can have a whip round …
ITV This Morning viewers say they will ‘stop donating’ to Comic Relief over Stacey Dooley row Martin Cocker said: “Quite easy then – my money will be staying in my bank account #ungrateful #ThisMorning”
Stacey Mac said: “I have donated to comic relief for many years, this year won’t. African countries want the money, but want to dictate how it is raised. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. #ThisMorning”
Marcie said: “Certainly won’t be donating anymore #comicrelief #ThisMorning”
Comic Relief, as with Sports Relief and Children in Need, are all virtue-signalling opportunities for the BBC to feel good about itself, very sadly aided and abetted by lazy people who can claim virttue by supporting without thinking.
They delegate the charity decision to committees at the BBC and the named organisations.
I feel sorry for charities who struggle but do not get the free publicity for these organisations that the BBC provides.
I urge everyone who wishes to donate to charities to do so directly to their chosen charity as a positive decision and not indirectly via BBC virtue-signalling structures.
Quite so. Comic Relief, Sports Relief and Children in Need etc just go to perpetuate the image of a well-intentioned, lovable, ‘Auntie’ beeb, instead of the truer one of the Evil Empire.
“Comic Relief, as with Sports Relief and Children in Need, are all virtue-signalling opportunities for the BBC to feel good about itself”
Modern BBC:
What a horrible place to work. Can you imagine the inner feelings most BBC employees will feel when they get a note on their office door:
Well you lucky BBC workers you. Yet another relief from comedy comes around, so spend most of your time deciding what song/dance/swim/flight/jump/sludge, milk, beans you want to be pushed into to get another bumper scam out of our deluded viewers (especially children – what idiots, they will believe anything our junior BBCC employees tell them – especially if they tell them first that they have decided to be “intersexed” overnight)
Can you imagine the silent conversation each employee must have with themselves when that Monday morning comes around (again) were the conversation with their BBC boss (and of course with our accounts Dept head – “loads of money” tristram. TRIST will be on your tails if you fail to turn up for it on the night) reminds every employee that unless you partake in our annual “relief from comedy” you will be sent to work in our Bratfurd office.
I feel sorry for those silly BBC employees who fight against their conscience which probably tells them: I’ve got to give my friends in the office the impression that “I really do enjoy taking part in relief from comedy” but really I know that I and thousands of other BBC workers are scared for their jobs if they refuse to take part. However! The meals in our canteen are 5 star. And our hours can’t be matched by any blue collar workers up north who are always complaining about our rainbow flags everywhere they go” Silly people. Now, where’s my husband Justin?
Please support the Fedup2 crowd funding site so that I can buy a top of the range Range Rover .
I wonder if Lord Ahmed is going to do an Alex Salmond and get crowd funding for the allegations against him . Lord Ahmed being from Rotherham of course and now charged with alleged sexual crimes against children
Innocent until proven guilty of course . … or maybe he’ll do a ‘janner’
Via BBC | 'Suspicious item' found near mosque in Edinburgh| |Annandale Street, near the centre of Edinburgh, has been sealed off as bomb disposal experts begin work.
Lincolshire eh? That’s another location to cross off my list of bearable places to spend my declining years.
Still, we shouldn’t be fleeing to the countryside in the hope of an islam free life, thus being responsible for all the urban space falling to islam. We should be pushing them out. My waking fantasies involve bulldozers.
In the DT today Trevor Phillips lambasts the BBC , Police , Government for refusing to acknowledge that the rise in gang knifing and violence is primarily a black problem. He says that just like the refusal to admit to Muslim rape gangs this will just allow the situation to escalate. I note that the Plod in charge of combating gangs is saying its about deprivation not race. Don’t they ever get tired of trotting out this idiotic bilge. We can all see what is happening , we can see that it’s black killing black, at least for the moment, The Police, BBC , politicians look more stupid by the day in their refusal to admit what everyone knows. Of course the scary thing will be if the gangs turn on us , will the liberal establishment fools then claim it isn’t happening or isn’t racist? You can be certain that they will. I’m sick to death of the whole crew of the Westminster ship of fools.
Acknowledging the sad circumstances, that comment did capture the irony of the situation well.
The problem seems to be the folk creating non-solutions as, IIRC, vast funds directed towards sports venues to prevent violence resulted in a murder… in a sports venue.
I’m not surprised Mr Phillips doesn’t get much exposure these days from MSM . A rare example of someone who moved from the cloned liberal to reality and tells the truth . A terrible embarrassment for whitee snowflakes .
Our descent down that slippery slope is the inevitable result of the inherent cupidity of our Legislative and Executive, the rulers and their enforcers. They BBC et al, will have brought it about, and it will end up thrusting them over the edge of the precipice that. they thought they were preparing for us, because when freedom of speech is gone, common decency, fair, impartial judgement and justice and all other freedoms will follow, most certainly and justifiably including theirs.Hence, there will be a reckoning, because the persecuted will always eventually turn on their persecutors. And now, not because of any volition of our own, we must make it so, because treachery is as treachery does, and treachery driven by hatred for one’s own majority group whose very survival is in question, and who now know it, is but a formula for chaos and bloodshed. we can hope for a rapid onset and swift conclusion whilst we still have a demographic majority, and this will go some way towards minimising or even eliminating long-term carnage and our possible subjugation-because that is the way of the EU, and leaving it without a deal is far better than with one that will destroy our nation. The deconstructionists in Westminster are our enemy.
Given the BBC’s predilection for pictures of BAME on the news homepage, you would think this was a good opportunity. I wonder why they chose to illustrate this headline with a picture of the victim. . ?
This BBC presenter was surprised to discover what their call centre have known all along:
“I said that it’d be a Leave vote, because the majority of our callers were Leave voters. It's still very similar, the percentage of Remain callers is much lower”
I’ve been predicting that a second referendum will see many leave votes removed from the count. But I am also wondering whether many leave votes were removed last time, thus rendering the real
result more favourably towards leave and explaining the surprise when the result was declared.
They did extend the voting period last time, and then made a desperate attempt to get more young voters out of bed. Without that, and all the other tricks, the Leave vote would have been even more decisive.
Evening all.
As the great Max Miller might have said, ‘here’s a funny thing’.
In the West Midlandsistan, 600 children out of a roll of 750 were deliberately not sent to a particular primary school today because of parental objections to teaching gay issues to children as young as 4.
The parents in question are Muslim.
1. Are the parents essentially right?
2. Is not deeply concerning that we have schools in this country where 80% of the children are Muslim, and how come we are still taking in 260,000 nett non EU migrants per quarter ?
3. Should we be pandering to the likes of Stonewall by teaching gay sex to little children?
4. Why does both the government nor the opposition pretend none of the above is either happening, or is important?
Answers on postcards please to
Hypocrites Limited
New Broadcasting House
The Chris Grayling centre for the utterly useless
Houses of Parliament.
Another funny thing. Unless I’m very much mistaken,and maybe I am, Stonewall supports Muslim immigration into Britain but Muslims do not support homosexuality. Perhaps the homos have not heard the joke about turkey’s voting for Christmas.
We sure are living through weird,unnatural times. I feel that a few generations down the line the first half of the 21st century will be viewed in retrospect as a second Dark Ages.
I understand and at times tend to share your skepticism but it remains a fact that, as yet, I have not heard the fat lady singing and until I do I am not prepared to assume that all is lost.
I thought it was a lot more than 50 . I heard 65 and that was a couple of weeks ago . Can but hope that they are so tied up in themselves – like st chuka- that they won’t be able to stop Blighty having a full brexit .
After watching W1A and remembering comments on the BBC about everyone being equal at the BBC. I estimate that the average IQ of BBC Management must be about 80 to 85.
An actor / actress has got of the plane from LA…. ?
Meghan got married again
Corbyn on being made labour leader
As an aside – in my Eastern part of Londonistan four vibrant local young men got 23 years each for guns knives and stuff. Where’s that damn death penalty . ?
Fed, my problem with that is where a Court ‘makes a mistake’ and there have been a horrible number of those in the 20th & 21st centuries in the UK alone.
If you think that the risk of executing an innocent party is enough to be against the use of capital punishment, that’s fair enough. But you would then, to be philosophically consistent, have to be against several other things as well. You would have to be a pacifist because innocent civilians are always killed in wars. Or against people driving cars because innocent people die in road accidents. You may also have to be against imprisonment, fines and community service because there will always be some innocent people who wrongly receive such sentences too.
Zelazek, yes, I have become a pacifist in my middle and old age with an exception: wars of liberation where a country has been invaded. Examples: The Falklands War and Gulf 1.
Your argument against cars and fines does not hold up because if everyone drives properly, no-one would be killed and prior to that everyone, in effect, carries out a risk assessment when choosing to get in a car. Incidental further example, show a sign of endangerment while driving and you incur a fine if caught and successfully prosecuted.
Your argument also falls down because an incorrect conviction and fine does not cost a person their life and may, when corrected, result in compensation being paid. Sadly not possible with Capital Punishment.
My argument doesn’t fall down. You are assuming that when people are wrongfully imprisoned or fined, the mistake is always discovered and rectified.
Why aren’t there calls for the senior civil servants at the Department against Transport to be sacked instead of Chris Grayling ?
They are the ones who love secrecy and tell lies .
Oh you must mean all those strange folks appointed during the reign of Tony the Bliar. Well, I suppose it’s nothing that a call to Dyno Rod can’t fix. Drain the sewer.
Nibor, the roll call of Ministries ‘not fit for purpose’ (to use John Reid’s famous words) is a growing one, I fear.
To the Home Office (with sub-Ministry Justice) we can add Transport, Work & Pensions, Business, Innovation and Skills (esp. under Cable) and, now, Education.
Emmanuel, there’s no doubt in my mind that one of the factors that has made so many MPs & Civil Servants into pro-EU Remainers & Remoaners is that they know that if the UK leaves the EU they will not in future be able to hide behind its apron and use the tie of its apron strings as a constant excuse to the UK Electorate.
They will have to work considerably harder and considerably better – for us – than they have done in the past forty years.
Not only is the EU an inefficient and anti-democratic protectionist racket (my main/one of my main reasons for voting Leave in 2016), it also breeds inefficiency within its member States by putting a brake on inspiration and innovation and initiative and creativity.
In that latter case there is an exception, the EU seems very good at creatively getting around its ‘Rules’ when it wants to and covering it up. Eh ‘Mutti’, eh Jean Claude? What’s that you say?
They love to say EU law forbids ……
Sometimes it’s an excuse for their laziness , it stops them having to do some work , and they know they are too stupid to be innovative .
Sometimes it seems they just want Britian to lose out .
Nibor, “Sometimes it seems they just want Britian to lose out.” yes, but am not sure that’s deliberate on the part of Brussels. It’s just that we love rules and regulation and Regulators in the UK. You probably know the old joke as well as I do.
A new law is passed for EU Member States to follow. The several pages of documentation is sent to all Member States. In Germany, an official in the relevant Ministry summarises it onto one, maybe two sides of A4 and the population of the country immediately follow it to the letter.
His or her French equivalent receives exactly the same documentation, shrugs and puts it in a drawer for a while. When someone complains, it is summarised onto half a page of A4 and sent to Mayors around the country. They receive it, shrug and put it in a drawer. When someone complains, they take it out, tell the people in their districts about it, some of whom shrug and most ignore it anyway.
In the UK, a group of officials form a Committee which immediately sets to, gets the legislation ratified in Parliament and arranges for many more pages of documentation to be added and possibly a Regulator created, with an oversight Board populated by ‘the great and the good’ at the taxpayers expense. The people are told they must comply, are threatened with fines, and Inspectors (trained at further expense to the taxpayer) are sent out to see if the rules are being followed and to catch those that break them.
Ezra takes apart a CBC narrative
CBC headline : \\ Twitter trolls stoked debates about immigrants and pipelines in Canada //
\\ 9 million troll tweets released by Twitter reveal foreign campaigns to influence Canadians’ opinions// .. 9 million Oh well that it !
… oh so only 21K apply to Canada
and that was over 5 years
..and that works out to be 10 tweets a day
Ah but the second and third most retweeted accounts were
2 @TheRebelTV 191
3 @ezralevant 148
..oh they retweeted Ezra/Rebel 350 times over 5 years
that’s SIX per month
11pm R4 I’m sure you’ll be listening
\\ Emma Barnett is joined by :
: Daily Record journalist, Anna Burnside
+ #SaggyBoobsMatter campaigner Chidera Eggerue aka The Slumflower, author of What a Time to Be Alone
+ Hetta Howes lecturer in medieval literature at City University, London//
Late Night Woman’s Hour
The Irish judge had released the fishing boats now
.. but I never heard about the seizure on the radio.
'The fishing boats are very clearly British fishing boats, they were illegally seized in waters that are disputed, waters that belong to this great nation.' Looking forward to IDS storming the pier at Port Oriel any day now:
There’s an entry on Twitter by vanhofstad? Calling the an EUreichafrica area . No doubt Lammy and Abbot and the like would love free movement between Africa and Europe but – bloody hell – makes the Turkey joining the ReichEU look like a nothing .
Belated Happy St David’s Day to taffman and others who are Welsh on here.
Took a brief walk around the old estate this morning with the Estate Manager (me), the Head Gardener (also me), the Assistant Gardener (me, again) and the Under Gardener’s Assistant (very much me and the only role for which I’m nearly qualified), the Under Gardener being indisposed or illdisposed or something distinctly absent.
Also absent were open daffodil heads, despite Brexit and the [possibly] hottest month of February evva. (Please note, MetO/BBC Louise, the order of those words, in the correct non-Morecambised order.)
The daffodils on the estate (a.k.a. the clump in the front flower bed) were starting to show after Christmas Day, which was warm but not the warmest evva. When the whole of January was cold and grey and damp they entered a period of indecision and the very cold blast for the first week or so of February decided things. They shrank back into the cosy soil to await better days.
The glorious three-quarters of February now passed with its clear sunny days but cold and sometimes frosty nights has meant that instead of proving AGW and CC (anthropogenic global warming and climate change, to the uninitiated) these daffodils are bang on course to be withered by Mothering Sunday 2019 and hopefully, therefore, not nicked by the local oiks and tightwads when the Gamekeeper (another job for me, I fear) is not looking.
Maybe this BBC person could be given a job at CNN for her prize (think that’s why she’s got the invite really) and then we would never see or hear from her again.?
This is just more self-indulgent bBBC bs from a shower of self-important pseudos, social crusaders passing pretentious and patronising propaganda off as innovative and intuitive investigative journalism. An altogether far too obvious attempt to intellectualise clickbait for the in-flight magazine style news programming they’re aiming at the fickle page-flickers of the Facebook generation and their offspring. Twats.
OFCOM are investigating the BBC as part of Investigations launched under the Procedures for investigating breaches of content standards on BBC broadcasting services and BBC on demand programme services. Investigations launched under the Procedures for the consideration and adjudication of Fairness and Privacy complaints on BBC broadcasting services and BBC on demand programme services and Investigations launched under the Procedures for enforcement of requirements in the BBC Agreement and compliance with Ofcom enforcement action.
Investigations include an Academic study of BBC Panorama by David McQueen.
You’ve reminded me of John Ware of Panorama, who was one of a handful of genuine investigative journalists at the BBC. He reported on the attempted deportation by the Home Secretary of Raed Salah, an anti-Semitic Arab-Israeli hate preacher.
Lefty terrorist supporters such as Jeremy Corbyn and the staff at that rag known as the Guardian naturally rallied to Salah’s defence. I emailed John Ware with video evidence of Salah and Hamas apologist Azzam Tamimi chuckling gleefully over Salah’s tale of an Arab pupil drawing a swastika on the blackboard in the classroom of their Jewish Hebrew teacher.
John Ware replied to thank me for the info and relate that he had confronted Salah’s lawyer with it. However, a court overturned the deportation order, no doubt leading to much celebration by Corbyn and company.
It seems the possibility of Panorama regaining its status under John Ware is now remote.
And the BBC will not grant the FOI request for John Sweeney’s expenses going back 5 years, complete with receipts? If they did, we would no doubt learn it would enough to feed 10 average British families for decades.
Top Corbynistas at war over anti-Semitism crisis: Party chief threatens to ‘do in’ fellow key activist as senior allies of Labour leader exchange insults over the issue
Momentum’s Jon Lansman claimed Labour NEC member Pete Willsman threatened to ‘do him in’ in anti-Semitism feud
Willsman close to suspended MP Chris Williamson, who was suspended for saying Labour ‘too apologetic’ over anti-Semitism
Mr Lansman branded Willsman a ‘hateful, embarrassing dictator and crank’ in leaked emails
Has there ever been a civilisation in all of history where you weren’t allowed to resist or even object to an invasion – or even acknowledge it was happening?
And if so how long did that Civilisation survive?
Having avoided weekday toady thought I’d dose myself for the weekend . A vintage performance from sober Soubry for 6 minutes slagging off the Tory party and failing grayling . No challenge – no interruptions .
The lead news story is the labour civil war over anti Semitism but toady left it until 0750 to talk to some one about it .
No mention of Diane Abbot sittting silently in Hackney allowing the local party to continue resisting anti Semitic allegations .
Sir Paul nurse – “top scientist “ having a bash a brexit because of possible disruption of science cash and the tired old ‘ best brains’ recital . Even a slight challenge made his brexit bashing sound desperate and embarrassing . I though I heard George Soros in the background shouting at poor sir nurse ….
Managed an hour but ‘ off time ‘
Another subject – truedoe in Canada – an unusually sharp piece in The Guardian of all places why their heart throb PM turns out to be a corrupt politician like all the rest . Shock horror. Popcorn for the Canadians .
Fed, you should have stayed on. There was an item from your neck of the woods, the Walthamstow Wetlands no less. A real snowflake of a spokesperson or Manager talking about the devastation that a horribly warm winter (in reality, an early spring) has brought to the world of nature and nothing will survive without the hand of man – in this case, actually a woman – taking care to ‘adjust things’ and ‘change things’.
You really do wonder what goes on in the heads of these people.
Well, I do.
The UK’s incredibly variable island weather has shaped our land over thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of years depending on who you listen to and believe. The wildlife survived quite well before humankind got really concerned about it.
Dial back on the anxiety, darlin’! You are worrying our young people into early graves.
Up2 no thanks, but thanks E17 is already full of yuppie snowflake Hackney refugees as exemplified by saucy Stella Creasy MP.
They were all twittering in the night about the great fire of Canary Wharf because an air con unit on the roof of Barclays tower burnt out and did a big smoke .
Toady has got to the level of comedy now but it’s spoilt by knowing the jokes being repeated .
Funny, I thought. I thought, funny. Stella Creasey’s name popped into my head during that very TOADY item. Must have been all that talk about Walthamstow and insects and stuff.
Vlad, if there ever was a civilisation that did that they allowed themselves to be so fully erased from history that there is no record now of their existence. That is what may happen to our civilisation if our politicians keep encouraging this self-destruction.
I was watching the BBC News Channel about 7:45am where they showed the live SpaceX launch which Naga Munchetty described as, “SpaceX space shuttle”. It’s actually the first test launch of the SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule but Naga stuttered and bluffed her way through the whole thing.
They had a guest presenter called Libby to explain the launch but Naga preferred the sound of her own nasally voice and kept talking bollox throughout the launch like “you are watching the launch from Florida by the UK…..errr… collaboration with NASA…errr….with the HQ there”. The fact that the capsule is carrying a weighted dummy in a spacesuit was more important to Naga than any other scientific facts. The entire first minute of the launch was ruined by Naga talking crap.
Libby got to speak at 1m28s until she was interrupted by Naga at 1m48s. Libby went on to carefully explain passing ‘Max Q’, the point of max aerodynamic pressure, until Naga started talking crap again about the dummy on board. The first stage separation was a non event due to Naga asking stupid questions.
Libby then explains the video feed and that the 2nd stage will push the capsule onto orbit but Naga then interrupts Libby to say, “we can listen to the launch commentary…”. 10 seconds later Naga says “let’s come back to you Libby”. Presenter John Kay says “we don’t want to listen to the commentary, we have Libby”. Libby continues saying what she was saying a minute earlier!
Libby gets to speak properly for a while. Naga wants to return to the live footage, “Libby can you explain what we are seeing….we are watching blah blah blah…..from Florida…..blah balh (talk for talkings sake)”. John comes back in “oh, is that the dummy we can see? Its a male astronaut”. Libby, “It is…” interrupted by Naga yet again, “its a dummy of a woman!”
On and on this crap went. Libby explains it will dock with the ISS tomorrow. John says “it will probably be at the ISS before we get home”.
Just as the interview was ending Libby quickly says the 1st stage rocket is about to land. Naga says “we can quickly show you this blah blah blah bollox blah more bollox” by then the 1st stage had landed which was yet another non event due to Naga incessant talking.
The main benefit to the BBC of this exciting non-event in the history of space exploration is that it can fill airtime and push the major spat between Jenny Formby (no comic references to ‘Leaning on a Lamp-post’, please) and Tom Watson on anti-Semitism from top spot.
Of greater concern could be the attempts by our liberal leftists to show the new slim Tom as a shining light for fairness, tolerance and love for one’s fellow man. Many will use the example of his role as intolerant and biased ‘Witchfinder General’ in the recent paedophiles in high places farce, but I prefer to go back a little further to recall his aggressive and morally skewed questioning of Dr David Kelly. That’s the real Tom Watson, a man far too close to the standards of Alastair Campbell for comfort. Losing weight only changes shape, not morality.
” The main benefit to the BBC of this exciting non-event”
While Branson still carries on with his stone age space-wheelchair effort, no doubt thinking: goody-goody, I’m going to be the pride of space travel/research. I’m going to be the first man to go into space with humans on board. To us Brits Its actually embarrassing. He’s making the UK look like fools who don’t watch overseas TV other than the TV monitors on his passenger planes.
Nearly has funny as the Liverpool guy who tried to break some space record by sending his “Blue peter” cardboard/sellotape rocket into space on the moors above Manchester a few years back. Trouble was it flew about a hundred feet into the air and set fire to the moor and the firefighters from Oldham had to try to reach said spot but couldn’t as it was probably too peaty and soggy. Not good for the grouse I last heard. He’s still a lecturer I believe. Keep to that. All north west TV viewers couldn’t stop laughing. Still. He had more foresight than our brilliant MoD.
The declared funding of Musk’s Tesla corp from the BBC pension fund is quite small , but it is one of the largest of their declared investments.
However the BBC pension fund makes the vast majority of its investments through secondary investment funds so it is quite difficult to see the full extent of their investment in Tesla.
I cannot help but imagine, should the UK be subjected to that Second Referendum (assuming it gets past our High Court & Supreme Court) and the result is a resounding Leave 61% : 39% Remain, what the sound of BBC Newsreaders, TOADY, TWatO, TWT & TWTW presenters and political Editors & correspondents would be like after the result is known.
Sotto voce? Muffled? Half pace? Teas & coffees & biccies delivered around the building on a trollies covered with the EU flag by tea ladies dressed in black? Faint bass drum beaten to the second or double second?
I imagine that scenario would be met with a deafening silence.
I expect there would be a large consignment of Kleenex and toilet rolls delivered to the traitors gate. The laundry bill would be colossal.
So Tommy standing outside court is the worst thing ever and gets massive reporting
But “THE aggressive and threatening behaviour of some of the defendants and their families during and after the Bradford grooming trial” Hecklers called prosecutors ‘slags’ and ‘hoped they would be raped’ |
.. is not worth reporting by the BBC
First we had the Beast from the East, then the joint hottest summer on record, and now February winter temperatures have soared to all-time highs (although those balmy conditions came to an end on Thursday).
It’s clear that the British weather is getting harder to predict, while climatic events have become more common.
(That’s Daniel Thomas OPINION not science)
And for UK businesses that is creating both opportunities and headaches, with experts warning that our capricious climate could make life harder for many.
Take this and last week’s unseasonably warm weather, which saw temperatures peak at 21.2C in London on Tuesday.
It sparked a rush for goods usually associated with summer, with sales of sunglasses, swimwear and shorts up 13% at John Lewis last week, and bottles of rosé wine flying off the shelves at Sainsbury’s.
But Dr Phil Williamson, who manages the University of East Anglia’s climate change programmes, says that some businesses may have missed out because of the warm spell.”
…”Typically, extremely cold weather is tougher on businesses than freakishly hot weather, Dr Williamson says, because it brings supply chains to a standstill and makes it hard for people to get to work.
Take the big freeze we saw this time last year – also known as the Beast from the East – which hit the construction sector, fuel sales and High Street shopping.”
“UK businesses will have to get used to hotter temperatures if global warming continues at its current pace,” says Prof Hawkins. “And that will create challenges unless they invest in strengthening their infrastructure.”
Etc, etc, etc, ad nauseam.
Does the story justify the title “Freak weather ‘will make life harder for business’ ?
The story tells us the warm weather caused businesses to sell more stuff
So certainly doesn’t justify the one sided negative headline
Does the story pass the ‘ Is it news or is it PR’ test ?
Nope it’s PR @Daniel_ThomasG cutNpasted ..and I guess Ed Hawkins Global Warming alarmism PR is the source
Yep Paul Homewood himself has comments
\\ As is always the case, nobody will pay the slightest attention to the new version, and the lie has gone around the world and back in the meantime.
Nevertheless, GWPF, who have also written to complain, will insist on a formal entry being made on the BBC’s correction page. It is also good that Harrabin knows he cannot keep getting away with his incompetent, biased and dishonest coverage of these issues.
It is also encouraging that this particular exposure of the BBC has also attracted a fair deal of public attention, thanks to the help of Booker, Dellers, Kathy Gyngell and Matt Ridley’s piece in the Spectator. // comments are open
I complained about a piece on Radio 4’s ‘The World at One’ on January 17.
Commenting on the cancellation of another nuclear power station, the BBC stated that the Government was probably relaxed about this because the price of offshore wind had fallen to £57.50 per MWH.
I pointed out to them that it was not possible for anybody to obtain offshore wind energy at this price.
Their first response was simply to refer me to the bids made by a couple of companies in 2017. I replied that the fact that some offshore wind might be available at this price in four or five years time was not the same as saying this was the current price.
Eventually they agreed stating ‘They acknowledge that there was a slip of the tongue and Simon Jack had meant to say “the current estimated cost for 2022-2023 is £57.50 MWh” .’ Hardly fulsome, I agree, but progress of a sort?
No one builds a wind farm at anything like that price, but once having built stage 1 and substations with a massive subsidy, they then sometimes put in bids for stage 2 at a lower price
I am not aware of any actually working at a prices as low as £57.50 MWh
For me, the single most depressing item in the last Question time was the fear of the young woman in the audience who said, “The ice caps are melting, the oceans are rising, and we only have 12 years!”
What the hell are they teaching the children these days?
Close second most-depressing thing was the verbose, self-righteous, pompous, Corbyn-loving ass Barry Gardiner allowed to pontificate at length by Fiona Bruce.
Do I recall a certain Mark Carney having to do handstands to explain away his forecasts (‘forward thinking’, he likes to call them, whereas I think a ‘non-‘ should be added to that phrase in an appropriate spot) when the gloom all went literally pear-shaped and very juicy after 2018’s wee stonker of a summer nationwide.
The actual boost to the UK economy – against Carney’s gloomy forward thoughts – was yet another example of his hapless Governorship.
He was Gideon’s boy. I have to confess that when I saw his CV when George Osborne announced Carney’s appointment, I did think he might be a good choice. I have been duly repentant for the last three or four years.
I now think Mark Carney has proved to be the worst BoE Governor of my lifetime, not that there are many candidates for that title. Most have been good. Some have been brilliant.
I’m sure that Hammond and Carney get on like a house on fire. Remoaners both and I suspect that if Phil twitches in the wrong way or scratches the wrong ear on 30th March, Mark Carney will send instructions to put Base Rate up to 5% or something similar in order to make Brexit look bad.
Sir Oliver Leftwin proved how out of touch he is with the growing hostility of former Tory followers ( brexiters ) who are going to kick his party so hard in the next election that it will bleeed – if it sells us out
Followed by the Kier Starmer fan club.enough .
I wonder who listens ? Is it just the bubble ?
I only listened to hear what the enemy is doing ….
Another teenager stabbed to death in East Londonistan . I was working on a homicide figure of 135 last year but on the current rate it could hit 150 in Londonistan this year .
I’m not that callous as I studied figures as part of a masters in another life . The latest victim was a 17 year old girl ….
BBC breaches charter with months of bias reporting, helping promote disunity & division, preferring selective speculation rather than impartiality & fact; SIGN THE PETITION:
I see the BBB has decided to run some “news” stuff about how Northerns have “funny” word for everyday objects. An instance being “Kecks” for “Trousers” They are scouring the Country for examples such as this with our Northern Lass Steph heading the charge to prove it’s genuine. I wonder whether this is an attempt to show they do actually realise that there are humans living outside of The South or maybe they are trying to learn “Amazonian Cannibal” Lingo? Creepy timing for this one. I predict lots more pretend fawning attention to the regions as they try to repair the damage and cover up there gormlessness and maybe convert some of the Cannibals to “EU think” in which case a double whammy.
Interesting observations re the BBC trying to repair the damage using “the northern lass Steph.” I’d never thought about that sort of ruse on the part of the BBC until I saw this video by James Fox Higgins.
On Tommy’s arrest last year, he says, “Now I think it’s no coincidence whatsoever that they’ve chosen a narrator for this BBC video who has a working-class accent a bit like Tommy Robinson’s…
“…The reason they do this is that they are propagandists and so they will use any psychological trick they can to convince you of what they are saying. In this case if they’d chosen to put an elitist, upper-class London commentator who spoke with Queen’s English it would almost certainly not appeal to the main audience. The people who are interested in Tommy Robinson are average, everyday working-class Brits and so they must choose a narrator for this who will relate to those people so that they can try to convince them that Tommy is not the hero they should be looking to.”
So Stephen Lawrence is murdered in a ‘racist’ attack (I bet in reality the motivations/facts were very different to the official line) and this single event is used as a point d’appui to condemn endemic racism across the Police, society etc. A single event!
Yesterday a black man is sent down for giving a white girl drugs that she overdosed on. Will there be media hysteria demanding the black community stop it institutional racism etc? Of course not. Though this is much more of a pattern than the isolated case of Stephen Lawrence. I can’t imagine another Macperson report condemning the Police for being too lenient with certain criminals and thus making tragedies like this inevitable. I can’t imagine four hours of BBC programmes on its twentieth anniversary marking all the changes this tragic case inspired. It will go straight down the memory hole and we will all act as if nothing is amiss.
The Lawrence industry sure has reaped the reward of dead teenagers across Londonistan with a police force only happy to take on Sunday Christian preachers ( see las Sunday ).
Yes – I know their numbers are down – but if there were more theyd probably be searching this site for hate crimes ….
The BBC has all but admitted to its 8 years of war propaganda aimed at the destruction of Syria. The very refugees it now reports are returning to Syria suffered the fate they have specifically, because of the inability of media organizations like the BBC to honestly inform the public. The cost of the Syrian war helps remind the public, why during the Nuremberg trials following World War 2, war propagandists were sent to the gallows alongside the trigger-pullers their lies helped enable. While the BBC still enjoys vast amounts of impunity with no likelihood in the foreseeable future of ever being held accountable for its actions – it should be remembered at all times that, the BBC is in the business of propaganda – and especially war propaganda – not “news.” This fact should be kept in mind whether its correspondents are covering the Middle East, South America, or Southeast Asia.
Finally proof of Russia collusion with Russia…. but no foaming rabid smears from the BBC, whats going on???
Yet the collusion is clear Jim Bridenstine a top government official stressed that the new reality in the era under TRUMP (spits in disgust) that this:
“… did not mean an end to cooperation with Russia”
“We want to make sure that we keep our partnership with Russia ”
And colluding with ISIS:
“ISS still has three people onboard (colluding with the US)…. its up to the ISS… to work”
Scots being treated like a joke as jobs are being lost with @VodafoneUK l've been with V for years but when contract ends is when l leave Vodafone. #Scotland
I went to a Brexit Q&A session last night with Suella Braverman and I have to say I was impressed very much with her. Definitely a passionate leaver and courageous with it. My quandary is that I wish to punish the party, which has had my vote for over 50 years, for their duplicitous and undemocratic behaviour by voting for “none of the above” or a Leave party if we have one but she is so good I couldn’t possibly not support her.
Incidentally, some people in front of me were obvious remainers, shouting and shaking their heads during Suella’s introductory talk and when it came to questions a young woman started “as a teacher….”, and the man, “I’m a social worker…”. Colour me surprised lol.
Toady is also competing – it’s giving away 10 year membership of the Labour Party and Momentum as well as a life size inflatable Corbyn doll …or a Diane Abbot version
Bit harsh, that, Stew. We all know he’s a monumental prat but Chris Evans will definitely have more than 21 listeners – there’s a whole heap of saddos who think he’s triffic.
OG, was on the news last night I think. Kinda unfortunate for the Beeb coming, as it did, after Any Questions in a Suffolk hall stuffed with Remainers and Remoaners.
Was it just me or did the BBC Newsreader sound as though they had gritted teeth?
wwfcMar 10, 11:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five charged with murder over shooting in street Koketso Ximba, 22; Aaron Osei, 22; Deric Da Silva Ferreria, 19; Fabio…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 11:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Harry Potter and Doctor Who star dies aged 63 as tributes pour in for the beloved actor” Surprised the…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 11:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun Far Right, Far Right As we know the bbc isn’t biased…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #2 – BBC getting over-excited by the news from Canada? Mark Carney, former Canadian Governor of the Bank…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 10:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC getting excited over the new globalist apointee Mark Carney. “Canada’s next PM Mark Carney vows to win trade war…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Up2 It’s a bit like the democrats is the US arguing against ‘common sense ‘ policies . People in Britain…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 EG Yes – that’s why I think TTK will incorporate the cost of the State Broadcaster into State taxes -…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
BBC reporting that watching over three hours of television a day can have a negative impact on the brain for people over 50. Might I suggest that it’s not the amount of time spent watching TV that is the problem, but the amount of tripe that’s on it.
Well between them BBC TV/radio & Channel 4 try to give you 3 hours of ‘TV programming’ each day
.. Well actually 3 hours of TV, trans, trans kids etc.
and other hours about other special victimhood groups and topics
‘Suspicious item’ found near mosque in Edinburgh”.
Ain’t it funny, the same thing happened in afghanistan when a bomb planted outside a Sunny Mosque killed many Sheer Muslim’s.
There are thousands of Sunnies and Sheer muslims in scotland – thanks to scotlands SNP leader.
Bet this strange device was found nearer the bus stop than the Mosque.
Obviously hoping that people would associate this incident with the far right (our far right) in GB. It won’t work BBC.
Probably a Molotov with some spirits still in it.
Capita praised by MPs for doing a good job on army recruitment
How much did it cost per trans Muslim they attracted?
Sounds like the army have got a bad dose of management consultancy gobbledygook syndrome.
Phase: 1 Produce a PowerPoint presentation with masses of acronyms and whizzbang charts of predicted savings , shove it out with bags of enthusiasm and hope something goes right. Pick up fee.
Phase2: In the event of a massive foul up return, pronounce client implemented incorrectly bring more consultants. Pick up fee.
Anyone remember the Business Process Reengineering projects that resulted in similar issues except people ended up with no jobs and a failing company. I remember working on a project with an Australian company implementing a famous German software suite. It got so complicated they stopped counting the cost and are now out of business.
You forgot the bit about turning up , asking the existing staff how to do the job , producing a report which gets existing staff fired and then putting in their fee.
Naturally the modified version doesn’t work and the consultants are then commissioned to find out why – for a fee…
Then the boss retires and gets a job with the consultants and – a fee.
Very popular in publicly funded organisations where no one cares about money – mr grayling would be pleased .
I thought he was really good in “the thick of it “.
If this one fails to distract the locals, John could always try invading the Falklands.
Channel4 making big promises to spend half its programming budget outside London by 2023
They report ‘now we spend 35% outside London’
Actually they spend 65% in London
that’s £400m out of £700m
so over the next 4 years they’ll just drop that by £50m
to be £350m and £350m outside London
Must be very worrying for the c4 genderhood to have to go outside the M25 with the threat of Waitrose shops and M&S going . Where will they get sun dried aubergines? Maybe comic relief can have a whip round …
ITV This Morning viewers say they will ‘stop donating’ to Comic Relief over Stacey Dooley row Martin Cocker said: “Quite easy then – my money will be staying in my bank account #ungrateful #ThisMorning”
Stacey Mac said: “I have donated to comic relief for many years, this year won’t. African countries want the money, but want to dictate how it is raised. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. #ThisMorning”
Marcie said: “Certainly won’t be donating anymore #comicrelief #ThisMorning”
On yesterday’s show, Phillip Schofield blasted David Lammy’s remarks about Stacey Dooley as “racist” during a heated debate with the MP live on air.
You have to be stupid to still donate to that ridiculous cause.
‘Poor people in rich countries giving to rich people in poor countries’.
Comic Relief, as with Sports Relief and Children in Need, are all virtue-signalling opportunities for the BBC to feel good about itself, very sadly aided and abetted by lazy people who can claim virttue by supporting without thinking.
They delegate the charity decision to committees at the BBC and the named organisations.
I feel sorry for charities who struggle but do not get the free publicity for these organisations that the BBC provides.
I urge everyone who wishes to donate to charities to do so directly to their chosen charity as a positive decision and not indirectly via BBC virtue-signalling structures.
Quite so. Comic Relief, Sports Relief and Children in Need etc just go to perpetuate the image of a well-intentioned, lovable, ‘Auntie’ beeb, instead of the truer one of the Evil Empire.
“Comic Relief, as with Sports Relief and Children in Need, are all virtue-signalling opportunities for the BBC to feel good about itself”
Modern BBC:
What a horrible place to work. Can you imagine the inner feelings most BBC employees will feel when they get a note on their office door:
Well you lucky BBC workers you. Yet another relief from comedy comes around, so spend most of your time deciding what song/dance/swim/flight/jump/sludge, milk, beans you want to be pushed into to get another bumper scam out of our deluded viewers (especially children – what idiots, they will believe anything our junior BBCC employees tell them – especially if they tell them first that they have decided to be “intersexed” overnight)
Can you imagine the silent conversation each employee must have with themselves when that Monday morning comes around (again) were the conversation with their BBC boss (and of course with our accounts Dept head – “loads of money” tristram. TRIST will be on your tails if you fail to turn up for it on the night) reminds every employee that unless you partake in our annual “relief from comedy” you will be sent to work in our Bratfurd office.
I feel sorry for those silly BBC employees who fight against their conscience which probably tells them: I’ve got to give my friends in the office the impression that “I really do enjoy taking part in relief from comedy” but really I know that I and thousands of other BBC workers are scared for their jobs if they refuse to take part. However! The meals in our canteen are 5 star. And our hours can’t be matched by any blue collar workers up north who are always complaining about our rainbow flags everywhere they go” Silly people. Now, where’s my husband Justin?
Please support the Fedup2 crowd funding site so that I can buy a top of the range Range Rover .
I wonder if Lord Ahmed is going to do an Alex Salmond and get crowd funding for the allegations against him . Lord Ahmed being from Rotherham of course and now charged with alleged sexual crimes against children
Innocent until proven guilty of course . … or maybe he’ll do a ‘janner’
BBC Radio Lincs was promoting Visit A Mosque Day/weekend
A Panorama journo is a star guest today
Edinburgh BBC report Mosque package
Probably a muslim.
Lincolshire eh? That’s another location to cross off my list of bearable places to spend my declining years.
Still, we shouldn’t be fleeing to the countryside in the hope of an islam free life, thus being responsible for all the urban space falling to islam. We should be pushing them out. My waking fantasies involve bulldozers.
“My waking fantasies involve bulldozers.”
Speaking of Panorama, did Sweeney handle nibbles and drinks for this?:
In the DT today Trevor Phillips lambasts the BBC , Police , Government for refusing to acknowledge that the rise in gang knifing and violence is primarily a black problem. He says that just like the refusal to admit to Muslim rape gangs this will just allow the situation to escalate. I note that the Plod in charge of combating gangs is saying its about deprivation not race. Don’t they ever get tired of trotting out this idiotic bilge. We can all see what is happening , we can see that it’s black killing black, at least for the moment, The Police, BBC , politicians look more stupid by the day in their refusal to admit what everyone knows. Of course the scary thing will be if the gangs turn on us , will the liberal establishment fools then claim it isn’t happening or isn’t racist? You can be certain that they will. I’m sick to death of the whole crew of the Westminster ship of fools.
I thought the problem was the lack of youth clubs. Such a shame one of the latest murders was actually in a youth club.
Acknowledging the sad circumstances, that comment did capture the irony of the situation well.
The problem seems to be the folk creating non-solutions as, IIRC, vast funds directed towards sports venues to prevent violence resulted in a murder… in a sports venue.
they must be rubbish drug dealers if they are still deprived
I’m not surprised Mr Phillips doesn’t get much exposure these days from MSM . A rare example of someone who moved from the cloned liberal to reality and tells the truth . A terrible embarrassment for whitee snowflakes .
Double, I have an uncormfortable feeling that in London, the Met are happy to sit on their hands as a form of revenge for McPherson.
Our descent down that slippery slope is the inevitable result of the inherent cupidity of our Legislative and Executive, the rulers and their enforcers. They BBC et al, will have brought it about, and it will end up thrusting them over the edge of the precipice that. they thought they were preparing for us, because when freedom of speech is gone, common decency, fair, impartial judgement and justice and all other freedoms will follow, most certainly and justifiably including theirs.Hence, there will be a reckoning, because the persecuted will always eventually turn on their persecutors. And now, not because of any volition of our own, we must make it so, because treachery is as treachery does, and treachery driven by hatred for one’s own majority group whose very survival is in question, and who now know it, is but a formula for chaos and bloodshed. we can hope for a rapid onset and swift conclusion whilst we still have a demographic majority, and this will go some way towards minimising or even eliminating long-term carnage and our possible subjugation-because that is the way of the EU, and leaving it without a deal is far better than with one that will destroy our nation. The deconstructionists in Westminster are our enemy.
mentioned as an aside in the article someone else loses their citizenship
will the BBC be leading the charge to get it back
Given the BBC’s predilection for pictures of BAME on the news homepage, you would think this was a good opportunity. I wonder why they chose to illustrate this headline with a picture of the victim. . ?
Another Eloi picked off by a predator.
I’ve been predicting that a second referendum will see many leave votes removed from the count. But I am also wondering whether many leave votes were removed last time, thus rendering the real
result more favourably towards leave and explaining the surprise when the result was declared.
They did extend the voting period last time, and then made a desperate attempt to get more young voters out of bed. Without that, and all the other tricks, the Leave vote would have been even more decisive.
Evening all.
As the great Max Miller might have said, ‘here’s a funny thing’.
In the West Midlandsistan, 600 children out of a roll of 750 were deliberately not sent to a particular primary school today because of parental objections to teaching gay issues to children as young as 4.
The parents in question are Muslim.
1. Are the parents essentially right?
2. Is not deeply concerning that we have schools in this country where 80% of the children are Muslim, and how come we are still taking in 260,000 nett non EU migrants per quarter ?
3. Should we be pandering to the likes of Stonewall by teaching gay sex to little children?
4. Why does both the government nor the opposition pretend none of the above is either happening, or is important?
Answers on postcards please to
Hypocrites Limited
New Broadcasting House
The Chris Grayling centre for the utterly useless
Houses of Parliament.
Another funny thing. Unless I’m very much mistaken,and maybe I am, Stonewall supports Muslim immigration into Britain but Muslims do not support homosexuality. Perhaps the homos have not heard the joke about turkey’s voting for Christmas.
We sure are living through weird,unnatural times. I feel that a few generations down the line the first half of the 21st century will be viewed in retrospect as a second Dark Ages.
Unless the lady is kidding us we will leave the EU on the 29th March 2019. Deal or no deal.
This lady?
I understand and at times tend to share your skepticism but it remains a fact that, as yet, I have not heard the fat lady singing and until I do I am not prepared to assume that all is lost.
I do still have a glimmer of hope. We’ll see.
I thought it was a lot more than 50 . I heard 65 and that was a couple of weeks ago . Can but hope that they are so tied up in themselves – like st chuka- that they won’t be able to stop Blighty having a full brexit .
See if you can guess that really got the BBc News excited enough to run this as a headline:
“I still can’t believe it – it feels like a dream.”
Extra points for being wrong but right on what gets the Bbc excited.
I found this quite amusing.
I dont why but the phrase they put on their web pages keeps on coming up in my mind – “Why you can trust the BBC”
After watching W1A and remembering comments on the BBC about everyone being equal at the BBC. I estimate that the average IQ of BBC Management must be about 80 to 85.

Cartoon originally tweeted by the Telegrapgh in Feb 2016
An actor / actress has got of the plane from LA…. ?
Meghan got married again
Corbyn on being made labour leader
As an aside – in my Eastern part of Londonistan four vibrant local young men got 23 years each for guns knives and stuff. Where’s that damn death penalty . ?
FE2 – Its hanging over the heads of all those who insult the “prophet”
I’m all for the profit. Without the profit we are all poor.
I just think it’s not right to bang people up for maybe 20 years . It’s not fair to them and it’s not fair to the taxpayer .
The state kills babies and ‘ bed blockers ‘ as a routine so why not ‘ off’ bad people ? Bit of a luxury to assume they’ll be redeemed in Choaky
Agree with you FE2 but would also like to add – its not fair to the victims families either.
Yes oak – I left it out as it goes without saying as far as I’m concerned .
Fed, my problem with that is where a Court ‘makes a mistake’ and there have been a horrible number of those in the 20th & 21st centuries in the UK alone.
If you think that the risk of executing an innocent party is enough to be against the use of capital punishment, that’s fair enough. But you would then, to be philosophically consistent, have to be against several other things as well. You would have to be a pacifist because innocent civilians are always killed in wars. Or against people driving cars because innocent people die in road accidents. You may also have to be against imprisonment, fines and community service because there will always be some innocent people who wrongly receive such sentences too.
Zelazek, yes, I have become a pacifist in my middle and old age with an exception: wars of liberation where a country has been invaded. Examples: The Falklands War and Gulf 1.
Your argument against cars and fines does not hold up because if everyone drives properly, no-one would be killed and prior to that everyone, in effect, carries out a risk assessment when choosing to get in a car. Incidental further example, show a sign of endangerment while driving and you incur a fine if caught and successfully prosecuted.
Your argument also falls down because an incorrect conviction and fine does not cost a person their life and may, when corrected, result in compensation being paid. Sadly not possible with Capital Punishment.
My argument doesn’t fall down. You are assuming that when people are wrongfully imprisoned or fined, the mistake is always discovered and rectified.
FE2 – World shaking.
Why aren’t there calls for the senior civil servants at the Department against Transport to be sacked instead of Chris Grayling ?
They are the ones who love secrecy and tell lies .
Oh you must mean all those strange folks appointed during the reign of Tony the Bliar. Well, I suppose it’s nothing that a call to Dyno Rod can’t fix. Drain the sewer.
Nibor, the roll call of Ministries ‘not fit for purpose’ (to use John Reid’s famous words) is a growing one, I fear.
To the Home Office (with sub-Ministry Justice) we can add Transport, Work & Pensions, Business, Innovation and Skills (esp. under Cable) and, now, Education.
Is there any ministry that IS fit for purpose.
Everything seems to be run so poorly by useless politicians and civil servants.
Emmanuel, there’s no doubt in my mind that one of the factors that has made so many MPs & Civil Servants into pro-EU Remainers & Remoaners is that they know that if the UK leaves the EU they will not in future be able to hide behind its apron and use the tie of its apron strings as a constant excuse to the UK Electorate.
They will have to work considerably harder and considerably better – for us – than they have done in the past forty years.
Not only is the EU an inefficient and anti-democratic protectionist racket (my main/one of my main reasons for voting Leave in 2016), it also breeds inefficiency within its member States by putting a brake on inspiration and innovation and initiative and creativity.
In that latter case there is an exception, the EU seems very good at creatively getting around its ‘Rules’ when it wants to and covering it up. Eh ‘Mutti’, eh Jean Claude? What’s that you say?
They love to say EU law forbids ……
Sometimes it’s an excuse for their laziness , it stops them having to do some work , and they know they are too stupid to be innovative .
Sometimes it seems they just want Britian to lose out .
Nibor, “Sometimes it seems they just want Britian to lose out.” yes, but am not sure that’s deliberate on the part of Brussels. It’s just that we love rules and regulation and Regulators in the UK. You probably know the old joke as well as I do.
A new law is passed for EU Member States to follow. The several pages of documentation is sent to all Member States. In Germany, an official in the relevant Ministry summarises it onto one, maybe two sides of A4 and the population of the country immediately follow it to the letter.
His or her French equivalent receives exactly the same documentation, shrugs and puts it in a drawer for a while. When someone complains, it is summarised onto half a page of A4 and sent to Mayors around the country. They receive it, shrug and put it in a drawer. When someone complains, they take it out, tell the people in their districts about it, some of whom shrug and most ignore it anyway.
In the UK, a group of officials form a Committee which immediately sets to, gets the legislation ratified in Parliament and arranges for many more pages of documentation to be added and possibly a Regulator created, with an oversight Board populated by ‘the great and the good’ at the taxpayers expense. The people are told they must comply, are threatened with fines, and Inspectors (trained at further expense to the taxpayer) are sent out to see if the rules are being followed and to catch those that break them.
Ezra takes apart a CBC narrative
CBC headline : \\ Twitter trolls stoked debates about immigrants and pipelines in Canada //
\\ 9 million troll tweets released by Twitter reveal foreign campaigns to influence Canadians’ opinions//
.. 9 million Oh well that it !
… oh so only 21K apply to Canada
and that was over 5 years
..and that works out to be 10 tweets a day
Ah but the second and third most retweeted accounts were
2 @TheRebelTV 191
3 @ezralevant 148
..oh they retweeted Ezra/Rebel 350 times over 5 years
that’s SIX per month
..Oh well that justifies a heavy government campaign of censorship ..close Ezra/Rebel down then ..they are dangerous
11pm R4 I’m sure you’ll be listening
\\ Emma Barnett is joined by :
: Daily Record journalist, Anna Burnside
+ #SaggyBoobsMatter campaigner Chidera Eggerue aka The Slumflower, author of What a Time to Be Alone
+ Hetta Howes lecturer in medieval literature at City University, London//
Late Night Woman’s Hour
Why not just redesignate R4 as Rwimmin ? Toady can be staffed by five girls . The rest of the daytime stuff is girly anyway so where’s the loss ?
Then the bbc can have BBCqueer just to round off their quest for inclusivity by diversity . ( copyright Fedup2).
The Irish judge had released the fishing boats now
.. but I never heard about the seizure on the radio.
There’s an entry on Twitter by vanhofstad? Calling the an EUreichafrica area . No doubt Lammy and Abbot and the like would love free movement between Africa and Europe but – bloody hell – makes the Turkey joining the ReichEU look like a nothing .
And of course anyone who objects will be accused of waycism.
Surely rapism…..sorry racism or maybe not….
Belated Happy St David’s Day to taffman and others who are Welsh on here.
Took a brief walk around the old estate this morning with the Estate Manager (me), the Head Gardener (also me), the Assistant Gardener (me, again) and the Under Gardener’s Assistant (very much me and the only role for which I’m nearly qualified), the Under Gardener being indisposed or illdisposed or something distinctly absent.
Also absent were open daffodil heads, despite Brexit and the [possibly] hottest month of February evva. (Please note, MetO/BBC Louise, the order of those words, in the correct non-Morecambised order.)
The daffodils on the estate (a.k.a. the clump in the front flower bed) were starting to show after Christmas Day, which was warm but not the warmest evva. When the whole of January was cold and grey and damp they entered a period of indecision and the very cold blast for the first week or so of February decided things. They shrank back into the cosy soil to await better days.
The glorious three-quarters of February now passed with its clear sunny days but cold and sometimes frosty nights has meant that instead of proving AGW and CC (anthropogenic global warming and climate change, to the uninitiated) these daffodils are bang on course to be withered by Mothering Sunday 2019 and hopefully, therefore, not nicked by the local oiks and tightwads when the Gamekeeper (another job for me, I fear) is not looking.
Look, Katty got one too! Just like Emily.
All will have prizes.
Though it does look like they are cleaning up the joint.
…For services rendered slagging off their POTUS.
“All will have prizes.”
Maybe this BBC person could be given a job at CNN for her prize (think that’s why she’s got the invite really) and then we would never see or hear from her again.?
For anyone who needs their evening brightening up read the comments- hysterical.
I saw a repeat of a Tommy Ali Dawah clearup livestream video from 2018 here
Oh I see he has his own special channel just for livestreams
..At first I didn’t realise it was one year old
The Crossing Divides project
I’ve just been looking at the Twitter of the BBC’s Head of Social Engineering to look how she spends public money on metroLiberal POLITICAL projects and thinks that is OK.
It lists some of this years projects
– She is still referencing last years blog post she wrote
Ah I spot a 2019 new blogpost with open comments
She’s put out a new Twitter video (which only seesm to play if you click the link to open it up in a new tab)
This is just more self-indulgent bBBC bs from a shower of self-important pseudos, social crusaders passing pretentious and patronising propaganda off as innovative and intuitive investigative journalism. An altogether far too obvious attempt to intellectualise clickbait for the in-flight magazine style news programming they’re aiming at the fickle page-flickers of the Facebook generation and their offspring. Twats.
OFCOM are investigating the BBC as part of Investigations launched under the Procedures for investigating breaches of content standards on BBC broadcasting services and BBC on demand programme services. Investigations launched under the Procedures for the consideration and adjudication of Fairness and Privacy complaints on BBC broadcasting services and BBC on demand programme services and Investigations launched under the Procedures for enforcement of requirements in the BBC Agreement and compliance with Ofcom enforcement action.
Investigations include an Academic study of BBC Panorama by David McQueen.
Click to access McQueen%2CD_Ph._2010.pdf
And complaints such as this.
And this.,%20Media%20and%20Sport/Future%20of%20the%20BBC/written/8338.html
It looks like all that dirt that John Sweeney has talked about, has already been given to OFCOM.
Richard Pinder,
You’ve reminded me of John Ware of Panorama, who was one of a handful of genuine investigative journalists at the BBC. He reported on the attempted deportation by the Home Secretary of Raed Salah, an anti-Semitic Arab-Israeli hate preacher.
Lefty terrorist supporters such as Jeremy Corbyn and the staff at that rag known as the Guardian naturally rallied to Salah’s defence. I emailed John Ware with video evidence of Salah and Hamas apologist Azzam Tamimi chuckling gleefully over Salah’s tale of an Arab pupil drawing a swastika on the blackboard in the classroom of their Jewish Hebrew teacher.
John Ware replied to thank me for the info and relate that he had confronted Salah’s lawyer with it. However, a court overturned the deportation order, no doubt leading to much celebration by Corbyn and company.
It seems the possibility of Panorama regaining its status under John Ware is now remote.
And the BBC will not grant the FOI request for John Sweeney’s expenses going back 5 years, complete with receipts? If they did, we would no doubt learn it would enough to feed 10 average British families for decades.
Top Corbynistas at war over anti-Semitism crisis: Party chief threatens to ‘do in’ fellow key activist as senior allies of Labour leader exchange insults over the issue
Momentum’s Jon Lansman claimed Labour NEC member Pete Willsman threatened to ‘do him in’ in anti-Semitism feud
Willsman close to suspended MP Chris Williamson, who was suspended for saying Labour ‘too apologetic’ over anti-Semitism
Mr Lansman branded Willsman a ‘hateful, embarrassing dictator and crank’ in leaked emails
French prosecutors call for far-Right leader Marine Le Pen to face TRIAL over violent pictures of ISIS atrocities that she posted on Twitter
Marine Le Pen faces a three-year jail term and a £65,000 fine for her tweets
She shared photographs of US journalist James Foley’s murder by ISIS
Yes, it’s now illegal to speak the truth, or show videos of what your barbaric islamic enemies get up to.
Has there ever been a civilisation in all of history where you weren’t allowed to resist or even object to an invasion – or even acknowledge it was happening?
And if so how long did that Civilisation survive?
Toady watch
Having avoided weekday toady thought I’d dose myself for the weekend . A vintage performance from sober Soubry for 6 minutes slagging off the Tory party and failing grayling . No challenge – no interruptions .
The lead news story is the labour civil war over anti Semitism but toady left it until 0750 to talk to some one about it .
No mention of Diane Abbot sittting silently in Hackney allowing the local party to continue resisting anti Semitic allegations .
Sir Paul nurse – “top scientist “ having a bash a brexit because of possible disruption of science cash and the tired old ‘ best brains’ recital . Even a slight challenge made his brexit bashing sound desperate and embarrassing . I though I heard George Soros in the background shouting at poor sir nurse ….
Managed an hour but ‘ off time ‘
Another subject – truedoe in Canada – an unusually sharp piece in The Guardian of all places why their heart throb PM turns out to be a corrupt politician like all the rest . Shock horror. Popcorn for the Canadians .
Fed, you should have stayed on. There was an item from your neck of the woods, the Walthamstow Wetlands no less. A real snowflake of a spokesperson or Manager talking about the devastation that a horribly warm winter (in reality, an early spring) has brought to the world of nature and nothing will survive without the hand of man – in this case, actually a woman – taking care to ‘adjust things’ and ‘change things’.
You really do wonder what goes on in the heads of these people.
Well, I do.
The UK’s incredibly variable island weather has shaped our land over thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of years depending on who you listen to and believe. The wildlife survived quite well before humankind got really concerned about it.
Dial back on the anxiety, darlin’! You are worrying our young people into early graves.
Up2 no thanks, but thanks E17 is already full of yuppie snowflake Hackney refugees as exemplified by saucy Stella Creasy MP.
They were all twittering in the night about the great fire of Canary Wharf because an air con unit on the roof of Barclays tower burnt out and did a big smoke .
Toady has got to the level of comedy now but it’s spoilt by knowing the jokes being repeated .
Funny, I thought. I thought, funny. Stella Creasey’s name popped into my head during that very TOADY item. Must have been all that talk about Walthamstow and insects and stuff.
Vlad, if there ever was a civilisation that did that they allowed themselves to be so fully erased from history that there is no record now of their existence. That is what may happen to our civilisation if our politicians keep encouraging this self-destruction.
Bad, cowardly leadership in a time of invasion. What can be done about that?
No wonder the cubicle gardens currently shaping bbc editorial policy are not fans.
I suspect that could make their yellow vest protests just a little worse
Begum jihadist?
The UK criminal courts used to apply ‘Joint Enterprise’ for those, in the UK, involved in a joint crime. Begums crime started in the UK when she decided to leave and at that point, she possessed the mens rea and then actus reus, when departing the UK, for Joint Enterprise.
Not bias but my rant about BBC overpaid “talent”.
I was watching the BBC News Channel about 7:45am where they showed the live SpaceX launch which Naga Munchetty described as, “SpaceX space shuttle”. It’s actually the first test launch of the SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule but Naga stuttered and bluffed her way through the whole thing.
They had a guest presenter called Libby to explain the launch but Naga preferred the sound of her own nasally voice and kept talking bollox throughout the launch like “you are watching the launch from Florida by the UK…..errr… collaboration with NASA…errr….with the HQ there”. The fact that the capsule is carrying a weighted dummy in a spacesuit was more important to Naga than any other scientific facts. The entire first minute of the launch was ruined by Naga talking crap.
Libby got to speak at 1m28s until she was interrupted by Naga at 1m48s. Libby went on to carefully explain passing ‘Max Q’, the point of max aerodynamic pressure, until Naga started talking crap again about the dummy on board. The first stage separation was a non event due to Naga asking stupid questions.
Libby then explains the video feed and that the 2nd stage will push the capsule onto orbit but Naga then interrupts Libby to say, “we can listen to the launch commentary…”. 10 seconds later Naga says “let’s come back to you Libby”. Presenter John Kay says “we don’t want to listen to the commentary, we have Libby”. Libby continues saying what she was saying a minute earlier!
Libby gets to speak properly for a while. Naga wants to return to the live footage, “Libby can you explain what we are seeing….we are watching blah blah blah…..from Florida…..blah balh (talk for talkings sake)”. John comes back in “oh, is that the dummy we can see? Its a male astronaut”. Libby, “It is…” interrupted by Naga yet again, “its a dummy of a woman!”
On and on this crap went. Libby explains it will dock with the ISS tomorrow. John says “it will probably be at the ISS before we get home”.
Just as the interview was ending Libby quickly says the 1st stage rocket is about to land. Naga says “we can quickly show you this blah blah blah bollox blah more bollox” by then the 1st stage had landed which was yet another non event due to Naga incessant talking.
The main benefit to the BBC of this exciting non-event in the history of space exploration is that it can fill airtime and push the major spat between Jenny Formby (no comic references to ‘Leaning on a Lamp-post’, please) and Tom Watson on anti-Semitism from top spot.
Of greater concern could be the attempts by our liberal leftists to show the new slim Tom as a shining light for fairness, tolerance and love for one’s fellow man. Many will use the example of his role as intolerant and biased ‘Witchfinder General’ in the recent paedophiles in high places farce, but I prefer to go back a little further to recall his aggressive and morally skewed questioning of Dr David Kelly. That’s the real Tom Watson, a man far too close to the standards of Alastair Campbell for comfort. Losing weight only changes shape, not morality.
” The main benefit to the BBC of this exciting non-event”
While Branson still carries on with his stone age space-wheelchair effort, no doubt thinking: goody-goody, I’m going to be the pride of space travel/research. I’m going to be the first man to go into space with humans on board. To us Brits Its actually embarrassing. He’s making the UK look like fools who don’t watch overseas TV other than the TV monitors on his passenger planes.
Nearly has funny as the Liverpool guy who tried to break some space record by sending his “Blue peter” cardboard/sellotape rocket into space on the moors above Manchester a few years back. Trouble was it flew about a hundred feet into the air and set fire to the moor and the firefighters from Oldham had to try to reach said spot but couldn’t as it was probably too peaty and soggy. Not good for the grouse I last heard. He’s still a lecturer I believe. Keep to that. All north west TV viewers couldn’t stop laughing. Still. He had more foresight than our brilliant MoD.
The declared funding of Musk’s Tesla corp from the BBC pension fund is quite small , but it is one of the largest of their declared investments.
However the BBC pension fund makes the vast majority of its investments through secondary investment funds so it is quite difficult to see the full extent of their investment in Tesla.
Second Referendum: What if that says 51% to 49% pro staying? It will, of course be definitive this time?
but what is the question or questions
will it be a soft remain a remain in name only, I think we know the answer to that
either way we all know it will be fixed
Nah, best of three, if that happens DR. 😉
I cannot help but imagine, should the UK be subjected to that Second Referendum (assuming it gets past our High Court & Supreme Court) and the result is a resounding Leave 61% : 39% Remain, what the sound of BBC Newsreaders, TOADY, TWatO, TWT & TWTW presenters and political Editors & correspondents would be like after the result is known.
Sotto voce? Muffled? Half pace? Teas & coffees & biccies delivered around the building on a trollies covered with the EU flag by tea ladies dressed in black? Faint bass drum beaten to the second or double second?
I imagine that scenario would be met with a deafening silence.
I expect there would be a large consignment of Kleenex and toilet rolls delivered to the traitors gate. The laundry bill would be colossal.
LOL, Lefty!
Puddles under chairs & desks in the TOADY studio?
not even on the bbc local pages
So Tommy standing outside court is the worst thing ever and gets massive reporting
But “THE aggressive and threatening behaviour of some of the defendants and their families during and after the Bradford grooming trial” Hecklers called prosecutors ‘slags’ and ‘hoped they would be raped’ |
.. is not worth reporting by the BBC
More Bradford news
Feb 23 a tenager killed a 37 year old man on the street
This folks is what your £750k buys. Supposed to be a serious journalist, more of a lefty subversive..
Shouldn’t there be a law against dancing on desks?
It is a long-running theme of the Vine show that ‘there should be a law etc’.
You need to post a warning before putting up horrible videos like that from Vine!
Not BBC, but, oh bliss – it’s the weekend, and that means two days free of Moira Stewart and her acolytes.
Global Warming : the experts are BBC Business dept
Freak weather ‘will make life harder for business’
By Daniel Thomas Business reporter, BBC News
Etc, etc, etc, ad nauseam.
Does the story justify the title “Freak weather ‘will make life harder for business’ ?
The story tells us the warm weather caused businesses to sell more stuff
So certainly doesn’t justify the one sided negative headline
Does the story pass the ‘ Is it news or is it PR’ test ?
Nope it’s PR @Daniel_ThomasG cutNpasted ..and I guess Ed Hawkins Global Warming alarmism PR is the source
The BBC keep getting their wrists slapped over their false climate change agenda…
Yep Paul Homewood himself has comments

\\ As is always the case, nobody will pay the slightest attention to the new version, and the lie has gone around the world and back in the meantime.
Nevertheless, GWPF, who have also written to complain, will insist on a formal entry being made on the BBC’s correction page. It is also good that Harrabin knows he cannot keep getting away with his incompetent, biased and dishonest coverage of these issues.
It is also encouraging that this particular exposure of the BBC has also attracted a fair deal of public attention, thanks to the help of Booker, Dellers, Kathy Gyngell and Matt Ridley’s piece in the Spectator. // comments are open
Ha “Why you can trust the BBC”
Joe Brannan got an apology also
No one builds a wind farm at anything like that price, but once having built stage 1 and substations with a massive subsidy, they then sometimes put in bids for stage 2 at a lower price
I am not aware of any actually working at a prices as low as £57.50 MWh
For me, the single most depressing item in the last Question time was the fear of the young woman in the audience who said, “The ice caps are melting, the oceans are rising, and we only have 12 years!”
What the hell are they teaching the children these days?
Close second most-depressing thing was the verbose, self-righteous, pompous, Corbyn-loving ass Barry Gardiner allowed to pontificate at length by Fiona Bruce.
Do I recall a certain Mark Carney having to do handstands to explain away his forecasts (‘forward thinking’, he likes to call them, whereas I think a ‘non-‘ should be added to that phrase in an appropriate spot) when the gloom all went literally pear-shaped and very juicy after 2018’s wee stonker of a summer nationwide.
The actual boost to the UK economy – against Carney’s gloomy forward thoughts – was yet another example of his hapless Governorship.
Why isn’t the Governor of the Bank of England British ?
Did they not extend his contract? Is he a ‘hatchet man’?
He was Gideon’s boy. I have to confess that when I saw his CV when George Osborne announced Carney’s appointment, I did think he might be a good choice. I have been duly repentant for the last three or four years.
I now think Mark Carney has proved to be the worst BoE Governor of my lifetime, not that there are many candidates for that title. Most have been good. Some have been brilliant.
I’m sure that Hammond and Carney get on like a house on fire. Remoaners both and I suspect that if Phil twitches in the wrong way or scratches the wrong ear on 30th March, Mark Carney will send instructions to put Base Rate up to 5% or something similar in order to make Brexit look bad.
Weak in westmonster
Sir Oliver Leftwin proved how out of touch he is with the growing hostility of former Tory followers ( brexiters ) who are going to kick his party so hard in the next election that it will bleeed – if it sells us out
Followed by the Kier Starmer fan club.enough .
I wonder who listens ? Is it just the bubble ?
I only listened to hear what the enemy is doing ….
Another teenager stabbed to death in East Londonistan . I was working on a homicide figure of 135 last year but on the current rate it could hit 150 in Londonistan this year .
I’m not that callous as I studied figures as part of a masters in another life . The latest victim was a 17 year old girl ….
@IDAU points at this BBC petition 47K so far
The religion of pieces
I see the BBB has decided to run some “news” stuff about how Northerns have “funny” word for everyday objects. An instance being “Kecks” for “Trousers” They are scouring the Country for examples such as this with our Northern Lass Steph heading the charge to prove it’s genuine. I wonder whether this is an attempt to show they do actually realise that there are humans living outside of The South or maybe they are trying to learn “Amazonian Cannibal” Lingo? Creepy timing for this one. I predict lots more pretend fawning attention to the regions as they try to repair the damage and cover up there gormlessness and maybe convert some of the Cannibals to “EU think” in which case a double whammy.
Interesting observations re the BBC trying to repair the damage using “the northern lass Steph.” I’d never thought about that sort of ruse on the part of the BBC until I saw this video by James Fox Higgins.
On Tommy’s arrest last year, he says, “Now I think it’s no coincidence whatsoever that they’ve chosen a narrator for this BBC video who has a working-class accent a bit like Tommy Robinson’s…
“…The reason they do this is that they are propagandists and so they will use any psychological trick they can to convince you of what they are saying. In this case if they’d chosen to put an elitist, upper-class London commentator who spoke with Queen’s English it would almost certainly not appeal to the main audience. The people who are interested in Tommy Robinson are average, everyday working-class Brits and so they must choose a narrator for this who will relate to those people so that they can try to convince them that Tommy is not the hero they should be looking to.”
Wow, sneaky little people, aren’t they.
So Stephen Lawrence is murdered in a ‘racist’ attack (I bet in reality the motivations/facts were very different to the official line) and this single event is used as a point d’appui to condemn endemic racism across the Police, society etc. A single event!
Yesterday a black man is sent down for giving a white girl drugs that she overdosed on. Will there be media hysteria demanding the black community stop it institutional racism etc? Of course not. Though this is much more of a pattern than the isolated case of Stephen Lawrence. I can’t imagine another Macperson report condemning the Police for being too lenient with certain criminals and thus making tragedies like this inevitable. I can’t imagine four hours of BBC programmes on its twentieth anniversary marking all the changes this tragic case inspired. It will go straight down the memory hole and we will all act as if nothing is amiss.
The Lawrence industry sure has reaped the reward of dead teenagers across Londonistan with a police force only happy to take on Sunday Christian preachers ( see las Sunday ).
Yes – I know their numbers are down – but if there were more theyd probably be searching this site for hate crimes ….
ITTB has a couple of stories today about BBC owning up to big errors
BBC calls John Sweeney a liar
Woman’s Hour staff made errors so sent fro Impartiality training
The BBC has all but admitted to its 8 years of war propaganda aimed at the destruction of Syria. The very refugees it now reports are returning to Syria suffered the fate they have specifically, because of the inability of media organizations like the BBC to honestly inform the public. The cost of the Syrian war helps remind the public, why during the Nuremberg trials following World War 2, war propagandists were sent to the gallows alongside the trigger-pullers their lies helped enable. While the BBC still enjoys vast amounts of impunity with no likelihood in the foreseeable future of ever being held accountable for its actions – it should be remembered at all times that, the BBC is in the business of propaganda – and especially war propaganda – not “news.” This fact should be kept in mind whether its correspondents are covering the Middle East, South America, or Southeast Asia.
Finally proof of Russia collusion with Russia…. but no foaming rabid smears from the BBC, whats going on???
Yet the collusion is clear Jim Bridenstine a top government official stressed that the new reality in the era under TRUMP (spits in disgust) that this:
“… did not mean an end to cooperation with Russia”
“We want to make sure that we keep our partnership with Russia ”
And colluding with ISIS:
“ISS still has three people onboard (colluding with the US)…. its up to the ISS… to work”
Gingering up is the new blacking_up
I went to a Brexit Q&A session last night with Suella Braverman and I have to say I was impressed very much with her. Definitely a passionate leaver and courageous with it. My quandary is that I wish to punish the party, which has had my vote for over 50 years, for their duplicitous and undemocratic behaviour by voting for “none of the above” or a Leave party if we have one but she is so good I couldn’t possibly not support her.
Incidentally, some people in front of me were obvious remainers, shouting and shaking their heads during Suella’s introductory talk and when it came to questions a young woman started “as a teacher….”, and the man, “I’m a social worker…”. Colour me surprised lol.
Suella Braverman? Yes, she’s great. Saw her on Question Time a few weeks back.
I have to say the Conservatives are growing some very strong, apparently good and young politicians thanks to …. er ….
…. ummmhhh ……
…….. Brexit.
Kemi Badenoch is another female and some of the guys are good as well.
Monday a new youth classical music radio station starts.
Called Scala and fronted by Simon Mayo.
Virgin is competing against BBC breakfast radio
by giving away free F1 holidays to 21 listeners of the Chris Evans Show
Toady is also competing – it’s giving away 10 year membership of the Labour Party and Momentum as well as a life size inflatable Corbyn doll …or a Diane Abbot version
Second prize, a 20 year membership?
Bit harsh, that, Stew. We all know he’s a monumental prat but Chris Evans will definitely have more than 21 listeners – there’s a whole heap of saddos who think he’s triffic.
This will soon be on the BBC – or perhaps not…
OG, was on the news last night I think. Kinda unfortunate for the Beeb coming, as it did, after Any Questions in a Suffolk hall stuffed with Remainers and Remoaners.
Was it just me or did the BBC Newsreader sound as though they had gritted teeth?
BBC Dragons Den star Julie Meyer facing fraud trial