Maybe the coming week will finally determine whether democracy is achieved after the Brexit Vote or whether the Far Left BBC and other anti democracy organisations and individuals will continue to be agents for the EU .
Start the Week Open Thread 11 March 2019
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FOI request cannot be refused by most public bodies
but one is champion at it
2017- 900 refused
2018 – 963
Since 2013 refused about half
One day this simple fact will show that claims of transparency and, hence, trust are laughable.
Times2 has a grudging article on Turning Point and Charlie Kirk ..the voice of that conservative student association
He’s visiting the UK
“Health Secretary Matt Hancock said there was an “incredible” amount of respect for the PM in the country.”
Which country?
Certainly not the UK, we all hate and despise her.
That might be true but she’s better than the main alternative currently on offer.
Matt Hancock is an unpleasant little weasel.
Pro-Brexit ads are ‘dark’
“So it is that dark ads are a constant influence in our democracy. For donors, they are precious. For lawmakers, they are an urgent threat. And for voters, they are an untimely exposure, given democracy is currently enduring something akin to a recession.”
“Over the past three months, Britain’s Future, a pro-Brexit group, has spent more on political advertising on Facebook than anyone – more even than the People’s Vote.”
‘More even than the People’s vote’? Why is that a surprise? Brexit won the referendum, it’s more popular.
And why is it good when George Soros funds anti-Brexit stuff but bad when someone else funds pro-Brexit ads
Ah yes, Amol Rajan. Can’t decide whether he’s my favourite broadcaster, or Evan Davis.
I think the diamond earring and the fast talking may just swing it in Amol’s favour. On the other hand, Evan has the sort of ears made for diamond earrings, so if he got himself a dashing little number…
So hard to decide.
Here’s the bBBC version of a story that was in the Belfast Telegraph that I posted about this morning, very similar, apart from the clickbait headline that suggests McGuinness received recognition from the US military not some ill-informed Democrat Mayoress.
The bBBC of course give the last word on this matter to Sinn Fein. No mention yet of the story currently headlining the Tele, the invitation extended to London Breed, the San Francisco mayoral moron in question, from Arlene Foster to visit Northern Ireland to witness the real legacy left by the murdering pos.
A couple of weeks a hostel dweller died from a drug overdose in my hometown. It turned out he had served time for his involvement in a highly publicised murder about a decade ago and is no loss to society. The hostel for the homeless, run by the Simon Community, became the centre of a great deal of local protest and national interest. BBC NI had at least 5 articles on it, the hostel is now in the process of relocating.
One of the Simon Community’s “clients” was stabbed in the same building last night. How do I know? A local independent website filled me in. The bBBC? Nothing.
Two simple examples, not necessarily of bias, but of just how useless and slow and uninterested in local issues the bBBC have become, no longer the first place to look for anything.
“Bollocks!” as Burley might blurt, I posted the wrong one. This is the bBBC version.
Sorry, as Burley most definitely will not say.
So a Boeing 737 has crashed in Africa and the BBC have been banging on about it all day long. Of course any air crash is a tragedy but the BBC have really been laying it on with a trowel, it was only later this evening I find out why.
The plane was stuffed with do gooding hand wringers from the UN, and there were aid workers, environmentalists, medical staff etc etc. In fact it doesn’t appear that wasn’t an actual native African not employed by the UN on the flight!
No wonder the BBC are so upset !
Sadly, your comment is not entirely accurate. Our company uses excellent carrier Ethiopian almost every month. Even taking that early flight from Addis to Nairobi, which connects with the overnight from London.
We also lost two clients in the crash and also Jonathan Seex, the chief executive of the Tamarind Group in Nairobi – owners of Carnivore and a range of upmarket hotels in Kenya.
OK, there were many freeloading and useless NGOs on the plane but there were plenty of other decent people on the flight and who lost their lives.
So the Irish announce the British PM is taking her begging bowl to the EUReich again . It’s good that she’s going to Strasberg because it will give her more to draft the tearful resignation speech .
You can imagine the glee in the ReichEU bunker as she walks in to beg and they know she will get nothing . As I’ve said – they really want us out so that they can get on with the francogerman control of Europe. Until the oil and gas gets turned off that is.
\\Brexit ‘sees UK finance firms move £900bn to Europe’//
But what about this Al Beeb ?……………..
” German industrial production drops unexpectedly
Decline is worse than forecast as economic gloom of eurozone powerhouse intensifies”
“Fall in car production drives dip in German industrial output”
“Global slowdown, tariff disputes and Brexit weigh on Europe’s largest economy” (Irish Times)
More ‘experts’
Comrade John snow said on twitter tonight that c4 news would have ‘revelations ‘ about JRM and the ERG ok. So I switched on only to find poor comrade Snow having some kind of rabid attack about the ups and downs of Brexit negotiations .
These MSM journos seems close to the edge of insanity in their inability to grasp that the deal/sell out is merely a device to frustrate the Democratic vote of the citizens of the UK.
There is meant to be some kind of announcement Monday night at 2100 London time which I bet will be an announcement of A50….
Please have a no deal …..please
So I waited for comrade Snow on c4 news to ditch the dirt on JRM and company but mysteriously it never happened
Instead I had to suffer comrade Alex Thompson spend 6 minutes as an IRA apologist attacking the Parachute Regiment
For `’bloody Sunday “ (1972 ) again with that tired old ‘Families fight for justice ‘ crap. – when really it’s just a propaganda exercise for Republic terrorists on sabbatical .
Now I’ve known a few Paras including blokes who ‘did’ NI and they have been of the opinion that if they had’ lost control’ as contended there would have been a lot more dead than the list for that day .
Obviously Alex Thompson made no reference to the murders committed by terrorists or to the likes or Warren Point . But that’s no surprise .
I haven’t seen C4 news for a long time and I’m glad I have not . Just snowflake propaganda .
I think they’re showing it on The Brexit Millionaires.
It’s going to be a typical bigoted hit job insinuating that those who promoted Brexit did so for their own financial gain.
I wouldn’t trust Channel 4 as far as I could spit.
The knifes are out for JRM. They see him as a leadership threat no doubt.
The hit piece is probably something along these lines;
8:30pm Agenda Pushing on Inside Out
Southwest : Jemma Woodman retraces the journey of the *controversial* Vote Leave Brexit bus to find out if the south west feels buoyed or betrayed by what has happened since.
(…loaded word)
prog sapped to 8:30pm this week, I guess cos the BBC realised that if they didn’t do that the BBC1 cooking prog, would be clashing with the BBC2 cooking prog
Southeast – Stirring about Brexit in Thanet
London – how (magic) hydrogen-powered cars could solve the capital’s pollution problem.
– Only 11 per cent of nurses are men, but now more men are applying to study nursing degrees, as the NHS tries to plug its shortage of workers. Jo Taylor meets the new recruits as they start their careers at Addenbrookes hospital in Cambridge.
– And Lenny Henry, who has an OU degree himself, celebrates 50 years of The Open University
Northwest – Actor and comedian Alexei Sayle returns to his native Anfield to meet the people setting up community businesses.
Oh this week, not many positive stories about migrants to tick boxes.
hydrogen-powered cars now remind me how to produce pure hydrogen
Sheep rustling item
2016 was 6,000
2018 10,000 stolen
They mentioned nothing about Islam
I wonder when these sheep were stolen; during which months?
London did a hydrogen car iten
There is a difference between a report and a report jazzed up like an advert, like this was.
“And here behind the pump the hydrogen is made on site”
strange that he left out the bit about it being made from natural gas.
“the car price is at an executive level…. £66K”
“so far there are 11 filling stations in the UK”
..5 more coming over 18 months”
Hardly a thing for the common man.
Mrs Chamberlain going for delay until May ?????????
Now till 10pm Radio2 is charidee : Comic Relief Danceathon
… It’s radio how do we know you are making it all up ?
Snopes saying “We didn’t know we’d blocked Wayback machine from tracking our page changes”
Yeh does , but only 148 pages out of thousands
Latest opinon polls from the USA not reflected in BBC coverage.
Spot on. Israel is the only beacon in that hellhole of an area that has a thriving, contributing economy, decent human rights and a diverse, open society.
Maybe if the countries surrounding Israel invested their energy in their own development, rather than the destruction of a neighbour they might not be the complete shitholes that they currently are.
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit: 10 ways you could be affected by no-deal””
1. “”What you find on the supermarket shelves COULD well be where you see the first effects.””
2. “”If you intend to drive in the EU after exit, you MAY need an International Driving Permit and a green card from your insurer.””
3. “”You MAY need to check medication is available and it may be more expensive””
4. “”UK nationals living abroad MAY have to take extra measures””
5. Genuine Advice.
6. “”Importing goods MAY get more expensive””
7. “”House prices COULD be affected
8. “”Mobile phone roaming charges MAY rise””
9. “”Some ports and motorways COULD see extra delays””
10. “”UK students studying in the EU and EU students studying in the UK face a period of UNCERTAINTY””
So there you have it. BBC and their anti-Brexit bias hung by their own petard.
The ‘could’ , ‘may’ and ‘uncertainty’ words of Project Fear. So favoured by the BBC and other extreme-Remainers in the House of Expenses.
The usual message to Al Beeb……………….
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Dover – yeah I read that one as well . The ‘May ‘and ‘could’ were embarrassing and clear evidence of pro remain propaganda .
”You MAY need to check medication is available and it may be more expensive”
has someone increased prescription charges for those of us who actually pay
Please, far left cultural Marxist State Broadcaster, will my Funeral Plan be effected in view of the ‘uncertainty’ of Brexit?………………………
Unable to link now but just learned that Tommy Robinson will be in court tomorrow suing the police! So the shoe is on the other foot.
Google : ‘Ezra Levant Tommy Robinson sues police YouTube’ for more info.
Tommy asked Ezra at short notice to cover the trial as he cannot trust a UK journalist. Info on the trial will be at and donations can be made there to help Ezra with expenses.
It’s all there
In a just world Cambridgeshire Police would end up paying for Ezra
Drop by if you are near Peterborough
In a just world Cambridgeshire Police would end up paying for Ezra
And the BBC would pay Tommy Robinson huge damages.
The ex neutral beeboid – gavin esler – tonight twittered the ‘chaos’ at the Eurostar terminal . Anyone who uses Eurostar will know how crowded it gets in cattle class. Esler – no doubt – was more used to the first class department on BBC taxpayer cash .
Welcome to the real world Esler ….
Today 32 journos from the New York Magazine were laid off . Another MSM rag running into trouble . All those snowflake publications up against each other in a monopoly field . Let’s hope it spreads to Blighty ..soon …
Fed up,

I do hope so!
Ha ha – plenty of corn popping this week Lucy …
Apparently there’s a legal assurance to the backstop – whatever the hell that means ….
Tommy Robinson sues the police. Case opens tomorrow. UK media will not cover the trial.
Tommy fights back
The BBC – when the going gets tough here, head over to the US media bubble.
“Tucker Carlson is heard defending child marriage and making sexual comments about underage girls.”
Tucker dares to be different from the metro-Liberal mob
The Newstatesman magazine has an article telling us what the residents of Peterborough think about their jailbird of an MP, Fiona Onasanya
Several residents were asked whether they would sign the recall petition which requires 10% of eligible voters, in order to have her effectively sacked from parliament.
Everyone agreed that she was a disgrace to Peterborough and not fit to be an MP but one resident, Grace Minto-Sampson, a 22 yr old sociology student, said that she didn’t want to sign the recall because it was a really big thing to have a black, female, Labour MP.
The definition of racism is “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.”
In believing that it is more important to have a black, female, Labour Party MP who is a liar and convicted criminal, than it is to have an honest white MP, this individual is guilty of racism in the extreme. Not that she’ll come in for any criticism from the likes of David Lammy and Diane Abbott of course.
Only white people can be racist.
BTW The New Statesman is a Labour Party organ
apart from one who managed to get his wife the “teacher” into the uk with her help
8:30pm BBC is pushing a trailer at me
“Pose : Groundbreaking US series about the underground world of 1980s ball culture, set at the height of the AIDS epidemic.
Black transgender woman Blanca Rodriguez works at a nail salon by day and serves as a member of the House of Abundance by night. After receiving a life-changing medical diagnosis, Blanca becomes determined to open her own house. She starts by taking in 17 year-old Damon, a talented dancer.
Making television history, Pose features the largest cast of transgender actors in series regular roles, as well as the largest recurring cast of LGBTQ actors ever for a scripted series.”
Over on Channel 5 Tony Robinson is rushing around the world
and getting things wrong about Kuala Lumpur where I used to live etc.
No, Malaysia was not colonised Tony
..instead the British made deals with the locals rajahs
.. and their familes are still in power now
He is quite sweet, in a way.
Shouting bbc, he’s lucky not to have been the slapee.
13 months for tommy
14 weeks for this
To the “Justice” system, if a criminal does something criminal it’s to be expected. Tommy (NHRN) challenged the state’s cover-up of rape gangs. That’s far more serious. He disrespected the system.
Oh Radio4 have given Afua Hirsch a programme at 11pm
Wonder how she will work her normal race baiting into it
did dums poor lickle babies
Certainly any who add #FBPE to ‘QC’ seem certifiable.
count dank
\\Theresa May says she has secured “legally binding” changes to her Brexit deal, a day ahead of MPs voting on it.
But European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker warned if the deal was voted down there was “no third chance”. //
Brexiteers , an ultimatum “no third chance” !
Its looking like Parliament – Vs – The People.
Nearly three years to try to wear us down and stitch us up . Parliament has been playing games with The People.
We The People, can see through it and will demand a General Election to drain the swamp. Mrs Chamberlain has achieved nothing!
the only surprise is it took them that long
Drain The Swamp!
If I were to ask someone if they were DEFINITELY going to do something, any answer other than a single word, yes, is by definition NO. And I’m not a QC and can see this
QCs are having a rough time currently. According to Ms. Hirsch.
“You might almost welcome a 2nd referendum….”. Yes, but the questions posed…….
The EU has once again used Theresa May as its useful idiot:
“legally binding assurances”
Click to access Schmid.pdf
“assurances do not normally constitute legally binding undertakings. Governments expressed divergent views. While the British Government argued that the assurances it obtained were non-binding understandings, Switzerland expressed the view that it negotiated legally binding assurances. The language used in many of the known examples of diplomatic assurances indicates that the intention may not have been to create legal obligations”
Therefore: Assurances do not normally constitute legally binding undertakings. Theresa and the EU will express divergent views. While the European Union will eventually (after fooling members of parliament to vote for the surrender document) argue that the assurances it gave were non-binding understandings, Theresa May expresses the view that she negotiated legally binding assurances. The language used in many of the known examples of diplomatic assurances indicates that the intention may not have been to create legal obligations.
The crux of the matter is if we can leave the agreement at any time without the EU’s permission. If they are arguing about words that means we can’t. Get out while we can.
The only way we have a hope of extricating ourselves from the damaging EU Defence Union and also regaining full control of our territorial waters is a clean break.
Stop messing about – just stop paying anything to the EU and ignore the hysterics from the ECJ. If Brussels want to declare war so be it. We are paid up members of NATO and can answer threats of the French nukes with threats of our nukes.
Interesting interview:
At least Whitey has managed to avoid abusing the product to the same extent.
Or does he mean the check out guys at IKEA?
Do these gents suffer from abnormally chilly heads?
At least he has figured out how to have a sip of water without looking like an utter tool.
All the talking heads must be knackered by now what with all the dancing about this subject. Knives rarely go off accidentally, handing one in when the next is but a kitchen drawer away is going to do bugger all. And I believe he is right, those more likely to stab than others aren’t going to hand them in.
Nothing from the Guardian usually worth repeating –
Encouraging-when did you say this was?
From their moaning emole, the big news…
How migration has affected four generations
Edita Maldonado is 71 and lives in a small brick house outside of the Honduran town of El Progreso. Despite the town’s name, there is little sign of improvement here. Most of its inhabitants live in “colonias”, poor neighbourhoods, large parts of which are controlled by criminal gangs. Those who have jobs tend to work in nearby “maquiladoras”, foreign-owned factories where wages do not even cover basic needs. Edita’s daughter, Rosa, was working in one such maquiladora in 1995. She was 25 and trying to save enough money to build a small house for herself. But after she was robbed three times of her wages on her way home from work, she decided to leave.
Read full analysis >
Vanessa Buschschlüter
BBC News
Ms. Buschschlüter Has really highlighted the plight of nobody British nowhere near here. Is she the BBC’s Honduran Editor, or did she fly in special?
The British Government put up the slug Gove for interview with Humph . Looking at twitter comments it appears that the revised sellout will fail .
After that ? It’s all in the numbers . Can the law be changed to prevent us leaving without a deal ?
Otherwise with all the huffing and puffing we might get to march 29 and be out .
BBC editorial integrity means bemoaning an aspect of debate the bbc does not feel relevant.
Marijuana could soon be made legal in New Jersey. But instead of focussing on health, the debate is concentrating on the impact of the war on drugs on minority communities. (via @BBC World Service)
Ex bbc ‘Editors’; what are they like?
Guest – l saw the exchange on twitter . There is a common mental issue amongst the kind of far left bully the BBC support – whether is be Alistair Campbell – who has made a desperate living out of it or Paul Mason – who clearly isn’t ‘right – and John Sweeney .
I think it was interesting that the other mouthpieces on the panel went to silent during this and Mr Finkelstein – friend of Cameron – sat shtum .
I believe the Fink muttered something later, when it was safe. And no one important was around.
That this bbc set piece with a series of bbc players and gutless spectators is not higher in the flounce charts says a lot about the bbc, and MSM.
“How chess in Nigeria’s slums is changing young lives
Professional chess player and coach Babatunde Onakoya says chess saved him.”
Three years old but let us put it in the headlines again.
Anything is better than filling the website with white men.
Here is the current FIDE world map of chess excellence.
Where Israel has 39 Grandmasters.
Where Nigeria has 0 Grandmasters.
[FIDE Website]
“Babatunde Onakoya”
“Your search yielded no results”
[BBC Website]
Half a dozen Africans pictured in the first 20 results.
[BBC Website]
Only one African in the first 20 results, a victim!
That suggests wicked skills in every branch of bbc editorial.
I wonder if through training or do they just ‘know’ what is expected?
Guest – they know what is expected to get approval next up the chain of command . They out snowflake each other as a result and gives up the material reported here . If Brillo had been in charge of that exchange we’d be hearing more about it because the BBC wanted to get rid of him .
My favourite at the moment is putting black actors in culturally inappropriate roles ….I say that but if I see it – it’s instant off switch – same with the stereotypical British family with coffee kids and a white mother ….
Totally left field, but talking of ‘knowing what is expected’, a different time…
John has had to ‘own up to mistakes’ quite a lot, but only a long time afterwards when cornered. Paul Mason doubtless likes his style.
Just got a special offer flyer from Dunhelm. Their call, but if they were hoping the family featured would resonate… good luck with that.
Guest – reminds me of Withnail “we ve gone holiday by mistake “ labour ‘ we ve started a war by mistake ‘…
Seems the position various female subordinates found themselves under with the likes of Clinton and Prescott were no mistake.
All forgiven by the bbc.
“In front of” rather than “under” from the evidence.
I st… lay, compliant, corrected.
“…stereotypical British family with coffee coloured kids and a white mother…”Yes, I agree absolutely and it’s getting worse.
How many police dramas have I seen lately where there’s some vile, loutish, knife wielding white thug and the copper is invariably black.
And as for the culturally enriched commercials, ye gods!
In poor, deprived areas of London coffee coloured kids are nothing unusual. What’s REALLY unusual is the affluence these contented (commercial) families seem to be living in and the fact that the old man has stuck around. Now that is unusual!
In real life and not the PC fantasy world that these white liberals like to inhabit, mum’s been “put up the duff” got her council flat and dad has long since pissed off to impregnate some other …young lady.
And so it continues…
It feels kind of distasteful to say it but it is true . There’s that famous line in a Harry Enfield sketch where the lady slob wife says ‘I want a black baby like all the other girls on the estate ‘…which isn’t repeated on the BBC for some reason .
“Where Israel has 39 Grandmasters.
Where Nigeria has 0 Grandmasters.”
Britain not looking too clever, either.
Have to teach children right from wrong
When Sweeney had hair?
Someone wrote the following appertaining to an article on Yahoo about T Blair and his very warm kind advice to Macron-unbelievable that a past PM could indulge in such traiterousness in his endeavours to kill off Brexit.
Agree with his words-
Macron, Merkel, Blair, Osborne Juncker, Clarke, they do not work for the people. They are representatives of a powerful banking elite whose globalist aims are being exposed by the shenanigans of Brexit. When/if the British people manage to leave something not created by us but designed by them, we then need to tackle how our own Parliament works and who it is made up of. None of the current residents should be re-elected.
Exactly, that is our task. Brexit can only be the beginning. We really do need a thorough clear out. I don’t think it’s going to be easy.
Brexit is just the start. Our Commons is now at odds with the voters but pretending it is not. I hope we are not fooled. Blair’s behaviour tells me that his contempt for us permits him to do and say anything he likes irrespective of it’ s effect on the country. Hubris in spades so to speak .
I really think that very few of our MPs have the slightest notion of how they look to us. As for the Lords it has always been a place that should have been abolished years ago. It has no place in a democracy.
If the Commons wilfully delays or forces a second vote then we must campaign on one simple thing. Who rules and by whose leave.
This is far beyond economics now .
We are not being Governed. We are being Ruled.
“UK economic growth accelerates in January” *
“The increase in wholesale could indicate stockpiling ahead of Brexit. However, the ONS was unable to comment on whether the rise was linked to UK manufacturers stockpiling.”
Operative word “could”.
As always, something negative from Al Beeb.
*(The headline has changed since the story was originally posted to become “UK economic growth remains sluggish”)
We all know of our far left cultural Marxist State Broadcasters penchant for employing foreigners and LGBT in preference to heterosexual British white people. “Some say” that’s discriminatory. It is, blatantly. But until someone aggrieved tests the ‘Beauties’ employment policy in a Employment Tribunal it will continue. Meanwhile, in what appears similar circumstances, here’s a recent case taken to the ET –
Proving it is possible to question, successfully, the abusive policy of an employer.
High up on the home page this morning: Women’s World Cup 2019: England reveal specially designed kit.
“England women will wear a specially designed kit for this summer’s World Cup – the first time they have had one different to the men’s team. The SheBelieves Cup winners will debut the home kit against Canada at Manchester City’s Academy Stadium on Friday, 5 April.”
Anyone know when the HeDoesn’tCare tournament starts?
One of the world.’s most important race meetings starts today . Cheltenham. The BBC is nowhere to be seen. Women’s football is about all it has got left.
Good luck if you are punting . I always do . And lose . I’m guessing the conditions will be challenging … it’s 22 degrees where I am ….
“One of the world.’s most important race meetings starts today . Cheltenham. ”
Enjoy it, because after Brexit all the horses will be dead – some say.
Popcorn time
The “ equalities and Hunan rights commission “ has announced it is to investigate the BBC on suspected pay inequalities between Wimmin and chap beeboids .
So that is on top of their inquiry into the Labour Party institutionalised anti semitism .
Two outfits priding themselves on a higher moral standard indeed .
still havent seen Itv poach one of the underpaid little darlings yet, how can they resist such talent when the price is such a steal
Lest Maxi emerge early from their teapot, iirc the destroyer of Northern Rock and BBC stalwart is now screwing up at itv.
David Vance has published a legal opinion on the May nonsense – on twitter . It says – ‘ no change’
BBC prominently feature their interview with Tim Berners Lee, who says the web is being used to spread ‘misinformation.’ Censoring the internet has become one of their groundhog subjects.
No normal, decent people shriek for the internet to be censored; it is a false narrative cooked up by elites because it is empowering us to make up our own minds about issues rather than having our consent engineered by propagandists like the Beeb. Who actually says stuff like: “Poor £5 billion a year income BBC being upset by all these alternative outlets! How I wish they could have a complete monopoly on truth!” Weird how this ‘misinformation’ has been around for decades but is suddenly such a problem. What could have happened in 2016 to cause their sudden concern as they could not have cared less previously.
As for misinformation it is only via the internet that the falsehoods of totalitarian bullies like the BBC can be exposed. It is so bad that you know whenever you hear a story on the BBC vital facts will have been spun, omitted or amplified disproportionately to fit their relentless agenda; you have to check elsewhere to find what really happened. It is extremely irritating but that is the sorry state of the ministry of truth.
Do they really think if they do manage to cleanse the entire web of wrongthink we will blindly believe those b**tards like before? It is like a spouse cheating on you countless times, smashing up your stuff then asking to come back again. And it is not even like they have said sorry and vowed to change their mendacious ways as this is just how they operate – a leopard does not change its spots.
The MSM are like the band playing on as the Titanic sank; the iceberg has been their own lies, hubris and contempt for normal people. The solution is for them to change their ways not to shut down everyone else. Everything has changed and if they do not adapt it is all over for them.
“I hate having all these alternative sources of information! I demand a few far left media corporations have as complete monopoly!”
Said nobody ever.
Thr AG QC MP IS TO MAKE A COMMONS STATEMENT ON THE SELL OUT 12 30 London time today – Tuesday …