Maybe the coming week will finally determine whether democracy is achieved after the Brexit Vote or whether the Far Left BBC and other anti democracy organisations and individuals will continue to be agents for the EU .
Start the Week Open Thread 11 March 2019
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I have speculated a number of times here previously that, in the knowledge that it is probable that a majority of MP’s will loose their seats come next election, the ruling political elite may change the voting system beforehand.
Early in 2018, Leave.UK persuaded me and many others to join the Conservative Party and lay low until the time to act arose. Now efforts to de-select the likes of Sourby et al are well underway.
However, now what’s happened? Anybody, read this and afterwards, try and convince me that this dirtly little cabal of nonentities would not go so far as to alter the electoral system so as to maintain the two-party status quo gravy-train.
The AG tweeted an obscene word on Twitter this morning which is an offence . I wonder if he will be reported to the police and prosecuted ?
The Londonistan Standard is leading with it .
Place your bet’s please!, place your bets! Where is civil war likely to break out first? Any number of contenders: Sweden has fallen back in the stakes; France is boiling away quite nicely; the UK? well, that’s anybody’s guess. But the US? A study of political shenanigans and goings on in the US suggest, right now, that it is far closer to civil unrest than most people realise.
Situations like this might push it over the edge:
All thanks to the cultural Marxists aka, “some say”, Democrats.
Regressive tolerance…………….
The BBC marked 30 years since The Satanic Verses by giving journalist Mobeen Azhar (who won a Bafta for 2017’s Muslims Like Us) an 11-part radio programme to explore the book’s effect on his community and how ‘Salman Rushdie radicalised my generation’. He does this by chatting to Muslims, so that we know the effect a Muslim-ordained death sentence of a non-Muslim had on other Muslims, all told by a Muslim.
The Sunday Times at the weekend had more weapons-grade apologetics: Fatima Bhutto talks about her new book ‘The Runaways’ which is about three people who join ISIS. One is a closet gay Muslim; one is a half-Christian Pakistani who gets pimped out by her brother. Anyway the Times dribbles its way through in the now popular fashion of avoiding anything difficult. Because for Bhutto radicalism “is not about religion […] I think we have a sort of terror industry that’s been feeding us this narrative for almost 20 years, ever since 9/11. And it’s a lie […] it’s about power and it’s about nationalism — and it’s about isolation and pain.”
Bhutto’s literary agents “had begged her not to write it”… even ignoring The Satanic Verses, Charlie Hebdo, the Danish cartoons and Theo van Gogh you’d think her family history might give a primer into the volatility of certain communities. (Grandpa — former prime minister of Pakistan — hanged by his successor; dad assassinated by the police suspected to have been on orders of her aunt, who was herself blown up by a suicide bomber whilst seeking re-election as Prime Minister; uncle died from suspected poisoning.)
But Bhutto thinks we’re “too afraid to have a discussion about what it means to be radicalised.” It’s a masterclass in unjoining dots to add to the ever-growing pile.
Soubry, yet again, on TV last night : TIG will not vote for ‘May’s terrible Deal’ whatever she might come back with.
Labour, Libdems, Greens, SNP : will not vote for ‘May’s terrible Deal’…er…whatever.
ERG and DUP : those extremist, far-right, hardliners are, apparently, solely responsible for all the difficulties because…er…they might not support ‘May’s terrible Deal’.
The solution? The People must decide : let’s offer them ‘May’s terrible Deal’ or ‘Remain’… 🙁
UK economy stalls
or does it
The main uncomfortable truth Dharshini might confront is summarised best in the first page of top rated comments.
Must be fun to know you have been parachuted in as a stoker on the Titanic AFTER it hit the iceberg.
Interesting to see that rating a comment isn’t working – couldn’t be anything to do with CCBGB?
The AG announcement – watching the faces of Tory backbenchers – they look like they are at a funeral – on the face of it their own careers if they ignore the democratic majority
BREAKING: The “Star Chamber” has reported on the Government’s latest legal advice. The advice DOES NOT meet the tests the Government set itself.
“In the light of our own legal analysis and others we do not recommend accepting the Government’s motion today.” @BillCashMP
It would appear from comments made to the BBC on TWATO today, that when May loses the Brexit vote, she is going to call a General Election – either immediately after or tomorrow.
Deep joy! I don’t want either of the usual parties candidates here to be elected !
I made the point here a week or so ago that if that happened, we had to urgently debate a collective response/approach. Whether spoil the ballot paper or vote for some obscure alternative party or?. No takers. No suggestions. No replies. I wonder. Lot’s of hot air but little else…….
Just, perhaps when, a collective response is required.
vote ukip or for britain or farage if they are not standing vote monster raving loony but for gods sake vote
the only reason to spoil the paper would be if its a lib/lab/con only ticket
The ‘wisdom of crowds’ comes about precisely because the individuals within that crowd ‘do their own thing’.
Depending on the local circumstance the individual should vote for a Brexiteer, an independent, spoil their ballot paper, or not vote at all. If everyone does that the ‘right’ result will be obtained.
If we get an immediate general election won’t that stop the anti-democrats delaying Brexit as they will be out of time?
would that not mean WTO by default, I cant see her doing that
Facebook bans large tech news site
Two Conservative association chairmen, Ajay Jagota and Gerard Leake, accused party chairman Brandon Lewis and the CCHQ complaints department of failing to take action against a Tory councillor who is alleged to have made an anti-Muslim remark.
\\ The incident that sparked it off occurred on 22 September last year when I was invited to attend an event by Gerard Leake, the chairman of a neighbouring association. While there I overheard a member referring to me as a Muslim in a pejorative way. I was shocked, but because it was a function I didn’t want to cause a scene. I later asked Gerard to confirm what I had heard, which he did. Gerard formally raised the complaint at the regional level but didn’t get anywhere.
I felt that, as the remarks were directed at me, I should ensure that the party dealt with the matter and I assumed it would have a process I could follow. The individual concerned denies the remark, so there needs to be a proper investigation. To my surprise, instead it seems like there was a deliberate attempt to sweep the complaint under the carpet in the hope that it would go away.
I pursued the matter with regional officers: they simply responded along the lines of “we are looking at it”. I attended the Conservative party conference at the end of September 2018, where I spoke directly to party chairman Brandon Lewis, who asked his deputy chief of staff, Toby Wilmer, who was present, to follow it up. I emailed and chased, again to no avail. As time went on and I continued to pursue the matter, including writing to the prime minister. //
OK if I reported someone cos I’d overheard them refer to me as a dumb ginger-nut would Tory HQ take any notice.
“Theresa May is making a final bid to save her Brexit deal ahead of a crunch Commons vote.”
Remember these words ………..’Brexit means Brexit’ – ‘no deal is better than a bad deal.’ – ‘We are leaving’.
I smell a General Election in the air – Don’t spoil your ballot paper but vote and support UKIP.
Its the only way out of the EU and the end of Al Beeb.
I’ve just seen this comment on Breitbart and thought it was brilliant.
“So it is down to a childless German of the Honecker regime, fronting a childless Quisling and a geriatric alcoholic from a ‘country,’ half the size, and of half the population of Cambridgeshire, to decide the future of a country that less than 80 years ago governed a third of the worlds population.”
That pretty well sums up how far we have fallen as a nation. A majority of our MPs now seem aghast at the very idea that Britain could even aspire to be an independent, self-governing country.
Yorkshire Post “Diverse companies arem always better companies”
I bet within a month theyll run a story about how great a woman-only or gay-only company is.
Based on what exactly? Total tosh.
Facts are not of value in today’s world. Feelings and emotion are much more important to the snowflake generation. You can claim anything as long it tweets the right emotions and the young fools will believe it.
Someone already mentioned the 20 arrests in Wakefield for offences made 2014-2016 ?
Is there a special website that follow Grooming Raping gang news ?
The Newcastle Operation Optic trials have just collapsed as well
lots of guilty men declared innocent
Yorkshire Post .. laughable headline
” Corbyn welcomes Labour probe into anti-Semitism”
.. This newspaper must be written in Labour HQ
Corbyn had a whitewash inquiry done by Chakrabarti.. and then sent her to House of Lords
Laws need to enforced against deplatforming
… cos it is clearly a breach of equality
\\ Trans activists are trying to ban Jenni Murray from Leeds Literature Festival because she disagrees. Women are being called Nazis because they disagree.
This would appear to be ‘projection’. We know who it was who systematically removed people and literature who disagreed. ????//
Deplatforming is when an invited speaker is ‘disinvited’ following threats and intimidation, no platforming is where an invited speaker is physically prevented from reaching the venue where they are supposed to speak.
Odd isn’t it when one of the most biased BBC presenters, a woman whom even the BBC regards as so biased to the left they sent her and her colleague (albeit for different reasons) on so called ‘impartiality training’, and yet she finds support on these pages.
The other odd thing is the way people on the right have grabbed the Feminist lie about self identification. There is no government policy on self identification not now and not ever in the past.
This is a far leftist spat which originated because the gay loonies decided it would be a great idea to give the girls a chance running things, and out of the window went mens issues like HIV/AIDS and in came this idiotic trans activism, and gender fluidity. Stonewall got rid of the mad dyke and returned to a level approaching business as usual, but by that time equally mad and dangerous insane lesbian feminists opposed to the insane stonewall lesbians picked up the lie and ran with it.
Goodness only knows why anyone on the right of centre would have believed any of this, yet they have.
Personally I’m just sitting back delighting in the left fighting amongst themselves. I am not so pleased people on the right have been so guilble as to be taken in by the lie.
R4 Book Show
…. Favourite work being discussed : the 30 page Broke Back Mountain love story.
#metrolib #groupthink
FFS Their second choice is another gay book
The Naked Civil Servant
brokeback mounting :synopsis
2 gays cowboys
one sez yup and one sez yep
What a load of rubbish.
Politics live.
Loads of remainers and one ineffectual leaver.
Tory saying May’s deal is what the people voted for.
Labour saying their Brexit (staying in) is what we want.
Times columnist wants second referendum.
SNP wants people’s vote with the question ‘Mays Deal or remain in eu’
Do they never listen to the population.
No clearly they don’t. So what are we going to do about it? The only democratic solution is proportional representation but that will require another referendum and the two main parties would be cutting their own throats if they allowed one after the Brexit farrago, so they won’t. FPTP makes it very difficult for a new party to gain enough seats to influence events. So unless something dramatic happens we are stuck with this ship of fools crewing HMS Westminster. Basically democracy has been shown to be impotent in our country. The elite gets what the elite wants.
I see that on Fox this Muslim member of congress who is belching forth anti Semitic bile is being rightly called out. But of even greter interest is the fact that Fox is calling it an example of The Muslim Superiority complex. In the UK no network dare say anything like that even though it is true. Remember the Muslims are picking on the Jews today and we non Jews are not defending them to anything like the extent we should. Who knows which groups may be the next target as the Muslim populations grows. In the Middle East it’s Christians they are persecuting.Staying silent is appeasement and we know where that leads.
Imagine what the nationwide chaos would look like if those 17 and one half million voters stopped their BBC licence fee DDs.
Why, the nation would collapse; for one, the number of bailiffs would need to rise to the hundreds of thousands just to go to every house/apartment where the householder refuses to pay said licence fee as we will not abide by the law of the land because the place where the voters go for any democratic decision is now the domain of the most evil politicions who would be breaking those very laws which the people voted them to uphold.
Am I making any sense?
Lots of sense . Stopped mine some time ago.
I have had two calls and lots of love letters from the Tellygoons but saved myself loads of dosh.
\\PM Theresa May: ‘This House risks no Brexit at all’//
That’s what the traitors in Parliament want .
Call a General Election so we can drain the swamp.
Vote and support UKIP
“You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor and you will have war.” Churchill’s remark after Chamberlain returned from signing the Munich pact with Hitler. Boris goes for it!
Boris, go for it and get us out!
There must be millions, probably tens of millions of people here in the U.K. who, just like me, can’t wait until we get our chances to vote against the liblabcon.
We are currently impotent and the MPs are doing as they please but our time is coming.
Local elections, by-elections and any other chance to vote, we want rid of those ignoring us.
It’s UKIP, brexit Party, independent, anything but liblabcon.
Look at Trump or Macron. They were not supposed to win but they did.
We can get rid of all these blockages in the U pipe and flush them away to be replaced with good people.
Our time will come.
On Brexit. It WILL happen, the genie is out the bottle and, even if it takes longer than we thought it would, it is unstoppable.
We will have our Brexit.
If there is no deal then that is the way we will leave because the 29th is set in stone.
It’s number – if there are enough to amend /repeal the leaving Act they’ll stop Brexit – presumably under the lie of extending A50 for ‘a better deal’ which we know doesn’t exist .
I watched the Parliament channel – I get it on cable overseas – no licence ! And just muse about how this came about . The repression of discussion of immigration . Treaties giving away sovereign power being steamrollered through, a civil service / EU fan club and various PMs – Major Blair Brown Cameron screwing things up – importing hundreds of thousands of EU citizens and allowing public services to be crushed beneath the numbers ….
So many if onlys ….. but whatever happens people’s attitude to politics will have changed – whatever lies and poison the BBC/MSM vomit out 24 hours a day …
Those who want to leave – because the EU is just a United States in the making which can’t be stopped – will visit retribution on the political class in the elections to come and I hope many others do too –
Unless we do get out on the planned Independence Day ….
As the Brexit vote looms, if we don’t leave the EU on 29 March, this is what I shall be doing at the next General Election:
If you really want to leave – I would suggest that UKIP would be a far better home for your vote.
As the Brexit vote looms, if we don’t leave the EU on 29 March, this is what I shall be doing at the next General Election:
A lot of people will be doing that – or not bothering at all – meaning Comrade Corbyn / Stalin – McDonnell gets the keys to number 10 and abolishing elections . Now that will be popcorn – if it hasn’t been nationalised
Update – at 1900 London time the Commons has started the meaningless vote …pop corn time …
Bbc breaks out the ‘quotes’.
\\ Twitter accounts were deemed to be associated with the far-right when they published tweets linking to far-right news sources or when they expressed support for individuals such as anti-Islamic activist Tommy Robinson, for example. //
“Oh look there is a man wrongly jailed ..just like the Appeal Court judged, good on him ”
…apparently that counts as a “FAR RIGHT” supporting account
How does the BBC source judge FOREIGN ?
” in many cases the researchers were able to show, for instance, that an account would be active during UK night-time hours. Or, US cities would be set as the account’s public location.”
So if a good worker actually works and saves tweeting for when he/she gets home, he is counted as a Foreign Account !
\\ However, it was difficult to know whether such behaviour on Twitter had any effect on politicians or the public at large, he added.
“We find very little evidence that [for example], fake news consumption changes people’s vote preferences or their likelihood to vote,” he told the BBC.“
That’s me screwed then . I’ve not been on Twitter long , never actually twitter but do follow interesting people – including Diane Abbot for her maths skills . Can live without it if I’m banned
Russian bots, pushing Brexit ?
well apply the projection test
Is Twitter full of accounts which push the Remain message like bots ?
..Many do seem to be brainwashed British people , but they do act like a bot army
Here’s a typical example that just came up
\\ The BBC have just been in a social club in Luton.
…wall to wall with tommy Robinson gobbling, gammon//
… that seems pretty hate to me
The sell out is dead by 149 .
Tomorrow there is a free vote on what seems to be to kill brexit or apply for a A50 extension .
If Parliament kills Brexit, it kills the very notion of democracy and thereby forfeits its entitlement to purport to represent the citizens of the United Kingdom.
7pm BBC4 Hey what happened to their daily soap : “Everyone Hates Trump” ?
Instead we got a good old archaeology prog about Norfolk
Don’t tell me BBCNews had to use the same staff to their 7pm BBC1 News Special “Everyone Hates Brexit ” ?
Guido spotted the MP for Peterborough voting on the sell out . She being the ex Labour Party member who has just done time .
Could you make that one up ?
The Commons is no doubt pleased with itself. The real reason for rejecting the May deal ( there are honourable exceptions) is to take control of the process and do what they have always wanted which is to stop us leaving. May has been complicit in this as have MPs from all sides. She must have known her deal was dead and yet she went on. Why? so that the Commons can have it’s way.
Now we pay for the farce that this place has become. We pay for May and the cabinet and the MPs. We are the people and I am with Tom Paine when he said that we are sovereign always and that if our representatives fail us then we have the right to cashier them for misconduct ) – his words .
They have failed us. I do not know what happens now but if the Commons sets aside a majority decision it itself asked us to make then what price our loyalty to it and the current government.
If there is to be a second vote then it must be fought on the one real issue. Is the Commons able to set aside our votes as if they are nothing?
This is as important a matter as we have faced for generations. Forget the money and the economy. It is our duty to hand on to our children and grandchildren the democracy that has served us well for generations. On that issue and that alone we must stand firm and refuse to bend.
Dave – One has to ask whether Democracy is dead in the UK? The MPs appear mainly to represent only themselves, and happy to do so. What has happened to the idea of representative democracy?
We had JRM pointing out the disconnect on TV, then -typically- Umuna prattling on about his constituency, which he seems to think – is the only one that counts.
It is painful to think we pay this bunch for their treachery.
When ever you ask this question, some smug parliamentarian will be wheeled out to tell that it is a ‘parliamentary’ democracy.
Adding that qualifier of course means they recognise it is no democracy at all.
It’s a bird – a duck, it’s a bombay duck – which is of course in reality a fish !
I’m left with an overall feeling of despair. These self-centred MPs seem to have lost the plot. One thing that is clear is the will of the people is of little consequence to many of them. The country will be in total disarray for the foreseeable future and there seems no possibility for a sense of morality to permeate through their thick skulls. Apart from anything else, who in their right minds would vote for any MP in the future
who had failed to support democracy at this crucial time, regardless of their politics? Truly astonishing stuff.
Just spare some time to think about the price the EU is going to want to extract in the event that the UK decides to abandon article 50.
abandon the rebate
Adopt the Euro
Pay even more into the pot
Join the European Army
Join Schengen
Accept a large quota of Merkles Migrants
Agree to not trigger another referendum for 50 years
And there are probably many other horrors which I haven’t mentioned as well !