As the Brexit nonsense continues it will be a very good time to see how the Far Left BBC will roll on Project Fear . I think they’ll have to be careful because people are getting even more annoyed .
Oh yeah – and a mini budget Wednesday
As the Brexit nonsense continues it will be a very good time to see how the Far Left BBC will roll on Project Fear . I think they’ll have to be careful because people are getting even more annoyed .
Oh yeah – and a mini budget Wednesday
Are Theresa May’s necklaces getting larger as she gets more desperate?
PM Theresa May: ‘This House risks no Brexit at all’
Am I first?
if it was up to me it would be south african stylee
Yes, where is the BBC’s much-loved Winnie Mandela when we need her.
Yes – congrats – you get first . It seems that Wednesday is the day when we really find out how far from democracy the MPs in the House of Commons really are …. and I think we on this site all know .
I still believe with good reason that we shall shatter the shackles of the EU on the 29th.
I wish I shared your optimism DS, but I fear we are just being stitched up.
I don’t know about shackles but the criminal MP who went to vote against brexit last night whilst wearing a charming HMP ankle bracelet must have set off the alarm in the House of Commons search arches …. incredible ..
DS, I sure hope so. It will need another massive miracle to happen tonight (Weds.) when the House votes on outlawing a No-Deal Brexit.
There appears to be a total lack of ignorance of many in the House over how the EU negotiates. I suspect it is wilful ignorance because they are Remainers or Remoaners and do not want to leave the EU.
When the EU said negotiations would only take place according to their schedule, that was the first moment to walk away from the table. The other alternative was to try to tempt them in closer to where they box themselves in to a deal that suits all parties. That was the approach taken by Theresa May. ‘Play agreeable, play nice.’
It has failed.
The only thing that will bring a better deal for the 29 March is for the House to vote tonight in favour of a No-Deal Brexit so that the PM can ‘phone Barnier and say “It’s up to you now. No changes and its Au Revoir on 29 March.”
It might help if we can get TrueToo to not only keep his fingers crossed but also get to the Wailing Wall and send up a massive prayer for a huge wave of understanding, realism and humility to hit the House of Commons tonight and for God to send a spirit of confusion into those anti-democrats who wish to overturn the Brexit decision of the people of the UK.
Arch-Remainer Lord Heseltine displayed his arrogance on TOADY this morning (Weds) by dismissing the EU Referendum in 2016 as merely advisory but later on when asked what should happen next “Well, we should put it back to the people.”
Miracles can happen.
We need some more.
I have felt that the WA agreement of PM T May was deliberately stinky awful, for it was designed to be so. No explanation other then that fits.
From which I guess that the WTO option ( No Deal), has been the option from the start. The question was how to get to it. Hence this dance of the seven veils.
I think that by now, most MPs must see that as far their careers are concerned (the most important consideration), the “forced No deal” option is the best, as they cant be blamed for it. Any other option and they will be blamed for it and get slaughtered in the next election.
The best way is for parliament to say NO to the “No Deal” today. Then vote for an immediate extension. This will be denied by the EU, and we are out. No one gets the blame, except the EU for being intransigent. The MPs go back to their voters and hold up their hands in innocence.
NCBBC, “I have felt that the WA agreement of PM T May was deliberately stinky awful, for it was designed to be so. No explanation other then that fits.”
I agree. The PM set out her red lines and then brought back a WA deal that clearly breached one of them. It could only have got through if Labour had not ‘played politics’ and sought Party advantage over and above the will of, and the benefit for, the nation.
The PM probably had a hunch that that was what Labour would do so it was a calculated gamble. Had the gamble failed then the option of breaking a red line and uniting Ireland would have had the benefit of freeing up for the rUK, the monies that go to support the Six Counties.
The Conservatives threatened to wash their hands of ‘the Ireland problem’ in the early 70’s and again in the 1980’s. It was only loyalty to the old school ‘conservative’ Unionists rather than the firebrand mob and the possibility of massive violence that stopped them from doing it.
A united Ireland is unlikely, I would have thought, to cause violence by Unionists now. Many would resent it, no doubt, but the folk really grinding their teeth would be Sinn Fein and the Irish Government. SF would have everything they wished for but at the price of a ruined economy and a rival political Party in a small now-united country at the conservative end of the spectrum. SF might never, ever see political power in a united Ireland under such circumstances.
Fake yes, but there are questions
Steele and Skripal: A Unified Theory
By James V. DeLong
The Steele dossier is the collection of gossip and fantasy about Donald Trump, put together by former Brit MI6 operative Christopher Steele during 2016 on the dime of the Democratic Party. It triggered the Russian collusion investigation of the past two years.
Is Dancing Terry now going to resign as PM?
Surely that’s the honourable thing to do and the only way she might get a favourable mention in the history books.
“Surely that’s the honourable thing”
yeah but no but …..
honour and treasoner mayhem cmon get serious john
Honourable thing? No. She’ll hang on in there like a typical Middle Eastern muslim dictator until she is pushed or shot.
j-i-c, am afraid she cannot. The calendar is, I think, against her if she really wishes to support the choice of the people to leave the EU.
If she did resign sometime this week it would almost certainly sabotage Brexit unless, in some miraculous and probably legal way unknown to me, then guarantee a No-Deal departure on 29 March.
That is a straw that could be grasped and I might cling to that. Maybe that is what is behind DS’s though above.
May will survive. Despite all this, the Conservatives are ten points ahead of Labour.
Till I and many others get to the ballot box……….
It woudl appear that the traitor Tony Bliar has been advision President Micron how best to stop Brexit, and getting handsomely rewarded for it:
It would also appear that while the UK naive government is thinking it can determine the delay to Brexit the EU is gearing up to demand the only delay available to the morons is a 12 month period.
I wonder if this is going to be a surprise for them as they seem to be outsmarted and surprised at every turn.
Interesting Blair advised Macron. And Theresa was talking behind David Davies s back to Merkel.
We really do have a collection of class acts these days.
Interesting Blair advised Macron. And Theresa was talking behind David Davies s back to Merkel.
We really do have a collection of class acts these days.
Just spare some time to think about the price the EU is going to want to extract in the event that the UK decides to abandon article 50.
abandon the rebate
Adopt the Euro
Pay even more into the pot
Join the European Army
Join Schengen
Accept a large quota of Merkles Migrants
Agree to not trigger another referendum for 50 years
And there are probably many other horrors which I haven’t mentioned as well !
Surely the decent, sensible people in the UK (yes, all twenty of us) won’t put up with what amounts to an act of treason on a grand scale by those who claim to represent us. Then again…
Right now, it can only be a coup that halts the nonsense. Someone has to take charge. Come to think of it, how could a few hundred soldiers mount a coup because that’s all we have left……..
I fear that it was the plan all along to actually entrench us deeper into the EU.
High time May quit. She is a (repeated) loser, who survives only because the opposition is so shambolic.
It started with her calling an unnecessary election, which cost her party its majority and quite a few seats in parliament. The reward, I think, for pushing her personality into the forefront of the election.
The minute parliament was allowed to snatch the agenda set by the referendum result, from the executive, she scored yet another own goal.
Looks now as if that lot may try to negate leaving without a deal, then postpone leaving indefinitely. The verdict of the majority long forgotten. Do we trust May to stand up to them?
” pushing her personality”
lol whoever thought that idea would float
She did exactly what she intended to do. In effect she always was Brussels “secret weapon”
She made Brexit appear “difficult” and willingly turned it into a muddle. She has a reverse Midas touch everything she touches (including her tenure at the Home Office) turns to shit.
Cowardly, arrogant , incompetent – she is the perfect representative of the modern day Tory party.
The Today Programme
Meet the British vegan who’s stockpiling for a “no-deal” Brexit. ????????????
(Via BBC World Service)
Must. Keep. A. Straight. Face
a thousand cans of baked beans ?
That will be as windy as our house of commons.
Ha ha ha!
Time for another ‘airing’ of my favourite antidote to vegan issues…
According to 97% of scientists in peer reviewed literature, farting causes Global warming.
We seem to have an oversupply of vegans at the moment . Would it be OK to eat them after brexit?
As long as they’re not in the shape of a sausage roll ! I like my s/rolls to be what they are – full of sausage meat.
White anti-racist protesters telling black woman she should not be allowed to speak
R4Today : Laugh if Martha gets trapped in the ice after wasting all that CO2 on Climate Alarmism
Hooray Martha has arrived at the North Pole we are saved!
Is this going on “Wimmins Hour”? I cant wait what will it be – reports on transgender/lesbian polar bears, or the male dominated hierarchical structure in which the female ringed seals have to operate in, unable to get to the best fish because the “ice ceiling”
Obviously money well spent.
Reminds me of one of the best preamble jokes in Clare In The Community:
Talking to one of her clients who is a heavily-built homosexual that has just said that he has ‘mental issues’, she says, “So.. you are a bi-polar ‘bear’?”
Oak I’ll just wait for the fruit loop to do a piece on the arctic bee which only appears on 1st April….
..she’ll probably trip over BBC camera crews looking for plastic bottles from Iceland ….
FE2 – I think you will find the Arctic Bee is endangered because of global warming and some of the drones in the hives have forced them to modify their behavior due to “upskirting” However the good news is, is that some female Arctic bees have found that if they dress in a modest manner this is more acceptable to the drones.
The girls of course have found this new bee burkah empowering.
Bill Turnbull buzzes by…
“Ice ceiling”.
Like that. Patent it.
And there was me thinking that there would be no further ice in the Arctic by the 1990s. Looks quite icy to me.
What she’s doing is about as necessary as this:
I guess Martha will have plenty of ice available if she likes her Gin and Tonic cold.
“Professor Stephen Hawking’s nurse struck off over his care”, shouts the headline on the beeb webshite.
So you might expect a pic of said nurse, given that the article is all about her.
But strangely the beeb provide a pic AND a vid of the prof, but nary a glimpse of the nurse.
Smelling a rat, I looked her up.
Oh, I see.
Vlad the link doesn’t take us to the fact that she is black and gave false employment qualifications
For someone of such importance it is shocking that his care was so bad that his nurse was struck off . Funny how the BBC lauded him but couldn’t give a damn that he wasn’t looked after – because his nurse was black .
It’s horrific to think of what her conduct was to get struck off
Bbc policy – show whites in a bad light where possible and non whites in positive light where possible ..they must think we are so thick
Di would reckon she’s rocking that bob.
Anecdotal, but Black nurses have a reputation for being cruel and vindictive- almost as if they have a grudge against the world.
She was struck off despite being a protected group.
NCBBC. but Black nurses have a reputation for being cruel and vindictive- almost as if they have a grudge against the world….
I have first hand experience of that ! Coming around from a ‘ladies op’ back in the 80’s, I woke to find myself being roughly handled by a black nurse whom I could barely understand shouting instructions at me. Kindness and caring were clearly not in her vocabulary – or perhaps it was just because I was white.
Hope she wasnt sorting the meds!
As you will be aware Hawking’s supported a boycott of Israeli science, despite using an Israeli manufactured chip in his voice box.
Just suppose his nurse arranged it to play Hava Nagila non stop 24-7.
The hearing was held in secret. To me that raises the question of whether she was guilty or whether she’s been framed. These days I don’t take professional bodies on trust. Perhaps the BBC would like to review the evidence – whatever it might be.
This is the picture I thought was of Dianne Abbott !
Here is a decent article, with details and pictures. Shocking how the Nursing Federation and Legal system have hushed this trial up.
In a crisis real leaders will emerge –
Tory former Brexit minister Steve Baker said he had tabled a “Malthouse Compromise” amendment to Wednesday’s motion with Tory colleagues which would seek extension of Article 50 until May 22.
The motion states: “That this House notes the steps taken by the Government, the EU and its Member States to minimise any disruption that may occur should the UK leave the EU without an agreed Withdrawal Agreement and proposes that the Government should build on this work as follows:
“1. That the Government should publish the UK’s Day One Tariff Schedules immediately;
“2. To allow businesses to prepare for the operation of those tariffs, that the Government should seek an extension of the Article 50 process to 10.59pm on May 22nd 2019, at which point the UK would leave the EU;
“3. Thereafter, in a spirit of co-operation and in order to begin discussions on the Future Relationship, the Government should offer a further set of mutual standstill agreements with the EU and Member States for an agreed period ending no later than 30th December 2021, during which period the UK would pay an agreed sum equivalent to its net EU contributions and satisfy its other public international law obligations; and
“4. The Government should unilaterally guarantee the rights of EU citizens resident in the UK.”
It was signed by Damian Green, Iain Duncan Smith, Nicky Morgan, Steve Baker, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Simon Hart and the DUP’s Nigel Dodds.
Give the EU time and money.
My cruise missile suggestion yesterday was superior.
On LBC just after 7am, Nick Ferrari had Mr Umuna on spouting his usual infantile rubbish, but he’s allowed airtime to do so.
Then Nigel Farage is introduced as former leader of UKIP and allowed some time to give us his thoughts then we are again told he’s the former leader of UKIP.
My questions are, why is know nothing, Mr Ferrari, emphasising Mr Farage’s former relationship with UKIP. And if UKIP is significant, why didn’t LBC have the actual leader of UKIP, Gerard Batten, on the show to comment on the state of play regarding Brexit?
One further thought, I think today’s assault on Brexit will be focused on tariffs. I think they will be shown to be high on food and German cars and such to try to frighten us into believing everything will sky rocket in price if we Leave the EU.
The Mails version here. I believe this is a great deal ! We pay nothing into the EU coffers and the Ireland issue is minimised, the 11% tariff on EU cars is going to potentially wreck the German and French car industries, the tariffs on Beef likely to harm French farmers in particular.
It’s a total victory for Britain! So what if cars get more expensive? The extra funds go into the treasury as tax meaning that other taxes can be reduced (if we have a sane government).
It is said that Merkel commands the EU, but it is also said that the German car makers Mercedes BMW VAG control Merkel, and the prospect of this kind of a deal is likely to force Merkel, and therefore the EU into a much more compromising frame of mind giving the UK a far better deal and also forcing Varadkar and his dream of a united Ireland back in his box.
Absolutely brilliant Thoughtful, why haven’t the Government thought of that? Because they are mostly Remainers. Well I hope maybe against hope that some will have the balls to vote for a NO DEAL BREXIT.
Manchester’s renowned burger joint Solita is gathering ideas for next week’s burger special – the Brexit Burger.
The restaurant group, which has sites in the Northern Quarter, Didsbury and Prestwich, has turned to social media to ask for suggestions for the politically-themed special.
One user wrote on Twitter: “Don’t specify what it is, tell people it will be amazing and when they order it, don’t bring it out. When asked why, just keep saying your chefs are arguing what to put in it and ask for a little more time. Repeat till everyone implodes.”
First ITV disses them gleefully, and now Bloaton teases the highly paid Laura K still fulfilling her role of noting the passage of people, if in this case more accidentally accurate than intended.
Today we will see exactly how far MPs are away from the majority .
I’m fairly sure there will be another referendum . The question will be fixed to remain .
You mean the results will be fixed to remain
Yes it goes without saying .as I write soros crew will be planning project fear mk 3… for the European elections and the ref2 campaign .
If a50 is extended beyond May then we must do all we can to get brexiters elected to the EU parliament to disable it along with other ‘populist’ movements around Europe who are going to do really really well because they are fed up with thirdworlders being imported by the ReuchEU ….
Sue seems to be neatly speaking for the bbc, if not the nation.
The Conservatives were much further ahead of Labour in the polls prior to the 2017 election but almost lost it. 10 points to the Conservatives is pure speculation. It’s probably a polling company trying to fool May into making another rash attempt to win an election.
Good old ‘off switch ‘ Perkins … double entende anyone ? Ooh matron …
…. there can be no ‘10%’ Tory lead …
If “No deal” is ruled out by the House of Tyrants today (guaranteed), and if a second referendum is voted down tomorrow (not guaranteed) and the 4th Reich deems that we can have no extention to Article 50 (probable) then what? The default position will be to leave with no deal (despite losing today’s vote) on the 29th. If that happens May may go into history as the PM who played a long game in order to honour the wishes of the British people.
There are a couple of flies in the ointment. One is that the second referendum vote may pass, and as the tyrants will have dismissed No Deal (i.e. what the People voted for) the choice will be between May’s Remain deal and full remain. Those of us who voted for Brexit will have nothing to vote for.
The other one is that we have an inordinately long extention to Article 50 and still end up in the same place but with Jeremy Corblimey’s government in place. There is no form of dictatorship that the “Leader” doesn’t embrace and I am sure he will warm to the EU fully when his little brain finally realises how undemocratic it is.
I am naturally pessimistic and my hopes for Brexit started to wane when that disgusting Miller woman won her legal challenge to democracy in court. I then realised that the Establishment would try to thwart democracy in every way. And they have!
If we actually leave the EU do you not get the feeling that there are an awful lot of swamp-dwellers that will continue to put the UK down?
They will still fly the world briefing against us to foreign governments and companies.
Then it will be, “Sir Steir Karmer has been anti-British Commissioner at the EU but now wants to come ‘home’. Should the Home Secretary remove his British citizenship?”
I’m a pessimist too – we can never be disappointed … I’m not sure that the kind of question on a second referendum could be fixed in the way you describe . I’ll contradict myself immediately by saying that I was shocked when (we) won the referendum because I thought it would be fixed .
So I’m guessing any other referendum would be fixed too.
I suspect very strongly the 2016 referendum was fixed. I have always wondered why it wasn’t a landslide leave win. The remain leadership was utterly SHOCKED.
They were obviously desperate. Didn’t they extend the voting period at the last minute in hopes of getting more young people out of bed and to the polling stations? That alone must count as an attempt to rig the result.
The EU has said it doesn’t want the UK to take part in the European Elections at the end of May – particularly if it produces 70 Nigel Farages . This will be discussed at the European Council on 20th March where either panic or champagne will be present depending …
So we ll either be refused the A50 extension by the EU or told to remain in the EU
As an aside Toady Watch
Unusually the Toady Programme has reverted to a former style forva day of having people from alternative views interviewed together and cross questions . George Eustice and Evette Balls Cooper were the example .
I think the situation is so grave that the BBC is having to tread carefully today 13 March because of its significance ….
From what I hear the EU will offer a Brexit delay of 12 months take it or leave it.
UK politics is in a mess, we have the calibre of people we are prepared to pay for. We pay peanuts and we have the monkeys, don’t complain when you get the things you clearly want.
Both Labour and Tory front benches are almost entirely filled with ex public school wealthy elite failures who have only entered politics because they cannot get the high paying jobs in the city or commerce.
To get into these positions they need to be able to fund at least two years of unpaid work in the city centre of London. Now think about that for a moment, who do you know who can afford to do that?
And at the end of it all even if they end up with a ministerial positiong, they might have gone into teaching and earn 3 times as much as a deputy head of 5 times as much as head teacher.
So rejoice, you have what you are prepared to pay for. For some here they are prepared to pay for fizzy water and are then outraged when the bottle doesn’t contain Champagne !
It isn’t the calibre that I’m worried about, it’s their motives.
Why would anyone to be bossed by someone else?
For that matter why would anyone want to import people whose culture is opposed to ours?
Stupid? Or too damn clever by half?
I’d like to know when you think I was asked to fix the salary of our MPs’? How and when has it ever been put to the public?
If only we paid them bloated salaries we would attract honourable people? More likely we would attract people to whom money is the most important thing in life.
You seem to be suggesting that public sector pay should match private sector pay. Very Socialist.
You also seem believe that people who draw the highest earnings are morally decent, ethical, honest, honourable and virtuous.
If only people who chased the highest possible income were running things- we would have good leaders?
“You seem to be suggesting that public sector pay should match private sector pay. Very Socialist. ”
I have never suggested that!
The Prime Ministers salary is ever decreasing, the first PM was paid the equivalent of £17.5 Million pa – and he was absolutely corrupt ! He still acheived great things for the country though
Winston Churchill in 1940 was paid £10 000 pa equivalent to £550 000 pa at todays rates – surely that kind of figure is appropriate to running an infinetly more complex economy today?
Eventually if this carries on we will be paying politicians nothing at all, this has happened before and no one works for nothing without bad intent.
“If only people who chased the highest possible income were running things- we would have good leaders?”
I’m not suggesting ‘bloated salaries’ but something which reflects the importance of running a country and attracts some decent talent would be a good start.
There are some stand out individuals who are wealthy enough to survive on the pittance because they are independently wealthy enough to do so, Geoffrey Cox being one such.
Currently we have front benches of both parties stuffed with independently wealthy people, because they are the only ones able to live in London and function as a senior government official.
There are probably twice as many MPs as needed so my proposal is halve the numbers and double the pay – a quid pro quo which actually saves money in the real world.
As the elections take place end of May there would need to be campaigning, tv party political broadcasts, leafleting and all the other things to do with electioneering for the eu mep’s.
This means we must give the various parties ample time to prepare for the vote.
We need to know by April at the latest if we are to contest in the eu elections so an extension, with no probable outcome, be it for 2 or 3 months, means we MUST take place in the vote.
As you said, them lot don’t want another 70 Farages to add to the growing number of eurosceptics that will undoubtedly be voted in.
With a bit of luck no extension will be granted and we will be free on 20 March.
I can’t wait for us to vote out about 500 of the rubbish in the palace of cessminster.
Emmanuel Goldstein,
Palace of Cessminster?
I like that one.
I’m watching the debate in the EU parliament and Nigel Farage – as usual – has carpet bombed the ReichEU in his usual way imploring the EU to throw us out so they won’t have to hear from him again
I’m starting to get fedup with popcorn .
I’ve decided to treat the thing as light entertainment to keep my Blood Pressure down
“The Palace of Cessminster?”. Please don’t exaggerate, next you’ll be saying that convicted MPs released from serving half their prison sentence are allowed to return to The Commons wearing an electronic tag to vote in the Brexit debate. No hang on, wait a mo…
Dunno if I have this right but it seems that if Theresa’s new appeasement was voted down by a majority of 149 and the previous appeasement was voted down by 230 there are 81 turncoats who were hoping that the ‘deal’ would pass and the EU would then be able to confirm and strengthen its arrogant domination over the UK.
So what happens now? (sorry, I realise that’s a complex question.)
And it’s been pretty much answered by the comments above.
40. And a half.
Each switcher would reduce the majority by 2, adding one to the Ayes and taking one from the Noes.
TOADY Watch #1 and only
Arch-Remainer, Yvette Cooper, is totally unchallenged by The Humph in creating fear, alarm and despondency over leaving with No-Deal on 29th March.
To be fair, The Humph only interrupted George Eustace, speaking for Leave & No-Deal, to explain acronyms but displays a wider failing of the BBC. This failing of the BBC runs across N&CA (News & Current Affairs) and it is a failing to get understanding ON BEHALF OF THEIR AUDIENCE of what a No-Deal Brexit disaster would entail.
In addition, there is no challenge to programme contributors who glibly state “A No-Deal departure will be a disaster for the UK.” with the necessary complementary questions: ‘In what way will it be a disaster?’, ‘Do you wish to cancel Brexit?’, ‘Would you prefer to Remain in the EU?’ and ‘Do you think the Referendum result should be ignored or cancelled?’
By not asking those questions the BBC fail in their remit to ‘inform, educate and entertain’ and also fail in the requirement for the BBC to remain totally politically impartial in all they do.
The BBC does sometimes inadvertently entertain us – as when John Sweeney thought he was getting a witness drunk in order to discredit Tommy Robinson but ended up thoroughly discredited himself, along with his employer.
TT, and also with Hezza (Lord Heseltine) as I have posted above.
I was slack jawed when I heard him say it. A guffaw – or two – would have been more appropriate.
Please send a prayer to Heaven for us in the UK tonight at the Wailing Wall or wherever.
I’m wailing away here!
I’m thinking of you guys daily.
I am always perplexed by this remainer fear about “leaving without a deal”. They are never quizzed about what this mythical ‘deal’ would contain. If they implied a trade deal then they are either hard of hearing or living in a parallel world. The EU will not entertain discussing a trade deal with the UK until we have exited their glee club. As it stands, no deal is the only possible route out.
May I quote from Demon’s post above?
“”If “No deal” is ruled out by the House of Tyrants today (guaranteed), and if a second referendum is voted down tomorrow (not guaranteed) and the 4th Reich deems that we can have no extention to Article 50 (probable) then what? The default position will be to leave with no deal (despite losing today’s vote) on the 29th. If that happens May may go into history as the PM who played a long game in order to honour the wishes of the British people.””
This has been my view for some time. The House of Expenses has painted itself into a Brexit corner. It’s unlikely that May planned this.
She has followed the ‘flow-chart’ and arrived at this position. She is an administrator and not a leader.
The people of Britain aren’t even prepared to pay for an adminstrator! Think yourself lucky, she’s better than the pittance she’s paid – and that’s saying something !
I don’t understand that comment. Sorry for being dense.
DS, I sure hope so. Not sure that the EU will refuse an extension to A.50. I suspect that they may insist it lasts for an EU Parliamentary term and it would have a financial penalty with possibly an additional one added for ‘time and trouble taken so far’.
There is a faint possibility of a legal challenge (costly) that further decisions of the House are ruled invalid in the High Court. That would entail a Judge deciding that the House has had ‘its say (in fact two ‘says’) on Brexit’ (Decision of Supreme Court re Miller & others, Jan 2017) and no further debate is necessary.
I hope Lawyers for Britain are thinking about that right at this very moment.
Echo this from you and DS: “If that happens May may go into history as the PM who played a long game in order to honour the wishes of the British people.”. It has been my thinking for some time. I suspect ‘Mutti’ might be on our side as well.
How very interesting to see how many of the Californian Hollywood elite have proved themselves to be the total hypocrites we always knew them to be.
They have paid proxies to take entrance exams for their kids to gain entry to the top Ivy League universities which they have been contantly moaning about on the grounds of equal access for minorities.
It really is sickening the levels which these deluded people only believe in equality for everyone else whilst they mainain their positions of wealthy priviledge unaffected by their own hypocrisy and idiocy.
Is there a single spot on Earth where the Religion Of Terror (ROT) is NOT causing mayhem and threatening world peace?
As not reported by the complicit al beeb:
“The Terrorist Bringing India and Pakistan to the Brink of War … Again”
Not on the BBC.
“”The UK Government has admitted that, at least for a temporary period, a No Deal Brexit can be managed with no new checks on the Northern Ireland border. So much for the horror stories of checkpoints and guard dogs…””
“”This morning the UK announced the temporary unilateral measures the UK will apply in the event that the UK leaves the EU with No Deal on 29 March. These come as MPs will be voting on whether or not to reject keeping No Deal on the table this evening…””
“”Despite the original plan to have been to zero rate all the EU’s tariffs, intense special interest lobbying has apparently rolled that back. The UK has announced it will remove tariffs on 87% of EU tariffs on imported goods. The only tariffs that will remain are in a strictly limited set of goods and agricultural products that the UK considers vulnerable, like beef, dairy, and cars…””
“”On the Northern Ireland border, the UK would unilaterally waive checks on all goods crossing it, meaning that the tariff rates announced today would not apply to goods crossing the Irish border.””
“We would only apply a small number of measures strictly necessary to comply with international legal obligations, protect the biosecurity of the island of Ireland, or to avoid the highest risks to Northern Ireland businesses – but these measures would not require checks at the border.“
“”Belfast Airport would become the “designated point of entry” for endangered species and rough diamonds, and the UK would not apply VAT to any gifts coming to NI from Ireland. Businesses would also be able to report VAT online periodically, without any new processes at the border.””
We are getting closer to ‘No Deal’ i.e. what was voted for.
The question on everyone’s mind is whether Treezer will wear an even larger necklace when she speaks in the Commons tonight.

Bangla Bantams: Bringing ‘inclusivity and diversity’ to the game
A football fan group set up to bring “inclusivity and diversity” to the stands has been hailed a success in Bradford.
“For years, many Asian families in the city were so concerned about racial abuse that they wouldn’t allow their sons or daughters to go to watch Bradford City play. Bangla Bantams was established in 2015 to change this.”
Produced by Shabnam Mahmood, BBC Asian Network.
It’s not the Bangla Bantams (from ‘Asian families’ you say) that concerns me, Shabnam Mahmood. It’s The Bradford, Rotherham and Huddersfield Cocks, The Pakistani Muslim paedophiles, that the BBC gives reluctant but sympathetic treatment to. ‘Men’ such as these:
The BBC becomes more ridiculous every day. There have been so many convictions of Muslim mass rape gangs , each with hundreds or thousands of rapes on the charge sheet, that everyone in the country knows that Muslim men are hundreds of times more likely to be rapists than indigenous Brits. And those convictions are just the ones we know about. I think everyone suspects that these are the tip of the iceberg..
Do the bovine authorities think that the behaviour and attitude demonstrated by these Muslims isn’t a reflection of their society, their culture? You would have to be bonkers to believe that it wasn’t. We are descending into a Muslim shit hole withfull knowledge of the authorities. Tying to deflect the truth with pathetic good news stories is like pissing on an inferno hoping to extinguish it.
they seem very keen on that shining beacon of northern loveliness at the moment although im guessing no beeboids have decided they like the commute into salford from there.
which leads me to ask
what are they the running deflection for?
Even by BBC standards this “We are Bradford” thing is weird.
If you’re white and weren’t in the 1985 stadium fire, seems like the way to be heard is to write asexual fairytales. Otherwise forget it
Cassandra I’ve just seen your post after posting something similar further down.
A selection from the 1427 comments that came against the Yahoo piece today on the PM’s ghost deal, not seen by most if us poor wretched voters-I only took note of the first dozen comments which clearly showed their discontent and support of a NO DEAL BEXIT.
Even if they vote against no deal – which would effectively take our last negotiating card away – they cannot change the default position which is leave without a deal if no agreement is reached. If they vote to extend article 50 but are denied by EU then no deal it will be.
Surely, come the 29th, we have to leave with a No Deal. Theresa May has said, it’s either Her Deal, or No Deal. The EU, have said that there’s nothing more to negotiate, so, let’s go and stop wasting time. Mrs May said that we are leaving the EU on the 29th, so let’s go and get on with rebuilding our country. Anyone who wants to stay in the EU, MOVE, simples.
Let us not lose the sight of Brexit being the peoples’ vote and not the vote of parliament, nor is it the vote of the EUSSR that matters. Had the Common Market been allowed to stay the Common Market, there would be no problem.
Come to think of it, we didn’t vote as to whether there was a deal or not. We voted to Leave or Remain. Leave it was. I do hope MPs and politicians are reading these comments and searching their consciences as to whether they truly represent their constituents or their own personal views.
So our vote to leave in the referendum meant nothing to MP’s and yet we are expected to accept what they vote for……..double standards. The best outcome here is to leave with no deal and discuss a trade deal AFTER we have left when we are in an equal position and they have nothing to hold over us.
That is just a few of the comments which endorse a NO Deal Brexit.
” I do hope MPs and politicians are reading these comments and searching their consciences as to whether they truly represent their constituents or their own personal views.”
Don’t think so!
So the long first act the Brexit saga is about to end with the defeat of the people by the elite’s shock troops in Westminster. But its left us with a cliff hanger. Will the people accept defeat with good grace and stay calm and carry on? Or will they find waysof undermining the elite’s stranglehold on power by sustained and e xtensive civil disobedience. Obviously there is no point in protesting through the ballot box as democracy has been shown to be defunct in our country. What form could civil disobedience take? One of my favourites , which kills two birds with one stone, would be a mass refusal to pay the TV Tax and bring down the BBC . Another certainty is that if there are European elections Leaver candidates , UKIP , should be returned en masse. But I am sure that there are plenty of lessons to be learnt from our friends across the channel on how to thoroughly disrupt the state.
The elite have shown they care nothing for democracy so the people may decide that they have had enough of being bossed around by those who rule them. Interesting times lay ahead.
If a newspaper (Telegraph?) would print the names of the MPs who vote for no deal and those who want no deal removed then we should be able to see who will be making up the next parliament.
For example, those in the ERG who will be voting to keep no deal. These MPs will be returned to parliament.
Some MPs like Kate Hoey will be returned as she is respecting the democratic vote.
Out of all those voting to remove no deal, I doubt if more than a dozen or so will be in the next parliament.
Will cooper balls be returned to her 70% leave voting constituency.
Will Rudd get re elected.
Rubbish like soubry is finished.
Tonight we should see maybe 150 of the next parliament as they vote to retain the so called no deal. These are the future.
The other rubbish, they may well win the battle today but they are losers, guaranteed.
We will get out brexit. We are not going away.
The problem is that not voting for incumbent Remainers doesn’t necessarily mean that they will be replaced by Leavers. The candidate from the other main party may also be a Remainer and the third party candidate, the Lib Dem certainly will be. So if you vote in the next GE against those who vote in the HoC tonight against No Deal, it doesn’t mean that you will be voting for a Leaver . Remeber that 48% of the electorate are a Remainers and they will vote ‘normally’ so Leavers abstaining will certainly allow Remainers to sweep the board. The resulting Perliament may be totally illegitimate but that only matters if you believe in democracy and Remainers don’t .
That is why I say democracy is dead . Voting alone will not get us Brexit.
How did your MP vote yesterday?
Mine was a Tory disappointment.
My Plaid Cymru MP voted how I wished her too but for reasons that are a polar opposite of my own.
I find the next series of events hilarious when you think about it.
the vote on a no deal outcome is an empty one no matter the result.
We cannot change the Default position of the withdrawal agreement – come 29th of March if the EU is adamant of no extension – WE LEAVE with NO DEAL.
Don’t you believe it. They will just change the rules to give them what they want.
if the right-dishonourable ass-holes vote away no-deal the EU’s offer will start getting worse and worse and they all know it.
Damn – sorry people- AP is reporting that 2000 ISIS killers have been allowed to surrender in the last bit of their Caluphate .
Betcha half of em will be waving EU / UK passports and wanna go home to mum
As a gesture of goodwill and in the spirit of compromise I think we should repatriate their bodies for burial in the UK.
In which Jenny adds a few more thousand to the leave side.
Which means few sales of the VW here!
Unless the BBC is looking to see measures to force their purchase, or at least passing a cash value equivalent to VW if choosing to buy another brand.
I would not put that past them.
But Ms. Hill seems to have missed that. She is thick enough to become a Labour MP.
German-made cars are rubbish, anyway. For example, the indicator lights on Audis, BMWs and Mercs rarely work, so you never know when they are about to overtake or turn. Be good if they are more expensive, though, and might encourage people to buy cars that are made in Britain e.g. Vauxhall Astra, Toyota Avensis, Nissan Juke, Leaf and Qashqui, Mini, Land Rover, Rage Rover (sic), Honda Civic and Jazz.
If VW prices went up too much and we were out of the EU I wonder how long it would take for lesser known brands like Geely, Chery or Dongfeng to fill the gap with lower priced models. Even Chinese MG could be a contender. It has been done before. Datsun/Nissan came from nowhere in the late sixties, Hyundai with a few rusty Pony sales in the 80s to 80000+ cars now. It is an economic adage, if someone creates a vacuum someone else will fill it.
We bought a son a Skoda. I might baulk at a SEAT.
If a VW does not represent good value, I will not buy one.
We gave other son my Granny’s Golf. Luckily petrol, given EU antics.
Volkswagen emissions scandal
If my understanding is correct, the Germans have been competing unfairly while we have been in the EU. I believe that there are tariffs on for example Japanese imported cars. So it could be that Japan may be able to reduce their prices if we have a trade agreement with them. As for the EU, I don’t actually care because I don’t buy their cars.
Says it all !!! The traitorous , lying cow ….. despise the lot em with a passion i never knew i had !! And i am just one of the 17.4 million. Like others have said, interesting times ahead. I normally just get on with my life but even i won’t let it lie if my vote is ignored !!! Furious.
Just to add …. how the hell people still want to remain in the EU after the way they have treated the UK is completely beyond me !! They have shown themselves to be one of the most corrupt organisations in the world. Why would anyone want to ruled over by un-elected drunken idiots like Junker ?? Baffling, truly baffling. We are Great Britain for crying out loud, not the fu**in Congo !!!!!!!
She said it again today (see at approx. 1:00) – “yes, no deal is better than a bad deal …”
Eh !!!???
I couldnt watch any of the bastards today i feel my blood pressure rising so went out to the shops. i hate them all with a vengence and will never vote Tory again. i have looked up Farage and his brexit party and i heard him on LBC the other evening saying he is waiting until they throw us to the lions then he will proceed with getting his party up and running. i have sent my details to show interest. what do others think about his party. ?
Cromwell, You ask what do others think about Nigel’s new party.
Well I should state that I am a Ukip member at the outset so you know where I’m coming from.
I don’t think very highly of it at all. Nigel Farage is a brilliant campaigner and a true patriot and a talented politician. As a party leader he is sadly very bad except when he is riding the crest of a wave. When everything is going right he’ll be there. But he has to be leader, and he doesn’t like the slightest dissent in the ranks. To make matters worse he is a poor judge of character and tends to surround himself with incompetents. The worst judge of character since Charles 1.
The new party will only be going as long as it suits him. Perhaps it may achieve some short term success who knows, but it won’t last.
Britain country badly needs a populist party that poses a threat to the Lab/Con duopoly. The reason why I will stay with Ukip is because it has weathered storms. Damn big ones! And it fell in vote and membership. Over the last year its membership has grown dramatically. It’s financial woes which the msm et al assured us were going to kill the party off have been overcome and new branches are being formed. Ukip made some mistakes as all new parties will. It is inevitable. All will have to face reversals at some stage and the trick is to hold together while all the fair weather friends break ranks.
The Newport West by-election takes place early next month. I have yet to see opinion polls but the bookies have Ukip in third place in a field of eleven. Will they win? Dunno. Here’s hoping. But this obviously is not a party that is finished.
The Farage party may not even happen. The organiser Catherine Blaikelock is a novice in politics who thinks she knows the ropes. They have managed to attract a numbers of ex-ukip people like Bill Etheridge, Paul Nuttall and David Coburn who, to put it kindly, will not exactly be missed but as a long term prospect I have to give it the thumbs down.
Another party to consider is the ‘For Britain Party’ which is an offshoot from Ukip. We have an excellent contributor to this site ‘The Island’ who is a FB supporter I hope he will answer your question too from his perspective.
Sorry cromwell, you may not like my answer but my honest feeling is that the spirit of Marston Moor, Dunbar, Naseby and the New Model Army is alive and well today in Gerard Battens Ukip.
UKIP for me also.
Nigel is far too weak when in comes to Islam IMO.
Lucy Pevensey
This is my view also.
UKIP for me too. I was one of the “tattooed thugs” who went up to London on a number of occasions to support TR and Brexit. Nigel may be very “clubbable” when it comes to talking to fellow patricians and BBC reporters but in that one statement he alienated thousands of us normal working people who are actually quite worried on the direction the current political class are taking us.
I now see him also as part of the establishment and therefore part of the problem. I hope his new party “rots”. All it will achieve is split the pro Bexit vote – all this damage for one mans ego.
Also I have no tattoos and if i did have – well so what?
What is absolutely imperative is that the Brexit vote is not split between UKIP and Farage’s Brexit party.
Yasser Thank you for your interesting reply. food for thought. One things for sure i will not be voting Tory ever again. After last night in the commons every one of them should be on trial for treason. Did you hear the Labour Party cheering, what a disgrace . Just a load of Reds. Having listened to all these pillocks over the last few weeks i have decided the quality of politition is at rock bottom. Can you imagine in times gone by having a mp with an ankle tag on. Thats how low standards have fell.
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit: Theresa May says UK can still leave EU with ‘good deal’ “”
“”After the Commons rejected Mrs May’s Brexit deal by 149 votes on Tuesday, the EU has warned the risk of a “disorderly” Brexit has never been higher.””
“”The EU has urged the UK to take “responsibility” for its actions.””
And not challenged by our BBC.
I dislike the EU even more, if that’s possible.
A heart-warming story on al beeb about Bringing ‘inclusivity and diversity’ to football in Bradford.
But hang on, they state (unexamined and unchallenged) that “For years, many Asian families in the city were so concerned about racial abuse that they wouldn’t allow their sons or daughters to go to watch Bradford City play.”
Really? Or was it because they didn’t want them to mix with unclean kafir infidels?
P.S. Noticeable by its absence among all the trivial stories is any mention of one truly significant story about muslims in Bradford, that was recently heard in court. But let’s not let the rape of a few children get in the way of diversity in football, eh?
I’ve just seen Cassandra posted something similar earlier.
Thank goodness Polly Toynbee who along with Owen Jones and a multitude of other far left types that the beeb and Sly news fondly imagine to be the authentic voice of the ‘workers’ is on Politics live today. Yet again.
Currently I am attempting to contact the BBC to cancel my licence and I cannot believe how difficult they have made this.
You have a try at getting anywhere with it, it is a complete loop which if you follow its instructions will return you back to this page over & over.
“To cancel your licence please follow the above steps”
This is priceless because there are no ‘steps’ to follow !
I can circumvent all of this ballyhoo because I have the direct Email address to send the cancellation to, but just so others are aware, the BBC are making it as difficult to cancel as they possibly can.
Just stop paying them.
You will need a new letter box though. I currently have five threatograms of four different designs and two different titles.
Perhaps the BBC could get Capita to come up with some new programme ideas, they certainly are quite imaginative with their intimidation attempts!
have you made the declaration? they aren’t supposed to contact you for two years if you have.
If you have then there’s even a chance of some compo from them for harrasment and intimidation !
Thoughtful — “Telling us you don’t need a TV Licence”:
It’s supposed to give you a year free of annoying follow-up letters (didn’t work in my case but maybe you’ll have better luck)
Simply put pen to paper and send a letter. Obtain a, ‘Certificate of Posting’ from the Post Office. I love CoP’s! Nothing shows on the letter that its deposit with the Post Office was made formal. Many a lying recipient denying receipt has been caught out well and truly by the CoP.
Once handed over the PO and a CoP obtained, the legal, ‘Postal Rule’ clicks into effect.
I finally did it by phone, and the operator told me that it can no longer be done on line, although whether she was telling the truth is another matter.
So I’m now licence free again and not paying anything to the biased bunch and long may it continue !
It is difficult to contact them even if you wish to renew your licence. Perhaps the contact they prefer is the unannounced visit to your house by their goons.
“Theresa May confirms she will vote later to block the UK leaving the EU without an agreement later this month”
She has lied about everything. Why should we believe she is telling the truth now?
Worth sharing
I’m afraid that this spoof is a bit behind the Times. The police already arrest people for what they say , or post, and even for what they think. Even worse they are now arresting people for what someone else thinks that they think!
She said this: ‘If you find yourself laughing at comedy, it’s probably not sufficiently progressive’.
\\Brexit: Theresa May says she understands ‘the voice of the country’//
I don’t think she does ?
What inducement do MPs have that encourages them to put at risk their job by voting against the will of the people ?
“What inducement do MPs have that encourages them to put at risk their job by voting against the will of the people ?”
The promise of well paid sinecures from their chums in the city once we’ve voted them out of office. The establishment will look after its own. Assuming they can avoid the pitchforks and the lamp-posts.
I have a feeling that the promise of ‘something’ from the EU has a hand in it also .
it will all ‘out’ in the end and I hope that they suffer the consequences.
For entertainment value Farage in the EU is hard to beat and I reckon we’d all miss it, however, as he and the likes of Verhofstadt say the EU want us gone.
We now face the farce of May etc., pleading to let us stay a bit longer so we can maybe, possibly have some kind of virtual reality Brexit or maybe a few more referendums?
Next General Election, whatever the result, I fervently hope there are campaigns to reverse the outcome and or alter the policies of the victor. That does seem to be the example of how democracy
works that we must hold up for our children from now on.
The present Parliament has treated the people with contempt and it has kicked democracy in the bin .
Mrs May’s job was to keep us in the EU . Job done for her and her gang.
Time for them all to go.
I have said previously, only half in jest, that every tenth Remainer MP should be publicly hanged, to clarify the thoughts of the rest. I have to amend that thought; it’s now only a quarter in jest.
decimation brilliant idea
quarter as in hang, draw and … even better idea
then send a bit to Strasbourg and a bit to Brussels
Thats pretty much everything my four year old daughter likes. Happy days!!!
Tina Malone admits ‘Bulger killer photo’ Facebook post
Second paragraph reads “There is a global ban on publishing anything about the identity of Venables or his accomplice Robert Thompson.“.
The bit in bold links to another older article where there is no mention of the “global ban”. The BBC have claimed the ban is global before.
If this is true, and not a BBC scare story (as we all know they like to protect paedophiles), can anyone here please explain how a global ban would actually work? A UK High Court order has no jurisdiction outside of the UK.
A global ban does not mean something is banned all over the world, but in the other sense of the word – the ban is global and applies to all forms of media globally i.e. all encompassing.
I’m afraid you have misinterpreted what was meant by the term.
I wonder if the bbbc and sky will still be doing interviews and discussions outside the H of P when the people outside eventually go home.
I’ve heard there are also leave supporters and their flags there but I only ever see those supporting the eu against us.
Each tv shot seems to be crafted to show the blue and yellow eu flags with the gangs of raucous pillocks shouting in their May like voice stooopppp brrreeexxxiittt which always comes over clearly.
Just listen to the ‘background’ shouts during the interviews, usually a couple of remainers agreeing with each other and lots of ‘crashing out over cliffs into the catastrophe of Armageddon with no medication which couldn’t get here anyway and millions of our diabetics dying’
I suppose all other Countries not in the eu have no diabetics left alive because we continuously hear no insulin will come to the U.K. from March 30th.
The bBC are absolutely gagging for this 2nd referendum on BREXIT.
They keep saying we didnt know what Leave meant and were confused and under-educated.;
In the unlikely case there is another one……….surely the question must be exactly the same………..Leave or Remain in the EU.
After all we have endured 2 years of Remainiac treachery and we have been “re-educated”, in particular regarding the number of traitors who have emerged from the shadows!
Nah if and it’s a big if, we are asked to complete a second Ref.
REMAIN should be nowhere on ballot.
Surely we would need an in/out referendum every four years?
The Guardian is seeking views on songs which reflect the time we are living in . I immediately thought of a certain Neil Sedaka song from another time ….
Ms. Cadwalladr has fooled a lot of the people a lot of the time.
I know what album I’ll be playing on 29th March.