As the Brexit nonsense continues it will be a very good time to see how the Far Left BBC will roll on Project Fear . I think they’ll have to be careful because people are getting even more annoyed .
Oh yeah – and a mini budget Wednesday
As the Brexit nonsense continues it will be a very good time to see how the Far Left BBC will roll on Project Fear . I think they’ll have to be careful because people are getting even more annoyed .
Oh yeah – and a mini budget Wednesday
Thank you for contacting us regarding BBC News.
I understand you are unhappy that our coverage of Brexit has not asked questions about the need for an “itemised EU £39bn Divorce Bill.”
Firstly, let me assure you that impartiality is central to all of our news and current affairs reporting and we ensure all our presenters and production teams are aware of this to help us deliver fair and balanced coverage for all the stories we report.
We have devoted extensive coverage to the issue of the so-called ‘divorce bill’ in our reporting on the Brexit negotiations. Examples of some of the articles featured on the BBC News website can be found below:
The BBC does not have an opinion on the European Union or on the United Kingdom’s relationship with it. In the period since the referendum in June 2016, we have tried to explore and explain the often complex factors which affect our audience and we have provided representatives from across the political spectrum with the opportunity to air their views.
We do not aim to denigrate any view or to promote any view on this issue. Our goal is simply to provide our audience with enough information in order that they can draw their own conclusions.
Nevertheless, I would like to assure you that we value your feedback. All complaints are sent to senior management and programme makers every morning and we included your points in our overnight reports. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future output.
Thank you once again for getting in touch.
Kind regards
Terry Hughes
BBC Complaints Team
To Terry Hughes………………”You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
“Firstly, let me assure you that impartiality is central to all of our news and current affairs reporting and we ensure all our presenters and production teams are aware of this to help us deliver fair and balanced coverage for all the stories we report.”
And they say the BBC doesn’t do comedy any more!
List of the 412 MPs who voted to delay Brexit.
The list is in alphabetical order. (Courtesy of Guido Fawkes).
Not for the first time recently my pathetic excuse for an MP, Fiona Onasanya, failed to vote on the Brexit proceedings today – the recall petition opens on Tuesday and I’ll be there at 9 a.m. to do my bit to get her removed.
My place was a leave constituency. My MP voted to delay. I don’t think us Taffs will be happy about that .
Mine wasn’t on the list as I know he is a Brexiteer. However, I will never vote Conservative again until we have fully left the 4th Reich.
Two thoughts on this solution to our problem:
The saying is ” you are what you eat” , so what on earth has Dancing Terry in particular and the swamp dwellers in general in the HoP been eating, and
I don’t want to be like them, so I’ll forego the eating part.
“In 1672, a mob of angry Dutch killed and ate their prime minister.”
I hadn’t realised the African invasion had commenced that early……………
“…that this country needs more than a building right now……”
Anyone noticed? : A certain David Cameron tries to get off-screen very quickly indeed, when collared on TV. Mutters brief words of support for Theresa. Looks embarrassed. Got a lot to be embarrassed about. Gone before you can really start listening. Almost as quickly as he slunk out of office to vacate for TM…
Guilty conscience Dave?
Solemn promises made and not kept?
They hang heavily in the air, Dave.
9 million quid of taxpayers’ money wasted, pushing your biased interpretation of UK-EU relationship, your misleading analysis, the little lies. And the big ones. Etc. etc.
Lotsa money you wasted there Dave.
The bbc certainly won’t mention it, will they Dave?
Aren’t you lucky they’re as biased as you, Dave?
Bad luck though: those broken promises still hang there Dave.
Er, don’t mind if we call you Dave, do you – Dave…?
In Wales he is known as Dai Disaster.
Well, I thought his name was Rodney, you know, Del’s bruv, who fiddled around with a computer, made £6.m, then lost the lot!
Similar sorts really…
I thought his nick name had something to do with sticking his penis in a pig’s mouth.
6:40pm BBC Look North is doing Brexit
1 min Vox pop – everyone of course saying “Get On With It”
1 min of factory owner saying “where’s the certainty”
Then reporter is live at the People’s Vote roadshow in Grimsby
Femi is given a full minute to state his case
..then the reporter waffles on about Peoples Vote for another minute
1min about seafood industry ..scaremongering
then Hull Uni saying we can up exports to the Far East
is it me or
who did JHB’s makeup tonight she looks like a panto villain not how she normally looks
Don’t know who it was Kaiser, but they managed to dig out Quasimodo’s wig from the props department.
Immigration removals stopped by injunction
How a weak Conservative government looks after us .
Vote and support UKIP or The Brexit Party.
andrew neil eviscerates greives non-sense second referendum immediately
and now does him him in biggly
bbc non bias shocked I tell you shocked
QT and this week getting rather heated
policy making has stopped but the country quietly carrys on and grows, get rid of the ot of them we would be better off with no government
even remainers now admitting its not time for a second vote
I may have said this about last week’s QT – or maybe the one before – but yet again despite lengthy and heated debate on the rights and wrongs of Brexit and the part parliament has singularly failed to play in its implementation, not one panelist or member of the audience mentioned, even in passing, the role the EU has played and continues to play in the distortion, confusion, double-speak, double-dealing, arrogance, condescension and downright duplicity in the way in which the spitefully engineered farce has been played out.
And speaking of engineering, when talking of the 2017 election and the manifesto promises made by all parties, no one seemed to have the courage or perception to see that the loss of a massive Tory majority was also designed and engineered. Using an absurd manifesto and the deliberately boring and repetitive garbage of ‘strong and stable government’ ensured the loss of that majority, and as a result the party in power had no position of strength, and would prove entirely malleable towards any and every demand and stipulation from Barnier and his team.
To be fair, I doubt anyone thought the EU would behave differently. You can’t really blame the EU for the fact the UK negotiators were so effing useless. Whether by accident or design.
Roland Deschain
Design & Complicity.
There’s the thing – it’s their job and if a gas fitter, pilot, bus driver did such a crap job – they’d be gone.
hmmm 2020 is treasoner mayhem hoping trump will be out and the demorats will signal no possible chance of of an FTA
The donald keeps holding out the fig leaf and mayhem keeps ignoring it
Two weeks! And we’re gone 🙂
Can’t wait to see those BBC faces of despair!
Dover Sentry, I love your optimism but I cannot share it as I don’t believe we are leaving any time soon. We have been right royally stitched up!
In retrospect, today may be seen as the start of the civil war. The day that white Christians fought back and tried to save their civilisation. Many of us, going all the way back to Enoch Powell, have tried to warn our leaders that this would happen. That you couldn’t have a peaceful multicultural state and certainly not one that included a group with a supremacist religion and with no intention to integrate. Only an ethnostate is at peace with itself. But our progressive leaders never listened. None of us wanted to hear today’s terrible news but we knew it was going to happen.
That is not a view I support or find helpful.
According the perp such a flag achieves nothing except handing those dragging us down more ammunition.
I’m glad you said that, because it saved me the trouble. We condemn Muslim terrorism and it is equally unacceptable when the roles are reversed in Christchurch.
Assuming all is as it first appears, these lowlifes achieve nothing other than to give the media and politicians an excuse to tar with the same brush those of us who see the problems in importing an incompatible culture. It will not be seen as the start of a civil war. It will be seen as the start of further crackdowns on free speech and legitimate criticism.
I understand all the points made by RD, GW and Z. My view is that we have seen the coup to oust President Trump , our own Brexit, and Macron saying publically he will never allow a referendum on the EU in France because the French would vote to leave. These events and many others demonstrate democracy is dead, the wishes of the electorate routinely ignored . And as Z posts , The same has been true on immigration for the last forty years or more . Once people are put in a position where they have no way of influencing what happens or how they are governed they either grudgingly accept their lot or seek other ways to influence the future. So don’t be surprised when a few turn to violence. I also agree withRD that this will certainly be seized upon to further suppress the people and consolidate Globalist rule across the West which in the long run will make matters worse. But the last thing the ruling elite will do is to actually do what the people they rule want unless it coincides with their own policies.
Do you think the main reaction of moslems will be, “Oh dear, this will provoke anti-Western prejudice. We must be extra kind to them”?
I agree with you and do not support these actions in any way but I think Zelazek is right in that it was only a matter of time before something like this happened. I am only surprised that it didn’t happen in Scandinavia or Germany rather than New Zealand.
The Mail are all over this, already mentioning that the perpetrator supports Trump as ” a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose ” while also reporting that his actions were amongst other things, “To take revenge for the murder of Ebba Ackurlund”, surely a more probable trigger than Trump.
The front page of his written justification, grandly entitled “The Great Replacement”, shows that he believed in “Law and Order, Ethnic Autonomy, Responsible Markets, Anti-Imperialism, Environmentalism and also Workers Rights”. So other than being a madman, is he right-wing or left-wing? I think the fact that Trump has already been mentioned tells me what’s been decided.
Yes, the bBBC have it. The Australian PM has called him “an extremist right-wing violent terrorist”. “The latest example of rising racism and Islamophobia” says Recep Erdogan, someone far more familiar with bigotry, extremism and fanaticism than any of us will ever be.
Unfortunately that leaves you fighting the battle on the ground of your opponent’s choosing, forever forced to answer the classic “When did you stop beating your wife?” question.
As others have implied the ‘label’ of the killer(s) has already been determined so anyone that is white, male, pro-Brexit, not Trump-phobic and non-Marxist is guilty by association, that is the power of identity politics. Add to that the way our media is very selective about which killings to report and how. Africa, the Middle-East and East Asia are remarkably killing-free for instance.
Will the day ever come when the Saudi king opens a church or when an African leader welcomes European migrants in true Trudeau/Ardern fashion, “They want to come here so they are more ‘us’ than you culture-less scum that were born here”? Now there’s a battle that our ‘leaders’ never choose to fight.
Please, this isn’t a Christian action. And Christians are not “white” by definition. Christians are of every tribe, nation and language.
I can’t see how this could be categorised as a defensive action.
Tragedy in NZ, and the BBC reflects the condolences of a nation. Well, goes after angles that suit.
And the morning email of top news also has…
How I grieved for my online friend
“It was absolutely devastating when I got the news,” Jasen Kasten says about the day he was told his friend Dave had died. But they’d never met. They’d become friends over three years of playing World of Warcraft together. Jasen says the grieving process was just as difficult as it would have been for a friend in real life. Dave died from complications due to back surgery earlier this year. “A lot of my friends have been cultivated over the internet, so for me it had absolutely no difference whatsoever,” Jasen says.
Read full analysis (analysis? 🙂 )
Michael Baggs
Newsbeat reporter
Look up the primary manifestations of Asperger’s. Apt, today.
If you feel the political and media estates are despicable, there are few establishment pillars left to feel encouraged by.
If this soldier faces any punishment whatever, then every IRA member who was let out of prison early should be rounded up and returned to prison to complete their sentence.
A former IRA member said many years ago that he was present at Bloody Sunday and he saw that Martin McGuinness fired the first shot that day. I don’t know if that’s actually true but it seems to ring true.
I’m sure some, or many, of those victims were innocent and unarmed. But I would be astounded if none were armed when they were shot. It would have been easy for their fellow IRA members to remove the weapons prior to giving up the body.
Also, it would have been easy for an IRA murderer with a grudge against one of their own to kill their comrade and blame it on the army. I don’t know if that happened but it would have been a good day to bury a personal murder.
Dig him up and hang him.
I have emailed my “Conservative” MP and advised him to spend his thirty pieces of silver quickly.
Time for rolling tumbrils.
The Muslim community in NZ is very small and has not caused any problems. Today’s massacre of innocent people should horrify everybody everywhere.
Christchurch is a strange place I’ve always found, and it has long been the home of nut jobs, like white supremacists. They represent nobody but themselves and their views are not shared by any decent people. They were simply looking for an excuse to kill people.
I’d like to know how they acquired their weapons. There is a loony gun lobby here just like the USA.
This is not a victory for anybody it is a terrorist attack and it should be called as such. But bear in mind you can be sure that the media won’t be referring to these people as ‘militants’ as they do when Muslims commit similar atrocities.
I agree Yasser, but it will be interesting to note the contrast between the response to this and that of the Manchester atrocity. Let’s hope the Muslim community “Don’t look back in anger.” No doubt the biased bbc will be voicing their anger and outrage.
I think the difference between the Uk and NZ is that the UK like many other European countries has been attacked and also has had mass immigration thrust upon it. I have signaled my disapproval of all terrorism on this site many times. I can understand that attacks like the one on Finsbury mosque can be seen as tit for tat and means that Brits are loosing their patience with the relentless one sided attitude of TPTB. (Though I didn’t agree with it)
However, this senseless slaughter is a sort of Southern Hemisphere Brevik disaster.
If people cannot feel for the loss of human lives then at least realise that this sort of thing does nothing to set the world right. And the real far-right, is just as much the enemy as are the liberals and mad Moslems.
Indeed two wrongs don’t make a right as the saying goes.
YD, good post and points. As I understand it there is a strange spirit of violence that exists in the South Island of NZ although it is normally restricted to the west side of the island and limited to domestic abuse with alcohol as an additional and often causational factor. It actually affected a couple known to me there. Some NZ writers have written about it.
This is something different. Think you may have it right here “this senseless slaughter is a sort of Southern Hemisphere Brevik disaster.”
That part of NZ seems queer in the same way as many small island communities.
YD – Your first sentence should have ended with “yet”.
In which house loon Dom starts a ‘report’ with ‘Yeah, yeah’.
Premeditated violence against innocents is clearly terrorism, and abhorrent, no matter the numbers of victims, perpetrators, locations or supposed explanations. Just as abhorrent is the predictability of media reaction, based on their perverse racial bigotry and cynicism. I too need to look at myself for the effort devoted to this sick effort versus any perpetrated in Egypt or Africa, which wash past like so much driftwood in floodwater.
Strange how after every Islamic terror attack the beeb and other msm are full of “too early to say, let’s not jump to conclusions, we mustn’t speculate, nothing is known about motives, lone wolf, Norwegian, mental health problems, radicalised by others”… and of course, always, the ubiquitous “nothing to do with islam”. A fog of misinformation, excuses, qualifications.
But in this case within minutes we have at least one killer’s name, nationality, photo, and ‘far-right, white supremacist’ affiliations.
No calls for caution, and definitely no “Nothing to do with the Right”.
Very good points, Vlad.
A truly exceptional week for the political class / bubble .
A disfunctuonal parliament government speaker constitution . MPs such as balls cooper with a constituency so stupid that 70% voted for brexit yet she fights to remain.
As others here have said here – there must and be a reckoning . Those who undermine democracy have to pay a price .
My favourite light moment was the Tory MP for north Cornwall wanting every knife to have a gps in the handle …
In the TR case today – unless the judge finds against him -I’m sure she’ll kick her finding into the long grass and find a way of getting rid of it . Meanwhile of cause the Police will be spending tax payers ‘ money on appeals to wear TR and supporters down .
and no concerns about a “backlash” against white people.
Rather BBC will gladly stir up and lead a uniquely-funded backlash.
And will there be any reporting restrictions? Sorry, silly question.
Will the BBC refer to the NZ terrorists as ‘fighters’?
They do that for Islamic terrorists.
Good point, Dover Sentry.
I expect the BBC to call them fighters, militants, attackers, or extremists who carried out an audacious attack.
I believe the “saintly” Nicky Campbell of BBC Radio5 live fame would never use the word.
His voice was ever so calm and ever so quite when talking to one of his Muslim subjects. As if he was pronouncing a blessing in sympathy to the person on the phone with a voice sounding much like the Pope sounds when giving his blessing to Garry Lineker and little children. Crossing himself in the process methinks.
Surely not “crosssing”! That is blasphemous.
Apologies if this has been linked before…
Yes, Prorogue Parliament.
This has gathered 13K additional votes since Wednesday evening.
Currently 72,800+
Waste of time like all of those ridiculous petitions designed to make voters they are being listened to when clearly they are not .
Not worth effort – and it gives legitimacy to the swamp .bit like empty ‘ consultations’
Yes I know it will be ignored, but signing it still made me feel better for a few fleeting moments.
The killing of innocents in recent times has been and is being led by Muslims. One can’t help but be amazed that there’s been so little in the way of a backlash.
It’s easy to be immediately cynical about the NZ terrorist attack . The BBC has already declared it a Far right attack therefore more must be done in Blighty to crush dissent.
No talk of ‘mental issues ‘ or ‘local man ‘.
Having worked in that part of NZ I have to say I’m truly surprised .NZ is in the middle of nowhere . No illegals washing up on the beaches . Access totally controlled . So apart from Auckland I thought a pretty laid back place . Reminded me of Blighty before it got over run . The PMs house has a picket fence around it . …
The so called document purportedly published by the shooter deserves to be viewed . I’m guessing American have access but less free countries such as own own won’t .
There’ll be plenty of footage of Muslims like the emir of Londonistan expressing ‘ solidarity ‘ and luvvies queuing up to be ‘ one with NZ’ . But that won’t change the mindset of people reacting to what they see and hear . And even more damaging – where the truth is concealed .
Just wait for the UK MSM to report the Friday ‘ hate crimes ‘ or not .
Thoughts and Prayers etc etc
There’s a fairly reasonable description of what the alleged gunman believed and his motivations here on a mainstream Australian news website:
Fed, I have just e-m’d friends in NZ (in N. Island) but news is too awful for words. Couldn’t also believe there are TWO mosques in Christchurch of all places. Didn’t know that.
The rise of evil in the world was so evident on TOADY that during the Swedish & Australian striking school pupils interview (Barry Gardiner was also too much) I ‘joined you’ and had to switch off – had been listening since 6am – and refused to listen to any more TOADY today.
Yes I’m giving the BBC as wide a berth as I can at the moment so only heard a snippet of Gordon cerrara – a beeboid ‘security’ expert chucking his penny in about Far Right extremism in Blighty .
That was enough for me . I suppose we ll see the yoof in Bradford or Luton or tower hamlets or or burning flags or similar trying to out compete each other on the outraged front …. or doing the candle routine at the NZ high commission .
Queen sends regrets . Prince Charles on the Plane ….
If anybody’s voice could make me put my head in the oven, it would be Barry Gardiner’s.
I have asked this question before of the BBC, and the only definition they have is a sentence taken from a far leftist Swiss university worker – not a professor, who wrote a booklet on the activities of the far right. In it he described one of the activities as ‘opposition to Muslim immigration’ which the BBC took entirely out of context and in isolation to mean that any one who opposes Muslim immigration is of the far right.
Put another way the BBC honestly believes in its massive leftwing stupidity that 90% of the British population is ‘far right’ making a complete mockery of the term.
I dont expect the Emir and the BBC will get too excited. Isn’t this all part and parcel of living in a big city?
I watched the dire QT. Fiona Bruce introduced the SNP guy as, “The only member of the panel to argue for the UK to remain in the EU.”
I thought that was really odd for the BBC and so it proved:
The shadowy Labour guy voted against article 50 originally so obviously he is a Remoaner.
The Tory guy is Keen on May’s ‘deal’ so he is a Remoaner in all but name.
The prof of EU employment law didn’t express a preference.
And Julia Hartley-Brewer is a strong Brexiter.
So we have one unknown , one Brexiter and three Remoaners.
Trust the BBC to portray that panel as being weighted in favour of Brexit.
“There is a parliamentary rule in Erskine May that you should not ask the Commons to vote twice on the same subject. This was arguably broken on Tuesday, but it’s worth asking: can she now extract changes to her deal to present a new proposition?”
But, but and very much, but if you don’t want Brexit ie: you don’t want Brexit then no form of Brexit is going to satisfy .
For those on the other side, leave has to mean leave – plain and simple.
And that really is the problem.
Christopher Howarth (who wrote that piece on Brexit Central) is a senior researcher at the House of Commons. I sincerely hope that he is as knowledgeable as he sounds and that he is correct when he says that we will still leave on 29th March.
Astro nails it …. that surely would be the straw that broke the camels back !!!!! Full on revolt !!! LOL
Becky Wrong Daily – a gift which keeps giving .
She voted for Comrade Corbyn in the Labour leadership . Got a front bench job – another example of a devalued illegitimate parliament .. she’ll make a great beeboid . Now the weather
She sounds worse than the single mums I bump into at the checkouts at Asda and they at least know that their loyalties are with the UK even though she knows that nearly every officer at her local Job centre are from Romania or Italy.
Some were discussing their council tax hikes yesterday. I just received mine this morning. A 14.2% increase for The Police and Crime Commissioner. Around 3% for everything else.
I haven’t had a pay rise since 2009. That one was about 2.2%. It must be good in the public sector.
Just a 14.2% increase for the Thought Police and Crime Commissioner? A bargain. You do realise that hate crime, both real and imagined, has increased 1000% since Brexit and the election of Trump? New laptops to monitor Facebook and Twitter don’t pay for themselves, you know!
Increase for the Police in my bill too…shock! I hate to think what the increase might have been if we actually had any… 🙁
11am local radio news, NZ news the main headline, then played Mark Rowley
#1 Sad that NZ attack happened ..this is not justice
#2 Sad that BBC then pushes Mark Rowley with his FALSE EQUIVALENCE : that one off attacks by nutters are the same as structured terrorism rooted in Islam
Mark Rowley seems the same as Prof Peter Wadhams talking about sea ice loss ..a voice that is brought in by the media cos the alarmist dogma is attractive, but who’s predictions have been proved wrong again and again
The New Zealand story is special news here cos
#1 Britain does have a close cultural relationship with NZ,
#2 NZ is the kind of place where such attacks are unexpected
however the full context is that every loss of life is sad
but we haven’t just gone from a Muslim TERRORIST attack to this whatever kind of attack in Christchurch.
Actually there are masses of Muslim terrorist attacks across the world but they are not given much coverage particularly Muslim on Muslim attacks
Almost every week there are similar attacks in Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan, India , Nigeria etc.
There might be the odd White-Supremacist nutter about (we don’t know that applies to the NZ guy.. but the number of Islamic-supremacists is magnitudes more.
Surely, the political elite must understand that sooner or later a white Nationalist jihad will break out to oppose the massive promoted movement of islamists spreading their sickness around the World?
Here’s whats hidden in the US. Well worth a watch as essential stages in the islamists terra-forming of the West is common amongst all the countries invaded.
It’ll make your toes curl when you see how islam is progressing their invasion of the West.
Oh, and by the way, “Islamist extremism caused 84,000 deaths worldwide in 2017, new report says” –
And that, in 2017 alone.
Have I missed our far left cultural Marxist State Broadcaster (aka, “The Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster”) reporting of this death toll?
Local radio just covering the Climate Strike in Hull
… however the presenter did preface it by reading out the Rod Liddle quote I sent him
See tweeting does work , I’d encourage more of you to use it.
I simply retweetedthe presenter a tweet of the Rod Liddle article
Since the schoolchildren are on strike today, I presume the National Union of Schoolchildren had a ballot and voted in favour of industrial action.
I see that the teachers are yearning to go to Thailand again!
And why should it bother their flipping parents if their maths teachers want to bring it forward by a few months.
Soon their summer break will catch up to the MPs.
Just goes to show how brainwashed the children are. I hear they may make every Friday a day of protest. That’ll be heartwarming for the muslims thinking of many converts pretty soon. Why a Friday?
Jewish Sabbath maybe?.
The BBC quickly identify the gunman in New Zealand as a 28 yr old, white, Australian man and describe him as someone who espoused far right and anti-immigrant ideology. They go on to quote the Australian Prime Minister who refers to him as an “extremist, right-wing terrorist.”
However, this morning a man was shot dead by armed police during an an “intelligence-led operation” in Birmingham.
For some reason the BBC fail to give any further information about the incident. I wonder why?
its took them over a year and they still havent identified the source of london stabbings
Brexit Some one just asked the local radio guy
“How come the local Labour Remainer MP top & tailed the segment whilst local Tory Brexiteer MP was in middle just on phone”
presenter replied well she was here in the building and doing a BBC TV interview”
Doesn’t that show that she is getting better BBC access than the Brexiteer ?
.. Funny how these things only seem to happen in favour of metropolitan-liberal establishment ie Remainers
As day follows night, the ‘cards’ are rapidly becoming increasingly stacked against the common man/voter. The arrogance of these politicians is breathtaking. At least, they don’t have the brain to appreciate it will all end in tears – for them when the voter gets to the ballot box! That assumes that sedition doesn’t break out first.
Absolutely NO WAY should an exstention to the BREXIT situ be allowed, our parliamentary representatives shall rue the day as we slide away from what the country voted for-surely they must appreciate the consequences of the seriouness of such a duplicitous move. Likely there will be no future for them in Westminster after the next General Election, nor I wonder will there be for those pontificating journalists who work for the BBC.
My family and I are sick to the core that so much lost time has been allowed to pass away with no real result. a NO DEAL BREXIT is what this nations wants if only we could be properly listened to. Unfortunately few have taken the trouble to investigate the history of the EU beginings and what then was expected, to build a European State all running one way, all cultural history of each country slammed, done away with, all then reaching to Socialism which has already got its teeth into the nations members states, next comes Communism or as near to it as will be accepted. Next well who knows the Eurooean Union will become partners with Russia-think on that folks.
I dont know whether you have watched ICONOCLAST’s videos on You Tube?….they are worth a look.
“….surely they must appreciate the consequences of the seriouness of such a duplicitous move”. They’re more concerned about what business in their constituency thinks which will maintain the flow of Conservative Party income in donatiions. The voter means nothing to these nondescripts.
“surely they must appreciate the consequences of the seriouness of such a duplicitous move. Likely there will be no future for them in Westminster after the next General Election, nor I wonder will there be for those pontificating journalists who work for the BBC.”
Don’t you know that every other BBC employees favourite morning buzz is when they watch BBC TVs “wanted anywhere in southern France” or “Wanted anywhere were the locals aren’t British”
Why doesn’t someone start a petition calling for Viktor Orban to block the extension of Article 50 ?
Why don’t we build on the problems many EU countries have with the EU bureaucrats by promising them if they leave the EU, we will offer them a comprehensive free trade deal with us, and other support if necessary. Let’s help other wannabeeleaver countries to free themselves from the tyrant.
I am sure this picture was on the BBC but I cannot find it now. One Twitter comment adds ‘You can kill muslims but not Islam’. The finger says something.
Meanwhile, already Twitter lefties are drawing parallels with Christchurch and Islamophobia in the UK Tory Party.
Watch out for a deluge of far right scare stories.
Note also that the shooter wrote a manifesto with quotes from Dylan Thomas. Suggest linking Welsh poets with far far far right extremism.
Naughty of that bloke to point the finger of blame at allah..
Any backlash fear stories against the whole ‘white’ community on the BBC yet?
Will there be blanket coverage of other white supermasicts, given extensive air time to tell us that the ideology is a really peacful one,
Will there be a rite of passage candelit?
Here is the finger sign. It is said to be the Isis one finger salute
I believe the UK cops have since removed this picture.
UK cops – utterly clueless.
They dress the part but inwardly they think like pacifists.
Compare this lot to our WW1 and WW2 boys who knew what being a man really involves – and its not running away from danger.
Pacifists towards muslims and thugs towards normal Englishmen and women.
“You can kill Muslims but not Islam”
I’d prefer to kill Islam and not Muslims.
Indications that the shooter recently went on holiday to Pakistan? This story doesn’t add up.
On an unrelated note, that campaign’s nicked the visual identity straight off the Tesco Value range.
Back to the brand manager for review
The click to like feature seems to have disappeared
Yes, just noticed that. Weird.
Click to like.
Not working for me either.
Seems you can click, but the count doesn’t appear to increase
I just contacted the technical side with the problem. Hope it’s resolved soon.
The Russians I suppose
We can ask whatshisname Mueller to investigate. But it will take him a while.
Radio 4 1 pm news.
German(?) guy being interviewed about ‘ideas’ that Europe is being invaded by islam. He said these are dangerous ideas, and even if spread by politicians rather than right wing terrorists, will plant ideas onto the minds of those who would be inclined to react with terrorist acts.
In other words, this event in NZ will have the effect of shutting down criticism of islam and islamisation even more than now.
Could they not have someone like Douglas Murray on to explain that islamisation IS happening. And it isn’t a good thing.
I feel very guilty that my first thought on hearing of the shootings was something like – what? there are mosques in New Zealand?
It’s only a matter of time until some beeboid accuses people like Murray – who express perfectly moderate and reasonable concerns about mass third world and Islamic immigration – of stirring up race hate and islamophobia and blame him for attacks like in NZ.
He will be no-platformed on the beeb, where even the mildest criticism of islam will be forevermore linked to NZ, and banned.
The Far-Liberals finally have their Far Right Terror attack, which will be used by them to create an equivalence between muslim terrorists and those reacting to such. Cause and effect will be confused. In Murray’s words: the authorities are very good at dealing with the secondary problem, and quite useless at addressing the primary problem. In future they will be even more useless.
vlad — I suspect you’re right that this attack will be the go-to symbol for all the Jeremy Vines and Nihal Arthanayakes whenever they get a whiff of anything right wing like someone mildly enjoying a village fete.
Murray tends to keep a low profile (online at least) which I am sure is deliberately cultivated to avoid some of the trashy mud-slinging.
I notice the calls to clamp down on social media and ‘conspiracy theories’ are being wheeled out very quickly…
I think I have found the BBC-approved opinion about the NZ attack.
Today’s R2 Vine Show is brought to you by the Trans-Child Promotion agency
Mermaids the dodgy charity is on
Ah now they are allowing a counter voice against giving pubity blocker drugs
He seems a Hisbert Sturt expert who is saying that 80% of kids diagnosed with gender dysphoria
Profs name was Gijsbert Stoet
said that 80% of kids diagnosed with gender dysphoria, change their minds by the time they grow up.
I note he had an article banned by The Conversation
Stirring up the backlash.
This WAS the backlash.
You reap what you sow.
Why the hell would anyone consider visiting Turkey on holiday or supporting this state in any way? There are so many other parts of the world we can go to without having to swallow such contempt. There is no way that I would take my wife and daughters to Turkey no matter how cheap the all-inclusives might be.
The only form of power or protest that the common man now has, since our votes are seemingly worthless, is to boycott and to target financially those who openly despise us such as Erdogan. And of course the bBBC.
Quote from London Mayor Khan in 2017:
“”Terror attacks in London were “part and parcel of living in a big city”
Doesn’t seem to apply when Muslims are the subject of terror.
“We feel the ripples…” ? What complete and utter shite. New scriptwriters required I think.
Piss-poor pathos from a political pygmy.
There were also immense ripples as the World Trade Centre towers collapsed, killing over 3,000, but that was different. Mostly Christians.
I only initially read as far as “the ripples”. Extra security for mosques in London. Ffs.
This country is absolutely mad, if you didn’t laugh, you’d ….. They really are extracting the urine.
Surely churches in London should be getting extra security for fear of reprisals, is that not how it usually goes? I don’t suppose anyone will point that out to Little Man Khant or to the Bishop of London. And they wonder why the CoE is losing members?
Helped along by My Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, who today urged us all to be ashamed and apologise for the excesses of the British Empire as an essentially un-Christian entity.
Thank God I’m of Dissenter stock and don’t even have to pretend to respect that numptie.
What does ABC stand for these days? I can think of quite few definitions. But Archbishop of Canterbury isn’t one of them.
“Mayor Sadiq Khan announces extra security at London mosques as he condemns New Zealand attacks”
When is extra security going to be announced for Manchester and other music venues?
When is he going to announce extra security in London for London blacks?
The dwarfish muslim mayor of London should convert to Christianity if he wants to experience the real ripples of hatred.
I think it’s only a matter of time before annihilations on a scale equal to those of history will occur. We humans are a barbaric species – within us all there is the potential (if we allow it to surface) for obscene cruelty to others, and an ability to withhold sympathy and empathy. It’s occurred so many times in the past, and is likely to recur, anywhere. Our technology and modern thinking in no way immunises us from our hidden, innermost instincts. If anything, our survival senses are being honed, and the spark to ignite our belligerence is never very far from the surface.
I’m sure the tally headcount of Westerners targeted and killed by Islamic extremists driving vehicles into them, is far more than 49. And I’ll mention again the horrific throat slitting of the priest in his church in France. No one should die in their place of worship regardless, but I’m far from feeling in a ‘solidarity’ mood today.
On the 20th of November, 1983, INLA gunmen opened fire on a Pentecostal congregation in Darkley, Co Armagh, killing 3 and wounding another 7, simply because they were Protestants. The 3 killed were standing at the Church Hall entrance while those injured were inside the wooden building as it was indiscriminately sprayed with machine-gun fire from outside.
As far as I am aware no one has ever been convicted of carrying-out this atrocity, especially relevant in light of the Bloody Sunday prosecutions/ persecutions that are ongoing, and no one is ever going to be. That’s not right, is it?
It is of course right to condemn the actions of the murderer in Christchurch, he is a terrorist and his actions were wrong. However It is worth noting that those who support the violent sectarian cause and excuse the actions of Irish Republican terrorists such as the INLA and IRA are able to do so openly and unashamedly in positions of influence in the media, local politics and in Her Majesty’s Opposition, and their hypocrisy should be highlighted much, much more.
Are those people in the USA who shoot schoolchildren called “terrorists”? I think this NZ mass-murderer has more in common with them than with the jihadis who are killing us. I doubt whether there is a large organization behind him, let alone a worldwide one.
Beeby must be secretly loving this. Genuine Muslim victims they haven’t had to fabricate. A serious news item they can justifiably keep in the spotlight just in time to cover over any news that might leak out about The Cambridgeshire Police trial and Tommy.
Strange how the BBC don’t seem to care about the “backlash” in New Zealand.
After a Muslim attack the first thing the BBC does is interview Muslims, as victims, worried about the “backlash”. Doesn’t apply the other way around though.
Check ya watch; Euw – the stiff haired- Edwards and his BBC team should just be landing in NZ (private jet of course).
With regard to the New Zealand killings, I notice a distinct lack of rejoicing and street celebrations amongst the general public in the West , compared to what we witnessed in the Middle East following the events of 9/11.
For those interested the TR judge is summing up / delivering judgement via Cambridgeshire news site now – at 1545 London time …
The political organization, Left Unity, is firmly supportive of Corbyn, remain, and Islam.
They blame the New Zealand killings on Brexit.
Left Unity
1 hr ·
As thoughts go out to the people of New Zealand today, our corrupt politicians and their campaign directors along with the right-wing media, must recognise that they put lives in danger when they work to deliberately whip up anti-Islamic hysteria.
(Leave.EU’s campaign centred around Islamophobia.)
We must stand united against hatred and racism.
I wonder who Left Unity blames for the 32 Christians murdered by Nigerian Muslims in recent weeks. I don’t recall seeing anything on the far left BBC