Long Weekend Open Thread 22 March 2019

We are about to witness a week of hysteria shovelled out by The Far Left BBC . It will be an ideal time to record the bias right here….

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642 Responses to Long Weekend Open Thread 22 March 2019

  1. vlad says:

    Day 9 of Christchurch, and it’s still front-page news on al-beeb.

    “Christchurch shootings: The people killed as they prayed.”

    What is emphatically NOT front-page news is the fact that the Utrecht murderer has now admitted to three charges:
    -murder or manslaughter with a terrorist intent
    -attempted murder or manslaughter with a terrorist intent
    -making threats with terrorist intent

    So the fake news about a ‘family dispute’ was front page, but the correction that it was actually good old-fashioned Islamic terrorism is nowhere to be seen. (This is a standard bbc technique of disinformation, by the way: get the lies out quick, and the corrections very slowly and very ‘discreetly’.)

    Also nowhere to be seen are the 52 women and children killed and 100 homes destroyed in Islamic Boko Haram attacks in Nigeria at about the same time https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/world/hundreds-of-christians-killed-in-nigeria-attacks

    Nor the hundreds murdered and mutilated worldwide week after week, after week, after week.


    Some terror victims matter more than others apparently. Much, much more.


    • G says:

      Islamic killings since the date of the NZ shootings?

      2019.03.23 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 4 31 Bombs placed by religious radicals in tents at a Farmer’s Day ceremony kill four.
      2019.03.23 Somalia Mogadishu 15 20 Sharia proponents send a suicide bomber into a government building, killing over a dozen.
      2019.03.22 Niger Dewa Kargueri 8 20 Eight villagers are butchered with knives by Boko Haram.
      2019.03.22 Syria Deir Ezzor 5 0 Five members of a family hunting mushrooms are executed in cold blood by ISIS.
      2019.03.22 India Hajin 1 1 A 12-year-old boy is kidnapped and shot to death by Lashkar-e-Taiba.
      2019.03.22 Pakistan Karachi 2 1 An assassination attempt on a cleric by sectarian rivals kills two guards.
      2019.03.22 Chad Dangdala 23 0 A Boko Haram attack on a Chadian soldiers leaves two dozen dead.
      2019.03.22 Afghanistan Chinar 1 4 A suicide bomber strikes a family on their way to a party, killing one member.
      2019.03.21 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Suspected al-Shabaab bombers send a civil engineer to Allah.
      2019.03.21 Afghanistan Kabul 6 23 Six people are blown up for celebrating the Persian New Year.
      2019.03.21 Yemen Shabwa 2 0 Two people ‘on the scene’ are leveled by a Religion of Peace car bomb blast.
      2019.03.20 Pakistan Bahawalpur 1 0 A student stabs a professor to death for ‘anti-Islam’ remarks endorsing gender mixing at a party.
      2019.03.20 Nigeria Lassa 4 0 Four farmers in a field make easy pickings for Boko Haram gunmen.
      2019.03.20 Pakistan Sanjawi 6 0 The Taliban fire point-blank into a checkpost, eliminating six local cops.
      2019.03.20 Pakistan Khanna Dak 1 0 A 17-year-old girl is honor killed by her conservative father.
      2019.03.19 Syria Aleppo 2 1 Sunni snipers fire into a school bus, killing a 12-year-old boy and 8-year-old girl.
      2019.03.19 Iraq Tarmiyah 3 5 The Islamic State fire on a local security patrol, killing three members.
      2019.03.19 Iraq Tarmiyah 2 0 An ISIS bomb left at an orchard causes two deaths.
      2019.03.19 Iraq Tarfaya 2 0 Two children are pulled into pieces by a planted bomb.
      2019.03.18 India Reshipora 1 0 A 25-year-old laborer is taken down by Mujahid gunmen.
      2019.03.18 Nigeria Michika 4 0 At least five people, including a girl, are slaughtered by Jihadists during a raid on a bank.
      2019.03.18 Nigeria Gwoza 8 7 Boko Haram aerate a bus with shrapnel, killing all eight passengers.
      2019.03.18 Netherlands Utrecht 3 3 A ‘strict Muslim’ with Jihadi ties opens fire on strangers riding a tram, killing three, including a woman.
      2019.03.17 Afghanistan Khogyani 1 10 A child is disassembled by a bomb left outside a shrine.
      2019.03.17 DRC Kalau 6 0 Three woman and a 9-year-old child are massacred by ADF Islamists.
      2019.03.17 Burkina Faso Djibo 3 1 A priest is kidnapped and three security personnal are killed by militant Islamists.
      2019.03.17 Israel Ariel Junction 2 1 A rabbi is among two Israelis shot to death by a Palestinian terrorist.
      2019.03.17 Syria Qabasin 1 0 A bomb left by ISIS kills a civilian.
      2019.03.17 Mali Dioura 23 0 At least twenty-three are killed when Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin attack a local army base.
      2019.03.16 Afghanistan Bala Murghab 22 20 Twenty-two Afghans lose their lives to Taliban attacks on checkpoints.
      2019.03.16 Afghanistan Sar-i-Pul 4 3 Four local cops are cut down by Taliban gunmen.
      2019.03.16 Afghanistan Arghandab 4 0 Four people are liquidated by Taliban shrapnel.
      2019.03.16 Syria Sawanah 4 0 Four civlians are shot dead by Islamic State gunmen.
      2019.03.16 Burkina Faso Kompienga 2 0 Two are killed by Jihadist shrapnel.
      2019.03.16 India Shopian 1 0 A female police officer is gunned down outside her home by Muslim terrorists.
      2019.03.16 Syria Suqaylabiyah 1 4 Militant Sunnis send missiles into a neighborhood, killing a resident.
      2019.03.15 Mozambique Cabo Delgado 13 0 Thirteen villagers are hacked to death by Sharia proponents.
      2019.03.15 Syria Baghouz 6 0 Three female suicide bombers strike families fleeing the caliphate, killing six members.
      2019.03.15 Afghanistan Helmand 1 0 A TV journalist is shot to death in his car by suspected radicals.

      Put’s our far left cultural Marxist State Broadcaster’s “News” into perspective.


  2. Fedup2 says:

    The A50 ‘sign often ‘petition is at 4.8 million . The MSM has helpfully provided online links direct to the site and the State broadcaster has helpfully provided a picture of it …. it’d as though they wanted people to sign it ?

    Apparently the Sunday papers talk about getting rid of the current PM .who cares ?theyll just get another remainer . The Conservative party is heading for oblivion with a Mcdonell socialist land slide to follow … as members of the EU. Happy days for the State Boadcaster .


  3. Cassandra says:

    I recently went into a betting shop and put £1 on a horse. My horse didn’t win, so I went back into the shop to complain. I asked them if I could bet on that race again but the cashier said “No”.
    I think this is disgraceful. Has anyone else had this experience? Would you like to join me in setting up a protest march in London?


    • Oldspeaker says:

      And I thought I was alone in having a penchant for three legged donkeys ridden by gibbering idiots. Remainers don’t just want the chance to bet again on a different horse, they want the race rerun again and again until their three legged donkey wins.


    • Jeff says:

      What a cracking analogy!
      I hope you don’t mind if I borrow it…


  4. Oaknash says:

    Last week I reached the point where I could only listen to the BBC in short bursts. I have a new reflex action “New Zealand President – Jacinda…………” – Reach for OFF switch.

    Do we here also inhabit some sort of truth bubble? So many of the people outside seem so unconcerned of what the BBC/MSM are doing. I am beginning to wonder that if Jihadis performed mass executions of parishioners outside churches on a Sunday the BBC would spin it in such a way to try and justify the shooting.
    I can imagine the headline “Followers of violent backward religion shot by guns outside building” Or maybe “Muslim Community worried by far right backlash after shooting by radicals”

    Can people not see where all of this is going?
    When you consider how all of these new “hate laws are being used and how the MSM and the BBC seem to revel in their lies I am reminded of the Orwell quote “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”.

    Worrying times.


  5. Oaknash says:

    I think one of the things that really gets up my nose is the sheer predictability any BBC. Nearly every piece of “news” (if it is at all possible) will have some pro progressive/pro PC spin shoehorned into it. It treats people as utter cretins unable to think for themselves. Though these days I am beginning to wonder whether the BBC has got that one right!


    • JimS says:

      Yes they select the news, but even that is not enough.

      So on Radio 4 on Friday we get From Fact to Fiction

      In a week where New Zealand has suffered its worst terrorist attack, many people across the globe have stood in solidarity with its victims; and images of individuals and groups reaching out to the broader Muslim community with symbols of kindness, compassion and support have gone viral.

      A.L. Kennedy responds with a witty and uplifting story about a Scottish pensioner who is inspired to make a positive difference to her community in the darkest of times.

      If the news doesn’t quite provide the message that they want they commission something to fill the gap.


  6. Guest Who says:

    Rob Burley is also engaged in full hand to hand.


    • Guest Who says:


      • Guest Who says:

        Have to wonder if constantly telling Remain loons how on their side you are is the best way to placate them… and somehow forget all the rest who are not Remain.


        • Guest Who says:

          Rob is now posting how much the bbc has supported the march every few minutes. Even to the extent of not even hiding behind a ‘reply’.


  7. dazzer says:


    • Banania says:

      Thanks Dazzer for putting this up. Everybody ought to know what is going on. It is truly horrifying, and all financed by us the taxpayers and authorized by us the electors.


  8. pugnazious says:

    No apology from John Humphrys for calling the ERG ‘extremists’ but we do have a fulsome and grovelling apology from Naughtie for his sinister, Stalinist slur claiming that the ERG are the same as the Front National in France and the AFD in Germany, both of which the BBC refer to as Far-Right, racist and neo-Nazi.

    Here’s what he originally said…

    ‘The ERG, Jacob Rees-Mogg’s group, in France would be in the National Front, because that’s what they believe, and in Germany they would be in the AfD. ‘

    and his apology…

    “I was wrong to say in a live discussion this morning that members of the ERG would be happy in a far-right party. That was not my intention, because I don’t believe it. I was trying to make the point that if our parties fracture in some way after Brexit – on Right and Left – we could see a political landscape emerge that looks more like the rest of Europe than it does at the moment. But my words were ill-chosen and I’m sorry for any offence caused”.

    Hang on…just read that again….it’s not in any shape or form an apology is it? It’s also a total lie…his words were quite clear in the original…that the ERG are the same as Far-Right parties in Europe…there’s no nuance, no context, no qualification…crystal clear he was slandering the ERG and equating them with ‘Nazis’ as the BBC likes to label the FN and the AFD.


  9. pugnazious says:

    Love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning….it comes wafting gently out of my radio as I tune into R4. How unusual.

    As they explored ‘what the papers say’ we hear that The Independent just loves the march ‘of the People’ and think May must listen to their voices…as does Gina Miller who says this shows Britain has changed its mind and we must revoke Art.50. Hmmm…then we were told that The Independent complains that May is using ‘The Will of The People’ as an excuse to push through Brexit….this charade must stop! So a few 100,000 on the streets and an on-line petition can decide government policy but 17.4 million votes are irrelevant? Funny that Gina Miller demanded that Parliament take control and have a meaningful vote and now, not only do the Remianers not want any more meaningful votes and block them, but have now decided the voice of the people should be the deciding factor. Those goalposts must be on f***ing rails.

    Naturally no insightful comment form the BBC, nor any mention that this is an out and out Remainer march. Did also laugh at this…as Miller sneered at Farage for not doing the whole of his march….

    ‘I might add that as a result of excruciating back problems – due to too much travelling around the country and burning the candle at both ends over the past few months – I was advised to follow the march only on the television, although I am there in spirit every step of the way.’

    Lol…reality is she doesn’t want to mix with the smelly, unwashed ‘people’….rather let her lawyers and bankers do her dirty work for her and appear glamorous and clever on TV herself..or so she thinks.


    • Guest Who says:

      Is ‘The Independent’ even a paper?


      • pugnazious says:

        No…I have to go to the supermarket now for my loo paper…although as the old joke goes…more s**t came off the Independent than went on to it.


  10. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC TV News at 09.50 this morning.

    The day’s newspapers discussed with two male snowflakes.

    Female presenter asks if there would have been moves to remove May if she had been a man? One snowflake male agrees and says that the Conservative party is offering her a patronising hanky because she’s a woman.

    The BBC bring there own brand of feminism to the table.

    Could the reason perhaps be because May is incompetent and a traitor?


  11. imaynotalwaysloveyou says:

    We really need to live in a separate state away from white middle-class EU-loving socialist idiots.

    I’d exile the lot of them to an island somewhere, I’m sure New Zealand is mad enough to take them in.

    Many on here are rightly concerned about civilisation-destroying levels of immigration. Especially from those of a certain religious persuasion. Plus how to fix the economy so that it encourages a prosperous meritocratic society.

    And don’t forget completely reforming Welfare, Law & Order, Education, Health Service. And of course to summarily abolish the BBC etc etc.

    There are so many things we could achieve to improve the lives of ordinary people in this country. But our voices are drowned out or outright suppressed.

    We cannot make any meaningful changes while we allow a bunch of smug, Guardian reading, Big-State supporting eco-lunatics to virtue-signal their way down the path to mutual destruction.

    If we want to largely halt immigration because of demographic fears for the future, it isn’t the immigrants themselves we need to be angry at – rather it’s our own comfortably-off fellow citizens who really do despise their nation.


  12. Jeff says:

    Just a brief light interlude from the Brexit discussion and the horrors of Christchurch, if you don’t mind…
    Do any of you remember (or is it my old memory playing tricks?) yonks ago, if something particularly naughty was to appear on the telly…perhaps some smooching or canoodling, in the top right corner a little symbol would appear. If I remember rightly it was an orange triangle to warn us of an impending saucy scene. It gave you time to pack your daughter off to do her homework or to shuffle granny off to the kitchen to make a cup of tea.
    I think we could have something similar today, though not for scenes of a sexual nature, but for when the audience are about to be lectured about some irrelevant PC codswallop. Maybe a wagging finger would pop up…but this time in the top left corner of the screen.
    I can be sitting there watching a pleasant period drama and suddenly I’m confronted by completely incongruous opinions that have been clumsily shoehorned into the story and just wouldn’t have existed at the time.
    For instance… A few months ago I was enjoying an episode of Endeavour when, without prior warning, the Chief Inspector started lecturing us about the dreadful speeches of Enoch Powell. Where did that come from? It didn’t fit and it ruined the story.
    If I relied on the television for my historical knowledge I’d believe that Elizabethan London was heavily populated by Africans.
    Perhaps the next time I’m watching Midsomer Murders and the head of a brewery is depicted by an Asian woman, I could be warned by Chami Face Ache’s miserable mush appearing in the corner of the screen I’d get fair warning. Put the kettle on…
    If a really irritating scene is about to be inflicted on us maybe little Owen Jones pouting face would pop up. During the latest BBC production of Pride and Prejudice and the black Mr Darcy is about to confess his deep and undying love for the transgender Mr Wickham, or should that be Ms Wickham…Up pops little Owen. Job done.
    There’s an almost endless number of sour faced left wing miseries whose countenances could warn us of impending irritation.
    Being lectured about slavery during an episode of Granchester, Diane Abbott’s fat chops could suddenly appear two minutes prior to the offending scene.
    Any historical piece that strains to get a dig at Brexit into the story and we could see Yvette Cooper sneering down at us.
    Caroline Lucas, David Lammy, Anna Soubry, Jon Sopel and the Dimbleby brothers.
    Blimey, we’re spoiled for choice…


    • Old Goat says:

      “Caution – the following programme about doctors/hospitals/vets may contain scenes of doctors/hospitals/vets, which some viewers may consider disturbing.

      The news may also contain “fake items”, which should be avoided – you will not see a little red square in the top left hand corner of your screen, unless a truth, or fact is about to be broadcast”.


    • Banania says:

      If you whizz through the various tv channels just to see what appears it is amazing how often the people who are shown on the screen are of not immediately native appearance. We are being shown a version of ourselves that is at variance with what we experience in ordinary life, in order to propel us towards the acceptance of a transformed society.


  13. countryblues says:

    The BBC ‘People’s Vote March’ : the reporter at the march gleefully estimates that there are ‘hundreds of thousands’ of people taking part…we return to the studio to be told there are ‘millions’ at the march 🙂

    Ah yes, the ‘People’s Vote’…yawn. Blimey! Will Parliament debate what the question(s) should be? How many years will it take before our MPs come to the conclusion that the question(s) can only be decided by a…er…’People’s Vote’? 🙁


  14. pugnazious says:

    We know that the ERG, that small group of extremist Brexiteers, have hijacked Brexit and are holding May to ransom, because that’s what the BBC tells us, and that if it wasn’t for them we would have a lovely little deal all done and dusted as the adults in the room do the pragmatic and principled thing and surrender to the EU utterly and completely.

    When May says Parliament has failed and must get its act together to deliver Brexit there’s outrage and the BBC joins in the chorus of abuse and anger that the MP’s summon up in their own defence….then all change and it is MPs who are to blame for blocking Brexit…er…those in the extremist ERG……not the Labour Party which has said it will block any deal whatever it says because Labour wants a general election, or the SNP on a similar basis as it angles for an independence referendum 2.0, or any other Remain MP who have done their damndest to block Brexit by hook or by crook.

    We had Osborne on R4 yesterday given a free ride of course as he spread lies and misinformation. Note he was never challenged on the fact that not only did he and Cameron jump ship and left the country to it but they utterly failed to plan for a leave vote….if we’re in a mess it can be laid first and foremost at Osborne and Cameron’s door. No questions along the line that Cameron only called a referendum in Party interest…which is odd as the BBC always, always claims this was the reason for the referendum. Not yesterday. As said Osborne got a free ride to spread his bile.

    And on that note remember this from 2008….the LibDems demanding an in/out referendum…and the Speaker blocking it!…

    ‘Local MP Tim Farron has expressed his anger the refusal of the Speaker of the House of Commons to allow a vote on the Liberal Democrat amendment calling for an in-out referendum on the EU. The Liberal Democrat amendment would have given MPs the opportunity to debate whether the people should be allowed to vote on Britain’s membership.

    “To deny Parliament the chance to vote on our proposal to allow the public to have a real say on Britain’s membership of the European Union is an outrage. This is the only substantive amendment that the Liberal Democrats have tabled, and yet it was still not selected.

    “I was five years old the last time the British people were allowed a vote on the EU, nearly half the population of Britain today have not had their say. Both Labour and the Conservatives have colluded to keep this entire debate focused away from the fundamental issue of whether we want to be in or out of Europe.’

    We know that the political system is in crisis….the BBC tells us that there is ‘a lack of faith in the parties, the constitution is broken’ and that ‘This is the greatest failure of the political system for centuries’ as Humphrys claimed…presumably quoting Peston from days before…

    or arch Remainer William Hague…

    And yet who is to blame? Well we know who, May [sometimes] but mostly the ERG. We hear that the Remainers are just principled people doing their best in the national interest and following their consciences. The BBC blatantly giving us a very, very pro-Remain narrative.

    But that just isn’t true, where is the BBC ‘Reality Check’ on this? Where is the in-depth, intelligent and coherent analysis of what is actually happening as Remainers plot and scheme to change the direction of Brexit and are actually mounting a coup to topple the government in effect and to take over….where’s the BBC alarmist headlines about this? None. Remain ‘Generals’ try to undermine democracy, crush dissent and impose their own pro-EU Junta using street marches and black propaganda pumped out by the state broadcaster to dupe and betray the real people….and the BBC reports as if this is all completely nromal and acceptable.

    Odd how ‘populism’ is now in favour with the BBC..street demos and on-line petitions taking the place of true democratic votes which the BBC dismisses as ‘populist’ and dangerous…how odd.

    Where is the real analysis of what the Remainers have done and how they got us to where we are now? In short May, a Remainer, caved in to demands that Brexit should be neutered in favour of ‘jobs and the economy’…code for staying in the EU….demands that came from the Remain hardcore who refused to accept the vote. May though always presented her plan as pro-Brexit and Remainers voted all the way for legislation to help Brexit along. This was just a holding action designed to fool those who voted for Brexit and to stop them realising what was really about to happen…and then it would be too late. At the eleventh hour and the deal looking like a reality, at least for Remainers, and suddenly they slam the brakes on and start making demands and threaten to resign or actually resign.

    The timing was exquisite of course…deliberately managed to ensure maximum chaos and to make certain that so much damage and disruption would be caused that the only possible outcome could be a delay to Brexit…and hopefully stop it altogether….and funnily enough that’s exactly what happened.

    Why has the BBC not cottoned on to this plot? Why has it not shown the slightest interest in what is clearly a Remain dominated Parliament trying hijack the process and to overturn one of the biggest democratic votes this country has ever seen? It shows more interest in the politics of Hungary than it does our own country.

    Why has the BBC not said ‘hold on…what is it that Remainers are objecting to in May’s deal when it gives them everything they want bar a complete U-turn and remaining in the EU as we are now?’

    Osborne was on the radio yesterday…his objection to May’s deal? It makes us a vassal state of the EU who have the whip hand and control over laws, rules and money…and that’s exactly what Jo Johnson said when he resigned…May’s deal left us ‘ a choice between “vassalage and chaos”’….which is of course a Brexiteer argument [though may not describe ‘no-deal’ as chaos]….so why did a Remainer adopt it as their battle cry?….

    ‘The government’s proposals will see us out of Europe, yet run by Europe, bound by rules which we will have lost a hand in shaping.

    The first option is the one the government is proposing: an agreement that will leave our country economically weakened, with no say in the EU rules it must follow and years of uncertainty for business. “While we wait to negotiate trading terms, the rules of the game will be set solely by the EU. Britain will lose its seat at the table and its ability to amend or vote down rules it opposes. Instead of Britain “taking back control”, we will cede control to other European countries. This democratic deficit inherent in the prime minister’s proposal is a travesty of Brexit.

    “When we were told Brexit meant taking back powers for parliament, no one told my constituents this meant the French parliament and the German parliament, not our own… The leverage we have as a full member of the EU will have gone. We will be in a far worse negotiating position than we are today….. a choice between “vassalage and chaos”’

    Why have Remainers adopted a Brexiteer battle-cry as their own narrative as they oppose May’s deal? If they told the truth they would have to say they opposed May’s deal whatever…they will never vote for it. Their sole intention is to force another referendum and the stopping of Brexit. But they can’t say that so they dress up their opposition in Brexiteer clothes to give themselves some credibility and a semblance of integrity rather than openly admitting their plan and showing themselves to be trying to undermine Brexit and betraying the people, democracy and the national interest.

    Is it not an irony that the Remainers claim May’s deal ties us too closely to the EU when we all know that what they want is total abject subjugation to the EU?

    It is the Remainers who are the hardcore extremists who not only want to block democracy and betray the people but are so intent on doing so that they put in motion a course of action that would not look out of place in a banana republic as they try to topple the government and take over the country themselves.

    Does the BBC notice? It notices there is a crisis but the cause? Of course not…Marr had a programme dedicated to this question…who was to blame? Not the Remainers…it was the public’s fault…their lack of faith in the party system or maybe it was that the constitution was technically broken…no idea that extremist Remain politicians have mounted a coup attempt.

    The BBC cheer-led for the MPs who refused to accept the blame for the disruption and delay they have caused…and yes May is also responsible but she is Remain and she compromised and mangled Brexit as she surrendered to Remain fanatics who forced her to appease them and produce a deal that pleased no-one…the Brexiteers because it wasn’t Brexit and the Remainers because she hadn’t appeased them enough…by not producing a deal that was Remain in all but name. Remain MPs are almost totally responsible for the chaos, delay and disruption….hold them to account!

    When hardline Remainer Dominic Grieve comes out and stabs May viciously in the back the BBC doesn’t think it is inappropriate language or an act of betrayal….

    Nor do they try to examine his claims about who is to blame….for it is he and his friends who have caused this chaotic impasse in parliament, who have tried to overturn a massive democratic vote, who have tried to topple the government, who have tried to take power for themselves and who have tied May’s hands behind her back and thwarted her every move in their own interests.

    When will we get the real narrative about how we got where we are now and start to hold to account the real culprits who have done so much damage to our national interests, our democracy, our economy and our international standing?

    As the BBC has been a fervent supporter of these people it is unlikely that we will see any such exposure of the guilty men and women anytime soon.


  15. pugnazious says:

    Funny how ‘populism’ is a fascist enterprise that the BBC warns us is taking us down a very dark road….people voting, in an official, organised, legitimate national vote, for Brexit and all that!

    Funny how ‘populism’ is an uplifting example of people expressing their voices and taking part in the democratic process….those people, a placard waving ‘street mob’, marching against Brexit!

    Which one do you think the BBC gives the most love to?

    Amusing that Heseltine thinks Germany won the war because it now dominates Europe, as it does….it does regardless of British attendance at EU meetings…Brexit or no Brexit…

    ‘Germany will “win the peace” in Europe as a result of Brexit, with the UK’s influence diminished, the former deputy prime minister Michael Heseltine has said.

    The Tory peer said it was “quite unacceptable” that Germany would be in a dominant position in Europe having lost the second world war.’

    Maybe those marching for the EU should think again as they appease and prostrate themselves before it and march to its tune…careful what you wish for you populists!


    • dazzer says:

      When I saw a bit of the march yesterday, I spotted only 1 or 2 UK flags in the sea of EU flags and thought, “My God, it’s the Nazis in modern day form!” Our flag replaced by a foreign power’s.


  16. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Way back when I was young, I believed what I heard and saw on bbc radio and television.
    It never crossed my mind that the bbc would lie and push its own views out whilst hiding the news it didn’t want known.
    Propaganda was something the Germans (like Goebbels) and the Russians did and the only place you could rely on hearing the truth was the bbc.

    The newspapers settled along their political lines so you knew what you were buying. Fair enough.

    Since the internet has now become widely available and many other viewpoints are now out there it’s become blindingly obvious that the bbc is completely left wing and is pushing its far left politics as hard as it can.
    We on here don’t need examples as we all know the bbc is fake news with its constant anti Brexit and Trump, pro immigration and islem, pushing everything like remain petitions while ignoring and non platforming the likes of UKIP, loading every political show such as QT with 1 leaver against 4 remainers (and the specially selected audience) and having every ‘entertainment’ drama, comedy, wildlife, reality etc show ridiculously skewed into a white minority (the baddies) with noble immigrant asylum seekers or a certain peaceful religion over represented as the victims and saintly good guys.
    That is the norm today.

    It got me thinking.
    How much of what I heard in ‘the olden days’ was actually true?
    Was the bbc always as dishonest as it is now.
    Has the history of the last century or so been a big lefty lie or has the bbc been corrupt only for the last 20-30 years.
    How much of what I think happened did in the way it’s been told by the bbc.

    I believe much more of what I read in the comments now than what I hear (or just as important, what I DON’T hear, is not reported or is hidden) on the bbc (and sky)

    There’s a huge job for any future head of the bbc to start the big journey to try and regain some trust if it is to exist.
    We don’t believe you any more bbc.


    • Doublethinker says:

      My views echo yours. When young , I was born in 51, it also never crossed my mind that the BBC was anything other than scrupulously fair. But then three events occurring at roughly the same time made me begin to see the truth more clearly. These were:
      1. The election of Lady Thatcher and the non stop attempts by the BBC to undermine her premiership. Very like the attacks on a President Trump at the present time.
      2. The Falklands war which made me realise that the BBC was certainly not pro British and if anything was anti British.
      3. The clear bias shown in favour of the IRA which permeated every aspect of the BBC output from news to drama.
      I think that the bias has grown and is now overt with no attempt made to be impartial.
      Of course the BBC has , since then, completely embraced multiculturalism and just loves immigration and is ramming it down our throats, same with Brexit. As I get older I hate and despise this organisation which I truly believe has done more harm to Britain than any other institution.


  17. Nibor says:

    BH on Radio 4 say they are calling it the Third Referendum .

    No mention about 45 years between the first and second .


  18. pugnazious says:

    Yes EG….there’s a reason the BBC and politicians want to rein in and control ‘social media’ and news and commentary on the Web. There’s a reason the BBC focuses so much time on attacking Facebook which was claimed to be so many peoples’ news source. The BBC wants to be the organisation that sets itself up as the arbiter of truth, deciding who is an ‘acceptable’ and credible voice, who can and can’t be believed, what news is fake, and of course wants to portray itself as the only trusted and truthful news provider.

    All very Orwellian…one of the most dishonest news organisations on earth given the power to decide who is ‘fake news’ and who should be given the BBC tick of approval.

    Don’t expect those politicians to show any intelligent, impartial and principled interest….remember Damian Collins’ anti-Brexit hatchet job masquerading as a Parliamentary report on the referendum, a report that completely and delberately fabricated and twisted ‘evidence’? And a government minister on the BBC the other day said the MSM had a vital part to play in ensuring we get reliable and truthful news. LOL.


  19. Lucy Pevensey says:



    • Roland Deschain says:

      I think it important to plaster that over every BBC Twitter article that mentions the 1 million +. Anyone who wishes to refute should come up with their own methodology, not the “wet finger in the air” calculation that the media seem to be falling for hook, line and sinker.


      • Dystopian says:

        I don’t care if there were a million people on the March. There were 17.4 million people voted to leave the European Union, leave the single market, leave the customs union and leave the jurisdiction of the ECJ.
        Yes that’s what all 17.4 million voted for because that’s what Cameron’s leaflet said a vote to leave would mean.
        The question didn’t mention a deal. It said “Leave the European Union or Remain in the European Union”.
        I’m sick of hearing the remoaners talking about a compromise or an arrangement to please all.
        When the conservatives get voted in they don’t adopt Labour policies to keep those who voted Labour happy or vice versa.
        Leave won the vote. Stuff the Remoaners they lost. End of.


      • Excartographer says:

        A former colleague of mine always referred to the wet finger methodology as a “SWAG” – a Scientific Wild Assed Guess


    • gb123 says:

      Some interesting sanity checks: Tiananmen Square in China is 440000 m2 and has a quoted capacity 0f 600000. The totals above show 94500 m2 for the entire march in built up areas with fountains and obstacles. Tiananmen is a big empty square. So, a square 4-5 times bigger than the entire march has a capacity of 60% of the march. The largest square in the world in Dalian would hold 2.4 million people but is 18.5 times bigger than the entire march.


  20. Lucy Pevensey says:

    I don’t like the ‘like’ function. I should have two ‘likes’ not only one ‘like’ to like the posts of my compatriots. 🙁 My ‘likes’ should count more than the ‘likes’ of others because others are too uneducated to know what they are ‘liking’. I should also have the right to erase the ‘likes’ I don’t like on the posts I don’t like. Because I’m like……..superior. Only superior people like me should have the right to ‘like’ posts. 🙂


  21. pugnazious says:

    When the Brexiteers wanted a confidence vote on May’s reign strident Remainer Ken Clarke was a fixture in BBC studios rebuking them for their folly…

    “At a time of grave national crisis on an issue which we all agree is of huge importance to future generations – can my Rt Hon Friend think of anything more unhelpful, irrelevant, and irresponsible, than for the Conservative Party to embark on weeks of a Conservative leadership election?”

    Now when Remain hardliners try to engineer an undemocratic coup and unseat May to impose their own pro-EU Junta Clarke says….

    “………………………………………………………….. “

    Maybe we’ll find some lost footage of unscripted moments from the cutting room floor….


  22. pugnazious says:

    Very quiet at Sopel Towers as the foundations crumble and the towering conflation of lies and anti-Trump propaganda crash to earth.

    For over two years the Trump/Russia collaboration has been the BBC’s hottest topic, they have salivated over this and the prospect of Trump being found guilty….and now….just a brief half-hearted tweet from The Beauty…

    If there had been any inkling at all that Trump might have some mud stick to him you can guarantee Sopel would be whacking away excitedly at the keyboard…instead we have desultory trickle of comments on the release of the report that merely report the process and timeline….coz it’s a bust. Nothing to see here. Have to find something else to attack Trump for

    First comment on Sopel’s tweet….


    and Sopel’s indignant reply….he’s just an honest hack doing his job.

    Lol…’however the chips fall’….including that huge anti-Trump chip on his own shoulder.

    Instead of a ‘Mueller Beer’…maybe a Hamlet cigar Jon?


    • Doublethinker says:

      They will just move on to some other way of hounding the President. But I hope that millions of Americans who believed the collusion narrative now see that they were being lied to for over two years by most of the MSM. They were knowingly being fed fake news, just as the President has been saying they were. Surely this must result in millions more Americans deserting the MSM and distrusting the Democrats. If it does it’s good news for 2020. If the MSM keep on hounding Trump they are likely to alienate even more of their viewers and listeners. I am growing more optimistic about four more years!


      • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

        If I were Trump I would have an accountant tot up the complete cost of the democrats obsession with Trump and the Russians so that Trump can say to the American population how much this has cost them so that they can decide if the cost is worth it.

        The time spent on this by politicians and all the hangers on and Trump haters must be in the 100’s of millions and they have got nothing from it (except lawyers and the like)

        Maybe the same could be said about the antidemocratic remoaners who have cost us many millions by not accepting the democratic result of GB’s biggest ever vote.
        They are still costing us many millions and, if they succeed, 100’s of millions…..and our freedom.


  23. Deltic says:

    As expected the BBC have been in an almost orgasmic state over the alleged numbers participating in yesterdays losers march. Yesterday I was travelling on a very crowded train to Alexandra Palace. The vast majority of passengers in my carriage had an Eastern European accent and from the few who were speaking in English it was pretty clear that they were heading to Central London to join the march. Clearly you can’t stop non UK citizens marching but I wonder how many more people originally from other EU Countries who had no voting rights in the referendum swelled the numbers .


  24. Kaiser says:


  25. fakenewswatcher says:

    Will May go?
    Not if she sticks to the Merkel handbook.
    And even if she does, she leaves certain toxic ‘achievements’ behind her:
    i. The humiliation of Britain;
    ii. The unparalleled weakening of ‘her’ party;
    iii. The sabotage of the people’s will;
    iv. Political chaos;
    v. Something we have all forgotten about in the fuss about EU membership: her signing of the UN ‘Migrant Compact’. That little number may yet come to bite us in a big way, when the UN changes its provisions from ‘advisory’ to a legal obligation under international law, as I suspect it will. It will then take over ‘migration’ into signatory states. Very high level of toxicity here, potentially fatal. As I understand it, yet again something you cannot withdraw from once you’ve signed up.
    Worst ever UK PM? No question. Perhaps not as deliberately devious as a Blair or a Heath. But beyond incompetent.
    We may well find out that UN membership is even worse than EU membership. Many countries, including the US, were wise enough not to sign. But not our Dear Leader.


    • Thoughtful says:

      “her signing of the UN ‘Migrant Compact’. That little number may yet come to bite us in a big way, when the UN changes its provisions from ‘advisory’ to a legal obligation under international law, as I suspect it will. ”

      Wow which rock have you been hiding under? The UN changed it to a legal requiremenr as soon as the ink was dry on the signatures!



      • fakenewswatcher says:

        The Rock of Ages.
        And not ‘under’. Within.
        (Nothing to do with an American musical comedy, by the way.)


    • vesnadog says:


      Eventually she will go. But not before she has handed the UK back to the voters. That way she can be certain Brexit won’t happen and that herself and every cabinet member will have achieved their ultimate purpose in their political lives. I’m now depressed.


      • fakenewswatcher says:

        Cheer up, vesnadog.
        They have merely manged to push the silent majority very close to the point where this whole thing will blow up in their faces.
        I’d also like to think that we’ve encouraged dissent in countries like The Netherlands, where before no one would have dared to vote/ dreamed of voting for what the beeb likes to call ‘the extreme right’, in large numbers. It is possible that we have strengthened the Salvinis and Orbans of this world. Looking at commentators (rather than journalists) in the German and French press, the UK vote has actually been an inspiration. I do not despair.
        The resistance is growing in leaps and bounds. The Mays, Liddingtons and Shapps’s of this world (and other dwarfs) wouldn’t begin to understand what the ice crust they are standing on, is doing. Their little minds are focused on power, unaware of the water rising up their calves.
        The EU apparatchiks are sitting on a powder keg, which is why they are going to such great lengths to intimidate us. Their little empire of soviets will go the same way as their inspiration – late, great USSR.
        And when that happens, the apparatchiks of the EU Nomenklatura will be able to view their posteriors.


        • fakenewswatcher says:

          …and just imagine how comforting it must be to have Michael Gove ‘right behind’ you….
          The knifing epidemic could get even worse.


  26. pugnazious says:



  27. G says:

    What do you think? 10 or 15 years, perhaps in Londonistan or Birmingham. Not forgetting Bradford of course.


  28. upandatem says:

    I see the delightful Richard Branson has crawled out of his hole in the Virgin Islands and told the rest of us that there should another referendum. Apparently we are ‘dangerously close to full scale disaster’. When we leave the EU (I say optimistically) I think he should be stripped of his knighthood and lose his British passport. Another contemptuous example of our liberal elite that we can well do without. Perhaps he could shoot himself into space and not return. Or, maybe, just shoot himself.


  29. Kaiser says:


    majid nawaz is saying the islamist protest at the birmingham school against lgbt has spread to other parts of the country

    and is also leading on the iranian refused asylum because the bible is violent

    might be worth a listen for someone with more tolerance than me


  30. taffman says:

    Like Brexit , despite the Muller Report, the investigation goes on and on………..


  31. taffman says:

    “Brexit: Ministers tipped to replace Theresa May rally round”

    Can the Conservatives rescue the Conservative Party ?
    Yes, by getting this Nation out of the EU, as promised on the 29th .


  32. vlad says:

    What Al beeb won’t tell you: “Terrorism fears as 3,000 UK children a year go to ‘jihadi’ schools in Pakistan, secret government report reveals” – DM


    Meanwhile, Day 10 and they continue to shed buckets of tears over Christchurch, now on the vile ‘In case you missed it’ section of the vile Home page of their vile webshite.



    • vesnadog says:


      “What Al beeb won’t tell you: “Terrorism fears as 3,000 UK children a year go to ‘jihadi’ schools in Pakistan”

      And what else they don’t tell us is that their parents keep telling the teachers – why go to Pakistan? – they can learn all about it here in the UK?


  33. vlad says:

    More that Al beeb won’t tell you.
    “Last week an Iranian asylum seeker was refused entry to this country because the Home Office considered his religion too violent. Ah, good, you might be thinking: at last they’re getting to grips with those jihadists. You’d be wrong. This man is a Christian. A convert from Islam. The immigration officials wrote back to him insisting that the Holy Bible was “filled with imagery of revenge, destruction, death and violence”, and quoted a few verses of Revelation for good measure.”

    Rod Liddle in The Sunday Times. He continues:

    “Never mind that the UK is, through our culture and constitution, a Christian country. Never mind, either, that the penalty for apostasy in Iran can be death, by hanging, shooting, stoning or being pushed off a “high place”. There are lots of things the state will kill you for in Iran, probably including wearing joke false breasts in front of an ayatollah. But apostasy is just about the worst.

    This poor bloke wasn’t the first Iranian Christian to be denied entry to this country because of his faith. Another was told by the same idiots: “You affirmed in your asylum interview record that Jesus is your saviour, but then claimed that He would not be able to save you from the Iranian regime. It is therefore considered that you have no conviction in your faith and your belief in Jesus is half-hearted.”

    I wonder of which faith the moronic Home Office official was who wrote such excrement?
    The enemy are no longer at the gates – they are now in the fortress and MANNING the gates.



    • Fedup2 says:

      So the Muslims have taken over the immigration system – that’s what I’d do . It’s easier to get the family and third world villages in .The head of the state church will stay silent because the future of the royal family is more important than anything

      As for’ manning the gates ‘ how reassuring it is to come back to Blighty and see a load of thirdworlders checking the passports … always makes me reassured …


    • Thoughtful says:

      “This man is a Christian. A convert from Islam.”

      Oh really? You know this as a fact how exactly?? Almost every single asylum seeker from Iran is claiming to have either converted or that they are Gay.

      Being Gay is a bit of an issue for them as it’s easy to prove they aren’t and Iran has a moratorium on killing them, on top of that the religious requirement for their version of Sharia is that the act itself is witnessed by four righteous men, begging the question what four rightrous men were doing watching in the first place!

      The Taqqiya is even stronger in Shia than it is in Sunni and denying ones religion is not an issue, providing it is not denied in the heart, and so very many Iranian asylum seekers claim to be converts when they are no such thing. They get tripped up when they are asked if they have communicated their change back to their families and if they have tried to convert them.
      Being a Christian in Iran isn’t really so bad, but proseletising is, a failure to proseletise is a fail in the asylum claim.


      When you have someone like ex president Ahmadinejad,celebrating Christmas and wishing Christians a happy Christmas in English you start to wonder whether Iran is really as bad a place as we are led to believe.

      Of course the elites are bathing in the Sunni oil money and the Sunni hates the Iranian Shias so we take their side – it’s probably the wrong one !


  34. Fedup2 says:

    The 75th anniversary of the Great Escape – and in the real one not a Yank in sight . But Hollywood needed one .

    I wonder what those chaps would have thought if they could see their country about to be subsumed into the Reich they were fighting against ?
    Am I over dramatising ? You decide ?

    But what the current situation does show is that neither the Reich or the UK system delivers what the voters directed .

    Being a born pessimist and judging the way things are going I think I will be composing an email to my MP – IDS – telling him he and what’s left of his shabby party won’t be getting my vote any time soon . In fact I don’t even think I’ll bother …..

    After all – if a referendum can’t deliver then why bother ?


    • vesnadog says:


      If the referendum does happen the MPs won’t have much to do in parliament anyway. All the decisions will be made for them by their EU masters.

      Oh, they will get a vote on the BBC licence increase.


  35. vlad says:

    If anyone comes up with that stupid Taqiyya lie that Christianity is violent because the Old Testament has violent passages and calls for vengeance against one’s enemies, they should be reminded that Christ came to ‘update’ the OT and preach forgiveness in innumerable passages:

    “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[a] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. 41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.
    Love for Enemies
    43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[b] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.



    “Jesus gives us the perfect example of forgiveness. While in agony on the cross, Jesus called out, exclaiming “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34).
    Wondering how many times the Bible calls us to forgive? Jesus asks us to model our forgiveness of others on the way God has forgiven us, forgiving “not by seven times, but seventy seven.”
    Luke 5: 20 “When Jesus saw their faith, he said, ‘Friend, your sins are forgiven.’”
    Luke 6:37 “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.”
    Matthew 18: 21-22 “Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, ‘Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?’ Jesus answered, ‘I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.'”
    Matthew 6: 14-15 “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”


  36. G.W.F. says:

    So the Muslims have taken over the immigration system

    That’s not all. I travel from the UK to France often. I am aware of the heightened security risk and measures required to combat it.
    Today, in a UK port I was halted by a security official and required to submit my car for a search for weapons etc.
    Something we put up given the state of terrorism. The officer directing me had the style of the official, not clearly indicating what she wanted, making me confused.

    I did what I was told hoping that because she was wearing a hijab she will focus on the broad terrorist threat, not merely elderly white men.

    Fortunately I was not carrying anything offensive, such as a Christian Bible, a packet of pork chops or an autographed copy of one of Tommy Robinson’s books.

    Please don’t tell me that the hijab is a garment used to oppress moslem women; they wear it as the uniform of the victorious.


  37. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    I think we need a sister site, biased Sky.

    Watching Sophie Ridge, her show had only remainers on and they were given such an easy time some might think Sophie is an extreme remainer.

    Amongst the guests, Undertaker lookalike Hammond droning on.
    Green Lucas telling everybody leavers didn’t know what they were voting for.
    All unchallenged of course.

    Other news.
    Am I seeing these on line newspaper articles correctly or is it April fools day or something.
    Morgan and Lidington touted to replace May!
    Do the nonservatives have a death wish?

    I wonder if any of her visitors to Chequers today will be walking back.


    • Fedup2 says:

      At least with sky you can – as I do – choose not to pay for it . If I recall sky loses 600 million a year on Sky News but makes up the profit on the rest of the output .

      I got ripped off by Sky – so never again . A bit like not paying for the state Broadcaster … the tv licence troll was meant to turn up on Friday so disappointed – I waited in all day ….

      As a reminder in case anyone is unaware

      No requirement to speak to them at all
      No power to enter without a warrant
      No requirement to even open the door to them
      Remember they are on commission to get you…


    • theisland says:

      Sky News Australia seems better.


  38. vesnadog says:


    I predict that later on tonight early the morrow there will be a bunch of resignations by the Brexit MPs who go to Mays weekend retreat as – she has only called those MPs to see her. No doubt keen to see what their reaction will be when she breaks the bad news to them about her giving the remain voters their demands.

    And being so far out in the country their screams of “madness” “traitor to your people” “you was always a remainer” “having lunch with Blair tomorrow?” “the BBC will simply ask you forgive them for everything bad (incorrect) that they wrote about you” will never be heard by anyone..


  39. Guest Who says:

    Now, if she could only get on to Lord Tone and Rob Burley about coverage.


  40. Guest Who says:

    Lord Adonis has tabled a motion. Apparently.

    Does this mean Lord Tone will need to again emerge from his bunker?


    Just how nuts are these ermine-clad tools?


  41. Lucy Pevensey says:

    So ladies let’s don the Islamic style headbag in a show of solidarity!


  42. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC Online News: European Section. Not for UK

    “”German police arrest 10 people on suspicion of planning Islamist attack””
    23 March 2019

    “”The arrests were made after some 200 police officers carried out raids in the states of Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate.””

    “”The men had plotted to “kill as many ‘non-believers’ as possible” using a vehicle and guns, prosecutors said.””


    This news is buried away on the European section and not on the BBC’s Home Page. Why?

    But, ten days after the terrorist attack in NZ, their PM is still weeping on the BBC home page. Obviously more important to the BBC than planned mass murder by Islamics in Europe.


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      Sentry -‘compact-online’ reports that there were even great efforts to keep the plot out of the German media.
      11 were arrested in all, in the Federal state of Hessen. Moroccans and ‘Germans’.
      Arrests were made in Mainz, Offenbach, Wiesbaden and Frankfurt, all cities I personally know rather well.
      Contact to arms dealers and the search for a ‘large vehicle’ caused the plot to fail.
      If you want to know about what goes on in Germany re jihad, ‘compact’ will reveal all. But if you think Merkel is great, avoid this source, as it will upset you. They can get a little carried away over the betrayals of their Dear Leader.
      Regrettably (as far as I know) you need some German.
      Friendly disposition towards Brexit and real conservatives in the UK, hard Brexit is preferable, and they would love a Dexit.
      ‘Compact’ has had guest speakers from the UK at its conferences before. I leave it to your imagination as to who they were, but I have made mention in the past…


  43. Dystopian says:

    Ooh not the bbc but I can see it all kicking off over Coronation Street. After they killed off the lesbian (ex) Muslim who brought such “shame” on her family, the hypocrite mother wants her to have an Islamic funeral, but the brother is saying there is no way that is going to happen. He has just accused the mother of still trying to force her beliefs onto her dead daughter who would have now been ‘married’ to another woman had she not been crushed under “Underworld” (the only clothing manufacturers left in Manchester no doubt).
    Oh and let’s not have any jokes about crabs or Ikea. EDIT: …or lobsters!


  44. BigBrotherCorporation says:

    More pseudo-science shi’ite from the BBC.

    ‘Mongolia a Toxic Warning to the World’


    The capital of Mongolia (Ulan Bator, but the BBC don’t bother to name it), has a serious problem with air pollution, and the BBC put it down to climate change… because the Mongolian Plateau is now ‘2.2 oC warmer’ than it used to be… apparently.

    Ulan Bator has dreadful air quality, yes, because it has dense smog in the long (cold… very, very cold), winter, because people living in the city burn cheap Chinese coal to keep warm, because (did I mention) it gets really cold there, brass monkeys cold (like -50oC sometimes, that kind of as cold as Antarctica kind of cold). Of course in the countryside they’d have the livestock inside to keep warm and burn all that dried animal poop, but can’t do that in the city, where there are no animals, so they have to burn coal instead.

    As the population of the city has boomed, with all the people who were previously living an incredibly harsh hand to mouth existence out on the steppe with their herds, moving to the city so they can have mod-cons… like electricity and running cold water, the pollution from all those coal fires has just got worse and worse.

    So what the feck has any of that got to do with global warming? I mean UIan Bator is THE coldest capital city on the planet… and (did I mention) it gets bloody cold there for 8 months of the year?

    But, our intrepid BBC reporter is there to explain how global warming is behind it all, so she goes out to speak to some of the few remaining herders in their (bloody cold) yurt. This year, they say, is very bad, lots of animals are going to die, because there has been very little snow and the grass won’t have enough meltwater to make it grow.

    That’s awful, but wait, last year was even worse, lots of their livestock died, why? Because there was too much snow, and it was the coldest winter they could remember…the result of the same ‘climate change’ which has caused a lack of snow this year and all that awful pollution in the city, because ‘global warming’ apparently, at which point I had to give up.