Chaos caused by anti democratic Brexit remainers, President Trump cleared and NZ having a nervous breakdown . The only certainty is the Far Left Bias of the BBC . Tell a friend .
Start the Week Open Thread 25 March 2019
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Looking at the Trump and Brexit coverage by the bbc and much of the other MSM over the past two years, I don’t think much will change.
Both were hated, undermined, and sniped at from the minute they won. It gives the Sopels, Kays, Webbs, Husseins, etc their daily bread +++, and it allows them to virtue-signal, for which they have a desperate psychological need. They don’t care about the methods they employ to do it, they just wanna do it.
They care least of all about the thing to which they pay the most constant lip-service: democracy.
Attempts to impeach Trump will continue apace. Attempts to reverse Brexit will not cease, until their objectives have been attained, in their eyes. They’re not about to let little things like facts or truths get in the way.
We can continue to watch two coup attempts in progress at the same time. Since Merkel in 2015, criminal behaviour at the top of politics, backed the media will continue to get a thumbs-up from the PC crowd.
Tony Benns son favours yet another referendum .
His one will have 2 options
Don’t leave but sign a sell out deal
Definitely a reason for not having politics as the family business .
They are clinging to the ‘obstruction of justice’ angle. ‘Obstruction of justice’ is a sinister, lawyerly phrase like ‘malicious communications’ (telling the truth) which to the layman often means the opposite of what it sounds like. The clear injustice was making the most obscene false accusations in the first place; opposing false charges is heroic, though slimeball lawyers can find a crime in anything.
No mea culpa from the BBC. They are actually running with the line: “He should have done more to help the false accusations seem true.”
They are like the knight in Monty Python who has both his arms and legs chopped off yet continues to fight. Every limb of their credibility and respect gone, they continue to spit at us.
What a day to be a Trump supporter! The rebel alliance has won another key victory against the liberal Death Star MSM which is sucking all the fun, fairness and sanity out of the world.
Can you imagine how smug and disgusting their coverage would have been had Trump been indicted? Alas once again it is our turn to bask in the glory of victory.
When the Special Counsel was set up on highly illegal grounds involving collusion, corruption and lies – it’s a bit rich to talk about, obstruction of justice.
gaxvil & BB- what we need now is an investigation into Hillary and the REAL collusion with Russia that went on under her watch.
There will be much to investigate, starting with Uranium exports, and THAT -not the Democrats campaign to oust Trump by undemocratic means- should have been what was keeping Mueller busy over the last 22 months.
Can we now expect CNN, Sopel & Co. to start asking questions about her? What about the shady Clinton Foundation?
Thought not. ‘Impartial journalism’, which will go where the evidence leads? What a joke. No, it’s the own agenda all the way.
Or Sopel- fine investigative journalist that he is- could be brought home to look at -say, knife crime in the UK. Then again, he’ll probably find it’s Brexit wot’s causing it.
This is a brilliant analysis of the media’s epic fail over Russiagate. I particularly enjoyed the details on the dossier itself: clearly written to please its paying customer (preposterously claiming Russians had nothing on Clinton despite Bill being the president for 8 years); plus plagiarising details from hilariously inappropriate sources. Steele sounds more like Mr Bean than George Smiley.
And I wonder- will we have a Panorama Special ‘Mueller -What Went Wrong ?’
Had Trump not been on the back foot with Sessions as his recused AG, the likes of Comey should have been hung out to dry.
Has Greg Dyke described the London protest as hideously white yet?
Cant bear the chap, he has a face that just itches to be slapped.
OFCOM you bunch of useless gonks – are you getting this ?
Too busy ensuring that every TV advert features a mixed-race couple
OK I’m sure that this kind of thing has been posted before, but I haven’t seen it here so I’ll do it perhaps again !
Theresa May
Degree from Oxford in Geography 2nd class, worked at the bank of England, thereafter as a financial consultant and senior advisor in International Affairs at the Association for Payment Clearing Services. Elected as MP in 1997
I can find no evidence of any training or experience in negotiation techniques what so ever in her work experience.
Olly Robbins
Privately educated then Oxford where he studied PPE, rumours of Communist sympthies while at University
Robbins was president of the Oxford Reform Club, a group promoting a federal European Union.
On graduation he joined the civil service and within 10 years was PPS to the Prime Minister Tony Blair.
He appears to have had no formal training and no experience in negotiation techniques.
Michel Barnier
Barnier graduated from the ESCP Europe business school in 1972.
ESCP is one of the world top business schools and the worlds oldest.
Barnier served on the staff of various Gaullist ministers in the 1970s, before being elected in 1978
In 2006 he joined the European Commission and during that time he has been almost exclusively employed in treaty negotiations.
He is trained skilled and experienced in high level negotiation, and as a Gaullist he has a patriotic outlook in favour of France.
Is it any wonder the outcome is as we see it today? It might even be said that May – the only remainer candidate in the leadership election has negotiated in bad faith and we now see the outcome of that.
And it also explains why President Trump grated on the bubble so much -not a life long state employee or career politician .
Drain the Swamp
The easiest way to start the negotiations 2 years ago would have been “ right we are going on 29 March 2019 so you’d better get ready – and if you want anything from uk please come to number 10 and ask nicely “…
24th of june 2018
BBC report on website now ….
Donald Trump claims he has been completely exonerated by an inquiry into allegations Russia conspired to help him win the 2016 election.
A summary of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s long-awaited report released on Sunday found the Trump campaign had not conspired with Russia.
However it was inconclusive on whether Mr Trump had obstructed justice ……….. OK then …. now the actual news ……..
Donald Trump has been cleared of obstruction of justice over the Russia investigation, the US attorney general William Barr has ruled in a summary of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report.
Barr added that after a review, he and Deputy Attorney General Rob Rosenstein “have concluded that the evidence developed during the Special Counsel’s investigation is not sufficient to establish that the president committed an obstruction-of-justice offence.”
The President “Claims” He “claims”. Insidious BBC style.
Tony is rotating as we speak.
Hopefully his Father can’t see what slug his son has turned out to be.
It’s something that probably the one thing Tony Viscount Benn and Enoch Powell had in common was the horror of the corrupt monster which was to become the ReichEU – which is no doubt what it will be called when it is renamed …
Lucy, this was when the rot set in, and note the words “never wholeheartedly embraced by the public”….. we were rode roughshod then 45 years ago, and history is now repeating itself. Entering the EU was the death knell of our manufacturing industry and the advent of our roads being clogged with articulated lorries and vans.
“Alongside Sir Edward Heath’s ground-breaking Industrial Relations Act, which the unions resisted passionately, and his commitment to free market economics lay a determination to take Britain into the then-European Economic Community.
He succeeded on January 1 1973. But that achievement was never wholeheartedly embraced by the public, any more than his union reforms, even though Heath had retreated from his free market reforms and had nationalised Rolls-Royce, when unemployment started rising sharply.”
Christchurch watch: Day 11 and it’s still on the Home Page, under Long Reads – some might say too long – and scattered throughout other pages.
Meanwhile, on the same day as the attack:
In Syria “three female suicide bombers strike families fleeing the caliphate, killing six members.”
In Afghanistan, “A TV journalist is shot to death in his car by suspected radicals.”
In Mozambique, “thirteen villagers are hacked to death by Sharia proponents.”
Try as I may, I can’t find any mention of this horrific attack on al beeb. Could it be that black lives don’t matter to the racist beeb?
Politics Live is telling us how Islamophobic we all are.
Unsurprisingly the New Zealand massacre has been mentioned and we’re told that Muslims in our country are living in fear due to an event that happened 16,000 miles away.
Jesus H Christ what about the rest of us? Does the BBC not understand the British public might feel a tad vulnerable when we’ve have tube bombers, police killers, soldier beheaders and pop concert bombers, to say nothing of the mass slayings by Muslims throughout Africa and Asia?
Through the action of this lone Antipodean halfwit, Muslims have been given the enviable position of being considered as being victims while threatening to kill anyone who upsets them.
If you make a joke about burkas and letterboxes it’s Islamophobic.
If you highlight that most terrorists are Muslims you’re guilty of inviting Islamophobia.
And what ever you do don’t mention the Muslim grooming gangs…
We all know from bitter experience that our politicians and media won’t.
They’re pathetic.
when the government wont address something people the government dont like will
Of course we white or coloured Christians are under attack from Islam and have been so for many years. We as a nation supported by a week government have been duped by the European Political Propaganda of Multiculturalism that has ravaged this nation with almost unstoppable immigration from Africa/Middl East, Pakistan, and elsewhere outside the indig folk of Europe. If Britain leaves under any type of deal orchestrated by the EU, then we could be forgiven for wandering why we were gieven a referedum. The vote was OUT by a majority- END OF so lets go now before we are dragged down into the depths of a living hell. The dogs of an Islamic war is creeping upon us, how many unsuspecting people will then rebel at the advancement of Sharia Law. I suggest they study what Sharia Law will mean to us.
And in their references to increasing antisemitism nobody, of course, said that the main proponents of that are the moosslims.
It’s always interesting to revisit Samuel Huntingdon’s “Clash of Civilizations”. A video interview with him on the topic is available on YT. Interesting comments on immigration issues, long before 2015 or Trump.
What he didn’t predict for this ‘clash’ is the extent to which one culture might suddenly become voluntarily submissive to another, and enter the ‘battle’ with the white flag raised high.
“Submissive” – submission. Hmm, what does that remind me of?
Who- from politics- does beeb lunchtime news, presented by R Chakrabati, give us to tell it like they’d like it to be?
The unelected ‘Baroness’ Chakrabati.
No sign of would-be baroness Gina Miller yet.
Lotsa space for her in the HoL; it only has about 900 members so far…
Interesting how the BBC are now playing the Muller Trump news, as if they had nothing to discuss in their past reporting and they could just sit back and dispassionately discuss the reporting carried out by other networks.
It is a classic case of “Some bigger boys did it and ran away” The BBC is attempting to distance itself from its own hate filled reporting by simply ignoring it and drawing attention to the work of others and that simply is not good enough.
Like they always do as they arrogantly sneer at all the other mainstream media outlets as if the bBC themselves aren’t “the media”?
Not BBC bias but I’d be interested to know if anyone has an answer to this. The following appeared on my Twitter timeline as a promoted tweet.

Checking the profile, this user, of whom I’ve never heard, has 79 followers. Just 79. Yet they can afford a promoted tweet which, like 95% of political promoted tweets I receive, is on the left of the political spectrum, though left/right isn’t really a good way to think of these things nowadays.
So my question: how much does it cost to get a promoted tweet? Does this particular example mean it’s much less than I might have thought? Or does it demonstrate the level of funds going in to attempt to thwart Brexit?
StewGreen is yer man.
‘Promoted’ or sponsored tweets/posts on social media are odd things.
I listen to online streaming radio now Classic FM is beyond the pale, and clearly the tech exists to target ads. Seems all we do around here is waste disposal. Or enjoy dancing due to eased bowel movements.
If targeted, it ‘could’ be quite cheap. However, to get that, from her to you, looks blanket, so some funding appears behind it.
Could be an individual simply hoping to get on the BBC interview circuit, confident no one there will ask why any leaver should ‘protest’ about what is already won.
Firstly, in my defence, I have three daughters.
Which is why I know that Georgina Sparks, it’s her in the picture, is a fictional character from an American teen-drama called “Gossip Girl”, funnily enough, all about “privileged upper-class adolescents”.
Based on that, and on the intellect exhibited in their tweets, I would say that this idiot is a twenty-something female or gay man, single, selfish and stupid, probably a Momentum member, which would explain how any “promoted” costs were paid, and of no real relevance to anyone outside her limited peer group.
Two sons. Unaware. Duly educated. TVM 🙂
@Roland ..I see @GuestWho tagged me otherwise I wouldn’t have noticed cos recently of course I haven’t had time to read every post.
Yes such a promoted post cropped up about 6 months ago : a tweet claiming to show a Ryan Air crew having to sleep on the floor
..and I thought who but a union activist would PAY to promote that tweet .. I tackled the guy who said yes he had paid , but out of his own pocket £80 I think.
2 days later the photo was revealed to be bogus, cos it was actually a practical joke spoof by the Ryan Air crew and they were disciplined.
“Just 79. Yet they can afford a promoted tweet ”
Well doesn’t cost much
..many of my accounts have very few followers, cos I check each new follower and if the are a spam account I block it.
BTW the account is 6 years old (“Joined June 2013”) so unlikely to be a bot account.
Oh and the MarchToLeave photo could be a bit fake.. the lead group has Union Jacks
and all I can see is the red Isle of Man flag .. that was left next to me in the pub the other day.
At least, on ITV, Robert Moore -reporting from Washington- had the good grace to admit that there was ‘virtually no chance of an impeachment’ of President Trump now. (He noted that Democrats still had ‘other investigations’ on the go).
Quite a pleasant surprise. Maybe beeb should take a cue…
Or are they going to continue pushing and egging on Democrat trouble-makers to overthrow the President?
Mr Benns son:
Don’t leave but sign a sell out deal”
No wonder the Labour Party is:
Fabian Society Logo.
I see the BBC recently reported that the use of contactless card payments have increased and that people, after an initial reluctance, are now happy to use them. Apparently this heralds the day of doing away with cash altogether. This really concerns me, it bodes a very controlling scenario.
Apart from the potential disruption of payment validation processes by faulty software upgrades or criminality, what worries me the most is the opportunity it hands to the establishment. Everything single item you buy, where you were at that time, could all be monitored – and potentially manipulated (apparently computers don’t lie – but they can be ‘cajoled’).
Imagine how easily the political class could target and utterly destroy anyone they didn’t like? We’ve already seen the contempt they have for us over Brexit.
All your means to exist in society could be removed simply by some civil servant or local council worker at a keyboard (or through sheer incompetence, remember the film Brazil: Buttle ot Tuttle?).
You couldn’t buy food, pay bills, use transport, etc. all in an instant. And how/who do you appeal to in the immediate short term?
But if you turned to family or friends for help would they chance being targetted and treated similarly themselves?
To bring it back to forum topic – would daring to even criticise the state-funded establishment BBC (or RoP) make me a potential non-person? How much more carefully would you have to tread?
Surely a Panorama on this issue would be of great interest to the public – but I guess they have their own ‘takedown’ agenda.
In an ideal world that would be what the BBC was for.
Still like the feel of the crinkly notes, even if now they are fewer in my pocket than a few years ago. All cards transactions will take another piece of our freedoms away-slaves to the Banks and those that control the worlds financ-communisim in another guise, just the direction the the EU is heading.
I haven’t even used the contact-less option on my debit card, I just don’t see the point, and still like the comfort of cash, but it does seem to be being forced upon us. Yesterday the bBC reported on the new Spurs ground, “be warned, the stadium is cashless”.
Harder to keep track of your money when you’re being ripped off.
the magic money tree could be harvested without even having the nuisance of printing enough to keep circulation going
people (you can guess which side) from the internet have had there paypal accounts closed. patreon accounts closed
some americans have had their actual bank accounts closed
and the chinese are developing their social credit system
the dystopian future approaches and everything that helps it arrive should be resisted
Yes, well, I still write cheques to pay my bills, I give Building Society cheques for birthdays via the post, I pay my never-seen milkman by cheque in the empty milk bottle, and I pay for my numerous and varied craft stalls along with completed registration forms ….. by cheque ! And I pay cash for day to day items. Paying by card for a single newspaper I find a bit pathetic.
Radio 4 1 pm news:
Sarah Montague enthusiastically extolling the ‘over five million’ remainer petition and the million people march in London yesterday.
What is the truth about these numbers? Does anyone have hard evidence? If there is any doubt why is there never any mention of it. Certainly on Radio 4 the numbers are gleefully repeated frequently but no balancing caveats.
Excellent piece by Charlotte Gill in MoS, which rather turns the march numbers on its head……..
Thanks Brissles.
That almost cheered me up.
I have to confess I haven’t a clue who Sarah Monatgue is. I do hope I haven’t missed out on something good. Anyway, if the wishes of the 17.4 million are to go unheeded what makes this person think anyone will consider the views of a mere 5 million? They can petition all they like but as of today the clock is still ticking.
Sarah Montague is the news presenter that left Radio 4 ‘Toady’ for the World at One (TWATO?), probably after she learned she wasn’t being paid enough.
I learned from contributors here that she is also Lady Brooke, having married a baronet.
Did anyone read the article posted on Yahoo that Boris Johnson wrote- hit the nail on the head- ‘By jeopardising the governance of Northern Ireland – and threatening the Union – it keeps us effectively in the customs union and the single market. Not only are we prevented from doing proper free trade deals, but we must endure the utter humiliation of watching the EU commission negotiate access to UK markets – with no UK say on the deals.
It is that democratic disaster that puts MPs off the deal; Labour or Tory, Remainer or Leaver. There is only one plausible argument why we should now vote it through – and that is that every other option is now worse.
The Chancellor has also been actively canvassing a second referendum. There is talk of an election, or revoking Article 50, or some kind of cabinet coup. We are told that under the “indicative votes” to be held, the government of the country could be somehow handed to a triumvirate of Nick Boles, Yvette Cooper and Oliver Letwin.
They are all estimable people, but their Norway/EEA/customs union proposal would be catastrophic. We would not take back control of immigration policy; we would be rules-takers; there would be no free trade deals; and – here is the kicker – we would still have the Irish backstop.
It is hard to understand why the government cannot simply reject these proposals as contrary to the manifesto of both main parties and the referendum result. To any strong and resolute government, these suggestions would be paper tigers, turnip ghosts.
On every side we are being frightened with false fire. It seems to be that there are two ways forward. If she really wants her deal to go through parliament, the PM could still set out convincing proofs of how the next phase of the negotiations – when all the key questions are to be settled – will be different from the first.
How will we be able to take back control of our laws? Will we really do free trade deals? And can we really go on with a negotiating team that has so resoundingly failed? If she cannot give that evidence of change – she should drop the deal, and go back to Brussels, and simply set out the terms that so many on both sides – remainers and leavers – now believe are sensible.
Extend the implementation period to the end of 2021 if necessary; use it to negotiate a free trade deal; pay the fee; but come out of the EU now – without the backstop. It is time for the PM to channel the spirit of Moses in Exodus, and say to Pharaoh in Brussels – LET MY PEOPLE GO.
Here here.
More hard hearted than Pharaoh.
“and NZ having a nervous breakdown . The only certainty is the Far Left Bias of the BBC . ”
NZ has obviously gone past its nervous breakdown. Get a load of this from NZ:
Bet BBC won’t show this dozo!
Typical politics live today.
A panel full of Remain voters all nodding away agreeing with each other.
Have they stopped the 1 leaver to 3 remainers which is the usual line up and now the 1 leaver is a brino (Mays deal) supporter. So, 4 remainers on the panel.
Lots of crashing outs, recession and catastrophe talk.
The only thing they could agree on is no no deal (wto to be accurate) which happens to be the majority preference of the public.
They don’t want another election but failed to say the reason which is about 500 of them will probably be booted out.
did anyone ask what happened to the recession just putting your x in a box would cause, or is that well and truly down the rabbit hole now
EG – The Labour party is keen on an election. Or another referendum.
They recognize May has seriously damaged the Tory party.
And yet, could they be seriously miscalculating on both scores? In for a surprise?
It says a lot – a damaged May still trounces a race tuned Corbyn.
And what chance we see anyone from UKIP appear on any beeb discussion whatsoever? 1% 2%?
As for Gerard Batten appearing for more than five seconds (or appearing at all?) are we on say 0.5%?
Emamanuel-At least BIG BROTHER from the Diversity Dept
Tunde Ogungbesan allowed ONE Male to appear on the
programme. I don’t think this will be allowed for much
longer. Then the Coburn women can have ANOTHER complete
Women’s hour on BBC TV . To go along with the other 18 hours
each day on news programmes.
Thanks for noticing . I always wonder what to write – if any thing. The link you provided supports the view that the kiwis really have lost the plot . The decent ones must be keeping their head down until some form of sanity returns – anyone who’s says anything about the revenge attack would get Lynched there by the sound of it …
It will be a bit more serious if their ‘intelligence ‘ capability ( as one of the sane 5 countries ) has been infiltrated by the muzzie enemy .
“The link you provided supports the view that the kiwis really have lost the plot .”
Sadly they have – big time. I used to live and work in NZ for many years, ( I married a Kiwi girl – wonderful cooks). But since leaving that wonderful country I must be honest and tell you that I have no problem admitting that NZ has changed in a very big way – a total decay in its morals, and respect for ones elders. You wouldn’t think it; but the Maori bikers gangs seem to keep the yobs in the townships under better control than the local police.
I despair for those British families who have only just recently emigrated. Wouldn’t be too surprised if many families return to Britain after having witnessed Her Majesty the PM NZs behaviour and scarf wearing. She really fell for it.
IIts times like this you wish you weren’t married. With a wife like the present NZ PM divorce would be very tempting. (of nation and marriage)
Having spent a couple of weeks in South Island working I’d still fancy having an NZ passport in my back pocket . There was a ‘thing’ a while ago about the very rich getting places in NZ as a fall back for the End . Of . `The . World but after a fruit loop decided to use a mosque as a shooting range I suppose that won’t be fashionable now .
As an aside I was talking to someone who had been shown the shooting video . Apparently the fruit loop was completely calm and quiet as he carried out his murders . Which surprises me because I’d have thought he might have used bad words . Also – no one tried to ‘take him on’ .
“Having spent a couple of weeks in South Island working I’d still fancy having an NZ passport in my back pocket ”
Having visited NZ yourself you will know the beauty of the place. I love the fragrances in the NZ air.
NZ passport – I know what you mean. If you are youngish enough and qualifications it is possible to work there as the last time I looked there are heaps of jobs for oversea applicants.
cant find it on the beeb website but radio 5 did mention it in passing last night
When the eco-eu meets the euro-fighter sales EU
BBC Radio 4
What can you do to cope? ????
Are you suffering from climate change anxiety? – BBC Ideas
A few clearly not coping thanks to BBC ‘reporting’, but mostly #CCBGB
Can I just say RIP the GREAT SCOTT WALKER………one of the greatest voices of the 20th Century…fantastic music…may he REST IN PEACE.
Yes, its always upsetting when our contemporaries start falling off the perch. He was a huge crush for us girlies at the time, and THAT deep voice, wow ! which was unusual for guys that young on the pop scene (still is).
Amen to that.
wishing someone had come out earlier is HOMOPHOBIC
Kezia Dugdale has been a posturing, hypocritical humbug in all this, trying to smear a political opponent with the modish claptrap charge of homophobia. She only pretended to be “shocked” and “appalled” for political reasons. So if she loses the case and ends up bankrupt, I won’t shed a tear for her. BBC Scotland I sense are in confusion. Stupid lesbian Labourite criticises Gnat for joking about gay Tory. What is the party line in a case like this?
In the meantime as they fiddle Nero like – when do our councils start offering anti-stab vests at concessionary prices ?
ohhhhhh such a hardship
much worse than getting searched because some nut job might want to blow up the plane
Brexit: Not enough support for Brexit deal vote yet, says PM
so what happened to the Speaker saying they could not keep voting on the same thing over and over ?
Simply, the EU.
EU dictat and/or even spontaneous decisions made during partly intoxicated dinners in Bruxells count for more than UK legislation or Parliamentary precedents. Both are swept aside when it suits – The EU.
It’s all borrocks for the rest of the week!
Come the end of Friday, the good people here can join me in saying, ‘So F*ck off, remoaners, losers, failures, we’re out now, so sue us?’
Tried it yet? Gone to that Silly Jonah Moller, who sank your hopes like the Titanic! Why believe a silly bitch like her, and think Bliar was going to win anything other than another few quid from the arabs!
Done and dusted by Saturday! Popcorn, Prosecco and dancing on the graves of all the failures who want to ‘reeeeemaiiiin’.
11pm R4 : Cole Moreton arrives in Dover and speaks to
– fishermen who have rescued migrants from the Channel
– a teenage Afghan who made the crossing in a chip lorry,
– and a yacht commodore who joined the French Foreign Legion.
Previous part 1
Cole meets
– the Deputy Mayor of Calais responsible for clearing the Jungle camp,
– and a Frenchwoman who fell in love with a migrant and helped him escape by boat.
– and a Frenchwoman who fell in love with a migrant and helped him escape by boat. wot escape from france??
Prog from R4 Sunday night
Are we heading for a mass extinction?
\\ Analysis :Will human actions result in the demise of huge numbers of other species? And if so – what can we do about it? //
BBC #EveryDayFearmongering ?
According to AOC in the US – we have only 12 years before the Earth dies.
I put on sky news and again I couldn’t hear what was being said because of some mentally deficient oaf bellowing nooooobbbrrreeeeeexxxxxiiit from outside.
Their sound engineers must be extremely amateurish if they cannot place the microphones where they pick up what the commentator is saying. You can get highly directional microphones so a competent engineer would pick up the speech and not the shouting from below.
Anyone might think they want the raucous yelling (unless it supports Brexit)
Funny how the place they broadcast from is immediately in front of the losers flying they little eu flags. I believe there are brexiteers there as well but those are avoided for some reason.
Anyone might think they want the eu flags and not the patriotic flags.
But there are what – half a dozen, a dozen at most EU flags.
I prefer staying indoors meanwhile looking at my 17 and one half million flags which I have in my mind and no loner need to get me little toes cold or wet. Let those Islington wannabe Barbour wearing horse people do it instead. Boy, I never knew how costly hay is?
how long fro cracking an egg on corbyns head
Strange that Corbyn is usually so enthusiast for political prisoners but in this case he makes one .
Kaiser – the Londonistan Evening Standard is carrying CCTV of comrade Corbyn being ‘egged’ . At the end he scrambles to safety .
Worth it for comedy value . I think Corbyn was trying to eating something from the halal menu at the time . Maybe ‘cow’ or ‘beef’ …
I’ll get my coat .. as is said here often …
scrambles very good fedup , very good 😉
And funny how the NOT noble, brave, patriotic folks are swinging in favour of, ‘Revoke’ – I mean, to hell with any semblance of democracy.
After all they couldn’t be sure a second or even a twenty second referendum would come up ‘Remain’.
What utter pond life – nah, pond scum.
But answer there came none …
I think the SI is being ‘debated’ on Wednesday.
Theisland & Pug,
There wasn’t and I’ve been saying it post the event. Treason May and the EU have erased any illusion of UK, ‘Law’ effectively dismissing it as irrelevant. So that ‘s ok then. If I break the law anytime in the future and the UK Stasi are involved, I’ll simply tell them I don’t recognise the law they cite.
What is the point ofd asking questions if there are no answers?
He asked, rhetorically.
It’s like submitting an FOI.
She looks a beaten person. Just a matter of time now .
Ten FEAR’s on the BBC: Are they legal?
(1) Fear of a “No Deal”: Legal
(2) Fear of falling of a cliff: Legal
(3) Fear of the Unknown due to being an ignorant remainer: Legal
(4) Fear of the Climate Changing: Legal
(5) Fear of a warm climate killing Polar Bear life: Legal
(6) Fear of a cold climate killing all other life: Illegal
(7) Fear of the Unknown due to scientific ignorance: Legal
(8) Fear of being raped by a Muslim: Illegal
(9) Fear of being killed by an Islamic Terrorist: Illegal
(10) Fear of Rees-Mogg becoming Prime Minister: Legal
The entire concept of ‘legal’ went out of the window in 2015, when a certain EU lady in charge simply ignored her own country’s. There were quite a few. Treaties and all. Didn’t seem to bother the judiciary or the police.
Helped Brexit.
“wir schaffen das”
yep and when she realised they couldn’t in fact “do this” she then went back to the EU to force her problem onto everyone else
I think “wir schaffen das” translates roughly as “they’re shafting us”.
Ha ha
I bet Sopel and the rest of the rubbish criticise President Trump for Triumphalism …..
Looks like the BBC has at last decided to address its story lines being predictably narrow.
Is society truly accepting of bisexuality?
We hear from bisexual people about the struggles they’ve faced because they’re not attracted to just one gender.
“Brexit fears boost British tourism”
A little bit of positive news from Al Beeb?
They can use this to tick their ‘impartiality’ box ?
“Brexit: Not enough support for Brexit deal vote yet, says PM”
More can kicking ? Despite promising over a hundred time that we will be leaving on 29 th.
Why are Tory MPs putting ‘remaining in the EU’ before the survival of the Conservative Party?
What motivates them ?
The EU granted May an extension on the basis she could get the deal through Parliament, surely if she isn’t even going to attempt to get the deal through the extension isn’t need nor valid and we should leave on Friday ?
Drink deep their liberals tears, my friends….
Birmingham LGBT lessons row school staff ‘distraught’
Video at top says the protesters have been very aggressive. Asian reporter lays into ‘liberal’ CEO of Trust blaming her for taking so long to speak out on the issue. Spoke with parents who want the whitey gone.
Muslim vs LGBT…. who will win, ah it’s Muslims.
I can’t help laughing, and it isn’t like we didn’t warn these coffee-table liberals that this would happen. 🙂
Any fool should know that Islam cannot co-exist with 21st Century Liberalism and as our colonization proceeds more of the ‘differences’ will come to the fore.
Living in London, I see it everyday. Our office in Aldgate has sent an email out to the female employees ‘warning’ them to avoid Whitechapel (where the massive mosque is) and if they do go out that way to avoid dressing in a ‘provocative manner’ due to the amount of harassment other female employees have received there.
The women are furious, as most of them are feminists. But their ‘men’ won’t protect them from the invading hordes – that was surrendered years ago to diversity.
Half of me is in outrage, but the other half is laughing saying “I told you so, I told you so”. First the working class was almost destroyed and now they are coming for the middle-class.
“Hazel Pulley,”
Erm…never mind.
Probably her local education authority will nominate her for best teacher award 2019. Can’t see it now – she looks so momentum.
Apart from some kind of brain washed white guilt I can’t understand why modern snowflakes go out of their way to support and cover up for a primitive alien cult like Islam which goes against all they believe.
remember soviet era russia used to claim they had no AIDS/HIV because there were no homosexuals in russia
The useful idiots will be disposed of first , just as they were in russia
like barbara spectre they think they will will be a top the new utopia venerated like gods
and no thats not an anti-semitic comment, just pointing out how delusional these people are to think they will be top of the steaming pile of excrement
when in reality it will be the most brutal the strongest most violent with the ability to strike fear into all around them
and that aint going to be women or jews or corbyn or owen jones
I agree.
The following is how a Beachead is established in a non-muslim country. No wonder the Muslims won’t give up their control of UK education:
“The Omdat Al-Ahkam is one of the very important books on Islamic law. In it we find these words: “Adhan is a very important ritual in the religious practice of Islam, one can liken it to the Muslim flag. Its proclamation shows that the people of the city are Muslims.”
Wow, did you get that? When the adhan (the call to prayer) is recited in a Western country, especially in a Western seat of government (as PM NZ invited muslim leaders into NZ parliament building to pray the Islamic prayer), the intention is to establish Islam as the true authority of the land. As one ex-Muslim states, it “shows power and control over the country”.” CultureWatch.
Which do you choose LGBT or Islam? Both are as bad and as dangerous.
Come on BBC! We could do with a show of outrage over the “No Outsiders” slogan.
I mean how dare they?
We’ve seen British people chastised for saying “my country”
We’ve heard all of parliament gasp at the word “foreigner”
But not an eye brow even raised at Muslims demanding “no outsiders” on British soil. Are they afraid? If so does that make them “Islamophobic?
Sopel says The Donald may be out for vengeance and the next few months ain’t gonna be pretty…
He could be right.
From the very day Trump took office, attempts to impeach him began. The mere fact that he was an elderly, white man, who wiped the floor with the Democrat’s idol, was enough to trigger them. They couldn’t believe or accept it.
Turns out -what we all knew all along- the main plot was built on soft sand. Other plots continue. The anti-democratic, anti-Trump brigade will not cease trying. You want to see hate, not hope? One look at them…
So who can blame him if he does look for vengeance? I think that would be unwise, though. His enemies (they are not merely ‘opposition’, unfortunately, since the era of sane and reasonable seems of the past) will sink into the same quicksand Rosenstein and Mueller wandered into.
The Donald doesn’t need to do anything.
I think we will have some revelations/de-classifications from trump 2020 his ammo box must be flowing over
the dems have thrown everything they have and everything they havent, in a desperate attempt to get him out
what more have they got to throw policies?
all of them are lunacy
he has been remarkably quiet on all the dems new policies and will tear them all to bits in the run up to the election, why bother destroying them now just let them fester onwards
They are starting to mire themselves in antisemitism, what does he do comment little then recognise the Golan heights as belonging to isreal, which will no doubt stoke them into more antisemitism
Kaiser – certainly – there was plenty of twitter comment today about saint Obama of Mecca being silent about his successor being found not to to have done as his party and his MSM had alleged .
I’d still hold on my revenge until after re election ….and stop doing press conferences which were nt controlled in order to leave the likes of Sopel standing in front of the White House sneering from afar .
The President is a master tactician . Remember how he took down his Republican opponents one by one and ignored Hilary until the actual campaign . He will do the same next time. Ignoring all the Democrat challengers until the real contender emerges. I assume he already has the nomination sewn up. I expect he will lure the Democratic challenger into some form of trap. Back him now to win and win bigly.
Global warming Alarmism : I see Paul H already wrote
Attenborough To Present Climate Propaganda Programme MARCH 25, 2019
Sir Alan Duncan says: anyone else who might take over from May ‘would face the same problems’.
Sounds nice, but not true..
If ‘anyone else’ had actually been genuinely committed to Brexit, things would look very different.
Duncan is one of those obnoxious remainers who thinks brexiters are ‘plebs’
Anti-Brexit crowd size ?
“Based on the visuals from the helicopter image, it’s between 312,000 and 400,000 people,” explains Manchester Metropolitan University’s Keith Still, a world leader in crowd science who has developed mandatory event-monitoring training for police.
He’s also the guy that anti-Trump people quote about the inauguration crowd
“The Brexit betrayal has destroyed villagers last bit of trust in the democratic system.”
caller to NF show
“the 17.4 million vs the 650 …. 650 politicians who are betraying us”
There needs to be a Second referendum
The question will be
Should we use #1 The noose ?
………………. or #2 The guillotine ?
try the ‘stocks’ first?…Ive got some rotten tomatoes…….in fact I would love the 500 ‘traitor’ MPs to be in the stocks…let us pelt them with cabbages,rotten fruit etc….(lol……….)
PS…if you ever go to Christchurch (the original town) in Dorset there is a genuine ducking stool on the side of the stream at the back of the high street…from hundreds of years ago…interesting if you get chance to go down there…fantastic part of the world.(Im a Yorkshireman by the way……like yourself I think?)
The 15 year old stabbed in Londonistan after school on Monday afternoon won’t get much MSM coverage .
For some reason his mum won’t made a Dame and his picture repeatedly shown every year for the 20 years after being killed .
Some black lives matter and others don’t . If the killer is white the black victim becomes of more value ? How does that work ?
In Londonistan the most dangerous time of day seems to be 4pm … not when the pubs are turning out . Cultural I suppose
You could use rotten tomatoes
…. but freeze them first … (I am joking , for any nutters out there)
tinned tomatoes would be my preferred projectile of choice
Does it have to be a binary choice? If not we could have:
#3 Hanging, drawing and quartering ?
Should we hang 1 in 10 Remainers in the HoP or 1 in 5?
Previous Crowd size debunking
geeks might be interested in tis that I found today
We know that last years 700K People’s vote claim was dodgy as hell
#1 at the time none of their single petitions were even that high
#2 Crowd analysis put it as much lower
#3 The telegraph FOI’d the Met Police and they quoted back a Greater London Authority report saying the crowd was 250K
.. Well in January a random guy claimed to have debunked the Telegraph’s debunk
tweet . In his .blogpost he makes a bold claim tht the GLA report never existed
.. but if you look at the comments you can spot ..that the Met Police never got back to him
i conclude that this guy has got it wrong , cos if there was a debunk of the Telegraph article the Remain press would have already published it.
Stew – I was trying to work out the true figure for the A50 petition . Start by halfing it . 2million 500k , then subtract EU and other foreign signatures – 1 million – leaving 1.5 million . Then knock of the bots – dropping to around 1 million . Then subtract those who didn’t know what they were voting for and you’re left with minus 100,000.
I know the whole enterprise – like all those government petitions are a waste of time – unless they support what the state wants in the first place –
But just an idea. There is a YouTube video of how to make false signatures to the petition using temp. e mail addresses …