Here we are again , three years on and Al Beeb is still broadcasting its anti – Brexit bias and we are still in the EU, despite the biggest democratic vote this nation has seen in its history to get us out.
Bore da, Taff, I’m so happy to know that somewhere out there, someone is sitting at a screen, and getting one’s dander up over the total melt-down of the bbbc’s anti Britishness!
Of course, I’ve scanned the online rags, scorned most of the comment, and just know, like all my friends say as well, that the state broadcaster is definitely in terminal decline, and after the inevitable election soon, will be consigned to the bin.
Morning all – your #NotBrexit story this morning – all new cars could be fitted with devices to make sure they stick to the speed limit within the next 3 years. (Although its a little bit Brexity as this would be an EU rule). Thoughts on that please? @bbc5live#speedlimit
It is a Brexit story because this is an EU law (not a “rule”) which is being imposed upon us without any debate at all. It illustrates the absolute powerlessness of our so-called parliament. People we have never heard of from countries we don’t know anything about legislate to rule us. That is not national independence, it is being a colony. And it is what 80% of our so-called MPs prefer, because it means they can take the money without having to do the work.
It is clear that after 46 years in the EU, our parliament and MPs have lost the will or desire to administer an independent country. They would rather take orders from Brussels and fiddle their expenses. Scum.
It is not really about speed. Control is the key. There is this mindset now in our governing class that thinks that the perfect society is within reach if only they can control our lives, our instincts and our thoughts.
These are not the conditions we live under and never have.
Frank Gardner reports this morning on Radio 4’s Today that ‘Far Right Groups’ are using ISIS jihadi tactics gleaned from the web to plan their attacks. No evidence provided, we must accept what he says on blind faith. I suppose it’s a variation of the Project Fear Brexit strategy used by the BBC over the last three years, except this time it’s using it to smear any individual or group that disagrees with it’s black propaganda.
On a different tack, this little table might assist in how our MPs will vote in The Commons today :
Don’t forget that everyone who isn’t them, is regarded as ‘far right’. In their twisted world there is no centre no right no far left, just them as what they regard as reasonable people and the other 80 – 90% who they see as far right or even worse.
Cassandra – I’ve very grateful to you for putting that poster up as it’s been floating around and crystallises what is being done to those who voted by their so called MPs .
I think if a history of this period is ever written ( and not banned as a threat to national security ) that poster will be the epitaph .
It left out one additional important element – a Commons speaker who can only be described as a word which can’t be used here . I won’t even give a clue .
This poster should be displayed in shop windows and turned into a balloon large enough for the Speaker and Sadiq Khan to see – both of whom are so tiny (little man syndrome) that they will need the big writing to decipher what it says.
Is it me? I don’t consider myself an idiot but isn’t it all a bit weird? The EU has stated what must be done. In the meantime, the HoC is going to debate a hundred different options and present the winner to the EU as the chosen one. Isn’t it all a bit like presenting better designs for The Titanic, after it had already struck the iceberg? Apart from anything else, the Beeb’s flow chart will be on meltdown.
Lloyd’s of London published its annual results today. R4’s business slot interview of the Lloyd’s chairman this morning consisted of about 20 questions on diversity and inclusion, and one quick question at the end about the results themselves, which showed a massive loss for the insurance market! Truly unbelievable.
Meanwhile, on the vibrant and colourful streets of no-go London, the slaughter continues…
“London stabbings: Teenager slashed outside police station among six hurt in day of knife violence”
(Evening Standard – or should that be ‘standard evening’?)
I hope people are becomming aware of the truth which I presented some time ago, that Rees Mogg is not the great white hope many thought him to be.
Never ever trust anyone from the rotten school. It seems that Mogg has put aside all his morals, principles and objections, in order to get his old Etonian chum Boris the liar into number 10 and doesn’t give a s**t what the cost is.
This is the big problem with anyone from the rotten school, as we saw with Cameron, he filled his cabinet with them, and even external positions which arose became filled with old Etonians. It’s almost like watching Mr Smith in the Matrix turning everyone into him.
Boris will make a dreadful appalling Prime Minister, the fact he is from the Rotten School is the main reason for not voting for him, but he is yet another expedient who has no firm beliefs and to make matters worse is a known liar who finds the easiest way out of difficulty is to lie.
It really is difficult to think of a worse situation, especially with the other side’s leader.
I never thought I’d be in favour of PR, but the state of the arrogant elite leads me now to believe that it is the only way in order to advance the country.
The ERG are NOT on our side at all, they have all capitulated to vote for Mays ‘turd’ deal, despite having voted against it twice, and Mogg telling everyone it was so bad that remaining would be preferable to voting for it.
If Mogg can persuade the DUP which he is trying to do then we end up stuck with Mays turd and never leave the EU.
And the price for his treachery? May stepping down as PM so he can insert Boris into number 10.
If you think that is the actions of someone on your side then I wonder just how far they have to go to be the enemy !
And kick her right up that fat arse she seems to want to show off all the time.
Her duplicity and her ambitions to be Prime Minister, a job for which she was eminently unqualified, have landed us in this unholy mess. She made a mess of Home Secretary, promising as her priority to reduce immigration, yet allowing an increase from OUTSIDE Europe, alienating the Police force etc. She is determined to get her rubbish deal through at any cost, considering it to be her legacy. Well it will be her legacy, a legacy of betrayal of the British people.
Why should we be subject to ANY laws and rules from organizations outside Britain.
Parliament gave the people a mandate to decide whether we stay in Europe or leave.
The people voted to leave so what legitimacy do MPs now have to frustrate the clear decision to leave .
General Sir
Permission to speak Sir.
Can I change your last sentence to read “The people voted to leave, so what legitimacy do MPs now have to even DEBATE the clear decision to leave?” Surely sir, the duty of our elected representatives is to carry out the instructions given to them by the people they represent. Otherwise sir, what purpose do they serve? Thank you General Sir.
Sorry – I don’t get it – why do I need to change my name ?
If JRM sells out on the sell out – then he is just another politician .
As for your view about Europe and war – that’s even more pessimistic than me. Personally I am more optimistic about the destruction /change in the ReichEU because of the coming election for The ReichEU parliament – where democratic National representatives who are described by the enemy as ‘populists ‘ will win big .
I have been predicting mass scale tampering, which is why the BBC and the rest are calling for a new referendum.
If we had a fair referendum Leave would win. But that will not happen.
I thought the original referendum would have been fixed and was shocked at the real outcome .
The fix on another one wouldn’t be the physical process – it would be the drafted question . Remain? Or Remain ? A choice of one – based on the North Korean free and fair election model .
Fedup2- I agree with you on JRM, although getting rid of May would be a worthwhile achievement. If it’s not done now, she could easily follow the Merkel handbook and stay and stay and stay. She has lied so often, even her commitment not to run in 2022 could be chucked out of the window, She wouldn’t even bat an eyelid.
I think ‘populists’ are on the up in Europe. With a bit of luck, they will blow the whole rotten EU apart.
Unlike you, I do not see a ReichEU, even though Germany is economically dominant. The Reich would have governed other countries, but those countries, elites and common people, would have sullenly resisted/sabotaged at every opportunity. I see a EUSSR, in which the elites of captured states have been fully co-opted, and daily propaganda -a la bbc- keeps the common man firmly in place.
Please present your evidence against Mogg, and any other ERG members.
I view Mogg’s action as taken very reluctantly, but after careful consideration of the reality of the situation.
The last thing we need to do is indulge in in-fighting, when there are real enemies everywhere.
Firstly do you believe that May’s deal has changed in any material way, because I certainly don’t.
Mogg voiced that the deal was so bad it would be better to remain in the EU than to vote for this deal, now he has done a 180 degree U turn.
We all want Marxist May gone, but Mogg has an ulterior motive and he said openly that he would vote for a deal he clearly believes is the worst option for the country, if Theresa May resigns as PM.
He has also said that he wants other Rotten School graduate Boris Johnson to take her place.
Or put a different way he is prepared to sacrifice all his stated believes objections, principles, morals, followers, and supporters, just for the old school tie, and that is contemptable.
Last chance – glad you are playing judge . See his article in the Mail on line . Sure you can find it yourself .
I’m not in fighting with anyone . I didn’t vote for a deal . I voted to leave and adapt to the consequences . Anyone who does nt agree with that ain’t me friend
As an aside – Mogg spouted on for months that if the UK is under the jurisdiction of the ECJ then it hasn’t left . And that is what Lord Mogg of hedge funds is to vote for –
Even if the DUP withstand the bribery being thrown at them now
Last chance – you asked for evidence regarding JRM and I provided it – but no acknowledgement , thanks or counter argument …does that classify you as a troll ?
I remember how first Farage was lauded, then kicked into touch, before Rees-Mogg became everyone’s darling, because he could string a sentence together, and oozed charm. Right from the start, many of us could see right through him. And it cometh to pass.
Agree Goat – JRM was the MSM acceptable voice for Leave, as you say right class, clever, and charming and when push comes to shove could be depended on to put his class first and put his hands straight in the air and surrender.
Vassal state or not just like the rest of his colleagues such as Hammond, Rudd, Ken Clarke etc the more unpleasant aspects of our future enslavement to the EU will never be visited upon them or their kin – however GOD HELP THE REST OF US.
According to the polls more people want a clean WTO break with Europe than any other option, and a second referendum was very low down on the list of options.
Lets ask the people if they actually want a second referendum – which has been done, are not the words you’ll hear from any remainer because they know the answer isn’t going to be the one they want to hear.
Stevie – so what that is saying is —- people should be asked to vote on whether what they voted for in the referendum and subsequent general election – was right ?
It’s as dumb as the other variations . People die off . Or 10 year olds couldn’t vote .or the best one ‘people change their minds ‘
Which means there would be a daily general election to confirm democratic legitimancy – or May be voting by the hour ?
If remain had won – I’d have said ‘oh well – there you go – keep bitching about public services overwhelmed with unrestricted EU guests ‘ and live what you voted for .
Notice I didn’t even mention Project Fear 1, 2, and 3….courtesy of the State Broadcaster
I agree with you, Brexiters see no need to ask the people if they have made the right decision. Because we respect the verdict of the referendum. It’s called democracy, and if you do not respect the vote of the people, then clearly you are living in some sort of dictatorship. Happy with that?
It would be nice if just once, when people vote against the EU in some way, they are not forced to vote again until they give the answer their EU masters wanted all along.
lts the elephant in the room, but no-one will say it, the second referendum is an excuse to give those too young to vote 3 years ago, the opportunity now to do so. And we all know how the young will vote – certainly not for anything to do with Brexit. Thus giving the Remainers, Gina Miller and Tony Blair the result they want. There will also be more waverers on the Brexit side, whereas there will be none on the Remain team, so we know what the outcome will be if there is a second referendum.
Another lovely story for the Beeb to distort and magnify.
Apparently far right extremists are on the rise and cause for concern.
They’re copying tactics used by ISIS and are a real threat.
I’d ask anyone in a panic about these mythical monsters to take a wander throughout London, particularly the Westminster area, to gauge just where the danger is really coming from.
All those hideous bollards on every London bridge? Nothing whatever to do with the “far right.”
All those coppers surrounding Parliament? Well, let’s put it this way. Yes, there was a group of half-witted pillocks who allowed themselves to be filmed harassing the ghastly Anna Soubry. The Beeb played this story every day for a fortnight. They were unpleasant and noisy, but they weren’t dangerous.
However, the Muslim driving his car into cyclists was for TEN DAYS! regarded by the same reliable source as an act of “dangerous driving.” Then the story was allowed to drift off into oblivion.
Lots of coppers at Westminster…
Jo Cox was murdered by a lone nutter.
Untold numbers of us ordinary Brits have been slaughtered by Islamists.
Our brave MPs have made bloody certain they’re very well protected.
As for the rest of us…
As time goes by I have to admit – as a retired person – I can see nothing but freedom and prosperity for GB when we are out of the EU and all the red tape is done and dusted. And that will be the time when we the licence payers will make the BBC money-wasters PAYUP for their biased Pro-EU reporting. Admittedly It won’t be easy for any employee at the BBC as they will be very concerned about their lifestyles, and loss of their job. I realise that it will be hard for their families but, there are consequences for anyone who deliberately and shamelessly betrays their country by backing another foreign power.
Ok, I’m sure there are ways of gaining new employment but they will need to search in another country as every British TV/Radio company will employ only those who they can trust – not, cheats, and liars.
Can I suggest to those CEOs who are thinking that they might employee a EX-BBC BBC – Make them take a Poli-graph test.
I like your post, Vesnadog. I was thinking of writing something very similar, but got up a bit later, and haven’t had enough Yorkshire Gold yet…
When the BBC is finally broken up, and probably subscription only, the only audience it will have after a few months will be old dears in homes, who still have steam radio (not ageist, I still have a cassette recorder in my shed for when I’m out there making things), and a few snowflakes and sjws, still wondering what to do with their ‘degrees’ in vegan gender studies!
Another benefit of the demise of the BBC will be a blossoming future with our US friends, because the likes of Slopel and Scratty will be scratching around in the wilderness, (rather like they do now, only more so), and being totally ignored!
I think this should be linked in to the BBC series on Bradford and they should take the drag queen to the ‘vibrant diversity’ and see how enriching it is when the two meet up !
vlad- I disapprove of any murder of any kind, but this is fully in line with the racist, anti-white agenda, to which beeb subscribes (camouflaged as ‘diversity’). Yes, there is one. Made furthest progress in SA, where parties can declare open season on whites – by party leaders such as Malema of the EFF (quite possibly not a separate party for anything other than strategic reasons, but actually part of the ANC and represented separately in the SA parliament) without any raised eyebrows or even reports on the bbc.
The clever idea of our local propagandists (never ever think of them as a news outlet, or entertainer) is to pretend that, while there may have been 3, 670 on the one side, and 2 on the other, these make for an equal threat.
No more getting lost, ever.
The EU car of tomorrow will take you where the EU wants you to travel everytime, at any speed the EU wishes.
That is progress folks.
Which we voted to leave.
Tuned into the headlines at 0800 on Toady earlier. I can’t bear to listen to any more than that. I really don’t need a slow motion version of the ‘death by a thousand cuts’ of Brexit. We all know, deep down, where all this is inexorably sliding.
Now, our far left cultural Marxist State Broadcaster tells me, even the Institute of Directors is 60% in favour of a ‘Remain’ scenario. All cosily joining the ‘Remain in one form or another’ camp. The line of least resistance.
What is puzzling news, if true, (always that caveat with our “Beauty”) is that the Conservative Party has now put a value on Treason May’s premiership. May’s resignation versus the WA. How cheap is the future of the country then? Equal to Treason May’s premiership apparently. “Some are saying”, that if she puts a date on her resignation they will vote for her Withdrawal Agreement. First and foremost, could anybody believe any resignation date she gave? She couldn’t even enshrine any date given in legislation to confirm her intent for doubters. Cos’ legislation doesn’t matter any more, particularly that containing a, so-say ‘fixed’ date upon which an event takes place. After all, she’s been acting the, ‘African Dictator’ for some considerable while now. How can she shake off that extraneous perspective?
It’s depressing to look a the state of the world right now. Brexit, the uniformly leftist or Globalist MSM, the growing censorship of the internet, the ‘ resistance’ in the USA, the growing acceptance by people of repression and suppression of free speech, the complete take over of education by loonie leftists and consequent brainwashing of young people, the welcoming by many politicians of mass migration , the acceptance and indeed defence of Islamification.
The bright spots are the success of President Trump, Salvini, Orban, and others. The growing realisation by tens of millions that the MSM is fraudulent and merely propaganda for Globalists.
The crucial questions are:
Can enough people be mobilised quickly enough to stop the Globalists and their unlikely partners in the left fromconsolidating their hold?
Can the iron grip of the Globalist alliance be broken by democracy? Brexit and the attempts to overturn the 2016 US election suggest that it may not be able to. If it can’t what next? Accept that democracy has failed and accept rule by the Globalist left alliance?
But this alliance is very unstable and will fall apart within The decade. Already looney lefties like Cortez in the USA must be putting the fear of God into Globalist corporations. ( she should take care because getting rid of her would certainly suit the Globalist who would pin the blame on the far right of course) But in a decade of Globalist rule there will be so much Muslim immigration that Islamification will be irreversible and uncontainable . Then the Globalists will realise that they have created a monster that they nor anyone else can tame.
If ‘Brexiteers’ do support Theresa’s deal in return for her leaving, they need to get that in writing, witnessed and legally attested. An oath in her church to confirm her immediate departure, would also help. That could be recorded by the Bishops in the HoL. Perhaps even laid down in legislation in the Commons as an additional measure.
If they take her word, she may still be there in 2022, explaining why she is going to run for PM after all, purely in the national interest.
Possibly four ‘heavies’ need also to be appointed to remove her when the time comes. Like with Merkel, hard to see a voluntary physical departure from parliament.
Oh yes, if you think I’m joking, merely recall Gordon Brown, who stayed in No10 for five days after he should have left. Labour had been in for so long, and T Blair conned people into giving him such a large majority, many Labourites must have whispered encouragement? (‘Sit tight, Gordon, let’s see what they do…’)
I was also beginning to wonder then how they were going to get him out if he simply refused to leave. Had some national paper not headlined ‘the squatter in No10’, he might still be there?
You see big power is very hard to let go of, sob.
The dignity of a Mrs T and Denis waving goodbye, stands in stark contrast.
In today’s world promises, even written ones witnessed by God himself, count for nothing. If you are a leftist or Globalist you can fail to deliver them, or even do the exact opposite of what you promised, and you will get away with it. No one , least of all the MSM, will hold you to account. The police, the judiciary and the media are all in your pockets . You can do whatever you like . Of course if you are not one of them , even if there are 17.4 million of you, they can target you with lies for years , look at Donald Trump , without ever having to offer up any proof.
Rule of law has been higjacked and politicised by the left and the Globalists. This is why it is absolutely essential that those who took part in the anti Trump coup are investigated, indicted, tried, convicted and receive very long sentences. I think that all those powerful traitors must go to prison, Clinton, Clapper, , Brendan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok and plenty of others need to get long sentences. Additionally as many members as possible of the MSM who can be proved to have taken part in this conspiracy must also be prosecuted. This is the only way that rule of law in the US can be put back on a firm footing.
As to the UK , well I think that our justice system is equally corrupted by the Globalist left alliance, but, unlike the USA so is our democracy . Trump is still able to make progress in swamp draining and implementing his agenda , the 2016 election is bearing fruit for those who voted for him. Contrast that with Brexit.
I sense the disappointment of many here with Jacob Rees-Mogg’s turnaround or feeble capitulation or abject surrender (whichever you feel apply) on the PM’s WA and concur to an extent.
Religion is intertwined in and with the EU and I suspect that JR-M is something of a High Tory as well as being a ‘numbers man’. (BTW, High Tories can be Jewish as well as Roman Catholics and Anglo-Catholics)
Northern Ireland is expensive to the UK taxpayer and has been even more so in the past 50 years, as well as being enormously expensive in terms of lives lost to men and women of violence, both there and here on the ‘mainland’. Some Conservatives have been minded to abandon Northern Ireland in the past and be rid of the problem and the cost. Others may be rather more kindly inclined to Ireland as a whole and would like to see the island united. Some of those would, no doubt, like to see it, as such, re-join the United Kingdom.
The messy steps we have taken to devolution in the UK so far might enable that in future.
There has been a past block in the mindset of Unionists within NI to re-uniting their land. The socio-politico-religious landscape in the Republic, I think, is changing. The mindset of NI’s Unionists might also be changing and see on the horizon much bigger prizes than the simple Unification than that demanded by Sinn Fein/IRA with their bombs and guns.
It could be that acceptance of a BRINO Brexit, with Theresa May’s red lines clearly broken, will be a precursor to the willingness of Westminster to cast adrift Northern Ireland into a Unity Referendum at some point in the future in order to remove the rest of the UK from under the rule of the EU. Economics may bring this about.
I am torn. Even as a very non-conformist Non-Conformist, I would like to see Ireland united and for conservatives and Conservatives in NI politics to move into the south in order to present the people of Ireland with a much greater (and better?) choice in political matters. On the other hand, I am sympathetic to Unionists and conservatives of any ‘C’ (and See!) in the North and would not want something imposed on them that would put their safety and existence at risk.
I think I can see where J R-M ‘may’ be ‘coming from’ in this turnaround. Like him, I still think the PM’s Deal is a very bad deal all round.
My personal choice would be to boldly embrace a No Deal Brexit, now delayed by the EU to 11/12th April. But to do that it will be necessary to bring the Withdrawal Agreement back to the Commons, in a vote, for it to fail again.
I cannot help but wonder if J R-M has – instead of what I suggest above – a cunning plan to ensure that that happens.
Personally I am fed up with “cunning plans”
I just would like some political honesty and as far as I am concerned, we either have Brexit or no brexit. The WA is not brexit.
If the entwining snakes in the MSM and Parliament do not allow this, then MAYBE we need to consider more asymmetrical means to splitting away from the EU and changing how we are governed.
This question is fundamental to democracy in this country, not just a game of charades for a dismal mix of posh boys and girls, political cowards and cynical globalists.
Mogg has stated the conditions he wants to support Mays treaty, and what was her resignation. Nothing has changed in Mays treaty nor has the legal advice.
This is simply one alumni of the Rotten School seeking to advance the career of another and it’s pretty poor performance.
None of them has a cunning plan. We are governed by careerists, yes-men and buffoons.
We are the nation which in 1944 planned the D-Day invasion of Europe in less than a year, yet after three years cannot even negotiate our peaceful departure from a so-called friendly group of nations. The calibre of our national leadership is shocking.
Membership of the EU for 46 years has clearly hollowed out our political class. They have had nothing to do for 46 years, and are just not up to the job of actually doing something for the money we pay them.
” They have had nothing to do for 46 years, and are just not up to the job of actually doing something for the money we pay them”
This is why so many ex-Union leaders yearn for and usually get a MP job. These fellas do nothing as union leaders and seek promotion to parliament in order do it on a much bigger scale.
Re Radio4’s hit piece yesterday against righty women
That brought us the spectacular news that Lucy Brown ex of Black Lives Matter
.. bought a pagan symbol necklace .. before she knew that those pagan symbols were adopted by the Nazis
..and now still continues to wear said necklace even though the “anti-Nazis” scream at her.
Oh, did you?. So you actually like Miss Nazi-Necklace @lucyfrown, then?. How bizarre I'm neither angry nor bitter, and although this may come as a surprise to you, socialists tend to follow their dream as a way of life. Which makes me a very happy and fulfilled person.
It just occurred to me that Lara's organisation may have not seen the irony in their motto. Just me, or does anyone else read this as "it's ok world, we'll do the thinking, and let you know what your opinions are"?
Nice if this were a spoof – but I fear not.
The Parisien curators of an exhibition: ‘Black models: from Gericault to Matisse’ are re-naming works by Manet, Picasso and Cezanne after their overlooked black subjects. Thus Manet’s ‘Olympia’ a reclining nude prostitute of some renown – whose basilisk stare tells you her prices are 200 francs monsieur, non-negotiable – will be disregarded in future, allowing concentration on ‘Laure’ after the black maid in the background who will name the painting from now on.
We must look forward to Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’ re-named as ‘Ahmed’ after the little Algerian boy who picked them for Vincent and whose shadow, some believe, can just be detected in the foreground.
Reading some of the posts here and elsewhere it’s clear that Jacob Rees Mogg is coming in for some strong criticism. I have to say I think it’s a little unfair.
He’s a staunch Brexiteer, but he finds himself with a less than useless PM (who he tried to get rid of!) who has managed to negotiate a deal only her best friends could possibly like. He doesn’t like the deal, in fact he strongly dislikes it.
Unfortunately for him (and us) parliament is about 80% Remainers and due to the inept Maybot and the manipulative media, they’ve grown enormously in confidence.
If we don’t settle for May’s deal, we might be lumbered with any number of worse deals. They won’t allow my preferred option of a no deal…and we all should know this.
He’s stuck between a rock and a sewage farm. He didn’t create this appalling situation the PM and the Parliamentary arithmetic did.
JRM is worried Brexit, in any form, could be overturned.
Come to that, so am I.
Then let Brexit be overturned and have some courage! 17.4 million people will not stand the elites taking away their values and instructions. Mogg could be riding high in a new party while the rotten corrupt Tories sink into the mire.
The whole point of Cameron holding the referendum was to neutralise the threat his party was facing from UKIP, and it worked, until Marxist May screwed it all up. Now the Tories are going to face a resurgent UKIP because they didn’t want to do what the voters told them to do.
I really hope you’re right about a “resurgent UKIP”. However, I’m afraid, all the big guns, including Nigel, have gone.
At the very time we need to stand together the movement is splintering.
The electorate could be confronted by three parties all saying essentially the same thing…and standing against each other.
Even at our political zenith, getting 4 million votes, we only mustered 1 MP.
It’s a deeply flawed system, but it’s all we’ve got.
Still, I admire your confidence!
“I really hope you’re right about a “resurgent UKIP”. However, I’m afraid, all the big guns, including Nigel, have gone.”
I fully agree with you.
You know what people say re “you should never go back” I agree with this statement also. History I suppose is full of people who have gone back and regretted it. I see no reason why Farage/UKIP should break the trend. Must move-on!
I think we now all accept that the appointment of Marxist May was designed precisely to ‘screw it all up’. Her mantras ‘strong and stable’, ‘Brexit means Brexit’ and ‘No deal is better than a bad deal’ illustrate all too clearly her innate stupidity in believing that repetition creates truth. Goebbels would have smiled in pride upon her.
The true benefit of the Brexit fiasco is to clearly demonstrate just how devious, unprincipled and self-serving all our politicians are.
I agree. There is danger Brexit will not happen. if they get Mays departure deal through then hopefully she will go and a Brexiteer can do the negotiations.
I get really annoyed when MPs keep saying the ‘will of Parliament must be obeyed’ when talking about these optional votes and forget the ‘will of the people’ that was actually voted for and agreed by these same idiots/selfish MPs
Sorry, I disagree.
The best senario in my humble view would be to dismiss Brexit – revoke Art 50 altogether and remain. This on the basis that it is better to retreat intact to fight another day rather than be destroyed, morally and ethically. The fight back will loom at the next election when large numbers of this current Labour Government under Treason May and the Marxists under Corbyn + the Yellow streak in the middle, will get their comeuppance. Equipped with fresh Brexit MP’s the fight can resume with a better chance of ‘Out’ without any strings. This current ongoing debacle from start to now almost finish has energised the voters more than ever seen before so there are likely to be a great many shocks come next election. Besides, any member of the EU can submit an Art50 anytime and that includes us, again. Personally, I’d like to vote in the EU May elections when, all thing being predictable, there may not be much left of the existing Marist EU afterwards. I’d surely like to help that out.
I have always seen JR-M as a ‘Dandy’ in the noun. Nothing recently has caused me to change my mind.
If Brexit is stopped I think it will be virtually impossible under a first past the post system to get it started again. The EU will probably implode before we’re allowed to leave. In the meantime, I’m sure that the EU will tweak whatever it can to make a repetition more difficult.
Sorry to say that most voters will drift back to their daytime TV, football and smartphones and, at the next election, most of them will vote tribally for the same-old.
Love to be proved wrong but we’ve had false dawns before.
Of course, the downside to Brexit has always been the fact that when the EU implodes and Europe is swept by insurrection and revolution, we will inevitably be blamed as its catalyst. The French in particular will point the finger at Perfidious Albion – but since, with luck, we won’t actually leave, we can make abject apologies to the French anyway and pay generous reparations, naturally.
Quite a few people (incl Mr Pevensey) have told me they will never vote again. They just don’t trust the system anymore. I’m sure that’s what the establishment want but it’s how many understandably feel.
There will never be ‘another day ‘. There will never be another referendum – apart from one fixed to get a remain vote .
All the BBC project fear poison has done nothing to shift the voters’ desire to leave …done in order to protect the 500 traitor MP going against the democratic vote . As well as lying about agreeing with their own Party’s manifestos .
And they deflect criticism of their own corruption by trying to tag ‘right wing ‘ to ‘full brexit ‘ – with the help of Beeboids and their Biased news and politics programmes morning noon and night .
If it turned out that brexit is a huge mistake the ReichEU would love us back on condition of breaking up the Union, accepting the Euro and having our economy and government run from the Reich . But you wouldn’t have to queue at passport control – which is great isn’t it ?
David Cameron, “The Government will implement what you decide”, that David Cameron.
The David Cameron who then threw his toys out of the pram.
Cameron is now criticising the negotiations and May.
Not one word about 30 months treason and lies.
“”The Remainer-stuffed Commons Privileges Committee has found former Vote Leave Director Dominic Cummings in contempt of Parliament for not accepting an invitation to appear before a Select Committee. This morning he responded in a new blog eviscerating their claims and exposing their highly partisan attitude.””
“”In the same blog, Cummings revealed his thinking on May’s deal…””
“” “Don’t worry about the so-called ‘permanent’ commitments this historically abysmal Cabinet are trying to make on our behalf. They are not ‘permanent’ and a serious government — one not cowed by officials and their bullshit ‘legal advice’ with which they have herded ministers like sheep — will dispense with these commitments and any domestic law enforcing them.” “”
“”In other words… back the deal and we’ll escape later…””
like millions of other voting people I’m livid with our Parliament that should have made such a dam mess of what 17.4 million people voted for-real skulduggery has invaded- however just picked up this very interesting comment-
Parliament has not yet changed the leave date. At the time of adding this comment, the leave date is still 11 p.m. on Friday 29 March 2019, and that remains the case unless and until there is a change in the law. An ‘indicative vote’ in the Commons (whatever that’s supposed to mean) doesn’t change the law – it’s not primary legislation and it doesn’t enact secondary legislation. I entirely accept that the Establishment are Remainers and, on the whole, want to stop Brexit, but they are divided and consequently they are having to go about it in a very roundabout and haphazard fashion.
– The way the EU has behaved during the last three years surely would countenance a NO Deal Brexit-how on earth could the UK subscribe to any deal with such a mob of controlling, self-centered
communist sympathisers in Brussels.
It’s been a question in my mind since last week. What will they do to us if we break their confounded law? Fine us no doubt- but what if we refuse to pay? Bombs again? They are hardly holding things together as it is.
It’s crude and perhaps overly simplistic but I’m afraid I’m a fan of the ‘Just-tell-them-to-poke-it’ method. Do they deserve anything more? If only there was some real courage and resolve on our side of the table.
Professor Allott airs again the question of the right to withdraw an Article 50 notice. He says:
“although Article 50 does not create such a right [to revoke] explicitly, it must be inherent in the very nature of the notification of a mere intention to withdraw.”
It is water under the bridge now, following Wightman, but Article 50 as drafted does not carry the implication ascribed to it by Professor Allott. Indeed the ECJ, in finding the right to revoke, based their reasoning largely on higher purposive concepts of EU membership.
By analogy, if I intend to get married and notify the marquee company and the caterers and the honeymoon travel company of my intention, it is not ‘inherent in the very nature of the notification’ that I can freely change my mind and my booking. If I do, I will be up for the cancellation costs.
Notification is an event, not a state of mind. It is a bell that once rung cannot be unrung. Once the notification is given, the two year period runs automatically.
Article 50 is drafted like a termination right in a lease. No property lawyer would expect to be able to withdraw a lease termination notice unilaterally.
The statutory instrument vote to retrospectively change the exit date in UK law is scheduled to take place (and forced through no doubt, unless someone comes up with a plan to scupper it) after 7pm today, with minimal ‘debate’.
There are doubts that the government has acted lawfully in already agreeing to the extension dates before the HoC and HoL voted.
Important piece by former Court of Appeal judge Sir Richard Aikens. “The way the government has acted…is, at the least, highly unsatisfactory. It must be arguable that the government has acted illegally.”
I believe the “government” is going to table a statutory instrument tonight to change the leaving date. This is allowed under the relevant act of parliament, and I am sure our 80% remain parliament will vote for it.
We all know that the EU players are keeping their cards close to their chest and wearing their best poker faces. They can’t believe their luck in being pitched against such a weak, misguided and hapless cast of fools. They must be p*****g themselves laughing at us all.
Think forward to when the dust settles on this whole debacle and the books are written and the documentaries are made. Tusk, Barnier, Juncker et al, safe and secure with their EU pensions co-operating with Al Beeb in the making of a frank and revealing documentary about “How we f***ed up Brexit” and having their cosy fireside on camera chats with Maitliss/Marr. They will be able to reveal their Incredulity at the stupidity of this so called leader who turned up on their doorstep without a plan, with no notion of the cards that she held and who caved in on everything immediately.
If, as many people have said, she wants to leave a legacy as the PM who delivered Brexit to the people, she will be bitterly disappointed once everything we don’t know is aired and the full extent of her foolishness and naivety becomes public.
If the future history is written by the EU, as likely
why wouldnt it be kind to her ?
She’s done a splendid job of acting like a determined brexiteer ,but has stopped Brexit, by pretending to be foolish and weak and wasting time.
There was no luck from the EU in getting May she was a plant from the start.
May never turned up at their doorstep without a plan , she turned up to get her orders,
Activities of the Religion of Peace Worldwide over the last week:
113 murdered many more injured.
2019.03.26 Somalia Hodan 1 1 Suspected al-Shabaab plant a bomb under a luxury car, killing the driver.
2019.03.25 Libya Ghadwa 1 3 A civilian is kidnapped and murdered by the Islamic State.
2019.03.25 Syria Manbij 7 0 Seven guards are killed by ISIS at the entrance to a city.
2019.03.25 Israel Mishmeret 0 7 Children are among the casualties when Hamas sends a rocket into a home.
2019.03.25 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 Muslim militants kill a university professor by fitting his car with an IED.
2019.03.24 Afghanistan Jalalabad 0 7 A bomb outside a clinic sends shrapnel into women and children.
2019.03.24 Pakistan Chichawatni 1 0 A man honor-strangles his 20-year-old sister for ‘having relations’.
2019.03.24 Pakistan Lahore 1 1 A woman is chopped up with an axe for marrying without her family’s permission.
2019.03.24 Syria Sheikh al-Nasser 2 0 ISIS shrapnel claims two civilians.
2019.03.24 Afghanistan Sangin 65 38 Armed fundamentalists overrun two local security bases and murder dozens.
2019.03.23 Niger Diffa 7 2 Boko Haram burn down three villages, kill seven and abduct two women.
2019.03.23 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 4 31 Bombs placed by religious radicals in tents at a Farmer’s Day ceremony kill four.
2019.03.23 Somalia Mogadishu 11 15 Sharia proponents send a suicide bomber into a government building, killing about a dozen.
2019.03.22 Niger Dewa Kargueri 8 20 Eight villagers are butchered with knives by Boko Haram.
2019.03.22 Syria Deir Ezzor 5 0 Five members of a family hunting mushrooms are executed in cold blood by ISIS.
2019.03.22 India Hajin 1 1 A 12-year-old boy is kidnapped and shot to death by Lashkar-e-Taiba.
2019.03.22 Pakistan Karachi 2 1 An assassination attempt on a cleric by sectarian rivals kills two guards.
2019.03.22 Chad Dangdala 23 0 A Boko Haram attack on a Chadian soldiers leaves two dozen dead.
2019.03.22 Afghanistan Chinar 1 4 A suicide bomber strikes a family on their way to a party, killing one member.
2019.03.22 Kenya Elwak 5 0 al-Shabaab stage a cross-border ambush that kills five Kenyan border guards.
2019.03.22 Sudan Nyala 1 2 Arab milita shoot local man to death.
2019.03.21 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Suspected al-Shabaab bombers send a civil engineer to Allah.
2019.03.21 Afghanistan Kabul 6 23 Six people are blown up for celebrating the Persian New Year.
2019.03.21 Yemen Shabwa 2 0 Two people ‘on the scene’ are leveled by a Religion of Peace car bomb blast.
2019.03.20 Pakistan Khanna Dak 1 0 A 17-year-old girl is honor killed by her conservative father.
2019.03.20 Pakistan Bahawalpur 1 0 A student stabs a professor to death for ‘anti-Islam’ remarks endorsing gender mixing at a party.
2019.03.20 Nigeria Lassa 4 0 Four farmers in a field make easy pickings for Boko Haram gunmen.
2019.03.20 Pakistan Sanjawi 6 0 The Taliban fire point-blank into a checkpost, eliminating six local cops.
2019.03.19 Syria Aleppo 2 1 Sunni snipers fire into a school bus, killing a 12-year-old boy and 8-year-old girl.
2019.03.19 Iraq Tarmiyah 3 5 The Islamic State fire on a local security patrol, killing three members.
2019.03.19 Iraq Tarmiyah 2 0 An ISIS bomb left at an orchard causes two deaths.
2019.03.19 Iraq Tarfaya 2 0 Two children are pulled into pieces by a planted bomb.
Never mind the 17.4 million hey you stark raving, power crazy, un-elected bunch of tw**s !!!
No instead you'll try and betray the genuine 17.4 million who voted to leave. This man is as pathetic as it gets. You don't run Britain. 5 million eligible voters didn't sign the petition fact. Out of 1 million marching a high percentage were children dragged along fact.
Tell you what. we’ll send you the 1.5 million useless BBC types in London who voted multiple times because they love the EU so much, and we will take an equal number of right of centre asylum seekers trapped in countries like Sweden and everyone will be as happy as they’re going to be !
I think the BBC need reporting for constantly repeating these ‘petition’ figures when it is known to be fixed and the 1m is not a fact…but they just keep going at it….I think the statistics office
Is it right to judge other cultures by one’s own cultural standards? (I thought that was the whole point of ‘multiculturism’ that all cultures are equal!).
This video, African Language and the Africam Mind argues that the verbal African languages have a limited vocabulary, (which everyone knows), unlike the European written languages that require dictionaries, (not that we read them!), and that if there is no word for something then it is hard for the African to conceive it. An example was given of something being half-way up a tree, for the African it was either ‘up’ the tree or not.
The speaker also argues that young Africans are very sexually active, (hence HIV being endemic), a sort of ‘see it, do it’ mind set. If that is true then there is no such thing as rape to an African and consequently no word either.
Having never lived in Africa I can’t really offer an opinion on that video but all around me I see ‘my’ people living by assumptions that we hold in common so why not the African and why should they be the same as mine? Life is too short to challenge each and everyone of these assumptions, sterotypes if you like. This has been described as having a ‘low-resolution’ model of the world and that keeps us sane, free from information overload.
Incidently the video claims that Africans are happier than most. Perhaps that is because they don’t worry about the ‘high-resolution’ stuff that the BBC et al thrust on us. Or perhaps, like rabbits, they have more fun!
Does blackmail work in politics?
Yes, apparently it’s simply ‘strategy’.
But if you’re already a serial liar, I suppose a little blackmail won’t weigh down the conscience any further.
Assuming you have a conscience…
Any more than a sense of honour or shame.
Some major breaking news from the government who are opposing the business of the house with a whipped vote.
Corbyn is whipping Labour MPs to support a second referendum in a direct contradiction of his manifesto (as useful as a ream of printer paper.
And Rees Mogg appears to have changed his mind yet again and said he will not support the deal unless the DUP agrees to support it.
Fast moving news which might change again in the next few minutes.
Beeb website article on limiting speeds of cars. It mentions in the article that the move is welcomed by the European Transport Safety Council claiming they are an independent body that advises Brussels (who else) on matters of road safety. On closer inspection the said body is claiming to be funded independently from various sources. Guess what, one of the independent sources is the European Commission.
Another bit of H&S legislation without any dot joining. How do they plan to make up for the massive drop in income through extortion and chicanery via the speed camera system?
Punitive taxes on diesels an option, of course, but that hasn’t gone down too well in France….
Stockpiling: if Brexit interrupts supplies of this man’s medical equipment (from Sweden), he will lose his ability to speak #VictoriaLIVE
These people like V.D. (of BBC fame) are sure going to look like liars when we get out of that exclusive club where-only-liars-and-heavy spenders gain special entry I,e, the EU and discover the only thing that all the fear mongering did was to reveal to the whole world what the once kept secret but is secret no longer group of anti-British individuals look like.
Moment woman pushed towards London bus
CCTV released by the Met Police shows a woman in her 60s being pushed into the path of an oncoming double-decker bus.
Police say the victim, who suffered bruising and a cut to her head, had a “verbal exchange” with another woman inside a Tesco in Pimlico on 29 May last year.
The Met have issued the images in order to trace the woman involved, who was with two children at the time of the assault.”
Don’t expect the lame BBC to ask why it takes the police 9 months to issue the video?
Maybe that’s the time it takes them to have consultations etc to make sure they are not offending immigrants
Why did it take so long for our finest to release the vid?
First the attacker and the victim were the wrong colour. If the colours had been reversed they’d have scrambled the entire Met on the case, whole area in lockdown, helicopters above, the works.
Second, the police have better things to do, such as tracking down online hatey crime, imaginary islamophobia, homophobia, trans-phobia, ginger-phobia, and let’s not forget twerking at pop festivals and painting their nails rainbow colours.
I have a cunning plan.
Since the legislature has now decided to take over the functions of the executive, we could let 600 of them go. 50 will do. Think of the savings!
The judiciary could then move into the positions vacated by the legislature. As we are taking our orders from the EU anyway, we don’t need a large parliament, and at least they have some recognized skills.
A few former Law Lords could move in to take over as the judiciary. The remainder of the H. o. L – i.e. all of it, could also be let go. More lovely savings! (Nobody will notice they’re missing anyway. ermine-yielding creatures will be relieved.)
What about democracy? I hear you say.
We have just discovered that there really is no such thing, so we may as well ditch the pretence.
Finally, to the cancer virus itself, The MSM. A break from them would do us all the world of good; meanwhile we can request our distinguished virologists to continue searching for a solution.
What about education? Let’s begin with teaching the functions of the legislature, the executive and the judiciary in a modern, democratic state, and what distinguishes them from one another.
Compulsory for all. At a very basic level.
Where on earth is the Queen of this loyal nation hiding?
She and her family must know by now how God can change the destinies of nations because of the in-actions/shutting her/his ears at the calls from its citizens for help/change so in the end He decided to change the religion of their king, Queen (Rome).
Don’t think that these things don’t happen these days? Think again. Look around the world. Before your very eyes. What makes our Queen think she is special in God’s eyes? She is just as poor as her subjects! In her soul I mean.
Probably not hiding at all, just wondering why her loyal subjects have insisted on voting for barely competent, stone deaf, mainstream parties time and time again.
The spectre of UKIP forced the referendum with virtually no seats but I suspect that the penny still hasn’t dropped. In the next election I predict that vast numbers of people will insist on voting for the same bunch of losers once again. That is the problem, IMO.
Feel sorry for the poor old girl, she’s doing her best to put off the inevitable – she knows what lies in store when her witless, inept and pro-Islamic son takes over.
“He’s one of the few people to speak up in public about the plight of Christians in the Middle East.”
And this is another reason why I believe Charles could very easily convert to the Roman Catholic faith. Who is to know?
The head of the Church of England and his bishops only seem to say anything in protest against its government when say, the price of sugar goes up at Aldi etc.
Besides, the state of the Anglican Church today is a sorry sight compared to what the CofE was say, 100 yrs ago. Even Atheists will agree with Christians. The CofE abandoned its first love years ago and it is too much in love with the world to even think about changing. It is powerless.
With the sort of intelligence that is sadly lacking here because they have some understanding of how a constitutional monarchy works.
All the people in Parliament who are responsible for this mess have been put there by the public. And don’t forget that there was another referendum in 2011.
anybody else noticed whats going on with HYS, anything brexit is suddenly pro remain, but the latest 2 items on new regs by EU are mostly anti, maybe the BBBC bots are not awake!
@Doughboy I’ll use the tag #HYSbotwatch on Twitter
Interesting bit in a thread about the prog
It just occurred to me that Lara's organisation may have not seen the irony in their motto. Just me, or does anyone else read this as "it's ok world, we'll do the thinking, and let you know what your opinions are"?
Any HYS on Northern Ireland, political or not, is hijacked by Irish Nationalists, many of whom use the same name as they used on the now-closed Belfast Telegraph comments sections. Now-closed I would imagine because the abuse and bigotry spewed forth by them became increasingly personal, vitriolic and irrelevant to the actual article being commented on.
As the NI page of the bBC webshite is of little interest outside the province itself some of the comments there are sectarian in the extreme, virulently anti-British and incredibly offensive to those with any idea what they are talking about.
I have also noticed this anomaly over the past three weeks . I suspect a bit of amateur fiddling going on?
perhaps maxi our ‘inside man’ can enlighten us?
Very interesting to read the BBC News App this morning which stated that the glorious EU was planning to introduce a regulation in 2022 to make speed limiters mandatory on all new cars operating in the United States of Europe and in the UK which will be controlled by GPS technology. Isn’t it strange that the very same dictatorship have told us time and time again that no technology exists to have a border free crossing in Ireland but they can introduce sophisticated controls on all vehicle speeds from Estonia to Portugal and from Bulgaria to the Irish Republic. If there is a will there is a way.
See my cunning plan and the decision by the legislature to become the executive, above.
Slowly, very, very slowly, the penny is beginning to drop.
R4 news at 3.00 featured a SNP MP (Joanna Cherry?) bewailing the fact that all the choices now had to be made, and she-unlike the cabinet- did not have a civil service to consult.
Oh dear, so playing ‘executive-executive’ ain’t that easy, after all?
I nominate her as first student for the course I mentioned at the end, above.
She also thought the default on Brexit should now become ‘revoke A 50’ instead of ‘no deal’.
So she can start her course on basic politics with a consolation award: the Uncle Joseph Stalin medal for conspicuous service to democracy.
Some time tonight, if you hear loud clanging noises, worry not.
It is merely the sound of pennies dropping in parliamentary minds.
But it will be a very slow sound, taking place -for the most- in very hollow environments.
A problem I’m wrestling with is who should get the chop ‘vote wise’ at the next general election?
Not every MP has gone against the electorate but would you include those MP’s who voted for TM’s deal on this shit list? I think I would eradicate all but 3 labour MPs but I’m struggling to decide who is ‘guilty’ of treason on the Tory side. I’d throw all but a couple of Independents on the bonfire and 100% of all remaining party members. Still, I’d hate to banish those that did their best. A list is needed.
Just vote for any party that is NOT Labour , Conservative or Liberal – they have all taken our vote for granted for too long !! Personally I like Gerrard Batten – UKIP – he has been the only one to stand up for democracy and has been vilified by the other parties and media.
Wink1 – Since it seems now anything goes at Westminster, and in Brussels Barnier thinks petitions count, I nominate Gerard Batten for PM. Shall we get a petition up?
“A problem I’m wrestling with is who should get the chop ‘vote wise’ at the next general election?”
Unless you are one of those students with a vote in every town that you have had a bed, the question is quite simple – “How did my (i.e. your) MP vote?”
If you are one of those students, then vote for the same MPs you voted for last time! (If you can remember all electoral rolls that you registered on).
There have been quite a lot of good Conservative MPs: Nigel Evans spoke up and spoke well for a true Brexit t’other day. Others doing the same have been Mark Francois, Suella Braverman, Kemi Badenoch, Theresa Villiers, Jacob Rees-Mogg and … and… my brain just got tired. Robert Halfon might be a Brexiteer, am not sure.
Trouble is, they – with some exceptions – tend to get ignored by the BBC after they have spoken up for a true Brexit.
The new Blue Planet is sponsored by WWF
.. and is campaigning
producer claims that is not the reason he moved to Netflix
“We could have done the same prog on the BBC”
These people must be bringing in billions every year. Where does it all go? Its every year; they keep bombarding our children for more of their parents hard won cash. I bet there adds are free an all.
WWF: an important front for the Globalists. Founded by Prince Bernhard in 1961, who was also its first president. The same guy who co-founded the Bilderberg Group. Former member of the Nazi SA. Fell from grace in 1976 as a consequence of the Lockheed Bribery scandal.
Here’s a quick intro to what WWF is accused of, from the hard-left Guardian of all places:
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:20 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, There won’t be a nuclear war, and certainly not one that Russia starts. Why? Well, one reason (there are…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:20 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 TWatO Watch #1 – All together now, let’s all bash the President of the USA UK general (sorry, name forgotten)…
Fedup2Mar 4, 19:48 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Van Thanks for responding . I do value it . Im particularly interested because in those moments after the nuclear…
Van HelsingMar 4, 19:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, The Russian economy is in a mess – the ruble’s value has plummeted, interest rates are high and (most…
Fedup2Mar 4, 19:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The picture on X where he isn’t wearing a Lone Ranger mask has a more pronounced dusky miffed eastern hue…
Mrs KittyMar 4, 18:51 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 As India has both a space program and a nuclear program I don’t see why any country would send money…
Here we are again , three years on and Al Beeb is still broadcasting its anti – Brexit bias and we are still in the EU, despite the biggest democratic vote this nation has seen in its history to get us out.
Bore da, Taff, I’m so happy to know that somewhere out there, someone is sitting at a screen, and getting one’s dander up over the total melt-down of the bbbc’s anti Britishness!
Of course, I’ve scanned the online rags, scorned most of the comment, and just know, like all my friends say as well, that the state broadcaster is definitely in terminal decline, and after the inevitable election soon, will be consigned to the bin.
There’s so much to live for from now on!
Scroblene, some of us work nights like maxi . Anyway I’m off home now “to crash out”. Bore da.
Seems a good way to get on Newsnight is to be unheard of, or blonde.
Not sure how Greg will feel.
Have to admire the circumlutions here.
It is a Brexit story because this is an EU law (not a “rule”) which is being imposed upon us without any debate at all. It illustrates the absolute powerlessness of our so-called parliament. People we have never heard of from countries we don’t know anything about legislate to rule us. That is not national independence, it is being a colony. And it is what 80% of our so-called MPs prefer, because it means they can take the money without having to do the work.
It is clear that after 46 years in the EU, our parliament and MPs have lost the will or desire to administer an independent country. They would rather take orders from Brussels and fiddle their expenses. Scum.
It is not really about speed. Control is the key. There is this mindset now in our governing class that thinks that the perfect society is within reach if only they can control our lives, our instincts and our thoughts.
These are not the conditions we live under and never have.
Frank Gardner reports this morning on Radio 4’s Today that ‘Far Right Groups’ are using ISIS jihadi tactics gleaned from the web to plan their attacks. No evidence provided, we must accept what he says on blind faith. I suppose it’s a variation of the Project Fear Brexit strategy used by the BBC over the last three years, except this time it’s using it to smear any individual or group that disagrees with it’s black propaganda.
On a different tack, this little table might assist in how our MPs will vote in The Commons today :
Don’t forget that everyone who isn’t them, is regarded as ‘far right’. In their twisted world there is no centre no right no far left, just them as what they regard as reasonable people and the other 80 – 90% who they see as far right or even worse.
Cassandra – I’ve very grateful to you for putting that poster up as it’s been floating around and crystallises what is being done to those who voted by their so called MPs .
I think if a history of this period is ever written ( and not banned as a threat to national security ) that poster will be the epitaph .
It left out one additional important element – a Commons speaker who can only be described as a word which can’t be used here . I won’t even give a clue .
Mssrs Naughtie And Marr salute you.
I think the term you are looking for is Jeremy Hunt, or something similar.
Maybe Frank could pop back and do a special at the old hunting ground?
The BBC ‘Raymond’ reboot looks set to be a hoot.
This poster should be displayed in shop windows and turned into a balloon large enough for the Speaker and Sadiq Khan to see – both of whom are so tiny (little man syndrome) that they will need the big writing to decipher what it says.
Apologies in advance for the size of this post but this new post Brexit BBC 1 television schedule might cheer you up…
Reminds me of the Saudi National Broadcaster. But I think there was more ‘Government Propaganda’.
But no islam?
Is it me? I don’t consider myself an idiot but isn’t it all a bit weird? The EU has stated what must be done. In the meantime, the HoC is going to debate a hundred different options and present the winner to the EU as the chosen one. Isn’t it all a bit like presenting better designs for The Titanic, after it had already struck the iceberg? Apart from anything else, the Beeb’s flow chart will be on meltdown.
Lloyd’s of London published its annual results today. R4’s business slot interview of the Lloyd’s chairman this morning consisted of about 20 questions on diversity and inclusion, and one quick question at the end about the results themselves, which showed a massive loss for the insurance market! Truly unbelievable.
Meanwhile, on the vibrant and colourful streets of no-go London, the slaughter continues…
“London stabbings: Teenager slashed outside police station among six hurt in day of knife violence”
(Evening Standard – or should that be ‘standard evening’?)
Hello, Sadiq Khan? Hello, Sadiq?
I think the emir is encouraging Londoners to stop breathing in order to improve the air quality …
Or perhaps he’s in prolonged purdah for Christchurch.
So much easier to grandstand on distant issues than deal with domestic crises.
Good question.
All part of Franco-German dirigisme.
Top-down, und you vill obey, Ja?
I hope people are becomming aware of the truth which I presented some time ago, that Rees Mogg is not the great white hope many thought him to be.
Never ever trust anyone from the rotten school. It seems that Mogg has put aside all his morals, principles and objections, in order to get his old Etonian chum Boris the liar into number 10 and doesn’t give a s**t what the cost is.
This is the big problem with anyone from the rotten school, as we saw with Cameron, he filled his cabinet with them, and even external positions which arose became filled with old Etonians. It’s almost like watching Mr Smith in the Matrix turning everyone into him.
Boris will make a dreadful appalling Prime Minister, the fact he is from the Rotten School is the main reason for not voting for him, but he is yet another expedient who has no firm beliefs and to make matters worse is a known liar who finds the easiest way out of difficulty is to lie.
It really is difficult to think of a worse situation, especially with the other side’s leader.
I never thought I’d be in favour of PR, but the state of the arrogant elite leads me now to believe that it is the only way in order to advance the country.
Thoughtful – Consider changing your pseudonym.
You today, Fed the moderator yesterday.
The ERG, the Bruges Group are on our side.
Jesus Christ, are some BBBC users really deep penetration fifth columnists who have chosen to attack Brexiteers at this crucial time?
The enemy is clear to all true British patriots.
Time for the Scandinavians to demand the EU return its Nobel Peace Prize.
War is coming to Europe, the EU is to blame.
Perhaps you haven’t read todays papers?
The ERG are NOT on our side at all, they have all capitulated to vote for Mays ‘turd’ deal, despite having voted against it twice, and Mogg telling everyone it was so bad that remaining would be preferable to voting for it.
If Mogg can persuade the DUP which he is trying to do then we end up stuck with Mays turd and never leave the EU.
And the price for his treachery? May stepping down as PM so he can insert Boris into number 10.
If you think that is the actions of someone on your side then I wonder just how far they have to go to be the enemy !
I think we should all get behind Mrs May…….
And kick her right up that fat arse she seems to want to show off all the time.
Her duplicity and her ambitions to be Prime Minister, a job for which she was eminently unqualified, have landed us in this unholy mess. She made a mess of Home Secretary, promising as her priority to reduce immigration, yet allowing an increase from OUTSIDE Europe, alienating the Police force etc. She is determined to get her rubbish deal through at any cost, considering it to be her legacy. Well it will be her legacy, a legacy of betrayal of the British people.
Why should we be subject to ANY laws and rules from organizations outside Britain.
Parliament gave the people a mandate to decide whether we stay in Europe or leave.
The people voted to leave so what legitimacy do MPs now have to frustrate the clear decision to leave .
General Sir
Permission to speak Sir.
Can I change your last sentence to read “The people voted to leave, so what legitimacy do MPs now have to even DEBATE the clear decision to leave?” Surely sir, the duty of our elected representatives is to carry out the instructions given to them by the people they represent. Otherwise sir, what purpose do they serve? Thank you General Sir.
Last chance
Sorry – I don’t get it – why do I need to change my name ?
If JRM sells out on the sell out – then he is just another politician .
As for your view about Europe and war – that’s even more pessimistic than me. Personally I am more optimistic about the destruction /change in the ReichEU because of the coming election for The ReichEU parliament – where democratic National representatives who are described by the enemy as ‘populists ‘ will win big .
Have you taken into account, tampering with the Ballot Boxes?
The EU will not take a, ‘David Cameron’ risk on the ‘voters’ wishes.
I have been predicting mass scale tampering, which is why the BBC and the rest are calling for a new referendum.
If we had a fair referendum Leave would win. But that will not happen.
I thought the original referendum would have been fixed and was shocked at the real outcome .
The fix on another one wouldn’t be the physical process – it would be the drafted question . Remain? Or Remain ? A choice of one – based on the North Korean free and fair election model .
Fedup2- I agree with you on JRM, although getting rid of May would be a worthwhile achievement. If it’s not done now, she could easily follow the Merkel handbook and stay and stay and stay. She has lied so often, even her commitment not to run in 2022 could be chucked out of the window, She wouldn’t even bat an eyelid.
I think ‘populists’ are on the up in Europe. With a bit of luck, they will blow the whole rotten EU apart.
Unlike you, I do not see a ReichEU, even though Germany is economically dominant. The Reich would have governed other countries, but those countries, elites and common people, would have sullenly resisted/sabotaged at every opportunity. I see a EUSSR, in which the elites of captured states have been fully co-opted, and daily propaganda -a la bbc- keeps the common man firmly in place.
Please present your evidence against Mogg, and any other ERG members.
I view Mogg’s action as taken very reluctantly, but after careful consideration of the reality of the situation.
The last thing we need to do is indulge in in-fighting, when there are real enemies everywhere.
Firstly do you believe that May’s deal has changed in any material way, because I certainly don’t.
Mogg voiced that the deal was so bad it would be better to remain in the EU than to vote for this deal, now he has done a 180 degree U turn.
We all want Marxist May gone, but Mogg has an ulterior motive and he said openly that he would vote for a deal he clearly believes is the worst option for the country, if Theresa May resigns as PM.
He has also said that he wants other Rotten School graduate Boris Johnson to take her place.
Or put a different way he is prepared to sacrifice all his stated believes objections, principles, morals, followers, and supporters, just for the old school tie, and that is contemptable.
May goes then, lo and behold, we get Philip Hammond as PM. Effectively, no change. What then?
Last chance – glad you are playing judge . See his article in the Mail on line . Sure you can find it yourself .
I’m not in fighting with anyone . I didn’t vote for a deal . I voted to leave and adapt to the consequences . Anyone who does nt agree with that ain’t me friend
As an aside – Mogg spouted on for months that if the UK is under the jurisdiction of the ECJ then it hasn’t left . And that is what Lord Mogg of hedge funds is to vote for –
Even if the DUP withstand the bribery being thrown at them now
Last chance – you asked for evidence regarding JRM and I provided it – but no acknowledgement , thanks or counter argument …does that classify you as a troll ?
I remember how first Farage was lauded, then kicked into touch, before Rees-Mogg became everyone’s darling, because he could string a sentence together, and oozed charm. Right from the start, many of us could see right through him. And it cometh to pass.
Agree Goat – JRM was the MSM acceptable voice for Leave, as you say right class, clever, and charming and when push comes to shove could be depended on to put his class first and put his hands straight in the air and surrender.
Vassal state or not just like the rest of his colleagues such as Hammond, Rudd, Ken Clarke etc the more unpleasant aspects of our future enslavement to the EU will never be visited upon them or their kin – however GOD HELP THE REST OF US.
If Rudd doesn’t resign then it is a clear sign that she is very happy in deed with the end deal therefore we will still be tied to the EU. Sadly.
Agree over Mogg and his school chum.
But I fear that the new PM will be Savid Javid (Allah bless him & give him peace) .
Let’s ask the people if they have made the right decision, said no brexiteer ever
According to the polls more people want a clean WTO break with Europe than any other option, and a second referendum was very low down on the list of options.
Lets ask the people if they actually want a second referendum – which has been done, are not the words you’ll hear from any remainer because they know the answer isn’t going to be the one they want to hear.
Stevie M
How about:
“Let’s tell the people that they have made the wrong decision because we know better”?
Said every bedwetting remainer
Stevie – so what that is saying is —- people should be asked to vote on whether what they voted for in the referendum and subsequent general election – was right ?
It’s as dumb as the other variations . People die off . Or 10 year olds couldn’t vote .or the best one ‘people change their minds ‘
Which means there would be a daily general election to confirm democratic legitimancy – or May be voting by the hour ?
If remain had won – I’d have said ‘oh well – there you go – keep bitching about public services overwhelmed with unrestricted EU guests ‘ and live what you voted for .
Notice I didn’t even mention Project Fear 1, 2, and 3….courtesy of the State Broadcaster
Stevie m:
I agree with you, Brexiters see no need to ask the people if they have made the right decision. Because we respect the verdict of the referendum. It’s called democracy, and if you do not respect the vote of the people, then clearly you are living in some sort of dictatorship. Happy with that?
It would be nice if just once, when people vote against the EU in some way, they are not forced to vote again until they give the answer their EU masters wanted all along.
lts the elephant in the room, but no-one will say it, the second referendum is an excuse to give those too young to vote 3 years ago, the opportunity now to do so. And we all know how the young will vote – certainly not for anything to do with Brexit. Thus giving the Remainers, Gina Miller and Tony Blair the result they want. There will also be more waverers on the Brexit side, whereas there will be none on the Remain team, so we know what the outcome will be if there is a second referendum.
Jon Sopel still can’t let it go …. he has retweeted this …..
No Anthony …. yourself and Sopel are a “interesting” use of the Licence Fee !!!!!!!
Another lovely story for the Beeb to distort and magnify.
Apparently far right extremists are on the rise and cause for concern.
They’re copying tactics used by ISIS and are a real threat.
I’d ask anyone in a panic about these mythical monsters to take a wander throughout London, particularly the Westminster area, to gauge just where the danger is really coming from.
All those hideous bollards on every London bridge? Nothing whatever to do with the “far right.”
All those coppers surrounding Parliament? Well, let’s put it this way. Yes, there was a group of half-witted pillocks who allowed themselves to be filmed harassing the ghastly Anna Soubry. The Beeb played this story every day for a fortnight. They were unpleasant and noisy, but they weren’t dangerous.
However, the Muslim driving his car into cyclists was for TEN DAYS! regarded by the same reliable source as an act of “dangerous driving.” Then the story was allowed to drift off into oblivion.
Lots of coppers at Westminster…
Jo Cox was murdered by a lone nutter.
Untold numbers of us ordinary Brits have been slaughtered by Islamists.
Our brave MPs have made bloody certain they’re very well protected.
As for the rest of us…
“The Beeb played this story every day ”
As time goes by I have to admit – as a retired person – I can see nothing but freedom and prosperity for GB when we are out of the EU and all the red tape is done and dusted. And that will be the time when we the licence payers will make the BBC money-wasters PAYUP for their biased Pro-EU reporting. Admittedly It won’t be easy for any employee at the BBC as they will be very concerned about their lifestyles, and loss of their job. I realise that it will be hard for their families but, there are consequences for anyone who deliberately and shamelessly betrays their country by backing another foreign power.
Ok, I’m sure there are ways of gaining new employment but they will need to search in another country as every British TV/Radio company will employ only those who they can trust – not, cheats, and liars.
Can I suggest to those CEOs who are thinking that they might employee a EX-BBC BBC – Make them take a Poli-graph test.
I like your post, Vesnadog. I was thinking of writing something very similar, but got up a bit later, and haven’t had enough Yorkshire Gold yet…
When the BBC is finally broken up, and probably subscription only, the only audience it will have after a few months will be old dears in homes, who still have steam radio (not ageist, I still have a cassette recorder in my shed for when I’m out there making things), and a few snowflakes and sjws, still wondering what to do with their ‘degrees’ in vegan gender studies!
Another benefit of the demise of the BBC will be a blossoming future with our US friends, because the likes of Slopel and Scratty will be scratching around in the wilderness, (rather like they do now, only more so), and being totally ignored!
It’s all good from now on anyway!
I like your post also.
“degrees in vegan gender studies”
I never thought it would come to the point where the majority of the country have literally no party that they can vote for.
BBC Newsbeat
The Nightbus is a drag queen who reads stories to UK children to promote LGBTQ+ role-models of colour.
“There are people who are brown and queer and a bit chubby and different – and it’s really important for future generations to see that,” they say.
Parents who took their children to the event loved it, but there has been some backlash to it online
Seems the bbc had a referendum on what kids need to hear constantly, and this won.
I think this should be linked in to the BBC series on Bradford and they should take the drag queen to the ‘vibrant diversity’ and see how enriching it is when the two meet up !
In Al beeb’s own words:
“IS said it was behind 3,670 attacks worldwide last year – an average of 11 attacks per day – and 502 attacks in the first two months of 2019”.
And that’s just IS, not counting lone wolves and other assorted jihadists which increase the total hugely.
But according to al beeb, the REAL danger is far-right terrorists like those who just struck in Christchurch, and Norway seven years ago, and, erm…
vlad- I disapprove of any murder of any kind, but this is fully in line with the racist, anti-white agenda, to which beeb subscribes (camouflaged as ‘diversity’). Yes, there is one. Made furthest progress in SA, where parties can declare open season on whites – by party leaders such as Malema of the EFF (quite possibly not a separate party for anything other than strategic reasons, but actually part of the ANC and represented separately in the SA parliament) without any raised eyebrows or even reports on the bbc.
The clever idea of our local propagandists (never ever think of them as a news outlet, or entertainer) is to pretend that, while there may have been 3, 670 on the one side, and 2 on the other, these make for an equal threat.
No more getting lost, ever.
The EU car of tomorrow will take you where the EU wants you to travel everytime, at any speed the EU wishes.
That is progress folks.
Which we voted to leave.
LCS, the news this morning certainly provides a foretaste of what is to come, especially when you add the story from New York state.
Tuned into the headlines at 0800 on Toady earlier. I can’t bear to listen to any more than that. I really don’t need a slow motion version of the ‘death by a thousand cuts’ of Brexit. We all know, deep down, where all this is inexorably sliding.
Now, our far left cultural Marxist State Broadcaster tells me, even the Institute of Directors is 60% in favour of a ‘Remain’ scenario. All cosily joining the ‘Remain in one form or another’ camp. The line of least resistance.
What is puzzling news, if true, (always that caveat with our “Beauty”) is that the Conservative Party has now put a value on Treason May’s premiership. May’s resignation versus the WA. How cheap is the future of the country then? Equal to Treason May’s premiership apparently. “Some are saying”, that if she puts a date on her resignation they will vote for her Withdrawal Agreement. First and foremost, could anybody believe any resignation date she gave? She couldn’t even enshrine any date given in legislation to confirm her intent for doubters. Cos’ legislation doesn’t matter any more, particularly that containing a, so-say ‘fixed’ date upon which an event takes place. After all, she’s been acting the, ‘African Dictator’ for some considerable while now. How can she shake off that extraneous perspective?
BBC radio Newcastle this morning on about Brexit.
“Will the MPs vote with the people or will they do what’s right for the country”
He rarely make sense. His tweets even less so.
Why is he a reporter?
“Why is he a reporter?”
He gets to put his tie off while in discussion with V.D.
It’s depressing to look a the state of the world right now. Brexit, the uniformly leftist or Globalist MSM, the growing censorship of the internet, the ‘ resistance’ in the USA, the growing acceptance by people of repression and suppression of free speech, the complete take over of education by loonie leftists and consequent brainwashing of young people, the welcoming by many politicians of mass migration , the acceptance and indeed defence of Islamification.
The bright spots are the success of President Trump, Salvini, Orban, and others. The growing realisation by tens of millions that the MSM is fraudulent and merely propaganda for Globalists.
The crucial questions are:
Can enough people be mobilised quickly enough to stop the Globalists and their unlikely partners in the left fromconsolidating their hold?
Can the iron grip of the Globalist alliance be broken by democracy? Brexit and the attempts to overturn the 2016 US election suggest that it may not be able to. If it can’t what next? Accept that democracy has failed and accept rule by the Globalist left alliance?
But this alliance is very unstable and will fall apart within The decade. Already looney lefties like Cortez in the USA must be putting the fear of God into Globalist corporations. ( she should take care because getting rid of her would certainly suit the Globalist who would pin the blame on the far right of course) But in a decade of Globalist rule there will be so much Muslim immigration that Islamification will be irreversible and uncontainable . Then the Globalists will realise that they have created a monster that they nor anyone else can tame.
Whoeheartedly agree!
If ‘Brexiteers’ do support Theresa’s deal in return for her leaving, they need to get that in writing, witnessed and legally attested. An oath in her church to confirm her immediate departure, would also help. That could be recorded by the Bishops in the HoL. Perhaps even laid down in legislation in the Commons as an additional measure.
If they take her word, she may still be there in 2022, explaining why she is going to run for PM after all, purely in the national interest.
Possibly four ‘heavies’ need also to be appointed to remove her when the time comes. Like with Merkel, hard to see a voluntary physical departure from parliament.
Oh yes, if you think I’m joking, merely recall Gordon Brown, who stayed in No10 for five days after he should have left. Labour had been in for so long, and T Blair conned people into giving him such a large majority, many Labourites must have whispered encouragement? (‘Sit tight, Gordon, let’s see what they do…’)
I was also beginning to wonder then how they were going to get him out if he simply refused to leave. Had some national paper not headlined ‘the squatter in No10’, he might still be there?
You see big power is very hard to let go of, sob.
The dignity of a Mrs T and Denis waving goodbye, stands in stark contrast.
In today’s world promises, even written ones witnessed by God himself, count for nothing. If you are a leftist or Globalist you can fail to deliver them, or even do the exact opposite of what you promised, and you will get away with it. No one , least of all the MSM, will hold you to account. The police, the judiciary and the media are all in your pockets . You can do whatever you like . Of course if you are not one of them , even if there are 17.4 million of you, they can target you with lies for years , look at Donald Trump , without ever having to offer up any proof.
Rule of law has been higjacked and politicised by the left and the Globalists. This is why it is absolutely essential that those who took part in the anti Trump coup are investigated, indicted, tried, convicted and receive very long sentences. I think that all those powerful traitors must go to prison, Clinton, Clapper, , Brendan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok and plenty of others need to get long sentences. Additionally as many members as possible of the MSM who can be proved to have taken part in this conspiracy must also be prosecuted. This is the only way that rule of law in the US can be put back on a firm footing.
As to the UK , well I think that our justice system is equally corrupted by the Globalist left alliance, but, unlike the USA so is our democracy . Trump is still able to make progress in swamp draining and implementing his agenda , the 2016 election is bearing fruit for those who voted for him. Contrast that with Brexit.
I sense the disappointment of many here with Jacob Rees-Mogg’s turnaround or feeble capitulation or abject surrender (whichever you feel apply) on the PM’s WA and concur to an extent.
Religion is intertwined in and with the EU and I suspect that JR-M is something of a High Tory as well as being a ‘numbers man’. (BTW, High Tories can be Jewish as well as Roman Catholics and Anglo-Catholics)
Northern Ireland is expensive to the UK taxpayer and has been even more so in the past 50 years, as well as being enormously expensive in terms of lives lost to men and women of violence, both there and here on the ‘mainland’. Some Conservatives have been minded to abandon Northern Ireland in the past and be rid of the problem and the cost. Others may be rather more kindly inclined to Ireland as a whole and would like to see the island united. Some of those would, no doubt, like to see it, as such, re-join the United Kingdom.
The messy steps we have taken to devolution in the UK so far might enable that in future.
There has been a past block in the mindset of Unionists within NI to re-uniting their land. The socio-politico-religious landscape in the Republic, I think, is changing. The mindset of NI’s Unionists might also be changing and see on the horizon much bigger prizes than the simple Unification than that demanded by Sinn Fein/IRA with their bombs and guns.
It could be that acceptance of a BRINO Brexit, with Theresa May’s red lines clearly broken, will be a precursor to the willingness of Westminster to cast adrift Northern Ireland into a Unity Referendum at some point in the future in order to remove the rest of the UK from under the rule of the EU. Economics may bring this about.
I am torn. Even as a very non-conformist Non-Conformist, I would like to see Ireland united and for conservatives and Conservatives in NI politics to move into the south in order to present the people of Ireland with a much greater (and better?) choice in political matters. On the other hand, I am sympathetic to Unionists and conservatives of any ‘C’ (and See!) in the North and would not want something imposed on them that would put their safety and existence at risk.
I think I can see where J R-M ‘may’ be ‘coming from’ in this turnaround. Like him, I still think the PM’s Deal is a very bad deal all round.
My personal choice would be to boldly embrace a No Deal Brexit, now delayed by the EU to 11/12th April. But to do that it will be necessary to bring the Withdrawal Agreement back to the Commons, in a vote, for it to fail again.
I cannot help but wonder if J R-M has – instead of what I suggest above – a cunning plan to ensure that that happens.
kompramat ?
Maybe the Tories have some leverage on Mogg.
Possible, Stew, possible.
As Winston said
[memorably when played by Robert Hardy in, I think, ‘The Wilderness Years’ (TV) ]
“Politics is foul!”
Time for him to call Baldric, if he hasn’t one.
Personally I am fed up with “cunning plans”
I just would like some political honesty and as far as I am concerned, we either have Brexit or no brexit. The WA is not brexit.
If the entwining snakes in the MSM and Parliament do not allow this, then MAYBE we need to consider more asymmetrical means to splitting away from the EU and changing how we are governed.
This question is fundamental to democracy in this country, not just a game of charades for a dismal mix of posh boys and girls, political cowards and cynical globalists.
Oak, I’m so sorry to ask, but what exactly does ‘WA’ stand for please?
I’ve tried to Google it, and all I got was Western Australia…
(I’ve been more successful with ‘MSM’ and ‘SJW’, but as I never text anyone, I’m a bit behind the times with this particular one)!
WA – The Infamous Withdrawal Agreement, or total surrender to the EU!
Mogg has stated the conditions he wants to support Mays treaty, and what was her resignation. Nothing has changed in Mays treaty nor has the legal advice.
This is simply one alumni of the Rotten School seeking to advance the career of another and it’s pretty poor performance.
None of them has a cunning plan. We are governed by careerists, yes-men and buffoons.
We are the nation which in 1944 planned the D-Day invasion of Europe in less than a year, yet after three years cannot even negotiate our peaceful departure from a so-called friendly group of nations. The calibre of our national leadership is shocking.
Membership of the EU for 46 years has clearly hollowed out our political class. They have had nothing to do for 46 years, and are just not up to the job of actually doing something for the money we pay them.
” They have had nothing to do for 46 years, and are just not up to the job of actually doing something for the money we pay them”
This is why so many ex-Union leaders yearn for and usually get a MP job. These fellas do nothing as union leaders and seek promotion to parliament in order do it on a much bigger scale.
Re Globalism and Islam.
Religion is a good way to keep the sheeple meekly munching away at the grass…in the coming age of AI, it’s perfect.
Social Liberalism is also a religion for many now.
In the UK (and especially in the EU) many, many people believe it will trump all other ‘religions’ and save them in, and from, the future.
It will not.
There are signs that The Man of Disobedience is on the way.
Suddenly, almost any Bad deal is better than ‘No Deal’?
Juncker must be laughing himself silly.
Re Radio4’s hit piece yesterday against righty women
That brought us the spectacular news that Lucy Brown ex of Black Lives Matter
.. bought a pagan symbol necklace .. before she knew that those pagan symbols were adopted by the Nazis
..and now still continues to wear said necklace even though the “anti-Nazis” scream at her.
Apparently a TR video is coming up
..cos that R4 prog was another sting against the BBC
#NecklaceCrime enforced by WPC Maxi
Interesting bit in a thread about the prog
A lefty also did a thread about the show
saying its flaws were so big
Nice if this were a spoof – but I fear not.
The Parisien curators of an exhibition: ‘Black models: from Gericault to Matisse’ are re-naming works by Manet, Picasso and Cezanne after their overlooked black subjects. Thus Manet’s ‘Olympia’ a reclining nude prostitute of some renown – whose basilisk stare tells you her prices are 200 francs monsieur, non-negotiable – will be disregarded in future, allowing concentration on ‘Laure’ after the black maid in the background who will name the painting from now on.
We must look forward to Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’ re-named as ‘Ahmed’ after the little Algerian boy who picked them for Vincent and whose shadow, some believe, can just be detected in the foreground.
I just searched Twitter for news on : Tommy Robinson radio
Twitter pushed this advert at me
Reading some of the posts here and elsewhere it’s clear that Jacob Rees Mogg is coming in for some strong criticism. I have to say I think it’s a little unfair.
He’s a staunch Brexiteer, but he finds himself with a less than useless PM (who he tried to get rid of!) who has managed to negotiate a deal only her best friends could possibly like. He doesn’t like the deal, in fact he strongly dislikes it.
Unfortunately for him (and us) parliament is about 80% Remainers and due to the inept Maybot and the manipulative media, they’ve grown enormously in confidence.
If we don’t settle for May’s deal, we might be lumbered with any number of worse deals. They won’t allow my preferred option of a no deal…and we all should know this.
He’s stuck between a rock and a sewage farm. He didn’t create this appalling situation the PM and the Parliamentary arithmetic did.
JRM is worried Brexit, in any form, could be overturned.
Come to that, so am I.
Then let Brexit be overturned and have some courage! 17.4 million people will not stand the elites taking away their values and instructions. Mogg could be riding high in a new party while the rotten corrupt Tories sink into the mire.
The whole point of Cameron holding the referendum was to neutralise the threat his party was facing from UKIP, and it worked, until Marxist May screwed it all up. Now the Tories are going to face a resurgent UKIP because they didn’t want to do what the voters told them to do.
I really hope you’re right about a “resurgent UKIP”. However, I’m afraid, all the big guns, including Nigel, have gone.
At the very time we need to stand together the movement is splintering.
The electorate could be confronted by three parties all saying essentially the same thing…and standing against each other.
Even at our political zenith, getting 4 million votes, we only mustered 1 MP.
It’s a deeply flawed system, but it’s all we’ve got.
Still, I admire your confidence!
“I really hope you’re right about a “resurgent UKIP”. However, I’m afraid, all the big guns, including Nigel, have gone.”
I fully agree with you.
You know what people say re “you should never go back” I agree with this statement also. History I suppose is full of people who have gone back and regretted it. I see no reason why Farage/UKIP should break the trend. Must move-on!
I think we now all accept that the appointment of Marxist May was designed precisely to ‘screw it all up’. Her mantras ‘strong and stable’, ‘Brexit means Brexit’ and ‘No deal is better than a bad deal’ illustrate all too clearly her innate stupidity in believing that repetition creates truth. Goebbels would have smiled in pride upon her.
The true benefit of the Brexit fiasco is to clearly demonstrate just how devious, unprincipled and self-serving all our politicians are.
I agree. There is danger Brexit will not happen. if they get Mays departure deal through then hopefully she will go and a Brexiteer can do the negotiations.
I get really annoyed when MPs keep saying the ‘will of Parliament must be obeyed’ when talking about these optional votes and forget the ‘will of the people’ that was actually voted for and agreed by these same idiots/selfish MPs
Sorry, I disagree.
The best senario in my humble view would be to dismiss Brexit – revoke Art 50 altogether and remain. This on the basis that it is better to retreat intact to fight another day rather than be destroyed, morally and ethically. The fight back will loom at the next election when large numbers of this current Labour Government under Treason May and the Marxists under Corbyn + the Yellow streak in the middle, will get their comeuppance. Equipped with fresh Brexit MP’s the fight can resume with a better chance of ‘Out’ without any strings. This current ongoing debacle from start to now almost finish has energised the voters more than ever seen before so there are likely to be a great many shocks come next election. Besides, any member of the EU can submit an Art50 anytime and that includes us, again. Personally, I’d like to vote in the EU May elections when, all thing being predictable, there may not be much left of the existing Marist EU afterwards. I’d surely like to help that out.
I have always seen JR-M as a ‘Dandy’ in the noun. Nothing recently has caused me to change my mind.
Sorry, I don’t agree.
If Brexit is stopped I think it will be virtually impossible under a first past the post system to get it started again. The EU will probably implode before we’re allowed to leave. In the meantime, I’m sure that the EU will tweak whatever it can to make a repetition more difficult.
Sorry to say that most voters will drift back to their daytime TV, football and smartphones and, at the next election, most of them will vote tribally for the same-old.
Love to be proved wrong but we’ve had false dawns before.
Of course, the downside to Brexit has always been the fact that when the EU implodes and Europe is swept by insurrection and revolution, we will inevitably be blamed as its catalyst. The French in particular will point the finger at Perfidious Albion – but since, with luck, we won’t actually leave, we can make abject apologies to the French anyway and pay generous reparations, naturally.
Quite a few people (incl Mr Pevensey) have told me they will never vote again. They just don’t trust the system anymore. I’m sure that’s what the establishment want but it’s how many understandably feel.
There will never be ‘another day ‘. There will never be another referendum – apart from one fixed to get a remain vote .
All the BBC project fear poison has done nothing to shift the voters’ desire to leave …done in order to protect the 500 traitor MP going against the democratic vote . As well as lying about agreeing with their own Party’s manifestos .
And they deflect criticism of their own corruption by trying to tag ‘right wing ‘ to ‘full brexit ‘ – with the help of Beeboids and their Biased news and politics programmes morning noon and night .
If it turned out that brexit is a huge mistake the ReichEU would love us back on condition of breaking up the Union, accepting the Euro and having our economy and government run from the Reich . But you wouldn’t have to queue at passport control – which is great isn’t it ?
Thank you, I thought I was alone.
Updated: 27th March 2019, 7:31 am
David Cameron, “The Government will implement what you decide”, that David Cameron.
The David Cameron who then threw his toys out of the pram.
Cameron is now criticising the negotiations and May.
Not one word about 30 months treason and lies.
“”Cummings…Back Stop Won’t Be Permanent””
“”The Remainer-stuffed Commons Privileges Committee has found former Vote Leave Director Dominic Cummings in contempt of Parliament for not accepting an invitation to appear before a Select Committee. This morning he responded in a new blog eviscerating their claims and exposing their highly partisan attitude.””
“”In the same blog, Cummings revealed his thinking on May’s deal…””
“” “Don’t worry about the so-called ‘permanent’ commitments this historically abysmal Cabinet are trying to make on our behalf. They are not ‘permanent’ and a serious government — one not cowed by officials and their bullshit ‘legal advice’ with which they have herded ministers like sheep — will dispense with these commitments and any domestic law enforcing them.” “”
“”In other words… back the deal and we’ll escape later…””
This could possibly explain Mogg’s logic?
like millions of other voting people I’m livid with our Parliament that should have made such a dam mess of what 17.4 million people voted for-real skulduggery has invaded- however just picked up this very interesting comment-
Parliament has not yet changed the leave date. At the time of adding this comment, the leave date is still 11 p.m. on Friday 29 March 2019, and that remains the case unless and until there is a change in the law. An ‘indicative vote’ in the Commons (whatever that’s supposed to mean) doesn’t change the law – it’s not primary legislation and it doesn’t enact secondary legislation. I entirely accept that the Establishment are Remainers and, on the whole, want to stop Brexit, but they are divided and consequently they are having to go about it in a very roundabout and haphazard fashion.
– The way the EU has behaved during the last three years surely would countenance a NO Deal Brexit-how on earth could the UK subscribe to any deal with such a mob of controlling, self-centered
communist sympathisers in Brussels.
The response to that is that EU law overides UK law and thus the extension is the law, not the Friday leave date.
It’s been a question in my mind since last week. What will they do to us if we break their confounded law? Fine us no doubt- but what if we refuse to pay? Bombs again? They are hardly holding things together as it is.
It’s crude and perhaps overly simplistic but I’m afraid I’m a fan of the ‘Just-tell-them-to-poke-it’ method. Do they deserve anything more? If only there was some real courage and resolve on our side of the table.
Professor Allott airs again the question of the right to withdraw an Article 50 notice. He says:
“although Article 50 does not create such a right [to revoke] explicitly, it must be inherent in the very nature of the notification of a mere intention to withdraw.”
It is water under the bridge now, following Wightman, but Article 50 as drafted does not carry the implication ascribed to it by Professor Allott. Indeed the ECJ, in finding the right to revoke, based their reasoning largely on higher purposive concepts of EU membership.
By analogy, if I intend to get married and notify the marquee company and the caterers and the honeymoon travel company of my intention, it is not ‘inherent in the very nature of the notification’ that I can freely change my mind and my booking. If I do, I will be up for the cancellation costs.
Notification is an event, not a state of mind. It is a bell that once rung cannot be unrung. Once the notification is given, the two year period runs automatically.
Article 50 is drafted like a termination right in a lease. No property lawyer would expect to be able to withdraw a lease termination notice unilaterally.
The statutory instrument vote to retrospectively change the exit date in UK law is scheduled to take place (and forced through no doubt, unless someone comes up with a plan to scupper it) after 7pm today, with minimal ‘debate’.
There are doubts that the government has acted lawfully in already agreeing to the extension dates before the HoC and HoL voted.
“retrospectively change”
Oh! They have a TARDIS!
I had a big ‘crush’ on Elizabeth Sladen…God Bless her…RIP
I believe the “government” is going to table a statutory instrument tonight to change the leaving date. This is allowed under the relevant act of parliament, and I am sure our 80% remain parliament will vote for it.
May is a liar.
History will not be kind to Mrs Chamberlain.
We all know that the EU players are keeping their cards close to their chest and wearing their best poker faces. They can’t believe their luck in being pitched against such a weak, misguided and hapless cast of fools. They must be p*****g themselves laughing at us all.
Think forward to when the dust settles on this whole debacle and the books are written and the documentaries are made. Tusk, Barnier, Juncker et al, safe and secure with their EU pensions co-operating with Al Beeb in the making of a frank and revealing documentary about “How we f***ed up Brexit” and having their cosy fireside on camera chats with Maitliss/Marr. They will be able to reveal their Incredulity at the stupidity of this so called leader who turned up on their doorstep without a plan, with no notion of the cards that she held and who caved in on everything immediately.
If, as many people have said, she wants to leave a legacy as the PM who delivered Brexit to the people, she will be bitterly disappointed once everything we don’t know is aired and the full extent of her foolishness and naivety becomes public.
If the future history is written by the EU, as likely
why wouldnt it be kind to her ?
She’s done a splendid job of acting like a determined brexiteer ,but has stopped Brexit, by pretending to be foolish and weak and wasting time.
There was no luck from the EU in getting May she was a plant from the start.
May never turned up at their doorstep without a plan , she turned up to get her orders,
A great article about BBC bias –
Activities of the Religion of Peace Worldwide over the last week:
113 murdered many more injured.
2019.03.26 Somalia Hodan 1 1 Suspected al-Shabaab plant a bomb under a luxury car, killing the driver.
2019.03.25 Libya Ghadwa 1 3 A civilian is kidnapped and murdered by the Islamic State.
2019.03.25 Syria Manbij 7 0 Seven guards are killed by ISIS at the entrance to a city.
2019.03.25 Israel Mishmeret 0 7 Children are among the casualties when Hamas sends a rocket into a home.
2019.03.25 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 Muslim militants kill a university professor by fitting his car with an IED.
2019.03.24 Afghanistan Jalalabad 0 7 A bomb outside a clinic sends shrapnel into women and children.
2019.03.24 Pakistan Chichawatni 1 0 A man honor-strangles his 20-year-old sister for ‘having relations’.
2019.03.24 Pakistan Lahore 1 1 A woman is chopped up with an axe for marrying without her family’s permission.
2019.03.24 Syria Sheikh al-Nasser 2 0 ISIS shrapnel claims two civilians.
2019.03.24 Afghanistan Sangin 65 38 Armed fundamentalists overrun two local security bases and murder dozens.
2019.03.23 Niger Diffa 7 2 Boko Haram burn down three villages, kill seven and abduct two women.
2019.03.23 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 4 31 Bombs placed by religious radicals in tents at a Farmer’s Day ceremony kill four.
2019.03.23 Somalia Mogadishu 11 15 Sharia proponents send a suicide bomber into a government building, killing about a dozen.
2019.03.22 Niger Dewa Kargueri 8 20 Eight villagers are butchered with knives by Boko Haram.
2019.03.22 Syria Deir Ezzor 5 0 Five members of a family hunting mushrooms are executed in cold blood by ISIS.
2019.03.22 India Hajin 1 1 A 12-year-old boy is kidnapped and shot to death by Lashkar-e-Taiba.
2019.03.22 Pakistan Karachi 2 1 An assassination attempt on a cleric by sectarian rivals kills two guards.
2019.03.22 Chad Dangdala 23 0 A Boko Haram attack on a Chadian soldiers leaves two dozen dead.
2019.03.22 Afghanistan Chinar 1 4 A suicide bomber strikes a family on their way to a party, killing one member.
2019.03.22 Kenya Elwak 5 0 al-Shabaab stage a cross-border ambush that kills five Kenyan border guards.
2019.03.22 Sudan Nyala 1 2 Arab milita shoot local man to death.
2019.03.21 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Suspected al-Shabaab bombers send a civil engineer to Allah.
2019.03.21 Afghanistan Kabul 6 23 Six people are blown up for celebrating the Persian New Year.
2019.03.21 Yemen Shabwa 2 0 Two people ‘on the scene’ are leveled by a Religion of Peace car bomb blast.
2019.03.20 Pakistan Khanna Dak 1 0 A 17-year-old girl is honor killed by her conservative father.
2019.03.20 Pakistan Bahawalpur 1 0 A student stabs a professor to death for ‘anti-Islam’ remarks endorsing gender mixing at a party.
2019.03.20 Nigeria Lassa 4 0 Four farmers in a field make easy pickings for Boko Haram gunmen.
2019.03.20 Pakistan Sanjawi 6 0 The Taliban fire point-blank into a checkpost, eliminating six local cops.
2019.03.19 Syria Aleppo 2 1 Sunni snipers fire into a school bus, killing a 12-year-old boy and 8-year-old girl.
2019.03.19 Iraq Tarmiyah 3 5 The Islamic State fire on a local security patrol, killing three members.
2019.03.19 Iraq Tarmiyah 2 0 An ISIS bomb left at an orchard causes two deaths.
2019.03.19 Iraq Tarfaya 2 0 Two children are pulled into pieces by a planted bomb.
My thanks to the MSM and our own State Sponsored “Beauty” for keeping us informed.
Never mind the 17.4 million hey you stark raving, power crazy, un-elected bunch of tw**s !!!
Tell you what. we’ll send you the 1.5 million useless BBC types in London who voted multiple times because they love the EU so much, and we will take an equal number of right of centre asylum seekers trapped in countries like Sweden and everyone will be as happy as they’re going to be !
I think the BBC need reporting for constantly repeating these ‘petition’ figures when it is known to be fixed and the 1m is not a fact…but they just keep going at it….I think the statistics office
LOL there are times I think the DM really don’t like my comments !
Cherie Blair causes storm after telling pupils that ‘most African women’s first sexual experience is rape’ during school talk
My comment was that thanks to her husbands time in office many thousands of English White girls in Northern towns get to share that experience !
Great comment !! Bang on the money.
Is it right to judge other cultures by one’s own cultural standards? (I thought that was the whole point of ‘multiculturism’ that all cultures are equal!).
This video, African Language and the Africam Mind argues that the verbal African languages have a limited vocabulary, (which everyone knows), unlike the European written languages that require dictionaries, (not that we read them!), and that if there is no word for something then it is hard for the African to conceive it. An example was given of something being half-way up a tree, for the African it was either ‘up’ the tree or not.
The speaker also argues that young Africans are very sexually active, (hence HIV being endemic), a sort of ‘see it, do it’ mind set. If that is true then there is no such thing as rape to an African and consequently no word either.
Having never lived in Africa I can’t really offer an opinion on that video but all around me I see ‘my’ people living by assumptions that we hold in common so why not the African and why should they be the same as mine? Life is too short to challenge each and everyone of these assumptions, sterotypes if you like. This has been described as having a ‘low-resolution’ model of the world and that keeps us sane, free from information overload.
Incidently the video claims that Africans are happier than most. Perhaps that is because they don’t worry about the ‘high-resolution’ stuff that the BBC et al thrust on us. Or perhaps, like rabbits, they have more fun!
Does blackmail work in politics?
Yes, apparently it’s simply ‘strategy’.
But if you’re already a serial liar, I suppose a little blackmail won’t weigh down the conscience any further.
Assuming you have a conscience…
Any more than a sense of honour or shame.
Some major breaking news from the government who are opposing the business of the house with a whipped vote.
Corbyn is whipping Labour MPs to support a second referendum in a direct contradiction of his manifesto (as useful as a ream of printer paper.
And Rees Mogg appears to have changed his mind yet again and said he will not support the deal unless the DUP agrees to support it.
Fast moving news which might change again in the next few minutes.
Beeb website article on limiting speeds of cars. It mentions in the article that the move is welcomed by the European Transport Safety Council claiming they are an independent body that advises Brussels (who else) on matters of road safety. On closer inspection the said body is claiming to be funded independently from various sources. Guess what, one of the independent sources is the European Commission.
Another bit of H&S legislation without any dot joining. How do they plan to make up for the massive drop in income through extortion and chicanery via the speed camera system?
Punitive taxes on diesels an option, of course, but that hasn’t gone down too well in France….
In which VD pulls out all the stops.
These people like V.D. (of BBC fame) are sure going to look like liars when we get out of that exclusive club where-only-liars-and-heavy spenders gain special entry I,e, the EU and discover the only thing that all the fear mongering did was to reveal to the whole world what the once kept secret but is secret no longer group of anti-British individuals look like.
Why is he using up his supplies talking to this plank then?
Moment woman pushed towards London bus
CCTV released by the Met Police shows a woman in her 60s being pushed into the path of an oncoming double-decker bus.
Police say the victim, who suffered bruising and a cut to her head, had a “verbal exchange” with another woman inside a Tesco in Pimlico on 29 May last year.
The Met have issued the images in order to trace the woman involved, who was with two children at the time of the assault.”
Don’t expect the lame BBC to ask why it takes the police 9 months to issue the video?
Maybe that’s the time it takes them to have consultations etc to make sure they are not offending immigrants
And to narrow it down, the perpetrator appears to be black.
That might explain the lengthy delay – they could have waited to see if she lost her tan, just to be on the safe side.
Why did it take so long for our finest to release the vid?
First the attacker and the victim were the wrong colour. If the colours had been reversed they’d have scrambled the entire Met on the case, whole area in lockdown, helicopters above, the works.
Second, the police have better things to do, such as tracking down online hatey crime, imaginary islamophobia, homophobia, trans-phobia, ginger-phobia, and let’s not forget twerking at pop festivals and painting their nails rainbow colours.
Somehow the Evening Standard managed to get two actual videos of the action, with a pretty good view – totally unlike the BBC’s only video still, where the perpetrator is unfortunately obscured.
Rob Burley #101.
‘Ted’ from studio 3 – 0
I have a cunning plan.
Since the legislature has now decided to take over the functions of the executive, we could let 600 of them go. 50 will do. Think of the savings!
The judiciary could then move into the positions vacated by the legislature. As we are taking our orders from the EU anyway, we don’t need a large parliament, and at least they have some recognized skills.
A few former Law Lords could move in to take over as the judiciary. The remainder of the H. o. L – i.e. all of it, could also be let go. More lovely savings! (Nobody will notice they’re missing anyway. ermine-yielding creatures will be relieved.)
What about democracy? I hear you say.
We have just discovered that there really is no such thing, so we may as well ditch the pretence.
Finally, to the cancer virus itself, The MSM. A break from them would do us all the world of good; meanwhile we can request our distinguished virologists to continue searching for a solution.
What about education? Let’s begin with teaching the functions of the legislature, the executive and the judiciary in a modern, democratic state, and what distinguishes them from one another.
Compulsory for all. At a very basic level.
If the British people were represented in the same ratio as the USA does there would be just 90 MPs
And Scotland would have 3 !
Where do we sign?
Where on earth is the Queen of this loyal nation hiding?
She and her family must know by now how God can change the destinies of nations because of the in-actions/shutting her/his ears at the calls from its citizens for help/change so in the end He decided to change the religion of their king, Queen (Rome).
Don’t think that these things don’t happen these days? Think again. Look around the world. Before your very eyes. What makes our Queen think she is special in God’s eyes? She is just as poor as her subjects! In her soul I mean.
Probably not hiding at all, just wondering why her loyal subjects have insisted on voting for barely competent, stone deaf, mainstream parties time and time again.
The spectre of UKIP forced the referendum with virtually no seats but I suspect that the penny still hasn’t dropped. In the next election I predict that vast numbers of people will insist on voting for the same bunch of losers once again. That is the problem, IMO.
And how will the public respond towards the Queen’s in-action after we have departed said EU cesspit?
Feel sorry for the poor old girl, she’s doing her best to put off the inevitable – she knows what lies in store when her witless, inept and pro-Islamic son takes over.
He’s one of the few people to speak up in public about the plight of Christians in the Middle East.
“He’s one of the few people to speak up in public about the plight of Christians in the Middle East.”
And this is another reason why I believe Charles could very easily convert to the Roman Catholic faith. Who is to know?
The head of the Church of England and his bishops only seem to say anything in protest against its government when say, the price of sugar goes up at Aldi etc.
Besides, the state of the Anglican Church today is a sorry sight compared to what the CofE was say, 100 yrs ago. Even Atheists will agree with Christians. The CofE abandoned its first love years ago and it is too much in love with the world to even think about changing. It is powerless.
“the state of the Anglican Church today is a sorry sight”
Couldn’t agree more. It is a total irrelevance yet some of its bishops still get to sit in the HoL. What experience do they have to offer?
With the sort of intelligence that is sadly lacking here because they have some understanding of how a constitutional monarchy works.
All the people in Parliament who are responsible for this mess have been put there by the public. And don’t forget that there was another referendum in 2011.
anybody else noticed whats going on with HYS, anything brexit is suddenly pro remain, but the latest 2 items on new regs by EU are mostly anti, maybe the BBBC bots are not awake!
@Doughboy I’ll use the tag #HYSbotwatch on Twitter
Interesting bit in a thread about the prog
oops I meant to delete that tweet bit
I see previously anti-Brexit people shouted bot
Any HYS on Northern Ireland, political or not, is hijacked by Irish Nationalists, many of whom use the same name as they used on the now-closed Belfast Telegraph comments sections. Now-closed I would imagine because the abuse and bigotry spewed forth by them became increasingly personal, vitriolic and irrelevant to the actual article being commented on.
As the NI page of the bBC webshite is of little interest outside the province itself some of the comments there are sectarian in the extreme, virulently anti-British and incredibly offensive to those with any idea what they are talking about.
I have also noticed this anomaly over the past three weeks . I suspect a bit of amateur fiddling going on?
perhaps maxi our ‘inside man’ can enlighten us?
Very interesting to read the BBC News App this morning which stated that the glorious EU was planning to introduce a regulation in 2022 to make speed limiters mandatory on all new cars operating in the United States of Europe and in the UK which will be controlled by GPS technology. Isn’t it strange that the very same dictatorship have told us time and time again that no technology exists to have a border free crossing in Ireland but they can introduce sophisticated controls on all vehicle speeds from Estonia to Portugal and from Bulgaria to the Irish Republic. If there is a will there is a way.
Brilliant observation and post, Deltic.
See my cunning plan and the decision by the legislature to become the executive, above.
Slowly, very, very slowly, the penny is beginning to drop.
R4 news at 3.00 featured a SNP MP (Joanna Cherry?) bewailing the fact that all the choices now had to be made, and she-unlike the cabinet- did not have a civil service to consult.
Oh dear, so playing ‘executive-executive’ ain’t that easy, after all?
I nominate her as first student for the course I mentioned at the end, above.
She also thought the default on Brexit should now become ‘revoke A 50’ instead of ‘no deal’.
So she can start her course on basic politics with a consolation award: the Uncle Joseph Stalin medal for conspicuous service to democracy.
Some time tonight, if you hear loud clanging noises, worry not.
It is merely the sound of pennies dropping in parliamentary minds.
But it will be a very slow sound, taking place -for the most- in very hollow environments.
A problem I’m wrestling with is who should get the chop ‘vote wise’ at the next general election?
Not every MP has gone against the electorate but would you include those MP’s who voted for TM’s deal on this shit list? I think I would eradicate all but 3 labour MPs but I’m struggling to decide who is ‘guilty’ of treason on the Tory side. I’d throw all but a couple of Independents on the bonfire and 100% of all remaining party members. Still, I’d hate to banish those that did their best. A list is needed.
Just vote for any party that is NOT Labour , Conservative or Liberal – they have all taken our vote for granted for too long !! Personally I like Gerrard Batten – UKIP – he has been the only one to stand up for democracy and has been vilified by the other parties and media.
Wink1 – Since it seems now anything goes at Westminster, and in Brussels Barnier thinks petitions count, I nominate Gerard Batten for PM. Shall we get a petition up?
They are all contaminated.
They all must be voted out.
They are all swamp rats ( possibly with the exceptions of Frank Field and Kate Hoey ).
agreed the parties must be punished
they pick and place the candidates
“A problem I’m wrestling with is who should get the chop ‘vote wise’ at the next general election?”
Unless you are one of those students with a vote in every town that you have had a bed, the question is quite simple – “How did my (i.e. your) MP vote?”
If you are one of those students, then vote for the same MPs you voted for last time! (If you can remember all electoral rolls that you registered on).
There have been quite a lot of good Conservative MPs: Nigel Evans spoke up and spoke well for a true Brexit t’other day. Others doing the same have been Mark Francois, Suella Braverman, Kemi Badenoch, Theresa Villiers, Jacob Rees-Mogg and … and… my brain just got tired. Robert Halfon might be a Brexiteer, am not sure.
Trouble is, they – with some exceptions – tend to get ignored by the BBC after they have spoken up for a true Brexit.
I wonder why?
Just a short break from Brexit, and more important news:
Today, three German cars indicated. And weren’t tailgating anyone.
4:30pm R4 Media show are using a pic of Attenborough as a preview graphic.
I think his producer is on.
I always used to debunk the show before it aired
..but now they have taken to not listing the blurb until AFTER the prog has aired.
The new Blue Planet is sponsored by WWF
.. and is campaigning
producer claims that is not the reason he moved to Netflix
“We could have done the same prog on the BBC”
These people must be bringing in billions every year. Where does it all go? Its every year; they keep bombarding our children for more of their parents hard won cash. I bet there adds are free an all.
WWF: an important front for the Globalists. Founded by Prince Bernhard in 1961, who was also its first president. The same guy who co-founded the Bilderberg Group. Former member of the Nazi SA. Fell from grace in 1976 as a consequence of the Lockheed Bribery scandal.
Here’s a quick intro to what WWF is accused of, from the hard-left Guardian of all places: