That’s a complete disgrace and parents can’t seem to influence any one in charge of these things? What with Islamic terror and rape gangs. This country is dead in the water now.
On politics live the MPs were saying a general election would change nothing.
I think that a general election would change everything.
An 80% remainer Parliament would, after the election, be something like 80% leave after lots of the MPs who supported Brexit but….. will be kicked out.
You’ve seen the poster on page 1 about the voting stats.
Of course, jo Corbyn didn’t challenge this.
She’s either too thick to understand it or she is biased (or both)
Also, I wish that the leaver on politics live each day would point out or ask the remainers on the show how their constituents voted. Someone from a 60-70% leave voting constituency trying to justify remaining or second referendum should be exposed.
"Many of the IS women I encountered threatened of violent jihad and raising their children to become jihadist fighters" reports BBC correspondant Jewan Abdi – who was briefly attacked by some of the women. Best let them all rot in the desert – no place here for religious fascists
Napalm the lot of them. For years now the BBC has glorified these monsters, almost daily photographs of the heroic jihadists avenging their oppression from the West.
Typical BBC photo with an appeal to half witted leftists and would be Jihadists
The BBC did the same for the poor Chechyan terrorists when they went on murdering Russian citizens. All the bias was against all the young Russian soldiers.
As much as I dislike Putin I do love the Russian people.
Tip : to check if a topic has been mentioned here on bBBC before
google : “mark adams”
..then use the date tools top right to set the time range to last week/month/year etc.
Watching BBC TV go to text and UK then England and country of Kent for local news. First item is about possible saving of a paper mill… SCOTLAND!
The number of times a news item that has no bearing whatever in a county is posted by the geographical ignorant BBC is amazing, often put on several different news boards at the same time.
You can also often detect bias, especially when reporting criminal acts…guess how?
Sorry Stew, using the BBC site via text button on TV, there is no reference to Chatham. You have gone onto the BBC news website, then via regions to Kent. There is lot more information but it is not on the TV site, that I tune into and which speaks the same stories across countries; try the West Midlands ans SW England
media Orwellian double standards
: #1 Protect the libmob and special victimhood groups
whilst #2 Sticking the boot into white working class for one tweet or necklace
So buried news is
Mark Adams OBE 56 an aide to Tony Blair and John Major
has just been sentenced 7 years for a rape of 19yo in Edinburgh
He’s already in jail for rape of a 24yo in 2015
The 19-year-old, who had been at the Edinburgh Fringe, woke to find 56-year-old Mark Adams having sex with her.
Lord Armstrong jailed Adams for seven years. He is already serving seven years for a rape in…
Just watched Kate Hoey, Labour, Vauxhall speaking in parliament.
Top marks, 10/10,every single word 100% bang on. The TRUTH, the TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH.
I recommend this outstanding contribution. Light years ahead of May, Bercow, Grieve, Letwin, Soubry, Corbyn, Benn et al. JRM couldn’t even say it.
Pity KH was followed by the dishonest, weasel words of Chukka Umuna. What a contrast!!!
He attacked Kate Hoey and said the promises made in the referendum were ‘mythical’ and ‘fantastical’. Something about democracy being a moving thing.
Pity he’s not mythical, he could join the seven dwarves. Pity he’s not a moving thing; I believe Lundy is rather nice at this time of year.
Followed by Freeman, ‘Conservative’ from Norfolk. More nauseating than Umuna, cos more coherent.
Coherent treachery, almost every word. Example for why we are where we are.
People say New Zealand is the liberal county
..Downs girl refused immigration visa, cos of cost risk to NZ health system
Mum secures well-paid job. Three other members of family ready to contribute to New Zealand society. Oh – and Bumikka might have something to contribute as well. But she doesn't have the 'acceptable standard of health'.
Just got a text from a non-Westminster person that was just a string of !!!s and I was baffled – it was because they got a BBC notification about MAY STEPPING DOWN. I’m so numb to these epochal moments now. The Queen could hit Bercow on the head with the mace and I’d be unfazed.
Watching the news with all the journos on their stands with the EU flags in the background. How I wish we had some French farmers with their muck spreaders so they could launch bovine excrement over the lot of them. It would be perfect.
I have come to the conclusion that we are in a pretty unequal fight here. 17 million plus individuals with no voice (engineered by the following list) versus the massed ranks of Global Social Engineers like Soros, European Dictators, pretty well most of National Press and the majority of our terrified MP’s working in cahoots. How else for instance could the remain demonstrations afford such lavish banners, travel and trappings and get so many press column inches? Leavers are being strangled and manipulated into a situation where they would have them believe they are not important. The only way to break this vicious stranglehold is if leavers can find a way to concentrate their firepower to match the well-organised other side and to shout fury from the rooftopsl The big question is how is it possible to bind them together? Farage could have done it but I think he has possibly jumped ship. We need a new Farage methinks! I would add that I really believe that all the parliamentary twists and turns are in fact part of the plan and the hope is that probably the leave side will be so frustrated and bored that their spirit will evaporate leaving the remainers to grab control.
To save money BBC is to merge the 10pm News from R4 & World Service
..well many people could listen to the BBC1 News and Newsnight via the internet these days
whys the BBC run the same type of prog on its different networks at the same time ?
The Beeb loved to preach nobly about not meddling in sacred democracy amidst Russiagate. Now that turns out to have been a hoax (it was so obviously a tantrum from Democrats about losing) they have been doing the very thing they said was so heinous. Using your vast global media platform to do everything in your power to unseat a democratically elected president is as extreme as meddling gets.
With a thought crime like Alan Sugar sending a ‘racist’ tweet they instantly demand apologies and are brutal in their retribution, often unpersoning the culprit forever like with Tim Hunt’s ‘sexist’ comment.
Yet for their appalling, protracted crime against the people will they even apologise once? We are not dealing with confected ‘offence’ taking here over a single comment/incident: this was an assault on American democracy which they carried out with gleeful abandon, relentlessly for over TWO YEARS. The exact sort of misinformation and fake news they claim to be fighting!
Let’s pray Trump annihilates the Democrats in 2020 and the vile BBC has to endure another four years of delicious abuse from the world’s most powerful man.
He is a global celebrity in the age of the selfie, how could he possibly vet the clothing of every person that has a photo taken with him? Plus I always suspect left wing activists have deliberately infiltrated events when stuff like this happens. All the people photographed doing Nazi salutes at EDL events were left wing activists.
In the case of the woman who shoved another in the path of an oncoming bus (attempted murder?) the beeb neglect to publish the picture the police have released of the suspect, even though it could help catch the offender, and perhaps even prevent another such offence.
Not very civic-minded of the ever-so-virtuous beeb, I wonder why.
Oh, and in their description of the suspect, they’re able to describe her approximate age (60’s) and the fact she was with 2 children, but carelessly forget to mention another detail that would narrow the range down considerably. Silly Auntie, getting forgetful in our dotage are we?
To a more suspicious mind, it could look like race bias, if we didn’t know the beeb were scrupulously impartial, free and fair, as Sopel and the beeb keep telling us.
Look you Wacist, can’t you see it was obviously the women who fell in front of the bus who was comitting some kind of ‘hate crime’ at the time and obviously it was because the poor effnik was being oppressed by her ‘victims’ privelege !
You guys just don’t get it! Anyways according to FB the London Gestapo have decided to NFA the case, probably because of the above !
Older forumites might remember BBC Scotland drama series, The Justice Game.
Well, here’s its 21st century incarnation: throw an egg at an MP in frustration at being lied to and get 28 days in the clink. Shove someone towards an oncoming bus and get…away with it.
Another story from today as reported by various outlets:
— “Cardi B has admitted she used to drug and rob men when she was a stripper”
— “Cardi B confesses she used to drug and rob men when she was a stripper”
— “The Grammy-winning rapper said she drugged and robbed men when she worked as a stripper”
The BBC say: “Cardi B has defended herself after a video resurfaced of her saying she drugged and robbed men who wanted to have sex with her while she worked as a stripper before finding fame”
Feel that persecution.
**NB** Cardi B is a mixed-race female rapper who amongst other things has been repeatedly critical of Trump and in 2016 endorsed Sanders’ campaign by saying “Vote for Daddy Bernie, bitch.”
In the ever more unlikely event that we do break away from the EU clutches, I would bet that the BBC already have draft plans to chase down every negative effect such as 10p a bottle more on Chardonnay 10 minutes more on your journey to your Gite and a quid more on a BMW to build the case for a re-application to rejoin. “Britains road less safe with less BMW’s” etc. etc.
Theresa May has said she will resign when Brexit is delivered – giving her a massive incentive never to deliver it! But even if her deal is the key Bercow says he won’t allow a third attempt unless radical changes are made, so it’s something of a hollow promise.
But her ‘deal’ isn’t Brexit – it’s just a never ending transition period – where we pay to stay under the EU rules etc
So doe’s she mean she will leave to get her pay off when her traitorious sellout is allowed..
Talks a lot of sense does our Trev:
Sir, As the then chairman of the Runnymede Trust think tank, I was one of the authors of the 1997 report that launched the term Islamophobia to describe genuine discrimination that we had found against Muslim individuals. I agree with Peter Tatchell (“Free speech is under threat over Islamophobia”, Thunderer, Mar 26) that the MPs and activists trying to redefine it as “anti-Muslim racism” understand neither anti-Muslim sentiment nor racism.
In our report we pointed out that Muslims constitute a global multi-ethnic faith community, not a “race”. A “race” of Muslims would require strict equality of treatment with non-Muslims — thus removing any incentive to provide, for example, prayer rooms at work, or halal food at school. That is why the specific protection of “religion and belief” was written into the 2010 Equality Act.
I wonder what those trying to weaponise Islamophobia think of the Muslim parents who stridently object to reference to the rights of same-sex parents in sex education classes; should we criminalise teachers who criticise these parents for this particular “expression of Muslimness” as in some way Islamophobic? And will they now demonise Mr Tatchell as an “anti-Muslim racist” for his defence of free speech?
Trevor Phillips
Chairman, Equality and Human Rights Commission 2006-12; Senior fellow, Policy Exchange
Can someone please explain to me, that after Friday, we can’t just tell the EU to get stuffed, and if they don’t like it, well, just sue us!
It’d take several years of ‘work’ for a roomfull of politicians, civil servants, flunkies, wasters, hangers-on, to write some sort of garbage, and by the end of it all, despite spending cash on their pensions and waste our money on wages, the general public will be far better off!
Civil servants wouldn’t understand a ‘deal’ if it kicked her in the rowlocks, and the same goes for most ‘politicians’ as well. Hardly any of this bottom-feeder race have ever understood what it means to actually make something, sell it, and make a profit, so why not let their thick ‘skills’ be put into bat to try and sort out the UK’s two fingers? They’ll take years, and will certainly fail – they always do!
Still popcorn for Friday – a pint or two with The Fragrant Senora O’Blene at lunchtime, and a bottle of Prosecco afterwards, carrying on until late in the evening, then on the Jack Daniels, in praise of President Trump (although he’s TT)!
The PM foolishly went and asked the EU for an extension to the Withdrawal Agreement process. Had she not done so, we would be leaving 11pm on Friday.
The EU all agreed on two conditions and apparently this trumps the A.50 Notice: a 12th April extension if the WA falls again in the House. (Effectively, we leave I understand on 11 April with No Deal.) If her deal passes, then we leave in May this year but cough up £39bn for the privilege and end up enslaved for the foreseeable future.
“Theresa May has promised Tory MPs she will stand down if they back her EU withdrawal deal.”
Does anyone believe her?
Now its Parliament V The People. We have been betrayed.
Time for another General Election. The Tory party is no more.
Vote UKIP for freedom.
If you have been wondering why BAMEs are receiving special treatment in the media and elsewhere, the EU smuggled through a resolution yesterday on fundamental rights of people of African descent.
That would appear like a noble thing to do – until you read the specifics.
Dazzer – Couldn’t possibly wade through all that, but got the gist of it.
Claude Moraes appears to be a Yemeni-born Labour MEP, much beloved by the Guardian. Had a quick look at three articles they have on him…
(Of course, you need to get past their begging bowl first. If they were writing good stuff, they’d be in demand, and wouldn’t need a begging bowl, is my humble opinion; but not many people read it, as it has a certain bias.).
Whether what he does is ‘noble’, depends on where you’re coming from. He has issues with the ‘far right’; he has issues with one particular person of said persuasion; he has issues with any body making any gesture that may look like a Nazi salute Etc etc.
But his resolution seems merely to be concerned with ‘equality’ etc. For Africans in Europe, that is.
Haven’t listened to any news today since turning off TWatO when it moved from Brexit matters to a playground somewhere in south London.
Some fog does appear to have cleared today.
The Parliamentary Labour Party have now come out of the closet.
They are indeed, according to the BBC, Remainers.
Barry Gardiner’s job expectancy as a Brexit spokesperson must now be limited after he said the Party is still in favour of Brexit on the TOADY Programme this morning. Barry has been slapped down, apparently, by his Parliamentary colleagues.
DUP to vote against if sell out makes it to the traitors again
So brexit isn’t going to drain away easily . As for May ? They’ll have one of those embarrassing
Warm fairwells bet bury her in the peers with the rest of the walking dead
The BBC is always fond of boasting about ‘ the first woman to do this or that ‘ – well now They’ve got the first one to have destroyed her party and made the country embarrassed to have these self important fools representing the electorate .
TT- On the other hand, it’s been a good day for lovers of the dystopian and the bizarre. Top notch entertainment, you might say…brought to you by the MSM.
Really, it’s only a problem cos we’re talking about the government and the parliament of the United Kingdom.
Just pretend you’re at the zoo, it will help you calm down no end.
PS. I did see one person in parliament who seemed quite normal, and for whom language hides no ambiguity, and is thus not a tool to manipulate, and who is thus exempt from my ‘zoo’ comment: Kate Hoey -possibly too honest for her own good?
So the MP’s, as some of us feared, are stitching us up good and proper over Brexit with absolutely no investigaation or negativity from our state media.
All manner of different votes on a range of apparently different proposals and all united by the one requirement to prevent Brexit from happening.
A masterclass in getting the media to trot our your story whilst you deliberately stall and pontificate to make the negotiations as tedious and troublesome as possible.
To see Andrea Leadsom, that traitorous individual, supporting May’s deal which is simply remaining in the EU, is just disgusting. As is hearing that JRM might support the deal.
What a complete crock and I hope this serves as a message to all of the naive individuals on here that nothing changes and the establishment can’t be removed.
The votes are in.
I merely note that the biased BBC in its initial coverage chose to highlight and prioritise Margaret Becket’s motion for a second referendum on the grounds that it gained the most votes.
So, clearly the BBC are as impartial as ever.
A totally devalued becket – claimed expenses for her tropical plants , nominated Corbyn for a joke . And her view has value ? Yeah right . Snout in the trough so drain the swamp …
all options possible on a ballot have been rejected by the chimps tea party
so do we have a peoples (least hated) vote between second least hated customs union and what ever was the third least hated
and I imagine some of them will change votes next week, but then what authority can this have if our elites are changing their mind one week to the next, they could have changed their minds again by the time they can arrange a referendum
Surely according to the shouty, vile, biased gnome nothing that failed can be brought back in this session of parliament. After all if it can stop May’s plan from being brought back it should also stop the undemocratic attempts to overturn the People’s will from being brought back for a second (or even third) time.
Five Live news bulletin has news of the women’s Champions’ League football, interviewing the manager and describing the game. Lord help us.
Do they honestly think women’s football is unpopular because it does not get the coverage it deserves? With the BBC’s help they honestly think within years it will be as popular as the men’s game?
You cannot polish a turd, and when a diamond is alongside (the endlessly fantastic men’s game) it is sick and wrong to insist on polishing the turd. No sports fan has ever or will ever give more than zero f**ks about the women’s game, whereas for many the men’s game is our main passion outside of work and family – in fact it often transcends both.
Its the ‘Feminisation’ and ‘infantilisation’ of society….classic Marxism.Hence why I voted to leave the EU……..its infiltrating everything across our institutions……..
“Brexit: No majority for any options after MPs’ votes”
“None of MPs’ eight proposed Brexit options have secured clear backing in a series of votes in the Commons.”
We voted out. Its Parliament V People now .
Drain the swamp and vote UKIP.
Maybe the British public should provide the same result in the next elections. No majority for any of the options. None of the major parties can be trusted. A new option with none of them is needed.
Treason May says: “If you vote for my deal I will step down. But If you REJECT my deal (for the third time) I will go to Brussels in my helicopter to ask for a long extension of Article 50.”
British Army down an enemy helicopter over Kent. Britain leaves the EU on WTO terms. General Sir Thomas Pride said “The helicopter was correctly identified as that of an enemy of the United Kingdom”. The Queen said “O dear, how sad, never mind”
I know there is no anti-Semitism in the Labour Party cos Lady Chakrabarti did an extensive investigated and pronounced it clean.
Yet today after a 3 year investigation into Jackie Walker’s social media anti-Semitism Labour kicked out the party cos she wouldn’t let the investigation continue.
Labour had decided to charge her with behaviour that is prejudicial to the party..cos until 2017 they didn’t have a rule about being anti-Semitic.
\\ Three years after she was first suspended for claiming “many Jews” were involved in the African slave trade, around 50 activists gathered on Tuesday outside the Deptford Lounge in south-east London for the start of the hearing into Ms Walker, which could see her expelled from the party. //
#1 Masses of the Momentum mob rushed to say she’s a “victim”
#2 They usually said ‘she’s allowed to say such things, cos she’s Jewish’ , actually she isn’t..rather she claims to have Jewish ancestors , she calls herself a Catholic.
Labour does the right thing, finally. The only realistic thing. But if the party had not readmitted her within days of original suspension she would not have been a constant sore in relations with British Jewry for more than 2 years
An unconditional surrender (Theresa May’s Deal) is a surrender in which no guarantees are given to the surrendering party. In modern times, unconditional surrenders most often include guarantees provided by international law, but not with Theresa May‘s Deal. Theresa announcing that only unconditional surrender is acceptable puts psychological pressure on a weaker adversary such as the ERG, but may also prolong hostilities. Those who sign unconditional surrender documents are usually shot in the head within a year, either by suicide or by Army officers.
I know it’s Egypt, lack of democracy but who are we to judge now and all that, but the bBC are being accused of promoting and encouraging civil unrest, in this case cheerleading for the Muslim Brotherhood. Isn’t that similar to what the Anglo-Iranian Iranian lady is currently banged up for but didn’t do?
Yes, there was a concerted and orchestrated drive to undermine and malign Brexiteers and a carefully edited ‘Wednesday in parliament’ by the BiasedBBC was also broadcast to diminish those who would leave the EU.
The state broadcaster is reporting that the Facebook is to ban ‘separatism and nationalism ‘ as a result of the NZ shoot show they broadcast live recently .
How will the SNP or SinnFeinIRA react to the censorship of their political beliefs ?
Particulary the IRAs political wing after the executions and murders carried out by so many of its ‘resting ‘ comrades … ?
Presumably they will claim Brexit is a form of “Separatism” as they would dearly love to ban any mention of the potential wonderful benefits of a true Brexit.
Catalan indepedence?…Banned. Freedom?…Banned. Oh what a brave new world we live in, we are finally arriving at 1984 just 30 odd years late.
I wonder if the EU recently fining Google so much had any influence on this decision. Throw in the treacherous Clegg and a few cosy coffee dates, there you go, the “populism” plaguing our porcine politburo takes a hit.
Funny isn’t it that the horsefly, a blood sucking irritant that thrives in swamps and spreads malady as it travels from host to host is also commonly known as a clegg.
The problem is that in the short term suppression of peoples’ views/feelings might work but there will soon be another means of expression .
So it’s a pretty cynical attempt by The Facebook to show it is doing something when it knows that failure to engage in discussion about ideas just leads to unforeseen consequences –
As with the MSM and BBC in particular suppressing attempts to discuss immigration ( only racists want to talk about it ) led to the astonishing mess which the politicians have put themselves into –
With those suffering the real consequences – such as businesses and those with direct interest in the ReichEU being unheard .
Somebody here suggested treating current event as an ‘entertainment ‘ – particularly when you hear the ghastly Bercow’ performing his hourly soliloquy…
There might be value in treating it as comedy for personal health sake . I’ve cut out State broadcaster news now unless I accidentally am exposed to it .
I suggest that Facebook’s head honchos read Article 1(2) of the United Nations Charter, which deals with, inter alia, the right to self-determination.
Once they’ve done that, they ought then to be asked explain how such a right – one of THE foremost principles of international law – can exist in the absence of nationalism and (usually) separatism.
Burns’ Night is a celebration of the man and his works, not of any particular country or nationality. It’s not as if he’s the patron Saint of Scotland. Or, for that matter, any kind of saint…
wwfcMar 4, 21:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 4, 21:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sign the minerals agreement that he (Zelensky) proposed to DJT, the candidate – in Sept ’24 – not that you’d…
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 That will learn me for poncing around an open goal. Well played wwfc.
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 Open goal again. What is happening. Defund the bBC. Defund Gary Lineker
Though that Scottish guy on the right with coat thrown over his shoulder looks very SNP.
Lawrie Taylor just now “Trump …of course kitsch has always been associated with the far right”
.. nutter
Has the bbc gone near this, or has ‘editorial integrity’ intruded?
She looks a beaten woman. Time to call it a day. That was a terrible answer and performance. No authority and the world can see it.
the daily fail is claiming may has VOWED she will resign if her so called deal is approved
anyone actually believe her
”She looks a beaten woman.”
Why, has a no deal brexit being announced?
Looks to me like she has won hands down and is restrained in not grinning.
School is pushing a “pride parade” at 4 year olds with this poster
That’s a complete disgrace and parents can’t seem to influence any one in charge of these things? What with Islamic terror and rape gangs. This country is dead in the water now.
Christians go buy your life-jackets.
On politics live the MPs were saying a general election would change nothing.
I think that a general election would change everything.
An 80% remainer Parliament would, after the election, be something like 80% leave after lots of the MPs who supported Brexit but….. will be kicked out.
You’ve seen the poster on page 1 about the voting stats.
Of course, jo Corbyn didn’t challenge this.
She’s either too thick to understand it or she is biased (or both)
Also, I wish that the leaver on politics live each day would point out or ask the remainers on the show how their constituents voted. Someone from a 60-70% leave voting constituency trying to justify remaining or second referendum should be exposed.
Did the BBC tell us that the Jihadi Brides had stoned the BBC’s Jewan Abdi ?
Facebook copy of Sunday Times pg 27
here’s the photo
Napalm the lot of them. For years now the BBC has glorified these monsters, almost daily photographs of the heroic jihadists avenging their oppression from the West.
Typical BBC photo with an appeal to half witted leftists and would be Jihadists
The BBC did the same for the poor Chechyan terrorists when they went on murdering Russian citizens. All the bias was against all the young Russian soldiers.
As much as I dislike Putin I do love the Russian people.
Bbc again in its happy place.
BBC Newsbeat
“Everyone experiments,” the Game of Thrones actress says.
Sophie hasn’t stated how she identifies – but her comments suggest she may be pansexual
Pansexual people are attracted to someone for their personality – regardless of their gender
If based on their own suggestibility. May be.
By ‘personality’, I’m sure they mean either ‘bank balance’ or ‘sphere of influence’.
Tip : to check if a topic has been mentioned here on bBBC before
google : “mark adams”
..then use the date tools top right to set the time range to last week/month/year etc.
Watching BBC TV go to text and UK then England and country of Kent for local news. First item is about possible saving of a paper mill… SCOTLAND!
The number of times a news item that has no bearing whatever in a county is posted by the geographical ignorant BBC is amazing, often put on several different news boards at the same time.
You can also often detect bias, especially when reporting criminal acts…guess how?
The article is tagged Chatham cos a smaller part of the operation has 86 workers there
\\ , and Arjowiggins Chartham Limited in Chartham, Kent //
Sorry Stew, using the BBC site via text button on TV, there is no reference to Chatham. You have gone onto the BBC news website, then via regions to Kent. There is lot more information but it is not on the TV site, that I tune into and which speaks the same stories across countries; try the West Midlands ans SW England
@invicta , no I just used google
I guess the teletext page is just a condensed version of the webpage so still has same Chatham tag.
media Orwellian double standards
: #1 Protect the libmob and special victimhood groups
whilst #2 Sticking the boot into white working class for one tweet or necklace
So buried news is
Mark Adams OBE 56 an aide to Tony Blair and John Major
has just been sentenced 7 years for a rape of 19yo in Edinburgh
He’s already in jail for rape of a 24yo in 2015

Just watched Kate Hoey, Labour, Vauxhall speaking in parliament.
Top marks, 10/10,every single word 100% bang on. The TRUTH, the TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH.
I recommend this outstanding contribution. Light years ahead of May, Bercow, Grieve, Letwin, Soubry, Corbyn, Benn et al. JRM couldn’t even say it.
WOW! An honest politician. They still exist.
Gisela Stuart went over to supporting May’s deal
Pity KH was followed by the dishonest, weasel words of Chukka Umuna. What a contrast!!!
He attacked Kate Hoey and said the promises made in the referendum were ‘mythical’ and ‘fantastical’. Something about democracy being a moving thing.
Pity he’s not mythical, he could join the seven dwarves. Pity he’s not a moving thing; I believe Lundy is rather nice at this time of year.
Followed by Freeman, ‘Conservative’ from Norfolk. More nauseating than Umuna, cos more coherent.
Coherent treachery, almost every word. Example for why we are where we are.
See BBC can connect historic sex charges and religion
..when it’s a 79 year old white Christian monk.
People say New Zealand is the liberal county
..Downs girl refused immigration visa, cos of cost risk to NZ health system
Norm and Laura best watch their backs.
Rape-claim student Sana Musharraf faces jail for stalking government lawyer | The Times
AFAIK Sana Musharraf is a Muslim immigrant born in Pakistan
Watching the news with all the journos on their stands with the EU flags in the background. How I wish we had some French farmers with their muck spreaders so they could launch bovine excrement over the lot of them. It would be perfect.
I have come to the conclusion that we are in a pretty unequal fight here. 17 million plus individuals with no voice (engineered by the following list) versus the massed ranks of Global Social Engineers like Soros, European Dictators, pretty well most of National Press and the majority of our terrified MP’s working in cahoots. How else for instance could the remain demonstrations afford such lavish banners, travel and trappings and get so many press column inches? Leavers are being strangled and manipulated into a situation where they would have them believe they are not important. The only way to break this vicious stranglehold is if leavers can find a way to concentrate their firepower to match the well-organised other side and to shout fury from the rooftopsl The big question is how is it possible to bind them together? Farage could have done it but I think he has possibly jumped ship. We need a new Farage methinks! I would add that I really believe that all the parliamentary twists and turns are in fact part of the plan and the hope is that probably the leave side will be so frustrated and bored that their spirit will evaporate leaving the remainers to grab control.
To save money BBC is to merge the 10pm News from R4 & World Service
..well many people could listen to the BBC1 News and Newsnight via the internet these days
whys the BBC run the same type of prog on its different networks at the same time ?
The Beeb loved to preach nobly about not meddling in sacred democracy amidst Russiagate. Now that turns out to have been a hoax (it was so obviously a tantrum from Democrats about losing) they have been doing the very thing they said was so heinous. Using your vast global media platform to do everything in your power to unseat a democratically elected president is as extreme as meddling gets.
With a thought crime like Alan Sugar sending a ‘racist’ tweet they instantly demand apologies and are brutal in their retribution, often unpersoning the culprit forever like with Tim Hunt’s ‘sexist’ comment.
Yet for their appalling, protracted crime against the people will they even apologise once? We are not dealing with confected ‘offence’ taking here over a single comment/incident: this was an assault on American democracy which they carried out with gleeful abandon, relentlessly for over TWO YEARS. The exact sort of misinformation and fake news they claim to be fighting!
Let’s pray Trump annihilates the Democrats in 2020 and the vile BBC has to endure another four years of delicious abuse from the world’s most powerful man.
Cambridge University is so thick they don’t understand the guilt by association fallacy.
He is a global celebrity in the age of the selfie, how could he possibly vet the clothing of every person that has a photo taken with him? Plus I always suspect left wing activists have deliberately infiltrated events when stuff like this happens. All the people photographed doing Nazi salutes at EDL events were left wing activists.
In the case of the woman who shoved another in the path of an oncoming bus (attempted murder?) the beeb neglect to publish the picture the police have released of the suspect, even though it could help catch the offender, and perhaps even prevent another such offence.
Not very civic-minded of the ever-so-virtuous beeb, I wonder why.
Oh, and in their description of the suspect, they’re able to describe her approximate age (60’s) and the fact she was with 2 children, but carelessly forget to mention another detail that would narrow the range down considerably. Silly Auntie, getting forgetful in our dotage are we?
To a more suspicious mind, it could look like race bias, if we didn’t know the beeb were scrupulously impartial, free and fair, as Sopel and the beeb keep telling us.
Look you Wacist, can’t you see it was obviously the women who fell in front of the bus who was comitting some kind of ‘hate crime’ at the time and obviously it was because the poor effnik was being oppressed by her ‘victims’ privelege !
You guys just don’t get it! Anyways according to FB the London Gestapo have decided to NFA the case, probably because of the above !
Older forumites might remember BBC Scotland drama series, The Justice Game.
Well, here’s its 21st century incarnation: throw an egg at an MP in frustration at being lied to and get 28 days in the clink. Shove someone towards an oncoming bus and get…away with it.
Another story from today as reported by various outlets:
— “Cardi B has admitted she used to drug and rob men when she was a stripper”
— “Cardi B confesses she used to drug and rob men when she was a stripper”
— “The Grammy-winning rapper said she drugged and robbed men when she worked as a stripper”
The BBC say: “Cardi B has defended herself after a video resurfaced of her saying she drugged and robbed men who wanted to have sex with her while she worked as a stripper before finding fame”
Feel that persecution.
**NB** Cardi B is a mixed-race female rapper who amongst other things has been repeatedly critical of Trump and in 2016 endorsed Sanders’ campaign by saying “Vote for Daddy Bernie, bitch.”
She’s on Labour’s front bench!!!!!
In the ever more unlikely event that we do break away from the EU clutches, I would bet that the BBC already have draft plans to chase down every negative effect such as 10p a bottle more on Chardonnay 10 minutes more on your journey to your Gite and a quid more on a BMW to build the case for a re-application to rejoin. “Britains road less safe with less BMW’s” etc. etc.
Theresa May has said she will resign when Brexit is delivered – giving her a massive incentive never to deliver it! But even if her deal is the key Bercow says he won’t allow a third attempt unless radical changes are made, so it’s something of a hollow promise.
But her ‘deal’ isn’t Brexit – it’s just a never ending transition period – where we pay to stay under the EU rules etc
So doe’s she mean she will leave to get her pay off when her traitorious sellout is allowed..
tag : Islamophobia ruse
Trevor Phillips letter in today’s Times screenshot
Talks a lot of sense does our Trev:
Sir, As the then chairman of the Runnymede Trust think tank, I was one of the authors of the 1997 report that launched the term Islamophobia to describe genuine discrimination that we had found against Muslim individuals. I agree with Peter Tatchell (“Free speech is under threat over Islamophobia”, Thunderer, Mar 26) that the MPs and activists trying to redefine it as “anti-Muslim racism” understand neither anti-Muslim sentiment nor racism.
In our report we pointed out that Muslims constitute a global multi-ethnic faith community, not a “race”. A “race” of Muslims would require strict equality of treatment with non-Muslims — thus removing any incentive to provide, for example, prayer rooms at work, or halal food at school. That is why the specific protection of “religion and belief” was written into the 2010 Equality Act.
I wonder what those trying to weaponise Islamophobia think of the Muslim parents who stridently object to reference to the rights of same-sex parents in sex education classes; should we criminalise teachers who criticise these parents for this particular “expression of Muslimness” as in some way Islamophobic? And will they now demonise Mr Tatchell as an “anti-Muslim racist” for his defence of free speech?
Trevor Phillips
Chairman, Equality and Human Rights Commission 2006-12; Senior fellow, Policy Exchange
So does even Peter Tatchell on a good day:
Greece’s anti ISIS vetting procedures prove useless
Thank God for Hungary, one of the last places on earth Islam-free and therefore terror-free.
Can someone please explain to me, that after Friday, we can’t just tell the EU to get stuffed, and if they don’t like it, well, just sue us!
It’d take several years of ‘work’ for a roomfull of politicians, civil servants, flunkies, wasters, hangers-on, to write some sort of garbage, and by the end of it all, despite spending cash on their pensions and waste our money on wages, the general public will be far better off!
Civil servants wouldn’t understand a ‘deal’ if it kicked her in the rowlocks, and the same goes for most ‘politicians’ as well. Hardly any of this bottom-feeder race have ever understood what it means to actually make something, sell it, and make a profit, so why not let their thick ‘skills’ be put into bat to try and sort out the UK’s two fingers? They’ll take years, and will certainly fail – they always do!
Still popcorn for Friday – a pint or two with The Fragrant Senora O’Blene at lunchtime, and a bottle of Prosecco afterwards, carrying on until late in the evening, then on the Jack Daniels, in praise of President Trump (although he’s TT)!
The PM foolishly went and asked the EU for an extension to the Withdrawal Agreement process. Had she not done so, we would be leaving 11pm on Friday.
The EU all agreed on two conditions and apparently this trumps the A.50 Notice: a 12th April extension if the WA falls again in the House. (Effectively, we leave I understand on 11 April with No Deal.) If her deal passes, then we leave in May this year but cough up £39bn for the privilege and end up enslaved for the foreseeable future.
Not ‘foolishly’ but deliberately IMO.
“Theresa May has promised Tory MPs she will stand down if they back her EU withdrawal deal.”
Does anyone believe her?
Now its Parliament V The People. We have been betrayed.
Time for another General Election. The Tory party is no more.
Vote UKIP for freedom.
…and Gerard Batten for PM!
If you have been wondering why BAMEs are receiving special treatment in the media and elsewhere, the EU smuggled through a resolution yesterday on fundamental rights of people of African descent.
That would appear like a noble thing to do – until you read the specifics.
Maybe I’ve misread it, but it seems like the blacks are be given an extra hand up here.
Dazzer – Couldn’t possibly wade through all that, but got the gist of it.
Claude Moraes appears to be a Yemeni-born Labour MEP, much beloved by the Guardian. Had a quick look at three articles they have on him…
(Of course, you need to get past their begging bowl first. If they were writing good stuff, they’d be in demand, and wouldn’t need a begging bowl, is my humble opinion; but not many people read it, as it has a certain bias.).
Whether what he does is ‘noble’, depends on where you’re coming from. He has issues with the ‘far right’; he has issues with one particular person of said persuasion; he has issues with any body making any gesture that may look like a Nazi salute Etc etc.
But his resolution seems merely to be concerned with ‘equality’ etc. For Africans in Europe, that is.
Haven’t listened to any news today since turning off TWatO when it moved from Brexit matters to a playground somewhere in south London.
Some fog does appear to have cleared today.
The Parliamentary Labour Party have now come out of the closet.
They are indeed, according to the BBC, Remainers.
Barry Gardiner’s job expectancy as a Brexit spokesperson must now be limited after he said the Party is still in favour of Brexit on the TOADY Programme this morning. Barry has been slapped down, apparently, by his Parliamentary colleagues.
nice to see that NZ has adopted the light a candle, dont look back in anger stance
This is the Tweet that Alexander was responding to.
Now two impediments to the sell out
No material change- Bercow
DUP to vote against if sell out makes it to the traitors again
So brexit isn’t going to drain away easily . As for May ? They’ll have one of those embarrassing
Warm fairwells bet bury her in the peers with the rest of the walking dead
Ha when I looked Tuesday Nick Munroe had been suspended from Twitter
He explains
This statement must be the best indicator of the farce of ‘Brexit’ under Treason May:
“If you vote for my deal I will step down.”
Surely any self-respecting PM would say:
“If you REJECT my deal (for the third time) I will step down.”
It’s clear that she has no self respect and no respect for Brexit voters.
She is really saying, accept my utter failure to stand up for the UK and I’ll relieve you of the burden of my leadership.
What a shameful betrayal of her high office and of the public trust.
The BBC is always fond of boasting about ‘ the first woman to do this or that ‘ – well now They’ve got the first one to have destroyed her party and made the country embarrassed to have these self important fools representing the electorate .
TT- On the other hand, it’s been a good day for lovers of the dystopian and the bizarre. Top notch entertainment, you might say…brought to you by the MSM.
Really, it’s only a problem cos we’re talking about the government and the parliament of the United Kingdom.
Just pretend you’re at the zoo, it will help you calm down no end.
PS. I did see one person in parliament who seemed quite normal, and for whom language hides no ambiguity, and is thus not a tool to manipulate, and who is thus exempt from my ‘zoo’ comment: Kate Hoey -possibly too honest for her own good?
Well why wait for her to step down? Sack her now and go for a no-deal withdrawal on Friday.
No fatal stabbings in Londonistan Wednesday – just one kid shot dead . Normality now . But it is diverse – which is good right ?
When I was growing up here I didn’t have a care in the world until my first mugging at knife point by a black boy who took my pushbike .
After that it went down hill . I’ve been mugged again , burgled twice , had my motor bike stolen , two cars stolen and assaulted twice .
Apart from that all good .
So no commons majority for any A50 variation and some of the fools are shouting for a General election – good way to get another job .
So the MP’s, as some of us feared, are stitching us up good and proper over Brexit with absolutely no investigaation or negativity from our state media.
All manner of different votes on a range of apparently different proposals and all united by the one requirement to prevent Brexit from happening.
A masterclass in getting the media to trot our your story whilst you deliberately stall and pontificate to make the negotiations as tedious and troublesome as possible.
To see Andrea Leadsom, that traitorous individual, supporting May’s deal which is simply remaining in the EU, is just disgusting. As is hearing that JRM might support the deal.
What a complete crock and I hope this serves as a message to all of the naive individuals on here that nothing changes and the establishment can’t be removed.
The PEOPLE of Britain have been stitched up, good and proper.
Beyond belief.
The votes are in.
I merely note that the biased BBC in its initial coverage chose to highlight and prioritise Margaret Becket’s motion for a second referendum on the grounds that it gained the most votes.
So, clearly the BBC are as impartial as ever.
A totally devalued becket – claimed expenses for her tropical plants , nominated Corbyn for a joke . And her view has value ? Yeah right . Snout in the trough so drain the swamp …
but then whats the question BBC
all options possible on a ballot have been rejected by the chimps tea party
so do we have a peoples (least hated) vote between second least hated customs union and what ever was the third least hated
and I imagine some of them will change votes next week, but then what authority can this have if our elites are changing their mind one week to the next, they could have changed their minds again by the time they can arrange a referendum
this is frankly getting beyond farce
Surely according to the shouty, vile, biased gnome nothing that failed can be brought back in this session of parliament. After all if it can stop May’s plan from being brought back it should also stop the undemocratic attempts to overturn the People’s will from being brought back for a second (or even third) time.
All this would have been avoided if Parliament had complied with the Democratic will of the people.
Parliament after all, did promise to comply.
Ok, memory holed instantly, but little victories.
One day the camel’s back will fold.
Impartiality is in their genes.
I may say you’re something else but it would fall foul of the profanity filter.
With a name like Sykes would calling him a fagin idiot be acceptable?
A comment that I liked:-
Five Live news bulletin has news of the women’s Champions’ League football, interviewing the manager and describing the game. Lord help us.
Do they honestly think women’s football is unpopular because it does not get the coverage it deserves? With the BBC’s help they honestly think within years it will be as popular as the men’s game?
You cannot polish a turd, and when a diamond is alongside (the endlessly fantastic men’s game) it is sick and wrong to insist on polishing the turd. No sports fan has ever or will ever give more than zero f**ks about the women’s game, whereas for many the men’s game is our main passion outside of work and family – in fact it often transcends both.
Its the ‘Feminisation’ and ‘infantilisation’ of society….classic Marxism.Hence why I voted to leave the EU……..its infiltrating everything across our institutions……..
“Brexit: No majority for any options after MPs’ votes”
“None of MPs’ eight proposed Brexit options have secured clear backing in a series of votes in the Commons.”
We voted out. Its Parliament V People now .
Drain the swamp and vote UKIP.
Maybe the British public should provide the same result in the next elections. No majority for any of the options. None of the major parties can be trusted. A new option with none of them is needed.
Treason May says: “If you vote for my deal I will step down. But If you REJECT my deal (for the third time) I will go to Brussels in my helicopter to ask for a long extension of Article 50.”
British Army down an enemy helicopter over Kent. Britain leaves the EU on WTO terms. General Sir Thomas Pride said “The helicopter was correctly identified as that of an enemy of the United Kingdom”. The Queen said “O dear, how sad, never mind”
I know there is no anti-Semitism in the Labour Party cos Lady Chakrabarti did an extensive investigated and pronounced it clean.
Yet today after a 3 year investigation into Jackie Walker’s social media anti-Semitism Labour kicked out the party cos she wouldn’t let the investigation continue.
Labour had decided to charge her with behaviour that is prejudicial to the party..cos until 2017 they didn’t have a rule about being anti-Semitic.
\\ Three years after she was first suspended for claiming “many Jews” were involved in the African slave trade, around 50 activists gathered on Tuesday outside the Deptford Lounge in south-east London for the start of the hearing into Ms Walker, which could see her expelled from the party. //
#1 Masses of the Momentum mob rushed to say she’s a “victim”
#2 They usually said ‘she’s allowed to say such things, cos she’s Jewish’ , actually she isn’t..rather she claims to have Jewish ancestors , she calls herself a Catholic.
An unconditional surrender (Theresa May’s Deal) is a surrender in which no guarantees are given to the surrendering party. In modern times, unconditional surrenders most often include guarantees provided by international law, but not with Theresa May‘s Deal. Theresa announcing that only unconditional surrender is acceptable puts psychological pressure on a weaker adversary such as the ERG, but may also prolong hostilities. Those who sign unconditional surrender documents are usually shot in the head within a year, either by suicide or by Army officers.
Richard Pinder,
I fully appreciate your contempt for Treason May but please refrain from speculating about her assassination. Thanks in advance.
I’m sorry, have we already discussed this?
I know it’s Egypt, lack of democracy but who are we to judge now and all that, but the bBC are being accused of promoting and encouraging civil unrest, in this case cheerleading for the Muslim Brotherhood. Isn’t that similar to what the Anglo-Iranian Iranian lady is currently banged up for but didn’t do?
Yes, there was a concerted and orchestrated drive to undermine and malign Brexiteers and a carefully edited ‘Wednesday in parliament’ by the BiasedBBC was also broadcast to diminish those who would leave the EU.
The state broadcaster is reporting that the Facebook is to ban ‘separatism and nationalism ‘ as a result of the NZ shoot show they broadcast live recently .
How will the SNP or SinnFeinIRA react to the censorship of their political beliefs ?
Particulary the IRAs political wing after the executions and murders carried out by so many of its ‘resting ‘ comrades … ?
Presumably they will claim Brexit is a form of “Separatism” as they would dearly love to ban any mention of the potential wonderful benefits of a true Brexit.
Catalan indepedence?…Banned. Freedom?…Banned. Oh what a brave new world we live in, we are finally arriving at 1984 just 30 odd years late.
Orwell just wrote it in 1948 and switched the digits around,
I wonder if the EU recently fining Google so much had any influence on this decision. Throw in the treacherous Clegg and a few cosy coffee dates, there you go, the “populism” plaguing our porcine politburo takes a hit.
Funny isn’t it that the horsefly, a blood sucking irritant that thrives in swamps and spreads malady as it travels from host to host is also commonly known as a clegg.
The problem is that in the short term suppression of peoples’ views/feelings might work but there will soon be another means of expression .
So it’s a pretty cynical attempt by The Facebook to show it is doing something when it knows that failure to engage in discussion about ideas just leads to unforeseen consequences –
As with the MSM and BBC in particular suppressing attempts to discuss immigration ( only racists want to talk about it ) led to the astonishing mess which the politicians have put themselves into –
With those suffering the real consequences – such as businesses and those with direct interest in the ReichEU being unheard .
Somebody here suggested treating current event as an ‘entertainment ‘ – particularly when you hear the ghastly Bercow’ performing his hourly soliloquy…
There might be value in treating it as comedy for personal health sake . I’ve cut out State broadcaster news now unless I accidentally am exposed to it .
Drain the damn swamp …
I suggest that Facebook’s head honchos read Article 1(2) of the United Nations Charter, which deals with, inter alia, the right to self-determination.
Once they’ve done that, they ought then to be asked explain how such a right – one of THE foremost principles of international law – can exist in the absence of nationalism and (usually) separatism.
Intrigued as how Burns’ Night celebrations, St. Patrick’s day marches and the wearing of daffodils fits in with this new policy.
Or is it…. ‘selective’, like BBC editorial?
Burns’ Night is a celebration of the man and his works, not of any particular country or nationality. It’s not as if he’s the patron Saint of Scotland. Or, for that matter, any kind of saint…
And St Pádraig was Welsh
Or English. Or Scottish. But not Irish.
Oops. Double post. Just pretend you didn’t see this…
Yes . Many in Wales believe that .