Put it this way. On CNN it states: “Wounded driver acted heroically in the face of extreme adversity to protect his passengers this afternoon in Lake City.”
As opposed to, say: “Wounded driver acted heroically in the face of extreme diversity to protect his passengers this afternoon in Lake City”
So I read in the “INDY” (ha ha) the a certain Conservative MP Ms Braverman has been dunked in poo by her peers for stating…
“cultural Marxism” was to blame for attacks on freedom of speech… We have culture evolving from the far left which has allowed the snuffing out of freedom of speech, freedom of thought. No one can get offended any more, we are living in a culture where we are putting everyone in cotton wool, a risk-averse mentality is now taking over..
She was apparently heavily lambasted and threatened with the Tory whip removal where a “Spokesperson” from the “Board of Deputies” said…
“Suella Braverman MP may not have been aware of it, but the term ‘cultural Marxist’ has a history as an antisemitic trope. We would ask for her to clarify the remarks and undertake not to use the phrase in future.”
Then Joe Mulhall of Hope not Hate (remember him from the TR Panorama fiasco?) chimed in with…
“This is deeply disturbing and disappointing language to hear from a Conservative MP. In fact, it’s worrying that a mainstream politician would even have heard of such a phrase, which is usually championed by those on the extreme right.
Add to this the announcement the BookFace is to ban any right-wing content from it’s platform and…
In my view, I think all this screaming ban-ban-ban reaction made her point for her even better than any her words!
Cultural Marxism is a “fascist trope and a conspiracy theory” …. so say demonstrable Cultural Marxists. Hilarious.
The Left’s long march through the institutions is observable in everyday life: Common Purpose, the BBC, our educational institutions and the intersectional and woke political agenda that is pushed on us daily by the great and the good. And the Independent.
This whole Cultural Marxism is a “right wing fantasy” cobblers appears to come from a single rather scantily argued article from 2015 by somebody called Wilson. Published in the Guardian, surprisingly.
When people realise the extent of the damage Britain has done to itself in the last 3 years, I suspect there'll be a move to blame someone – just as there was after the Blair government's decision to join GW Bush's Iraq invasion. Maybe a Chilcott-type inquiry in, say, 2024?
The damage is caused by the arrogant, treacherous wanna-be quislings who refused to implement the clear instructions from the people. Their aim is the destruction of Great Britain, the remnants to be incorporated as Western Region 9 of the Greater Reich project. This has long been planned, and included the importation of millions of migrants with no loyalty to Britain or appreciation of its history and the “education” of our children belittling this nation’s achievements.
Their misguided wish is to unite the world under one government (starting with Europe) to eliminate wars. Unfortunately the whole world is in conflict now – but not between nations, so that’s not going to work is it? Never mind, the new European Army (including us) will be used to suppress the civil unrest that will doubted come.
GW – I have heard this idea for an inquiry before. Its objective is to make Brexit sound like an insane and illegal project. In other words, it’s pure Remainer /beeb propaganda.
Simpson sounds as raving mad as Bercow. What has Brexit to do with Iraq? The one was a legitimate democratic exercise, foisted on the nation by a dishonest Prime Minister. The other was an illegal war, foisted on the nation by a dishonest Prime Minister.
Oh yes, I see the similarity now.
The inquiry should be into what makes Prime Ministers dishonest.
Yesterday was a good day for all those control freaks that Jeremy Vine attracts on Radio 2.
We had the EU wanting to control our cars’ speeds and the government our access to internet porn. Yet another attack on the pleasures of young men? First they came for your football…
Also a rather confused story about the EU and changing the clocks. Of course if the BBC really was ‘European’ it might have got around to telling us about the public consultation about the matter. As I recall they left it until the last day, well we don’t want the plebs having a say do we? Of course as regular as clockwork, (sorry!), if there is no other news, the ‘media’ will run a clock change story every six months. And it makes me so cross!
Reason one: The Sun does what it does without regard to mankind. We do not gain or lose hours or sunshine. If you want sunshine get up when the sun shines and go to bed when it doesn’t. Reason two: The change from one Earth day to another is arbitrary, the date line could be drawn anywhere between the poles. As ‘The Pub Landord’ has probably put it, God, being English, chose us to get the Meridian. Why would we want to give it up to a race of sausage-eaters? Reason three: Any argument that can be made that it would be ‘better’ for sunshine reasons to adopt Berlin time apply equally to Berlin! They ought to advance their clocks by one hour too! Reason four: “We need to do it for international business” What, like with Australia, China and the USA? When I was working with people in the USA I found the time difference quite useful, I could fax over a question in the afternoon and they had time to think about the answer which would be on my desk the following morning. In later years the organisation took on ‘flexible working’, so some people came in at 5 a.m. and left at 1 p.m. and some came in at 10 a.m. and left at 6 p.m. Getting a meeting organised in the same building took some doing! Besides the ‘continentals’ don’t all work 9-5 however their clocks are set.
oddly the most vehement against abandoning clock shifting in the UK have always been the scots, I presume as the EU are now doing it they will all think its wonderous
I asked, ‘The Religion of Peace’ ( https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/site/the-list.aspx ) whether they knew of an equivalent site which kept a tally of, ‘right-wing terrorism’ as they do for islam which resulted in the death or injury of innocent people.
The reply, inter alia, stated:
“I traditionally keep a “scorecard” each Ramadan, comparing violence across religions – and by ‘right-wingers. So, keep an eye for it in May.”
I have no doubt that the accuracy of this data when available will be equally unquestionable. So, look forward to that.
All assuming the website is not closed down by then…………….
Listening to the news on TOADY this a.m. I sent a ‘Thank You’ heavenwards. I prayed for confusion to be sent into the minds of Remainer MPs and thus, it appears, to have come about. No decisions made to scupper Brexit last night.
There is still hope for Brexit.
Hopefully a vote on Theresa May’s Bad Deal will be put to the House, preferably as close as possible to 11th April. The guillotine falls on that day, IIRC, according to the EU as the EU Parliament rises then.
The big potential stumbling block is that the PM may be cowed into going cap in hand to Brussels for a further extension to Article 50.
If ever there was a moment for Theresa May ‘to be difficult’ as far as that is concerned: this is it.
I’m reading comments in the Telegraph and one has listed the Lisbon treaty conditions.
One of these conditions is that all countries must adopt the euro as their currency by 2022
Unless we have a no deal Brexit it says that includes us.
If correct, why are our leavers not making more of this.
If not, how will the Lisbon treaty affect us if we have anything other than a no deal (as we voted for) brexit.
Are we exempt from it or must we obey it.
Where are our leavers on this.
EG, is there an opt-out for us somewhere in the small print? I certainly mentioned it prior to June 2016 that if people voted Remain then the Euro would follow. Most of that particular Forum’s members wanted that anyway but they tried to deny it anyway before the vote.
New members of the EU MUST adopt the Euro (when convergence achieved) and the Schengen agreement. So when (if) we leave, to get back in we too would have to conform, plus we would obviously lose the rebate (half of which Blair already gave away in exchange for the changes to CAP which, of course, never happened). Under the Lisbon Treaty, the vetoes will almost totally disappear to be replaced by Qualified Majority voting which means that we would be rail-roaded into many things we would not otherwise agree to. That is why Remainers are so desperate to stay; once out, the proud British (while we are still in the majority) would never agree to these terms. Ted Heath is dead – he can’t fool us again.
I have read that the Euro will be imposed on all Members. Also Mandatory Migrant quotas and Schengen. I’d Google you a link but I haven’t got the time. Regards.
The BBC always give the Far Left extreme Nationalist SNP ( beeb language) a free pass .
Yes the windbag in chief – blackford- has been ranting for the PM to go and then when she does he accuses her of running away – from the mess he and his miserable crew helped to make .
Land of the free indeed! Just try to imagine a comedy tour with an all Pro-Brexit cast of comedians in Britain. What would happen? How would BBC react to it?
The Deplorables
TOADY Watch #1
Nick Robinson’s political memory is getting a bit scrambled. I think he listed Thatcher as ‘being undone by Europe’. It was the Community Charge (aka Poll Tax) that did for her.
And Major wasn’t really ‘undone by Europe’ as he was and still is pro-EU. It was his attempt to take the UK into the Euro (via the ERM) in advance of its creation that sunk him.
Michael Howard was absolutely right on the programme when he said Theresa May should have upped and walked away form the negotiating table when the EU insisted on that fake scheduling of the negotiations. It was an obvious ploy.
I wonder why she did not?
Was she urged not to by senior Civil Servants?
Or did she think that by ‘being nice’ she could win a better deal overall?
Errr because May is on the EUs side ?
and isn’t negoctiating at all.
Her aim is to have us:
just stay in the EU
0r if that’s not possible
stay in via endless kicking the can down the road
if the above fail, have the Uk leave in name only, ie her ‘Deal’ hoping to rejoin before the almost 4 year transition period ends.
What would we be remaining in, if we went down that road?
Not what we have now, oh no.
Ever deeper and closer Union.
The Euro would be part of that.
Of course, this house of cards could easily collapse before it reaches its destination and the currency go down the tubes.
But you can’t count on that.
And at a point where it’s got so deep and so close, it’s one single Superstate, the Stasi will walk again. We have lots of watchers and listeners here in the UK who will be keen to join. Take a few characters in the TV Licencing enforcement section, or beeb in general…
I look at the Dear Leader’s nominated successor, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, and I can see it already. She hails from the Saarland, a small, insignificant federal state, but her birthplace is on the French border, and she speaks and promotes French/ bilingualism – important symbolism in the battle to be ever less German (part of which is the Open Borders project).
And unless she gets rid of those diabolical spectacles, one can already hear her say: “take him to the cellars and get those bamboo shoots in under his fingernails. He’s been watching TV without a licence”.
You can see how this is panning out – no majority for any vote so rather than No Deal, it’ll be no Brexit.
Really disgusted and appalled by the lack of leadership and spirit of the alleged ‘Brexiteer’ MPs.
You see it all over these days – the committee mind with nobody wanting to decide anything but the date of the next meeting.
Kaiser – interestingly the beeb -R4- has a dystopian book called ‘The Wall’ on this week, 22h45.
Listening with interest, as ‘the others’ try to get in (to Britain); what will the beeb message be?
The noble Captain and Leader, by the way is black…
Oh yes, and something about why it’s right for the young to hate the old, it says on Amazon.
That would be very beeb.
Hate, not hope?
”how about the UK leaves and london stays in and we build a wall around that”
but the BBC has already escaped that multi racial hellhole and upsticks to Manchester
One big reason why Brexit has descended from farce to fiasco is the bbbc’s (and other MSM’s) failure to interrogate the EU’s mouthpieces on why they have taken the stance they have and therefore present a balanced picture.
We all know that any UK politician (whether pro-remain or pro-Brexit) is given as much airtime as they can manage with their standpoint and opinions subject to rigorous and relentless scrutiny and challenge and we see, on a daily basis and we know that that scrutiny and challenge becomes far more robust the more pro-Brexit the politician is.
Contrast Barnier, Juncker, Verhofttwat and Tusk. Their merest uttering is reported on as fact, as if he is the font of all knowledge and wisdom. These people never get cross examined, interrogated or even criticised by the MSM. Very cleverly, each of them keeps himself away from any opportunity for the press or the media to challenge them. It’s always a “statement” and never an “interview”.
Similarly, much reporting of doom mongers and bed wetters in the UK warning of impending catastrophe but hardly ever anything from the many European critics of the EU’s intransigence.
This is never pointed out by the bbbc – all we get is a 2 minute piece from Katya in Brussels along the lines of “well, EU officials are becoming increasingly frustrated at the chaos in Westminster…” It never is suggested that the chaos is due to the EU’s refusal to compromise.
Any “deal” necessarily involves both parties negotiating in good faith for the greater good. Any government with any balls should have been shouting from the rooftops long ago that the backstop is an issue which has arisen as a direct and obvious result of Barnier’s sequencing (and Mrs Chamberlain’s foolish and weak acceptance of it) and the continued refusal of the EU to do the one simple thing that would break the impasse – negotiate a legally binding mechanism whereby it can be escaped.
As Barnier said in the early days “nothing is agreed until everything is agreed” and whatever he and Mrs Chamberlain shook hands on demonstrably won’t wash with anyone on this side of the channel.
In a commercial situation with a decent negotiating team, this situation would never have arisen, the UK would’ve pointed out the problems inherent in the sequencing and been prepared to walk away then. It would’ve been easy politically to tell the country that the sequencing would lead to problems with the Irish border and, if the EU really wanted to avoid such problems, it needed to be flexible.
Why is the MSM so eager to present the whole issue of the backstop being an impediment to the WA as anything other than what it is? i.e. the intransigence and stubbornness of the EU and a perfect illustration of why we voted to leave.
“Why is the MSM so eager to present the whole issue of the backstop being an impediment to the WA as anything other than what it is?”
They are all signed up members supporting the Globalist Grand Plan and anything that detracts or thwarts achieving that goal will be condemned and / or ignored.
Yup, no revision but £39 billion at worst or status quo at best.
Do you reckon the Tories really don’t want to win a GE and right now they’re working, like rabid beavers, setting up their new jobs in business and the media?
It seems we will have a vote in parliament tomorrow, but only on part of the ‘deal’.
Keeps us in the EU till 22 May.
And May in till…when she feels like quitting.
The old Merkel rule book still going strong: stay put, think up a new diversion, stay put, kick the can down the road, stay put, something will come up, so: stay put. Play for time.
Promise them you’ll leave, if you have to. But conditional on something unlikely to happen.
Stay put…
Sit tight…
Play for time.
“Stay put…
Sit tight…
Play for time.”
‘And meanwhile, think of all that lovely money and position you will obtain from your grateful masters when the UK remains in the EU………..’
It is a shame Caroline Lucas represents the entire Constituency of Brighton Pavilion and not just the pavilion itself. At least there could be some damage limitation of stupid.
If we are to have a car free country we would require a safe, reliable and efficient public transport system, local goods and services and streets we could ride our bikes or push our trolleys without being macheted to death.
We would therefore not be able to afford or require to be in the EU.
You know thirty years ago convention, seminars etc were held in Leeds, London, Birmingham etc., now it’s Berlin, Prague, Paris – SAVE THE PLANET EH?
#Brexit the most important decision facing our country since WW3 – today an historic debate in Parliament & there is no motion or amendment no position or speech from our Government. What a dereliction of duty #Shameful@theindependenthttps://t.co/ra9wk2YQbf
Brexit is now sidelined because something far more important has come up. Basic, fundamental things like trust, legality, integrity and disenfranchisement.
So you should be ashamed. Every single one of you lying, traitorous , self obsessed plebs … disgusting betrayal …..aided every step of the way by the equally disgusting BBC
“I share the disgust at the antics of MPs who promised to honour the referendum”
Not sure if this has been posted, but BBC caught red handed reporting fake news. They have just had to pay out “substantial damages” + legal costs to Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko. They seem reluctant to say what the actual amount is, anyway I’m sure the license payers dont mind.
Though today’s new, they have managed to make it almost invisible on the website.
Cant work out if the BBC’s Gary Lineker (all views his own) is Labour or Tory ..Leave or Remain.. what you think ? !!!
Completely shameless. Doesn’t give a toss for the country. He’ll do, say, support anything that he thinks gives him a smidgen of a chance of being PM. https://t.co/jauGSyFQlM
For tax and accounting purposes I am sure Mr Linaker is a Tory . But once he has legally avoided tax i am sure he becomes a presecco socialist lecturing the non wealthy on giving up their very hard earnt cash to third worlders
I have none of Scruton’s education, way with words or intellect (obvious I know so no sniggering at the back!), but so much of this resonates with me, product of a poor Deptford/New Cross upbringing in a working class labour-supporting family; two criminal brothers and a sister who spoiled her life by having a half-caste child at 15, I was saved by a grammar school education which in the early/mid 60s I nearly gave up on for the illicit joy of hopping the wag, coffee bars, the best music EVER, and my Vespa.
Despite doing badly in my A levels (no, not Maxi’s) I eventually got a professional qualification which led me sequentially to General Manager of a foreign bank in London, a directorship in a Mayfair private equity boutique and COO of a private investment house in Monaco. On the way I met and worked for millionaires, Saudi and other ME royalty and billionaires and all the while dining and drinking with these people in exotic places I felt a Sarf Lunnon boy despite, I am told, it never showing.
Peter – you sound like one of them thick brexiters ( me included )who didn’t know what they was voting for innit . At one stage I had to study EU competition law which is a bit like wading through mud.
I wasn’t born a cockney in my E number but I was born in the sight of White Hart Lane.
During my various roles – including exposure to cabinet ministers – the shock which I discovered was that a good few politician and senior civil servant are not that bright .
That frightened me .
Completely different issue
Having a quiet break watching the Parliament Channel – which is the best comedy available at the moment . It makes one wonder exactly how far away from reality they can get ? The thing is so bound by its own rules as to sound like a long running joke with Bercow as the kind of master of ceremonies .
They have just spent an hour and more discussing about working tomorrow ( Friday ) . ….
When I see the Parliament Channel I keep expecting the two old men from the Muppets to appear and pass judgement on the proceedings. Even they are lost for words.
My dear old Dad who used to take me to Coldblow Lane will be turning in his grave to think that I’m having conversations, only online admittedly, with a Spurs supporter, not that we were ever likely to meet up other than in knock out competitions.
Peter , I’m lapsed – and not allowed – I think to use the word which Spurs types use to describe themselves .
Fortunately it is possible to be weaned off footy -. Anyone who would doubt that need only listen to a screeching female beeboid commentator on a Wimmins tedious game . Even sky won’t bother with that …
WATCH Mark Francois as he is told by an incredibly arrogant and patronizing Remainer that Leavers are in the minority and that our vote was worthless. pic.twitter.com/d18eH2Sxaw
How odd that 52% is no longer larger than 48%. Is that some kind of European maths ?
Mind you he does have point – our vote does appear increasingly worthless.
Can’t wait to test it in a GE although without PR our vote may be equally worthless.
Confession time:
All quiet on the Referendum on 05.05.11. I, for one profusely apologise in the midst of rational thinkers here, for having supported First Past the Post in 2011. The folly of that personal decision is now patently obvious.
2 I was persuaded that fptp allowed the personal touch to survive , so a good respected local could buck two party tribalism, and the example given was the MP in the neighbouring borough one RT Hon Cyril Smith MP
Yes I know it’s been posted earlier, but it seems that even continual reports of the BBC faking news never reaches the higher political elites whom we can only surmise approve of it.
Here we go again. . . Grenfell…
Another gravy train. No doubt hundreds more compensation claims about to to be served.
‘ Research by the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) says dust and debris from the fire have polluted the surrounding area. People living near the tower have complained of health problems from vomiting and coughing up blood to skin complaints and breathing difficulties.‘
Well of course the BBC and MSM are falling over themselves to report this.
Another university putting its science forward without any challenge, and of course the mainstream media fall for it hook line and sinker.
I wonder if they did the same research in anyone of the hundreds and thousands of ex industrial sites in our country, they would come up with similar results, only this time without the Grenfell cough…
Has the far-left bbc collective ever investigated the high level of cancers in people who have lived in close proximity to electricity pylons?
Or what about the mental health problems associated with the low frequency noise generated by those sodding wind turbines?
Most victims in these instances are likely to be white and indigenous to our country. If only they were non-white and could hardly speak English, then they’d be getting attention and lots of money to ease their suffering.
18:50 pm BBC Look North having a knock the white people segment
I have mentioned this story on the radio before now it’s on TV
19 years ago Auliya Atrafi came to Hull as a refugee from Afghanistan, now most Hull people still live in Hull, but Auliya was picked to go and work inside the BBC World Service
– Part i . At his old mosque “yes since Brexit, there have been more attacks”
– Part ii at the Polish fish and chip shop, “Yes we can’t get English workers they don’t want to get up early
– Part iii At the working men’s club ..actual white British people.
\\ Musician in hat says #Brexit was caused by austerity. Gosh, not heard that one before.
The BBC is still making these ‘impartial’ videos, in which the right people are interviewed, the ones saying hate crime is rising. With a token nod to Leave voters //
\\ Negative, antiBrexit garbage from your BBC. Stop paying for this propoganda //
A knife killing near Regents Park mosque. According to some sources (not al beeb) the suspect is reported as having then run into the mosque. Not terror-related, say the police.
Perhaps not, but I’m always impressed how quick the authorities are to deny a terror link in such cases, and how slow to admit a terror-link when there is one.
Nice to know we’re in safe hands.
Stabbing, a man runs into a mosque. Area cordoned off by armed police. Cops immediately recognize that it is not terror related.
Obviously, the far far right do not run into mosques.
‘The Met tweeted that the attack was not terror-related.
It said: “Officers continue to deal with a stabbing at Cunningham Place/Park Road, Westminster.
“We can confirm that this incident is not terror related.
Makes a change!
if man made global warming is real, our climate zone will be a huge beneficiary.
Let those mugs in other countries do the hard work, releasing all that lovely carbon,while we bask in the sunshine.
“It’s finally over. You’ve heard from the politicians. You’ve listened to the pundits. But what do average Americans have to say about the two-year Mueller saga?
This week, we’ll answer your questions and ask: where do we go from here?”
Just checked a BBC reporters Twitter
He – news editor at BBC Lincolnshire.
She – female same surname , same timeline : so likely to be wife : owner of PR company
“Buzzword Media :We create first rate content for businessess and organisations, manage social media and deliver comprehensive PR.”
I detect some beeb sleight of hand in its ‘report’ on knife crime.
The piece moves confusingly between knife crime victims and other types of crime, allowing them to post this pic, whereas knife crime is overwhelmingly a black-on-black phenomenon, often drug and gang related, with a few others caught in the crossfire.
“Knife crime victims in 2019
Motives and circumstances behind killings have varied – as have the age and gender of the victims.
Faces of the dead: The UK’s first 100 victims”
“Yes, Adrian?”
“Er, I’m putting the picture together for the first 100 victims and, er…”
“What is it, Adrian?”
“Well, I don’t really like to say this, but, er, it’s not very diverse”
“What do you mean, Adrian?”
“Well, most of the victims are, er, BAME, and it’s very obvious when we’ve only got just over a dozen, er, White faces to choose from.”
(Editor contorts her face as she sips her vegan soy skinny latte and casts her eye over the front cover of The Guardian. But inspiration strikes…)
“I know! Let’s reduce the number of photos from 100 to, say, 28. Does that help convey our message?”
“Yes, that would be a step in the right direction, but it’s still not enough.”
“Are there any Meditterranean or Middle Eastern people among the victims?”
“A few”
“Okay. Just Photoshop them and lighten the skin tones so they look more White, ditto if anyone looks mixed race.”
“Editor… you’re brilliant! It’s truly a diverse crowd now and diversity is our strength!”
“No problem. As long as it complies with Directive 435, Paragraph 7, sub-section E and avoids any reference to black-on-black knife crime. Oh, and whilst I remember, we are doing an article on Tommy Robinson tomorrow: can you dig out some photos of skinheads and National Front marches from 1976? Plus give Hope Not Hate and the Southern Poverty Law Center a call for anything they might have.”
Horray I’m so happy-Why? I hear you ask. Well I have left the European Union and feel so much lighter in spirit, no more sitting on the old school bench, no more spiders in my tea making googlie eyes at me, and no more nasty people in Brussels thinking they can dictate the way the British people run their country-not that at this moment our so called Politicians know how to govern, but in time they will learn when we reduce their salaries, take away their living allowances, however we can perhaps provide them with a free bus pass. It has to be said that after the next general election many MP’s currently in office may not be there, well that’ll cost the tax payer less-another Horray !
BBC Question Time discussing whether gay relationships should be taught to 5 year olds. Some liberal in the audience got the biggest clap for saying “it should be taught to everyone of all ages”. I don’t think they could hear me shouting at the TV asking “what? teach it to a 1 week old baby ffs?”
A few minutes later a panelist said “I went to a school presentation teaching gay relationships and it was fascinating. One thing we need to stop though is porn…. so many boys think this is normal when it is not”. She got an equally loud clap from the audience.
So there you go, the BBC carefully chosen audience think we should be teaching gay sex to 5 year olds and also teach them “porn” (heterosexual sex) is totally wrong”.
They’ve got it right in Russia, where schools are not allowed to talk about non-traditional relationships to those under 18. It is usually characterised by so-called liberals and the controlled media as the ‘anti-gay’ law, despite the fact that there are no references to homosexuality in it. Plus the local media does it bit to ensure that Russian men will want to do their bit to keep the Motherland populated in the future, rather than outsource baby-production to men imported from Africa and the Middle East. https://cdni.rt.com/files/2018.06/original/5b290cfcdda4c818338b458e.jpg
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god. https://twitter.com/darrengrimes_/status/1897058871908155401
So, what is known is it was a ‘man’.
Put it this way. On CNN it states: “Wounded driver acted heroically in the face of extreme adversity to protect his passengers this afternoon in Lake City.”
As opposed to, say: “Wounded driver acted heroically in the face of extreme diversity to protect his passengers this afternoon in Lake City”
So I read in the “INDY” (ha ha) the a certain Conservative MP Ms Braverman has been dunked in poo by her peers for stating…
“cultural Marxism” was to blame for attacks on freedom of speech… We have culture evolving from the far left which has allowed the snuffing out of freedom of speech, freedom of thought. No one can get offended any more, we are living in a culture where we are putting everyone in cotton wool, a risk-averse mentality is now taking over..
She was apparently heavily lambasted and threatened with the Tory whip removal where a “Spokesperson” from the “Board of Deputies” said…
“Suella Braverman MP may not have been aware of it, but the term ‘cultural Marxist’ has a history as an antisemitic trope. We would ask for her to clarify the remarks and undertake not to use the phrase in future.”
Then Joe Mulhall of Hope not Hate (remember him from the TR Panorama fiasco?) chimed in with…
“This is deeply disturbing and disappointing language to hear from a Conservative MP. In fact, it’s worrying that a mainstream politician would even have heard of such a phrase, which is usually championed by those on the extreme right.
Add to this the announcement the BookFace is to ban any right-wing content from it’s platform and…
In my view, I think all this screaming ban-ban-ban reaction made her point for her even better than any her words!
Cultural Marxism is a “fascist trope and a conspiracy theory” …. so say demonstrable Cultural Marxists. Hilarious.
The Left’s long march through the institutions is observable in everyday life: Common Purpose, the BBC, our educational institutions and the intersectional and woke political agenda that is pushed on us daily by the great and the good. And the Independent.
This whole Cultural Marxism is a “right wing fantasy” cobblers appears to come from a single rather scantily argued article from 2015 by somebody called Wilson. Published in the Guardian, surprisingly.
It’s called taking heavy flak when you are right over the target. Tally ho!
Simpo clearly gunning for Hugh Sykes’ slot.
Time to start building a BBC Bunker where all those ‘impartial’ BBC non-Brexiters can hide?
Already there.
The damage is caused by the arrogant, treacherous wanna-be quislings who refused to implement the clear instructions from the people. Their aim is the destruction of Great Britain, the remnants to be incorporated as Western Region 9 of the Greater Reich project. This has long been planned, and included the importation of millions of migrants with no loyalty to Britain or appreciation of its history and the “education” of our children belittling this nation’s achievements.
Their misguided wish is to unite the world under one government (starting with Europe) to eliminate wars. Unfortunately the whole world is in conflict now – but not between nations, so that’s not going to work is it? Never mind, the new European Army (including us) will be used to suppress the civil unrest that will doubted come.
Traitors all.
GW – I have heard this idea for an inquiry before. Its objective is to make Brexit sound like an insane and illegal project. In other words, it’s pure Remainer /beeb propaganda.
Simpson sounds as raving mad as Bercow. What has Brexit to do with Iraq? The one was a legitimate democratic exercise, foisted on the nation by a dishonest Prime Minister. The other was an illegal war, foisted on the nation by a dishonest Prime Minister.
Oh yes, I see the similarity now.
The inquiry should be into what makes Prime Ministers dishonest.
Doubtless the Baghdad Blimp will see Shami as ideal in the role.
Usually it is Saudi money….
Yesterday was a good day for all those control freaks that Jeremy Vine attracts on Radio 2.
We had the EU wanting to control our cars’ speeds and the government our access to internet porn. Yet another attack on the pleasures of young men? First they came for your football…
Also a rather confused story about the EU and changing the clocks. Of course if the BBC really was ‘European’ it might have got around to telling us about the public consultation about the matter. As I recall they left it until the last day, well we don’t want the plebs having a say do we? Of course as regular as clockwork, (sorry!), if there is no other news, the ‘media’ will run a clock change story every six months. And it makes me so cross!
Reason one: The Sun does what it does without regard to mankind. We do not gain or lose hours or sunshine. If you want sunshine get up when the sun shines and go to bed when it doesn’t.
Reason two: The change from one Earth day to another is arbitrary, the date line could be drawn anywhere between the poles. As ‘The Pub Landord’ has probably put it, God, being English, chose us to get the Meridian. Why would we want to give it up to a race of sausage-eaters?
Reason three: Any argument that can be made that it would be ‘better’ for sunshine reasons to adopt Berlin time apply equally to Berlin! They ought to advance their clocks by one hour too!
Reason four: “We need to do it for international business” What, like with Australia, China and the USA? When I was working with people in the USA I found the time difference quite useful, I could fax over a question in the afternoon and they had time to think about the answer which would be on my desk the following morning. In later years the organisation took on ‘flexible working’, so some people came in at 5 a.m. and left at 1 p.m. and some came in at 10 a.m. and left at 6 p.m. Getting a meeting organised in the same building took some doing! Besides the ‘continentals’ don’t all work 9-5 however their clocks are set.
oddly the most vehement against abandoning clock shifting in the UK have always been the scots, I presume as the EU are now doing it they will all think its wonderous
In my case, you presume wrong. But then my dislike of the EU exceeds even my disdain for the BBC.
I asked, ‘The Religion of Peace’ ( https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/site/the-list.aspx ) whether they knew of an equivalent site which kept a tally of, ‘right-wing terrorism’ as they do for islam which resulted in the death or injury of innocent people.
The reply, inter alia, stated:
“I traditionally keep a “scorecard” each Ramadan, comparing violence across religions – and by ‘right-wingers. So, keep an eye for it in May.”
I have no doubt that the accuracy of this data when available will be equally unquestionable. So, look forward to that.
All assuming the website is not closed down by then…………….
Good idea G, maybe you can compile one, let’s see the huge gulf in peacefulness between the angry religion and the called right!
Listening to the news on TOADY this a.m. I sent a ‘Thank You’ heavenwards. I prayed for confusion to be sent into the minds of Remainer MPs and thus, it appears, to have come about. No decisions made to scupper Brexit last night.
There is still hope for Brexit.
Hopefully a vote on Theresa May’s Bad Deal will be put to the House, preferably as close as possible to 11th April. The guillotine falls on that day, IIRC, according to the EU as the EU Parliament rises then.
The big potential stumbling block is that the PM may be cowed into going cap in hand to Brussels for a further extension to Article 50.
If ever there was a moment for Theresa May ‘to be difficult’ as far as that is concerned: this is it.
Is this correct?
I’m reading comments in the Telegraph and one has listed the Lisbon treaty conditions.
One of these conditions is that all countries must adopt the euro as their currency by 2022
Unless we have a no deal Brexit it says that includes us.
If correct, why are our leavers not making more of this.
If not, how will the Lisbon treaty affect us if we have anything other than a no deal (as we voted for) brexit.
Are we exempt from it or must we obey it.
Where are our leavers on this.
EG, is there an opt-out for us somewhere in the small print? I certainly mentioned it prior to June 2016 that if people voted Remain then the Euro would follow. Most of that particular Forum’s members wanted that anyway but they tried to deny it anyway before the vote.
New members of the EU MUST adopt the Euro (when convergence achieved) and the Schengen agreement. So when (if) we leave, to get back in we too would have to conform, plus we would obviously lose the rebate (half of which Blair already gave away in exchange for the changes to CAP which, of course, never happened). Under the Lisbon Treaty, the vetoes will almost totally disappear to be replaced by Qualified Majority voting which means that we would be rail-roaded into many things we would not otherwise agree to. That is why Remainers are so desperate to stay; once out, the proud British (while we are still in the majority) would never agree to these terms. Ted Heath is dead – he can’t fool us again.
I have read that the Euro will be imposed on all Members. Also Mandatory Migrant quotas and Schengen. I’d Google you a link but I haven’t got the time. Regards.
The BBC always give the Far Left extreme Nationalist SNP ( beeb language) a free pass .
Yes the windbag in chief – blackford- has been ranting for the PM to go and then when she does he accuses her of running away – from the mess he and his miserable crew helped to make .
Do they ever laugh ?
Land of the free indeed! Just try to imagine a comedy tour with an all Pro-Brexit cast of comedians in Britain. What would happen? How would BBC react to it?
The Deplorables
A little bit weak if I’m honest, but the guy makes a fantastic point –
‘look at the demographic, 50% of the country’
Just like here where 52% of the population have no comedy or entertainment representation.
Can no-one see the massive opportunity here?
TOADY Watch #1
Nick Robinson’s political memory is getting a bit scrambled. I think he listed Thatcher as ‘being undone by Europe’. It was the Community Charge (aka Poll Tax) that did for her.
And Major wasn’t really ‘undone by Europe’ as he was and still is pro-EU. It was his attempt to take the UK into the Euro (via the ERM) in advance of its creation that sunk him.
TOADY Watch #2
Michael Howard was absolutely right on the programme when he said Theresa May should have upped and walked away form the negotiating table when the EU insisted on that fake scheduling of the negotiations. It was an obvious ploy.
I wonder why she did not?
Was she urged not to by senior Civil Servants?
Or did she think that by ‘being nice’ she could win a better deal overall?
Errr because May is on the EUs side ?
and isn’t negoctiating at all.
Her aim is to have us:
just stay in the EU
0r if that’s not possible
stay in via endless kicking the can down the road
if the above fail, have the Uk leave in name only, ie her ‘Deal’ hoping to rejoin before the almost 4 year transition period ends.
What would we be remaining in, if we went down that road?
Not what we have now, oh no.
Ever deeper and closer Union.
The Euro would be part of that.
Of course, this house of cards could easily collapse before it reaches its destination and the currency go down the tubes.
But you can’t count on that.
And at a point where it’s got so deep and so close, it’s one single Superstate, the Stasi will walk again. We have lots of watchers and listeners here in the UK who will be keen to join. Take a few characters in the TV Licencing enforcement section, or beeb in general…
I look at the Dear Leader’s nominated successor, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, and I can see it already. She hails from the Saarland, a small, insignificant federal state, but her birthplace is on the French border, and she speaks and promotes French/ bilingualism – important symbolism in the battle to be ever less German (part of which is the Open Borders project).
And unless she gets rid of those diabolical spectacles, one can already hear her say: “take him to the cellars and get those bamboo shoots in under his fingernails. He’s been watching TV without a licence”.
Shall we just all leave the EU tomorrow and let our MPs and the EU continue in their own little bubble?
Neither our MPs or the EU are obeying their own rules so why should we?
There’s a school of thought that says that since our MPs have breached the Social Contract, we’re entitled to rescind it…
You can see how this is panning out – no majority for any vote so rather than No Deal, it’ll be no Brexit.
Really disgusted and appalled by the lack of leadership and spirit of the alleged ‘Brexiteer’ MPs.
You see it all over these days – the committee mind with nobody wanting to decide anything but the date of the next meeting.
how about the UK leaves and london stays in and we build a wall around that
Best idea yet – let them vote on that one.
Kaiser – interestingly the beeb -R4- has a dystopian book called ‘The Wall’ on this week, 22h45.
Listening with interest, as ‘the others’ try to get in (to Britain); what will the beeb message be?
The noble Captain and Leader, by the way is black…
Oh yes, and something about why it’s right for the young to hate the old, it says on Amazon.
That would be very beeb.
Hate, not hope?
And Scotland (existing one might need a bit of maintenance), Leeds, Harrogate and York, part of Lake District, Manchester, Liverpool etc
If you want to be divisive, do it properly.
”how about the UK leaves and london stays in and we build a wall around that”
but the BBC has already escaped that multi racial hellhole and upsticks to Manchester
Remainiacs do bring to mind, not brave warriors but hysterical virgin brides with cold feet.
(know it all) teenagers
but too timid to leave home
One big reason why Brexit has descended from farce to fiasco is the bbbc’s (and other MSM’s) failure to interrogate the EU’s mouthpieces on why they have taken the stance they have and therefore present a balanced picture.
We all know that any UK politician (whether pro-remain or pro-Brexit) is given as much airtime as they can manage with their standpoint and opinions subject to rigorous and relentless scrutiny and challenge and we see, on a daily basis and we know that that scrutiny and challenge becomes far more robust the more pro-Brexit the politician is.
Contrast Barnier, Juncker, Verhofttwat and Tusk. Their merest uttering is reported on as fact, as if he is the font of all knowledge and wisdom. These people never get cross examined, interrogated or even criticised by the MSM. Very cleverly, each of them keeps himself away from any opportunity for the press or the media to challenge them. It’s always a “statement” and never an “interview”.
Similarly, much reporting of doom mongers and bed wetters in the UK warning of impending catastrophe but hardly ever anything from the many European critics of the EU’s intransigence.
This is never pointed out by the bbbc – all we get is a 2 minute piece from Katya in Brussels along the lines of “well, EU officials are becoming increasingly frustrated at the chaos in Westminster…” It never is suggested that the chaos is due to the EU’s refusal to compromise.
Any “deal” necessarily involves both parties negotiating in good faith for the greater good. Any government with any balls should have been shouting from the rooftops long ago that the backstop is an issue which has arisen as a direct and obvious result of Barnier’s sequencing (and Mrs Chamberlain’s foolish and weak acceptance of it) and the continued refusal of the EU to do the one simple thing that would break the impasse – negotiate a legally binding mechanism whereby it can be escaped.
As Barnier said in the early days “nothing is agreed until everything is agreed” and whatever he and Mrs Chamberlain shook hands on demonstrably won’t wash with anyone on this side of the channel.
In a commercial situation with a decent negotiating team, this situation would never have arisen, the UK would’ve pointed out the problems inherent in the sequencing and been prepared to walk away then. It would’ve been easy politically to tell the country that the sequencing would lead to problems with the Irish border and, if the EU really wanted to avoid such problems, it needed to be flexible.
Why is the MSM so eager to present the whole issue of the backstop being an impediment to the WA as anything other than what it is? i.e. the intransigence and stubbornness of the EU and a perfect illustration of why we voted to leave.
Yes, from the start the EU said – ‘We don’t have to negotiate – we just have to keep saying, “NO”.’
“Why is the MSM so eager to present the whole issue of the backstop being an impediment to the WA as anything other than what it is?”
They are all signed up members supporting the Globalist Grand Plan and anything that detracts or thwarts achieving that goal will be condemned and / or ignored.
A question. There are 12 stars on the EU flag yet 27 member states. Does anyone know what the 12 stars represent?
Each star for the billion a month we pay to remain
It’s for the twelfth of never, when the UK is allowed to leave.
It’s the number of times the krauts have cheated on penalties in Der Verld Cup ….
12+27 = 39, the same amount we’d be paying (in billions) under May’s woeful deal.
I seem to be missing something here……….Bercow says deal not to be reconsidered without revision, but EU says no revision.
May/ERG/Conservative to blame?????/
Yup, no revision but £39 billion at worst or status quo at best.
Do you reckon the Tories really don’t want to win a GE and right now they’re working, like rabid beavers, setting up their new jobs in business and the media?
It seems we will have a vote in parliament tomorrow, but only on part of the ‘deal’.
Keeps us in the EU till 22 May.
And May in till…when she feels like quitting.
The old Merkel rule book still going strong: stay put, think up a new diversion, stay put, kick the can down the road, stay put, something will come up, so: stay put. Play for time.
Promise them you’ll leave, if you have to. But conditional on something unlikely to happen.
Stay put…
Sit tight…
Play for time.
“Stay put…
Sit tight…
Play for time.”
‘And meanwhile, think of all that lovely money and position you will obtain from your grateful masters when the UK remains in the EU………..’
Doreen Tipton has it right. Take a minute to see real comedy.
And clearly we needed a Mueller Committee to pronounce on the crock they’re feeding us..
Thanks GWF
‘At least we still have Biden’
RIP Bruno .
America will be extinct in 12 years but britain will be gone in 11
AOC’s stupid plan having been universally panned by in the states
has managed to get a second reading over here
It is a shame Caroline Lucas represents the entire Constituency of Brighton Pavilion and not just the pavilion itself. At least there could be some damage limitation of stupid.
If we are to have a car free country we would require a safe, reliable and efficient public transport system, local goods and services and streets we could ride our bikes or push our trolleys without being macheted to death.
We would therefore not be able to afford or require to be in the EU.
You know thirty years ago convention, seminars etc were held in Leeds, London, Birmingham etc., now it’s Berlin, Prague, Paris – SAVE THE PLANET EH?
Wonderful .
Something should be done to that loon shouting brrrrrrrrrrreeeeexit.
He needs to get a real job .
When was WWIII? I must’ve missed it!
Brexit is now sidelined because something far more important has come up. Basic, fundamental things like trust, legality, integrity and disenfranchisement.
Lucy – she probably on her third triple G&T whilst under protection from those awful democratic oiks .
A President with proper backbone, proper leadership and not afraid to serve it up to the lying liberal left MSM.
Oh to have a leader like this in the UK right now ….
So you should be ashamed. Every single one of you lying, traitorous , self obsessed plebs … disgusting betrayal …..aided every step of the way by the equally disgusting BBC
Not sure if this has been posted, but BBC caught red handed reporting fake news. They have just had to pay out “substantial damages” + legal costs to Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko. They seem reluctant to say what the actual amount is, anyway I’m sure the license payers dont mind.
Though today’s new, they have managed to make it almost invisible on the website.
BBC pays damages to Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko over report
I presume this was an attempt to link trump to russia
Cant work out if the BBC’s Gary Lineker (all views his own) is Labour or Tory ..Leave or Remain.. what you think ? !!!
Retweeted by Gary – https://twitter.com/Jemima_Khan/status/1111034781238812672
retweeted by gary – https://twitter.com/davidallengreen/status/1110823132577873920
For tax and accounting purposes I am sure Mr Linaker is a Tory . But once he has legally avoided tax i am sure he becomes a presecco socialist lecturing the non wealthy on giving up their very hard earnt cash to third worlders
Not to do with Al Beeb who are resolutely opposed to having his views on air other than once annually, but imho interesting nontheless.
I have none of Scruton’s education, way with words or intellect (obvious I know so no sniggering at the back!), but so much of this resonates with me, product of a poor Deptford/New Cross upbringing in a working class labour-supporting family; two criminal brothers and a sister who spoiled her life by having a half-caste child at 15, I was saved by a grammar school education which in the early/mid 60s I nearly gave up on for the illicit joy of hopping the wag, coffee bars, the best music EVER, and my Vespa.
Despite doing badly in my A levels (no, not Maxi’s) I eventually got a professional qualification which led me sequentially to General Manager of a foreign bank in London, a directorship in a Mayfair private equity boutique and COO of a private investment house in Monaco. On the way I met and worked for millionaires, Saudi and other ME royalty and billionaires and all the while dining and drinking with these people in exotic places I felt a Sarf Lunnon boy despite, I am told, it never showing.
Peter – you sound like one of them thick brexiters ( me included )who didn’t know what they was voting for innit . At one stage I had to study EU competition law which is a bit like wading through mud.
I wasn’t born a cockney in my E number but I was born in the sight of White Hart Lane.
During my various roles – including exposure to cabinet ministers – the shock which I discovered was that a good few politician and senior civil servant are not that bright .
That frightened me .
Completely different issue
Having a quiet break watching the Parliament Channel – which is the best comedy available at the moment . It makes one wonder exactly how far away from reality they can get ? The thing is so bound by its own rules as to sound like a long running joke with Bercow as the kind of master of ceremonies .
They have just spent an hour and more discussing about working tomorrow ( Friday ) . ….
When I see the Parliament Channel I keep expecting the two old men from the Muppets to appear and pass judgement on the proceedings. Even they are lost for words.
White Hart Lane!!!
My dear old Dad who used to take me to Coldblow Lane will be turning in his grave to think that I’m having conversations, only online admittedly, with a Spurs supporter, not that we were ever likely to meet up other than in knock out competitions.
Peter , I’m lapsed – and not allowed – I think to use the word which Spurs types use to describe themselves .
Fortunately it is possible to be weaned off footy -. Anyone who would doubt that need only listen to a screeching female beeboid commentator on a Wimmins tedious game . Even sky won’t bother with that …
How odd that 52% is no longer larger than 48%. Is that some kind of European maths ?
Mind you he does have point – our vote does appear increasingly worthless.
Can’t wait to test it in a GE although without PR our vote may be equally worthless.
Confession time:
All quiet on the Referendum on 05.05.11. I, for one profusely apologise in the midst of rational thinkers here, for having supported First Past the Post in 2011. The folly of that personal decision is now patently obvious.
I abstained in the end because
1 I thought AV was a stupid system
2 I was persuaded that fptp allowed the personal touch to survive , so a good respected local could buck two party tribalism, and the example given was the MP in the neighbouring borough one RT Hon Cyril Smith MP
jeez what a fool I was
Yes I know it’s been posted earlier, but it seems that even continual reports of the BBC faking news never reaches the higher political elites whom we can only surmise approve of it.
Here we go again. . . Grenfell…
Another gravy train. No doubt hundreds more compensation claims about to to be served.
‘ Research by the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) says dust and debris from the fire have polluted the surrounding area. People living near the tower have complained of health problems from vomiting and coughing up blood to skin complaints and breathing difficulties.‘
Well of course the BBC and MSM are falling over themselves to report this.
Another university putting its science forward without any challenge, and of course the mainstream media fall for it hook line and sinker.
I wonder if they did the same research in anyone of the hundreds and thousands of ex industrial sites in our country, they would come up with similar results, only this time without the Grenfell cough…
Has the far-left bbc collective ever investigated the high level of cancers in people who have lived in close proximity to electricity pylons?
Or what about the mental health problems associated with the low frequency noise generated by those sodding wind turbines?
Most victims in these instances are likely to be white and indigenous to our country. If only they were non-white and could hardly speak English, then they’d be getting attention and lots of money to ease their suffering.
18:50 pm BBC Look North having a knock the white people segment
I have mentioned this story on the radio before now it’s on TV
19 years ago Auliya Atrafi came to Hull as a refugee from Afghanistan, now most Hull people still live in Hull, but Auliya was picked to go and work inside the BBC World Service
– Part i . At his old mosque “yes since Brexit, there have been more attacks”
– Part ii at the Polish fish and chip shop, “Yes we can’t get English workers they don’t want to get up early
– Part iii At the working men’s club ..actual white British people.
\\ Musician in hat says #Brexit was caused by austerity. Gosh, not heard that one before.
The BBC is still making these ‘impartial’ videos, in which the right people are interviewed, the ones saying hate crime is rising. With a token nod to Leave voters //
\\ Negative, antiBrexit garbage from your BBC. Stop paying for this propoganda //
Part ii at the Polish fish and chip shop, “Yes we can’t get English workers they don’t want to get up early
quite what time of the day do the good citizens of Hull start eating fish and chips
Crazy Paul Mason calls for a fight against Brexit, Tommy Robinson supporters, and the far right, neo liberalism, xenophobia and so much more.
His army is ready to fight the Brexiteers tomorrow.
When the PM bows out – the female version of Gordon Brown – I wonder which epitaph will be remembered –
Strong and stable
Or The UK is leaving the EU on 29 March
Or. Brexit means Brexit .
Her speech writer deserves a very dark place …
imagine having to write her eulogy,
she came she saw she failed miserably,
weak and unstable
she threw away a 20 point poll lead with a manifesto, promising to punish her own voters, focusing instead on her non-existent personality
deliberately avoiding public debate
she presided over the parliament for the few not the many
Weaker than John Major , stupider than Cameron , made Heath look statesmanlike in comparison .
I suggest it should be:
Enough is finally enough.
She claimed that Islamic terrorism was neither Islamic nor terrorism
We should at this time rejoice that with our bunch of spineless, backsliding MPs we are not faced with a war fighting situation as in 1939.
10% loss of GDP ohhhh
better surrender
Just caught the tail end of Aaronovitch’s ( lefty posing as a middle of the road guy ) programme Radio 4 .
EU good . Independence bad .
A knife killing near Regents Park mosque. According to some sources (not al beeb) the suspect is reported as having then run into the mosque. Not terror-related, say the police.
Perhaps not, but I’m always impressed how quick the authorities are to deny a terror link in such cases, and how slow to admit a terror-link when there is one.
Nice to know we’re in safe hands.
Would a non-Muslim run INTO a mosque? Even if desperate?
latest news
500 women in burkas evacuated
no one else found in mosque
witnesses say they dinsee dindu nuffin
Stabbing, a man runs into a mosque. Area cordoned off by armed police. Cops immediately recognize that it is not terror related.
Obviously, the far far right do not run into mosques.
‘The Met tweeted that the attack was not terror-related.
It said: “Officers continue to deal with a stabbing at Cunningham Place/Park Road, Westminster.
“We can confirm that this incident is not terror related.
“Stabbing, a man runs into a mosque”
….and runs out as a woman.
Sorry, couldn’t resist it.
The police are introducing self-identification parades.
But, on the facts, it could really be, ‘mental health issues’.
As a break from Brexit.
BBC Online News:
“”Climate change: Global impacts ‘accelerating’ – WMO””
“”Their report comes in the same week as the International Energy Agency (IEA) reported a surge in CO2 in 2018.””
“”However, new data from the UK suggests Britain is bucking the trend with emissions down by 3%.””
Let’s give ourselves in the UK a pat on the back for this BBC sponsored alarmist biased bollards.
how much carbon negative to counteract the rest of the world do we need to be?
Makes a change!
if man made global warming is real, our climate zone will be a huge beneficiary.
Let those mugs in other countries do the hard work, releasing all that lovely carbon,while we bask in the sunshine.
keep up eddy its not global warming anymore as that has positive connotations for all us freezing our nuts off
Love understatement.
BBC online News:
The page relates to a recent murder with a knife. Take a look at the foot of the page. The BBC has a ‘sample’ image of six knife murder victims.
Four of the six are white, one is of an Asian female and one is a black male.
As a white male, I feel that this representation makes a racist statement.
It’s unravelling! Surely they HAVE TO get us out of the EU mess?
Lucy Pevensey
I can’t find nowt about it on Al Beeb’s website ?
“It’s finally over. You’ve heard from the politicians. You’ve listened to the pundits. But what do average Americans have to say about the two-year Mueller saga?
This week, we’ll answer your questions and ask: where do we go from here?”
They are certifiable.
Inside ‘genocidal’ armys celebrations
no course not
mean while a country refuses to take more refugees
Fascist Italy , Fascist Hungary, Fascist Greece
no course not
Just checked a BBC reporters Twitter
He – news editor at BBC Lincolnshire.
She – female same surname , same timeline : so likely to be wife : owner of PR company
“Buzzword Media :We create first rate content for businessess and organisations, manage social media and deliver comprehensive PR.”
Praise be! Chris Mason…. is going to explain.
Could be worse… Get Wood.
I detect some beeb sleight of hand in its ‘report’ on knife crime.
The piece moves confusingly between knife crime victims and other types of crime, allowing them to post this pic, whereas knife crime is overwhelmingly a black-on-black phenomenon, often drug and gang related, with a few others caught in the crossfire.
“Knife crime victims in 2019
Motives and circumstances behind killings have varied – as have the age and gender of the victims.
Faces of the dead: The UK’s first 100 victims”
Our mission statement: to obfuscate and confuse wherever possible in the interest of our far-liberal agenda.
“Yes, Adrian?”
“Er, I’m putting the picture together for the first 100 victims and, er…”
“What is it, Adrian?”
“Well, I don’t really like to say this, but, er, it’s not very diverse”
“What do you mean, Adrian?”
“Well, most of the victims are, er, BAME, and it’s very obvious when we’ve only got just over a dozen, er, White faces to choose from.”
(Editor contorts her face as she sips her vegan soy skinny latte and casts her eye over the front cover of The Guardian. But inspiration strikes…)
“I know! Let’s reduce the number of photos from 100 to, say, 28. Does that help convey our message?”
“Yes, that would be a step in the right direction, but it’s still not enough.”
“Are there any Meditterranean or Middle Eastern people among the victims?”
“A few”
“Okay. Just Photoshop them and lighten the skin tones so they look more White, ditto if anyone looks mixed race.”
“Editor… you’re brilliant! It’s truly a diverse crowd now and diversity is our strength!”
“No problem. As long as it complies with Directive 435, Paragraph 7, sub-section E and avoids any reference to black-on-black knife crime. Oh, and whilst I remember, we are doing an article on Tommy Robinson tomorrow: can you dig out some photos of skinheads and National Front marches from 1976? Plus give Hope Not Hate and the Southern Poverty Law Center a call for anything they might have.”
Just about right Ian-that’s just how stupid it has all become-good old common sense saw fit to jump ship some time ago.
Horray I’m so happy-Why? I hear you ask. Well I have left the European Union and feel so much lighter in spirit, no more sitting on the old school bench, no more spiders in my tea making googlie eyes at me, and no more nasty people in Brussels thinking they can dictate the way the British people run their country-not that at this moment our so called Politicians know how to govern, but in time they will learn when we reduce their salaries, take away their living allowances, however we can perhaps provide them with a free bus pass. It has to be said that after the next general election many MP’s currently in office may not be there, well that’ll cost the tax payer less-another Horray !
BBC Question Time discussing whether gay relationships should be taught to 5 year olds. Some liberal in the audience got the biggest clap for saying “it should be taught to everyone of all ages”. I don’t think they could hear me shouting at the TV asking “what? teach it to a 1 week old baby ffs?”
A few minutes later a panelist said “I went to a school presentation teaching gay relationships and it was fascinating. One thing we need to stop though is porn…. so many boys think this is normal when it is not”. She got an equally loud clap from the audience.
So there you go, the BBC carefully chosen audience think we should be teaching gay sex to 5 year olds and also teach them “porn” (heterosexual sex) is totally wrong”.
I cant tell you what I was screaming at the TV…….its unprintable…..suffice to say I was thinking the same as you……
Genius! Admit you are failing to cover up well enough.
Coming soon — ad in the Guardian jobs pages for a Public Perception Improver (uniform comes with baton and CS gas)
I don’t know about you but as a former child I’d protect kids from all form of sexuality until they need to know – is puberty .
Corrupting them with knowledge of buggery and the like will cause more mental disorder when they get to teen age ( one for you Maxi )
They’ve got it right in Russia, where schools are not allowed to talk about non-traditional relationships to those under 18. It is usually characterised by so-called liberals and the controlled media as the ‘anti-gay’ law, despite the fact that there are no references to homosexuality in it. Plus the local media does it bit to ensure that Russian men will want to do their bit to keep the Motherland populated in the future, rather than outsource baby-production to men imported from Africa and the Middle East.