“MPs will be asked to vote again on Brexit on Friday but only on part of the deal negotiated with the EU”.
Who’s asking , the EU ?
On the very day we should have been celebrating our independence
our parliament has betrayed us. Disgraceful behavior by our representatives that said much but did the opposite.
Time to drain the swamp by holding a general election .
\\Climate change: Water shortages in England ‘within 25 years’//
What about immigration ?
More people coming in to the country need more water .Simples.
How many times has the government promised to cut immigration numbers ?
every week for years, eg
”27 Feb 2014 – The home secretary, Theresa May, made the Conservative pledge to reduce net migration to the “tens of thousands” by the time of next year’s… ”
Her audition for the PM job and practice for saying Brexit means Brexit and keeping a straight face
It’s probably a good thing, for the Remainers, that I’m not in charge because not only would we be Leaving the EU tonight, there would be public hangings of a large number of them as part of the celebrations.
Last night’s This Week showed how out of touch politicians and media commentators are. Leaving out the sneering at Trump by Portillo, Neil et al, we had Portillo saying how polite the demonstrators he met around Westminster are. Clearly, he needs to get out more, away from his bubble.
He also bemoaned the incompatibility of referenda with Parliamentary democracy, entirely missing the point (as they all did) that Parliament is fundamentally failing to represent properly those who want to leave. It evidently never occurred to them.
One reasonable point brought up: that the internet allows us all to live in our own bubble. We surround ourselves with people who agree with us and tell us we’re right. Are people in general really as angry about Brexit as we all are here? Or do we just think they are because it’s all we hear?
You have to go back quite a long time in our history to understand the current situation.
Back at the time of the English Civil War the powers of the King to rule almost unrestrained by decree were taken from him and given to parliament hence the mace – representing the sceptre being at the despatch box.
This unfortunately has not changed since 1651, parliament effectively rules over the people – we elect a set of monarchical dictators to rule for 5 years, in a mockery of democracy.
As soon as that qualifier is placed in front of the word ‘democracy’ it ceases to be democracy and becomes something else. It’s like saying “it’s a bird, a duck, it’s a bombay duck” which is of course a fish and completly different!
Agree – and there will be no change . Too many vested interests in keeping things cosy .
The problem with the adversarial system is that it just becomes a’ game’ – go into the room – go tribal – and outside become a different sort of politician . It’s why I trouble seeing them as human beings – that comes after politician . Or gender or race or political colour …and the MSM are just role players …
Roland ,
Having had a bit of legal training I was taught to present both sides to the same issue .
And that ‘ horns’ ‘ halo ‘ thing where he see positive in those like us but only the bad in those with whole we disagree .
I try to cut through that . The EU issue is a part of the bigger argument about ‘ way of life ‘ or as the bbc woukd call it “ lifestyle choices “ .
But on the EU issue I don’t want to be part of the bigger state really crushing freedom . Others don’t see it that way until it’s too late
As an aside early on Toady their Brussels traitor Chris Morris did the normal routine of never criticising intransigent Brussels and treating UK as the ‘ baddy’
It will be strange if “ the few” in the commons rescue us from the Krauts in a 1940 style again.
I dipped into that programme and it is pretty embarrassing eh? I don’t know if they’ve all had a beer before hand but it is so ‘ inside ‘ that a punter won’t get half of it ( me ) . So glad it’s going and an be replaced with a very good auction programme where people wear matching t shirts with a ‘ strange ‘ larger than life approved beeboid presenter …
White is really Black; Elephants with wings do really exist and fly.
So say’s our far left cultural Marxist State Broadcaster, the BBC.
In a lengthy feature just before the weather at 0758, our own, “Beauty” delves into the World of “Far Right” terrorists. Using two so-called renowned established experts, the conclusion is that, with everyone’s cooperation, including the tech Media Giants all the chatter between these, “Far Right” verbal terrorists can be, ‘turned around’. “Turned around” really means, their thinking can be corrected presumably by convincing the “Far Right Terrorist” that the RoP is really a peaceful religion and it would be quite wrong to think that they go around killing and maiming innocent people. That’s all fiction.
I got the impression that deterring islamic terrorism is beyond our two, “experts”. For no debate pursues this topic. Perhaps they’ve simply given up in the knowledge that islamic terrorism is the will of allah and that cannot be changed.
Where was islam in all of this discussion? Nowhere to be seen or heard of. Well, that’s a surprise!
On BBCr4today Mervyn King says incompetence at handling Brexit has spread from the government to Parliament as a whole
Says costs of leaving are not more than staying
“Really ?” incredulous Humphries replies
His solution : announce “No deal will be implemented in 6 months .. says we need 6 months cos politicians have failed to prepared.
Now he saying disastrous outcome is Europe and the Euro.
I wonder if Gina Miller in spite of her remain position did us all a favour in her legal case.
If she hadn’t done it May would have been able to use her position to act as de facto queen and put her treaty into law without any kind of debate or a vote, to the detriment of the nation.
We have to thank Labour the SNP the DUP and the ERG for voting against it, and we have to condemn those asinine Tories who voted like sheep for a ‘turd’ of a deal, and it raises the question what other laws detrimental to the British way of life they would vote for.
If the deal is so poor vote in down (again). ‘No deal’ seems closer to ‘Leave’. Don’t cede power (hold a referendum) unless the you can live the result whichever way the chips fall.
“it raises the question what other laws detrimental to the British way of life they would vote for.”
In fact; have previously voted for and we the public (working class) have never been informed about as the MSM (BBC CEOs) is usually privy to the more treasonable stuff thereby “you [MSM] scratch my [BBC] back we will scratch yours”.
And in that time not a single bbc programme of any type has given out the pro democracy message that there are benefits to leaving the ReichEU and benefits to leaving without having a deal with Brussels –
Unless anyone can cite one . Radio TV internet – quite an achievement .
Fed, “living in London means cycling reduces ones life expectancy because of other road users ( motorists like me )”
It’s not the motorists who endanger cyclists’ lives in London, it is the Mayor and his awful road surfaces. (Exactly the same was true when the useless Bojo was Mayor.)
Fed, you know that luvverly modernised bit of the North Circular Road, that is really fast, running east from the Green Lanes?
Years ago I’ve cycled happily along that with artics and Beemers breezing past at 50mph. Why?
Because it was level and smooth surfaced with no sunken drain covers and potholes threatening my uprighteous progress! 🙂
On a day when CNN, The Guardian, NYT, WaPo, Sky, NBC, Yahoo, The Telegraph, Daily Mail, The Independent, The Mirror, MSN all report the new sharia-style laws in Brunei that permit stoning and whipping to death of LGBT+ people, the beeb goes for one of its ‘balancing’ articles on the home page: “Mum’s plea for girls to ditch leggings sparks protests”.
In which they trawl Twitter and find a Catholic mum in the US who’s worried her college-bound boys are going to get a bit over excited at the sight of all those shapely legs.
For an organisation that spends most of its £5bn budget merely hunting down social media backlashes, you have to ask why the Brunei story has been completely airbrushed from their coverage.
Day 14. Within that time, islamists murder and injure:
Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2019.03.28 Somalia Mogadishu 12 16 A dozen patrons are cut down in mid-bite by a car bombing outside a restaurant.
2019.03.28 Burkina Faso Barani 4 0 Suspected Jihadists kill four policemen and burn their vehicle.
2019.03.28 Afghanistan Siory 7 6 Seven local police lose their lives when armed religious extremists attack their checkpoint.
2019.03.27 India Jamia Masjid 1 0 A 24-year-old man is murdered by Muslim militants.
2019.03.27 Nigeria Miringa 2 0 A motorist is among two people killed during a Boko Haram attack.
2019.03.27 Syria Tell Jabin 9 3 An ISIS booby-trap claims nine civilians.
2019.03.27 Pakistan Lakki Marwat 2 4 A woman is among two killed when terrorists open fire on a group from the education department.
2019.03.26 Niger N’Guigmi 10 8 Two female suicide bombers coordinate with gunmen to massacre ten villagers.
2019.03.26 Afghanistan Shireen Tagab 1 6 Terrorists sent a mortar round into a home, killing a woman.
2019.03.26 Somalia Hodan 1 1 Suspected al-Shabaab plant a bomb under a luxury car, killing the driver.
2019.03.25 Libya Ghadwa 1 3 A civilian is kidnapped and murdered by the Islamic State.
2019.03.25 Syria Manbij 7 0 Seven guards are killed by ISIS at the entrance to a city.
2019.03.25 Israel Mishmeret 0 7 Children are among the casualties when Hamas sends a rocket into a home.
2019.03.25 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 Muslim militants kill a university professor by fitting his car with an IED.
2019.03.24 Afghanistan Jalalabad 0 7 A bomb outside a clinic sends shrapnel into women and children.
2019.03.24 Pakistan Chichawatni 1 0 A man honor-strangles his 20-year-old sister for ‘having relations’.
2019.03.24 Pakistan Lahore 1 1 A woman is chopped up with an axe for marrying without her family’s permission.
2019.03.24 Syria Sheikh al-Nasser 2 0 ISIS shrapnel claims two civilians.
2019.03.24 Afghanistan Sangin 65 38 Armed fundamentalists overrun two local security bases and murder dozens.
2019.03.23 Niger Diffa 7 2 Boko Haram burn down three villages, kill seven and abduct two women.
2019.03.23 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 4 31 Bombs placed by religious radicals in tents at a Farmer’s Day ceremony kill four.
2019.03.23 Somalia Mogadishu 11 15 Sharia proponents send a suicide bomber into a government building, killing about a dozen.
2019.03.22 Niger Dewa Kargueri 8 20 Eight villagers are butchered with knives by Boko Haram.
2019.03.22 Syria Deir Ezzor 5 0 Five members of a family hunting mushrooms are executed in cold blood by ISIS.
2019.03.22 India Hajin 1 1 A 12-year-old boy is kidnapped and shot to death by Lashkar-e-Taiba.
2019.03.22 Pakistan Karachi 2 1 An assassination attempt on a cleric by sectarian rivals kills two guards.
2019.03.22 Chad Dangdala 23 0 A Boko Haram attack on a Chadian soldiers leaves two dozen dead.
2019.03.22 Afghanistan Chinar 1 4 A suicide bomber strikes a family on their way to a party, killing one member.
2019.03.22 Kenya Elwak 5 0 al-Shabaab stage a cross-border ambush that kills five Kenyan border guards.
2019.03.22 Sudan Nyala 1 2 Arab milita shoot local man to death.
2019.03.21 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Suspected al-Shabaab bombers send a civil engineer to Allah.
2019.03.21 Afghanistan Kabul 6 23 Six people are blown up for celebrating the Persian New Year.
2019.03.21 Yemen Shabwa 2 0 Two people ‘on the scene’ are leveled by a Religion of Peace car bomb blast.
2019.03.20 Pakistan Khanna Dak 1 0 A 17-year-old girl is honor killed by her conservative father.
2019.03.20 Pakistan Bahawalpur 1 0 A student stabs a professor to death for ‘anti-Islam’ remarks endorsing gender mixing at a party.
2019.03.20 Nigeria Lassa 4 0 Four farmers in a field make easy pickings for Boko Haram gunmen.
2019.03.20 Pakistan Sanjawi 6 0 The Taliban fire point-blank into a checkpost, eliminating six local cops.
2019.03.19 Syria Aleppo 2 1 Sunni snipers fire into a school bus, killing a 12-year-old boy and 8-year-old girl.
2019.03.19 Iraq Tarmiyah 3 5 The Islamic State fire on a local security patrol, killing three members.
2019.03.19 Iraq Tarmiyah 2 0 An ISIS bomb left at an orchard causes two deaths.
2019.03.19 Iraq Tarfaya 2 0 Two children are pulled into pieces by a planted bomb.
2019.03.18 Nigeria Michika 4 0 At least five people, including a girl, are slaughtered by Jihadists during a raid on a bank.
2019.03.18 Nigeria Gwoza 8 7 Boko Haram aerate a bus with shrapnel, killing all eight passengers.
2019.03.18 Netherlands Utrecht 3 3 A ‘strict Muslim’ with Jihadi ties opens fire on strangers riding a tram, killing three, including a woman.
2019.03.18 India Reshipora 1 0 A 25-year-old laborer is taken down by Mujahid gunmen.
2019.03.17 Burkina Faso Djibo 3 1 A priest is kidnapped and three security personnal are killed by militant Islamists.
2019.03.17 Syria Qabasin 1 0 A bomb left by ISIS kills a civilian.
2019.03.17 Mali Dioura 23 0 At least twenty-three are killed when Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin attack a local army base.
2019.03.17 Israel Ariel Junction 2 1 A rabbi is among two Israelis shot to death by a Palestinian terrorist.
2019.03.17 Afghanistan Khogyani 1 10 A child is disassembled by a bomb left outside a shrine.
2019.03.17 DRC Kalau 6 0 Three woman and a 9-year-old child are massacred by ADF Islamists.
2019.03.16 Burkina Faso Kompienga 2 0 Two are killed by Jihadist shrapnel.
2019.03.16 Afghanistan Sar-i-Pul 4 3 Four local cops are cut down by Taliban gunmen.
2019.03.16 Afghanistan Bala Murghab 22 20 Twenty-two Afghans lose their lives to Taliban attacks on checkpoints.
2019.03.16 India Shopian 1 0 A female police officer is gunned down outside her home by Muslim terrorists.
2019.03.16 Syria Suqaylabiyah 1 4 Militant Sunnis send missiles into a neighborhood, killing a resident.
2019.03.16 Afghanistan Arghandab 4 0 Four people are liquidated by Taliban shrapnel.
2019.03.16 Syria Sawanah 4 0 Four civlians are shot dead by Islamic State gunmen.
2019.03.15 Syria Baghouz 6 0 Three female suicide bombers strike families fleeing the caliphate, killing six members.
2019.03.15 Afghanistan Helmand 1 0 A TV journalist is shot to death in his car by suspected radicals.
2019.03.15 Mozambique Cabo Delgado 13 0 Thirteen villagers are hacked to death by Sharia proponents.
Many thanks to the Worlds media and in particular our own, “Worlds Most Trusted” for bringing this list of attrocities to the public’s attention. My thanks also to the New Zealand Goverment for focussing on these attrocities when they remind their public of the events on the 15th March 2019.
Sir Kier Starmer was weaselling* away on the prog when pushed by The Humph on the question ‘Is Labour now the Party of Remain’? I got the distinct impression that The Humph might be a Brexit supporter but maybe after years of being a TOAD he is good at disguising himself and playing both sides against the middle.
Toads and weasels?
BBC’s News & Current Affairs is becoming more like Wind in the Willows every day.
Am sure there are also plenty of rats there, hidden away.
(*Der Starmer tried to ummhh and ahhh a bit but could not disguise the truth – the Labour Party are now just the same as the Liberal Democrats and the Scottish Nationalist Party, they are the Remain Party, the EU Party?)
nugget of info from radio just now
“The streets of London are CONGESTED with Uber drivers, driving old Toyota Prius’s with clapped out batteries,
.. so they are driving on petrol all the time, but DON’T need to pay the Congestion Charge”
Twitter #1
After a day of driving around Central London for the first time in a while, it was quite noticeable the amount of #Toyota #Prius on the road. Still the go to car to avoid paying the congestion zone fee. Only #EV seen 3 #Tesla Model X
Twitter #2
Central London is flooded with Prius , driven by Uber drivers , We don’t need them , the tube is good enough . They cause most of the congestion in the West End from what I can tell . Black cabs are a symbol of London , Prius’ are not…
Ha apparently cos of all the Uber’s the buses are less full, and therefore more subsidised.
(Buses : £722m highest bus subsidy in our history ..)
“The official figure for the standard Prius Hybrid (on 15-inch wheels) has jumped from 70g/km to 78g/km, meaning that cars sold from February 2018 will no longer be congestion charge exempt as the current limit is 75g/km.”
It is not clear that TfL are implementing this
Most black cab drivers are white and most Uber drivers are brown
.. is that the reason why Sadiq has failed to close the loophole ?
“Most black cab drivers are white and most Uber drivers are brown
.. is that the reason why Sadiq has failed to close the loophole?”
Stew, If you’re going to attempt a cheap racist slur against Sadiq Khan maybe you should do a little bit of research beforehand. Sadiq supported TFL’s action to remove Uber’s operating license in 2017 and since then has been asking government to let him limit the number of Uber drivers working in London.
Nice one maxitroll, but what’s he doing about the colossal amount knife crime in London ? Oh , whilst you are here what can you post about Al Beeb’s Bias ?
Hey, he’s back. I’m glad, I thought Maxi had left us. To be fair to him, he does offer an intelligent counter-argument which I don’t always agree with, but he is mostly civil.
Stew’s comment above about taxi drivers is an accusation of racial bias, not racism. Is that accusation only valid when it’s comes from the mouth of a BAME?
What can you post about Al Beeb’s Bias ? Nothing you old troll.
You do Al Beeb a disservice. You make things worse for Al Beeb by antagonizing the readers . All the more to get rid of the unfair telly tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
‘Strength to your elbow’ maxitroll.
Does my bum look big in this? The BBC ‘news’ website is carrying a whingeing moan thought-provoking article on ‘Seven ways the world is not designed for women’ (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-47725946). The inspiration is the cancellation of what would have been the first all-female spacewalk, after one of the lady astronauts decided she’d be better off using a different sized spacesuit and, would you believe it, they just didn’t have anything suitable in the International Space Station’s wardrobe (please: no sexist jokes about a woman changing her mind. And at least NASA don’t insist on pink spacesuits).
The article describes other ways in which women are affected by poor design, some valid, some trivial. An example of the latter is the smartphone, as on average women have smaller hands than men and hence “Texting one-handed on a 4.7-inch (12cm) or bigger iPhone can be difficult to impossible for many women (and small-handed men).” Especially if they are not bright enough to activate the ‘Reachability’ feature, which shifts everything down from the top of the iPhone screen so that it can be more easily reached by a single finger or tap, thus providing a workaround (http://osxdaily.com/2017/11/11/activate-reachability-iphone-x/). Or use two hands, perhaps.
In fact, according to the BBC, “some women say smartphones have been designed with only men in mind”. Er, no. Smartphones are designed to meet the requirements of the companies that make and sell them and nobody else (except the security services, of course). For instance, the biggest complaint that people have about smartphones – regardless of their gender, race, age, sexual preferences, religion or shoe size – is that they need recharging all the time. And that’s because they are designed to be thin and hence have small batteries, even though market research shows that the majority of consumers would prefer a longer battery life, even if the phone was thicker.
The bbc boss – Anthony hall says in their annual report that the bbc must maintain its objectivity in news reporting . A laugh out loud job if ever there’s was one .
At 5’10” as a young man I used pray I was going to grow a bit taller, then I had a mate who was 6’7″, and realised that being ‘average’ was actually a big bonus.
My tall friend got so much hassle ALL the time – guys trying to pick fights with him, girls laughing at him, older people saying “you’re a tall one!” (like that wasn’t said by the last thousand people he’d bumped into), little kids being terrified of him, going out for an evening with him you realised the ‘abuse’ just didn’t stop.
NOTHING was made for people his size, he had to order clothes and shoes online, banged his head on every door lintel, my first house was an old terrace and he had to bend almost double to get through the internal doors, or go upstairs. Chairs were never big enough, stools collapsed (he wasn’t fat, but still weighed a ton and a half), he once broke a friend’s toilet just by sitting on it, if he sat down at a table to eat he had to be really careful not to knock things off with his massive hands. Mobile phones were all too small and fiddly, his fingers too big to use even a normal keyboard comfortably.
It was a nightmare when he came to buy his first car, he tried hundreds of models, the only things he could actually get his head in and drive were Volvos and BMWs – not great (or affordable) cars for an 18 year old back then.
Forget travelling by coach, train, aeroplane, going to the cinema… we went to Turkey once together on holiday, I think it was the only time he ever went abroad, the entire trip was an agony for him and some woman in the seat in front had a real go at him and got the stewardess to move him for ‘kicking the back of her seat’! He wasn’t kicking it, just every time he moved his legs to relieve cramp her seat moved. He’d asked for an aisle seat, but was told he wasn’t allowed to stick his legs into the aisle as they were a ‘trip hazard’.
Haven’t seen him for years, but he ended up dating the tiniest little woman, perhaps they have ‘normal’ sized kids?
Compared to what he went through, and is presumably still going through, and will be until the day he dies, I don’t really think women have much to moan about.
The BBC, we’re all equal, but some are more equal than others.
Action is also spreading further afield, with parents in Greater Manchester saying they will remove their children from sex and relationship lessons over fears they will be taught about same-sex couples.
owen jones piped up yet, I dont hink this one is going away
If it was just being taught about same sex couples I think a lot less parents (even among certain religious groups) would be worried.
If it’s anything like the ‘education’ (AKA rather terrifying brainwashing/indoctrination) my children are now receiving regarding LGBT ‘issues’ at Secondary, and nephew is at Primary, it is disingenuous in the extreme to claim it’s merely being ‘taught about same sex couples’.
Only a group with protected status would have the balls to protest about it though, for the rest of us any form of protest would be classed as ‘hate crime’ for sure.
“Only a group with protected status would have the balls to protest about it though”
That excludes transgendered men, then. Or do I mean transgendered women? Anyway, whichever ones don’t have balls, then (sorry, genuinely don’t know, things were different when I were a lad).
Why the hell would the EU social fund hand out money to destroy one of their main, principle brainwashing weapons? Don’t forget, “Those the Gods wish to destroy they first make mad” Unfortunately, it appears the strategy may be working on our young people.I guess the old Communist maxim of capture the minds of the young and the battle is won is not without foundation. British TV is doing it’s best to ensure that it will work on adults too. Females are particularly vulnerable with their addiction to soap operas which are used purely as social engineering projects. Most TV advertising is aimed at women for a very good reason. On the whole they tend to be less sceptical than men.
Originally I guess, that this type of program was aired to reflect public discourse but these days it’s purpose is to deliberately lead public opinion by the nose in a direction that will eventually destroy our nation state and hand the reins of power to an alien culture.
I remember talking to someone from a diversity and gay background and me telling them that Muslims would never accept Gay people, and his answer was that they would have to.
I thought at the time it was never going to work out well for him, and that once the Muslims set their minds against the Gays that would be it for them.
This is only a start, Muslims will not stop with demanding their children are not indoctrinated, we know the vast majority want homosexuality made illegal, and they will almost certainly get that sooner or later.
The saddest part is the naive lunatic leftist gays running the LGBT groups, who simply cannot get it into their thick heads that Islam might pose a threat in any way, and they just scream waycism or Islamofauxbia at anyone who dares tell them the truth.
You don’t need a cure for gayness Eddy you just need Islam. There are no gays in Iran nor in Saudi either.
Actually they do have a sort of ‘cure’ for homosexuality in Iran. Homosexuals and lesbians are given the opportunity to register as transexual and have their gender ‘re-assigned’. The government will even pay up to half the costs associated with the change. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_rights_in_Iran
So, just to be clear. It’s March 29th and we are not leaving the EU?
This clearly shows many things.
The snivelling rats that sit in the HoP do not understand the concept of democracy.
They cannot grasp the idea of the British people having made a decision counter to their own and respecting it.
And finally they’ve highlighted their complete irrelevance by voting two years ago to make it law that we would leave today – and we haven’t.
In what way is that institution fit for purpose? It disregards democracy, it ignores the majority will of its people and it can conveniently ignore it’s own laws that it passes.
Instead of refurbing Big Ben they might as well pull the whole building down because it stands for absolutely nothing.
You need to read my post up above. This is NOT a democracy, it never was, and the chances are that it never will be.
You elect your rulers every few years NOT representatives, and they rule with the power of a monarch. They don’t have to take any notice of you or I or anyone else, they can behave exactly as they please without any approval save at the ballot box.
This 400 year old system which has never been updated clearly is not fit for the present day and badly needs updating, however the chances of that happening until Brexit is sorted out is very slim indeed.
2nd was having an election, to lose her comfortable majority,
And then when it looked like Conservatives might win that clearly, May started vote losing tactics like talking about stoping the pensioners tripple lock.
Just think David Cameron, you could have been a Treble Hero to 17m+ plus 13m+ (who didn’t vote) on the Electoral Register in the UK.
Treble Hero? First, for having the guts to stand by your Manifesto commitment. Secondly, by getting the Referendum Bill through Parliament and holding the Referendum. Then finally by filing the Article 50 Notice in timely fashion and liberating your country from the EU.
Oh, and you would still be Prime Minister until next year.
Payne by name
At long last we have in Britain the exulted status of Minority Rule. I am so pleased to be about to hit my 79th birthday. So not too many years of total bollox to endure. Mind you, being a white,heterosexual male I’m pretty sure that many a Remainer would be more than willing to help me leave sooner.
Did anyone else hear Toady at just before 7 when the programme’s ‘green-elf-in-residence’ Caroline Lucas came on supporting a devolvement of power from Westminster to the English regions ! (eh) [Finger poised over off button expecting Green Deal promotion.]
She had visited Dudley, it seems, and had met with leave supporters there who thought that London decides what’s best and then just does it without any regard for the rest of England.
She therefore quite understood why 17.4 Million people decided to “slap the government in the face” when given the opportunity on EU suffocation.
[having failed to give the country a say on Maastrict or Madrid treaties previously.]
Blimey – coming over all UKIPpy.
So although she understood the problem she still supports the EU and wishes to remain. She identifies with the Westminster bubble on bits she supports, like endless green-slimy dosh but is against the two party system.
So really we are all just peasants who should do as we are told (by the EU) on the important stuff, but some minor issues can be farmed out to make the plebs feel they have a choice on something, bit like a Parish Council then ????
It’s amazing that she can identify the centralised nature of London and how it pisses off people in the regions but cannot see this same issue when magnified to a centralised EU and it pissing off member countries.
Oh what a surprise..
Ian dunkan Sh*t
is voting for the ‘deal’
He is one of the most hated politicians , due to his universal credits fiasco and de-facto criminalising welfare claimants.
Thus was given the unofficial role of pro Brexit spokesperson, to put poor voters off the idea, ie not wanting to associate with him .
Crunch time comes and he shows his true colours.
I think TR will be lucky to get to say anything to the public . The State will extinguish him today and I bet they land up treating brexiters like football suppprters and disperse them – particularly if Soubry tells Bercow to direct the police ……
Stew, don’t know whether you noticed but t’other day Yahoo were asking people to sign that Revoke Article 50 and Remain in the EU petition.
Yahoo are part of Oath/Verizon, which they like to constantly remind us about, and are effectively a San Francisco, US owned company.
Now you would think that the BBC would be very upset by that foreign intervention into UK political matters and by an attempt by ‘foreigners’ to distort voting and petitioning and would be making an outcry on their TV and radio channels.
Billionaire financier George Soros provides the money for anti-Christian activism and violent protests worldwide.
Step forward financier George Soros. The billionaire funds ‘Occupy Wall Street’ through an intermediary known as the Tides Foundation in San Francisco. Look for any anti-Christian NGO worldwide, and you can be sure the Tides Foundation is funding it.
Gay rights in Uganda, abortion rights in Tanzania, you name it.
Tides, and others like them, are putting up the money.
Reuters News Agency says this: ‘According to disclosure documents from 2007-2009, Soros’ Open Society gave grants of $3.5 million to the Tides Center, a San Francisco-based group that acts almost like a clearing house for other donors, directing their contributions to liberal non-profit groups. Among others the Tides Center has partnered with are the Ford Foundation and the Gates Foundation.’
IMPOSSIBLE ….the BBC reported the figure as FACT in every single bulletin over several days , they seemed very happy with the.numbers… surely as the nations most trusted broadcaster we have to believe them ??? They wouldn’t lie would they, have they some sort of agenda i wonder ???? Not always easy to tell with the BBC !!!
Re-tweeted by the mentally ill Jon Sopel. His twitter feed this last couple of days is that of someone who is clearly not well and i say it again, the BBC need to seriously look at removing him from post.
The Russian interference no go , seems to have tipped him over the edge. Now looking to get him on his finances.
NEW: How did @realDonaldTrump inflate his net worth to lenders? –Added 10 stories to Trump Tower. –Added 800 acres to his winery. –Added 24 ready-to-sell lots to his property in CA. We've got (some of the) inflated docs investigators now want to see. https://t.co/cNfKTsSlrW
I really dont recall Saint Obama getting any of this crap that President Trump has to contend with. Its disgraceful. Really is. Day after day, relentless …….
Perhaps for the sake of sanity it might be best to step back from the failure to carry through a big democratic vote (for brexit ) but just jump to the next time any politician asks for votes .
How can anything they say be believed ?
Obviously the BBC would never list those PMs who have constituencies which voted leave and have stuck to the wishes of their voters … I guess maybe half a dozen have done that but that I think is about it .
Bojob,JRM /JML/Raab are all signing up to the sell out it seems but hopefully it will fail anyway ….
The answer is muddied by the party system. Are party MPs elected to toe the party line? Are they our representatives to ‘follow their conscience’ once in office or are they elected to represent our views?
A simple binary choice referendum sanctioned by parliament should lead to certainty of outcome.
R4 TWATO now
How long is the BBC going to push the narrative ‘all brexiteers are racists’ and voted to leave because of those damn foreigners…this morning on breakfast they had remainers talking about leaving Europe again – it really annoys me – we are not leaving Europe but the EU…the BBC never pick them up on it..
Yesterday on discussing the non votes in HoP the BBC stated there was one clear winner – ‘staying in the customs union’ – NO there wasn’t a clear winner they all failed…but this just fits the BBC narrative..
In many ways I now want May’s deal and then Raab or a strong brexiteer in charge of next stage…next best bet is a general election and votes for UKIP and Brexit party working together..
I read that Pro-EU types in the Civil Service exhibit racist behaviour by looking uncomfortable in a room full of Black and Asian Commonwealth leaders, but are in their element in a room full of white European leaders. The Queen is known to have commented about Tony Blair’s aversion towards those Multiracial Commonwealth types. Its also known that white supremacists in Europe are or were pro-EU, I think they still are in Austria.
Ever since the 1960’s International White Supremacist organisations have seen the European Union as the ideal governing body for any future world wide white supremacist government. But now that their dream is falling apart, they project their own subconscious racism against those dark skinned non-Europeans, by lashing out, accusing Brits of being anti white European racists, even though half of them now seem to agree with Nigel Farage that the European Union is an awful undemocratic organisation.
So Barnier says the withdrawal agreement cannot be opened but a customs union deal could be written and agreed in a few hours!
Smacks of duplicity and typical EU crap…
No, Barnier is an ace negotiator and he gets the results he wants. May on behalf of us sidelined all her cabinet, refused advice from what little talent there is amongst her ministers, and selected a Communist Federalist career civil servant with zero experience of negotiation.
It’s like sending a dwarf to fight against Mike Tyson – the outcome is an inevitability.
This is how an SNP MP is labelling ordinary people. “Howling right wing mob”
“Paid Mercenaries”
The howling right wing mob are paid mercenaries Joanna. Some of us were warned to keep away from London today and for the next few days. Trouble definitely expected. You and yer colleagues keep safe. We need you at home to help with Indy. You’ve done enough. Leave them to it.
Nothing new there from Joanna Cherry. The whole world has been watching (mostly from behind the sofa, if you’re Scottish) the cringeworthy antics of the SNP and its supporters for years. Hopefully, they will soon return to the political wastelands whence they came.
Theresa May, November 2018: "We won’t agree the leaving part, the withdrawal agreement, until we’ve got what we want in the future because these two go together.“ pic.twitter.com/4vWtF2bFNt
History is a boring intrusion into vibrant modern society, but those with any knowledge of the Treaty of Versailles – constructed and devised to achieve the public, industrial and financial humiliation of a nation – might also remember that it was the catalyst which drove Hitler’s rise to power. Only saying.
Beltane, that was an old theory that people now debunk. Mind you, I heard about that on BBC R4.
It may not therefore, be reliable or accurate.
Actually, speaking of that Treaty, I wonder if the BBC have any plans for an anniversary? 😉 😉 I seem to remember the BBC telling us that WW1 ended in 1918.
You know how al beeb are fascinated by all things Islamic?
How strange then that they weren’t reporting on Brunei’s new sharia laws making homosexuality an offence punishable by death. (BY STONING – such an enlightened religion.)
Until in the last few minutes when George Clooney commented on the story, making it too big for even al beeb to sweep under the carpet.
A man pointed a weapon at security staff and pulled the trigger but no bullet was fired, the BBC understands. He then ran off, hiding the gun in a bush before being detained.
The incident is not thought to be terror-related, City of London Police said.
Economic suicide inevitable say the lefties !!! I remember George Osbourne telling us if was Economic Suicide if we dared even vote leave !! Remind me again , How are we doing compared to the rest of europe ?? Very well thankyou.
The left love emotive wording like suicide, cliff edge, abyss, crashing out etc etc….complete bollox
“……emotive wording like suicide, cliff edge, abyss, crashing out etc etc”..
I even heard one, (it might have been one of the millipede duo) refer to, the, “Wrecking Ball” of Brexit. Creative.
And talking of al beeb’s infatuation with the Religion of Stoning, below is the picture they choose to illustrate a piece on the Thai elections.
Thailand is overwhelmingly Buddhist, you’d actually be quite hard pressed to find pictures of muslims voting there, but, yes, our intrepid picture editor pulled out all the stops.
With a bit of luck they’ll all fall out on Monday over the soft / non/ silly / malthouse / Norway nonsense and May will run back for an extension of 12 months . The EU will rightly say ‘ no’ and we leave on 12 April .
This will be of interest to me as I leave Blighty on Monday for a variety of EU ministates and might not be back until we’ve brexited! Please .
Christchurch Watch: 2 weeks after the shooting, al beeb still have articles on the victims and St Jacinda, under both the Asia AND the Australia sections of their webshite.
Meanwhile, the worldwide Islamic slaughter continues apace, unnoticed by the world’s most subsidised.
I’ve just received a response from the BBC about my claim of bias during a recent Look North broadcast. See my original complaint and the BBC response below.
There was a report by Tanya Arnold on the 18th March 2019 during the BBC Look North broadcast.
It was in regards to Harris Akbar winning a silver medal at the European Under 22 Boxing Championships in Russia.
Tanya said the following:
“It was so nearly a gold for the young man from Bradford, here in the red, who lost his final by a split decision yesterday 3 judges to 2. Unless I’m very much mistaken the chap he lost to was a Russian and they were in Russia… funny that”
The way it was said, along with her body movements came across as a not so subtle suggestion that the winner of the competition had won because of their nationality. It implied cheating on behalf of the competitor, the judges or both.
Tanya produced no evidence whatsoever to back up her claim. This came across as very unprofessional, particularly for an impartial broadcaster.
I’ve never heard a sports presenter infer the same thing about Lewis Hamilton and Silverstone, Andy Murray and Wimbledon, Venus Williams and the US Open. I’m sure it was just a co-incidence that the first time I’ve heard anything like this on the BBC is in relation to a Russian competitor.
For your information I will forward my complaint, your response to my complaint and a video of Tanya’s report to the European Boxing Confederation. I’m sure they will be interested to hear any evidence that Tanya may have to support her comments.
I look forward to your response.
I understand you felt Tanya Arnold ‘claimed’ boxer Harris Akbar lost in Vladikavkaz as a result of cheating.
This was part of an unscripted exchange during the link back to the News team. This is often informal – we try to keep it light and topical. Harry asked her what she meant by the comment and she immediately added ‘absolutely nothing’. We follow local competitors from grassroots level up to Olympic standard and celebrate their successes.
Our Sports reports themselves are fair and accurate – this was an off-the-cuff handover. We don’t think viewers would infer any real comment here but have taken the opportunity to speak to the team again about striking the right tone.
Please be assured that your comments have been shared with the producers of BBC Look North, as well as senior management, on our daily feedback report.
Here comes the March to Leave which has arrived at Parliament having left Sunderland two weeks ago. Cheers from them as Theresa May’s deal defeated (again) @LBCpic.twitter.com/Bp0vI5gJwB
BBC cover the pro Brexit protests.
Including the UKIP and Tommy Robinson protest.
And the counter protest.
‘A Make Brexit Happen rally is also being held, organised by UKIP and involving English Defence League founder Tommy Robinson.
Mr Robinson – whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon – has spoken to crowds, and UKIP leader Gerard Batten is due to speak later.
Meanwhile, a counter-protest by the group Stand Up to Racism is also planned for Friday afternoon.’
Don’t forget Tommy Robinson’s real name is …. Government orders.
Our patron Vance says internet was blocked at protest
Dear Sad Remainers. I am able to let you know that comms are blocked in Parliament Square by a devishly cunning plan. I left it and crossed the Bridge then entered a hotel wifi. Too much for you to understand *wibble*
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 17:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 Harry Miller outside Newcastle copshop saying Transwimmin are men: https://www.youtube.com/live/GrdmA0VWGSE
Lucy PevenseyMar 5, 17:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 Professional journalists https://twitter.com/runews/status/1897230271659041182
non-licence payerMar 5, 17:40 Midweek 5th March 2025 Starmer’s co-operation with the French clearly going well.
DocmaroonedMar 5, 17:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Such bravery! Must have fought well for this collection of meaningless nonsense.
MarkyMarkMar 5, 16:55 Midweek 5th March 2025 First to the Ukraine Frontline? [img]https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/06/05/16/85752695-13498029-image-m-49_1717601797482.jpg[/img]
MarkyMarkMar 5, 16:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 WE ARE ALL EQUAL! Except when we are not equal. “Robert Jenrick raised the issue in the Commons and asked…
Fedup2Mar 5, 16:49 Midweek 5th March 2025 Double – I don’t bother with a lot of lefty journos the DT employ now – the majority are rabid…
DoublethinkerMar 5, 16:43 Midweek 5th March 2025 I have just watched Camilla Tominey of the Telegraph tell a blatant lie about what JD Vance said re countries…
Fedup2Mar 5, 16:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 Excellent news – talk of TTK and Macron acting as bodyguards for Zelenski when he has to go back to…
wwfcMar 5, 16:35 Midweek 5th March 2025 Launch a Public Inquiry into Grooming Gangs. Please sign this petition. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/711976
“MPs will be asked to vote again on Brexit on Friday but only on part of the deal negotiated with the EU”.
Who’s asking , the EU ?
On the very day we should have been celebrating our independence
our parliament has betrayed us. Disgraceful behavior by our representatives that said much but did the opposite.
Time to drain the swamp by holding a general election .
Less than 24 hrs kids. Waiting nearly 3 years. I want to be free.
Nice one Lucy…
How about this one as well…
\\Climate change: Water shortages in England ‘within 25 years’//
What about immigration ?
More people coming in to the country need more water .Simples.
How many times has the government promised to cut immigration numbers ?
every week for years, eg
”27 Feb 2014 – The home secretary, Theresa May, made the Conservative pledge to reduce net migration to the “tens of thousands” by the time of next year’s… ”
Her audition for the PM job and practice for saying Brexit means Brexit and keeping a straight face
7.10am on Nick Ferrari Show, LBC. A Labour Party MP has just said that,
“Respecting the result of the referendum is not the same as implementing it.”
And they wonder why we despise them.
It’s probably a good thing, for the Remainers, that I’m not in charge because not only would we be Leaving the EU tonight, there would be public hangings of a large number of them as part of the celebrations.
A good use for the scaffolding around the clock tower at Westminster, I like that idea.
The referendum vote needs implementing to respect the result.
“…suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a Member of Parliament. But I repeat myself.”
Apologies to Mark Twain
Last night’s This Week showed how out of touch politicians and media commentators are. Leaving out the sneering at Trump by Portillo, Neil et al, we had Portillo saying how polite the demonstrators he met around Westminster are. Clearly, he needs to get out more, away from his bubble.
He also bemoaned the incompatibility of referenda with Parliamentary democracy, entirely missing the point (as they all did) that Parliament is fundamentally failing to represent properly those who want to leave. It evidently never occurred to them.
One reasonable point brought up: that the internet allows us all to live in our own bubble. We surround ourselves with people who agree with us and tell us we’re right. Are people in general really as angry about Brexit as we all are here? Or do we just think they are because it’s all we hear?
“We surround ourselves with people who agree with us and tell us we’re right”
We choose who we drink with. This doesn’t mean we can’t hear what else is being talked about in the pub.
You have to go back quite a long time in our history to understand the current situation.
Back at the time of the English Civil War the powers of the King to rule almost unrestrained by decree were taken from him and given to parliament hence the mace – representing the sceptre being at the despatch box.
This unfortunately has not changed since 1651, parliament effectively rules over the people – we elect a set of monarchical dictators to rule for 5 years, in a mockery of democracy.
As soon as that qualifier is placed in front of the word ‘democracy’ it ceases to be democracy and becomes something else. It’s like saying “it’s a bird, a duck, it’s a bombay duck” which is of course a fish and completly different!
Agree – and there will be no change . Too many vested interests in keeping things cosy .
The problem with the adversarial system is that it just becomes a’ game’ – go into the room – go tribal – and outside become a different sort of politician . It’s why I trouble seeing them as human beings – that comes after politician . Or gender or race or political colour …and the MSM are just role players …
Roland ,
Having had a bit of legal training I was taught to present both sides to the same issue .
And that ‘ horns’ ‘ halo ‘ thing where he see positive in those like us but only the bad in those with whole we disagree .
I try to cut through that . The EU issue is a part of the bigger argument about ‘ way of life ‘ or as the bbc woukd call it “ lifestyle choices “ .
But on the EU issue I don’t want to be part of the bigger state really crushing freedom . Others don’t see it that way until it’s too late
As an aside early on Toady their Brussels traitor Chris Morris did the normal routine of never criticising intransigent Brussels and treating UK as the ‘ baddy’
It will be strange if “ the few” in the commons rescue us from the Krauts in a 1940 style again.
I dipped into that programme and it is pretty embarrassing eh? I don’t know if they’ve all had a beer before hand but it is so ‘ inside ‘ that a punter won’t get half of it ( me ) . So glad it’s going and an be replaced with a very good auction programme where people wear matching t shirts with a ‘ strange ‘ larger than life approved beeboid presenter …
Us lot would spend a fortune !!!!! LOL
No I wouldn’t pay £7 an hour, I can phone up the BBC to complain & I know that my complaint will be dealt with in a similar way !
White is really Black; Elephants with wings do really exist and fly.
So say’s our far left cultural Marxist State Broadcaster, the BBC.
In a lengthy feature just before the weather at 0758, our own, “Beauty” delves into the World of “Far Right” terrorists. Using two so-called renowned established experts, the conclusion is that, with everyone’s cooperation, including the tech Media Giants all the chatter between these, “Far Right” verbal terrorists can be, ‘turned around’. “Turned around” really means, their thinking can be corrected presumably by convincing the “Far Right Terrorist” that the RoP is really a peaceful religion and it would be quite wrong to think that they go around killing and maiming innocent people. That’s all fiction.
I got the impression that deterring islamic terrorism is beyond our two, “experts”. For no debate pursues this topic. Perhaps they’ve simply given up in the knowledge that islamic terrorism is the will of allah and that cannot be changed.
Where was islam in all of this discussion? Nowhere to be seen or heard of. Well, that’s a surprise!
Easier to track a’ John ‘ than a ‘Mohammed ‘
On BBCr4today Mervyn King says incompetence at handling Brexit has spread from the government to Parliament as a whole
Says costs of leaving are not more than staying
“Really ?” incredulous Humphries replies
His solution : announce “No deal will be implemented in 6 months .. says we need 6 months cos politicians have failed to prepared.
Now he saying disastrous outcome is Europe and the Euro.
The value of sterling is the same as 2013.
BBC spitting the Remain agenda in your face all day
9am Radio Humberside Gina Miller is on @bbcburnsy show
with Greg Stuart local MP
I wonder if Gina Miller in spite of her remain position did us all a favour in her legal case.
If she hadn’t done it May would have been able to use her position to act as de facto queen and put her treaty into law without any kind of debate or a vote, to the detriment of the nation.
We have to thank Labour the SNP the DUP and the ERG for voting against it, and we have to condemn those asinine Tories who voted like sheep for a ‘turd’ of a deal, and it raises the question what other laws detrimental to the British way of life they would vote for.
If the deal is so poor vote in down (again). ‘No deal’ seems closer to ‘Leave’. Don’t cede power (hold a referendum) unless the you can live the result whichever way the chips fall.
“it raises the question what other laws detrimental to the British way of life they would vote for.”
In fact; have previously voted for and we the public (working class) have never been informed about as the MSM (BBC CEOs) is usually privy to the more treasonable stuff thereby “you [MSM] scratch my [BBC] back we will scratch yours”.
Prof Winston – a peer the BBC rolls out when it needs yet another snowflake – got smacked by a lady on a bicycle whom he told to get off the pavement
Being elevated – guess what he is going to do / yes – he wants push bikes to have a licence plate .
Now I have some bikes but living in London means cycling reduces ones life expectancy because of other road users ( motorists like me ).
My point is that a personal incident like that can lead to a new law – no pilot exercise – no feasibility study – just some fool on £300 a day .
And yes – me – ride on the pavement ? Get thrown on the road .
Two years to the day since A50 was exercised .
And in that time not a single bbc programme of any type has given out the pro democracy message that there are benefits to leaving the ReichEU and benefits to leaving without having a deal with Brussels –
Unless anyone can cite one . Radio TV internet – quite an achievement .
Fed, “living in London means cycling reduces ones life expectancy because of other road users ( motorists like me )”
It’s not the motorists who endanger cyclists’ lives in London, it is the Mayor and his awful road surfaces. (Exactly the same was true when the useless Bojo was Mayor.)
Fed, you know that luvverly modernised bit of the North Circular Road, that is really fast, running east from the Green Lanes?
Years ago I’ve cycled happily along that with artics and Beemers breezing past at 50mph. Why?
Because it was level and smooth surfaced with no sunken drain covers and potholes threatening my uprighteous progress! 🙂
On a day when CNN, The Guardian, NYT, WaPo, Sky, NBC, Yahoo, The Telegraph, Daily Mail, The Independent, The Mirror, MSN all report the new sharia-style laws in Brunei that permit stoning and whipping to death of LGBT+ people, the beeb goes for one of its ‘balancing’ articles on the home page: “Mum’s plea for girls to ditch leggings sparks protests”.
In which they trawl Twitter and find a Catholic mum in the US who’s worried her college-bound boys are going to get a bit over excited at the sight of all those shapely legs.
For an organisation that spends most of its £5bn budget merely hunting down social media backlashes, you have to ask why the Brunei story has been completely airbrushed from their coverage.
Terminal – at least the peasants in Bruni woukd cit out reasons and just stone catholics to death for being Catholics .
Sounds like the sultan deserves a job at the UN £££
I think all the cameras and reporters are still in NZ covering todays mass emote
what day are we on
Day 14. Within that time, islamists murder and injure:
Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2019.03.28 Somalia Mogadishu 12 16 A dozen patrons are cut down in mid-bite by a car bombing outside a restaurant.
2019.03.28 Burkina Faso Barani 4 0 Suspected Jihadists kill four policemen and burn their vehicle.
2019.03.28 Afghanistan Siory 7 6 Seven local police lose their lives when armed religious extremists attack their checkpoint.
2019.03.27 India Jamia Masjid 1 0 A 24-year-old man is murdered by Muslim militants.
2019.03.27 Nigeria Miringa 2 0 A motorist is among two people killed during a Boko Haram attack.
2019.03.27 Syria Tell Jabin 9 3 An ISIS booby-trap claims nine civilians.
2019.03.27 Pakistan Lakki Marwat 2 4 A woman is among two killed when terrorists open fire on a group from the education department.
2019.03.26 Niger N’Guigmi 10 8 Two female suicide bombers coordinate with gunmen to massacre ten villagers.
2019.03.26 Afghanistan Shireen Tagab 1 6 Terrorists sent a mortar round into a home, killing a woman.
2019.03.26 Somalia Hodan 1 1 Suspected al-Shabaab plant a bomb under a luxury car, killing the driver.
2019.03.25 Libya Ghadwa 1 3 A civilian is kidnapped and murdered by the Islamic State.
2019.03.25 Syria Manbij 7 0 Seven guards are killed by ISIS at the entrance to a city.
2019.03.25 Israel Mishmeret 0 7 Children are among the casualties when Hamas sends a rocket into a home.
2019.03.25 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 Muslim militants kill a university professor by fitting his car with an IED.
2019.03.24 Afghanistan Jalalabad 0 7 A bomb outside a clinic sends shrapnel into women and children.
2019.03.24 Pakistan Chichawatni 1 0 A man honor-strangles his 20-year-old sister for ‘having relations’.
2019.03.24 Pakistan Lahore 1 1 A woman is chopped up with an axe for marrying without her family’s permission.
2019.03.24 Syria Sheikh al-Nasser 2 0 ISIS shrapnel claims two civilians.
2019.03.24 Afghanistan Sangin 65 38 Armed fundamentalists overrun two local security bases and murder dozens.
2019.03.23 Niger Diffa 7 2 Boko Haram burn down three villages, kill seven and abduct two women.
2019.03.23 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 4 31 Bombs placed by religious radicals in tents at a Farmer’s Day ceremony kill four.
2019.03.23 Somalia Mogadishu 11 15 Sharia proponents send a suicide bomber into a government building, killing about a dozen.
2019.03.22 Niger Dewa Kargueri 8 20 Eight villagers are butchered with knives by Boko Haram.
2019.03.22 Syria Deir Ezzor 5 0 Five members of a family hunting mushrooms are executed in cold blood by ISIS.
2019.03.22 India Hajin 1 1 A 12-year-old boy is kidnapped and shot to death by Lashkar-e-Taiba.
2019.03.22 Pakistan Karachi 2 1 An assassination attempt on a cleric by sectarian rivals kills two guards.
2019.03.22 Chad Dangdala 23 0 A Boko Haram attack on a Chadian soldiers leaves two dozen dead.
2019.03.22 Afghanistan Chinar 1 4 A suicide bomber strikes a family on their way to a party, killing one member.
2019.03.22 Kenya Elwak 5 0 al-Shabaab stage a cross-border ambush that kills five Kenyan border guards.
2019.03.22 Sudan Nyala 1 2 Arab milita shoot local man to death.
2019.03.21 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Suspected al-Shabaab bombers send a civil engineer to Allah.
2019.03.21 Afghanistan Kabul 6 23 Six people are blown up for celebrating the Persian New Year.
2019.03.21 Yemen Shabwa 2 0 Two people ‘on the scene’ are leveled by a Religion of Peace car bomb blast.
2019.03.20 Pakistan Khanna Dak 1 0 A 17-year-old girl is honor killed by her conservative father.
2019.03.20 Pakistan Bahawalpur 1 0 A student stabs a professor to death for ‘anti-Islam’ remarks endorsing gender mixing at a party.
2019.03.20 Nigeria Lassa 4 0 Four farmers in a field make easy pickings for Boko Haram gunmen.
2019.03.20 Pakistan Sanjawi 6 0 The Taliban fire point-blank into a checkpost, eliminating six local cops.
2019.03.19 Syria Aleppo 2 1 Sunni snipers fire into a school bus, killing a 12-year-old boy and 8-year-old girl.
2019.03.19 Iraq Tarmiyah 3 5 The Islamic State fire on a local security patrol, killing three members.
2019.03.19 Iraq Tarmiyah 2 0 An ISIS bomb left at an orchard causes two deaths.
2019.03.19 Iraq Tarfaya 2 0 Two children are pulled into pieces by a planted bomb.
2019.03.18 Nigeria Michika 4 0 At least five people, including a girl, are slaughtered by Jihadists during a raid on a bank.
2019.03.18 Nigeria Gwoza 8 7 Boko Haram aerate a bus with shrapnel, killing all eight passengers.
2019.03.18 Netherlands Utrecht 3 3 A ‘strict Muslim’ with Jihadi ties opens fire on strangers riding a tram, killing three, including a woman.
2019.03.18 India Reshipora 1 0 A 25-year-old laborer is taken down by Mujahid gunmen.
2019.03.17 Burkina Faso Djibo 3 1 A priest is kidnapped and three security personnal are killed by militant Islamists.
2019.03.17 Syria Qabasin 1 0 A bomb left by ISIS kills a civilian.
2019.03.17 Mali Dioura 23 0 At least twenty-three are killed when Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin attack a local army base.
2019.03.17 Israel Ariel Junction 2 1 A rabbi is among two Israelis shot to death by a Palestinian terrorist.
2019.03.17 Afghanistan Khogyani 1 10 A child is disassembled by a bomb left outside a shrine.
2019.03.17 DRC Kalau 6 0 Three woman and a 9-year-old child are massacred by ADF Islamists.
2019.03.16 Burkina Faso Kompienga 2 0 Two are killed by Jihadist shrapnel.
2019.03.16 Afghanistan Sar-i-Pul 4 3 Four local cops are cut down by Taliban gunmen.
2019.03.16 Afghanistan Bala Murghab 22 20 Twenty-two Afghans lose their lives to Taliban attacks on checkpoints.
2019.03.16 India Shopian 1 0 A female police officer is gunned down outside her home by Muslim terrorists.
2019.03.16 Syria Suqaylabiyah 1 4 Militant Sunnis send missiles into a neighborhood, killing a resident.
2019.03.16 Afghanistan Arghandab 4 0 Four people are liquidated by Taliban shrapnel.
2019.03.16 Syria Sawanah 4 0 Four civlians are shot dead by Islamic State gunmen.
2019.03.15 Syria Baghouz 6 0 Three female suicide bombers strike families fleeing the caliphate, killing six members.
2019.03.15 Afghanistan Helmand 1 0 A TV journalist is shot to death in his car by suspected radicals.
2019.03.15 Mozambique Cabo Delgado 13 0 Thirteen villagers are hacked to death by Sharia proponents.
Many thanks to the Worlds media and in particular our own, “Worlds Most Trusted” for bringing this list of attrocities to the public’s attention. My thanks also to the New Zealand Goverment for focussing on these attrocities when they remind their public of the events on the 15th March 2019.
Have the tanks rolled into Parliament Square yet?
We don’t have a Radio Free UK to be shut down so that’s OK.
TOADY Watch #1
Sir Kier Starmer was weaselling* away on the prog when pushed by The Humph on the question ‘Is Labour now the Party of Remain’? I got the distinct impression that The Humph might be a Brexit supporter but maybe after years of being a TOAD he is good at disguising himself and playing both sides against the middle.
Toads and weasels?
BBC’s News & Current Affairs is becoming more like Wind in the Willows every day.
Am sure there are also plenty of rats there, hidden away.
(*Der Starmer tried to ummhh and ahhh a bit but could not disguise the truth – the Labour Party are now just the same as the Liberal Democrats and the Scottish Nationalist Party, they are the Remain Party, the EU Party?)
nugget of info from radio just now
“The streets of London are CONGESTED with Uber drivers, driving old Toyota Prius’s with clapped out batteries,
.. so they are driving on petrol all the time, but DON’T need to pay the Congestion Charge”
Twitter #1
After a day of driving around Central London for the first time in a while, it was quite noticeable the amount of #Toyota #Prius on the road. Still the go to car to avoid paying the congestion zone fee. Only #EV seen 3 #Tesla Model X
Twitter #2
Central London is flooded with Prius , driven by Uber drivers , We don’t need them , the tube is good enough . They cause most of the congestion in the West End from what I can tell . Black cabs are a symbol of London , Prius’ are not…
Ha apparently cos of all the Uber’s the buses are less full, and therefore more subsidised.
(Buses : £722m highest bus subsidy in our history ..)
“The official figure for the standard Prius Hybrid (on 15-inch wheels) has jumped from 70g/km to 78g/km, meaning that cars sold from February 2018 will no longer be congestion charge exempt as the current limit is 75g/km.”
It is not clear that TfL are implementing this
Most black cab drivers are white and most Uber drivers are brown
.. is that the reason why Sadiq has failed to close the loophole ?
“Most black cab drivers are white and most Uber drivers are brown
.. is that the reason why Sadiq has failed to close the loophole?”
Stew, If you’re going to attempt a cheap racist slur against Sadiq Khan maybe you should do a little bit of research beforehand. Sadiq supported TFL’s action to remove Uber’s operating license in 2017 and since then has been asking government to let him limit the number of Uber drivers working in London.
Nice one maxitroll, but what’s he doing about the colossal amount knife crime in London ? Oh , whilst you are here what can you post about Al Beeb’s Bias ?
Hey, he’s back. I’m glad, I thought Maxi had left us. To be fair to him, he does offer an intelligent counter-argument which I don’t always agree with, but he is mostly civil.
Stew’s comment above about taxi drivers is an accusation of racial bias, not racism. Is that accusation only valid when it’s comes from the mouth of a BAME?
“Stew’s comment above about taxi drivers is an accusation of racial bias, not racism.”
Bias according to someone’s race isn’t racism? Are you quite sure about that?
“Is that accusation only valid when it’s comes from the mouth of a BAME?”
What can you post about Al Beeb’s Bias ? Nothing you old troll.
You do Al Beeb a disservice. You make things worse for Al Beeb by antagonizing the readers . All the more to get rid of the unfair telly tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
‘Strength to your elbow’ maxitroll.
Bet the BBC won’t cover this.
Bet the MI5 will be busy update their files on ‘ extremists ‘
Did I spot maxi there in the demo?
wheres that from gwf
Kaiser, just picked it up from Twitter, can’t locate it now
OMG! I counted 7 million marchers… 🙂
countryblues. Yes and more are arriving all the time. I would estimate there will be over 11.6 million by the time it’s finished.
Deus Vult!
ITTB on this BBC story : Trump Lawyer Paid by Ukraine from May 2018
False news to help Sopel get out of bed in the morning to hit the anti depressants .
Does my bum look big in this? The BBC ‘news’ website is carrying a
whingeing moanthought-provoking article on ‘Seven ways the world is not designed for women’ (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-47725946). The inspiration is the cancellation of what would have been the first all-female spacewalk, after one of the lady astronauts decided she’d be better off using a different sized spacesuit and, would you believe it, they just didn’t have anything suitable in the International Space Station’s wardrobe (please: no sexist jokes about a woman changing her mind. And at least NASA don’t insist on pink spacesuits).The article describes other ways in which women are affected by poor design, some valid, some trivial. An example of the latter is the smartphone, as on average women have smaller hands than men and hence “Texting one-handed on a 4.7-inch (12cm) or bigger iPhone can be difficult to impossible for many women (and small-handed men).” Especially if they are not bright enough to activate the ‘Reachability’ feature, which shifts everything down from the top of the iPhone screen so that it can be more easily reached by a single finger or tap, thus providing a workaround (http://osxdaily.com/2017/11/11/activate-reachability-iphone-x/). Or use two hands, perhaps.
In fact, according to the BBC, “some women say smartphones have been designed with only men in mind”. Er, no. Smartphones are designed to meet the requirements of the companies that make and sell them and nobody else (except the security services, of course). For instance, the biggest complaint that people have about smartphones – regardless of their gender, race, age, sexual preferences, religion or shoe size – is that they need recharging all the time. And that’s because they are designed to be thin and hence have small batteries, even though market research shows that the majority of consumers would prefer a longer battery life, even if the phone was thicker.
The bbc boss – Anthony hall says in their annual report that the bbc must maintain its objectivity in news reporting . A laugh out loud job if ever there’s was one .
At 5’10” as a young man I used pray I was going to grow a bit taller, then I had a mate who was 6’7″, and realised that being ‘average’ was actually a big bonus.
My tall friend got so much hassle ALL the time – guys trying to pick fights with him, girls laughing at him, older people saying “you’re a tall one!” (like that wasn’t said by the last thousand people he’d bumped into), little kids being terrified of him, going out for an evening with him you realised the ‘abuse’ just didn’t stop.
NOTHING was made for people his size, he had to order clothes and shoes online, banged his head on every door lintel, my first house was an old terrace and he had to bend almost double to get through the internal doors, or go upstairs. Chairs were never big enough, stools collapsed (he wasn’t fat, but still weighed a ton and a half), he once broke a friend’s toilet just by sitting on it, if he sat down at a table to eat he had to be really careful not to knock things off with his massive hands. Mobile phones were all too small and fiddly, his fingers too big to use even a normal keyboard comfortably.
It was a nightmare when he came to buy his first car, he tried hundreds of models, the only things he could actually get his head in and drive were Volvos and BMWs – not great (or affordable) cars for an 18 year old back then.
Forget travelling by coach, train, aeroplane, going to the cinema… we went to Turkey once together on holiday, I think it was the only time he ever went abroad, the entire trip was an agony for him and some woman in the seat in front had a real go at him and got the stewardess to move him for ‘kicking the back of her seat’! He wasn’t kicking it, just every time he moved his legs to relieve cramp her seat moved. He’d asked for an aisle seat, but was told he wasn’t allowed to stick his legs into the aisle as they were a ‘trip hazard’.
Haven’t seen him for years, but he ended up dating the tiniest little woman, perhaps they have ‘normal’ sized kids?
Compared to what he went through, and is presumably still going through, and will be until the day he dies, I don’t really think women have much to moan about.
The BBC, we’re all equal, but some are more equal than others.
Another of your tall stories? 😉
main page
LGBT people ‘never felt more vulnerable’
actual page
LGBT people ‘never felt more vulnerable’ in Birmingham
Action is also spreading further afield, with parents in Greater Manchester saying they will remove their children from sex and relationship lessons over fears they will be taught about same-sex couples.
owen jones piped up yet, I dont hink this one is going away
The sooner a cure for homosexuality is found the better.
It would stop this nonsense for a start.
Maybe the EU social fund can hand some grants out.
If it was just being taught about same sex couples I think a lot less parents (even among certain religious groups) would be worried.
If it’s anything like the ‘education’ (AKA rather terrifying brainwashing/indoctrination) my children are now receiving regarding LGBT ‘issues’ at Secondary, and nephew is at Primary, it is disingenuous in the extreme to claim it’s merely being ‘taught about same sex couples’.
Only a group with protected status would have the balls to protest about it though, for the rest of us any form of protest would be classed as ‘hate crime’ for sure.
“Only a group with protected status would have the balls to protest about it though”
That excludes transgendered men, then. Or do I mean transgendered women? Anyway, whichever ones don’t have balls, then (sorry, genuinely don’t know, things were different when I were a lad).
Why the hell would the EU social fund hand out money to destroy one of their main, principle brainwashing weapons? Don’t forget, “Those the Gods wish to destroy they first make mad” Unfortunately, it appears the strategy may be working on our young people.I guess the old Communist maxim of capture the minds of the young and the battle is won is not without foundation. British TV is doing it’s best to ensure that it will work on adults too. Females are particularly vulnerable with their addiction to soap operas which are used purely as social engineering projects. Most TV advertising is aimed at women for a very good reason. On the whole they tend to be less sceptical than men.
Originally I guess, that this type of program was aired to reflect public discourse but these days it’s purpose is to deliberately lead public opinion by the nose in a direction that will eventually destroy our nation state and hand the reins of power to an alien culture.
A vomit producing example of todays British Social Workers (effeminates):
I remember talking to someone from a diversity and gay background and me telling them that Muslims would never accept Gay people, and his answer was that they would have to.
I thought at the time it was never going to work out well for him, and that once the Muslims set their minds against the Gays that would be it for them.
This is only a start, Muslims will not stop with demanding their children are not indoctrinated, we know the vast majority want homosexuality made illegal, and they will almost certainly get that sooner or later.
The saddest part is the naive lunatic leftist gays running the LGBT groups, who simply cannot get it into their thick heads that Islam might pose a threat in any way, and they just scream waycism or Islamofauxbia at anyone who dares tell them the truth.
You don’t need a cure for gayness Eddy you just need Islam. There are no gays in Iran nor in Saudi either.
Actually they do have a sort of ‘cure’ for homosexuality in Iran. Homosexuals and lesbians are given the opportunity to register as transexual and have their gender ‘re-assigned’. The government will even pay up to half the costs associated with the change.
So, just to be clear. It’s March 29th and we are not leaving the EU?
This clearly shows many things.
The snivelling rats that sit in the HoP do not understand the concept of democracy.
They cannot grasp the idea of the British people having made a decision counter to their own and respecting it.
And finally they’ve highlighted their complete irrelevance by voting two years ago to make it law that we would leave today – and we haven’t.
In what way is that institution fit for purpose? It disregards democracy, it ignores the majority will of its people and it can conveniently ignore it’s own laws that it passes.
Instead of refurbing Big Ben they might as well pull the whole building down because it stands for absolutely nothing.
You need to read my post up above. This is NOT a democracy, it never was, and the chances are that it never will be.
You elect your rulers every few years NOT representatives, and they rule with the power of a monarch. They don’t have to take any notice of you or I or anyone else, they can behave exactly as they please without any approval save at the ballot box.
This 400 year old system which has never been updated clearly is not fit for the present day and badly needs updating, however the chances of that happening until Brexit is sorted out is very slim indeed.
it should have been june 23 rd ?
last year
when we voted it was assumed artical 50, if needed, would be triggered next day – not 9 months later
Yes, the first avoidance tactic was the delay in triggering article 50.
2nd was having an election, to lose her comfortable majority,
And then when it looked like Conservatives might win that clearly, May started vote losing tactics like talking about stoping the pensioners tripple lock.
Just think David Cameron, you could have been a Treble Hero to 17m+ plus 13m+ (who didn’t vote) on the Electoral Register in the UK.
Treble Hero? First, for having the guts to stand by your Manifesto commitment. Secondly, by getting the Referendum Bill through Parliament and holding the Referendum. Then finally by filing the Article 50 Notice in timely fashion and liberating your country from the EU.
Oh, and you would still be Prime Minister until next year.
Payne by name
At long last we have in Britain the exulted status of Minority Rule. I am so pleased to be about to hit my 79th birthday. So not too many years of total bollox to endure. Mind you, being a white,heterosexual male I’m pretty sure that many a Remainer would be more than willing to help me leave sooner.
Did anyone else hear Toady at just before 7 when the programme’s ‘green-elf-in-residence’ Caroline Lucas came on supporting a devolvement of power from Westminster to the English regions ! (eh) [Finger poised over off button expecting Green Deal promotion.]
She had visited Dudley, it seems, and had met with leave supporters there who thought that London decides what’s best and then just does it without any regard for the rest of England.
She therefore quite understood why 17.4 Million people decided to “slap the government in the face” when given the opportunity on EU suffocation.
[having failed to give the country a say on Maastrict or Madrid treaties previously.]
Blimey – coming over all UKIPpy.
So although she understood the problem she still supports the EU and wishes to remain. She identifies with the Westminster bubble on bits she supports, like endless green-slimy dosh but is against the two party system.
So really we are all just peasants who should do as we are told (by the EU) on the important stuff, but some minor issues can be farmed out to make the plebs feel they have a choice on something, bit like a Parish Council then ????
It’s amazing that she can identify the centralised nature of London and how it pisses off people in the regions but cannot see this same issue when magnified to a centralised EU and it pissing off member countries.
Stupid woman.
Oh what a surprise..
Ian dunkan Sh*t
is voting for the ‘deal’
He is one of the most hated politicians , due to his universal credits fiasco and de-facto criminalising welfare claimants.
Thus was given the unofficial role of pro Brexit spokesperson, to put poor voters off the idea, ie not wanting to associate with him .
Crunch time comes and he shows his true colours.
Tommy Robinson
”Get to London 16:30 start ” for Brexit betrayal / pro democracy speeches.
Cheers I’ll have to follow on livestream
\\BBC commentator described the march as
“comprising of Brexiteer and other extreme right wing groups”. //
The MarchToLeave is on its way
I think TR will be lucky to get to say anything to the public . The State will extinguish him today and I bet they land up treating brexiters like football suppprters and disperse them – particularly if Soubry tells Bercow to direct the police ……
2019 BBC say bots can’t rig a petition
2016 BBC : Pettion Hijacked by bots
FB discussion
Stew, don’t know whether you noticed but t’other day Yahoo were asking people to sign that Revoke Article 50 and Remain in the EU petition.
Yahoo are part of Oath/Verizon, which they like to constantly remind us about, and are effectively a San Francisco, US owned company.
Now you would think that the BBC would be very upset by that foreign intervention into UK political matters and by an attempt by ‘foreigners’ to distort voting and petitioning and would be making an outcry on their TV and radio channels.
You would think that, wouldn’t you?
So would I.
“San Francisco.”
Soros’ charitable office under a different name is based there.
Soros San Francisco connections:
Billionaire financier George Soros provides the money for anti-Christian activism and violent protests worldwide.
Step forward financier George Soros. The billionaire funds ‘Occupy Wall Street’ through an intermediary known as the Tides Foundation in San Francisco. Look for any anti-Christian NGO worldwide, and you can be sure the Tides Foundation is funding it.
Gay rights in Uganda, abortion rights in Tanzania, you name it.
Tides, and others like them, are putting up the money.
Reuters News Agency says this: ‘According to disclosure documents from 2007-2009, Soros’ Open Society gave grants of $3.5 million to the Tides Center, a San Francisco-based group that acts almost like a clearing house for other donors, directing their contributions to liberal non-profit groups. Among others the Tides Center has partnered with are the Ford Foundation and the Gates Foundation.’
IMPOSSIBLE ….the BBC reported the figure as FACT in every single bulletin over several days , they seemed very happy with the.numbers… surely as the nations most trusted broadcaster we have to believe them ??? They wouldn’t lie would they, have they some sort of agenda i wonder ???? Not always easy to tell with the BBC !!!
Re-tweeted by the mentally ill Jon Sopel. His twitter feed this last couple of days is that of someone who is clearly not well and i say it again, the BBC need to seriously look at removing him from post.
The Russian interference no go , seems to have tipped him over the edge. Now looking to get him on his finances.
I really dont recall Saint Obama getting any of this crap that President Trump has to contend with. Its disgraceful. Really is. Day after day, relentless …….
An easy way to fix your car
Perhaps for the sake of sanity it might be best to step back from the failure to carry through a big democratic vote (for brexit ) but just jump to the next time any politician asks for votes .
How can anything they say be believed ?
Obviously the BBC would never list those PMs who have constituencies which voted leave and have stuck to the wishes of their voters … I guess maybe half a dozen have done that but that I think is about it .
Bojob,JRM /JML/Raab are all signing up to the sell out it seems but hopefully it will fail anyway ….
“How can anything they say be believed ?”
The answer is muddied by the party system. Are party MPs elected to toe the party line? Are they our representatives to ‘follow their conscience’ once in office or are they elected to represent our views?
A simple binary choice referendum sanctioned by parliament should lead to certainty of outcome.
R4 TWATO now
How long is the BBC going to push the narrative ‘all brexiteers are racists’ and voted to leave because of those damn foreigners…this morning on breakfast they had remainers talking about leaving Europe again – it really annoys me – we are not leaving Europe but the EU…the BBC never pick them up on it..
Yesterday on discussing the non votes in HoP the BBC stated there was one clear winner – ‘staying in the customs union’ – NO there wasn’t a clear winner they all failed…but this just fits the BBC narrative..
In many ways I now want May’s deal and then Raab or a strong brexiteer in charge of next stage…next best bet is a general election and votes for UKIP and Brexit party working together..
I read that Pro-EU types in the Civil Service exhibit racist behaviour by looking uncomfortable in a room full of Black and Asian Commonwealth leaders, but are in their element in a room full of white European leaders. The Queen is known to have commented about Tony Blair’s aversion towards those Multiracial Commonwealth types. Its also known that white supremacists in Europe are or were pro-EU, I think they still are in Austria.
Ever since the 1960’s International White Supremacist organisations have seen the European Union as the ideal governing body for any future world wide white supremacist government. But now that their dream is falling apart, they project their own subconscious racism against those dark skinned non-Europeans, by lashing out, accusing Brits of being anti white European racists, even though half of them now seem to agree with Nigel Farage that the European Union is an awful undemocratic organisation.
So Barnier says the withdrawal agreement cannot be opened but a customs union deal could be written and agreed in a few hours!
Smacks of duplicity and typical EU crap…
No, Barnier is an ace negotiator and he gets the results he wants. May on behalf of us sidelined all her cabinet, refused advice from what little talent there is amongst her ministers, and selected a Communist Federalist career civil servant with zero experience of negotiation.
It’s like sending a dwarf to fight against Mike Tyson – the outcome is an inevitability.
This is how an SNP MP is labelling ordinary people. “Howling right wing mob”
“Paid Mercenaries”
Nothing new there from Joanna Cherry. The whole world has been watching (mostly from behind the sofa, if you’re Scottish) the cringeworthy antics of the SNP and its supporters for years. Hopefully, they will soon return to the political wastelands whence they came.
so she can split the deal ??
History is a boring intrusion into vibrant modern society, but those with any knowledge of the Treaty of Versailles – constructed and devised to achieve the public, industrial and financial humiliation of a nation – might also remember that it was the catalyst which drove Hitler’s rise to power. Only saying.
Beltane, that was an old theory that people now debunk. Mind you, I heard about that on BBC R4.
It may not therefore, be reliable or accurate.
Actually, speaking of that Treaty, I wonder if the BBC have any plans for an anniversary? 😉 😉 I seem to remember the BBC telling us that WW1 ended in 1918.
About as reliable and accurate as heroic French Resistance fighters outnumbering collaborators, though no doubt R4 could find statistics to suit.
anyone got any goog sources on numbers on the march to leave?
seeing that the BBC on the web aint show shit in relation to the march. TYPICAL!
biased for all to see.
Ezra on Brunei and Trudeau
(BTW I’ve been in Brunei a few times)
Leave protest live video ..looks like a party
..not just 10 people
To get more live feeds go into a YouTube search , type Brexit , then filter by LIVE-now
another live feed
Brexit March live from TR stage
TR is speaking live : “Thereasa May has just lost her vote”
..”Would you like to see PanoDrama now ?”
Alternative Radio adding commentary to the Ruptley video
You know how al beeb are fascinated by all things Islamic?
How strange then that they weren’t reporting on Brunei’s new sharia laws making homosexuality an offence punishable by death. (BY STONING – such an enlightened religion.)
Until in the last few minutes when George Clooney commented on the story, making it too big for even al beeb to sweep under the carpet.
St Paul’s Cathedral suspected gunman arrested
A man pointed a weapon at security staff and pulled the trigger but no bullet was fired, the BBC understands. He then ran off, hiding the gun in a bush before being detained.
The incident is not thought to be terror-related, City of London Police said.
Definitely not a white gunman then!
Economic suicide inevitable say the lefties !!! I remember George Osbourne telling us if was Economic Suicide if we dared even vote leave !! Remind me again , How are we doing compared to the rest of europe ?? Very well thankyou.
The left love emotive wording like suicide, cliff edge, abyss, crashing out etc etc….complete bollox
“……emotive wording like suicide, cliff edge, abyss, crashing out etc etc”..
I even heard one, (it might have been one of the millipede duo) refer to, the, “Wrecking Ball” of Brexit. Creative.
And talking of al beeb’s infatuation with the Religion of Stoning, below is the picture they choose to illustrate a piece on the Thai elections.
Thailand is overwhelmingly Buddhist, you’d actually be quite hard pressed to find pictures of muslims voting there, but, yes, our intrepid picture editor pulled out all the stops.
They’ve voted down the rotten Maybot deal again! 🙂
With a bit of luck they’ll all fall out on Monday over the soft / non/ silly / malthouse / Norway nonsense and May will run back for an extension of 12 months . The EU will rightly say ‘ no’ and we leave on 12 April .
This will be of interest to me as I leave Blighty on Monday for a variety of EU ministates and might not be back until we’ve brexited! Please .
The treaty agreed with the EU was voted down a third time. Can the EU propose a deal acceptable to the UK parliament?
They have about ten days to do so, NG.
Previously, on Brexit Negotiations:
Barnier: No
Tusk: No
Juncker: No
Christchurch Watch: 2 weeks after the shooting, al beeb still have articles on the victims and St Jacinda, under both the Asia AND the Australia sections of their webshite.
Meanwhile, the worldwide Islamic slaughter continues apace, unnoticed by the world’s most subsidised.
The KiWi s much be getting a bit fedup with the over the top sobbing by now . I wonder if the snowflake PM is after a Nobel peace prize ?
Can’t think why else she’d be going on about it for so long .
I’ve just received a response from the BBC about my claim of bias during a recent Look North broadcast. See my original complaint and the BBC response below.
There was a report by Tanya Arnold on the 18th March 2019 during the BBC Look North broadcast.
It was in regards to Harris Akbar winning a silver medal at the European Under 22 Boxing Championships in Russia.
Tanya said the following:
“It was so nearly a gold for the young man from Bradford, here in the red, who lost his final by a split decision yesterday 3 judges to 2. Unless I’m very much mistaken the chap he lost to was a Russian and they were in Russia… funny that”
The way it was said, along with her body movements came across as a not so subtle suggestion that the winner of the competition had won because of their nationality. It implied cheating on behalf of the competitor, the judges or both.
Tanya produced no evidence whatsoever to back up her claim. This came across as very unprofessional, particularly for an impartial broadcaster.
I’ve never heard a sports presenter infer the same thing about Lewis Hamilton and Silverstone, Andy Murray and Wimbledon, Venus Williams and the US Open. I’m sure it was just a co-incidence that the first time I’ve heard anything like this on the BBC is in relation to a Russian competitor.
For your information I will forward my complaint, your response to my complaint and a video of Tanya’s report to the European Boxing Confederation. I’m sure they will be interested to hear any evidence that Tanya may have to support her comments.
I look forward to your response.
I understand you felt Tanya Arnold ‘claimed’ boxer Harris Akbar lost in Vladikavkaz as a result of cheating.
This was part of an unscripted exchange during the link back to the News team. This is often informal – we try to keep it light and topical. Harry asked her what she meant by the comment and she immediately added ‘absolutely nothing’. We follow local competitors from grassroots level up to Olympic standard and celebrate their successes.
Our Sports reports themselves are fair and accurate – this was an off-the-cuff handover. We don’t think viewers would infer any real comment here but have taken the opportunity to speak to the team again about striking the right tone.
Please be assured that your comments have been shared with the producers of BBC Look North, as well as senior management, on our daily feedback report.
Their final paragraph of complaint responses always seem to include some meaningless drivel about ‘ sharing with the production team ‘
The state broadcaster isn’t very good at saying ‘ sorry ‘ is it ? Which suggests a very defensive and uncertain culture beneath all that PC rubbish
I’m sure the beeboid in question wouldn’t land up on a Russian ‘ target list ‘ – due to her alleging Russian is corrupt – funny that …
The best bit for me was:
“We try to keep it light and topical”
Ah right, so blatantly accusing an elite athlete of cheating to win Gold at the European Boxing Championship is light.
As for topical, perhaps in BBC-land the Russians cheating may be topical – however in the real world I don’t see how that comment can be topical?
Just another confirmation of their bias.
This is part of the “howling right wing mob”
BBC cover the pro Brexit protests.
Including the UKIP and Tommy Robinson protest.
And the counter protest.
‘A Make Brexit Happen rally is also being held, organised by UKIP and involving English Defence League founder Tommy Robinson.
Mr Robinson – whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon – has spoken to crowds, and UKIP leader Gerard Batten is due to speak later.
Meanwhile, a counter-protest by the group Stand Up to Racism is also planned for Friday afternoon.’
Don’t forget Tommy Robinson’s real name is …. Government orders.
Our patron Vance says internet was blocked at protest