Id concocted an Fools Day Joke that the Far Left BBC had ‘seen the light’ …but then I realised how far fetched that was.
I’be always been fond of ‘fools ‘ wheezes so any welcome .
Id concocted an Fools Day Joke that the Far Left BBC had ‘seen the light’ …but then I realised how far fetched that was.
I’be always been fond of ‘fools ‘ wheezes so any welcome .
April fool! We DID leave the EU on Friday.
Well done, RD.
I was just lurking ‘in case’ ….
2nd Place accepted by this pro-democracy voter. A great shame that there were so many anti-democracy people on the Remain side otherwise we might have been truly out by now.
Sunday’s earlier posts were on page 3 and halfway down page 2 of the Weekend thread.
Second attempt due on 12 April. 😉
12th of April Foolery
This ‘campaign manager’ seems ambitious.
City Mayors
Heads of Police
very dangerous, very bad Bigly
Advertising industry condescends to show white men as father
Epidemic of 3 adverts
– The Rightmove Dad with his magazine .. .. always interrupted by DAUGHTERS
– The blind father with footballer DAUGHTER
– The AA father with DAUGHTER singing along to Tina Turner
I didn’t realise that ‘Tina Turner’ and ‘singing’ were synonymous!
Shrieking and yelling into a skipping rope handle would be more appropriate perhaps, but then, for children, such a game is good fun, as long as they do it a long way from me…
As I haven’t seen a TV advert for nearly two years – except for the Mog one a couple of Christmas’s ago (yup, lefties, Christmas – the highlight time of religion of the UK), I don’t ever feel the need to go out and buy anything we don’t want!
Whenever I see an advertisement that is anti-male, anti-white, has a dispropotionate number of ethnics or promotes non-traditional relationships, I assume the real purpose is to tell me that they do not want my money. So, I make a note not to buy that product, use that service, watch that movie or support that charity. Understand that, Tesco, Procter & Gamble, Lloyds TSB, BT, Furniture Village, Disney, Red Cross et al? It’s called ‘consumers exercising an ethical choice’. If we all do it, they’ll soon get the message.
Ian Rushlow
In a nutshell , Brainwashing by the liberal, PC media brigade.
92% of the British population is white and the media should reflect that.
Ask yourself why they do not do that?
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time”
Is the 92% a government figure? If so it may be a lie, successive governments have deceived and lied to us so much that my policy is to doubt everything they say. It could well be higher than 92% but they don’t want to admit it. In any case with continued high levels of third world immigration and the high breeding rate of migrants it soon will be much higher! Perhaps The businesses listed above are just trying to curry favour with their new masters.
Government lies ? Undoubtedly, but I would suggest somewhere in the mid eighties is more accurate rather than 92 percent.
I’ll make a note to inform the Home Secretary. He may well wish to promote your approach and declaration as such, to wit, a form of Hate Speech. All the more the merrier!
Ian Rushlow
Anti-White male prejudice has been going on for 30 years at the least. In the last few years , this despicable racial prejudice has become the prejudice that is not only acceptable but something that organisations are proud off. Too, they do it with a condescending attitude of moral superiority.
Get woke, go broke.
It’s all the rage with dumb businesses in the US.
Start the Week? It’s not Monday yet.
Anyway, I hope all the mums, like me. had a good Mother’s day, with lots of Champagne.
I too had lots of champagne, and I’m not a mum, and no longer have one, so I used the day to celebrate widows, and orphaned daughters !!!
@Fedup Is the BBC only just reporting on March 30 the exact same news that Ezra gave us 3 weeks ago ?
Re Trudeau/ SNC-Lavalin
Ah no it’s just that a recording came out on Saturday , so the BBC are reporting the story
.. whereas Ezra has been reporting since before the recording.
If both sides fulfill their obligations it’s only right that full payment should be made . I’ll pay up when the BBC fulfills its charter .
Beeboids , just show me the contract .
Scary listening to the Feedback repeat today, Roger Bolton concerned that far-right extremists like Lauren Southern get access to the BBC and then how the totalitarian Google has lost acccess to BBC podcasts because the totalitarian BBC wants to track and direct its listeners via ‘Sounds’.
Personally I think that the moral and ethical stance of Lauren Southern trumps that of Google and BBC any day. Our language has surely been traduced.
‘But, but’ shouts Maxi
..’she wore a pagan necklace similar to a sign Nazis adopted
..horror horror’
Worse she is white with real blond hair , so she must be a Nazi.
Far Right terrorosts are very few and far between compared to Islamic terrorists. I’d guess a ratio of 1000:1 or even 5000:1. Even then, the “scary” Far Right terrorist does not have the scope of 9/11 type Jihadi terrorists.
Moreover, far right terrorism is an inevitable outcome of our politicians betraying Western civilisation to the Islamic invasion of the West.
ISIS fighters at 10pm poor babe has no legs
he “cant live with himself ”
but he is stayed till the very end
another one “suddenly” realises he was brainwashed when captured
note how they have all shaved off their beards , well thats all right then they must have reformed
Did I just hear this right on the BBC news?
“Gisela Stuart has failed to apologise for Vote Leave overspending…”
Not even “declined”. “Failed.” The BBC clearly feels it’s her duty to do so.
In other news, the BBC has failed to apologise for its years of anti-Brexit bias.
You should have seen the interview with Andrew Marr from which, no doubt, this ‘news’ was created.
He kept shouting out the alleged over-spend, as if to stress every single penny. Cameron’s leaflet alone cost us nearly twenty times as much and the BBC’s pro-EU campaigning must be beyond price.
Gisela refused to apologise because she thought they had stuck to the rules but didn’t have bottomless pockets to go to appeal.
As a broader point, isn’t it pathetic that the ‘remain’ side haven’t come up with any positive reason for being in the EU despite bleating for the best part of three-years? Not only that the thick plebs were ‘fooled’ by a bus poster that most never saw and a-penny-per-person overspend by the ‘leavers’!
I think that either the ‘remainers’ are thicker than thick or they dare not tell us why they think we should be in the EU – Ein Volk, ein Reich (Click heels.)
Ten positive reasons Pro-EU types dare not tell us why they like
being in the EU:
(1) On the take with the Gravy train in Brussels.
(2) Work in the Project Fear factory.
(3) Paid to sit next to Nigel Farage, but go back home instead.
(4) Back hand payments for keeping quiet about not balancing the books.
(5) A big pension for insulting UKIP in the House of Lords.
(6) Whiter white people than in Londonistan.
(7) More power to elitism, less power to the working class.
(8) Less need to build walls, fences and bollards to keep out Islamic terrorists in Strasburg.
(9) More white men than in the Commonwealth for Civil Servants to talk to.
(10) More white men than in the Commonwealth for Tony Blair to talk to.
More from Lawyers for Britain on why, legally, the WA is just too awful to contemplate and must be defeated again if necessary.
April 1 the three times rejected Treaty is perhaps to have a lasting Customs Union bolted on and sold as Brexit fulfilled. April fools indeed.
In order to avoid another “meaningful vote” before the next non leaving date. TM has asked her masters (the EU and The beeb) if we could cancel April altogether. April has a fools day and she thinks that a little to near the mark.
BTW does anyone remember when we had loads of strikes in the 70’s a Union leader who was always banging on about “meaningful negotiations”. Seems like TM is plagiarising his terms.
I remember demarcation, in the 1970s and strikes because of it .
Eg somebody doing someone elses job
It was our job to vote on Brexit ,and we did so , it’s not the governments
Not reported by the BBC .
Well on Friday at Luton magistrates TV Licensing lost a case the best bit is its against one of the Beebs favourite of the month minority/ victim groups persons ; transgendered .
Ms Hales was discharged because since the TV goons first took action there’s been a bit of gender realignment and so there’s not a Mr Hales to prosecute but a new person entirely .
But , as is common with these conundrums , Ms hales has been suffering from depression which happens frequently viz a viz this transgender thing and psychiatrists are recommending a further bit of NHS surgery to transform Ms back to Mr . I thought you could self identify at any given moment what you were but perhaps even the law has caught up with that dodge . Under the knife it is then for Hales but what can you cut out and put in its place after you’ve cut out and put in its place I know not what !
Mind you , Hales Ms , Mr or Missed is easier to get hold of than Hales , John , whose printed signature is on TV Licensing Threatograms that land on my doormat . I’m more likely to believe in Hales Ms or Mr than Hales of TV Licensing . April Fool .
Uh huh.
This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
I’d like to believe this but I think the UK and the West are in the first act of devouring ourselves in an ever decreasing spiral of insane snowflake appeasing, PC obsessed bollocks that is only ever going to get worse.
The Left and the Media will be empowered by how successfully they have thwarted Brexit and overturned a democratic outcome without a shot being fired or a riot being started.
They’ve won and this is only going to make them stronger and more zealous in pushing through their divisive and destructive agenda.
I hope you are right.
‘Has learned’.
Bet Ms. Dick is looking forward to the alumni get together.
Hope Laura has a wee word with herself.
Rubbish! How do we know that’s Quentin Sommerville?
BBC pulling all the conflation dodges out on this one.
David Wood highlights the entertaining conflict between leftist LGBT propagandists and muslim parents over sex education.
Al beeb will be torn between conflicting loyalties to two of its favourite ‘communities’.
PS. Savour the ‘Let kids be kids’ banner.
Like this one perhaps?
That’s Aisha, 52 year old Muhammad’s 6 year old bride.
Perhaps if they turned LGBT into LGBTP they might gain a bit more support among certain sections of ‘the community’ e.g. taxi drivers and kebab shop workers in Rotherham, Rochdale, Luton, Oxford etc.
In the words of Harry Hill:
“Which is better? There is only one way to find out…. fight!”
“In the black corner we have Jihadi John, and in the rainbow corner, Transgender Terri… “
That’s child abuse.
Great video, I like this chap.
This latest battle against dark-ageism that is Islam and the hedonism of LBGT was always going to end in tears.
I think the chap in the video is right – LGBT will lose. I know it’s wrong but I will be thinking, “told you so”. First the working class, and now the middle class.
And when those bleeding-hearted liberals turn to us for support, I’m not sure I can say anything other than “don’t be a racist” 🙂
I always spot a handful of #RemainSupremacists on Twitter always complaining that the BBC is biased in favour of Brexit
e.g. “we have @BBCCountryfile repeating the glib canard that the referendum was “the biggest vote in a generation”. It wasn’t: 1992 had more votes cast”
..em 24 years ago is a generation ago
The number of votes cast was 0.01% more
the winner got 41% of the vote
Referendum 33,577,342 …. 1992 GE 33,614,074
Countryfile had a fawning item on Biodynamic Farming
FFS it’sthe equivalent of Astrology and can be demonstrated as completely illusory.
Besides Rudolf Steiner has some distinctly dodgy sides.
I wish to report about an ongoing Countryfile investigation into evil Market Gardeners poisoning plants by pumping carbon dioxide gas into Greenhouses so as to warm up the Greenhouse with Greenhouse Gases, therefore killing tomato plants by poisoning and frying them inside the Greenhouse.
This was my first attempt at an April fools joke, but the BBC’s left-wing morons and schoolchildren reading it, could not possibly believe that the above was a joke.
Due to the Monmouthshire, Berwick, Pimlico and Kingston upon Hull Act of 1746. Monmouthshire in Wales, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Pimlico in London and Hull in Yorkshire have accidentally left the European Union on Friday due to an error by the idiots in the Civil Service leaving out this Act of Parliament from the Article 50 extension documents. Screams of great happiness have been heard near Hull.
I can confirm that this is NOT Fake News because its April the first.
The new fantastic BBC diversity of ways to die, brings you: “Edmonton stabbings: Four people hurt in ‘random attacks”
But i am confused… because it seems the attack can’t be inspired by Islam, and Muhammad hacking off the heads of 600 infidel prisoners at Khyber … because the dhimmi police gave a description of the fellow, which they defiantly never do if “it’s nothing to do with Islam”
According to the article “Detectives said they were searching for a slim black man, who is about 6ft 3in tall and was wearing dark clothing”. So it was a black fellow???… however here is the confusing part, they say that: “the knifeman had acted alone and “mental health issues may be a factor”.
“Acted alone”????, “mentah health issues”????… sounds like Islam…I wish the BBC could keep its schizophrenic lies consistent, maybe they are trying to throw me off the scent?
The Guardian has a story that the government is considering creating a ‘ healing czar’ to Bring the country together for some reason . The dead give away is the story is by the guardian ‘brexit staff’ – any Way Happy Fools’ day
The Feral Animals ( children)Commissioner
Thinks a good way to cut knife crime is to stop excluding the animals from schools .
What she doesn’t realise is that they are generally excluded for the physical safety of staff and decent kids – who dont seem to matter in her snowflake simpleton version of the world which the BBC loves
Some might say that excluding them from the country would be a better move.
The guy was right with his prediction. You know who I am talking about.
“Rivers of blood” seems like an appropriate way to describe the streets of London these days.
I rather like the Guardian’s ‘job’ ad for an ‘Organic vegan gender studies feng shui collective non-confrontational partner, keen to be available during the daylight hours, and paid for from the BBC tv tax’!
When the BBBC is eventually broken up, and their property sites sold to people who actually make the country tick, I can see several of its autocue-readers queueing up with their free copies, waiting with their lattes to be ‘interviewed’, before they’re handed the non-job on a recyclable cardboard platter…
Flora Olip , a reporter for the Daily Express reports that the EU has been considering banning the UK from the Eurovision Song Contest – but has allowed a uk song called ‘Britain will Brexit’ go forward ….
Curiously when the BBC news review was looking at April Fools jokes it didn’t mention this one ..,,
Please tell me that this is a BBC April Fool’s Joke 🙂
BBC Online News:
“”The butcher who went vegan in secret””
“”……as he stood silent behind the meat counter in Morrisons supermarket, aged 33, Brian couldn’t quite find the words to tell colleagues he had become vegan.””
Never known a vegan who could resist telling everyone else what they were.
I would think April fools is culturally exclusive to a fair number of ‘ new arrivals ‘ according the bbc management so they wouldn’t want to by sued for distress caused by a real false news story …
Susana knows where the real pain lies.
“The government should have made clear after the 2017 election that it would “inevitably” have to accept a softer Brexit, the Tory chief whip has said. ” we are told on the News front page.
Here it comes.
Parliament is full of weasel worded politicians, “snake oil salesmen ” . We have become lions led by lambs. The Tory government is finished.
We need a strong government. Vote UKIP , the party that has promised to rid us of Al Beeb.
Ultimately the electorate voted out in 2016 only to vote for a Remain Parliament in 2017. I’ve said before that if we are now to be part of an enduring Customs Union I’d be pushed to voting remain in any ‘people’s vote’. A dog’s breakfast deal is worse than none.
Point taken about UKIP taffman.
Unfortunately Al Beeb hate UKIP and have marginalised and starved them of air time. Al Beeb knows that if we gain independence their end is nigh. There would be a judicial inquiry into the outfit’s conduct and blatant bias.
‘Ultimately the electorate voted out in 2016 only to vote for a Remain Parliament in 2017.’ No, we did not. Both main parties enshrined respecting the referendum result within their manifestos, a large factor in the demise of UKIP as the perception was that their work was done. We were lied to. We continue to be lied to. Both parties need to be destroyed at next GE.
But they weren’t a Remain parliament when they were elected. Only later did they mysteriously turn into one.
BBC 1957 April Fool’s Joke.
Back when the BBC had a sense of humour.
Evidence the BBC was propagating fake news as long ago as 1957!
I don’t get it , where is the joke?
Oh I see
it’s the poncy accent the narrator is using
The bbc seems unsurprisingly coy about this one.
Eat you heart out, Gina Miller. It works both ways.
If it hadn’t been for Gina Miller then May’s turd deal would have been passed into law without scrutiny.
She might not have intended it, but she is the one who has allowed us to expose the terrible nature of May, & Robbins incompetent negotiating.
No chance. Justice in our country now works as the liberal elite want it to work and no other way is allowed.
If this really does come about it will be the April Fool to end them all !
Guest Who
No chance, the Executive and Judiciary sing from the same sheet. The Judge has already been informed of the required verdict
I don’t fancy his chances either.
How many fingers do I need to cross…or is this an April fools 🙂
This is what I posted when john in cheshire mentioned this on the Weekend Thread:
“j-i-c, think that is incorrect. The judgement in Miller& others was that Parliament had to have a final say. That is not just on the filing of Article 50 but on the final deal. I think the Tillbrook application will fall on those grounds.
I could be wrong.
I will be delighted to be proved wrong!”
Unfortunately, there is another even stronger reason why the Tillbrook application will fall. It is asking for a reversal of time, something a Court cannot grant.
For example, suppose a certain Customs Duty had to be applied to a good passing into or out of the UK on Saturday 30 March. Or today, assuming no-one was transporting goods on the Sabbath. Cough, cough. That Duty would have been leviable but the inspection and payment opportunity has gone, never to return. The Law cannot turn back the clock. Except in March and October, and that under Statute not Case Law.
I really cannot see a Judge upholding Mr Tillbrook’s application but I would sure like him to!
That would be a miracle!!
What typified, to me, both the weakness of the Remainers’ arguments and the bias of the BBC, was the Marr interview with David Gauke. He came out, naturally unchallenged by Marr, with the old “if we crash out we will lose access to intelligence data from Europe and our country will be at risk”. Really?
Firstly he is saying that we have neither politicians, civil servants or Intelligence services that could negotiate a reciprocal agreement (almost certainly already done) and, secondly, the EU is so evil that they would rather forego access to the country with the best intelligence gathering facilities in the world, bar the USA, and put their own populace at risk rather than appear weak at the negotiating table.
If that is one of the main legs of “Project Fear” it goes to show how weak the project is, and how desperate Remainers are.
They are also rerunning the ‘planes won’t fly’ one.
“the EU is so evil”
“and put their own populace at risk rather than appear weak at the negotiating table.”
European leaders since WW2 have deliberately put Europeans at risk.
We are anti globalist.
Next EU project is Verhostat’s beloved EuroAfrican union where 1BN organisms from 10,000 BC outvote us.
Brussels in flames soon, with the lovely smell of burning Eurocrat flesh in the air, for all patriots to savour.
Agreed. This line of reasoning seems to be that the EU are such complete and utter bastards that they would rather let terrorists murder people than agree a sensible data sharing agreement. And yet the solution to this dilemma is that we must stay tied to this bunch of obvious psychopaths!
popeye, think Israeli Intelligence is pretty good at what they do, up there with the best of ours and the Americans.
However, I am reminded that our Intelligent services did not exactly cover themselves in glory during the Skripal Affair last year.
April 1, 2019.
The campaign of fake news against Donald Trump continues unchecked at Sky with their latest headline “New book claims Trump ‘cheats at the highest level’ on the golf course”
Having followed golf all my life, I have never once seen Donald Trump playing in a tournament.
LOL, they’re really scraping the barrel now! What’s next?
‘President Trump sneaked a hotel onto Mayfair when I wasn’t looking…’
Robert Mueller has finished his report, but we won’t see it in full until mid-April.
You’ve heard from the politicians. You’ve listened to the pundits. But what do average Americans have to say about the two-year saga?
We answer your questions and ask: where do we go from here? #CutThroughTheNoise
Not heard a lot about Turkey on BBC apart from a small bit on radio 4..Are they sad that a popular vote seems to be fighting back ?
All morning the Brussels Broadcasting have been pushing project fear and the strength of a customs union..when are they going to make it clear that this is the withdrawal and not the agreement ..I really can’t watch Breakfast anymore…
I have started watching ITV – Piers Morgans is a breath of fresh air..although Susanna Reid should really work for the BBC …
Parliament is voting on the next James Bond this am.
David Lammy has complained that Idris Elba has been excluded from the shortlist and wants the whole issue put to the people. Diane Abbott has put herself forward, claiming it’s time for a non male Bond, the role of Pussy Galore having been ruled out. Kenneth Clarke has confused everyone by confusing James Bond with Bulldog Drummond.
The only thing Parliament can agree on is that T May would make a very good Blofeld, but can’t find a cat that will go within ten feet of her. The RSPCA has got involved.
An opinion poll has revealed that the public thinks that, at last, Parliament is doing something useful, but perhaps Goldfinger could plant a bomb under the HoP. Corbyn said that this sort of violence would come naturally to someone with “Gold” in their name. Ken Livingstone agrees.
You ought to issued a trigger warning that your post could conjure up some very unpleasant images. Abbott and Pussy Galore has had me wretching for the past 15 minutes.
I know, sorry, I had second thoughts about it myself.
How about Chew Mee instead?
Content personal not BBC.
Received my new driving licence today.
I have to return the, now expired licence, cut in two.
But there is problem, my old licence is incomplete.
When I applied for the, now expired licence, I had already decided to cut the ****ing EU flag out of it.
I did remove the EU symbol when the licence arrived.
To help the DVLA I will cut the EU flag out of my new licence and return the tainted part with my old licence!
All the correspondence from the DVLA was signed “Customer Service Team”.
Customer? Central and local Government organisations do not have one customer between them.
A customer is someone who has a choice.
If your “customers” had a choice they would choose not to receive many of the expensive, inefficient, otiose, “services” you provide.
Provision whose aims are the public sector staff as a beneficiary, rather than the “customers”.
Those services which your “customers” would like to continue to receive, they would choose to receive from the private sector.
Meanwhile, for variety.
I might have climate change anxiety if I believed a word from the BBC.
Could we prosecute the BBC for inciting anxiety and depression among impressionable teenagers and young people with (proven) fake news about climate change? Could it be classed as ‘grooming’ perhaps?
Last week it was maths anxiety….
apparently people get anxious when dealing with numbers and maths exams..duhhh most people get anxious when trying to doing an exam or something they are not confident at…it’s bloody normal
I get bloody anxious listening to the BBC..will they report on that?
genuinely looked at that twitter image and was like OH MY GOD whats growing on her chin…
Holy shit is this climate change 🙂
Hey up fellow Posters.
is all the news relating to may’s Illegal extension true. I can’t believe she would have made a mistake like that. or that brexiteers let is a slip by too.
If this does pan-out to have been an illegal extension May’s problem will not be her removal through lack of confidence but removal by men-in-white-coats due to ‘diminished responsibility’
” I can’t believe she would have made a mistake like that…..”. Bit like calling the last election? She is completely disaster ridden.
The Gisela Stuart story mentioned above as
“Gisela Stuart has failed to apologise for Vote Leave overspending…”
The actual BBC web story 2019-03-31 16:02:06 UTC is titled
“Brexit fine: Ex-Vote Leave chairwoman does not apologise over spend”
… Em what a weird title. It does not parse as proper English.
It being a news story yes you, use the present tense to describe something that happened in the past.
There are two states before you apologise and after you apologised
so the normal usage would be “refuses to apologise”, “declines to apologise etc.”
The html includes title they use for linking to the story
..and that also has weird English
..”No spending apology from ex-Vote Leave chief”
Secondly if we use Newssniffer to look the BBC story we can see that they added only one later edit
I wonder why they left that out of the original story
..when it completely undermines their narrative ??
It also fails to recognise that the Leave campaign acted on the advice of the Electoral Commission themselves – advice that was later deemed to be wrong.
Guido’s points
#1 Kafka-esque fine , cos
“at every stage [Vote Leave] were rule compliant according to the legal advice we were given at that time” – a point upheld by the High Court
#2 Remain vastly outspent Leave
Remain spent £6 Million more and had the added benefit of the £9 Million instruction leaflet from the “government”. It also had the entire civil service and the ‘foghorn of state’ via the BBC and fellow useful idiots – and STILL they screwed up.
The message does not seem to have got through to parliament as their connection with the public seems to be stuck in ‘download-only’ mode.
and lets not forget the EC steadfastly refuse to investigate the remain campaign
To check what is going on with a story you put the URL into Twitter
Here we can see hundreds of Remainers making sneery comments
.. ie the result of the BBC story has been to provide a platform for that sneering and hate.
Meanwhile a mixed-race female rapper is forced to admit to drugging and robbing men… and the BBC say she’s “defended herself” from criticism.
“Sadly Christopher Booker has had to give up his column for the Sunday Telegraph because of ill health.”
I hope I speak for everyone at BBBC.
Thank you Mr Booker for your great contribution to UK freedom.
We all wish you well.
It was Messrs Booker & North’s book that stoked my original Euroscepticism. Up to then I couldn’t understand why people wouldn’t want to be in a mutually-beneficial trading group.
Once the scales fell, it transformed my outlook. It’s sad to hear, and just a pity that Richard North is such an intolerant curmudgeon that I couldn’t stand to follow his website any longer.
Has anyone thought about the recent deal signed between the eu and Japan.
It appears to be having some effect (Honda and Nissan) relocating back to japan or reducing production.
Have you thought who might benefit from this eu japan deal.
BMW, Audi, VW, Mercedes perhaps.
You are right. The UK was very successful in attracting Japanese investment in its car industry in the 1980s, much to the chagrin of the French and Germans. This is payback.
People who believe that the EU somehow “protects” Britain are naïve idiots. They want our money, and have had half a trillion pounds since 1973. They want our fishing grounds. They want to do down our industry and agriculture. The French in particular hate Britain, and the EU has given them the perfect opportunity to bleed us dry and destroy our industries. More fool us for letting them do it for 46 years.
On the second page of the Weekend thread, towards the end, there’s a truly excellent and revealing speech from AfD co-leader Dr. Alice Weidel to the EU in Brussels – posted by the General. Perhaps its only downside is the lack of a packed parliament chamber, but there are still sufficient for the applause to show an overall level of approval somewhat at variance with the picture the BBC prefers to paint.
If you missed it I urge you to scroll back, sit back, and listen to some of the most lucid, bold and incisive words on the subject of Brexit yet broadcast. Not sure when she gave her speech, it may well have been some time ago, but its relevance is constant and the message she gives is both revealing and damning.
Two of the most salient points are: that Cameron, for all his weakness and cowardice at the finish, actually had some very good ideas which had they been adopted, or even considered, might have resulted in a very different scenario to that we currently enjoy, and secondly that the malign influence of France – spiteful, petty and malicious France, still desperate to regain some semblance of Napoleonic grandeur – has been a major factor throughout the politically engineered ‘negotiations’.
Seems as though I’ve been fortunately prescient in promoting the above, since J R-M evidently shares my enthusiasm. Of course, the ‘Independent’ links his approval for the ‘far right’ AfD to a speech supporting the concept of shooting immigrants – though the innovative idea came from Frauke Petry, not Alice Weidel, but just as with the Guardian, unsupportive facts are best left out of investigative journalism.
Again, it’s well worth reading the Independent’s view of Jacob’s support. As a truly scurrilous piece of deliberate mis-association it’s very much in the Guardian/BBC style – the only saving grace being that fewer and fewer are being influenced by such juvenile propaganda.
Beltane – the problem with the clapping- as I pointed out in my comment – is that it is unfortunately ONLY the AfD politicians who clap! The rest of the politicians (if you look closely) do not – they wouldn’t be caught supporting ANYTHING the AfD does or says. And the reason the Parliament is empty is because AfD are speaking … It’s a disgrace but unfortunately the way they work here.
There ARE Germans who understand the reasons behind Britain wanting to leave – but I fear they are in the minority.
Just found this comment by someone getting worked up about the “dumbness” of German commentators on the “Achgut” website:
“To all writers of letters to the editor who find the British lower house tone chaotic and British voting disorganised, I strongly recommend that they look at the daily nonsense meticulously structured into European bureaucracy and the thousands of contradictory decisions, as well as the undemocratic methods, the mafia-like structures of an overflowing bureaucratic monster where the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. All this is being financed by force and without serious accountability, and our money is being irresponsibly squandered in the EU. Please also remember that many states act against each other for their own interests (migrants) and that reporting on the EU has nothing in common with reality. Please also remember the ruinous monetary policy of the ECB, which can only lead to ruin, even if you don’t want to admit it. If that still doesn’t convince you that the EU is a poorly organised money destruction machine which is still acceptable to recipient countries, but certainly not to a donor country like England, then I ask you, where is your indignation at an EU Commission President Juncker who has repeatedly and for years been so drunk that he has to be supported by several Heads of State (from recipient countries) on official occasions? Outrage should not be an automatic group-dynamic process, but the result of one’s own reflection!”
Says it all really …
My mistake Frustrated, the speech was in the Bundestag, in Germany, not to the EP in Brussels, so the partisan splits in the audience are understandable. Much like our own Parliament, MPs are unlikely to applaud an opposition speech, no matter how accurate and incontrovertible it might be – it’s another illustration of how childish politics has always been.
Still, the AfD are already Germany’s third largest party, and no doubt due to become an even larger thorn in Brussel’s side after the Euro-elections next month.
PS And now I’ve gone back to read your reply of yesterday Frustrated, I see you’ve already made the point – in rather more detail!
Mon 1 Apr 2019 08.00 BST Guardian Opinion
“Remainers, take note: much of Europe just wants to excise the British cancer
Charles Grant
In Brussels, there is despair at the incompetence, ignorance and irresponsibility of the UK political class over Brexit
Charles Grant is director of the Centre for European Reform”
For European reform, I bet he is, we all know how the EU wishes to reform in the future.
The Centre for European Reform has a Wikipedia article – in French!
“Cancer” Thank you Mr Grant.
“The EU expects no deal because it does not trust British politicians not to screw up.”
No, the EU is miffed because it had the audacity to create its own no-leave no Brexit “deal”.
Which, strangely, UK patriots do not want.
“Angela Merkel fears the geopolitical consequences of an estrangement between the UK and the EU27; it would weaken the west just when it was facing severe challenges from illiberal forces in Russia, China and the US.”
EU army. No European states. Supression and repression well past 1984 standards. Trillions more lovely non Europeans.
Brexit is an expression of our disgust at the illiberal forces present in the EEC, sorry the EU.
“Many senior figures worry that if the UK prevaricates or stays it will distract the EU from other pressing challenges, contaminate European politics with its weird Eurosceptic attitudes and block further integration.”
Weird, contaminate, further integration!
The best example of lies and nonsense about Brexit that the Guardian has yet produced.
No comments allowed.
Grant is now on my list, the highest ranking addition this year.
Jon Snow ( I’ve never seen so many white people) to present
the Antiques Road Show!
Does that mean it’s the end of May on the first of April????
Got a link? cant find anything after googling?
Paedo channel !!! Belter.
ITTB commenters raise issue of tech-sabotage
#1 Some of the demonstrators including Tommy and his team, were struggling to stream their live youtube videos from Parliament Square.
David Vance said the police had throttled internet access.
#2 the strange episode in the civil case in court (Peterborough) where TR’s counsel was due to sum up – she had to confess to the judge that she had somehow “locked herself out of her laptop”
#3 In Manchesterd TR also reported the people trying to edit/render Panodrama kept experiencing techno probs of type they had never experienced before. and had to rush out & buy a new PC .
First signs of Third World living showing up in France –