BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: ERG Vice Chairman Mark Francois writes explosive letter to 1922 Committee Chairman demanding an ‘indicative vote’ for Tory MPs on whether they back Theresa May’s leadership before she attends the European Council on Wednesday
If I were the BBC, given the public outcry about their anti-Brexit bias, I would play it smart and make JUST ONE programme where there were equal numbers of Remainers and Leavers.
The BBC might on rare occasions pay lip service to the quaint notion of impartiality but, especially where Brexit is concerned, they don’t really care. They know they have the government on their side.
We need the leaver on every bbc show to point out live on the show that they are the only leaver on the panel.
Just as Charles Moore and JHB have done on Remainer Time.
Of course, it won’t work on shows like HIGNFY as there are no leavers allowed on the show (unless they want one to gang up on all the way through the show) and they can happily repeat the same jokes about Trump, Farage and leave.
What a pathetic excuse for a satire show HIGNFY became following the forced departure of Angus Deayton. The same disease afflicted Private Eye following the departure of Richard Ingrams and Peter Cook. For me, both HIGNFY & Private Eye are now no-go areas . Shame.
Couldn’t agree more Lefty. Angus was the only one quick-witted enough to keep the pair of prima-donnas in their place. The way in which they connived to get him out was as shameful as their preening performances have been ever since.
Merton in particular who stares off to the left whenever he is not the centre of attention was a major factor in my decision to watch something, anything, on another channel. I am a better person as a consequence, if overweight thanks to fast-food ads.
As for PE, I stopped buying that way back after the Goldenballs fiasco. Taking readers’ money to fight a case which promptly collapsed was not the way to retain loyalty.
Russia may consider scrapping its troublesome aircraft carrier #Kuznetsov.
The only carrier in Russian Navy has
And it has history of technical & operational failures.
Last year, sinking of drydock caused dock’s cranes to fall onto carrier, damaging it beyond repair.
So Channel 4 Dispatches do you have #ProjectFear stuff to push at us at 8pm today?
One of their trailers
"Without the European staff, we wouldn't have enough people to run this home."
Dispatches reveals 60% of care homes say recruitment has become more difficult since the EU referendum, with many struggling to fill job vacancies with British workers.
— Channel 4 Dispatches (@C4Dispatches) April 8, 2019
Times : Foreign drivers exploit UK loophole
OK Australians etc. don’t have to sit a test to drive in UK
but neither do 50 other countries
150,000 people got a UK licence that way in 2018
that’s double what it was 10 years ago.
Needless to say, if any pupils in the 70’s wore badges which revealed they were gay or uncertain about their sexuality, they’d have the living snot kicked out of them.
As long as it doesn’t interfere with me, I couldn’t give a stuff whether people want to identify as a bloody rabbit or giraffe, BUT (and look away now, cos I’m going ‘graphic’), I would rather wear a nappy all day then enter a public toilet used by both sexes.
If the oddities want to have access to both, then the answer is to provide a 3rd loo to keep them happy.
There is a bumper sticker in the USA using three toilet symbols.
If you should use this toilet – male symbol.
But you follow my wife or daughter into this toilet – female symbol.
You’ll need this toilet – disabled symbol.
I don’t think that Sopel has reported on that one.
Where are the calls to boycott taxis and corner shops ? you can be sure “they” all have the same opinion whether they express it or not, until the day they outnumber us then you will see the real meaning of far right
My wife works in this field and so do many of my friends – being vets and teaching at major Vet schools…their opinion of the last few years of students is that most of them (by default, females) are not up to the job..there is a problem with UK trained vets staying in the field (no pun intended) and many are now from Europe. The problem will only get worse as fewer and fewer males come through – Most of my vet friends are european. How about some positive discrimination for UK males?
I guess medicine and teaching is in a similar position .
Make teachers must be really up against it now that there is an assumption that they are paedophiles .
Why does May need to keep going to the eu asking for extensions.
She must know that all she needs to do is ring up Murkle and tell her to stick a few more weeks onto the current extension and it will happen.
The eu will carry on giving extensions forever, it suits them as they expect our traitors in cessminster to deny us democracy bit by bit and eventually find a way to stay in.
Of course, they will be well paid for each extension and they will (pretend to) grumble about it but it’s what they want.
We will have our day.
That’s a given.
It’s just going to take a bit longer. They can’t undo the result and we’re not going away.
They will want either a50 withdrawn by the May EU elections or us gone by then – or sold out – of course .
Macron really needs to do a DeGalle on Thursday and partly return the favour 75 years after D Day .
Her constituents voted to leave. She is a remainer.
She is going against those who voted for her.
Maybe next time they will vote in someone who will represent them instead of someone who opposes them.
Half a dozen people interviewed ‘on the street’ and nobody supported her. They were against the vandalism but they understood why it happened. (Look North News, 18:00 tonight)
I wonder how many people were interviewed and they couldn’t find anyone to support the remainer mp.
Rightly or wrongly this sort of thing is going to become more regular.
The decent honest, quiet, one time law abiding citizen is now getting cheesed off with being called racist, thick, bigoted, little Englanders, xenophobic, etc. They won’t be lied to any more by the main stream media and the politicians, are totally fed up of being lectured to and force fed mass bullshit.
The more Treason May turns leave into remain, with none of the ‘perks’ of being at the high table of the EUSSR the more people are going to start breaking the law and taking direct action and at this point in time I’m not ashamed to say I can understand why.
This is the latest photo of Theresa May. She has been detained under Section 2 of the Mental Health Act (1983). She needs urgent treatment for a mental health disorder which provides a great risk of harm to Britain.
Richard Pinder
The EU want her to stay. Looks like we are heading for the EU elections .
A complete betrayal ?
Vote UKIP to save the UK and to save democracy.
Anyone but the Cons, Lab, Lib or Greens. Either traitors and democracy deniers or enviromentallists that would take us back to the Stone Age using Ox for transport and wearing jumpers made from our own hair and drinking our own urine.
He also seemed genuinely shocked when I referred to Vince Cable as a four letter word.
She was used tonight in the Tory Party Political Advert for the May 5th Local Council elections, which otherwise made some good points about Labour councils records
.. Why did they use May ? I wonder if people in the Tory PR operation are really Labour plants
Is anyone aware of any high profile prisoners being in court today? Has the bbc or MSM reported anything? I was passing through Bradford earlier (some of us have to) and there was a prison van being escorted by so many police you would have thought it was the Kray twins being escorted. At least 4 motorcycles and several large police vehicles surrounding the van. I think one of the coppers thought he was part of the A team hanging out of the window waving at motorists to keep back.
Maybe they were the hate crime squad transporting someone who had misgendered a tranny
Now that we know the State is ‘ consulting ‘( ha ha) over censorship of internet – we’d bettr get a list of terms which Big Brother will declare illegal and close the sites in the interest of
‘ community safety ‘
It’s sad that kids top themselves through misuse of the internet but not sufficient excuse for more State Repression . Labour will carry it through because the Tory party will be just a memory soon …
Just had a “cool” conversation with my 56 yr old Nephew over the subject dear to all of our hearts. Brexit.
You wouldn’t believe it guys n gals but after all these years he’s only just told me that in the 2016 referendum he had voted to “remain” in the EU.
I could hardly speak when he told me. Methinks his secrecy only confirms how PM May has duped him/behaved towards the 15 and one half million voters. I just can’t believe he would vote for that lot in the EU as he tends to criticise all things EU?
A lot of people are lucky enough not to give a damn and as long as the phones are cheap in Spain and the queues aren’t longer at the airports in the Summer -who gives a damn -politicians lie any way so why bother ( a generalisation – l know -but plenty of people are more interested in “thrones”
The Conservative party MPs have known Mrs May for decades, they must all know what she’s like and what she’s capable of doing and saying. And yet they appointed her as Prime Minister.
Therefore, they must all, all of them, be complicit in this three year long charade. They are all guilty of treason and they’ve made fools of all of us for naively believing they think and act like we normal people.
But maybe enough of us have had our eyes opened such that we’ll be able to find representatives who will begin to drain the swamp. In the HoP and in the Civil Service, the judiciary and the police. And not forgetting our favourite collective hive, the far-left bbc.
If Brexit has achieved anything it has opened an awful lot of eyes and pointed up numerous truths. A lot of people are now far more educated on the EU, government, politics and the law. All thanks to Brexit.
Is that billy goat Corbyn and mad cow May huddled together for mutual support out there in that miserable field as the wolves close in ?
I was thinking – you know – perhaps the reason various elements of the MSM react so violently to mention of Brexit Polls that they know in their heads that the majority still wants to leave .so the polls aren’t making the News . It’s just that people feel it .
Examples from today BBC Daily Politics, C4-Snow – the ethnic one and the German one on LBC .
Gerard Batten says Newsnight is planning a hatchet job to try & damage UKIP’s vote in the local elections on 2nd May. They got in touch with someone who used to work for him.
That kind of supports my point . Luckily who watches newsnight apart from the Bubble and saddos with a domination complex over Emily the ice queen ..
Local Election turnout ? Less than 30% overall ? Or – a massive turnout to exterminate the so called Conservative party ?
Well they certainly won’t damage my UKIP vote in this area’s local elections … cos there isn’t one UKIP candidate standing! Only choice is Con/Lab/Lib/Green so I shall be making the effort to go and spoil my vote with the Non of the Above box.
It mentions the high birth rates in Africa but for some reason it doesn’t mention the dramatic effect on global warming this causes…. ah I see, wrong narrative on this occasion.
Also gloats at how the French language will become a melting pot of French and Arabic. Hmmm, has anyone asked the French how they feel about this??
The ‘Wreckers’ Bill’ is back before the House this evening, with amendments to consider and vote upon, but its sole objective remains unchanged, and is plain for all to see – to frustrate, delay, and ultimately stop #Brexit. #notinmyname
Our Tory Councillor (Labour controlled won by 1% point) came today in his car, on his own to put his election begging letter through doors in our road.
In his flyer he promises to work to prioritize, Road Maintenance, Speeding and Crime.
He also says it wasn’t his fault we now have to pay for our garden waste bins!
I never get pamplets from either Labour or Tory in any elections, but today I had TWO from 2 different candidates representing UKIP ! clearly they are doing the legwork.
Just before the clip above (Lucy’s post) started there was an intervention:
… Yasmin Qureshi (Bolton South East) (Lab)
I thank the hon. Gentleman for giving way, but does he not agree that words such as “humiliation”, “submission”, “begging”, “traitors”, “hang them” and “violence” are not appropriate in these types of debate?
Sir William Cash
They most emphatically are, because, unlike what has been going on in this House, which is a perversion and a distortion of our constitutional arrangements, the very essence of our position is to defend democracy, to defend the vote that was taken by the British people, and to stand up for the repeal of the European Communities Act 1972, which was passed and is the law of the land. That is where we are right now.
And just after that clip finished there was the following:
Ms Angela Eagle (Wallasey) (Lab)
On a point of order, Mr Speaker. Is it really in order for a Member of this House to try to delegitimise other Members of this House, all of whom have our own mandates from our constituencies, simply because he does not agree with what we agree with?
Watching a BBC2 program from earlier, A House Through Time.
The focus is on a Newcastle Victorian town house. We’ve reached the 1840’s and already we’ve found that a burglary in the 1830’s was carried out by a mixed race child and now we have the program’s presenter, Nigerian David Olusoga chatting to local Labour MP Chi Onwurah, all about the Victorian history of Newcastle. Onwurah doesn’t give a good impression of her academic prowess.
One might be sceptical of why the BBC chose this house out of millions of other Victorian houses in the country and this presenter. This is a good program but yet again tainted but the BBC finding the need to ram in diversity and lead us to believe that Britain was not really as white as it was when we were kids. Not to mention what cnuts the Victorian gentry were for sending the aforementioned thief on a long boat trip to Australia, on who the program focuses.
Mixed race back in those days can only mean one parent – very likely the father, was very wealthy or aristocracy. A white working class woman would not have risked being an outcast (no pun intended).
I followed yesterday’s activity in the Lords and what became clear is that the attempt to avoid a no deal on Friday is not watertight and could fail. In their haste to have the Cooper bill passed they could not cover all possibilities and I will be delighted if we end up leaving with no deal precisely because of the bill.
Sadly I believe the bill has been passed. It received Royal Ascent yesterday evening? Time to consider the future of the Monarchy. Fitness for purpose?
What’s not clear is the outcome of debate between the treasonist tories and the communists. That still has legs and could yet result in further stitch-ups.
In other news the al Beeb inform that traitor PM is on a whistle stop tour of EUSSR capital cities. Taking further instruction on how to destroy the UK from Micron and The Evil One no doubt.
“Time to consider the future of the Monarchy. Fitness for purpose?”
I think it is the future of Parliament in its present form that should be under consideration. Every MP in the HoC has been sent there by the voting public.
If people are stupid enough to keep on voting for the parties that have been inflicting damage on this country, not just over Brexit, but for decades, they only have themselves to blame.
Rosette on donkey syndrome is the issue, blue and red. People need to either tear themselves away from their mindless “bread and circuses” and take an intelligent interest in what is really happening, or stop whining and blaming others.
Rotherham continued to vote Labour after 1400 rapes. Hopeless. Can’t blame that depth of block-headed stupidity on the Monarchy, the EU, Trump, bankers or the Russians.
There is a lot of sense in what you say but do you trust that votes are being tallied correctly? Legally? With the level of corruption we’ve seen over the last 20 years I’m afraid I don’t.
I have been saying this repeatedly – do not expect the result of elections and the next referendum to operate with a fair system of counting votes. Bags of ballot papers will vanish and van loads may disappear.
The elites have learned through their cover up of terrorist attacks that you can fool and cheat the people, even though a large number may know what is going on.
I don’t know how precise the counting system is but, knowing S Yorkshire reasonably well, and a few others besides, I feel pretty sure that people are voting like sheep and then whining about the consequences of their laziness.
This is has been a problem for a long time and I have serious doubts about the ability of anyone, or any organisation, to maintain a conspiracy, and to keep it quiet, for year after year.
If the forces against us were so effective, I’m sure that the outcome of the Brexit referendum would have been remain.
Without donning my tin foil hat I do believe that the elites have found ways to keep large numbers quiet for many years. After a while people despair at the prospects of being believed.
As for the Leave victory, I merely suggest that dirty tricks were actually afoot and that votes did disappear, hence the confidence of the remainers until the very end. But not enough leave votes were destroyed.
C_M, me, too. A hole in the Bill would help. Or a legal challenge that Parliament has exceeded the authority of the Law that accorded Parliament its subsequent votes.
The miracle needed for Friday has grown bigger since yesterday but it may still come.
Or maybe God is abandoning the previously blessed UK to teach us a hard lesson. Note well that Israel has been there before – many times – as a nation.
Now is the day of salvation. It might be a really good time to repent, pray and plead for deliverance.
Women have now replaced Muslims as the BBC fad of the moment. These fads (previously it was disabled , transgender etc etc) seem to have a gestation of around 3 years. So expect every hero to be a heroine and not a white over 50 male in sight…..oh and you’ll have to pay for it or go to jail.
Not quite, the 85% indigeneous license paying UK is still being largely ignored and this racist, sexist, homophobic minority feted on the bbc despite the millions of chinese, hindus, sikhs and jews etc generally living in peace and getting on with their lives without desperately attempting to subvert the country to their selfish intolerant ways:
The rise of male ‘modest’ fashion
Could one of the next big fashion trends be Islamic male modest fashion?
Turkish criminal is allowed to stay in the UK after judge rules his GANG membership shows he is ‘socially and culturally integrated’ in Britain
Tolga Binbuga convicted of burglary, robbery, assault and criminal damage
The Turkish national was allowed to stay in UK because of his gang membership
Judge ruled his gang ties showed he was ‘socially and culturally integrated’ in UK
The 29-year-old came to Britain when he was nine and never applied for UK citizenship.
When the Home Office tried to deport Binbuga his lawyers appealed saying he was a ‘home grown criminal’,
That decision was overturned by the Home Office under appeal in 2017 with judges finding Judge Ruth had ‘erred in law’ by stating that gang membership showed a level of socially integration.
Judges ruled there was no compelling reason to prevent Binbuga’s deportation.
The ruling stated: ‘Membership of a pro-criminal gang shows a lack of such acceptance [of cultural integration]. It demonstrates disdain for the rule of law.’
Binbuga then appealed again, running up at least £50,000 in legal fees, before being rejected last week
The real far right : wheres the whingeing BBC when you need them ?? wrong colour for this story ?
Rwandan war crimes suspects living in Britain: Police probe five men over atrocities committed during genocide 25 years ago that killed an estimated 800,000 people
An estimated 800,000 Rwandans died in the Rwandan genocide 25 years ago
Police are investigating five people living in the UK over allegations relating to it
Met Police spokesman confirmed the force’s war crimes unit received a referral
Was listening to the r4 news at 6 this morning. BBC very quiet about the bill passed in the Lords last night ruling out no deal brexit.
I am just wondering whether this is some sort of attempt to protect the upper house which is stuffed full of even more traitors than the commons.
People are getting angry and if the final nail in the coffin of brexit was seen to be driven in by a legislative body full of non elected traitors (as opposed to the elected variety in the Commons) it could well be the blue touch paper that will make many more people realise how completely corrupt and not fit for purpose “our” Government has become.
I have to be honest – I was quite pro royalist. but if the Queen waves this travesty of democracy through – I am now beginning to think what is their purpose?
Their one chance to stand up for the British people and democracy , and be relavent and they blew it.
“I was quite pro royalist. but if the Queen waves this travesty of democracy through – I am now beginning to think what is their purpose?”
Me too Oak – and I’m feeling badly let down. We know that, especially at her age, the Queen’s main concern will be the survival and continuation of the Monarchy. We are also suspicious of her ‘advisors’. But surely she must have some inkling of the blatant lies, the stupidity, and the obvious abuse of all our democratic and constitutional principles? We know she has no real power, but she could, and should, withhold Royal Assent.
Sad to say, Her Majesty, acting on the advice of her Ministers, has been in breach of the Bill of Rights, Her Coronation Oath, & our Constitution since 1973. The final Surrender Agreement is the final nail in the coffin. She knows all this perfectly well.
Nah she just wants to keep the job . Her other big gigs are the toy Commonwealth and handing out gongs to truly dodgy people -I cite the redundant ‘Upper House ‘ as chief example .
What they have done with the brexit rubber stamping negates the routine justification for their existence . If the place fell into the Thames would anyone miss them or even notice … ?
Oh, so it looks like someone else just automatically signs it off on HMQ’s behalf anyway (bloody disgrace).
Our cross party Bill now has Royal Assent. Parliament has voted tonight against the damage & chaos that No Deal would cause for jobs, manufacturing, medicine supplies, policing & security.
The teacher at the centre of the row over LGBT lessons has told Sky News he received a death threat and has been given advice from police about how he travels to and from school.
Andrew Moffat, the assistant head teacher at Parkfield Community School in Birmingham, wrote the No Outsiders programme that is used to teach diversity and equality in some schools.
Protests by mainly Muslim parents who object to their children learning about same-sex relationships have now spread from Parkfield to other schools in Birmingham and beyond.
We’re told that the likas of Mr Moffat and the rest of his ilk in the chattering classes are intelligent, empathetic, intuitive and understanding, Much more so than the Brexit brutes they pity and despise, an intellectual and political ‘elite’.
And yet they continually prove themselves to be as thick as pigshit.
Regardless of the rights or wrongs, if this man, who had apparently encountered a similar response to his LGBT endeavours at the school he taught at prior to moving to 99% Muslim Parkfield School, didn’t realise that he would cause offence with his ‘No Outsiders’ campaign then he shouldn’t be teaching. But he did know.
He’s a self-righteous, arrogant fool, agenda-driven and indulged, and a danger to others not only himself.
Thats not the point if we “cause offence” to a certain minority because of their prejudices, contrary to OUR laws tough shit, they knew OUR laws or should have done, when they bowed and scraped and lied to get a UK passport, and if they issue death threats they should be arrested and as a priority above someone “tweeting” something that causes offence
What I’m saying is that our political, educational and media ‘elite’, with the bBC proudly at the forefront, are blinded by ideology and doctrine and arrogant ambition. It was Muslims who were offended here but equally many Christians are concerned by the attempts of the ‘progressives’ to indoctrinate our children at an ever younger age, to remove parental choice, to promote certain lifestyles over others. I’m neither Muslim or a regular church goer and I would not want my children being ‘programmed’ in this way either. I, as a parent, will decide when my children learn about such lifestyle issues not a gay man on a mission.
I despise Islam, it frightens me because it threatens my culture unhindered and the sense of entitlement that so many Muslims within our shores exhibit offends me deeply. I deplore the way in which their threats of violence and their intolerance is shaping our society, a society they want no part of but all of.
My point about Mr Moffat is that so many like him believe themselves to be answerable to no-one, cocooned in a culture of self-contentment and although sometimes challenged, confident that their status will allow them to ride roughshod over others. In this case, against such an unforgiving foe, he should have known that he would meet real resistance. He did but believes his cause to be more worthy. I don’t think he picked his fight too wisely or got the support he expected and is used to demanding.
Perhaps Mr Moffat could volunteer for a term of remedial teaching in our universities which run sessions for students lacking a decent standard in Maths and English – more important than LGBT skills.
As for the Moslems they are not disadvantaged. High grades for being a member of an oppressed minority.
Im afraid I have to offend a lot of people on this site and say on this occasion I am totally with the muslims in Alum Rock…..totally.If that offends I’m sorry.
Teaching 5,6 and 7 year olds this stuff is just wrong….in fact primary age its just wrong.Children have their innocence and should be learning basic concepts in primary School not complex social and sexual conudrums.This is something that white British Conservative families should be fighting against too…..there is a big difference between indoctrination and education……..
Yes I am with the Families on this one………
I should have made my position clearer, as I may have done in earlier discussions. Whilst I cannot agree with the reasons given by the families I most strongly agree that on this occasion they are right to object to LBGBT teaching 5,6,7 year olds. The state has pushed too far with their social experiments. Several of my Christian and agnostic friends are taking up home schooling for a number of reasons other than the LGBYX issue.
Instead of concentrating their efforts on appeasing the “alternative lifestyle” brigade , the teaching profession should be instilling young minds with subjects they can mentally cope with, and the teaching of any sexual subject is something they cannot absorb until much older. They discover ‘differences’ in their own way – who doesn’t remember the “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours’ scenario as kids ? which was all totally innocent.
Toddlers who are still in the throes of believing in Father Christmas should not be subjected to the whys and wherefores of sexual habits. Dear Lord its bad enough being old enough and registering disgust when realising that Mum and Dad actually ‘did it’ , without inflicting those mental pictures on little ones.
It doesn’t really matter whether we leave with or without a deal, the reputations of the government and the BBC are permanently scarred.
Maybe they believe their own hype and that the most embittered members of the public will be dying off anyway and replaced by young naive voters, even as I write, so what does a bit of failed democracy count for eh? Come on, forgive and forget and get free mobiles for a year. Hurrah!
Little do ‘they’ know. I intend to live forever. So far, so good.
Ladies Day. The BBC’s Leading Ladies ask Leading Questions.
Mishal Husain’s leading questions interviewing Daniel Kawczynski MP (R4 at 6.52am approx.) were a disgrace and in a Court of Law would have attracted the displeasure, if not the sanction, of the sitting Judge. The nasty tone within Mishal’s voice gave the game away. That cannot be disguised, a beautiful face can distract but the voice can reveal the heart.
Martha Kearney appears to be on a taxpayer-funded jolly to Israel to cover the General Election, despite there being competent BBC Middle East correspondents already in place, even though the Middle East Editor, Mark Bowen, is on sick leave. (Good wishes for treatment and recovery, Mark, even if I don’t like your reporting and biases.) Martha interviews two ladies and also asks them leading questions.
In one of the interviews purporting to have been held in Israel I swear I detected signs of a Mancunian accent from the Pallie who was complaining about the Joos restricting his water supply.
Do we know that the BBC sent anyone to cover the elections in Israel?
I see that censorship of the internet in the UK is now a step closer. The government claims it is designed to protect young and vulnerable people from unsavoury elements roaming the net. But that worthy cause is just a Trojan horse , the real reason is that they can control the news and communication of information , which of course they label fake, that they don’t like. The rule of the entire world by a Globalist oligarchy is moving ever closer.
No doubt taking note of t he way the Chinese censor. That would be the UK Government’s ‘Gold Standard’. They’re sure getting ‘tooled up’ to make the transition. Voters don’t count any more.
Remember the Order brought in to control terrorism? First victim an OAP at the Labour Conference for heckling, followed by local authorities using it for improper use of wheelie bins. And we are supposed to think it wouldn’t be used to control criticism of politicians, councils, quangos, the media and civil servants. Yeah, alright
Has anyone pointed out the dominance of the letter M for all these awful leaders? A few months ago there were four Ms that I wanted to be sacked. Mourinho is the only one who has gone so far, but May, Macron and Mutti Merkel are still there repressing us.
We have the Moggster to help the side of reason and democracy but he is getting nowhere against these Monsters and Maniacs.
Demon, Fedup – Now, I came away from Toady with the letter ‘B’ on my brain. The little language game around ‘Brexit’ started it. By courtesy of the Beeb. Beep.
For one, L Ducet kindly threw light on the debate around ‘The Right’. So we are talking here about the good guys.
Bibi, wot did it. Beep. Ducet told us Bibi -in Israel- was not just ‘right’, he was ‘far right’. And then we knew: bad, bad boy. Beep. Associated with other bad people out there: Bolsenaro. Beep…
And, of course, Mr T. No match, but very bad. Beep.
In Israel the ‘far right’ parties were really faarrrrr out there. One of them was even ‘homophobic’. For obvious reasons, nothing was said about any of them being neo-Nazi.
In the little language game of making up words, Mishal was really sharp: she could remember the important ones, others had forgotten. Like ‘Brangelina’. Beep.
To carry on, after I was rudely interrupted in full flow by technology, I wondered whether these language games around ‘Brexit’ meant I was wrong with my theory about ‘one-dimensional’ language?
Nope. The confusing multiplicity of new words serve to Distract and Deceive. All part of one Dimension: Deceit. How many extensions can you have, before you are severely over-extended? Or Flexstended, or whatever. Made to make us give up. Defeat.
But now I’ve reached the letter ‘D’, so-unlike the road runner, I’m off course. Beep, beep.
“The Moon is about to get crowded” says one of our Leading Ladies. The Israelis are landing a satellite there shortly.
It is funny how “CO2/methane driven Global Warming and Climate Change is the greatest threat we face.” (yesterday – think Attenborough) doesn’t matter at all today on TOADY despite the amounts of CO2 that are and will be generated by a new space race.
C’mon, girls! Get those little brains into gear and join up the dots.
Sniffing the breeze. I’m sensing that a 30th June delay to Brexit will enable a second (third if you count the ‘retro-75’) EU Referendum on 27 June 2019.
Maybe now is the time for Leave to get their campaign together. It will need to be very different to last time.
(Interesting. Mishal just covering that possibility right now @ 8.48am)
The few “names” who support Leave have gone to ground. They have lost the argument, not by what they say but by what the MSM Elites permit them to say.
I saw PM Traitor today in her regular love-in with the EU crowd. Honestly, she looks more at ease in their company than she does with any one in the UK.
I can only just come to terms with the existence of queers yet alone the nonsense about genda this that and the other . Must be something in the water .
It’s because they didn’t think ‘old Catholic woman’ would attract as many views.
The site is rabidly anti abortion, anti contraception, anti trans anti gay, and unfrotunately is not above openly lying about these issues in order to make their point.
That sounds like the “I don’t like Jordan Peterson because I read an article written by someone who had read an article written by someone that had never seen anything by JP” argument.
Laura Perrins, ‘the old catholic woman’, is only one of many writers. The article in question was written by David Keighley of News Watch that forensically analyses and reports on and to the BBC. Margaret Ashworth has been writing an excellent series about the BBC’s ‘good old days’. Nick Booth shows that satire isn’t dead.
I can’t think that I have ever seen an anti-contraception article, if they exist they must be very rare. Ditto anti-abortion. Having said that a society that imports 200,000 aliens every year while killing 200,000 native babies has a pretty weird sense of values. “Ah but they aren’t babies!” Except when they are wanted. Headline not on the BBC – “American slut carrys royal foetus”.
“Ditto anti-abortion. Having said that a society that imports 200,000 aliens every year while killing 200,000 native babies has a pretty weird sense of values. “Ah but they aren’t babies!” Except when they are wanted. Headline not on the BBC – “American slut carrys royal foetus”.
Then you may be interested in the latest Vegan uprising/SJWs in Australia.
The Cult of Violent Vegan VigilantismApr 8, 2019
There is never a dull moment when you wake up each day and check out the morning news. When I looked at my news feed this morning it was filled with story after story about radical vegans causing mischief and mayhem all over Australia.
Out of nowhere it seems we now have an angry army of militant vegans who have become the latest outrage industry. It seems that they hate us meat-eaters and they ain’t gonna take it anymore.
Consider just some of the recent headlines we are seeing about all this:
“Vegan vigilantes cause traffic chaos in Melbourne’s CBD and storm farms across Australia in co-ordinated events – as animal activists boast of the ‘largest protest the world has ever seen’.”
cafe closes after ‘vile’ threats and harassment’ by vegan activists.”
“Commuter chaos as vegan activists block major roads in Melbourne.”
“‘Peaceful protest’ causes chaos in Melbourne, arrests continue in NSW and Victoria”
“Nine people arrested after allegedly chaining themselves to Goulburn abattoir.”
If I meet this Martha hackess from the BBC when I go to vote, I might tell her what I think of the BBC.
I suppose there is a slight chance she will report fairly on the election – in which case she’ll lose her job.
More likely that she’s here to exult in the victory of the Israeli left, which could well happen.
No doubt she doesn’t know that the right and not the left has moved towards peace with the Arabs – eg Begin signing peace with Sadat and Ariel Sharon engineering the withdrawal of all Israelis from Gaza.
True – beeboids dipping in and out of Israeli politics – not a good look . I heard that the chief ‘ local ‘ beeboid – Jeremy arnt I great – Bowen has got cancer so they’ll naughtie or Simpson to preen themselves .
But as I said before – I think even the state broadcaster will attempt to distance itself from the anti semites in Labour .
And Luton Airport has just broken it’s record for number of flights in the month of March, and is set to break its annual number also. BBC Look East reported that one through gritted teeth.
Watch Emily Maitlis REPEATEDLY call Mark Francois a "unicorn dreamer". She forgets that the ERG are the only group in Parliament to represent the majority who voted to Leave.
Incredibly, she blames the ERG for us not leaving! Breathtaking BBC prejudice.
Guest – These ‘interviews’ are all the same. The more anyone is in favour of implementing the democratic will of the people, the more viciously they get attacked. Interviewer doesn’t seek information, point of view. (And it’s all about the interviewer getting her message over).
For sheer irrrrritation value, Emily has to be right up there.
Did you notice her assertion that “you’ve got leavers up and down the country saying err thanks for that…”. As if we leavers are annoyed that the ERG are stopping us from leaving.
As I see it, the ERG are doing exactly the opposite, trying to stop us from NOT leaving. Mays so called deal is NOT leaving.
Emily Maitlis you do not speak for me.
We had a great chat with chums in a supermarket the other day, where all people from all walks of life just don’t give a toss about all this lbgtdsdhryf655 crap, they just get on with earning a living!
When will the time come, for snowflakes, sjws and other junior ‘socialists’ to realise that they’ll have to get off their arses, get a job, and just grow up! It might mean they have to get out of bed before 6:00am, not gawp at their phones, buy some anti-slack-jaw medication, forget about tattoos and idiots who shriek ‘rap’ and learn to become a citizen! There’ll only be a few ‘jobs’ in local authorities, so they’ll need to start learning a trade, or understand that trade means exxactly that, not vegan gender studies!
The BBC loves giving this peculiar race of children so much encouragement, I suppose they want them on that silly news programme or the failing QT rubbish.
As the language gets more contorted to meet the need of the ‘ no offence’ brigade I find myself slipping away from it.
I heard QI added onto the ludicrous BTLGwatever the other day and just thought ‘ are they just running the alphabet ? Is it too short ? Too heterosexual
For our sexually perverted citizens ?
Oh -I forgot – nothing is perverted now is it ? No one can judge -there is no wrong and right –
Except when declared so by the snowflakes through the State Broadcaster – then one becomes ‘ in personed ‘ – Rolf – Jimmy – et al
Jane Garvey, hard leftist Hampstead luvvie gets owned by one of her guests on the Brexit question, that we always moan about Europeans comming here, but we must also remember that British people also go to work in Europe.
Guest – there are more British people working in Australia than there are in Europe !
Last time I heard her I think she was on BBC Radio 5Llive or TalkRadio in the days when a certain very curly haired pop singer [Leo Sayer I think?) did his stint about 1PM – 4 PM.
”David Bowie was one of the first artists to be sexually ambiguous”
BBC forgot to add – whose real name is David Robert Jones.
Also neglect to mention that he managed to 100% cure himself from any form of homosexuality, and went on to lead a normal, happy life, married to a woman.
”It’s why sexually ambiguous artists of the past managed to dodge some of this intense scrutiny.
The sexuality of David Bowie, Elton John and Madonna was not examined to the same degree, says Prof Himberg.”
Elton John (whose real name is Reginald Kenneth Dwight) was never ambiguous but was always seen as totally bent.
Anyone else alive at the time, will remember Madonnas life was examined in minute detail from the 1980’s onwards, over and over and over
Remember Grenada when the Americans stepped in. A ten minute fire-fight and law and order was restored to the tin pot republic ?
There would be many advantages to becoming the 51st., state, especially under Trump.
In the short term the Euro Elections and Salvini’s group do hold a little hope for some fun. Bent on reform and with the likes of the AfD etc., they intend to rattle the cages of the EU.
Should make for some entertainment if little else.
What happened to the last 28 vote? Farage informed us that Salvini et al would reject a extension to Art50. All strangely quiet when ALL 28 later agreed. Perhaps Salvini et al thought more of the UK’s money to help support Italy and other, ‘poor’ EU nations.
Mike Graham on Talk Radio has just reported that “the EU” are saying that they will grant May a longer extension.
As far as I was aware this is Macron saying this.
As I understood it, ALL of the EU 28 countries (including UK) have to agree to an extension and it could be vetoed by either one of us.
As an aside, a caller is not very happy with the queen as she is meant to protect the sovereignty of the nation.
Some people reading my comments got fedup up with ‘ updates’ on the killings and stabbings in Londonistan – and in particular the East – where o. come from .
Well I have to report I have now lost count of the stabbing / killings . I was working on one killing every 2.5 days on average but I think it is down to one a day now.
So the 135 total of last year will be easily exceeded. One in Manor Park was a stabbing shooting job so I guess they won’t be trying to fob it off as an accident .
I mention these here because they simply pass the BBC by . Unless they can get a racial element into it with whitee as the baddie there is little interest – as it goes against the grain of denigrating the white British population which is the snowflake chief hobby .
Maybe a hundred year extension then ?
Farage has changed from hoping for a veto to hoping for a long extension. The latter pre-supposes that we get a Brexit Prime Minister. In any battle there has to be someone to rally the people, someone to inspire and lead – cue tumbleweed.
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:17 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two days running the DT has done a long piece on BBC news / funding – the first one is…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dorset, 3 weeks after Southport — “Man ‘obsessed with Southport killings’ stabbed girl, 9, in the neck as she played…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:23 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Now Richard Holden MP tells Guido: “It’s quite clear Labour are embarrassed to say why they won’t back banning first…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage is terrified that if he seems too “right wing”, then left wing people won’t vote for him. But they…
Matt Ridley writes, so Remainers on Twitter respond with sneers and ad hom attacks on his personality.
What a brilliantly crafted letter…is it on the BBC website or news?
The BBC might on rare occasions pay lip service to the quaint notion of impartiality but, especially where Brexit is concerned, they don’t really care. They know they have the government on their side.
Quite so. There are hundreds of ways of being biased. Non quantifiable ways, therefore deniable.
In the tone, by omission, etc.
We need the leaver on every bbc show to point out live on the show that they are the only leaver on the panel.
Just as Charles Moore and JHB have done on Remainer Time.
Of course, it won’t work on shows like HIGNFY as there are no leavers allowed on the show (unless they want one to gang up on all the way through the show) and they can happily repeat the same jokes about Trump, Farage and leave.
What a pathetic excuse for a satire show HIGNFY became following the forced departure of Angus Deayton. The same disease afflicted Private Eye following the departure of Richard Ingrams and Peter Cook. For me, both HIGNFY & Private Eye are now no-go areas . Shame.
Couldn’t agree more Lefty. Angus was the only one quick-witted enough to keep the pair of prima-donnas in their place. The way in which they connived to get him out was as shameful as their preening performances have been ever since.
Merton in particular who stares off to the left whenever he is not the centre of attention was a major factor in my decision to watch something, anything, on another channel. I am a better person as a consequence, if overweight thanks to fast-food ads.
As for PE, I stopped buying that way back after the Goldenballs fiasco. Taking readers’ money to fight a case which promptly collapsed was not the way to retain loyalty.
Russia may consider scrapping its troublesome aircraft carrier #Kuznetsov.
The only carrier in Russian Navy has
And it has history of technical & operational failures.
Last year, sinking of drydock caused dock’s cranes to fall onto carrier, damaging it beyond repair.
So Channel 4 Dispatches do you have #ProjectFear stuff to push at us at 8pm today?
One of their trailers
try paying more that minimum wage for a 12 hr weekend nightshift might be a start
Times : Foreign drivers exploit UK loophole
OK Australians etc. don’t have to sit a test to drive in UK
but neither do 50 other countries
150,000 people got a UK licence that way in 2018
that’s double what it was 10 years ago.
Trans kids : Even though it’s dated April 1 it’s true
I went to school in the 1970’s.
Needless to say, if any pupils in the 70’s wore badges which revealed they were gay or uncertain about their sexuality, they’d have the living snot kicked out of them.
And quite rightly too.
As long as it doesn’t interfere with me, I couldn’t give a stuff whether people want to identify as a bloody rabbit or giraffe, BUT (and look away now, cos I’m going ‘graphic’), I would rather wear a nappy all day then enter a public toilet used by both sexes.
If the oddities want to have access to both, then the answer is to provide a 3rd loo to keep them happy.
There is a bumper sticker in the USA using three toilet symbols.
If you should use this toilet – male symbol.
But you follow my wife or daughter into this toilet – female symbol.
You’ll need this toilet – disabled symbol.
I don’t think that Sopel has reported on that one.
Muslim convert psychologist speaks against gays
Where are the calls to boycott taxis and corner shops ? you can be sure “they” all have the same opinion whether they express it or not, until the day they outnumber us then you will see the real meaning of far right
This years Vet degrees
7 females apply for every 1 make
My wife works in this field and so do many of my friends – being vets and teaching at major Vet schools…their opinion of the last few years of students is that most of them (by default, females) are not up to the job..there is a problem with UK trained vets staying in the field (no pun intended) and many are now from Europe. The problem will only get worse as fewer and fewer males come through – Most of my vet friends are european. How about some positive discrimination for UK males?
I guess medicine and teaching is in a similar position .
Make teachers must be really up against it now that there is an assumption that they are paedophiles .
Why does May need to keep going to the eu asking for extensions.
She must know that all she needs to do is ring up Murkle and tell her to stick a few more weeks onto the current extension and it will happen.
The eu will carry on giving extensions forever, it suits them as they expect our traitors in cessminster to deny us democracy bit by bit and eventually find a way to stay in.
Of course, they will be well paid for each extension and they will (pretend to) grumble about it but it’s what they want.
We will have our day.
That’s a given.
It’s just going to take a bit longer. They can’t undo the result and we’re not going away.
They will want either a50 withdrawn by the May EU elections or us gone by then – or sold out – of course .
Macron really needs to do a DeGalle on Thursday and partly return the favour 75 years after D Day .
MP’s office hit in ‘Brexit attack’…
…carried out by far-right extremists no doubt. 🙁
Country – who was the MP? So many traitors ….
That’s awful news …. it means having to hear Bercow going off on a Jo Cox rant again …. ( that’s for you max )
Helen Goodman…the who or why are as yet unknown, but the Press decided to label it a ‘Brexit attack’ anyway… 🙁
Her constituents voted to leave. She is a remainer.
She is going against those who voted for her.
Maybe next time they will vote in someone who will represent them instead of someone who opposes them.
Half a dozen people interviewed ‘on the street’ and nobody supported her. They were against the vandalism but they understood why it happened. (Look North News, 18:00 tonight)
I wonder how many people were interviewed and they couldn’t find anyone to support the remainer mp.
Rightly or wrongly this sort of thing is going to become more regular.
The decent honest, quiet, one time law abiding citizen is now getting cheesed off with being called racist, thick, bigoted, little Englanders, xenophobic, etc. They won’t be lied to any more by the main stream media and the politicians, are totally fed up of being lectured to and force fed mass bullshit.
The more Treason May turns leave into remain, with none of the ‘perks’ of being at the high table of the EUSSR the more people are going to start breaking the law and taking direct action and at this point in time I’m not ashamed to say I can understand why.
This is the latest photo of Theresa May. She has been detained under Section 2 of the Mental Health Act (1983). She needs urgent treatment for a mental health disorder which provides a great risk of harm to Britain.
Richard Pinder
The EU want her to stay. Looks like we are heading for the EU elections .
A complete betrayal ?
Vote UKIP to save the UK and to save democracy.
As i told a limp dumb canvasser at the weekend.
Anyone but the Cons, Lab, Lib or Greens. Either traitors and democracy deniers or enviromentallists that would take us back to the Stone Age using Ox for transport and wearing jumpers made from our own hair and drinking our own urine.
He also seemed genuinely shocked when I referred to Vince Cable as a four letter word.
She was used tonight in the Tory Party Political Advert for the May 5th Local Council elections, which otherwise made some good points about Labour councils records
.. Why did they use May ? I wonder if people in the Tory PR operation are really Labour plants
Is anyone aware of any high profile prisoners being in court today? Has the bbc or MSM reported anything? I was passing through Bradford earlier (some of us have to) and there was a prison van being escorted by so many police you would have thought it was the Kray twins being escorted. At least 4 motorcycles and several large police vehicles surrounding the van. I think one of the coppers thought he was part of the A team hanging out of the window waving at motorists to keep back.
Maybe they were the hate crime squad transporting someone who had misgendered a tranny
They caught someone without a TV licence – didn’t you get the memo – as is said apparently ????
Now that we know the State is ‘ consulting ‘( ha ha) over censorship of internet – we’d bettr get a list of terms which Big Brother will declare illegal and close the sites in the interest of
‘ community safety ‘
It’s sad that kids top themselves through misuse of the internet but not sufficient excuse for more State Repression . Labour will carry it through because the Tory party will be just a memory soon …
Maybe somebody on Facebook said somebody looked like a horse.
Emm, that could come to pass in the not too distant future, with Sharia Law on the horizon, it only takes a Muslim to become Prime Minister…….
You deserve a medal driving through Bradford. None of the traffic lights work……..well you wouldn’t think so.
I’m depressed!
Just had a “cool” conversation with my 56 yr old Nephew over the subject dear to all of our hearts. Brexit.
You wouldn’t believe it guys n gals but after all these years he’s only just told me that in the 2016 referendum he had voted to “remain” in the EU.
I could hardly speak when he told me. Methinks his secrecy only confirms how PM May has duped him/behaved towards the 15 and one half million voters. I just can’t believe he would vote for that lot in the EU as he tends to criticise all things EU?
I was duped!….I know don’t say it…
A lot of people are lucky enough not to give a damn and as long as the phones are cheap in Spain and the queues aren’t longer at the airports in the Summer -who gives a damn -politicians lie any way so why bother ( a generalisation – l know -but plenty of people are more interested in “thrones”
The Conservative party MPs have known Mrs May for decades, they must all know what she’s like and what she’s capable of doing and saying. And yet they appointed her as Prime Minister.
Therefore, they must all, all of them, be complicit in this three year long charade. They are all guilty of treason and they’ve made fools of all of us for naively believing they think and act like we normal people.
But maybe enough of us have had our eyes opened such that we’ll be able to find representatives who will begin to drain the swamp. In the HoP and in the Civil Service, the judiciary and the police. And not forgetting our favourite collective hive, the far-left bbc.
If Brexit has achieved anything it has opened an awful lot of eyes and pointed up numerous truths. A lot of people are now far more educated on the EU, government, politics and the law. All thanks to Brexit.
Is that billy goat Corbyn and mad cow May huddled together for mutual support out there in that miserable field as the wolves close in ?
“queues aren’t longer at the airports in the Summer -who gives a damn ”
I tell you what; he’s not going to any airport with me again.
I still love him though. hee hee
UK Government Brexit Song, BBC approved version.
I was thinking – you know – perhaps the reason various elements of the MSM react so violently to mention of Brexit Polls that they know in their heads that the majority still wants to leave .so the polls aren’t making the News . It’s just that people feel it .
Examples from today BBC Daily Politics, C4-Snow – the ethnic one and the German one on LBC .
So hopefully the pressure is telling .
Gerard Batten says Newsnight is planning a hatchet job to try & damage UKIP’s vote in the local elections on 2nd May. They got in touch with someone who used to work for him.
That kind of supports my point . Luckily who watches newsnight apart from the Bubble and saddos with a domination complex over Emily the ice queen ..
Local Election turnout ? Less than 30% overall ? Or – a massive turnout to exterminate the so called Conservative party ?
“apart from the Bubble and saddos with a domination complex over Emily the ice queen .. ”
As the lady has blonde hair probably most of their viewers are African but on the darker side.
Maybe that’s why they haven’t fired John Sweeney, they’ve been keeping him to do the UKIP hatchet job.
The BBC does seem to be pulling out all the stops in support of…. that renowned impartiality for which they are universally admired.
Well they certainly won’t damage my UKIP vote in this area’s local elections … cos there isn’t one UKIP candidate standing! Only choice is Con/Lab/Lib/Green so I shall be making the effort to go and spoil my vote with the Non of the Above box.
They are not even trying to hide it anymore.
“Why The Future Of French Is African”:
It mentions the high birth rates in Africa but for some reason it doesn’t mention the dramatic effect on global warming this causes…. ah I see, wrong narrative on this occasion.
Also gloats at how the French language will become a melting pot of French and Arabic. Hmmm, has anyone asked the French how they feel about this??
Interesting way to kick off.
Our Tory Councillor (Labour controlled won by 1% point) came today in his car, on his own to put his election begging letter through doors in our road.
In his flyer he promises to work to prioritize, Road Maintenance, Speeding and Crime.
He also says it wasn’t his fault we now have to pay for our garden waste bins!
I never get pamplets from either Labour or Tory in any elections, but today I had TWO from 2 different candidates representing UKIP ! clearly they are doing the legwork.
I hope you had the bucket of something to pour over him …
Bill Cash stood up for truth again last night. To no avail.
Just before the clip above (Lucy’s post) started there was an intervention:
Yasmin Qureshi (Bolton South East) (Lab)
I thank the hon. Gentleman for giving way, but does he not agree that words such as “humiliation”, “submission”, “begging”, “traitors”, “hang them” and “violence” are not appropriate in these types of debate?
Sir William Cash
They most emphatically are, because, unlike what has been going on in this House, which is a perversion and a distortion of our constitutional arrangements, the very essence of our position is to defend democracy, to defend the vote that was taken by the British people, and to stand up for the repeal of the European Communities Act 1972, which was passed and is the law of the land. That is where we are right now.
And just after that clip finished there was the following:
Ms Angela Eagle (Wallasey) (Lab)
On a point of order, Mr Speaker. Is it really in order for a Member of this House to try to delegitimise other Members of this House, all of whom have our own mandates from our constituencies, simply because he does not agree with what we agree with?
Bill – a rose between two thorns.
Watching a BBC2 program from earlier, A House Through Time.
The focus is on a Newcastle Victorian town house. We’ve reached the 1840’s and already we’ve found that a burglary in the 1830’s was carried out by a mixed race child and now we have the program’s presenter, Nigerian David Olusoga chatting to local Labour MP Chi Onwurah, all about the Victorian history of Newcastle. Onwurah doesn’t give a good impression of her academic prowess.
One might be sceptical of why the BBC chose this house out of millions of other Victorian houses in the country and this presenter. This is a good program but yet again tainted but the BBC finding the need to ram in diversity and lead us to believe that Britain was not really as white as it was when we were kids. Not to mention what cnuts the Victorian gentry were for sending the aforementioned thief on a long boat trip to Australia, on who the program focuses.
It was an interesting show, but there’s always a feeling with every BBC programme these days that there’s an agenda.
And they seemed to feel a need to keep showing what looked like a monument covered in a rainbow flag.
Mixed race back in those days can only mean one parent – very likely the father, was very wealthy or aristocracy. A white working class woman would not have risked being an outcast (no pun intended).
I followed yesterday’s activity in the Lords and what became clear is that the attempt to avoid a no deal on Friday is not watertight and could fail. In their haste to have the Cooper bill passed they could not cover all possibilities and I will be delighted if we end up leaving with no deal precisely because of the bill.
Even the beauty was unable to nail everything down in it’s article –
Sadly I believe the bill has been passed. It received Royal Ascent yesterday evening? Time to consider the future of the Monarchy. Fitness for purpose?
What’s not clear is the outcome of debate between the treasonist tories and the communists. That still has legs and could yet result in further stitch-ups.
In other news the al Beeb inform that traitor PM is on a whistle stop tour of EUSSR capital cities. Taking further instruction on how to destroy the UK from Micron and The Evil One no doubt.
“Time to consider the future of the Monarchy. Fitness for purpose?”
Let’s see what happens if Corbyn and his cronies get into Downing Street.
“Time to consider the future of the Monarchy. Fitness for purpose?”
I think it is the future of Parliament in its present form that should be under consideration. Every MP in the HoC has been sent there by the voting public.
If people are stupid enough to keep on voting for the parties that have been inflicting damage on this country, not just over Brexit, but for decades, they only have themselves to blame.
Rosette on donkey syndrome is the issue, blue and red. People need to either tear themselves away from their mindless “bread and circuses” and take an intelligent interest in what is really happening, or stop whining and blaming others.
Rotherham continued to vote Labour after 1400 rapes. Hopeless. Can’t blame that depth of block-headed stupidity on the Monarchy, the EU, Trump, bankers or the Russians.
There is a lot of sense in what you say but do you trust that votes are being tallied correctly? Legally? With the level of corruption we’ve seen over the last 20 years I’m afraid I don’t.
Lucy Pevensey
I have been saying this repeatedly – do not expect the result of elections and the next referendum to operate with a fair system of counting votes. Bags of ballot papers will vanish and van loads may disappear.
The elites have learned through their cover up of terrorist attacks that you can fool and cheat the people, even though a large number may know what is going on.
I don’t know how precise the counting system is but, knowing S Yorkshire reasonably well, and a few others besides, I feel pretty sure that people are voting like sheep and then whining about the consequences of their laziness.
This is has been a problem for a long time and I have serious doubts about the ability of anyone, or any organisation, to maintain a conspiracy, and to keep it quiet, for year after year.
If the forces against us were so effective, I’m sure that the outcome of the Brexit referendum would have been remain.
Iain Muir
Without donning my tin foil hat I do believe that the elites have found ways to keep large numbers quiet for many years. After a while people despair at the prospects of being believed.
As for the Leave victory, I merely suggest that dirty tricks were actually afoot and that votes did disappear, hence the confidence of the remainers until the very end. But not enough leave votes were destroyed.
C_M, me, too. A hole in the Bill would help. Or a legal challenge that Parliament has exceeded the authority of the Law that accorded Parliament its subsequent votes.
The miracle needed for Friday has grown bigger since yesterday but it may still come.
Or maybe God is abandoning the previously blessed UK to teach us a hard lesson. Note well that Israel has been there before – many times – as a nation.
Now is the day of salvation. It might be a really good time to repent, pray and plead for deliverance.
Women have now replaced Muslims as the BBC fad of the moment. These fads (previously it was disabled , transgender etc etc) seem to have a gestation of around 3 years. So expect every hero to be a heroine and not a white over 50 male in sight…..oh and you’ll have to pay for it or go to jail.
Don’t pay, Halifax, give up telly! There’s radio, podcasts, DVD boxsets, recorded music and much, much more as alternatives.
Not quite, the 85% indigeneous license paying UK is still being largely ignored and this racist, sexist, homophobic minority feted on the bbc despite the millions of chinese, hindus, sikhs and jews etc generally living in peace and getting on with their lives without desperately attempting to subvert the country to their selfish intolerant ways:
The rise of male ‘modest’ fashion
Could one of the next big fashion trends be Islamic male modest fashion?
FFS No. 2 today: (see above for No 1)
Turkish criminal is allowed to stay in the UK after judge rules his GANG membership shows he is ‘socially and culturally integrated’ in Britain
Tolga Binbuga convicted of burglary, robbery, assault and criminal damage
The Turkish national was allowed to stay in UK because of his gang membership
Judge ruled his gang ties showed he was ‘socially and culturally integrated’ in UK
It’s hardly surprising. The judiciary are just as out of touch with the public as the politicians.
The 29-year-old came to Britain when he was nine and never applied for UK citizenship.
When the Home Office tried to deport Binbuga his lawyers appealed saying he was a ‘home grown criminal’,
That decision was overturned by the Home Office under appeal in 2017 with judges finding Judge Ruth had ‘erred in law’ by stating that gang membership showed a level of socially integration.
Judges ruled there was no compelling reason to prevent Binbuga’s deportation.
The ruling stated: ‘Membership of a pro-criminal gang shows a lack of such acceptance [of cultural integration]. It demonstrates disdain for the rule of law.’
Binbuga then appealed again, running up at least £50,000 in legal fees, before being rejected last week
The real far right : wheres the whingeing BBC when you need them ?? wrong colour for this story ?
Rwandan war crimes suspects living in Britain: Police probe five men over atrocities committed during genocide 25 years ago that killed an estimated 800,000 people
An estimated 800,000 Rwandans died in the Rwandan genocide 25 years ago
Police are investigating five people living in the UK over allegations relating to it
Met Police spokesman confirmed the force’s war crimes unit received a referral
You have to ask why.
What’s the point, I’m sure they fit nicely in to the rich, diverse Londonistan community.
All part and parcel…..
probably giving knife fighting lessons
Was listening to the r4 news at 6 this morning. BBC very quiet about the bill passed in the Lords last night ruling out no deal brexit.
I am just wondering whether this is some sort of attempt to protect the upper house which is stuffed full of even more traitors than the commons.
People are getting angry and if the final nail in the coffin of brexit was seen to be driven in by a legislative body full of non elected traitors (as opposed to the elected variety in the Commons) it could well be the blue touch paper that will make many more people realise how completely corrupt and not fit for purpose “our” Government has become.
I have to be honest – I was quite pro royalist. but if the Queen waves this travesty of democracy through – I am now beginning to think what is their purpose?
Their one chance to stand up for the British people and democracy , and be relavent and they blew it.
“I was quite pro royalist. but if the Queen waves this travesty of democracy through – I am now beginning to think what is their purpose?”
Me too Oak – and I’m feeling badly let down. We know that, especially at her age, the Queen’s main concern will be the survival and continuation of the Monarchy. We are also suspicious of her ‘advisors’. But surely she must have some inkling of the blatant lies, the stupidity, and the obvious abuse of all our democratic and constitutional principles? We know she has no real power, but she could, and should, withhold Royal Assent.
Well, she must have her annual increase; must bow down to her money masters.
She probably hopes that all this (silly – her words) criticism will go away soon then she can continue her life of luxury and hedonistic lifestyle.
Bastille, mam,
Nah she just wants to keep the job . Her other big gigs are the toy Commonwealth and handing out gongs to truly dodgy people -I cite the redundant ‘Upper House ‘ as chief example .
What they have done with the brexit rubber stamping negates the routine justification for their existence . If the place fell into the Thames would anyone miss them or even notice … ?
Just remind me, who was it who voted overwhelmingly in 2011 to retain the first-past-the-post system?
Worked out well, hasn’t it?
Oh, so it looks like someone else just automatically signs it off on HMQ’s behalf anyway (bloody disgrace).
And Starmer ventures off the fence long enough to cash in
So she does not even sign the Royal Assent forms? What use is she other than holding the job open for her idiot Islam supporting son.
BBC tumbleweed moment yet again:
The teacher at the centre of the row over LGBT lessons has told Sky News he received a death threat and has been given advice from police about how he travels to and from school.
Andrew Moffat, the assistant head teacher at Parkfield Community School in Birmingham, wrote the No Outsiders programme that is used to teach diversity and equality in some schools.
Protests by mainly Muslim parents who object to their children learning about same-sex relationships have now spread from Parkfield to other schools in Birmingham and beyond.
We’re told that the likas of Mr Moffat and the rest of his ilk in the chattering classes are intelligent, empathetic, intuitive and understanding, Much more so than the Brexit brutes they pity and despise, an intellectual and political ‘elite’.
And yet they continually prove themselves to be as thick as pigshit.
Regardless of the rights or wrongs, if this man, who had apparently encountered a similar response to his LGBT endeavours at the school he taught at prior to moving to 99% Muslim Parkfield School, didn’t realise that he would cause offence with his ‘No Outsiders’ campaign then he shouldn’t be teaching. But he did know.
He’s a self-righteous, arrogant fool, agenda-driven and indulged, and a danger to others not only himself.
Thats not the point if we “cause offence” to a certain minority because of their prejudices, contrary to OUR laws tough shit, they knew OUR laws or should have done, when they bowed and scraped and lied to get a UK passport, and if they issue death threats they should be arrested and as a priority above someone “tweeting” something that causes offence
That’s not my point. I agree with you.
What I’m saying is that our political, educational and media ‘elite’, with the bBC proudly at the forefront, are blinded by ideology and doctrine and arrogant ambition. It was Muslims who were offended here but equally many Christians are concerned by the attempts of the ‘progressives’ to indoctrinate our children at an ever younger age, to remove parental choice, to promote certain lifestyles over others. I’m neither Muslim or a regular church goer and I would not want my children being ‘programmed’ in this way either. I, as a parent, will decide when my children learn about such lifestyle issues not a gay man on a mission.
I despise Islam, it frightens me because it threatens my culture unhindered and the sense of entitlement that so many Muslims within our shores exhibit offends me deeply. I deplore the way in which their threats of violence and their intolerance is shaping our society, a society they want no part of but all of.
My point about Mr Moffat is that so many like him believe themselves to be answerable to no-one, cocooned in a culture of self-contentment and although sometimes challenged, confident that their status will allow them to ride roughshod over others. In this case, against such an unforgiving foe, he should have known that he would meet real resistance. He did but believes his cause to be more worthy. I don’t think he picked his fight too wisely or got the support he expected and is used to demanding.
Perhaps Mr Moffat could volunteer for a term of remedial teaching in our universities which run sessions for students lacking a decent standard in Maths and English – more important than LGBT skills.
As for the Moslems they are not disadvantaged. High grades for being a member of an oppressed minority.
“with his ‘No Outsiders’ campaign ”
In Australia it is called: “Safe Schools”
Im afraid I have to offend a lot of people on this site and say on this occasion I am totally with the muslims in Alum Rock…..totally.If that offends I’m sorry.
Teaching 5,6 and 7 year olds this stuff is just wrong….in fact primary age its just wrong.Children have their innocence and should be learning basic concepts in primary School not complex social and sexual conudrums.This is something that white British Conservative families should be fighting against too…..there is a big difference between indoctrination and education……..
Yes I am with the Families on this one………
I should have made my position clearer, as I may have done in earlier discussions. Whilst I cannot agree with the reasons given by the families I most strongly agree that on this occasion they are right to object to LBGBT teaching 5,6,7 year olds. The state has pushed too far with their social experiments. Several of my Christian and agnostic friends are taking up home schooling for a number of reasons other than the LGBYX issue.
Instead of concentrating their efforts on appeasing the “alternative lifestyle” brigade , the teaching profession should be instilling young minds with subjects they can mentally cope with, and the teaching of any sexual subject is something they cannot absorb until much older. They discover ‘differences’ in their own way – who doesn’t remember the “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours’ scenario as kids ? which was all totally innocent.
Toddlers who are still in the throes of believing in Father Christmas should not be subjected to the whys and wherefores of sexual habits. Dear Lord its bad enough being old enough and registering disgust when realising that Mum and Dad actually ‘did it’ , without inflicting those mental pictures on little ones.
It doesn’t really matter whether we leave with or without a deal, the reputations of the government and the BBC are permanently scarred.
Maybe they believe their own hype and that the most embittered members of the public will be dying off anyway and replaced by young naive voters, even as I write, so what does a bit of failed democracy count for eh? Come on, forgive and forget and get free mobiles for a year. Hurrah!
Little do ‘they’ know. I intend to live forever. So far, so good.
TOADY Watch #1
Ladies Day. The BBC’s Leading Ladies ask Leading Questions.
Mishal Husain’s leading questions interviewing Daniel Kawczynski MP (R4 at 6.52am approx.) were a disgrace and in a Court of Law would have attracted the displeasure, if not the sanction, of the sitting Judge. The nasty tone within Mishal’s voice gave the game away. That cannot be disguised, a beautiful face can distract but the voice can reveal the heart.
Martha Kearney appears to be on a taxpayer-funded jolly to Israel to cover the General Election, despite there being competent BBC Middle East correspondents already in place, even though the Middle East Editor, Mark Bowen, is on sick leave. (Good wishes for treatment and recovery, Mark, even if I don’t like your reporting and biases.) Martha interviews two ladies and also asks them leading questions.
Is that Jeremy Bowen or has he brought Mark in, a relation perhaps?
Bowen loathes Israel and so I’m not fond of him, to put it mildly.
TT, oops! Sorry! I got the wrong Bowen. Yes, Jeremy (MidE Ed) and the one with cancer.
I don’t like the way he now acts as a Sneerleader for the PA in Gaza or the West Bank. He was OK when he started out there.
Then the neutrality chip they fire into BBC journo brains when they start must have been neutralized or has fallen out or something.
When Martha pointed out this a.m. that at least Israel holds democratic elections unlike the PA, I nearly fell over backwards.
In one of the interviews purporting to have been held in Israel I swear I detected signs of a Mancunian accent from the Pallie who was complaining about the Joos restricting his water supply.
Do we know that the BBC sent anyone to cover the elections in Israel?
G.W.F., did you notice this a.m. that Martha made reference to the ship symbol being important to Palestinians as ‘a symbol of return’.
It is not only Jews who make Aliyah.
When Martha pointed out this a.m. that at least Israel holds democratic elections unlike the PA, I nearly fell over backwards.
And I nearly fell off my chair when I read what you wrote.
Comparing Israel favourably with the PA?! Bad career move for Martha Kearney at the BBC.
I see that censorship of the internet in the UK is now a step closer. The government claims it is designed to protect young and vulnerable people from unsavoury elements roaming the net. But that worthy cause is just a Trojan horse , the real reason is that they can control the news and communication of information , which of course they label fake, that they don’t like. The rule of the entire world by a Globalist oligarchy is moving ever closer.
No doubt taking note of t he way the Chinese censor. That would be the UK Government’s ‘Gold Standard’. They’re sure getting ‘tooled up’ to make the transition. Voters don’t count any more.
Remember the Order brought in to control terrorism? First victim an OAP at the Labour Conference for heckling, followed by local authorities using it for improper use of wheelie bins. And we are supposed to think it wouldn’t be used to control criticism of politicians, councils, quangos, the media and civil servants. Yeah, alright
Has anyone pointed out the dominance of the letter M for all these awful leaders? A few months ago there were four Ms that I wanted to be sacked. Mourinho is the only one who has gone so far, but May, Macron and Mutti Merkel are still there repressing us.
We have the Moggster to help the side of reason and democracy but he is getting nowhere against these Monsters and Maniacs.
Mugabe mussellini mohammud Mapoleon and Mitler . Damn .
Demon, Fedup – Now, I came away from Toady with the letter ‘B’ on my brain. The little language game around ‘Brexit’ started it. By courtesy of the Beeb. Beep.
For one, L Ducet kindly threw light on the debate around ‘The Right’. So we are talking here about the good guys.
Bibi, wot did it. Beep. Ducet told us Bibi -in Israel- was not just ‘right’, he was ‘far right’. And then we knew: bad, bad boy. Beep. Associated with other bad people out there: Bolsenaro. Beep…
And, of course, Mr T. No match, but very bad. Beep.
In Israel the ‘far right’ parties were really faarrrrr out there. One of them was even ‘homophobic’. For obvious reasons, nothing was said about any of them being neo-Nazi.
In the little language game of making up words, Mishal was really sharp: she could remember the important ones, others had forgotten. Like ‘Brangelina’. Beep.
To carry on, after I was rudely interrupted in full flow by technology, I wondered whether these language games around ‘Brexit’ meant I was wrong with my theory about ‘one-dimensional’ language?
Nope. The confusing multiplicity of new words serve to Distract and Deceive. All part of one Dimension: Deceit. How many extensions can you have, before you are severely over-extended? Or Flexstended, or whatever. Made to make us give up. Defeat.
But now I’ve reached the letter ‘D’, so-unlike the road runner, I’m off course. Beep, beep.
Wasn’t there a Monty Python sketch where someone couldn’t pronounce the letter ‘ c ‘?
What a silly bunt!
Demon, Fedup2
Maitlis and I am inclined to add Mogg after his recent awfulness
TOADY Watch #2
“The Moon is about to get crowded” says one of our Leading Ladies. The Israelis are landing a satellite there shortly.
It is funny how “CO2/methane driven Global Warming and Climate Change is the greatest threat we face.” (yesterday – think Attenborough) doesn’t matter at all today on TOADY despite the amounts of CO2 that are and will be generated by a new space race.
C’mon, girls! Get those little brains into gear and join up the dots.
TOADY Watch #3
Sniffing the breeze. I’m sensing that a 30th June delay to Brexit will enable a second (third if you count the ‘retro-75’) EU Referendum on 27 June 2019.
Maybe now is the time for Leave to get their campaign together. It will need to be very different to last time.
(Interesting. Mishal just covering that possibility right now @ 8.48am)
The few “names” who support Leave have gone to ground. They have lost the argument, not by what they say but by what the MSM Elites permit them to say.
I saw PM Traitor today in her regular love-in with the EU crowd. Honestly, she looks more at ease in their company than she does with any one in the UK.
ves, the departure of the UK from the EU does seem to have been foiled but sometimes deliverance comes at the last moment.
Maybe the ‘names’ are in the HoC Chapel on their knees? Think I’d be there, too, if I was a Member.
It seems horribly trite to re-quote this here but … here goes anyway ….
Man’s (and woman’s) extremity is God’s opportunity.
Boat long sailed.
Why is it called
‘ conservative woman ‘?
Why no ‘ conservative trans woman/man/LTBIQ’?
I can only just come to terms with the existence of queers yet alone the nonsense about genda this that and the other . Must be something in the water .
It’s because they didn’t think ‘old Catholic woman’ would attract as many views.
The site is rabidly anti abortion, anti contraception, anti trans anti gay, and unfrotunately is not above openly lying about these issues in order to make their point.
Anglo-, please, Thoughtful, in front of the Catholic word there. 😉 Got to keep the High Tories happy.
So concocted associations matter more than actual content? Very bbc.
That sounds like the “I don’t like Jordan Peterson because I read an article written by someone who had read an article written by someone that had never seen anything by JP” argument.
Laura Perrins, ‘the old catholic woman’, is only one of many writers. The article in question was written by David Keighley of News Watch that forensically analyses and reports on and to the BBC. Margaret Ashworth has been writing an excellent series about the BBC’s ‘good old days’. Nick Booth shows that satire isn’t dead.
I can’t think that I have ever seen an anti-contraception article, if they exist they must be very rare. Ditto anti-abortion. Having said that a society that imports 200,000 aliens every year while killing 200,000 native babies has a pretty weird sense of values. “Ah but they aren’t babies!” Except when they are wanted. Headline not on the BBC – “American slut carrys royal foetus”.
“Ditto anti-abortion. Having said that a society that imports 200,000 aliens every year while killing 200,000 native babies has a pretty weird sense of values. “Ah but they aren’t babies!” Except when they are wanted. Headline not on the BBC – “American slut carrys royal foetus”.
Then you may be interested in the latest Vegan uprising/SJWs in Australia.
The Cult of Violent Vegan VigilantismApr 8, 2019
There is never a dull moment when you wake up each day and check out the morning news. When I looked at my news feed this morning it was filled with story after story about radical vegans causing mischief and mayhem all over Australia.
Out of nowhere it seems we now have an angry army of militant vegans who have become the latest outrage industry. It seems that they hate us meat-eaters and they ain’t gonna take it anymore.
Consider just some of the recent headlines we are seeing about all this:
“Vegan vigilantes cause traffic chaos in Melbourne’s CBD and storm farms across Australia in co-ordinated events – as animal activists boast of the ‘largest protest the world has ever seen’.”
cafe closes after ‘vile’ threats and harassment’ by vegan activists.”
“Commuter chaos as vegan activists block major roads in Melbourne.”
“‘Peaceful protest’ causes chaos in Melbourne, arrests continue in NSW and Victoria”
“Nine people arrested after allegedly chaining themselves to Goulburn abattoir.”
“Scott Morrison denounces ‘green criminals’ as vegan protests block Melbourne CBD.”
JimS, always appreciate your posts but I deprecate that bit at the end of the last line.
Not so thoughtful.
Not so thoughtful.
Not sure, or bothered. I was reading the content.
Suspect it is because it was started by some ladies with conservative viewpoints.
Didn’t listen today but I heard that the beekeeper has gone to Israel to avoid the BBC being in the same anti Semitic boat as the Corbyn show –
And as a further distraction from Brexit . Perhaps they’ll engineer a royal birth to. It will be called ‘Martin Luther Windsor ‘ ( or Prince )
‘Prince’ – Yup, that’s gonna work just fine.
If I meet this Martha hackess from the BBC when I go to vote, I might tell her what I think of the BBC.
I suppose there is a slight chance she will report fairly on the election – in which case she’ll lose her job.
More likely that she’s here to exult in the victory of the Israeli left, which could well happen.
No doubt she doesn’t know that the right and not the left has moved towards peace with the Arabs – eg Begin signing peace with Sadat and Ariel Sharon engineering the withdrawal of all Israelis from Gaza.
True – beeboids dipping in and out of Israeli politics – not a good look . I heard that the chief ‘ local ‘ beeboid – Jeremy arnt I great – Bowen has got cancer so they’ll naughtie or Simpson to preen themselves .
But as I said before – I think even the state broadcaster will attempt to distance itself from the anti semites in Labour .
The BBC likes to think that it is not anti-Semitic. It has never been good at self knowledge.
And Luton Airport has just broken it’s record for number of flights in the month of March, and is set to break its annual number also. BBC Look East reported that one through gritted teeth.
Despite the Emir of Londonistan’s latest anti-car tax?
Emily wins awards for this daily. Apparently.
Guest – These ‘interviews’ are all the same. The more anyone is in favour of implementing the democratic will of the people, the more viciously they get attacked. Interviewer doesn’t seek information, point of view. (And it’s all about the interviewer getting her message over).
For sheer irrrrritation value, Emily has to be right up there.
Did you notice her assertion that “you’ve got leavers up and down the country saying err thanks for that…”. As if we leavers are annoyed that the ERG are stopping us from leaving.
As I see it, the ERG are doing exactly the opposite, trying to stop us from NOT leaving. Mays so called deal is NOT leaving.
Emily Maitlis you do not speak for me.
“genda this that”
Is it any relation to Glenda Slag, Fed?
We had a great chat with chums in a supermarket the other day, where all people from all walks of life just don’t give a toss about all this lbgtdsdhryf655 crap, they just get on with earning a living!
When will the time come, for snowflakes, sjws and other junior ‘socialists’ to realise that they’ll have to get off their arses, get a job, and just grow up! It might mean they have to get out of bed before 6:00am, not gawp at their phones, buy some anti-slack-jaw medication, forget about tattoos and idiots who shriek ‘rap’ and learn to become a citizen! There’ll only be a few ‘jobs’ in local authorities, so they’ll need to start learning a trade, or understand that trade means exxactly that, not vegan gender studies!
The BBC loves giving this peculiar race of children so much encouragement, I suppose they want them on that silly news programme or the failing QT rubbish.
As the language gets more contorted to meet the need of the ‘ no offence’ brigade I find myself slipping away from it.
I heard QI added onto the ludicrous BTLGwatever the other day and just thought ‘ are they just running the alphabet ? Is it too short ? Too heterosexual
For our sexually perverted citizens ?
Oh -I forgot – nothing is perverted now is it ? No one can judge -there is no wrong and right –
Except when declared so by the snowflakes through the State Broadcaster – then one becomes ‘ in personed ‘ – Rolf – Jimmy – et al
Radio 4 Schedule
currently the former Guardian editor Alan Rushbridger moaning about prisons.
Moaners hour – always a left wing ‘joy’ with a special piece about a no deal Brexit.
Amritsar 1919 a British massacre – never a positive piece about the British Empire, just the usual anti white anti British hate.
Gyles Brandreth poetry by heart
Home Fire By Kamila Shamsie. Parvaiz sets out to carry on the work his father would have done had he lived. read by Sanjeev Bhaskar.
And that’s just the morning !
Has the far-left bbc collective reported on this from France? It’s about 2 minutes long.
The French state is now using tear gas against children:
Jane Garvey, hard leftist Hampstead luvvie gets owned by one of her guests on the Brexit question, that we always moan about Europeans comming here, but we must also remember that British people also go to work in Europe.
Guest – there are more British people working in Australia than there are in Europe !
Garvey – silence.
“Jane Garvey”
Is she back?
Last time I heard her I think she was on BBC Radio 5Llive or TalkRadio in the days when a certain very curly haired pop singer [Leo Sayer I think?) did his stint about 1PM – 4 PM.
With luck Stew’s tip will work…
Emboldened, another where #CCBGB
”David Bowie was one of the first artists to be sexually ambiguous”
BBC forgot to add – whose real name is David Robert Jones.
Also neglect to mention that he managed to 100% cure himself from any form of homosexuality, and went on to lead a normal, happy life, married to a woman.
”It’s why sexually ambiguous artists of the past managed to dodge some of this intense scrutiny.
The sexuality of David Bowie, Elton John and Madonna was not examined to the same degree, says Prof Himberg.”
Elton John (whose real name is Reginald Kenneth Dwight) was never ambiguous but was always seen as totally bent.
Anyone else alive at the time, will remember Madonnas life was examined in minute detail from the 1980’s onwards, over and over and over
“Is Ariana Grande’s new song an expression of bisexuality or just a tease?”
And to think that the lyrics to her songs are what moms and dads take their 10-15 yr old daughters to listen too!
Not just take-too – no doubt, singalong with in their own living rooms.
How longer does society needs to fall before someone shouts – STOP!
Remember Grenada when the Americans stepped in. A ten minute fire-fight and law and order was restored to the tin pot republic ?
There would be many advantages to becoming the 51st., state, especially under Trump.
Funny you should say that. There’s a caller on Talk Radio now who is very angry. He says we need a good dose of Trump!
In the short term the Euro Elections and Salvini’s group do hold a little hope for some fun. Bent on reform and with the likes of the AfD etc., they intend to rattle the cages of the EU.
Should make for some entertainment if little else.
What happened to the last 28 vote? Farage informed us that Salvini et al would reject a extension to Art50. All strangely quiet when ALL 28 later agreed. Perhaps Salvini et al thought more of the UK’s money to help support Italy and other, ‘poor’ EU nations.
Mike Graham on Talk Radio has just reported that “the EU” are saying that they will grant May a longer extension.
As far as I was aware this is Macron saying this.
As I understood it, ALL of the EU 28 countries (including UK) have to agree to an extension and it could be vetoed by either one of us.
As an aside, a caller is not very happy with the queen as she is meant to protect the sovereignty of the nation.
Some people reading my comments got fedup up with ‘ updates’ on the killings and stabbings in Londonistan – and in particular the East – where o. come from .
Well I have to report I have now lost count of the stabbing / killings . I was working on one killing every 2.5 days on average but I think it is down to one a day now.
So the 135 total of last year will be easily exceeded. One in Manor Park was a stabbing shooting job so I guess they won’t be trying to fob it off as an accident .
I mention these here because they simply pass the BBC by . Unless they can get a racial element into it with whitee as the baddie there is little interest – as it goes against the grain of denigrating the white British population which is the snowflake chief hobby .
I don’t mind seeing your updates. At least someone is reporting it. Unlike the far left biased BBC.
Please keep reporting them. It’s always interesting to see the reality that doesn’t get past the BBC censors.
Maybe a hundred year extension then ?
Farage has changed from hoping for a veto to hoping for a long extension. The latter pre-supposes that we get a Brexit Prime Minister. In any battle there has to be someone to rally the people, someone to inspire and lead – cue tumbleweed.