Tourette’s Robinson is on so there is no value in listening . Any pro brexit interviewee will be ridiculed and interrupted – some say ….
In an alternative world a decent EU country would say at this summit “ uk – you’ve had your chance to deny democracy – no more A50 extensions – Leave now “.
We could then dump May and get on with new freedoms … but oh no ….
To be fair to old Nev, the human price of The Great War sat heavily on his shoulders. He was trying to do his best for his country but was taken in by Hitler’s malignant charisma. May does not have the best interests of her country at heart; she isn’t fit to hold Chamberlain’s umbrella.
An excerpt from Churchill’s speak to the Commons after Chamberlain’s death:
“It fell to Neville Chamberlain in one of the supreme crises of the world to be contradicted by events, to be disappointed in his hopes, and to be deceived and cheated by a wicked man. But what were these hopes in which he was disappointed? What were these wishes in which he was frustrated? What was that faith that was abused? They were surely among the most noble and benevolent instincts of the human heart-the love of peace, the toil for peace, the strife for peace, the pursuit of peace, even at great peril, and certainly to the utter disdain of popularity or clamour. Whatever else history may or may not say about these terrible, tremendous years, we can be sure that Neville Chamberlain acted with perfect sincerity according to his lights and strove to the utmost of his capacity and authority, which were powerful, to save the world from the awful, devastating struggle in which we are now engaged. This alone will stand him in good stead as far as what is called the verdict of history is concerned.”
My goodness couldn’t we Van-we are dealing with an evil controlling, subjugatiing enslaving socialist/communist dictatorship, something as someone who was born close to the begining of WW2 would hope never to experience-we are at war again against tyranny without as well as tyranny from within the ranks of those that sit in Parliament. The Withdrawal Agreement considers nothing of value for the UK and therefore we should have no more truck but leave without a deal and stop waisting precious time, our trading nation will suffer as the world’s patience runs out. We need the fire and real guts in our bellies this nation and its peoples once showed they had.
UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s request to delay the official Brexit date for a second time — already set years after the Brexit referendum — has been granted by the European Union, pushing the British departure from the bloc back to October 31st.
Does anyone have an idea where the Brexit suppoter’s votes are going in the main, i.e. UKIP or Brexit Party? It annoys me that personal feelings are going to split the Brexit vote. We need to get behind one campaign only. I just wish Farage and Batten would both swallow their pride and do a deal for the sake of Brexit.
This is what worries me. As far as I’m aware the Brexit Party consists (so far) of Nigel Farage and ???
Last night on Newsnight this problem cropped up…not a problem for the unashamedly Remainer Beeboids, but certainly for us Brexiteers.
We’ve got far bigger fish to fry than the squabble Nigel and Gerard Batten are involved in. A vote for one party automatically dilutes the chances of the other. It’s not good…
On top of that there’s the SDP (now Brexit supporting) and Anne Marie Walters’ For Britain Party. Both are minuscule and will only ever be a distraction.
It would be sensible for all Brexiteers to bury the hatchet, swallow their their pride and come together.
Otherwise it will be a case of…
Divide and rule.
Farage walked away from Ukip and spread the slander that the far right was trying to take it over. That was before the Tommy Robinson business. He cannot be trusted. He doesn’t care if he splits the vote.
It will be his revenge on Ukip for not making him dictator of the party.
It would help if Gerard Batten could get his facts right and not, for example, refer to water cannon that haven’t existed for years.
Farage delivered the referendum; it would not have happened without him. He also accepts the reality that large numbers of people will be put off by Batten’s association with Tommy Robinson. Whether or not this is fair is irrelevant, it’s just the way it is.
As we are now going to have to elect MEPs, the Conservatives should pull out and offer no candidates leaving a Brexit party free to contest and hopefully beat Labour et al. The Brexit Party could then offer a No Deal as benchmark and effectively the vote would be a Referendum on leaving the EU. The danger with the Conservatives standing as well would mean a split vote letting Labour win many seats.
If Gordon Brown was very difficult to remove from Number 10 after losing an election I suggest he has nothing on Terrible May. She is determined to stay on despite the calamitous mess she has made and the threat she is to her Party and the country.
I’m really not sure how I feel about Nigel Farage now and whether I trust him. It seems to me he is in it for his own ego.
I can see the method in his madness by his disassociating himself from UKIP’s anti Islam stance as he wants to maintain the support of the general public and doesn’t want to alienate people.
But I despair at how he speaks about Gerard Batten and TR.
He just seems to me to enjoy the limelight a little too much.
Beyond staff sticking two fingers up to highly paid leader Fran Unsworth with her ‘don’t make us look bad tweeting’ nonsense, there is an unsurprising obsession getting in the way of simple professionalism.
The BBC must really hate Newssniffer because it objectively evidences the biased editorial line – as shown in the ‘ development ‘ of the outcome of the Israeli election
In 2020 it will go from ‘ Trump loses by landslide ‘ to ‘ trump wins by a landslide- Russia blamed ‘ in about 6 hours .
BBC doesn’t have journalists; it has PeeCee wishful thinkers. So while every one else knew Netanyahu had won and the tie with Blue and White was irrelevant, the BBC carried on hoping it was a nightmare and somehow Blue and White would pull through.
Funny you should mention the Russians. Judge Jeanine said that Hilary reckons the Russians are coming. The learned judge said, yes, they are coming for her!
(Maybe they want Hilary to sell them more uranium to weaken the US.)
The other day Toady did a ‘ filler ‘ feature on how technology is discovering new dinosaurs ( yawn) .
Why did my mind instantly go those dinosaurs the BBC rolls out to mutter on about Brexit – heseltine – Toynbee – Adonis – Major – Blair ? And strangely all with the same ( Soros ) message .
Can’t figure out how to right click to get the FB URL on my iPad, but here is the latest punt from yet another of those weird bbc offshoots, ‘Sounds’, that breed like rabbits..
““Colour-coded redactions”. That’s what we can expect when the US Attorney General releases the Mueller Report “within a week”.
Here’s a reminder of what William Barr has revealed so far about the special counsel’s Trump-Russia investigation.”
Still Ladies Day on TOADY. Mishal is mauling Stephen Barclay MP (Brexit Secretary) but Barclay is no DikDik, no Impala; he is being a very quiet Wildebeest and Mishal is in danger of being trampled.
Mishal is pushing the Labour line.
Now there’s a surprise. Not.
Mishal keeps interrupting and talking over Stephen Barclay.
long press on tablets is the same as right click
Put finger over FB post’s timestamp … and select copy URL
paste it here
People here can then open the FB comments by clicking the FB post’s timestamp
Part-time (Laura Kuenssberg, for the uninitiated) pops up and let’s drop the phrase ‘common purpose’ at least twice at different times in the parts of the programme I have had the radio on for this morning.
Its not Climate change, that has been happening since time began on this earth, the real danger is Pollution which of course affects big business, who prefer to steer the public away from such concerns, calling it climate change and deliberately excite the public in this direction daring never to tell the truth-but big business one way or another is where Pollution eminates from and it is that issue that, is a danger to this planet.
The theory is that pollution drives climate change and while likes of China, India and America continue polluting anything we do can only be for us in this country.
What became of gas powered lorries?
Do ships still burn bunker coal or run diesel generators while in dock?
I use smokeless coal but then I see on the news yet another massive factory or tyre dump fire and wonder.
The BBC tells us good old ‘east London’ lad Zain Qaiser (the hacker arrested for blackmailing porn website users) apparently had ‘mental health issues’.
He had “suffered from bouts of mental illness and was influenced by older, more experienced organised cyber criminals.” So it probably wasn’t his fault, just like it wasn’t Shamima Begum’s fault.
The BBC doesn’t say: while being sectioned at Goodmayes Hospital under the mental health act, “the hospital Wi-Fi was used to access online advertising websites Qaiser had used for his offending”. Oh, the BBC also doesn’t mention that if those websites where he’d posted his click-bait ads challenged him, they often “became the subject of the defendant’s anger” and were threatened with having their sites spammed with child pornography.
Always so keen to play the mental health victim card… not so keen to bring up the anger or the child pornography one. Repeat ad nauseam from the national broadcaster.
“No-one voted to make themselves poorer” Jack Dromey (R4 8.45am approx)
Nick Robinson should have challenged him on that point but FAILED* to do so. Last week and this, the Labour Party and its MPs in reality DID vote to make themselves, together with the whole nation, much poorer.
£39 billion + any future subscriptions to the EU poorer.
(* I wish we could use italics when posting on this site.)
snuff- had he been ERG or even Tory, Dromey would have got himself torn apart, limb from limb, after a silly, little slogan like that! It’s even worse and thinks itself more clever than ‘they didn’t know what they were voting for’.
Wonder if smug Dromey thought that one up himself? Oh no, wait…
But Dromey is Labour, and pretty far left at that.
Free ride almost guaranteed on R4.
After a few conversations with some of the locals, it may not be the safe seat that it was. It was 63/37 in favour of Leave. Dromey has a penchant for claiming credit for the successes of others but goes AWOL if the SHTF.
No, it’s a total Labour Party meme, fnw. My MP uses it, too. McDonnell has said it, Starmer & Benn have, all on R4 and I think Corbyn may have said it.
Thanks to Yvette Cooper and votes of Labour MPs we are now substantially poorer unless some miracle occurs between now and 11pm on Friday.
Just bracket the word you want to italicize using the less than and greater than symbols above the comma and full stop and the forward slash under the question mark and the ‘i’ without leaving spaces:
less than i greater than word or words to be italicised less than forward slash i greater than
Of course you will be able to see if it worked in the preview under your comment.
You might have to fiddle with the ‘i’ to make sure it’s not capitalised.
If you want bold text, just use ‘b’ instead.
You could Google ‘HTML Italics’. I’m sure there’s a better explanation than I was able to give you here.
TT, ta! Maybe that’s where I went wrong in the past, bracketing with curved or square brackets?
Meanwhile, what are your thoughts on the Israel Elections?
I have the R4 view from TOADY and will get more at 10pm on R4. Now I need some more balanced, reasoned, knowledgeable and analytic input from a better source.
Yo da man! (As over-enthusiastic American sports fans say.)
“No-one voted to make themselves poorer” says Jack Dromey.
The voters of Erdington certainly did, if they voted for him. Is his gender re-assignment op due yet? He/she did well to be chosen from an all woman shortlist.
Interesting comments on R4 Today this morning, which I’m sure that the BBC didn’t realise the importance of.
Basically went like this. The EU want to offer a longer extention to the UK because they don’t want the UK to leave without a deal. The possibility has come about and the EU has blinked.
The EU fears that the comming European elections will poison the chamber with dozens of Nigel Farage types which will cause them all kinds of problems, yet they are prepared to countenance this rather than the UK leave without a deal.
And yet idiotic know nothing MPs who have degrees in PPE and worked their entire life in the Westminster bubble had thrown away the best card in the pack, meaning that the UK can no longer hold the EUs feet to the fire, and we now cannot possibly get the best deal out of them.
So well done Yvette Cooper and others, for the over reaching hubris of knowing absolutely nothing about international trade and negotiation, yet believing she could not possibly wrong.
Take note of this, because this is the kind of politicians that pursues policies out of dogma such a diversity while everyone else can see it going wrong, and yet she doggedly claims it is working. At it’s worst this kind of bigotted ‘thinking’ is what leads politicians to begin executing the citizenry.
What a hard nosed bulldog British tough old negotiater Mrs May turned out to be. We must not be fooled by all that bowing and gurning when faced with any european leader as she’s pushed them to the limit and will go down in history alongside Churchill/Thatcher etc.
The beeb lot will need two bottles of Champers each this time. One for remaining, job done, and one to celebrate a marxist becoming prime minister as that’s what we’ve always needed if us thick plebs only knew it.
We leavers are somehow hoping that PM Traitor/the EU will change their minds and permit our claims for freedom from EU. They won’t!
I see it [this treason-cheating] in the way that fans in a football match goes red-hot with rage when a very arrogant referee allows an obvious off-side goal to stand thereby gifting an undeserved win to the losing team in premiership football. The Ref NEVER changes his decision and only one team wins.
No matter how much the cheated team complains the goal still stands. Even when the footballing MSM admit the referee cheated
It is true though, when in Europe she appears happy and relaxed.
Exciting day /night ahead – 1922 Cte., will tell her to F off yet again and a possible walk out of MPs may happen.
And if we have a long extension we will be assessed on our behavior every few months.
The French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian economies are not performing too well so why is May acting like we’re Greece?
Perhaps they could be if they didn’t have to spend their time learning about every single minority identity group on the face of the Earth which is utterly valueless knowledge.
This man could and should be deported. If her were in a different European country then they would be looking to send him back where he or his parents originated from, but not the soft touch UK which hardly sends anyone home.
Time for a much tougher government because this one is far too leftist.
The lifetime drug dealer already disqualified from driving
\\ He turned off his car’s lights, and shortly after drove onto the wrong side of the road on Kingsway facing oncoming traffic.
Imtiaz reached speeds of 50mph in a 30mph zone on Burnage Lane, and also went through three red lights.//
They are not eco-protestors. They are using disaffection with government to sow discord using climate and kids as an excuse.
The BBC may think (being generous) they are ‘exposing’ them but they are playing right into their Alinskyite hands as they crave publicity from the disaffected and will channel that as the ywish.
Hang on how come the BBC never mention Alinsky tactics ?
…checks BBC website
The 2010 Paul Mason. blogpost talks about Obama using them
This is the method of power analysis taught by Chicago *social activist* Saul Alinsky.
(WTF hes doesn’t say “anarchist” ! )
Alinsky constructed coalitions of the oppressed, weaving together church groups, community groups, unions and political activists to enhance the power of citizens versus all the forces standing above them on Mr Obama’s diagram.
Often the gains were minimal. Always they involved compromise
FFS that is massively deceptive
Alinsky rules are known as “by any means necessary”* and are about being devious NOT compromise
* the BBC website doesn’t mention his most famous phrase
At risk of channelling my inner Godwin, when at school I was confronted with all this stuff about Aryan master races, having read ‘Animal Farm’ I asked my teacher if any of the Nordic giants in the arena at Nuremberg ever looked around and then back at the guys at the podium and then back at themselves.
I guess it is no surprise that a parentally-enabled Aspergers sufferer and a horde of Fridayphobic numpties from 5F have not checked out all the beardie-weirdie ponytailed twerps playing them out of Hamlin to confront the cretins at W1A and Westminster.
He’s probably transfixed into a catatonic state by what he sees in the mirror. Yes, Jon, you’re white. And there’s nothing you can do about it, even if you choose to self identify as black.
Well the shit stirring BBC ought to know.
They have helped derail Brexit, helped flood our country with criminals and supported all types of weirdos in ruining our way of life.
I dare say that the BBC wouldn’t be half as keen to give publicity to those advocating breaking the law if said agitators were encouraging people not to pay their annual TV tax, er, licence. Hypocrites.
Radio 4 Monaders hour disembling lies by omission yet again.
How can you have a piece on the ‘tampon tax’ VAT levied on womens sanitary products and fail to mention that this tax is levied because the EU demands it, and that although the UK would cancel it, it cannot because we cannot control our taxation law.
Instead we get a bland piece moaning that George Osborne promised to give the money to womens charities, and apparantly some of the smaller ones aren’t getting as much as they might like.
Typical BBC pro remain by not telling the whole truth about this tax.
A campaigning organisation does not have to give an opposing view. Then again if it takes money from everyone should it not reflect all its captive bill payers views?
Many serious criminal charges coming against Democrats over the Trump conspiracy amid total MSM silence in this country. Is it censorship or incompetence?
Our secret services, Mrs May and goodness knows how many other members of the government and Civil Service are up to their eyes in the plot to prevent Mr Trump becoming President of the USA.
OneIMPARTIAL BBC correspondent feels he must attack the writer of the Spectator article that exposed Attenborough’s Walruses chased by polar bears story
I posted some evidence yesterday. And when someone writes an article in the Spectator that is just anti-climate change propaganda that endangers all of our children, then it is for them to prove it, not for me to disprove it,
Having spent a summer with walrus experts in the Arctic a few years ago, there seems little doubt that the increase in "haul-outs" and the numbers of walruses "hauling-out" is linked to a decrease in sea ice.
Also keen on ‘jokes’ that these days might be seen as otherwise;
Hands up all journalists who covered the case who saw Peter Hitchens in court in London l or out in West Yorkshire at the time of the killing. Anyone?
“Is it censorship or incompetence?
“I just flipped a coin and it came up for, ‘very incompetent conspiracy’.
The thing with conspiracies is that they are supposed to be covert, stealthy, secret.
This conspiracy is so incompetent and transparent that it’s not even worth the question.
Exactly the same this side of the pond.
On just, ‘A No Deal would bring about the destruction of our farming and industry’. This as they’re discussing the Debenhams fiasco and it’s inevitable job losses.
Is it me or is that a tad incongruous?
And Labour need more time for compromise – Really?
It’s all gone too far and we just need to start again.
Meanwhile the economy performs better than expected – again.
Why do I keep hearing “a general election will not change anything” when various ‘honourables’ are asked if that could be a solution to Brexit.
A general election would get rid of hundreds of traitor remainers (labour constituencies 60%+ voted leave) and might give the Tory remainers a good kicking.
With the traitors removed we could get the Brexit that we democratically voted for.
Oh, and yes Faisal Islam, they are traitors.
But they would go to their graves saying that, they only want what’s best for the country. However, the huge fly in he ointment is 17.4 million votes. Now for three years they’ve tried to invalidate that result and say time has removed it’s relevance so therefore a GE and votes for a remain or leave party would clear that one up for sure.
The trouble with an election would be a split in the Right and Corbyn getting a working majority by default.
How many labour Remain MPs like Traitor Cooper are being deselected ?
Labour supporters are famous for voting for any creature with a red rosette – eg the criminal representing Peterborough.
My hostility to the Palace of Westminster is absolute – move it out of London . Cut the number of MPs . Abolish the upper house . Pay a flat rate for MPs . No criminals . A contract between the MP and the constituency to comply with manifestos . A ban in family members being ‘ employed ‘ by MPs … and plenty of other corrupt practices …
I could go on but this site is about BBC bias
As an aside – watching PMQs one witnesses The Bubble who seem so out of touch with the Rage starting to be be expressed around them .
It seems that May has offered a second referendum to Labour in discussions …
There’s only one thing I would add: disband the Toytown Parliament in Edinburgh and get shot of the walking wastes of haemoglobin that sit within its precincts.
One nation, one Parliament, one House of delegates.
In answer to my own question, it’s obvious to the MPs that loads of them would be booted out because they are remainers, a whole bowel full of them would be gotten rid of.
They don’t want a GE.
They know what’s coming.
They may be liars, traitors, hypocrites, expense fiddlers, two faced bubble dwelling remainers but they have the cunning, devious, sly traits to keep their very lucrative jobs and a GE would flush many of them away.
They are not (completely) stupid.
And what if the second Referendum came out for Leave ?
We would be in exactly the same position as we are now?
I take your point about a GE but that would simply mean five years Socialist flavoured rule ending with a, ‘There is no money left’ note on a Treasury desk.
The leave no deal option wouldn’t be on the referendum voting paper .
It would be a watered down customs union non brexit or remain . The traitors would ensure that with no doubt in my mind . We’d get the choice they want us to have not what we want because we leavers are all thick
The bubble has internalised self hate for Britain . Mrs Thatcher was a hiccup in that process which has gone on since the 1950s ….
bbc WS on now, “Europe Have Your Say”.
“As Britain struggles to leave the EU ………………”
Fist speaker, “But Britain will no longer be part of the European Project”.
The only ones struggling through this crafted ‘crisis’ are Remainers.
Let’s wait and see if any speaker thinks the EU stinks ……… still waiting.
Oooooh the great Rob Watson, illustrious Brexit bbc expert is on now!
The Londonistan Evening Standard reports that a chap has been convicted of sending threateneing emails to 6 politicians – and David Lammy ( apparently he chucked in a ‘racial comment ‘ with him instead of just calling him thick ) . The chap used a false email address but I suppose had the same ISP tag or whatever .
He was , however , very discerning about his victims – namely TIG traitors and the traitor Cooper ( 69% leave constituency ).
I’m guessing that this is the tip of a brexit berg and others will be far more challenging for the State Politzei to track down .
Breaking a promise of democracy can’t go without consequences . And the ballot box seems so far away doesn’t it ?
Terrible isn’t it ? I feel as though I have had to tip toe through writing this comment in order to avoid the Stasi knocking on my door and telling me to “ mind how I go”… or worse ….
In no way am I condoning criminality – merely reporting and commenting on it .
He sent the mails well before they left their parties
\\ Jarod Kirkman, 51, pleaded guilty to seven charges at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Monday, police said.
Stew -despite coming from the Islamic Republic of Lutonistan it seems the chap is white . One website helpfully puts an address up should any friends of the traitors wish to engage in extra judicial activity – which no doubt would be equally well investigated …
Treezer wants a delay up to 30th June, but EU bosses are pushing for longer.
Do the bosses – Tusk, Merkel and Macron – get their way automatically or does the 27 countries have a veto? If so why aren’t any speaking up for the UK. Scared are they?
The way I see it, the countries that might support us are net recipients of money from the EU coffers. And the EU, via that fake Irishman, Mr Varadkar, has threatened any country thinking of breaking ranks with a loss of dosh.
A man of colour , Who’d have thunk it hey !!! Yet our great political class cannot see any connection between the main perpetrators of drug dealing and gun and knife crime …… it does seem a very tricky puzzle !!! NOT.
Lammy, Corbyn, Owen Jones, Dianne Abbott and the rest of the virtue signalling elite hard left will no doubt tell us he is a little cherub who just did this as his local Youth Club wasn’t open !!!
I have the utmost respect for Wolves and Remainers but they lost, both of ’em.
Not up on who Wolves are blaming and whether they want to play the match a few more times ?
Its not the headline news, its a little further down as its good news on the economy and we know the BBC do not like that. The negative spin they try and put on it, is actually a work of art. Project Financial Doom , busted, yet again !!!!!!
The top rated Have Your Says are a good read but this little nugget is a beauty, a real gem , the sort of Project Fear you simply cannot just laugh at, here is the BIG worry in this piece …
Lola’s Cupcakes is one company which decided it needed to build up stocks of essential items ahead of Brexit.
In its case, it was cream cheese.
Asher Budwig, managing director, said the company had identified the ingredient as one at risk from Brexit. Others might have been chocolate or butter.
There would be “no cheese cakes, no decorations on cupcakes” if ferries stopped getting through ports, he told BBC.
Man! This is truly Kozmic! BBC4 have a black hole evening tonight & lo & behold a news item … First ever black hole image released
BBC News report timed to coincide with their programming? Not so, it would appear …Details have been published today in Astrophysical Journal Letters
Tremble before the power of the BBC!
They clearly believe that they have done their share and must think that that job was successful.
It appears to be the same on most TV channels.
Its as if they’ve all had emails from PM Traitor thanking them for all their support over the years so now they can have a 12 month break till she calls for their services near the 11 month mark; and as a added bonus, they can put in an early request to have the TV licence increased at “name your own price” sweety.
Ves – in their way – the BBC has done its’ job . Although Project Fear hasn’t work it has ensured that the Brexit message and public opinion has not been heard but the voices of the 500 traitor MPs Soubry letwin Grieve et al have been fully heard and been defended from challenge .
The far-left bbc collective are probably even now plotting to undermine UKIP in the expected general election because they know the UKIP manifesto spells the destruction of their propaganda machine.
If anyone was looking for a reason to vote UKIP, this should be it.
I see what you mean. And its my guess that those well known Traitor MPs such as Grieve, Cooper, who sought and found a law/rule to gain power in parliament the other week are as we speak searching day and night for any other clause/law/rule that will further delay any Brexit vote!
While our Brexit MPs simply go on holiday. Thinking it will all come right in the end. I believe it will. But for those hundreds of MPs who voted remain it will be the time to cancel some utility payments, some over drafts, rather expensive holidays, etc etc. In other words – they will be out on their ears.
The most important thing people – brexiters – can do is to Vote in the European Election for UKIP or the brexit party or whoever locally will get Britain out . We need a 100 Farage in the EU parliament together with AFD and VOX and other decent parties who have had enough of Open Borders and the importation of the Third World – yet alone an ever closer EUReich
I can’t believe it!
The government have fired Sir Roger Scruton as housing advisor cos of some comment about Soros and Islamophobia.
There is no one in cabinet who would begin to even remotely approach the Scruton calibre, never mind parliament or the saddos that run our p. broadcaster. An intellectual giant, a man of quality and good taste. An old-fashioned English gentleman. IF HE HAS OFFENDED AND IS PUNISHED FOR TELLING THE TRUTH, NO ONE IS SAFE!!!! No one…
A very sad day, which bodes ill for the future of all of us.
I was led to The Guardian to find out the details. Imam Atta had something to say.
The begging bowl came out immediately, reminding me of someone else.
I’m a peaceful bloke, don’t get angry, but right now, I’d like to shove that begging bowl right up their…
Es stinkt verdammt scharf, hier im Reich!
Given the LIES that HMG (and the Opposition) have told about Brexit, should they not be sacking themselves rather than a man who merely stated his personal opinion on certain topical matters.
fnw – I heard that report too and had too turn the radio off quick cos of mounting blood pressure.
What Sir Roger said were facts – He was interviewed b some lefty mag and made the following statements. The term ” Islamaphobia ” was an invention by the Muslim Brotherhood” which I understand is true.
He also said that George Soros had extensive networks in Hungary (which he has) and apparently that statement was considered “antisemitic” Though what Soros’ s Jewishness has got to do with Sir Rogers statement who knows?
The truth is that this man has been thrown to the wolves on flimsy excuses as a warning to us all. Tell the truth about progressives favourites and you can kiss good bye to your job if you work for the Government.
Oaknash – I fear you may be right about the ‘warning’ bit.
If you are, we have entered a wholly new dimension, nothing to do with the black hole, with two exceptions:
-its darkness;
-its gravity…
….serious stuff
…..sinister stuff
The BBC and David Attenborough have produced more fake science for us next week. Climate Change: The Facts. BBC1, 9pm, Thursday, 18 April.
BBC Facts are always cherry picked extreme weather events. It also looks like the BBC propaganda piece will include lots of people on the taxpayer funded Environmentalist grave train. It wont be about the roll of carbon dioxide in Atmospheric Physics, because there are no facts from trying to calibrate carbon dioxide warming in a Planetary Atmosphere. There wont be any news about that scientific paper which proves that the CO2 Greenhouse effect is falsified or as Donald Trump says “A Hoax”. There wont be any news about that scientific paper that proves that the Greenhouse effect is caused by a pressure induce thermodynamic effect.
I am not a weather expert, but Astronomers have been directed to a book called “Climate of Extremes” by two Climatology Professors. They point out that if the carbon dioxide hypothesis was true, then because the temperature six miles up would increase at twice the rate of the surface, then extreme weather would get less and less, with the exception of droughts. The BBC dogma that both Hurricanes and Droughts would increase at the same time is a hoax without any scientific justification whatsoever. Yet its obvious that BBC Project Fear propaganda needs both extremes of Hurricanes and Droughts to increase at the same time.
Attenborough has recently been involved in another piece of scientific fraud in the TV documentary “Our Planet” involving footage of Walruses falling to their deaths from cliffs after being forced up the rocks due to the lack of sea ice because of “Climate Change”. Now the fraud has been exposed. The walruses had fallen from cliffs at Kozhevnikova Cape, Ryrkaypiy, in eastern Russia, after being pursued by 20 Polar Bears, who then feed off the dead carcasses at the foot of the cliffs. Commenting on Attenborough‘s piece “This powerful story is fiction and emotional manipulation at its worst” said Zoologist Dr Susan Crockford of the University of Victoria in British Columbia.
On the BBC, Attenborough says “We are facing a global catastrophe”. Looks like the coming program next week, will finally end the old fools days as a trusted national treasure. I can even imagine him walking naked into the House of Commons. Ten Fears of those who fear the unknown due to ignorance: (1) Climate Change (2) Global Warming (3) Brexit (4) WTO No Deal (5) Independence (6) Democracy (7) Freedom (8) Free Speech (9) Unsafe Spaces without any Walls (10) The Future.
The Brexit betrayal has shown itself to be in full swing.
Brexit has been delayed, diluted and distorted.
It’s time to fight back.
We are launching the Brexit Party with a series of huge rallies, taking place all across the country. Our aim is to win the European Elections on the 23rd May, now that Westminster is preventing Brexit.
The time has come to teach our politicians in Westminster a lesson.
I will be speaking at these events along with our great new candidates, and I hope to see you there.
Please join us on Saturday 13th April, in Hall One at the ICC, Broad Street, Birmingham, B1 2EA. Doors open at 1:15pm for a 2pm start. Tickets can be purchased here.
You can also join us on Monday 15th April, at the Devonshire Park Theatre, 8-10 Compton Street, Eastbourne BN21 4BW. Doors open at 6:15pm for a 7pm start. Tickets can be purchased here.
Before the Brexit vote, I promised an earthquake in British politics. This time, I will attempt a political revolution. I can only do it with your help.
Why are so many male doctors deviants ?
\\ trainee paediatrician Ralph Harper, 31, who worked at Great Ormond Street Hospital has been spared an immediate prison sentence over indecent images of children as young as eight being raped and sexually abused//
\\ Ralph Harper, who was training to be a paediatrician before his sacking, was given an eight-month suspended sentence yesterday //
i don’t believe that throwing people in jail helps victims.
But the systems need better checks.
Former Great Ormond Street doctor spared jail after child porn conviction
Yet again the wheels of British (in)justice turn in the wrong direction. Throw at an egg at a politician with a track record of being sympathetic towards terrorist causes and who is currently a very active participant in the Parliamentary stitch-up to end all stitch-ups and you get a prison sentence. But download and watch vile material involving the sexual abuse of children and you’ll retain your liberty. Something is rotten and it’s not the sewers.
As ever media people are in their Metroliberal lalaland that most provincial grannies can see thru Julie "We are getting record viewing figs" Context : Now a lot of news but few choose BBCnews She did TrustedSource fallacy & claimed "we're impartial" LOL People don't trust MSM
After I tweeted Amol fished about the biggest barrier to media entry : ethnicity ? or class ?
Actually they chose “intimidation of London life”, ‘we are trying to get people like our public’
Northern VoterMar 4, 21:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, the arms tie round the back. This was meant follow feds comment.
tomoMar 4, 21:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There’s quite a few psychotic bandits in Nigeria already – one more won’t change anything there… A deportation order was…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you do not say why, BBC! ‘He was born navy blue’: Real-life stories behind Toxic…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:20 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, There won’t be a nuclear war, and certainly not one that Russia starts. Why? Well, one reason (there are…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:20 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 TWatO Watch #1 – All together now, let’s all bash the President of the USA UK general (sorry, name forgotten)…
Early bird…?
Enjoy your worm
He can’t do that. The worm went off to Germany and France yesterday.
“PM to make Brexit delay plea at E U summit.”
Should read – Nation makes plea for Mrs Chamberlain to go.
Three wasted years.
Toady watch
Tourette’s Robinson is on so there is no value in listening . Any pro brexit interviewee will be ridiculed and interrupted – some say ….
In an alternative world a decent EU country would say at this summit “ uk – you’ve had your chance to deny democracy – no more A50 extensions – Leave now “.
We could then dump May and get on with new freedoms … but oh no ….
BBC morning emole headline…
“Brexit delay: EU to hear UK’s extension plea”
Not phrasing that speaks for me.
To be fair to old Nev, the human price of The Great War sat heavily on his shoulders. He was trying to do his best for his country but was taken in by Hitler’s malignant charisma. May does not have the best interests of her country at heart; she isn’t fit to hold Chamberlain’s umbrella.
An excerpt from Churchill’s speak to the Commons after Chamberlain’s death:
“It fell to Neville Chamberlain in one of the supreme crises of the world to be contradicted by events, to be disappointed in his hopes, and to be deceived and cheated by a wicked man. But what were these hopes in which he was disappointed? What were these wishes in which he was frustrated? What was that faith that was abused? They were surely among the most noble and benevolent instincts of the human heart-the love of peace, the toil for peace, the strife for peace, the pursuit of peace, even at great peril, and certainly to the utter disdain of popularity or clamour. Whatever else history may or may not say about these terrible, tremendous years, we can be sure that Neville Chamberlain acted with perfect sincerity according to his lights and strove to the utmost of his capacity and authority, which were powerful, to save the world from the awful, devastating struggle in which we are now engaged. This alone will stand him in good stead as far as what is called the verdict of history is concerned.”
Gawd, we could do with Winston now.
My goodness couldn’t we Van-we are dealing with an evil controlling, subjugatiing enslaving socialist/communist dictatorship, something as someone who was born close to the begining of WW2 would hope never to experience-we are at war again against tyranny without as well as tyranny from within the ranks of those that sit in Parliament. The Withdrawal Agreement considers nothing of value for the UK and therefore we should have no more truck but leave without a deal and stop waisting precious time, our trading nation will suffer as the world’s patience runs out. We need the fire and real guts in our bellies this nation and its peoples once showed they had.
UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s request to delay the official Brexit date for a second time — already set years after the Brexit referendum — has been granted by the European Union, pushing the British departure from the bloc back to October 31st.
Taffman, I really think May is out of touch with the country and her own party.
Does anyone have an idea where the Brexit suppoter’s votes are going in the main, i.e. UKIP or Brexit Party? It annoys me that personal feelings are going to split the Brexit vote. We need to get behind one campaign only. I just wish Farage and Batten would both swallow their pride and do a deal for the sake of Brexit.
This is what worries me. As far as I’m aware the Brexit Party consists (so far) of Nigel Farage and ???
Last night on Newsnight this problem cropped up…not a problem for the unashamedly Remainer Beeboids, but certainly for us Brexiteers.
We’ve got far bigger fish to fry than the squabble Nigel and Gerard Batten are involved in. A vote for one party automatically dilutes the chances of the other. It’s not good…
On top of that there’s the SDP (now Brexit supporting) and Anne Marie Walters’ For Britain Party. Both are minuscule and will only ever be a distraction.
It would be sensible for all Brexiteers to bury the hatchet, swallow their their pride and come together.
Otherwise it will be a case of…
Divide and rule.
Perhaps they’ll have a pact to have one party on each ballot … but that would make sense and politic people don’t do that .
Farage walked away from Ukip and spread the slander that the far right was trying to take it over. That was before the Tommy Robinson business. He cannot be trusted. He doesn’t care if he splits the vote.
It will be his revenge on Ukip for not making him dictator of the party.
It would help if Gerard Batten could get his facts right and not, for example, refer to water cannon that haven’t existed for years.
Farage delivered the referendum; it would not have happened without him. He also accepts the reality that large numbers of people will be put off by Batten’s association with Tommy Robinson. Whether or not this is fair is irrelevant, it’s just the way it is.
As we are now going to have to elect MEPs, the Conservatives should pull out and offer no candidates leaving a Brexit party free to contest and hopefully beat Labour et al. The Brexit Party could then offer a No Deal as benchmark and effectively the vote would be a Referendum on leaving the EU. The danger with the Conservatives standing as well would mean a split vote letting Labour win many seats.
If Gordon Brown was very difficult to remove from Number 10 after losing an election I suggest he has nothing on Terrible May. She is determined to stay on despite the calamitous mess she has made and the threat she is to her Party and the country.
According to Westmonster Nigel’s Brexit Party are running third
I’m really not sure how I feel about Nigel Farage now and whether I trust him. It seems to me he is in it for his own ego.
I can see the method in his madness by his disassociating himself from UKIP’s anti Islam stance as he wants to maintain the support of the general public and doesn’t want to alienate people.
But I despair at how he speaks about Gerard Batten and TR.
He just seems to me to enjoy the limelight a little too much.
Woman who campaigned to REMAIN visits political bureau who want the UK to REMAIN to discuss REMAINING a bit longer.
“Brexit: Theresa May to make plea for 30 June delay at EU summit” – BBC
ITTB has been busy too.
Beyond staff sticking two fingers up to highly paid leader Fran Unsworth with her ‘don’t make us look bad tweeting’ nonsense, there is an unsurprising obsession getting in the way of simple professionalism.
The BBC must really hate Newssniffer because it objectively evidences the biased editorial line – as shown in the ‘ development ‘ of the outcome of the Israeli election
In 2020 it will go from ‘ Trump loses by landslide ‘ to ‘ trump wins by a landslide- Russia blamed ‘ in about 6 hours .
Fedup2 and Guest Who,
I just went to the ITBB site and posted this:
BBC doesn’t have journalists; it has PeeCee wishful thinkers. So while every one else knew Netanyahu had won and the tie with Blue and White was irrelevant, the BBC carried on hoping it was a nightmare and somehow Blue and White would pull through.
Ha ha true – have the Russians been blamed yet?
Funny you should mention the Russians. Judge Jeanine said that Hilary reckons the Russians are coming. The learned judge said, yes, they are coming for her!
(Maybe they want Hilary to sell them more uranium to weaken the US.)
Aw shucks !
Not the bbc plan at all.
Israeli election results were not to BBC liking, so it took a while to find it
Its very annoying to know that this £3bn news outfit behaves like a spoilt child.
Its now fully engaged in all things minority and female.
The other day Toady did a ‘ filler ‘ feature on how technology is discovering new dinosaurs ( yawn) .
Why did my mind instantly go those dinosaurs the BBC rolls out to mutter on about Brexit – heseltine – Toynbee – Adonis – Major – Blair ? And strangely all with the same ( Soros ) message .
Can’t figure out how to right click to get the FB URL on my iPad, but here is the latest punt from yet another of those weird bbc offshoots, ‘Sounds’, that breed like rabbits..
““Colour-coded redactions”. That’s what we can expect when the US Attorney General releases the Mueller Report “within a week”.
Here’s a reminder of what William Barr has revealed so far about the special counsel’s Trump-Russia investigation.”
TOADY Watch #1
Still Ladies Day on TOADY. Mishal is mauling Stephen Barclay MP (Brexit Secretary) but Barclay is no DikDik, no Impala; he is being a very quiet Wildebeest and Mishal is in danger of being trampled.
Mishal is pushing the Labour line.
Now there’s a surprise. Not.
Mishal keeps interrupting and talking over Stephen Barclay.
There’s another surprise. Not.
long press on tablets is the same as right click
Put finger over FB post’s timestamp … and select copy URL
paste it here
People here can then open the FB comments by clicking the FB post’s timestamp
Ta! I looked that up and tried it but maybe my fingers are too fat.
Pretty sure the EU simply needs to post them to be automatically passed on by the bbc.
Oh come on. The EU has given millions to the BBC over the years, it’s only right they get something for their money.
TOADY Watch #2
Part-time (Laura Kuenssberg, for the uninitiated) pops up and let’s drop the phrase ‘common purpose’ at least twice at different times in the parts of the programme I have had the radio on for this morning.
Were you ‘dog whistling’, Part-time?
Augghh! Flicking down the Thread page so far, I think I have to turn myself in for an Apostrophe Crime.
I just spotted my one earlier higher up this page.
Yet another misuse of the word ‘toxic’ by the BBC:
PS: Examine the pics of the cars carefully. Anything to note? Naughty BBC!
So the BBC’s support for a bunch of ancient anarchist hippies moves to fag and Hob Nob sofa slob sector….
Joey d’Urso will be mortified.
At least on twitter #CCBGB
How #prasnews works.
ah GW I didn’t spot you’d already posted so I started again an hour later.
btw that PR tweet was deleted
there is this one
Its not Climate change, that has been happening since time began on this earth, the real danger is Pollution which of course affects big business, who prefer to steer the public away from such concerns, calling it climate change and deliberately excite the public in this direction daring never to tell the truth-but big business one way or another is where Pollution eminates from and it is that issue that, is a danger to this planet.
The theory is that pollution drives climate change and while likes of China, India and America continue polluting anything we do can only be for us in this country.
What became of gas powered lorries?
Do ships still burn bunker coal or run diesel generators while in dock?
I use smokeless coal but then I see on the news yet another massive factory or tyre dump fire and wonder.
The BBC tells us good old ‘east London’ lad Zain Qaiser (the hacker arrested for blackmailing porn website users) apparently had ‘mental health issues’.
He had “suffered from bouts of mental illness and was influenced by older, more experienced organised cyber criminals.” So it probably wasn’t his fault, just like it wasn’t Shamima Begum’s fault.
The BBC doesn’t say: while being sectioned at Goodmayes Hospital under the mental health act, “the hospital Wi-Fi was used to access online advertising websites Qaiser had used for his offending”. Oh, the BBC also doesn’t mention that if those websites where he’d posted his click-bait ads challenged him, they often “became the subject of the defendant’s anger” and were threatened with having their sites spammed with child pornography.
Always so keen to play the mental health victim card… not so keen to bring up the anger or the child pornography one. Repeat ad nauseam from the national broadcaster.
TOADY Watch #3
“No-one voted to make themselves poorer” Jack Dromey (R4 8.45am approx)
Nick Robinson should have challenged him on that point but FAILED* to do so. Last week and this, the Labour Party and its MPs in reality DID vote to make themselves, together with the whole nation, much poorer.
£39 billion + any future subscriptions to the EU poorer.
(* I wish we could use italics when posting on this site.)
snuff- had he been ERG or even Tory, Dromey would have got himself torn apart, limb from limb, after a silly, little slogan like that! It’s even worse and thinks itself more clever than ‘they didn’t know what they were voting for’.
Wonder if smug Dromey thought that one up himself? Oh no, wait…
But Dromey is Labour, and pretty far left at that.
Free ride almost guaranteed on R4.
A shoe-in guaranteed safe seat for Mr Harriet Harman – makes you want to vomit!
After a few conversations with some of the locals, it may not be the safe seat that it was. It was 63/37 in favour of Leave. Dromey has a penchant for claiming credit for the successes of others but goes AWOL if the SHTF.
No, it’s a total Labour Party meme, fnw. My MP uses it, too. McDonnell has said it, Starmer & Benn have, all on R4 and I think Corbyn may have said it.
Thanks to Yvette Cooper and votes of Labour MPs we are now substantially poorer unless some miracle occurs between now and 11pm on Friday.
<i>your text here</i>
Or use a b for bold.
Roland Deschain,
How did you do that?! I tried to demonstrate it leaving spaces but the HTML didn’t appear.
Use the codes to produce the required characters.
Roland Deschain,
Thanks. I’ve noted that website for future reference.
???????????? ????????????
easiest site is this one…..
You simply copy n paste direct to the site
This site like most forums uses BBCode
Just bracket the word you want to italicize using the less than and greater than symbols above the comma and full stop and the forward slash under the question mark and the ‘i’ without leaving spaces:
less than i greater than word or words to be italicised less than forward slash i greater than
Of course you will be able to see if it worked in the preview under your comment.
You might have to fiddle with the ‘i’ to make sure it’s not capitalised.
If you want bold text, just use ‘b’ instead.
You could Google ‘HTML Italics’. I’m sure there’s a better explanation than I was able to give you here.
TT, ta! Maybe that’s where I went wrong in the past, bracketing with curved or square brackets?
Meanwhile, what are your thoughts on the Israel Elections?
I have the R4 view from TOADY and will get more at 10pm on R4. Now I need some more balanced, reasoned, knowledgeable and analytic input from a better source.
Yo da man! (As over-enthusiastic American sports fans say.)
The correct response should have been:
And no one voted to give you money to watch porn movies.
Italics: put an i inside < brackets at one end and /i inside < brackets at the other.
“No-one voted to make themselves poorer” says Jack Dromey.
The voters of Erdington certainly did, if they voted for him. Is his gender re-assignment op due yet? He/she did well to be chosen from an all woman shortlist.
You can see they are praying to get an ex-bloke to chip in…
Sadly, so far, #CCBGB
Interesting comments on R4 Today this morning, which I’m sure that the BBC didn’t realise the importance of.
Basically went like this. The EU want to offer a longer extention to the UK because they don’t want the UK to leave without a deal. The possibility has come about and the EU has blinked.
The EU fears that the comming European elections will poison the chamber with dozens of Nigel Farage types which will cause them all kinds of problems, yet they are prepared to countenance this rather than the UK leave without a deal.
And yet idiotic know nothing MPs who have degrees in PPE and worked their entire life in the Westminster bubble had thrown away the best card in the pack, meaning that the UK can no longer hold the EUs feet to the fire, and we now cannot possibly get the best deal out of them.
So well done Yvette Cooper and others, for the over reaching hubris of knowing absolutely nothing about international trade and negotiation, yet believing she could not possibly wrong.
Take note of this, because this is the kind of politicians that pursues policies out of dogma such a diversity while everyone else can see it going wrong, and yet she doggedly claims it is working. At it’s worst this kind of bigotted ‘thinking’ is what leads politicians to begin executing the citizenry.
Good post, Thoughtful.
What a hard nosed bulldog British tough old negotiater Mrs May turned out to be. We must not be fooled by all that bowing and gurning when faced with any european leader as she’s pushed them to the limit and will go down in history alongside Churchill/Thatcher etc.
The beeb lot will need two bottles of Champers each this time. One for remaining, job done, and one to celebrate a marxist becoming prime minister as that’s what we’ve always needed if us thick plebs only knew it.
Analysis the bbc is unlikely to offer.
Guest – Looks like the Sultan ain’t happy?
We leavers are somehow hoping that PM Traitor/the EU will change their minds and permit our claims for freedom from EU. They won’t!
I see it [this treason-cheating] in the way that fans in a football match goes red-hot with rage when a very arrogant referee allows an obvious off-side goal to stand thereby gifting an undeserved win to the losing team in premiership football. The Ref NEVER changes his decision and only one team wins.
No matter how much the cheated team complains the goal still stands. Even when the footballing MSM admit the referee cheated
‘bBC Monitoring’ also working hard on the BBC’s lesser favoured Asian democracies.
I think your punchline was a lot more effective MarkyMark than my original, hope you don’t mind…
It is true though, when in Europe she appears happy and relaxed.
Exciting day /night ahead – 1922 Cte., will tell her to F off yet again and a possible walk out of MPs may happen.
And if we have a long extension we will be assessed on our behavior every few months.
The French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian economies are not performing too well so why is May acting like we’re Greece?
With all this to-ing and fro-ing to Brussels, I do hope she is aware of the size of her carbon footprint.
possibly Eurostar ?
Britons need to be more educated in matters engineering, science and technology, according to the know all government.
The BBC shows us who and how
Perhaps they could be if they didn’t have to spend their time learning about every single minority identity group on the face of the Earth which is utterly valueless knowledge.
This man could and should be deported. If her were in a different European country then they would be looking to send him back where he or his parents originated from, but not the soft touch UK which hardly sends anyone home.
Time for a much tougher government because this one is far too leftist.
The lifetime drug dealer already disqualified from driving
\\ He turned off his car’s lights, and shortly after drove onto the wrong side of the road on Kingsway facing oncoming traffic.
Imtiaz reached speeds of 50mph in a 30mph zone on Burnage Lane, and also went through three red lights.//
Right now BBC2
Vic Derbyshire show promoting eco-terrorists
The BBC webstory
Roger Hallam boss is on air now
The BBC2 prog item is almost exactly the same as the webpage write up
BTW that BBC ER story has just been edited
They have put in a BBC advert
“Sign up for a weekly chat about climate change on Facebook Messenger” …
Bottomline if police are dealing with eco-protesters, they can’t be dealing with knife crime and gangs
They are not eco-protestors. They are using disaffection with government to sow discord using climate and kids as an excuse.
The BBC may think (being generous) they are ‘exposing’ them but they are playing right into their Alinskyite hands as they crave publicity from the disaffected and will channel that as the ywish.
Hang on how come the BBC never mention Alinsky tactics ?
…checks BBC website
The 2010 Paul Mason. blogpost talks about Obama using them
FFS that is massively deceptive
Alinsky rules are known as “by any means necessary”* and are about being devious NOT compromise
* the BBC website doesn’t mention his most famous phrase
10:25am item ends ..with date and meeting point for the Big Protest
.. Is that what its about, PR for their upcoming event ?
Did the VD show do a similar pre-demo promo for the pro-Brexit UK Yellow Vests ?
Promoting BBC-approved protests is what BBC #prasnews is for.
In two ways this “fear that the mountains will fall on us unless we brake the law” came from and is promoted by two BBC sources:
1) Attenborough. BBC
2) VD. BBC.
Oh, I forgot one minor mover and shaker – that NYE woman. BBC
These protesters are white skinned. Surely, that should get them arrested for excluding BAMEs
At risk of channelling my inner Godwin, when at school I was confronted with all this stuff about Aryan master races, having read ‘Animal Farm’ I asked my teacher if any of the Nordic giants in the arena at Nuremberg ever looked around and then back at the guys at the podium and then back at themselves.
I guess it is no surprise that a parentally-enabled Aspergers sufferer and a horde of Fridayphobic numpties from 5F have not checked out all the beardie-weirdie ponytailed twerps playing them out of Hamlin to confront the cretins at W1A and Westminster.
OT, but as the BBC would not grasp science if it leapt out of a petri dish and bit them on their non binary reproductive organs….
Get the jail, get the media.
Get the media, get the PR.
Get the PR, get the weak in Government.
“Creating a ‘better world’ requires rigorous thinking.”
And not copying and pasting activist press releases, BBC.
‘It requires math’
A subject clearly beyond the arts grads at every level of the BBC. And students cutting class.
LOL x 5!
“the BBC would not grasp science if it leapt out of a petri dish and bit them on their non binary reproductive organs”
And where’s Jon Snow when you need him?
He’s probably transfixed into a catatonic state by what he sees in the mirror. Yes, Jon, you’re white. And there’s nothing you can do about it, even if you choose to self identify as black.
“Troublemakers change the world”
Well the shit stirring BBC ought to know.
They have helped derail Brexit, helped flood our country with criminals and supported all types of weirdos in ruining our way of life.
I dare say that the BBC wouldn’t be half as keen to give publicity to those advocating breaking the law if said agitators were encouraging people not to pay their annual TV tax, er, licence. Hypocrites.
Radio 4 Monaders hour disembling lies by omission yet again.
How can you have a piece on the ‘tampon tax’ VAT levied on womens sanitary products and fail to mention that this tax is levied because the EU demands it, and that although the UK would cancel it, it cannot because we cannot control our taxation law.
Instead we get a bland piece moaning that George Osborne promised to give the money to womens charities, and apparantly some of the smaller ones aren’t getting as much as they might like.
Typical BBC pro remain by not telling the whole truth about this tax.
A campaigning organisation does not have to give an opposing view. Then again if it takes money from everyone should it not reflect all its captive bill payers views?
Please explain why there are loads of immigrants at Calais ( the EU ) desperate to get to Britain ( which wants out of the EU ) .
Is it because ;
Our economy is better than the EU’s ?
We are a soft touch ?
French people are nasty ?
I’ve yet to read of migrants in pump up boats crossing the Channel to the EU.
Many serious criminal charges coming against Democrats over the Trump conspiracy amid total MSM silence in this country. Is it censorship or incompetence?
Notice Christopher Steele is mentioned.
Our secret services, Mrs May and goodness knows how many other members of the government and Civil Service are up to their eyes in the plot to prevent Mr Trump becoming President of the USA.
I hope they too all get their just desserts.
SE – A bit of both?
Where is Sopel?
OneIMPARTIAL BBC correspondent feels he must attack the writer of the Spectator article that exposed Attenborough’s Walruses chased by polar bears story
Start of that conversation
That would be this Daniel Sandford?
“there seems little doubt”
There’s evidence, and BBC ‘evidence’.
So yes, Daniel, you need to climb out of that high helicopter and offer more.
He, and the BBC of Fran Unsworth he speaks for, have a new hero:
Also keen on ‘jokes’ that these days might be seen as otherwise;
“Is it censorship or incompetence?
“I just flipped a coin and it came up for, ‘very incompetent conspiracy’.
The thing with conspiracies is that they are supposed to be covert, stealthy, secret.
This conspiracy is so incompetent and transparent that it’s not even worth the question.
Exactly the same this side of the pond.
On just, ‘A No Deal would bring about the destruction of our farming and industry’. This as they’re discussing the Debenhams fiasco and it’s inevitable job losses.
Is it me or is that a tad incongruous?
And Labour need more time for compromise – Really?
It’s all gone too far and we just need to start again.
Meanwhile the economy performs better than expected – again.
Why do I keep hearing “a general election will not change anything” when various ‘honourables’ are asked if that could be a solution to Brexit.
A general election would get rid of hundreds of traitor remainers (labour constituencies 60%+ voted leave) and might give the Tory remainers a good kicking.
With the traitors removed we could get the Brexit that we democratically voted for.
Oh, and yes Faisal Islam, they are traitors.
But they would go to their graves saying that, they only want what’s best for the country. However, the huge fly in he ointment is 17.4 million votes. Now for three years they’ve tried to invalidate that result and say time has removed it’s relevance so therefore a GE and votes for a remain or leave party would clear that one up for sure.
The trouble with an election would be a split in the Right and Corbyn getting a working majority by default.
How many labour Remain MPs like Traitor Cooper are being deselected ?
Labour supporters are famous for voting for any creature with a red rosette – eg the criminal representing Peterborough.
My hostility to the Palace of Westminster is absolute – move it out of London . Cut the number of MPs . Abolish the upper house . Pay a flat rate for MPs . No criminals . A contract between the MP and the constituency to comply with manifestos . A ban in family members being ‘ employed ‘ by MPs … and plenty of other corrupt practices …
I could go on but this site is about BBC bias
As an aside – watching PMQs one witnesses The Bubble who seem so out of touch with the Rage starting to be be expressed around them .
It seems that May has offered a second referendum to Labour in discussions …
Well said, Fed. Well said.
There’s only one thing I would add: disband the Toytown Parliament in Edinburgh and get shot of the walking wastes of haemoglobin that sit within its precincts.
One nation, one Parliament, one House of delegates.
In answer to my own question, it’s obvious to the MPs that loads of them would be booted out because they are remainers, a whole bowel full of them would be gotten rid of.
They don’t want a GE.
They know what’s coming.
They may be liars, traitors, hypocrites, expense fiddlers, two faced bubble dwelling remainers but they have the cunning, devious, sly traits to keep their very lucrative jobs and a GE would flush many of them away.
They are not (completely) stupid.
And what if the second Referendum came out for Leave ?
We would be in exactly the same position as we are now?
I take your point about a GE but that would simply mean five years Socialist flavoured rule ending with a, ‘There is no money left’ note on a Treasury desk.
The leave no deal option wouldn’t be on the referendum voting paper .
It would be a watered down customs union non brexit or remain . The traitors would ensure that with no doubt in my mind . We’d get the choice they want us to have not what we want because we leavers are all thick
The bubble has internalised self hate for Britain . Mrs Thatcher was a hiccup in that process which has gone on since the 1950s ….
bbc WS on now, “Europe Have Your Say”.
“As Britain struggles to leave the EU ………………”
Fist speaker, “But Britain will no longer be part of the European Project”.
The only ones struggling through this crafted ‘crisis’ are Remainers.
Let’s wait and see if any speaker thinks the EU stinks ……… still waiting.
Oooooh the great Rob Watson, illustrious Brexit bbc expert is on now!
PS: It ended and was exclusively, pro EU and pro Remain.
What part of, ‘Public Service Broadcaster’ requires the bbc to frighten and upset people in Europe and Europeans living here ?
bbc WS now pushing the fear of an Irish border. The lies are just relentless and makes me envy the irresponsible power of the bbc machine we finance.
The Londonistan Evening Standard reports that a chap has been convicted of sending threateneing emails to 6 politicians – and David Lammy ( apparently he chucked in a ‘racial comment ‘ with him instead of just calling him thick ) . The chap used a false email address but I suppose had the same ISP tag or whatever .
He was , however , very discerning about his victims – namely TIG traitors and the traitor Cooper ( 69% leave constituency ).
I’m guessing that this is the tip of a brexit berg and others will be far more challenging for the State Politzei to track down .
Breaking a promise of democracy can’t go without consequences . And the ballot box seems so far away doesn’t it ?
Terrible isn’t it ? I feel as though I have had to tip toe through writing this comment in order to avoid the Stasi knocking on my door and telling me to “ mind how I go”… or worse ….
In no way am I condoning criminality – merely reporting and commenting on it .
He sent the mails well before they left their parties
\\ Jarod Kirkman, 51, pleaded guilty to seven charges at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Monday, police said.
Kirkman, of Torquay Drive in Luton, admitted sending threatening and racially aggravated messages to seven politicians between 4 December 2018 and 21 January this year. //
Note how the media use politicians photos but not his
Bet he is non-white
Stew -despite coming from the Islamic Republic of Lutonistan it seems the chap is white . One website helpfully puts an address up should any friends of the traitors wish to engage in extra judicial activity – which no doubt would be equally well investigated …
Treezer wants a delay up to 30th June, but EU bosses are pushing for longer.
Do the bosses – Tusk, Merkel and Macron – get their way automatically or does the 27 countries have a veto? If so why aren’t any speaking up for the UK. Scared are they?
Merkel has just gone to meet Macron and, ‘ensure they’re on the same page’, ie: tell him what to do.
All the poorer nations are too scared to veto – that would be all of them except for Germany and they have no need, after all they’re running things.
The way I see it, the countries that might support us are net recipients of money from the EU coffers. And the EU, via that fake Irishman, Mr Varadkar, has threatened any country thinking of breaking ranks with a loss of dosh.
Surprisingly the bbc has reported the sentencing of one Reuben Rose , 25 for supplying drugs . He got only 6 years and has to pay back £100k profits .
Mr Rose lives in Windrush Road Harlesden . There is a nice picture of his diverse face. I couldn’t , just couldn’t – make. It. Up.
A man of colour , Who’d have thunk it hey !!! Yet our great political class cannot see any connection between the main perpetrators of drug dealing and gun and knife crime …… it does seem a very tricky puzzle !!! NOT.
Lammy, Corbyn, Owen Jones, Dianne Abbott and the rest of the virtue signalling elite hard left will no doubt tell us he is a little cherub who just did this as his local Youth Club wasn’t open !!!
Windrush Road, eh?
Protest outside the Dorchester against the introduction of stoning in Brunei.
Why am I coming around to the view that it is not a bad idea?
I have the utmost respect for Wolves and Remainers but they lost, both of ’em.
Not up on who Wolves are blaming and whether they want to play the match a few more times ?
Ah the selective compassion of the Left in action.
Penalty decision at 90 mins – ref didn’t know what he was doing .
Not forgetting Russian collusion and Facebook influence.
Iconoclast tries to get BBC Reality Chuck people to apologise
Its not the headline news, its a little further down as its good news on the economy and we know the BBC do not like that. The negative spin they try and put on it, is actually a work of art. Project Financial Doom , busted, yet again !!!!!!
The top rated Have Your Says are a good read but this little nugget is a beauty, a real gem , the sort of Project Fear you simply cannot just laugh at, here is the BIG worry in this piece …
Lola’s Cupcakes is one company which decided it needed to build up stocks of essential items ahead of Brexit.
In its case, it was cream cheese.
Asher Budwig, managing director, said the company had identified the ingredient as one at risk from Brexit. Others might have been chocolate or butter.
There would be “no cheese cakes, no decorations on cupcakes” if ferries stopped getting through ports, he told BBC.
Pah! and let them eat cupcake I say !
Could that be true – Remainers eat cupcakes while leavers eat cheesecakes ?
I don’t know why they act so surprised. The remoaners have been telling us since before the referendum that we can’t have our cake and eat it.
Man! This is truly Kozmic! BBC4 have a black hole evening tonight & lo & behold a news item …
First ever black hole image released
BBC News report timed to coincide with their programming? Not so, it would appear …Details have been published today in Astrophysical Journal Letters
Tremble before the power of the BBC!
We have a black hole near us – Smethwick.
Gaxvil, I ran the Smethwick Half-Marathon in 1983 and achieved the fastest time I’d covered that distance – I wonder why :0)
Is it a picture of Dianne Abbott bending over?
Excellent news management – big day for Brexit so lead with some old nonsense about Black Holes and someone called Darcy has “ quit “ something .
The third Law of BBC bias –
Minimise/ distract from something important .
Its as if the BBC knows: job done.
They clearly believe that they have done their share and must think that that job was successful.
It appears to be the same on most TV channels.
Its as if they’ve all had emails from PM Traitor thanking them for all their support over the years so now they can have a 12 month break till she calls for their services near the 11 month mark; and as a added bonus, they can put in an early request to have the TV licence increased at “name your own price” sweety.
Ves – in their way – the BBC has done its’ job . Although Project Fear hasn’t work it has ensured that the Brexit message and public opinion has not been heard but the voices of the 500 traitor MPs Soubry letwin Grieve et al have been fully heard and been defended from challenge .
The far-left bbc collective are probably even now plotting to undermine UKIP in the expected general election because they know the UKIP manifesto spells the destruction of their propaganda machine.
If anyone was looking for a reason to vote UKIP, this should be it.
I see what you mean. And its my guess that those well known Traitor MPs such as Grieve, Cooper, who sought and found a law/rule to gain power in parliament the other week are as we speak searching day and night for any other clause/law/rule that will further delay any Brexit vote!
While our Brexit MPs simply go on holiday. Thinking it will all come right in the end. I believe it will. But for those hundreds of MPs who voted remain it will be the time to cancel some utility payments, some over drafts, rather expensive holidays, etc etc. In other words – they will be out on their ears.
The most important thing people – brexiters – can do is to Vote in the European Election for UKIP or the brexit party or whoever locally will get Britain out . We need a 100 Farage in the EU parliament together with AFD and VOX and other decent parties who have had enough of Open Borders and the importation of the Third World – yet alone an ever closer EUReich
I can’t believe it!
The government have fired Sir Roger Scruton as housing advisor cos of some comment about Soros and Islamophobia.
There is no one in cabinet who would begin to even remotely approach the Scruton calibre, never mind parliament or the saddos that run our p. broadcaster. An intellectual giant, a man of quality and good taste. An old-fashioned English gentleman. IF HE HAS OFFENDED AND IS PUNISHED FOR TELLING THE TRUTH, NO ONE IS SAFE!!!! No one…
A very sad day, which bodes ill for the future of all of us.
I was led to The Guardian to find out the details. Imam Atta had something to say.
The begging bowl came out immediately, reminding me of someone else.
I’m a peaceful bloke, don’t get angry, but right now, I’d like to shove that begging bowl right up their…
Es stinkt verdammt scharf, hier im Reich!
Given the LIES that HMG (and the Opposition) have told about Brexit, should they not be sacking themselves rather than a man who merely stated his personal opinion on certain topical matters.
Orwell was right.
fnw – I heard that report too and had too turn the radio off quick cos of mounting blood pressure.
What Sir Roger said were facts – He was interviewed b some lefty mag and made the following statements. The term ” Islamaphobia ” was an invention by the Muslim Brotherhood” which I understand is true.
He also said that George Soros had extensive networks in Hungary (which he has) and apparently that statement was considered “antisemitic” Though what Soros’ s Jewishness has got to do with Sir Rogers statement who knows?
The truth is that this man has been thrown to the wolves on flimsy excuses as a warning to us all. Tell the truth about progressives favourites and you can kiss good bye to your job if you work for the Government.
Oaknash – I fear you may be right about the ‘warning’ bit.
If you are, we have entered a wholly new dimension, nothing to do with the black hole, with two exceptions:
-its darkness;
-its gravity…
….serious stuff
…..sinister stuff
The BBC and David Attenborough have produced more fake science for us next week. Climate Change: The Facts. BBC1, 9pm, Thursday, 18 April.
BBC Facts are always cherry picked extreme weather events. It also looks like the BBC propaganda piece will include lots of people on the taxpayer funded Environmentalist grave train. It wont be about the roll of carbon dioxide in Atmospheric Physics, because there are no facts from trying to calibrate carbon dioxide warming in a Planetary Atmosphere. There wont be any news about that scientific paper which proves that the CO2 Greenhouse effect is falsified or as Donald Trump says “A Hoax”. There wont be any news about that scientific paper that proves that the Greenhouse effect is caused by a pressure induce thermodynamic effect.
I am not a weather expert, but Astronomers have been directed to a book called “Climate of Extremes” by two Climatology Professors. They point out that if the carbon dioxide hypothesis was true, then because the temperature six miles up would increase at twice the rate of the surface, then extreme weather would get less and less, with the exception of droughts. The BBC dogma that both Hurricanes and Droughts would increase at the same time is a hoax without any scientific justification whatsoever. Yet its obvious that BBC Project Fear propaganda needs both extremes of Hurricanes and Droughts to increase at the same time.
Attenborough has recently been involved in another piece of scientific fraud in the TV documentary “Our Planet” involving footage of Walruses falling to their deaths from cliffs after being forced up the rocks due to the lack of sea ice because of “Climate Change”. Now the fraud has been exposed. The walruses had fallen from cliffs at Kozhevnikova Cape, Ryrkaypiy, in eastern Russia, after being pursued by 20 Polar Bears, who then feed off the dead carcasses at the foot of the cliffs. Commenting on Attenborough‘s piece “This powerful story is fiction and emotional manipulation at its worst” said Zoologist Dr Susan Crockford of the University of Victoria in British Columbia.
On the BBC, Attenborough says “We are facing a global catastrophe”. Looks like the coming program next week, will finally end the old fools days as a trusted national treasure. I can even imagine him walking naked into the House of Commons. Ten Fears of those who fear the unknown due to ignorance: (1) Climate Change (2) Global Warming (3) Brexit (4) WTO No Deal (5) Independence (6) Democracy (7) Freedom (8) Free Speech (9) Unsafe Spaces without any Walls (10) The Future.
An invitation I received today:
Dear Brexiteer
The Brexit betrayal has shown itself to be in full swing.
Brexit has been delayed, diluted and distorted.
It’s time to fight back.
We are launching the Brexit Party with a series of huge rallies, taking place all across the country. Our aim is to win the European Elections on the 23rd May, now that Westminster is preventing Brexit.
The time has come to teach our politicians in Westminster a lesson.
I will be speaking at these events along with our great new candidates, and I hope to see you there.
Please join us on Saturday 13th April, in Hall One at the ICC, Broad Street, Birmingham, B1 2EA. Doors open at 1:15pm for a 2pm start. Tickets can be purchased here.
You can also join us on Monday 15th April, at the Devonshire Park Theatre, 8-10 Compton Street, Eastbourne BN21 4BW. Doors open at 6:15pm for a 7pm start. Tickets can be purchased here.
Before the Brexit vote, I promised an earthquake in British politics. This time, I will attempt a political revolution. I can only do it with your help.
I look forward to seeing you all soon.
Kind regards,
Nigel Farage
Leader, The Brexit Party.
Why are so many male doctors deviants ?
\\ trainee paediatrician Ralph Harper, 31, who worked at Great Ormond Street Hospital has been spared an immediate prison sentence over indecent images of children as young as eight being raped and sexually abused//
\\ Ralph Harper, who was training to be a paediatrician before his sacking, was given an eight-month suspended sentence yesterday //
i don’t believe that throwing people in jail helps victims.
But the systems need better checks.
Yet again the wheels of British (in)justice turn in the wrong direction. Throw at an egg at a politician with a track record of being sympathetic towards terrorist causes and who is currently a very active participant in the Parliamentary stitch-up to end all stitch-ups and you get a prison sentence. But download and watch vile material involving the sexual abuse of children and you’ll retain your liberty. Something is rotten and it’s not the sewers.
Amol has ITV news boss on
After I tweeted Amol fished about the biggest barrier to media entry : ethnicity ? or class ?
Actually they chose “intimidation of London life”, ‘we are trying to get people like our public’