That’s a disgusting case. The muslim doctor should have been jailed and struck off.
If there was any justice in our country, there would be a detailed investigation with witnesses being required by law to attend and to give evidence under oath, swearing on the Bible and not some other book. The British Medical Association ( or whatever the medical mafia call themselves ) also needs to be prosecuted; not just for their behaviour in this case but also because they are out of control and have been for a long time.
Almost 40 years ago I had cause to see a female Muslim doctor at the hospital about ‘womens problems’. Most of the appointment was taken up with me saying “pardon”, “sorry”, “sorry I didn’t catch that”, as her English was almost non-existent.
Upon seeing my white English GP I told him about the fiasco during the consultancy. He profusely apologised and admitted this problem was becoming more prevalent with the NHS employing more overseas staff. I was referred to someone else. And this was 40 years ago.
I so dispute the assertion that reducing the numbers of migrants potentially reduces the workforce of the NHS. Are we to assume then, that every migrant here has or will have a job in the NHS ??? Its too bloody ludicrous for words.
Today I made an online appointment to see my village GP – first available date ? 9th May. A telephone consultancy earliest date? 17th April. I’ll either be dead, chronically worse, or cured by then.
I think they went through a period of being too afraid to either check language ability and or the actual medical qualifications . German locums coming over and killing people in out of hours visits and countless other covered up GBH manslaughter cases .
Personally I called a local in the middle of the night and I’m sure he was an African Ju Ju man – but de ingleesh not so good —- he never got to visit …
Unfortunately ‘ struck off ‘ apparently just means ‘ suspended . Disqualified for life would be a clearer description but the medical mafia would be on strike because it’s about cash – which is their primary concern .
No free bicycles for the local indigenous population then?
And who is paying for this waste; local or central taxpayers? Were any of the people who will eventually foot the bill asked if they agreed with this waste?
Or, broken up and sent to the elders of their old villages in Pakistan who will in turn distribute (sell) those expensive spare parts for the village kids bikes.
I wonder how many ex-squaddies are living on the streets in Hull City Council’s administrative area. I further wonder what, if anything, the Council has done for them.
BMW moving into soon to be empty UK Toyota factory?
Do they know something we don’t? Reckon they do.
Merkel will have made her , ‘over my dead body’ promises to her car industry moguls.
Although if our car jacking continues a pace, sales of fancy Reich motors will dip.
Just in case you didn’t know, the Evening Standard has described Anne Widdicombe, who has said that she might well vote for Nigel Farage, as ‘far right’.
On that basis Miriam Margolis is very probably a hetero Tory.
.. Quentin Letts wrote that Bercow was doing strange interjections Monday as if he was a drunk prince
He kept saying sarcastically to those he was bullying “I am surprised that…”
\\ This is where we are in April 2019: a notoriously biased Speaker of the Commons, who often goes into huddles with favoured Remainers, barges his way into a debate about childhood illness in order to make asinine wisecracks about ministers “cultivating” backbenchers. //
He is a kind of self parody now – a false Dickensian loon who knows he is the sketch writers’ dream and thinks that when he is gone he will be remembered with affection
In fact – with a bit of luck he won’t be remembered at all – or as a foot note . A bit like a referee who wrongly got a footy club relegated .
Stew – fortunately that perceptive extract floated about twitter for a while . But the damage is done .
I suspect that the BBC will be ordered to become a bit less biased as it has done its job and can now allow people to ‘ vent ‘ in the public realm . We might even see a ‘ balanced ‘ QT with 3 remainers to 2 brexiters .
The French really could do us a favour and say ‘non’ to any extension – a tiny bit of payback for June 6 1944 .
That pumped up ‘chap’ ( edited by Fed but view shared Stevie ) Kevin Maguire said on gmtv that most leavers had died off, imagine the uproar if Boris had said that about remainers
I think I can safely opine that he’s a chump, can’t I?
How did the standards of the Fourth Estate (not to be confused with the Fourth Reich, which can be found elsewhere…) fall to their present level (i.e. lower than a gentleman snake’s, er, tummy)?
I do wonder whether Kevin Maguire actually does any work ! he spends most of his time on the tele pontificating in the morning and reviewing the papers in the evening on Sky.
That said, its a good pay day for those approached to do the ‘reviewing’. Its billed as a 30 minute programme, but the time spent ‘on air’ is around 17 minutes. It starts 8 minutes late and finished 5 minutes early with ads in between.
\\ dismissed after telling the New Statesman
that Islamophobia was “a propaganda word invented by the Muslim Brotherhood in order to stop discussion of a major issue”.
– In the same interview he said “each Chinese person is a kind of replica of the next one”
and defended the anti-immigration stance of Hungarian President Victor Orban,
.. saying Hungarians were “alarmed by the sudden invasion of huge tribes of Muslims from the Middle East”. //
NONE of the wording is saying WHITE people are better than anyone else
so it is not ‘white supremacist’
..that is just a ridiculous smear
A White Supremacist should naturally be a Pro-European, as the only common denomination for the indigenous people of Europe that unites the European Union is the white European race. Remainers must therefore have a guilt complex about being subconsciously white European supremacists. In a Guilt society control is maintained by creating and continually reinforcing the feeling of guilt and the expectation of punishment for certain condemned behaviours such as being a supporter of a united white European superstate.
This could explain why Remainers are obsessed with identity politics, and lash out at Brexiteers. Confusing Brexiteers, by accusing us of being anti white European racists.
“UK economy grows faster than expected ahead of Brexit”…………………….
Appeared as business headlines early this morning but it was soon relegated to the bottom of the pile. Had the economy tanked it would have been top of the news all day.
Interesting comments on HYS – worth a read .
A second topic appears ……………………”Tesco profits jump ‘in uncertain market””
“uncertain market” caused by a deliberate three year long delay in getting out of the EU.
IMHO our we will have a booming economy once we are out.
Sir Roger Scruton is one of our few academics with intelligence and an ability to argue without emotion and virtue signalling on the issues of the day. He has been sacked from his post on a Government Housing Body for daring to suggest that Islamophobia is a made up word, that Soros is conspiring against western values, and that Chinese communism is creating robots out of its own people.
This gutless Tory administration deserves to go, whether or not it plucks the courage to back Brexit.
You know when politicians pull out that stat about Blighty being” the 5 biggest economy in the world “so let’s give some taxpayers ( your ) cash away —-
Well when the traitors are dealing with the EU that goes away and we are on a par with Eire or Luxembourg or Belgium or … or ….
an absolute National Shame – I really hope some new politics comes out of it Properly British and Properly to the Right – Far Or Not – whatever the hell that means .
1. By ‘history’, does Chiles mean the revisionist (i.e. fictional) version taught in schools today? If so, it’s hardly a surprise that offspring are able to outperform their parents, for whom history is fact-based; and/or
2. Is he admitting that he’s, well, a bit dim? I’ve never been more than a very, very occasional viewer of his TV programmes so have insufficient data on which to base a fair opinion of his intellect.
What an idiot! This is a kid preparing for the GCSE examination, there’s a syllabus and even history experts might not be aware of all of it!
O levels are reasonably advanced, and if you didn’t study the subject to at least A level then there is little chance you’ll know more than your kids in almost any subject.
Does he get paid to write a column that basically sez his daughter is studying a different syllabus
as an aside
In three years of history lessons at school we did
English British Kings and Queens
The Agrarian and Industrial Revolutions
American History from founding to Lincoln
obviously it wasnt big on detail
The 3rd year teacher spent 2hrs a week silently scrawling on a blackboard, which we had to silently copy
I think she achieved her aim as everybody dropped history for the last two years
that doesnt of course mean I then spent the rest of my not interested in history and assuming I had already learned 3/5ths of it
I have left Channel 4 News and ITN after seven and a half great years. Farewell to all my fabulous colleagues. I’m looking forward to an exciting new life writing books again, and all sorts of other activity in journalism and other fields.
Maybe he’s witnessed enough of Mad Snow Mad Frei and the Mad Guru – not to mention the Cathy Newman and their collective offspring Faisal the Islamic ….
Sky will buy him .
Candace Owens is one hell of a woman. If you’ve not seen it yet, check out her Opening Statement At U.S. House Hearing on White Nationalism –
She’s the worse nightmare for the lefties and democrats – a black woman who doesn’t take their BS. Boy does she tear them a new one.
And then when a democrat tries to misrepresent her with a selective recording of a comment she made on Hitler – just watch her reply at 5.30 –
Thanks for those clips. I’ve seen a few videos of Candace Owens but I never knew she had that much fire in her!
There’s that guy Dinesh who does great work exposing the Democrats’ denial of their slave ownership and racist past. Seems like Candace has been listening to him!
If you watch & RT one thing this year it should be this. @RealCandaceO articulates perfectly the failed Democat strategies that have kept so many Americans down for so long all to perpetuate their agenda of dependence and victimhood for votes.
Heard a few Remainers lately, so disgusted by the EU treatment of us that they’ve switched to leave. And also some younger people talking about putting our country first. (Heresy I know).
Labour MP Laura Pidcock was on Radio 4 this morning, and was announced as shadow Minister for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy so I thought I’d take a look at her qualifications, and experience, sure enough like almost ever other politician, she has absolutely none what so ever!
She studied politics at Manchester Metropolitan University, and was a mental health support worker before working within, then managing, the education team at anti-racism charity Show Racism the Red Card. She completed an MSc in Disaster Management and Sustainable Development at Northumbria University in 2012.
Well I suppose if Corbyn is ever elected the Disaster Management might come in useful, and the mental health issues cause by his policies, but yet again we see another politico completely out of their depth.
Checking up on them has now become a depressing parade of idiots who haven’t got a clue about their brief. No wonder we are in the mess we find ourselves.
Bit like bekky wrong daily – the Shadow Biznes doing the brexit parties ‘ negotiation . She supported Comrade Corbyn in the leadership joke but is probably only qualified to make the Tea in a gender neutral kind of way
Post the revolution it will be a legal requirement that no one can stand for election to parliament unless they have a minimum of ten years work experience in a real world job. Students of mejia studies or holders of degrees in charadee fundraising need not bother.
In other news, Radio 4extra ‘The blonde women of India’. Hit the off button and listen to some Coast to Coast AM via YouTube. Most of the stuff broadcast on that medium is far more believable than what’s going on in the UK these days.
If you listen to a lot of radio and haven’t already done this you should try ‘TuneIn’. A free app, it streams thousands of radio stations and podcasts from all around the world, well worth a browse.
No wonder those same Labour MPs are yearning to hand over all their responsibilities to a foreign power. So that the female MPs can read more “mills and boom” at the hotel pool side.
Netanyahu is a good defender of Israel on the world stage. I like the way he stands up for the country at the UN and berates the assembled jackals who salivate at the idea of bringing Israel down.
He’ll make a strong coalition with small right-wing parties.
If you want to compose some more thoughts on the Brexit betrayal – perhaps add to the post on May’s dithering – I could put it above the line as a guest post in your name. You could create it on Word perhaps and post it on an open thread first.
I was kicking some ideas around in my head (mostly on Brexit + economics) at beginning of March in prep for 29th. Needless to say, they have become a bit scrambled with some of the smallest & oldest leetle grey zells thanks to recent events.
Will see what I can do but am under pressure on a huge variety of tasks at present.
I don’t know why they made a second video almost the same
The one thing they mention afterwards is that Brexit stockpiling might account for part of the rise in the economy ..I agree
but no Remainiacs predicted that.
In the mean time, Mayhem: The wilful and unlawful infliction of injury upon a nation. May followed by the word, Hem: To hesitate in speaking or in making a decision.
Brigitte Gabriel is great. I first got to know of her when she told this moving story several years ago about being helped by Israel as a teenager when she and her family were in dire straits in Lebanon.
She is one of the strongest and most outspoken supporters of Israel.
News at ten, and Nick Bryant is reporting from Washington, sounding slightly more cautious – languagewise, than Sopel…
President Trump says there was a coup attempt. He mentions the word ‘treason’.
Man oh man, would he cause chaos this eve in Brussels, were he there. Those 27 would be all shook up. Giggling about having similar outfits would have been cut short abruptly…
(I should have thought that the coup attempt became visible on day 1 of his presidency, even though it long preceded it. Most of the media looked pretty complicit to me. Not only in the US…)
Mr Barr looks like he could be a headache for Democrats. Nice one.
What sort of noise does a swamp draining make, and will we get to hear it?
Note how the polling pre the Israeli election was wrong
\\ Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has won the country’s national election, securing a record fifth term in office
.. despite polling showing him running neck-and-neck with his //
Bibi. Beep-Beep. My favourite Israeli politician since the late Ariel Sharon. He was all about not mucking about.
If you’ve decided something needs doing, do it! Mucking about gets you to where we are now.
EU agree to extension but give no date ?
What are they afraid of – the EU elections ?
Macaroon may have won the day , but he may shortly meet his Waterloo ?
Nexit ? Ooo err.
Yes, the Italian economy and the French civil disorder is old news and although still current news it remains sidelined by MSM as they talk up our ‘Brexit crisis.’
The manslaughter, Mr Ahmed, in the HoL threatened to bring 10,000 muslims onto the streets of Mr Wilders was allowed into our country. The cowards in government caved in to his threats.
john – Now THAT is much closer to the spirit of ‘Fascism’, which we constantly hear about as being part of the ‘extreme right’, than anything we can dish up…
Not that there is anything ‘extreme’ about us, compared to that character.
I am astonished that May has not resigned. She is bringing our democracy into disrepute and for one person to do that however powerful their position is to insult the nation. Nobody is above the nation.
She has forfeited legitimacy . It is very serious indeed and in such a position any politician with any sense would just go. I repeat that now it looks as if we will have to vote in the EU elections any candidate must give us his or her word that they will not sit there or go there . To take part is to demean themselves and the nation.
Sorry but that is the way it is. No half measures.
Why do we need to vote ? To show our disdain for the EU and the Commons and to preserve the vote itself even if it is being used in an evil cause.
I think Theresa May has been ordered by her left-wing boss Oily Robins, not to resign, but to join the Civil Service and the Labour Party, in finishing off the Tories and Britain.
Dave, we need them to go and cause disruption to everything they can until the EU finally kicks us out. We need to bandy together with all anti-EU parties represented and if we do ever regain our freedom we must carry on fighting to destroy the EU from without, as we owe them big time for this mess.
“….any politician with any sense would just go.”
I wonder if there’s some form of ex-dictators club? She would do rather well being friendly alongside Idi Amin et al from the Banana Republics.
‘Nobody is above the nation.’
While I agree with you, Merkel has proved you wrong for about fifteen years, or so.
She has even declared there to be ‘no alternative’ to her policies. (Bit of the old Papa Honecker mindset). Which is where Alternative fuer Deutschland AfD got its name.
And my goodness, they’re meeting stiff political/ media opposition. Initially, they were ‘das Pack’. (The rabble-stinking nightcaps etc)
In parliament they are the ‘Far-Right’, and have been excluded from the Bundestag committee of party leaders, they -as the official opposition- were entitled to.
So, not only can you get someone ABOVE the nation. You can get somebody ABOVE the Constitution. And they have a written one.
(It says her first duty is to prevent harm coming to her citizens!) A sick joke, if ever there was one.
I think political correctness has killed off cheerfulness. Does anyone agree?
Hardly anyone under the age of about 45 or 50 (which includes me incidentally) is cheerful these days because they’re the ones who’ve grown up walking on eggshells because of political correctness, always afraid they might accidentally say the wrong thing. If you sit in a cafe full of younger people in a prosperous university town like Oxford it’s amazing how grim-faced everyone is. I find it very depressing. My parents’ generation, on the other hand, are much more cheerful even when there isn’t anything in particular to be cheerful about.
I saw a photo of my now deceased uncles in their younger days on a night out .
Dressed up rather than dressed down , these working class Labour voters in Oxfordshire looked happy as they smoked and drank and smiles at the camera in a natural way .
I know they were a bit lary in their day but I’m sure they enjoyed their life .
It’s worse than that Political Correctness is killing people.
Khans refusal to allow stop and search in London, and other Labour idiocy in Britains cities is leading directly to the deaths of hundreds of young people.
It’s not just stop and search, it’s also the refusal to accept that there is a majority of Black kids in these gangs, and Khan refused to accpet a Police report which showed an 80% black gang membership. Then there’s the tesimony of the gangs themselves which say that the problem has been exacerbated by African migrants prepared to use levels of violence hitherto unseen before. That went out the window too because Khan deemed it ‘racist’. So nothing gets done, save to the innocent whites and lives continue to be lost.
Then there’s been a similar problem in the Towns and cities of Britain with Pakistani Muslim rape gangs who weren’t dealt with because of the same word ‘racism’.
The worst part of all this is that there’s no such thing as ‘racism’ it doesn’t actually exist. Even the achingly leftist BBC doesn’t have a definition for it (and I have that in writing), the claim “well we know it when we see it, is truly risible).
\\ A daughter of Somali refugees has been elected the next president of the National Union of Students, despite (retracted) controversial comments she made as a teenager about oppressing white people.
Zamzam Ibrahim, 24, who describes herself as a foodie and a coffee fiend, is the third consecutive female and ethnic minority holder of the role. She wrote on social media in 2012, when she was 16, that she would oppress white people to “give them a taste of what they put us through”, and that everyone should read the Koran, adding: “We would have an Islamic takeover!” She also said that girls and boys should not be friends because it was “Islamically not correct”.
She retracted the comments in 2017, //
Ched Evans, the professional footballer whose conviction for rape was quashed three years ago, has struck an out-of-court “negligence claim” settlement worth about £800K against his defence lawyers in his first trial.
At a retrial the new lawyers presented new evidence against the accusers character and he was found non guilty.
Yes, take a look at the BBC’s coverage of Ched Evans and prior to his acquittal. Let’s also not forgot the nasty campaign against him led by BBC darling Jessica Ennis and I don’t recall an apology from her either.
If we had left the EU last Friday, as we should have done (without an agreement), we could all have moved on. Instead we have this which is featured in the BBC ‘Politics’ section (and they call themselves The British Broadcasting Corporation…
And we’re done. (1) Flextension to Oct 31st (2) We’ll take stock of situation at our regular summit in June (3) UK to take part in @Europarl_EN election or must leave on June 1st without a deal.
Have they mentioned what YEAR????? This could turn into an annual pilgrimage by Mayn’t. It’s not even proof if they’ve got it in writing as how many people trust any of them not to move the goalposts AGAIN.
The delays are purely at the behest of Remainers.
If, as reported, Merkel is prepared to sit down and thrash out an agreement over the back-stop – WHY is it not being attempted ?
What she says goes so why not get to it ?
Makes one wonder since that is what is preventing May’s deal going through.
gaxvil: you have to see this whole thing as a little piece of theatre presented by the ‘May & 26 other Players Theatre and Magic Tricks’ company’. Theatres in Brussels and London. Other venues available.
It’s been well-rehearsed, but there’s a lot-of ad-libbing which the company has to go through on the night, as they have not had a chance to rehearse the very latest twist..
Also, that mere fact helps them to give us -the uneducated and stupid fools- proof that it’s all spontaneous, they think.
So we’ve demeaned ourselves to the point where local government functionaries from Luxembourg and fake Irishmen talk down to us as though they are not only our equals but our superiors.
Our country will not recover until we have regained our sense of self worth.
In LBC, Nick Ferrari, just over half an hour ago was David Davis. I’m left with two impressions:
* He kept giggling like a schoolgirl for no apparent reason
* He’s incapable of telling the truth about Mrs May. He refused to directly criticise her and, bizarrely said to the effect:
She said she’d go in May but it might not be May it might be sometime after that.
The one question Mr Ferrari failed to ask was why Mr Davis believes a word that Mrs May, the congenital liar, says about anything.
Looking forward, what do lab/cons think is going to happen at the next general election? Just working on the assumption that everybody will revert to type, fall in line and vote traditionally seems a very risky strategy. What are they up to?
What are they up to?
It’s Parliament v The people. Mrs Chamberlain needs to take her broomstick and has to go before halloween. The Tory Party is finished, the only thing they can do now is to scare us all with Mr Cor Bin.
Vote UKIP or the Brexit party.
People Lie..I hope! And maybe this is just the next stage of project fear – to make people vote the way they hope they will..
Even if Brexit got 100% it won’t make any real difference which is why the EU only extended to Oct 31st. 1st Nov is the new EU council – but we need to show remain politicians a warning..
May is possibly the most idiotic PM that we have ever had – deluded and has made the UK and its institutions that until now were admired a laughing stock
May is now smiling in her press photos. She’s relieved.
Brexit is run by the Civil Service.
My experience of the Civil Service is that they hate making decisions. They delay and delay. The topic either dies or becomes the responsibility of someone else.
It appears that several UK EU seats have been removed and dished out amongst the rest. Our MEPs may not be allowed to take their seats and certainly not vote.
Sentry – They’re actually all unelected, and supposed to carry out the orders of those who are. Who are supposed to carry out the orders of those who vote.
A topsy turvy world….full of sound and fury, signifying that that great actor, Theresa May is in town.
But little more.
And as for a ‘sovereign civil service’? Sounds pretty crap.
The number one biased issue on the BBC in my opinion is
that over 75% of the news presenters and reporters are women.
Is it about time that the BBC just became a women’s media
I heard a “Muslim community leader” on the radio complaining that Muslims are frightened when they go to pray. Playing the victims again.
I feel frightened when my family go into the city.
I feel frightened when my kids go to a concert.
I feel frightened when I board a plane to go on holiday.
I feel frightened at the prospect of my daughter going on a school trip to London. She does too, so much so that she doesn’t want to go.
I feel frightened for the future of my country and for all our kids futures.
All of the above are due to atrocities carried out in the name of “Allah”.
What goes around comes around.
There are no Hindus feeling this way, no Sikhs, no Buddhists, or any other religion. The Muslims might want to reflect on that and ask themselves why that is.
I'm cross about journalists who try to pass off the PM's deal as something we voted for. It's not brexit, stop pretending it is.
The Italian economy is in collapse and the government have been forced to extend the debt levels to support the economy. The EU is looking on and doing very little about it. The cause is almost certainly in large part membership of the Euro.
In France Le Penns party is doing very well against Macron and this explains his attitude to the UK extension yesterday. Le Penn is telling voters that it is the EU which is keeping the UK in the EU and that Macron is a party to that.
“In a scathing attack on the bloc, he also said the election “is a major stake for Europe at a time when the European Union is incapable of protecting the French”.
He said more French voices are shouting “we want to be heard, we want to be respected and we want to regain power”.
The BBC now: Emily @maitlis casually AGREEING with every sentence spoken by Gyimah… While ARGUING against every sentence spoken by Hoey. Boring, PREDICTABLE, corrupt, amateur.
Al Beeb clearly think game, set and match over for Brexit. My evidence, this morning Humpty interviewing David Davis at 8.15 was polite, interrupted only minimally and let DD have his say.
If Al Beeb and Humpty are being polite to a former Brexit minister they clearly think that they have won.
PG, The Humph may not be all that he seems. 😉 He can put on the LeftyLibbyCommie doublespeak and can get huffy with Politicos (eg his famous interview with ‘Call me Dave’ just after Cameron won the leadership of the C&UPcakes.) but he is his own man.
He is also ‘Demob Happy’ because he is retiring soon, not before time either.
"I hope she goes as soon as possible", Sir Bill Cash has said of Theresa May.
The Tory Brexiteer also told LBC that the UK has been "humiliated" by the PM accepting the EU's offer of a Brexit delay until 31st October.@NickFerrariLBC | #Brexit
I stumbled upon this gem. The channel is probably known to others here but I confess to not having visited this good source of info before. “How the BBC Bias Works”, from the ex BBC employee Robin Aitken. Voila! ‘New Culture Forum’.
We were told over a hundred times we would be leaving the eu on March 29.
Then April 12.
Plus possibly May 22.
Now it’s October 31.
Or sooner.
Every time so far has been a lie and I don’t believe any of the assorted future leaving dates will happen.
The eu will carry on granting extensions ad infinitum (whilst going through the pretence of it being grudgingly extended)
How much is each month of uncertainty costing in eu payments, a £billion?
If (haha) we are still in when Italy or Greece (for example) go tits up will we have to give multi £billions in bail out payments?
MSM keep mentioning the likes of Rudd and Gove as May’s replacement. Are they serious or is it just remainer wishful thinking.
Unless the Tories have a huge bowel movement and get rid of all the remainer crap contaminating them they will become an irrelevance.
My only fear is UKIP and Brexit Party splitting leave votes.
They MUST get together to defeat the remainers.
They can carry on their feud after we have safely left.
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Grimsby news : ABP ports is to dredge the waters so they can get in more ships of cars. #DespiteBrexit
The Muslim doctor is back at work.
The parents of the dead boy complain they have been trolled by an “army of doctors”
At the end of the day it’s a Doctor – they ALL carry, ‘Get out of jail cards’.
Sharks medics and lawyers – spot the difference . At least sharks don’t ‘ pretend’ .
That’s a disgusting case. The muslim doctor should have been jailed and struck off.
If there was any justice in our country, there would be a detailed investigation with witnesses being required by law to attend and to give evidence under oath, swearing on the Bible and not some other book. The British Medical Association ( or whatever the medical mafia call themselves ) also needs to be prosecuted; not just for their behaviour in this case but also because they are out of control and have been for a long time.
Almost 40 years ago I had cause to see a female Muslim doctor at the hospital about ‘womens problems’. Most of the appointment was taken up with me saying “pardon”, “sorry”, “sorry I didn’t catch that”, as her English was almost non-existent.
Upon seeing my white English GP I told him about the fiasco during the consultancy. He profusely apologised and admitted this problem was becoming more prevalent with the NHS employing more overseas staff. I was referred to someone else. And this was 40 years ago.
I so dispute the assertion that reducing the numbers of migrants potentially reduces the workforce of the NHS. Are we to assume then, that every migrant here has or will have a job in the NHS ??? Its too bloody ludicrous for words.
Today I made an online appointment to see my village GP – first available date ? 9th May. A telephone consultancy earliest date? 17th April. I’ll either be dead, chronically worse, or cured by then.
I think they went through a period of being too afraid to either check language ability and or the actual medical qualifications . German locums coming over and killing people in out of hours visits and countless other covered up GBH manslaughter cases .
Personally I called a local in the middle of the night and I’m sure he was an African Ju Ju man – but de ingleesh not so good —- he never got to visit …
They get paid a lot too …
I have no faith in their NHS any more .
Unfortunately ‘ struck off ‘ apparently just means ‘ suspended . Disqualified for life would be a clearer description but the medical mafia would be on strike because it’s about cash – which is their primary concern .
Hull : both BBC and ITV pushing agenda tonight
… interview just coming up on Radio Humberside
#SyrianRefugees are #MoreThanEqual
No free bicycles for the local indigenous population then?
And who is paying for this waste; local or central taxpayers? Were any of the people who will eventually foot the bill asked if they agreed with this waste?
It’s not like Hull hasn’t got a huge on street drug problem it should be using its resources to deal with.
Remember the city was in lockdown one day in September when a Syrian refugee raided 2 banks with a knife.
Bikes and a goodie bag!

That will give the politically correct a nice warm feeling in their tummies.
Bet most of the bikes have been sold already.
“Bet most of the bikes have been sold already.”
Or, broken up and sent to the elders of their old villages in Pakistan who will in turn distribute (sell) those expensive spare parts for the village kids bikes.
I wonder how many ex-squaddies are living on the streets in Hull City Council’s administrative area. I further wonder what, if anything, the Council has done for them.
BMW moving into soon to be empty UK Toyota factory?
Do they know something we don’t? Reckon they do.
Merkel will have made her , ‘over my dead body’ promises to her car industry moguls.
Although if our car jacking continues a pace, sales of fancy Reich motors will dip.
Just in case you didn’t know, the Evening Standard has described Anne Widdicombe, who has said that she might well vote for Nigel Farage, as ‘far right’.
On that basis Miriam Margolis is very probably a hetero Tory.
BBC doing weird adverts to promote Bercow
..its not news
.. Quentin Letts wrote that Bercow was doing strange interjections Monday as if he was a drunk prince
He kept saying sarcastically to those he was bullying “I am surprised that…”
\\ This is where we are in April 2019: a notoriously biased Speaker of the Commons, who often goes into huddles with favoured Remainers, barges his way into a debate about childhood illness in order to make asinine wisecracks about ministers “cultivating” backbenchers. //
He is a kind of self parody now – a false Dickensian loon who knows he is the sketch writers’ dream and thinks that when he is gone he will be remembered with affection
In fact – with a bit of luck he won’t be remembered at all – or as a foot note . A bit like a referee who wrongly got a footy club relegated .
Mirror reports does BBC ?
Tuesday’s Times : Melanie P
Stew – fortunately that perceptive extract floated about twitter for a while . But the damage is done .
I suspect that the BBC will be ordered to become a bit less biased as it has done its job and can now allow people to ‘ vent ‘ in the public realm . We might even see a ‘ balanced ‘ QT with 3 remainers to 2 brexiters .
The French really could do us a favour and say ‘non’ to any extension – a tiny bit of payback for June 6 1944 .
June 6th 1944. Wasn’t that the day De Gaulle took Paris and ordered Hitler to commit suicide? Or was it the 7th?
In fairness, Beltane, De Gaulle’s nose reached Paris about a month ahead of the rest of his body…
The Times link
That pumped up ‘chap’ ( edited by Fed but view shared Stevie ) Kevin Maguire said on gmtv that most leavers had died off, imagine the uproar if Boris had said that about remainers
I think I can safely opine that he’s a chump, can’t I?
How did the standards of the Fourth Estate (not to be confused with the Fourth Reich, which can be found elsewhere…) fall to their present level (i.e. lower than a gentleman snake’s, er, tummy)?
Stevie – sorry to do an edit as I do concur with the view – just another bubble dweller …
Glad to see you on the ball Fed. I suspect my anger is felt by all on this site. Sorry for using the wrong word
No worries – in Fed world all would be acceptable …..
I do wonder whether Kevin Maguire actually does any work ! he spends most of his time on the tele pontificating in the morning and reviewing the papers in the evening on Sky.
That said, its a good pay day for those approached to do the ‘reviewing’. Its billed as a 30 minute programme, but the time spent ‘on air’ is around 17 minutes. It starts 8 minutes late and finished 5 minutes early with ads in between.
“Government adviser sacked for ‘white supremacist’ language
Sir Roger Scruton is let go for “unacceptable comments” about Muslims and Chinese people in a magazine interview.”
Sky Government adviser sacked for ‘white supremacist’ language
Sir Roger Scruton is let go for “unacceptable comments” about Muslims and Chinese people in a magazine interview
\\ dismissed after telling the New Statesman
that Islamophobia was “a propaganda word invented by the Muslim Brotherhood in order to stop discussion of a major issue”.
– In the same interview he said “each Chinese person is a kind of replica of the next one”
and defended the anti-immigration stance of Hungarian President Victor Orban,
.. saying Hungarians were “alarmed by the sudden invasion of huge tribes of Muslims from the Middle East”. //
NONE of the wording is saying WHITE people are better than anyone else
so it is not ‘white supremacist’
..that is just a ridiculous smear
A White Supremacist should naturally be a Pro-European, as the only common denomination for the indigenous people of Europe that unites the European Union is the white European race. Remainers must therefore have a guilt complex about being subconsciously white European supremacists. In a Guilt society control is maintained by creating and continually reinforcing the feeling of guilt and the expectation of punishment for certain condemned behaviours such as being a supporter of a united white European superstate.
This could explain why Remainers are obsessed with identity politics, and lash out at Brexiteers. Confusing Brexiteers, by accusing us of being anti white European racists.
“Sir Roger Scruton is let go”
Now I see why her majesty signed that illegal paper into law.
“UK economy grows faster than expected ahead of Brexit”…………………….
Appeared as business headlines early this morning but it was soon relegated to the bottom of the pile. Had the economy tanked it would have been top of the news all day.
Interesting comments on HYS – worth a read .
A second topic appears ……………………”Tesco profits jump ‘in uncertain market””
“uncertain market” caused by a deliberate three year long delay in getting out of the EU.
IMHO our we will have a booming economy once we are out.
”Tesco profits jump ‘in uncertain market”
I am sure we are all uncertain as to whether to eat tomorrow or not.
Sir Roger Scruton is one of our few academics with intelligence and an ability to argue without emotion and virtue signalling on the issues of the day. He has been sacked from his post on a Government Housing Body for daring to suggest that Islamophobia is a made up word, that Soros is conspiring against western values, and that Chinese communism is creating robots out of its own people.
This gutless Tory administration deserves to go, whether or not it plucks the courage to back Brexit.
You know when politicians pull out that stat about Blighty being” the 5 biggest economy in the world “so let’s give some taxpayers ( your ) cash away —-
Well when the traitors are dealing with the EU that goes away and we are on a par with Eire or Luxembourg or Belgium or … or ….
an absolute National Shame – I really hope some new politics comes out of it Properly British and Properly to the Right – Far Or Not – whatever the hell that means .
Ade clearly needs another half.
Ha ha – at least WBA ain’t getting promoted …
Two points:
1. By ‘history’, does Chiles mean the revisionist (i.e. fictional) version taught in schools today? If so, it’s hardly a surprise that offspring are able to outperform their parents, for whom history is fact-based; and/or
2. Is he admitting that he’s, well, a bit dim? I’ve never been more than a very, very occasional viewer of his TV programmes so have insufficient data on which to base a fair opinion of his intellect.
What an idiot! This is a kid preparing for the GCSE examination, there’s a syllabus and even history experts might not be aware of all of it!
O levels are reasonably advanced, and if you didn’t study the subject to at least A level then there is little chance you’ll know more than your kids in almost any subject.
Does he get paid to write a column that basically sez his daughter is studying a different syllabus
as an aside
In three years of history lessons at school we did
English British Kings and Queens
The Agrarian and Industrial Revolutions
American History from founding to Lincoln
obviously it wasnt big on detail
The 3rd year teacher spent 2hrs a week silently scrawling on a blackboard, which we had to silently copy
I think she achieved her aim as everybody dropped history for the last two years
that doesnt of course mean I then spent the rest of my not interested in history and assuming I had already learned 3/5ths of it
Emily is going to up her game tonight.
Further other interests pursued. No sweat.
Maybe he’s witnessed enough of Mad Snow Mad Frei and the Mad Guru – not to mention the Cathy Newman and their collective offspring Faisal the Islamic ….
Sky will buy him .
Candace Owens is one hell of a woman. If you’ve not seen it yet, check out her Opening Statement At U.S. House Hearing on White Nationalism –
She’s the worse nightmare for the lefties and democrats – a black woman who doesn’t take their BS. Boy does she tear them a new one.
And then when a democrat tries to misrepresent her with a selective recording of a comment she made on Hitler – just watch her reply at 5.30 –
Superb !!! Thanks
Rob Roy,
Thanks for those clips. I’ve seen a few videos of Candace Owens but I never knew she had that much fire in her!
There’s that guy Dinesh who does great work exposing the Democrats’ denial of their slave ownership and racist past. Seems like Candace has been listening to him!
Trump Jr recommended it
If the PM gets her delay from the EU Council of Ministers I think it might just have a beneficial effect on ‘a divided country’.
We may well become, as a nation, increasingly united in a dislike of the EU and an intense desire to leave.
Heard a few Remainers lately, so disgusted by the EU treatment of us that they’ve switched to leave. And also some younger people talking about putting our country first. (Heresy I know).
Labour MP Laura Pidcock was on Radio 4 this morning, and was announced as shadow Minister for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy so I thought I’d take a look at her qualifications, and experience, sure enough like almost ever other politician, she has absolutely none what so ever!
She studied politics at Manchester Metropolitan University, and was a mental health support worker before working within, then managing, the education team at anti-racism charity Show Racism the Red Card. She completed an MSc in Disaster Management and Sustainable Development at Northumbria University in 2012.
Well I suppose if Corbyn is ever elected the Disaster Management might come in useful, and the mental health issues cause by his policies, but yet again we see another politico completely out of their depth.
Checking up on them has now become a depressing parade of idiots who haven’t got a clue about their brief. No wonder we are in the mess we find ourselves.
Bit like bekky wrong daily – the Shadow Biznes doing the brexit parties ‘ negotiation . She supported Comrade Corbyn in the leadership joke but is probably only qualified to make the Tea in a gender neutral kind of way
Post the revolution it will be a legal requirement that no one can stand for election to parliament unless they have a minimum of ten years work experience in a real world job. Students of mejia studies or holders of degrees in charadee fundraising need not bother.
In other news, Radio 4extra ‘The blonde women of India’. Hit the off button and listen to some Coast to Coast AM via YouTube. Most of the stuff broadcast on that medium is far more believable than what’s going on in the UK these days.
If you listen to a lot of radio and haven’t already done this you should try ‘TuneIn’. A free app, it streams thousands of radio stations and podcasts from all around the world, well worth a browse.
“No wonder we are in the mess we find ourselves.”
No wonder those same Labour MPs are yearning to hand over all their responsibilities to a foreign power. So that the female MPs can read more “mills and boom” at the hotel pool side.
the beeb found another anniversary to beat us about the head with
and may expresses regret, corbyn of course wants to offer more
100 years ago jeez get over it
Netanyahu is a good defender of Israel on the world stage. I like the way he stands up for the country at the UN and berates the assembled jackals who salivate at the idea of bringing Israel down.
He’ll make a strong coalition with small right-wing parties.
If you want to compose some more thoughts on the Brexit betrayal – perhaps add to the post on May’s dithering – I could put it above the line as a guest post in your name. You could create it on Word perhaps and post it on an open thread first.
TT, I may take you up on that.
I was kicking some ideas around in my head (mostly on Brexit + economics) at beginning of March in prep for 29th. Needless to say, they have become a bit scrambled with some of the smallest & oldest leetle grey zells thanks to recent events.
Will see what I can do but am under pressure on a huge variety of tasks at present.
‘Right BBC team members you are not going home until you come up with today’s #ProjectFear item..what about cheese ?’
The whole thing is just this video
I don’t know why they made a second video almost the same
The one thing they mention afterwards is that Brexit stockpiling might account for part of the rise in the economy ..I agree
but no Remainiacs predicted that.
Oh a guy copied that first BBC video to Facebook
it’s been deleted from his FB post that’s why it won’t place here any more.
Word on the street is May will resign in May.
Nuts in May – how appropriate.
Hard to believe anything at this point, said by any politician, especially Ms May.
May may go in May.
Then again, she may not…
In the mean time, Mayhem: The wilful and unlawful infliction of injury upon a nation. May followed by the word, Hem: To hesitate in speaking or in making a decision.
Lucy Pevensey,
Brigitte Gabriel is great. I first got to know of her when she told this moving story several years ago about being helped by Israel as a teenager when she and her family were in dire straits in Lebanon.
She is one of the strongest and most outspoken supporters of Israel.
Who does beeb chose to reveal the black hole?
The European Commission. Who else?
News at ten, and Nick Bryant is reporting from Washington, sounding slightly more cautious – languagewise, than Sopel…
President Trump says there was a coup attempt. He mentions the word ‘treason’.
Man oh man, would he cause chaos this eve in Brussels, were he there. Those 27 would be all shook up. Giggling about having similar outfits would have been cut short abruptly…
(I should have thought that the coup attempt became visible on day 1 of his presidency, even though it long preceded it. Most of the media looked pretty complicit to me. Not only in the US…)
Mr Barr looks like he could be a headache for Democrats. Nice one.
What sort of noise does a swamp draining make, and will we get to hear it?
TR documentary due to be released “later” thus year
Thanks for posting that re Tommy’s upcoming documentary.
Any info on his appeal of the case re police harassment? Did he decide not to appeal? Google is not being very helpful in this matter.
Note how the polling pre the Israeli election was wrong
\\ Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has won the country’s national election, securing a record fifth term in office
.. despite polling showing him running neck-and-neck with his //
Bibi. Beep-Beep. My favourite Israeli politician since the late Ariel Sharon. He was all about not mucking about.
If you’ve decided something needs doing, do it! Mucking about gets you to where we are now.
EU agree to extension but give no date ?
What are they afraid of – the EU elections ?
Macaroon may have won the day , but he may shortly meet his Waterloo ?
Update – it’s looking as an extension till October?
Will it be over by Christmas ? She has to go or the Tory party is finished .
they were finished when they started universal credit
which Christmas?
taffman -Do you mean to say, it’s not finished already?
Nexit ? Ooo err.
Yes, the Italian economy and the French civil disorder is old news and although still current news it remains sidelined by MSM as they talk up our ‘Brexit crisis.’
Geert Widers: another one prevented from entering the UK by the ‘tolerant’ “Liberals”.
The manslaughter, Mr Ahmed, in the HoL threatened to bring 10,000 muslims onto the streets of Mr Wilders was allowed into our country. The cowards in government caved in to his threats.
john – Now THAT is much closer to the spirit of ‘Fascism’, which we constantly hear about as being part of the ‘extreme right’, than anything we can dish up…
Not that there is anything ‘extreme’ about us, compared to that character.
Words of wisdom from your youngers
Tweeted young AOC
I am astonished that May has not resigned. She is bringing our democracy into disrepute and for one person to do that however powerful their position is to insult the nation. Nobody is above the nation.
She has forfeited legitimacy . It is very serious indeed and in such a position any politician with any sense would just go. I repeat that now it looks as if we will have to vote in the EU elections any candidate must give us his or her word that they will not sit there or go there . To take part is to demean themselves and the nation.
Sorry but that is the way it is. No half measures.
Why do we need to vote ? To show our disdain for the EU and the Commons and to preserve the vote itself even if it is being used in an evil cause.
Vote UKIP and The Brexit Party to Fire a shot across the Tory and Labour Remainers bows.
why an earth should May resign she has done the job she was paid to do, keep us in the EU
I think Theresa May has been ordered by her left-wing boss Oily Robins, not to resign, but to join the Civil Service and the Labour Party, in finishing off the Tories and Britain.
Dave, we need them to go and cause disruption to everything they can until the EU finally kicks us out. We need to bandy together with all anti-EU parties represented and if we do ever regain our freedom we must carry on fighting to destroy the EU from without, as we owe them big time for this mess.
“….any politician with any sense would just go.”
I wonder if there’s some form of ex-dictators club? She would do rather well being friendly alongside Idi Amin et al from the Banana Republics.
‘Nobody is above the nation.’
While I agree with you, Merkel has proved you wrong for about fifteen years, or so.
She has even declared there to be ‘no alternative’ to her policies. (Bit of the old Papa Honecker mindset). Which is where Alternative fuer Deutschland AfD got its name.
And my goodness, they’re meeting stiff political/ media opposition. Initially, they were ‘das Pack’. (The rabble-stinking nightcaps etc)
In parliament they are the ‘Far-Right’, and have been excluded from the Bundestag committee of party leaders, they -as the official opposition- were entitled to.
So, not only can you get someone ABOVE the nation. You can get somebody ABOVE the Constitution. And they have a written one.
(It says her first duty is to prevent harm coming to her citizens!) A sick joke, if ever there was one.
I think political correctness has killed off cheerfulness. Does anyone agree?
Hardly anyone under the age of about 45 or 50 (which includes me incidentally) is cheerful these days because they’re the ones who’ve grown up walking on eggshells because of political correctness, always afraid they might accidentally say the wrong thing. If you sit in a cafe full of younger people in a prosperous university town like Oxford it’s amazing how grim-faced everyone is. I find it very depressing. My parents’ generation, on the other hand, are much more cheerful even when there isn’t anything in particular to be cheerful about.
James you could be right .
I saw a photo of my now deceased uncles in their younger days on a night out .
Dressed up rather than dressed down , these working class Labour voters in Oxfordshire looked happy as they smoked and drank and smiles at the camera in a natural way .
I know they were a bit lary in their day but I’m sure they enjoyed their life .
You are 100% correct.
I noticed the other day whilst driving that the face of every oncoming car driver was sullen and unhappy, despite the sunshine.
“I noticed the other day whilst driving that the face of every oncoming car driver was sullen and unhappy, despite the sunshine.”
They must have been listening to Radio 4.
It’s worse than that Political Correctness is killing people.
Khans refusal to allow stop and search in London, and other Labour idiocy in Britains cities is leading directly to the deaths of hundreds of young people.
It’s not just stop and search, it’s also the refusal to accept that there is a majority of Black kids in these gangs, and Khan refused to accpet a Police report which showed an 80% black gang membership. Then there’s the tesimony of the gangs themselves which say that the problem has been exacerbated by African migrants prepared to use levels of violence hitherto unseen before. That went out the window too because Khan deemed it ‘racist’. So nothing gets done, save to the innocent whites and lives continue to be lost.
Then there’s been a similar problem in the Towns and cities of Britain with Pakistani Muslim rape gangs who weren’t dealt with because of the same word ‘racism’.
The worst part of all this is that there’s no such thing as ‘racism’ it doesn’t actually exist. Even the achingly leftist BBC doesn’t have a definition for it (and I have that in writing), the claim “well we know it when we see it, is truly risible).
\\ A daughter of Somali refugees has been elected the next president of the National Union of Students, despite (retracted) controversial comments she made as a teenager about oppressing white people.
Zamzam Ibrahim, 24, who describes herself as a foodie and a coffee fiend, is the third consecutive female and ethnic minority holder of the role. She wrote on social media in 2012, when she was 16, that she would oppress white people to “give them a taste of what they put us through”, and that everyone should read the Koran, adding: “We would have an Islamic takeover!” She also said that girls and boys should not be friends because it was “Islamically not correct”.
She retracted the comments in 2017, //
\\ Ms Ibrahim, who is an NUS vice-president, was elected at the society’s annual conference in Glasgow after pledging to “revitalise” the student movement. She is the fifth consecutive female president and takes up her position this summer. //
Ched Evans, the professional footballer whose conviction for rape was quashed three years ago, has struck an out-of-court “negligence claim” settlement worth about £800K against his defence lawyers in his first trial.
At a retrial the new lawyers presented new evidence against the accusers character and he was found non guilty.
Yes, take a look at the BBC’s coverage of Ched Evans and prior to his acquittal. Let’s also not forgot the nasty campaign against him led by BBC darling Jessica Ennis and I don’t recall an apology from her either.
If we had left the EU last Friday, as we should have done (without an agreement), we could all have moved on. Instead we have this which is featured in the BBC ‘Politics’ section (and they call themselves The British Broadcasting Corporation…
Have they mentioned what YEAR????? This could turn into an annual pilgrimage by Mayn’t. It’s not even proof if they’ve got it in writing as how many people trust any of them not to move the goalposts AGAIN.
The delays are purely at the behest of Remainers.
If, as reported, Merkel is prepared to sit down and thrash out an agreement over the back-stop – WHY is it not being attempted ?
What she says goes so why not get to it ?
Makes one wonder since that is what is preventing May’s deal going through.
gaxvil: you have to see this whole thing as a little piece of theatre presented by the ‘May & 26 other Players Theatre and Magic Tricks’ company’. Theatres in Brussels and London. Other venues available.
It’s been well-rehearsed, but there’s a lot-of ad-libbing which the company has to go through on the night, as they have not had a chance to rehearse the very latest twist..
Also, that mere fact helps them to give us -the uneducated and stupid fools- proof that it’s all spontaneous, they think.
So we’ve demeaned ourselves to the point where local government functionaries from Luxembourg and fake Irishmen talk down to us as though they are not only our equals but our superiors.
Our country will not recover until we have regained our sense of self worth.
In LBC, Nick Ferrari, just over half an hour ago was David Davis. I’m left with two impressions:
* He kept giggling like a schoolgirl for no apparent reason
* He’s incapable of telling the truth about Mrs May. He refused to directly criticise her and, bizarrely said to the effect:
She said she’d go in May but it might not be May it might be sometime after that.
The one question Mr Ferrari failed to ask was why Mr Davis believes a word that Mrs May, the congenital liar, says about anything.
Brexit: UK and EU agree delay to 31 October
Looking forward, what do lab/cons think is going to happen at the next general election? Just working on the assumption that everybody will revert to type, fall in line and vote traditionally seems a very risky strategy. What are they up to?
What are they up to?
It’s Parliament v The people. Mrs Chamberlain needs to take her broomstick and has to go before halloween. The Tory Party is finished, the only thing they can do now is to scare us all with Mr Cor Bin.
Vote UKIP or the Brexit party.
If only it was 2017.
Farage never said a truer word “vote UKIP”. We voted “leave” in 2016 and “remain” in 2017 and now blame ‘Mrs Chamberlain’.
So, per their manifesto, 50 gets you a front page, and 222 get the full bbc treatment.
No wonder they liked this tweet. BBC PR gold.
The PM is due to address her Parliament today . She has lied so often that she has to resign with immediate effect right?
And if she doesn’t go by herself then she must be got rid of – along with the current parliament – not just the Tory Party .
But it won’t happen . Nothing will change . And they’ll find enough ways to keep us captive .
I would agree nothing will change, when you get over 60% who will still vote Lab/Con in the Euro elections, and only 18% for Brexit parties.
Truly, we have the politicians we deserve.
People Lie..I hope! And maybe this is just the next stage of project fear – to make people vote the way they hope they will..
Even if Brexit got 100% it won’t make any real difference which is why the EU only extended to Oct 31st. 1st Nov is the new EU council – but we need to show remain politicians a warning..
May is possibly the most idiotic PM that we have ever had – deluded and has made the UK and its institutions that until now were admired a laughing stock
TV News just now “change leader”, “put it to the people”.
Oh great. Change the record.
May is now smiling in her press photos. She’s relieved.
Brexit is run by the Civil Service.
My experience of the Civil Service is that they hate making decisions. They delay and delay. The topic either dies or becomes the responsibility of someone else.
Which will it be?
It appears that several UK EU seats have been removed and dished out amongst the rest. Our MEPs may not be allowed to take their seats and certainly not vote.
Sentry – They’re actually all unelected, and supposed to carry out the orders of those who are. Who are supposed to carry out the orders of those who vote.
A topsy turvy world….full of sound and fury, signifying that that great actor, Theresa May is in town.
But little more.
And as for a ‘sovereign civil service’? Sounds pretty crap.
Listening to people who know her well and say, she has no ideas of her own.
I think we all realise that now.
The number one biased issue on the BBC in my opinion is
that over 75% of the news presenters and reporters are women.
Is it about time that the BBC just became a women’s media
On R4 entire shows are run by women interviewing women about women.
And I’m not even talking about ‘Woman’s hour’.
I heard a “Muslim community leader” on the radio complaining that Muslims are frightened when they go to pray. Playing the victims again.
I feel frightened when my family go into the city.
I feel frightened when my kids go to a concert.
I feel frightened when I board a plane to go on holiday.
I feel frightened at the prospect of my daughter going on a school trip to London. She does too, so much so that she doesn’t want to go.
I feel frightened for the future of my country and for all our kids futures.
All of the above are due to atrocities carried out in the name of “Allah”.
What goes around comes around.
There are no Hindus feeling this way, no Sikhs, no Buddhists, or any other religion. The Muslims might want to reflect on that and ask themselves why that is.
They don’t do reflection. Only deflection.
I like British understatement at its most lethal.
Some interesting international news.
The Italian economy is in collapse and the government have been forced to extend the debt levels to support the economy. The EU is looking on and doing very little about it. The cause is almost certainly in large part membership of the Euro.
In France Le Penns party is doing very well against Macron and this explains his attitude to the UK extension yesterday. Le Penn is telling voters that it is the EU which is keeping the UK in the EU and that Macron is a party to that.
“In a scathing attack on the bloc, he also said the election “is a major stake for Europe at a time when the European Union is incapable of protecting the French”.
He said more French voices are shouting “we want to be heard, we want to be respected and we want to regain power”.
DPG left out ‘irritating’, very irritating.
Al Beeb clearly think game, set and match over for Brexit. My evidence, this morning Humpty interviewing David Davis at 8.15 was polite, interrupted only minimally and let DD have his say.
If Al Beeb and Humpty are being polite to a former Brexit minister they clearly think that they have won.
PG, The Humph may not be all that he seems. 😉 He can put on the LeftyLibbyCommie doublespeak and can get huffy with Politicos (eg his famous interview with ‘Call me Dave’ just after Cameron won the leadership of the C&UPcakes.) but he is his own man.
He is also ‘Demob Happy’ because he is retiring soon, not before time either.
Their ‘decision’
Click to access 10-euco-art50-conclusions-en.pdf
I stumbled upon this gem. The channel is probably known to others here but I confess to not having visited this good source of info before. “How the BBC Bias Works”, from the ex BBC employee Robin Aitken. Voila! ‘New Culture Forum’.
It’s a long listen but well worth it .
What it fails to do is suggest legal remedies to the ‘ ‘noble bias ‘ of the State Broadcaster .
I’m confused.
We were told over a hundred times we would be leaving the eu on March 29.
Then April 12.
Plus possibly May 22.
Now it’s October 31.
Or sooner.
Every time so far has been a lie and I don’t believe any of the assorted future leaving dates will happen.
The eu will carry on granting extensions ad infinitum (whilst going through the pretence of it being grudgingly extended)
How much is each month of uncertainty costing in eu payments, a £billion?
If (haha) we are still in when Italy or Greece (for example) go tits up will we have to give multi £billions in bail out payments?
MSM keep mentioning the likes of Rudd and Gove as May’s replacement. Are they serious or is it just remainer wishful thinking.
Unless the Tories have a huge bowel movement and get rid of all the remainer crap contaminating them they will become an irrelevance.
My only fear is UKIP and Brexit Party splitting leave votes.
They MUST get together to defeat the remainers.
They can carry on their feud after we have safely left.