Adam Boulton has just had 4 remainers on his joke of a programme ( including himself ) and one brexiteer. Have a guess which one couldn’t get a word in.
As we are now going to have to elect MEPs, the Conservatives should pull out and offer no candidates leaving a Brexit party free to contest and hopefully beat Labour et al. The Brexit Party could then offer a No Deal as benchmark and effectively the vote would be a Referendum on leaving the EU. The danger with the Conservatives standing as well would mean a split vote letting Labour win many seats.
If Gordon Brown was very difficult to remove from Number 10 after losing an election I suggest he has nothing on Terrible May. She is determined to stay on despite the calamitous mess she has made and the threat she is to her Party and the country.
As we are now going to have to elect MEPs, the Conservatives should pull out and offer no candidates leaving a Brexit party free to contest and hopefully beat Labour et al. The Brexit Party could then offer a No Deal as benchmark and effectively the vote would be a Referendum on leaving the EU. The danger with the Conservatives standing as well would mean a split vote letting Labour win many seats.
If Gordon Brown was very difficult to remove from Number 10 after losing an election I suggest he has nothing on Terrible May. She is determined to stay on despite the calamitous mess she has made and the threat she is to her Party and the country !!!!
Her nice pension and plush retirement must be beckoning but apart from the fact she’s not all the ticket, she wants her legacy. If that means her deal, as it stands, it’ll never happen.
She has the chance, one chance, to sort the back-stop with Merkel – the others would then fall into step. ‘Compromises’ with Labour is an utter waste of time.
I don’t know if you are aware, but it is possible to remove one of your double posts during the editing period – click to edit and there is an option to delete your post. It will only delete one of your double posts when you do this. Hole that helps.
TG I’ve just had the same problem, on the first press of the ‘comment’ button it didn’t seem to register, so I pressed it again and was told it was a duplicate, but I didn’t see the post anywhere. It may have appeared by now.
A picture has been taken of a black hole (no Brexit jokes intended) for the first time, after a lengthy programme of co-operation involving over 200 scientists. A true team effort.
This was rather tediously shown as a documentary on BBC4 last night, but fair enough. Today it is in the newspapers.
How can the biased BBC make a meal out of this?
They create a ‘Must See’ on their news front page. And the headline reads ‘The Woman behind first Black Hole image’
Yep. The story, in bBBC la la land, is not the outstanding science, but the participation of a woman in it.
Agenda. agenda. Agenda.
Still, she could have been a wheel-chair bound Muslim lady wearing a Niqab I suppose, instead of being able-bodied and hideously white.. They missed a trick there.
I saw a tweet earlier that ‘suggested’ (open to verification) that others were involved, and one young man wrote 85% of the code. Might be worth checking beyond the bbc.
What they’ve found is no black hole…………….what they,ve found is the processing centre for bBC complaints……………either that or the entrance to the Brexit museum.soon to be populated by the likes of Cooper(balls) letwin, grieve,Benn, Blair, Campbell,the entire bBC news wallahs……SOROS is probably funding a sign for it……….Brexiteers ,,this way!¬
Not BBC – just non qualified financial information . Today Barclays emailed me to tell me that they had frozen my accounts with them because there was a 5 pence deficit on a direct deficit on an account I ordered close in April 2018
David Davis makes a good point: Passion can get out of control. Calm, cool is what’s required.
Not what passes for it with May who who has the passion of a dead sheep and the calm of a zombie.
I’ve avoided Sharklays, sorry Barclays, ever since they offered me a credit card with an APR of 16.9% and the hiked it up to 34.9 percent once I’d loaded the card with debt.
I accused them of punitive action for using my card and they denied that there was any such policy.
EDIT: this was in reply to FedUp2’s post above don’t know how it ended up here!
How can she lose her business due to Brexit when it’s not happened and due to extremists like her it probably never will. If her incompetence causes her to lose her business then she can blame it on membership of the incompetent and corrupt EU.
11am news
“The Swedish case has been dropped”
“but the Ecuadorians dropped his immunity and invited police into the embassy to arrest him ..he is wanted for skipping bail”
I switched on the radio at 2.10 a.m. this morning and Rhod Sharp and his EU correspondent were chuckling away as if we had just won the European Song Contest and the UEFA Championship on the same night. Lots of pushing the EU line that we might never leave the EU.
What happened to ‘holding power to account’?
Unrelated, (but maybe not), most of us are aware of the way our language has been inverted by those that describe themselves ‘on the left’. Has this trend overtaken them? Think of all those trades union banners declaring that their strength lay in being ‘united’ (hence trades union) now the line is ‘diversity is strength’. Humpty Dumpty-ism in action.
I think you could put most of the progressive lexicon in that same category of junk communication.
Personal boundaries are absolutely sovereign (MeToo). Disparate ‘communities’ must maintain their own integrity. Immigrant cultures should have their own voices heard. But not when you get to the level of nation states… these separate entities don’t get to have their own voices, they’re dangerous and they’re breeding grounds for fascism.
“They are us”; “Together We’re Stronger” etc… the whole thing is a conceptual and logical mess.
So, Julian Assange had been arrested; the Ecuadorean Embassy invited the police into their premises to take him into custody. And our bald headed muslim Home Secretary had tweeted about how pleased he is with himself for permitting this to happen.
This under a Conservative government. I hope people also remember this come election time.
The arrest of assange is not the big news story I was looking for in order for The BBC to distract people away from the great brexit betrayal . They’ll find something .
Still think they’ll get the American ex actress to drop the sprog . She was good in that lawyer show on channel 5 though wasn’t she . And he seems nice …
I’m not a Catholic, but I rather enjoyed watching on YT: ‘GK Chesterton and the return to Common Sense’. (Not related to Common Purpose, in any way whatsoever.)
I had a go as I thought we are now further away from common sense than ever we have been. Been replaced by PC, postmodernism and hedonism.
Also, a really GOOD one on YT: World Over: ‘Steve Bannon interviewed by Rayomond Arroyo’.
Illuminating on the Chinese ‘Belt and Road’ thing.
Xi more radical then Mao? I can buy that.
Oh yes, Arroyo interviewing style: light years from the Guru-Murphy, Snow, Frei, Maitless ‘interviewing’ style.
See how it’s done: astonishing secret recipe: you ask a question and wait to hear the answer.
Steve talks about his Academy of the Judeo-Christian West, in Italy
The new ‘head’ of the National Union of Students/lefties looks like good value and be a shoo in for QT
She is a devout muzzie with a hatred for Blighty – which promises a long rewarding career with the BBC
The previous occupier of the office had to leave because of ‘drug dealing ‘ at least he was a capitalist . Not sure if he’s doing time …
BBC Commons:- Mind boggling : Clinical Consultants feeling pressured to carry out gender conversion on children, not because it’s trendy or misguided but because they are being pressured by people who are HOMOPHOBIC.
So we have the gender nuts and homophobes fighting to gender convert our kids?
Education is doomed, not because she is a Muslim but because she is a lefty ….although it seems she has made comments in the past about wanting to oppress whites and encourage a Muslim takeover – but she has now changed her mind – yeah…and she is the third female ethnic minority NUS leader in a row, taking the reins from Shakira Martin – seems to be a pattern here
Nobody is noticing how slowly the heads and senior figures of many organisations are Muslim – I am not against Muslims ( those that integrate and don’t call for sharia law) but they seem to occupy a greater proportion of senior positions than the percentage in the population. Statistically that’s just odd…and nobody is asking how or why yet claims of racism and lack of opportunity are fed from the BBC every day
It is waahabi doctrine to infiltrate and control alien institutions such as blighty, universities , politics , law and culture of course
Stunning myself far far away I care up with a really good conspiracy theory linking c4, the resignation of their chief investigative reporter for no given reason and the Assange thing today .
Haven’t got the narrative yet but I’m thinking it’s a story c4 didn’t want to run with because it would harm it .
Then I thought compare are contrast John – kia royale on expenses – Sweeney and Michael Crick
And the calibration of their journalism .. just thinking
Interesting how little the word the word ‘wahhabi’ pops up in the news, discussions, programmes, etc and the concept of ‘wahhabism’, ditto..
There is a huge knowledge gap on this topic here in Europe and the Uk.
I think the reason Wahhabism doesn’t show up in the news is because they have representatives in there from long ago.and I suspect that if the word
Wahhabi’ and it’s various spellings – gets mentioned on an internet site I little light goes on somewhere and the ISP identity is logged for future use .
I was doing ‘stuff’ on it after 9/11 which included how to prevent the wash of really good quality AQ propaganda on the internet . The collective ‘we’ failed to stop it then . Even after 9/11 there wasn’t the resolve to do what was needed to be done and we’ve ( many people ) have become victims of it and will continue to be .
‘Enough is enough ‘ ‘ we re all in it together ‘ ‘the community all pulled together ‘ . ‘Hate not hope ‘
If one is aware of Wahhabism – the Saudi oil money ( ours ) supporting it – all those big mosques , maddrasses and the infrastructure makes more sense.
No doubt there’s a wahhabi on this site somewhere – part of the doctrine is deceit and infiltration to achieve the ultimate end – the extinction of other beliefs and the ascendency of (evil godless) islam.
Thanks yes – was nice – back to the smoke , air you can see and taste , stabbings , police cordons and that current sound of sirens Friday ….
Looking forward to it a bit ….but I was really looking forward to coming back to an EU free Blighty and happy to spend a couple of hours trying to get through immigration . A price well worth paying . ….
“I am not against Muslims ( those that integrate and don’t call for sharia law)”
Integrate or infiltrate? There are only ever a relatively small number of ‘activists’, when they try and bring about change they rely on those that don’t oppose them, not active supporters. A Muslim is more likely to vote for a Muslim than a non-Muslim, regardless of their policies.
We can see the same behaviour with other groups. Any self-respecting voter in Newport West would be fed up of the way Labour has run the Welsh Assembly and its treachery over Brexit, yet still the Labour party candidate wins, loyalty to ‘the tribe’ is more important.
Some people, (think Owen Jones), although well-off, become ‘super-socialist’, they are ashamed of (their parents?) betrayal of their ‘roots’. I believe that is an increasing danger with Muslims. The grandparent/parent is quite happy to escape the strict observance of Islam but their ‘integrated’ children are liable to feel betrayed and become Jihadists. We saw the same in the USA with the Irish. They left Ireland for a new life, they became ‘integrated’, yet some of their children became some of the most active of IRA supporters, (even those with Protestant roots!).
I don’t understand this idea that you can separate muslims from islam. Surely, if all muslims became ex muslims there would be no islam, except as a historical curiosity which is what it should be.
Calls for, special protection during Muslim Ramadam.
So how many Muslims have be killed or injured in the UK ?
How many have been killed or injured by Muslims in the UK ?
Fantasy Island.
Nice to see President Trump pass comment on the conduct of the ReichEU with Blighty ( obviously I include traitors in this ) .
I really hope he goes to war with them using sanctions . It will hit British / Scottish exporters harder than any other EU substate but – breach democracy and pay a price- including tariffs of scotch whisky .
It appears to me that the WA is the EU’s line in the sand. The only way they’ll amend it is for T. May is to offer more concessions to them.
Perhaps an offer to take in all the continent’s refugees, double our EU existing contribution and give them control of the City of London, our armed forces and nukes. I don’t doubt she’ll be ready to sign on the dotted line.
I really wish I could come up with a pragmatic sensible answer apart from money and a future promise of more power (and money).
She (and all the other Cabinet remainers) have somehow come to believe we are better off as some kind of child ward to regents uncle Germany and auntie France. There seems to be no inkling that we could possibly decide things on our own and act as adults in our own sovereign territory.
They have all mostly gone mad, as far as I can tell. A few voices of sanity left are people like Francois, Baker, Hoey and Cash.
It’s like the Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Back in the days of the Referendum I remember couple of acquaintances were more pro-leave than remain. In the end their wives told them how to vote.
The current UK government is like a herd animal, frightened of being abandoned. That we no longer rule the waves is something you can accept as a nation’s fortunes rise and fall over time. That we now willingly degrade ourselves to a bunch of overseer foreign civil servants is not so explicable.
Maybe reading ‘Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds’ can enlighten us.
It seems now that we are going to be electing MEPs in a few short weeks.
I raised this worry earlier, but perhaps one of you might have an answer.
It seems to me, we Brexiteers, have (essentially) two choices; Nigel’s Brexit Party and Gerard’s UKIP. We all know that these two have had a massive row. I won’t go into all the “Tommy debate” that’s for another day, but…
Is it at all possible, for the sake of the Brexit cause, these two will put their egos on the back burner and manage a sensible resolution so that they’re not splitting the vote?
The Euro elections aren’t first past the post, so it allows us (for once) to compete on a level playing field.
This really is too big an opportunity to mess up.
At present we’re unsure if our MEPs will be allowed to vote or even take their seats but the election as a referendum is still valid..
The TR connection can only serve to push UKIP into the long grass – the propaganda machine will see to that.
Me too Lucy.
The elite will go for UKIP and use the Tommy Yaxley smears. But they would do the same to Farage and have done. And no matter how Farage softens on moslems and immigration from the Guardian leftwards he will be denounced as a Nazi
Campaigners demanding Brexit have called for a nationwide blackout – with no cars, shopping, TV, electricity or phones – to bring Parliament and the country to its knees.
The ‘national strike’ has been organised for April 12 – the fresh deadline for Britain’s proposed departure from the EU and urges people to switch off their televisions and phones and stay at home and which organisers say will cost the UK in excess of £250 million a day.
Yer know that looks a bit fake
cos the earliest internet reference to it is that Doncaster Free Press story
and then loads of other Johnstone Press local papers
Why all of a sudden are all those papers repoting a story
from some random unnamed Facebook guy
Poor Jon, still recovering from Mueller lite – so far from reality that he had no concept of how betrayed the good people of Blighty are by he and the rest of the bubble traitors . He deserves pity in his recovery
– particularly since the conduct of democrats – Obama – in undermining the presidential campaign of 2016 through illegal state surveillance -is now being examined . They must be praying good President Trump doesn’t get a second term …. grassy knoll time ?
If that were to happen I think I’d be looking at the democrats in his security outfit…
One of the many things i detest about Remoaners is the constant message they peddle that Leave won due to lies !!!
Nothing democratic about interpreting a referendum won through cheating, lies and bluster as a mandate for a No Deal Brexit not even on the ballot paper. If you want to stand up for democracy join us in the lobby to give the public the #FinalSay on any Brexit deal.
Remember all these lies from Remain?? I do . But Remoaners never do !!! Never !!
We are now just two months away from the second anniversary of the Brexit vote and therefore in a position to judge the apocalyptic forecast made by the Treasury in May 2016 in the run-up to the vote. In a paper signed off by George Osborne, which neither the former chancellor nor anyone else who has made a grim prognosis for Britain’s departure from the EU should be allowed to forget, the finest minds in the Treasury came up with two scenarios for the aftermath of a vote to leave the EU. In the ‘shock’ scenario, GDP would be 3.6 per cent lower after two years (compared with if the country had voted to remain), the pound would fall by 12 per cent and unemployment would rise by 520,000. In the ‘severe shock’ scenario GDP would be six per cent lower, the pound would fall by 15 per cent and unemployment would rise by 820,000. But even this could prove to be optimistic, the authors claimed, adding:
“There are significant downside risks which imply that the impact could be even larger
Even Project Fear views predictions made by Carney , Treasury , IMF . IFS as embarrassing ‘bad smells ‘ now which should be treated with air freshener as opposed to serious attention .
Italy’s economy is in crisis not due to wanting to leave the EU though – funny that.
Jezza only wants to retain a, Customs Union / Freedom of Movement, the EU court, EU Product and Food Standards which have to be set in stone just for starters.
Way to go Jez and how exactly would that be leaving ?
If you are going to condemn Jeremy Corbyn for his support for Hammas, the surely you also have to condemn Theresa May for her support of Al Qaeda What you didn’t know? How about that for being downplayed by the BBC?
And our government has been funding and promoting the White Helmet killers in Syria. Vanessa Beeley has been exposing them for years but still the propaganda about them dominates any news about attacks in Syria, especially if there are photographs of these muslim terrorists running about with children in their arms, covered in fake blood and dust.
Twenty seven countries backed the humiliation of Treezer. All obeyed their leaders, including Italy who did once indicate they had courage to support the UK.
You see, within living memory all of these countries have experienced
oppression and rule by dictatorships, and it shows.
Those who sight Democracy as a reason for a second Referendum.
Laughable and please pass the sick bucket.
Seem to be an awful lot in the Commons who still don’t get it.
“Does my Right Honourable Friend the Prime Minister appreciate the anger that her abject surrender last night has generated across the country? Will she resign?”
How can we ever believe anything politicians say in the future.
May has lied over and over saying we will leave the eu on ………… (insert date)
Nearly all were elected on a brexit manifesto.
They lied.
Gave us a referendum but are trashing it.
What’s the point of having a second referendum, they will ignore that (unless it says remain of course)
What’s the point of having any elections. They are meaningless as the ‘honourables’ just do as they please.
Just listen to that daft old clot Kenneth Clarke blathering on, calling the ERG far right. The only group in parliament supporting the referendum result.
In effect, that clown Clarke is calling 17.4 million voters far right.
I agree Gax, there is a lot of banging on about having another Referendum, and giving it back to the people, but if the result is the same, what then ? No-one wanting another ‘go’ has indicated what they’d do if it didn’t go their way. AND what would be the wording on the ballot paper ? like I’ve said before, I’ll be in a care home when that happens. 🙂
They are probably confident because either they know or they believe another referendum would be rigged to give their desired result, regardless of the question on the ballot paper.
That’s the only kind of referendum the EU thugs and their fifth column traitors in our country know.
People can change their minds? So today we elect Tories, then we change our minds after a year, even though they’ve got four years to go, and replace them with Labour? Until we feel we would like to change our minds again…
It’s nonsense, they’ve dreamed up, cos they don’t like the referendum result. In their heart of hearts, most of them know it.
This is politics for snowflakes and cloud cuckoo land.
The HoC could have a Facebook page and those of us not wrapped up reading about the latest ‘celebrity’ LBTQ++ trivia could give a ‘like’ to anything we approved of.
Think about it, Facebook only does ‘likes’ because not to like is ‘hateful’ and therefore bad.
They’ll win next time, probably without even cheating.
Many of the people who voted Leave last time will no longer bother.
If Leave did miraculously win again they’ll find another Gina Miller to set the whole process off of keeping us in.
That’s the other thing that’s making me angry. I’m completely bloody sick of being called “far right” while THEY are the ones behaving like fascists. These are MP’s smearing the common people in the HOP! It’s like a weird alternative universe.
And we wonder how the media gets away with it. Utterly disgraceful.
It’s no consolation but it’s like that all over the Western World. In the US the violence, reminiscent of the Brown Shirts, from ANTIFA always trumps (pardon pun) anything the other side might offer.
A referendum on the detail of whatever deal is negotiated for Britain’s departure from the EU, with the option to reject the deal and remain in the EU.
Protect freedom of movement, press for remaining within the single market, and safeguard vital rights for people and the environment.
Immediately guarantee the rights of EU citizens to remain in the UK and urgently seek reciprocal arrangements for UK citizens in the EU.
Migrants illegally in the UK for over five years will be allowed to remain unless they pose a serious danger to public safety.
We will resist all attempts to introduce a ‘barrier round Europe’ shutting out non-Europeans or giving them more restricted rights of movement within Europe than European Nationals.
Richer regions and communities do not have the right to use migration controls to protect their privileges from others in the long term.
We will replace existing British Immigration law with an Immigration law which does not discriminate directly on the grounds listed above (see MG205). This law will be based on the principle of fair and prompt treatment of applicants rather than on excluding dishonest applicants whatever the cost to the honest ones. We will consult widely with affected groups to ensure that features of the current law which are of concern to them are addressed.
MG401 We will allow the partners, prospective partners, immediate families and prospective families of British residents to join them without excessive delays or unreasonable requirements for proof of relationship. This will be independent of the financial status of the resident and will not be dependent on her/him providing accommodation (We recognise that this must be implemented in association with a housing policy).
If you have one, vote for the local resident’s groups. Where we live they took power from the Tories in 2016. It has the benefit of kicking all the major parties at once. If enough people get behind them in the locals, it works.
It’s helpful that they are represented in parliament by a lightweight ‘cat ‘ lady …. who laughs like a silly girl when she can’t think of anything when challenged about some new Green lunacy . Burn those hydro carbs …
A – If you want to know what happens, if you allow a Green Party to become a powerful player on a national scene, look no further than Germany.
Often a partner in government in one of the Federal states, they have proven themselves to be EU enthusiasts and immigration enthusiasts, second to none.
Only the wily Ms Merkel , showed herself adept at outflanking them on environmental and immigration issues, as indeed, she has been skillful at adopting from the socialist SPD, whatever she thought was necessary to stay in power.
Many of the German Greens would like to see Germany disappear from the map; I presume if the UK Greens turn out to be of similar mind, they will want total immersion in the EU and adoption of the Euro.
The Greens are toxic: touch at your own risk.
And for just a short canter on one of my pet hobby horses, should you feel the Greens are at least anti-war: Green leader and German Foreign minister in 1999 was one Joshka Fisher – a prime mover in the NATO bombing of the Serbs. He saw them as successors to Hitler and was thus sort of an Antifa pioneer, you might say. Keen on creating a Kosovo homeland for Albanian Muslims who wanted to break away from Belgrade.
Subsequently involved in various highly-paid consultancy posts in commerce and industry, including the Gazprom Nabucco pipeline project. Another honest politician, interested only in the service of the people…
I’m really inspired by seeing Caroline Lucas on TV in an ad for Green party councillors this eve…
to vote UKIP!
The Greens are simply calling for a more caring family reunion programme – only the most cold-hearted could object to that. Of course, there are different ways of going about it. One approach would be a humane, voluntary repatriation programme, financed by the scrapping of EU payments and foreign aid (sic). To avoid accusations of discrimination, it would be open to all citizens and residents who don’t want to live in post-EU Britain, regardless of their origins or background.
Many Remainers and Remoaners, in positions of responsibility in the business world or in large corporations (think Carolyn Fairbairn of the CBI) said that the uncertainty of Brexit was damaging for business.
They haven’t been touring the BBC Radio Studios saying that today.
I already posted this clip above from a different source but look at this one. It runs until we see Maybot’s reaction. Says it all. What she thinks of us.
There’ll be that lovely time departing PMs get when they go and the tearful farewell coming out of number 10.
Poor Bill Cash an honourable man amongst dross traitors. I bet there won’t be many prospective Tory MEPs or councillors planning a victory party .
Afraid Bill is one of those “ancients” who Richard Dawkins today said that he hoped to have died since the referendum giving the young voters advantage next time round – if it happens.
It obviously hasn’t occurred to either headline writers or their Editors or the other occupants of the ‘back table’ or ‘back desk’ that the PM either chose to go to Brussels to follow up her request for more time or had to attend as still a member of the EU until 11pm tomorrow.
Metropolitan Police have now entered another building in London and arrested someone who’s been refusing to leave for the last 3 years.
……. Her name is Theresa May…. h/t JHB
Stew- Suddenly remembering the reluctance to leave No 10 of one Gordon Brown. Had not some big daily declared there to be ‘a squatter’ in that building, wonder if Cameron would have had to share?
Why, even now, Ms May could have popped into the guest room to ask Gordie for financial advice. She could have expected much of the same sort as she’s had from her present Chancellor: EU? Good Stuff.
4pm R4 Film Show
What kind of film did they choose to review ?
☑ Made by BBC films
☑ About a black guy who becomes a ballet dancer
☑ …. despite being the son of a truck driver
☑ set in communist Cuba
☑ with criticism of evil USA for their embargo
( despite there actually always being 6 direct flights per day , for all the Americans who have always been allowed to visit Cuba, ie relatives & students not tourists )
☑ scripted by a Glaswegian man married to the Cuban female director probably medialand chums of Beeboids
Can anybody explain to me ,because I don’t know that
much about golf why the the only player the BBC seems to be
interested in is Tiger Woods ? To be honest I don’t know
why the BBC are interested at all . There are no women competing.
Surely the BBC can find some more important ladies Golf, football,
rugby or netball competitions to comment on.
Come on BBC ! Your number one concern, so far as the world
is concerned is diversity, positive discrimination and “inclusiveness”
whatever that means. Golf is very elitist , I believe . Why are you
covering it?
Im your man for golf……
ive already posted on here about the perception of it being elistist/white/patriachal etc…and to be honest its really not the case although there are still exclusive clubs etc (personally I think thats a good thing!!…I like elitism/EXCLUSIVITY )
.You are correct about Woods though.Theres no disputing his golfing record…he is one of the greatest golfers ever but the BBC actually dont care.The fact he has SHAGGED more women than I have had birdies is irrelevant…………its the same on SKY…its right across the media….the most important thing is his SKIN COLOUR (and NO i am NOT a racist based on the colour of his skin!!…thats the whole point).
The best golfers in the world currently are Justin Rose, Tommy Fleetwood and Rory McIlroy…strangely ALL British?… the BBC really care?….NO.
Some of the best FEMALE golfers currently are also BRITISH…do the BBC cover them?….NO. They are fascinated by tennis?….KONTA the Hungarian/Australian…..who has won NOTHING in years…….
Vlad – It appears from the Spectator site that a certain George Eaton and a certain James Brokenshire had a lot to do with the firing of Sir Roger Scruton.
It includes Sir Rogers’ “Apology for thinking!”
Eaton’s selective, manipulated use of Sir Roger’s words to change their meaning and message and the cowardly Brokenshire’s eager acquiesence and subsequent virtue-signalling; hard to say which should be more roundly condemned…
And here’s the rub: if you intend doing any serious and/or critical thinking in Britain, DON’T.
If you happen to be in Brokenshire’s constituency and are thinking of writing to him to express your disgust, DO.
Finally: if you are thinking of voting Conservative ever again in Britain, DON’T!
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Adam Boulton has just had 4 remainers on his joke of a programme ( including himself ) and one brexiteer. Have a guess which one couldn’t get a word in.
BREXIT just seems to go on and on and on….which is precisely what Mrs Chamberlain wants.
A Brexiteer is welcome at the table
… but only to serve the coffee and to absorb the smears
Is that the newly observed black hole into which the traitors are disappearing?
How apt.
As we are now going to have to elect MEPs, the Conservatives should pull out and offer no candidates leaving a Brexit party free to contest and hopefully beat Labour et al. The Brexit Party could then offer a No Deal as benchmark and effectively the vote would be a Referendum on leaving the EU. The danger with the Conservatives standing as well would mean a split vote letting Labour win many seats.
If Gordon Brown was very difficult to remove from Number 10 after losing an election I suggest he has nothing on Terrible May. She is determined to stay on despite the calamitous mess she has made and the threat she is to her Party and the country.
TG, it might be better if the Conservatives fight the European Elections. If they get hammered, Theresa May will be forced to resign.
As we are now going to have to elect MEPs, the Conservatives should pull out and offer no candidates leaving a Brexit party free to contest and hopefully beat Labour et al. The Brexit Party could then offer a No Deal as benchmark and effectively the vote would be a Referendum on leaving the EU. The danger with the Conservatives standing as well would mean a split vote letting Labour win many seats.
If Gordon Brown was very difficult to remove from Number 10 after losing an election I suggest he has nothing on Terrible May. She is determined to stay on despite the calamitous mess she has made and the threat she is to her Party and the country !!!!
Her nice pension and plush retirement must be beckoning but apart from the fact she’s not all the ticket, she wants her legacy. If that means her deal, as it stands, it’ll never happen.
She has the chance, one chance, to sort the back-stop with Merkel – the others would then fall into step. ‘Compromises’ with Labour is an utter waste of time.
Sorry for saying this twice. First post did not show initially. Maybe Administrator could remove duplicate
Sorry for saying this twice. First post did not show initially. Maybe Administrator could remove duplicate
I don’t know if you are aware, but it is possible to remove one of your double posts during the editing period – click to edit and there is an option to delete your post. It will only delete one of your double posts when you do this. Hole that helps.
Hope not hole!
TG I’ve just had the same problem, on the first press of the ‘comment’ button it didn’t seem to register, so I pressed it again and was told it was a duplicate, but I didn’t see the post anywhere. It may have appeared by now.
A picture has been taken of a black hole (no Brexit jokes intended) for the first time, after a lengthy programme of co-operation involving over 200 scientists. A true team effort.
This was rather tediously shown as a documentary on BBC4 last night, but fair enough. Today it is in the newspapers.
How can the biased BBC make a meal out of this?
They create a ‘Must See’ on their news front page. And the headline reads ‘The Woman behind first Black Hole image’
Yep. The story, in bBBC la la land, is not the outstanding science, but the participation of a woman in it.
Agenda. agenda. Agenda.
Still, she could have been a wheel-chair bound Muslim lady wearing a Niqab I suppose, instead of being able-bodied and hideously white.. They missed a trick there.
I saw a tweet earlier that ‘suggested’ (open to verification) that others were involved, and one young man wrote 85% of the code. Might be worth checking beyond the bbc.
Ah. I saw the headline and thought they were referring to Victoria Bateman.
Sluff, I thought funny, funny I thought.
Does not Cassandra’s photo posted at 10.10am above show an even better, sharper, clearer image of a Black Hole?
What they’ve found is no black hole…………….what they,ve found is the processing centre for bBC complaints……………either that or the entrance to the Brexit museum.soon to be populated by the likes of Cooper(balls) letwin, grieve,Benn, Blair, Campbell,the entire bBC news wallahs……SOROS is probably funding a sign for it……….Brexiteers ,,this way!¬
I heard a rumour that it’s not actually a black hole but a picture taken in error when the Abbottpotomus sat on her camera.
Looks like VD knows what to push.
Not BBC – just non qualified financial information . Today Barclays emailed me to tell me that they had frozen my accounts with them because there was a 5 pence deficit on a direct deficit on an account I ordered close in April 2018
Avoid Barclays .
I like David Davis seems about as straight forward as a politician ever can get . But no anger . No passion in the Toady interview .
Just another time server playing politics . I’ve got him as next Tory leader at 9/1 …
I think he is an ex para – knows how to make a decision….I’d vote for him.
David Davis makes a good point: Passion can get out of control. Calm, cool is what’s required.
Not what passes for it with May who who has the passion of a dead sheep and the calm of a zombie.
“But no anger”
He’s nearly as bad an actor as Corbyn – at least comrade Corbyn stands up when he speaks (pretends to be angry).
I’ve avoided Sharklays, sorry Barclays, ever since they offered me a credit card with an APR of 16.9% and the hiked it up to 34.9 percent once I’d loaded the card with debt.
I accused them of punitive action for using my card and they denied that there was any such policy.
EDIT: this was in reply to FedUp2’s post above don’t know how it ended up here!
“Courtenay Kusitor, who says she lost her business because of Brexit,”
Did VD not tell her that Brexit hasn’t happened yet? And if the BBC’s campaign succeeds it never will.
How can she lose her business due to Brexit when it’s not happened and due to extremists like her it probably never will. If her incompetence causes her to lose her business then she can blame it on membership of the incompetent and corrupt EU.
Assange has been arrested on the seven year old warrant.
Ecuador who thought they’d upset us and the US have had enough of him.
11am news
“The Swedish case has been dropped”
“but the Ecuadorians dropped his immunity and invited police into the embassy to arrest him ..he is wanted for skipping bail”
A lot of comments on Breitbart suggest that he will have lots of dirt on Hilary Clinton and the Democrats…and that he won’t make it to trial.
I switched on the radio at 2.10 a.m. this morning and Rhod Sharp and his EU correspondent were chuckling away as if we had just won the European Song Contest and the UEFA Championship on the same night. Lots of pushing the EU line that we might never leave the EU.
What happened to ‘holding power to account’?
Unrelated, (but maybe not), most of us are aware of the way our language has been inverted by those that describe themselves ‘on the left’. Has this trend overtaken them? Think of all those trades union banners declaring that their strength lay in being ‘united’ (hence trades union) now the line is ‘diversity is strength’. Humpty Dumpty-ism in action.
Funny isn’t it because ‘diversity’ shares the same root as ‘division’, ‘divisive’, ‘divergent’ etc etc.
The left long abandoned the old maxim of united we stand divided we fall in favour of with Diversity we fall.
JimS, Thoughtful
I think you could put most of the progressive lexicon in that same category of junk communication.
Personal boundaries are absolutely sovereign (MeToo). Disparate ‘communities’ must maintain their own integrity. Immigrant cultures should have their own voices heard. But not when you get to the level of nation states… these separate entities don’t get to have their own voices, they’re dangerous and they’re breeding grounds for fascism.
“They are us”; “Together We’re Stronger” etc… the whole thing is a conceptual and logical mess.
So, Julian Assange had been arrested; the Ecuadorean Embassy invited the police into their premises to take him into custody. And our bald headed muslim Home Secretary had tweeted about how pleased he is with himself for permitting this to happen.
This under a Conservative government. I hope people also remember this come election time.
Leaks are leaks but Wiki crossed the line into spying and treason with foreign powers.
If you have any proof of that, let the American deep state know.
I’d trust Fox News not Chelsea Manning.
Nigel Farage’s Interview On The Bias Of Social Media
Thanks for posting, Stew.
Farage makes a valid point. His point was that the Left love Diversity, but they hate Diversity of opinion.
The BBC comes to mind, for some reason 😉
Reposting : Ladroimboise’s new post
She’s the person who first exposed that the IPCC is stacked full of activists ..rather than science people.
typo : Donna Laframboise’s new post
The BBC will soon come to realise that No-Deal Brexit hasn’t gone away. May will also find this to be the case.
In a way, the six month extension has allowed the electorate to organise their anger.
Interesting times ahead.
Who would have predicted this back in 2016? Farage did.
Quite so. We laughed in Farage ‘s face and placed our trust in CONLAB. More fool us.
‘Crossing Continents’ on R4 on Poland.
Bit of bbc stirring, coming up.
Wonder who will be the ‘baddies’ and who the ‘goodies’?
Carl’s video on Duchlate Chocks
… Ugly Ducklate Chocs
Oh for ducks sake!
The arrest of assange is not the big news story I was looking for in order for The BBC to distract people away from the great brexit betrayal . They’ll find something .
Still think they’ll get the American ex actress to drop the sprog . She was good in that lawyer show on channel 5 though wasn’t she . And he seems nice …
I’m not a Catholic, but I rather enjoyed watching on YT: ‘GK Chesterton and the return to Common Sense’. (Not related to Common Purpose, in any way whatsoever.)
I had a go as I thought we are now further away from common sense than ever we have been. Been replaced by PC, postmodernism and hedonism.
Also, a really GOOD one on YT: World Over: ‘Steve Bannon interviewed by Rayomond Arroyo’.
Illuminating on the Chinese ‘Belt and Road’ thing.
Xi more radical then Mao? I can buy that.
Oh yes, Arroyo interviewing style: light years from the Guru-Murphy, Snow, Frei, Maitless ‘interviewing’ style.
See how it’s done: astonishing secret recipe: you ask a question and wait to hear the answer.
Steve talks about his Academy of the Judeo-Christian West, in Italy
Fake ,
Come on – convert – I’ll get loyalty points it you do – and the ‘guilt ‘ is great ….????
Blair’s a RC. I think Blair will cause more people to leave TRCC than fad would attract. hee hee
The new ‘head’ of the National Union of Students/lefties looks like good value and be a shoo in for QT
She is a devout muzzie with a hatred for Blighty – which promises a long rewarding career with the BBC
The previous occupier of the office had to leave because of ‘drug dealing ‘ at least he was a capitalist . Not sure if he’s doing time …
BBC Commons:- Mind boggling : Clinical Consultants feeling pressured to carry out gender conversion on children, not because it’s trendy or misguided but because they are being pressured by people who are HOMOPHOBIC.
So we have the gender nuts and homophobes fighting to gender convert our kids?
From News sidebar
Brexit Party MEP Julia Reid … the forthcoming European elections will deliver the best #Brexit “opinion poll possible”.
Seems fair. Better than the 1000 respondents telephone/internet call/click polls quoted as gospel.
Education is doomed, not because she is a Muslim but because she is a lefty ….although it seems she has made comments in the past about wanting to oppress whites and encourage a Muslim takeover – but she has now changed her mind – yeah…and she is the third female ethnic minority NUS leader in a row, taking the reins from Shakira Martin – seems to be a pattern here
Nobody is noticing how slowly the heads and senior figures of many organisations are Muslim – I am not against Muslims ( those that integrate and don’t call for sharia law) but they seem to occupy a greater proportion of senior positions than the percentage in the population. Statistically that’s just odd…and nobody is asking how or why yet claims of racism and lack of opportunity are fed from the BBC every day
It is waahabi doctrine to infiltrate and control alien institutions such as blighty, universities , politics , law and culture of course
Stunning myself far far away I care up with a really good conspiracy theory linking c4, the resignation of their chief investigative reporter for no given reason and the Assange thing today .
Haven’t got the narrative yet but I’m thinking it’s a story c4 didn’t want to run with because it would harm it .
Then I thought compare are contrast John – kia royale on expenses – Sweeney and Michael Crick
And the calibration of their journalism .. just thinking
Interesting how little the word the word ‘wahhabi’ pops up in the news, discussions, programmes, etc and the concept of ‘wahhabism’, ditto..
There is a huge knowledge gap on this topic here in Europe and the Uk.
I think the reason Wahhabism doesn’t show up in the news is because they have representatives in there from long ago.and I suspect that if the word
Wahhabi’ and it’s various spellings – gets mentioned on an internet site I little light goes on somewhere and the ISP identity is logged for future use .
I was doing ‘stuff’ on it after 9/11 which included how to prevent the wash of really good quality AQ propaganda on the internet . The collective ‘we’ failed to stop it then . Even after 9/11 there wasn’t the resolve to do what was needed to be done and we’ve ( many people ) have become victims of it and will continue to be .
‘Enough is enough ‘ ‘ we re all in it together ‘ ‘the community all pulled together ‘ . ‘Hate not hope ‘
If one is aware of Wahhabism – the Saudi oil money ( ours ) supporting it – all those big mosques , maddrasses and the infrastructure makes more sense.
No doubt there’s a wahhabi on this site somewhere – part of the doctrine is deceit and infiltration to achieve the ultimate end – the extinction of other beliefs and the ascendency of (evil godless) islam.
Hope you were actually sunning yourself Fedup (in a stunning place?)
Thanks yes – was nice – back to the smoke , air you can see and taste , stabbings , police cordons and that current sound of sirens Friday ….
Looking forward to it a bit ….but I was really looking forward to coming back to an EU free Blighty and happy to spend a couple of hours trying to get through immigration . A price well worth paying . ….
“I am not against Muslims ( those that integrate and don’t call for sharia law)”
Integrate or infiltrate? There are only ever a relatively small number of ‘activists’, when they try and bring about change they rely on those that don’t oppose them, not active supporters. A Muslim is more likely to vote for a Muslim than a non-Muslim, regardless of their policies.
We can see the same behaviour with other groups. Any self-respecting voter in Newport West would be fed up of the way Labour has run the Welsh Assembly and its treachery over Brexit, yet still the Labour party candidate wins, loyalty to ‘the tribe’ is more important.
Some people, (think Owen Jones), although well-off, become ‘super-socialist’, they are ashamed of (their parents?) betrayal of their ‘roots’. I believe that is an increasing danger with Muslims. The grandparent/parent is quite happy to escape the strict observance of Islam but their ‘integrated’ children are liable to feel betrayed and become Jihadists. We saw the same in the USA with the Irish. They left Ireland for a new life, they became ‘integrated’, yet some of their children became some of the most active of IRA supporters, (even those with Protestant roots!).
Beware the tribe.
I don’t understand this idea that you can separate muslims from islam. Surely, if all muslims became ex muslims there would be no islam, except as a historical curiosity which is what it should be.
Des, perhaps Faisal could help out with this one !
Calls for, special protection during Muslim Ramadam.
So how many Muslims have be killed or injured in the UK ?
How many have been killed or injured by Muslims in the UK ?
Fantasy Island.
Nice to see President Trump pass comment on the conduct of the ReichEU with Blighty ( obviously I include traitors in this ) .
I really hope he goes to war with them using sanctions . It will hit British / Scottish exporters harder than any other EU substate but – breach democracy and pay a price- including tariffs of scotch whisky .
I think that May’s anti-Brexit is spurred on by her hatred of Trump.
Or maybe her hatred of Trump is part of her commitment to the EU. In this she is one with her masters in the BBC
If she was part of the MI6/GCHQ conspiracy against Trump she needs to cling on to the EU as the only friend she has left.
So, it’s ramadamakillathon time again.
Andrea Leadsom – my pick first time round she would’ve so much better than May or Boris.
The elite didn’t want her and neither did the elite BBC.
Job done.
Same for Brexit.
So why does she support ‘the deal’? More remain than remain.
Maybe she has her eye on the prize?
JimS, there is a view – including among some in ERG – that the WA as it stands can be modified afterward, especially by another Government after a GE.
That view is not shared by Martin Howe and colleagues on Lawyers for Britain.
That italic attempt didn’t go too well. Must read the instructions again! 🙂
It appears to me that the WA is the EU’s line in the sand. The only way they’ll amend it is for T. May is to offer more concessions to them.
Perhaps an offer to take in all the continent’s refugees, double our EU existing contribution and give them control of the City of London, our armed forces and nukes. I don’t doubt she’ll be ready to sign on the dotted line.
Clearly there is nothing in the WA for the UK, so what’s in it for Mrs May et al?
I really wish I could come up with a pragmatic sensible answer apart from money and a future promise of more power (and money).
She (and all the other Cabinet remainers) have somehow come to believe we are better off as some kind of child ward to regents uncle Germany and auntie France. There seems to be no inkling that we could possibly decide things on our own and act as adults in our own sovereign territory.
They have all mostly gone mad, as far as I can tell. A few voices of sanity left are people like Francois, Baker, Hoey and Cash.
It’s like the Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Back in the days of the Referendum I remember couple of acquaintances were more pro-leave than remain. In the end their wives told them how to vote.
The current UK government is like a herd animal, frightened of being abandoned. That we no longer rule the waves is something you can accept as a nation’s fortunes rise and fall over time. That we now willingly degrade ourselves to a bunch of overseer foreign civil servants is not so explicable.
Maybe reading ‘Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds’ can enlighten us.
It seems now that we are going to be electing MEPs in a few short weeks.
I raised this worry earlier, but perhaps one of you might have an answer.
It seems to me, we Brexiteers, have (essentially) two choices; Nigel’s Brexit Party and Gerard’s UKIP. We all know that these two have had a massive row. I won’t go into all the “Tommy debate” that’s for another day, but…
Is it at all possible, for the sake of the Brexit cause, these two will put their egos on the back burner and manage a sensible resolution so that they’re not splitting the vote?
The Euro elections aren’t first past the post, so it allows us (for once) to compete on a level playing field.
This really is too big an opportunity to mess up.
At present we’re unsure if our MEPs will be allowed to vote or even take their seats but the election as a referendum is still valid..
The TR connection can only serve to push UKIP into the long grass – the propaganda machine will see to that.
Yes Jeff
We must must vote – the other side will be engaging in massive organised fraud – particularly the brainwashed universities voting twice …
It won’t be in the state’ interest to stop it or look at it
Good post.
I can only speak for myself but if I have a choice I’m sticking with UKIP.
Nigel is just too weak on Islam IMO.
Me too Lucy.
The elite will go for UKIP and use the Tommy Yaxley smears. But they would do the same to Farage and have done. And no matter how Farage softens on moslems and immigration from the Guardian leftwards he will be denounced as a Nazi
And survived !
Campaigners demanding Brexit have called for a nationwide blackout – with no cars, shopping, TV, electricity or phones – to bring Parliament and the country to its knees.
The ‘national strike’ has been organised for April 12 – the fresh deadline for Britain’s proposed departure from the EU and urges people to switch off their televisions and phones and stay at home and which organisers say will cost the UK in excess of £250 million a day.
Can we add one of my dreams – a nationwide flushing of toilets to over whelm the sewage system and wash the buggers away.
Yer know that looks a bit fake
cos the earliest internet reference to it is that Doncaster Free Press story
and then loads of other Johnstone Press local papers
Why all of a sudden are all those papers repoting a story
from some random unnamed Facebook guy
even the date of his post is not clear
No Jon. You are being a obnoxious little prat AGAIN !!! Your’e obsession is quite frankly embarrassing !!!
Now mocking as its Fox reporter …. would he mock a CNN ?? No. Utter bell is Jon …..
Yes, Jon, you’re being dim. Comme toujours.
Some people wear their heart on their sleeve. For soapy sopel, it’s his hatred.
Poor Jon, still recovering from Mueller lite – so far from reality that he had no concept of how betrayed the good people of Blighty are by he and the rest of the bubble traitors . He deserves pity in his recovery
– particularly since the conduct of democrats – Obama – in undermining the presidential campaign of 2016 through illegal state surveillance -is now being examined . They must be praying good President Trump doesn’t get a second term …. grassy knoll time ?
If that were to happen I think I’d be looking at the democrats in his security outfit…
One of the many things i detest about Remoaners is the constant message they peddle that Leave won due to lies !!!
Yet again, no mention of Project Fear.
Remember all these lies from Remain?? I do . But Remoaners never do !!! Never !!
We are now just two months away from the second anniversary of the Brexit vote and therefore in a position to judge the apocalyptic forecast made by the Treasury in May 2016 in the run-up to the vote. In a paper signed off by George Osborne, which neither the former chancellor nor anyone else who has made a grim prognosis for Britain’s departure from the EU should be allowed to forget, the finest minds in the Treasury came up with two scenarios for the aftermath of a vote to leave the EU. In the ‘shock’ scenario, GDP would be 3.6 per cent lower after two years (compared with if the country had voted to remain), the pound would fall by 12 per cent and unemployment would rise by 520,000. In the ‘severe shock’ scenario GDP would be six per cent lower, the pound would fall by 15 per cent and unemployment would rise by 820,000. But even this could prove to be optimistic, the authors claimed, adding:
“There are significant downside risks which imply that the impact could be even larger
203 days to Brexit lite ?
Even Project Fear views predictions made by Carney , Treasury , IMF . IFS as embarrassing ‘bad smells ‘ now which should be treated with air freshener as opposed to serious attention .
Italy’s economy is in crisis not due to wanting to leave the EU though – funny that.
Jezza only wants to retain a, Customs Union / Freedom of Movement, the EU court, EU Product and Food Standards which have to be set in stone just for starters.
Way to go Jez and how exactly would that be leaving ?
THIRD anniversary actually. Sorry to nitpick….
I seem to remember that we were promised WWIII… 😉
Tweet from Trump:
“”Too bad that the European Union is being so tough on the United Kingdom and Brexit.
The E.U. is likewise a brutal trading partner with the United States, which will change.
Sometimes in life you have to let people breathe before it all comes back to bite you! “”
TWatO Watch #1
Didn’t take long for the BBC to start pushing for a Second (Third) Referendum on R4.
H. Benn MP helpfully slipped it in after Sarah’s prompt.
If you are going to condemn Jeremy Corbyn for his support for Hammas, the surely you also have to condemn Theresa May for her support of Al Qaeda What you didn’t know? How about that for being downplayed by the BBC?
And our government has been funding and promoting the White Helmet killers in Syria. Vanessa Beeley has been exposing them for years but still the propaganda about them dominates any news about attacks in Syria, especially if there are photographs of these muslim terrorists running about with children in their arms, covered in fake blood and dust.
Twenty seven countries backed the humiliation of Treezer. All obeyed their leaders, including Italy who did once indicate they had courage to support the UK.
You see, within living memory all of these countries have experienced
oppression and rule by dictatorships, and it shows.
Yes – the big hope was Italy but the economy is in deep do do so we’re very easily bribed ….
If you want to keep your head, you don’t oppose, disagree with or contradict a tyrant.
And the EU junta is tyrannical.
Those who sight Democracy as a reason for a second Referendum.
Laughable and please pass the sick bucket.
Seem to be an awful lot in the Commons who still don’t get it.
How can we ever believe anything politicians say in the future.
May has lied over and over saying we will leave the eu on ………… (insert date)
Nearly all were elected on a brexit manifesto.
They lied.
Gave us a referendum but are trashing it.
What’s the point of having a second referendum, they will ignore that (unless it says remain of course)
What’s the point of having any elections. They are meaningless as the ‘honourables’ just do as they please.
Just listen to that daft old clot Kenneth Clarke blathering on, calling the ERG far right. The only group in parliament supporting the referendum result.
In effect, that clown Clarke is calling 17.4 million voters far right.
Many Remainers seem supremely confidant of winning another Referendum.
But what if they lost ?
We don’t need to ask do we ?
The quotes keep coming:-
“In a Democracy people can change their minds”. (Hmmm and Remain would win of course.)
I agree Gax, there is a lot of banging on about having another Referendum, and giving it back to the people, but if the result is the same, what then ? No-one wanting another ‘go’ has indicated what they’d do if it didn’t go their way. AND what would be the wording on the ballot paper ? like I’ve said before, I’ll be in a care home when that happens. 🙂
Ah, but the small print would give two choices, REMAIN or REMAIN LITE.
They are probably confident because either they know or they believe another referendum would be rigged to give their desired result, regardless of the question on the ballot paper.
That’s the only kind of referendum the EU thugs and their fifth column traitors in our country know.
People can change their minds? So today we elect Tories, then we change our minds after a year, even though they’ve got four years to go, and replace them with Labour? Until we feel we would like to change our minds again…
It’s nonsense, they’ve dreamed up, cos they don’t like the referendum result. In their heart of hearts, most of them know it.
This is politics for snowflakes and cloud cuckoo land.
The HoC could have a Facebook page and those of us not wrapped up reading about the latest ‘celebrity’ LBTQ++ trivia could give a ‘like’ to anything we approved of.
Think about it, Facebook only does ‘likes’ because not to like is ‘hateful’ and therefore bad.
They’ll win next time, probably without even cheating.
Many of the people who voted Leave last time will no longer bother.
If Leave did miraculously win again they’ll find another Gina Miller to set the whole process off of keeping us in.
That’s the other thing that’s making me angry. I’m completely bloody sick of being called “far right” while THEY are the ones behaving like fascists. These are MP’s smearing the common people in the HOP! It’s like a weird alternative universe.
And we wonder how the media gets away with it. Utterly disgraceful.
It’s no consolation but it’s like that all over the Western World. In the US the violence, reminiscent of the Brown Shirts, from ANTIFA always trumps (pardon pun) anything the other side might offer.
Look at this $h!t
Lucy, you are correct, Mr Howard Leigh is a POS.
I wonder what he did to get his title? As someone said, titles aren’t awarded for doing good, they are for doing bad.
Looks like Raheem has deleted that Tweet
.. I guess that was a spoof Lord Howard Leigh account rather than the real one.
No mention on the BBC of Trump’s latest announcement regarding Brexit.
Trump could destroy the EU both politically and economically. The BBC and the EU hate him. We can but hope.
Here’s a transcript of Trump’s announcement:
“”Too bad that the European Union is being so tough on the United Kingdom and Brexit.
The E.U. is likewise a brutal trading partner with the United States, which will change.
Sometimes in life you have to let people breathe before it all comes back to bite you! “”
Aww crap – Local Elections – Lib Dem, Labour or Tory?
It’s looking like we’ll have to vote Green Party FFS.
Green party manifesto:
Our policies:
A referendum on the detail of whatever deal is negotiated for Britain’s departure from the EU, with the option to reject the deal and remain in the EU.
Protect freedom of movement, press for remaining within the single market, and safeguard vital rights for people and the environment.
Immediately guarantee the rights of EU citizens to remain in the UK and urgently seek reciprocal arrangements for UK citizens in the EU.
Migrants illegally in the UK for over five years will be allowed to remain unless they pose a serious danger to public safety.
We will resist all attempts to introduce a ‘barrier round Europe’ shutting out non-Europeans or giving them more restricted rights of movement within Europe than European Nationals.
Richer regions and communities do not have the right to use migration controls to protect their privileges from others in the long term.
We will replace existing British Immigration law with an Immigration law which does not discriminate directly on the grounds listed above (see MG205). This law will be based on the principle of fair and prompt treatment of applicants rather than on excluding dishonest applicants whatever the cost to the honest ones. We will consult widely with affected groups to ensure that features of the current law which are of concern to them are addressed.
MG401 We will allow the partners, prospective partners, immediate families and prospective families of British residents to join them without excessive delays or unreasonable requirements for proof of relationship. This will be independent of the financial status of the resident and will not be dependent on her/him providing accommodation (We recognise that this must be implemented in association with a housing policy).
Thanks for the Green Party summary.
So we have no local council party to vote for then.
No prbs its worth a closer look as this is only a small selection…….
If you have one, vote for the local resident’s groups. Where we live they took power from the Tories in 2016. It has the benefit of kicking all the major parties at once. If enough people get behind them in the locals, it works.
the greens are further to the left of corbyn, they were infiltrated and taken over years ago
immediate family means parents
parents mean more brothers sisters etc etc
this is nothing more than completely open borders all welcome, no checks , no nothing
It’s helpful that they are represented in parliament by a lightweight ‘cat ‘ lady …. who laughs like a silly girl when she can’t think of anything when challenged about some new Green lunacy . Burn those hydro carbs …
A – If you want to know what happens, if you allow a Green Party to become a powerful player on a national scene, look no further than Germany.
Often a partner in government in one of the Federal states, they have proven themselves to be EU enthusiasts and immigration enthusiasts, second to none.
Only the wily Ms Merkel , showed herself adept at outflanking them on environmental and immigration issues, as indeed, she has been skillful at adopting from the socialist SPD, whatever she thought was necessary to stay in power.
Many of the German Greens would like to see Germany disappear from the map; I presume if the UK Greens turn out to be of similar mind, they will want total immersion in the EU and adoption of the Euro.
The Greens are toxic: touch at your own risk.
And for just a short canter on one of my pet hobby horses, should you feel the Greens are at least anti-war: Green leader and German Foreign minister in 1999 was one Joshka Fisher – a prime mover in the NATO bombing of the Serbs. He saw them as successors to Hitler and was thus sort of an Antifa pioneer, you might say. Keen on creating a Kosovo homeland for Albanian Muslims who wanted to break away from Belgrade.
Subsequently involved in various highly-paid consultancy posts in commerce and industry, including the Gazprom Nabucco pipeline project. Another honest politician, interested only in the service of the people…
I’m really inspired by seeing Caroline Lucas on TV in an ad for Green party councillors this eve…
to vote UKIP!
Good post.
Don’t forget what’s coming from the EU greens:
Daniel Vischer, a Green party MP, said he saw nothing wrong with two consenting adults having sex, even if they were related.
The Greens are simply calling for a more caring family reunion programme – only the most cold-hearted could object to that. Of course, there are different ways of going about it. One approach would be a humane, voluntary repatriation programme, financed by the scrapping of EU payments and foreign aid (sic). To avoid accusations of discrimination, it would be open to all citizens and residents who don’t want to live in post-EU Britain, regardless of their origins or background.
No … just a spoilt paper with the following … Non of the Above! WTO Brexit only!
Are you really saying you would vote Lab/Lib/Green !! ??
Many Remainers and Remoaners, in positions of responsibility in the business world or in large corporations (think Carolyn Fairbairn of the CBI) said that the uncertainty of Brexit was damaging for business.
They haven’t been touring the BBC Radio Studios saying that today.
I thought funny, funny I thought ….
I already posted this clip above from a different source but look at this one. It runs until we see Maybot’s reaction. Says it all. What she thinks of us.
There’ll be that lovely time departing PMs get when they go and the tearful farewell coming out of number 10.
Poor Bill Cash an honourable man amongst dross traitors. I bet there won’t be many prospective Tory MEPs or councillors planning a victory party .
“Bill Cash”
Afraid Bill is one of those “ancients” who Richard Dawkins today said that he hoped to have died since the referendum giving the young voters advantage next time round – if it happens.
Disgusting man.
Finally got around to Snuffy’s personal newspaper review c/o BBC w/s News:
It obviously hasn’t occurred to either headline writers or their Editors or the other occupants of the ‘back table’ or ‘back desk’ that the PM either chose to go to Brussels to follow up her request for more time or had to attend as still a member of the EU until 11pm tomorrow.
(I do believe he’s got it!)
Metropolitan Police have now entered another building in London and arrested someone who’s been refusing to leave for the last 3 years.
……. Her name is Theresa May…. h/t JHB
Thanks Stew, that made me chuckle!
Stew- Suddenly remembering the reluctance to leave No 10 of one Gordon Brown. Had not some big daily declared there to be ‘a squatter’ in that building, wonder if Cameron would have had to share?
Why, even now, Ms May could have popped into the guest room to ask Gordie for financial advice. She could have expected much of the same sort as she’s had from her present Chancellor: EU? Good Stuff.
4pm R4 Film Show
What kind of film did they choose to review ?
☑ Made by BBC films
☑ About a black guy who becomes a ballet dancer
☑ …. despite being the son of a truck driver
☑ set in communist Cuba
☑ with criticism of evil USA for their embargo
( despite there actually always being 6 direct flights per day , for all the Americans who have always been allowed to visit Cuba, ie relatives & students not tourists )
☑ scripted by a Glaswegian man married to the Cuban female director probably medialand chums of Beeboids
No gay, transgender or disability content?
Some commissioning editor’s career has just come to a premature end.
But it was reviewed despite of Brexit, might save em.
“Roger Scruton’s sacking exposes the Tories’ cowardice”
By the ever-excellent Douglas Murray in the Speccie:
Can anybody explain to me ,because I don’t know that
much about golf why the the only player the BBC seems to be
interested in is Tiger Woods ? To be honest I don’t know
why the BBC are interested at all . There are no women competing.
Surely the BBC can find some more important ladies Golf, football,
rugby or netball competitions to comment on.
Come on BBC ! Your number one concern, so far as the world
is concerned is diversity, positive discrimination and “inclusiveness”
whatever that means. Golf is very elitist , I believe . Why are you
covering it?
Wait until you get a golfer from the most perfect religion in the world, then we’ll have golf 24-7.
The burka would restrict the swing.
Im your man for golf……
ive already posted on here about the perception of it being elistist/white/patriachal etc…and to be honest its really not the case although there are still exclusive clubs etc (personally I think thats a good thing!!…I like elitism/EXCLUSIVITY )
.You are correct about Woods though.Theres no disputing his golfing record…he is one of the greatest golfers ever but the BBC actually dont care.The fact he has SHAGGED more women than I have had birdies is irrelevant…………its the same on SKY…its right across the media….the most important thing is his SKIN COLOUR (and NO i am NOT a racist based on the colour of his skin!!…thats the whole point).
The best golfers in the world currently are Justin Rose, Tommy Fleetwood and Rory McIlroy…strangely ALL British?… the BBC really care?….NO.
Some of the best FEMALE golfers currently are also BRITISH…do the BBC cover them?….NO. They are fascinated by tennis?….KONTA the Hungarian/Australian…..who has won NOTHING in years…….
NB……EQUALITIES ACT 2010……….(Theresa May)
Probably the most manly channel out there, Quest has a female presenter on their football league highlights show. The take over is gathering pace.
Vlad – It appears from the Spectator site that a certain George Eaton and a certain James Brokenshire had a lot to do with the firing of Sir Roger Scruton.
It includes Sir Rogers’ “Apology for thinking!”
Eaton’s selective, manipulated use of Sir Roger’s words to change their meaning and message and the cowardly Brokenshire’s eager acquiesence and subsequent virtue-signalling; hard to say which should be more roundly condemned…
And here’s the rub: if you intend doing any serious and/or critical thinking in Britain, DON’T.
If you happen to be in Brokenshire’s constituency and are thinking of writing to him to express your disgust, DO.
Finally: if you are thinking of voting Conservative ever again in Britain, DON’T!