Much was made of the fall in the London Stock Market and the £ Sterling on currency markets following the result of the EU Referendum in June 2016, usually by Remainers and Remoaners.
Strangely, it appears that today ‘the markets’ are rather whelmed by the postponement of Brexit for 6½ months.
I wonder if the Remainers and Remoaners. will be on R4 to comment and whether the programme Presenter will ask them about it.
I always enjoy the MSM headlines about ‘billions wiped of share values ‘ I was watching it at opening today and have concluded that ‘billions were wiped off and added to share prices ‘ it’s something called ‘trading’.
Diff subject
I tried c4 news to witness more snowflake madness but gave up as they insist on presenting in front of the loop who shouts
‘Brexit ‘all the time .
The ‘journo village ‘ is going to be removed in order to replace the lawn they have destroyed whilst ‘remaining ‘. Maybe they could move it to Tower Hamlets …
Apparently Carolyn Fairbairn, Director General of the Confederation of British Industry, is now complaining via the Press Association, about the delay to Brexit.
“But it’s what you wanted, Carolyn! I wish you’d make your mind up.” said an annoyed Theresa May.
(But not when they go all blue and spotty like that. Straight onto the compost heap after checking with Gardeners’ Question Time whether it might pollute the compost heap or not.)
A Muslim actress who is in Emmerdale Farm ( never seen it ) has been sacked for ‘ historic offensive tweets’ – I think the Daily Mail has them and the ‘ n’ word is involved . I’m not sure if the ‘ n’ stood for Netflix …
I hope her role in the soap wasn’t as the local pig farmer as who is going to look after the piggies now ?
Oh dear.
Was watching an interesting discussion featuring Sir Roger Scruton and Jordan Peterson as the main guests: both thought it would be a good idea to cut funding to universities.
Their reasons were actually very sound, but I can imagine the outcry this point of view would produce in our postmodern utopia!
The postmodern humanities curriculum, says Sir Roger, is no longer a project of love, in which a person passes on knowledge of what they have loved. The postmodern curriculum is one of hatred, directed against our cultural inheritance: one after one, its works are paraded before us, stripped naked, and thrashed.
“This negativity,” Sir Roger observes, “is the taxpayer.”
The two of them were discussing the transcendent merits of great works of art/music/literature of our culture.
When you listen to this conversation, you realise why the one has lost an unpaid advisory job to government (probably a compliment), and the other gets ‘no-platformed’ at a university (no doubt, also a compliment).
Earlier on, they have identified the problem with the postmodern: it herds people into hostile groups, identifies where power comes into play in the new situation, and how someone can benefit from such power.
I was led to think of the ‘decolonisation’ nonsense that has popped up in certain universities, and how that has been deftly exploited.
Indeed, we see this dynamic at work outside universities as well; it has been seeping out from them and into broader society for years…
And it seems to explain why Radio 4 for instance, once a purveyor of quality entertainment, now more often than not, merits the ‘off’ button, as it gravitates to certain recent novel ideologies, and -alas-increasingly trashes our own cultural inheritance.
Why am I rambling on and on?
All I was actually doing was trying to figure out how a lightweight like Brokenshire is able to snap his fingers and dispose of a heavyweight like Sir Roger, when I came across said discussion.
Ah yes, of course: taxpayer subsidies…
Ditto R4, where the licence payer docks up.
Norway, is it, where the public broadcaster’s income has now been moved from licence fee source directly to the taxpayer. Should we ever get rid of the licence fee, I think that will be how it’s done?
fnw, problem is that might produce a Taxpayer Revolution on two fronts.
Those who do not use TV will object, including the poor, troubled, young. Secondly, taxpayers might insist on scrapping the DG post and Board on the grounds that the Corporation should be directed via the taxpayer on the grounds of “No taxation without representation.”
The BBC 10 o’clock news finally does a report from an area of the country which is 99% white. But guess which constituency it is? That’s right: the one with the biggest Labour majority in the country, Knowsley, (near Liverpool).
Also who did they speak at length to….a tattoo artist! Who told us that brexit was to blame for his falling clients and he didn’t know anything about the European elections either ! They must have really looked hard to find him !!! I despair.
I see Avi Yemini’s secret camera footage of Jim Jefferies stitching him up has more than 2 million views on YT
Yet when Avi arrived at LAX he was detained and deported
Who is the bad man ?
One of the first questions put to Nigel Farage by R4 this morning on the launch of his new Brexit Party: “What is your party’s attitude towards Islam”?
“A Muslim actress who is in Emmerdale Farm ( never seen it ) has been sacked for ‘ historic offensive tweets’ – I think the Daily Mail has them and the ‘ n’ word is involved .”
At least the producers of Emmerdale showed some contrition, Fed. In 1985 the BBC launched a television soap called ‘Eastenders’. It started off well, but then the tabloids disclosed a real scoop on one of the show’s stars, Leslie Grantham. It turned out that Grantham was a convicted murderer.
“Scoundrel Dirty Den was the villain of the piece from the start but Leslie Grantham had a chequered past even before he took the role.
In 1967, when he was 20, he was convicted of the murder of a taxi driver in Germany in 1967. He was sentenced to life imprisonment but was released after ten years in jail. After leaving prison, he took up his famous role on EastEnders in the 1980s, before later returning in 2003.”
THe Sun, April 2019.
Apparently, being a convicted murderer wasn’t an obstacle to becoming a star on BBC television, provided you brought in more viewers.
If they can keep a convicted killer on the books, then the transgressions of Jimmy Savile, Stuart Hall, Rolf Harris, Chris Denning et al pale into insignificance.
I gotta say Cass- losing a job over a historic ( 3 in the morning ?) type twitter rant from long ago is in my opinion rather harsh .
I notice some people on this site making comments of dubious content in the early hours ( you reading this maxi ?) but that’s a way difference from getting sacked and maybe never being an actress again ….
A matter of balance ?
I recall that Remain had all the ‘sensible’ bandwidth to themselves in the lead up to 2016 LAB, CON (OK the party line) , LIBDEM, Green, Plaid, SNP, TUC, CBI, BT, BoE, Uncle Tom Cobley and still lost.
NG, yet the BBC say with a straight face (on radio!) that we do not have a multi-Party system in the UK.
Yes, I know that in the usual way of things Labour & Conservative take the bulk of the votes but compare it to back in the 1960s or earlier. How many different political Parties were around then with a significant voice?
Irony is not dead. ‘Upskirting’ ban is prominently reported on the News page whilst a low angle miniskirt shot is used in a ‘clickbait’ Entertainment link photo.
Lovely bit of Virtue Signalling ……. they were looking for a weapon you idiot ….keeping you and your fans safe , but hey, turn it into a racial thing !!! Pathetic.
Stormzy has probably read the story in The Birmingham Mail but if you haven’t, here it is.
The West Midlands Police are looking for these two chaps who robbed and assaulted a man on a train travelling from Walsall to Birmingham recently. No reports on BBC Midlands Today news or the BBC local news web pages which I’m sure is an oversight on the BBC’s part which it will soon rectify.
The Beeb are leading with this Assange thing on R4 news today, despite it now being ‘old news’. When I heard about it on TWatO at 1pm yesterday, I wondered if the Extradition Warrant was another attempt by The Swamp to dig dirt on President Trump on behalf of the Democratic Party.
If so, Jeremy Corbyn is not going to be ‘Flavor of the Month’ with the Democrats over there anytime soon.
In fact every US administration usually invites every criminal to work for them once they have got them on their own shores. They never fail. If a criminal with super IT skills can help them – they usually do and pay them handsomely indeed (usually apartments and their own families can go too.
BBBC running constant story of Liverpool soccer player Mohamed Salah being subjected to racist chants. Not very nice and I agree, but no mention of when HE refused to shake hands before a match with two players because they were Jewish. In fact this incident is well hidden by most of the MSN.
Al Beeb & new Brexit Party launch today .
Checking Al Beeb’s front page ‘Politics’ – Nowt ?
Have they begun to marginalize the new party already?
Their next step will be to lampoon them – as per form .
Propaganda and censorship Broadcaster. Over to you Ofcom……….
Ah ! They have it on page now .
“Nigel Farage launches Brexit Party” – ” 9 min”
It tells me that either their ‘researchers’ monitor this site, or its just a coincidence ?
Under the circumstances it’s all too easy to be accused of paranoia. What with the machinations of the ‘European Parliament’, Macron, Merkel, Barnier, Juncker, Tusk and the rest, the built-in ineptitude of the current government, the absurd and unnecessary 2017 election – so transparently designed to reduce a massive majority and create a weak and malleable political environment – and now the latest delays, increasing the reality of a once great nation being made to appear both risible and pitiful. Added to which a ludicrously skewed media fuels the fires with smirking enthusiasm.
All this, and the one tangible hope for change, a movement to reflect and abide by the will of the people, is conveniently split in two, dividing the vote and allowing the establishment to maintain its grip, however slippery. Anyone would think the whole thing – from the incredible timing and coincidence of Jo Cox’s murder all the way through to the Batten/Farage infighting, has been engineered. But things like that don’t happen, do they? That would just be paranoia, wouldn’t it?
Yes, but that’s the whole point NG. A manifesto that among other gems penalised pensioners, scrapped free infant school lunches and re-introduced a vote on foxhunting?
Tell me that wasn’t contrived. Or maybe I’m just paranoid.
And it’s even worse
After George Eaton tweeted the actual quote..he changed his mind and deleted it that tweet
So that second screenshotted tweet “edited for reasons of space in the print edition”.. no longer exists
I suggest the meaning is, “A writer who says that there are no truths, or that all truth is ‘merely relative’, is effectively asking you not to believe him. So don’t”.
I don’t think the hypothetical writer is expicitly asking anyone to believe or not believe, in the same way that an actor playing a part might be said to be ‘asking’ the audience to suspend believe. That doesn’t mean that they introduce their performance by issuing some sort of health warning – “CAUTION: What you are about to hear is not necessarily representative of what I am or the opinions that I hold”. (Actually, given the current trend that won’t be long in actually happening!)
LCS – I would not be quite that drastic. This kindly old lady has been working so hard for me, jetting hither and thither, being forced to endlessly eat wonderful meals and consume much wine, put up with red carpets and fanfares and limousines, and kissing people like Juncker and Verhofstad, I’d say tower only. I think its walls are strong and stable. Tower means Tower. We could keep extending….
Since we’ve abolished capital punishment, let her keep her head. I believe they have rooks at the tower. She could feed those every day. It could become a tourist attraction.
fnw “drastic”
That is the kiddies version.
Remain want a “People’s Vote”.
We should create our own “People’s Courts” using our new “People’s Laws” which will pay no regard whatsoever to the now discredited former judicial and political system.
All who have attempted to thwart Brexit or praised those who did, off with their heads.
Sentence first trials later, it’s what Jo would have wanted.
Quentin Letts , on his twitter account , reports an anecdote about a moderate midlands Tory association where , when future voter intentions was mentioned , came back with a 90% vote for a brexit party – inc the chair .
If this is true al beeb is wilfully concealing the degree of ‘ anger ‘ ( won’t use ‘hate’) about the way Blighty has allowed itself to be bullied by Brussels drunks . The shame. I always thought G Brown demeaned the office because he hated the English but Mrs May has put the PMs office in the gutter .
While we’ve all been indulging in Brexit, I’ve been reading an ongoing murder mystery.
Its latest instalment appears today on ‘’, entitled: ‘Coligny: a murder mystery.’ The case is also known around the world as ‘the sunflower murders’.
One comment says that this was “A racist stitch up, from the beginning. Incompetent police, incompetent Prosecuting Authority, incompetent defence team…the guilty verdict was to appease the baying, racist mob.”
Another says: ” A Stalinist trial would have seemed fair by comparison. Here we had the direct threat of massive mob violence and intimidation….”
Mandela’s ‘new South Africa’ not looking that new, or that attractive, after 25 years? It appears there was arson and looting in the town of Coligny itself, throughout the case. To stoke a little pressure…
It also appears from the cellphone evidence alone, that the two men who were found guilty couldn’t have done it.
But alas for them, in a highly politicized environment, they are of the wrong colour, in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
Telegraph on Scruton
\\ The Government .. ought to stand by its man.
It says much about the Conservative Party’s crisis of identity that it won’t do the decent thing.
This happened before with Toby Young, a journalist and education campaigner appointed to the board of a new university regulator only to be hit with a barrage of highly personal criticism that forced him to resign. The Tories want to hire radicals who can shake things up, which is desperately needed, but they don’t have the bottle to defend them when they are criticised for the very things that make them a maverick.
One likely consequence of the Scruton and Young stories is that any non-politician offered a government job will think twice because it isn’t worth the reputational damage, and politics will thus become ever more the preserve of a tiny band of political professionals with identikit views completely out of touch with popular opinion or concrete reality. //
\\ Nassim Nicholas Taleb @nntaleb
Re: Roger Scruton.
Why I no longer do interviews with UK journalists. Nobody should. // View at
Yeh but in the end he as a leftist and Climate alarmist got redress
..Righties don’t
but some points \\ The divergence is evident in that journos worry considerably more about the opinion of other journalists than that of the general public. //
Whilst UKIP is campaigning against Islam, The Guardian reports that Farage claimed that his party wouldn’t “even be discussing Islam” and said that “we absolutely expect to have Muslim candidates.
Peace be upon him
That’s tickety boo though Farage can’t prevent journalists asking him. You have the right to remain silent though anything you do say will be taken down in evidence and used against you…
BBC Humberside DJ Burnsy thinks he’s a planet saver
Just now had an almost scripted bit on.
Interview with carpark boss AdamRichards of #APCOAUK
“Councils are discouraging cars in centre, that fit with your biz ?”
AR “The way we see the market going is electric car charging points”
Burnsy “In the news King Billy?”
AR “yes” ..’That’s right we think electric cars are the future …blah blah ‘
Burnsy loved all that #GreenPR speak , you could virtually see him doing the thumbs up
BBC Humberside DJ Burnsy thinks he’s a planet saver
Just now had an almost scripted bit on.
Interview with carpark boss AdamRichards of #APCOAUK
“Councils are discouraging cars in centre, that fit with your biz ?”
AR “The way we see the market going is electric car charging points”
Burnsy “In the news King Billy?”
AR “yes” ..’That’s right we think electric cars are the future …blah blah ‘
Burnsy loved all that #GreenPR speak , you could virtually see him doing the thumbs up
BTW they’ve been promoting the Climate Change kids every half hour news …report coming up… No it was the same clip AGAIN.
I have just been watching “Politics Today” on BBC. “We have “lost”
Nigel Farage” said the liberal bigot women presenter replacing
the liberal bigot women Jo Coburn. So instead we had to endure
a young women devotee of Jeremy Corbyn expounding her
communist believes. She ticked every imaginable box the BBC
has for “invites.” She looks like a natural to present Newsnight
as she matures.
Well done the anarchist and socialist worker editors , sub editors
and researchers at the BBC. Today’s programme could of been
on Stalinist TV in the early 1950’s.The only difference would be
that Nigel Farage would of been “lost” for good.
Radio2 now
3️⃣ We discuss breast ironing, a practice which first emerged in West Africa where girls have their breasts ironed or flattened to delay their development.
(conclusion it makes no difference they only do it cos of tradition)
Other topics
Done : Assange , Up-skirting
Coming up : 4️⃣ An MP wants to change the law so that Scottish banknotes are accepted throughout the UK.
(apparently some shops refuse them..not many I know)
@GaryLineker praises open borders
Trade Union guy Paul Embery , replies saying people have a home
(an anti-open borders comment)
Mike Harding reply tweets
A nation is not a home.
A nation is a collection of people who identify as being citizens of a country.
If it’s a homeland you are talking about then I suggest you read Mein Kampf – that has quite a bit about homeland in it.
That is invoking Hitler
ie saying that people who care about homeland are Nazis
Paul Embery replied
‘A nation is not a home.’
I fear this encapsulates the divide in our society – between a rootless, cosmopolitan, bohemian middle-class (in this case a bloke who used to sing folk songs on the BBC) and a rooted, communitarian, patriotic working-class.
Jewish MP Sobel sounds the anti-Semitism klaxon
and only explains after pressure
\\ rootless cosmopolitan was used against the Jews. //
Embury replied
\\ I used two everyday adjectives alongside a string of others in a discussion that wasn’t even about Jews.
How dare you accuse me of anti-Semitism on such flimsy grounds. Disgraceful. //
Literally an anti-semitic trope used by Stalin the culmination of which saw many good bundists imprisoned by East European Communist regimes (including my grandfather) just what I needed to see after the @JewishLabour AGM. Stop othering Jews
(1) A rootless, cosmopolitan, bohemian middle-class who live in walled off gated communities, protecting them from burglary and other crimes, and with bollards protecting them from terrorism and all the other consequences that come with mass immigration.
(2) A rooted, communitarian, patriotic working-class who cannot afford all that expensive protection, but expect the Government to protect the nation.
In 1086, the rich lived in gated off Castles, the Middle-Classes lived in walled off towns and the poor lived unprotected.
In 1940, both rich and poor where protected by the Channel.
In 2018, since Windrush, civilisation has gone into reverse with the rich now back living behind Walls in gated off communities within cities. The BBC has Security Guards paid by people who cannot afford Security Guards, but who are mocked by BBC staff who live behind Walls, yet mock Trump supporters who want a Wall to protect the national community.
I live in a very hideously white part of the countryside, so its still a bit like 1940, very civilised, so we don’t need walls like those patriotic working class people who suffer the consequences of mass immigration in Hull.
Anybody opened up a communication from Westmonster today?
It’s changed. For the worst it seems. You cannot now read their always superficially scant take on major news items now without downloading ‘something’ to enable you to read the feature. Not interested. Their ‘News’ is avalable in any number of places. If I cannot ‘unsubscribe’ (because you no longer are presented with that option), then it will have to be the ‘block sender’ route.
I’ve just seen news that Jacob Rees-Mogg’s sister is to stand as a candidate for Nigel Farage’s new Brexit Party in the forthcoming European elections.
“Diane Abbott faces fury for defending Julian Assange by saying his ‘real crime was to have embarrassed the US military’ and ‘we all know it’s not about the rape charges’ as he faces extradition ” – DM.
Nice to know our future Home Secretary has such a profound and nuanced understanding of law.
Not yet reported by the beeb, who perhaps don’t want to cause any further embarrassment to their favourite party.
On the contrary, it shows that they made preparations for something they were aware might happen but which they didn’t want. This was before Coopers asinine intervention, and the two extensions.
Dover Sentry
If only I could believe that Prime Minister Corbyn would honour the referendum result – ie – leave means completely leave, then he would get my vote. We could sort out the dreaded Socialism bit at the next general election. Well, I can dream can’t I?
They just this moment tweeted this
How can this not be a political advert for Climate Alarmism ?
Is the BBC doing enough to cover climate change?
This week, Science Editor of BBC News, @davidshukmanbbc and Science Editor for Radio Deborah Cohen, sat down with Roger to answer your thoughts on the way the BBC covers climate change.
Due to widespread ignorance at the BBC, due to the fact that all of the science editors seem to be scientifically unqualified Arts, Media, Languages and other subjects unique to low IQ W1A morons who went to University.
No one employed by the BBC would know that if you see the Sun shining within the Arctic circle, then the ice would be melting. Ignorance at the BBC would be caused by the lack of images of the ice freezing in the Winter, because its very very dark all Winter long, so nobody at the BBC travels to Ellesmere Island in the wintertime because its very very cold and dark.
Richard, even with the sun shining ice will not melt if it isn’t warm enough. If I recall my science education correctly, ice at the Poles and on large glaciers evaporates as much as, if not more than, it melts.
In Mathematics, the non-binary community is a community made up of anything from base-3 to base infinity. Therefore an infinitely large community. But no sex involved, so no one at the BBC would know anything about this Community.
LBC, Eddie Mair, in full Remain mode tonight; the station is remarkably finding all the callers are Remainers and lots of plugs for Mr Farage’s one man band. The only mention of UKIP that I heard was when the news interlude referred to Mr Farage as the former leader of UKIP.
LBC are deliberately avoiding mention of UKIP.
I’ve stopped listening so things might have changed but I doubt it.
Gerard Batten had notified us that UKIP have raised enough money to leaflet every household in the country. He’s also got enough money to fight the EU elections and the local elections and anything left over will go to funding the next general election. Match that Mr Farage.
By which you add confrontation to an already counter-productive situation. In politics – that’s the grown-up sort that used to be respected and effective – there are some things best left unsaid until you’re in a position to do something positive about them.
R4 news – seem very interested today in giving Nigel Farrage pretty
good coverage., whilst UKIP which is an established political party seems to be getting virtually none.
Could this be because Aunty is coming around to the idea of Brexit in some sort of road to Damascus conversion – or do you think there is some other reason?
Nigel is , or at least says he is, quite open to increased third world migration and never says a word about Islamification. UKIP has been telling the truth about Islam since Batten became leader. In the BBC eyes Islamophobia is even worse than Leaving .
Yes DT I think Aunty is hoping to split the vote. What so grinds my gears is that apart from UKIP there are no major political parties that seem to have any concern about the industrialised rape of kids in Northern towns.
And if you are concerned about this you are a knuckle dragging member of the “far” right. As Nigel likes to call us. Damm people complaining about the still ongoing sexual abuse of kids and young women its all so inconvenient when you are trying to push a narrative
“A posh yank”? Surely that is like “an honest politician”. It is an oxymoron. As a boy I learned that, by definition, the only people that can be described as “posh” are the white upper class British and quite right too. Now, President Trump may be our last hope for a civilized and sane world but is he “posh”??!! Never sir!
POSH in America means that you have to have arrived with the Pilgrim Fathers or as soon after as humanly possible. You will speak, to the untutored or careless ear, your American with a British accent and you will try to keep to certain standards even if in somewhat pecuniarily challenged circumstances.
As to President Trump being our last hope for a sane world, I would have to remind you that he is – with all due respect – an ex-TV Game Show host. 😉 That said, I will enjoy the discomfort of the US Democratic Party and its supporters if he stands in 2020 and is re-elected with a clear majority.
OK my shorthand – Posh Yank – Sounded ‘educated’, maybe Professor at one of our UK Uni’s., was ‘Concerned his children would not have freedom of movement’.
Maybe he annoyed the folks in the US so much they rode him out of town on a rail.
I mean – bad enough when remainers lecture us but immigrants !
Gaxvil, yeah shorthand lets us all down at times. I actually share your concern. Much as I like Yanks and they like me (have some good friends there) or Aussies & Kiwis, S.Africans and Canadians (similarly), I do get upset when UK appears to be ‘taken over’*, especially in certain areas such as education. If we had only 300,000 unemployed in UK and huge numbers of vacancies, then I’d be much more relaxed about that. We have 1 million 300,000+ unemployed in UK at present. If those countries let Brits in to live and work like we do, I’d be fine with them coming here, as the quid pro quo would work for me and my fellow Brits. But those countries generally have tough restrictions on migration, especially from Britain. Finally, we need to have room for genuine refugees in the UK and it seems to me that Americans can swan in here at will but Asia Bibby gets turned down.
That ain’t right!
(* I suspect BBC do it deliberately for Blairite reasons – rubbing noses in diversity and all that.)
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Rob in CheshireMar 10, 15:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I think that is close to the truth. The modern Labour Party looks down its nose at white working class…
no veto available anymore
Much was made of the fall in the London Stock Market and the £ Sterling on currency markets following the result of the EU Referendum in June 2016, usually by Remainers and Remoaners.
Strangely, it appears that today ‘the markets’ are rather whelmed by the postponement of Brexit for 6½ months.
I wonder if the Remainers and Remoaners. will be on R4 to comment and whether the programme Presenter will ask them about it.
I rather thought not.
I always enjoy the MSM headlines about ‘billions wiped of share values ‘ I was watching it at opening today and have concluded that ‘billions were wiped off and added to share prices ‘ it’s something called ‘trading’.
Diff subject
I tried c4 news to witness more snowflake madness but gave up as they insist on presenting in front of the loop who shouts
‘Brexit ‘all the time .
The ‘journo village ‘ is going to be removed in order to replace the lawn they have destroyed whilst ‘remaining ‘. Maybe they could move it to Tower Hamlets …
Sky news.
Civil servants told to stop ‘no deal brexit’ preparations immediately.
Apparently Carolyn Fairbairn, Director General of the Confederation of British Industry, is now complaining via the Press Association, about the delay to Brexit.
“But it’s what you wanted, Carolyn! I wish you’d make your mind up.” said an annoyed Theresa May.
Someone should have seen the signs.
GWF – Yup, not as if we’re without precedent.
Christ on a Bike – I’d erased that from my memory.
Everything this pathetic excuse for a leader does is cringeworthy!
I don’t favour Boris as the next PM but this reminds me that he’s no more embarrassing than what we have already.
‘alf a mo’!
I like onions.
(But not when they go all blue and spotty like that. Straight onto the compost heap after checking with Gardeners’ Question Time whether it might pollute the compost heap or not.)
A Muslim actress who is in Emmerdale Farm ( never seen it ) has been sacked for ‘ historic offensive tweets’ – I think the Daily Mail has them and the ‘ n’ word is involved . I’m not sure if the ‘ n’ stood for Netflix …
I hope her role in the soap wasn’t as the local pig farmer as who is going to look after the piggies now ?
Oh dear.
Was watching an interesting discussion featuring Sir Roger Scruton and Jordan Peterson as the main guests: both thought it would be a good idea to cut funding to universities.
Their reasons were actually very sound, but I can imagine the outcry this point of view would produce in our postmodern utopia!
The postmodern humanities curriculum, says Sir Roger, is no longer a project of love, in which a person passes on knowledge of what they have loved. The postmodern curriculum is one of hatred, directed against our cultural inheritance: one after one, its works are paraded before us, stripped naked, and thrashed.
“This negativity,” Sir Roger observes, “is the taxpayer.”
The two of them were discussing the transcendent merits of great works of art/music/literature of our culture.
When you listen to this conversation, you realise why the one has lost an unpaid advisory job to government (probably a compliment), and the other gets ‘no-platformed’ at a university (no doubt, also a compliment).
Earlier on, they have identified the problem with the postmodern: it herds people into hostile groups, identifies where power comes into play in the new situation, and how someone can benefit from such power.
I was led to think of the ‘decolonisation’ nonsense that has popped up in certain universities, and how that has been deftly exploited.
Indeed, we see this dynamic at work outside universities as well; it has been seeping out from them and into broader society for years…
And it seems to explain why Radio 4 for instance, once a purveyor of quality entertainment, now more often than not, merits the ‘off’ button, as it gravitates to certain recent novel ideologies, and -alas-increasingly trashes our own cultural inheritance.
Why am I rambling on and on?
All I was actually doing was trying to figure out how a lightweight like Brokenshire is able to snap his fingers and dispose of a heavyweight like Sir Roger, when I came across said discussion.
Ah yes, of course: taxpayer subsidies…
Ditto R4, where the licence payer docks up.
Norway, is it, where the public broadcaster’s income has now been moved from licence fee source directly to the taxpayer. Should we ever get rid of the licence fee, I think that will be how it’s done?
fnw, problem is that might produce a Taxpayer Revolution on two fronts.
Those who do not use TV will object, including the poor, troubled, young. Secondly, taxpayers might insist on scrapping the DG post and Board on the grounds that the Corporation should be directed via the taxpayer on the grounds of “No taxation without representation.”
The BBC 10 o’clock news finally does a report from an area of the country which is 99% white. But guess which constituency it is? That’s right: the one with the biggest Labour majority in the country, Knowsley, (near Liverpool).
Also who did they speak at length to….a tattoo artist! Who told us that brexit was to blame for his falling clients and he didn’t know anything about the European elections either ! They must have really looked hard to find him !!! I despair.
Jonathan Djanogli MP.
Trying a little too hard for promotion in that place today?
I see Avi Yemini’s secret camera footage of Jim Jefferies stitching him up has more than 2 million views on YT
Yet when Avi arrived at LAX he was detained and deported
Who is the bad man ?
One of the first questions put to Nigel Farage by R4 this morning on the launch of his new Brexit Party: “What is your party’s attitude towards Islam”?
And did he say “Sharia Compliant”?
“A Muslim actress who is in Emmerdale Farm ( never seen it ) has been sacked for ‘ historic offensive tweets’ – I think the Daily Mail has them and the ‘ n’ word is involved .”
At least the producers of Emmerdale showed some contrition, Fed. In 1985 the BBC launched a television soap called ‘Eastenders’. It started off well, but then the tabloids disclosed a real scoop on one of the show’s stars, Leslie Grantham. It turned out that Grantham was a convicted murderer.
“Scoundrel Dirty Den was the villain of the piece from the start but Leslie Grantham had a chequered past even before he took the role.
In 1967, when he was 20, he was convicted of the murder of a taxi driver in Germany in 1967. He was sentenced to life imprisonment but was released after ten years in jail. After leaving prison, he took up his famous role on EastEnders in the 1980s, before later returning in 2003.”
THe Sun, April 2019.
Apparently, being a convicted murderer wasn’t an obstacle to becoming a star on BBC television, provided you brought in more viewers.
If they can keep a convicted killer on the books, then the transgressions of Jimmy Savile, Stuart Hall, Rolf Harris, Chris Denning et al pale into insignificance.
I gotta say Cass- losing a job over a historic ( 3 in the morning ?) type twitter rant from long ago is in my opinion rather harsh .
I notice some people on this site making comments of dubious content in the early hours ( you reading this maxi ?) but that’s a way difference from getting sacked and maybe never being an actress again ….
A matter of balance ?
8pm Radio 4 Any Questions?
Gerard Batten MEP, Nicky Morgan MP, Emily Thornberry MP
Baroness Sal Brinton… bet she’s a Remainer as well ..yep LibDem
I recall that Remain had all the ‘sensible’ bandwidth to themselves in the lead up to 2016 LAB, CON (OK the party line) , LIBDEM, Green, Plaid, SNP, TUC, CBI, BT, BoE, Uncle Tom Cobley and still lost.
NG, yet the BBC say with a straight face (on radio!) that we do not have a multi-Party system in the UK.
Yes, I know that in the usual way of things Labour & Conservative take the bulk of the votes but compare it to back in the 1960s or earlier. How many different political Parties were around then with a significant voice?
Irony is not dead. ‘Upskirting’ ban is prominently reported on the News page whilst a low angle miniskirt shot is used in a ‘clickbait’ Entertainment link photo.
The BBC really do, in their own little world, believe that Mr Corbyn is PM . Reported as headline news earlier.
Lovely bit of Virtue Signalling ……. they were looking for a weapon you idiot ….keeping you and your fans safe , but hey, turn it into a racial thing !!! Pathetic.
Stormzy has probably read the story in The Birmingham Mail but if you haven’t, here it is.
The West Midlands Police are looking for these two chaps who robbed and assaulted a man on a train travelling from Walsall to Birmingham recently. No reports on BBC Midlands Today news or the BBC local news web pages which I’m sure is an oversight on the BBC’s part which it will soon rectify.
Don’t you mean Stormzy, real name: Michael Ebenazer Kwadjo Omari Owuo? Oh, hang on…
TOADY Watch #1
The Beeb are leading with this Assange thing on R4 news today, despite it now being ‘old news’. When I heard about it on TWatO at 1pm yesterday, I wondered if the Extradition Warrant was another attempt by The Swamp to dig dirt on President Trump on behalf of the Democratic Party.
If so, Jeremy Corbyn is not going to be ‘Flavor of the Month’ with the Democrats over there anytime soon.
Apparently the Trump administration could offer him immunity and a pardon in return for all inconvenient truths about Clinton and Saint Obama.
– if that’s anything like true -what hit for 2020 ?
“Apparently the Trump administration”
In fact every US administration usually invites every criminal to work for them once they have got them on their own shores. They never fail. If a criminal with super IT skills can help them – they usually do and pay them handsomely indeed (usually apartments and their own families can go too.
BBBC running constant story of Liverpool soccer player Mohamed Salah being subjected to racist chants. Not very nice and I agree, but no mention of when HE refused to shake hands before a match with two players because they were Jewish. In fact this incident is well hidden by most of the MSN.
Al Beeb & new Brexit Party launch today .
Checking Al Beeb’s front page ‘Politics’ – Nowt ?
Have they begun to marginalize the new party already?
Their next step will be to lampoon them – as per form .
Propaganda and censorship Broadcaster. Over to you Ofcom……….
Ah ! They have it on page now .
“Nigel Farage launches Brexit Party” – ” 9 min”
It tells me that either their ‘researchers’ monitor this site, or its just a coincidence ?
Under the circumstances it’s all too easy to be accused of paranoia. What with the machinations of the ‘European Parliament’, Macron, Merkel, Barnier, Juncker, Tusk and the rest, the built-in ineptitude of the current government, the absurd and unnecessary 2017 election – so transparently designed to reduce a massive majority and create a weak and malleable political environment – and now the latest delays, increasing the reality of a once great nation being made to appear both risible and pitiful. Added to which a ludicrously skewed media fuels the fires with smirking enthusiasm.
All this, and the one tangible hope for change, a movement to reflect and abide by the will of the people, is conveniently split in two, dividing the vote and allowing the establishment to maintain its grip, however slippery. Anyone would think the whole thing – from the incredible timing and coincidence of Jo Cox’s murder all the way through to the Batten/Farage infighting, has been engineered. But things like that don’t happen, do they? That would just be paranoia, wouldn’t it?
“the absurd and unnecessary 2017 election”
Had it not been for this Corbyn would have been moaning incessantly about the legitimacy of May as PM.
Arguably there was no Conservative majority in 2015 as the ERG types were apart from the leadership re the EU?
Worth a punt, could have worked too if it wasn’t for a poor manifeso.
Yes, but that’s the whole point NG. A manifesto that among other gems penalised pensioners, scrapped free infant school lunches and re-introduced a vote on foxhunting?
Tell me that wasn’t contrived. Or maybe I’m just paranoid.
Foxhunting – I could have bagged two just now with my car within a mile of eachother. More common than squirrels.
Scruton vs BBC’s George Easton

interesting thread
Oops my mistake it was the Spectator’s George Eaton
but it’s an example of a metroLiberal journo doing #SoWhatYouAreSaying
And it’s even worse
After George Eaton tweeted the actual quote..he changed his mind and deleted it that tweet
So that second screenshotted tweet “edited for reasons of space in the print edition”.. no longer exists
“A writer who says that there are no truths, or that all truth is ‘merely relative, is asking you not to believe him. So don’t.
Sorry Sir Roger I think you have your negatives inverted.
I suggest this should read “So do (not believe him)”.
The importance of the story, however, is that there is only one race which can, indeed must, be criticised, at all times.
We must never allow criticism of the “heritage” of the two negative IQ robbers from 5 million BC pictured above
by Cassandra.
But Roger Scruton one of the most learned and civilised man in the land is sacked for providing advice.
Why appoint him as an advisor?
I suggest the meaning is, “A writer who says that there are no truths, or that all truth is ‘merely relative’, is effectively asking you not to believe him. So don’t”.
I don’t think the hypothetical writer is expicitly asking anyone to believe or not believe, in the same way that an actor playing a part might be said to be ‘asking’ the audience to suspend believe. That doesn’t mean that they introduce their performance by issuing some sort of health warning – “CAUTION: What you are about to hear is not necessarily representative of what I am or the opinions that I hold”. (Actually, given the current trend that won’t be long in actually happening!)
Sir Roger is right.
Tough choice, we will take Brexit.
Off to The Tower with traitor May, for the first of many public MP executions.
You know it makes sense.
LCS – I would not be quite that drastic. This kindly old lady has been working so hard for me, jetting hither and thither, being forced to endlessly eat wonderful meals and consume much wine, put up with red carpets and fanfares and limousines, and kissing people like Juncker and Verhofstad, I’d say tower only. I think its walls are strong and stable. Tower means Tower. We could keep extending….
Since we’ve abolished capital punishment, let her keep her head. I believe they have rooks at the tower. She could feed those every day. It could become a tourist attraction.
fnw “drastic”
That is the kiddies version.
Remain want a “People’s Vote”.
We should create our own “People’s Courts” using our new “People’s Laws” which will pay no regard whatsoever to the now discredited former judicial and political system.
All who have attempted to thwart Brexit or praised those who did, off with their heads.
Sentence first trials later, it’s what Jo would have wanted.
LCS – OK, so who is gonna feed the rooks at the tower, then?
Thought she was tailor-made for the job..?
Chloe asking the questions the BBC wont ….LOL
Quentin Letts , on his twitter account , reports an anecdote about a moderate midlands Tory association where , when future voter intentions was mentioned , came back with a 90% vote for a brexit party – inc the chair .
If this is true al beeb is wilfully concealing the degree of ‘ anger ‘ ( won’t use ‘hate’) about the way Blighty has allowed itself to be bullied by Brussels drunks . The shame. I always thought G Brown demeaned the office because he hated the English but Mrs May has put the PMs office in the gutter .
Honestly who would vote CONLAB today with the expectation of these hardy perennials delIvering on the 2016 referendum?
“G Brown ”
I hope your not suggesting that he won’t be doing any more “back-and-fore” walkabout speeches?
While we’ve all been indulging in Brexit, I’ve been reading an ongoing murder mystery.
Its latest instalment appears today on ‘’, entitled: ‘Coligny: a murder mystery.’ The case is also known around the world as ‘the sunflower murders’.
One comment says that this was “A racist stitch up, from the beginning. Incompetent police, incompetent Prosecuting Authority, incompetent defence team…the guilty verdict was to appease the baying, racist mob.”
Another says: ” A Stalinist trial would have seemed fair by comparison. Here we had the direct threat of massive mob violence and intimidation….”
Mandela’s ‘new South Africa’ not looking that new, or that attractive, after 25 years? It appears there was arson and looting in the town of Coligny itself, throughout the case. To stoke a little pressure…
It also appears from the cellphone evidence alone, that the two men who were found guilty couldn’t have done it.
But alas for them, in a highly politicized environment, they are of the wrong colour, in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
Telegraph on Scruton
\\ The Government .. ought to stand by its man.
It says much about the Conservative Party’s crisis of identity that it won’t do the decent thing.
This happened before with Toby Young, a journalist and education campaigner appointed to the board of a new university regulator only to be hit with a barrage of highly personal criticism that forced him to resign. The Tories want to hire radicals who can shake things up, which is desperately needed, but they don’t have the bottle to defend them when they are criticised for the very things that make them a maverick.
One likely consequence of the Scruton and Young stories is that any non-politician offered a government job will think twice because it isn’t worth the reputational damage,
and politics will thus become ever more the preserve of a tiny band of political professionals with identikit views completely out of touch with popular opinion or concrete reality. //
FFS that is what has already happened
I quoted almost all you need a free account to see it
\\ Nassim Nicholas Taleb @nntaleb
Re: Roger Scruton.
Why I no longer do interviews with UK journalists. Nobody should. //
View at
Yeh but in the end he as a leftist and Climate alarmist got redress
..Righties don’t
but some points \\ The divergence is evident in that journos worry considerably more about the opinion of other journalists than that of the general public. //
Been listening to LBC recently but put on R4 this morning at the point where DJ Justin was “interviewing” Nigel Farage .
The manner and tone of this particular DJ only served to reinforce the decision to switch off permanently.
PS Justin if you are looking in you should check out James O’Brien…
this yin takes resentment to a level you could only dream of!
BBC reports on the press coverage of Assage’s arrest.
Well, its time to gloat. Wikileaks man bad. Journalists want him put in jail.
Tucker Carlson of Fox News criticises the brave journalists who want bad Assage jailed.
Whilst UKIP is campaigning against Islam, The Guardian reports that Farage claimed that his party wouldn’t “even be discussing Islam” and said that “we absolutely expect to have Muslim candidates.
Peace be upon him
That’s tickety boo though Farage can’t prevent journalists asking him. You have the right to remain silent though anything you do say will be taken down in evidence and used against you…
“You have the right to remain silent though anything you do say will be taken down in evidence and used against you…”
And whatever you don’t say the BBC will make up.
BBC Humberside DJ Burnsy thinks he’s a planet saver
Just now had an almost scripted bit on.
Interview with carpark boss AdamRichards of #APCOAUK
“Councils are discouraging cars in centre, that fit with your biz ?”
AR “The way we see the market going is electric car charging points”
Burnsy “In the news King Billy?”
AR “yes” ..’That’s right we think electric cars are the future …blah blah ‘
Burnsy loved all that #GreenPR speak , you could virtually see him doing the thumbs up
BBC Humberside DJ Burnsy thinks he’s a planet saver
Just now had an almost scripted bit on.
Interview with carpark boss AdamRichards of #APCOAUK
“Councils are discouraging cars in centre, that fit with your biz ?”
AR “The way we see the market going is electric car charging points”
Burnsy “In the news King Billy?”
AR “yes” ..’That’s right we think electric cars are the future …blah blah ‘
Burnsy loved all that #GreenPR speak , you could virtually see him doing the thumbs up
BTW they’ve been promoting the Climate Change kids every half hour news …report coming up… No it was the same clip AGAIN.
I have just been watching “Politics Today” on BBC. “We have “lost”
Nigel Farage” said the liberal bigot women presenter replacing
the liberal bigot women Jo Coburn. So instead we had to endure
a young women devotee of Jeremy Corbyn expounding her
communist believes. She ticked every imaginable box the BBC
has for “invites.” She looks like a natural to present Newsnight
as she matures.
Well done the anarchist and socialist worker editors , sub editors
and researchers at the BBC. Today’s programme could of been
on Stalinist TV in the early 1950’s.The only difference would be
that Nigel Farage would of been “lost” for good.
The TV channel of the chattering classes is torn between mock and or ignore.
Radio2 now
3️⃣ We discuss breast ironing, a practice which first emerged in West Africa where girls have their breasts ironed or flattened to delay their development.
(conclusion it makes no difference they only do it cos of tradition)
Other topics
Done : Assange , Up-skirting
Coming up : 4️⃣ An MP wants to change the law so that Scottish banknotes are accepted throughout the UK.
(apparently some shops refuse them..not many I know)
Interesting. I know one garage around here won’t accept Scottish nor £50 notes. Once stung…
can someone point out where the anti-semitism is in this
“– between a rootless, cosmopolitan, bohemian middle-class… a rooted, communitarian, patriotic working-class.”
cos im confused
@PaulEmbery @cantfakethefeel
@GaryLineker praises open borders
Trade Union guy Paul Embery , replies saying people have a home
(an anti-open borders comment)
Mike Harding reply tweets
That is invoking Hitler
ie saying that people who care about homeland are Nazis
Paul Embery replied
Jewish MP Sobel sounds the anti-Semitism klaxon
and only explains after pressure
\\ rootless cosmopolitan was used against the Jews. //
Embury replied
\\ I used two everyday adjectives alongside a string of others in a discussion that wasn’t even about Jews.
How dare you accuse me of anti-Semitism on such flimsy grounds. Disgraceful. //
The divide in our society is between:
(1) A rootless, cosmopolitan, bohemian middle-class who live in walled off gated communities, protecting them from burglary and other crimes, and with bollards protecting them from terrorism and all the other consequences that come with mass immigration.
(2) A rooted, communitarian, patriotic working-class who cannot afford all that expensive protection, but expect the Government to protect the nation.
In 1086, the rich lived in gated off Castles, the Middle-Classes lived in walled off towns and the poor lived unprotected.
In 1940, both rich and poor where protected by the Channel.
In 2018, since Windrush, civilisation has gone into reverse with the rich now back living behind Walls in gated off communities within cities. The BBC has Security Guards paid by people who cannot afford Security Guards, but who are mocked by BBC staff who live behind Walls, yet mock Trump supporters who want a Wall to protect the national community.
I live in a very hideously white part of the countryside, so its still a bit like 1940, very civilised, so we don’t need walls like those patriotic working class people who suffer the consequences of mass immigration in Hull.
Anybody opened up a communication from Westmonster today?
It’s changed. For the worst it seems. You cannot now read their always superficially scant take on major news items now without downloading ‘something’ to enable you to read the feature. Not interested. Their ‘News’ is avalable in any number of places. If I cannot ‘unsubscribe’ (because you no longer are presented with that option), then it will have to be the ‘block sender’ route.
@G use to follow blogs
put this into the search and click follow
and do same with Guido ITBB etc.
Have you seen the blue outfit that remainer May is wearing.
All that’s missing is the yellow stars.
I’ve just seen news that Jacob Rees-Mogg’s sister is to stand as a candidate for Nigel Farage’s new Brexit Party in the forthcoming European elections.
The smirker beeboid was @ElizabethGlinka

She redefines the word “impartial” by using her selfie with her hero Corbyn as her Twitter header graphic.
She’s got a most peculiar voice, as though she inhales Helium before she speaks.
Glinka was a reporter on BBC Midlands Today, sneering her way through lost puppy reports. She looked out of her depth chairing Politics Live.
Crikey. She is indeed ‘special’.
Another post…
“Diane Abbott faces fury for defending Julian Assange by saying his ‘real crime was to have embarrassed the US military’ and ‘we all know it’s not about the rape charges’ as he faces extradition ” – DM.
Nice to know our future Home Secretary has such a profound and nuanced understanding of law.
Not yet reported by the beeb, who perhaps don’t want to cause any further embarrassment to their favourite party.
Not Reported By The BBC:
Sky News:
“”Hammond defends spending billons on no-deal Brexit preparations””
Hammond said, “Making preparations for events that we HOPE will not happen is an everyday part of government.””
Says it all, really. The Tories never intended there to be a No-Deal Brexit. Despite it being democratically voted for by the British population.
On the contrary, it shows that they made preparations for something they were aware might happen but which they didn’t want. This was before Coopers asinine intervention, and the two extensions.
BBC Online News:
“”Hammond: Brexit deadlock leaves little room for key issues””
“Britain is known as a bastion of democracy, and how we manage a challenging and complex issue like this is of huge interest,” he said.
“In a year’s time, when this is behind us and people are focussed on other things, all this will be forgotten.”
Again, says it all about the Tories and their attitude to Brexit. The little people don’t matter. Let them eat cake.
Dover Sentry
If only I could believe that Prime Minister Corbyn would honour the referendum result – ie – leave means completely leave, then he would get my vote. We could sort out the dreaded Socialism bit at the next general election. Well, I can dream can’t I?
The UK no longer has migrants or asylum seekers….according to the BBC….
About 30 foreign nationals have been found in the back of a van stopped by police on the M5.
Officers were called at about 07:10 BST to Newlyn, Cornwall, after people were seen getting into the back of a van from a boat.
It was stopped near Cullompton in Devon at about 09:00 and about 30 people, believed to be Vietnamese, were found inside.
Four men have been arrested on suspicion of modern slavery offences.
started 4:46pm R4 now “Since we have only 12 years left, the BBC should be doing more to save the planet”
item in a few minutes
First they did an item about the BBC podcast that serves the non-binary community
They just this moment tweeted this
How can this not be a political advert for Climate Alarmism ?
Due to widespread ignorance at the BBC, due to the fact that all of the science editors seem to be scientifically unqualified Arts, Media, Languages and other subjects unique to low IQ W1A morons who went to University.
No one employed by the BBC would know that if you see the Sun shining within the Arctic circle, then the ice would be melting. Ignorance at the BBC would be caused by the lack of images of the ice freezing in the Winter, because its very very dark all Winter long, so nobody at the BBC travels to Ellesmere Island in the wintertime because its very very cold and dark.
Richard, even with the sun shining ice will not melt if it isn’t warm enough. If I recall my science education correctly, ice at the Poles and on large glaciers evaporates as much as, if not more than, it melts.
Pure fresh water trapped as ice for thousands of years, now recycling itself to help clean the oceans.
Whats not to like !
What on earth is the non-binary community? People who don’t use ones’s and zero’s?
Perhaps they’ve been, ahem, hexed…
In Mathematics, the non-binary community is a community made up of anything from base-3 to base infinity. Therefore an infinitely large community. But no sex involved, so no one at the BBC would know anything about this Community.
“What on earth is the non-binary community? People who don’t use ones’s and zero’s?”
Now I understand why there are 10 genders.
LGBTWTFIT isn’t real, it’s just a social construct. The world makes sense again.
LBC, Eddie Mair, in full Remain mode tonight; the station is remarkably finding all the callers are Remainers and lots of plugs for Mr Farage’s one man band. The only mention of UKIP that I heard was when the news interlude referred to Mr Farage as the former leader of UKIP.
LBC are deliberately avoiding mention of UKIP.
I’ve stopped listening so things might have changed but I doubt it.
Gerard Batten had notified us that UKIP have raised enough money to leaflet every household in the country. He’s also got enough money to fight the EU elections and the local elections and anything left over will go to funding the next general election. Match that Mr Farage.
By which you add confrontation to an already counter-productive situation. In politics – that’s the grown-up sort that used to be respected and effective – there are some things best left unsaid until you’re in a position to do something positive about them.
Why did the Remoaner cross the road?
To tell someone that he knew better than they did.
Why did the Remoaner cross the road?
So he could wave his EU flag and shout “Stoooop Breeexit” on the TV news. Every bloody night.
Why did the Remoaner cross the road?
You are a racist, bigoted, xenophobic nativist who has no right to question the Remoaner.
maxi, maxi, …….maxincoooony !
Roads are a symbol of white privilege.
I think you guys are appropriating “Chicken culture” ..naughty
Why did the lollipop lady stop the leaver crosssing the road?
She was was only following orders..
R4 news – seem very interested today in giving Nigel Farrage pretty
good coverage., whilst UKIP which is an established political party seems to be getting virtually none.
Could this be because Aunty is coming around to the idea of Brexit in some sort of road to Damascus conversion – or do you think there is some other reason?
Only asking.
Nigel is , or at least says he is, quite open to increased third world migration and never says a word about Islamification. UKIP has been telling the truth about Islam since Batten became leader. In the BBC eyes Islamophobia is even worse than Leaving .
He has said on many occasions that he is in favour of an Australian type points based system.
Not really the same thing.
EU election means “proper balance to all parties reporting rules” have kicked in
Yes DT I think Aunty is hoping to split the vote. What so grinds my gears is that apart from UKIP there are no major political parties that seem to have any concern about the industrialised rape of kids in Northern towns.
And if you are concerned about this you are a knuckle dragging member of the “far” right. As Nigel likes to call us. Damm people complaining about the still ongoing sexual abuse of kids and young women its all so inconvenient when you are trying to push a narrative
Eddie Mair on LBC – A Polish bloke, then a posh Yank saying they’re voting for Remain parties – The cheeky men !
“A posh yank”? Surely that is like “an honest politician”. It is an oxymoron. As a boy I learned that, by definition, the only people that can be described as “posh” are the white upper class British and quite right too. Now, President Trump may be our last hope for a civilized and sane world but is he “posh”??!! Never sir!
Quite right. President Trump is ‘new money’.
POSH in America means that you have to have arrived with the Pilgrim Fathers or as soon after as humanly possible. You will speak, to the untutored or careless ear, your American with a British accent and you will try to keep to certain standards even if in somewhat pecuniarily challenged circumstances.
As to President Trump being our last hope for a sane world, I would have to remind you that he is – with all due respect – an ex-TV Game Show host. 😉 That said, I will enjoy the discomfort of the US Democratic Party and its supporters if he stands in 2020 and is re-elected with a clear majority.
OK my shorthand – Posh Yank – Sounded ‘educated’, maybe Professor at one of our UK Uni’s., was ‘Concerned his children would not have freedom of movement’.
Maybe he annoyed the folks in the US so much they rode him out of town on a rail.
I mean – bad enough when remainers lecture us but immigrants !
Gaxvil, yeah shorthand lets us all down at times. I actually share your concern. Much as I like Yanks and they like me (have some good friends there) or Aussies & Kiwis, S.Africans and Canadians (similarly), I do get upset when UK appears to be ‘taken over’*, especially in certain areas such as education. If we had only 300,000 unemployed in UK and huge numbers of vacancies, then I’d be much more relaxed about that. We have 1 million 300,000+ unemployed in UK at present. If those countries let Brits in to live and work like we do, I’d be fine with them coming here, as the quid pro quo would work for me and my fellow Brits. But those countries generally have tough restrictions on migration, especially from Britain. Finally, we need to have room for genuine refugees in the UK and it seems to me that Americans can swan in here at will but Asia Bibby gets turned down.
That ain’t right!
(* I suspect BBC do it deliberately for Blairite reasons – rubbing noses in diversity and all that.)
BBC2 are running a Tiger Woods tribute/fawning over programme.
The programme title is a bit misleading as they are calling it the “Golf: The Masters highlights”.