The Biased Far Left BBC is trying to relegate Brexit to the ‘3rd headline ‘ . Some might say the State has realised that there are over 17 million voters who are angry because they can’t understand how democracy was subverted without a shot being fired .
Weekend Open Thread 13 April 2019
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You’re up bright and early on a weekend Fedup2!
True too
Yes it’s the lagging from jets . But on the upside – no BBC for 12 hours ! Bliss.
Yes, it’s important to take a blissful break from the pathetic BBC.
I heard you spent £2 million on private jets – or was that Mark Zuckerberg ?
Yes I do use private jets -I just don’t get why there are another couple of hundred people on board …
Backlinks Thursday/Friday’s posts page 5, page 4
a lot of good stuff you might have missed
– Look at my post April 13, 2019 at 12:24 am
the BBC Look North Video of the anti-fracking activist vs the actual video of her arrest
.. Get your money back if you don’t think it’s incredible.
Me too , though I am off to bed, the fight back continues.
Freedom, independence and sovereignty.
Amen baby and goodbye.
Only ’til tomorrow.
Here’s incisive and biting criticism of May and her coconspirators from the Spectator.
It’s the kind of article the BBC should be writing – but that allegedly British organisation doesn’t have any real journalists left.
“that allegedly British organisation doesn’t have any real journalists left.”
They have journalists left; but most of them must be fighting against what their own consciences are telling them.
Tis the only way any BBC employee can mislead the British public is to tell lies and knowingly promote anti-family, anti-decency, anti-science, anti-children, anti-faithfulness, anti-Christian, anti-reality, etc etc .
They have journalists left; but most of them must be fighting against what their own consciences are telling them.
I doubt a BBC hack would know what a conscience is.
Your not wrong.
Forgive me because I failed to include what I believe is the BBCs most outrageous, most depraved anti: ANTI-JUDAISM ( religious or not).
As many as 70 MP,s are demanding that Julian Arrange should face extradition to Sweeden to answer rape allegations. The rest are probably thinking some indicative votes might be the way forward.
For those of you just waking up who have missed the sports news
on the BBC breakfast TV programme , I will give you a resume.
Tiger Woods, Tiger Woods, Tiger Woods, Tiger Woods, Tiger Woods,
Tiger Woods, Tiger Woods, Tiger Woods, Tiger Woods, Tiger Woods,
Tiger Woods, Tiger Woods. Yes Tiger Woods was mentioned twelve times!
Rock band Steel Panther do a great piss-take of “Tiger” in their song “Just Like Tiger Woods”. Pretty much captures all the stuff the BBC’s set aside… (Hookers, drugs, lies et al)
It is strange that the BBC have a fixation for a foreigner yet in other sports they raise average players to sainthood – such as the Scottish tennis player .
It’s clear the BBC editorial instructions are to make Tiger up there is the Obama Mandela reverence .
The world war between the Globalists and the people is becoming the defining issue of our times. Brexit, JJ’s in France, Salvini, Orban at al , are all battles in this war. But the decisive theatre of operations, so to speak , is in the USA. If the Globalists, a coalition of crazy Lefists Democrats and Global capitalist Never Trumpers, defeat the President, and in doing so the American people, it will probably be the decisive victory of the war.
The battle of the Russian Collusion Hoax has been won by the President despite the MSM firing off all their potent ammunition over the past three years. The coup has failed and I’m sure that the President will insist that the conspirators will face trial and punishment in the public arena. He will also make sure that every American knows that the MSM were complicit in the coup and have lied to the people deliberately, systematically and continuously throughout the past three years. This surely ought to effectively destroy the credibility of the MSM in the USA and so remove from the battlefield the most potent weapon in the Globalist armoury. If the truth is reported fairly the Globalists will lose the war.
We can only hope that the credibility of our own much despised BBC suffers a similar blow. Their behaviour over Brexit must have awakened millions of Brits to what we on this site have known for years, they are an anti British, leftist propaganda organ. Hopefully their anti Trump reporting will further diminish their standing in our country and in time lead to a refusal to pay for their vile propaganda.
I agree totally. We are witnessing a momentous clash between the globalists, supported by their allies in the left-wing MSM, and ordinary people who believe in family and the nation state with defined borders.
And yes, the US is at the heart of this struggle because of its power and influence in the world and also because of its idealism, which globalists have twisted to support their tactics of no-borders and anything-goes philosophy.
A few years ago I thought that Australia and New Zealand would probably be the last two countries standing against all the insanity. After all, they’re full of tough, no-nonsense people…right? 🙁
All my life whenever I thought about our political system I have supported FPTP. Even up until recently, despite it being unfair on the smaller parties who can never win more than the odd seat. One of my reasons was that we can get rid of our government if we don’t like them every five years, unlike say in Austria where (until recently) the same two parties have remained in permanent coalition since the war. Our way meant that the ruling party had limits as to what they could do to thwart the will of the People or they’d be out on their ears, but in Austria they would be back in power come-what-may either as senior or junior partners. These parties are the equivalent of Labour and Conservative so to have a similar PR system we would have the same problem.
However when May finally sold us out by bringing Corbyn and the extreme alt-left Labour Party in to dictate their version of Brexit (spelt Remain) to her I realised that we have in the same problem as Austria despite FPTP.
My conclusion is that now I fully support PR. If we can’t get rid of our permaent coalition government we need to have as many MPs from other parties to cause mayhem for this elected dictatorship. A bonus would be the virtual wipe-out of the SNP at Westminster.
Completely agree.
I too now support PR, but how could it ever be achieved? The Establishment would never accept it, even if voted for in a referendum 😉
I voted against the proposed AV system because it was designed for the Libdems to hoover up all the alternative votes. Had it been one person, one vote I would have voted for it… 🙂
The Uk is now in a position where it would be quite easy to drum up support for proportional representation. The system has clearly broken down and is not fit for purpose. But people often get put off at the start by arguing about which system to chose. What happened in NZ was that an official commission suggested switching to the proportional AV similar system known as MMP.
It was not the choice of many of us activists but on examining it we found it to be a system that met most of our requirements. The Electoral reform coalition made the decision that they would campaign for MMP and no other because they knew that having the commissions findings behind them was a boost. And as long as they had this the MPs would not be able to kill it off. (Though try they did!)
We actually achieved our goal in about three or four years if I remember rightly. We did work hard at it but I think we were a bit surprised at how soon it happened really. I think the lesson to be learned is if you have been offered an advantage run with it. Having AV working in Scotland and Wales is an advantage for change in the UK. People understand it. Run with it and extend it to the national level would be my advice. Debating various systems till the cows come home only dissipates the energy of the campaign.
Get the system switched to proportional first. Fine tune it later.
A second piece of advice would be to ignore the STV system, at least at the National level. I found that its adherents to be very irritating pedantic the sort of people who love complicated systems and I found they often had little political nous.
Oh yeah, and don’t let the Lib Dems run the campaign.
Demon, one of the many problems with Proportional Representation (PR) is that not only does it put total power in the hands of the Party it is then vulnerable to the leadership of that Party. (Think 1920s Germany/1950s South Africa – then jump forward to Anna Soubry. See the connection?)
We may start with political Parties under PR that have benign leaderships but at anytime after that there can be changes. For a bang-up-to-date example think Labour Party, Momentum and Corbyn and McDonnell.
It took only a couple of years from around 1919/1920 in Russia for most ‘revolutionaries’, ‘anti-Monarcists’ and those vaguely inclined in those directions to realise that they had been sold a total pup. They were trapped, however, for the next seventy years.
Two of the most chilling words to hear in the 20th century have been ‘the Party’ or ‘der Partei’.
Up2, Under a PR system it is very easy to bring down a party going off the rails. Start a new party. Under the FPTP system ‘der Partei’ is entrenched and leads to the situation which we see now. Two corrupt faction ridden morally bankrupt relics joining together to thwart the will of the people and increasingly cracking down on dissent.
This is all happening under the present system. It’s time for a long overdue change. Der Partei? You’ve got plenty enough of Der Partei, mate, its time to give a real choice to ‘der peiple’ for heavens sake.
Yasser, it seems easy to start a new political Party but it is not. I switched off AQs when Gerard Batten was being tritely slurred by another Panellist and the stacked audience roared its approval. But Batten is the architect of his own problems.
Then, earlier, he attacked the weaknesses in the new Brexit Party and they do exist.
I haven’t yet mentioned the need to check for Fifth Columnists or saboteurs or infiltrator traitors.
Add in the problem of finance. Add rules and regulations. Add in the natural weaknesses of true democracy at the local and Party level.
No easy task.
Then after the Election? Horse trading to form a coalition government.
Think Belgium, mate, think Belgium! Do you really want that?
“Think Belgium, mate, think Belgium! Do you really want that?”
Yes – and Italy, that is why I have been steadfastly opposed to PR until now. I’m convinced we wouldn’t have been given a referendum in 2016 if we’d had PR then. But now, after seeing May smooching Corbyn and showing that they are all working together for the Common Bad I feel the only way to get any kind of People’s representatives would be PR. I looked at it years ago and couldn’t see a system that didn’t have major flaws which is why I preferred not changing. Another reason I wanted to stick with FPTP was that the MPs are linked with constituencies and under some forms of PR that link is lost. However, May on her knees praying for Corbyn is not a pretty sight and her kowtowing to him is totally undemocratic.
My suggestion would be that over a period of, say, 10 years we abolish the Lords as it stands and replace it with representatives chosen proportionally from the national votes cast at a General Election. Once we decide which is the best system we then start electing the Commons in the same way. That would mean the Upper House has no further function and could be abolished. Or better still the Upper House could be formed by PR across the whole UK and the Commons could become the English Parliament with the same powers as the Scottish one. The Upper House would decree on all UK wide policies, while the lower house just the ones pertaining to England.
Up 2 . I wouldn’t wish Belgium on the Belgians.
I would have thought I had made the point often enough. The design of the PR system is all important. There needs to be a cut-off point of four or five percent. Parties receiving less than that level of the vote don’t get a seat in the assembly. The failings of some of the pr voting systems in Europe, and in this we can include The Netherlands, is that the threshold is too low. This allows nutter groups in.
A five percent cut off point is quite reasonable and allows people a choice from about five to seven parties.
Mark Steyn agrees with me on this.
Yasser, I respect your and Demon’s and cb’s views. I’m just very nervous around PR.
Yes you can design a PR system, perhaps over-design even, but then the complaint comes that “people do not understand what or who they are voting for”. Then you get the Ken Clarke 21st century approach where he says “Manifestos – ha! Who bothers to read them let alone stick to what they contain?”. (He was very happy for Ted Heath to take the UK into the EEC (EU) on the strength of a vague-ish, down in the lesser items, back end of the, manifesto commitment.
Both FPTP and PR suffer when communities do not have a representative. Under PR they are always parachuted in or some might say imposed on their constituents. In FPTP, there is a tendency of Conservatives and Labour, as you know, to try out new candidates in seats (constituencies) where they have little or no hope of winning before, after some time serving, they are then parachuted into a safer seat.
How many people can name their MEP? When surveys have been done it is very few. I could once upon a time but have now lost track and OK, I admit, I’m a bit politically geeky. EU Elections, IIRC, are run on PR system.
Be very careful what you wish for.
The SNP are idiots in the emperors new clothes, and most Scots understand this. But when they lost their ‘majority’ in this stupid assembly, its the bisexual lunatic watermelon Harvie with all his list green msp’s that now drive Scottish politics.
These people are insane.
It’s Marxism on steroids.
A ‘first minister’ presides over a ghetto slum constituency that she packs out with roma gypsies and welfare junkies, and they applaud the progressive nature of Scottish politics.
It is horrific, but I don’t know if the next generation of Scots will care.
Take this as your warning!
This is the young man at the bbc who supports Extinction Rebelllion.
Extinction Rebellion liked this.
And here is the BBC’s new darling, of Navaro Media who, along with the Graun, Morning Star, Indy and The European, have unique funding in lieu of an audience too.
That is this outfit:
Look at the bulging eyeballs. The eyes of a fanatic.
I tend to find eyes like that quite scary, that are just a black dot surrounded by a visible sea of whiteness. Most ethnics have eyes like this. The Begum woman is a good example.
Have also noticed that many American film actors are of the same propensity. (Just one of those things, that once you start to notice something, it becomes an all consuming occupation.)
And I bet half the people in that room have a 4×4 to drive around London
Mr monbiot seems a bit ashamed to be alive . He could always remedy that and recycle himself .
When I hear smugs like him I think of the – still – millions without fresh water or a sewage system – and even worse -no internet ….
( I like burning hydrocarbons in my little car and believe climate change is a flat earth lie )
GW, it is coming here if we remain trapped [ some might say enslaved 😉 ] in the EU.
The EU could well be a proto-World Government that will eventually assume its world-National Socialism/world-Communist stance and origins only when it is too late to avoid it.
Vote Out now! (Well, on 2 and 22 May 2019 if the candidates are available.) Don’t give up on the Ballot Box. Democratic liberty.
Here’s the next bit, with the Beebette wailing she wants to hear the ‘anecdote’ in lieu of evidence.
Starkey is a ‘Star Man’ . We need more like him in broadcasting.
There is a difference between the majority of the 48% who originally voted remain and the relatively very few of those who are determined to overturn the democratic result for purely selfish reasons (money and/or power). This is what drives the movers and shakers in parliament who, along with powerful allies, have spent the last three years manipulating their many substandard colleagues, and attempting to re-propagandise the ‘peasants’ (that’s us folks). Hence the fairy tale that there must be another vote.
bBC – “Cross-party Brexit talks ‘positive’”
Spot in
“There is a difference between the majority of the 48% who originally voted remain and the relatively very few of those who are determined to overturn the democratic result”
You bet she’s open to compromise; she darnt talk politics with any one who disagrees with her as she can only hold a few sentances together before looking to her boss for answers.
How/why on earth has this woman been chosen by Corbyn to be the shadow ministers second in command?
Good grief!
the person she’s arguing with obliterates every one of her silly points.
Because the kid voted for him to be supreme leader …
Meanwhile yet more Beeboids retreat behind the illusion of safety their bubble presents.
“the illusion of safety their bubble ”
Even the BBC elites know what happens when bubbles expand; they tend to..
I neither know nor care what Cox has to say. Frankly, he’s an irrelevance.
Here’s another, “Factcheck” for you in relation to the established forms of Brexit
‘Full Fact’, it appears to me to be yet another set-up which avidly supports Remain even if its narrative is ‘BBC like’ in its devious way of persuading the public.
FullFact’s conclusion in its final citation of, ‘statistics’ is that:
“With that question, remaining was the favourite, preferred by 37% of the public, followed by no deal on 26%.”
Curiously, FF gives a link to Professor John Curtice’s own offerings regarding the polling. You remember Curtice is for political statistics as the eccentric Patrick Moore was to Astronomy.
In every one of three paragraphs written by Curtice, he states unequivocally, “That (leave) support comes almost entirely from those who voted Leave, as many as 47% of whom have on average identified it as their first choice.”
He concludes: “So, it looks as though leaving without a deal is the first preference around half or so of Leave voters and is certainly more popular among them than Mrs May’s deal.”
I certainly prefer the ‘look-alike’ Patrick Moore’s views.
More Bashing the British on Radio 4 Toady, led by Anita Anand and Nick Robinson (aren’t BBC ‘broadcasters’ supposed to be objective?). This time it was about the centenary of the Amritsar Massacre. These BBC propaganda lectures always move towards the same conclusion, as ably demonstrated by this cartoon.
Cassandra – Conventional Wisdom has it that God is dead.
Most of us have a little guilt, tucked way somewhere among those Billions of neurons.
But there is nowhere to go for absolution, since He has been disposed of (even by a lot of ‘churches’). We are too wise, too scientific and definitely secular. We don’t need Him.
So the Amritsars will keep coming, cos others have realised how to exploit our guilt. (Which may have a sound basis in reality, but are of the (often distant) past- and not to be used against people in the present). Mistakes have been made, and stupid or panicked or evil people in history have done stupid or panicked or evil things.
But that was then. If the guilty-feeling Nick Robinsons want to ritually dispose of a little guilt on the BBC, let them go and do it in private, instead of virtue-signalling and trying to foist it onto everyone else!
Here is a bonus: You want to stop the spread/migration of Political Islam in its tracks?
Get back to your own God. Contrary to Nitezsche and Dawkins, He is still around.
If an apparent ‘clash’ with science bothers you, start by having a look at a programme by astrophysicist, Hugh Ross: ‘Cosmic reasons to believe in Christ’ (which is actually a part 3 of three).
Islam would quickly shut up in the face of the Truth, but we don’t present it any more. There is this myth, propagated by clever people that ‘religions cause wars’. Not True. Not necessary.
The Big White Guilt trip would stop abruptly. But right now there is the most wonderful vacuum for Islam to move into. The Gates of Vienna have been taken down.
PS The Schulz/Snoopy cartoons are actually a wonderful defence of Christianity, if you get to study them.
“there are over 17 million voters who are angry because they can’t understand how democracy was subverted without a shot being fired”
We understand.
[Inappropriate comment edited out.]
R4 “What I call the ASIAN invasion” just said
… It’s OK cos she’s Babita Sharma* an Asian descendent whose dad owned a corner shop.
and the one presenter is Asian too ,
* a BBC World presenter plugging her own book
which by coincidence will be Radio 4’s Book of The Week from May 6th
Its only a matter of time before the underlying cancer within the anti-democratic BBC bears fruit; then watch her fall from grace when THE big players are given the opportunity to out-bid BBC over nationwide coverage….I predict that any of the US Media giants will cause the demise of said BBC public
“Every one has a favourite corner shop story”
I bet some of you Muslims have more than stories to tell especially if your shop is slap-bang next to the latest Mosque.
Those stories coming out of the next door mosque are horror stories for those white women who bravely walk past said mosques. “Taking ones life into their own hands” springs to mind.
I’m old enough to remember when the corner shop was still a twinkle in the eye of a yet to be migrant Asian.
“Everyone has a favourite corner shop story”
1400 Rotherham girls for starters. Or is that chicken shops?
More info
“2,300 activists”
Dead ringer that Herr Soros has financed each and every one of these drop-outs:
Step forward financier George Soros. The billionaire funds ‘Occupy Wall Street’ through an intermediary known as the Tides Foundation in San Francisco. Look for any anti-Christian NGO worldwide, and you can be sure the Tides Foundation is funding it.
Gay rights in Uganda, abortion rights in Tanzania, you name it. Tides, and others like them, are putting up the money.
Reuters News Agency says this:
‘According to disclosure documents from 2007-2009, Soros’ Open Society gave grants of $3.5 million to the Tides Center, a San Francisco-based group that acts almost like a clearing house for other donors, directing their contributions to liberal non-profit groups. Among others the Tides Center has partnered with are the Ford Foundation and the Gates Foundation.’
And when their new phone or tofu doesn’t arrive because of their roadblocks ?
I would love to see what happened if all of the power /energy from fossil fuels was taken away from some of these idiots..
It may be we need less and can/should make it cleaner but over? Morons…
Hey that’s insulting to Morons !
Being Easter the roads will be so bloody blocked anyway that the Protestors will have trouble finding one to obstruct 🙂
Whatever happened to the constituency boundary changes and the reduction in the number of HoC swamp rats?
john – far be it from me to be cynical, but could they have been quietly
shelved in the hope of being forgotten? At least, as far as the numbers thing goes?
the only hope the torys have of fighting labour is to get the boundary changes through, why they havent done so baffles me
I believe that there aren’t ‘the numbers’ in Parliament to vote for the changes…nor have there ever been 🙁
Why does the BBC keep telling me that 100m tons of plastic ends up in the Oceans. Yes we know and it all get’s dumped there by Africa and the Far-East . What do you want me to do about it BBC? I already recycle we all do you total muppets.
Looking forward to Attenborough’s work of fiction on Climate Change later this week. I am guessing it is not going to have one single accurate fact in it.
Maybe they can bring on Professor Brian Cox in his speedo’s swimming in plastic whilst polishing his boyfriend Dara O’Briain’s head.
“Why does the BBC keep telling me that 100m tons of plastic ends up in the Oceans.”
Its supposed to send us “real world people” into another “guilt trip Mark 2”
Why don’t they identify the REAL culprits when it comes to plastic pollution? Or would that be waaaaaaaaycist?
I must admit I’m torn – it’s a great pity about the split.
island – personally, I’m OK with Nigel. But he made the mistake of thinking it was in the bag…
But Gerard too, deserves our support. He did not make that mistake.
He took UKIP through the valley of the shadows (dramatic, isn’t it?). I’ll stick to him.
Reckon the Greens and SDP will do well. Change UK isn’t up and running and the ex Labour spokesman sounded like dead lice were dropping off him.
Spot on – the Chairman of the 1922 Cte., ‘ Cameron thought we were the naughty children having a tantrum over a new school uniform. Let the tantrum subside and our paternal Parliament would lead us back to sanity.’
Al Beeb and the MSM will aim to exploit this divide. Brexiteers should be aware of this . Working together they can reach their goal.
If Mrs Chamberlain can jump into bed with Corr Bin, then Farage and Batten can coalesce and get us the freedom, independence and democrecy we deserve.
And it will be renamed as a hole of colour. And first discovered by muslims.
I see Mr Sweeny is 7th from the right again.
Or as Jon Snow might say, I’ve never seen so many hideously white people outside a science lab before.
“the fortcoming BBC adaption”
Or, each of our foreign visitors arrive at BBC HQ London in the summer. The above photo of them outside BBC Ghana is a small example
Oh, and they each have 2-3 wives and at least 6 children each!
Quite naturally, all BBC employees are denied the chance of taking at least one family to live with their families.
Note: We at the BBC thought that that opportunity of a lifetime should go to the northern peasants.
The BBC want you to know about “the US students who want to pay slavery descendants reperations”… in an article filled with self flagellation, about how the entire wealth of America was built in slavery:
But of course the BBC never asks the question why the African countries who profited from selling the slaves in the first place are not as rich as America. And of course in true BBC style, they never put this in any context. They never mention that for the entire of history there was slavery, in every territory and country since before the time of Moses.
Then the BBC have complete amnesia about how the British empire was the first empire in history to ban slavery in 1830, led by William Wilberforce. And the fact that the British were pivitol in ending slavery worldwide, which was common place at the time… instead they reference us to an article that tells Britich people they should pay reparations as instead:
Well i have a fantastic idea, both Alexander Fleming who invented antibiotics, and Edward Jenner who invented vaccines, were British. Before these medicines wed invented 50% of children would die before the age of 5. Because of the invention of these life saving medicines and the British inventions created in the industrial revolution, the world population has increased from 700 million to 7 billion… this means that 90% of people today are alive thanks thanks to the British, and they owe us this as a debt.
So i suggest that the 90% of people who are alive today thanks to British inventions like Antibiotics, Vaccines, electricity, fertilizer… should pay the UK royalties forever.
When we get paid that money, then we can use a few percent to pay for slavery reparations… after these slave descendants pay us for ending slavery of course.
While Rap & Grime music is generally not ‘my thing’ I have heard of Kanye West, Stormzy, Eminem, Snoop Dogg and Goldie and a few more. I even quite enjoyed occasional bits of their repertoire.
Can anyone explain the BBC’s complete obsession with Nipsey Hussle who, until sadly he was violently murdered, appeared to be something of a no mark American musician? We have had two weeks of endless coverage on the BBC web-site.
Is it yet another example of the BBC’s obsession with all things American? Or do they think that by lauding and continually referring to Nipsey Hussle that they are showing themselves to be ‘hip’ and ‘dahn wivda kids’? In addition, by doing that, does the BBC think they will win back the youth and young adult audience that they have lost in the last twenty years and are still losing? Or all three?
Evidence of clear BBC bias
R4 week in Westminster
Two remainers ( a TIG and Libdem against 1 ukiper )
Even more clear cut
A self important journo called Peter Oborne
Has “ seen the light “ and has gone from Brexiter to Remainer and spending the week being lauded .
No balance – no challenge about his alleged reasoning or what personal gain he might receive from becoming an anti democrat – coupled with a cavalier disregard of those who voted to Leave / ‘No Ifs No Buts’
The BBC is carrying on with their assarge fixation . I’m sure only the bubble cares and doesn’t want him to go to America where can think about his ego in a federal prison for the next 30 years – if guilty of course .
“A self important journo called Peter Oborne”
These people will never learn.
If his majesty President OBAMA couldn’t influence traitors to vote remain then as certain as eggs are eggs any one below the intellect of sir Obama will obviously fail miserably.
We leavers keep waning them about these facts but they never listen.
Peter Oborne works for the Daily Mail.
The Daily Mail used to be very pro-Brexit under former editor Paul Dacre. Now, under new editor Geordie Greig, the Daily Mail has done a 180 and is pro-remain.
Peter Oborne wishes to keep his extremely well paid job.
Peter Oborne has just discovered that he now agrees with his editor, and is pro-remain.
Peter Oborne loves Big Brother.
Peter Oborne is a worthless piece of scum.
“Peter Oborne works for the Daily Mail.
The Daily Mail used to be very pro-Brexit under former editor Paul Dacre. Now, under new editor Geordie Greig, the Daily Mail has done a 180 and is pro-remain.
Peter Oborne wishes to keep his extremely well paid job.
Peter Oborne has just discovered that he now agrees with his editor, and is pro-remain.
Peter Oborne loves Big Brother.
Peter Oborne is a worthless piece of scum.”
Peter Oborne has been “promised” something which he can’t reveal yet.
You missed one: he’s black, therefore automatically cool in beeb land, never mind that his ‘art form’ is replete with sex and drugs, mysogyny, guns and violence. Even his funeral was marked by violence and at least 1 dead.
How cool is that?
So you’re down the the kids daddio . I’ve never heard of any of those ‘ artists’ but my theory is that every time a ‘black artist ‘ comes to a sticky end the BBC enjoy playing a bit on each R4 News – especially on Toady – snowflake city …
Look at the carnage it could cause of we CRASH out without a deal !!!! Real scary stuff !!!
How the hell will we cope ?????
Doobster, aah but, no but, yes but we will not have to pay £39 billion and austerity will be over.
On the other hand, if we go for a cosy Labour deal of whatever sort, oh! Whoops! Er …. what?!!!
Under a deal to leave we have to pay the £39bn ransom to the EU and continue our subscriptions (shortly to be increased) of around £12/13bn net per annum (£18/20/22bn gross per annum – tax charged and paid by UK taxpayers) so that …
….. austerity will continue. And maybe have to give up Northern Ireland after a Referendum there.
All thanks to the Labour Party, Yvette Cooper and Oliver Letwin.
“All thanks to the Labour Party, Yvette Cooper and Oliver Letwin.”
Labour are 246 in number if is to be believed. The other two are two.
NG, yes, it is true 55 others followed their lead. TIG/Change for example, SNP no doubt – haven’t checked that – and LibDems all eleven of them. Total 300. Don’t forget that Field, Hoey, Skinner & Mann and others voted against.
Stinks to high heaven !!!
Fed has just reminded me of the Assange. No, not personally, the name-check above.
Listening to R4 this a.m. – yeah, the TOADY Programme (I should learn from my mistakes) – I found myself thinking ‘Has Julian Assange got dirt on the UK Labour Party? Is that why, hatred/dislike of President Trump apart, they are so keen to see Assange ‘buried’ in the Swedish legal system?
Good read. Thanks for posting.
So, BBC, what was it that first attracted you to the black millionaire Tiger Woods?
Crumbs what a nice man.
Non, it is a classic story.
Outstanding player, hero to many, so nearly the most Majors won then downfall.
Womanising, booze, sex, booze, anger, booze, violence. Attempted recovery after a period of rehabilitation cut short by injury and health problems. Major surgery, IIRC. Another attempted comeback ending in failure. Then the old skills tantalisingly appear to return. Starts to be competitive.
Can Tiger win a Major again? Can he equal Jack Nicklaus’ record? Can he beat it before age, the yips or injury and health intervene?
An ‘intellectual’ view from America – short read
Yet it is not just economic distress unsettling Western populations. In both Western Europe and the United States, virtually unrestricted illegal immigration threatens local cultures at the same time that it burdens local government resources. The dirigiste elites have always promoted multiculturalism to encourage both mercantile and cultural international ties. Multicultural ideals have led European leaders to encourage immigration, particularly from their one-time colonies. Also, mass immigration to Europe from the Middle East and North Africa, and to the U.S. from Central and South America, provides Europe and the U.S. a ready supply of cheap labor. Crony capitalism has reinforced the idealism of dirigiste elites.
More terible happenings reported by the BBC “Dozier School for Boys: Dozens more suspected graves found”… and the BBC treat us to a picture of the bulldozers exchavating the grounds of the Florida school in question to look for murder victims:
They are of course exchavating to find the bodies for evidence, and so they can be given a proper buriel. Of course we saw this kind of excaavation many times before, to find the victims of terrible people like Harald Shipmann or Ian Brady… in many wars we see bodies exhumed and repatriated to give the famlies some kind of closure.
So why is there one case of mass murder where the bodies can never be exhumed… to even suggest that evidence is gathered is sacraledge… to question the details can get you thrown in jail in some countries… if the truth is out there, what is wrong with gathering the evidence?.
Have the BBC been lying and propagandizing for that long?
“So why is there one case of mass murder where the bodies can never be exhumed… to even suggest that evidence is gathered is sacraledge…?”
Possibly because the only people who want to dig up the bones of holocaust victims are antisemitic nob-heads such as your good self, “jip”.
Have you any evidence of to post about Al Beeb’s bias ?
Any evidence of Al Beeb’ impartiality during the Brexit debate ?
Maxincony, Why am i antisemitic?
If there was any propaganda about the holocaust, why would Jewish people have anything to do with it?
It seems you have been conditioned by the media into that response, you made a whole series of assumptions about my comment… then resorted to knee-jerk name calling without addressing my basic question.
Why are forensic investigations performed in all almost all mass murder cases except that one? I am just wondering… it seems odd.
Looking at the state of the BBC Isn’t it possible, even likely, that in the aftermath of WW2 the media from the Allies side were using hysteria, hype and exaggeration to browbeat the Germans into submission using propaganda?.
They are using lies today about Brexit, they were using lies about the Iraq war 20 years ago, they were using lies in the Lebanon war 40 years ago, but 60 years ago after WW2 the BBC and their ilk were little angels?
If the BBC were lying, would they want to get found out?
There is no doubt the Germans were persecuting Jewish people, and forcing then do do slave labour and they were put in terrible conditions in slave-labour camps, i have seen convincing evidence of that.
But the there is something fishy going on when no one is allowed to research and revisit a subject even after 70 years… i don’t trust that the media report honestly now, and i don’t trust that they reported honestly then.
Whats more is that Germans have been browbeat with this for 70 years… leading to some kind of pathological aulturism that will destroy Germany… and and Europe. If Germans are to be forever browbeat over that stuff I want to see solid evidence… after watching a bunch of videos, and researching this a host of things don’t add up.
So maybe you can tell me maxincony, Why is the suggestion a sensible and sober evidence based investigation 70 years on, is so crazy?
The Germans have been browbeat to the point that they are letting in boatloads of Muslims… who really are antisemitic. This is a religion which requires its followers to kill jews so that judgement day can come and so Muslims can transition from “torment in the grave” to Heaven,
Islam is antisemitic. I don’t see questioning if the BBC helped to create propaganda following WW2 to browbeat the Germans in to submission, as antisemitic… because the BBC is not Jewish, its a publicly funded corporation that pumps out propaganda.
Five leaders at Augusta, but guess who is lurking just behind, getting the bbc sports newscaster reading the lunchtime very, very excited?
No sign of a leaderboard, which would have told us WHO is leading etc and how far the LURKER is behind.
Just some piccies of him slipping. Most important available footage.
No footage yet of him on the loo? Tsk, tsk, beeb…
Aahh, and there is Eilidh Barbour. The Masters.
And guess who we see first, cos he led for a brief time?
The leaderboard at last.
Nope, not in the top ten.
Bernard Langer, also an oldie, gets a brief mention in one sentence.
Tough Bernie.
I bought Sky sports for the week.£14.99.
It is no different with their coverage.I have watched 8 hours so far…mostly adverts…and the rest was Woods.
Lucky -Thanks for the warning. I have not been tempted to subscribe to Sky.
Sounds like a wise decision.
Ignored by the bBC
Ah now, let’s be fair. There are obviously much more significant events to report, such as the assertion that a petulant, greedy, graceless, unfaithful multi-millionaire was nearly (NEARLY, even) injured whilst participating in a ‘sport’ in which he and fellow petulant, greedy, graceless rich people whack small spherical objects about a landscaped field…
It’s enough to make you weep.
Astronomers, Mensa Members and Richard Pinder, versus, Children, Naked Environmental Activists and David Attenborough.
Ten years ago Astronomers knew that the key to whether Carbon Dioxide causes Global Warming or not, would be found if a formula worked for the Greenhouse effect on both Venus and Mars. An attempt using the assumed radiant heat absorption greenhouse effect on Mars of 3 Kelvin, transferred to Venus, failed, and the scientist concerned gave up on Venus. Then we had a German scientist who found out why, with the paper (Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics, Gerhard Gerlich, 2009).
Then the paper (Unified Theory of Climate, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, 2011) provided the formula that works for both Venus and Mars, proving that the atmospheric mass/gravity/pressure Greenhouse effect of James Clark Maxwell, found in 1888, is correct. Gravity pulling molecules downward producing the heat gradient. Therefore the climate sensitivity of CO2 is proven to be zero. As Donald Trump says “it’s a Hoax”
I win, David Attenborough loses.
I caught the first episode of Attenborough’s new Netflix series the other day. Lovely photography, as ever but, Dear God, the propaganda.
He’s really gone full ecoloon in his dotage, which is a shame as it can’t help but tarnish his back catalogue.
When he pops his clogs it will be wall to wall national vicarious grief not seen since the x princess who was going to marry a Muslim ‘ in trade’ .
Speaker Berkow sobbing , statues being commissioned , things being renamed – motorways , carparks, bridges and oil tankers …
BBC Picture Editors ‘avin’ a bih’ ofvha larf’?
An op-ed in the bbc house journal, the Grauniad, illustrates the beeboids’ complete inability to grasp what’s going on outside the meeeja / academia Bubble. It’s useful to know one’s enemies, and how they think.
“The fury of ‘white people’ with Jon Snow shows a total lack of self-awareness on race”
They really don’t get it, do they?
According to the writer, the anger expressed is not because whites (and Brexiteers) are fed up with being sneered at by the likes of Snow, and implicitly labelled as racists – no, it’s because “white people are not used to being marked out by race. Despite habitually racialising others, we generally don’t take well to being racialised ourselves” and more such sociology-speak drivel. The author apparently studied at Oxford and Cambridge universities amongst others, proving that you can be highly educated and understand nothing. In fact it’s becoming axiomatic that a ‘humanities’ education guarantees clever sounding stupidity.
Oh, and here’s her picture, wearing a hijab – why am I not surprised? And in a bbc studio – why am I not surprised x2?
This one was a regular stalwart of the Big Question and Sunday Morning Live, but without the headscarf, so she’s clearly hoping for a job as a bbc newsreader – only a matter of time.
What a shame her first name isn’t Kay… 😉
Que sera?
It took a while but the penny finally dropped!
Whatever will be will be
When we were invaded by the Romans – we had to do what they said.
When we were invaded by the Vikings – we had to do what they said.
When we were invaded by the Normans – we had to do what they said.
Apparently we were invaded by the Muslims ?
gaxvil -Bill Warner will tell you why there is no ‘apparently’ about it: Political Some interesting stuff on You Tube from him as well. Understands Totalitarianism as well.
No, we don’t have to do what they say. Whatever the bbc/MSM may tell you. And if anyone invades our streets to pray, we need to distinguish: no problem with praying, a religious act; big problem with invasion of our streets, a political act.
I’d like to think that we’re still a Christian country, or -at least- one shaped by Judeo-Christian culture and values, which -by our opting for secularism- has created a big spiritual vacuum in the UK and Europe. It is not yet too late to end the error of our ways…
But we need to emerge from our slumbers.
“I’d like to think that we’re still a Christian country”
The head of state is also head of the church. Bishops sit as of right in an ‘upper’ legislative chamber.
Yet this mostly feels like an anachronism. Much legislation doesn’t even originate here.
Not Gwent – It is an anachronism.
A purely personal view: a church is a gathering of Christian believers, no more; bishops and elders (biblical titles according someone a SPIRITUAL ‘rank’ in such a gathering) etc have no particular status in which worldly power plays a role. It is also not a particular building or place. (The idea of ‘going to church’ confuses us).
In fact, all those fancy hierarchies with fancy robes and funny hats, are purely man-made. Things started going wrong at the Council of Nicea, and -for us- Henry VIII gave them a little nudge. There is a church natural and there is a church spiritual. Big difference.
I speak of a system, I do not judge any particular individual. The bishops in the Upper House do not impress me (in any spiritual sense). Come to think of it, neither does anyone else there.
And -of late- one has to wonder about the Lower House too…
Jesus warned us about those who pray in public. That was centuries before the muslim cult ever existed.
Censored by the BBC.
22,000 soldiers roared out a warning to Theresa May, bringing Westminster Bridge in London to a standstill. Another 3,500 troops, held in readiness for Operation Redfold, located in a nuclear-proof bunker named Pindar, deep underground below the Ministry of Defence’s Whitehall building, are now well placed to purge Parliament and overthrow Theresa May.
Worth reading again as a reminder:
Thank for the article – I hadn’t read it before .the BBC likened to an alcoholic – which can lead to a short life .
I just believe that beeboids broadcast for their bubble now and becoming more detached from the punters they look down on so much .
Just back from a Leave march
Woman avoids jail cos she’s not a man
As we know, being male is one of the few remaining sins. Being white is another.
I’ve never seen so much simultaneous naughtiness, Island. I was so shocked, I had to watch it twice.
yes but he could have spelled “chanting” properly
Oxford University researchers have discovered the densest element yet known to science.
The new element, Governmentium (symbol=Gv), has one neutron, 25 assistant neutrons, 88 deputy neutrons and 198 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312.
These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons, which are surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called pillocks.
Since Governmentium has no electrons, it is inert. However, it can be detected, because it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact.
A tiny amount of Governmentium can cause a reaction that would normally take less than a second, to take from 4 days to 4 years to complete.
Governmentium has a normal half-life of 2 to 6 years.
It does not decay, but instead undergoes a reorganisation in which a portion of the assistant neutrons and deputy neutrons exchange places.
In fact, Governmentium’s mass will actually increase over time, since each reorganisation will cause more morons to become neutrons, forming isodopes.
This characteristic of moron promotion leads some scientists to believe that Governmentium is formed whenever morons reach a critical concentration.
This hypothetical quantity is referred to as a critical morass.
When catalysed with money, Governmentium becomes Administratium (symbol=Ad), an element that radiates just as much energy as Governmentium, since it has half as many pillocks but twice as many morons.
This is one of the saddest reports I have heard in a long time. It’s about 12 minutes long and the subject is the suicide, yes suicide, of a nine year old white boy.
When his mother went to the school to complain about the bullying that caused this boy to take his own life, the teacher told her ” you didn’t have to come to this school”.
That’s the depths of depravity in the educational system caused by the marxist swamp that infests our schools:
Article in the DM.
No sign of the story on al beeb. Imagine if the racism had been the other way round: wall-to-wall outrage.
“No sign of the story on al beeb. Imagine if the racism had been the other way round…”
Imagine if you’d spent 30 seconds on Google; rather than believing the deformed witterings of a racist moron.
maxi, good to see your back, where you been hiding ? Please tell us, how long after Vlad’s post was Al Beebs story published ? Timing is of essence. Also, do you believe Al Beeb anymore ?
Thanks , taffman.
“Please tell us, how long after Vlad’s post was Al Beebs story published ? Timing is of essence.”
Has there been an explosion at the local idiot factory? It was published five years ago.
nope but some idiots have access to Al Beeb’s archives and Al Beeb’s team of time wasting staff.
It was an honest question that did not necessitate an abusive answer.
“It was an honest question that did not necessitate an abusive answer.”
I’m very sorry, but you could have just have clicked on the link and found out for yourself. Perhaps you should try that sometimes.
ohn in cheshire,
“This is one of the saddest reports I have heard in a long time.”
The “report” is from Mark Collett; a self proclaimed Neo-Nazi, antisemitic, white-supremicist (right up your street, John). Here he is with his delightful girlfriend:
The inquest (in 2014) found no evidence that he was being bullied, or that he intended to kill himself.
“A nine-year-old boy was found hanged after he was sent to his room following an argument with his younger brother…”
maxi , why do you believe Al Beeb ?
Why do you support an organization that robs from the poor to give to the very rich?
I’ve seen some of Collett. I tend to agree with maximoany on this instance. It doesn’t happen often.
Although I do disagree with ze about this boy. No child would kill themself just because of being told off by his parents. It would have to be something sustained and the parent had already contacted the school about the problem.
“No child would kill themself just because of being told off by his parents. It would have to be something sustained…”
The inquest verdict was accidental death; that he didn’t intend to kill himself. The Daily Mail was just trying to wring every last penny out of it.
I have an opinion that you have a few personnel helping you with your posts. Ie that you are a ‘sockpuppet’ ? What motivates you ?
How much did Al Beeb try to ‘wring’ out of Cliff Richard ?
Trouble in paradise.
Campbell has hardly been off our screens recently and is never criticised despite the hate-filled rubbish he pushes.
Who voted for Campbell ?
Why does he have so much say in the media? What’s all this about the “Dodgy Dossier”?
maxincony , can you help us on this one ?
If Rog tried to be any cuter he’d turn into Pikachoo.
Paul trying to out-cute Rog now.
Chortle, chortle – aren’t we clever.
.com just another extension nowadays , mostly associated as being equivalent to .us as opposed to .uk etc
apart from that cyber squatting is now technically illegal nowadays
A revealing little vignette on R4’s Any Questions, to which I still subject myself on a Saturday (I know, I know).
Nicky Morgan had persistently (whether deliberately or otherwise) mispronounced Gerard Batten’s Christian name, repeatedly referring to him as “Gerald” Batten. When Mr Batten finally corrected her, Mrs Morgan, instead of the courteous apology that one would expect from a Conservative lady, merely uttered the ubiquitous and annoying determiner “whatever”, in the manner and tone of an adolescent who has been gently chided about some minor misdemeanour but cannot bring itself to tear its attention away from a mobile telephone screen.
It being a radio programme I could not, of course, see, but it would not have surprised me had Mrs Morgan accompanied this dismissive rejoinder with a contemptuous toss of her lustrous mane.
It appears that not only is there very little about Mrs Morgan that is Conservative, there is very little about her that is lady-like.
Skeldings – being interested in ‘Any Answers’ (I know, I know) I only caught the last few minutes of this programme. Dumbleby couldn’t resist the temptation to have a little virtue-signalling dig at Gerard about the area in which he lived/ would like to live.
It was oh so predictable, and it contained that little sneer…
He should have retaliated by calling her Nicholas repeatedly.
A doodle on the Assange arrest
Let’s hear it again shall we ? Oh but we will ad infinitum.
“We know Brexit doesn’t work/can’t work – it has been shown /it has been been proved.”
We have not left so how do they/we know it doesn’t work ?
Fools and scoundrels abound.
\\’Biggest’ UK tulip grower stockpiles bulbs over Brexit//
Its gone from “Project Fear” to “Project Ridiculous”. Even the ‘snowflakes’ are not impressed.
Nice try Al Beeb – must do better.
Can you imagine the headlines “Great Britain Surrenders under threat of no Tulips from Amsterdam”
Our ancestors would be ashamed of us now . Freedom is hard won but is easily given away.