The Biased Far Left BBC is trying to relegate Brexit to the ‘3rd headline ‘ . Some might say the State has realised that there are over 17 million voters who are angry because they can’t understand how democracy was subverted without a shot being fired .
Weekend Open Thread 13 April 2019
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RAF Cosford: Hundreds of jobs to be created at new aviation academy”
The shocking and devastating fallout from Brexit continues a pace ?
Nowt on Al Beeb? , Surprise, surprise. If the ‘researchers’ are ‘on form’ . They will see your post and get it on the their news shortly .
8pm R4 Christopher Hitchens hour
8:34pm clip of Christopher Hitchens sneering at Trump
… surprised the beeboid producer included it.
Ah now CH is calling out the Clintons, but the clip is not much longer..when he must have commented 100 times more about them.
the beeb searches the world for an online “racist” spat
oddly no one round here gives a s*** about the chinese selling chips pie, gravy and mushy peas
in the mean time last nights spag bog is becoming tonights chilli and any italians or mexicans who object can get lost
The new nimbys
bbc headline
Trump weighs migrant political reprisal ( ohh err what could that be)
troll master trump , you want them , you have them
Kaiser – I understand Nancy Pelosi’s area is getting some extras. Couldn’t happen to a nicer lady!
Illegals to be sent to ‘Sanctuary Cities’. What a corker Mr Trump.
“EU countries take migrants after Mediterranean stand-off”
No bets on where they will head next. Thanks Mrs Chamberlain, you have given an excuse for Labour to call for more social housing to be built . More people coming in means more houses needed.
Obviously you haven’t been watching. More immigration in fact means expropriation, the siezing of white people homes to give to migrants, just like they’ve been doing in Sweden and in Germany.
If you think building on green belt is bad you really do have a shock in store.
Its already happening in Wales. It is a disastrous recipe for social unrest in the near future.
taffman- you ain’t seen nothing yet.
In Steglitz, a suburb of Berlin, the ‘authorities’ have erected 216 new houses, apparently fully-furnished to high standards with latest modcons, exclusively for ‘migrants’. An entire park was done away with for this development. This included 200 trees, planted in 1907 by a Jewish doctor, James Frankel.
This is a very typical situation, repeated throughout Germany in cities and towns. Word has got around in refugee camps in Iraq, Syria and other Middle Eastern countries, creating high expectations.
In an interview with ZDF, Hash Ashur, resident of a vast refugee camp in Dohuk, Northern Iraq, says his son is already in Germany and the entire family plans to move there. Farhad Atrushi, Governor of Dohuk, says in an interview that if only one tenth of the money spent on ‘his’ refugees in Germany, had been made available in Iraq, all of them could have been provided for locally.
The problem, says Atrushi, is that Arab television frequently reports on the wonders awaiting migrants in Germany, creating huge expectations.
Many of the homeless ‘indigenous’ Germans are not happy. A large array of devices have been designed and installed nationwide, to prevent them from sleeping on public benches etc.
Apparently, nothing in the way of accommodation. For that you have to be a ‘ migrant’.
One gets the impression that madness has -yet again- gripped Germany. This time, however, the Germans are not having a go at anyone else. This time, it seems, the politicians have turned on their own people.
What has not changed, it seems, are the warnings for other countries, emanating from Berlin.
Footnote: ZDF – ‘Second’ German TV
“British Steel is seeking a £100m loan from the government in order to meet EU emission rules.”
“However, the steel maker has been affected by a European Union decision to suspend UK firms’ access to free carbon permits until a Brexit withdrawal deal is ratified.”
Take it out of the £39 Billion we save by getting the f… out of the EU.
They are turning the screws up on us now and our great leader has thrown her Ace cards away.
A new government is needed that will ‘serve’ people of this great country . In fact that what our politicians are paid to do – serve us , not dictate to us.
“our great leader has thrown her Ace cards away”
The ace of trumps was ‘no deal’ I recall the parliament (we elected in 2017) might have legislated that away.
If we truly wanted to leave the EU why on earth did we vote for two parties that had just spent the previous year persuading us to remain?
Not Gwent
“why on earth did we vote for two parties that had just spent the previous year persuading us to remain?”
Not me, I voted UKIP.
I blame the Tory voters.
By coincidence I am close to British Steel IScunthorpe), worked for them, an almost see the plant from here and happened to cycled through the edge of the plant the other week.
Quite a lot of Tata’s business depended on them selling CO2 certificates
£100m isn’t a huge amount of money in the business.
BBC : “Brexit: British Steel seeks £100m government loan to meet EU rules”
explains it is all about the selling of CO2 certificates
… A thing that shouldn’t even happen, and only happens in countries where governments have introduced wacky CO2 trading schemes. (like the EU)
“British Steel has until 30 April to comply with EU emission rules.
… WE AREN’T the EU so how can they fine British Steel FFS
Why a timely nudge might help us save money
“It is not all bad. The OBR, the Bank of England, and others expect interest rates to stay low too. Many people are deciding to pay off debts when the costs are low, rather than save when the rewards (in interest payments) are low too.”
hmm I would like to think people are wise enough not to save in one account at 1% whilst paying off debts in another that might be 30%, but I do know some do.
but really people not saving is a massive problem, encouraged by our government who get a slice of spending , this is the false credit bubble that has been propping up government and the economy for at least 25 years and is now biting government in the arse,
they cant build massive amounts of homes for their immigrants without crashing the housing market on which much of this credit is secured.
As this article says but doesn’t dig into consumer spending is out running wage increases
How are the ‘Yellow Vests’ doing in France ?
There is nowt on Al Beeb ?
Still going strong – Acte vingt deux, yesterday – the 22nd straight week of countrywide protests against Macron, his government, and globalism generally. They think it’s going away. It isn’t…
@JamesDelingpole : I Would Never Vote Conservative Again, Except…
(for the very few still honourable MPs)
Ah there is a Twitter version that embeds here
Looks like a still from a Woody Allen film.
\\ It appears that the go-ahead for the Euro elections was given on Monday, by Statutory Instrument laid before Parliament, three days before all the overnight drama and last-minute extension, and that all MPs, local councilx and the MSM must have known. //
“Hello there, and good morning…”
Hello maxi, so nice to see a self-portrait in your post instead of one of your drive-by snipings. Now we know what you look like. Any slim chance but a chance no less of a comment from you on the BBC’s anti-Brexit bias?
I thought not.
I thought that was Hammond.
As in Philip, EG, Chancellor of the Exchequer?
Got to say Maxi – posting that image ( from Star Trek circa 1967) at 0307 without much did deserve to be ignored .not even weak trolling .
2014 EU Election turnouts:
UK, roughly 38%. I suspect that will change this time round………
A video or the BBC keep playing again and again …NOT
A video an honourable BBC would have made 2 years ago iteself
BBC News
The all-singing, all-dancing Chinese Trump opera.
They are at least honest about it.
first world problems because of brexit
im sure I can do without
im sure the council estates of britain will manage as well
How annoying is it that MPs are now trying to influence another legal process? I am of course referring to Assangne.
Have they gained confidence from their spoiling of Brexit?
The extradition will be dealt with by the CPS Extradition lawyers and in consultation with their counterparts in the US and Sweden. It has NOTHING to do with Abbott and her Labour mates.
The BBC of course supports this stance.
BBC Online News:
“”Julian Assange must face Swedish justice first – MPs and peers””
“”In their letter to Sajid Javid, 70 parliamentarians – chiefly Labour MPs and peers – urged him to “stand with the victims of sexual violence” and ensure the rape claim against the Wikileaks founder could be “properly investigated”.””
“We do not presume guilt, of course, but we believe due process should be followed and the complainant should see justice be done,” the letter said.””
So it should be investigated and how about a proper investigation and trial against the hundreds of Muslim men who assaulted/raped thousands of Swedish women-Should as one has mooted Assangne be returned to Australia as one of their citizens to stand trail there?
Anyone seen the advert for “Ghosts” that the BBC has been trailing all week? A comedy about a couple who move into an old house, much to the resentment of the ghosts from different eras haunting it.
Raises a few questions for me, such as: Does the couple really have to be white female/black male? (Oh, sorry – it’s TV. Is there any other kind of couple?) Why is there a black woman among the apparently British historical characters? Why is what looks like a children’s comedy being shown on Mondays at 9:30pm?
Finally, why are they ripping off the premise of the film Beetlejuice, not to mention ITV’s old Sunday afternoon series The Ghosts of Motley Hall, and presumably their own Rentaghost? Doesn’t the licence fee buy any originality?
I can’t read the article but …
I have been pondering my comment on the madness going on in Germany, above. The phenomenon is that -while the Christian Democrats (“conservative”)- are nominally the largest party and senior partner in the Grand Coalition- the intellectual inheritors of Adolf -75 years on- are the Socialist SPD and the powerful Green Party.
They are social engineers par excellence. ‘Their’ people apparently are not the people of Germany, but rather the people of Iraq, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Turkey or well, anywhere but Germany!
Their power seems to derive from occupying key positions in State and City, rather than the Federal Republic, as well as DOMINATING THE MEDIA, ESPECIALLY SUBSIDISED TV. In all of this, the letter of the law seems not to matter, AND CAN SIMPLY BE BRUSHED ASIDE. No consequences.
Above all, the Chancellor (i.e. PM) claims to be a Christian Democrat, but has simply anticipated and adopted Socialist and Green policies, even before those parties have got there! And for her the law matters even less…
Keeps a relatively low profile, leaves Reds and Greens to do their thing wherever possible. For well over a decade, has ruthlessly eliminated potential competitors and latterly, nurtured what she hopes, are clones.
Are there any possible lessons for the UK? ? ? ?
How has all that been possible? Key has been media support and the political system of coalitions. Demonisation of REAL conservative opposition as ‘far-right’ seems to have worked extremely well. Even the print media have the AfD as a thick, backward, ‘closed’ pack of deplorables of neo-fascists. (While mostly not saying so too explicitly).
Understandable for exploiting the past in Germany, given the recent history. But why, in apparently very different circumstances, do there seem to be eerie echoes in Britain?
Apparently it’s not technology keeping kids awake at night. The beeb midnight news reports that it’ s poverty.
In Britain?
We live and learn.
angry irish we the people are not alone
What motivates you to post here ? Evidently you support an organization that is biased and robs from the poor to give to the rich.
Any answer would be gratefully received.
Taffman, aren’t you a Welsh unionist? “an organization that is biased and robs from the poor to give to the rich.” sounds an awful lot like the UK Government, so I’d be interested to hear your answer to your own statement.
Nope, like many Welshmen I am a supporter of UKIP, very proud to be Welsh and proud to be British.
I post here because I am of the opinion that Al Beeb is blatantly biased and stuffed full of overpaid libtards that have never done a days honest work.
Now prey tell us, what Al Beeb Bias are you reporting, or are you merely maxincony’s ‘day shift relief’, sockpuppet?
BTW, you have an aptly chosen nomenclature.
Are you like Al Beeb , do you suffer from trumpaphobia, or are you just trolling ?
Apparently over a hundred petitions to Parliament for Theresa May to resign have been rejected.
The only way to win a vote for her resignation would be to produce 100,000 rejected petitions.
“Anti-Semitism row: Jeremy Corbyn concerned evidence ‘ignored'” the BBC tells us:
But dear BBC why is Labour suddenly having these issues with antisemitism?, where is the analysis?, what were the comments made by these antisemites? who made them?… and what was their religion? is it the Islamic faction of Labour again BBC?… is they why you don’t mention names or details?
If the BBC bothered to investigate Islam for five minutes, they would find that there are four steps for the non Jihadi Muslim to get to heaven (Jenna):
1) After dying you go to “torment in the grave” – you remain conscious buried in the ground, rotting in torment.
2) Then before “Judgement day” the Muslims will kill all the Jews, helped by the rocks and the trees.
3) Jesus will then return, on “Judgement day” and Muslims will be judged based on their adherence to Allah.
4) Depending on the judgement outcome, Muslims will go from torment in the grave to heaven or hell.
This is what this famous quote is about:
“The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: ‘O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.”
If you were a Muslim, what would you choose? expedite the death of the Jews, so “Judgement day” arrives and you can get to heaven when you die, or be lovely to Jews and rot in the ground for hundred’s of years until some other Muslims get around to killing the Jews so that judgement day eventually shows up?
Of course, if the wretched rotting corpse of the ideologically blinkerd BBC bothered to stop fantasizing about “far right fascism” and read the Koran, they would realize Islam is fascism… Even the famous lefty psychoanalyst Carl Jung who studied the psychology of the Nazis famously said:
“We do not know whether Hitler is going to found a new Islam. He is already on the way; he is like Mohammad. The emotion in Germany is Islamic; warlike and Islamic. They are all drunk with a wild god.”
How is it that a slob sat on a couch with the internet like me can figure all this out and verify it, yet the BBC with its thousands of employees, and billions of pounds fail to find out this glaring fact, yet instead pander and weep about a Jihadi bride… who joined ISIS when then were busy chopping off peoples heads for being Jewish?
The truth however is that the BBC are a racist outfit that believe that brown people are unable to have their religion criticized in case they go into some kind of violent meltdown, and that people they view as “lower classes” are unable to make a rational assessment of the contents of the Koran without being racist… and of course they sniveling safe space cowards who like to steal money from people they consider inferior.
Shamima Begum ‘was member of feared Isis morality police’ in Syria
Shamima Begum was a member of the Isis morality police, a feared group which enforced the terror organisation’s strict interpretation of Islamic law, according to reports.
The 19-year-old British citizen, who fled her home in Bethnal Green four years ago with two other schoolgirls, has claimed that she was only a “housewife” during her time living with the group in Syria.
But according to a report in The Sunday Telegraph she played a much more active role in the organisation’s reign of terror as a member of the “hisba” – which metes out punishment to those found flouting Isis laws on how to dress and behave.
One activist quoted by the newspaper said Begum had been seen holding an automatic weapon and shouting at Syrian women in the city of Raqqa for wearing brightly coloured shoes.
“Members of our group from Raqqa knew her well,” said Aghiad al-Kheder, an activist from Deir ez-Zor who founded an anti-Isis collective that published information about Isis crimes from sources on the ground.
“There were lots of young European women in the hisba. Some of them were very harsh and the local population became very scared.”
There were separate allegations that Begum stitched suicide bombers into explosive vests, so they could not be removed without detonating.
So the poor likul schoolgirl the libtards were all begging to let back in wasn’t quite so sweet and innocent after all.
As if we couldn’t have guessed.
So the poor likul schoolgirl the libtards were all begging to let back in wasn’t quite so sweet and innocent after all.
As if we couldn’t have guessed.
“Shamima Begum ‘was member of feared Isis morality police’ in Syria”
Shame, she would fit in rather well in the UK……………..
I know it’s The Mail on Sunday and I don’t know if I’ll ever see the evidence but for some reason, I believe the story.
“Jihadi bride stitched suicide vests: In chilling briefing to Prime Minister, spy chiefs reveal how Shamima Begum served in ISIS’s ‘morality police’ and helped terrorists prepare for attacks.
MI6 has briefed the PM and Home Secretary on Shamima Begum’s ISIS role.
Witnesses claim to have seen Begum prepare suicide vests for would-be jihadis.
Begum has claimed she ‘never did anything dangerous’ while under ISIS control.
Well placed sources claim Begum carried a rifle and acted as an ‘enforcer’.”
Keep her out.
Fraught for the Day – Israel Folau and Billy Vunipola
As it’s a Sabbath Day for most Christians and Palm Sunday no less, the thought struck me yesterday about how fraught and yet how simplistic and wrong-headed is the BBC’s understanding of basic Christian doctrines in the 21st century.
The Hell-fire and Damnation preaching may have been overdone by a few preachers in the 19th century – perhaps giving it a bad name – and even sometimes in the 20th century. However, modern preachers like Billy Graham did not soft-pedal on sin and hell but they did match it with the essential equal measure of the grace, mercy and the work of God.
What the post-Christian BBC do not seem able to consider in a post-post-modern age is that we are all sinners and en route to hell for eternity. The nature of our specific rebellion against God or the size or quantity of it does not matter. We are all unable to live up to the standard that God requires. Unless, of course, we take the opportunity in this life to repent and put our trust not in our good works or what we think is our good moral status but in the work that God the Son did on a Roman cross nearly 2000 years ago.
I’ve had a wonderful verse from the 18th century poet William Cowper popping into my head for the last few days:
There is a fountain filled with blood
Drawn from Emmanuel’s veins.
And sinners plunged beneath its flood,
Lose all their guilty stains.
That so neatly sums it up.
Next Sunday, Easter Day, the words of CF Alexander about Jesus Christ will be sung in many churches:
There was no other good enough
to pay the price of sin.
He only could unlock the gate
of heaven and let us in.
Simple but true.
The BBC’s obsession with homosexuality and gender issues and their interest in the row surrounding those two football players rather highlights, in my view, the fact that there are plenty more sins that lead to damnation and hell that are totally overlooked or completely forgotten by the BBC.
Things like deceit and greed and selfishness and the love of money and pride and idolatry and lack of faith count just as much as sin in God’s sight as anything sexual or even a Tweet or two about anything sexual.
This is what todays socialist church has forgotten, yes it’s over an hour long, and it’s terrifying, but even if you don’t believe what he says happened to him it’s worth a watch.
Can I just tag on, essential dishonesty. The legal test of ‘dishonesty’ is found in the old case of R v Ghosh. Essentially:
(Alleged in) “…..acting dishonestly, a jury must first of all decide whether according to the ordinary standards of reasonable and honest people what was done was dishonest. If it was not dishonest by those standards, that is the end of the matter and the prosecution fails. If it was dishonest by those standards, then the jury must consider whether the defendant himself must have realised that what he was doing was by those standards dishonest.”
Beautifully simple: Objective/Subjective.
Should we apply this simple test up to the BBC’s daily performance? I say, ‘yes’. The BBC is dishonest in the manner in which they report news items and/or obscure relevant information that should (for balance and objectivity) be accompanying the main item. I’ll not go into their blatant disregard of main news items not reported.
G, “Should we apply this simple test up to the BBC’s daily performance?”
I’d agree.
What currently interests me is how the web-site ‘headers’ on the Home Page appear geared to the young, trendy, right-on, metro-liberal group. Irritable Bowel Syndrome, of course not withstanding, and the photo of the yoga poses that indicate where everything comes out!
Does rather seem like it to me.
The BBC III and Ceebeebies pages are often even more chilling and seem slightly sinister.
It’s cute how you people rant and rave about the Koran, but take this drivel seriously. Cognitive dissonance at its finest.
‘You people’.
Yes, there’s more than one, so I used the plural form of ‘person.’ Is that a problem?
You gave yourself a “like” tick there. Nice one Mo.
Seems you can’t answer my query. Unsurprising.
Assuming you are of the Islamic faith may I ask you people how you feel when praying if the man in front of you farts.
The big difference is that the Bible and its teachings make the world a better place, wheras the murder manual which is the Qur’an makes the world infinitely worse.
“The big difference is that the Bible and its teachings make the world a better place”
Oh lordy. With a statement so produndly stupid as this, discussion is pointless.
‘Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the [holy man] who represents God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged.’
‘I will fill your mountains with the dead. Your hills, your valleys, and your streams will be filled with people slaughtered by the sword. I will make you desolate forever. Your cities will never be rebuilt. Then you will know that I am God.’
‘Keep [my holiday], for it is holy. Anyone who desecrates it must die.’
‘Cursed be he who does God’s work remissly, cursed he who holds back his sword from blood.’
A better place indeed. Have you held your sword back from blood? Looks like you’re heading to hell with the rest of us. Christians choose to ignore these passages, especially this gem from the NT: ‘Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother-in-law. And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.’
They choose to ignore them, because if they followed them, the earth would be a horrendous place to live.
Now why would someone quote verses and fail to say where they were from?
First one Deuteronomy 17:12 I cannot recall anyone being executed as a result of this verse, and as an addition you missed out the final word ‘from Israel’.
Second one Is Ezekiel 35:8 And it is God saying what he will do , not a command to the people to do this. If you can find an example of where people followed this as a commandment then you might have a point, but you can’t.
Third one Exodus 31:14 an odd translation you found there because the vast majority say cut off from his people, the following verse does mention death but it seems two verses have been spliced together here.
Fourth one Jeremiah 48:10 Is discussing a battle and exhorting warriors to be brave and not to hold back, this is not a command to followers to do the same today.
All of the verses quote are from the Old Testament which neither Christians nor Jews take as literal commandments. Since the temple was destroyed 2000 years ago Jews have not carried out any of the punishments mentioned in the OT and for Christians the OT remains as historical reference.
As for your Matthew 10:34 the sword is a metaphor for division, he later says in the same book when he rebukes Peter in the Garden of Gethsemane “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword”.
Selecting a few verses out of context without any evidence Christians or Jews have ever used them as justification for actions. You are living today in the most peaceful place on Earth. What technological advancements can you claim for any other area of the planet ? The civilisation you are living in with its laws festivals and culture is the result of 2000 years of Christianity, although the past 50 years seem to have gone very definitely awry as we turned away from God and his truth.
Perhaps you might prefer the Communist athiest vision of North Korea? Or maybe the Islamic Saudi Arabia where kids are executed on suspicion of being gay because their book says so, or maybe Hindu India where you are born into a caste and cannot move out of it, and women were burned alive on their husbands funeral pyres?
Tell me this better place which was not inspired and built on Christian foundations because I’m dying to hear where it is?
Media’s exploitation of, “mental health issues” again. Backed by the State no doubt.
Due in the UK anytime soon.
Ah, the old “out of context” fallback. Remember, next time you’re criticising the Koran, this is the exact same defence that Muslims use. You’re using some crazy mental gymnastics to say that “a sword” doesn’t actually mean “a sword” but rather “division” (why not just say ‘division’ then? Did the writers of the Bible, inspired by the Holy Spirit, mean to confuse?)
For the vast majority of Abrahamic religion’s existence, the world has been a DELETED Europe was christianised in the 300s AD, and Christianity did very little to improve people’s lives. China’s technologyed the world for most of the middle ages. It was only after the Reformation, when people realised that an ancient book may not actually be literally true, that Europe started to catch up. You can thank the Chinese for many of your “technological advancements” that you remain ignorant of, even printing that helped the spread of the Bible’s bullshit.
If you think North Korea is the flagship of atheism, I think Venezuela is the flagship of Christianity. I think that’s as stupid and ignorant comment as yours.
I think you should change your username, because thoughtful you ain’t.
You don’t know much about theology do you? You know even less about Islam and each Surah being discrete and of it self.
Christ often talked in metaphors why do you expect a religious figure to be only able to use the literal?
As for Christianity doing ‘nothing’ to improve peoples lives, again you present no evidence again to support that, yet it was the monastries which provided social security to the poor in the form of alms, the provided such medical treatment as was available, and the basis of the legal system was laid down on the basis of the ten commandments and other biblical laws.
Printing was invented way before the Chinese in Babylonia and Mesopaotamia, the Chinese improved upon it. Communication was difficult with China and they were secretive, much of their technology was never available to European cultures in the Middle Ages.
Where did I say North Korea was the flagship of atheism? I notice that you deliberately avoided answering any of the questions posed, especially about where you might prefer to live as a batter place than one of the Christian based countries of the West.
MoreHamHead – you first line as been deleted because it was offensive . Repeat it again and I will get your account deleted . If you don’t like it find another site – maybe one which lead on religion .signed a fed up fedup2
“You know even less about Islam and each Surah being discrete and of it self.”
What are you babbling about? You fell back on the ageold “out of context” nonsense. Muslims use the exact same thing. Pick any verse of violence in the Koran, Muslims will claim it’s out of context. You’re using Muslim tactics.
“Christ often talked in metaphors why do you expect a religious figure to be only able to use the literal?”
Because he is (apparently) the creater of the universe and a shining beacon to humanity to follow. So the best he can do is talk in riddles and leave his followers in confusion for millenia afterwards? You’re REALLY grasping at straws to defend this here.
“As for Christianity doing ‘nothing’ to improve peoples lives, again you present no evidence again to support that, yet it was the monastries which provided social security to the poor in the form of alms, the provided such medical treatment as was available, and the basis of the legal system was laid down on the basis of the ten commandments and other biblical laws.”
You have a very romanticised view of history. Yes, monestaries did give stuff to the poor. They also gouged the population for every penny they had with threat of eternal damnation if they didn’t. They also encouraged people to pick up the sword and die in far off wars to please God. Monks and priests swore a vow of poverty, but you know as well as I that that was total nonsense. Medieval populations were destitute partly because of the church’s penny pinching.
“Printing was invented way before the Chinese in Babylonia and Mesopaotamia, the Chinese improved upon it. Communication was difficult with China and they were secretive, much of their technology was never available to European cultures in the Middle Ages.”
Yes, and? You were before championing the benefits of Christian innovation.
“Where did I say North Korea was the flagship of atheism?”
You implied it very strongly here: ‘Perhaps you might prefer the Communist athiest vision of North Korea?’ You were attempting to be clever, in that North Korea has no official state religion, it must be the end result of atheism.
” I notice that you deliberately avoided answering any of the questions posed, especially about where you might prefer to live as a batter place than one of the Christian based countries of the West.”
I’m quite happy living in the secularised west, where church and state are quite rightly separated, and whose foundations are built upon the enlightenment of the late 1700s onwards. That is, when people started to realise the Bible was DELETED LANGUAGE – FEDUP2 Perhaps you should try living in a deeply Christian nation, one that values its Christian faith, one more suited to someone of your beliefs. Somewhere like Uganda, Rwanda or Kenya? Perfect example of what Christianity can do for you!
The modern west was born out of revolution against the ruling classes who used religion as a means to justify their position. These revolutions happened despite Christianity being present, not because of it.
We are a Christian country and unfortunately this involves allowing those into this country intent on bringing us back into the middle ages, and protecting their rights to be generally obnoxious, and boy do they manage that on a daily basis.
We are a post-Christian nation whose Christian population is in freefall. Being a Christian nation has nothing to do with letting in third worlders. There are many very Christian nations, even in Europe, who do not follow the open borders policy as the UK do.
You have unilaterally decided that have you in your little mind ?
Thoughtful, good post. Most ‘critics’ of Christianity tend to get a bit selective with ‘texts’ as well as ignoring history and the fact that Judaeo-Christian culture tends to increase the well-being of civilisation, especially where democratic government can keep the peace.
The other important bit of history to remember is the move from the period of schoolmaster Law to the period of Grace & Mercy. Funnily enough celebrated next weekend. 🙂
You’re ignoring the 1500 years of European Christian history where life was far from pleasant. Isn’t it quite the coincidence that improved living conditions came around when secularism became more prominent?
MoreHamHead – a couple of your posts have been edited by me with a reason attached .
Yes it is indeed galling that these sh@ts feel they have the right to attack our religion, as well as our laws and foreign policies and schools etc etc whilst reaping the benefits of running away from the hell holes that their religion created in the first place
Perhaps that poster – so hot on issues of religion – can run away to a suitable place – perhaps The Guardian – and tell them how his comments were censored – MoreHamHead – that means you .
It’s Palm Sunday . Holy Week coming up. As moderator here – on Biased BBC – I would ask that further discussions about the good or bad or Christianity is limited to issues closer to the reason for the existence of the Website .
Please also cut out the abusive language as I don’t want to spend anymore time this Sunday afternoon editing posts . In fact – any more and I will not edit them . I will take them down .
I would posit that “opposing views” was not the reason you were censored, rather your intolerance of any opposing views, typical of a certain charming monirity we have in this Christian country
“rather your intolerance of any opposing views, typical of a certain charming monirity we have in this Christian country”
Earlier, you wrote:
‘Yes it is indeed galling that these sh@ts feel they have the right to attack our religion, as well as our laws and foreign policies and schools etc etc whilst reaping the benefits of running away from the hell holes that their religion created in the first place’
‘We are a Christian country and unfortunately this involves allowing those into this country intent on bringing us back into the middle ages, and protecting their rights to be generally obnoxious, and boy do they manage that on a daily basis.’
Now what would Jesus say to that? You don’t sound like a very good Christian to me.
I do not care what I sound like to you or your ilk
Just an observation this morning. I watched Click, which is sometimes quite good.
A section was about a gaming exhibition/show in London – the cameras scanning around and all of the backgrounds in presenter shots revealed just men …a BBC documentary last week on a huge gaming festival overseas commented that 99% were males…so when it came to showing a game towards the end who was the BBC presenter paired with? You guessed
Two females, one Asian one white …and judging from their interaction with the game neither were gamers..BBC staffers?
Just the BBC bias again – a fixation on ensuring males are downplayed and females have to be everywhere…
Sir Boaty using the language of Extinction Rebellion who, in a shock coincidence, liked it.
Lucky he is a bit past flying everywhere soon.
Would’nt it be wonderful to view a televised debate between Attenborough and some professional climate change denier. I’ll bet the likes of Attenbourough would bow out like a rocket!
That would be this crowd:
One trusts they are sailing there?
“Sir David..”
Now here’s a chap who has no need to be sponsored by comrade Soros as his underlings at the BBC do that!
And yet the irony is that it is his own leftist insanity which is to blame for a lot of that.
Population growth means the space available for wildlife is shinking, and he probably doesn’t even know that George Soros paid the green lobby to stop telling the truth that moving primitives from low carbon lifestyles to high carbon ones, in the tens of millions has an impact on the precious CO2 emissions.
Amazing how the left can double think their way out of that one.
Sir David, the TV show man who put back our understanding of wild animals for decades with his emphasis on gory scenes of predation to liven up his shows..
Would have made an excellent commentator on bullfighting were his Spanish up to scratch.
“Sir David”
The people in the USA Juuuust; luv his English accent so he wouldn’t lie to us – would he?
Featured on the front page of the BBC webshite right now (Sun. at 0845) is a new guide.
‘Brexit basics. How do you delay leaving’.
Strangely, an alternative guide, ‘Brexit basics. How do you ensure the will of the people is enacted’ seems to be missing.
Clearly an oversight from our impartial state broadcaster.
Unless, of course, they are Brexiteers or MPs who are members of the ERG (European Research Group).
Main lead on the BBC website
The 9/11 row embroiling the US congresswoman
As this Democrat congresswomen (who I never heard of) wears a hijab it must be obviously big news. Delving into the piece its about the furore of her description of 9/11 “some people did something” and the critical responses it generated including from that bad man President Trump.
The Beeb focuses its attention on the back-lash against Ms Omar, rather than what her comment might reveal about her attitude to 9/11 and the USA.
Exactly! 80% of the tweets shown by the BBC are anti-Trump and portray this poor gal as a victim.
Impartial BBC? No.
Biased BBC? Yes.
Tut tut, it seems the ever so sanctimonious Jon Sopel has accepted the filthy lucre to address a – gasp – tobacco company!
Still, how’s a man to survive on a mere quarter of a million p.a. of your money, mostly for lazy Trump bashing? The poor dear is forced to moonlight.
Maybe we should have a whip round?
“Have a whip round?” What a splendid idea but first I think perhaps we should take a vote as to who gets to administer the first dose of said whip and also decide how many lashes are to be administered by each whipper. I think President Trump should be given first refusal here.
Well, well. Andrew Marr brings up the topic of Islam with Gerard Batten. And even the grooming gang scandal was mentioned. Batten held his own, but he never gets the chance to expand, to discuss the issue properly.
It’s always the same old garbage. When are we going to have a proper debate on these things?
The Beeb only invite Battern on to grill him on Islam or TR in order to try to taint Brexit.
They did the same on Thursday on Politics Live asking Nigel F about his new party, just trying to smear him about talking to Steve Bannon and any funding from Aaron Banks. Pathetic.
Lammy on Marr doing his best race baiting
JRM is a nazi now apparently, The ERG are Far-right Extremists, Steve Bannon is a white supremacist and so is Boris Johnson.
Lammy really is a race baiter…
“Labour MP David Lammy has apologised after accusing the BBC of being racist following its tweet which said “LIVE VIDEO: Chimney of Sistine Chapel as conclave votes for #Pope – will smoke be black or white?”
Lammy replied saying: “This tweet from the BBC is crass and unnecessary. Do we really need silly innuendo about the race of the next Pope?”
However, after receiving several messages alerting him to the fact that black smoke appears from a Vatican chimney when no decision has been made, and white smoke alerts the public to the election of a new Pope, the politician realised his mistake.
He tweeted: “Note to self: do not tweet from the Chamber with only one eye on what you’re reading. Sorry folks, my mistake.”
“”Tories face 60 seat loss amid Brexit backlash as ‘Corbyn bound for No 10’ “”
Thanks to the BBC working hand in hand with the Conservative party over the Brexit deception.
Having helped to destroy Brexit, the BBC will share the blame for the election of their favoured ones, the Labour Party.
If the feckless bbc think they would prosper under Corbyn who is not in any way, shape or form a Blairite small ‘s’ socialist – just carry on.
You may get what you wish for and maybe many out there, with short memories, need a dose of Socialism.
But it’s really not worth the pain just for us to say, ‘Told you so’.
I always assumed the bBC were just playing the game of tolerating Corbyn until Labour ‘win’ the next GE, after which time the troughing Eurobots will attempt another coup.
Hmm makes you wonder doesn’t it? In common with their ‘friends’ they like the idea of things like mass immigration if it means they can get a cheap cleaner but when it comes to them living on their street or being heavily taxed to pay for such, that’s when reality bites.
Certain facts that much of the public let alone many of the MP’s on both sides of the house appear not to understand is that:The current budget is for the period 2014-2020 and has now risen to € 11.7 billion. Together with the €11.3 billion in 2007-2013 this makes €23 billion, or circa £20 billion pounds.
Receiving €4.5 billion for 2014-2020, Turkey is by far the largest beneficiary of the IPA II funds. This sum is IN ADDITION to the €6bn which the EU is giving to Turkey to stem the flow of migrants to Germany after Frau Merkel’s disastrous ‘All welcome here’ unilateral announcement in 2015.
Here are the totals for all countries receiving this largesse :-
• Albania €1.24bn
• Bosnia & Herzegovina €0.78bn
• Croatia €1bn (now a member)
• Iceland €0.3 billion (decided it didn’t want to join the EU)
• Kosovo €1.28bn
• Macedonia €1.28bn
• Montenegro €0.51bn
• Serbia €2.89bn
• Turkey €9.25bn
• Multi-country €4.1bn
• Further amounts in the total are as yet unallocated
• TOTAL € 23 billion (approx £10 billion pounds)
Strangely, when a country wishes to leave the club, the EU insists on what is a effectively a leaving bill. For the UK, Mrs May has so far agreed to £39 billion, but there is no limit on this and we are certain it will be much, much higher.
As part of this bill, Mrs May has agreed to continue footing the bill for the EU to grow its membership.
This is one of the enormous numbers of areas of the EU’s activities where it seems wholly inappropriate – whatever the other arguments – to pay anything towards the EU’s efforts to subsume even more of the European continent into its totalitarian nightmare.
If you were to ask a typical Remainer MP – such as Anna Soubry, Dominic Grieve (recipient of the French Legion d’Honneur), Chuka Umunna, Yvette Cooper, or Ken Clarke – about facts like those above, we suspect they wouldn’t have a clue.
In what world is it acceptable for our supposedly-knowledgeable MPs to dictate our lives on something as important as EU membership when they don’t know – and certainly never quote – any real facts about it?
The EU isn’t static. It changes so fast that we have trouble keeping up with it. MPs have researchers. They have the House of Commons Library. They also have access to the internet like the rest of us. Frankly, many of us are much better informed than our MPs. These MPs should hang their heads in
tarien- ‘The EU isn’t static.’ (When we joined it was the EEC)
You need to know only one phrase: Ever closer and deeper Union.
This is the ongoing process to objective/destination Single Superstate, headed by France and Germany.
This creature desperately needs the UK monetary contribution.
Who thinks leaving for us will be easy?
Tory Remainers like May, Bercow, Grieve, Clarke, Soubry et al – a gift to ensure the contribution keeps flowing.
As to Labour: Well, we have a pretty good idea of what Socialism means, and where it can go.
Read a little Solzhenytsin.
Of course, Socialism isn’t the only dangerous -potentially Totalitarian ideology around- it has competition from Political Islam, and is inclined to work hand in glove with it, if required.
A key and timely comment. The EU is not static but on a one way street to federalism.
Is this what remainers want?
How much more power do they want to cede from Westminster to Brussels?
How big do they want the UK’s financial contributions to be?
Do they want the UK to join the Eurozone ?
Important questions which strangely the BBC absolutely NEVER raise.
Sluff -if you think about this logically, unless you’re COMPLETELY OUT (as in ‘no deal’), you’re on an endless downhill waterslide with no way back or off.
When you finally splash down, you will be in pool EU, Euro and all.
Seems there are only two logical positions:
-you are out, as you have left BY YOUR OWN ROUTE, rescinding the 1972 European Communities Act, not via the EU device for ‘leaving’
-you are in the ever and closer Union, with Euro
At that splashlanding point, remainers will suddenly realise where they’ve landed.
PS: Looking at Liddington on Marr show on beeb lunchtime TV news, talking about a ‘compromise’.
NO, NO, NO, lad, you’re getting on the slide. There is no such thing as ‘compromise’ in this game!!!
You cannot be a little in and a little out….
Despite us Brexiteers being the stupid ones re: the EU, all you have to do is ask a few simple questions: if the EU is so great why has the living standard in almost all of the mainstream countries not grown in 15 years (at least) and why is the UK the destination for so many young Italians, Spanish, Polish etc? And to boot the once storming German economy is in the doldrums…Being in the EU doesn’t look that great unless you are getting a handout from the likes of the UK
Roll on the EU elections….
“Read a little Solzhenytsin”
Pity most moderns/voters of the remain species seem to avoid him otherwise they wouldn’t want the UK as a slave to the EU movers-n-shakers; I like this quote of his:
“while Judeo-Christian values and morality are ridiculed and increasingly eradicated from the public and social consciousness of our nation. Under the decades-long assault and militant radicalism of many so-called “liberal” and “progressive” elites, God has been progressively erased from our public and educational institutions, to be replaced with all manner of delusion, perversion, corruption, violence, decadence, and insanity”. Alexander Solzhenitsyn.”
And his brilliant and honest speech in America:
A World Split Apart — Commencement Address Delivered At Harvard University, June 8, 1978.
In what world is it acceptable for our supposedly-knowledgeable MPs to dictate our lives on something as important as EU membership when they don’t know – and certainly never quote – any real facts about it?
Greed or stupidity? Without a doubt, it is nothing to do with the oft-quoted ‘national interest.’
The British people pay billions and billions of pounds of taxpayers money for the privilege of trading freely on EU Customs Union rules, set by a foreign power. In 2017, the UK recorded an overall trade deficit within the EU Customs Union of £67 billion. But the UK had a trade surplus of £41 billion on WTO rules. So you need ignorance to be afraid of a “No Deal”
The above facts are why Brexiteers have had surprise victories in debates about Brexit amongst young people in some of our top Schools. The only way the EU can win is through using taxpayers money to bribe people and organisations like the BBC.
tarien, think Ken Clarke would know all about it but would deny or fudge his answer. He knows all about EU Funding from his time as Chancellor. He even fought off the demand from the EU that we should pay the full rate of VAT on our energy bills and got it down to 5%.
Because he knew that that full rate charge would have provoked a nationwide rebellion against EU membership, coming as it did not long after Black Wednesday and the imposition of the Fuel Duty Escalator to repair the damage caused.
Iain Dale takes over from farage on a sunday morning
for some reason LBC have decided to disable comments straight away as opposed to allowing them
what could made them do this , could it be the progressive guest
Dale had Sozzled Subrey on as a guest. She said she was a Remainer who believed that the EU can only be changed by remaining in it rather than leaving it.
When a listener phoned in and challenged her why she didn’t apply her own logic by remaining within the Conservatives and changing what she didn’t like from within the party.
This really stumped Soubry who could only say, “What a good question.” Needless to say, the call with the listener was terminated by Dale moving on to another call.
Soubry also claimed that despite being the MP of a marginal constituency (Broxtowe, her majority is 863), she believed that most of her constituents supported her, despite the majority of the voters voting to 55%–45% majority to Leave the EU.
Our EU MP’s have had forty years to change it . Yes, change it they have done – for the worse .
We should have left three years ago .
Last week a caller to LBC mentioned a book written a while back, which laid out the EU long term plan for a Federalist State.
Anyone catch the title / author ?
The news reported above about Shamima Begum’s dressmaking skills looks to have thrown a spanner in the works of her repatriation.
But terrorism analyst and SITE Intelligence Group founder Rita Katz says she could seek a lucrative book deal in a bid to become a global media personality. “Looking at fluff pieces about ISIS members’ takes on Brexit and their conveniently timed apologies, it feels like we’re all months away from seeing their first book deals and TED talks about ‘What Recruiting for ISIS Taught Me About the Power of Social Media.’” Ok it’s speculative, but I wouldn’t entirely bet against it.
And in other news, the new Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Act 2019 that was introduced on Friday made it a criminal offence to enter an overseas “designated area” (i.e. terrorist hotspot). Punishment is up to ten years in prison, however exemptions apply “for people who have a legitimate reason to be in the areas, for example journalists, aid workers or those attending a relative’s funeral.”
I see a flourishing new career on the horizon. The possibilities are likely being discussed at W1A or Channel 4 already.
– A sort of Stacey Dooley Investigates?
– Comic Relief Ambassador?
– Who Dares Wins: Syria?
– Youth Hostelling with Chris Eubank?
“…Shamima Begum’s dressmaking skills”! Ha ha ha, I like it TM!
Cretinous Tory MPs appear to have finally woke up to the fact that Toxic Tess’s Marxist premiership is going to leave them decimated come the next general election, and Jeremy Corbyn firmly installed in number ten for at least a couple of decades.
The spineless idiots could have got rid of May when they had the chance, but it was just to much for them to actually have to take a stand on something and vote her out. So now it loos like they will be wiped out in several councils and in the European parliament as well.
Nothing like an up comming election to put the fear of being booted out of office into the idle fools.
Iain Duncan Smith, Amber Rudd, Zac Goldsmith, Justine Greening and Stephen Crabb would all lose their seats.
So inept are the cockroaches that they are considering having to rewrite the rules to allow a second vote on Mays leadership to kick the backsides of hopeless idiotic losers into doing something to save their party.
It’s a lost cause.
The supposed ‘men in grey suits’ who got rid of Thatcher have clearly lost their bottle or are put off with having to deal with a nut job like May.
They have the ultimate threat of a mass resignation and collapsing the Government. Clearly she’s called their bluff or their self interest has kicked in.
If the Cabinet resigns, she will say “You’ll be forgotten” as she becomes Britain’s first dictator since Oliver Cromwell. All alone in number ten she will declare “I hereby declare myself to be, Lord Protector of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, its Overseas Territories and my dependencies there to belonging, for life”. The Queen agrees to send in the army to have her detained under Section 2 of the Mental Health Act (1983). A Civil War begins.

The, ‘men in grey suits’? As everthing in Government now, ‘the men in shabby grey suits’ are not the men they used to be. They have all been tainted by the Liberal yellow. Socialists, all of them.
“not the men they used to be. ”
Every bit as mercenary but nowhere near as bright.
I am beginning to understand more about golf and now
know why the BBC does not have as much coverage as
they once did. Who wants to watch a sport where there is
just ONE PLAYER competing over four rounds? As there is just
one player why do the BBC keep showing pictures of him and
only write about him.
Foscari, isn’t there an EU Candidate in contention for the final round at Augusta?
I see Lammy has likened Boris Johnson and Jacob RM to Nazis.
Last night, I analysed the situation in Germany in some depth, and wondered about the eerie echoes in (completely different?) Britain.
This Socialist/Green strategy (headed up by a nominally conservative CDU PM in Merkel) has worked well in Germany. You try non-stop to smear anyone who is conservative as ‘far-right’. If you feel that isn’t working or biting deep enough, you resort to the ultimate slur: Nazi.
Lammy appears, according to the Telegraph, to have imported this strategy fully into the UK.
So we should soon see Boris and Jacob running their own labour camps, hounding Jews (ah, wait a minute – it’s not the Tories who are having problems with Antisemitism, so this is really a diversion…?) making plans to invade Poland, etc
We should ask Boris and Jacob (and Anna Soubry?) whether they intend sending tanks all the way to Russia, cos- if so- Kursk awaits. Or maybe Lammy (being so familiar with their activities) knows? And by now the beeb should have picked up red swastika flags hanging out of buildings all over Whitehall?
Fake ,
Looks like Lammy read a book about the Second World War and now knows all about nazis . I don’t think it’s worth the effort criticising such a character –
As I said in relation to Sopel – these people are in business – Lammy makes a living from the Race Industry where there is serious competition to be more outrageous .
They all like money but the hypocrisy is that they pretend they have a higher morality . But when it comes down to it – it’s empty – like the rest of the traitors to spoke to their constituents at the last general election on the basis of a Party Manifesto which promised we’d leave the EU .
I read twitter and the reports of happy political helpers still knocking on doors in the run up to local elections . The hostility and bitterness is apparently unknown —- just wait until the European Elections
Seem to recall the first Head of the CRE (Commission for Racial Equality & Human Rights), former journalist Trevor Phillips was a man of some integrity. Shame he couldn’t take David Lammy aside for ‘a quiet word’. Or maybe he has tried.
Up2. I’m guessing Mr Phillips looked into Mr Lammy s eyes and saw that there’s not a lot there apart the hate he bears for the country and people which stupid enough to give him and his family a new ‘home’.
He’d be the type taking selfies on a tour of a concentration camp – if he has read about them yet …
Don’t be too sure there will be an EU election. Treezer might be cooking something else up
Good article in Conservative Woman.
I think Corbyn’s strategy is to prop up Theresa May until the local elections, and then go for a General Election before the Tories can get rid of her. Blaming Theresa May for the collapse of the talks, because Labour wanted the £39 Billion to go to the NHS, rather than the EU.
RP, er … except it was primarily a Labour Bill (Yvette Cooper) that attracted Labour votes (Labour Brexiteers excepted) that ruled out a No Deal that ensured we would not pay the £39bn ransom.
The Labour Party do love to drop the ordinary working man and woman into the mire!
If Corbyn ambushes May he’s a Labour hero, if he agrees a deal he’s the new Ramsay MacDonald. He also knows that if he wants to introduce his version of socialism the UK has to be outside the juristiction of the ECJ.
The sanctimonius oh so moral Great (anti) British Broadcasting Corporation strikes again! Whether it’s boardroom pay, equal pay, ethnicity mix of presenters, the Beeb is always up there with the worst of them, despite always the pretentious moral high ground holier than though veneer:
Sopel the great “moralist compass at the BBC” earning huge wads of money from speeches to tobacco companies. Lucky it wasn’t Trump doing it eh?
Health charities fume at Jon Sopel’s cigarette firm gig
Jon Sopel, the BBC’s North America editor, has come under fire from health campaigners for delivering a keynote address to one of the world’s largest tobacco firms.
The broadcaster gave the speech last week at a staff event for Philip Morris International (PMI), the maker of Marlboro cigarettes, at the five-star Loews Miami Beach hotel in Florida.
Sopel is one of the BBC’s highest-profile journalists and is paid between £230,000 and £239,999 a year.
Last night PMI confirmed that he had been hired to deliver the address but declined to disclose how much he was paid. “The terms on which we engage speakers are confidential,” the company said.
Sopel hosts or speaks at events for a five-figure sum, according to the websites of two international booking agencies. Speakers’ Corner said his fee band is between £10,000 and £15,000. NMP Live said his band is between £16,000 and £25,000.
Paula Chadwick, chief executive of the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, said: “It is incredibly disappointing to learn that such a high-profile and influential journalist as Jon Sopel has taken money from a corporation which is behind the deaths of so many individuals.”
Alison Cook, director of policy and communications at the British Lung Foundation, said: “It’s disappointing to learn of anyone taking money from companies who have done and continue to do so much harm.
“Sadly, this situation is not surprising. Tobacco firms have a long history of trying to buy influence and using their cash to find ways around regulations on advertising to push their deadly products.”
The BBC declined to answer questions about whether Sopel, 59, sought prior approval for the speech.
The corporation said: “The BBC’s editorial guidelines allow BBC journalists to carry out external speaking, or chairing, engagements as long as they maintain objectivity and impartiality.”
PMI said: “Jon Sopel was invited to give a keynote speech on covering the Trump White House at the Open Mic conference in Miami. He took no further part in the conference and wasn’t asked to endorse anything, nor did he.”
When contacted, Sopel’s agent had no comment to make last night.
To be fair though the health problems caused by smoking are small compared to those caused by the noxious fumes of leftist hypocrisy.
At the end of the day it’s money and when you’re an underemployed,
talent-less , Lefty, hate speech bi**h – what else can Sopel do?
We must always remember that to them it is a game -motivated by quiet accumulation of money . So the BBC guidelines allow their staff to do gigs as fag sellers – so but it .
But that’s just one of cracks in the wall of the ‘false respectability ‘they call out about when challenged .
Presumably Sopel pays PAYE as opposed to putting his income through a ‘production company’ to cut his tax income to fund his previous health service et al . I think he’d cut his tax bill in half paying himself a dividend .
I wrote here after the Russia allegations about President Trump ended that I feared for Sopels mental health as he couldn’t just keep doing his ‘hate trump’ act .
So the Beauty sold out to a fag brand . Priceless .
Don’t get me wrong – if people want to suck smoke into their lungs that’s fine be me – as Long as I don’t have to suffer the effects too.
‘Cultural Marxism’?
The Guardian (would you believe) claims it’s all to do with conspiracy theory and fiction. But, as principal perpetrators along with their kindred as attached by their umbilical cord, the BBC, they would, wouldn’t they?
So do we think the Con-Lab Coalition can stitch up us and a deal in time to avoid EU elections as some sources are saying ?
They’ve got a week off so the two traditional parties will cook something up and whip their respective remain clones to accept in week com 22 April .
The time is tight because the electoral wheels are starting to turn for the end of May .
I can’t see the Francis German alliance moving – so therefore Brussels won’t move either .
Whether sell out number 2 goes to a second referendum ? No they won’t risk it – and it would mean taking part in the EU elections
As an aside I think the remain traitors already have the words drafted for another Referendum which precludes an option to vote for leaving without a Deal. Traitor Bercow will ensure that now that he had apparently announced he won’t stand down .
There’s a surprise .
Whatever happens we can only hope that Nationalist Parties across The EU gain more power and help to cripple the corrupt Federalists.
“As an aside I think the remain traitors already have the words drafted for another Referendum which precludes an option to vote for leaving without a Deal”
I would suggest that if the second referendum, if it were to happen, did not include a “No Deal” option then a massive boycott should take place. We have the baseline of 33 million votes and if genuine leavers were to abstain the split figures for the remain and p**s poor leave option would show a massive shortfall on the 17.4 million, giving the result no legitimacy whatsoever. The a****oles in Parliament would still claim a victory though, showing then up for what they are – anti-democratic
May will not stand down. Bercow will not stand down. We are firmly into Banana Republic terrority now.
Quite so on the Geest Republic – I didn’t factor in any ‘leadership’ changes because from a Brexit point of view I don’t think anyone has the personal strength or integrity to carry out the directions of the majority ..
It’s Sunday so if you have time you can catchup with the Thursday/Friday’s posts page 5, page 4
– Look at my post April 13, 2019 at 12:24 am
the BBC Look North Video of the anti-fracking activist vs the actual video of her arrest
.. Get your money back if you don’t think it’s incredible.
Latest from the US Masters Golf:
Tiger Woods is leading by 1 stroke from Tiger Woods, with Tiger Woods, Tiger Woods and America’s Tiger Woods also in contention.
I’ll give another update later.
And guess what? It’s ALL Mo Salah in the Liverpool v Chelsea match. But thene again the BBC are totally impartial aren’t they (not).
If the SNP had won the Scottish independence referendum (by 52-48%) do you think they would still be arguing that they didn’t really understand the yes no question and that there should be another referendum because some people may have changed their minds.
I think they would be off like a shot.
If the Scotch had won independence how much would they have to pay us as in the £39 billion the eu is taking us for.
It’s the same situation, us leaving the eu, Scots leaving us.
UKIP and Brexit Party.
Get your acts together and come to an agreement where the leave vote will not be split. That is what WE, the leavers, want you to do.
Once we’re out you can challenge each other but leaving is what we all want and you both could stop it happening with your petty squabbling.
Anybody else find that daft clot Kenneth Clarke’s whining, blathering voice a big turn off?
“Anybody else find that daft clot Kenneth Clarke’s whining, blathering voice a big turn off?”
Jerry McCann.
SNP – Blackford.
Ken Clarke.
Which one of these delightful wingers should make the use of his brief visit to the English Parliament; then back of home and never to be heard of again?