Will Labour and the Tories stitch up the British people again – aided by the BBC with a sell out to avoid EU election humiliation ?
Nearly 1500 labour and Tory councillors have just lost their nice seats . Thousands of voting papers have been spoilt .
What next ?
Today, Democracy fought back.
Parliament thought they could belittle the little people with their Brexit betrayal.
Our smug, corrupt and arrogant Parliament is not smiling now.
Backlinks : If you missed Friday
all the posts were on page4
..and just overspilled on to page5
..Election results, spoilt ballots
..stuff about the aggression on TR ..Thursday night had Johnny Mercer praising it.
No surprise that police choose not to do their job when it comes to a ‘certain kind of victim ‘ . And they run off to their police station .
Judging by past experience TR will get an early morning visit to arrest and attempt to derail his attempt to be elected. The press will get a ‘tip’ of course .
The bbc might even bring a helicopter along in the ‘ cliff richards’ method . Good Luck TR
Didn’t Tommy set up a website or something, somewhere .
So people can keep up with the latest ,
But seems Google have hidden it, under 6 miles of mainstream
milkshake garbage.
Anyone remember the address ?
There’s https://www.votetommy.co.uk/
and https://www.tr.news/
You can do stuff like follow LucyFrown on Twitter etc.
There is only one truth, only true story of anything
..but there are dozens of other stories that aren’t the full truth.
.. The libmob habitually do a PR trick of playing the victim so get out the outrage bus…and media play along with this.
Tommy plays against this when stuff happens to him
He plays back the analogy of what would happen if it happened to libmob person.
I won’t judge him., but actually since libmob’s outrage is FALSE
we shouldn’t feel outraged for TR.
Incident #1 Brainwashed Muslim boy “assaulted” 2 women
.. No he didn’t he was just pushing etc.
..We know what real assault is in our dictionary
.. The fact the police just ignored it and drove away is interesting ..like the police commander that day was Antifa-friendly (that often happens ..but police are often LGBTQ activists etc. )
Incident #2 Brainwashed Muslim-boys Milkshake throwing was NOT assault either
even tho libmob when it happens to them, say it is .
It was “lashing out”, that comes from Cognitive Dissonace
.. Tommy the bogeyman is being reasonable to the guy
.. so his brain goes “doesn’t not compute, bogey man is evil” that’s the CogDis
and lost for word Muslim-boy reflexively lashes out,
It is not premeditated aggression etc.
The same thing happened before
On the Day For Freedom ..Antifa-girl just couldn’t stand up to BasedAmy being reasonable..thus CogDis kicked in
.. Antifa-girl reflexively spat in Amy’s face .
All talk of acid is ridiculous, there was never any real danger to TR
..just a frustrated kid with a milkshake in his hand, losing the argument so lashing out.
Incident #3 When Angry woman suddenly reached out and punched TR WAS REAL assault ..and she should have been dealt with.
You should never lash out with our fists , cos you risk getting a lucky punch and killing the person, or taking their eye out. It really does happen
And as an adult she should know this.
If you lose your temper all you can do is scream and back away.
TR’s team were in the wrong there, cos they didn’t have control of the situation. Whilst TR was talking to the other woman, they should have been protecting his sides.
But again it is different to the Corbyn egg thing, cos she didn’t come premeditated.
It was the Antifa orgnisers who were breaking the law
..cos they deliberately planned to breach the peace, by having the motivation of physically stopping the free speech and movement of another person ie TR
The police on that day either lacked the will or the numbers to enforce the law against breach of the peace.
Recently the police have often been good against antifa
..and recognised that breach of the peace doesn’t happen when antifa are properly kettled.
TR is not trying to stop antifa’s freedoms, they are trying to stop his.
Tommy is forced to pay for his own security because the authorities are unwilling through fear and unable through incompetence to do their job (of preventing breach of the peace by antifa or others).
He has been accepted as an MEP candidate and therefore is going about his lawful business.
Irrespective of one’s views of TR or his entourage, his experiences plainly illustrate the inequality and corruption of the system.
We say, oh we don’t hunt witches like in the olden days – but we do.
Tommy Robinson, much as I admire and respect the guy, has a disturbing tendency to edit out facts to try to embellish his story. I saw another clip of the milkshake Muslim which shows Tommy trying (or succeeding) to punch him immediately after he throws the milkshake. His security jumps the guy while also holding Tommy back.
Here, at 9:25 minutes in, the video is cut a few seconds after the milkshake is thrown. A security guy is seen tackling milkshake Muslim, Tommy moves towards him and his right hand is drawn back, preparing to punch (but he can’t as the security guy is in his way) and then the rest goes down the memory hole.
Dunno about UK law, but it seems to me that if evidence can be presented that Tommy did actually punch milkshake Muslim, he could be charged with assault since at that stage his adversary had been immobilized by security and no longer presented a threat.
It’s vital that Mr. Robinson control his temper. Otherwise his enemies will take him down as they have practically the entire corrupt and shameful system on their side.
nah ..it’s a reasonable reaction to punch out after someone has transgressed physically.
it’s like a reflex action
I have no problem with someone punching someone who has just thrown sticky muck over his face and suit.
But Tommy Robinson is in a more serious challenge now than a street fight, and his enemies in the establishment will not be ‘reasonable’ about his actions.
Evidently he doesn’t agree with you, otherwise he would not have edited his punches (or attempted punches) out of the video.
@TrueToo “otherwise he would not have edited his punches (or attempted punches) out of the video.”
Of course did I believe you
cos … when I watch TR’s own 15 min video the confrontation appears at 9min and does appear to have a quick cut
BUT but when I check for a full video
I find that far from TR’s reflexive counterpunch lasting seconds, it really is over so quickly you barely see it .
There wasn’t anything to edit out
TR said he didn’t know what liquid had been thrown at him
.. So that might excuse him
How should a public figure react when a sudden attack happens ?
He needs to preserve his own life , so moving towards the attacker does seem counterproductive, though that would work for a lone street fighter.
If TR had made a contact punch I think it would be all over Youtube
..He didn’t so it isn’t
Danny Tommo’s Twitter has footage of the 3 attacks on TR that day
Remember that Labour tosser Prescott who smacked a man and got away with it? But hey! It’s a Labour MP, not the extreme, right-wing, racist (have I forgotten anything?) Tommy Robinson
Forgotten anything Joe? Of course you have. Tommy Robinson’s real name is Steven Yaxley-Lennon.
There, that’s better, isn’t it?
What did the Beliar say when Mr Prescott punched an egg thrower? ” That’s just John being John”.
Rules and the law aren’t applied equally and the swamp rats expose that truth every day.
The authorities are unlikely to protect Tommy R, as he exposed their deliberate ignoring of the cries of tens of thousands of young girls gang raped for decades by PakistanI muslims. A war crime that has no precedence in history.
RE oringinal assault on TR:
Far be it for me to prejudge, but gingers always have a bit of a temper….maybe the neanderthal gene
Fedup…Of course they will stitch us up. Labour was always going to and May has turned the Tories into a something alien to what Conservatism used to stand for. Even now she is trying to use todays results to push through her appalling so called deal.
Before anybody can draw any conclusions from the Local Elections we need to see the actual numbers that voted for each Party in each constituency. The number of seats changing hands means nothing if the winning Party received roughly the same amounts of votes as in 2015. In theory a Party could win with less votes than 2015 if their opposing Parties failed to gain support due to failure to leave EU.
The better indication will be the European Elections, assuming Tories and Labour frightened by the possible results, allow them to go ahead or scupper them by pushing through May’s diabolical ‘not really leaving deal’.
Lets hope The Brexit Party get a big result CUuk perform poorly and the Tories and Labour are humiliated. This should prove to be the second referendum with a clear option to leave without a deal on WTO terms.
I cannot understand why the protest moved to the democracy defying Liberal party and not to UKIP. Some voters even went to the Lucas’s Green party. Perhaps it shows the power of the MSM to determine the narrative .
LibDems: A fairly safe pair of hands when dealing with local authority issues where their liberal policies can do very little harm from a national perspective.
UKIP and Brexit party was not available for me. Thus voted LibDems. They are safe in locals as they cant do any harm, and actually keep Labour in check. Would never vote for them in EU or general elections.
For a moment the LibDems were under the impression that their success was an indication that the nation wanted to be a staunch EU member. But they were soon disabused of that notion.
Martin, unless we know what the number of votes cast for each Party we will not know if the Libs have become more acceptable to the Voters. Maybe they have won seats with about the same number of votes as 2015 in which case it is the lack of support for other Parties and not an increase in support for Libs. UKIP has become discredited over the past year or so and without Farage there is no credible leadership. If the European elections are allowed to proceed I will be voting for The Brexit Party who I know would not be able to easily form a government in a General Election, but I see the European elections as the ONLY means of sending the correct message to MPs of all colours, a message they will still no doubt try to obfuscate or ignore. The Tories MUST get rid of May NOW the worst Prime Minister ever.
@martianonlooker #1 I was stunned when I was at a UKIP meeting and they told us the official policy is to vote green if a UKIP candidate is not available
So that if the Tory or Labour is beaten by the Green then that means the Tory or Labour block is smaller and has more difficulty
If the Tories are ruling cos they have 30 seats vs Labours 29
..and then a seat falls to the Greens the Tories get punished cos they lose control.
To me a good Labour person, is better than a bad conservative
but there is no such thing as a good green, cos they use maths and science of lalaland , not this planet.
Thus I did a protest vote instead.
#2 The second reason green vote inc reased is cos of all the free advertising the BBC/XR joint campaign has been giving them.
” …a good Labour person..”
And therein lies the difficulty.
UKIP is not getting as much press, nowadays. It’s all going to Farage’s BREXIT party. Much as though I like the current UKIP Leader, Batten, he doesn’t have the charisma that Farage has. And, MSM can conveniently ignore UKIP because Farage is here…
Which leads me to think….. Does Farage have another agenda? I have met him in the past as a UKIP candidate and liked him…. But…..
It’s proving very difficult to find figures for those spoilt papers. The BBC mentioned this evening that they existed, and showed examples on the News at Ten. One of which, of course, said “Stop Brexit”.
But while they are happy to show us charts of seat changes etc., actual results and percentages appear to be a State secret. Thus making more meaningful analysis impossible. My suspicion is that LibDem triumphs are less due to an increase in their vote than the Labour & Tory votes round them disappearing.
full spoilt paper stats will appear in due course , probably on Wikipedia
Some councils released full results on Friday
but not my council
TR’s assault at the hands of the fascist-Left shows how scared they are.
The people are fighting back. The people have had enough.
The BBC are strangely quiet. Good.
BBC have a page it was mentioned on the last thread
The BBC are strangely quiet about the implications.
In all the excitement the unfolding scandal of Gavin Williamson and Sir Mark Sedwill seems to have been overlooked by the BBC. At least ITN news covered the next and fast growing problem for our Prime Minister – she might even be forced to resign over it. Wouldn’t that be exciting?
None of which, of course, goes to explain why on a day of such massive turbulence for her party, she elects to skulk away in Llandudno – a worthy town, no doubt, but hardly a political epicentre. Surely it would be grossly unfair to accuse our second female PM, no matter how disappointing by comparison with the first, of cowardice in the face of the enemy?
She’s probably on a 3 day walking holiday . The weather looks cold and wet – which is good news .
Her husbands mother ? Lost her Tory councillor seat apparently . That will be a good bedtime chat …
Blimey! With an old man who looks to be clinging to life by a thread, his mother must have been the oldest Tory councillor in history – even though her seat might well have been a commode.
Do blue rinses prolong life? This could be a major medical breakthrough.
Maybe she was hoping to learn some new dance moves:
LBC this morning, I think it was or maybe talkRadio, David Gauke trying to distract us from the swamp rats beating by announcing some new initiative or other. I couldn’t be bothered to listen so I can’t say what it is.
Oh, and it was king rat Philip Hammond’s mother in law who lost her seat ( sad face, crocodile tears from me).
it’s not like the EU military stuff has been kept out of the news …… is it?
Suspicious things happening in the US in regard to manufactured military equipment, particularly personnel carriers –
Relevance? Go to 14 minutes in and draw your own conclusions as to what’s coming to Europe in the not too distant future and, importantly, why that should be. Scary.
Most of the time we don’t know about stuff but are merely guessing from afar, so we should have an open mind instead of having certainty beyond the available evidence.
you can’t criticise anyone from afar , you haven’t walked in their shoes.
I often see people on something they view as a draughts game
.. but in reality what’s going on is a game of 3D chess.
That describes mosts armchair commenters certainty about Trump.
and I think a similar thing is happening in the way people comment about UKIp vs the Brexit Party
Many arguing that UKIP can’t afford to alienate the press so shouldn’t have the hotheads.
But seems to me that people don’t FOR things, …. they vote AGAINST things
..and politicians and the media …. are the things a lot of the people are strongly against
..So many people are AGAINST politicians and the media.
… If it is clear that you are on the OPPOSITE site to politicians and the media, many people will get attracted to voting FOR you.
Likewise Trump knows he doesn’t have to appease the pseudo-libs they’re never going to vote for him anyway.
Stew, and remember, once you’ve walked a mile in someone’s shoes you can say whatever the hell you like about them – cos you’re a mile away, and you have their shoes :0)
There is no compromising or debate with today’s progressive left. Their mad ideas have to be outlawed or life in the western world will become very grim.
Because it is only the white western countries they are determined to ruin. Western governments nowadays routinely cave in to the left’s strident demands as if they had a death wish. Mostly I suspect the leaders are complicit.
Any supposedly right-leaning politician who believes they’ll win over the MSM or your average Labour, Green or Lib-Dem supporter should give up politics.
Many people have a herd mentality and they have been brainwashed for too long. Civil strife might be the only way to wake the sheep up, before all us ‘gammons’ end up as overworked starving slaves in the island gulag formerly known as Britain.
Posting for @Demon
\\ Demon May 4, 2019 at 12:05 am
I’ve realised that I don’t like the council results, inasmuch as the Brexit Party was not able to put up candidates.
Since yesterday morning some Lib Dem and Green voters have died. Some people will have turned 18 today and it’s only fair they should be allowed to vote.
Some old people voted Libdum (e.g. Cable) and some voted Green (e.g. Attenbrough – probably). These old people were voting selfishly for their own interests and not thinking about the young people.
Clearly those who voted for the Libdums and Greens didn’t know what they were voting for. I demand therefore we have a People’s Council election. Not recognising the election of yesterday means I am a democrat as having a second vote and ignoring the first is what the Libdums believe is democracy.//
..not the official trades description name is “Illiberal Anti-Democrats”
Assuming that the Brexit Party dominates everything for the next month or two, an election is off the table (lest they be the kingmakers in a coalition) so that means 2 years of nothing. We can only hope that Nigel and his friends are annoying enough that Brussels gives up and tells the UK to sod off (WTO rules).
A scribbling and thoughts on the couple of days
When is she going to do the honourable thing and resign?
Why does the party not undermine and dump her, as she has undermined and dumped them?
She is a Remainer and a constant saboteur of Brexit, with her deliberately unpassable ‘deal’.
Strategy learnt from her buddy ,Merkel. No doubt, they are working together. WE NEED TO WAKE UP TO THIS!
Until Tories get rid of her, they are stuffed, Brexit is stuffed.
Like Merkel, she needs to be physically carried out of her office. Stuck to her chair with superglue, they both are. HONOUR AND RESPONSIBILITY ARE CONCEPTS UNKOWN TO THEM!!!
Both have worked out what is their No1 aganda, when they have actually little support in their countries: to stay put in power, regardless -mouthing meaningless phrases as they cling on..
Will we be getting a May/Corbyn coalition on Brexit? A la coalition in Germany?
I wish Nigel and Gerard would form an alliance and sweep the b……..s away!
May couldn’t give a fig if she has brought disgrace upon herself or upon her family, so the prospect of disgracing her party would be last on her list of shame – as long as she who will go down in history – as “the PM who saved her country from financial destruction” (in her own opinion) and also for the sake of her international banking buddies.
This is why she isn’t affected one bit by the shouts for her resignation and the backbenchers trying to have her sacked. You only need to look at her face her expressions of contempt towards her critics is very worrying.
Never in my life have I seen the perfect example of the old saying: “Absolute power corrupts absolutely” coming true until today; displayed by this PM.
What is the most important fact about South Africa?
a) Caster Semenya -a hero of the BBC, who drone on endlessly about her, and her testosterone levels?
b) Beeb reports this a.m. that President Ramaphosa has sorted out the ANC after the ten years of corruption and looting of the state by Zuma. (His claim) Beeb happy to broadcast this ANC propaganda, without question! AFTER ALL ELECTIONS ARE COMING and the BBC have got to assist their ANC buddies!!
c.) With the exception of tourist showpieces in the Cape, eg Cape Town Waterfront, the country has been trashed, since 1994. Most cities have been converted from 1st world fully functioning, clean and orderly showpieces into filthy , run-down Third world dumps, by the CORRUPT ANC, favourites of the BBC, who will broadcast the garbage they put out, without question.
This will NOT be reported on by the beeb.
Nor will the ongoing attacks on white farmers and their black workers, with murder, torture, rape, whatever it takes. See ‘admin@South Africa.web’.
As always, propaganda, wishful thinking and groveling submission to the ANC dominate the BBC’s ‘reports’ on South Africa.
Years ago I uncovered a BBC audio report from September 1992 on the ANC-led march on the Ciskei homeland. One of the leaders was Ronnie Kasrils – the communist subversive who rose through the ranks to become a minister in Thabo Mbeki’s government. Another was Cyril Ramaphosa. The BBC report tiptoed delicately around the fact that this march was actually an intended coup to topple the Ciskei government and the marchers were referred to as ‘demonstrators,’ even though they had broken through the border fence, resulting in many being shot by Ciskei forces.
More ‘news’ from the most-trusted broadcaster.
I wonder if the bbc can join dots at all?
Get them while they are young, and in the heart of your enemies, Aunty.
This is sweet. Government, business, XR and, of course, the children, being used all together…
He and AOC should get a room.
Lucky any who might have doubts about unilaterally banning debating such things have been dealt with.
Smart meters are a scam making somebody rich at the expense of consumers.
The massive delays and screwups of the smart meter prog
show there is a huge difference between having a greendream, setting targets
… and the real world.
How can you get rid of CO2 by 2025
When the smart meter rollout is way way off its installation targets ?
There is a logical fallacy in that ad
“Smart meters can’t solve climate change on their own but with the smarter, more efficient energy grid they help to create, they’re a start.”
Well …” Sleeping with Anne Widicome
isn’t the same as your goal of sleeping with Victoria Beckham & Cheryl Cole at the same time
..but hey it’s a start”
P*ssing in the wind is still p*ssing in the wind.
Likewise the Smart meter advert guy, is going to be in the pub tonight saying
“hey you want to sleep with George Clooney, but if you sleep with ugly old me that’s a start”
If leccy meters have a 40 year life
..then replacing yours after only 10 years, causes costs and CO2 today that wouldn’t have happened.
The only future use of the smart meter is to cause your washing machine or fridge-freezer to switch on in the middle of a windy night instead of a windless daytime when gas has to be burnt to power them.
Still then you have to get back the ££ and CO2 costs lost in the early installation of the smart meter.
“Isn’t that a political message in your photo? Does that break ASA rules?”
.. He’s right , Harra has made a news story which uses kids and political placards as its preview graphic
SmartEnergyGB have then, used that same graphic in their PR/advertising ..therefore it is political advertising.
Clearcast ad-selling agency previously refused to carry the Iceland palm oil advert
.. cos since it was based on Greenpeace material, it was political.
And they knew they could get in trouble with the ASA for it.
@GuestWho . that SmartMeter Twitter promo

There is something bizarre
Our discussion looks strange, cos if people look at the same tweet , today Sunday it shows a picture of kids doing a lie-down protest, the political-Placard graphic has gone.
Is this cos of a complaint to the ASA ?
No, even tho the illegal POLITical Twitter promo was there for 3 days, the graphic changed automatically
This is cos in one of its multiple stealth-edits 3 days ago BBC Team Haarabin changed the BBC Webtsory graphic ..but Twitter’s cache of link-preview-images has taken 3 days to update itself
My Twitter discussion shows screenshots
Here is one of the top of the page showing how the main graphic was changed.
Well I never. Fran and Tony must be so proud.
Climate change is pushed so relentlessly by the BBC et al because it’s seen by them as a way to unify the world because the only way to tackle a Global phenomenon, real or imagined, is by taking concerted action worldwide. It furthers the Globalist agenda and is therefore extremely useful to the liberals and progressives. So much the better if they can brainwash young folks and drive wedges between them and older more sceptical people, all grist to the Globalist mill.
“Think of the children ”
… means think about the kids groomed/raped/traded/prostituted in northern towns
..and ignored by the metroliberal establishment, who have still failed to wipe it out.
… and the black kids who are stabbing each other.
Not the PR games of the Greenblob.
Just look at this sad group if children. How (and where) could one possibly begin to explain why they are so wrong, and make them understand the reasons why?
Their blinkers have been welded on by parents and teachers alike, whilst their brains have been addled with so much unbelievable rubbish – I fear they are smitten for life.
So sad. Education has lost its meaning.
Not surprised about brainwashing the young. This has been going on for decades in Pali controlled territory, and some mosques in the West. Murder, murder, beading etc.
As for Climate Change gobbledegook, its clear that the Climate Change fraudsters are running out of tax payers money – specially as Trump has cut the US out of it. That is why their forecasts are getting increasingly frantic. Now its not just NY or London will be under water in 10 years, but its an Extinction event in 12 years. Yup. Humanity and all animals are going to be wiped out in a major extinction event, like the Cretaceous event, 66 million years ago, where 76% of all species were lost.
No wonder children, specially emotional young girls are freaking out. Its a crime to exploit the emotional vulnerability of the young.
And on Ramadan
The BBC is busy educating us all about wonderful Ramadan. Muslims are guided to fast and be kind and tolerant etc.
1. Most Muslims gain weight during Ramadan, as they pig themselves after dark .
2, Doing Jihad in Ramadan counts as double points. That is why there is an uptick of jihad murders at Ramadan.
Ramadan Death Count by the year
Five Live bitching lengthily about there not being any female Formula One drivers. Apparently the issue is a lack of role models.
Is it not that motor racing is a quintessentially male pursuit? Boys and their toys and all that. All that stench, noise, danger and spoiled brats – it would be hell on Earth for my lady. Do all those little girls playing with dolls really wish they could grow up to be racing drivers like the little boys playing with cars?
It is yet another complete non-issue that the Beeb focuses on because it is such a safe subject. Plus there’s lots of money in motor racing. Which explains why the lack of males in netball is never discussed.
Why must ‘equality’ mean men and women being the same? Equality means treating everyone with the same level of love and respect (provided they earn it.). It does not mean sameness. I love my wife and our differences are a source of strength. Alas by pretending any unequal outcome is ‘oppressive’ the equalities racket continues apace.
There have been some reasonably talented women in motorsport (Michelle Mouton was a very good rally driver and Danica Patrick had a fair record in IndyCar, for example) but at this point in time there are no female racing drivers who are good enough to race in F1. The BBC is, of course, well aware of this but mere facts mustn’t be allowed to get in the way of their highly important role as pedlars of moronic agendas.
maybe something to do with the five point turns going into the pit lanes, just saying…
Ha ha!
Writing as one who in younger days stood at the trackside fences watching the action, more females, esp. more single females, involved in a largely male activity – in any role – would have been most welcome.
Despite all the brainwashing, examine the behaviour of the young in a supermarket for instance.
The girls walk along with their mothers, being helpful. The boys though have to be restrained by Dad from wandering off. Too, the boys will walk along, feigning karate kicks, or I’m a tough guy, watch out.
It gives me immense satisfaction, that despite all the pressure in schools from female teachers on boys to be like girls, boys will always overturn the applecart.
That is why civilisation will survive.
The Conservative party has to be defeated.
Sacking May will only result in another Remainer taking charge and continuing the treason.
I don’t like conspiracy theories (ok actually I quite like them to be amused by them) but I do wonder how contrived and calculated was Mrs May’s leadership of the Conservative Party. I can remember when we were down to just two candidates. I hadn’t heard of or seen Andrea Ledsome but knew that I didn’t want Mrs May. Mr D had seen an interview with Andrea which I hadn’t seen, and told me (I always do what I am told – like heck) that I couldn’t possibly vote for Andrea. When I finally saw her being interviewed I understood. I still wonder if a deliberately weak candidate was put up against Mrs May – or left in the final ballot – to ensure Mrs May’s leadership of the Conservative Party, by senior Tories who knew what Mrs May’s version of Brexit would be (no Brexit at all).
Deborah, I think Andrea Leadsom was catapaulted in to the limelight by a very good performance in a Brexit debate which had Boris on the back foot as he was nastily assailed by two of his own party colleagues Amber Rudd and Ruth Davidson on the remainer side. I recall that Leadsom was praised by several sources for her role in that debate as being outstanding in comparison to the others. A lot of people thought ‘here is a future leader’. It turned out that she played above her form that night. It happens in sport as well as politics.
I strongly doubt there was any conspiracy.
As I said before , interesting how our minorities treat other minorities….
Video shows ‘drunk woman’ scream homophobic abuse at man on the tube before punching him and spitting in his face then attacking a fellow commuter as she tries to intervene
And servants…..
Queen gave ‘Meghan a dressing down’ for scolding Windsor Castle staff over egg-free macrobiotic dishes for the royal wedding, author claims
Duchess, 37, visited Windsor Castle in run up to Royal Wedding to taste the food
She wanted macrobiotic alternative and complained she could taste egg in dish
Katie Nicholl said the Queen told Meghan ‘we don’t speak to people like that’
Bet Megs has a few extra things now in her meals that she can’t taste.
She was good in ‘suits’ though .
Never upset the catering staff .
We have to prepare ourselves for the wall to wall fawning when the latest member of the Civil List arrives ( of 2? ) and it’s name – which will reflect its ‘heritage ‘.
The Queen should have excused her behaviour. After all she is a woke liberal luvvie and they can do as they wish because they are on the side of the righteous.
I believe that the Queen, as a Christian, understands that we are all equal in the eyes of God. She has never allowed the accident of her fortunate birth to fool her into believing anything else. Hence her impeccable manners when dealing with people from all backgrounds and her unflinching dedication to serving her country. That is why she has earned the love and respect of her people.
Then we get a character like Meghan Markle. A vulgarian of the highest order. The monarchy seems to believe they need new blood to become modern and stay relevant. They have started to marry people from outside aristocratic circles. But what they also need to remember is that they are still looking for class acts, not just somebody who happens to tick loads of progressive boxes. A class act like Kate. Not someone like Meghan.
Was this in the Express, by any chance – the paper that the Queen apparently phones up every day to reveal her private thoughts and to update on the latest gossip?
Aside from the assault, there are two other issues from this:
1. Is she actually drunk or is this the standard MSM issue of trivialising female wrong doing? One can imagine her defence brief wittering on that the alcohol made her act out of character etc etc. No doubt our justice system would empathise with her by letting her off.
2. She has a ‘straight off the boat’ African accent that highlights our complete lack of border controls. We need a system that can refuse entry and deport wrongdoers.
Coming home on the train yesterday, a black woman was yelling into her mobile about work arrangements for the weekend (she clearly worked in catering/hospitality) and then started laughing about the last wedding she did: “Somebody didn’t turn up and this JEWISH guy said ‘Does anybody want Helen’s share?'” Oh, ho-ho-ho! (Sarc) Those Jews, they’re incorrigible!
Parents of four daughters whose lives were shattered by Manchester bomb blast say ISIS bride Shamima Begum who defended the bomber doesn’t deserve legal aid and reveal they’re getting a pittance in comparison
Robert and Claire Dowson were at the Manchester Arena with their daughters
They were among hundreds injured as they exited the concert two years ago
Sophie, 19, Charlotte, 14, Amy, 12, and Molly, nine learned of Begum’s return
They were too terrified to sleep when they found out she might get legal aid
White Lives Don’t Matter.
Before the last general election I vaguely remember Nicky Cambell in one of his R5 Your Calls being in raptures about being able to place that cross on that ballot paper in this wonderful democracy of ours. At the time I thought what a load of ballots! But on Thursday I was in raptures at being able to spoil my ballot paper, as many have, in protest.
Things are warming up nicely in the USA. It seems highly likely that AG Barr is going to do his duty and investigate the failed coup in detail. It’s therefore almost certain that household names in the US will be indicted, tried and punished over the next year or so. A spin off will be a further massive blow to the credibility of the MSM who have pursued Russian collusion whilst knowing it was a hoax , and probably knowing it was part of a much wider conspiracy, and suppressing knowledge of great wrong doing by the Democrats and the security services. This is certainly far bigger than Watergate and probably the biggest political scandal in US history. The President is going to make sure that every American knows this . To a lesser extent the MSM in the UK can be tarred with the same brush. Surely even the dumbest non partisan, non political person can begin to join up the dots and see that the BBC, which they are forced to pay for under threat of imprisonment , has been consistently lying to them about this for three years. Even if they continue to pay the LF they can switch the liars off and contribute to the decline in influence of the rotten corporation.
Which would explain why the Democrats have been pushing the meme that Barr lied to Congress. And why Katty Kay has spent much of her time retweeting about it.
My sincere hope is that Britain’s security services were not involved in any way with the FBI fake dossier – despite Steele .
Well folks I tried .. turned on Breakfast with Naga ( who is starting to look like a young Elton John) to catch up on the latest news from the Fuhrers Bunker. Some Historian/ Broadcaster called Tessa spouting nonsense about Vince Cable being one of our most successful Politicians for the last 20 years.
I am struggling with how 2 days of warmth in February is proof positive of Global Warming yet freezing cold May Bank holidays are just weather but then again I’m not one of the 97% of idiots
Womens FA Cup tonight on BBC I bet that’ll be a sell-out have they found a stadium small enough to hold it in?
I’ve almost talked the Mr’s round to not bothering about Eastenders then I am going to tell them to stick their Licence Fee where the Sun don’t shine 🙂
Lock: “I am struggling with how 2 days of warmth in February is proof positive of Global Warming yet freezing cold May Bank holidays are just weather but then again I’m not one of the 97% of idiots.”
Brilliant line. Gave me a good cheering chuckle. Ta.
Wondered about that too, weather isn’t climate unless it supports the agenda, in which case weather is all about climate. Baffling, I think the preferred solution is for trouble makers like you to stop asking questions, after all science has already settled the matter.
I believe it was Mark Twain who said, ‘climate is what you expect, weather is what you get’.
It’s also World Naked Gardening Day (who thinks this crap up). Perhaps I’ll give it a miss seeing as it feels like 4c with the windchill. That’ll save the cat and dog’s blushes.
Olds, and following on from your final eight words above, and thinking of Rob’s pets, after all you have to remember that ‘Nine out of ten breeders prefer it.’.
ta mate have a good day
If you accept that climate change is the new religion, and that religion relies on faith, here’s another quote to help the day go by:
‘Faith is the refusal to accept the unimaginable variety of truth while at the same time denying another his own variant.’
For Lock @8.41. For some reason here in France they’re catching the women’s sport illness from the Beeb but they’re going one better. On one of the sports channels that Mr Kitty watches they’re doing a countdown to the World Cup, no don’t get excited or maybe it will excite you. It’s the Women’s one, I suspect it’s being held up in northern France as down here it’s mainly Rugby that is King or should that be Queen or Trans something, I get so confused nowadays. By the way Lock please think of another comparison to Naga, big Elton and Watford fan here and that’s not fair to Elton whose real name is Reg Dwight lol.
Sorry Kitty – point taken 🙂
There’s a lot of Rameses II about Naga, especially the profile. True, it’s a very, very old, wizened and desiccated mummy, but the likeness is there all the same.
Sajid Javid and Matthew Hancock have ‘drawn the short straws’ and are delegated by Central Office to draw fire after the direst of dire Local Authority election results for the Conservatives.
TOADY Watch #1
The Secretary of State for Health is up and even on a good day, one has the feeling that he is not the sharpest twig on the branch, let alone the whole tree. He manages to make Martha look bright.
On the subject of the MMR vaccine, the nice but dim Matt must realise as most of the nation did in 1999 or 2000 or whenever, that it is the failure of the Government to make the single vaccines available that casts the single biggest finger of suspicion at the MMR vaccine. Especially so after some other rather dodgy vaccine deals were done by Government since.
If the then Labour Government had made a choice of single or mixed vaccine available – that ‘choice’ that they were so keen on for other aspects of their governance – there would now be no problem over possible measles epidemics.
Unfortunately Martha is not bright enough to tackle Hancock on that point.
The three main political parties continue to display utter dishonesty, even with themsleves. The mantra from Treason May is, “….that the public just want us to get on with it….”. No Treason, your ‘sleight of hand’ doesn’t wash: the public want a no-deal not your idea of a, ‘out but really in’ cosy arrangement you call the, ‘Withdrawal Agreement’ which would be a dissaster, particularly for our armed forces.
The problem is, Treason May is taking her orders and instructions from foreign actors. The UK voter does not count. There is no other explanation for Treason’s total adherence to policies at odds with the public.
It was a while ago but there was never this fierce opposition to the vote that got us into the EU. The future was all bright and rosy back then.
As said, Brexit has always been the ‘problem’ to be handled, managed and if possible nullified and not a great opportunity as we were told joining would be.
My word, how things, or is it people, have changed.
If May drags us into the EU and also gives away 5G contract to Huawei, I see disaster for Britain. The US is not going to stand it, and may well throw Britain out of Five Eyes. Also the US will not support the presence of the UK as UNSC permanent member.
I believe PM May does not realise the catastrophe she is leading Britain to.
Some BBC Five Live reporter this morning discussing the election results mentions the good results and who should be considering their future; and only mentions a few of the winners but; goes straight to a female councilor in NI – yes, you guest it, because she is a Lesbian.
Then she does another interview with a Female football player who plays for some English club. She’s was probably a lesbian too but seeing that she only just reported the good news about that NI Lesbian thought it would be stretching her luck abit to have two lesbians on the recently commissioned BBC-Lesbian sports channel. .
Did they point out that she is a councillor for those, because they are not pro-same-sex marriage and are in the main church-going Christians, bigoted, “homophobic” and intolerant fascists the DUP?
Yes, they did mention her as a councilor. They spoke to her live yet she was the only winner they spoke too. Nothing new there then.
No mention of the DUP.
National security.
The Conservative Party has told us what it wants, and that is being rejected with fury by the people. So the Euro elections must at all costs be stopped by Mrs May’s Brino – sorry, ‘delivering Brexit’ – just in time, in a terrible customs union Faustian pact with an anti-Brexit and anti-Semitic Labour Party.
TOADY Watch #2
Matt Hancock again. The S.o.S. for Health (how appropriate an abbreviation!) trotted out the meme that ‘The country is divided over Brexit.’. Am not so sure. I have a faint feeling (OK, I will also admit to a deep hope) that the nation is uniting ever increasingly behind a No Deal, Get Us Out and Away, type-of-Brexit.
Almost certainly the Prime Minister and all the MPs are doing a great job uniting the country against our Parliament and its present incumbents.
The SDLP are spouting that over 50% don’t want Brexit – the voting proves it.
Do the Liberals now control over 50% of the Councils ?
Wishful thinking and for us who would have felt wrong spoiling our papers and had to vote for something.
I reckon around 70% of SDLP and Green votes were protests but in the meantime they can enjoy their apparent but unreal success.
I think we should remind MPs that parliament does not belong to them. It is our parliament.
The best way to that is to vote them all out.
VOTE UKIP or Brexit party.
two questions the beeb doesnt seem to keen to look into from the local elections
1 number of spoiled votes and what the choices were in those wards
2 who are all these “independants” that have managed to get in??
I can’t help but like Anne Marie Waters.
1.8 billion racist discriminating bigots identified.
1.8 billion Muslims support Halal … “Yes, all slaughter is manually carried out by Muslim slaughterman/men whilst Bismillahi-Allahu Akbar is recited.” ONLY MUSLIM (Religious discrimination) MEN (Sex Discrimination).
1.8 billion Muslims support Hajj … “Road sign on a highway into Mecca, stating that one direction is “Muslims only” while another direction is “obligatory for non-Muslims”. Religious police are stationed beyond the turnoff on the main road to prevent non-Muslims from proceeding into Mecca and Medina.” ONLY MUSLIM (Religious discrimination) .
1.8 billion racist discriminating bigots identified as Muslims
New Zealand went over to halal slaughter methods during the 1970s due to their export of meat to moslem countries. Most NZ meat imported here in the UK from NZ is halal.
A heathen prayer is blasted over a tannoy as the animal chokes in its own blood .
Stunning is described as a compromise but frankly little is known of the animal’s conscious states. It might be fully aware of its horrid death but due to stunning unable to express any form of awareness.
Halal is rapidly becoming the most widespread slaughter method in the UK.
We are now being told that we have to stop eating meat to save th world. Tell that to the moslems, ask the lefty environmentalists to tell it to the moslems.
“Tell that to the moslems, ask the lefty environmentalists to tell it to the moslems.”
1) I can just see it now; every one in the British Isles will no longer eat meat except the moslims.
2) Meaning, that only the meat eaters will end up being the stronger, the fitter, work longer, play even stronger.
3) Meaning that in the not too distant future the Moslims will be controling the white Christian population as the well known evolution phrase:
4) “Only the strongest will survive”
5) “Will rule”.
In other words:
6) One’s diet does matter just as the book of Genesis advises us to eat meat.
Too, beheading of unbelievers is a fate for all non-Muslims. (When the time is right).
Week in Westminster
When you listen to this programme you really do get that the metro bubble is so far out of connection with majority voters that they have no idea .
All those vote cards with ‘ Brexit ‘ written on them – and what do they want to talk about ?
A Tory Minister getting sacked when no one gives a damn about Tories any more – and talking about the next Tory PM when it could hopefully be gone and replaced with ‘ new tory’ properly right wing .
Not a clue . Drain the swamp
They didn’t pick up on, “The results mean we have no choice but to negotiate a Brexit deal with Labour” ?
I do hope Williamson (Innocent till proven etc.,) gets his moment in court or at least gives May a little strife.
They didn’t pick up on the ‘no choice’ line because, like all the best room-based elephants, we’re not supposed to notice.
And they might well get away with it too – as long as Dumbo doesn’t fart.
If an Indian leaves India and becomes British Indian do they no longer believe in the Indian Caste System which Ghandi fought to protect?
That pic reminds me of a Starmer cartoon.
He is ‘entitled’ to an EU job (the ECJ beckons) just as he was ‘entitled’ to be parachuted into his safe Labour seat when Labour HQ bent the rules in 2014 by delaying the selection process until he had been a party member for the required 12 months.
A doctor I did work with believed she was on her last incarnation – next step, goddess and people were all there to serve her and pay her back in this life. If anyone left the her ‘service’ (ie: that particular NHS hospital) it was because they had payed back their ‘debt’ to her.
No kidding?
Yup, strange but true.
She had paid a mystic in India and he told her how it was.
I wonder how many BBC producers/editors read this site? A couple of days ago I commented here on the supporting arms touching those affected by the infected blood and giving evidence at the hearing. Last night on the 10pm news there was a clip of someone giving evidence and you could see – just at the end of the clip – an arm going out to support the person. For once the BBC didn’t zoom in on it and if I hadn’t become previously aware of it, I would probably not have noticed. Did the BBC editors/producers realise that this appeal for sympathy had been overdone? I am not criticising those who have been affected but the PR that surrounds them.
I’m sure some beeboids read it for personal entertainment because They Know Better and think nothing will ever change . It will .
they read it
just so they know what to dish out MORE of
See the speech
Apologies for going on about this (and not the bBC) but it’s important, and ignored.
Apparently they have been told time and time again about this and done NOTHING :
How Facebook is STILL allowing anti-Christian fanatics to peddle extremism – despite claiming crack down on content promoting ‘violence and hate’
They banned conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and far-right Milo Yiannopoulos
Pakistani cleric Khadim Hussain Rizvi is allowed to spread anti-Christian hate
Holocaust denier Alison Chabloz is also still allowed to keep a Facebook profile
Week in Westminster 2
Mary Creagh – one of those ‘ I know better lefties ‘ in the mould of cooper balls – describes with relish how the nonsense ‘ climate emergency ‘ was going to lead to ‘ lifestyle changes ‘ . No personal car ownership – less or no red meat – that kind of stuff .
The times journo didn’t challenge – I could hear him nodding .
Lefties using climate stuff to control freedom and live the way that they approve of .
Drain it.
Don’t fret Fed,
I’m just about to fire up the bar b q in order to cook some red meat.
Tomorrow will be using a 2.2 litre diesel to tow a 20ft boat to the coast, once there I will be using a 50hp 2 Stoke to power the boat on its first outing of the year.
May also try and catch a fish, provided the euro trawlers have not raped our coastline over the last few months, ahead of being banned cos of Brexit etc etc…
I used to love listening to The News Quiz, especially when Barry Took was the chairman and Alan Coren and Richard Ingrams were the team captains.
I turned in today and heard “an exciting comedienne” called Kemah Bob. Her stock in trade seems to be speaking with a bucket of phlegm in her mouth.
The show really has hit a new low.
Me too – quick wit was entertaining – but then got replaced with smug bubble dwellers – friends of beeboids who someone told was funny – doing strained vitriol about President Trump , brexit , and Muslims ( ok – nothing funny about Muslims ). I’m just waiting for C4 to do the answer to ‘Father Ted ‘
‘Imam Mo ‘ featuring 3 paedophile Imams banished to Rotherham ….
Luckily we still have an off switch – but if I remember – in the non fiction 1984 book – there is no off switch in the New Society .
As is often recited here – the BBC doesn’t do comedy no more – just Dads Army from 1974 XIXVXIIII C
I have to laugh Fed when the BBC tells us that Fawlty Towers was one of the funniest comedy shows ever made but now censors it, I’m thinking specifically of the Major’s definitions to Basil of Indians and West Indians.
I hope I may be indulged, as this isn’t about the BBC. Though it very much reflects the BBC viewpoint, and demonstrates that the BBC is but one head of a particularly ugly Hydra. All of which need to be removed from the body.
Retweeted by DB, formerly of this parish. No wonder they have deplatformed TR (NHRN) because this is exactly the sort of thing that vindicates his claims of victimisation and they don’t want him spreading. So the rest of us must do so.
The post perhaps overeggs the pudding by stating the police glorify the attack, but the accompanying video shows they “liked” the attack, revealing how impartial they really are.
looking at the stills and videos, including the one in the Spectator link posted earlier (https://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2019/05/tommy-robinson-and-the-double-standards-of-political-violence/) I am wondering if the milky-shake kid had availed himself of a lid for his drink? I have seen these used for hot drinks and they seem to be quite a tight fit? Are these available for the drink/drinking vessel in question, which looks like a McDonalds product. I notice the chap’s straw is pretty erect and dead centre of the drink..would that be due to being pushed through a hole in the lid or is it wedged in pieces of ice..I have not drunk a milkshake in over 50 years.
It doesn’t look to me that the lid was utilised/on..and not much of the drink looks to have been consumed..could that be deliberate I ask myself?
If there was a lid on McDonalds need to have a look at the design don’t you think? I’d love to know was it lidded or lidless!?
I’m guessing he didn’t buy a bacon burger and fries … good cctv in Maccy Dee but no doubt the police will busily investigating twitter hate crimes ….
>Fedup..you’ve got my taste buds going there almost instantly! I so love bacon (as the kids like to say these days..or is that now bakon? So what flavour of milk shake would be just perfect with a bacon burger (or buttie for oldies like me). You know for me it’s a no-brainer.. it has got to be kiwi fruit.
I wonder what flavour our little milky-shake kid ordered..lucky they don’t do too many of the more acidic flavours..are lemon or lime available or is it just chocolate, vanilla and strawberry?
There are only three flavours for milkshakes – it’s the Law . It’s the last 3 you mentioned .
John nie Mercer has a public appearance tomorrow – some people might be looking for the nearest McDonald’s since he has publicly said its ok to pour milk stake on people – even prospective politicians .
The MSM have not , for some reason, applauded the way TR has embraced the so called democratic process by standing for office . It will be fixed of course.
The idea of TR as an MEP is too much for snowflakes as he can tap into ‘Normal’ people who don’t normally ( and understandably ) engage in voting because they know it’s normally similar career politicians wearing a red or blue badge who could care less about their views – as the referendum shows …
Ricky Gervais blasts the BBC in new interview – Daily Star
To all the (Tory) mp’s who may have to vote on May’s abomination of a WA in the next few days or weeks (to stop the eu elections)
If you support her WA then expect to lose your seat.
We don’t want traitors in Westminster.
Everyone outside the M25 can see this WA is a terrible betrayal and your actions will determine your future.
The council elections was just a warm up.
The libs and greens increased their votes because they are not you and in many cases were the only alternative.
Some, such as Francois, Redwood, Bone and Bridgen will be fine but most of you can now be written off.
You are not fit for purpose.
We don’t want you.
I don’t think they’ll grasp reality until the Returning Officer declared someone else as the new MP for wherever . Ironically it’s more likely to be Labour than anyone else as their hardcore will fill the void left by the absence of conservative activists who rightly no longer believe in their own party .
One of the worst pieces of legislation passed recent was the Fixed Term Act as we can’t force a new election leaving us at the mercy of 500 Traitors .
If the little scrawny scrote who attacked Tommy Robinson had been on the receiving end, it’s a certainty the fascist left would have persecuted the perpetrator, not stopping until they’d forced his employer to fire him and made his and his family’s lives a misery for weeks putting their lives at risk.
And the police farce would have brought charges so fast his feet wouldn’t have touched the ground.
Those in the state swamp who are allowing this to happen and the foot soldiers who love to persecute the likes of Tommy Robinson will eventually get what they deserve. And the next time they need our help, they’ll find themselves all alone to face the invading hordes.
Film of him in the back of a taxi on the way from him ‘mission ‘ was on twitter last night . He sounded like a 1st year student . Must be named and identified by now so that the local police can arrest him on for multiple assaults / affray ?
Greta sent Pesto and Robbo round yet to sort him out?
Yes Taxi – no seat belt though
”Telling my Pakistani dad I don’t want to be doctor”

Could not be bothered to watch it, but best guess:
she has instead chosen a career teaching pigeon English.
FFS, have they really got nothing better to report?
See, we are all European now. Apparently.
This must be why Guy is headed over to do what Obama tried and failed.
Guest and as I said yesterday . On the 24th get ready for the funeral of the Tory Party.
I have a sinking feeling that both parties will connive to get a stinking deal passed before that date. On Tuesday when they meet it will in Tories and Labours best interests to come up with something they can pass as a deal.
what happens to all the costs run up by parties if that happens
What a bummer, you turn up to watch the womans FA cup in your favourite red blouse and half the fans are wearing the same
Why is this not hate speech?
BBC Asian Network Plays Rap Song About Pimping ‘White Girls’ for Money
BBC Asian Network played the song “Chaabian Boyz” by Frenzo Harami, which contains the lyrics “I had a white girl I used to call a cash machine, I got 20 white girls and they will trap [sell drugs] for me, they’re on in the flats laying on their backs for P [money].”
Pure degeneracy.
Helen Richardson,
Just when we think the BBC cannot sink any lower….
unadulterated filth..the song, the people who sang it and those they “play” to..and most importantly our national (-ised) broadcaster that played it on the airwaves..
yep – they are all pure filth!
I look forward to the day of reckoning!!
“Why is this not hate speech?”
Only whites hate, didn’t you know?
If you want to see what a Climate Emergency is like, you’ll have to be quick (the BBC take the images away in the evening) but you will not get a clue from the front page of the i or the Guardian:
Both are keen to encourage more travel and increased CO2 production.
Check out the replies …..just shows how far out of touch these wet blanket lefty do gooders are with the REAL world !!! Great stuff
Apparently the Women’s FA Cup Final took place today. It’s the main story on the bBBC’s sports page.
Wembley was less than half full. Only 43,000 spectators could be bothered to turn up. And to put that into perspective, a few weeks ago Wembley hosted a men’s game between two teams from down in the 3rd tier of men’s football. And the attendance that day was 85,000.
I was going to use the phrase “flogging a dead horse” but I’ll wait a bit because that might well be the next live sporting event on BBC2.
the entire top tier was empty, half the rest of the ground looked empty I would be surprised if it was actually anywhere near 40k
It was reported on R4 in the News as being … ahem ….. 50,000 ……… rounded up, somewhat …..
Having listened to the Proper West Ham game the commentators were claiming that supporters were leaving the London Stadium to flock to Wem ber ley . Having been close to WHFC I’m sure they were leaving early as the transport in the area is a nightmare and they’d won 3-0….
I wish sky would just buy the girl footy rights so proper footy types don’t have to hear about it …. ( ie those like me who are skyless )
I’m surprised that UKIP lost a lot of seats.
I’ve heard that they had fewer people up for election than last time.
Does anyone have an idea of how many candidates UKIP had in the elections compared to last time. Was it half perhaps, or 75% or what.
I would have thought that UKIP would have taken this opportunity to get as many as possible elected in all places given how hated the labcon party is.
Voters often had nobody to vote for meaning the libs and greens got a load of votes just because they were not tory or labour.
A missed opportunity I think.
Next time they will have the Brexit party to contend with.
Why so few candidates (and how many compared to the last council elections)
EG. Ukip stood about 1400 candidates. This was definitely too few but that was all they could manage. There were no more volunteers for the front. Under the ceaseless assault of the media on Gerard Batten Ukip is being squeezed out of the political scene. If it falls then the UK will become one of the very few European countries with out a populist party. (The Brexit Party is elitist in a big way)
After Farage walked away from Ukip a few years ago the party had a disaster with the leadership, credibility and its finances. It has very slowly clawed it’s way back onto the political stage. In the Newport by election recently it was clearly the third party.
The Brexit Party has appeared and it is stealing its thunder at the moment.
There were very good results in some wards for Ukip this election but across the country they did not do well. But not as badly as they did in the two previous local elections.
Many of the papers are saying we could have the coldest May Day Bank Holiday on record come Monday. Seeing that we’ve only had one since 1979 it’s a pretty worthless statistic. But seeing as the BBC made such a big fuss last year when it was the hottest May Day on record, I wonder if they’ll report this one.
The BBC enthusiastically covered the tragic story of the goldfish who was swallowed live.
But for some reason five men stealing and slaughtering two sheep in a city centre flat and the police catching them literally red-handed, but then dropping the case is not interesting enough to cover: https://bit.ly/2JhLDWi
Are they sheepphobic?
What could possibly explain their lack of interest?
They is lambophobic… 😉
@TrueToo I don’t know if you are around
but I’ll put my reply to your TR point below your 3:51pm post
Anyway today’s page is not too full of posts
I guess people are away watching the women’s FA cup
.. or doing Bank Holiday stuff
I’ll reply on the following page.