Will Labour and the Tories stitch up the British people again – aided by the BBC with a sell out to avoid EU election humiliation ?
Nearly 1500 labour and Tory councillors have just lost their nice seats . Thousands of voting papers have been spoilt .
What next ?
Not sure who paid for this, but looking at the comments, pretty good value.
Maybe… just a little popcorn?
Lily’s embedded bbc crew are going to be conflicted.
It is a difficult one to take a view on, especially since few journalists were able to access Syria.
Unfortunately as we know Aunty certainly has plenty of “previous” when it comes to deceit and she has a narrative to weave, (see Panodrama etc) and we do know that the MSM were in collusion with the “White Helmets” when it came to faking some “chemical” attacks. No one in telly audience land cares much about Tommy Robinson but lying about kids dying, could make the sheepy finally realise that they are being taken for fools.
Hopefully Mr Allen has some good evidence, (certainly at a better level than Theresas “Compelling evidence). if he doesnt then he is playing a very dangerous game and will be hung out to dry by the MSM.
However if he is right and does have good evidence – something like this could be the final nail in coffin of aunties already shredded credibility.
Indeed. Likely John Sweeney and Co. have been redeployed.
Must be nice to have limitless defensive reserves.
We are, of course, talking about this professional envy of the world.
Et… encore!
“Theresa May must go now, former Tory leader says”
No !
She should have gone after the last general election. Unfortunately the Tories did not and do not have the bottle. One brave man at the conference in Llangollen asked her ” why don’t you resign”, but the Tory members shouted him down and asked him to leave.
She still has ‘blind’ Tory followers. Just as Cor Bin has his Red ribbon donkeys followers and voters .
If there were any real men, with even a smidgen of patriotism in them, in the Conservative party, they’d kick her out today.
The argument that there’s no one to replace her doesn’t hold water. We’ve been without a proper government for the past three years so a few weeks or months without a Prime Minister can’t be any worse for us than what we’ve got at the moment.
The priority must be to get rid of her, and thereby her team of Civil Service traitors. We can think about the need or otherwise for a replacement afterwards. The country isn’t going to grind to a halt just because Dancing Terry and her gang are no longer directing things.
LBC News………………… “Donald Trump hails ‘jobs, jobs, jobs’ as US employment surges”.
Al Beeb News ?
No doubt this story about one of their favourite lefty luvvies will be all over the beeb… not!
“Emma Thompson the first-class hypocrite! Actress is pictured dining on champagne and beef in £18,000 personal booth on carbon-spewing BA plane jetting to New York days after lecturing us all to stop flying.”
Maybe they are preparing a big story on this one?
Or…. not.
Bbc editorial integrity is a wondrous thing.
The Supreme Knight Commander of National Security and Secretary to the Cabinet Government of the United Kingdom, Mark Sedwill, is the thug who controls the Prime Minister. He is a fanatical Remainer who hates Donald Trump so much he wants to go to Communist China on Tuesday for a three day visit to sell out Britain’s security to Huawei. Sedwill fully supported the Huawei decision and was furious that so many Ministers had questioned his orders. Usually Ministers obey him because they are fearful of his violent temper, which makes it usually not worth going against him. Sedwill lost it so badly over the Huawei leak because elected Ministers dared to go against him and he doesn’t ever brook dissent from democratically elected politicians. Thug Sedwill is also covering up a major bullying scandal at the Department for International Trade. Whistleblowers have exposed a horrific bullying culture within Whitehall, where those who backed Brexit are cut out and sidelined. The thug promoted trade official and Remain supporter Rosalind Campion, who moved to work closely with Sedwill at the Cabinet Office’s Brexit unit. Sedwill promoted her because as the International Strategy Director at DIT, serious allegations of bullying, harassment and discrimination were made within the team she led. Within two weeks, she was ‘approached to go to the Cabinet Office’ in a major promotion. Remain supporters Sedwill and civil service boss John Manzoni were behind the move. The senior official said that Sedwill and Manzoni are part of the problem and not the solution ‘Anyone who disagrees with them and their cohort suffers retaliation’. It was Sedwill who stopped Brexit, ordering Theresa to go to Brussels for an extension, saying that a “No Deal” would cause ‘significant disruption’ and warning Ministers that a No Deal Brexit would weaken his national security apparatus links with communist China and lead to soaring food prices due to his plan to order Theresa to impose sky high tariffs on imports in revenge.
There’s something missing from Mr Sedwill’s life.
Does he know what it is? Based on his behaviour, I doubt it.
It’s fear. He doesn’t think anything will ever happen to him personally. He needs to be fearful of someone or something in order that his wickedness is tempered.
Whatever happened to the BBCs sense of humour?
In these dark days good old satire cheers the soul –
This says it all:
Pro-Muslim bias
Hindu and Sikh leaders in the United Kingdom have accused the BBC of pandering to Britain’s Muslim community by making a disproportionate number of programmes on Islam at the expense of covering other Asian religions,[112] such as Sikhism and Hinduism. However, in a letter sent in July to the Network of Sikh Organizations (NSO), the head of the BBC’s Religion and Ethics, Michael Wakelin, denied any biases on their part.[113] A spokesman for the BBC said the broadcaster was committed to representing all of Britain’s faiths and communities.[113][114]
However, a number of MPs, including Rob Marris and Keith Vaz, called on the BBC to do more to represent Britain’s minority faiths. “I am disappointed,” said Vaz. “It is only right that as licence fee payers all faiths are represented in a way that mirrors their make-up in society. I hope that the BBC addresses the problem in its next year of programming.”[112]
Arab Spring
The overly positive coverage by BBC of the Arab Spring was criticised both from within and outside of the corporation. In June 2012, the head of news Helen Boaden admitted that the coverage was “over-excited”. She attributed this to reporters embedded with the rebels, who produced reports which are “too emotive” and “veering into opinion”.[115]
In June 2012, the BBC admitted making “major errors” in its coverage of the unrest.[116] In an 89-page report, 9 pages were devoted to the BBC’s coverage of Bahrain and included admissions that the BBC had “underplayed the sectarian aspect of the conflict” and “not adequately convey the viewpoint of supporters of the monarchy” by “[failing] to mention attempts by Crown Prince” Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa to “establish dialogue with the opposition”. The report added that “the government appears to have made a good-faith effort to de-escalate the crisis” in particular during a period when the BBC’s coverage of the unrest dropped substantially and that many people had complained that their coverage was “utterly one-sided”.[117]
In 2008, the BBC was criticised by some for referring to the men who carried out the November 2008 Mumbai attacks as “gunmen” rather than “terrorists”.[118][119][120] This follows a steady stream of complaints from India that the BBC has an Indophobic bias that stems from a culturally ingrained racism against Indians arising from the British Raj.[citation needed] Rediff reporter Arindam Banerji has chronicled what he argues are numerous cases of Indophobic bias from the BBC regarding reportage, selection bias, misrepresentation, and fabrications.[citation needed]
In protest against the use of the word “gunmen” by the BBC, journalist Mobashar Jawed “M.J.” Akbar refused to take part in an interview following the Mumbai terror attacks,[121] and criticised the BBC’s reportage of the incident.[122] British parliamentarian Stephen Pound has supported these claims, referring to the BBC’s whitewashing of the terror attacks as “the worst sort of mealy mouthed posturing. It is desperation to avoid causing offence which ultimately causes more offence to everyone.”[123]
A controversial report from BBC accused India of sponsoring Pakistan’s MQM party, a domestic party based out of Karachi, to fund anti-Pakistani activities. However, the only sources BBC managed to mention for this report was “authoritative Pakistani source”, rather than independent investigation.[124] The flawed reporting was severely criticized by India and other prominent journalists like Barkha Dutt.[125] Expectedly, the pro-Pakistan and anti-Indian report was extensively circulated in Pakistani domestic media to fuel propaganda and conspiracy theories.[126]
Writing for The Hindu Business Line, reporter Premen Addy criticises the BBC’s reportage on South Asia as consistently anti-India and pro-Islamist,[127] and that they underreport India’s economic and social achievements, as well as political and diplomatic efforts, and disproportionately highlight and exaggerate problems in the country. In addition, Addy alludes to discrimination against Indian anchors and reporters in favour of Muslim Pakistani and Bangladeshi ones who are hostile to India.
Writing for the 2008 edition of the peer-reviewed Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, Alasdair Pinkerton analyses the coverage of India by the BBC since India’s independence from British rule in 1947 until 2008. Pinkerton observes a tumultuous history involving allegations of anti-India bias in the BBC’s reportage, particularly during the cold war, and concludes that the BBC’s coverage of South Asian geopolitics and economics shows a pervasive and hostile anti-India bias due to the BBC’s alleged imperialist and neo-colonialist stance.[128]
Journalist Christopher Booker has also criticized the BBC for its coverage of India-related matters. He concludes that the BBC’s efforts to reinforce Stereotypes of South Asians has been directly responsible for damaging the image of India, and encouraging racist incidents against Indians, such as the Leipzig University internship controversy.[129]
BBC is also criticised for covering conflicts in South Asia with an anti-India bias. For instance, The network made false allegations that the Indian Army stormed a sacred Muslim shrine, the tomb of Hazrat Sheikh Noor-u-din Noorani in Charari Sharief, and only retracted the claim after strong criticism.[130]
Anti-Hindu bias
Hindu groups in the United Kingdom have accused the BBC of anti-Hindu bigotry and whitewashing Islamist hate groups that demonise the British Indian minority.[131]
In 2005, the Vivekananda Centre London and the Hindu Council(UK) reported an institutional anti Hindu bias and stated that “Anything that may show Hinduism in a poor light is immediately picked up by the BBC programme makers, while anything that may show Hinduism in a glorious light remains ignored by the BBC.”[132]
In March 2012, the BBC referred to the Hindu festival of Holi as a “filthy festival”. The Webster New World Dictionary defines “filthy” as “full of filth, disgustingly foul; grossly obscene; morally vicious or corrupt”. The BBC has since apologised for the offence caused.[133]
Anti-Sikh inclination
In 2009, the BBC Asian Network angered Sikhs for a show in which Muslim presenter Adil Ray expressed that Sikhs should not always carry their kirpan, a ceremonial dagger and key item of their faith. The BBC rejected the charge, but deleted the show from their website.[31]
Anti-American bias
In October 2006, Chief Radio Correspondent for BBC News since 2001[134] and Washington correspondent Justin Webb said that the BBC is so biased against America that deputy director general Mark Byford had secretly agreed to help him to “correct” it in his reports, and that the BBC treated America with scorn and derision and gave it “no moral weight”.[8][135][136]
In April 2007, Webb presented a three-part series for BBC Radio 4 called Death to America: Anti Americanism Examined in which he challenged a common perception of the United States as an international bully and a modern-day imperial power.[137]
Conservative American news commentator Bill O’Reilly has repeatedly sought to draw attention to what he calls the BBC’s “inherent liberal culture.”[138]
An interesting point that Stephen Pound -the fury Commons Clown – made –
That by preventing one group ( Muslims ) being ‘offended’ it actually offends far more people .
It’s stating the obvious . The other effect is that it makes that third world group think it has more power- so pushes at control even more . The effect on the likes of TR shows this .
This nicely falls into a description by Matthew Parris thus.
‘By explicitly including certain groups you implicity exclude other groups’
I find this description neatly sums up many situations, particularly PC nonsense and religious…errr….selectivity.
Well, it is CNN. Surely no other…
“May urges Corbyn to do Brexit deal”
It’s going to be a stitch up, a Brino. The EU is their controller .
Will they use it to halt the forthcoming EU elections to avoid the impending ‘slaughter’?
Three years on and we are still waiting to trade with the world .
It’s all a matter of perspective.
Facebook clearly need to subcontract replies to bbc complaints.
The radio alarm came on and we heard the last 20 minutes of the quasi religious R4 ‘Sunday Programme’.
Within seconds we were hearing about an Islamic community project. Then we heard about the Buddist/Hindu influence on the coronation of the King of Thailand. Then we heard from the first nun to take holy orders in a particular convent for 30 years. She was a pacifist and CND supporter. In other words, absolutely nothing related to the established church of our country. Finally we heard about a report about the appalling global rates of Christian persecution. Surprise, surprise, there are ‘many’ causes of this and we were treated to the example of priests being murdered in Mexico by drug cartels. But obviously NTDWI.
The next programme was the charity appeal. This featured a little child from Northern Nigeria who along with many had been forced to flee to escape death at the hands of…….Boko Haram, the …..errr…….Islamic Terrorist organisation!!!!!!!!! The juxtaposition was clearly lost on the BBC editors.
The biased Islamic Broadcasting Corporation hates its own UK country folk, then stares at the bleedin’ obvious and deliberately refuses to join the dots.
I saw your note at the bottom of the previous page and read your reply to my reply.
There are three uploads I’ve been able to find of the same video of Tommy and milkshake Muslim:
The truth about Tommy Robinson in Warrington
Two uploads with the title: Tommy Robinson attacked on campaign trail
They are all the same video – same length and the same editing out of Tommy’s response to having the milkshake splashed over him at 9:25 in.
Here’s the unedited version – the same or similar to the one you posted yesterday:
I can’t agree that there was nothing to edit out.
Note the number of responses from Tommy: the first, with his left hand, seems to be more of a push than a punch, as if he’s just pushing milkshake boy away. Then there’s a few rapid punches (aimed at the body not the face) with his right, even though security immediately had milkshake boy under control and was already moving him away from Tommy. It’s unclear from the angle of the filming whether any of those punched connected.
As I said, I fully understand his reaction and I’m 100% behind Tommy and his cause and 100% against milkshake boy and his ilk. But I’m disturbed and disappointed that he chose to edit the punches out. This is the precise fake news that he rightly fights against when it comes from the BBC and the rest of the alleged media – the telling of that half of the story that suits your own agenda.
TrueToo Tommy’s attempt to punch the guy was from second 12 of the Guardian video to second 14 of the video
His security held him back and no contact was made
That two seconds to me is “almost nothing to edit out”
You can watch it one quarter speed ..youtube setting
This appeared on my FB timeline from the BBC’s go to gal:
“Of course the ongoing hate campaigns never rests…
There is at least one new conspiracy theory a day.
The latest – and perhaps most entertaining – spin is that ”I can see CO2 with my own eyes”.
This is of course a metaphor from a book taken out of it’s context, taken from a German newspaper.
No one has said that I can literally see CO2… that is beyond stupid.
This should of course not be necessary to mention but since some respected newspapers have written about this without realizing that this is a fake news campaign I thought it was best to point this out.
While I am at it I also want to point out that when I say that ”our civilisation is almost like a castle built in the sand” or that ”our house on fire” these are metaphors too:)
PS This book is written by my family and our earnings from this book will go to charity.”
See… a metaphor. That is all.
For short?
Rog please note.
Greta Thunberg.
She should consider a holiday in the Atlas Mountains.
Guardian Opinion
Sun 5 May 2019 07.00 BST
“Prince Charming is nowhere to be found in our toxic sexual landscape
Barbara Ellen”
“The Hepburn rape case reveals a ruthless, boorish culture that dehumanises women”
The third Guardian article this week which has a female author, has no comments allowed, and specifically attacks white men.
Oh, and which does not feel it is necessary to use the I or M word.
How do you Lefties sleep at night?
They also do tours to Pyongyang, with Greta waiting on an AA battery at the airport.
In other news not deemed noteworthy by the BBC.
God of Chaos asteroid to pass close to Earth in 10yrs time.
The BBC are desperately looking for a headline to implicate Brexit, Far Right, and anyone not supporting Atifa or the Labour party.
” Sources say “Far Right” Asteroid heading to Earth 2 years early to disrupt Climate change prediction by AOC”
If the painting portrayed black slaves with white masters….. that would have been ok to circulate?
There is now a BBC/Left narrative to slavery involving an airbrush.
On LBC now, that Mr Adonis – again. If it’s not Alistair Campbell it’s Mr Adonis. Why is that, don’t they have the phone numbers of anyone else, won’t anyone who else agree to be on the show?
I can’t abide either of these two troublemakers so the radio is yet again switched off.
European Voting form has arrived… 🙁
I think that the Brexit Party will prove to be more popular than UKIP…is that where my vote should go? What say you all?
In an upcoming GE will they stand against each other? Surely they should come to some agreement not to?
“Re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic”………………
You would have thought so, though to be honest even though Farage is very “clubable” (and did get us the BREXIT vote) I do not trust him very much. He is currently basking in MSM coverage (because they want to split the anti EU VOTE) as soon as UKIP and Batten are dead and buried he will be next to be BBC,d!
Though I am naturally inclined towards UKIP (as at least they have policies) and I feel Batten is a more honest politician, I think in areas like London and the south east, the Brexit party would probably be a better choice however in more working class areas away from cities then I would go UKIP.
If Farage and Batten dont talk then we have to try and vote smart ourselves.
Of course with Theresa more desperate than ever to get her sell out through parliament she may well throw herself at Magic Grandpa and offer after her WA sell out is signed to go on a tour of Europe with him on the bank of a motorbike. So you may not have to vote anyway.
The Brexit Party will have by far the biggest vote this coming election.
Ukip will be struggling for votes. However Ukip is much healthier for the country and the people than the Brexit party which is a temporary set-up which will soon implode once the supporters try to agree on a range of policies.
People who can see down the track will vote Ukip. It is important to keep it going. The parties won’t be merging anytime soon.
Plain fact is that a vote for UKIP will waste your vote. They look unlikely to get sufficient votes to get any MEPs. Their tactically stupid tie in with TR (NHRN) has ensured that most of the electorate, who don’t take the time to look into these things, do not want to associate themselves with UKIP.
On the plus side, they are acting as a lightning rod at present, allowing most Brexit votes to go to the Brexit Party and maximise their impact. So I anticipate the smears to start any minute now. Farage isn’t perfect, not by any means but voting Brexit Party is the best way at present to voice dissatisfaction. He’s too weak on Islam but we can’t fight on two fronts and must park that for another day.
I don’t think the Establishment expected the Brexit Party to have quite the impact it has had. I’m sure they intended for it to play the part of controlled opposition but may have created a monster they now can’t control. Hence the unseemly rush to come up with a LabCon deal that stops the EU elections. However that may just prove too much for the base of both parties to stomach and actually hasten their overdue breakup.
Interesting times.
‘….we can’t fight on two fronts and must park that for another day.’ Precisely RD. You can’t do anything at all until you are in power and you can only get into power by appealing to a broad electorate and thus becoming electable.
Once you are in power on the other hand…..
Roland, Beltane, good points there but I have to disagree. Especially with ‘Ukip is a wasted vote’. Remember this is a proportional election and every vote counts. The term wasted vote only applies to the FPTP system. A Ukip and Brexit party bloc would be much more preferable to having just the Brexit party in the EU parliament even if it was just one member.
While the Tommy Robinson link with Ukip has brought problems the real problem was the wet-knickered response of certain prominent people to the media onslaught against Ukip. The Left know Batten is a dangerous man to them. An honest and clever politician. That’s why they won’t let him speak without being barraged by rude over-aggressive and insulting language when interviewing.
The BBC’s John Pienaar interview with Gerard was a disgrace.
A vote for Ukip is a sign to the establishment that the people will not be cowed by media bullying. And it should show Gerard and others like them they will not be abandoned if they have the courage to speak out.
Agreed to a point about the PR system. However, in a 6-member constituency anything less than around one-sixth of the vote, around 16%, risks having no representation. When that bloc of votes could possibly have gained an extra Brexit MEP.
It depends on the voting spread, of course, so may not matter. I just feel we want to maximise the number of Brexit MEPs to make a point and that UKIP’s polling makes it unlikely they will get any MEPs in most regions.
You can be sure that anything less than 50% Brexit MEPs will be spun by the BBC and the traditional parties as people having changed their mind. Frankly, I’d be amazed if we got that high, because there’s a lot of tribal ritual voting, but let’s not make their job easier than it need be.
As an aside, how does the system work for a single candidate like TR (NHRN)? If he gets significantly higher votes than needed, do the surplus votes just vanish? Surplus votes that could have elected another candidate? Does anyone know?
Turned on the Marr show at 10am. Spoken to like a five year old and then said we have four guests to decifer the council election results. Including Scots tory Ruth Davison who didn’t take part in Thursdays elections. All four either remainers or soft brexit. 10.02 am off switch.
As a rule, I don’t watch or listen to any of the utter garbage which emanates from the bBBC (which ironically is why I don’t post much on this site), but at about 10.40 I had the misfortune to listen to a few minutes of some show on 5-Live. I presume it was Pienaar’s Politics (according to their schedule).
Anyway, some foreign-sounding woman (or BBC radio presenter as they’re known) was speaking to someone. She asked a question, which more or less went like this:-
“So how are you going to deal with the growing *threat* of right-wing, such as Tommy Robinson [and she mentioned the word “thugs”], The Brexit Party, UKIP gaining ground”.
So there you have it. Anything that wants the UK to be great again is a “threat”. Anything that wants to stand up to a left-wing moronic ethos is a “threat”. Perfectly legitimate political parties are a “threat”.
Nauseating. And unfortunately this is what I get every time I briefly listen to, or watch, something on the bBBC.
It is why I dont post as much here either these days. I too have pretty much given up on this depressing left wing propaganda outfit.
Yes it’s rapidly become a one party state – just choose a colour – red of blue – makes no difference .- and the state broadcaster got infected years ago.
Only one way to speak . One way to think .
Can only be a matter before ‘ community safety detention orders’ for those who don’t say the right thing . Such as how great and unbiased the state broadcaster is .
Picture the scene.
The bBBC editorial office.
‘We’ve not had an LGBT story for a couple of days. We need something urgently, and preferably linked to something mainstream and enormously popular to provide credibility and normalisation’.
I give you, from the ‘must see’ section of the front page of the webshite…
‘Why an LGBT superhero could be Marvel’s next move’.
So. Absolutely no agenda. As usual.
That little bearded weasel is up to be ‘Milkshake Man’. Apparently.
Some work still needed on suit though as it looks a bit awks coming out the bushes after another successful night shift in the cab.
Meanwhile, Newsbeat is excited already:
“There was a *tiny* gay moment in Avengers Endgame, but is it time for something more?”
I’m just waiting for the next time the bBBC show “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” and the announcer has to apologise for the word “Butch”.
Reminds me of a joke involving the invisible man and wonder woman having fun and a surprised superman diving down on her..just saying
I don’t see any coverage of this by the BBC but then it must be a ‘difficult’ subject for them
Speaking of organised campaigns…
Wonder if Red Andy will be flying Dame Emma back to agree?
Police inform TR of credible death threat.
Police advise him to stay at a location unknown to individuals that may wish to cause him harm.
If he ignores the advice, the police will not be liable.
I take it, then, that death threats issued in respect of any other politician will similarly remove them from the campaign? Not that I would condone such a thing, but it’s the logical extension. And a direction into which we seem to be getting pushed, little by little.
The depths to which the powers-that-be will sink to avoid leaving the EU tell me that the stakes are far, far higher than any of us have realised.
I think they are rather hoping that someone will do a “Pym Fontain” on him. It alleviates all that embarrassment of locking him up for no real crime and then hoping that one of the “brothers” gets to him with a shank.
This way the police can be their normal inept selves, and if Tommy does get done in there will be plenty of people in the virtue signalling media and politicians like Johnny Mercer who will say “he bought it on himself”
Of course the unsaid threat will be, if you stand up to us – this is what will happen to you. In effect it is state sanctioned murder.
Tommy Robinson is asking for contributions to help him pay for more security. I’ve made a modest contribution but I hope it helps keep him safe.
It’s a shame he can’t sue the police for failing to keep him safe. Or is it just MPs lives that matter?
I can’t understand this with the police. I must be thick or naive. Tommy Robinson is a official candidate in the United kingdom’s elections in the EU parliament. His application has been accepted within the rules which he has to adhere to. All the candidates will be going around the areas chosen by them to stand to petition the public with their views hoping to get their votes. Therefore as a matter of public protection all these candidates should be assured of police protection when meeting the public when canvassing. They are all equal and the police cannot provide assistance for some but not others just because some chief in the force disagrees with the candidate. This is part of policing, not allowing biased thoughts to get in the way also it is what they are giving tax payers money for. They can’t just have a paper drawn up advising that if the candidate goes to a certain area they cannot provide protection. It’s disgusting, they are trying to disown the responsibity of the job.
Well I realised how important brexit is. That’s why I thought the referendum would be fixed . Instead they’ve fixed the implementation so that it doesn’t happen or doesn’t happen in a way we actually leave .
Hoping the sellout talks fail this week and the traitor PM calls a general election after Comrade Corbyn wins a vote of no confidence
There isn’t anywhere else to go is there ? Or is there ?
Just to add why brexit was important was that if UK had voted remain it was another step to a Federal Europe and the end of nations as an idea .
We could pretend to have national characteristics but in real life we’d be just a region of Brussels ….
‘ The lights are going out all over Europe …’
” The lights are going out all over Europe …”
Yes, the ‘Yellow Vests’ are smashing them. I think the Anti EU rebellion will begin in Europe when we finally leave. That’s what Mrs Chamberlain and her cronies are afraid of .
What nation would join the EU now ? Its bust.
The Yasser Dasmibehbi/Roland Deschain debate is an interesting one for many here. Despite coming to different conclusions, both guys seem to agree that voting for the Brexit Party will be the more effective tactic in the EU election but that UKIP is more important in the long term. I think that is right but the essential problem then becomes will we jeopardise UKIP’s long term success by voting for the Brexit Party now? Will UKIP be able to recover quickly from a dreadful result at the EU election?
I think the main thing now is to destroy the other parties and if that means voting for the party who has the best chance of that then that party is the Brexit party. In my heart UKIP would have been the party for me but we are in strange times and we must have a party that a lot of people support. Although the MSM are trying their best to catch the Brexit Party out,up to now they can’t find anything unlawful about them so I think it’s our best bet.
On Sunday politics (NE) the labour mp, Julie Elliott, was caught out lying.
She said the UKIP vote had gone down but Richard Elvin (UKIP) put her right by telling her they came second and had a 4.4% increase.
The politicians, both on here and on Sky, when interviewed, keep mentioning what they are hearing ‘on the doorstep’
I wonder when any of them actually went out canvassing around the houses and speaking to people ‘on the doorstep’
I’ve never seen one, nobody I know has ever seen one.
Have any of you out there ever had your mp on your doorstep?
I think we’d all like to hear what you said (or done) to them.
Oh, and finally, can somebody let May know that Brexit is not all about a trade deal. The politicians have
manipulated what was a vote for sovereignty into being solely about a trade deal and made it so complicated that they say it can’t be done unless we virtually remain locked into the eu.
Calling it brexit doesn’t mean it is brexit although in this current pc world where a woman can declare herself to be a man if she feels like it I suppose you can call anything whatever you like.
Never had one on my doorstep ever. I wish I had been given the honour of the elite knocking on my door. There would have been so many expletives they would run down my path to report me to their minders with them .
“Calling it brexit doesn’t mean it is brexit although …..”.
I guess on that reasoning, equally calling yourself, ‘The Prime Minister’ doesn’t mean that you are in any way capable of living up to that position. Take for example…………..
This “what I’m hearing on the doorstep” formula is an electioneering ploy by lying politicians to make it appear that there is a groundswell of support for their policies. It is utter BS. I have never had one round my door either.
Has a list of MEP candidates been published yet?
has the date for candidates to register passed?
All seems very foggy
Eddy Booth, this is from the Westmonster website:
Thanks, John.
I see that Gavin Esler of BBC News fame is standing as a Labour MEP in London.
How many ex-BBC employees take up political positions aligned to the Conservatives?
Ruth Davidson.
Nah, scrub that. You said “aligned to”, not “pretending to be”.
Yes it demonstrates that the nonsense claim that the BBC is ok because it gets stick from left and right is pretty shallow then creeps like esler instantly goes from unbiased to labour ….
What do you mean that the BBC will hand over to the Muslims ? They already run the show ….
The News says that this is the first time that snow has been recorded over a May Bank Holiday. Funny, as a Petty Officer on temporary parade ground duties in HMS Collingwood in 1970 I distinctly remember that, as May 1st was the time we went into Summer Routine, I had to check that the matelots had rolled up their sleeves. To do this I had to tell them to take off their raincoats – because it was snowing. Later that same week I had to order them to take off raincoats again because the Raincoat pennant was not flying, because the Quartermaster couldn’t make it to the flagpole through the snow. Aah, those were the days. Thank God for Global Warming/sarc
And it goes on and on and on these people………this ONE minority
Secret Government report warns over 48 British Islamic schools are teaching intolerance and misogyny to future imams
Imams are trained in schools accused of promoting intolerance, report warns
Secret Government report claims emerging preachers hold extreme views
Mail on Sunday has identified 48 Darul Ulooms that follow strict syllabus
‘I’m getting death threats’: Man who threw a milkshake over Tommy Robinson tells how the EDL founder ‘taunted him over Muslim grooming gangs’ and says he fears for his family
Danyaal Mahmud, 23, says he feels vulnerable after gaining unwanted notoriety
He was filmed dousing Tommy Robinson with milkshake in Warrington Thursday
Mr Mahmud was filmed being bashed over the head by Robinson afterwards
Just the day before the former EDL man had been covered in milkshake in Bury
Lying scum you can clearly see him following TR and shoving other people out of the way with his phone camera ready and just listen to him talking and laughing to his mates afterwards…also on video so lying scum
I have made an official complaint to the DM about this quite obvious distortion of the truth and I would encourage anyone else to do the same
The following is nothing to do with the far-left bbc collective, Brexit, Dancing Terry or Tommy Robinson.
I have a fungal nail infection on one of my toe nails; I have had it for many years and despite treating it with the over the counter remedy that I presume most would use, it has stubbornly persisted. It’s not very severe but it won’t go away.
Or rather it wouldn’t go away until recently. I was googling the condition and read on one website; and I’m sorry to say I can’t recall which; that, amongst the options provided there, Vick’s Vapour Rub was mentioned. So, having some in the house, I tried putting some on the nail a few times a week; not consistently and not at the same time whenever I rubbed some into the nail. I wasn’t expecting anything other than the pleasant ( for me ) smell of Vick’s Vapour Rub to linger on my socks.
Surprisingly, it is clearing up the fungal infection. I’d like to say it’s completely gone but I want to cut my nail first to confirm it. This nail looks as clear as my others at this time. So maybe it’s working.
I thought this might be of use to others here.
john in cheshire
Perhaps Mrs Chamberlain should use it to get us out of the EU ?
Everything else she has tried has failed. In fact her whole political career has been a disaster.
j-i-c, all useful information to file away! 🙂
Now, do you have anything for treatment of the fungal infection europhilatis that appears in large patches in two districts of our capital city: Westminster and Whitehall ?
Up2Snuff, I believe exorcism is effective in many cases, depending on the number of demons that have invaded the body of the individual. The more demons, the more drastic the measures needed to remove them.
A large bolt cropper applied to the base of the toe ?
Cheers John, yes daily tea tree oil plus epsom salt bathing was slowing working for me
Then I got the prescription laquer ..and it doesn’t seem to work very fast.
I think the infection comes back, cos the spores can live in your shoes
..so be careful putting old shoes on.
Sun exposure surely does work, but then if there are no sunny days in UK it stops recovering.
Space, the final frontier…
Apparently in Star Trek Voyager, a minority on the planet Nygea (The Benkarans) make up the majority of the planet’s prison population but they appear to have no problems with discussing this. I wonder if parallels could be drawn on our own planet? Who would our Benkarans be?
“Is it because I’m Benkaran. You gotta show me respec, innit”
Set phasers to child rape and bombing churches
“We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill! ” said the African undocumented migrants, sorry refugees, sorry, naughty aliens.
“John McDonnell: No trust left in PM over Brexit talks”
That’s one statement he has got right. Whats the betting Mrs Chamberlain is going to attempt to stitch us up with a phony Brexit, she has led us along road of lies that will get us to a Brino.
What is amazing is that the Tory party have become so impotent .
The fight for independence goes on !
With a bit of luck the talks will fail . I think MY would rather go for anything except no deal – in accordance with the wishes of her masters in Brussels –
referendum ( fixed questions )
General Election
Or both …?
I still think the bubble doesn’t get how furious people are with the constant attempt to sell us out .
Facts speak louder than Stuchbery:
African Zanj slaves
Arab slave traders and their captives along the Ruvuma River in Mozambique.
The Arab slave trade, across the Sahara desert and across the Indian Ocean, began after Muslim Arab and Swahili traders won control of the Swahili Coast and sea routes during the 9th century (see Sultanate of Zanzibar). These traders captured Bantu peoples (Zanj) from the interior in present-day Kenya, Mozambique and Tanzania and brought them to the coast.[2][7] There, the slaves gradually assimilated in the rural areas, particularly on the Unguja and Pemba islands.[8]
Some historians assert that as many as 17 million people were sold into slavery on the coast of the Indian Ocean, the Middle East, and North Africa, and approximately 5 million African slaves were transported by Muslim slave traders via Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and Sahara desert to other parts of the world between 1500 and 1900.[9]
The captives were sold throughout the Middle East. This trade accelerated as superior ships led to more trade and greater demand for labour on plantations in the region. Eventually, tens of thousands of captives were being taken every year.[8][10][11]
The Indian Ocean slave trade was multi-directional and changed over time. To meet the demand for menial labor, Bantu slaves bought by Arab slave traders from southeastern Africa were sold in cumulatively large numbers over the centuries to customers in Egypt, Arabia, the Persian Gulf, India, European colonies in the Far East, the Indian Ocean islands, Ethiopia and Somalia.[1]
Slave labor in East Africa was drawn from the Zanj, Bantu peoples that lived along the East African coast.[7][12] The Zanj were for centuries shipped as slaves by Arab traders to all the countries bordering the Indian Ocean. The Umayyad and Abbasid caliphs recruited many Zanj slaves as soldiers and, as early as 696, there were revolts of Zanj slave soldiers in Iraq.[13] A 7th-century Chinese text mentions ambassadors from Java presenting the Chinese emperor with two Seng Chi (Zanj) slaves as gifts in 614, and 8th- and 9th-century chronicles mention Seng Chi slaves reaching China from the Hindu kingdom of Sri Vijaya in Java.[13]
The Zanj Rebellion, a series of uprisings that took place between 869 and 883 AD near the city of Basra (also known as Basara), situated in present-day Iraq, is believed to have involved enslaved Zanj that had originally been captured from the African Great Lakes region and areas further south in East Africa.[14] It grew to involve over 500,000 slaves and free men who were imported from across the Muslim empire and claimed over “tens of thousands of lives in lower Iraq”.[15] The Zanj who were taken as slaves to the Middle East were often used in strenuous agricultural work.[16] As the plantation economy boomed and the Arabs became richer, agriculture and other manual labor work was thought to be demeaning. The resulting labor shortage led to an increased slave market.
It is certain that large numbers of slaves were exported from eastern Africa; the best evidence for this is the magnitude of the Zanj revolt in Iraq in the 9th century, though not all of the slaves involved were Zanj. There is little evidence of what part of eastern Africa the Zanj came from, for the name is here evidently used in its general sense, rather than to designate the particular stretch of the coast, from about 3°N. to 5°S., to which the name was also applied.[17]
The Zanj were needed to take care of:
the Tigris-Euphrates delta, which had become abandoned marshland as a result of peasant migration and repeated flooding, could be reclaimed through intensive labor. Wealthy proprietors “had received extensive grants of tidal land on the condition that they would make it arable.” Sugar cane was prominent among the products of their plantations, particularly in Khūzestān Province. Zanj also worked the salt mines of Mesopotamia, especially around Basra.[18]
Their jobs were to clear away the nitrous topsoil that made the land arable. The working conditions were also considered to be extremely harsh and miserable. Many other people were imported into the region, besides Zanj.[19]
Historian M. A. Shaban has argued that rebellion was not a slave revolt, but a revolt of blacks (zanj). In his opinion, although a few runaway slaves did join the revolt, the majority of the participants were Arabs and free Zanj. If the revolt had been led by slaves, they would have lacked the necessary resources to combat the Abbasid government for as long as they did.[20]
Ibn Battuta who visited the ancient African kingdom of Mali in the mid-14th century recounts that the local inhabitants vie with each other in the number of slaves and servants they have, and was himself given a slave boy as a “hospitality gift.”[21]
European slaves
A Hejazi Meccan merchant (right) and his Circassian slave, between 1886 and 1887
During the Middle Ages, the main regions from where slaves were transported to Muslim lands were Central Europe asides from Central Asia and Bilad as-Sudan. Slaves of Northwestern Europe were also favoured. This slave trade was controlled mostly by Western slave traders. The Slavs captured by Christians were sent to Muslim lands like Spain and Egypt through France and Venice. Prague served as a major centre for castration of Slavic captives.[22][23] Emirate of Bari also served as an important port for trade of such slaves.[24] After the Byzantine Empire and Venice blocked Arab merchants from European ports, they started importing in slaves from Caucasus and Caspian Sea.[25]
Arabs also enslaved Europeans directly. According to Robert Davis, between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were captured between the 16th and 19th centuries by Barbary corsairs, who were vassals of the Ottoman Empire, and sold as slaves.[26][27][5] These slaves were captured mainly from seaside villages from Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and also from more distant places like France or England, the Netherlands, and even Iceland. They were also taken from ships stopped by the pirates.[28] The most prominent Barbary pirates were European renegades.[29]
The effects of these attacks were devastating: France, England, and Spain each lost thousands of ships. Long stretches of the Spanish and Italian coasts were almost completely abandoned by their inhabitants, because of frequent pirate attacks. Pirate raids discouraged settlement along the coast until the 19th century.[30][31]
Periodic raiding expeditions were sent from Islamic Iberia to ravage the Christian Iberian kingdoms, bringing back slaves. In a raid against Lisbon in 1189, for example, the Almohad Berber Muslim caliph, Abu Yusuf Yaqub al-Mansur, took 3,000 female and child captives, while his governor of Córdoba, in a subsequent attack upon Silves in 1191, took 3,000 Christian slaves.[32]
Arab slaves
Arabs were sometimes made into slaves in the Muslim world.[33][34] Sometimes castration was done on Arab slaves. In Mecca, Arab women were sold as slaves according to Ibn Butlan, and certain rulers in West Africa had slave girls of Arab origin.[35][36] According to al-Maqrizi, slave girls with lighter skin were sold to West Africans on hajj.[37][38][39] Ibn Battuta met an Arab slave girl near Timbuktu in Mali in 1353. Battuta wrote that the slave girl was fluent in Arabic, from Damascus, and her master’s name was Farbá Sulaymán.[40][41][42] Besides his Damascus slave girl and a secretary fluent in Arabic, Arabic was also understood by Farbá himself.[43]
Islamic and Oriental aspect
Patrick Manning writes that although the “Oriental” or “Arab” slave trade is sometimes called the “Islamic” slave trade, a religious imperative was not the driver of the slavery. He further argues such use of the terms “Islamic trade” or “Islamic world” erroneously treats Africa as being outside Islam, or a negligible portion of the Islamic world.[44] According to European historians, propagators of Islam in Africa often revealed a cautious attitude towards proselytizing because of its effect in reducing the potential reservoir of slaves.[45]
The subject merges with the Oriental slave trade, which followed two main routes in the Middle Ages:
Overland routes across the Maghreb and Mashriq deserts (Trans-Saharan route)[46]
Sea routes to the east of Africa through the Red Sea and Indian Ocean (Oriental route)[47][48]
The Arab slave trade originated before Islam and lasted more than a millennium.[49][50][51] To meet the demand for plantation labor, these captured Zanj slaves were shipped to the Arabian peninsula and the Near East, among other areas.[52]
History of the Arab slave trade
Further information: History of slavery in the Muslim world and Barbary slave trade
African Zanj slaves
The Arab trade of Zanj (Bantu) slaves in Southeast Africa is one of the oldest slave trades, predating the European transatlantic slave trade by 700 years.[7][12][53] Male slaves were often forced to work as servants, soldiers, or laborers by their owners, while female slaves, including those from Africa, were long traded to the Middle Eastern countries and kingdoms by Arab and Oriental traders as concubines and servants. Arab, African and Oriental[dubious – discuss] traders were involved in the capture and transport of slaves northward across the Sahara desert and the Indian Ocean region into the Middle East, Persia and the Far East.[7][12]
From the 7th century until around the 1960s, the Arab slave trade continued in one form or another. Historical accounts and references to slave-owning nobility in Arabia, Yemen and elsewhere are frequent into the early 1920s.[53]
In 641 during the Baqt, a treaty between the Nubian Christian state of Makuria and the new Muslim rulers of Egypt, the Nubians agreed to give Arab traders more privileges of trade in addition to a share in their slave trading.[54]
In Somalia, the Bantu minorities are descended from Bantu groups that had settled in Southeast Africa after the initial expansion from Nigeria/Cameroon. To meet the demand for menial labor, Bantus from southeastern Africa captured by Somali slave traders were sold in cumulatively large numbers over the centuries to customers in Somalia and other areas in Northeast Africa and Asia.[1] People captured locally during wars and raids were also sometimes enslaved by Somalis mostly of Oromo and Nilotic origin.[55] [56][57] However, the perception, capture, treatment and duties of both groups of slaves differed markedly.[57] [58] From 1800 to 1890, between 25,000–50,000 Bantu slaves are thought to have been sold from the slave market of Zanzibar to the Somali coast.[59] Most of the slaves were from the Majindo, Makua, Nyasa, Yao, Zalama, Zaramo and Zigua ethnic groups of Tanzania, Mozambique and Malawi. Collectively, these Bantu groups are known as Mushunguli, which is a term taken from Mzigula, the Zigua tribe’s word for “people” (the word holds multiple implied meanings including “worker”, “foreigner”, and “slave”).[60]
During the second half of the 19th century and early 20th century, slaves shipped from Ethiopia had a high demand in the markets of the Arabian peninsula and elsewhere in the Middle East. They were mostly domestic servants, though some served as agricultural labourers, or as water carriers, herdsmen, seamen, camel drivers, porters, washerwomen, masons, shop assistants and cooks. The most fortunate of the men worked as the officials or bodyguards of the ruler and emirs, or as business managers for rich merchants.[61] They enjoyed significant personal freedom and occasionally held slaves of their own. Besides European, Caucasian, Javanese and Chinese girls brought in from the Far East, “red” (non-black) Ethiopian young females were among the most valued concubines. The most beautiful ones often enjoyed a wealthy lifestyle, and became mistresses of the elite or even mothers to rulers.[61] The principal sources of these slaves, all of whom passed through Matamma, Massawa and Tadjoura on the Red Sea, were the southwestern parts of Ethiopia, in the Oromo and Sidama country.[62]
In the Central African Republic, during the 16th and 17th centuries Muslim slave traders began to raid the region as part of the expansion of the Saharan and Nile River slave routes. Their captives were enslaved and shipped to the Mediterranean coast, Europe, Arabia, the Western Hemisphere, or to the slave ports and factories along the West and North Africa coasts or South along the Ubanqui and Congo rivers.[63][64]
The Arab slave trade in the Indian Ocean, Red Sea, and Mediterranean Sea long predated the arrival of any significant number of Europeans on the African continent south of the Sahara.[53][65]
The purchase of Christian captives by Catholic monks in the Barbary states.
Some descendants of African slaves brought to the Middle East during the slave-trade still live there today, and are aware of their African origins.[66][67]
European slaves
The North African slave markets traded also in European slaves. The European slaves were acquired by Barbary pirates in slave raids on ships and by raids on coastal towns from Italy to Spain, Portugal, France, England, the Netherlands, and as far afield as Iceland. Men, women, and children were captured to such a devastating extent that vast numbers of sea coast towns were abandoned. Ohio State University history Professor Robert Davis describes the white slave trade as minimized by most modern historians in his book Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast and Italy, 1500-1800 (Palgrave Macmillan).[68]
Davis estimates that 1 million to 1.25 million White Christian Europeans were enslaved in North Africa, from the beginning of the 16th century to the middle of the 18th by slave traders from Tunis, Algiers, and Tripoli alone (these numbers do not include the European people who were enslaved by Moroccan pirates and by other raiders and traders of the Mediterranean Sea coast),[68] and roughly 700 Americans were held captive in this region as slaves between 1785 and 1815.[69]
16th- and 17th-century customs statistics suggest that Istanbul’s additional slave import from the Black Sea may have totaled around 2.5 million from 1450 to 1700.[70]
19th century
In the 1800s, the slave trade from Africa to the Islamic countries picked up significantly when the European slave trade ended around the 1850s only to be ended with European colonisation of Africa around 1900.[71][full citation needed]
In 1814, Swiss explorer Johann Burckhardt wrote of his travels in Egypt and Nubia, where he saw the practice of slave trading: “I frequently witnessed scenes of the most shameless indecency, which the traders, who were the principal actors, only laughed at. I may venture to state, that very few female slaves who have passed their tenth year, reach Egypt or Arabia in a state of virginity.”[72]
A photograph of a slave boy in Zanzibar. ‘An Arab master’s punishment for a slight offence. ‘ c. 1890.
David Livingstone wrote of the slave trade in the African Great Lakes region, which he visited in the mid-nineteenth century:
{{quote|To overdraw its evils is a simple impossibility …
19th June 1866 – We passed a woman tied by the neck to a tree and dead, the people of the country explained that she had bene unable to keep up with the other slaves in a gang, and her master had determined that she should not become anyone’s property if she recovered.
26th June. – …We passed a slave woman shot or stabbed through the body and lying on the path: a group of mon stood about a hundred yards off on one side, and another of the women on the other side, looking on; they said an Arab who passed early that morning had done it in anger at losing the price he had given for her, because she was unable to walk any longer.
27th June 1866 – To-day we came upon a man dead from starvation, as he was very thin. One of our men wandered and found many slaves with slave-sticks on, abandoned by their masters from want of food; they were too weak to be able to speak or say where they had come from; some were quite young.[73]
HMMMMMMMMM CHARITIES, ever wandered down Bury Park Road, Luton and seen them standing in the road handing out leaflets and suddenly stop doing so when a white guy walks past ? and the collection boxes disappearing off the shop counters ? all to do with shit stirring in SYRIA
Strange how this story didn’t quite make it onto the bBBC. Surely had it been anything where Christian schools were guilty of such practices then there would be special reports, a 5L report and no doubt a Panorama investigation.
BBC, like the home office and most inner city local govt has been successfully infiltrated by the rop we have millions of immigrants living in peace here yet only one always complaining yet responsible for the most disgusting crimes
The BBC would be impressed with this one.
12 year olds raped by a gangs of Muslim immigrants in England all over the country in every Muslim ghetto in the UK
“Against the background of a relatively bland parliamentary week, Westminster will seethe with life after the local elections, and with the European elections now looming on the horizon. ”
Who are they kidding ?
Three years on and we haven’t left the EU . The country is in a mess, so what have they been doing in Parliament ? Awaiting orders from the EU’s Führer.
Vote for UKIP & Brexit Party.