The BBC are acted very ‘piously’ with regard to Danny Baker but I think this (ironically) BBC Scotland comedy sketch exposes the corporation’s distinctly troubled past.
Years of “Brexit Bashing” headlined by the BBC with conspicuous silence on the implications and risks of “Remain.”
Said bias has left “Leavers” fearing the unknowns of a future in the EU, and mllions of “Remainers” thinking they voted to keep the status quo held in “Maastritch” and the UK opt-outs.
Unfortunately Maastritch and the UK opt-outs are mere steps in a long line of abolished, circumvented and superceded agreements along the road of European integration.
With rules to ensure we become ever more dependent, how could we hold onto our self-determination within this undemocratic and determinately integrationist EU? Should we give over our self determination, and if we did what might happen to us?
Perhaps the BBC thinks it knows best or perhaps it just doesn’t care?
The biased BBC does care. It shows this by sweeping the questions you raise/infer (‘what kind of Remain do Remainers want? Do they support the £ joining the Eurozone? A single European army? How much more integration do they want ? What new powers do they want to transfer to Brussels?) swiftly, firmly, and consistently well and truly under the carpet, so that no Remainer on any programme is ever asked these questions.
“(‘what kind of Remain do Remainers want? Do they support the £ joining the Eurozone? A single European army? How much more integration do they want ? What new powers do they want to transfer to Brussels?) ”
And will the powers in the EU do anything to stop the BBC insisting that every EU household must subscribe to the BBC licence or else?
In an earlier post, I commented on the fixation of the bBBC to search out individuals with individual grievances, irrespective of their severity.
So I now give you……from the webshite front page, no less.
Interesting to see Pakistani i.e. islamic terrorists have attacked a 5 star hotel in an “attack upon Chinese and foreign investment”, cannot wait to see how the Chinese deal with this scum infesting the world…popcorn time….
Funny thing, Pakistan has very close financial ties with China which is a bit odd considering the Chinese attitude to their own Muslims.
Guess they’re not the ‘right’ kind of Muslims.
A lot on here we’re advocating spoiling your vote paper if no suitable candidate was on it.
Saying that a whole load of spoiled vote papers would make TPTB sit up and take notice.
All very well.
It sounds like a decent idea and in some cases was the only option but as far as I can see nothing at all has come of it.
I’ve seen no newspaper articles about the spoiled votes.
Nothing on the bbbc (or any other MSM tv channel)
I’ve seen very little in the way of information on the number of spoiled votes apart from a number of 31,000 or thereabouts but I don’t know where or out of how many votes in total.
Is there an official number of spoiled votes out there and if so, what percentage of the total were they.
What different result could we have had if all the spoiled votes had a party to vote for.
It seems that spoiling your vote has no effect.
At least the next time we will have UKIP and The Brexit Party to vote for.
Victor Davis Hansen has given a brilliant analysis of why Trump won in 2016 and why he will win in 2020. It is well worth listening to and can be found on U Tube , Uncommon Knowledge , hosted by Peter Robinson.
I have just read an article in a local newspaper about an Orwellian Climate Change organisation called “Hope for the Future”. Apparently the article shows pupils being indoctrinated by a climate change programme. It shows the local Tory MP visiting the school. The MP says that the pupils “have been working hard to produce Climate Change campaigns” “I enjoyed discussing the way that businesses, politicians and citizens must work together to tackle climate change” The Tory MP was attending the Schools climate change campaign day. It means that politicians are being lobbied by school children who have been indoctrinated by an organisation supported by Members of Parliament, and funded indirectly by the government through a huge network of other charities. The scam also includes lovely soft nice phrases like “better the world for all living thinks” ”bringing to life what children are learning” and “protecting the environment”. Is there any way that parents could stop this left-wing indoctrination of their children. Legally threaten the School Headmaster, etc.
Oh was Ben Shapiro’s book title ironic ?
Full 16 min video
Interesting that in 2015 Ben Shapiro left the Republicans
co he said he could never vote for Trump
At 4m30s Shapiro loses it when Neil asks him about draconian punishment for women miscarry/abort
..He just had not expected Neil to play Devil’s advocate.
8:25 Neil asks him if new media coarsens public debate ?
again Shapiro loses it
11:00 Neil asks him about calling Trump’s stateof the union address as “fascist”
Shapiro calls back this as gotcha journalism going back thru ancient tweets
14:20 Shapiro gets angry accusing Neil of shouting slogans to catch him out
..I sympathise with Shapiro a bit
.. It is confusing to Americans that we speak English in a different way from them.
Just pre-taped an interview with BBC’s @afneil. As I’m not familiar with him or his work, I misinterpreted his antagonism as political Leftism (he termed the pro-life position in America “barbaric”) – and that was apparently inaccurate. For that, I apologize.
.@afneil DESTROYS Ben Shapiro! So that's what that feels like 😉 Broke my own rule, and wasn't properly prepared. I've addressed every single issue he raised before; see below. Still, it's Neil 1, Shapiro 0.
I watched that interview, and Shapiro did look a bit of a numbnut against Neil. He said he had never heard of Andrew Neil, but knowing he was to be interviewed he should have done his homework, and then he would have realised who he was up against.
Without disagreeing with the previous comments, I think Neil was unnecessarily combative; he seemed to be setting out to take Shapiro down, and the conversation left an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
Ben Shapiro is a conservative commentator, or Far Right as the beeb would say – as they do of anyone to the right of Pol Pot. Andrew Neil may not be a Leftist, but the beeb is, and he who pays the piper calls the tune. They give him some leeway, some slack, but ultimately he has to show his loyalty to his master, toe the party line, and also prove he’s not far-right himself by being nasty to ‘rightists’.
So he gets the beeb’s army of researchers to dig up some old tweets with which to trip up Shapiro, who came to talk about his book and his ideas, and is caught off guard. (Which is surprising given that he’s a tough debater, and knew he was entering the lions’ den with the beeb.)
Shapiro still manages to make some good points about the state of American politics, and, en passant, about the Neil / beeb’s style of interviewing those guilty of wrong-thought:
“I hope you’re having fun going through every old tweet to try and do ‘gotcha’ questions.”
Spot on.
I struggled through the complete documentary Brexit behind closed doors, broadcast by the BBC, though not created by that most-trusted broadcaster. Here’s part 1 and here’s part 2, should any of my esteemed colleagues want to suffer through them as I did.
I watched the documentary because I was curious as to why the BBC broadcast it. I’m still curious since it shows the EU in a terrible light, with people swearing at meetings, swearing at a televised address by May and mocking her relentlessly. The cameraman follows Verhofstadt around as if he is obsessed by him. He probably is.
I suppose it is of some interest since it follows the progressive capitulation of May to EU demands and clearly demonstrates the uncompromising nature of the EU ‘negotiators’ as they simply make demands and then sit back and wait for them to eventually be met. Only Dominic Raab is mentioned as someone who gave them any real resistance during the process.
One of the most awful moments is the gloating over “turning the UK into a colony, which was the aim all along.”
Well, they haven’t quite won yet. They have Nigel Farage and perhaps Tommy Robinson to contend with.
Talking of the latter, Ezra Levant is sending a young reporter over to cover Tommy’s campaign since naturally they can’t rely on the UK media to cover him fairly. Usual expenses apart, she will need security and they are appealing for donations.
Truetoo . I will watch it when I get back to Blighty next week . I try to ‘ game’ the medium to long term effect of the current exit process – actually whether we really leave or not .
I’m not going to roll it out here because this site is about the biased BBC . But let’s face it – whether we remain in the short term or leave without a deal when A50 runs out again – Blighty is going to be scarred for a long time .
When we leave properly the campaign to rejoin will get into gear and remainers will do their best to undermine the well being of a freed up Blighty –
Only visible benefits for people will subdue the drive for snowflakes to rejoin .
Positive news about the economy and jobs will be ignored by the MSM then just as they are now . Soros will keep Project Fear going even after he dies .
I can’t see Westminster getting any kind of legitimacy back before 2022? – the time of the next fixed term election and the upper house will never be valid again – if it ever was .
Personally – as an Englishman – I could care less if other parts of the current UK go independent – much of their respective economies are now based on public sector jobs – with the exception of oil but no doubt the SNP will want to keep that in the ground to stick by is ecology principles . If smaller countries than England can make it without English taxpayer subsidies – good luck to them .
With a bit of luck the brexit debacle will shake the establishment harder – it can’t make things worse as we no longer live in a democracy or have even the remotest oversight of the government .its taken brexit to show what a falsehood parliamentary democracy is and how easily the views of a majority can be extinguished by a compliant MSM and corrupt traitor politicians .
Views / criticisms welcome
PS – I think the best day to watch those documentaries is the 6th of June ….
@Think about
What are libmob doing when they throw out labels ?
.. Apply the projection test
..Is the label they shout merely a projection of their own position ?
So when a left/lib person isn’t just an honourable lefty but has some very totalitarian ideas like nationalising everything , and cutting free speech of selected people they are far and extreme … they confirm that by labelling other people “far and extreme” etc.
MInute 4:41 “The EXTREME HARD RIGHT of the Tory Party”
The seg had Nicky Morgan Tory and @ChiOnwurah
Labour MP for Newcastle
She says there must be a permanent Customs Union, that locks in workers rights (as if they’d disappear otherwise)
“..if the PM says she going to go
and then The EXTREME HARD RIGHT of the Tory Party, being in charge of any future negotiations
…. if no Confirmatory Vote ..we could get the rise of far right parties, to take advantage of that”
Do you think Teresa May's Tory hard right Brexit 'Deal' implements the results of the referendum?
This week I joined other Labour MPs in unfurling a Love Socialism Hate Brexit banner on a very windy Westminster bridge (sorry for the bad sound!)The Tories have stolen Brexit & turned it into a hard right project to destroy workers’ rights, that’s why I’m calling for a final say
@Fedup are the libmob the extremists ?
or are we ?
We all used to listen watch MSM
but find ourselves switching it off almost all the time
It is the media and libland that has moved not us .
Extremism#1 their constant agenda pushing
Extremism#2 Their witchburning of people who tweeted a minor thing, that they didn’t even see
Extremism#3 Their lack of tolerance for diversity of view points
On Twitter their this constant stream of nastiness from the libmobbers
You see things like nasty graphics of Farage being made every few minutes
..but nasty graphics of Abbott or Corbyn are much less frequent.
One of the things I fear is that access to the internet will become even more controlled – probably an other all ‘login’ process using fingerprints .
This of course will lead to internet exclusion – with the state preventing access to the whole internet .
The will obviously be an ‘internet access tax ‘ at some stage …
The ‘internet tax’ was/is of course one of the major funding alternatives considered to plug the problem of people choosing not to watch live TV and hence pay for Gavin Esler’s pension.
I was in China a little while ago and no youtube no google etc some are allowed to use it if approved for academic purposes, and we are going the same way with the “authorities” allowing what can and cannot be seen, totalitarian
I would aslo refer to my above about the police deciding something as hate speech without any evidence of hate totalitarian agian, the aliens really have infiltrated the human race…
If you are going to watch that documentary, just make sure you have no heavy objects nearby as you’ll be tempted to throw them through the screen.
They say power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, if I have that right. Seems to me that those EU presidents and commissioners and the like have absolute power while they’re there and they certainly are corrupt. Only good thing is that apparently their term in power is limited and so new power-hungry freaks will be appointed in time.
I’ve got a ridiculously early start tomorrow, and so….
‘Dad’ rights for rapists must end, says Rotherham child sex grooming scandal victim
Grooming gang ringleader Arshid Hussain, who fathered Miss Woodhouse’s son through rape, was jailed for 35 years in 2016, but Miss Woodhouse said her family court experience made her feel she was on trial.
Her petition, “stop rapists from accessing children conceived through rape”, has gained 500,000 signatures.
She said Hussain had been offered a role in her son’s life and said: “It’s just horrendous. Why does the Government and the system protect the paedophiles and rapists?
“The only person who gets the life sentence is the victim. He never went on trial – I did. I wake up every day and fight for something.”
She said the media should be allowed to report family court proceedings “like you do in a rape trial” and urged an investigation and “overhaul” of the system.
The rule that every white man in an advert must be a div
#3 The 118 divs
#4 The thick Ney York taxi driver in the McDonald’s advert
#1 The Vodaphone adverts ..he thick so doesn’t understand Vodaphone
#2 The Marcus Brigstocke “data self” adverts
Yes the 118 characters are white and they are portrayed as divs
.. You are welcome to list some where white men are not portrayed as divs
George Clooney is portrayed nicely in the Nescafe advert
But what about the king in the Bud light advert ?
.. who is so thick and narrow minded that he just orders his wizaed to turn everything into a case of beer.
Are their any BAME advert characters portrayed as divs ?
The Sunday MSM is reporting the Observer poll on EU election voting intentions . They seem shocked that the Brexit Party has a huge lead over the combined numbers of the Traitor Labour and Tory Party .
MSM doesn’t seem to realise that the majority of voters voted to Leave the EU – nothing about Deals or sell outs – just leave .
The smear campaigns against Nigel Farage will, I forecast, resume with a vengeance. So far, it’s UKIP who have borne the brunt of it but they are now an irrelevance for the EU elections.
So far Farage and the Brexit Party have actually had quite an easy ride. I think he has been taking advice from the Trump campaign in the arts of persuasion as he’s barely put a foot wrong and seems to have a slick media presentation team behind him. I pray he can continue in this vein, but it will not be easy.
Farage is notorious for foot-in-mouth disease especially when it gets close to election days. Only ten or so days to go. He’s going to have to be control himself mightily.
As everyone from Owen to Adonis knows, a quick letter to Tony works wonders, and immediately*
Update: BBC Wales call me to say they’ve changed their minds – and our first class #ChangeUK candidate (and former Labour MP & Minister) Jon Owen Jones WILL be allowed into tomorrow’s TV debate! Good luck Jon! #ChangePolitics
The Brexiteers are divided between the Brexit Party on 34% and UKIP on 4%. But the Remainers are divided five ways between Labour on 21%, LibDems on 12%, Tories on 11%, Greens on 8% and Change UK on 3%.
I calculate that this means that the cut off for a list of ten candidates is 7%.
So UKIP are unlikely to get any MEP’s, but thanks to Change UK, the Remainers will also have 3% removed from other Remainer party’s by Change UK who also are unlikely to have any MEP’s. If Change UK can drag 1% off Labour and 2% off the Greens by talking about climate change, that could also mean Labour and the Greens lose “last on the list” MEP’s, to the Brexit Party, so that would be lovely.
At the moment a ten MEP list would go. Brexit, Labour, LibDem, Brexit, Brexit, Tory, Labour, Brexit, Green and then Labour on 7% as “last on the list“, with Brexit next on 6.8%.
Acting as Labour’s PR megaphone should not be a good look, but the BBC seems to feel it is immune.
In the absence from the mighty minds of the world’s least trustworthy, I was working with the contractors rendering our house today when the subject arose. These clearly uneducated fools were totally impressed with the notion of making young people unemployable and untrainable.
I might see how they feel about the MEP elections next.
For a good laugh, there’s a debate about the bias of the MSM on R4.
But if you expected a criticism of PC journalism, you would be wrong. The complaint is about the ‘centre-right’ leanings of the media, and any criticism of J Corbyn. The level and quality of debate is poor.
Trust the bbc….
21 heads of state of various European Union member-states have signed a new manifesto arguing for more integration in the political bloc and a “stronger Europe” — interpreted as a response to the rise of eurosceptic, pro-sovereignty populist parties.
Al Beeb …\\Climate change ‘may curb growth in UK flying’//
Operative word as usual, is “may”.
Eg., If I purchase a lottery ticket I “may” win a £ 10 million .
Taffman, do you think this looks as if they are using the Climate Change scare stories to gradually stop the people from within the EU from travelling abroad? It sounds very Soviet-style to me.
Demon I have been wondering this also.
It is another level of control. Think about it, they are already trying to control the internet. They stop “far right” speakers from entering this country (but not so bothered – if all the speaker wants to do is kill kaffirs).
If you stop people travelling freely there is no exchange of ideas, people feel isolated and helpless and you can craft the population the way you want it. Of course if you are a rich, virtue signalling, hypocrite, lefty actress, who hates her “cloud bolted island” and with a penchant for 1st class travel then thats OK also.
If they were truly serious about controlling Co2 they would stop the mass importation of people from the 3rd world, who on entering the West immediately increase their Co2 footprint by a factor of x7.
No wonder Theresa and her progressive friends seem so keen on a “green” agenda. Protecting the planet could well be the final, virtuous Trojan horse to slip in the controls they need to finally subjugate us.
Green could well be the new red.
Unbelievable. Couldn’t finish this article, just too awful. With such articles, I always think…what is the real reason that Al Beeb have written it? So, where is it common to find circumcision (yes, the USA..), and secondly a good excuse to discuss gay men, sex and the anatomy of the penis, using layman’s terms too. Disgusting that this is where your tv tax goes.
“Yes the boys who work for Aunty appear more than fascinated with what is below most mens belt.
A bit too fascinated – I think.”
Same goes for those men – it must be men – who make the male-perfume adds on TV. You can tell that their adds are for the benefit of the gay viewer. This kind of thing is in your face all the time. Its not just a case of “well, why don’t you turn your TV off?” because by the time you go for the remote its too late.
Businessman, 54, investigated by police over Twitter poem about transgender people launches a landmark High Court battle to overhaul official rules on hate crimes
Harry Miller is to seek judicial review of guidelines followed by UK police forces
Mr Miller, a former policeman, is challenging guidance from College of Policing
He was investigated by police over a poem about transgender people
“His legal team have highlighted a clause in the rules that state such incidents must be recorded by officers ‘irrespective of any evidence to identify the hate element’.”
I repeat:
‘irrespective of any evidence to identify the hate element’.”
He claims he received a call from an officer telling him that someone ‘down south’ had sent the force 30 of Mr Miller’s tweets, which they alleged to be transphobic, and informing him ‘we need to check your thinking’ – a comment police later denied making .
I repeat, because I believe him rather than “the police”:
Explaining his reasons for launching legal action, the businessman told the Mail on Sunday: ‘This case is not about being allowed to say anything I want, to anyone without consequence.
‘It is about the ability to have freedom of speech within the law and being allowed to have a debate without one group being able to call on the police to shut another group down.
‘Free speech is being closed down by a climate of fear and secrecy and the police are contributing to this Orwellian culture.’
MSM is covered in polling levels of the Brexit Party . They are desperately trying to smear Nigel Farage – embarrassingly bad stuff about leaving the scene of a minor car accident when he was a passenger ….
They’ll try secret footage of someone saying something not nice to MSM as well as financing and lies about links to exotic funding or other groups …
Old Soros and his Project Fear rolling along again .
From my limited – twitter based – reading of the Brexit Party – is campaigning in areas where the real British live and not wasting time on corrupt multicultural swamps like London where snowflake hostility would make nice footage for MSM propaganda ….
Chuka , Soubry and the rest of the traitors might as well not exist . I wish .
As someone else here said – UKIP has been MSM’d and the Brexit party is next. Just a pity Farage found it necessary to join in and be so unpleasant about a party that in reality should have been its natural ally.
Having said that the MSM only have ten days or so to complete the hatchet job, and I think now after the last couple of years listening to majority of the MSM telling us how ignorant we all are , people are becoming more skeptical of the MSM tactics.
Whether Farage left the scene or not, he said he checked that no-one had been hurt and the other bloke had started kicking off. Bearing in mind Farage is not a big bloke and the other bloke was a lot younger – I can understand why he left the scene. If fisticuffs had happened – (after seeing the recent TR assault) you dont need a lot of imagination to see how the press would have tried to have spun the story, if they dont like you .
Whilst I dont particularly like Farage since he has gone out of his way to shaft UKIP, on this he was in a no win situation and probably made the best of a bad situation.
@Dover ..polls mean little
probably right before the election the lib-establishment machine will try to pull something
..Like some of their planted Brexit Party people will stage a bust up.
..And/Or the lib-establishment will release some secret dossier on a candidate that proves he/she is a paedophile etc.
.. And they’ll milk anything like a Jo Cox event for all it’s worth.
.. They play by dirty Alinsky rules.
If the Brexit Party does do well in the election I wonder how the BBC Soros will deal with?
Ignore it
Fiddle with the numbers
Use the ‘could have been worse ‘
They didn’t understand what they voted for ( again )
Just a protest vote
Corrupt funding – Russians
Farage cult ( spelling )
They didn’t win -lab/Tory ‘lost’
It was only MEPs so not important
They voted for ‘celebrities ‘ not ‘views’
The vote can be disregarded cos they are all old and dying …( my favourite )
Look over there -is the duchess pregnant again ?
You’re giving them too much credit. They almost certainly didn’t create any of this, they just used someone elses work because it’s easier and cheaper.
WATCH | The 26th consecutive week of Yellow Vests action in France. Look at the size of that crowd! People across Europe are sick of Europhile elites like Macron, but the mainstream media in Britain has its head buried in the sand as usual!
“Organised crime ‘chronic and corrosive’ to the UK – National Crime Agency”
“Head of the agency, Lynne Owens, said organised criminals were killing more citizens per year than terrorism,…”. Would that be islamic terrorists or, ‘Far Right’ Brexit types Lynne? Do tell.
Ah! the smell of fresh bread baking and the withholding of accurate news first thing in the morning!
This is a news item broadcast by our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcaster that is ripe for distortion and manipulation to protect one of the BBC’s favoured groups. But which one? Let’s see what I can find within a couple of minutes – no more…..
The first clue is contained in: “….offenders took advantage of the ever-changing face of technology to dominate local communities.”
“Dominate local communities” eh? Could this be election fraud because we know of one particular group that, “dominate communities” don’t we?
Forgive me, I’m becoming biased. It may well be organised criminals from Kosovo or elsewhere in the Balkans who we were all warned about some years ago. From the same Crime Agency if I am not mistaken.
Well, take a look at the actual report and judge my guesswork:
Under the first sub-heading, “Vulnerabilities Threats” I spotted, “ORGANISED IMMIGRATION CRIME (OIC)•Organised crime groups (OCGs) are involved at all stages of the journey from migrants’ source countries to the UK. However, with the deployment of tighter border controls and fences in the Balkans and within the EU, increasing numbers of irregular migrants are seeking the assistance of people smugglers.” I’ll go no further, see the Statement yourself. Isn’t diversity a wonderful thing?
My case rests, M’lord……….
Suzanne Evans on the latest Jon Gaunt show
– She loves the Brexit Party and what is happening
However she isn’t allowed to join cos she doesn’t get on with Farage
… She says he has a big ego ..
– says Brexit is an entire establishment against the people thing
– She hates UKIP
..saying its been thru a series of dire leaders, culminating in the worst one ever Gerard Batten
..and what makes him bad is his stance on Islam … “calling it a death cult”
.. but then at the next moment she says Steve Bannon is probably the one driving Farage ..and that that is a problem cos “he is Alt-Right”
..Doh you stupid woman you are using the language of Identity-Politics throwing smear labels on people
..Steve Bannon is not Alt-Right .. that term means white-supremacist and Bannon is not that.
and AFAIK Batten does differentiate between Islam and Muslims.
He has strong criticism for Islamic dogma and the things it leads to,
…. but doesn’t think someone is tainted just cos they happen to be born an ethnic Muslim.
This prejudice of identity politics is wrong ..They say they are fighting racism , then at the next moment they prejudge someone and slap the label “racist” on someone just cos they highlight problems such as cultural practices or open borders.
..Evans seems a bit loose with her own language, Batten seems quite strong performer like on TV
… I can’t see how she can call him worse than Henry Bolton and Paul Nuttall .
– On Sargon she quickly dismisses him “rape is so awful you just can’t joke about it. ..That’s the whole point, yes you can … legally you can joke about anything..the holocaust etc.
If you force a rule that you can dismiss people like Sargon cos he said something legal, then it won’t be long before someone is using the same rule against you, by quoting you out of context.
In the real world genuine rape victims are the real victims and we should never forget this. However if you join a witch-burning mob against someone that tweeted something …that is wrong .. many people see that and are therefore sympathetic to the person you just called “witch” and too right the mob against them makes them a victim
As I keep saying, there’s no such thing as ‘racism’ a word without a definition is of course meaningless and does not exist.
So if you think I’m wrong, try giving me a definition which covers all the bases and everyone agrees with. I can guarantee you will not be able to do this.
Now try getting that published as a comment on any of the mainstream media blogs. They are so frightened of their great bugaboo being exposed for what it is they will not allow it to be even questioned.
Of course there s racism
..and particularly prejudice
it shouldn’t be difficult to explain.
A white person might go to some no-white country and find that many people rip him off, cos they assume cos he is white he is super rich they judge him by skin colour rather than actual wealth.
..Racism happens to lots of people, instead of them being treated as individuals, they are judged by a label…a label which originates from how they are born, rather than what they think/choose.
I’d go with thirds – one third are racist, one third are not, one third are don’t care.
Being anti or suspicious toward Muslims is not racism – they are not a race.
Based on what we observe of Muslims, it’s a matter of survival, it cannot be described as racism or Islamophobia.
Tell those maimed or those who know people killed by Muslims that they have a Muslim phobia or are racist.
Some kids put some graffiti up near me one year . A black labour councillor was knocking door to door.. I asked her about racism and got that nonsense about how it’s ‘in the eye of the beholder ‘ . Once she admitted this I told her that the graffiti was racist ( in my view ) and should removed overnight as in the Far Left labour council targets…
The look she gave me at the end of this was worth the council tax ( actually it wasn’t ).but I had her over which was all that mattered…
I was informed by a Zimbabwean friend that there is only one true form of racism, that whereby another race or creed are regarded as “less than human” which allows them to be slaughtered like animals, e.g. Nazism and “Jewish pigs” and of course, our islamic friends and their view of non muslims is exactly the same, it allows for genocide, (and organised gang rape…..?) the rest he said, quite emphatically, is just tribalism, a fault of many black Africans as well as others
This is the dictionary definition where someone believes a racial group superior to another.
According to the left though Bing Crosby’s ‘White Christmas’ is ‘racist’, as are sandwiches milk and trees.
If those are indeed ‘racist’ then third wave feminism most certainly is with the ‘women must be believed’ idiocy.
It was women being believed in the deep South which led to countless Black men being lynched.
Just another wannabe career politician who does not believe in our country or culture but only in her own self advancement. Her natural soul home is really the Traitor May wing of the Tory party, however she probably did not fit in there after they found out she had to buy her own pearls and they were plastic.
Just another irrelevance that we will occasionally be forced to listen to by the BBC, in the hopes that her own bitter, useless and destuctive association with UKIP will somehow lend credibility to the anti Farage/Batten/Brexit message that the MSM is most comfortable in pushing.
My view on those Polls is that voters are focusing on the forthcoming Euro elections.
If there is a decisive win for the Brexit Party and a subsequent GE, these voters will probably support the Brexit Party.
7:15am The R4 religion prog
\\ Azeem Wazir says he will be killed if he is deported back to Pakistan for protesting against the arrest of Asia Bibi and the country’s blasphemy laws.
He speaks to Emily from Colnbrook immigration removal centre. //
The interview was strange ..she had to coach him as to what to say.
but he did start to speak on his own and insist there are two death fatwas against him .. but the Home Office won’t believe him.
The thing is he can’t get deported until the courts are satisfied there is no danger to him.
But why didn’t the prog explain how he ended up in the UK and not some nearer country ?
It’s strange he’s been here 4 years, but on Twitter he’s only been mentioned in the last 6 weeks
There was an item about a Muslim olympic rower, who is fasting
… but then he said he doesn’t pray his family that is a woman thing
.. and when probed about prejudice against Muslim, he said the Muslim community really needs to step up against the bad Muslims that provoke such animosity
..the interview quickly ended after that introspection from him.
And even more weird are all these people out their with an avowed intent to stop Brexit although the vote was for Brexit.
As a teen I read lots of sci-fi and fantasy but this knocks all those stories for six.
Shapi Khorsandi, Iranian bbc comedian to speak at climate protest today.
Headed by 11, 11 year old kids to reflect the 11 years the Earth has left to exist. (I thought it was 10 or 12 or 2 years.)
Frightening children and marring their childhood for your own squalid ends is beyond disgusting.
Since 1986 I have followed Alternative Comedy, thus saw many comedians in little community centres before they came on TV
In 2002 I was working for London Yooni and the Guardian in the Angel and I went to a pub where Shappi was doing one of her first gigs .. She wasn’t very good at all.
She wasn’t there cos she was funny, but cos she was a woman and the daughter of an acclaimed Iranian satirist.
Alternative Comedy had died by then, cos satellite TV with lots of time to fill had taken over the biz.
The meme was that ANYONE could be an alternative comedian, so the industry kept airing untalented people, choosing people on the basis of how tick-box they were rather than how funny /provoking they were.
When I came back from Central America 2 years later, Shappi was on Radio4
.. she didn’t deserve to be.
I bet she’s clocked up a few flights to Iran.
When she flew to Brisbane to do I’m a Second Rate Celebrity, was she thinking of her Carbon footprint
.. or her pay cheque ?
BTW the father of the guy I was working with, owned the Up The Creek comedy club in Greenwich
and back in 1986-1988 most weeks I would be at the original Tic Toc Club in Coventry, which was the project of Jon Gaunt ..yep same guy who’s on the radio.
gaxvil, Communists & Fascists (Nazis), same thing really, both used children to further their own ends. Most usually it was as part of a Youth Movement and/or spying on parents and other adults who might not be quite so easily taken in by ‘the message’ from ‘the Party’.
“Frightening children and marring their childhood for your own squalid ends is beyond disgusting.”
I couldn’t agree more. If there is one suicide from an over anxious child with mental health problems due to this environmental lunacy, then everyone involved in promoting it – including the BBC and its reporters like Harrabin and McGrath – is responsible and has blood on their hands.
As posted – it is so ironic that the bbc has run so many campaigns on young people’s mental health and yet it is now devoting so much time to convincing them they don’t have long on this planet.
“Brexit: Gavin Williamson attacks Theresa May’s talks with Labour”
The usual message to Al Beeb and this time to our Members of the House of Comedians ………………“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
You are not listening now , you never have done!
Stand by for a rude awakening on 23 May 2019.
Two significant things are happening next Tuesday 14 May.
Alan Duncan will be attending the Foreign Affairs Council (Defence) in Brussels.
According to @VeteransBritain he will be ‘giving more ground to the EU’ on the EU Defence Fund and Permanent Structured Cooperation. MPs still haven’t discussed it and it remains unreported.
Also on Tuesday TR’s ‘retrial’, courtesy of Geoffrey Cox, starts at the Royal Court of Justice at 9am. I am unsure which, if any, real reporters will be there. AMW will be speaking outside the court.
The absolutely ghastly Alan Duncan has a lot to answer for.
It was he who really went for Andrea Ledsome during her leadership bid, after her interview in the Times, where she made some innocuous remark about being a mother. This was seized on by the seething Duncan. “Disgraceful comments. How heartless can the woman be? She knows Theresa has been desperate for a family…” Actually, I don’t think she knew at all, but…
Later he was there (seething again) when Boris said something he didn’t like. “He must resign!” he blustered. Boris was considered a leadership contender so Duncan was out to get him.
And then of course we had the failed attempt to get shot of the dreadful Maybot last autumn. There he was, right at the front, applauding like a performing seal when she had won the vote.
He’s May’s hitman. Her Squealer. No surprise that the Machiavellian old creature has been bumped upstairs to The House of Lords. A nice comfy little earner.
Still, when The Brexit Party get elected and the HoL gets kicked into touch…
Adios Alan Duncan.
Just seen a Tommy Robinson video and he states court case starts at 2pm be there for 1pm. Maybe check this out if you are going. There will be a lot of dishonest reporting about timing so people will get confused.
“Guy Verhofstadt: I don’t know if Brexit will happen”
With the help of our House of Comedians, three years of their procrastination and collusion with the leaders of the dictatorship that we all know as the ‘United States of Europe’.
Now the smoke has cleared we can all see what has been happening for the last forty years .
“Mother’s demand climate action in London march”
How about getting them to walk to school instead of delivering them there with your Chelsea Tractors. While you are at it, organise a litter pick on the way, because that’s where you will find a lot of it .
How about they campaign to make London safe enough for their children to walk to school, play in the park or just go to the local shops on their own.
Like we used to do as children, before the ethnic invasion.
Oh yes I have always believed action speaks louder than words, unlike the netmum harridans and lib lab gobs when it comes to environmental husbandry and conservation, as we discussed on our last litterpick with some schools.
Looking back at the Marr show -as I missed it live, the pathetic Marr, obsessed with ‘catching Nigel out’ on something in the past, failed miserably.
Nigel ate him alive. And Marr missed the opportunity to discuss what was happening in the present cos of his constant attempt at character assassination. That made his interview pretty uselesss.
Then feeding Labour’s Ashworth some cosy questions re the NHS, and -like with everything- Labour can have it both ways. Trying to find out what Labour policy actually is, is -shall we say-not easy.
I cannot see the point of a decent politician ( yes I know ) doing bbc interviews . If anyone can put the whole Marr Farage interview on here I’d appreciate it as I missed most of it .
The Russian independent as a 1minute 20 seconds of Marr looking like he might have another stroke with the bbc Mafia shouting in his ear to hatchet mr Farage .
It was disgusting and I thought even Marr looked ashamed to be doing the interview…. thank god people don’t watch that stuff
Andrew Marr trawling though old irrelevant quotes that his researchers dug up to try to character assassinate Farage instead of asking him about the big issues and his astonishing lead in the polls.
“What is wrong with the bbc? What is wrong with the bbc? What is wrong with the bbc?”
Marr is vilifying Farage and in turn democracy. This is what we expected and this is what you the Telly Tax subscribers are paying for.
We had the Poll Tax Strike how about the Telly Tax strike? Over to you guys, I am doing my bit.
Is it just me or did Marr look a tad subdued at times?
Perhaps in their bones the beeboids know the game is up. Tectonic plates have shifted, not just in politics but also in the national psyche, the zeitgeist.
They thought they were so progressive and avant-garde, but now they seem to be on the wrong side of history, they’re now the reactionaries and the revolution is passing them by.
Yes, I thought that too. I got the impression Marr was “following orders” and trying to assassinate Farage’s character with ancient and irrelevant quotes. Marr is surely too intelligent not to realise that bringing up Farage’s admiration for Putin – long since satisfactorily clarified, qualified, answered and put to rest – is a line of questioning for weasels. Marr at times looked suitably embarrassed, I thought. I am sure he was only doing what his bosses told him and that he felt uncomfortable being the monkey of BBC organ grinders.
Full 16 minute version
Marr tries to make the Immigration Poster the take away gotcha at the end of the interview
“Would the Brexit Party , put that poster up ?”
Farage claims that then immigration was the #1 issue
..but now the #1 Burning issue is the betrayal of democracy
.. but such posters did a lot of good against Merkel etc.
Type “Andrew Marr” into the Youtube search box
Click the filter button, to filter by upload date
… There are 7 uploads of the full 14 mins
plus 2 more short clips
That 2 minute vid , clips the first question ..”do you regret the immigration poster ?”
Lefties have already edited up their own 2 minute version
On the full version Marr does start with genuine questions but then at minute 10 he reaches for his list of gotcha questions.
..and then when Farage asks “Do you want to talk about THIS election ?” Marr says yes, but then still continues with his list of old gotchas
..saying ‘see he doesn’t regret the poster, and he’s a global warming denier !’
I mistakenly said that the Farage video clipped off the immigration question.
In fact it was the libmobbers edited version that was tricky
The immigration question was the LAST question, but they ended it onto the front, in front of the global warming question.
correction cos I didn’t leave a space Robbo;s tweet didn’t render below
Here’s it again
How dare you ask me about things I’ve said in the past & the views I hold says man who wants to take back control of British politics. Mmmm
a reply from@LocutusBrussels.
#Marr got his arse handed to him here by @Nigel_Farage.
The @BBCPolitics is seemingly just a pathetic smear-operation
that ***SELECTIVELY*** trawls through past quotes,
misrepresents them, and then tries to play “gotcha”
Shoddy journalism from @AndrewMarr9.
End the license fee.
Chris Rose tweets
I’m not particularly a fan of Farage
but I’m struggling to see why #Marr took the poor “gotcha” questioning approach in this interview.
Evidently, the Brexit Party now a result of an unprecedented amount of mistrust for the 2 main parties, that should have been the main focus.
@pterodactyl1984. tweeted
Good performance by Farage, but he says immign is no longer an issue,
and derides those who think it is. This is why I support UKIP as Farage is
‘on message’ with the elite when it comes to the ROP & immigration. See Batten’s interview with Marr.
Al Beeb must have an ulterior motive in its avid support of the EU.
One day we will find out . I suspect a judicial inquiry into Al Beeb and Ofcom will be on the cards when we have left the EU.
People here often seem to take what libmobbers say seriously
as if the libmobbers were being sincere instead of spouting crap for PR purposes.
eg. fake outrage at an old tweet
one of the consistent lines they have used is ‘Why is the BBC airing Farage , he is a no one, he never got elected’
They said that despite him leading UKIP in winning the EU elections
..and they’ll still be ssaying that now he’s getting 40% in polls.
Gavin Esler tweeted
Looks like Nigel Farage just had his second car crash this week.
Piers Morgan had 100% different view
Liberals will have loved Marr attacking @Nigel_Farage like that
… but it will only have strengthened Farage’s popularity with those who voted Brexit.
As with Trump, over-demonising him empowers him.
Nigel Farage looking & sounding like a leader on #Marr. Love him or loathe him, at least he believes in what he says & argues it with passion. His popularity comes from his authenticity & his new surge is happening because democracy is being denied to those who voted for Brexit.
Thanks Stew. But according to the DM, “it made for uncomfortable viewing”. Personally, I was extremely comfortable watching Farage demolish Marr and the beeb.
I think the BBC have made a terrible error. They were quite happy giving Farage publicity when they thought it would split the pro BREXIT vote. However in so doing they have now turbocharged Farage s campaign and now they are panicking!
Whilst I dont wholly trust Farage and my heart is with UKIP – to be honest I may well hold my nose and vote for the Brexit party as the issue now is get Brexit done and ensure the cowardly inward looking Tories are buried to such a depth that they will never dare knock on anyone’s door again.
Putting his more recent misdemeanours aside for one second, this is a man who has fought for a large part of his adult life to see us leave the European Union. He is the most influential politician of our generation and is now back with a second-wind and fresh momentum. Even if Farage can’t always remember who his enemies are, we should be wiser and recognise it’s the Blairs, Lammys and Soubrys of this world we are fighting and doing anything via the ballot box to defeat them should be the mission.
Island – Thanks for that , in truth I feel very conflicted as I have been one of the “tattooed thugs” that has supported TR (except I have never been arrested and dont have any tattoos). But in truth I dont feel I have a choice, unless of course Farage doesnt want my vote because he considers it tainted!
This appears on some BBC webites –
“This website is produced by BBC Global News Ltd, a commercial company owned by the BBC (and just the BBC). No money from the licence fee was used to create this website. The money we make from it is re-invested to help fund the BBC’s international journalism.”
It worth looking at the accounts because its losing money hand over fist so who is subsidising it?
One of the articles has been reviewed by Paul Homewood
“If only the west had not started the industrial revolution, just think how much better off the rest of the world would have been by now!
So where is the actual evidence for this Marxist drivel? It won’t come as a surprise to learn that there is none at all. It is all derived from GIGO computer models, programmed to say that climate change has made poor countries poorer.
Immediately looking at the picture of Marr/Nigel, one looks extremely relaxed and in control, the other, earnest. I look forward to watching the whole encounter on YouTube assuming of course, the latter hasn’t banned it.
Considering that the Remainers had dismissed the EU elections as irrelevant – they sure are going for it.
And suddenly the bbc have realised that Farage is back and presents an existential threat, so the bbc “fix Farage!” memo has gone out.
The blatant cynicism of Corbyn takes some beating ie: £10 per hour for 16 year olds and £143 per week to everyone in two of our cities whatever their circumstances.
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The BBC are acted very ‘piously’ with regard to Danny Baker but I think this (ironically) BBC Scotland comedy sketch exposes the corporation’s distinctly troubled past.
Brilliant, …… back in the box !
Fabulous, Cassandra!
Years of “Brexit Bashing” headlined by the BBC with conspicuous silence on the implications and risks of “Remain.”
Said bias has left “Leavers” fearing the unknowns of a future in the EU, and mllions of “Remainers” thinking they voted to keep the status quo held in “Maastritch” and the UK opt-outs.
Unfortunately Maastritch and the UK opt-outs are mere steps in a long line of abolished, circumvented and superceded agreements along the road of European integration.
With rules to ensure we become ever more dependent, how could we hold onto our self-determination within this undemocratic and determinately integrationist EU? Should we give over our self determination, and if we did what might happen to us?
Perhaps the BBC thinks it knows best or perhaps it just doesn’t care?
The biased BBC does care. It shows this by sweeping the questions you raise/infer (‘what kind of Remain do Remainers want? Do they support the £ joining the Eurozone? A single European army? How much more integration do they want ? What new powers do they want to transfer to Brussels?) swiftly, firmly, and consistently well and truly under the carpet, so that no Remainer on any programme is ever asked these questions.
“(‘what kind of Remain do Remainers want? Do they support the £ joining the Eurozone? A single European army? How much more integration do they want ? What new powers do they want to transfer to Brussels?) ”
And will the powers in the EU do anything to stop the BBC insisting that every EU household must subscribe to the BBC licence or else?
Think of the BBCs annual income then?
Ian Smith.
Maybe we should declare UDI.
That ended well.
Hi Emmanuel, LoL I am not he, but as regards unilaterally declaring independence, I believe we just did (or tried to) with Article 50
Adding the omitted word “probably” as follows, “and millions of “Remainers” probably thinking they voted to keep the status quo”
Apologies for the omission.
In an earlier post, I commented on the fixation of the bBBC to search out individuals with individual grievances, irrespective of their severity.
So I now give you……from the webshite front page, no less.
‘Woman finds loaf full of bread crusts’.
Presumably the evil Tory government will need to legislate. Corbyn is already calling for the nationalisation of all bakeries.
Rob Burley seems to have turned selected tweets into his own personal plea for protection.
Maybe Lord Hall can do him a loaner of that lot he got after one nasty tweet in Europe?
Interesting to see Pakistani i.e. islamic terrorists have attacked a 5 star hotel in an “attack upon Chinese and foreign investment”, cannot wait to see how the Chinese deal with this scum infesting the world…popcorn time….
One dead after militant gunmen storm five-star hotel in Pakistan in ‘attack on multi-billion-dollar Chinese investment’
Funny thing, Pakistan has very close financial ties with China which is a bit odd considering the Chinese attitude to their own Muslims.
Guess they’re not the ‘right’ kind of Muslims.
A lot on here we’re advocating spoiling your vote paper if no suitable candidate was on it.
Saying that a whole load of spoiled vote papers would make TPTB sit up and take notice.
All very well.
It sounds like a decent idea and in some cases was the only option but as far as I can see nothing at all has come of it.
I’ve seen no newspaper articles about the spoiled votes.
Nothing on the bbbc (or any other MSM tv channel)
I’ve seen very little in the way of information on the number of spoiled votes apart from a number of 31,000 or thereabouts but I don’t know where or out of how many votes in total.
Is there an official number of spoiled votes out there and if so, what percentage of the total were they.
What different result could we have had if all the spoiled votes had a party to vote for.
It seems that spoiling your vote has no effect.
At least the next time we will have UKIP and The Brexit Party to vote for.
I read that there were 39,000 spoiled votes.
That would need to be put in context; how does it compare to previous elections?
Victor Davis Hansen has given a brilliant analysis of why Trump won in 2016 and why he will win in 2020. It is well worth listening to and can be found on U Tube , Uncommon Knowledge , hosted by Peter Robinson.
I have just read an article in a local newspaper about an Orwellian Climate Change organisation called “Hope for the Future”. Apparently the article shows pupils being indoctrinated by a climate change programme. It shows the local Tory MP visiting the school. The MP says that the pupils “have been working hard to produce Climate Change campaigns” “I enjoyed discussing the way that businesses, politicians and citizens must work together to tackle climate change” The Tory MP was attending the Schools climate change campaign day. It means that politicians are being lobbied by school children who have been indoctrinated by an organisation supported by Members of Parliament, and funded indirectly by the government through a huge network of other charities. The scam also includes lovely soft nice phrases like “better the world for all living thinks” ”bringing to life what children are learning” and “protecting the environment”. Is there any way that parents could stop this left-wing indoctrination of their children. Legally threaten the School Headmaster, etc.
Interesting to see Ben Shapiro who is something of a bigot, got ripped a new one by Brillo and flounced off the show.
Oh was Ben Shapiro’s book title ironic ?

Full 16 min video
Interesting that in 2015 Ben Shapiro left the Republicans
co he said he could never vote for Trump
At 4m30s Shapiro loses it when Neil asks him about draconian punishment for women miscarry/abort
..He just had not expected Neil to play Devil’s advocate.
8:25 Neil asks him if new media coarsens public debate ?
again Shapiro loses it
11:00 Neil asks him about calling Trump’s stateof the union address as “fascist”
Shapiro calls back this as gotcha journalism going back thru ancient tweets
14:20 Shapiro gets angry accusing Neil of shouting slogans to catch him out
..I sympathise with Shapiro a bit
.. It is confusing to Americans that we speak English in a different way from them.
Shapiro’s apology
apology part 2
I watched that interview, and Shapiro did look a bit of a numbnut against Neil. He said he had never heard of Andrew Neil, but knowing he was to be interviewed he should have done his homework, and then he would have realised who he was up against.
Without disagreeing with the previous comments, I think Neil was unnecessarily combative; he seemed to be setting out to take Shapiro down, and the conversation left an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
Ben Shapiro is a conservative commentator, or Far Right as the beeb would say – as they do of anyone to the right of Pol Pot. Andrew Neil may not be a Leftist, but the beeb is, and he who pays the piper calls the tune. They give him some leeway, some slack, but ultimately he has to show his loyalty to his master, toe the party line, and also prove he’s not far-right himself by being nasty to ‘rightists’.
So he gets the beeb’s army of researchers to dig up some old tweets with which to trip up Shapiro, who came to talk about his book and his ideas, and is caught off guard. (Which is surprising given that he’s a tough debater, and knew he was entering the lions’ den with the beeb.)
Shapiro still manages to make some good points about the state of American politics, and, en passant, about the Neil / beeb’s style of interviewing those guilty of wrong-thought:
“I hope you’re having fun going through every old tweet to try and do ‘gotcha’ questions.”
Spot on.
I struggled through the complete documentary Brexit behind closed doors, broadcast by the BBC, though not created by that most-trusted broadcaster. Here’s part 1 and here’s part 2, should any of my esteemed colleagues want to suffer through them as I did.
I watched the documentary because I was curious as to why the BBC broadcast it. I’m still curious since it shows the EU in a terrible light, with people swearing at meetings, swearing at a televised address by May and mocking her relentlessly. The cameraman follows Verhofstadt around as if he is obsessed by him. He probably is.
I suppose it is of some interest since it follows the progressive capitulation of May to EU demands and clearly demonstrates the uncompromising nature of the EU ‘negotiators’ as they simply make demands and then sit back and wait for them to eventually be met. Only Dominic Raab is mentioned as someone who gave them any real resistance during the process.
One of the most awful moments is the gloating over “turning the UK into a colony, which was the aim all along.”
Well, they haven’t quite won yet. They have Nigel Farage and perhaps Tommy Robinson to contend with.
Talking of the latter, Ezra Levant is sending a young reporter over to cover Tommy’s campaign since naturally they can’t rely on the UK media to cover him fairly. Usual expenses apart, she will need security and they are appealing for donations.
Truetoo . I will watch it when I get back to Blighty next week . I try to ‘ game’ the medium to long term effect of the current exit process – actually whether we really leave or not .
I’m not going to roll it out here because this site is about the biased BBC . But let’s face it – whether we remain in the short term or leave without a deal when A50 runs out again – Blighty is going to be scarred for a long time .
When we leave properly the campaign to rejoin will get into gear and remainers will do their best to undermine the well being of a freed up Blighty –
Only visible benefits for people will subdue the drive for snowflakes to rejoin .
Positive news about the economy and jobs will be ignored by the MSM then just as they are now . Soros will keep Project Fear going even after he dies .
I can’t see Westminster getting any kind of legitimacy back before 2022? – the time of the next fixed term election and the upper house will never be valid again – if it ever was .
Personally – as an Englishman – I could care less if other parts of the current UK go independent – much of their respective economies are now based on public sector jobs – with the exception of oil but no doubt the SNP will want to keep that in the ground to stick by is ecology principles . If smaller countries than England can make it without English taxpayer subsidies – good luck to them .
With a bit of luck the brexit debacle will shake the establishment harder – it can’t make things worse as we no longer live in a democracy or have even the remotest oversight of the government .its taken brexit to show what a falsehood parliamentary democracy is and how easily the views of a majority can be extinguished by a compliant MSM and corrupt traitor politicians .
Views / criticisms welcome
PS – I think the best day to watch those documentaries is the 6th of June ….
A Labour Remainer MP ( ethnic ) on Week at Westminster used a term I hadn’t heard before today –
Extreme Far Right ….
I know we on this website try to look for a definition of ‘ Far Right ‘ but what about the definition of ‘ Extreme Far Right’?
Naturally the MSM ‘host’ didn’t pull the politician up to ask what he meant but why would he ?
I suppose he was trying to say far FAR right.
But True – those on the Right prefer a smaller less interventionist State and a national identity .
Is the extreme Far Right another term for the kind of regime set up in the third Reich ? I don’t see that .
@Think about
What are libmob doing when they throw out labels ?
.. Apply the projection test
..Is the label they shout merely a projection of their own position ?
So when a left/lib person isn’t just an honourable lefty but has some very totalitarian ideas like nationalising everything , and cutting free speech of selected people they are far and extreme … they confirm that by labelling other people “far and extreme” etc.
MInute 4:41 “The EXTREME HARD RIGHT of the Tory Party”
The seg had Nicky Morgan Tory and @ChiOnwurah
Labour MP for Newcastle
She says there must be a permanent Customs Union, that locks in workers rights (as if they’d disappear otherwise)
“..if the PM says she going to go
and then The EXTREME HARD RIGHT of the Tory Party, being in charge of any future negotiations
…. if no Confirmatory Vote ..we could get the rise of far right parties, to take advantage of that”
@Fedup are the libmob the extremists ?
or are we ?
We all used to listen watch MSM
but find ourselves switching it off almost all the time
It is the media and libland that has moved not us .
Extremism#1 their constant agenda pushing
Extremism#2 Their witchburning of people who tweeted a minor thing, that they didn’t even see
Extremism#3 Their lack of tolerance for diversity of view points
On Twitter their this constant stream of nastiness from the libmobbers
You see things like nasty graphics of Farage being made every few minutes
..but nasty graphics of Abbott or Corbyn are much less frequent.
One of the things I fear is that access to the internet will become even more controlled – probably an other all ‘login’ process using fingerprints .
This of course will lead to internet exclusion – with the state preventing access to the whole internet .
The will obviously be an ‘internet access tax ‘ at some stage …
The ‘internet tax’ was/is of course one of the major funding alternatives considered to plug the problem of people choosing not to watch live TV and hence pay for Gavin Esler’s pension.
I was in China a little while ago and no youtube no google etc some are allowed to use it if approved for academic purposes, and we are going the same way with the “authorities” allowing what can and cannot be seen, totalitarian
I would aslo refer to my above about the police deciding something as hate speech without any evidence of hate totalitarian agian, the aliens really have infiltrated the human race…
Fed, so far Right that it is on the left wing but struggling to keep up with Sir Bobby Charlton?
If it is on the left wing, Sir Bobby will have to have some piercings and a purple combe over
If you are going to watch that documentary, just make sure you have no heavy objects nearby as you’ll be tempted to throw them through the screen.
They say power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, if I have that right. Seems to me that those EU presidents and commissioners and the like have absolute power while they’re there and they certainly are corrupt. Only good thing is that apparently their term in power is limited and so new power-hungry freaks will be appointed in time.
I’ve got a ridiculously early start tomorrow, and so….
Yes, I’ve made a modest contribution to her expenses. I’ve also contributed to Tommy Robinson’s security expenses.
I have a feeling they’ll get more than enough support. But I’d like to see Tommy sue the police for failing to do their job.
Good on you, john in Cheshire,
I also sent a couple of shekels their way.
Regarding suing the police, last time didn’t go too well. He’d be lucky to find a judge who isn’t prejudiced against him.
‘Dad’ rights for rapists must end, says Rotherham child sex grooming scandal victim
Grooming gang ringleader Arshid Hussain, who fathered Miss Woodhouse’s son through rape, was jailed for 35 years in 2016, but Miss Woodhouse said her family court experience made her feel she was on trial.
Her petition, “stop rapists from accessing children conceived through rape”, has gained 500,000 signatures.
She said Hussain had been offered a role in her son’s life and said: “It’s just horrendous. Why does the Government and the system protect the paedophiles and rapists?
“The only person who gets the life sentence is the victim. He never went on trial – I did. I wake up every day and fight for something.”
She said the media should be allowed to report family court proceedings “like you do in a rape trial” and urged an investigation and “overhaul” of the system.
Bish bash bosh !!!! Good old Nigel
change mobile to www ..and the tweet will embed here
polls ? what ?
..fat ..lady ..sing
Ta Stew .
The rule that every white man in an advert must be a div
#3 The 118 divs
#4 The thick Ney York taxi driver in the McDonald’s advert
#1 The Vodaphone adverts ..he thick so doesn’t understand Vodaphone
#2 The Marcus Brigstocke “data self” adverts
“The rule that every white man in an advert must be a div”
“#3 The 118 divs”
Yes the 118 characters are white and they are portrayed as divs
.. You are welcome to list some where white men are not portrayed as divs
George Clooney is portrayed nicely in the Nescafe advert
But what about the king in the Bud light advert ?
.. who is so thick and narrow minded that he just orders his wizaed to turn everything into a case of beer.
Are their any BAME advert characters portrayed as divs ?
Diane Abbot ?
I believe that ‘Maxi the sockpuppet’ , our resident troller has a new controller.
What say you regular posters ?
The Sunday MSM is reporting the Observer poll on EU election voting intentions . They seem shocked that the Brexit Party has a huge lead over the combined numbers of the Traitor Labour and Tory Party .
MSM doesn’t seem to realise that the majority of voters voted to Leave the EU – nothing about Deals or sell outs – just leave .
But they still won’t get it .
They don’t want to get it.
The smear campaigns against Nigel Farage will, I forecast, resume with a vengeance. So far, it’s UKIP who have borne the brunt of it but they are now an irrelevance for the EU elections.
So far Farage and the Brexit Party have actually had quite an easy ride. I think he has been taking advice from the Trump campaign in the arts of persuasion as he’s barely put a foot wrong and seems to have a slick media presentation team behind him. I pray he can continue in this vein, but it will not be easy.
Farage is notorious for foot-in-mouth disease especially when it gets close to election days. Only ten or so days to go. He’s going to have to be control himself mightily.
Too late for all that – any criticism or smears now, will merely make his position stronger, a la Trump.
I hope he beats the rest to pulp in the elections.
As everyone from Owen to Adonis knows, a quick letter to Tony works wonders, and immediately*
*Not applicable if you are BBC naughty step folk.
Actually if Tone can be persuade to insist on Gavin Esler, Change might yet see its polling down to 1%.
The Brexiteers are divided between the Brexit Party on 34% and UKIP on 4%. But the Remainers are divided five ways between Labour on 21%, LibDems on 12%, Tories on 11%, Greens on 8% and Change UK on 3%.
I calculate that this means that the cut off for a list of ten candidates is 7%.
So UKIP are unlikely to get any MEP’s, but thanks to Change UK, the Remainers will also have 3% removed from other Remainer party’s by Change UK who also are unlikely to have any MEP’s. If Change UK can drag 1% off Labour and 2% off the Greens by talking about climate change, that could also mean Labour and the Greens lose “last on the list” MEP’s, to the Brexit Party, so that would be lovely.
At the moment a ten MEP list would go. Brexit, Labour, LibDem, Brexit, Brexit, Tory, Labour, Brexit, Green and then Labour on 7% as “last on the list“, with Brexit next on 6.8%.
Headline on BBC News Website:
“” Labour to End Youth Rate Minimum Wage””
Are Labour in power? Have I missed something? Wishful thinking again by the Left/BBC.
Acting as Labour’s PR megaphone should not be a good look, but the BBC seems to feel it is immune.
In the absence from the mighty minds of the world’s least trustworthy, I was working with the contractors rendering our house today when the subject arose. These clearly uneducated fools were totally impressed with the notion of making young people unemployable and untrainable.
I might see how they feel about the MEP elections next.
Dover Sentry
Its the usual ‘jam tomorrow’ promise .
Just like Mrs Chamberlain’s promise ‘we’re leaving the EU on 29th March 2019.
Simples .
For a good laugh, there’s a debate about the bias of the MSM on R4.
But if you expected a criticism of PC journalism, you would be wrong. The complaint is about the ‘centre-right’ leanings of the media, and any criticism of J Corbyn. The level and quality of debate is poor.
Trust the bbc….
21 heads of state of various European Union member-states have signed a new manifesto arguing for more integration in the political bloc and a “stronger Europe” — interpreted as a response to the rise of eurosceptic, pro-sovereignty populist parties.
Good grief. That looks as if the Soros-funded elite have declared w-r against the people. We should all be worried.
Al Beeb …\\Climate change ‘may curb growth in UK flying’//
Operative word as usual, is “may”.
Eg., If I purchase a lottery ticket I “may” win a £ 10 million .
Taffman, do you think this looks as if they are using the Climate Change scare stories to gradually stop the people from within the EU from travelling abroad? It sounds very Soviet-style to me.
If you put it with Thoughtful’s link then what….
Demon I have been wondering this also.
It is another level of control. Think about it, they are already trying to control the internet. They stop “far right” speakers from entering this country (but not so bothered – if all the speaker wants to do is kill kaffirs).
If you stop people travelling freely there is no exchange of ideas, people feel isolated and helpless and you can craft the population the way you want it. Of course if you are a rich, virtue signalling, hypocrite, lefty actress, who hates her “cloud bolted island” and with a penchant for 1st class travel then thats OK also.
If they were truly serious about controlling Co2 they would stop the mass importation of people from the 3rd world, who on entering the West immediately increase their Co2 footprint by a factor of x7.
No wonder Theresa and her progressive friends seem so keen on a “green” agenda. Protecting the planet could well be the final, virtuous Trojan horse to slip in the controls they need to finally subjugate us.
Green could well be the new red.
Circumcision and phimosis stories: ‘I’m scared of my own penis’
Unbelievable. Couldn’t finish this article, just too awful. With such articles, I always think…what is the real reason that Al Beeb have written it? So, where is it common to find circumcision (yes, the USA..), and secondly a good excuse to discuss gay men, sex and the anatomy of the penis, using layman’s terms too. Disgusting that this is where your tv tax goes.
Yes the boys who work for Aunty appear more than fascinated with what is below most mens belt.
A bit too fascinated – I think.
It used to be ” the boys in the band ”
Then it was ” friends of Dorothy ”
Maybe it’s now ” Aunty’s little bees “?
“Yes the boys who work for Aunty appear more than fascinated with what is below most mens belt.
A bit too fascinated – I think.”
Same goes for those men – it must be men – who make the male-perfume adds on TV. You can tell that their adds are for the benefit of the gay viewer. This kind of thing is in your face all the time. Its not just a case of “well, why don’t you turn your TV off?” because by the time you go for the remote its too late.
Vesna/John – I was gonna say – one day all BBC employees will be made this way. Then I remembered they are!
Businessman, 54, investigated by police over Twitter poem about transgender people launches a landmark High Court battle to overhaul official rules on hate crimes
Harry Miller is to seek judicial review of guidelines followed by UK police forces
Mr Miller, a former policeman, is challenging guidance from College of Policing
He was investigated by police over a poem about transgender people
“His legal team have highlighted a clause in the rules that state such incidents must be recorded by officers ‘irrespective of any evidence to identify the hate element’.”
I repeat:
‘irrespective of any evidence to identify the hate element’.”
He claims he received a call from an officer telling him that someone ‘down south’ had sent the force 30 of Mr Miller’s tweets, which they alleged to be transphobic, and informing him ‘we need to check your thinking’ – a comment police later denied making .
I repeat, because I believe him rather than “the police”:
‘we need to check your thinking’
Explaining his reasons for launching legal action, the businessman told the Mail on Sunday: ‘This case is not about being allowed to say anything I want, to anyone without consequence.
‘It is about the ability to have freedom of speech within the law and being allowed to have a debate without one group being able to call on the police to shut another group down.
‘Free speech is being closed down by a climate of fear and secrecy and the police are contributing to this Orwellian culture.’
And he’s a former officer. Says it all.
Thoughts on the US-China trade war:
MSM is covered in polling levels of the Brexit Party . They are desperately trying to smear Nigel Farage – embarrassingly bad stuff about leaving the scene of a minor car accident when he was a passenger ….
They’ll try secret footage of someone saying something not nice to MSM as well as financing and lies about links to exotic funding or other groups …
Old Soros and his Project Fear rolling along again .
From my limited – twitter based – reading of the Brexit Party – is campaigning in areas where the real British live and not wasting time on corrupt multicultural swamps like London where snowflake hostility would make nice footage for MSM propaganda ….
Chuka , Soubry and the rest of the traitors might as well not exist . I wish .
As someone else here said – UKIP has been MSM’d and the Brexit party is next. Just a pity Farage found it necessary to join in and be so unpleasant about a party that in reality should have been its natural ally.
Having said that the MSM only have ten days or so to complete the hatchet job, and I think now after the last couple of years listening to majority of the MSM telling us how ignorant we all are , people are becoming more skeptical of the MSM tactics.
Whether Farage left the scene or not, he said he checked that no-one had been hurt and the other bloke had started kicking off. Bearing in mind Farage is not a big bloke and the other bloke was a lot younger – I can understand why he left the scene. If fisticuffs had happened – (after seeing the recent TR assault) you dont need a lot of imagination to see how the press would have tried to have spun the story, if they dont like you .
Whilst I dont particularly like Farage since he has gone out of his way to shaft UKIP, on this he was in a no win situation and probably made the best of a bad situation.
“”Brexit Party Take 12 Point Lead””
Conservatives 4th Place. 🙂
(Not reported by BBC. Can’t think why…).
@Dover ..polls mean little
probably right before the election the lib-establishment machine will try to pull something
..Like some of their planted Brexit Party people will stage a bust up.
..And/Or the lib-establishment will release some secret dossier on a candidate that proves he/she is a paedophile etc.
.. And they’ll milk anything like a Jo Cox event for all it’s worth.
.. They play by dirty Alinsky rules.
Agreed, Stew. But its a pointer at least.
If the Brexit Party does do well in the election I wonder how the BBC Soros will deal with?
Ignore it
Fiddle with the numbers
Use the ‘could have been worse ‘
They didn’t understand what they voted for ( again )
Just a protest vote
Corrupt funding – Russians
Farage cult ( spelling )
They didn’t win -lab/Tory ‘lost’
It was only MEPs so not important
They voted for ‘celebrities ‘ not ‘views’
The vote can be disregarded cos they are all old and dying …( my favourite )
Look over there -is the duchess pregnant again ?
Make yer own warped list …..
You missed out the most obvious one which is to blame Toxic Tess – and it is difficult to disagree with that because it is her fault!
Fedup2, I think that The Brexit Party will worry the BBC so much they they may have to reign in their natural desire to destroy.
Farage has been very blunt with the BBC as to how he regards them.
Gary Lineker is, of course, borne to the commentary box in a sedan chair on the shoulders of brawny female colleagues.
Popcorn at the ready.
goal hanger, just saying
Results of the South African elections
Note the BBC posted spoilt numbers.
Curious why they didn’t post numbers for our locals….
You’re giving them too much credit. They almost certainly didn’t create any of this, they just used someone elses work because it’s easier and cheaper.
The BBC can manage to report this:
But not this:
Can’t imagine why.
“Organised crime ‘chronic and corrosive’ to the UK – National Crime Agency”
“Head of the agency, Lynne Owens, said organised criminals were killing more citizens per year than terrorism,…”. Would that be islamic terrorists or, ‘Far Right’ Brexit types Lynne? Do tell.
Ah! the smell of fresh bread baking and the withholding of accurate news first thing in the morning!
This is a news item broadcast by our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcaster that is ripe for distortion and manipulation to protect one of the BBC’s favoured groups. But which one? Let’s see what I can find within a couple of minutes – no more…..
The first clue is contained in: “….offenders took advantage of the ever-changing face of technology to dominate local communities.”
“Dominate local communities” eh? Could this be election fraud because we know of one particular group that, “dominate communities” don’t we?
Forgive me, I’m becoming biased. It may well be organised criminals from Kosovo or elsewhere in the Balkans who we were all warned about some years ago. From the same Crime Agency if I am not mistaken.
Well, take a look at the actual report and judge my guesswork:
Under the first sub-heading, “Vulnerabilities Threats” I spotted, “ORGANISED IMMIGRATION CRIME (OIC)•Organised crime groups (OCGs) are involved at all stages of the journey from migrants’ source countries to the UK. However, with the deployment of tighter border controls and fences in the Balkans and within the EU, increasing numbers of irregular migrants are seeking the assistance of people smugglers.” I’ll go no further, see the Statement yourself. Isn’t diversity a wonderful thing?
My case rests, M’lord……….
Suzanne Evans on the latest Jon Gaunt show
– She loves the Brexit Party and what is happening
However she isn’t allowed to join cos she doesn’t get on with Farage
… She says he has a big ego ..
– says Brexit is an entire establishment against the people thing
– She hates UKIP
..saying its been thru a series of dire leaders, culminating in the worst one ever Gerard Batten
..and what makes him bad is his stance on Islam … “calling it a death cult”
.. but then at the next moment she says Steve Bannon is probably the one driving Farage ..and that that is a problem cos “he is Alt-Right”
..Doh you stupid woman you are using the language of Identity-Politics throwing smear labels on people
..Steve Bannon is not Alt-Right .. that term means white-supremacist and Bannon is not that.
and AFAIK Batten does differentiate between Islam and Muslims.
He has strong criticism for Islamic dogma and the things it leads to,
…. but doesn’t think someone is tainted just cos they happen to be born an ethnic Muslim.
This prejudice of identity politics is wrong ..They say they are fighting racism , then at the next moment they prejudge someone and slap the label “racist” on someone just cos they highlight problems such as cultural practices or open borders.
..Evans seems a bit loose with her own language, Batten seems quite strong performer like on TV
… I can’t see how she can call him worse than Henry Bolton and Paul Nuttall .
– On Sargon she quickly dismisses him “rape is so awful you just can’t joke about it.
..That’s the whole point, yes you can … legally you can joke about anything..the holocaust etc.
If you force a rule that you can dismiss people like Sargon cos he said something legal, then it won’t be long before someone is using the same rule against you, by quoting you out of context.
In the real world genuine rape victims are the real victims and we should never forget this. However if you join a witch-burning mob against someone that tweeted something …that is wrong .. many people see that and are therefore sympathetic to the person you just called “witch” and too right the mob against them makes them a victim
As I keep saying, there’s no such thing as ‘racism’ a word without a definition is of course meaningless and does not exist.
So if you think I’m wrong, try giving me a definition which covers all the bases and everyone agrees with. I can guarantee you will not be able to do this.
Now try getting that published as a comment on any of the mainstream media blogs. They are so frightened of their great bugaboo being exposed for what it is they will not allow it to be even questioned.
Of course there s racism
..and particularly prejudice
it shouldn’t be difficult to explain.
A white person might go to some no-white country and find that many people rip him off, cos they assume cos he is white he is super rich they judge him by skin colour rather than actual wealth.
..Racism happens to lots of people, instead of them being treated as individuals, they are judged by a label…a label which originates from how they are born, rather than what they think/choose.
I’d go with thirds – one third are racist, one third are not, one third are don’t care.
Being anti or suspicious toward Muslims is not racism – they are not a race.
Based on what we observe of Muslims, it’s a matter of survival, it cannot be described as racism or Islamophobia.
Tell those maimed or those who know people killed by Muslims that they have a Muslim phobia or are racist.
Some kids put some graffiti up near me one year . A black labour councillor was knocking door to door.. I asked her about racism and got that nonsense about how it’s ‘in the eye of the beholder ‘ . Once she admitted this I told her that the graffiti was racist ( in my view ) and should removed overnight as in the Far Left labour council targets…
The look she gave me at the end of this was worth the council tax ( actually it wasn’t ).but I had her over which was all that mattered…
I was informed by a Zimbabwean friend that there is only one true form of racism, that whereby another race or creed are regarded as “less than human” which allows them to be slaughtered like animals, e.g. Nazism and “Jewish pigs” and of course, our islamic friends and their view of non muslims is exactly the same, it allows for genocide, (and organised gang rape…..?) the rest he said, quite emphatically, is just tribalism, a fault of many black Africans as well as others
This is the dictionary definition where someone believes a racial group superior to another.
According to the left though Bing Crosby’s ‘White Christmas’ is ‘racist’, as are sandwiches milk and trees.
If those are indeed ‘racist’ then third wave feminism most certainly is with the ‘women must be believed’ idiocy.
It was women being believed in the deep South which led to countless Black men being lynched.
it shouldn’t be difficult to explain, yet you are unable to do so.
Just another wannabe career politician who does not believe in our country or culture but only in her own self advancement. Her natural soul home is really the Traitor May wing of the Tory party, however she probably did not fit in there after they found out she had to buy her own pearls and they were plastic.
Just another irrelevance that we will occasionally be forced to listen to by the BBC, in the hopes that her own bitter, useless and destuctive association with UKIP will somehow lend credibility to the anti Farage/Batten/Brexit message that the MSM is most comfortable in pushing.
42 minutes ago
European Parliament voting intention:
BREX: 34% (+6)
LAB: 21% (-7)
LDEM: 12% (+5)
CON: 11% (-3)
GRN: 8% (+2)
UKIP: 4% (+1)
CHUK: 3% (-4)
44 minutes ago
Westminster voting intention:
LAB: 28% (-5)
CON: 22% (-5)
BREX: 21% (+4)
LDEM: 11% (+5)
GRN: 6% (+2)
UKIP: 4% (-)
My view on those Polls is that voters are focusing on the forthcoming Euro elections.
If there is a decisive win for the Brexit Party and a subsequent GE, these voters will probably support the Brexit Party.
But as we know, Polls are not 100% reliable.
I do not believe 22% still voting Tory – I suppose they are remainers …
7:15am The R4 religion prog
\\ Azeem Wazir says he will be killed if he is deported back to Pakistan for protesting against the arrest of Asia Bibi and the country’s blasphemy laws.
He speaks to Emily from Colnbrook immigration removal centre. //
The interview was strange ..she had to coach him as to what to say.
but he did start to speak on his own and insist there are two death fatwas against him .. but the Home Office won’t believe him.
The thing is he can’t get deported until the courts are satisfied there is no danger to him.
But why didn’t the prog explain how he ended up in the UK and not some nearer country ?
It’s strange he’s been here 4 years, but on Twitter he’s only been mentioned in the last 6 weeks
There was an item about a Muslim olympic rower, who is fasting
… but then he said he doesn’t pray his family that is a woman thing
.. and when probed about prejudice against Muslim, he said the Muslim community really needs to step up against the bad Muslims that provoke such animosity
..the interview quickly ended after that introspection from him.
T he ‘Centre’ of EU operations. Embrace the cultural diveresity…….
Marr deliciously slaughtered by Nigel Farage, on his show. Wonderful!
That was weird, Marr like a pre programmed robot, expressionless and unable to produce reasonable impression of being a human being,
And even more weird are all these people out their with an avowed intent to stop Brexit although the vote was for Brexit.
As a teen I read lots of sci-fi and fantasy but this knocks all those stories for six.
Shapi Khorsandi, Iranian bbc comedian to speak at climate protest today.
Headed by 11, 11 year old kids to reflect the 11 years the Earth has left to exist. (I thought it was 10 or 12 or 2 years.)
Frightening children and marring their childhood for your own squalid ends is beyond disgusting.
Since 1986 I have followed Alternative Comedy, thus saw many comedians in little community centres before they came on TV
In 2002 I was working for London Yooni and the Guardian in the Angel and I went to a pub where Shappi was doing one of her first gigs .. She wasn’t very good at all.
She wasn’t there cos she was funny, but cos she was a woman and the daughter of an acclaimed Iranian satirist.
Alternative Comedy had died by then, cos satellite TV with lots of time to fill had taken over the biz.
The meme was that ANYONE could be an alternative comedian, so the industry kept airing untalented people, choosing people on the basis of how tick-box they were rather than how funny /provoking they were.
When I came back from Central America 2 years later, Shappi was on Radio4
.. she didn’t deserve to be.
I bet she’s clocked up a few flights to Iran.
When she flew to Brisbane to do I’m a Second Rate Celebrity, was she thinking of her Carbon footprint
.. or her pay cheque ?
BTW the father of the guy I was working with, owned the Up The Creek comedy club in Greenwich
and back in 1986-1988 most weeks I would be at the original Tic Toc Club in Coventry, which was the project of Jon Gaunt ..yep same guy who’s on the radio.
gaxvil, Communists & Fascists (Nazis), same thing really, both used children to further their own ends. Most usually it was as part of a Youth Movement and/or spying on parents and other adults who might not be quite so easily taken in by ‘the message’ from ‘the Party’.
“Frightening children and marring their childhood for your own squalid ends is beyond disgusting.”
I couldn’t agree more. If there is one suicide from an over anxious child with mental health problems due to this environmental lunacy, then everyone involved in promoting it – including the BBC and its reporters like Harrabin and McGrath – is responsible and has blood on their hands.
As posted – it is so ironic that the bbc has run so many campaigns on young people’s mental health and yet it is now devoting so much time to convincing them they don’t have long on this planet.
“Brexit: Gavin Williamson attacks Theresa May’s talks with Labour”
The usual message to Al Beeb and this time to our Members of the House of Comedians ………………“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
You are not listening now , you never have done!
Stand by for a rude awakening on 23 May 2019.
New bbc slogan:-
None so Deaf as those who will not Listen – Your bbc.
(That’s bbc interviewers and and the growing bbc ex listeners.)
“UKIP candidate Carl Benjamin in Truro milkshake melee”
Are the police looking after our politicians?
Some more than others.
Here are two reports on the current state of affairs in our country; one from EUReferendum and one from Frontpagemag :
They make for an interesting read.
Two significant things are happening next Tuesday 14 May.
Alan Duncan will be attending the Foreign Affairs Council (Defence) in Brussels.
According to @VeteransBritain he will be ‘giving more ground to the EU’ on the EU Defence Fund and Permanent Structured Cooperation. MPs still haven’t discussed it and it remains unreported.
Also on Tuesday TR’s ‘retrial’, courtesy of Geoffrey Cox, starts at the Royal Court of Justice at 9am. I am unsure which, if any, real reporters will be there. AMW will be speaking outside the court.
Think the awful Alan Duncan is after a big boy job in the ReichEU so happy to sell his country out .
The absolutely ghastly Alan Duncan has a lot to answer for.
It was he who really went for Andrea Ledsome during her leadership bid, after her interview in the Times, where she made some innocuous remark about being a mother. This was seized on by the seething Duncan. “Disgraceful comments. How heartless can the woman be? She knows Theresa has been desperate for a family…” Actually, I don’t think she knew at all, but…
Later he was there (seething again) when Boris said something he didn’t like. “He must resign!” he blustered. Boris was considered a leadership contender so Duncan was out to get him.
And then of course we had the failed attempt to get shot of the dreadful Maybot last autumn. There he was, right at the front, applauding like a performing seal when she had won the vote.
He’s May’s hitman. Her Squealer. No surprise that the Machiavellian old creature has been bumped upstairs to The House of Lords. A nice comfy little earner.
Still, when The Brexit Party get elected and the HoL gets kicked into touch…
Adios Alan Duncan.
A kind of Tory Andy Adonis …
Just seen a Tommy Robinson video and he states court case starts at 2pm be there for 1pm. Maybe check this out if you are going. There will be a lot of dishonest reporting about timing so people will get confused.
They’ll run the political trial to stop TR campaigning as alleged contempt of court is more important than democracy ….
Or … they’ll adjourn it again to hype the costs …again
Here’s the link
“Guy Verhofstadt: I don’t know if Brexit will happen”
With the help of our House of Comedians, three years of their procrastination and collusion with the leaders of the dictatorship that we all know as the ‘United States of Europe’.
Now the smoke has cleared we can all see what has been happening for the last forty years .
“Mother’s demand climate action in London march”
How about getting them to walk to school instead of delivering them there with your Chelsea Tractors. While you are at it, organise a litter pick on the way, because that’s where you will find a lot of it .
How about they campaign to make London safe enough for their children to walk to school, play in the park or just go to the local shops on their own.
Like we used to do as children, before the ethnic invasion.
Oh yes I have always believed action speaks louder than words, unlike the netmum harridans and lib lab gobs when it comes to environmental husbandry and conservation, as we discussed on our last litterpick with some schools.
Looking back at the Marr show -as I missed it live, the pathetic Marr, obsessed with ‘catching Nigel out’ on something in the past, failed miserably.
Nigel ate him alive. And Marr missed the opportunity to discuss what was happening in the present cos of his constant attempt at character assassination. That made his interview pretty uselesss.
Then feeding Labour’s Ashworth some cosy questions re the NHS, and -like with everything- Labour can have it both ways. Trying to find out what Labour policy actually is, is -shall we say-not easy.
Labour policy on Brexit explained.
In the south. Remain.
In the north. Leave.
Hope that clears up any questions on labour’s decisive Brexit position.
I cannot see the point of a decent politician ( yes I know ) doing bbc interviews . If anyone can put the whole Marr Farage interview on here I’d appreciate it as I missed most of it .
The Russian independent as a 1minute 20 seconds of Marr looking like he might have another stroke with the bbc Mafia shouting in his ear to hatchet mr Farage .
It was disgusting and I thought even Marr looked ashamed to be doing the interview…. thank god people don’t watch that stuff
Fedup, ordinarily I might agree, but in this case Farage turned the tables on Marr / beeb and won hands down.
(See vid below)
For anyone wanting to witness the bbc at its worst – the Marr show is on bbc parliament at 1900 Sunday …….
Farage demolishes Marr and the BBC today.
Here you go:
Dover – there really is only one word in the English language which describes Marr – and it’s banned on this site .
Andrew Marr trawling though old irrelevant quotes that his researchers dug up to try to character assassinate Farage instead of asking him about the big issues and his astonishing lead in the polls.
“What is wrong with the bbc? What is wrong with the bbc? What is wrong with the bbc?”
Thanks Dover, excellent clip.
Marr is vilifying Farage and in turn democracy. This is what we expected and this is what you the Telly Tax subscribers are paying for.
We had the Poll Tax Strike how about the Telly Tax strike? Over to you guys, I am doing my bit.
Is it just me or did Marr look a tad subdued at times?
Perhaps in their bones the beeboids know the game is up. Tectonic plates have shifted, not just in politics but also in the national psyche, the zeitgeist.
They thought they were so progressive and avant-garde, but now they seem to be on the wrong side of history, they’re now the reactionaries and the revolution is passing them by.
Yes, I thought that too. I got the impression Marr was “following orders” and trying to assassinate Farage’s character with ancient and irrelevant quotes. Marr is surely too intelligent not to realise that bringing up Farage’s admiration for Putin – long since satisfactorily clarified, qualified, answered and put to rest – is a line of questioning for weasels. Marr at times looked suitably embarrassed, I thought. I am sure he was only doing what his bosses told him and that he felt uncomfortable being the monkey of BBC organ grinders.
Full 16 minute version
Marr tries to make the Immigration Poster the take away gotcha at the end of the interview
“Would the Brexit Party , put that poster up ?”
Farage claims that then immigration was the #1 issue
..but now the #1 Burning issue is the betrayal of democracy
.. but such posters did a lot of good against Merkel etc.
Thank you I did look on YouTube but couldn’t find it …
Type “Andrew Marr” into the Youtube search box
Click the filter button, to filter by upload date
… There are 7 uploads of the full 14 mins
plus 2 more short clips
That 2 minute vid , clips the first question ..”do you regret the immigration poster ?”
Lefties have already edited up their own 2 minute version
On the full version Marr does start with genuine questions but then at minute 10 he reaches for his list of gotcha questions.
..and then when Farage asks “Do you want to talk about THIS election ?” Marr says yes, but then still continues with his list of old gotchas
..saying ‘see he doesn’t regret the poster, and he’s a global warming denier !’
Lefties have already edited up their own 2 minute version.
..saying ‘see he doesn’t regret the poster, and he’s a global warming denier !’
I mistakenly said that the Farage video clipped off the immigration question.
In fact it was the libmobbers edited version that was tricky
The immigration question was the LAST question, but they ended it onto the front, in front of the global warming question.
Thanks stew – I got a lot of Jonnie Marr – so heaven knows I’m miserable now ….
correction cos I didn’t leave a space Robbo;s tweet didn’t render below
Here’s it again
For the full interview got to abour 18:30
Nick Robbo’s excited
Al Beeb must have an ulterior motive in its avid support of the EU.
One day we will find out . I suspect a judicial inquiry into Al Beeb and Ofcom will be on the cards when we have left the EU.
I’m more for cock up than conspiracy but it really does make me wonder.
People here often seem to take what libmobbers say seriously
as if the libmobbers were being sincere instead of spouting crap for PR purposes.
eg. fake outrage at an old tweet
one of the consistent lines they have used is ‘Why is the BBC airing Farage , he is a no one, he never got elected’
They said that despite him leading UKIP in winning the EU elections
..and they’ll still be ssaying that now he’s getting 40% in polls.
proof just came in
Piers Morgan had 100% different view
More morgan
and see the DM
Thanks Stew. But according to the DM, “it made for uncomfortable viewing”. Personally, I was extremely comfortable watching Farage demolish Marr and the beeb.
Made my Sunday!
I think the BBC have made a terrible error. They were quite happy giving Farage publicity when they thought it would split the pro BREXIT vote. However in so doing they have now turbocharged Farage s campaign and now they are panicking!
Whilst I dont wholly trust Farage and my heart is with UKIP – to be honest I may well hold my nose and vote for the Brexit party as the issue now is get Brexit done and ensure the cowardly inward looking Tories are buried to such a depth that they will never dare knock on anyone’s door again.
We can then deal with the other pressing matters.
I agree – first things first.
This article just about covers it
Putting his more recent misdemeanours aside for one second, this is a man who has fought for a large part of his adult life to see us leave the European Union. He is the most influential politician of our generation and is now back with a second-wind and fresh momentum. Even if Farage can’t always remember who his enemies are, we should be wiser and recognise it’s the Blairs, Lammys and Soubrys of this world we are fighting and doing anything via the ballot box to defeat them should be the mission.
Island – Thanks for that , in truth I feel very conflicted as I have been one of the “tattooed thugs” that has supported TR (except I have never been arrested and dont have any tattoos). But in truth I dont feel I have a choice, unless of course Farage doesnt want my vote because he considers it tainted!
What planet is Esler on?
Be fair Oak, with a name like ‘Gavin’ the poor sod has to keep trying to get noticed.
Thought this might brighten the mood – not!
This appears on some BBC webites –
“This website is produced by BBC Global News Ltd, a commercial company owned by the BBC (and just the BBC). No money from the licence fee was used to create this website. The money we make from it is re-invested to help fund the BBC’s international journalism.”
It worth looking at the accounts because its losing money hand over fist so who is subsidising it?
For fun read the business review
One of the articles has been reviewed by Paul Homewood
“If only the west had not started the industrial revolution, just think how much better off the rest of the world would have been by now!
So where is the actual evidence for this Marxist drivel? It won’t come as a surprise to learn that there is none at all. It is all derived from GIGO computer models, programmed to say that climate change has made poor countries poorer.
But what do the real facts tell us?
Our Gav must have been watching a different interview.
There was indeed a car crash and poor old Marr suffered serious injuries.
Farage 1 – Marr 0.
Immediately looking at the picture of Marr/Nigel, one looks extremely relaxed and in control, the other, earnest. I look forward to watching the whole encounter on YouTube assuming of course, the latter hasn’t banned it.
Considering that the Remainers had dismissed the EU elections as irrelevant – they sure are going for it.
And suddenly the bbc have realised that Farage is back and presents an existential threat, so the bbc “fix Farage!” memo has gone out.
The blatant cynicism of Corbyn takes some beating ie: £10 per hour for 16 year olds and £143 per week to everyone in two of our cities whatever their circumstances.
A labour principle: give away as much as you can provided someone else is doing the giving.