A whole 5live series to encourage attacks on politicians in the run up to the anniversary of the murder of the last one – who has since been canonised ….
As usual on the anniversary the Biased Far Left BBC will spend a day going over the top in grief for the loss of a lefty politician .
Don’t know how we coped for all them years without female presenters, experts and pundits in male sport. Had to switch off the cricket highlights on C5 the other day. They won’t be happy until one of them is opening the batting for England #tokenism
Yes I got that too – it seems the bbc editorial language has been changed to describe real football as ‘men’s ‘ football .
I also think that the BBC will pray that people follow the girls World Cup thing because they are deprived of the real thing until,the prem and championship starts in mid August .
Tennis fan here.
Tournaments used to be listed in BBC tennis with the men first, which is correct, alphabetically.
I noticed a change about three months ago.
Currently tournaments are listed with women’s events first.
Doubtless because playing five sets is easier than three sets and women are superior players.
Off topic really, although some may say that it deals with real modern problems we have with radical religions.
I would just like to thank the poster who recommended the book ‘I am Pilgrim’ by Terry Hayes. It is an absolute masterpiece in thriller writing, no claptrap, just old-fashioned thrill pages to be turned with anticipation, fear, exhultation and genuine interest.
It’s the only book I’ve ever read, where I have to get up at 4:00am to carry on reading after putting it down at 10:00pm the previous night, and yes, it is a very, very long story, and as a very slow reader, often going over a chapter twice, I’m not getting much sleep…
Fabulous story and two thirds in it just gets better!
The film is Rush and worth watching. The casting of both Hunt (Chris Hemsworth) and Lauda (Daniel Bruhl) is superb and so is the storyline.
After Netflixing, go to YouTube and spend ten minutes or so watching Nigel’s speech, apres shake, in Newcastle. The expose of both Gordon Brown and the Electoral Commission is profound – and not to be seen on the BBC or in the Guardian.
This should be linked to the chat about Lauda, below, but somehow got plonked here. Sorry about that.
Nothing to do with BBC, Brexit or other such boredom, but on the subject of writers, does anyone agree that Gerald Seymour – who wrote Harry’s Game and a host of other thrillers – has become unreadable. I’ve read all his previous books, some several times, but the last two are just seas of interminable, unbroken type with over-long chapters, convoluted story lines and an integral level of boredom quite unlike his previous stuff. Or is it just me?
It seems inevitable that TBP will easily get the most votes on Thursday but I think that this may well precipitate a vote in the HoC to accept the awful WA at the fourth attempt . Some MPs who have voted against it know that they are going to be booted out at the next GE no matter what happens because of their betrayal over Brexit and in final act of defiance of their constituents wishes they may well support the PMs surrender document. The impact of this would be to make fully leaving the EU much more difficult as it would require repudiation of an international treaty. International courts heavily influenced by Brussels and internationalism would be involved . May would have delivered for her Globalist puppet masters and can now leave office knowing that no matter how determined to deliver a full Brexit the next PM is their hands have been tied. Additionally the EU will be delighted because it removes Nigel’s legions of MEPs from Brussels.
I’m sure that TBP and determined Tory Leavers would rightly claim that the PM has even less of a mandate to thwart Brexit than she had before the Euro elections but she is unfortunately in power and they aren’t. This will no doubt stoke the anger of Leave voters even higher than it already is and there will be hell to pay at the next GE. But that can be delayed for over three years and Remainers/ betrayers nwill hope that a lot can happen between then and now.
Defeating the non democratic hegemony of the Globalist will be a long hard struggle because they hold all the levers of power.indeed it is questionable if democracy can deliver such an outcome.
Interesting piece and your final sentence is admirably restrained . I read between your lines .
As for repudiation from a signed up sell out treaty perhaps after the re election of President Trump in 2020 he will ‘help us out ‘ because he will know we are now held captive in an undemocratic state by the ReichEU which sees us and America as enemies to their Greater Reich .
And as for the trolls who read this site – I am not frothing at the mouth . I am trying to read the future…
whens the next economic downturn due , If we are still tied to the EU at that point, how are they going to spin that, or Euro zone crisis with us having to bail them out, people are going to get very very angry
Great analysis. What worries me the most is the way May’s ‘deal’ or rather the EU treaty, as Farage says, steadily gained support through the time span of the three votes. If I recall right it was first rejected by a majority of 230 and by the third vote, 42 or thereabouts. That’s a helluvah change. May is so deceitful and deluded that she thinks she will be vindicated if the treacherous ‘deal’ passes and will then feel she can step down having accomplished some great mission.
If she had any moral fibre she would have resigned after that first historic defeat.
I take some comfort in the fact that at least she didn’t manage to hijack Thursday’s UK vote. Interesting times.
The news agenda is led by the death of a German racing driver- who wasn’t even black!
I find that fascinating . It is sad for family and friends but does it deserve to lead the news with dollops of sadness . ?yes I know I might be described as ‘hard’ but the world is a hard place and as friends posting here find – it ain’t getting better
The BBC distraction strategy over the coming election – to avoid mentioning The Brexit Party or Nigel Farage is in full flow .
But, if Farage ends up wearing another milk-shake embossed suit today, the BBC will have to report it. A fortunate side effect is that such criminal acts will result in thousands of extra votes for The Brexit Party.
German? I think not. Niki Lauda was Austrian. Moreover, he was a man of considerable courage, intellect and integrity with a penchant for plain speaking – the polar opposite, in fact, of so many contemporary public figures. If our PM had but an ounce of Herr Lauda’s qualities, we should all be much happier and better off.
Don’t be so damn melodramatic, Fed. Lauda was a significant figure and it’s reasonable to expect that the media will, as is their wont, mark his sad demise in their usual OTT manner.
Besides, I’d rather the BBC wrote about Lauda than treated us to yet another Project Fear puff piece or hagiographic article about an ignorant, overpaid footballer.
The Beeb obviously marked the passing and remembered the life of the late James Hunt. Obviously, because he had worked ‘in retirement’ for the BBC as a ‘summariser’ alongside BBC commentator Murray Walker. When the Hunt v. Lauda film (sorry cannot remember title) came out, they gave that lots of coverage.
So quite correct that they mark Niki Lauda’s death.
Philip Hammond, Chancellor of the Exchequer, is thick. Yes, you read that right. He’s a thicko. He is a dimwit.
How do I know?
He thinks we – the general public, the voting public – are all thick. He thinks we are all ‘sixpence short of the full twenty shillings’. Unintelligent. Stupid. Gullible.
Now that is stupid!
Not only that, Philip Hammond thinks that his colleagues who are Brexiteers, who might run for the leadership of the Conservative Party, are also all thick. Stupid. Dimwits.
Phil, a word of advice to a politician: never, ever, under-estimate the intelligence of voters.
It is also pretty unwise (or stupid or thick) to under-estimate the intelligence of your leadership rivals, Phil. Are you planning to run for Party leader? Could your speech today be a lead in to your leadership bid?
I believe your post is once again a perfect opportunity to remind our BBC trolls who visit this website what one of their own ordered his BBC employees to do:
“The “editorial director” of BBC News Kamal Ahmed revealed in a leaked email:
ram it home to those thick-as-mince leaver losers just how hellish their lives are going to be if we get out (I have paraphrased his email to staff). Every piece of good economic news prefaced with “In spite of Brexit . . .” and given caveats, every bad piece of news leading the bulletins.
Kamal Ahmed BBC.”
I’m confident that this guy is responsible – in part – for another hundred thousand votes in favour of Mr Farage.
Funny, vesnadog, but whilst doing a spot of the old household cleaning during the Kearney UKIP interview, I was thinking exactly the same thing. Martha hectored and talked over the UKIP spokesman.
Every time the BBC are anti-Brexit biased, or report in an anti-Brexit biased way, or include ‘dog whistle’ anti-Brexit items (such as leading on the Phil Hammond speech after reporting the death of Niki Lauda) I hope the votes on Thursday for The Brexit Party and UKIP tick up another hundred or three or a thousand and two.
I think I shall start picturing that counter on the eGov Petition site during BBC News & Current Affairs [ that’s BBC N&CA, to you Fed 😉 ] reports and News Bulletins.
And having just got home from being away from a TV or Radio I find that Traitor May as completed her intended betray. A second referendum to please Blair Corbyn, Heseltine and that idiot stood outside parliament and as expected – stuck the knife into the back of 17 3/4 million leave voters.
““The “editorial director” of BBC News Kamal Ahmed revealed in a leaked email:”
Where is he? I have not heard him on the radio lately. Oh! I almost forgot: it’s ramadamadidilong and he’s probably engaged in that. But I hope he’s not involved in any of the spike in numbers of murders associated with that ‘holy’ period in the muslim calendar.
Funny you should talk about ramadam whtever they call it?
My taxi driver today – yes, he was Muslim; and the only way I know is becaue he couldn’t stop boasting about him being on his fast even while driving me to hospital. And we all know going to hospital we are not in a mood for being preached too by some guy and his family coming from Sri Lanka ( yes he even told me all about the Tigers/Tamil Tigers – he thought I wanted to know all about the Tamils so he gave me both barrels.) then he told me what time tonight he will break his fast and how long he fast. I think he saw me coming. Strange though – he would never take his very dark specs off? I suppose he was gambling on the fact that if I was a tax inspector I wouldn’t recognise him from the hundreds of other brethren who do taxis.
Toady watch
Tourette’s Robinson has a nice chat with lady nugee – the former barrister who is now labour shadow foreign secretary . The difference in the tone and attitude of mr Robinson in this friendly chat compared to the rabid shouty job of yesterday with the chairman of The Brexit Party was – just – astonishing ? Obscene ? Vile ?
Anyone who wants to know about bbc bias or evidence of its Far Left view – listen to both interviews side by side .
British Steel woes are back on the Beeb agenda, loads of Northern “Brexit Voting” jobs at risk.
I wrote about this a few days ago pointing out the history of closing Companies by the Equity Outfit who took the Company over from Tata.
Now it seems that British Steel is on the verge of collapse if the UK Government don’t dive in with a rescue.
It states that the problem is “down to Brexit” and reduced orders from the EU due to Brexit uncertainty.
Hidden away at the bottom of the BBC website report but NOT yet mentioned on the TV news article is the fact that….
“In April, British Steel borrowed £100m from the government to enable it to pay an EU carbon bill, so it could avoid a steep fine.”
So in the EIU this seems to be the plan….
Hit them with a huge “Carbon” bill then slow down importing their stuff.
It looks to me like another “plan” unfolding designed to throw rocks under article 50…
Also coincidentally the Beeb are running a continuous feature story about the wonderful Northern folks using their wonderful northern news lass to head the charge….
It just happens to be centred on the same North East region as the British Steel Plant
Do you ever just think the bbc is not just biased but also infantile
Listening to Tourette’s Robinson talking to someone about the deceased Nicki louder – the bbc editorial has obviously decided to raise a sportsman to sainthood
If the bbc likes some one or something – it goes over board. If it doesn’t approve – might as well be dead .
Very long, not about BBC bias, except incidentally, just personal opinion.
Very much unfinished, work in progress, as you will see.
Unfinished for a couple of weeks, but I just read :-
To discover I am only one of many demanding the lefty swamp be permanently drained.
I am not one of the BBBC contributors who welcome the death of the Conservative Party.
I believe a Conservative Government is exactly what the UK needs.
A proper Conservative Party, consisting ONLY of Conservatives.
The Brexit problem is the result of Socialists.
Socialists, who putrefy and taint everything they touch.
Socialists, whose first question is always “How can we break, change or ignore the rules to our advantage?”.
Socialists infiltrators who have stealthily moved Conservative policy leftward since Traitor Heath was PM.
The Conservatives need to dispense with the “broad Church” nonsense.
My manifesto.
#1 In my manifesto for both Conservative and Brexit parties is legislation which will enable their Governments
to instantly dismiss, without any compensation or appeal, anyone employed in the public sector or local Government not judged
to be giving maximum efort to implementing Government policies.
#2 Bonfire of the QANGOs, the one promised, like so much else, by Cameron, did not occur.
QANGOs must be mercilessly attacked, closed where possible, existing staff vetted for dismissal.
Nobody who ever been in left wing policies should be considered for a position.
Reduce the salaries.
#3 Lobbying.
Lobbying is so close to subornment only the greed of corrupt Politicians has allowed lobbying to grow like Topsy.
Government should have no lobbying as its policy, with prison sentences for offenders.
If the Government needs permanent advisors they should employ them.
Temporary advisors should be recruited, and rewarded accordingly, where necessary, normally from academia.
#4 Charities.
Stop all Government aid to charities.
Some leading “charities” are not charities, but left wing quasi political organisations.
Some leading “charities” have policies which are pro EU or UN, and anti British.
Some leading “charities” do negligible, or no, charitable work in the UK.
These organisations must lose their charitable status.
Set maximum pay and perquisite limits for senior charity staff.
#5 Overseas Aid.
No state which can put satellites or spacecraft into orbit needs any help from the UK.
Unless and until all British people have a pleasant, dry, warm, affordable home we have no money to spare.
#6 BBC.
Sack all the lefties under #1 above.
#7 Police and judiciary.
Sack all the lefties under #1 above.
#8 Education.
Sack all the lefties under #1 above.
#9 Patriotism.
No persons who have shown preference for the EU or any other organisation, instead of the homeland of their British ancestors,
should be allowed UK residence.
National Service to be re-introduced.
There is another story in the DT today about the Steele dossier. Once again the newspaper is bigging up how seriously the British intelligence chiefs took the allegations contained within it. The story says that Steele was allowed to be interviewed by the Mueller team for twelve hours in a London hotel. No mention is made of the fact the Steele has , under oath, testified that he can’t vouch for the dossiers accuracy, nor that Mueller didn’t find anything that he could twist to damage Trump, nor that even the NYT has recently reported that the dossiers was probably Russian misinformation designed to damage Trump and hence has zero credibility.
So what on earth is the DT up to? I suspect that they are doing a favour for their chums in the intelligence world and trying to boost the claim that the dossier wasn’t such an obvious pack of lies that it ought to have been summarily dismissed by intelligence services on both sides of the Atlantic, as it certainly should have been. This may then be used as the excuse as to why the agencies , US and UK, collaborated in spying on the Trump campaign ie they are claiming it is the predicate that Barr is looking for. They are going to claim that although the dossier is now regarded as rubbish , at the time in 2016 they were fully justified in taking it seriously and acting on it. Of course this is nonsense but it’s the best that they can do. I hope the conspirators don’t get away with it but I’m beginning to fear that they might .
‘Tribalism’? Trump aint ‘one of us, the political elite’? Not only that, they probably viewed him as one who has to be made an example of so other rich businessmen would be deterred from seeking a high political position and thus, proving that the current crop of the political elite are beyond useless.
There are reports …. ( which may be lies when journos use that term ) that The Brexit Party TBP ( I hate achronyms IHA ) has banned Channel 4 news – the other state funded broadcaster – from attending its ‘ events .
The question I ask is this – is that the right thing to do ? Now we know Channel Four News is wholly biased towards remaining in the ReichEU and bashing White Britain – but should it be banned ?
My view is – yes – of course it should – because it is any enemy . Same with the BBC. It is not there to fairly report but to obtain material for anti brexit propaganda purposes .
As an aside – I saw Matt Frei in the street recently – if I see him again I might buy a milk shake …..
Business news @6.15-6.30am-ish w/Dominic O’Connell. he invites on a Fund Manager spokesperson who happens to be female. Sorry, have now forgotten the name. Did try to make a mental note of it – may be Nicky Sinconner or Sincona. Doesn’t really matter as she didn’t seem to know her stuff. Talked a lot, hesitated a lot, without adding any value.
We are steadily sowing the seeds of the next big crash.
eBusinesses, not yet earning a profit, floating on the markets at way above their earnings value. People not really knowing what their business is about, what they are talking about, and on the BBC to do it.
Will Dom be up to doing a Pesto? Will he join some dots and dig a little? Then a bit more? He seems to be a very capable broadcaster.
Maybe introduce a level of handicap during periods of periods? This could be extended to other things like how they feel in the mornings as compared to afternoon and evenings. It could bring a new meaning to the response from a fractious woman: (have sympathy), ‘its that time of month’. No. If developed, the principle wouold mean: ‘its that time of day’ (or hour, or minute or, or, or second). The list could go on but I don’t want to encourage the cultural Marxists anxious to jump on anything to chip away at the foundations of our established way of life.
Out of nowhere, yesterday evening on The World Tonight [ that’s TWT, to you Fed 😉 ] R4, 10-10.45pm, they mentioned a report by ‘some researchers’ (‘scientists’ is the word now used by Matt McGrath but I think that may be a bit strong – https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-48337629) that sea level rise due to Anthropogenic Global Warming [ that’s AGW, to you Fed 😉 ] could be much larger than expected.
This day old news has now been carried over to TOADY. So much for BBC N&CA items being new.
However, the BBC age-related memory loss appears to have kicked in. The BBC have completely forgotten the report of Swedish scientists, IIRC from the middle of 2018, that suggested that sea level would be much higher than two metres for the same or a lesser temperature increase than 5°C.
They have at least remembered (or Matt McGrath has in his article) the IPCC report from 2013 but strangely not the one from last October which also conflicted with these ‘latest findings’ from the researchers pronouncement. IIRC, that October 2018 IPCC report was worried that an increase of 0.5° would cause sea level rise, not ten times that temperature increase.
The BBC appear incapable or unwilling to ‘join up the dots’ on this.
Does that mean we need to buy more buckets ? Maybe all the new water can be put in all the seas Attenborough visits to lecture us on . Or filling up all those plastic bottles .
Fed, if you are at a similar altitude to Whipps Cross hospital or even above it near Woodford, you’ll be OK. If, however, you are down closer to the River Lee it might be a good time – according to the Global Walarmists – to invest in one of those blow up rubber boats and a couple of paddles and some life jackets.
If the Brexit Party, perhaps with the help of UKIP and some proper conservatives manage to win power at the next GE (and it’s a very real possibility) then there are some electoral and parliamentary changes they must make.
1. Change from FPTP voting to PR so that everybody’s vote counts instead of having a government decided by a hundred or so marginals with the rest taken for granted.
I live in Sunderland where labour get voted in every time no matter how bad they are and that the 3 labour MPs are remainers in a big leave voting City. My UKIP vote counts for nothing.
2. Reduce the number of MPs to below 300.
3. Reduce the number in the HofL to about 120. (Or, abolish it)
4. Because we cannot trust politicians with money as they are greedy and will fiddle whatever they can from the tax payers, give MPs a travel pass from their constituency to Westminster and have a couple of blocks of flats (those at the Grenfell site would do nicely) to put them up in if they need to overnight in London.
Any other expenses to be overseen by a body from the tax payers alliance.
5. Any pay rise must be the same as that given to nurses, police, firemen, dustbin men etc and not a percentage of their pay (3% of their £70,000 is far more than 3% of a dustbin man’s £20,000 or whatever he gets) They should get a sum, say £600 per year rise whether politician, nurse or civil servant to pay for the inflation we ALL have to face every year.
6. Local parties should choose the candidates and a meaningful recall system should be made law in the case of liars and rogue MPs who go against the voters wishes.
7. Actually carry out the usual promise of the ‘bonfire of the quango’s’ instead of saying it then forgetting it.
That’s just for starters and not mentioning hs2, foreign aid and the like.
5. I would make MP’s pay directly proportional to national median wages, dont really care what the multiplier is
If wages for real people go down , so should theirs
5b MP’s pension should be fully funding by them according to the rules set by them on pension schemes , when the f..up the market their pensions must be hit too
4 the tower block could have a canteen providing school dinner at the same cost children pay , every one else has to eat, why should they eat lavishly for free
PR voting means that even more corrupt practices risk entering Parliament as parties prioritise which candidates they want in the house, NOT what voters want.
With you on number 2
4 300 flats in London and you think tax payers aren’t going to carp about the cost of that?
5 They are already some of the most poorly paid political representatives in the civilised world, they will simply look elsewhere for their incomes, such as the Arab world who will be only too happy to pay them for Islamising the UK, it’s bad enough now as it is!
6 Is simply corrupt
More radical is the idea of moving the bubble out of London to Birmingham. Put the MPs in Sparkbrook so they can be enriched by the vibrancy – offer them zero police protection – we don’t get it why should they.
Make it illegal for them to have any outside income save the salary and double it to £140K, no income allowed from foreign sources for ten years after they leave office.
Ban any policy which has not been tested and proven to work to prevent map cap leftist schemes where they only see the good and never the bad.
No legislation introduced without a full appraisal of the unintended consquences i.e. what might go horribly wrong.
A written constitution for the country – even North Korea can manage this so I’m sure we can.
Binding manifestos with upper limits for immigration spelled out.
A limit to the numbers from any on profession in Parliament and no one allowed to sit without having first worked in the private sector for at least 5 years.
How to accommodate all the MP’s, and their staff. I think I may have covered this before. After the cessation of the Falklands War, 3 Coastels, or floating hotels, were towed down to Port Stanley to provide accomodation for the troops. At least four to a cabin, with an air conditioning system guaranteed to spread every infections to all regardless of rank, they could be moored alongside the HOP. You could charge the HOL to stay there as well. Meals to be provided by trainee chefs from the armed forces, at the same daily rate that the forces get charged. Now, I last saw Coastel 2 back in 2004, when it was being used as a prison ship, on the South Coast. They seem ideal!
You stole my idea ! The only bit you missed was the ability to sink it quickly so that if the so called politicians didn’t represent the people who put them there and pay their wages , expenses , partners , families , more expenses , mortgage interest , ‘other fess’… and TV licence ..
Then we could go and find some that would do their jobs .
Fedup2. Sinking them would block the boats hurling rotten fish at the main chamber and terrace. Mind you, Maxi will probably appear now complaining that I am equating that to a milkshake being chucked at one person. I’m not, if he appears. This is against a structure, not a person.
A bit of light relief as Tommy highlights the level of brainwashed masses that are determined to drag this once great nation of ours down.
It is also sad to see that most objectors to Tommy in the video are working class people deluded into thinking that they are somehow enlightened by agreeing with their middle-class masters.
Thanks for the video . It’s worth the 9 minutes . How mr Robinson manages to maintain control in front of such rabid incoherent people is actually beyond me .
A quarter of a million visits to that video. It’s a shame there wasn’t anyone with the capability of engaging in a sane discussion . But no surprise .
The ignorance and polarity of ‘views’ in Blighty is pretty frightening – and remember – the economy is generally healthy at the moment – when it gets sick – which at some stage it will – I wonder how things will be ….? I can’t see the law enforcement people able to contain disorder and the Army is too small to do much for any period of time ….
Don’t you just love the language of these brave left wingers?
All in the name of tolerance they’re going to “Smash, crush and stamp out…”
“We’re going to run you off the streets. We’re going to destroy you!”
Now where have we heard that before?
Thanks for posting that video of Tommy canvassing. It’s the most hilarious and un-PeeCee approach by a politician to voters that I’ve ever seen.
I saw that the most aggressive of his opponents was quietly led away by a cop. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Perhaps word has gone out that the cops shouldn’t be too obviously against Tommy while the eyes of the world, or at least Europe, are on these elections.
The useful idiots clearly know nothing about Tommy, all they can do is bleat ‘racist, fascist, Nazi scum, get out’ like they’ve been taught by al beeb and the msm.
It is a testament to the man that he can remain polite and even jovial in the face of such hysterical unrelenting vitriol, not to mention the constant physical threats – and sometimes assaults – he is subjected to.
(ok, to which he is subjected, in case there are any grammar pedants out there)
Churchill had no tolerance for that sort of impeccably-correct grammar. He mocked it with something like:
This is the kind of thing up with which I will not put
(just to reflect on an earlier debate on this thread, ‘towing the line’ is a common mistake, and of course the correct phrase is ‘toeing the line’ – as in sticking to the rules.)
It is high time after all the leftist revisionism that the tennets of Fascism were made known to the people, so that everyone can see it for what it is – Socialism in fancy dress.
Momentum, in no small part has been funded by the son of the British leader of the Fascists Max Moseley, if you want a taste of the Fascist manifesto then take a look at Labours current one, because they lifted it almost wholesale off the page.
Time someone challenged these loons shouting about Fascism to name something from that manifesto because they never can.
The Fascists of the future will call themselves anti Fascists.
Winston Churchill.
“Just a warning to anyone who runs in Cannon Hill Park, saw a lone female runner being accosted and then assaulted by a group of 4 Asian youths at just after 4pm today (Saturday).”
Substitute ‘Asian’ with ‘Pakistani Muslim’ and you’ll have a very accurate report.
Cannonhill Park was an absolute gem to walk in and take your family to but it is now over run by these feral criminals who believe they are beyond the reach of the law. And the sad thing is, they appear to be right.
Meanwhile down the road, Jess Phillips is trying to persuade the Asian Labour voters, sorry, Pakistani Muslim parents who have issued death threats to the headteacher of the school because it taught about gay relationships (but has now stopped) to halt their protests. She said she “wanted to protect the Muslim community”.
The employers of these protesters must be very understanding to give the protesters time off work to stand outside the school all day holding placards and chanting slogans.
I live close by the Office of National Statistics. Those clever people could, at the touch of a button, create a map showing, by postcodes, with colour coding of net tax payers against net benefit recipients (JSA, housing benefit etc) and could exclude pensions for which the majority of the indigent population contributed. There is no way in this world that the Government would allow this or the BBC show it
I went to one of his restaurants in king street Manchester in 2016. I was invited my a young person in the family with her friends so I just sat there and didn’t complain as I didn’t want to embarrass her.Pity I wasnt on my own as they would have got it. It was the most disgusting overpriced meal j have ever had. Dry tasteless chicken, dry potatoes ugh it was awful and to top it all it was served by a very sulky trans person who didn’t want to be there. If this was an example of his restaurants I’m surprised he lasted so long.
Similar experience to mine, Cromwell. I had five pieces of ravioli that looked lost in the big bowl it was served in. I can honestly say I’d tasted better from a tin for a fraction of the price.
There are a number of programs on The Food Channel that use a variety of hidden cameras and reality TV to improve restaurants. I can think of Restaurant Impossible featuring Chef Robert Irvine ( British, Ex Royal Navy but works in the USA), Mystery Diners, and another one featuring a man in a tie. All fix the menus and restaurants in less than one hour. Even Gordon Ramsey has a similar program. Jamie, you like TV. It has, after all, made you famous and earned you a fortune, a large majority of which is from the BBC. Can I suggest a new TV program. It is called Chef X fixes a Jamie Oliver Restaurant. Series One could be called 15. The BBC should lap it up. Basically Chef X spends the entire time ripping a new piece from Jamie, Jamie is in tears and apologises for not training his staff to either cook or wait on tables correctly. After the triumphal re opening, Chef X summarizes his or her work, while Jamie grovels in the background. Put it out at peak time. Winner!
BBC Radio 2 going down the wormhole after the assault on Mr Farage yesterday.
Apparently, he’s not lactose intolerant, and loud…he’s to be stopped, maybe Jo Cox is a bridge too far, but hey?
This is Jeremy Vine 2019. Not only BK are inciting now, turns out that the license fee payer is also inciting violence. And all callers are on message. Time to take them on, FFS.
I sent about 8 texts to Vine in 5 minutes…I was apoplectic.They had the guy on who milkshaked Carl Benjamin…I just cant get over my disgust for the BBC at the moment…..
Has Anna Soubry been given a season ticket for the BBC?
Every time I turn on the radio or switch on the telly I’m confronted by her gurning gob talking bile and bollocks.
She was on Question Time with Nigel, she was then on Any Questions, turned up yesterday on the Politics Show and later on PM. I’m half expecting her to turn up on Match of the Day, co presenting with gormless Gary. FFS enough is enough!
On yesterday’s Politics Show this ghastly creature was allowed free rein to vent her spleen bawling that “Farage was a horrible man.”
Just in case you hadn’t had enough of her she popped up chatting to Evan Davis on PM. She was excited that she’d received enormous support from the QT audience when she’d said how wonderful immigration had been for Britain. “They applauded me longer and louder than anyone else” she breathlessly told us.
Big deal. The BBC is a nice comfy meeting place, a sort of pseuds’ corner for the liberal elite. If Soubry had gone on to say she wanted an open door to the rest of the planet, particularly Muslims, she’d have brought the house down.
It would have sounded like a latter day Nuremburg rally, with rapturous applause, squealing and foot stomping.
The good news is come the next election she’s toast.
The bad news is she’ll get a job in the media.
Three guesses who with…
Yes shes everywhere Jeff….I switched on yesterday she was talking milkshakes…
This morning we had Owen Jones on Emma Barnett’s show and I switched onto LBC and they had Jess Phillips on O’Briens show!!!!…..its torture…………..
Suffice to say Im switching the radio off a lot at the moment
Soros Control seems to be limiting the number of Remainers put up to fight their traitorous views – where is ken Clarke , Major ,Cameron , C Patton , Adonis , the English hating G Brown. and the other bubble dwelling traitors . Even the mentally disturbed allistair Campbell, is being limited to his own ££ documentary about depression .
Could it be that the traitors know what’s coming on Thursday ? And don’t want to be associated with the slaughter to come – and leave the dirty work to the state broadcaster ( BBC ) and the Electoral Commission (EC) both bought and paid for ..?
1. No problem in talking about Cuba scrapping constitutional changes to same-sex marriages because of pressure from “religious communities” and “evangelical churches”.
2. But LGBT teachings were stopped in the UK because “protests have taken place outside schools in Birmingham and Manchester.”
One of these sources can and will be identified; the other must never be explicitly named. As we know by now, there’s a type of protest / outrage / backlash that simply appears — phantom-like — and then vanishes into the ether. Hannah Jane Parkinson says: “I feel more uneasy than ever before about the negative rhetoric around LGBT rights.”
Well Hannah, wrinkle your nose at the beastly rhetoric from the comfort of Guardian Towers but see how uneasy you feel when the whippings and the stonings start.
I read the gutter editorial by Tom Peck in the Independent applauding the thug thrower of the milkshake at Farage …with some degree of disbelief and fury.
For a well-known Journalist to promote thuggery and violence and therefore recommend it to anyone else with similar grievances seems to be new territory. It seems that the left have assumed a God-like status and therefore anything not in their realm is below contempt, outside the law and a fair target.
I wrote a complaint via the Independent website and incredibly the Tom Peck article vanished before my eyes!
Of course it was probably reinstated when I left the site but it was a little spooky!
Yes. Results on Sunday. Have to give our betters a chance to remove votes which they regard as far right or something like that.
Don’t forget to use a pen with black ink which is harder to erase than a pencil mark.
Dover, We have a case or two of Cremante de Limoux ( in the style of Champagne, but a hell of a lot cheaper), ready to go on Sunday. We have thought long and hard over whether to use our UK postal vote in the UK, or our French actual vote. If Traitor May had not extended Brexit, we would not have had a French vote either. After due deliberation, we are casting our French Vote for a party against the EU, as we do not believe that any UK MEP from the Brexit Party, our first choice, will ever be allowed to take part in any vote. However, we still support The Brexit Party in the event of a UK election.
It’s been up less than a day and had already attracted 187 000 views. Every time he posts a video I think he can’t possibly make a better one – and yet he does. He’s an incisive and brilliant commentator for these troubled and dangerous times.
This just received from the BBC regarding my compaint that they refuse to use the woads Muslim or Islam in any of its reporting on the London Bridge attack. “We refer to ethnicity only where we believe there is a direct relevance to the story”. They go on to say “we believe our news coverage is trusted and respected around the world” and “Impartiality is a core value of the BBC”. After I had restitched my sides that burst after laughing so hard my head then exploded in pure anger. They just don’t get it.
12:30pm Vine had a Climate Alarmist hype up the scare about a Fairbourne a Welsh village due to be evacuated/decommissioned due to Climate Change
(Trans , the council has stopped funding sea defences and reckons by 20150 it will be going back to the marshland it was before it was built on 150 years ago)
… callers not pleased about Vine and the Council, making out their businesses had closed, and causing their property prices to plummet
1:10pm Vine’s Agenda story : Whitey is racist
A guest has Indian origin , but aged 17 her skin colour had started to fade and people no longer took her for Indian.
‘I would go up to Indian in the street and talk to them as you do when you feel a special connection with them, but they would only talk for a few mins
.. then I realised they didn’t realise I am Indian’
..Duh who has the racism ?
#1 She chooses to talk friendly to people cos of their skin colour
#2 Ethnic Indians, don’t want to talk to her cos she is white
… Then she and Vine went to talk about Whitey being racist, cos they didn’t say bad things to her ..but her Indian friends had stories
“”European elections 2019: Watchdog defends Brexit Party scrutiny””
“”… the watchdog said there had been “significant public concern” about the way the party raises funds.””
“”…..an Electoral Commission spokesperson said there was no evidence of electoral offences, but added: “We want to satisfy ourselves that the party’s systems are robust.” “”
…but that is not how its portrayed by the mainstream media; watching the BBC and C4 tonight, they continue with Project Smear. Presumably it will be frenzical by tomorrow night!!
The Disastrous PM has given a speech promising traitor MPs on a second referendum on Brexit .
2 days before the Reich EU vote which will hopefully exterminate her traitor party
And apparently we are all to blame for the political mess ….
The PM was wearing Thatcher Blue and a thick chain around her neck . Presumably her traitor civil servants unlocked her from the bunker to do her rant .
I don’t know whether such a speech is legitimate in the run up to the EU elections . What a sell out …
It really is a political civil war between the parliament and the people . My knowledge of the English Civil War is sketchy – except for Richard Harris as `Cromwell – but for any outsider to look at what is going on must just think
1 How can the government survive ?
2 how can the PM still be in place after so many lies ?
3 why is the governing party still in existence ?
The cynic thinks that boris Johnson is playing some long game praying and waiting that things will get worse so he can come to the ‘rescue ‘ . Anyone thinking that is misreading – as is the MSM
Mrs May really has fed `the brexit Party with any doubters to the cause .
As an aside – if there were to be another Referendum – the question. Would be fixed so that ‘no deal’ wasnt Offered … no one is saying that yet .
A referendum with questions which are in themselves a sell out .
Methinks the DUP might have had enough by now – whatever backstop ‘reviews ‘ and trickery is to be found in the new sell out bill.
“1 How can the government survive ?
2 how can the PM still be in place after so many lies ?
3 why is the governing party still in existence ?”
The elephant in the room?
There’s been no massive public uprising – yet…………..
Not the BBC or its bias but I gather the Electoral Commission has checked The Brexit Party’s financial records and found them to be OK. The big question is whether the Police will now interview Gordon Brown under caution to see if he was part of and what he knows about a deliberate political smear attempt?
I think he has crawled back under his Scottish rock to brood for another few years . His kids must be studying PPE in preparation for their safe labour seats by now …
And notice how much coverage that finding isn’t getting …
Hopefully, someone with ‘skin in the game’ will make a complaint. Not that the interview with the Police will get any BBC coverage. Have just checked and they still haven’t reported the EC clearance, reported on Guido.
"I wanted to free myself from the slavery of straight hair." The Afro-Colombian journalist facing abuse for not straightening her hair. pic.twitter.com/LhnXrOKyoM
— BBC World Service (@bbcworldservice) May 21, 2019
When the white woman in little mix wore dreadlocks she was accused of “cultural appropriation” whatever that means.
So why is a black woman expected to straighten her hair if that’s not the same thing?
Racism only works one way.
Just learnt from Business Insider that May is edging closer to her ultimate act of betrayal:
“To those MPs who want a second referendum to confirm the deal: you need a deal and therefore a withdrawal agreement bill to make it happen.
“If MPs vote against this deal, they are voting to stop Brexit.”
The most telling word in this bald betrayal is “confirm.” She is totally disinterested in a referendum with a genuine choice between Leave or Remain. Now we know that if the duplicitous May has her way, the referendum choice will be between Remain and her utter submission to the EU.
…we need to start practicing our “SPOIL IT” routine for what’s looking like the inevitable referendum on a Brexit Deal, with two items on offer: The deal that is worse than remaining or, of course, remaining! Therefore SPOILT BALLOT PAPERS MUST WIN ANY SUCH REFERENDUM. Spoilt papers have to be counted, so its important to start spreading the word NOW, as this could be vitally important in the coming months (or dare I say years!!)
Perhaps when the results of the EU elections are known someone in the Tory party will have the guts to tell May she has to go . Every cabinet member much ( must ) know that every day they they prop up the current government is another day which weakens their own career .
Unfortunately for us the results of the EU elections will not be released until this coming Sunday . Perhaps by Monday she will be gone .
If someone was to say what would be your choice – a full brexit and a socialist government or remaining with any government I’d take the former .
This is because we know a socialist government would tear itself apart when put under ( economic ) pressure and failure to deliver on ‘promises ‘ ….. but we’d be free of the ReichEU.
Three days to confirm results normally assessed within 24 hours at most, despite varying sizes of countries involved.
You can’t help thinking it gives them plenty of time to make any ‘necessary adjustments’ – but we know the EU don’t do things like that. Luckily.
“This is because we know a socialist government would tear itself apart when put under ( economic ) pressure and failure to deliver on ‘promises ‘ ….. but we’d be free of the ReichEU.”
The USSR took 70 years to implode, and all its elections were rigged.
Elections are rigged by the Labour Party NOW.
The Constituency boundaries have been rigged in favour of Labour for decades.
All the QANGOs are rigged in favour of Labour.
Multiple votes for Blair imports.
The Socialists can be trusted to be untrustworthy.
No more Labour Governments thank you.
The Brexit Party must change into a national party with wide ranging policies.
This change must be swift and it must begin on the 24th June.
Farage for PM has a nice ring to it.
It would good if Saint Donald would interfere with UK politics on his visit, nominate Farage as an outstanding candidate and call May a traitor in public.
Yes, but at least up till now they have refused to pass May’s surrender treaty, albeit for different reasons – many of them suspect. If they hold out and reject it for a 4th time, at least Farage and company will still be able to fight the EU from within.
By the way, what are the chances of Tommy Robinson getting enough votes to become an MEP?
I checked on the NW region for the MEP candidates . TR is one of two standing as independents . There are plenty of UKIP and plenty of The Brexit Party.
I’d be guessing about NW politics but I reckon TR will be frozen out by the The Brexit Party which has all the makings of a steam roller ( hopefully ) which will deprive all of those on the gravy train up to one of their free ride and even more important , with the help of the many other nationalist MEPs from around the Reich – make the European Parliament a dysfunctional living hell for members of the ReichEU.
As for the next May Sellout attempt – maybe she ll finally be gone before then – say the Monday after the election results come out – particularly if there are no Tory MEPs left – hopefully .
Just monitoring Tory MP responses to the May speech – quite a few who voted in favour last time say they are voting against – eg zac goldsmith – and labour just want to get into government so they’ll do what it takes …
A good point: we need to think even harder about the words we use. At @BBCNews we won't follow the @guardian by calling contrarians "deniers", but we should IMO refer to "overheating" the planet rather than https://t.co/wzDB0dXICM "warming". (NB: I don't make BBC policy) https://t.co/r8LOWDYO46
Olive townsley has lost her job . I don’t think this will be mentioned on the BBC . Olive , who worked for a taxpayer funded charity , tweeted that it would have been better if acid had been used on Mr Farage rather than milk shake .
Guido has featured it – no doubt she ll quietly get her job back when the milk shake has dried .
But I think her action amounts to a ‘ malicious communication ‘ and thus should be investigated ? But being of the left she ll get ‘ advice ‘.
MarkyMarkJan 22, 07:56 Midweek 22nd January 2025 “Total disgrace he was able to buy knife on Amazon… Home Secretary’s blast” – charity shops? knife shops? Asda? Ebay?…
MarkyMarkJan 22, 07:55 Midweek 22nd January 2025 SMASH THE GANGS = 0 boats stopped, jails emptied and legitimate protestors locked up
MarkyMarkJan 22, 07:52 Midweek 22nd January 2025 What about expenses cheats like Yvette Cooper and Ed Balls? Remove their driving licenses?
MarkyMarkJan 22, 07:48 Midweek 22nd January 2025 UK Gov 5 reports and zero action – USA billionaire 1 tweet and everyone says he is full of hate.…
ZephirJan 22, 07:45 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Yes, appropriate, although I don’t know what the Beach Boys have got to do with it …
Siempre RechtJan 22, 07:44 Midweek 22nd January 2025 As someone who’s marooned north of the border for some time, I’m forced to listen to the cack that BBC…
atlas_shruggedJan 22, 07:36 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Too good not to post again. California Fleeing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwJlKw56l30
AsISeeItJan 22, 07:36 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Peace will come when the arabs will love their children more than they hate us (Golda Meir, 1957) Love their…
atlas_shruggedJan 22, 07:29 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Ding dong. One corrupt researcher down, many more to go: UK zoologist barred for covid-era research https://www.pressreader.com/uk/the-daily-telegraph/20250121/281818584496633?srsltid=AfmBOoqu_TWAVPHjhR1c4oj74OAI1XyGIO3Ys165tHZhVh4qH6wvlIJE
Bbc going the Independent route…
Obviously it’s always right to ‘milkshake’ a politician especially so when they aren’t in the same tribe (obviously).
It’s sad that the State Broadcaster even has to ask. It’s brill’ though that they can use the sugary milk photo again and again.
Is it ever right to ‘abuse ‘ a politician ?
Is it ever right to ‘ acid ‘ a politician ?
Is it ever right to ‘stab’ a politician ?
Is it ever right to ‘kill’ a politician ?
A whole 5live series to encourage attacks on politicians in the run up to the anniversary of the murder of the last one – who has since been canonised ….
As usual on the anniversary the Biased Far Left BBC will spend a day going over the top in grief for the loss of a lefty politician .
Is it ever right to “milkshake” a bbc reporter?
Or how about milkshaking a tv licence “enforcement officer”?
Now that would be fun.
“Is it ever right to”
… pay the licence fee
to a ‘lost the plot’, metropolitan ivory-tower
broadcasting network ?
Don’t know how we coped for all them years without female presenters, experts and pundits in male sport. Had to switch off the cricket highlights on C5 the other day. They won’t be happy until one of them is opening the batting for England #tokenism
on saturday I noticed they kept asking “is this the greatest team in MENS football”
as if there is a ladies team who might beat Man City
If they are going to be that precise perhaps they should have said “MENS ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL” wouldnt want any confusion now would we.
Yes I got that too – it seems the bbc editorial language has been changed to describe real football as ‘men’s ‘ football .
I also think that the BBC will pray that people follow the girls World Cup thing because they are deprived of the real thing until,the prem and championship starts in mid August .
Tennis fan here.
Tournaments used to be listed in BBC tennis with the men first, which is correct, alphabetically.
I noticed a change about three months ago.
Currently tournaments are listed with women’s events first.
Doubtless because playing five sets is easier than three sets and women are superior players.
I’m sorry. I just hit “report” whilst swiping my screen! Admin please ignore.
Off topic really, although some may say that it deals with real modern problems we have with radical religions.
I would just like to thank the poster who recommended the book ‘I am Pilgrim’ by Terry Hayes. It is an absolute masterpiece in thriller writing, no claptrap, just old-fashioned thrill pages to be turned with anticipation, fear, exhultation and genuine interest.
It’s the only book I’ve ever read, where I have to get up at 4:00am to carry on reading after putting it down at 10:00pm the previous night, and yes, it is a very, very long story, and as a very slow reader, often going over a chapter twice, I’m not getting much sleep…
Fabulous story and two thirds in it just gets better!
The film is Rush and worth watching. The casting of both Hunt (Chris Hemsworth) and Lauda (Daniel Bruhl) is superb and so is the storyline.
After Netflixing, go to YouTube and spend ten minutes or so watching Nigel’s speech, apres shake, in Newcastle. The expose of both Gordon Brown and the Electoral Commission is profound – and not to be seen on the BBC or in the Guardian.
This should be linked to the chat about Lauda, below, but somehow got plonked here. Sorry about that.
Nothing to do with BBC, Brexit or other such boredom, but on the subject of writers, does anyone agree that Gerald Seymour – who wrote Harry’s Game and a host of other thrillers – has become unreadable. I’ve read all his previous books, some several times, but the last two are just seas of interminable, unbroken type with over-long chapters, convoluted story lines and an integral level of boredom quite unlike his previous stuff. Or is it just me?
It seems inevitable that TBP will easily get the most votes on Thursday but I think that this may well precipitate a vote in the HoC to accept the awful WA at the fourth attempt . Some MPs who have voted against it know that they are going to be booted out at the next GE no matter what happens because of their betrayal over Brexit and in final act of defiance of their constituents wishes they may well support the PMs surrender document. The impact of this would be to make fully leaving the EU much more difficult as it would require repudiation of an international treaty. International courts heavily influenced by Brussels and internationalism would be involved . May would have delivered for her Globalist puppet masters and can now leave office knowing that no matter how determined to deliver a full Brexit the next PM is their hands have been tied. Additionally the EU will be delighted because it removes Nigel’s legions of MEPs from Brussels.
I’m sure that TBP and determined Tory Leavers would rightly claim that the PM has even less of a mandate to thwart Brexit than she had before the Euro elections but she is unfortunately in power and they aren’t. This will no doubt stoke the anger of Leave voters even higher than it already is and there will be hell to pay at the next GE. But that can be delayed for over three years and Remainers/ betrayers nwill hope that a lot can happen between then and now.
Defeating the non democratic hegemony of the Globalist will be a long hard struggle because they hold all the levers of power.indeed it is questionable if democracy can deliver such an outcome.
Interesting piece and your final sentence is admirably restrained . I read between your lines .
As for repudiation from a signed up sell out treaty perhaps after the re election of President Trump in 2020 he will ‘help us out ‘ because he will know we are now held captive in an undemocratic state by the ReichEU which sees us and America as enemies to their Greater Reich .
And as for the trolls who read this site – I am not frothing at the mouth . I am trying to read the future…
whens the next economic downturn due , If we are still tied to the EU at that point, how are they going to spin that, or Euro zone crisis with us having to bail them out, people are going to get very very angry
Great analysis. What worries me the most is the way May’s ‘deal’ or rather the EU treaty, as Farage says, steadily gained support through the time span of the three votes. If I recall right it was first rejected by a majority of 230 and by the third vote, 42 or thereabouts. That’s a helluvah change. May is so deceitful and deluded that she thinks she will be vindicated if the treacherous ‘deal’ passes and will then feel she can step down having accomplished some great mission.
If she had any moral fibre she would have resigned after that first historic defeat.
I take some comfort in the fact that at least she didn’t manage to hijack Thursday’s UK vote. Interesting times.
Bbc radio news
The news agenda is led by the death of a German racing driver- who wasn’t even black!
I find that fascinating . It is sad for family and friends but does it deserve to lead the news with dollops of sadness . ?yes I know I might be described as ‘hard’ but the world is a hard place and as friends posting here find – it ain’t getting better
The BBC distraction strategy over the coming election – to avoid mentioning The Brexit Party or Nigel Farage is in full flow .
Exactly. Another BBC example of Bias by Omission.
But, if Farage ends up wearing another milk-shake embossed suit today, the BBC will have to report it. A fortunate side effect is that such criminal acts will result in thousands of extra votes for The Brexit Party.
German? I think not. Niki Lauda was Austrian. Moreover, he was a man of considerable courage, intellect and integrity with a penchant for plain speaking – the polar opposite, in fact, of so many contemporary public figures. If our PM had but an ounce of Herr Lauda’s qualities, we should all be much happier and better off.
Van – Austrian – kraut – I’ll show my ignorance and care less – thanks for the correction though .
I’m more concerned about the use of a mans death as a distraction from the stopping of democracy in my country .
Don’t be so damn melodramatic, Fed. Lauda was a significant figure and it’s reasonable to expect that the media will, as is their wont, mark his sad demise in their usual OTT manner.
Besides, I’d rather the BBC wrote about Lauda than treated us to yet another Project Fear puff piece or hagiographic article about an ignorant, overpaid footballer.
Quite right, Van.
The Beeb obviously marked the passing and remembered the life of the late James Hunt. Obviously, because he had worked ‘in retirement’ for the BBC as a ‘summariser’ alongside BBC commentator Murray Walker. When the Hunt v. Lauda film (sorry cannot remember title) came out, they gave that lots of coverage.
So quite correct that they mark Niki Lauda’s death.
Each to his her ‘its’ own .
Wouldn’t see my view as melodrama but each to his her it’s
Own .
TOADY and BBC News Watch #1
Philip Hammond, Chancellor of the Exchequer, is thick. Yes, you read that right. He’s a thicko. He is a dimwit.
How do I know?
He thinks we – the general public, the voting public – are all thick. He thinks we are all ‘sixpence short of the full twenty shillings’. Unintelligent. Stupid. Gullible.
Now that is stupid!
Not only that, Philip Hammond thinks that his colleagues who are Brexiteers, who might run for the leadership of the Conservative Party, are also all thick. Stupid. Dimwits.
Phil, a word of advice to a politician: never, ever, under-estimate the intelligence of voters.
It is also pretty unwise (or stupid or thick) to under-estimate the intelligence of your leadership rivals, Phil. Are you planning to run for Party leader? Could your speech today be a lead in to your leadership bid?
I believe your post is once again a perfect opportunity to remind our BBC trolls who visit this website what one of their own ordered his BBC employees to do:
“The “editorial director” of BBC News Kamal Ahmed revealed in a leaked email:
ram it home to those thick-as-mince leaver losers just how hellish their lives are going to be if we get out (I have paraphrased his email to staff). Every piece of good economic news prefaced with “In spite of Brexit . . .” and given caveats, every bad piece of news leading the bulletins.
Kamal Ahmed BBC.”
I’m confident that this guy is responsible – in part – for another hundred thousand votes in favour of Mr Farage.
Funny, vesnadog, but whilst doing a spot of the old household cleaning during the Kearney UKIP interview, I was thinking exactly the same thing. Martha hectored and talked over the UKIP spokesman.
Every time the BBC are anti-Brexit biased, or report in an anti-Brexit biased way, or include ‘dog whistle’ anti-Brexit items (such as leading on the Phil Hammond speech after reporting the death of Niki Lauda) I hope the votes on Thursday for The Brexit Party and UKIP tick up another hundred or three or a thousand and two.
I think I shall start picturing that counter on the eGov Petition site during BBC News & Current Affairs [ that’s BBC N&CA, to you Fed 😉 ] reports and News Bulletins.
I love acronyms me ….
Like it.
And having just got home from being away from a TV or Radio I find that Traitor May as completed her intended betray. A second referendum to please Blair Corbyn, Heseltine and that idiot stood outside parliament and as expected – stuck the knife into the back of 17 3/4 million leave voters.
Let the war begin.
““The “editorial director” of BBC News Kamal Ahmed revealed in a leaked email:”
Where is he? I have not heard him on the radio lately. Oh! I almost forgot: it’s ramadamadidilong and he’s probably engaged in that. But I hope he’s not involved in any of the spike in numbers of murders associated with that ‘holy’ period in the muslim calendar.
Funny you should talk about ramadam whtever they call it?
My taxi driver today – yes, he was Muslim; and the only way I know is becaue he couldn’t stop boasting about him being on his fast even while driving me to hospital. And we all know going to hospital we are not in a mood for being preached too by some guy and his family coming from Sri Lanka ( yes he even told me all about the Tigers/Tamil Tigers – he thought I wanted to know all about the Tamils so he gave me both barrels.) then he told me what time tonight he will break his fast and how long he fast. I think he saw me coming. Strange though – he would never take his very dark specs off? I suppose he was gambling on the fact that if I was a tax inspector I wouldn’t recognise him from the hundreds of other brethren who do taxis.
So now I know all about Sri Lanka.
Toady watch
Tourette’s Robinson has a nice chat with lady nugee – the former barrister who is now labour shadow foreign secretary . The difference in the tone and attitude of mr Robinson in this friendly chat compared to the rabid shouty job of yesterday with the chairman of The Brexit Party was – just – astonishing ? Obscene ? Vile ?
Anyone who wants to know about bbc bias or evidence of its Far Left view – listen to both interviews side by side .
Shameful ‘journalism ‘
British Steel woes are back on the Beeb agenda, loads of Northern “Brexit Voting” jobs at risk.
I wrote about this a few days ago pointing out the history of closing Companies by the Equity Outfit who took the Company over from Tata.
Now it seems that British Steel is on the verge of collapse if the UK Government don’t dive in with a rescue.
It states that the problem is “down to Brexit” and reduced orders from the EU due to Brexit uncertainty.
Hidden away at the bottom of the BBC website report but NOT yet mentioned on the TV news article is the fact that….
“In April, British Steel borrowed £100m from the government to enable it to pay an EU carbon bill, so it could avoid a steep fine.”
So in the EIU this seems to be the plan….
Hit them with a huge “Carbon” bill then slow down importing their stuff.
It looks to me like another “plan” unfolding designed to throw rocks under article 50…
Also coincidentally the Beeb are running a continuous feature story about the wonderful Northern folks using their wonderful northern news lass to head the charge….
It just happens to be centred on the same North East region as the British Steel Plant
Related, Nahhhh!
Do you ever just think the bbc is not just biased but also infantile
Listening to Tourette’s Robinson talking to someone about the deceased Nicki louder – the bbc editorial has obviously decided to raise a sportsman to sainthood
If the bbc likes some one or something – it goes over board. If it doesn’t approve – might as well be dead .
He is…
“Do you ever just think the bbc is not just biased but also infantile”
Absolutely, Fed.
It is probably now being run by former kids who are blackmailing their senior kiddy fiddlers into having things their way…
Very long, not about BBC bias, except incidentally, just personal opinion.
Very much unfinished, work in progress, as you will see.
Unfinished for a couple of weeks, but I just read :-
To discover I am only one of many demanding the lefty swamp be permanently drained.
I am not one of the BBBC contributors who welcome the death of the Conservative Party.
I believe a Conservative Government is exactly what the UK needs.
A proper Conservative Party, consisting ONLY of Conservatives.
The Brexit problem is the result of Socialists.
Socialists, who putrefy and taint everything they touch.
Socialists, whose first question is always “How can we break, change or ignore the rules to our advantage?”.
Socialists infiltrators who have stealthily moved Conservative policy leftward since Traitor Heath was PM.
The Conservatives need to dispense with the “broad Church” nonsense.
My manifesto.
#1 In my manifesto for both Conservative and Brexit parties is legislation which will enable their Governments
to instantly dismiss, without any compensation or appeal, anyone employed in the public sector or local Government not judged
to be giving maximum efort to implementing Government policies.
#2 Bonfire of the QANGOs, the one promised, like so much else, by Cameron, did not occur.
QANGOs must be mercilessly attacked, closed where possible, existing staff vetted for dismissal.
Nobody who ever been in left wing policies should be considered for a position.
Reduce the salaries.
#3 Lobbying.
Lobbying is so close to subornment only the greed of corrupt Politicians has allowed lobbying to grow like Topsy.
Government should have no lobbying as its policy, with prison sentences for offenders.
If the Government needs permanent advisors they should employ them.
Temporary advisors should be recruited, and rewarded accordingly, where necessary, normally from academia.
#4 Charities.
Stop all Government aid to charities.
Some leading “charities” are not charities, but left wing quasi political organisations.
Some leading “charities” have policies which are pro EU or UN, and anti British.
Some leading “charities” do negligible, or no, charitable work in the UK.
These organisations must lose their charitable status.
Set maximum pay and perquisite limits for senior charity staff.
#5 Overseas Aid.
No state which can put satellites or spacecraft into orbit needs any help from the UK.
Unless and until all British people have a pleasant, dry, warm, affordable home we have no money to spare.
#6 BBC.
Sack all the lefties under #1 above.
#7 Police and judiciary.
Sack all the lefties under #1 above.
#8 Education.
Sack all the lefties under #1 above.
#9 Patriotism.
No persons who have shown preference for the EU or any other organisation, instead of the homeland of their British ancestors,
should be allowed UK residence.
National Service to be re-introduced.
You can no longer edit this comment – yet again.
Which may explain, and I hope, excuse, some imperfections.
Add to #4 “Sack all lefties”.
There is another story in the DT today about the Steele dossier. Once again the newspaper is bigging up how seriously the British intelligence chiefs took the allegations contained within it. The story says that Steele was allowed to be interviewed by the Mueller team for twelve hours in a London hotel. No mention is made of the fact the Steele has , under oath, testified that he can’t vouch for the dossiers accuracy, nor that Mueller didn’t find anything that he could twist to damage Trump, nor that even the NYT has recently reported that the dossiers was probably Russian misinformation designed to damage Trump and hence has zero credibility.
So what on earth is the DT up to? I suspect that they are doing a favour for their chums in the intelligence world and trying to boost the claim that the dossier wasn’t such an obvious pack of lies that it ought to have been summarily dismissed by intelligence services on both sides of the Atlantic, as it certainly should have been. This may then be used as the excuse as to why the agencies , US and UK, collaborated in spying on the Trump campaign ie they are claiming it is the predicate that Barr is looking for. They are going to claim that although the dossier is now regarded as rubbish , at the time in 2016 they were fully justified in taking it seriously and acting on it. Of course this is nonsense but it’s the best that they can do. I hope the conspirators don’t get away with it but I’m beginning to fear that they might .
‘Tribalism’? Trump aint ‘one of us, the political elite’? Not only that, they probably viewed him as one who has to be made an example of so other rich businessmen would be deterred from seeking a high political position and thus, proving that the current crop of the political elite are beyond useless.
There are reports …. ( which may be lies when journos use that term ) that The Brexit Party TBP ( I hate achronyms IHA ) has banned Channel 4 news – the other state funded broadcaster – from attending its ‘ events .
The question I ask is this – is that the right thing to do ? Now we know Channel Four News is wholly biased towards remaining in the ReichEU and bashing White Britain – but should it be banned ?
My view is – yes – of course it should – because it is any enemy . Same with the BBC. It is not there to fairly report but to obtain material for anti brexit propaganda purposes .
As an aside – I saw Matt Frei in the street recently – if I see him again I might buy a milk shake …..
TOADY Watch #2
Business news @6.15-6.30am-ish w/Dominic O’Connell. he invites on a Fund Manager spokesperson who happens to be female. Sorry, have now forgotten the name. Did try to make a mental note of it – may be Nicky Sinconner or Sincona. Doesn’t really matter as she didn’t seem to know her stuff. Talked a lot, hesitated a lot, without adding any value.
We are steadily sowing the seeds of the next big crash.
eBusinesses, not yet earning a profit, floating on the markets at way above their earnings value. People not really knowing what their business is about, what they are talking about, and on the BBC to do it.
Will Dom be up to doing a Pesto? Will he join some dots and dig a little? Then a bit more? He seems to be a very capable broadcaster.
Unlike some at the BBC.
Maybe introduce a level of handicap during periods of periods? This could be extended to other things like how they feel in the mornings as compared to afternoon and evenings. It could bring a new meaning to the response from a fractious woman: (have sympathy), ‘its that time of month’. No. If developed, the principle wouold mean: ‘its that time of day’ (or hour, or minute or, or, or second). The list could go on but I don’t want to encourage the cultural Marxists anxious to jump on anything to chip away at the foundations of our established way of life.
TOADY Watch #3
Out of nowhere, yesterday evening on The World Tonight [ that’s TWT, to you Fed 😉 ] R4, 10-10.45pm, they mentioned a report by ‘some researchers’ (‘scientists’ is the word now used by Matt McGrath but I think that may be a bit strong – https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-48337629) that sea level rise due to Anthropogenic Global Warming [ that’s AGW, to you Fed 😉 ] could be much larger than expected.
This day old news has now been carried over to TOADY. So much for BBC N&CA items being new.
However, the BBC age-related memory loss appears to have kicked in. The BBC have completely forgotten the report of Swedish scientists, IIRC from the middle of 2018, that suggested that sea level would be much higher than two metres for the same or a lesser temperature increase than 5°C.
They have at least remembered (or Matt McGrath has in his article) the IPCC report from 2013 but strangely not the one from last October which also conflicted with these ‘latest findings’ from the researchers pronouncement. IIRC, that October 2018 IPCC report was worried that an increase of 0.5° would cause sea level rise, not ten times that temperature increase.
The BBC appear incapable or unwilling to ‘join up the dots’ on this.
I wonder why?
Does that mean we need to buy more buckets ? Maybe all the new water can be put in all the seas Attenborough visits to lecture us on . Or filling up all those plastic bottles .
Fed, if you are at a similar altitude to Whipps Cross hospital or even above it near Woodford, you’ll be OK. If, however, you are down closer to the River Lee it might be a good time – according to the Global Walarmists – to invest in one of those blow up rubber boats and a couple of paddles and some life jackets.
I’ve got all the contingencies and kit ready to go thanks . The Fedsubmarine is in its Fed cave .
. I prefer the space rock as the ‘life changer ‘ imagine how the BBC would report that
Space rock – is it a good think ?
Space rock – whose to blame ( trump )
Space rock – where was Bruce Willis / Robert Duvall
If the Brexit Party, perhaps with the help of UKIP and some proper conservatives manage to win power at the next GE (and it’s a very real possibility) then there are some electoral and parliamentary changes they must make.
1. Change from FPTP voting to PR so that everybody’s vote counts instead of having a government decided by a hundred or so marginals with the rest taken for granted.
I live in Sunderland where labour get voted in every time no matter how bad they are and that the 3 labour MPs are remainers in a big leave voting City. My UKIP vote counts for nothing.
2. Reduce the number of MPs to below 300.
3. Reduce the number in the HofL to about 120. (Or, abolish it)
4. Because we cannot trust politicians with money as they are greedy and will fiddle whatever they can from the tax payers, give MPs a travel pass from their constituency to Westminster and have a couple of blocks of flats (those at the Grenfell site would do nicely) to put them up in if they need to overnight in London.
Any other expenses to be overseen by a body from the tax payers alliance.
5. Any pay rise must be the same as that given to nurses, police, firemen, dustbin men etc and not a percentage of their pay (3% of their £70,000 is far more than 3% of a dustbin man’s £20,000 or whatever he gets) They should get a sum, say £600 per year rise whether politician, nurse or civil servant to pay for the inflation we ALL have to face every year.
6. Local parties should choose the candidates and a meaningful recall system should be made law in the case of liars and rogue MPs who go against the voters wishes.
7. Actually carry out the usual promise of the ‘bonfire of the quango’s’ instead of saying it then forgetting it.
That’s just for starters and not mentioning hs2, foreign aid and the like.
3. Abolish.
5. I would make MP’s pay directly proportional to national median wages, dont really care what the multiplier is
If wages for real people go down , so should theirs
5b MP’s pension should be fully funding by them according to the rules set by them on pension schemes , when the f..up the market their pensions must be hit too
4 the tower block could have a canteen providing school dinner at the same cost children pay , every one else has to eat, why should they eat lavishly for free
PR voting means that even more corrupt practices risk entering Parliament as parties prioritise which candidates they want in the house, NOT what voters want.
With you on number 2
4 300 flats in London and you think tax payers aren’t going to carp about the cost of that?
5 They are already some of the most poorly paid political representatives in the civilised world, they will simply look elsewhere for their incomes, such as the Arab world who will be only too happy to pay them for Islamising the UK, it’s bad enough now as it is!
6 Is simply corrupt
More radical is the idea of moving the bubble out of London to Birmingham. Put the MPs in Sparkbrook so they can be enriched by the vibrancy – offer them zero police protection – we don’t get it why should they.
Make it illegal for them to have any outside income save the salary and double it to £140K, no income allowed from foreign sources for ten years after they leave office.
Ban any policy which has not been tested and proven to work to prevent map cap leftist schemes where they only see the good and never the bad.
No legislation introduced without a full appraisal of the unintended consquences i.e. what might go horribly wrong.
A written constitution for the country – even North Korea can manage this so I’m sure we can.
Binding manifestos with upper limits for immigration spelled out.
A limit to the numbers from any on profession in Parliament and no one allowed to sit without having first worked in the private sector for at least 5 years.
How to accommodate all the MP’s, and their staff. I think I may have covered this before. After the cessation of the Falklands War, 3 Coastels, or floating hotels, were towed down to Port Stanley to provide accomodation for the troops. At least four to a cabin, with an air conditioning system guaranteed to spread every infections to all regardless of rank, they could be moored alongside the HOP. You could charge the HOL to stay there as well. Meals to be provided by trainee chefs from the armed forces, at the same daily rate that the forces get charged. Now, I last saw Coastel 2 back in 2004, when it was being used as a prison ship, on the South Coast. They seem ideal!
You stole my idea ! The only bit you missed was the ability to sink it quickly so that if the so called politicians didn’t represent the people who put them there and pay their wages , expenses , partners , families , more expenses , mortgage interest , ‘other fess’… and TV licence ..
Then we could go and find some that would do their jobs .
Fedup2. Sinking them would block the boats hurling rotten fish at the main chamber and terrace. Mind you, Maxi will probably appear now complaining that I am equating that to a milkshake being chucked at one person. I’m not, if he appears. This is against a structure, not a person.
How about all the good people on this web site gather in a BurgerKing order large milkshakes and plaster the inside with their own delicious beverage.
One of these days the milkshake may turn out to be corrosive.
Good idea, throw them at the manager, see if he finds it funny.
That’s the issue – escalation of ‘weapons ‘.
A bit of light relief as Tommy highlights the level of brainwashed masses that are determined to drag this once great nation of ours down.
It is also sad to see that most objectors to Tommy in the video are working class people deluded into thinking that they are somehow enlightened by agreeing with their middle-class masters.
Mong central. Sad.
Thanks for the video . It’s worth the 9 minutes . How mr Robinson manages to maintain control in front of such rabid incoherent people is actually beyond me .
A quarter of a million visits to that video. It’s a shame there wasn’t anyone with the capability of engaging in a sane discussion . But no surprise .
The ignorance and polarity of ‘views’ in Blighty is pretty frightening – and remember – the economy is generally healthy at the moment – when it gets sick – which at some stage it will – I wonder how things will be ….? I can’t see the law enforcement people able to contain disorder and the Army is too small to do much for any period of time ….
“are working class people deluded into thinking that they are somehow enlightened”
And members of the far-left who are seeing their hitherto control over public discourse slowly slipping away.
Not quickly enough, IMO.
It does explain, however, why so many idiots in Rotherham are still prepared to vote Labour.
did you note the TEACHER, very very aggressive, union power will smash you , living in the seventies lol
“did you note the TEACHER”
I’m trying to put THAT out of my mind.
Don’t you just love the language of these brave left wingers?
All in the name of tolerance they’re going to “Smash, crush and stamp out…”
“We’re going to run you off the streets. We’re going to destroy you!”
Now where have we heard that before?
Thanks for posting that video of Tommy canvassing. It’s the most hilarious and un-PeeCee approach by a politician to voters that I’ve ever seen.
I saw that the most aggressive of his opponents was quietly led away by a cop. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Perhaps word has gone out that the cops shouldn’t be too obviously against Tommy while the eyes of the world, or at least Europe, are on these elections.
What are Tommy’s chances of being elected?
Ken Bruce and Jeremy Vine just been joking about Nigel Farage’s milkshake assault, how low can the BBC go?
Why bother listening to them – particularly vine – whose style seems ‘third party ‘ to me and needless shouting …
The useful idiots clearly know nothing about Tommy, all they can do is bleat ‘racist, fascist, Nazi scum, get out’ like they’ve been taught by al beeb and the msm.
It is a testament to the man that he can remain polite and even jovial in the face of such hysterical unrelenting vitriol, not to mention the constant physical threats – and sometimes assaults – he is subjected to.
(ok, to which he is subjected, in case there are any grammar pedants out there)
Churchill had no tolerance for that sort of impeccably-correct grammar. He mocked it with something like:
This is the kind of thing up with which I will not put
(just to reflect on an earlier debate on this thread, ‘towing the line’ is a common mistake, and of course the correct phrase is ‘toeing the line’ – as in sticking to the rules.)
It is high time after all the leftist revisionism that the tennets of Fascism were made known to the people, so that everyone can see it for what it is – Socialism in fancy dress.
Momentum, in no small part has been funded by the son of the British leader of the Fascists Max Moseley, if you want a taste of the Fascist manifesto then take a look at Labours current one, because they lifted it almost wholesale off the page.
Time someone challenged these loons shouting about Fascism to name something from that manifesto because they never can.
The Fascists of the future will call themselves anti Fascists.
Winston Churchill.
This story is of interest to local and national papers but for some reason is being ignored by BBC News.
It appears ‘youths’ have set fire to a historic tree in Cannonhill Park in Birmingham. Who are these criminals?
This Birmingham Mail story from last year may help:
“Just a warning to anyone who runs in Cannon Hill Park, saw a lone female runner being accosted and then assaulted by a group of 4 Asian youths at just after 4pm today (Saturday).”
Substitute ‘Asian’ with ‘Pakistani Muslim’ and you’ll have a very accurate report.
Cannonhill Park was an absolute gem to walk in and take your family to but it is now over run by these feral criminals who believe they are beyond the reach of the law. And the sad thing is, they appear to be right.
Meanwhile down the road, Jess Phillips is trying to persuade the Asian Labour voters, sorry, Pakistani Muslim parents who have issued death threats to the headteacher of the school because it taught about gay relationships (but has now stopped) to halt their protests. She said she “wanted to protect the Muslim community”.
The employers of these protesters must be very understanding to give the protesters time off work to stand outside the school all day holding placards and chanting slogans.
employers lol very droll Cassandra
“…The employers of these protesters must be very understanding….”
I’ll give it a name: Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Replying to Cassandra
I live close by the Office of National Statistics. Those clever people could, at the touch of a button, create a map showing, by postcodes, with colour coding of net tax payers against net benefit recipients (JSA, housing benefit etc) and could exclude pensions for which the majority of the indigent population contributed. There is no way in this world that the Government would allow this or the BBC show it
Charles to host Trump. Choke on THAT, beeb.
Jamie Oliver’s restaurant chain(s) gone into administration.
Wait for the the bbc to blame Brexit.
I went to one of his restaurants in king street Manchester in 2016. I was invited my a young person in the family with her friends so I just sat there and didn’t complain as I didn’t want to embarrass her.Pity I wasnt on my own as they would have got it. It was the most disgusting overpriced meal j have ever had. Dry tasteless chicken, dry potatoes ugh it was awful and to top it all it was served by a very sulky trans person who didn’t want to be there. If this was an example of his restaurants I’m surprised he lasted so long.
Similar experience to mine, Cromwell. I had five pieces of ravioli that looked lost in the big bowl it was served in. I can honestly say I’d tasted better from a tin for a fraction of the price.
A family member reported exactly the same after a meal in London. Small portions and big prices. Not exactly rocket science is it, Jamie?
There are a number of programs on The Food Channel that use a variety of hidden cameras and reality TV to improve restaurants. I can think of Restaurant Impossible featuring Chef Robert Irvine ( British, Ex Royal Navy but works in the USA), Mystery Diners, and another one featuring a man in a tie. All fix the menus and restaurants in less than one hour. Even Gordon Ramsey has a similar program. Jamie, you like TV. It has, after all, made you famous and earned you a fortune, a large majority of which is from the BBC. Can I suggest a new TV program. It is called Chef X fixes a Jamie Oliver Restaurant. Series One could be called 15. The BBC should lap it up. Basically Chef X spends the entire time ripping a new piece from Jamie, Jamie is in tears and apologises for not training his staff to either cook or wait on tables correctly. After the triumphal re opening, Chef X summarizes his or her work, while Jamie grovels in the background. Put it out at peak time. Winner!
BBC Radio 2 going down the wormhole after the assault on Mr Farage yesterday.
Apparently, he’s not lactose intolerant, and loud…he’s to be stopped, maybe Jo Cox is a bridge too far, but hey?
This is Jeremy Vine 2019. Not only BK are inciting now, turns out that the license fee payer is also inciting violence. And all callers are on message. Time to take them on, FFS.
I sent about 8 texts to Vine in 5 minutes…I was apoplectic.They had the guy on who milkshaked Carl Benjamin…I just cant get over my disgust for the BBC at the moment…..
Just imagine for one minute if a Brexiter had done that to Diane Abbott
Has Anna Soubry been given a season ticket for the BBC?
Every time I turn on the radio or switch on the telly I’m confronted by her gurning gob talking bile and bollocks.
She was on Question Time with Nigel, she was then on Any Questions, turned up yesterday on the Politics Show and later on PM. I’m half expecting her to turn up on Match of the Day, co presenting with gormless Gary. FFS enough is enough!
On yesterday’s Politics Show this ghastly creature was allowed free rein to vent her spleen bawling that “Farage was a horrible man.”
Just in case you hadn’t had enough of her she popped up chatting to Evan Davis on PM. She was excited that she’d received enormous support from the QT audience when she’d said how wonderful immigration had been for Britain. “They applauded me longer and louder than anyone else” she breathlessly told us.
Big deal. The BBC is a nice comfy meeting place, a sort of pseuds’ corner for the liberal elite. If Soubry had gone on to say she wanted an open door to the rest of the planet, particularly Muslims, she’d have brought the house down.
It would have sounded like a latter day Nuremburg rally, with rapturous applause, squealing and foot stomping.
The good news is come the next election she’s toast.
The bad news is she’ll get a job in the media.
Three guesses who with…
Yes shes everywhere Jeff….I switched on yesterday she was talking milkshakes…
This morning we had Owen Jones on Emma Barnett’s show and I switched onto LBC and they had Jess Phillips on O’Briens show!!!!…..its torture…………..
Suffice to say Im switching the radio off a lot at the moment
Soros Control seems to be limiting the number of Remainers put up to fight their traitorous views – where is ken Clarke , Major ,Cameron , C Patton , Adonis , the English hating G Brown. and the other bubble dwelling traitors . Even the mentally disturbed allistair Campbell, is being limited to his own ££ documentary about depression .
Could it be that the traitors know what’s coming on Thursday ? And don’t want to be associated with the slaughter to come – and leave the dirty work to the state broadcaster ( BBC ) and the Electoral Commission (EC) both bought and paid for ..?
Interesting to see how deep is the denial around the Birmingham schools / LGBT fiasco. In the Guardian’s case, very deep. A fearless proponent of gay rights goes full coward by blaming it on rightwing / populism.
1. No problem in talking about Cuba scrapping constitutional changes to same-sex marriages because of pressure from “religious communities” and “evangelical churches”.
2. But LGBT teachings were stopped in the UK because “protests have taken place outside schools in Birmingham and Manchester.”
One of these sources can and will be identified; the other must never be explicitly named. As we know by now, there’s a type of protest / outrage / backlash that simply appears — phantom-like — and then vanishes into the ether. Hannah Jane Parkinson says: “I feel more uneasy than ever before about the negative rhetoric around LGBT rights.”
Well Hannah, wrinkle your nose at the beastly rhetoric from the comfort of Guardian Towers but see how uneasy you feel when the whippings and the stonings start.
*should say “blaming the threat to LGBT from…” but edit function disappeared
I read the gutter editorial by Tom Peck in the Independent applauding the thug thrower of the milkshake at Farage …with some degree of disbelief and fury.
For a well-known Journalist to promote thuggery and violence and therefore recommend it to anyone else with similar grievances seems to be new territory. It seems that the left have assumed a God-like status and therefore anything not in their realm is below contempt, outside the law and a fair target.
I wrote a complaint via the Independent website and incredibly the Tom Peck article vanished before my eyes!
Of course it was probably reinstated when I left the site but it was a little spooky!
where does throwing milkshake lead
here I would suggest
The last laugh will be on Thursday.
Get your pop-corn and English champers ready… 🙂
results dont come in until sunday?…or am I wrong?….
Yes. Results on Sunday. Have to give our betters a chance to remove votes which they regard as far right or something like that.
Don’t forget to use a pen with black ink which is harder to erase than a pencil mark.
Dover, We have a case or two of Cremante de Limoux ( in the style of Champagne, but a hell of a lot cheaper), ready to go on Sunday. We have thought long and hard over whether to use our UK postal vote in the UK, or our French actual vote. If Traitor May had not extended Brexit, we would not have had a French vote either. After due deliberation, we are casting our French Vote for a party against the EU, as we do not believe that any UK MEP from the Brexit Party, our first choice, will ever be allowed to take part in any vote. However, we still support The Brexit Party in the event of a UK election.
I believe Kaiser posted this video of Paul Joseph Watson, so thanks to him for that.
The Truth About the Euro Elections.
It’s been up less than a day and had already attracted 187 000 views. Every time he posts a video I think he can’t possibly make a better one – and yet he does. He’s an incisive and brilliant commentator for these troubled and dangerous times.
205,861 at 16.31
The Independent article vanished while you were looking at it after you’d complained ?!
Must be a world record having a complaint upheld that fast!
Looks like YouTube is leaving PJW’s videos alone – for now.
“Brexit BOMBSHELL: How BBC admitted promoting pro-EU BIAS in its own inquiry” – Express.
Farage THREATENS BBC over bias claiming ‘licence fee has RISEN up’ Brexit Party agenda.
Get ’em Nige, get ’em!
This just received from the BBC regarding my compaint that they refuse to use the woads Muslim or Islam in any of its reporting on the London Bridge attack. “We refer to ethnicity only where we believe there is a direct relevance to the story”. They go on to say “we believe our news coverage is trusted and respected around the world” and “Impartiality is a core value of the BBC”. After I had restitched my sides that burst after laughing so hard my head then exploded in pure anger. They just don’t get it.
“We refer to ethnicity only where we believe there is a direct relevance to the story”
Neither Muslim nor Islam are ethnic groups.
they mention this guys ethnicity
12:30pm Vine had a Climate Alarmist hype up the scare about a Fairbourne a Welsh village due to be evacuated/decommissioned due to Climate Change
(Trans , the council has stopped funding sea defences and reckons by 20150 it will be going back to the marshland it was before it was built on 150 years ago)
… callers not pleased about Vine and the Council, making out their businesses had closed, and causing their property prices to plummet
I added notes to Homewood’s article
Homewood in 2016
1:10pm Vine’s Agenda story : Whitey is racist
A guest has Indian origin , but aged 17 her skin colour had started to fade and people no longer took her for Indian.
‘I would go up to Indian in the street and talk to them as you do when you feel a special connection with them, but they would only talk for a few mins
.. then I realised they didn’t realise I am Indian’
..Duh who has the racism ?
#1 She chooses to talk friendly to people cos of their skin colour
#2 Ethnic Indians, don’t want to talk to her cos she is white
… Then she and Vine went to talk about Whitey being racist, cos they didn’t say bad things to her ..but her Indian friends had stories
after the BBC seems nige now has a second target for his manifesto
They didn’t find nuffink!
Nikki lauda getting the princess di treatment on sky news. 1 he is Austrian 2 sky haven’t mentioned him for the past 20 yrs.
A seventy year old passes away; yes a triple F1 World Champion some forty years ago and more than worthy of tribute on the sports bulletin.
BBC Online News:
“”European elections 2019: Watchdog defends Brexit Party scrutiny””
“”… the watchdog said there had been “significant public concern” about the way the party raises funds.””
“”…..an Electoral Commission spokesperson said there was no evidence of electoral offences, but added: “We want to satisfy ourselves that the party’s systems are robust.” “”
So, Gordon Brown stirs the anti-Brexit pot and the Watchdogs leaps into action. Hardly “significant public concern”, is it?
And finds nothing.
…but that is not how its portrayed by the mainstream media; watching the BBC and C4 tonight, they continue with Project Smear. Presumably it will be frenzical by tomorrow night!!
The Disastrous PM has given a speech promising traitor MPs on a second referendum on Brexit .
2 days before the Reich EU vote which will hopefully exterminate her traitor party
And apparently we are all to blame for the political mess ….
The PM was wearing Thatcher Blue and a thick chain around her neck . Presumably her traitor civil servants unlocked her from the bunker to do her rant .
I don’t know whether such a speech is legitimate in the run up to the EU elections . What a sell out …
Im absolutely lost for words Fed…..I knew we were being stitched up…………
It really is a political civil war between the parliament and the people . My knowledge of the English Civil War is sketchy – except for Richard Harris as `Cromwell – but for any outsider to look at what is going on must just think
1 How can the government survive ?
2 how can the PM still be in place after so many lies ?
3 why is the governing party still in existence ?
The cynic thinks that boris Johnson is playing some long game praying and waiting that things will get worse so he can come to the ‘rescue ‘ . Anyone thinking that is misreading – as is the MSM
Mrs May really has fed `the brexit Party with any doubters to the cause .
As an aside – if there were to be another Referendum – the question. Would be fixed so that ‘no deal’ wasnt Offered … no one is saying that yet .
A referendum with questions which are in themselves a sell out .
Methinks the DUP might have had enough by now – whatever backstop ‘reviews ‘ and trickery is to be found in the new sell out bill.
“1 How can the government survive ?
2 how can the PM still be in place after so many lies ?
3 why is the governing party still in existence ?”
The elephant in the room?
There’s been no massive public uprising – yet…………..
I like her collar. You can buy them on Ebay. Keeps you close to the Reich masters
It looks ‘klingon’ in heritage ..
Treezonner May has just added another 100,000 votes for The Brexit Party.
Well done, luv 🙂
Not the BBC or its bias but I gather the Electoral Commission has checked The Brexit Party’s financial records and found them to be OK. The big question is whether the Police will now interview Gordon Brown under caution to see if he was part of and what he knows about a deliberate political smear attempt?
I think he has crawled back under his Scottish rock to brood for another few years . His kids must be studying PPE in preparation for their safe labour seats by now …
And notice how much coverage that finding isn’t getting …
Hopefully, someone with ‘skin in the game’ will make a complaint. Not that the interview with the Police will get any BBC coverage. Have just checked and they still haven’t reported the EC clearance, reported on Guido.
How about a referendum on whether MPs should have a vote on a second referendum?
Or a vote on that first?
Ad infinitum, or rather ad nauseam.
Of course, the real news is…
When the white woman in little mix wore dreadlocks she was accused of “cultural appropriation” whatever that means.
So why is a black woman expected to straighten her hair if that’s not the same thing?
Racism only works one way.
How about a Referendum on whether to dismantle Parliament and start again? (Existing MPs need not apply).
O, joy.
Don’t let Greta see his air miles.
Just learnt from Business Insider that May is edging closer to her ultimate act of betrayal:
“To those MPs who want a second referendum to confirm the deal: you need a deal and therefore a withdrawal agreement bill to make it happen.
“If MPs vote against this deal, they are voting to stop Brexit.”
The most telling word in this bald betrayal is “confirm.” She is totally disinterested in a referendum with a genuine choice between Leave or Remain. Now we know that if the duplicitous May has her way, the referendum choice will be between Remain and her utter submission to the EU.
…we need to start practicing our “SPOIL IT” routine for what’s looking like the inevitable referendum on a Brexit Deal, with two items on offer: The deal that is worse than remaining or, of course, remaining! Therefore SPOILT BALLOT PAPERS MUST WIN ANY SUCH REFERENDUM. Spoilt papers have to be counted, so its important to start spreading the word NOW, as this could be vitally important in the coming months (or dare I say years!!)
Didn’t work in the council elections. Numbers of spoilt papers never highlighted and no-one appears to have researched and published the numbers
Perhaps when the results of the EU elections are known someone in the Tory party will have the guts to tell May she has to go . Every cabinet member much ( must ) know that every day they they prop up the current government is another day which weakens their own career .
Unfortunately for us the results of the EU elections will not be released until this coming Sunday . Perhaps by Monday she will be gone .
If someone was to say what would be your choice – a full brexit and a socialist government or remaining with any government I’d take the former .
This is because we know a socialist government would tear itself apart when put under ( economic ) pressure and failure to deliver on ‘promises ‘ ….. but we’d be free of the ReichEU.
Three days to confirm results normally assessed within 24 hours at most, despite varying sizes of countries involved.
You can’t help thinking it gives them plenty of time to make any ‘necessary adjustments’ – but we know the EU don’t do things like that. Luckily.
“This is because we know a socialist government would tear itself apart when put under ( economic ) pressure and failure to deliver on ‘promises ‘ ….. but we’d be free of the ReichEU.”
The USSR took 70 years to implode, and all its elections were rigged.
Elections are rigged by the Labour Party NOW.
The Constituency boundaries have been rigged in favour of Labour for decades.
All the QANGOs are rigged in favour of Labour.
Multiple votes for Blair imports.
The Socialists can be trusted to be untrustworthy.
No more Labour Governments thank you.
The Brexit Party must change into a national party with wide ranging policies.
This change must be swift and it must begin on the 24th June.
Farage for PM has a nice ring to it.
It would good if Saint Donald would interfere with UK politics on his visit, nominate Farage as an outstanding candidate and call May a traitor in public.
Agreed. If I were British I would accept being governed for a while by that pig Corbyn as long as the country was out of the clutches of the EU.
This 4th vote on May’s deal is crucial. If it passes we will all know that the majority of MPs are traitors.
Don’t need a 4th vote to know that 500 MPs are anti democratic traitors .
The brexit Party rally feed tonight hit over 30 thousand live views .
Yes, but at least up till now they have refused to pass May’s surrender treaty, albeit for different reasons – many of them suspect. If they hold out and reject it for a 4th time, at least Farage and company will still be able to fight the EU from within.
By the way, what are the chances of Tommy Robinson getting enough votes to become an MEP?
I checked on the NW region for the MEP candidates . TR is one of two standing as independents . There are plenty of UKIP and plenty of The Brexit Party.
I’d be guessing about NW politics but I reckon TR will be frozen out by the The Brexit Party which has all the makings of a steam roller ( hopefully ) which will deprive all of those on the gravy train up to one of their free ride and even more important , with the help of the many other nationalist MEPs from around the Reich – make the European Parliament a dysfunctional living hell for members of the ReichEU.
As for the next May Sellout attempt – maybe she ll finally be gone before then – say the Monday after the election results come out – particularly if there are no Tory MEPs left – hopefully .
Just monitoring Tory MP responses to the May speech – quite a few who voted in favour last time say they are voting against – eg zac goldsmith – and labour just want to get into government so they’ll do what it takes …
Bet he misses Jo Abbess oodles.
Olive townsley has lost her job . I don’t think this will be mentioned on the BBC . Olive , who worked for a taxpayer funded charity , tweeted that it would have been better if acid had been used on Mr Farage rather than milk shake .
Guido has featured it – no doubt she ll quietly get her job back when the milk shake has dried .
But I think her action amounts to a ‘ malicious communication ‘ and thus should be investigated ? But being of the left she ll get ‘ advice ‘.
A hate crime ?